Index: A

Pages 651-659

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Abbas, Shah of Persia, 122.
-, death, negotiations about silk trade with Venice, 14.

Abigail. See ships, names of.

Acqui [Prov. Alessandria, Italy]:
-, Spaniards push towards, 211.

Admiral, Lord High, of England:
-, competition for post of, 263, 264, 271, 277.
-, See Howard, Charles.

-, Dutch:
-, See Quast.
-, English:
-, See Pennington.
-, Spanish:
-, See Bazan, Alonso de, Marquis of Santa Cruz; Toledo, Federico de.

Admiralty, 611.
-, privateers contribute tenth of booty to, 138.
-, Commissioners of the, 522n; appeal to, 153; require census of ships from merchants, 521.
-, Lords of the:
-, Digby's case referred to, 10, 30, 32, 33; Contarini presents memorial to, 45; Chateauneuf asks to meet, 206, 207.
-, Court, 265.
-, effort to satisfy Venice about Jonas, 83; deals with sequestrated cargoes, 467.
-, Coke deals with affairs of, 476; decision about Golden Cock, 480, 494.
-, decides case of Golden Cock, 501, 504, 536, 552.
-, decides suit between Dutch captain and Spanish merchants, 541, 551.
-, Judge of, 47, 228, 243.
-, See also Marten, Sir Henry.

Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Mecklenburg:
-, Denmark abandons, 119.

Adriatic, the Gulf:
-, English and Flemish ships plying outside for trade, 466.

Adventure. See ships, names of.

Agents. See ambassadors.

Agostini, Agustini, Girolamo, secretary to Alvise Contarini, 53.
-, present to, 154; allowed to keep, 175.

Agucchia,—, archbishop of Amasia, papal nuncio at Venice, 292.
-, complains of preaching of heretics, 405; office of Avaux in name of, 571.

Aigues Mortes [Gard, France]:
-, fortified by Rohan, 92.

Aitona. See Aytona.

Alais, Alez [Gard, France], 91.

-, serving Venice, 246, 521.

Albert, Archduke of Austria, 520.

Albinghen. See Elbing.

Aldringer, Aldrigher, Aldingher, Landrigher, L'Aldringher, Colonel, 239.
-, troops for Milanese, 26, 87; receives Prince of Bozzolo, 226; at siege of Mantua, 230.
-, captures Goito, 238; Tilly unites with, 561.

Alduino, Mantoano, a Frenchman, 193.

Alegnaes, Constantinople Jew, 498.

Aleppo, Syria:
-, news from, 247.
-, Levant co. pays consuls at, 7.
-, outbreak of Venetians against English at, 86, 87.
-, Venetian interests at commended to Vizier, 107.
-, English consul imprisoned at, 215; released for bribe, 229; new consul sent to, 332.
-, English ship seized at, 480; trade with, 571.
-, Cadi of, 134.
-, consul:
-, English at. See Potton, Thomas; Wainsford, John.
-, Venetian. See Gritti, Piero; Salamon, Bernardo (vice).
-, despatch dated at, 475.

Alessandria [Prov. Alessandria, Italy], 173.
-, Cordova returns to, 22; Spinola and Savoy to meet near, 172; Spinola goes to, 286.
-, Collalto and Spinola meet at, 288.

Alexandretta, Scanderoon, 87.
-, Digby's fight with Venetians at, 30, 71, 107, 164.
-, English ship at, 86.
-, dispute between Potton and Salamon at, 157.

Alexandria, Egypt:
-, Venetians hire English ship for, 133; English ship to escort Venetian consul to, 369.
-, English buy silk at, 474.
-, Venetian consul at. See Donato, Giovanni.

Alez. See Alais.

Algiers, N. Africa:
-, pirates of, ravages in the Ocean, 482.

Alicante [Prov. Valencia, Spain]:
-, ship laded at, 5, 165.

Alix, Alessandro d' alias Francesco della Rota, a Capuchin:
-, going to England about Palatinate, 559, 577; sent to discredit Anstruther, 567, 578; insinuations listened to, 592.

Alkmaar [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, despatch dated at, 375.

Almeida, Almegda, Portugal, 166.

