General Index: H, I, J, K, L

Pages 595-612

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Hachet, Haket, Helias, 77.

-, William, 79.

-, -, Helia brother of, 79.

Haddiscoe [co. Norfolk], tithe of, 512.

Hadnock farm (on the Wye), Hadenoc [co. Monmouth], 413.

Haduiardus Rex. See Edward the Confessor.

Hadunna, Serlo de, 40.

Haeia. See Haia.

Haemfrid, dapifer, 507.

Hænedewella. See Andwell.

Haervinus the priest, 408.

Haga, William de, 316.

Hagapennia. See Hampen.

Hagetorp. See Authorpe.

Haia. See Haye-du-Puits.

Haia, tithes of, 411, 413.

Haia, Haie, Haeia, Haya, David de, 491.

-, Master Geoffrey de, 148.

-, Goscelin de, monk of St. Florent, Saumur, 397.

-, Master Henry de, 312.

-, Master R. de, 206.

-, R. de, letter of, 449.

-, Ralf de, 282, 285, 324, 327, 457.

-, -, charter of, 347.

-, -, Ralf de son of, charter of, 449.

-, Reginald de, 162.

-, Richard (son of Robert) de, 34, 160, 185, 217, 274, 282, 309, 311, 331, 334, 347, 349, 379, 531, 532.

-, Robert de (1080), 327.

-, -, Ralf son of, 327.

-, Robert de, 32, 41, 42, 59, 67, 97, 126, 133, 137, 162, 163, 327, 330, 331, 354, 372, 430.

-, -, dapifer, 125, 262.

-, -, charters of, 328, 329, 449.

-, -, Muriel wife of, 329.

-, -, Richard and Ralf sons of, 329 372.

-, Simon de, 348.

-, William de, 45, 324, 491.

Haicius, chancellor of countess of Champagne, 384.

Haiden, Heiden, Thomas de, vice-chancellor of Richard I., 91, 385.

Haie. See Haye-du-Puits.

Hailes, Ailes, Heiles [co. Gloucester], church of, 66, 69.

Hailinges. See Hayling island.

Haillilda Hope. See Longhope.

Haimeri the priest, 358.

Haimeric, Hameric, Alan son of, 259.

-, Robert son of, 241, 466.

Haimericus, 521.

Hainricus. See Henry.

Hairecurt. See Harecurt.

Hairon, Ralf, 316.

-, Master Richard, clerk of Richard de Poilleyo, 181.

Hairons, Wood of, 75.

Haite, Rac’ de, priest, 433.

Haiton. See Hatton.

” Haiward,” land called, 410, 411, 413.

Haket. See Hachet.

Halangeia. See Hayling island.

Halardun, William, 396.

Haldulvestre. See Austrey.

Haldup, Haldub, Aldup, Turstin, Richard called, 329.

-, -, Eudo, Heunnus son of, 329, 397, 400.

-, -, Adelaidis, daughter of, 148.

-, Eudo (son of), 431, 529.

Hale, Hales [co. Lancashire], 237.

Haleford. See Halford.

Hales, See Hale; Halesowen.

Halesowen, Hales [co. Worc.] church of, 228.

Halford, Haleford, [co. Warwick], 228.

Haliwell, Clementina, prioress of, charter of, 152.

Halla, Roger de, 334.

Hallinghis. See Hawling.

Halnaker, Halnac, Hannac [co. Sussex], 328, 331.

-, honour of, 331.

-, wood of, 331.

Halselinus. See Hauselin.

Halton, West [co. Lincoln], church of, 216.

Ham, Le [Manche], churches of, 457.

-, Richard priest of, 457.

Hamarc, Hamars, Hamarz, Ralf de, 195.

-, gift of, 195.

-, Robert de, 195.

Hamble, Hamla, Amle, Hanvmele [co. Hants], church of St. Andrew, 356, 358, 527.

Hambury, Master Guido de, 206.

Hambye[Manche], abbey of St. Mary, 325, 326.

-, Rocelin abbot of, 326.

Hamel, Gervase, clerk, 505.

Hamelhurst, Richard de, 48.

Hamelin, 204.

See also Baladone.

-, count. See Warenne.

-, Walter monk, son of, 434.

Hamewez. See Hémevez.

Hamewuda [co. Sussex], wood of, 510.

Hamla. See Hamble.

Hamo, Haimo, Hamericus, 154, 407.

-, butler, 102, 145, 147, 193, 200, 217, 243, 301, 417, 522, 533–5.

-, -, charter of, 301.

-, -, Agnes wife and William son of, 301.

-, clerk of John bishop of Worcester, 412.

-, dapifer, 2, 40, 59, 168, 288, 503, 504.

-, dean, 268.

-, almoner, 235.

-, master, 277.

-, monk, 416.

-, parson of Long Bennington church, 306.

-, vicomte, 252.

See Aymon.

-, Robert son of, 55, 167, 170, 234, 238, 241, 242, 261, 435, 503.

-, -, charter of, 168.

See Amonis.

-, Walter son of, 368.

-, -, Andrew his brother, 368.

-, William son of, 4, 6, 143, 171, 270, 271, 298–300, 339, 347, 350, 360, 371, 375, 457, 458, 467, 519.

-, -, seneschal, 428.

Hamode [co. Sussex], wood of, 37.

Hamoslap, Hugh de, 135.

Hampen, Hagapennia, Hagenepenne [co. Gloucester], tithes of, 411, 413.

Hampshire, Southamptonshire, sheriff of, 54.

-, justices of, 55.

Hampton in Arden [co. Warwick], tithe of, 512.

Hamsevilla, Hugh de, 134.

Hamund, Reginald son of, de Thrulege, 489.

-, William son of, 465.

Handestuith, mill at, 111.

-, Osulf of, Godfrey son of, 113.

Haney. See Hanney, West.

Hangemara, William de, 116.

Hannac. See Halnaker.

Hanney East, Hanneia, [co. Berks], 220.

Hanney, West, Haney [co. Berks], 76, 77.

Hanoio, William de, 495.

Hanton. See Southampton.

Hantona. See Littlehampton, Westhampnet.

Hantona, Helyas de, clerk, 152.

-, Henry de, 144.

-, Michael. son of Gislebert de, 168.

-, Master Ralf de, 17.

-, Richard de, 144.

-, Roger de, 84.

Hantonia. See Minchin Hampton.

Hanvelde, Simon de, 48.

Hanvmele. See Hamble.

Hapford. See Harpford.

Happisburgh, Apesburga [co. Norfolk], 512.

Harborough, Great [co. Warwick], tithes of, 108.

Harcourt, Harecuria, Harecourt [Eure], 73.

-, Albert, porter of, 531.

Hardham, alias Heriedham, Eringeham [co. Sussex], 510.

Harding, reeve, 266.

Hardon, Thomas de, 537.

Hardwin dean of Angers, 360.

-, Richard son of. See Scalariis.

Harecurt, Hairecurt, Harrlecourt Herecort, Hercurt, Harewcort, Harecut, Hairewecort, Hercuria, Richard de, 119, 401.

