Index: B

Pages 659-664

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Baca, Pietro di, merchant, 245.

Bacharach, Bacarac in the Palatinate [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire]:
-, Gustavus takes, 574.

Bacovi. See Ragotzky.

Baden [duchy of Baden, German Empire]:
-, despatches dated at, 488, 497, 543, 576.

Bagni, M. di, papal nuncio in France:
-, Weston urges against peace, 40; says pope cannot refuse offices for queen mother, 536; questions Wake's advices, 594.

Bagozzi. See Ragotzky.

Bagshot, co. Surrey:
-, Charles at, 398n.
-, letter dated at, 400.

Bailo. See Ambassadors, Venetian, to Porte.

Baldi, Domenico, merchant, 244.

Balfour, Belfurt, Balfurt, Sir William:
-, sent to queen mother, 549, 554, 576.

Balsamo, Zuane, 194.

Balthasar, Prince of Spain:
-, birth of, announced to Henrietta, 291.

Baltic Sea, 140.
-, importance to Sweden and Denmark, 10, 63, 67; arrangement between Sweden and Denmark for defence, 43.
-, importance to North of Europe, 22.
-, importance to imperialists, 67; Austrian designs on, 69; emperor resigns hold on, 105.
-, talk of arrangement for, 74; danger of allowing Austrians footing in, 111.
-, probability of league for, 85, 113; not mentioned in peace with emperor, 119.
-, English money better spent on, 120; Sweden can make diversion for, 132.
-, Dutch object to Swedish dues in, 382.

Bamberg [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, Gustavus captures, 561; Tilly's success over Swedes at, 606, 608.

banco del giro, 372.

Bar,—de, Sieur de Baugy, Boisi, Bosi, French ambassador in the Netherlands, 460, 618.
-, has no news of Anglo-French peace, 58; suggests alliance for relief of Germany, 122.
-, omits to call on Roe, 130; to hinder progress of truce, 229; expects orders about renewal of alliance, 352.
-, asked to celebrate birth of Prince Charles, 353; sent to prevent negotiations with Spain, 466.

Barach. See Barker.

-, French capture English ships off, 193, 325.
-, See also Algiers.

Barberino, Francesco, cardinal legate:
-, Collalto meets at Bologna, 261; retires to Bologna, 319; returns to Rome, 327.
-, leaves Pinerolo, 340.
-, -, Don Tadeo, prefect of Rome:
-, pretensions of, 554, 556.

Barcelona [Prov. Catalonia, Spain]:
-, Philip goes with sister to, 23; Feria sent to, 66.

Barker, Barach, John, captain of the Golden Cock, 231.
-, captures saetia from Turks, 188, 198, 213, 233.
-, arrives in England, 228; claims goods as lawful plunder, 234; judgment in Council on case, 243, 504.
-, Wyche asserts right to booty, 535.

Baroccio, Barozzi, Pietro Lorenzo, Savoyard secretary in England, 19, 157.
-, reported sharp reply of Charles to, 16; denies that Louis marching against Huguenots, 9; peace with France announced to, 45.
-, statements about Savoy, 51, 55; lingers in England, 99; Cisa may replace, 114.
-, fears Chateauneuf may interfere with Cottington's mission, 150; assisting Rubens, 156.
-, ordered to return, 179; takes leave, present, 185; departs, 191.
-, takes instructions to Scaglia, 210.

-, to move on Savoy, 278.

Barrault, Count of. See Jaubert, Aimeri.

Barrel, Gilbert:
-, arraigned in Star Chamber, 241.

Bartolotti. See Bertolotti.

Basadonna, Antonio, Savio alla Mercanzia, 369, 377.
-, -, Lorenzo, Savio alla Mercanzia, 308.

Basel, Switzerland:
-, Fleming meets Candale at, 234.

Basford, John:
-, arrives at Turin, 181.

Bassano [Prov. Vicenza, Italy]:
-, Lady Wake to travel by, 11.