Alps, 77.
-, Louis recrosses, 9, 51.

Alsace, 26, 583.
-, troops in, 182.
-, troops from, for Italy, 274, 286.

Altariva. See Hauterive.

Alva, Duke of. See Toledo, Antonio Alvares de.

Amasia [Asia Minor], Bishop of. See Agucchia.

-, gifts to, 154, 157, 175, 185, 199, 302, 325, 471, 478, 485, 507, 511, 598, 611, 625.
-, questions of etiquette, 192, 199.
-, edict against Catholics using chapels of, 304, 305, 308, 309.
-, to follow the Court, 312.

Ambassadors, agents, bailo, commissioners, consuls, deputy, envoys, papal legates, papal nuncios, residents, secretaries:
-, Danish, in England. See Rosencranz, Pallas; agent, 224, 277.
-, Danish, in France. See Zobel.
-, Danish, in the Netherlands. See Gunther, Frederick (secretary); Scultetus (agent).
-, Dutch, in England. See Brassert, Govert (deputy); Joachim, Albert; Pauw, Adrian (extraordinary); Randuich (extraordinary).
-, Dutch, in France. See Boetzelaer, Gideon van, lord of Langerach; Vosberghen, Gaspar (extraordinary).
-, Dutch, at Porte. See Haagen, Cornelius van.
-, Dutch, at Venice. See Lier, William van, Sieur d'Oosterwijk.
-, English, at Aleppo (consul). See Potton, Thomas; Wainsford, John.
-, English, to Denmark. See Sidney, Robert, Earl of Leicester.
-, English, to emperor. See Anstruther, Sir Robert (extraordinary).
-, English, in Flanders. See Gerbier, Balthasar (agent).
-, English, to Florence. See Weston, Jerome (extraordinary).
-, English, to France. See Augier, Réné (agent); Becher, Sir William; Burlamachi, Filippo (envoy); Edmondes, Sir Thomas (extraordinary); Montagu, Walter (envoy); Vic, Henry de (secretary); Wake, Sir Isaac; Weston, Jerome (extraordinary).
-, English, at Hamburg. See Anstruther, Sir Robert.
-, English, to the Netherlands. See Boswell, William; Carleton, Dudley, jun. (agent); Vane, Sir Henry (extraordinary).
-, English, at Porte. See Roe, Sir Thomas; Wyche, Sir Peter.
-, English, to Savoy. See Wake, Sir Isaac; Weston, Jerome (extraordinary).
-, English, to Spain. See Cottington, Sir Francis; Hopton, Arthur (secretary).
-, English, to King of Sweden. See Vane, Sir Henry.
-, English, to Swiss. See Fleming, Oliver.
-, English, to Venice. See Carleton, Dudley lord; Rowlandson, Thomas (secretary); Wake, Sir Isaac; Weston, Jerome (extraordinary).
-, Flanders, to England. See Rubens, Peter Paul (envoy); Tailor, Henry (agent); Vesterlou, Marquis of.
-, Flanders, at Vienna, 517.
-, Florentine, in England. See Salvetti Amerigo.
-, French, in England. See Aubespine, Charles de l', Marquis of Chateauneuf; Duval, Francois, Marquis of Fontenay Mareuil; Mitte Melchior, de Miolans, Marquis of St. Chaumont; Moulin du (secretary).
-, French, in Germany. See Brulart de Léon, Charles; Grange, Jacques Louis de la; Joseph, Père; Sabran, M. de.
-, French, to the Netherlands. See Bar, Sieur de Baugy.
-, French, at the Porte. See Harlay, Philip de, baron of Cesy.
-, French, at Rome. See Bethune, Philip de; Gallard, Jean de, baron of la Rochebeaucourt.
-, French, in Savoy. See Marini, Claudio.
-, French, in Spain. See Bautru, Guillaume de; Jaubert, Amery, Count de Barrault.
-, French, to Sweden. See Charnassé, Hercules baron of.
-, French, to Swiss. See Bassompierre, Francis de; Brulart de Leon, Charles; Mesmin.