-, Robert de, 46, 57, 65, 91, 102, 103, 106, 131, 139, 147, 172, 183, 188, 223 n. 224, 338, 469, 525.

-, Roger, de, 19.

-, William de, 65, 79, 402.

See also Herescort.

Harenc, Eustace, 134.

-, Roger, 110–2.

Harengereia. See Hayling Island.

Haretel, Gilbert, 154.

Haretfluce. See Harfleur.

Harewude. See Harwood.

Harfineby. See Farmanby.

Harfleur, Haretfluce [Seine Inférieure], saltpan at, 109.

Haringeia. See Hayling island.

Haringot, John, 47.

Harlton, Herlenton, Hertlent, [co. Cambridge] church of, 76, 77.

Harmondsworth, Hermodesodes [co. Middlesex], 21.

Harpford, Harpefort, Hapeford, Helpeferd [co. Devon], 428.

-, church of, 279.

-, manor of, 342.

Harpin, Rainold, son in law of, 116.

Harpley [co. Norfolk], 512.

Harrington, Arintona [co. Northampton], 233, 234.

Harrlecort. See Harecurt.

Harrowbeer in Buckland, Baraberga [co. Devon], 235.

Hartfield [co. Sussex], hundred of, 511.

Harting, Hertinges [co. Sussex], church of, 233, 234, 240.

Hartland, Hertilanda [co. Devon], John prior of, 320.

Harton, Master Richard, canon, 333.

Harwood, near Cutcombe, Harewude [co. Somerset], 127.

Harworth, Harewrthe [co. Notts], church of, 16.

Hasalholt, wood of, in Avening [co. Glouc.], 144.

Hascuin, canon, 429.

Haselton, [Hazleton, co. Glouc.], Walter, the clerk of, 226.

Haslingueham. See Ellingham.

Haslo [? Hazelhurst in Ore co. Sussex], 511.

Hastellonda, 163.

Hastench, William son, of, 425.

Hastings, Hastingues [co. Sussex], 26, 38, 41.

-, church of St. Mary, 81, 82.

Hastings, Hasting, Hastinguis, Ingelrannus de, 81, 134, n, 524.

-, John de, 491.

-, Manasserus de, 490.

-, Philip de, 311, 453.

-, Ralf de, 98, 490.

-, -, William son of, 490.

-, Robert de, 64, 243.

-, -, Isabel, wife of, and Avelina her mother, 64.

-, Thomas de, 301.

-, William de, 41, 42, 420, 439.

-, -, dispensator, 116.

Hasveriis, William de, gift, of, 348.

Hateguis, Mainus son of, 406.

Hatton, Haiton, Hatun [co. Warwick], 414.

-, church of, 412, 414.

-, chapel of, St. John, 412, 414.

-, Robert priest of, 412.

Hauconio, Roger de, 434.

Haugham, Hetham [co. Lincoln], 216.

Haughton, Hocton [co. Notts], chapel of, 16.

Hauleorde. See Holdsworthy.

Hausard, 396.

Hausart, Robert, 263.

Hauselin, Halselinus, 396, 397.

-, Geoffrey, 205.

Hausvilla, Robert de, 116.

Haute Bruyère, Alta Brueria, Geoffrey prior of, 380.

Hautteville, Hautville, Altavilla [Manche], church of, 303.

Hauuilla, William de, 27.

Havecheshall. See Hawkeshall.

Havelinges. See Avening.

Havene, Edlauus de, 318.

Haverets, Simon de, 495.

Haverlant, Robert de, 339.

Hawkeshall, Havecheshale [in Toppesfield, co. Essex] men of, 302.

Hawling, Hallinghes, [co. Glouc.] church of, 226.

Haxiholma. See Axholme.

Haya. See Haia.

Hay Danneville [? Denneville, Manche], tithes of, 315.

Haye, La, Haie [Manche], 262.

Haye-du-Puits, La, Haia, Haie [Manche], 331.

-, castle of, 436.

-, church of St. John, 331.

-, lords and honour of, 275.

Hayling island, Hailinges, Halangeia, Haringeia, Harengereia, Hetlingeæ, [co. Hants], 55, 56, 169, 170, 526.

Haymies. See Hesmy.

Hayr, Richard, canon of Rouen, 62.

Hazelhurst in Ore. See Haslo.

Hea, Heca. See Hythe.

Heastbruge. See Eastbridge.

Heauville, Helvilla [Manche], 434.

-, church of, 427.

Hechtone, Ralf de, 180.

Hectone, church of, 269.

Heddin. See Hesdin.

Hegentona. See Eckington.

Heiden. See Haiden.

Heilis. See Hailes.

Heinfrid, the archdeacon, 408.

Heinreit. See Hendred.

Heldebert, abbot, 250.

Heldebrand, Eldebrand, Robert, son of, 358, 527.

Heldrenesia. See Holderness.

Heldrici, Robert son of, 288.

Helebold, Ralf son of, 114.

-, -, Richard father of, 114.

Helgovilla. See Helleville.

Helgui, William son of, 425.

Heliam. See Heliaon.

Helias, Helyas, 510.

-, brother of duke Geoffrey (of Normandy, 34.

-, the butcher, 150.

-, canon of Rouen cathedral, 11.

-, clerk, 440.

-, the huntsman, 387.

-, nephew of the prior, 173.

-, priest, 72.

-, Gervase son of, 271, 273.

Heliensis. See Ely.

Helinant, William, 144.

Helion, Heliun, Heliam, William de, 63, 72, 89, 207, 208, 466.

See also Helyun.

Helleville, Helgovilla [Manche], church of, 337.

Helouin, monk, 431.

Helpefort. See Harpford.

Helto, man of bishop Odo, 530, 531.

-, parson of Maplescombe church, 47.

Heltvilla, Rualoc de, 438.

Helvilla. See Heauville.

Helyas. See Helias.

Helysabeth, maid of honour of Queen Joan, 392.

Helyun, Hubert de, 242.

See also Helion.

Heming, Richard son of, gifts of, 511.

Hemorre, 151.

Henam, Richard de, 415.

Hendred, Heinreit, Henreth [co. Berks], 156, 157, 162, 220.

Hengestrie. See Henstridge.

Henley in Arden, Henlea, mill of, 138.

Henoo, Reginald de, 390.

Henry I. of England, 4–6, 14, 33, 35, 38, 39, 44, 60, 70, 72, 77, 92, 103, 110, 123, 124, 127, 141, 142, 155–7, 170, 171, 197, 199, 223, 241, 247, 257, 262, 268, 270, 292, 293, 319, 323, 328, 335, 347, 350, 352, 354, 368, 376, 408, 418, 430, 436, 437, 462, 466, 509, 513–6, 518, 519, 532, 533.

-, -, gifts of, 69, 101, 103, 112, 149, 384.