Bassompierre, Francis, Sieur de, Marshal of France:
-, going to Switzerland, 125, 250, 283; declines Swiss appointment, 215.
-, Fleming unwilling to meet, 286; urges Swiss to recover Grisons passes, 300.
-, demands of Swiss, 306; raising levy of Swiss, 313, 323; Fleming thwarts, 343, 352.
-, moves on Savoy, 327, 329; reinforcements for, 335; crossing Rhone, 342.

Basta, Captain Giulio:
-, company of Albanians under, 521.

Bath, co. Somerset:
-, member of parliament for. See Long, Walter.

Bathe, Sir John:
-, offer to serve Venice, 30, 31.

Baugy, Sieur de. See Bar.

Bautru, Botru, Guillaume de, Count of Serrant, French ambassador to Spain:
-, negotiations with broken off, 26.

Bavaria [German Empire], 642.
-, Chancellor of. See Donnersberg.
-, Duke of. See Maximilian.
-, invasion by Gustavus, 611, 612, 615, 622, 625.

Bazan, Alonso de, Marquis of Santa Cruz, Santa Croce, Spanish admiral:
-, ordered to Mediterranean, 66; takes part in conference, 183; writes to Coloma, 444.
-, fears Cordova may dispute his command in Palatinate, 583; difficulty of reinforcing Luxemburg, 590; claims victory over Palatine's troops, 597; quarrel with John of Nassau, 633.

Bazet, Bishop of. See Berthault.

Beaulieu, co. Hants:
-, king's progress to, 621n.

Becher, Bichier, Sir William, secretary of the Council:
-, may succeed Wake as ambassador in France, 627.

Bedford, Earl of. See Russel, Francis.

Bedmar, Marquis of. See Cueva, Alonso della.

Beek, Abraham, merchant, 424.

Beghez. See Bregenz.

Bein. See Bingen.

Belfurt. See Balfour.

Bembo, Giacomo, Proveditore of Zante:
-, despatches, 194, 216, 237, 238, 322.

Benavides. See Beneventi de Benavides.

Bence, Squire, Sequiribens, captain of the Friendship, 61.

Bench, Court of King's:
-, claims right of judging members of parliament, 297.
-, -, -, Chief Justice of. See Hyde, Sir Nicholas.

Bendech. See Bundock.

Benediction. See ships, names of.

Beneventi de Benavides, Benavides, Don Christophoro, Spanish ambassador at Venice:
-, appointed ambassador to England, 501, 515; instructions to Soranzo about, 540.
-, Donna Anna, mother of, 501.

Benzio, Bentio, Bernardo, merchant:
-, goods on Jonas, 47, 144, 145, 164, 165.
-, goods in saetia, 243; letters of exchange on, 372; relations with Ricaut, 424.

Berg, Bergh, Count Henry van den:
-, attempts diversion for Bois le Duc, 138, 139; kept all provisions at Wesel, 171; reported disaffection, 633, 636.

Bergen op Zoom, Bergonzon [Prov. N. Brabant, Netherlands]:
-, victory of Dutch over Spaniards near, 543.

Berlina. See Bernina.

Berne, Switzerland:
-, Fleming goes to, 234, 236, 255.

Berne, Mlle. de:
-, sent to assist accouchement of Princess of Piedmont, 65.

Bernina, Berlina [Grisons, Switzerland], 88.

Berthault, Pierre, Bishop of Bazet:
-, pope changes mind about sending to England, 450.

Bertie, Robert, Earl of Lindsey, Lorisi, Lord High Chamberlain:
-, Garter conferred on, 331.

Bertolotti, Bartolotti, Guglielmo, merchant, 409, 414, 419, 420, 423, 429, 435.

Berulle, Berul, Cardinal Pierre:
-, Spaniards propose alliance against England to, 15, 26; Contarini fears bad advice by, 102; consultation on peace arrangements, 104; death reported, 213.

Bervevert, Berververt. See Beverweert.

Bet, Abraham, merchant:
-, letters of exchange on, 372.

Bethune, Margaret de, duchess of Rohan:
-, wants Venetian offices to include Huguenots in peace, 89, 90, 108; paper to Senate, 101, 102.
-, -, Philip de, French ambassador at Rome:
-, remarks about English peace, 57, 64; astonished at Charles wanting to suppress parliament, 64.
-, says easier for Charles to have peace with France than with Spain, 99.
-, remarks on Anglo-French negotiations, 180.