-, French, to Venice. See Briançon, Louis de, Sieur de la Saludie (extraordinary); Estrées, Hannibald d', Marquis of Cœuvres (extraordinary); Mesmes, Claude de, Count d'Avaux.
-, imperial, at Porte. See Kuffstein, Hans Ludwig van.
-, imperial, at Rome. See Savelli, Prince Federigo.
-, imperial, to Venice. See Picinardo; Rabatta, Antony baron.
-, legate. See papal legate.
-, Lorraine, to England. See Livron, Henry, Marquis of Villa.
-, Mantuan, to England. See Odolengo, Count of.
-, Mantuan, to France. See Priandi.
-, nuncio. See papal nuncio.
-, Palatine, to England. See Nethersole, Sir Francis.
-, Palatine, to France. See Dupont.
-, Palatine, to Germany. See Rusdorf, Johann.
-, papal legate. See Barberino, Francesco.
-, papal legate, to Ferrara. See Sacchetti, Cardinal.
-, papal nuncio. See Scappi.
-, papal nuncio, in France. See Bagni.
-, papal nuncio, in Germany. See Palotta.
-, papal nuncio, in Spain. See Monti, Cæsar; Pamphili, Gianbattista.
-, papal nuncio, at Venice. See Agucchia, Bishop of Amasia.
-, Polish, to England. See Rogozchi, John.
-, Savoyard, in England. See Baroccio, Piero Lorenzo; Cisa, Benoit; Parella, Count (envoys); Scaglia, Alessandro, Abbot; Scarnafigi, Count.
-, Savoyard, in France. See Druent, Count of; Monfalcon.
-, Savoyard, in Spain. See Scaglia, Alessandro, Abbot.
-, Spanish, in England. See Coloma, Carlo; Necolalde, Juan de (agent).
-, Spanish, in France. See Castagnedo, Marquis of; Navazzo (secretary); Toledo y Davila, Antonio de, Marquis of Mirabel.
-, Spanish, to Germany. See Cadareta, Marquis of.
-, Spanish, at Rome. See Fonseca, Manuel de, Count of Monterey.
-, Spanish, in Savoy. See Aspri (resident).
-, Spanish, at Venice. See Benevente de Benavides, Cristofforo.
-, Swedish, in England. See Spence, Sir James.
-, Swedish, to Gabor. See Farensbach, Wolmar von.
-, Swedish, in Netherlands. See Camerarius.
-, Swedish, to Venice. See Ratsche, Louis Christopher (extraordinary).
-, Venetian, at Aleppo (consul). See Gritti, Piero; Salamon, Bernardo (vice).
-, Venetian, at Alexandria (consul). See Donato, Giovanni.
-, Venetian, in England. See Agostini, Girolamo (secretary); Contarini, Alvise; Gussoni, Vicenzo; Soranzo, Giovanni; Valaresso, Alvise; Zon, Michael (secretary); Zonca (secretary).
-, Venetian, at Florence. See Padavino, Marc Antonio (resident).
-, Venetian, in France. See Cavazza, Girolamo (secretary); Contarini, Alvise; Soranzo, Giovanni; Soranzo, Girolamo (extraordinary); Zorzi, Zorzi.
-, Venetian, in Germany. See Vico, Piero (secretary); Veniero, Sebastiano (extraordinary).
-, Venetian, at Mantua. See Businello, Marc Antonio (secretary).
-, Venetian, at Naples. See Antelmi, Valerio (resident).
-, Venetian, in the Netherlands. See Contarini, Alvise; Gussoni, Vicenzo; Soranzo, Giovanni; Zonca (secretary).
-, Venetian, at the Porte (bailo). See Capello, Giovanni; Veniero, Sebastiano.
-, Venetian, at Rome. See Contarini, Anzolo; Pesaro, Zuane.
-, Venetian, in Savoy. See Casale, Francesco; Corner, Francesco; Zen, Renier.
-, Venetian, at Smyrna (consul). See Marini.
-, Venetian, in Spain. See Corner, Francesco; Mocenigo, Alvise; Zucato (secretary).
-, Venetian, to the Swiss. See Scaramelli, Moderante (secretary).

Amboyna, East Indies:
-, massacre of:
-, Vane treats about, 248, 256, 344; Charles does not accept Dutch suggestion, 395.
-, question of, still undecided, 553; Brassart sent about, 587.

