Index: V

Pages 616-619

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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Valdek. See Waldeck.

Valier, Andrea, Proveditore General da Mar, 64, 86, 163.
-, despatches to the Senate, 60, 63, 71, 123, 135, 137.
-, instructions to, 112.
-, report on Santa Giustina incident 60–3; takes Sta. Giustina from Zante, 71; report of sent to Alberti, 79; Arlington complains of action, 92; Arlington's account of action, 93; punishment demanded, 94.
-, action resented in England, 101, 110, 115; justified by Venice, 103, 112–3, 139, 243.
-, to take information about Amity, 112–3; report about, 156.
-, reports absence of ships for currants, 156, 285.

-, -, Savio alla Mercanzia, 455.

Vane, Waan, Sir Walter, going to serve Dutch, 254.

Varese, Monsignor Pompeo, appointed nuncio to Venice, 465.

Vaudemont, prince of. See Lorraine, Charles Henry of.

Vaughan, Wahan, Wan, John lord:
-, to command a regiment, 9n; troops of land in France, 168.
-, brings news of Texel battle, 98–9.
-, appointed governor of Jamaica, 286; stores to go with, 321.

Veelic. See Walsh.

Velasco, Francesco Marco de, envoy from Flanders, 364–5, 386.
-, has audience, 369; absent from comedy, 371; takes leave, 377; departs, 379.

Vendome, Caesar duke of, 488n.

-, Louis duke of, 488n.

-, Philip of, knight of Malta, chevalier de Vendome, arrives in England, 488.

Veneria [Piedmont, Italy], 143.

Venice, 124–5, 170, 360, 396.
-, 1673:
-,-, glass trade of, 2, 14, 38–9, 46, 54, 115–6, 122, 130, 195, 203, 222, 230, 243, 253, 264–5, 272–3, 280, 284–5, 295, 313.
-,-, and salt fish trade, 4, 5; question of commercial treaty with, 10, 15, 17.
-,-, concern about Dodington's report, 4, 10–2; offer of invention to, 49.
-,-, question of consulage at, 4, 7, 12, 14–6, 21, 26–7, 30, 34, 36, 38, 43–4, 46–8, 54–5, 69, 77, 80, 82, 102.
-,-, choice of new resident for England, 39, 44, 55; friendly feeling of Charles for, 153.
-,-, enjoins caution on Alberti about religion and priests, 42, 66.
-,-, surprise that not sending minister to congress, 53.
-,-, subjects of petition for exemption from English duties, 54; supposed to be starting convoy system, 84–5.
-,-, decision to remonstrate with about Sta. Giustina affair, 86; Arlington complains of favouring Dutch, 92; reparation asked of, 94; strong feeling against over incident, 153.
-,-, hope that Charles will cause ships and ports to be respected, 103, 113; regard professed by for English nation, 120–1.
-,-, privilege of strangers after 25 years' residence in, 113n.
-,-, question of vice consuls at, 115, 263; consumption of fish at, 222.
-,-, offer of new metal for coins to, 123, 195, 254.
-,-, suggested as mediator for peace, 124, 163, 178, 194; Charles says only free power to negotiate, 144.
-,-, congratulates duchess of Modena, 141; not officially informed of marriage, 178.
-,-, Alberti asks relief from, for heavy expenses, 156; relief voted, 163–4.
-,-, Mediterranean built at, 158; complaint about Dutch privateer armed at, 207, 213.
-,-, Higgons to cultivate best relations with, 186.
-, 1674:
-,-, trade with represented in unfavourable light, 222; Higgons to negotiate commercial treaty with, 250.
-,-, Hailes revives question of consulage at, 223–4, 251, 253, 263; Higgons to deal with, 239; Alberti on, 242, 243.
-,-, attachment of earl marshal to, 223.
-,-, Higgons leaves for, 250; his reception at, 273, 280.
-,-, English ships arrive at, 251; desire to promote trade, 258, 260, 263, 285, 304, 321.
-,-, wishes favourable treatment of English to be made known, 251, 258.
-,-, resistance to change in consulage, 258, 260, 321, 329.
-,-, glass plates exported from, 265.
-,-, not supposed to desire greatness of France, 292.
-,-, cautious attitude about Alberti's chaplain, 294.
-,-, Higgons renews question of consulage with, 298–9, 313, 321, 335.
-,-, orders good treatment of English, 304; Coventry charged with affairs of, 308.
-,-, Alberti speaks to king about trade with, his views, 313.
-, 1675:
-,-, question of consulage at, 331–5, 338–9, 343, 347, 351, 359, 360, 364, 366, 371, 375, 378, 420.
-,-, several English trading houses at, 359.
-,-, should exchange ministers with Dutch, 374; prince of Neuburg proposes to visit, 410.
-,-, charged with allowing Spain to levy troops for Messina, 377.
-,-, proposed request for use of Ithaca, 408; cannot be conceded, 418.
-,-, regard for Howard family, 414; king expresses regard for, 422; duchess of York a daughter of, 425.
-,-, good treatment of English at recommended, 427, 436; enjoined, 452.
-,-, Bernard Grenville visits, 449; thanked for release of a Scot, 468.
-,-, stops German troops for Sicily, 453–4, 456–7, 469.
-,-, French show contempt for dominion in Adriatic, 456; in awe of France, 457n; alleged French offer to, 492.
-,-, surprise at delay in appointing minister for congress, 463, 469, 495; inquiry about, 496–7; Nani's appointment announced, 498
-,-, suggested consignment of Furstenberg to, 470.

