The King's Book of Payments, 1517

Pages 1473-1476

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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The King's Book of Payments, 1517

1517. January.—King at Greenwich. Mr. Fairfax, for a book of anthems, 20l. A scholar of Oxford, 20s. "To father hermit of Totneham," 6s. 8d. Englisfeld, for the "standing" of the standards with the jackets in Amadas's house at Greenwich, 15 weeks, 4d. a week. Mr. Cornisshe and the children of the chapel, playing before the King, 6l. 13s. 4d. Dr. Sampson, in Flanders, diets, 60l.; as commissioner with the Lord Chamberlain, 40l. Shirley, cofferer, in full payment of 1,800l. on four tailles of the custom of Southampton, 800l. Hen. Penago, one of the King's "estregers" and keeper of the goshawks, 12d. a day. A fur of jenets, 20l.; one of liberdes, 18l. Mons, le Foye, Chancellor to the Duke of Albany, 40l. Albany's secretary, 13l. 6s. 8d.—Total, 3,382l. 14s. 9½d.
February.—King at Greenwich. Morgan William of Greenwich, brewer, hire for six years, of a plot of ground "which was appointed to the King's rodehorse, lying along the friars' wall at Greenwich," 20s. Mons. Heiding, ambr. from the Emperor, 100l. Mr. Andreas (Ammonius), for one that brought a brief from the Pope, 40s. Spinelly, 50l.; for espials, 126 guilders=21l. To Sir Thos. Lark, for Bridewell, 1,000l. Daunce, for the ships, 500l. Lord Edmund Howard, diets, 20s. a day. Blacknall, clerk of the spicery, expences of the Scotch Queen, 100l. To the same Queen, 40l. A messenger that brought the King 17,000 bowstaves, 20l. Heralds of Denmark, 6l. 13s. 4d.—Total, 2,703l. 5s. 11d.
March.—1st, 8th, 29th, at Greenwich; 15th, 22nd at Eltham. John Hart, under-keeper of the manor of Greenwich, scouring and cleansing the leads and urinals in the court, and cleaning the court, 2d. a day. Worsley, new making of the hearths of two chimneys in the wardrobe in the Tower, 6l. Duke of Norfolk, for a servant of the Earl of Threstyn (Thierstein) in Almain, 6l. 13s. 4d. Dr. Shurton, preaching, 20s. Cornisshe, for "a play which was played" on Shrove Tuesday, 6l. 13s. 4d. Compton, for the King's use, 3,000l. Guisnes pursuivant, 10l. Dr. Powell, the Abbot of St. Benet, and Dr. Standish, preaching, 20s. each. Daunce, on a prest, 1,000l., to be employed as the King commands. Dr. Fell, preaching on Wednesday, Our Lady Day, 20s. Rob. [Fowler], in crowns and pence, 6,000l.; to be conveyed to Calais for Jerningham for the Tournay retinue. Wm. Copland, for certain business, 500l. Pace and Sir Rob. Wingfield, 100l. each. The Princess's nurse, half year's wages, 20l. Tuke, for as much money paid to the Bp. of Worcester, to Mr. Andreas, and to the Master of the Posts in Flanders, for voyages from Rome with letters, 250l.; for posts in England, 50l. Prior of St. Bartholomew, for the King's business at Newhall, 1,000l. Geoff. Villers, keeping certain monks and bringing them to the Council, 5 days, 10s.—Total, 13,782l. 7s. 10d.
April.—King at Greenwich. Richmond herald, going to the Emperor with the Lord Chamberlain and Tunstal, 121 days, 24l. 4s.; in advance, 8l. Sir Geoff. Wrene, clerk of the closet, for a taper of wax burning before Our Lady of Doncaster, four years, 4l.; and another before King Henry at Windsor, two years, 26s. 8d. John Browne of Eltham, finishing a brick wall round the orchard, 50l. Th. Compton, going to London to fetch the French secretary to Greenwich, to the Council, 12d. John Hopkyn, "metyng" and keeping a leopard, 100s.; "metyng" and keeping an ounce, 6d. a day. Dr. Colet, preaching on Good Friday, 20s. Okeley, riding on messages of Belknap and Westby, 20s. For mending plate, and for rings on Good Friday, 112l. 15s. 4d. Wm. Gurr, armorer, "making clean of certain harness, bokeling, ledering of 400 Almain rivets" for the armory at Eltham, 24l. 7s. 8d. John de Mery, for 2,541 lbs. of steel plate of Isbroke and "Lymbrikes stuf," 26l. 12s. Porth, two great books of paper royal for the King's robes, one for the King, and one for the officer, 10s. John Bency, merchant of Florence, 130 pearls, 440l. Jas. Agre, for a house and land at Stepeneth bought by the King, 177l. 9s. Hen. Smyth, for "the towers, horses of timber and the armory at Greenwich," 300l. Forster, repairs at the Tower, 40l.; finishing a stud house in Eltham park, 23l. 11s. Wm. Gegill, two sumpterhorses, 8l. 10s.—Total, 2,042l. 6s. 8d.