Ambruna. See Embrun.

Amersfoort, Amesfort [Prov. Utrecht, Netherlands]:
-, capture of, 170.

Amiens [Somme, France]:
-, despatches dated at, 622, 623.
-, Louis moves towards, 622.

Amsterdam [Prov. North Holland, Netherlands]:
-, crown jewels pledged at, 157, 248, 262.
-, merchants ask high rates for hire of ships, 245.
-, merchants interested in trade of Indies, 347.
-, money remitted by, 387, 396, 408, 409, 412, 414, 419, 420, 423–425, 429, 435, 444; money remitted to, 453, 477.
-, Danish ambassador expected at, 550; awaiting Vane at, 562.
-, Company:
-, reported capture by fleet of, 281; interest in New Netherlands, 607.

Anduze [Gard, France]. 91.

Angarach. See Boetzelaer, Gideon van, lord of Langerach.

Angouleme, Duke of. See Valois, Charles of.

Anhalt, Analt, Prince of:
-, troops of, 88.

Anholt, Hanolt, Count of:
-, reported victory over Gustavus Adolphus, 393.

Ann Adam. See ships, names of.

Anne of Austria, Queen of France:
-, Edmondes to visit, 97, 106; Louis promises to return in four months, 346.
-, Charles advises of Spanish peace, 460; Philip pained at ill-treatment of, 485.
-, reported enceinte, 490.

Anne of Denmark, Queen of England, 373, 613n.

Annecy, Nissi [Haute Savori, France]:
-, Louis takes, 349.

Annoni, Hanoni, of Antwerp, merchants:
-, agents of Richaut, 425; remit money for Venice, 429, 435.

Anson, Brian, captain of the Parangon, 61.

Anspach, Margrave of:
-, troops entering Milanese, 26.

Anstruther, Sir Robert, 497.
-, English ambassador at Hamburg:
-, secretary at Hague, 25; writes of interview between Sweden and Denmark, 43.
-, reports Danes reserved to him, 71, 72, 119.
-, tells Denmark why Charles treating with Spain, 100; Rowlandson imparts advices from, 111, 112.
-, may be sent to diet, 324; commissions to, for diet, 332, 339.
-, will support Palatine's agent at diet, 335; effort for accommodation of Hamburg with Denmark, 355.
-, Rusdorf sets out to join, 382; resolute instructions to, about diet, 383.
-, expected at Ratisbon, 395; to ask for restoration of Palatine, 401; arrives at Ratisbon, audience of emperor, 407.
-, instructions not published, 410; prevented from appearing in diet, by Spanish action, 411.
-, audience of electors, 412; overtures of, 413; Spaniards hold out hopes to, 418; commissioners appointed to treat with, 419.
-, hard terms suggested to, 423–427; English resolutions depend upon news from, 426.
-, letters to Princes Palatine on hard terms, 428; report sent to England, 432.
-, expresses views to Venier, 434, 442; hopes Anglo-Spanish peace will not come, 435.
-, Spaniards only make show of helping, 436; little hope from negotiations, 443.
-, getting no satisfaction, 446; takes scant pains over Palatine's interests, 447.
-, ambassador errant in Germany, 465; sent back to Vienna, 472, 479.
-, Palatine's hopes from mission, 488; Palatine's agents sent to consult about instructions, 491, 493.
-, England may act if unsuccessful, 509; arrives at Vienna, not sanguine, 512.
-, audience of emperor, 517; proposals, 517–520; reports arrival at Leipsig, 523.
-, reports arrival at Vienna and audience, 525; Vane's negotiations depend on, 526.
-, reply to delayed, 528; still hopeful, 530; presses in vain for reply, 539.
-, policy with Sweden governed by negotiations, 543; asks leave to return home, 546, 567, 582, 608.
-, Palatine's hopes from vanish, 547; Olivares displeased at treatment of, 548.
-, negotiations reopened with, 552; fresh hopes held out to, 559; operations fruitless, 562.
-, secretary arrives in England, 565; Alix tries to discredit, 567, 592; device of sending Alix with Hurst, 578.
-, sends younger Vane to England, 584; sees emperor and asks leave to go, 586, 587.
-, efforts to appease, 591; reports Bavaria's negotiations, 594, 604; decision to recall, 605.
-, presses for declaration about Palatinate, 605; recall postponed, 608, 612, 620.
-, renews offices for restoration of Palatinate, 617; stays on, fresh overtures, 629.
-, reply to suggestion of Palatine leaving Swedish army, 634; talk of going as ambassador to France, 646.
-, brother of, 608.
-, secretary of. See Hurst.

