Index: C

Pages 665-686

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Cadareta, Marquis of, Spanish ambassador to Germany:
-, treats with Collalto, 59; long colloquy with Anstruther, 407.
-, affects eagerness to serve England and Palatine, 411; Anstruther refers smilingly to promises, 434.
-, apologises for being unable to do more for Palatine, 443; wants Anstruther to wait for Eggenburg, 517.
-, instructions to about promises to England, 548; arranges mission of Alix, 578.

Cadiz [Prov. Seville, Spain]:
-, Spaniards fear raid on, 133.
-, news from, 354.
-, ships sent to fetch Cottington from, 458; Cottington to sail from, 471.

Cæsar. See Ferdinand II, Emperor.

Caimecan of Turkey. See Rezep.

Calais [Pas de Calais, France], 106, 115, 430, 467, 619, 645.
-, sailors of, capture English ships, 36, 37; cessation of hostilities proclaimed at, 53; peace proclaimed at, 69.
-, ambassadors to be at, 54, 78, 79, 102, 105, 107; ships sent to for Chateauneuf, 103.
-, journey of Edmondes to, 113, 115; reported Spanish plan to surprise, 411.
-, Louis may go to, 481; Louis goes to, 621–623; St. Chaumont to return to, 625.
-, French forces gathering at, 617; Vosberghen passes through, 620; St. Chaumont to remain at, 627.
-, Dutch correspondent at. See Mybais.
-, Governor of. See Estampes, Leonore d', Sieur of Valencay.
-, letters sent by, 222.
-, despatch dated at, 154.

Calandrini, merchant:
-, blames Chateauneuf for measures against English, 551.

Calvisson, Covisson [Gard, France], 109.

Cambell, James, Lord Mayor of London:
-, takes part in proclamation of French peace, 68.

Cambrai [Nord, France]:
-, Infanta proposes to move to, 633; queen mother going to, 641.

Camerarius, Swedish resident in the Netherlands:
-, believes Roe's mission will be fruitless, 139; fails to obtain help, 217; speaks of advantage of England and France helping Sweden, 238.
-, asked to celebrate birth of Prince Charles, 355; asks for help, 413, 427.
-, wants levy from Dutch, 455; complains of delay of Hamilton's levy, 529.
-, account of battle of Leipsig, 561; hopes for restitution of Palatinate, 572.
-, says Palatine's move unduly delayed by England, 577; Nethersole advised to act in concert with, 618; astounded at son's report of Vane's failure, 624.
-, son of:
-, writes to father about Vane, 624.

-, Charles releases French prisoners taken in, 105; Chateauneuf gets settled, 252, 284; negotiations about with Chateauneuf, 325.
-, disputes with French over, 425; England willing to give up, 478; question of restitution, 510, 515, 522, 601.
-, agreement with France about, 609.

Canary Islands, Canaries:
-, Toledo claims victory over English near, 225; English claim to rule sea as far as, 514.

Candale, Candales, Candalles, Duke of. See Foix, Henry de.

Candia. See Crete.

Candia, Duke of. See Gandia.

Canneto, Canetto [Prov. Mantova, Italy]:
-, cavalry raid to, 197; Germans take, 215.

Canterbury, co. Kent:
-, Finet meets Coloma at, 263.

Capello, Cappello, Giovanni, Venetian ambassador at Constantinople, the Bailo, 502, 506.
-, despatches, 256, 266, 326, 462, 473, 483, 488, 498, 528, 532, 535, 547, 552, 578, 594.
-, disobliging to Wyche about post, 474; strained relations with Wyche, 492, 501, 509.
-, Soranzo writes to about Golden Cock case, 480, 488; hands over merchants' letters to Wyche, 498.
-, asked to arbitrate in More's case, 528, 532; efforts in Golden Cock case, 535, 536, 552.
-, -, Lorenzo, 586, 600.

caps, 60.

-, for queen's household, 213, 229, 545; come with Fontenay, 301.
-, Fontenay has money to build chapel for, 298; scandalise Puritans, 304, 309.
-, quarrels with Oratorians, 439.
-, See also Alix, Alessandro d'; Joseph, Pere; Magno, Valeriano.

Car. See Carey.

Cardinals. See Barberino, Francesco; Berulle, Pierre; Cueva, Alonso della, Marquis of Bedmar; Davy, Jacques, Cardinal du Perron; Duplessis, Armand, Cardinal Richelieu; Ferdinand, son of Philip III, the Cardinal Infant; Maurice, Cardinal of Savoy; Nogaret, Louis de, Cardinal of La Valette; Sacchetti; Zappata, Francesco.

Cardoso, Giacomo, merchant, 244.

Carey, Car, Sir Robert:
-, insinuated Spanish proposals to Palatine, 72.

Carignano [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, French report capture, 410.

Carleton, Sir Dudley, Viscount Dorchester, Dort, Secretary of State, 82, 103, 176, 397, 508, 555, 613.
-, tells Contarini about delay in Digby case, 8; letters to Rowlandson about Digby, 32; Contarini reads Senate's reply about Digby to, 46.
-, refers to slowness of Venice, 28; tells Contarini of Spaniards consigning Wesel to emperor, 29.
-, writes to Turin about Wake's choice for French embassy, 35; Contarini informs of Spaniards seizing English ships, 45.
-, does not hear of Spanish negotiations, 44; gets Contarini to delay courier, 52, 57.
-, sends word of peace to Wake, 58; confidences with Contarini, 61; defends Wake, 62.
-, discusses affairs with Contarini, 83, 84; commissioners to treat with Chateauneuf, 128n.
-, not pleased at being shut out from Rubens' negotiations, 96; would like to keep Rubens at a distance, 143.
-, speaks of the reception of Preaux, 98; orders to Augier, 106; Contarini to commend, 111.
-, refers to French seizing ships, 114; Rubens confers frequently with, 117.
-, Soranzo to encourage confidence of, 118; ordered to stop privateering, 127.
-, calls on Venetian ambassadors, 128; Soranzo sees about Jonas, 152, 153, 159.
-, Soranzo referred to about Spanish negotiations, 161; Soranzo remonstrates with about Golden Cock, 190.
-, Chateauneuf twits for lack of influence, 177; remark about Savoy, 191.
-, recommends Despotini, 200; Weston confers with, 220; Soranzo sees, 221, 222, 232.
-, Soranzo goes to, about Golden Cock, 228, 230, 231.
-, attends Privy Council, 243; at secret conference with Coloma, 275; intimates Spanish negotiations tottering, 314.
-, Soranzo urges to give satisfaction to Chateauneuf, 315; tells Soranzo of Vane's negotiations, 317, 318.
-, reads Soranzo Wake's despatches, 319, 320; may suggest Cottington's recall, 321.
-, talk of sending as ambassador to diet, 324; informs Soranzo of new consul to Aleppo, 332.
-, maintains king's right to deal with Catholics, 337, 338; Soranzo congratulates on birth of prince, 350.
-, Soranzo tackles about having minister at Vienna, 351; complains to Fontenay of treatment of Wake, 352; defends Wake against charge of Gallophobia, 353.
-, gets Soranzo to forward packet to Rowlandson, 360; speaks to Fontenay of proposed mediation between France and Savoy, 364.
-, Soranzo to encourage intimacy with, 384; Soranzo sees about levy, 389, 390; letter to Soranzo, 399; Soranzo's reply to, 400.
-, nephew arrives from Holland, 421; asks opinion of Council about Spanish peace, 432.
-, speaks of friendship for Dutch, 457; gives Soranzo packet for Rowlandson, 465.
-, confirms Vane's visit to Flanders, 467; only one at Court to favour Venetian interests, 469.
-, disapproves of refusal of audience to Soranzo, 476; Fontenay speaks to about Coke's rudeness to Soranzo, 477; tells king, 479.
-, says Spanish peace not thoroughly confirmed, 480; Soranzo and Fontenay tackle about remittances to Flanders, 481.
-, Venice thanks, 484, 500, 501, 505; Soranzo to cultivate, 488.
-, Fontenay treats with about differences, 486; confirms reasons for Rowlandson's recall, 490.
-, no hope about German negotiations, 491; complains of Dutch, 493, 495, 496; remarks on sending of Venetian letters, 494, 501.
-, conversation with Soranzo on relations with Dutch, etc., 505, 506, 513; Soranzo unable to see, 509, 515.
-, proposal to make President of Council, 510.
-, speaks of English strength at sea, 522; gives advices to Soranzo, 523.
-, complains of French criticism, 530; reports Swedish victory, 531.
-, speaks of proposed ambassador to Venice, 532; tells Joachim Vane may not go, 534.
-, refers to Palatine going to Swedish forces, 561; refers to Bouillon's move, 564.
-, will not impart news about Anstruther, 565; tries to make out that Sweden must restore Palatine, 568.
-, sends nephew to pay respects to Venetian ambassadors, 586; Soranzo unable to see, 591; Soranzo takes leave of, 593.
-, ill, 586; sudden death, 593; Wake hopes to succeed, 601; Coke takes up duties, 607.
-, -, Dudley, jun., English agent in the Netherlands:
-, says Denmark cannot expect much from England, 25.
-, complains of French behaviour about peace, 58; did not call on Baugy, 130.
-, visits Gussoni with Roe, 132; reply to about Venice helping Sweden, 147.
-, announces Charles will no longer maintain Morgan's troops, 154; leaving, 248.
-, returns to Hague, interview with Palatine, 313; asks celebrations for birth of prince, 355.
-, likely to remain at Hague as ambassador, 359; to remain as agent after Vane's departure, 452, 464.
-, says nothing of English mediation with Spain, 471; threatens withdrawal of English cloth trade, 472; hopeful of arranging question of cloth trade, 511.
-, efforts to mollify Dutch, 487; letter to, from Vane, 524; announces Hamilton's departure, 533; tells Dutch of Hamilton's landing, 537.
-, urged to return to England before Scaglia leaves, 547; leaves for London, 552; Dutch suspicious of, 553; went for private affairs, 555; Palatine waits for, 573; going back to take leave, 583, 646.
-, talk of going as ambassador to Venice, 586; Princess Palatine referred to, 594.
-, -, Sir John:
-, sent to Turin to announce French peace, 95.