-, -, charters of, 2, 27, 32, 40–2, 54, 55, 59, 66, 67, 74, 83, 89, 97, 98, 124–6, 132, 133, 135, 137, 143, 149, 167–69, 190, 198, 207, 213, 218–21, 259, 287– 90, 313, 329, 330, 342, 352, 354, 356, 364, 372, 373, 384, 427, 442, 445 n, 448, 457, 459, 460, 464, 503, 504, 506–8, 521, 522, 524, 531, 537, 539.

-, Adeliza wife of. See Adeliza.

-, Matilda daughter of. See Maud.

-, William son of. See William.

-, natural sons of. See Reginald, Robert.

Henry II. of England, 9, 12, 15, 16, 27, 47, 59, 62 n, 93, 144, 161, 194–6, 267, 282, 304, 336, 366, 376, 381–4, 388, 391, 428, 440, 464, 469, 476–8, 535.

-, -, charters of, 4–8, 11, 28, 32, 34, 44–6, 55, 56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68, 69, 72, 73, 77, 78, 85, 88–90, 92, 101, 102, 115–19, 128, 129, 135–37, 139, 140, 143, 148, 155–60, 162, 170, 171, 175, 185–7, 191–3, 199, 201, 207–9, 214, 217, 223–5, 242, 243, 245, 247, 267, 270–2, 274–6, 281, 284, 286, 299–302, 306, 309–11, 315, 318, 323–5, 331, 334, 335, 337, 338, 343, 347–50, 355, 360–2, 365, 370, 377–80, 382, 416, 417, 419, 420, 427, 439–11, 453, 455, 457, 458, 460, 465–8, 484, 485, 491, 494, 497, 515, 516, 519, 522, 524, 525, 527, 532–4. See also Normandy, duke of; Anjou, count of; Brittany, duke of.

-, Eleanor [of Aquitaine] wife of. See Eleanor.

-, Henry, son of, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 46, 60, 115, 119, 274, 336, 391, 428, 440, 445 n.

-, -, charters of, 8, 118, 316, 377, 524.

-, -, Margaret (of France) wife of. See Margaret.

-, Richard son of. See Richard.

-, Geoffrey son of. See Britanny; Geoffrey.

-, -, Constance (of Britanny) wife of. See Constance.

-, -, Arthur son of. See Arthur.

-, John son of. See John; Mortain.

-, Joan, queen of the Sicilians, daughter of. See Joan.

-, Geoffrey (natural) son of. See Geoffrey.

-, William (natural) son of. See Longuepee.

-, Geoffrey brother of. See Geoffrey.

-, William brother of. See William.

-, Geoffrey father of. See Anjou; Normandy.

Henry III. of England, 186.

-, - inspeximus of, 480, 516.

-, V. of England, inspeximus of, 14, 210, 335.

- VI. of England, charter of, 32.

-, -, inspeximus of 335.

- I. of France, 456, 526.

-, V. emperor, 241.

-, filius imperatricis. See Henry II.

-, son of King William, 327. See also Henry I.

-, son of the king of Scotland and earl of Northumberland and Ada his wife, charter of, 357.

Henry, Henricus, Hainricus de …, 409.

-, archdeacon, 531.

-, burgess, 463.

-, butler, 152.

-, chamberlain, 186.

-, canon of St. Paul's, 319.

-, (of Pisa), cardinal, 45.

-, chancellor of Henry, bishop of Winchester, 55.

-, chaplain, 540.

-, chaplain of Queen Matilda, 54.

-, de civitate, 31.

-, clerk, 307.

-, comes, 397 n.

-, cook and Engenulf his brother, 204.

-, dapifer, 114, 274.

-, master, canon of Exeter, 279.

-, precentor of Bayeux, 176, 192.

-, precentor of Salisbury, 531.

-, priest, 16.

-, sub-precentor of Bayeux, 535.

-, vinitor, 204.

-, Ralf son of, 505.

-, Richard son of, 145, 147, 163.

-, Robert son of, 68, 72, 115.

Henstridge, Hengestrie [co. Somerset], 216.

Heppo, forester, 20.

Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem, 277 n.

Herald, Roscelin, son of, 164.

Heraut, Peter, 303.

Herbert, archdeacon, (of Shropshire) 234.

-, archdeacon (of Canterbury), 489.

-, bishop, (? of Lisieux), 251.

-, bishop of Salisbury, 71, 91, 210, 322, 363, 474, 517.

-, -, gifts of, 62, 86, 87, 344.

-, canon, 396.

-, -, of Bayeux, 190.

-, chaplain, 298.

-, clerk, 160, 208.

-, cook, 236.

-, the rural dean, (? of Bramber), 37.

-, gravator, Richard, son of, 23.

-, macecrarius, 23.

-, master, 486.

-, precentor of Bayeux, 27, 60, 161, 176, 531.

-, prévôt and Gerald his brother, 113.

-, priest, 272, 432.

-, seneschal, 235.

-, Matthew son of, charter of, 316.

-, Ralf son of, gifts of, 157.

-, William son of, 52, 203, 204, 292.

-, -, Reginald son of, 52.

-, -, dapifer, 205.

Herborbeia. See Harborough.

Hercuria. See Harecurt.

Herding of Asham [in Beddingham, co. Sussex], 511.

Herebiria. See Barbury.

Herecort. See Harecurt.

Hereford, the church of, 139.

-, chapter of, 410.

-, charter dated at, 356.

-, see of, custody of, 408.

-, archdeacon of, Peter, 411.

-, -, Ralf, 194.

-, -, Robert (sic), 79.

-, bishop of. See Athulf; Betune, Robert de; Capella, Richard de; Foliot, Gilbert, Hugh, and Robert; Gerard; Melun, Robert de.

-, canon of, John, 94. See also Tolosa, John de.

-, Ralf dean of, 410, 411.

-, earl of, Roger, 411.

-, -, -, charter of, 410.

-, -, -, Miles (of Gloucester), father of, 410.

See also Bohun; Osbern.

-, Brian treasurer of, 410.

Herefordscira, barons and lieges of, 356.

-, sheriff of, Maurice de Hereford, 411.

Herefort, Walter de, 465.

Herefred, Hamund son of, charter of, 485.

-, -, Matilda wife of, 485.

Hereng, Ralf, gifts of, 510.

Hereward, Walter son of, 505.

Herescort, Richard de, 97.

-, -, Emma wife of, 97.

-, -, Gilbert stepson of, 97.

See also Harecurt.

Herevilla, Master Roger de, 129.

Herfred, Ralf son of, 158.

Hericius, Ralf, of Combray, 163.

Heriedham. See Hardham.

Heriz, Robert, gifts of, 281.

-, Robert and Andrew sons of, and Agnes wife of, 281.

Herkenbald chaplain, 178.

Herlechin, Tetbaldus son of Robert, 236.

Herlecumbe, Philip de, 318.

Herlenton. See Harlton.

Herlenvilla, Eustace de, dapifer, 139.

Herlingtone. See Arrington.

Herlingus, 238.

Herluin, 167, 250.

-, chamberlain, 114.

Herluin, Erluin, Ralf son of, 422, 425.

