Index: W

Pages 619-620

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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Waan. See Vane.

Wahan. See Vaughan.

Waldeck, Valdek, George Frederick, count of, mission to the emperor, 350, 379.

Wales, people of petition to trade with Guinea, 338.

-, prince of, place for, in Lords, 206.

-, -,See also Charles (I).

Walloon troops, march into Holland, 80.

Walsh, Veelic, Vuelsh, Captain Luke, commander of the Jersey, 63, 97, 107, 110, 170, 181.
-, affair of, at Zante, with Sta. Giustina, 60–2, 64, 79, 101, 111, 139; report of, 93–4.
-, punishment demanded, 115, 129; insolent behaviour in port, 137, 140; conduct blamed, 183, 186.

Wan. See Vaughan.

Wappen van Kamveer, Dutch E. Indiaman, captured, 97, 105n; sale of goods from, 441–2.

war, the second Dutch, 2n.

-, the third Dutch:

disposition in England to exaggerate losses of, 196; Guinea Co. dissolved after, 324.

king began and must finish, 202; Commons to investigate causes of, 205; begin, 209; waged by the Court not by the country, 271.

Dutch prudence in waging defensively, 236, 271.

glass obtained from France during, 272.

Ward, Seth, bishop of Salisbury:
-, opposed to toleration of nonconformists, 312; reply about penal laws, 337n; at Lambeth conference, 353; supports enforcement of penal laws, 357.
-, turbulent, 357.

Warden, Captain Robert, killed at Schoneveldt, 58.

watermen, boatmen, demand suppression of hackney coaches, 449.

weather, storms, 124, 127, 137, 286, 317, 319, 368, 431, 448, 453, 474, 488, 498.

weavers, riot of, 446–9; mostly returned home, 451; fear of fresh disturbances, 452; some pilloried, sympathy for, 466.

Weavers Company, London, petitions against importing of silks, 77n.

Wescomb, Sir Martin, English consul at Cadiz, arrested and imprisoned by governor, 74.

Wesel, Vesel [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], English companies at, 248.

West Friesland, Netherlands, province of, proposes restoration of Orange's hereditary dignities, 216.

West Indies:
-, treasure fleet from, 3; fears for, 15.
-, relief at arrival of ships from, 121.
-, Dutch attack on French in, 295.

West Indies Company, Dutch, opposition to Orange, 382.

Westminster. See London, places in and near.

Westphalia, German Empire, 245.
-, peace of, 434; denounced by pope, 465n.

Wet. See Witt.

Weymouth, co. Dorset, French warship at, 47n.

Wharton, Philip, baron, protests against new oath, 401.

Wickham, John, messenger, 372n.

Wicquefort, Viquefort, Abraham de, a journalist, condemned as a spy, 382.

Wight, Isle of:
-, French fleet readies, 49; Ruyter reported off, 114.
-, flag incident reported off, 414; king lands in, 431.
-, Dutch squadron off, 453; Barbary corsairs off, 453n.

William the Conqueror, policy with nobility, 182.

Williamson, Sir Joseph, 248n, 494.
-, appointed commissioner to the Cologne congress, 33; leaves for Calais, 66.
-, Sunderland offended by appointment of, 78; opinion about flag incident, 259.
-, buys post of Secretary of State, 114; appointed secretary, 292–3.
-, politics unknown, 293; entirely dependent on the king, 295.
-, tries to get money to ransom slaves, 304.
-, and Venice consulage, 338; at Lambeth conference, 354, 358n; accepts decision tacitly, 357.

Winchelsea, earl of. See Finch, Heneage.

Winchester, bishop of. See Morley, George.

-, marquis of. See Paulet, Charles.

Windsor, co. Berks, 290, 377, 455.
-, despatches dated at, 282, 284, 287–8.
-, king goes to, 143, 261, 270, 436, 454; he leaves, 154; king to spend summer at, 241, 257, 259; Court at, 262, 264, 274, 276, 282, 438; king going to, 424.
-, Council to be held at, 262; Odijk arrives at, 286.
-, foreign ministers go to, 437; Sarotti goes to, king shows round, 440.
-, Savoy envoy expected at, 441; queen returns to, from London, 443.
-, highway robbery, on road to, 452.

-, importation of French, 221, 314; readmitted to Netherlands, 300; and to Flanders, 306.
-, king's revenue from duties on, 222.
-, Italian, 273.
-, Spanish, 273.
-, no objection to importation of, 222.

Wirtzburg. See Wurtzburg.

Witt, John de, de Wet:
-, evil consequences of policy of, 311.
-, faction of reviving, 3; Ruyter belongs to, 295; and van Beuningen, 370.

-, Capt. Pasqual de, fight with Tiger off Cadiz, 231.

Wolfgang William, duke of Neuburg, 427.

-, trade at Florence, 160; Levant Co. imports, 461.
-, English, trade in, 171n; orders against export of, 474.
-, manufacture of, of Ireland, 481.

woollens, English:
-, heavily taxed by French, 221.
-, quantity sold to Spain, 222.
-, imported at Venice, 222.

Woolwich, Wolligi, co. Kent, king goes to launch at, 450.

Woolwich, royal navy, launch of, 450.

Worcester, bishop of. See Blandford, Walter.

-, marquis of. See Somerset, Henry.

Wrangel, Karl Gustaf, Count, Swedish general, 277.
-, in Pomerania, 306; reported attack on Brandenburg, 315; reinforcements for, 320.
-, French supply with money, 323; Dutch believe will not move, 330.

Wurtemburg [German Empire], duke of. See John Frederick.

-, prince of. See Ulrich.

-, princess of. See Aremberg, Isabel of.

Wurzburg, Wirtzburg [Franconia, German Empire], 373.

Wylde, Charles, commander of the Centurion, 55n.