Index: G

Pages 376-379

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Gailan, Gailont. See Gaylan.

Galen, Christopher Bernard von, bishop of Munster:
-, dispute with duke of Wolfenbüttel, 14; Dutch suspicious of Fürstenberg's negotiations with, 35.
-, French went to succour Dutch against, 199; besieging Delfzyl, 267.
-, emperor's treaty with, 309n.

Galilee, Thomas, the father, 121.
-, died having lost all, 243.

-, -, widow of, appeals to Council, 121; Venetian offer of relief to, 133.

-, -, son, 121, 133, 209.

claim for debt due to, 151; Dodington presents memorials for, 178, 243; Arlington to be told of relief for, 180; measures taken to satisfy, 198; appeal for maintenance, 243; consideration promised for, 248, 254.

-, built for England at Genoa and Pisa, 89, 108, 210.
-, Grand duke presents one to Charles, 210n.

-, cargo of oil from, 284n.

Galloper Sands:
-, Ruyter retires behind, 223.

Gamarra, Estevan de, Spanish ambassador at the Hague: to make representations against French proceedings, 3; to make representations about Lorraine, id.

Garaffa. See Caraffa.

Garcy, M. de, a Frenchman, arrested at Brussels, 28.

Gardie, Gustavus Adolphus de la, count de la Garde, envoy extraordinary of Sweden:
-, proposes mediation, 274; expecting fresh commissions, 279.
-, takes leave, going to France, 282.
-, makes entry at Paris, proposals, 294.

-, Magnus Gabriel de la, Count, chancellor of Sweden, 274.

Garraway, William:
-, appointed commissioner of the customs, 108n.

garter, order of the, 64:
-, ceremony of knights of the, at Windsor, 54, 75.
-, connection of knights of Windsor with, 89n.
-, five knights of, among volunteers in the fleet, 218.
-, king confers on Worcester, St. Albans, Bedford and Arlington, 231; Ossery made knight of, 302.

Garzoni, Polo de, secretary to the Collegio, 2, 190.

Gascoigne, Sir Bernard, Colonel Guasconi:
-, money taken from, at Venice, 21; says Dodington lived very nobly at Venice, 94n.
-, at Innsbruck about York's marriage, 144.
-, at Florence, 144; confers with Grand Duke, then returns to Germany, 149.
-, mission to Vienna, 170–1; hopes of success, but ordered not to hasten negotiations, 172; expected at Vienna, 196; waiting for instructions, 214.
-, remarks about Dutch war, 214.
-, performs first functions, ready to open negotiations, 226; exchanges courtesies with Venetian ambassador, 227–8; reports arrival and hopes, 252.
-, only gets general replies, threatens to go elsewhere, 234; Lobcovitz appointed to treat with, 240; hopeful of success, 267, 275; still negotiating, 270.
-, Peterborough will not move until has smoothed chief difficulties, 286; marriage articles settled after long discussions with, 303; reports settlement, 309.
-, careful to conceal proceedings from French minister, 303; relies chiefly on widowed empress, 328.
-, sets out for Innsbruck to inform Court there, 286.
-, puts forward projects, which not approved, 317; Arlington renounces projects of, 318.
-, a Spanish partisan, great friend of Arlington, 317.
-, reports from defer hopes, 327; instructions sent to about treaty 327–8.

Gaston, duke of Orleans, 200n.

-, Isabel, daughter of, duchess of Guise, suggested as bride for York, 234.

Gaylan, Cidi Hamet Hader, prince of, Gailont, Gailan:
-, Tangier in province of, 56; marching on Fez, 322.
-, arranges peace with governor of Tangier, 322.

Gefferli, John, merchant, complains of extortions at Zante, 242.

Gelderland, Guelders [Belgium]:
-, Monterey gets grant from, 119.

Gelson, John, secret agent of Williamson: brings Capt. Holland to England, 220n.

Gembloux, Giambelaur [Prov. Brabant, Belgium] 7.