Hermanvilla, Riolf de, 175.

Hermefred, Warner son of, 236.

Hermenteres (i.e., Armentieres), Henry de, 412.

Hermer, Richard son of, gift of, 512.

-, Rodulfus son of, 24.

Hermitage of La Colombe, St. Mary's of the, 227.

Hermodesodes. See Harmondsworth.

Hernaldus, 23. See also Ernald.

Hernesius, Robert son of and Rohais his wife, 431. See also Ernesius.

Hernisius, master, 387.

Heron, Richard, 326.

Herovilla, Herouvilla, Fulk de, 268.

-, Hugh de, 537.

Herpaiz-Mesnil, 330.

Herpeford, Master Nicholas de, 276.

Herste, John de, 490.

Hertford, earls of. See Clare.

Hertilanda. See Hartland.

Hertinges. See Harting.

Hertlent. See Harlton.

Herupa, Geoffrey de, 212.

Hervey, 222.

-, bishop of Bangor, 408.

-, butler, botellarius, 416.

-, the count's son, 523.

-, panetarius, 453.

-, priest, 23, 409.

-, treasurer, 289.

-, Alan son of, 276.

-, Geoffrey son of, 538.

-, Henry son of, 274.

-, Osbert son of, 150.

-, Robert son of, 150, 151.

-, William, 150.

See also Urvoius.

Hesdin, Heddin, Viel [Pas de Calais], 481, 497.

-, priory of St. George, 481, 482.

-, Ingelram count of, 481.

Hesdin, Hesding, Hesdinch, Hodine, Arnulf, Ernulf de, 108, 364, 507.

-, -, gifts of, 481, 507.

-, -, William son of and Ava, daughter of, 482.

Hesdinol, William de, 507.

Hesdresham [?Metheringham, co. Linc.], 216.

Heseleia. See Astley.

Hesmy, Haymies [Seine Inférieure], 82.

Hessan. See Heysham.

Hessett, Hest [co. Suffolk], monks of, 240.

Hestra. See Estra.

Hetham. See Haugham.

Hetuuardus, 526. See Edward the Confessor.

-, Alureth brother of, 526.

Heudo. See Eudo.

Heuduinus, monk, 432.

Heunnus See Turstin Haldup, Eudo son of.

Hewelsfield, Hualdesfeld, Hiwaldeston [co. Gloucester], church of, 411, 413.

Heysham, Hessan [co. Lancaster], church of, 237.

Hide, La Hide, 139.

-, tithe of, 138.

Hiesmois, Exemensis, 157.

-, Roger, vicomte of the, 526.

-, officers of the, 175, 532.

See also Oximin.

Hilary, Hylary, Hilarius, 346.

-, dean of Christchurch (Twynham), 55.

-, bishop of Chichester, 78, 101, 185, 299, 370, 379.

Hilbert. See Ilbert.

Hildebrand. See Heldebrand.

Hilgo the priest, 425.

Hill Moreton, Moritona [co. Warwick], 108.

Himericus, cardinal and papal chancellor, 356.

Hinganch, Walter son of, 262.

Hingani, Walter, 330.

Hinton, Great, Hineton [co. Dorset], chapel of, 412, 414.

Hiquelon, Roger de, 274.

Hispannia, Walter de, 219.

-, Warin de, 219.

Hiwaldeston. See Hewelsfield.

Hloges, Henry de, 461.

Hloherengerius, Geoffrey, 540.

Hobriteby. See Upperby.

Hochestona. See Stroxton.

Hocton. See Haughton.

Hoctona, [? Haughton, co. Notts], 336.

Hoctona, Samson de, 204.

Hoctonia, Symon de, 337.

Hod’, Roger son of, 318.

Hodine. See Hesdin.

Hoel the dean of Le Mans, 367.

Hoel, Richard, 3

-, Thomas, 282.

Hoese, William, 60.

Hoesville, 217.

Hoeylin, 151.

Hogo, Hoga, Gilbert de, 267, 268, 339.

Hoilli. See Ouilly.

Holanda. See Swineshead.

Holderness, Heldrenesia [co. York], 238.

Holdsworthy, Hauleorde [co. Devon], 212.

Hole. See Holne.

Holesheia, tithe at, 170.

Holestorp. See Ullesthorpe.

Holestorpz, Norman de, 114.

-, -, William brother of, 114.

Holine, Dog’ de, 139.

Hollington (nr. Shirley), Holinton [co. Derby], 204.

Holne, Hole [co. Devon], 460.

Holtuna. See Hoton.

Holywell. See Haliwell.

Hom’, Geoffrey de, 78.

Homez. See Humeto.

Homme, William del, 117.

Homme, Le, Hulmus [Manche], church of St. Mary (L'isle Marie), 346, 347, 349.

-, castle of, 141.

-, William priest of, 347.

Hommet, Le Hulmetum [Manche], toll of, 345.

Hommet. See Humeto.

Homo, clerk of John, bishop of Worcester, 412.

Hondescote, William de, 495.

Honestona. See Hunston.

Honeychild, Hunechild [co. Kent], church of, 513.

Honeywick, nr. Bruton, Hunewica [co. Somerset], 174.

Honingham, Huningeham [co. Norfolk], church of, 523.

Honorius, master, 17.

Honorius II., pope, 259, 539.

Honteleia. See Huntley.

Hooe, Hou [co. Sussex], 134.

Hooton Pagnell, Hoton [co. York], church of, 442.

Hopa Eilildis, Hope. See Longhope.

Hope Mansel, Hoppe Maloisel, Hope, Hopa Gingeni [co. Hereford], church of St. John, 403, 404, 410, 411, 413.

-, West, manor of, 411.

Hopetune, Acus and Ketellus de, 445.

Hopotuna, Master O. de, 240.

Horder, Alvred, 173.

Horman, Roger, 339.

Horn, Algar, 503.

Hornay (sic), Robert de, 72.

Horoude, Horowlda. See Horwood.

Horsley, Horsleia [co. Gloucester], 167.

-, manor of, 168.

-, parish of, 168, 169.

Horstead, Horsted, Horsteld, [co. Norfolk,] 143, 149, 150.

Horton, Monks, Hortuna, [co. Kent], 513.

Horton in Upper Beeding, Hortone, [co. Sussex] tithe of, 405.

Horton, Bernerius de, 76.

Horwood, Horoude, Horwda, [co. Buckingham], 74, 75, 77, 78.

Hosa, John de, 212.

-, Osbert de, Hosber de, 301, 337, 349, 519, 522, 534.

-, -, baron of the exchequer, 402.

-, -, constable of Cherbourg, 335.

-, Martin de, 145, 466.

-, William de, 432.

Hosat’, Herbert, 168.

Hosatis (sic), William, 54.

Hosatus, Geoffrey, 458.

See also Huse.

Hosbert. See Osbert.

Hosbervilla, Roger de, 316.

Hosdene, Thibaud de, 362.

Hose. See Huse.

Hospac. See Ospac.

Hospicio, Ralf de, 145.