Antelmi, Valerio, Venetian Secretary at Naples:
-, despatch, 253.

Antelope. See ships, names of.

Antioch, patriarch of. See Pamphili.

Antwerp [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium], 71, 130, 361, 364, 429, 613.
-, news from, 257, 393, 398, 433, 442, 586.
-, courier of, 69, 242, 277, 310, 404.
-, Master of the Posts at, 186, 242, 360, 361, 366, 441, 571.
-, Dutch suggest attack on, 234.
-, money remitted by, 387, 409, 414, 420, 425, 435, 647.
-, proposed meeting at, for compromise, 426.
-, English propose to transfer cloth trade to, 472, 496, 499.
-, Mali at, 524.
-, military activity at, 622; Dutch capture forts near, 628, 637.
-, will not receive Spanish garrison, 629; offers to defend self unaided, 630.

Aosta, Val d' [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, Louis marches for, 348; Prince Tomaso withdraws to, 352.

Apulians, 247.

Archduchess of Austria. See Isabella Clara Eugenia.

Archduke of Austria. See Albert; Leopold.

-, Western ships go to for wine, instead of Crete, 25.
-, English go to for grain, 237, 238, 261, 394, 571, 573.

Argostoli, Cephalonia:
-, Digby's violation of, 48, 60; Driver at, 461; defences to be hastened on, 505.

-, Prince of Orange shows partiality for, 348.

-, presented by Duke of Savoy to Charles, 503, 542.

Arnheim, Hainem [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, measures for defence, 167.

Arras [Pas de Calais]:
-, queen mother goes to, 531.

Arriquez, Balthasar, of Madrid, merchant:
-, goods on Jonas, 165.

artillery. See guns.

-, Infanta fears attack on, 614; French mass on frontier, 620.

Aruich. See Harwich.

Arundel family:
-, Vercellini, servant of, 210n.

Arundel, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas.
-, Dowager Countess of. See Howard, Anne.

Asem, Vizier:
-, at Aleppo, 215.

-, cargo of, 144, 145, 193.

Asola [Prov. Verona, Italy]:
-, imperialists raid, 215.

Aspri, Spanish Resident in Savoy:
-, says Spaniards mock at talk of peace, 87.

Assan. See Hassan.

Assurance. See ships, names of.

Astenai. See Stenay.

Asti [Prov. Alessandria, Italy]:
-, proposed conference at, 172, 183; troops for district, 313.

Aston. See Weston.

Attorney General. See Noy, William.