Beverweert, Beveruert, Berververt, Bervevert, M. de:
-, proposed engagement by Venice, 249, 327, 333.

bible, 448.

Bicant. See Rycaut.

Bicaret, Piero, merchant:
-, letters of exchange on, 372.

Bichier. See Becher.

Bingen, Bein [Hesse Darmstat]:
-, Gustavus takes, 574.

Biscara, gentleman of the queen mother:
-, arrival in England, 576; confidential negotiations with Scaglia, 580.
-, about to leave with definite answer, 581; queen and Holland assist, 585.
-, tries to get ships for Monsieur, 596.

Biscay. See Vizcaya.

Black Eagle. See ships, names of.

Blanchefort de Crequy, Charles de, Prince of Poix, Crichi, Marshal of France, 117.
-, left at Susa, 59; to obtain clear statement from Savoy, 111.
-, fears Savoy mediating peace between Spain and England, 145; confers with Wake about Swiss, 146.
-, Wake speaks to about restitution of Susa, 155, 186; need to succour, 192; to be reinforced, 203.
-, collecting regiments at Susa, 211; money sent to, 215; receives powers to negotiate peace, 230.
-, reinforcements sent to, 246; ill provided, 255; Savoy wants to sign armistice, 279.
-, Wake praises, 282; sent to Turin, 299; at Milleflore, 320.
-, mission to Rome, 642; may be useful to pope, 643.

Blount, Mountjoy, Earl of Newport:
-, meets and escorts Coloma, 263.

Bober, Boter, River [Silesia], 507.

Boccalini, Abbot, 102.
-, Zen reports conversation with, 89, 90; wants duchess of Rohan to give Senate views on Anglo-French peace, 101; hands in letter of Rohan, 108.

Bocking, co. Essex:
-, petition of unemployed weavers of, 45n.

Boetzelaer, Angarach, Gideon van, lord of Langerach, Dutch ambassador in France:
-, sends word of passage of Rubens, 71; asks for French levies, 126.
-, informs Joachim of league between emperor, Spain and France, 163.
-, sent for about providing money for Dutch, 186; Richelieu's favours to, 412.

-, Swinton served in, 333; action of James over, 520; question of Gustavus moving on, 555.
-, defeat of Thiefembach in, 574; proposal to give to Gustavus, 575, 582.
-, Austrians said to have recovered, 632, 636.
-, King of. See Ferdinand, son of the emperor Ferdinand; Frederick V, Elector Palatine.
-, Queen of. See Elizabeth, Princess Palatine.

Bois le Duc, Hertogenbosch, Bolduc, Bolduch, Borleduc, Borleduch [Prov. North Brabant, Netherlands]:
-, Rosencranz goes to see army under, 74; siege of, 80, 120, 121, 126, 141, 150, 156, 339.
-, expected fall, 85, 188, 191.
-, Orange wants to storm, 109; English adventurers take part in siege, 110.
-, Guernsey troops volunteer for, 114; negotiations depend on result of siege, 128, 187.
-, Dutch success at, 138; West India troops taken for siege, 154; troops levied for siege, 162.
-, capture of Wesel will involve fall, 171; Dutch will not listen to Vane before fall, 172.
-, peril of, 178; Vane's mission superfluous if taken, 179; Spaniards last hope of, 181.
-, fall of, 194, 200, 544; Dutch get wheat from England for army besieging, 202.
-, service of English at, 257; Hay served at siege, 327; Orange entrenched about, 636.
-, despatches dated at, 203, 214.

Boisi. See Bar,—de, Sieur de Baugy.

Bolduc, Bolduch. See Bois le Duc.

Bologna [Prov. Bologna, Italy], 319.
-, Collalto withdraws to, 261.

Bolzetta, the, 22.

Bommel [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, despatch dated at, 214.

Bonaventure. See ships, names of.

Bondumier, Bondimier, Zuane, Proveditore of Zante:
-, despatches from, 563, 610.

Boneri. See ships, names of.

Bonin, Gio. Ant., merchant, 244.