Carlisle, Countess of. See Hay, Lucy.
-, Earl of. See Hay, James.

Carmagnola, Carmignola [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, Spaniards join Savoy at, 318; reported strength, 320; Richelieu advances to, 323; Spinola may go to, 340.

Carminati, Antonio and Pantaleo:
-, goods on Jonas, 144.

Carnesei. See Guernsey.

Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset:
-, imprisoned, 233, 241n.

Cartagena, Carthagina [Prov. Murcia, Spain]:
-, goods from, 164–166; goods taken to, 598.

Cartagena [Columbia, S. America]:
-, Dutch blockade Spanish fleet in, 306.

Cary, Henry, Viscount Falkland, Lord Deputy of Ireland, Viceroy of Ireland:
-, continued in office, 95.

Casale [Prov. Alessandria, Italy]:
-, relieve, 3, 6, 28; Swiss garrison in, 9; Wake wants to stop provisioning of, 15; Venice proposes to relieve, 22; depends on France, 41.
-, proposal to deposit with imperial commissioner, 42.
-, provisioned for some time, 61; Savoy waiting for opportunity to attack, 74.
-, Spaniards want to wipe out shame of, 109; Savoy will side with French, if attacked, 111.
-, possible fresh siege, 197; Toiras defends, 211, 217, 371; provisioned, 215.
-, Venice helped French to relieve, 240; Chateauneuf says not in danger, 259.
-, Richelieu going straight to, 278, 282, 283; French march on, 299, 306, 319; Spanish troops near, 302.
-, Spinola decides to besiege, 340, 342; in danger, 345; Spinola pressing, 346, 355, 365.
-, could be exchanged for Pinerolo, 348; Louis in no hurry to relieve, 352.
-, Louis eager to relieve, 361; considered lost, 375, 398, 404; nothing said about relieving, 411.
-, Spaniards to have, 422; terms about, 437; considered relieved, 441; in hands of imperial commissioner, 444.
-, terms of treaty of, 453, 456.
-, French secure, 569.
-, despatch dated at, 529.

Casale, Francesco, Venetian ambassador in Savoy:
-, despatches, 230, 236.

Cassandra [Chalcis, Greece]:
-, proposal to fetch wheat from, 182.

-, Pasha of Buda claims restitution, 300.

Castagna, Gioani, merchant, 243, 244.
-, -, Zaccaria, merchant, 243, 244.

Castagnedo, Marquis of:
-, selected as ambassador to England, 468; sent to France instead, 515.

Castagona, near Chiavenna, 88.

Castel Goffredo, Castel Giufre [Prov. Mantova, Italy]:
-, imperialist designs on, 238, 239.

Castel Novo. See Neustadt.

Castelnuovo. See Aubespine, Charles de l', Marquis of Chateauneuf.

Castile, Spain, 254.
-, Constable of. See Velasco, Juan Fernandino, Duke of Fries.
-, President of, 598.

Castres, Catras [Tarn, France]:
-, Louis means to attack, 82; stronghold of Huguenots, 89, 91.

Catholic, the. See Philip III, King of Spain; Philip IV, King of Spain.

Catholic League, 296.
-, chance of breaking up, 143; Spaniards acknowledge help of, 178.
-, Elector of Mayence forced to abandon, 561.
-, French take under protection, 588; question of Sweden recognising neutrality, 591, 600, 602, 606.
-, pope thinks French went too far in supporting, 599; policy to divide from Austrians, 642.

-, try to make league against tyranny of emperor, 64; Charnassé wants Sweden and Denmark to admit, 129.
-, rising of, in Ireland, 281; harshness of Dutch to, 307.

Catholics, the English, papists, recusants:
-, Friar Weston raises difficulties about, 53; forbidden to attend chapels of ambassadors, 304, 308, 314, 315, 319.
-, Spaniards unusually lukewarm about, 310; Rubens taking out of country, 312.
-, Soranzo's instructions regarding, 323; Carleton's remarks upon, 337, 338.
-, Spaniards like to raise levies in England for sake of, 446; Spaniards may waive conditions for, 500.
-, declared friends of the Spaniards, 506; Necolalde takes house in quarter of, 531.

Catras. See Castres.

Cattaro, Dalmatia, 474.

Caumont, James de, Marquis of La Force, Marshal of France:
-, should be sent to Swiss, 140; to march on Bressa, 203, 211, 215, 240.
-, advancing on Savoy, 246, 278, 283; Richelieu to join, 250; forces weak, 255; proceeding to Casale, 302.
-, withdrawal allows Spaniards to cross Moselle, 611; St. Chaumont served with, 625.

-, Hamilton to take to Sweden, 487.

Cavana, merchant:
-, goods in Jonas, 144.
-, -, John Maria, 165.
-, -, Octavia Maria, 165.

Cavazza, Girolamo, Venetian secretary in France:
-, despatches, 274, 484, 486, 508, 512, 521, 528.

Cecil, Edward, Viscount Wimbledon:
-, in England by permission of Prince of Orange, 374.

Cecil, Eliza, Countess of Exeter:
-, Chateauneuf tries to supplant Lady Carlisle by, 264.
-, -, William, Earl of Exeter, Esserster:
-, Garter conferred on, 331.

Cenis, Mont:
-, French clearing way to cross, 365.

Centurion. See ships, names of.

Cephalonia, island:
-, English trade in currants at, 60, 63, 256, 268, 322, 376, 377, 501.
-, Metaxa prints books at, 72.
-, Dennis asks leave to lade currants at, 174.
-, impoverished condition, 256; currant trade of damages Zante, 563.
-, prince of currants cut low at, 593; advantage of fixing prices at, 594.
-, Proveditore of, 504, 505.
-, See also Erizzo, Nicolo; Malipiero, Francesco.
-, despatches dated at, 61, 63, 256, 462, 521, 594.
-, See also Argostoli.

Ceremonies, Master of the. See Finet, Sir John.

Cesy, Count of. See Harlay, Philip de.

Cevennes, France, 106.
-, Huguenot towns in, 91.

Chalais, Count of. See Taleran.

Chamberlain, Lord High. See Bertie, Robert, Earl of Lindsay.
-, Lord. See Herbert, William, Earl of Pembroke.
-, the queen's. See Sackville, Edward, Earl of Dorset.

Chambery [Savoie, France]:
-, Savoy objects to French going by, 282; Louis takes, 342, 345; news from, 346.

Champagne, France, 267, 607.
-, talk of sending army to, 186; Louis going to, 250; Spaniards urge imperialists to attack, 251; troops from, for Bassompierre, 335.

Chancellor of Bavaria. See Donnersberg.
-, of emperor. See Werdenberg.
-, of Scotland. See Hay, Sir George.

Channel Islands:
-, English fears for, 503.
-, See also Guernsey; Jersey.

Chapara. See Chiapara.

Charasco. See Cherasco.

Charbonnière, la, Chiarbona [Savoie, France]:
-, Louis waiting for fall, 365.