Gemmenish. See Ghemmenich.

Genappe, Gennappe [Prov. Brabant, Belgium], 7.
-, preparations for defence, 18.

Genoa [Prov. Genova, Italy], 33n., 34.
-, Carob referred to, in suit, 27.
-, Finch travelled home by, 51n.; English use ports of riviera of, 71; galley built for England at, 89, 108.
-, marble from, 273.

Gerardo, Capt. John de, of the Leonessa, 209.

Gerbeville, marquis of, envoy from Lorraine to England.
-, negotiations fruitless, but does not despair, 1, 5.

Germany, empire:
-, England unwilling to send forces into heart of, 14; England little concern with, 69.
-, Boreel speaks of urgency of affairs of, 88; Alberti to pay utmost attention to, 131.
-, princes will seek quiet of, 135; Monterey expects help from princes of, 162.
-, Gascoigne returns to, 149; mission of Lockhart to, 184.
-, favourable replies from, about Innsbruck match, 198.
-, Sweden will be neutral if princes of, are also, 202; Sweden's declaration likely to keep neutral, 206.
-, effect on Dutch war doubtful, Louis counts on making diversions in, 251, 256; declaration from princes of expected, 263.
-, Dutch hopes all rest on succour from, 266; forces from to help Dutch, 268–9.
-, objection to treating with Dutch as allies of, 267; emperor will only employ troops for defence of, 273.
-, succour from upset schemes against Dutch, 278; Louis and Charles strengthen themselves against, 281.
-, Sweden may have to join forces of, 282; Sweden bound to join if attacked by France, 285.
-, terms of alliance with not stipulated, 282; Dutch rely on help from, 291; unable to support them for long, 316.
-, princes of will not risk their armies in the field, 296; Spain may try to keep in agitation, 301; treaty for protecting peace of, 309.
-, if Sweden joins alliance of, France may come to terms, 313; may be discouraged by Sweden joining France, 317.
-, princes of drawing closer together, 313; support of Dutch likely to prolong war, 319; proposal of Louis to princes, at Ratisbon, 320.
-, Brandenburg tried to bring England to side with, 321.

Geu. See Gjöe.

Ghemmenich, Gemmenish, Paul van, Dutch envoy for peace, lands at Margate, 229; king did not see, sent to Hampton Court, 230; Clifford and Arlington confer with, 237; leaves, 272.

Ghent [Prov. E. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, money spent in fortifying, 35; Monterey has dragoons ready at, 302.

Ghent, Joseph Willem van, Vanghent, Dutch admiral:
-, saluted the Merlin, 104; denies this, 116; the only man of birth in the Dutch fleet, 218; killed at Solebay, 229, 259.

Giambelour. See Gembloux.

Gibraltar, Strait of, the Strait, 57, 158.
-, English activity against Dutch shipping off, 234n.

Ginings, Ginins, Ginnigs. See Jennings.

Giustinian, Zustignan, Anzolo, Savio alla Mercanzia, 274.

-, Ascanio, son of Zuanne, with Mocenigo in England, 73.

Gjöe. Geu, Marcus Falksen, Danish envoy, has first audience, 202; has long conference with Arlington, 263; exception taken to memorial about ships, 324.

-, suggestions for promoting import of Venetian into England, 300, 309.
-, question referred to Savii alla Mercanzia, 307; Alberti reports on trade, 330.
-, unpolished, reaches London from Venice, 327.

Gloucester, duke of. See Henry, son of Charles I.

Gloucester, royal navy: flag of squadron at the Nore, 219n.

Goa, India, 56.

Godolphin, Sidney:
-, sent to congratulate Monsieur on marriage, 134; to follow Court until Simderland arrives, 200.

-, Sir William, English minister in Spain:

Peñaranda complains to of attack on Panama, 76–7; reports stir caused by attack 93; apologises to queen about attack, 95.

treaty made by, with Peñaranda, 76, 82.

to assure queen of England's intention to maintain peace, 97.

to stay as ambassador in ordinary, 125; has commissions to act as ambassador, 145.

attacks on for embracing Catholicism, 126.

announces himself as ambassador, Contarini calls on, 153.

speaks of England benig neutral in quarrel between France and Dutch, 154.