Bonn, Bon [Rhenish Provinces, German Empire]:
-, news from, 469.

Bonne, Francis de, de Crequy, Count of Sault, Count of So, son of Crequy:
-, at Turin, 145; detained a prisoner, 308.

-, goes to see Richelieu, 254.

-, among Buckingham's papers, showing way to absolute government, 241.
-, by Jesuit about hierarchy, 465; condemned by Sorbonne, 466.
-, See also bible.

Borgo, Esau del, Florentine merchant, 504.

Borleduc, Borleduch. See Bois le Duc.

Bosi. See Bar,—de, Sieur de Baugy.

Bosnia, Pasha of:
-, imperialists do not succeed with, 302.

Boswell, Bosuel, William:
-, chosen to succeed Carleton at Hague, 583, 586; calls on Gussoni, 646.

Boter. See Bober.

Botilier, Botiglier. See Bouthillier.

Botru. See Bautru.

Bottillier. See Bouthillier.

Bouillon, Duke of. See Tour, Frederick Maurice de la.

Bourbon, Louis de, Count of Soissons:
-, to command force in Picardy, 645.

Bourbon, Condé, Henry de, Prince of Condé:
-, besieged St. Affrique, 91.

Bourg la Reine, near Paris, France:
-, Cordova arrives at, 599.

Bouthillier, Bottillier, Botilier, Botiglier, Leon, Count of Chavigny, French Secretary of State, 78, 86, 346, 352, 441.
-, advises Fontenay of Savoy's breach with France, 316, 320.
-, notification of peace sent to, 460; writes of Mantua, 554; sends word of cession of Pinerolo, 560; reports king's return to Paris, 596; letters about Scaglia's passport, 597.
-, signs agreement with England, 601n.
-, instructions of Fontenay about audiences of king, 609.
-, son of, in England, 336.

Bozzolo, Prince of. See Gonzaga, Scipio.

Brabant, 633.
-, troops of, 88.
-, disasters to Spaniards in, 201.
-, voyage of Cardinal Infant to, 531; feared Dutch attack on, 622.
-, discontent and fear in, 629; French help Dutch in, 638.

Bragagia, Bragasa. See Bregaglia.

Braintree, co. Essex:
-, petition of unemployed weavers of, 45n.

-, troops of, 88.
-, ambassador of, at Elbing and Danzig, 132.
-, Margrave of. See George, William.

Branduich, representative of Guelderland in Dutch Assembly:
-, conversation with Gussoni, 123.

Braser. See Brassert.

Brassac [Tarn, France]:
-, Huguenot fortress, 91.

Brassach, Baron of. See Gallard.

Brassert, Braser, Brasser, Govert, Syndic of Delft:
-, to go to England with title of deputy, 578; commissions correspond with Vosberghen's, 598.
-, arrives, set out to see king, 599; returns, business postponed to Weston's return, 604.
-, calls on Gussoni, means to ask for help, 607; says Dutch would not stand restriction of fisheries, 612.
-, not negotiating about truces, 613; hopes for rupture between France and Spain, 622.
-, informs Charles of Dutch successes, 629, 641; attaches importance to Maastricht, 633; hopeful of fall, 646.
-, Fontenay tells of agreement with Lorraine, 635; efforts to propitiate Charles, 639; asks leave to levy troops, 645.

Brazil, S. America:
-, sugar from, 274, 313.

Breda [Prov. N. Brabant, Netherlands]:
-, Dutch army halts near, 530.

Bregaglia, Bragagia, Bragasa [Grisons, Switzerland]:
-, imperialists occupy, 88.

Bregenz, Beghez, Vorarlberg:
-, German troops at, 175.

Bremen [German Empire]:
-, Denmark renounces claims to bishopric of, 119.

Brescia [Prov. Brescia, Italy]:
-, plague among Venetian levies at, 532.

Brese. See Maille, Urban de, Marquis of Brézé.

Bresse, Bressa, France:
-, French advance on, 195, 203, 211, 215, 240; French troops collecting in, 255.

Bressani, Francesco, merchant, 244.

Bresul. See Bussoleno.

Breze, Marquis of. See Maille.