Charles I, King of Great Britain, King of England, 4, 40, 94, 114, 116, 130, 162, 208, 218, 220, 248, 253, 263, 268, 301, 306, 307, 330, 338, 341, 352, 375, 418, 445, 484, 604, 632.
-, (1629):
-, promises to sign French peace, 3; wanted Savoy to mediate peace, 13; sarcastic remark about Savoy, 16.
-, Spenser speaks frankly to, 7, 10; says France shows contempt for him, 9, 10; urges sister to leave Netherlands, 15, 42.
-, difficulties over collecting customs, 8, 19; straits for money, 37; often does not know all, 46.
-, urges Savoy to reconciliation with France, 12; urges Rohan to come to terms with Louis, 14.
-, observations about St. Esprit, 17, 20, 21; extracts promise from Contarini about peace, 18; sends for Contarini about peace, 20, 36, 37.
-, not disposed to let best officers go to Sweden, 19; comments on arrest of imperial ambassador at Constantinople, 29.
-, leaves Huguenots out of peace, 24; Huguenots dependent on, 25; correct behaviour about French peace, 35.
-, Contarini tells of Italian affairs, 27, 96; opinion of French action in Italy, 28.
-, stops privateering against France, 30, 36; will give no more letters of marque for Mediterranean, 33.
-, wants to satisfy Venice about Digby, 32; representations to about Digby, 46–48, 63, 190.
-, offers mediation in Germany, 42; informs Baroccio of peace with France, 45.
-, Venice congratulates on peace, 50; Contarini informs of league with France, 51.
-, off to field sports, 52, 57; Rosencranz takes leave of, 56; fondness for pictures, 84.
-, Contarini urges to send embassy to France promptly, 53; letters to Rohan, 58, 90, 91, 109.
-, means to remain united with France, 63, 83; at proclamation of peace, 68.
-, Bethune surprised at efforts to suppress parliament, 64; necessities defy description, 67.
-, selects Roe for reconciliation of Poland and Sweden, 65; should be on guard against Spaniards, 69.
-, sacrifices child rather than queen, 70; gives diamond to Marquis Villa, 73.
-, Weston all powerful with, 74; Spencer has audience of and thanks, 75.
-, displeased with Danby for shirking French embassy, 76; has no one to serve him on conspicuous occasions, 77.
-, Contarini sees about French peace, 81, 82; and about the Jonas, 82, 83; promises satisfaction about Jonas, 102.
-, always kept Huguenots in mind, 84; protected Huguenots, 89; asks favour for Huguenot leaders, 96, 98.
-, condolences with on queen's miscarriage, 93; Rubens presents credentials to, 98.
-, Vane reports to on mission, 85; easier to come to terms with France than with Spain, 99.
-, help for Swiss desirable, 100; Venice wants to prevent Danish peace with emperor, 111.
-, Contarini not satisfied with action about Jonas, 103; shows confidence to Contarini, 112.
-, orders release of French prisoners and expects reciprocity, 105; wants Edmondes to go straight to Louis, 106.
-, letter to King of Denmark, 113; will not settle matter of Jonas, governed by laws, 115.
-, Roe asks for information, 113; Joachim remonstrates with about Spanish negotiations, 117.
-, answer of Venice for, about helping Sweden, 118; inclined to grant troops to Dutch, 120, 139; sends Morgan, 126.
-, attempt to reconcile with people, 121; out of London, 121, 138; spends summer in country, 129.
-, Scultetus complains of, 122; must consult Dutch about Spanish negotiations, 123, 141.
-, Chateauneuf wins good opinion, 124, 127, 128; Chateauneuf's audiences of, 127, 128.
-, wants to help in Germany, 131, 132; hopes that will prevent Danish peace, 133, 140, 141; can make war on Spain without expense, 142.
-, receives Soranzo to first audience, 135, 136; dubs Contarini knight, 144; present to Contarini, 154, 175; and to Agostini, 175.
-, Louis wishes to satisfy, 140; interested about Swiss and Grisons, 146.
-, Soranzo asks audience of, about Jonas, 143; the audiences, 151, 152, 160.
-, Spaniards want help against France, 146; arranges Cottington's mission with Weston, 148.
-, grants licence for trading, 153.
-, letter to doge, 147; away hunting, 156, 168, 179, 199; pledging guns for jewels, 157.
-, assurances about Spanish negotiations, 149; Spaniards do not intend to satisfy, 150.
-, swayed by a favourite, 151, 160; Mantua sends respects to, 158.
-, to get promise for restitution of Susa, 155, 181, 185; Soranzo has audience of, on foreign affairs, 159, 160, 176.
-, refers Soranzo to Cottington, 161; Dutch warn against Spanish negotiations, 163.
-, assurances to Chateauneuf about Spanish negotiations, 168; wants Chateauneuf to stay, 169.
-, Joachim asks for help, 169, 183; response of, 170; no one ventures to tell truth to, 177.
-, cordial relations with Savoy, 171, 191; becoming more estranged from people, 178.
-, means to attend to peace with Spaniards, 172; antipathy to parliament, 183, 204, 205.
-, representations of Chateauneuf to response, 176; takes up Spanish negotiations after Buckingham's death, 184.
-, Chateauneuf realises powerlessness, 185, 198; approves proposal to interpose for Savoy, 186.
-, reason for desiring peace with Spain, 189; Savoy asks to interpose, 191; eager for peace with Spain, 196.
-, Venetian representations to, 197; letter to doge for Despotini, 201.
-, present to Odolengo, 199; Spaniards want to help accommodation with Dutch, 200, 214.
-, nature of favour to Weston, 204; can hardly find money for daily needs, 205.
-, authority injured by behaviour of parliament, 206; stops ships sailing for St. Christopher, 207; concession about Capuchins, 213.
-, Venice wants to help Sweden, 217; efforts to wean from Spaniards, 219; will not grant Spaniards armistice, 221.
-, wants judges to condemn parliament men, 222; about to terminate progress, 224; grants passport to merchants to trade, 225; Weston tries to keep from assembling parliament, 227.
-, lack of confidence in French, 226; French know weakness, 228.
-, assures Soranzo of satisfaction about Golden Cock, 230, 231; ready to hear proposals from Soranzo, 232; Soranzo sees about situation, 239, 240, 254.
-, contest with the people, 233; book inciting to rule without parliament, 241, 242.
-, can make war on Spain without cost, 235; Louis urges to take Palatinate, 244.
-, obligations to Dutch, 245; fears Spaniards may not respond, 250; wants Dutch included in peace, 252.
-, Soranzo's representations have no effect on, 251; letters for from Sultan, 256.
-, Soranzo's efforts to stir, 259.
-, (1630):
-, sends to thank Infanta about St. Christopher, 262; queen asks to remove Lady Carlisle, 264.
-, Chateauneuf to tell of French force sent to Italy, 265; cordial welcome to Coloma, 269.
-, Chateauneuf's opinion of, 270; takes title of King of France in letter to Louis, 272.
-, Chateauneuf speaks plainly to, 273; Coloma has long conference with, 275.
-, grants passport to Rubens, 276; intervenes in quarrel between Carlisle and Holland, 276, 277, 281.
-, Philip enquires after, 278; Spanish party at Court deceive, 279, 280, 284.
-, remonstrates with Chateauneuf about French naval preparations, 281; not alarmed, 285.
-, assurances to Dutch, 287; asked to prevent quarrel between Sweden and Denmark, 289.
-, deplorable state of government, 289, 297; gets little from customs, 290.
-, feeling at Coloma granting passports to trade, 290; displeased at Carlisle entertaining Coloma. 291; Coloma sees, 296, 305, 314.
-, informed of election of doge, 292, 298; ready to help Savoy against French, 299.
-, conversation with Chateauneuf about foreign position, 294, 295; not disposed of own accord to Spanish negotiations, 297.
-, derives money from judicial sentences, 297, 298; away hunting, 300; returning, 303.
-, present to Rubens, pays off Re troops, 302; stops Catholics attending chapel at embassies, 304.
-, can do as he pleases with queen's household, 305; Chateauneuf remonstrates with about exclusion of Catholics from chapels, 309; releases arrested Catholics, 315, 337.
-, Weston wants to induce to make peace with Spain, 311; upset by advices from Spain, 312, 327.
-, leaving town because of plague, 312, 323, 328, 329, 346, 368; stays on, 332.
-, consolatory letters to Princes Palatine, 313; opposed to Spanish negotiations, but bad influences about, 314.
-, Wake informs of Savoy's break with French, 316; urged to help Savoy, 318.
-, pleased to hear disparagement of France, 321; why Spain cultivates, 322; Spaniards ready to satisfy, 324, 328.
-, signal honours to Chateauneuf, 325; Palatine sends to, for money, 327; ill pleased with Chateauneuf, 331.
-, diet in Germany will not be to advantage of, 333; proposal to, of getting fresh water from sea, 336.
-, naval power of, 340, 355; proposed mediation between France and Savoy, 342; friend of Savoy, 353.
-, Carlisle speaks slightingly of Venice to, 344; Chateauneuf forcing Poix on, 345, 353, 354.
-, anxious at absence of news from Spain, 347; Spaniards deluding, 348.
-, rejoiced at birth of prince, 349; congratulations to, 350; news imparted by, 350, 351, 355, 364.
-, to meet commissioners about Spanish negotiations, 351; question of asking for levy, 357, 362.
-, long audience to Coloma, 358, 363; does not want Duchess of la Tremouille admitted, 359, 373.
-, regrets quarrel of Savoy and France, 364; congratulates doge on election, 370; doge offers congratulations to, 371.
-, intimation to Fontenay upon christening of prince, 372; decides on Countess of Roxburgh as as governess for prince, 373.
-, Spaniards play with, 376; Soranzo to ask permission for levy, 377, 380, 384; consent wanted for Rohan's levy, 379.
-, Fontenay speaks to about Spanish negotiations, reply, 378.
-, on progress, 379, 382.
-, Venice wishes to inform of events, 380; ready to grant levy to Rohan, 381; sends offers of help to Venice, 383.
-, Joachim informs of renewal of alliance with France, 382; resolute instructions to Anstruther, 383.
-, question of permitting levy for Venice, 386, 388–391, 397, 399, 407; Venetian friendship with, 395, 408.
-, objects to proposed Dutch settlement of Amboyna, 395; informed of fall of Mantua, 398.
-, feels keenly imperial treatment of Palatine, 399; recommends officers to Venice, 400.
-, Dutch offer Pernambuco to, 401, 416; Orange complains of, 401, 402.
-, informs Dutch of Spanish negotiations, 402, 403; friendship with Cardinal Infant of Spain, 405.
-, ready to help Sweden, 406, 410, 413–415, 427; Spaniards want to seem to bestow favours on, at diet, 407, 411.
-, Philip gives proxy to treat with Dutch, 416; purchase of pictures and statues in Italy, 419n.
-, proposals to new Duke of Savoy for reconciliation with France, 417; Dutch attitude to, 423.
-, money paid to Hamilton for Sweden, 420; meets Coloma with Council, 421.
-, arrangements for Palatine, in peace, 426; parliament ready to grant money to, 427.
-, Spanish need of peace with, 428; Soubise has permission for levy, 430; attitude to sister and her family, 431.
-, Joachim's view of policy, 431; summons Council to Hampton Court, 432.
-, confers Garter on Hamilton, 432; Dutch anxious not to offend, 433, 448, 457.
-, efforts for Palatine at Ratisbon, 436; entertainment for Prince Ulrich of Denmark, 437.
-, Dutch view of, about Spanish peace, 438; insists on Wake going to French embassy, 439.
-, Cottington sends frequent couriers to, 442; resents delays at diet of Ratisbon, 443.
-, on bad terms with people, 444, 446; blamed in Florence for peace, 447.
-, swears to Spanish peace and entertains Coloma, 448; Coloma presents two papers to, 449, 456, 459; powers from Spain to, 455.
-, announcement of peace to people, 450; advantage of peace to, 451.
-, Coloma sounds about levies for Infanta, 453; Spaniards encourage quarrels with Dutch, 454.
-, (1631):
-, going into country, 456; leaves for Newmarket, 463; away, 469.
-, friendliness to Dutch, 457, 458; orders Wyche to take consulage, 462; banquet to nobility, 463; explains to ambassadors why not asked, 464.
-, advises French of peace, 460; informs Venice of peace, 472, 473, 475; reply to, 475, 490.
-, proposed interposition with Spain for Dutch, 465.
-, messenger from Sweden to, 468; sends Anstruther back to Vienna, 472.
-, Cardinal Infant to see, 471; promised complaint to, about Bailo, 474.
-, Fontenay sees every day, 477; grants new post to Weston, 478.
-, sends for Rusdorf about Palatine, 479, 488; Coloma takes leave of, 480.
-, disposed to satisfy France about peace, 481; incensed at Dunkirker taking Dutch ship in Thames, 482, 487, 491.
-, letter of doge to, 483, 489, 501; handsome presents to Coloma, 485; present of Savoy to, 503, 542.
-, sends Montagu with compliments to queen mother, 486; assistance for Hamilton, 489.
-, Soranzo delivers reply about peace to, asks about Italy, 490; Spain wishes to satisfy, 491.
-, Olivares hopes to use to make trouble in France, 492; Monsieur sends Ramée to, 493, 494.
-, gives permission for Hamilton's levy, 494; good intentions reported at Hague, 497.
-, Spaniards aim at estranging from Dutch, 496; Joachim sees about Dutch ship seized, 498.
-, relations with Dutch, 499, 504, 505, 506; interest in navy, inspects ships, 502, 506.
-, cannot prohibit levies for Flanders, 506; Scarnafis takes leave of, presents to, 507, 511.
-, informed of doge's election, 508, 514; will realise deceit of Spaniards, 509.
-, deluded by Spaniards in peace, 513, 552; asks about Italy, 515, 557, 563.
-, inspection of ships of navy, 516, 521, 531, 534; stronger at sea than predecessors, 522.
-, patriotic party will not press views on, 517; will never trust imperialists again if ban not removed from Palatine, 523.
-, Hamilton charged with treason against, 526; exonerates Hamilton, 527.
-, Jars wins money from, at tennis, 527; going further into country, 531.
-, wants to have ambassador at Venice, 532, 557, 586; sends to inform Louis of Hamilton's departure, 533.
-, letter to Doge Erizzo, 534, 540, 548, 549; Captain Pasha writes to about Golden Cock affair, 535.
-, expected to take decision about queen mother, 536; Weston deluded with hopes about Palatinate, 537, 538.
-, talk of convoking parliament, 538; causes of bad relations with people, 568.
-, proposed mediation for truce between Spain and Dutch, 539, 543, 555.
-, proposed interposition for peace, 541; not inclined to mediate between Louis and mother, 542.
-, Anstruther sends to about Palatinate, 546, 559; will not grant Scaglia private audience, 549.
-, Polish ambassador takes leave of, 551; Dutch in dark upon wishes about Amboyna, 553.
-, informed of Venetian dispute at Rome, 554–556; Joachim informs of Dutch victory, 558.
-, unlikely to consent to Palatine taking field, 559; Fontenay informs of cession of Pinerolo, 560.
-, Dutch waiting to see what will do, 562; objects to cession of Pinerolo, 563.
-, Soranzo congratulates on birth of prince, 563, 564, 567; Soranzo tells of Spanish action, 564.
-, Anstruther asks leave to return, 565, 567; Spaniards want to prevent helping Sweden, 566.
-, cordial welcome to Vendome, 566.
-, orders mourning for Queen Dowager of Denmark, 569.
-, Joachim sees about Palatine, 570; will do nothing for Palatine, nor let others, 572.
-, (1632):
-, discusses help for Sweden, with Council, 573; believes Sweden will hand over Palatinate, 575.
-, determination against parliament, 574, 630, 636; wine duty set apart for privy purse, 579.
-, assurances to Fontenay about queen mother, 576; away hunting, 581, 596, 601, 605, 637, 641.
-, Wake without letters from, 577; talk of mediation between emperor and Sweden, 578.
-, reception of Gussoni, 583, 584, 587; Soranzo takes leave of and is knighted, 591; present to Soranzo, 611.
-, devoting attention to Palatinate, 588; Princess Palatine says will not be deceived by Spaniards, 589; she expects letters from, 607; dances at queen's masque, 593.
-, offers to Sweden, 590, 606; expresses desire for reconciliation of Venice and Savoy, 591, 593.
-, anxious to hear of Palatine's journey, 592; proposal to hold Frankenthal in deposit, 594.
-, Joachim has audience of, 596, 597; decision expected about Secretary of State, 599.
-, ratifies French agreement, 601; influences upon, about Palatinate, 602; letter of Louis to, 615.
-, encourages Swiss to help Grisons, 603; returns to London, 605; leaves for country, 621.
-, not satisfied with Vane, 605; Dorset high in favour, 606; makes Coke sole secretary, 607.
-, Dutch representations to, 607; Fontenay has two audiences of, 608; and presents treaty to, 609.
-, has news of adjustment between pope and Venice, 609, 613; news from Germany grateful to, 612.
-, Weston persuades to take measures about fishing, 612; nominates Leicester and Weston as ambassadors, 613.
-, speaks of sending ambassador to Venice, 614, 620.
-, emperor disposed to satisfy, 617.
-, gives Fleetwood permission to raise levy for Sweden, 615; grants sister grandmother's jewels, 616.
-, celebrates St. George's Day, 617; gives up idea of going to Scotland, 619.
-, eager for close union with Sweden, 620; curious about move of Louis into Picardy, 622.
-, great favours to Weston, 623, 626, 628; St. Chaumont has audience of, 624; regrets loss of Wake, 626, 631.
-, France and Sweden urge to recall Anstruther, 628; but prefers negotiation, 629.
-, Joachim and Brassert inform of Dutch successes, 629, 641; wants English troops to defend Palatinate, 630.
-, great penury of, 630, 636; at wedding of Jerome Weston, 637.
-, tired of waiting for restoration of Palatinate, 633; imperialists wish to keep neutral, 634.
-, Princess Palatine writes to, 635; representations of Nethersole to, 635, 636.
-, Valencay has audience of, 637, 638, 640; Dutch endeavour to propitiate, 639.
-, supposed agreement of France and Sweden without knowledge of, 642; welcomes French decision about Germany, 643.
-, Fontenay to inform of measures for dealing with rebels, 645; Dutch obtain permission of, to raise levies, 645; Hamburgers want to withdraw letters of marque, 647.