May.—1st, 10th, at Richmond; 17th, at Windsor; 24th, 31st, at Greenwich. Geoff. Horne, armorer, 100s. Sir Edw. Guylford, making two forges and repairs in the armory at Southwark, 19l. 2s. Duke of Norfolk, for Edm. Collop of Antwerp, 6l. 13s. 4d. Friscobald and A. Cavelary, for Jerningham, 6,000l.; 3,000l. to be delivered by 31 May; 1,000l. on each of the last days of June, July and August. Pynson, printing books concerning the subsidy, 31l. 13s. 4d. Magnus, for Queen of Scots' expenses in London and other places, 170l.; till her coming to York, 200l.; his own expences, 40l.; and 180l. to be delivered to the Queen. To the same Queen, 666l. 13s. 4d. Sir Edw. Bensted, going with her, 40 days, 10l. Sir [Th.] Bolayn, carver to her, 40 days, 10l. Master Hall, her chaplain, 66s. 8d. Payton and Cotton, gentlemen ushers to her, 3s. 4d. a day each. Edw. Forest and Troughton, grooms of her chamber, 20d. a day each. Luke Taylford, yeoman usher, 100s. Jammy Dogge, 100s. Fellowe, yeoman of the cellar, 66s. 8d.; and other rewards. Four yeomen of the guard, attending on the Scotch Queen, 12d. a day each, for 40 days. Lord of St. John's costs to Calais, 40l. Ponynges and Sandes, same, 30l. each. Albany's secretary, 6l. 13s. 4d. Herberd, pursuivant, 40s. Clarencieux, arrears of his diets in Scotland, 12l.; going to France, 10l. Matth. Faulconer, loan, 30l. Fouler, for Jerningham, 6,000l. Nich. Haynes and Brian Smyth, riding with letters to certain sheriffs, 56s. 8d.—Total, 14,273l. 5s. 11d.
June.—7th, at Greenwich; 14th, at Croydon; 21st, 28th, at Eltham. John Rokes, riding from Windsor to the Cardinal, 3s. 4d. Vincent Polen, falconer, at his departure from England for his own country, 6 months' wages, 18l. One John Stile, 4d. a day, 15s. Plate delivered to the Portuguese ambrs., 78l. 16s. 9d.; and to the Queen of Scots, 125l. 1s. 9d. John Hopton, for The Maglory, bought of him, 500l. Forster, for the conduit at Greenwich, 100l. Larke, for the King's house at Bridewell, 1,000l. Jerome Friscobald, "for an obligation of Annes Brutam of 1,000l., forasmuch as she is dead, and the money cannot be readily had," 1,000l. Guillam Breton, "late groom ferrer," 50s. Porth and others, board wages at 4d. a day, when the King went to Croydon, viz., 8 to 26 June. Porth and Ric. Trees, receiving the King's money at Westminster, 8s.—Total, 4,323l. 4s. 2½d.
July.—King at Greenwich. Five "corsermen," 20s. each a quarter. Cornisshe, finding and teaching Wm. Saundres, late child of the chapel, one quarter, 33s. 4d.; this to be paid quarterly, besides 20d. a week for his board "when the King keepeth no household." H. Smyth, making the armory house at Greenwich and two new towers, "and for making of men and horse of timber, and a new tilt at Eltham," 400l. Lord Corson, fee in advance, 100l. Spinelly, 150l. Duke of Norfolk, "for the recompence of the lordship of Acton Reyner," Salop, 12l. Carriage of money between Greenwich and Westm., three times, 3s. For the lodgings of the ambassadors at Greenwich, viz., at the houses of Ph. Adean and Th. Compton, and at the sign of the Greyhound, 12s. 6d. The gentlemen that came with the Prince of Castile's ambrs., 200l. The Bailly of Bruges, 20l. A herald attending on the said ambrs., 10l. The pursuivant at arms, 6l. 13s. 4d. Pace's diets, 100l. Earl of Worcester, diets when he was in Flanders, 266l. 13s. 4d. Norroy, with him, 32l. 10s. Vices, rings for saddles, longworms for steel saddles, &c., 4l. 14s. 10d. Fouler, "receiver of such money as the King's commissioners have directed," for one year, 20l. Mons. Guyse (Guiche), French ambr., 50l. Repairing the great chamber at Eltham, mending the conduit there, and making a new chimney in the privy kitchen, 100l.—Total, 6,528l. 14s. 5½d.