Aubespine, Charles de l', Laubespine, Sieur de Preaux, Marquis of Chateauneuf, M. de Castelnuovo, Chasteauneuf, M. de Preo, Chastelnuovo, Sciatenu, Sciateonuf, 509.
-, French ambassador to England, 76, 78, 85, 99, 140, 154, 160, 162, 214, 270.
-, nominated, 39, 40; speaks of peace, 50; opinions about appointment, 52.
-, Wake equal of, 53; Charles will welcome, 54; to ratify peace, 64; at Paris, 72.
-, Edmondes good match for, 77; letters of Contarini to, 79, 105, 106, 114; letters to Contarini, 103, 105, 106.
-, glad to come alone, 97; question of reception, 97, 98, 112; delay causes suspicion, 102.
-, consultation with queen mother and Berulle, 104; acknowledges peace articles, 129, 130.
-, Charles will hear before deciding about Spanish negotiations, 113; expected proposals, 120.
-, crossing and State entry, 121, 122, 133; wins good opinion of Charles, 124, 142.
-, opinions expressed to Contarini, 124–126; first audiences, 127; referred to commissioners, 128, 142.
-, agrees to concerted remonstrance about Spanish negotiations, 136, 137; Soranzo observing, 138.
-, attitude to Spanish negotiations, 141, 143, 161, 189, 202, 206; reconcilesqueen to Weston, 142.
-, Contarini takes leave of, 144; Soranzo to disabuse of ideas, 147.
-, representations about Cottington's mission, 148, 149, 156.
-, intimates that Wake not acceptable, 150; tries to discredit Savoy, 157.
-, Charles explains reason of Cottington's mission to, 163; opinion about Coloma's mission. 168.
-, Charles wants to stay on, but unwilling to treat, 169; Weston deludes about Spanish negotiations, 170.
-, Charles approaches for restitution of Susa, 171; away from London, 179; at Windsor, 184, 191.
-, Soranzo to urge need of Italy on, 173; Soranzo to co-operate with against Cottington's mission, 176.
-, Weston accused of preventing Charles accepting proposals, 177; prisoners released at request, 186.
-, declares Louis will not abandon Nevers, 180; speaks to Weston about subsidy for Sweden, 184.
-, suspicions of Savoy, 185; Venetians representations to, about Italy, 191, 192, 197, 198.
-, embarrassed by news about St. Christopher, 193; defends French action, 199.
-, reports English eagerness for peace with Spain, 196; Count of Odolenzo offends, 199.
-, in country, no business, 200; king never refers to Weston, 204.
-, negotiations on maritime affairs, 206, 207, 224, 227, 233, 252, 265, 272, 273, 280, 284, 285, 295, 298, 312, 315.
-, says Wake will not be welcome in France, 207; courier reaches, 213.
-, Soranzo to work with, 215; Richelieu jealous of, 220, 294; says king knows nothing of Dutch negotiations for truce, 222.
-, Joachim remarks on reserve shown by, 226, 227; to go to Hague, 229, 239.
-, Soranzo finds indifferent, 232, 284; reports capture of Mantua, 240; says nothing to be done in England, 241, 251; knows weakness of England, 301; opinion of English Government, 330.
-, will not get beyond generalities, 255; temporising until Fontenay comes, 259.
-, reported going to Holland, 260; supports Holland's claim to Admiralship, 263, 264, 271, 277, 281.
-, relations with Carlisle, 265, 272; calls on Coloma, 269; makes himself suspect by partisanship, 271.
-, attitude to Italian affairs, 265, 272; did not know of Richelieu's departure, 274.
-, says siege of Mantua raised, 275; approached about armistice, 279.
-, Charles remonstrates with about French naval preparations, 280; French not pleased at meddling with Court quarrels, 282.
-, assiduous in attending on queen, 284; Soranzo to keep confidence, 286.
-, Charles speaks to about Coloma granting passport to merchants, 290; exposes Carlisle, 291.
-, Soranzo exposes nature of Carlisle's statements to, 292; does not favour war with Austria, 294, 296, 311.
-, ordered to join Richelieu, 293, 303; conversation with Charles on foreign position, 294, 295.
-, says Spain selling Palatinate to Bavaria, 297; has money to build chapel for Capuchins, 298.
-, paid respects promptly to Coloma, 300; leaving, 301; informed of removal of edicts against Catholics, 304.
-, attitude about exclusion of Catholics from chapel, 305, 308, 309, 315.
-, says Palatine unlikely to recover estate, 311; relations with Soranzo, 311, 312, 315; Soranzo wishes gone, 314.
-, does not expect war in Italy, 316; interpretation of Richelieu's action, 320.
-, Soranzo tries to remove bad impression, 321; mission fruitless, presents to, 325; leaves, 329.
-, few pleased with, in England, 331; assurances to Weston, 332.
-, will try to prevent Wake going ambassador to France, 343, 353; sugests Poix as queen's physician, 344, 345, 354.
-, arrangement about Canada, 425; without full powers, in England, 432.
-, made Garde des Sceaux, 441; forms party in England against Weston, 450.
-, support of Montagu, 464, 466; enmity for Fontenay, 464, 466, 503.
-, Montagu counts on support, 486; responsible for seizure of English goods, 503, 551.
-, Wake indignant with, 507, 542; advances to Wake, 512; encourages difficulty between Wake and Richelieu, 516; hopes to succeed Richelieu, 538.
-, Jars intimate with, 527; hostility to Weston, 585; remains at Paris, 621.
-, secretary of. See Menesier.