Charles, Prince of Wales, 457.
-, birth, 349; Puritans sorry for birth, 350; liberality prognosticated, 351.
-, godparents of, 361; christening, 368, 369, 372.
-, congratulations on birth, 371, 372, 387, 388, 404, 410, 499; rejoicings over, 404.
-, Countess of Roxburgh to be governess of, 373; Countess of Dorset declared governess of, 382.
-, governess of. See Sackville, Mary, Countess of Dorset.

Charles II of Lorraine, Duke of Elboeuf, M. Delbeuf, 53, 78.
-, suggested ambassador extraordinary to England, 39, 40.

Charles will receive gladly, 52, 54; at Paris, 72; England cannot find ambassador to equal, 76; Contarini regrets naming, 77.
-, demands 100,000 francs for embassy, 96; not going, 117.

Charles III, Duke of Lorraine, 449.
-, Charles informs of peace with France, 21; sends congratulations on birth of Prince Charles, 404; sends to England to foment Austrian party, 405; proceedings of ambassador in England, 410; committed to emperor, 565, 621.
-, declaration for France, 590; about to throw himself into hands of Austrians, 609; correspondence with Monsieur, 622, 632.
-, instability of, 624; need of agreement with France, 626; junction with Monsieur's force, 627.
-, accommodation with France, 635, 638.