-, Avogadori di Comun, debt to Hailes, 339, 373.

-, Arsenal, governors of the, 496.

-, Camerlenghi di Comun, 163.

-, Captain of the Gulf, 453n, 456–7.

-, Collegio, petition of merchants to, 54; consul and English captains present petition in, 96.

-, consul, English at. See Hailes, George; Jones, Giles.

-, Council of Ten, 273, 280.

-, doge of. See Contarini, Domenico; Sagredo, Nicolo.

-, Forastier, 96.

-, Inquisitors of State, 296.

despatches to, 2, 115, 122, 195.

letters from, 130, 203.

-, Inquisitors sopra Datii, 5.

-, magistracy all 'Armar, 208.

-, mediation by. See under mediation.

-, Proveditore of the fleet, 135.

-, Proveditore General da Mar, 444–5, 490–1.

-, -, See also Valier, Andrea.

-, Revisers and Regulators of the Customs, 285.

-, Savii alla Mercanzia, 34, 48, 66, 224, 273, 280, 284–5, 295, 304, 321, 436.

report on Alberti's proposals for trade, 6–8.

question of consulage referred to, 2, 16, 77, 80–2, 339; merchants petition about consulage, 15; papers on consulage, 45–6, 82; reply about consulage, 223, 225–7.

case of Africana referred to, 96.

report on export of oil, 257–8.

note on currant trade in Ionian islands, 278; report on novissima imposta, 455.

report on trade in hempen rope, 496.

-, ships of. See ships, Venetian.

-, the Arsenal, 49.

-, the Mint (Zecca), 123.

Veniero, Girolamo, visiting England, 301, 307.

-, Procurator Nicolo, 301.

Verdale, Richard, merchant, 46.

Vere, Aubrey de, earl of Oxford, attendants set upon Fresno near London, 278.

Vernon, Thomas, merchant, 46.

Versailles [Seine et Oise, France], 161, 168, 212.
-, yachts built for, 433.

Veseich, Giusto, Sta. Giustina chartered by, 60.

Vesel. See Wesel.

Vicenzo, —, glass worker in London, 265.

Vienna, Austria, 17, 26, 52, 59, 72, 124, 304, 322, 350, 355, 494.
-, despatches dated at, 6, 24, 39, 59, 70.
-, news from, 43, 277, 292.
-, Peterborough starts for, 30, 36; Ronquillo goes to, to hasten movements, 80.
-, Furstenberg taken to, 244n; Swedish representations at, 306.
-, unsuitable for peace negotiations, 314.
-, suggestion of English minister for, 482.

Vierset, baron de, commander at Liége, bribed by French, 382; admits them, 387n.

Villagarcia, marquis of. See Mendoza, Antonio de.

Villahermosa, duke of. See Aragon y Borja, Carlos de.

Villars, Pierre marquis of, French ambassador in Spain, 3, 21.
-, complains of Fresno, 76; takes congé of queen, 181.

Villiers, Barbara, countess of Cleveland:
-, supported Arlington for treasurership, 73; Arlington's daughter married to son of, 91; sons of made dukes, 444.
-, London apprentices insult coach of, 138.

-, George, first duke of Buckingham, embarrassed the king by high cost of navy, 35.

-, George, second duke of Buckingham, Bucingen:

interest in mirror trade, 2, 7, 17, 38, 46, 116, 272; glass works at Lambeth, 222n.

changes sides, against Spain, 9; king dissuaded from appointing commissioner to Cologne, 33n.

jest about the Test Act, 25; recommends king to dissolve parliament, 27.

may take part in landing in Holland, 47; may command it, 52–3, 76; Schomberg refuses to serve under, 71.

takes side of York, going with him to Holland, 56; York takes up with against Arlington, 73.

York thought to have been betrayed by, 73; speaks loudly to king against giving commands to foreigners, 77; urges breach with France, 101.

king makes president of the North, 84.

will not attend Council again or act with Arlington, 106; Arlington not greatly alarmed by, 114; Arlington answers charges, in the Commons, 201.

in country hunting, party dwindling, 114; beginning to parley, 121; reconciled with king, 124.

seeking to break French alliance and to ruin Arlington, 187; offends king by disclosing secret, 201.

on trial for killing Shaftesbury in duel, 199, 220; attack on, in Commons, 200, 325; sentence against, 201; dismissal, 204; proposes to appeal to Commons, 205.

suggested acquittal, Commons petition for banishment, 216, 220; king orders to sell office of Master of the Horse, 220; left with a broken head, 227.

Arlington's rival for royal favour, his proceedings, 227; too weak to challenge Arlington, 233.

Monmouth buys office of Master of the Horse from, 239.

glass works of sold to creditors, 272.

protests against new oath, 401.

Vinius, Andrei, Russian envoy to England, to ask help against Turk, 32.

Vinquefort. See Wicquefort.

Vitry, duc de. See Hopital, François Marie de l'.

Vivonne, duke of. See Rochechouart, Victor de.

Vlug, Rear Admiral, killed in Texel battle, 104n.

Voghera [Prov. Pavia, Italy], 143.

volunteers, Rupert discourages, as causing confusion in fleet, 42.

Vossem, treaty of, 29n.

Vuar (?), —, English merchant at Zante, 136.

Vuelsh. See Walsh.

Vyner, Sir Robert, lord mayor of London, petitions to annex borough, 338; dispute with Common Council, 380; slow in putting down weavers' riot, 447.