Hospitali, Geoffrey de, 479.

-, Ralf de, clerk of Richard son of Henry II., 467.

Hospitallers, 201, 383, 469, 527.

-, master of. See Evenus.

-, prior of, in England. See Alan.

Hospringa. See Ospringe.

Hosteshulle. See Oxhill.

Hostilleyo, Hostilleio. See Ostilli.

Hoton, Holtuna [co. Leic.] 216.

Hoton. See Hooton Pagnell.

Hotot, land of, 158.

Hotot, Gilbert de, 76, 115.

-, Hamo de, 162, 199.

-, Nicholas de, 15.

-, Osbern de, 24.

-, Peter de, 82.

Hou. See Hooe.

Houdeham, William de, 151.

Houghton-on-the-hill. See Octona.

Houlme (Ulmus), island of [Manche], 335.

Houmez. See Humeto.

Houson (near Goodrich castle), chapel of, 404

Howell’, Richard de, archdeacon, 333.

Hualdesfeld. See Hewelsfield.

Huard, gifts of, 509.

Hubald, subdeacon, 11.

Hubard, Osbert son of, grant to, 32.

Hubert, 216, 250.

-, chaplain, 136.

-, dapifer, 175.

-, knight of Hamelin of Ballon, 368.

-, master, 4, 15.

-, monk, 48.

-, Adam son of. See Ria.

-, Engelram son of, 327.

See also Ilbert.

-, Eudo son of, 233. See Ria.

-, Hugh son of, 251, 252.

-, William son of, 203.

-, -, dapifer, 205.

Huberti, Geoffrey prévôt of Laudun, 380, 381.

See also Ubert.

Hubertivilla, 158.

Hubervilla [Manche], church of St. Peter, 343, 344.

Huceone, Roger de, 288.

-, -, Robert and William sons of, 288.

Hucham, Osbert de, 485.

Huchemaig, Master Gilbert de, 17.

Huchelesbia [? Usselby, co. Lincoln], charter dated at, 504.

Huçon, William de, 538.

Huerchun, Roger de, 436.

Huers. See Noers.

Hueton, William de, 325.

Hugh, 75, 201, 407, 445.

-, archdeacon, 423.

-, archdeacon of Bath, 173.

-, bishop of Lincoln, 79, 389, 474.

-, -, charters of, 307, 444.

-, feriensis, 90.

-, broc, 25.

-, butler, 20, 23, 26, 141.

-, canon, 128.

-, canon of Bayeux, 190.

-, cardinal priest, Papal vice-chancellor, 56.

-, chancellor of William king of the Scots, 491.

-, chaplain, 242, 243, 335.

-, -, -, of domnus Bardul, 122.

-, -, clerk, 250, 304.

-, -, -, of William earl of Arundel, 344.

-, earl. See Chester.

-, cook, 75, 129.

-, dapifer, 406, 408.

-, -, Rainer son of, 408.

-, -, of bishop of Seez, 401.

-, in ederico, 241.

-, bishop, 251, 526.

-, servant, 368.

-, son of the vicomtesse, 9.

-, forester, 20, 423.

-, of the hospice, 406.

-, layman, 250.

-, leech, 89, 208.

-, madidus, 123.

-, master, 139.

-, -, clerk, 162.

-, -, canon of Exeter, 279.

-, magnus, 222.

-, man in Hanney, 76.

-, the marshal, 77.

-, monk, 302, 523.

parvus, 123.

-, priest, 401, 411, 512.

-, scribe, 288.

-, smith, 113.

-, subdean [of Poitiers], 390.

-, viator, 367.

-, vicomte, 80, 81.

-, -, Robert son of, 81.

-, vicomte, 346.

-, -, Robert brother of, 346.

-, (son of Turstingus), vicomte, 251, 252.

-, Adam son of, 387.

-, John son of Robert son of, 302.

-, Osbern son of, de Cornuis, 106.

-, Vicarius (sic), Ranulf son of, 526.

-, Robert son of, 163, 301, 302, 410.

-, -, de Monteforti, 1.

-, Roger son of, 251.

See also Ugo.

Hugham, William de, 490.

Hugmeth. See Humeto.

Hulehale, Roger de, 138.

-, -, William brother of, 138.

Hulme. See Homme.

Hulme, St. Bene't of, abbot of, 240.

Hulmeto. See Humeto.

Hulmetum. See Hommet.

Hulmo, Hugh de, 262.

Humbaldus, Unbald, 408, 409.

Humberston, Humbristona [co. Leic.], 230.

Humeel, mills of, 324.

Humeto, Homez, Hommet, Houmez, Humez, Hugmeth, Hulmeto, Humeriis, Hummez (Le Hommet, Manche), Engueram (son of Richard [I.]) de, 185 n, 187, 193, 274, 324.

-, Jordan (son of Richard [I.]) de, 185 n, 193, 274.

-, Ralf de, 271.

-, Richard [I.] de, 93, 271, 298, 345, 347, 349, 350, 427, 439, 465, 515, 519, 533.

-, -, constable, 6, 35, 44, 45, 56, 60, 64, 78, 101, 116–8, 135, 138, 156 n, 162, 171, 182, 185–7, 191, 193, 201, 224, 243, 245, 270–2, 275, 276, 281, 299, 334, 355, 362, 378, 439, 458, 460, 485, 491, 515.

-, -, seneschal of Normandy, 224, 225.

-, -, charters of, 185, 193.

-, -, Agnes wife of, 185.

-, -, William, Ingelram, and Jordan sons of, 185 n.

-, Richard (II., son of William) de, 91, 172, 489.

-, -, constable, 15, 188.

-, -, Gila wife of, 188.

-, Robert de, archdeacon, 191.

-, William [I.] de, grandson of Robert, charter of, 345.

-, William (son of Richard [I.]), de, 161, 274, 275, 439, 476.

-, -, charters of, 78, 282, 303, 310.

-, -, Lucy wife of, 282.

-, Richard son of, 282, 303.

-, -, baron of the exchequer, 402.

-, -, constable, 8, 14, 18, 19, 28, 29, 61, 65, 89, 91, 103, 104, 119, 131, 149, 163, 172, 183, 185, 187, 188, 193, 194, 200, 284, 286, 302, 304, 305, 310, 312, 324, 325, 339, 382, 384, 417, 474, 495, 496, 522, 525, 534.

Humfrey, Hunfrey, Unfridus, Onfredus, 177, 252, 438, 456.

-, archicapellanus, 176.

-, aureis testiculis (Orescuilz), 369.

-, dean, 316.

-, hospitator, 110.

-, hunstman, 236.

-, master, 531.

-, “Namo,” 251.

-, parvus, 251.

-, priest, 110, 401.

-, Richard son of, 422.

-, Roger son of, 251.

-, Robert son of, 274 n.

-, butler, Robert son of, 112.

-, Robert son of, de Vieilles, 109.

Humo, Ruallemus de, 282.

Hunechild. See Honeychild.

Hunewica. See Honeywick.

Hunferius, chaplain, 402.