Charles Emanuel I, Duke of Savoy, 154, 182, 186, 246.
-, Louis concludes treaty with, 3; to enter defensive alliance with France, 12; adjustment with France, 27, 45.
-, expectation of mediating Anglo French peace, 4, 5, 13, 27, 58, 64; informed of peace, 14, 21; wants to upset peace, 57.
-, Cordova promises to evacuate Monferrat, 6; to mediate peace in Italy, 9; Spaniards consider found out. 16.
-, Charles urges to reconciliation with France, 12; little hope of reconciliation, 25; French moderation to, 28; Louis complains of receiving Cloisel, 30.
-, not in position to intercede for Rohan, 23; labour to reconcile France and Spain, 24; ill-feeling with France increasing, 48.
-, influence over Carlisle, 35; leaves Scaglia without letters, 41; and Baroccio, 45.
-, Baroccio's statements about, 51, 55; Cordova stirs against French, 61.
-, Wake humours, 62; Spaniards hope to keep busy, 66; Hales brings report of, 73, 74.
-, encourages anti-French feeling in England, 84.
-, Wake does not want to come to terms with France, 87.
-, Duchess of Rohan fears ill offices, 90; will demand restitution of Susa, 95; Crequy to gather definite intentions, 111; wants Susa back, 121; Charles to get Susa for, 181.
-, Wake sent for by, 108; how to keep staunch to Spain, 114.
-, Vignoles servant of, 117; undertaking with French, 125; relations of Rohan with, 133.
-, speaks of Richelieu conferring with Navazza, 139; intervention for peace between Spain and England feared, 145, 146; wants credit if arranged, 163.
-, playing with fire, 148; Wake a dependant of, 150, 179; can do little to hurt France, 157.
-, promises to Spain, 158; proposed conference with Spinola, 171, 172, 183; Philip presents horses to, 173.
-, Spinola opens negotiations with, 175; grievance of Venice against, 181.
-, tied to Spaniards, 187; pope sends Scappi to, 189; Mazarin advises to make peace, 197.
-, Fleming favours, 201; French want to succour Mantua, 203; Wake to stay and support, 207.
-, displeased at attack on Monferrat, 210; Richelieu sends to for declaration, 250.
-, not so French, 255; suspicion of Mazarin, 256; Richelieu unlikely to be deceived by, 259.
-, Carlisle partisan of, 265; ill humour at having to yield to French, 272.
-, France wants to have in cage, 282; Spinola tries hard to win, 288.
-, means to assist Mantua, 292; Wake fears weight of French will fall on, 299.
-, French suspicious of, 303; opens hostilities against French, 308, 316, 320; calls on Spaniards for help, 313, 320.
-, reported arrangement with French, 310, 319; Charles urged to help, 318.
-, Spinola marches to help, 319; arrangement with Spinola, 321.
-, Louis incensed against, 323, 324; ready to accept English mediation, 340, 342, 361, 363.
-, position between French and Spaniards, 341; dismisses Venetian ambassador, 342.
-, reported negotiations with French, 348; Wake's devotion to, 352, 353.
-, emperor sends troops to help, 355; Spaniards mistrust, 360; Charles regrets quarrel with France, 364.
-, hard pressed by French, 365; death, 398; mission to England, upon death, 456, 499.
-, Scaglia's hopes dashed by death, 507.

Charnassé, Hercules, Baron of, M. di Chianiset, Schiarnase, Sciarnese, Chiarnesei, French ambassador to Sweden and Denmark:
-, instructions of, 129; should treat about French help for Sweden, 415.
-, Vane sends to find out about negotiations, 581; success of negotiations, 588.
-, English suspicious of, 595.

chase. See hunting.

Chasteauneuf, Chastelnuovo. See Aubespine, Charles de l', Marquis of Chateauneuf.

Chatham, co. Kent:
-, Charles inspects ships at, 516n.

Chavigny, Count of. See Bouthillier.

Chaworth, George Viscount:
-, brings message from queen mother, punished, 554.

Cher. See Holles, John, Earl of Clare.

Cherasco, Chierasco, Chiarasco, Charasco [Prov. Coni, Italy]:
-, peace concluded at, 499, 503, 528.
-, Feria raises difficulties about, 515.
-, despatches dated at, 508, 513.

Chevreuse, Duchess of. See Rohan, Maria de.
-, Duke of. See Lorraine, Claude de.

Chianiset. See Charnassé.

Chiapara, Chiappara, Chapara, Alessandro, Genoese merchant, 47, 144.
-, goods on Jonas, 165, 193.

Chiarasco. See Cherasco.

Chiarbona. See Charbonnière, la.

Chiarnesei. See Charnassé.

Chiavenna [Prov. Sondrio, Italy], 88.

Chierasco. See Cherasco.

Chieri [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, despatch dated at, 521.

Chies, il, Mantovano, Italy:
-, Germans take, 215, 216.

Chiesa, Lieutenant:
-, preparations at Gorz and Gradisca, 110.

Chivasso, Civas [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, Savoy wants French to go by, 319.

Chivet. See Civett.

Chizzali, Gio. Battista, called Bonfadino, merchant, 243, 244.

Chosrew Pasha, Grand Vizier of Turkey:
-, Bailo to speak to about Digby, 71; approached about accommodation with English, 86; demands satisfaction of Wyche for Orlandini's ship, 107; gets what he wants, 122.

Chretien, Claude, Christian, Christien, courier, 36, 39, 52.

Christian IV, King of Denmark, 119, 520.
-, (1629):
-, Sweden's offices with to prevent a disgraceful peace, 10; interview with Sweden, 43; pledged to Sweden, 44.
-, abandoned by England, 25; Anstruther makes great offers to, 43.
-, possible accommodation with Spain, 34; peace with announced at Vienna, 42.
-, expecting Rosencranz back, 49, 56.
-, Dutch should save Baltic for, 63; invited to join Protestant league, 64; importance of Baltic to, 67, 74.
-, expected to make peace, 65, 67, 80, 111; refuses to ratify peace, 100, 104, 105; pressed to sign, 112.
-, terms offered to, 69, 105; league with Sweden, England and Dutch, 75, 120.
-, Spaniard would prefer to see set up again, 93; cavalry of passes to Sweden, 94.
-, informed of reasons for English negotiations with Spain, 100; mission of Charnassé to, 129.
-, hopes that will not ratify peace, 113; has not ratified peace, 118; considers himself abandoned, 122; ratifies peace, 143.
-, Wallenstein fears may restore Mecklenburg dukes, 211; Venetian representations to, 254.
-, (1630):
-, suspicious of Sweden, 277; quarrel with Sweden, 289, 302, 306.
-, junction with Sweden feared, 300, 302; emperor renders content, 307.
-, owes money to Morgan, 366; differences with Hamburg, 379; injured by Swedish tolls in Baltic, 382.
-, command of forces offered to, 507.
-, (1631):
-, Hamilton sees, may join Sweden, 538.
-, (1632):
-, not on best of terms with Sweden, 604; not true that declared for emperor, 610.
-, object of Leicester's mission to, 614, 616; sending large fleet to Sound, 637.

Christina, Madame, of Savoy, Princess of Piedmont:
-, told of Anglo-French peace, 56; lady to assist confinement, 65.
-, Wake does not see about peace, 87; sends condolences to Henrietta on miscarriage, 145, 185.
-, reported mediation by, 348; informed of birth of Prince Charles, 349.

Chur, Coire, Grisons, Switzerland, 234.
-, imperialists menace, 88; French ambassador forbidden to leave, 92, 114, 127.

Cicogna, Pasqual, Venetian councillor, 112.

Cicogna. See ships, names of.

Cigonera, Mantovano, Italy:
-, Germans take, 215.

Cimes. See Simes.

Cimonds. See Simonds.

Cisa, Sisa, Benoît:
-, arrives in London, may replace Baroccio, 114; objects of mission, 121, 145.
-, ordered to return, 179; takes leave, present, 185; departs, 191.

Civas. See Chivasso.

Civett, Pierre, M. de Sivet, Chivet, equerry to Henrietta, 99.
-, sent to France with news of queen's miscarriage, 70.

Civita Vecchia [Prov. Roma, Italy]:
-, made free port, to attract western trade, 447.

Clare, Earl of. See Holles, John.

Claudii, Paolo, major domo to Venetian ambassador in France:
-, letter of Contarini to, 99; writes to Contarini, 104.

Clausel, Closel, Clousel, M. de, gentleman of Rohan, 33.
-, arrives at Turin, 24; calls on Corner, 25; Louis angry at reception at Turin, 32.
-, leaves Turin unexpectedly, 35; returns to Languedoc, 40; back at Turin, reports about, 108.

Clecmon. See Clermont.

Clermont [Savoie, France]:
-, Louis takes, 349.

Clermont en Argonne, Clecmon [Meuse, France]:
-, Lorraine cedes to Louis, 635.

Cleveland, Earl of. See Wentworth, Thomas.

Cleves, Duchy of, German Empire:
-, Spaniards consign fortresses to emperor, 29.
-, Schwartzemburg at Hague about, 132.