Venetian ambassador informed of offices of, 172–3; presents fresh paper to Peñaranda, 182; Venice informed of proposals and replies to, 190–3.

resents reply given, 194; justifies king's action, 195; presents a new memorial, 210.

will stay on, at Madrid, but privately, 211; residence definitely settled, 277.

discusses safeguards for religion with Peñaranda, 227; retort about, 228.

memorial of, for joint attack on Dutch, 276–7; reply to, 284.

complains about sale of goods from captured ships, 284; to use high language about Charleroi, 328.

preparing for public entry, surprise caused by, 295.

-, English trade with E. Indies conducted in, 59.
-, from Guinea, taken from Dutch ship, 264.

-, ruined by closing of the exchequer, 239, 295; interest paid by and interest charged to king, 296.

Gondi, J. F. Paul de, cardinal de Retz: niece of suggested as bride for James, 38.

goods, foreign, proposal to prohibit importation, dropped by parliament, 2.

Goodwin Sands, 215.

Gotridge, Capt. William, master of the Experiment, 284n.

Great Britain, king of. See Charles I; Charles II; James I.
-, queen of. See Catherine of Braganza.

Great James. See Royal James.

Greenwich, royal navy: damaged in action, under repair, 229.

Gremonville, sieur de. See Bretel, Jacques.

Grenville, John, earl of Bath, Higgons brother in law to, 238.

Grimani, Almoro, Savio alla Mercanzia, 84.

Gritti, Giovanni, Regolatore alla Scrittura, 95.

-, tax on currants paid by, 8, 20.

Grocers Company, 20.

Groot, Grot, Grotius, Henry de, Dutch ambassador in France:
-, sent by de Witt, 77; satisfied with negotiations, 80; asks leave to return home, 96.
-, caution of States will render negotiations difficult, 102–3; reply of French king given to, 140.
-, fresh instructions sent to, 147; Louis refused offer of submission made by, 244.
-, Orange insists on withdrawal, 264; he leaves for Antwerp, id.; brought back prisoner to the Hague, 266.

Guasconi. See Gascoigne.

Guatemala, Central America:
-, Montesarchio claims presidency of, 100

Guelders. See Gelderland.

Guernsey, royal navy:
-, convoys Monmouth, 197n.

Guerra, Druso:
-, Dodington complains of murderous attack on, 211; Senate promises inquiry about, 213; still in fear of Clisenti, 243; Clisenti to refrain from attacking, 248, 254.

Guiche, Bernard de la, comte de St. Geran: comes with condolences on death of duchess of York, 44; returns to France with Colbert, 45.

Guinea, W. Africa, news from, 107.
-, Moors transported from to Newfoundland, 56.
-, English hold fortresses on coast, 56; disturbances in, 103.
-, Dutch ship from taken and retaken, 257; another taken at Dover, 264.

Guinea Company, 57, 282.
-, ruined by Dutch war, 59.

Guise, duchess of. See Gaston, duke of Orleans, Isabel daughter of.

-, duke of. See Lorraine, Louis Joseph of.

Gulf, the. See Adriatic Sea.

Gunfleet Sands:
-, Dutch fleet passes, 219.

gunpowder, powder:
-, English and Dutch made large profits by sale of during war of Candia, 58; Gaylan asks governor of Cadiz for, 322; Middleton supplies Gaylan with, 322.
-, cargo of, 90.

guns, cannon:
-, use of fusees for, 163.
-, Rupert discovers way to cast iron, 163.

Gustavus Adolphus, prince of Baden Durlach:
-, promotion to cardinalate, 227n.

Guy, Capt. Thomas, commander of the Portland, 205n.

Gwyn, Nell: Buckingham's ad vances rebuffed by, 321n.