Hunfranvilla, Hunfrancvilla, Humfranvilla.

See Umfranvilla.

Hungarians (Bela), king of, 10.

Hungerford, Hungreford [co. Berks], 124.

Huningeham. See Honingham.

Hunston, Honestona [co. Sussex], church of St. Leger, 328, 331.

Huntingdon, David (I.) earl of, 504.

See also David king of Scots.

-, David (II.) earl of (brother of William king of Scots), 495.

Huntingfeld, Roger de, knight, 240.

Huntley, Huntleia, Hunteleia, Honteleia [co. Gloucester], church of, 403.

-, chapel of, 404, 410, 411, 413.

Hupanena. See Upavon.

Hurst, La Hurste [in Toppesfield, co. Essex], 302.

Huse, Hose, Husatus, Henry, 65, 203, 204, 208.

See also Hosatus.

Husseburne, Master Thomas de, justice, 17, 150.

Huwingiis, Richard de, 510.

Hylary. See Hilary.

Hysembert, master of the schools of Saintes (builder of London Bridge), 389.

Hythe, Hea, Heca [co. Kent], tithe at, 120–2.


Ibold, house at Rouen of, 8.

Ichebuef, Ikebo, Ikebue, Adam de, 8, 118, 378.

Ichenore. See Itchenor, West.

Ikebo. See Ichebuef.

Ikelesham, Ralf de, 53.

Ikelon, Roger de, 282.

Ilbert, Hilbert, Magister, 311.

-, seneschal, 440.

-, Ingelram son of, 359, 400, 425.

-, charter of, 22.

See also Hubert, Engelram, son of.

Ilchester, Richard of, bishop of Winchester, 7, 8, 90, 102, 129, 146, 147, 186, 187, 276, 365, 468, 516, 533, 534.

Ildefant, 331.

Ilgerius, teacher of Robert (Courthose,) 425.

-, Bernard son of, 530.

Illebona. See Lillebonne.

Illiers-l'Evêque, Yllees [Eure], fortified house at, 103, 104.

Illston-on-the-hill, Ilvestona [co. Leic.], chapel of, 230.

Ilvestona. See Illston.

Imbert, Geoffrey, seneschal of Monscantor, 386.

-, brother of the Temple, 453.

Imperatricis, Henry filius. See Henry II.

Ine, Paganus de, 305.

Inferno, Hugh de, 261.

Ingelardi, Peter son of, 481.

Ingelram, Ingerannus, 40.

See also Engelramus, Ingeran.

Ingelric, 526.

Ingeran the butler, 388.

Ingersby, Inguaruibi [co. Leic.], 230.

Ingleby, Englebye [co. York], 291.

Inglessham, Master Robert de, 487.

Ingobaudus, monk, 418.

Inguaruibi. See Ingersby.

Ingulf, Peter son of, 299.

Ingulf, canon, 438.

-, dapifer, 422.

Innocent II. pope, 55, 213, 507, 508, 539.

-, bulls of, 356, 403, 513.

-, confirmation by, 513.

Innocent III., pope, confirmation by, 19.

-, -, letters of, 51, 52, 322.

Instigande, Stigand, Odo, 198, 423.

Insula Bartholomew de, 104.

-, Henry de, 488.

-, -, Margaret wife of, 488.

-, Hugh de (i.e. of the Isle of Wight), gifts of, 426.

-, -, Rotger and Gervase, brothers of, 426.

-, Ralf de, 186.

-, Roger de, 135.

-, Ulgerius de, 93.

-, Walter de, 321.

-, -, master, 361.

-, William de, 321.

Insula Bona. See Lillebonne.

Ioieo, Robert de, 300.

Iovignee, Jovign’, Robert de, 116, 186.

Ipra. See Ypra.

Ireland, Ybernia, trade with, 33, 35.

-, Henry II. in, 440.

Irnham, Erneham, co. Lincoln [church of], 442.

Isaac, master, canon of Exeter, 279.

Isemburna. See Easebourne.

Isinnio, Alan de, 434.

Isle (? in Gower), church of the, 106.

Isle, church of the, 221.

Isle, The. See Wight, Isle of.

Isles, Osanna of the (Channel), 264.

Isloduno, Ralf de, earl of Eu, 387 n.

Isore, Isorest, William, 112, 113.

Ispania. See Épaignes.

Istelabe, 230.

Itchenor, West, Ichenore, Chienore [co. Sussex], church of, 331.

-, tithes of, 331.

Iufard. See Giffard.

Iugarvilla, Roger de, 322.

Ivo, priest, 406.

-, deacon, 414.

-, master of schools, 194.

-, Gozelin son of, 21.

-, Emery, Haimeric son of, 243, 381.

-, Robert son of, 260.

-, William son of, 147.

Ivranda. See Yvrandes.

Ivreio. See Ivry.

Ivry-la-Bataille, Ivry [Eure], abbey of grant to, 139.

-, church and tithes of, 139.

-, Galeran, lord of, 139.

Ivry, Ivreium, Adelina de, 230.

-, Gohel, Huel de, 106, 218, 219.

-, Hugh of, butler of Normandy, 23.

See also Roger, butler (of Normandy).

Iwareby, Gilbert de, clerk, 227.

Iz, Hugh Buscard de, 197.

-, Ranulf de, 197.


J. parson, 319.

Jaffa, charter dated at, 104.

Jallia, Ivo de, 418.

See also Gailla, Laiailla.

James, George nephew of, 291.

James, monk of Savigny, 308.

Japhe. See Jaffa.

Jaulnay, Jaunaium [Vienne], 388, 389.

Jaunay, William de, 394.

Jaurnaio, Geoffrey de, sergeant of Queen Eleanor, 390.

Jedworth, Jeddewrde, charter dated at, 357.

Jerdislaia. See Chearsley.

Jeremias, archdeacon (of Cleveland), 7.

-, dominus, 4.

Jersey, Gerseium, Gersoi, island of, 148, 249, 263, 267, 268, 272, 330, 341, 347.

-, chapel of, St. Mary de Bona nocte, 349.

-, -, St. Mary, 272.

-, church of St. Brelades, 348.

-, -, St. Clement, 348, 349.

-, -, -, de Petrivilla, 350.

-, -, St. Germanus, 262.

-, -, St. John de Caisnibus, de Quercubus, 349, 350.

-, -, St. Laurent, 312.

-, -, St. Martin of Gerovilla, 330.

-, -, St. Ouen (St. Owen), 268, 272.

-, -, -, William priest of, 339.

-, -, St. Peter de Deserto, 341.

-, Cropadeit, 339.

-, parish of St. Clement, 349.

-, -, St. John de Quercubus, 347.

-, tithe of St. Ouen, 263.

-, Perrevilla, vill of, 349.

-, abbey of St. Helier of the Isles, in 338.

-, -, Benjamin abbot of, 339.

-, -, chapter house of, 339.

Jerusalem, journey to (pilgrimage or crusade), 28, 93, 121, 122, 169, 211, 227, 253, 261, 401, 420.