Clissa, ? Kilisseh:
-, Sanjacco of, 546.

Closel. See Clausel.

cloth, 153.
-, average sale at London market, 7.
-, no one buying, 7.
-, Venetian trade in, to Levant, 326.
-, new Dutch arrangements about English, 421; English threaten to transfer from Dutch to Antwerp and Emden, 472; proposal to transfer to Antwerp, 496, 499; solution found, 511.
-, manner of English trade in, at Constantinople, 473.
-, Venetian memorandum on trade in, 483.
-, exchanged for currants, 594.
-, kerseys, 326.
-, Londons, 326, 473, 474.
-, of Paris, 326.

Clousel. See Clausel.

-, English ships bring from Indies, 223.

Coblence, Confluenza [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], 633.

cochineal, 164, 165.

Coeffier. See Coiffier.

Coeuvres, Marquis of. See Estrées.

Cogan, H.:
-, letter quoted, 621n.

Cogneut. See Coigneux.

Cogoso, Mantovano, Italy:
-, Spaniards take, 215.

Coiffier, Coeffier, de Ruze, Antoine, Marquis of Effiat, Fiat:
-, suggested as ambassador to England, 39, 531; Estrées takes over command of, 643.
-, -, Henry de, Marquis of Longjumeau, Effiat's son:
-, in England, goes to see king, 531, 535.

Coigneux, Jacques le, Cogneut, chancellor of Monsieur:
-, Monsieur dismisses, 589.

Coire. See Chur.

Coke, Cooke, Cuch, Sir John, Secretary of State:
-, attends Privy Council, 243; informs Soranzo of renewal of edicts against Catholics, 304; complains to Coloma of resistance to pursuivants, 315.
-, rudeness to Soranzo, 476; Carleton's excuses for, 477; apologises, 480.
-, takes on duties of Dorchester, 607; Gussoni sees about Golden Cock, 610.

Colberg. See Kolberg.

Colemburgh. See Culembourg.

Collalto, Count Rainbold von, imperialist general:
-, Castro treats with, 59; confers with Wallenstein, 173, 182.
-, confers with Spinola, 189; expected at Cremona, 195; German troops under, 196; sick, 203.
-, attack on Mantua entrusted to, 211; will not agree to armistice, 217; attack on Mantua, 226, 230, 239.
-, reinforcements for, 236; will have to look to himself, 250; withdraws to Reggio, 254, 261.
-, Mazarin gets corn for, 256; tries to turn imperialists against Venice, 283.
-, Spinola confers with, 286, 288; preparing to follow Spinola, 308; Savoy asks help, 313, 320.
-, to join Spinola in Mantua, 327, 340; moving on Mantuan, 329; reinforcements for, 337.
-, hastens back towards Mantua, 348; Austrians urge help for, 361.
-, angry reply of Venice to, 376.

Cologne [German Empire]:
-, English wish to see Gustavus move on, 602.
-, Archbishop Elector of. See Ferdinand of Bavaria.

Coloma, Colonna, Columna, Columa, Colona, Don Carlos, 235, 287, 306.
-, sends courier to Weston, 69; overtures to Weston, 148; mission of Cottington arranged by, with Weston, 150.
-, to come instead of Zappata, 168; will make negotiations in England a cloak, 169.
-, appointment leads to postponement of Cottington, 170; English urge despatch, 177.
-, Infanta may want to retain, 178; friendly relations with Weston, 179.
-, movements of Vane and Cottington depend on, 201; probable policy in England, 206.
-, uncertainty about coming, 213; difficulty of finding a house for, 222.
-, Soranzo to watch negotiations, 239; may be replaced by Mirabel, 242.
-, delay causes misgiving, 250; has not left Court, 256; preparations for, 258; Soranzo will keep eye on, 260.
-, reported going to sign peace, 262; arrival, 262, 263; Carlisle may seek support, 265; first audience, 269.
-, no business, 269, 279, 284; only to gain time, 270; has great supplies of money, 271.
-, secret audience, 275, 314; Dunkirkers more active since arrival, 276; intimates that in king's power to stop Dunkirkers, 280.
-, Soranzo to try and discredit, 236; inactivity of, 289.
-, grants passports to merchants, to trade, 290; Carlisle gives banquet to, 291.
-, Joachim states that concluding peace, 293; complimentary audience of Charles, 296.
-, calls on Fontenay, 300; audience of queen, presents letters from Queen Isabella, 303.
-, told of renewal of edict against Catholics, 304; attitude upon, 305, 310, 314, 315; guards set near chapel, 308; violence shown, 357.
-, son-in-law leaves with Rubens, 312; assurances to Charles about Palatine, 313.
-, takes house in country, 314, 338; asked to write for release of Hudson, 316.
-, progress of negotiations, 328, 363; expects peace in a fortnight, 335.
-, eagerness to offer congratulations on prince's birth, 350; to levy English regiments for Netherlands, 362.
-, commissions expected for, 351; Soranzo dreads hearing of his rebuff by merchants, 357.
-, long audience of king, 358; gentleman to go back with Hopton, 360.
-, sends courier to Spain, 382; gentleman of, at Madrid, 383; courier reaches, 416.
-, mollifies Charles about diet of Ratisbon, 399; envoy of Lorraine visits, 410.
-, private meeting with Lords of Council, 420, 421; sends courier to Spain about peace, 428, 433.
-, reports peace arranged at Ratisbon, 436; tries to prevent England helping Sweden, 438; reply to, 439.
-, well aware of English desire for peace, 443; letter of Santa Cruz to, 444.
-, audience about peace, 445; at swearing of peace, 448.
-, presents two papers to Charles, 449, 456, 459; Weston gives banquet to, 452.
-, tries to learn king's opinion about levies for Infanta, 453; may leave on arrival of Cottington, 456.
-, efforts to get invitation to royal banquet, 463; in treaty to hire ships, 464.
-, partiality shown to, 467; approaching departure, 468; gets Anstruther sent back to Vienna as a sop, 472.
-, dispute with Joachim about ship seized, 467, 478; Charles demands surrender of ship of, 482.
-, presents to, 470, 485; takes leave, 480; conduct to Fontenay, 485.
-, Rusdorf and Mauritio miss in England, 488.

-, sent with succour from Naples to Lombardy, 26.
-, See also Coloma.

Columa, Columna. See Coloma.

-, to treat of peace with France:
-, Contarini urges to hasten embassy, 53; Contarini thanks, 62.
-, to treat about Jonas, 83, 102.
-, for foreign affairs, 85.
-, to treat with Rubens, 93, 98, 123.
-, to treat with Chateauneuf, 128, 136.
-, about peace with Spain, 363.
-, deputed to treat with Anstruther at Ratisbon, 419.
-, to try Lords Reay and Ochiltree, 523.
-, for agreement between France and England, 601, 609.
-, on Golden Cock affair, 609.
-, See also under Ambassadors.

Como [Prov. Como, Italy]:
-, proposed conference at, 183.
-, lake:
-, transport of troops on, 89, 92; passes leading to, 110.

Compiègne [Oise, France]:
-, move of Louis towards, 481; queen mother leaves, 531, 538; English relations to be dealt with at, 539.

Comptroller of the Household. See under household, the king's.

Condé, Prince of. See Bourbon Condé, Henry de.

conde duque. See Guzman, Gaspar de, Count of Olivares.

Conflans, Conflan [Savoie, France]:
-, Louis moving on, 349; Prince Tomaso withdraws from, 352.
-, news from, 360.

Confluenza. See Coblence.

Conovel, Conouel. See Conway.

Constance, wife of Septimus III, Queen of Poland:
-, Henrietta not in mourning for, 545.

Constantinople, 480, 501, 506, 515.
-, Levant Co. pays ambassador at, 7; imprisonment of imperial ambassador at, 29, 44.
-, ships for, 198.
-, seizure of English goods at feared, 243; Bacovi goes to for investiture, 283.
-, decline of Venetian trade at, 326.
-, Venice commends Roe's conduct at, 387.
-, English trade at, 466, 473; failure of More at, 509; affair of Golden Cock, 524.
-, instructions to Venetian representatives at, 12, 133, 209, 262, 466, 489, 497, 514, 546.

Consulage, cottimo:
-, Wyche has instructions to exact, 462, 489.

Consuls. See ambassadors.