Briancon, Louis de, Sieur and Baron de la Saludie, M. della Saludie, French ambassador at Venice, 159.
-, arranging alliance, 6; informs of peace with Huguenots, 134.
-, enters Ehrenbreitstein, 633.

Brianza, Monte di [Prov. Como, Italy]:
-, troops enter Milanese by, 175.

Brielle, Brill [Prov. South Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Vane sails from, 80.

Bristol, co. Gloucester:
-, news from, 306.

Britanny, France:
-, English prisoners in, 105; preparations for invasion in, 263.

Bruges [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, supposed Dutch designs on, 511, 523.

Brulart, Charles, de Leon, M. de Leon, Leone:
-, representations to Swiss, 255.
-, French ambassador to diet at Ratisbon:
-, peace arranged by, 441; reports views of Bavaria, 547.

Brunswick, Duchy of [German Empire]:
-, Landgrave of Hesse marches on, 561.

Brussels, 16, 41, 87, 113, 148, 161, 235, 242, 250, 258, 316, 337, 468, 575, 590, 592, 600, 602.
-, news from, 256, 428, 444, 452, 538, 565, 603, 606, 617, 620–622, 634, 636, 643.
-, Villa returns by, 73; intrigues with origin at, 74; Edmondes ambassador at, 76–78.
-, Anglo-Spanish negotiations may be transferred to, 301; fall of Mantua announced at, 393.
-, Neuburg going to, 405; talk of Vane going to, 455, 459.
-, Cardinal Infant going to, 522; origin of plot against Hamilton, 527; Vane may be sent to, 529.
-, queen mother at, 540, 640; reception of Monsieur at, 589, 596; Scaglia going to, 603, 613; Scaglia's stay at, 621.
-, M. de Fossez at, 628; Antwerpers send delegates to, 630; Infanta decides not to leave, 633.
-, new oath of fealty taken at, 636; Valencay sent to Spain from, 637; Valencay returns to, 638, 645.

Buckingham, Duke of. See Villiers, George.

-, Pasha of:
-, causes imperialists anxiety, 283; sends Chiaus to Vienna, 286; complaints and demands, 300.
-, imperialists unsuccessful with, 302.

Budos, Antony Hercules de, Marquis of Portes, Marquis of Porter:
-, to attack Privas, 12.

Budweis, Buduiz [Bohemia]:
-, Thieffembach goes to succour, 574.

Bulione. See Tour, Frederick Maurice de la, Duke of Bouillon.

Bulkeley, Lancelot, Archbishop of Dublin:
-, reported killed in riot, 281; not confirmed, 285.

Bullion, Claude:
-, signs agreement with England, 601n.

Bundock, Bendech, William, captain of the John Bonaventura, 61.

Buren, Bures [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, Princess of Orange at, 100.

Burgislaus XIV, Duke of Pomerania:
-, Denmark abandons, 119.

Burgundy, France:
-, troops marching from, 26; Gaston scours, 632.

Burlamachi, Filippo, merchant:
-, going to Netherlands about crown jewels, 157.
-, charged to pay English troops in Holland, 162; does not go, 179; goes, 201.
-, arranges affair of Crown jewels, 248, 262; Dunkirkers lie in wait for, 259.
-, Soranzo makes representative for Golden Cock case, 266.
-, proposed mission to France, 478; arranges for Spanish remittances to Flanders, 481.
-, to go to France for dowry, 510, 515, 522, 528; Wake urges mission, 534; arrives in France, 537.
-, blames Chateauneuf for sale of English goods, 551; dowry withheld from, 568.
-, asked to make provision for Germany, 578; efforts to raise money through, for Charles, 588.
-, report about Cordova's negotiations, 599; question of dowry settled to satisfaction of, 601.
-, writes of difficulty of getting dowry money, 620; to assist de Vic, 627.
-, contribution to Sweden depends upon, 630, 636, 640; returns, goes to see Weston and king, 638.

Businello, Marc Antonio, Venetian Secretary at Mantua:
-, despatches, 48, 79, 158, 369.

Bussoleno, Bresul [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, Prince Vittorio confers with Richelieu at, 302.