-, Fule king of, 223, 356, 359, 467, 518,

-, land of (i.e. Palestine), 469.

-, monk of, 24.

Jerveaux. See Jorveaux.

Jettehou, Keitehulm, Quetehou, island (off Guernsey) of 252, 269.

Joan, queen of the Sicilians (daughter of) Henry II.), 94, 391.

-, -, testament of, 392, 393.

-, -, duchess of La Marche, countess of Tholouse, marquise of Provence, 392.

-, -, charter of, 392.

-, -, daughter of queen Eleanor, 387 n.

Jocelin, 376.

-, chaplain, 176.

-, brother of queen [Adeliza], 458.

-, Robert son of, 376.

-, Rodulf son of, archdeacon, 463.

See also Joscelin, Jozelin.

Jodelineria, Jodelin de, 390.

Joeio. See Juaye.

Johel (of Totness), grandfather of William de Braose, 460, 461.

Johellus. See Juhellus.

John, king of England, 182 n, 244, 387 n, 392, 464, 495.

-, gifts of, 19, 31, 35, 65, 86, 88, 131, 139, 163, 196, 215, 217, 239, 304, 312, 340, 363, 391, 472–5, 480, 499.

-, lord of Ireland, count of Mortain, charter of, 495.

-, son of Henry II., 381, 382, 419 n.

See also Mortain, John count of.

John II., king of France, 125.

John, 24, 73, 283, 448.

-, archbishop. See Rouen.

-, bishop of Exeter, 194, 461.

-, -, charter of, 319.

-, bishop of Rochester, 239.

-, butler, 153.

-, canon, 139, 263, 463.

-, -, of Bayeux, 190.

-, chaplain, 162, 179, 180, 206, 278, 283, 332, 344.

-, -, of Richard son of Henry II., 467.

-, -, of William de Filgeriis, 308.

-, clerk, 196 n, 291.

-, -, of the archdeacon of Lincoln, 444.

-, count. See Mortain.

-, surnamed “consul,” 375.

-, dean (of Salisbury) 317.

-, deacon, 205.

-, prior's servant, 79.

-, marshal, 153, 537.

-, miller, 151.

-, monk, 416.

-, -, of Marmoutier, 424.

-, monks’ man, 202.

-, porter, 235.

-, de possessa, 11.

-, priest, 48, 176, 179, 266, 319.

-, prior (of Fécamp), 43.

-, Master W., 378.

-, de Dovera, Foubert son of, 490.

-, Hunfridus son of, 179, 180 n.

-, John son of, the chamberlain, 75.

-, Luke son of, 57.

-, Payn son of, 98, 127, 213, 214, 508.

-, Reginald son of, 356.

-, Richard son of, 179, 180.

-, Simon son of, 263.

-, William, son of, 5, 99, 101, 138, 156, 160, 178, 179, 182, 268, 269, 275, 314, 460, 465, 533.

-, -, gift of, 349.

-, -, de Muleres, charter of, 179, 180.

-, -, de Weston [co. Somerset], letter of, 179, 180.

Jollanus dapifer. See Turonis.

Jordanus, archdeacon, 192.

-, butler of Richard son of Henry II., 467.

-, chaplain. 373.

-, clerk, 228.

-, dapifer, 259.

-, precentor, 276, 277.

-, Alan son of, charter of, 441.

-, -, Joan wife of and Jordan, son of, 441.

-, Richard son of, 307.

-, William, son of, 280.

Jorkes. See Jurques.

Jort [Calvados], 431.

Jorvaux, Jorvalles, John abbot of, 297.

Josbertus absque terra, 376.

Josce, 448.

oscelin, chaplain of queen Eleanor, 390.

-, chaplain of queen Joan, 392.

-, monk, 407.

see also Jocelin, Jozelin.

Joseph, the priest, 188.

Joslendetar. See Turonis, Joslin de.

Josleni, John, dapifer of Anjou, 467.

See also Turonis.

Jovigne. See Iovigne.

Jozelin, monk, 251.

Juaye, Joeium [Calvados], 148.

Judicalis priest, 259.

Juhellus, Juellus, Johellus, 3.

-, canon, 300, 305.

-, chaplain, 304, 385.

-, chaplain of Richard I., 57, 88, 195.

Juliabona. See Lillebonne.

Julian, chaplain, 505.

Jumièges, Gemeticum, Gemegiensis, abbey of St. Peter, 54–7, 467.

-, -, grants to, 35 n, 54–7, 526.

-, -, abbot of, 54, 57.

-, -, -, Eustance, 56.

-, -, -, Guntard, 166, 327.

-, -, -, Robert, 57 n.

-, R. Mansellus, abbot elect of, 15.

-, monks of, 56.

-, charter dated at, 71.

Jurquse, Jorkes, Jurkes, [Calvados], 148, 299.


Kaeu, Kaio, Keou, William de, 36, 474, 495, 496.

Kahannes. See Cahaines.

Kailli, Roger de, 63.

Kainesham, Master William de, canon, 246.

Kaisneio, Aeliza de, charter of, 95.

-, William son of, grant by, 95.

See also Caisneio.

Kaisneto, Hugh de, 510.

-, Ralf de, 510.

-, Roger de, of Graffham, 510.

See also Caisneto.

Kametona, 77.

See also Ramerton.

Kana. See Cana.

Kanefelda. See Canfield.

Karentona, Bartholomew de, clerk, 16.

Kari, Geoffrey de, 174, 176.

Karitate, Geoffrey de, 388.

Karitas. See Charité, La.

Karletun. See Carlton.

Karolus, clerk, 485.

Karpikeit, Adam de, 30.

Karpikeit. See Carpiquet.

Kartraio. See Carteret.

Kathehulmus. See Quettehou.

Katus, Brunman, 512.

Kaylii. See Cailly.

Keitehulm. See Jettehou.

Kelling, Kelinges [co. Norfolk], 216.

Kells, M. bishop of, 105 n.

Kelsey, South, Calisei [co. Lincoln], 236, 237.

Kemeys, Cameis, Cathmeis [co. Pembroke], abbey of St. Mary (St. Dogmael's) in, 352, 353, 356, 358, 527.

-, -, abbots of, 353.

-, See St. Dogmael.

Kenebroc. See Carbrooke.

Kenilworth, Kinellewurde, Robert prior of 226, 377.

Kenoavilla. John de, 131.

Kent, Chent, barons of, 503–5.

-, officers of, 484, 503.

-, sheriff of. See Cornhelle, Henry de; Dover, Hugh de.

Kessingland, Lingeilande [co. Suffolk], 216.

Keou, William de, 36.

See Kaeu.

Ketelbern, priest and canon, 408.

Ketelsbi, Simon de, 449.

Ketene. See Ketton.

Ketevilla, church of, 301.

Ketton, Ketene [co. Rutland], 186, 187.

Kevetebiria. See Kintbury.

Kihavene, Nigel de, 351.

Kilendone, Master Walter de, 49.