Contarini, Alvise, Venetian ambassador in England, 32, 34, 40, 56, 118, 122, 128, 129, 190, 358.
-, despatches to the Senate, 7, 16, 19, 27, 30, 35, 43, 61, 62, 67, 72, 81, 83, 93, 101, 112, 115, 119, 124, 127, 135, 141.
-, letters of Zorzi to, 2, 4, 38, 39, 52.
-, letters to Zorzi, 8, 17, 20, 36, 55, 57, 68, 76, 96, 103, 112.
-, communications with Corner, 4, 35.
-, instructions to, 6, 22, 26, 41, 43, 50, 58, 65, 80, 92, 100, 110, 135.
-, letters to queen mother, 54, 79; letter of queen mother to, 86.
-, letters to Chateauneuf, 79, 105, 106, 114; letters of Chateauneuf to, 105, 106.
-, letter to Claudii, 99.
-, king's present to, 175.
-, sends articles of peace, 2; Wake tries to thwart peace operations, 14; speaks to Charles about peace, 17; Charles sees twice about peace, 20.
-, representations about Digby, 6, 8, 10, 11, 30; memorial against Digby, 45–48.
-, gives Charles news of Italy, 27; tells of imprisonment of imperial ambassador at Constantinople, 29.
-, offers of service to, 30, 31.
-, representations against Wake going ambassador to France, 35; urges prompt sending of ambassador, 53.
-, Charles sends for about treaty, 36, 37; efforts about ship Jonas, 52, 62, 63, 82, 83, 102, 103, 115, 116, 151.
-, Carlisle betrays ill humour to, 62; asks vote for letters and couriers, 68.
-, efforts to thwart Spanish negotiations, 69, 81; exchange of letters with Louis, 78.
-, audience of Charles at Greenwich, 81, 82; discusses affairs with Carleton, 83, 84, 96.
-, confers with Roe, 120; sees Chateauneuf, 124; Chateauneuf receives peace articles from, 130.
-, Roe sounded about helping Sweden, 132; introduces Soranzo to Charles, 136; present to, 154.
-, observing Chateauneuf, 138; takes leave of king, dubbed knight, 144; letter of Charles praising, 147.
-, agreement with Scott, 384–386.
-, Venetian ambassador in France, 508, 543.
-, despatches to Senate, 154, 166, 189, 196, 203, 214, 229, 277, 282, 318, 361, 412, 417, 418, 439, 443, 460, 465, 505, 512, 533, 536, 539, 542, 546, 547, 552, 553, 555, 556, 559, 599, 601, 610, 611.
-, instructions to, 384.
-, communications with Soranzo, 217, 222, 345, 418, 422, 478, 527, 537.
-, communications with Gussoni, 234, 402.
-, leaves for new post, 150; assurances to Wake, 506.
-, Venetian ambassador in the Netherlands:
-, despatches, 573, 577, 578, 581, 583, 587, 589, 594, 598, 600, 607, 608, 611, 613, 615, 619, 624, 631, 634, 635, 640, 646.
-, communication with Gussoni, 597, 618.
-, -, Anzolo, Venetian ambassador at Rome:
-, despatches to Senate, 57, 64, 99, 180, 253.
-, -, Lorenzo, Savio alla Mercanzia, 288, 308, 369, 377.
-, -, Nicolo, Doge of Venice:
-, election notified in England, 292, 293, 298; England does not answer letters, 339, 351.
-, Rowlandson to inform of birth of Prince Charles, 351; informed, 370; death, 548.
-, letters of Charles to, 370, 473.
-, reply to nuncio, 405.
-, reply to Rowlandson, 472.
-, -, Vicenzo:
-, Henrietta presents jewel to, 154; allowed to keep, 175.

Conti, Torquato:
-, defeated by Swedes, 444; successor of, 469.

Convertive. See ships, names of.

Conway, Conovel, Edward, Viscount, Secretary of State, Lord President of the Council:
-, Lady Wake niece of, 110.
-, Rubens frequently confers with, 117; commissioner to treat with Chateauneuf, 128n.
-, offer of son to serve Venice, 362, 377, 381, 383, 389, 391, 397, 398; remarks about Wake's mediation, 363, 364.
-, death, 478.

Conway, Colonel Sir Thomas, Conouel:
-, regiment of, for Sweden, 550.

Cooke. See Coke.

-, Sweden has supply to dispose of, 28, 94.

Corcai, Genoese merchants, 47.

Cordova, Gonzales de, Don Gonzales, Governor of Milan:
-, promises to evacuate Monferrat, military preparations, 6, 22; asks help from Naples, 26.
-, reported arrangement with French, 28; Cloisel going to, 40.
-, advice to Savoy, 61; desire for peace, 65; thinks of killing Duke of Mantua, 66.
-, Cloisel goes to, 108; ready to go, 109; measures for hurt of Italy, 110; Rohan sends to, 117.
-, has Mayenne seized, 124; urges imperialists to march, 148.
-, mixed feelings at leaving, 167; leaves Milan, 172; to confer with Spinola, 173.
-, Santa Cruz jealous of, 583; expected in Flanders, 591; mission in France, suspicions of, 599, 602–604.
-, fears of army entering Lower Palatinate, 608; hopes to do something in Palatinate, 621.
-, Infanta recalls, 625, 628; losses in opposing French, 633; means to fight Dutch, 635.

Corfu, Ionian island, 247.
-, despatches from, 521, 528.
-, Proveditore of. See Vendram in, Andrea.

corn, grain, 153.
-, for Villefranche, 15, 40; exportation from England forbidden, 63; sent from Genoa for Milan, 80; Venice sends to Lombardy, 111.
-, Spinola makes provision of, 175; Nevers asks France to prevent going to Genoa, 180.
-, Venice wants from England and Holland, 176, 197; English want to stop export to Spain, 221; Mazarin gets for Collalto, 256.
-, purchase for Venice in England, 202, 207; ships taking to Venice, 234.
-, Spanish lack of, 224; requisitioned by French for Piedmont, 300.
-, English export from Archipelago, 394, 532, 571, 573; Sultan forbids export, 573; export from Morea, 594.

Cornari, Giacomo:
-, goods in Jonas, 144.

Cornbury Park, near Oxford:
-, Danby's seat at, 76.

Corner, Cornaro, Cornelio, Giovanni, Doge of Venice:
-, replies to Rowlandson, 11, 33.
-, letters patent for Zon, 18.
-, letters of Charles to, 147, 201.
-, successor of, 292.
-, -, Francesco, Venetian ambassador in Savoy, 28, 74, 111, 185, 234.
-, despatches to Senate, 4, 12–14, 16, 25, 32, 34, 40, 49, 50, 58, 64, 65, 87, 108, 117, 133, 139, 145, 146, 154, 171, 172, 181, 182, 186, 194, 210, 256, 257, 266, 282, 299, 334, 340.
-, instructions to, 6, 13, 33.
-, communication with Contarini, 61.
-, complains to Wake about Digby, 14; Cloisel visits, 25; Wake does not return visit, 118; conversation with Wake, 210; protests Savoy acting against sense of Venice, 320; Wake tells of projected mediation, 341, 342, 363.
-, Venetian ambassador in Spain:
-, despatches, 566, 569, 598, 621.

-, fines for those who did not attend, 298.

Correggio [Prov. Reggio, Italy]:
-, Germans billeted at, 261.

corsairs. See pirates.

Corvari, Jacomo, a Genoese:
-, goods on Jonas, 193.

Coryton, William, member of parliament for Cornwall:
-, submits and released, 205.

Cossacks, 44.
-, sanguinary contest with Poles, 399.

cottimo, 133, 138.
-, Wyche to exact, 462.
-, See also Consulage.

Cottington, Sir Francis, 171, 175, 207, 227, 232, 239, 241, 275, 287, 332, 417.
-, commissioner to treat with Rubens, 93; a dependant of Spain, 123; may go to Spain, 128, 136, 137; mission to Spain decided, 145, 148, 149.
-, Weston promises to send to Chateauneuf, 143; mission arranged between Coloma and Weston, 150.
-, stayed, 156, 177, 191, 200, 212; Venice wants stopped, 161, 162, 176, 195, 215; Charles states object of mission, 163.
-, will arrange everything with Olivares, 169; Weston's assurances about, 170.
-, Spaniards less sure of coming, 181; Chateauneuf's attitude to mission, 184.
-, about to depart, 185; Dutch success may change commissions, 188.
-, testimony for Digby, 193; departure at hand, 206; Soranzo tries to have stayed, 218–221.
-, takes leave of king, 222; Joachim's opinion about mission, 223; starts, 226.
-, arrival at Lisbon, 235, 258; reports of coming die away, 244; honours to, in Galicia, 248.
-, letters sent to stop, 250; various opinions about at Madrid, 253; on way through Castile, 254.
-, arrives at Madrid, 267; Olivares fetes, 273, 285; complains of not meeting Scaglia, 274.
-, goods exempted from duty, 276; public audience, great honours, 278, 311, 318.
-, Coloma's mission a response to, 279; England without news from, 284, 291; Coloma's negotiations depend on report from, 289.
-, Carlisle expects to complete work of, 292; Charles says has not begun to treat, 294.
-, honours to, published in England, 296; news from not good, 301; asks for greater powers, 303.
-, wants to come home, 305, 306, 311, 317; sends secretary to England, 307.
-, report of negotiations, 311; instructions for prepared at Hague, 313; Soranzo working for recall. 314.
-, demand for reprisals upon goods brought by, 313; recall expected, 321, 324, 328.
-, affairs in confusion, policy of, 326; Charles much moved by advices, 327.
-, result of negotiations uncertain, 330; proposals, 336; further report expected from, 339, 343.
-, menaces Spaniards, 340, 345, 354, 355; ill treatment should rouse England, 341.
-, sends Hopton back, 345, 351; informed of birth of prince, 349; co-operation with Olivares. 364.
-, dissatisfied though wants the peace, 370, 382; misleading statements by, 374.
-, tells Mocenigo of Scaglia's intrigues, 375; urges Mocenigo to see Olivares, 376, 383.
-, Mocenigo to cultivate, 395, 407; negotiations advanced, 400; difficulties, 439.
-, fosters friendship between Cardinal Infant and King Charles, 405; awaiting issue at Ratisbon, 413; reports offer of Pernambuco, 416.
-, threat to recall, 432, 441; tells Mocenigo of negotiations, 440.
-, sends frequent couriers, 442; ships sent for, 443, 456; signed peace with reservation, 448.
-, at ceremony of swearing to peace, 451; taking leave, 454, 458.
-, arranges for remitting money to Flanders, 458; profits from voyage, 459, 481, 491.
-, Mocenigo commended for answer to, 460; favours to, 461, 471, 478; expected back, 465, 480.
-, rosy account sent by, 468; leaves for Seville, 471; extraordinary favours in Spain, 482, 485.
-, back and report, 490, 491; intrigue to make Secretary of State, 510.
-, courier from, at Madrid, 512; reports Cardinal Infant going to Brussels, 522.
-, had precedence of Card. Zappata. 530, 531; at banquet to Scaglia, 549.
-, brought Vane's commissions from Spain, 550.
-, secretary of. See Hopton, Arthur.