Augier, Oger, Oixi, Oisi, Rene, 103.
-, sent to inform queen mother of Henrietta's miscarriage, 96; commission to Master of the Ceremonies, 97.
-, instructions about reception of ambassadors, 98; communication to Chateauneuf, 106; leaves Paris for England, 639; remains to watch developments, 641.
-, reports arrangements between France and Sweden, 643.

Augsburg [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, courier of, 427, 629.
-, Gustavus takes, 619.

Austria, House of, Austrians, 110, 518, 634.
-, French adjustment will give time to, 9; continue to create a disturbance, 27; attachment of King of Poland to, 44.
-, Venice likely to earn hatred, 51; importance of Baltic plans, 69, 74; danger to Baltic, 111.
-, efforts to disturb Italy, 80; strong French measures against, 111; ambitions of, 127, 135.
-, profit by Anglo-French quarrel, 134; Wake considers France more formidable than, 145.
-, Savoy determined to be at one with, 148; Grisons offer passage to, 155; mean war, 173.
-, no sign of French resisting, 186; preparing for war in Italy, 192; Venice surrounded by forces of, 197; Venetian representations against, 211, 217.
-, Richelieu ready to strike at, 214; France very dissatisfied with, 219.
-, Dutch have to fight alone, 223; Swiss afraid of offending, 236; Sweden ready to attack, 238.
-, expected reception of French with, 265; evil disposition, 267; circulate ideas of peace, 299.
-, many profit by quarrel of Sweden and Denmark, 289; Chateauneuf not for war with, 294.
-, need of France resisting, 296; prospect of fresh trouble in Hungary, 300; fear of Denmark joining Sweden, 302.
-, Bassompierre urges expulsion from Rhetia, 306; Chateauneuf wants Bavaria encouraged to oppose, 311.
-, raising new forces against Italy, 323; England's humiliation to, 324.
-, French unwilling to break with, 325; forces against French, 329; forces near Mantua, 335.
-, Venetians fight with, 342, 361, 366; source of gold, 347; Swinton served against, 365.
-, envoy from Lorraine to foment party of, 405; Bavaria proposes league with France against, 426.
-, emperor's demands of Palatine about, 428; Saxony deeply committed to, 434.
-, (1631):
-, profit by quarrels between England and France, 484; Bavaria becoming more and more suspect to, 491.
-, advantage of clemency to, 519, 520; Palatine pretext for abusing, 560; promise about Palatine, 572.
-, (1632):
-, emperor asks estates for money, 575; Wallenstein undertakes defence, 582.
-, Bavaria will not detach himself from, 595, 600, 604.
-, part of Catholic League detached from, 599; Venice not making alliance with, 601, 616, 623.
-, Swiss invited to assist Grisons against, 603; Lorraine about to throw himself into arms of, 609.
-, Leicester to divert Denmark from understanding with, 614; will only yield Palatinate to force, 617.
-, efforts to stay successes of Dutch, 618; French want English to help damage, 621.
-, reported recapture of Bohemia, 632; Saxony may make terms with, 633.
-, French hope to separate from Catholic League, 642; efforts to relieve Maastricht, 645.
-, Archduchess of. See Isabella Clara Eugenia.
-, Archdukes of. See Albert; Leopold.

Austria, Upper:
-, emperor would not give to Bavaria, 418; Sweden will take war into, 611.

Avaux, Avo, Sieur d'. See Mesmes, Claude de.

Avigliana, Vigiliano, Vigliana [Prov. Torino, Italy]:
-, despatch dated at, 13.
-, Savoy fortified at, 55, 74; Richelieu attacks, 316; Savoy unwilling to admit French to, 320; reinforcements reach Richelieu at, 327.

Ayroli, James, of Seville:
-, goods on Jonas, 164, 165.
-, -, Peter Maria:
-, goods on Jonas, 164, 165.

Aysolli, Sig.:
-, goods on Jonas, 145.
-, -, Maso:
-, goods on Jonas, 145.

Aytona, Aitona, Marquis of:
-, goes to Flanders, 209; consulted, 256.