August.—2nd, at Greenwich; 9th, 16th, at Richmond; 23rd, Easthampstead; 30th, Windsor. Arras for the gallery at Greenwich, 120l. Cornisshe, board wages of the children of the chapel, 8d. a week each. Messenger from Greenwich to Blechyng Lee, by Marny's command, 12d. Repairing the King's lodgings, "houses of offices" and storehouses for artillery in the Tower, and making divers gates and bridges, 100l. "Lengthening and making of the Sterr Chamber at Westminster," 50l. Sir Hen. Guylford, master of the horse, for the jousts lately holden at Greenwich, 752l. 14s. 11¼d. Delivered to the King of Castile's ambrs. as a loan to the same King, 13,333l. 6s. 8d.; to be repaid by instalments of 5,000 marks yearly in August. Dr. Knight and Th. More, commrs. at Calais, 26l. 13s. 4d. each. Wm. Coffyn, reward, 40l. Total, 15,289l. 19s. 2d.
September.—6th, 13th, at Easthampstead; 20th, 27th, at Windsor. Rob. Webbe, carrying away the dung before the stable at Greenwich, 10l. Plate given to the King of Castile's ambrs., 560l. 3s. 7d. Offering at Our Lady of Caversham, 18s. 4d.—Total, 1,485l. 19s. 11d.
October.—King at Windsor. John Amadas, hire of a house for the standards and coast, 18 weeks, 12s. Fras. Bryande, 66l. 13s. 4d. Sir Olriche of Shellingbagh, ambr. to (from?) the Emperor, 40l. The Emperor's ambr., 100l. Two French messengers from Boulogne, 4l. Ric. Thirkell, gentleman usher, on the King's business beyond sea, 20l. Hopton, searching and caulking ships, 100l. For Newhall, Essex, 1,000l. For Bridewell, 1,000l.—Total, 3,085l. 6s. 10d.
November.—2nd, at Esher; 8th, 15th, 22nd, at Farnham. Offering at Esher on Monday, All Souls' Day, 6s. 8d. Carriage of money from the Tower to Westminster and to Esher, 2s. 6d.; and for a basket with padlock to carry it, 12d. Richmond herald, in Flanders, 27l. 8s.; journeys to and fro, 36l. 12s. Bp. of Paris, French ambr., 133l. 6s. 8d.; Lord de la Giesse and others, 100l. Costs of the same ambrs. at Farnham, 9l. 6s. 7d.—Total, 606l. 8s.
December.—6th, 13th, at Farnham; 20th, at Easthampstead; 25th, at Windsor. Sir Wm. Webster, priest, "for the burial and also the moneth mynde of the late Lord Grey, late the King's henchman," 10l. 104 leather cases for arrows, and girdles for same, 12d. each. The son of Peter van Enghien, for arras bought of him by the Earl of Worcester, "of the story of King David and St. John Baptist," 1,481l. 16s. 3d. Sir Rob. Wingfield, marshal of Calais, "for the determination of his accounts for such service as he hath continued ambassador," for 7 weeks, 224l. Hen. Smith, for making the great armory at Greenwich, and the towers there, 400l. Sir Hen. Guylford, repairing Leeds Castle, Kent, 200l. John Hopton, for the wages and victual for 2 months of a master and mariners appointed to keep the ships in the Thames, 63l. 16s. 8d. John Rogers, master of the King's great galley, wages of himself and mariners, 2 months, 11l. 3s. 4d. Dr. Tate, going with the King's offering to Canterbury, 20s.; and his costs, 20s. Ric. Gressam, loan, 1,500l. Geo. Browne, 475 shot of iron for the King's Basiliscus, by Humph. Walker, 60l. 1s. 3d. Jerningham, Deputy and Treasurer of Tournay, 3,000l. Sir Ric. Guylford, for payment of his debts, 100l., in part payment of 400l.—Total, 11,389l. 0s. 1d.