Cotton, Sir Robert:
-, arrest of, 233, 241n.

Council, the Privy, 128, 160, 204, 350, 618, 619, 622, 636.
-, frequent meetings, 8, 9; Contarini referred to about Digby, 30; Danby member of, 36; Edmondes member of, 76, 77.
-, merchants called before, about bringing woollen goods, 67, 68n; and about duties, 75.
-, to speak with Digby, 83; regulates Irish militia. 95; to treat with Rubens, 145.
-, overawed about despatch of Cottington, 148; Soranzo points out reason of Chateauneuf's reticence to, 149.
-, Chateauneuf intimates to that Wake not acceptable to France, 150; judgment about Jonas consigned to, 152.
-, Chateauneuf might force to abandon dealings with Spain, 161; Dutch demands for help referred to, 170; Joachim suggests way of raising money to, 184.
-, care about exporting grain, 202, 208; merchants apply to for relief from French privateering, 206.
-, meeting about Golden Cock affair, 243; misgivings at delay of Coloma coming, 250.
-, decision about Canada, 252; Carlisle denounces French influence in, 264.
-, Chateauneuf wants to decide naval questions, 265; decree about currant trade in, 268.
-, send to meet Coloma, 269; Soranzo approaches about troops disbanded in Holland, 273.
-, Charles speaks about admiral claimants in, 277; would not venture to suggest armistice to Charles, 279.
-, assurances to Joachim, 280; treaty about Canada submitted to, 284.
-, passport of Coloma exhibited in, 290; do not wish to be involved in question of relations of Richelieu and Wake, 292.
-, Chateauneuf meets about naval affairs, 295, 321, 325; willing to be deceived by Spaniards, 296.
-, decision to renew edicts against Catholics, 304, 305, 315; Henrietta refuses to see, because of, 309.
-, Coloma presents paper to, about peace, 328; attend thanks giving for birth of prince, 349.
-, Harvey means to appeal to against Venetian treatment, 357; rudeness to Soranzo, 367.
-, attitude about Venetian levy, 389; inclined to come to terms with Spain, 410.
-, Coloma has private audience of, 420, 421; strong feeling about affairs in Italy, 422.
-, king consults about Spanish peace, 432; at banquet given to Coloma by Weston, 452.
-, Coloma gets to deal with sequestrated cargo, 467; Soranzo fails to obtain audience of, about obtaining supplies for ships, 469, 476, 477; petition of Soranzo to, 470.
-, send notary to apologise to Soranzo, 479.
-, sumptuous entertainment of Coloma, 480.
-, Fontenay's negotiations with, 481, 486, 499, 507.
-, demand restitution of Dutch ship taken in Thames by Dunkirker, 491.
-, party in hostile to close relations with Dutch, 496.
-, Charles declares innocence of Hamilton in, 527.
-, reprove messenger from queen mother, 554; help for Sweden may be discussed in, 558.
-, Charles discusses contributions for Sweden with, 573; fruitless shifts of, 580.
-, considering position in Germany, 588; Soranzo taking leave of members, 590.
-, some members recognise harm done by Capuchin, 592; Dorset stands high in, 606.
-, impressed by understanding between Bavaria and Saxony, 595; receive papers upon recognition of neutrality by Gustavus, 600.
-, dislike neutrality of Catholic league, 602; Fontenay makes special communication to about Cordova, 603, 604.
-, statement upon support for Sweden, 605; believe Bavaria deluding France, 606.
-, reports reach about Lorraine, 609; discussing question of fisheries, 612.
-, Fontenay tells of accommodation with Lorraine, 635; Augier's report discussed in, 643; advices in, about Valencay, 645.
-, clerk to. See Dickinson, John.
-, Lord President of the. See Conway, Edward.
-, secretary of the. See Becher, Sir William.

count duke. See Guzman, Gaspar de, Count of Olivares.

couriers, 5, 16–18, 20–23, 33, 37, 38, 56–58, 62, 69, 88, 145, 146, 159, 163, 166, 181, 207, 213, 214, 230, 234, 235, 240, 242, 250, 253, 255, 262, 274, 275, 277, 293, 306, 307, 310, 311, 314, 316–318, 323, 326, 329, 332, 335, 337, 339, 345, 348, 352, 353, 358, 360, 361, 363, 364, 366, 369, 382, 393, 399, 400, 404, 416, 420, 426, 427, 436, 439–442, 445, 446, 468, 472, 492, 500, 512, 516, 538, 554, 566, 571, 573, 574, 579, 590, 598, 599, 602, 605, 608, 611, 612, 615, 619, 622, 628, 632, 644, 646.
-, robbed, 51, 186, 197, 242.
-, money for, 68, 93, 254, 355, 414, 487, 526, 546.
-, universal delay of, 593.
-, See also Chretien, Claude; Marc Antonio; Marconi, Flaminio; Strozza.

Coventry, Thomas, Lord, Lord Keeper:
-, acting Lord Chancellor, 243; discourtesy to Soranzo, 367.

Covisson. See Calvisson.

Craisnac. See Kreuznach.

cramoisy, 145.

Cravario, Jacomo:
-, goods on Jonas, 166.

Craven, Sir William, Lord Craven, Crovel:
-, proposed levy for Sweden, 565; levy stayed, returns to continent, 568, 570.
-, wounded at taking of Kreuznach, 601.

Cremona [Prov. Cremona, Italy], 274.
-, guns moved at, 175; troops for, 182; Collalto expected at, 195; defensive measures at, 211.

Crequy. See Blanchefort de Crequy.

Crescentino, Crescentini [Prov. Novara, Italy]:
-, given as security to Spaniards, 321.

Crete, Candia, island:
-, decline of trade, 25; English ships at, 182; wine of, 268; currant tax destined for, 563.
-, Proveditore of. See Molin, Francesco.

Crichi. See Blanchefort de Crequy.

Crier, Colonel:
-, takes English adventurers to siege of Bois le Duc, 110.


cavalry ravage Holland, 167; slain by Gustavus Adolphus, 457.

Croce, La [Prov. Verona, Italy]:
-, Germans repulsed from, 215.

Crossen. See Krossen.

Crovel. See Craven.

crown lands:
-, inroads on by alienation, 302.

Crustin. See Kustrin.

Cuch. See Coke.

Cueva, Alonso della, Marquis of Bedmar, Cardinal, Cardinal della Queva:
-, mocks at talk of peace, 87; directed Scaglia's negotiations, 98; fears people, 201.

Cugnet, M. de:
-, Queen Henrietta sends to mother, 21.

Culembourg, Colemburgh, Florent, Count of, President of the Dutch Assembly:
-, expresses regret at fall of Mantua, 401; considers time not favourable for embassy to England, 514.

Cur, Baron di, Aulic councillor:
-, Philip wants sent about Palatinate, 274.

Curlatone, Curlaton [Prov. Mantova, Italy]:
-, Duke of Mantua recovers, 261.

-, English trade in at Cephalonia, 48, 60, 63, 322, 461; Dennis has leave to trade at Zante, 174, 196; cargo brought to England, 228.
-, English refuse to buy at Zante at enhanced rate, 237, 261; difficulty of selling at Cephalonia, 256.
-, Venetians allowed to carry to England, 268; English trade in, at Zante, 288, 308, 322, 323, 346.
-, price of, 323, 377, 611.
-, report of Savii on trade, 376, 377; decree about taking cargoes to Venice renewed, 501.
-, Cephalonia trade damages Zante, 563; price cut down at Cephalonia, 593; advantage of fixing price, 594.
-, duty on, 610, 611.

Cussaii, Thomas, lieutenant-colonel of Morgan:
-, ready to serve Venice, 245, 249, 257.

Cussein Effendi, 86.

customs, duties:
-, merchants unwilling to pay, 7, 19, 29, 44, 45.
-, great falling off in returns, 8; all energies concentrated upon, 56.
-, matter being adjusted, 75; members of parliament imprisoned because of, 139.
-, small proportion levied, 178; pledges of Charles about, 205.
-, scanty returns from, 290.

Cyprus, island:
-, Dennis trades to, 174, 196; Maplesden trades to, 346.