Kilham, Kilon, Kilum, Kyllum [co. Yorks], 4, 5.

Kinellewurde. See Kenilworth.

Kington, Chinton, Quintona, Wintona [co. Hereford], 356, 358, 527.

Kinlos, church of St. Mary, 490.

Kintbury, Kevetebiria [co. Berks], 376.

Kipest’, 331.

Kirby Muxloe in Glenfield, Carobi [co. Leic.], chapel of, 229.

Kirkby, Chercabia, Kircheby, Cherchebia [co. Leicester], 225, 230.

-, church of, 221, 223.

Kirkstall, Kirchestal, Alexander abbot of, 297.

Kirtlington, Curtintona [co. Oxon], church of, 185.

Kirton, Kirketon [co. Notts], chapel of, 16.

Kivilli. See Quevilly.

Knell, Cnolle [co. Sussex], manor of, 511.

Kotes, Thurstan de, 510.

Kuesham [? Faversham], Siger monk of, 484.

Kyllum. See Kilham.


Labbe, Ralf, 478.

La Boiste, mill of, 148.

Labotzac. See Boussac.

Labutsac, Mainus de, 406.

Lacaille, Robert, 148.

Laceio. See Lacy.

Lacellis, Godfrey de, 188.

Lactona. See Laughton.

Lacy, Lasci, Lacey, Laci, Laceium, Almaric de, 104.

-, Ilbert, Hilbert de, 24, 509.

-, -, Emma mother of, 24.

-, Hugh de, 35, 101, 106, 117, 135, 201, 217, 311, 337, 378, 379.

-, -, charter of, 105, 107.

-, Robert de, 105.

-, Roger de, gift of, 170.

-, Walter de, 409.

-, -, charter of, 105, 106, 217.

-, -, Margaret wife of, 105.

Laddel, 173.

La Ferte Macé [Orne], Gundred lady of charter of, 212.

Lafertet, Hugh de, 328.

Laha, Robert de, 508.

Lahedreland [? Ladram Bay in Otterton], 279.

Laiailla, Ivo de, 303.

See also Gailla, Jallia.

Laigle [Orne], 184, 457.

-, church of, 218.

-, Richer lord of, 184, 457.

-, -, Juliana mother of, 457.

See also Aquila.

Laize, mill on the, 159.

Lalande, 256.

Laleham, Lelham [co. Midd.], 42.

Lamarra, Hugh de, 415.

Lamatra, Robert, 42.

Lambedon. See Lambesso.

Lamberville [Seine Inférieure], 69.

Lambert the goldsmith, 261.

Lambesso in St. Clement, Lambedon [co. Cornwall], 280.

Lambley, Lameleya [co. Notts], 16.

Lambrict, Lambriel, Baldwin, 320.

-, John, 462.

Lameheda. See London, Lambeth.

Lameleya. See Lambley.

Lamport in Stow [co. Bucks], Lamporte, Langeporte, tithes of, 74, 76, 77.

Lamvallei. See Lanvallei.

Lancaster, 236, 237.

-, church of St. Mary, 239.

-, monastery of, 237.

-, Nicholas prior of, 239.

-, Godfrey's orchard, 236.

Lancelin son of the count of Vendôme, 378.

Lancinguis, Lacinges, William de, 48, 461.

-, William de, charter of, 406.

-, -, Stigand brother of, 406.

Landa, Lande, Jordan de, 145, 147, 148, 533.

-, Ralf de, 309.

-, Reginald de la, 449.

-, Richard de, 328.

-, Richard de la, 540.

-, Roger de, 146.

Landasren, Robert de, 538.

Lande-Pourrie, La, Landa Putrida [Manche], forest of, 247.

Landericus, Landricus, Richard son of, 123.

-, Roger son of, 145.

-, de Boceio, Randulf son of, 397.

-, monk of Byland, 297.

Landevi, Landæui, Landeviacho, Guido de, 434–6.

Landewiceton. See Lawhitton.

Lando, Nigel de, 328.

Lanfranc, abbot, 158.

-, archbishop of Canterbury, 38, 141, 154, 327, 397 n, 503.

-, monk, 424.

Langara. See Llangarran.

Langeford, Walter de, 150.

Langeis, Lengiacum, pool of, 472.

Langeporte. See Lamport.

Langes, castle of, 473.

Langeton, William de, 136.

Langetot, Richard de, 334.

Langham, Lavingahan [co. Essex], manor of, 127.

Langley Green, Langelleie [in Claverdon, co. Warwick], chapel of, 414.

Langney [co. Sussex], 511.

Langport [in Eastbourne, co. Sussex], 511.

Langrune, Lingrona, Lingronia, Lengrona [Calvados], 170, 133.

-, church of, 164, 168.

-, tithe of, 193, 325.

Languene. See Llangennith.

Langton, Languestona [co. Leic.] 230.

-, Upper, 230.

Languetot, Miles de, 67.

Lanidande, 256.

Lanliguit. See Llanllwyd.

Lannalein. See Lanvallei.

Lanstaueton. See Launceston.

Lanstor, Geoffrey, 450.

Lansvale. See Lanvallei.

Lantas, Bernard de, 453.

Lantcadoc. See Llangattoc Vibonavel.

Lantheha, Richard de, 174.

Lanton, Master Godfrey de, 278.

Lantony, Gilbert prior of, 105 n.

Lanvallei, Lanvalein, Lanval, Lansvale, Lanvalaio, Lannalein, Lamvallei, William de, 7, 171, 186, 276, 468, 317, 337, 378, 427, 468.

Lascy. See Lacy.

Lastelle, Ostella [Manche], 330.

Lastra, Lestra [Lestre, Manche], Richard de, 434, 435.

-, William de, 328.

See also Estra.

Lauda, Hugh de, 332.

Laudun, prévôt of, 380, 381.

Laughton, Lastane [co. Sussex], 510.

Laughton, Lactona [co. Leic.], 320.

Laulne, Alnum [Manche], 330.

Launceston, Lanstaueton, Walter, prior of, 321.

Lauratorium, abbey of, 392.

Laurence, chaplain, 241, 242.

-, clerk, 62.

-, notary, 326.

-, priest of St. Gregory (London), 152, 153.

Laval. See Val, Delaval.

Lavant (Mid), Loventona [co. Sussex] church of, 510.

Lav[er]kestoca, Jordan de, 387.

Lavigahan. See Langham.

Lawhitton, Landewiceton [co. Cornwall], charter dated at, 321.

Lazay, Simon de, 473.

Lazinant, Hildiardis de, 373.

Leamington Hastings, Amentonia [co. Warwick], tithes of, 412.

Leaveland, Lavelande, Livelanda [co. Kent], chapel of, 486–8.

Lebel, Robert, 505.

-, -, de Londonia, 504 n.

See also Bel.

Leberquer, Robert, 432.

Lebret, Amanevus de, 450.

Le Briton’, 146.

Lecca, Alan de, 204.

Lecceburne. See Legborne.

Lecedis. See Leeds.

Lechintoniense (sic), Master William de, 498.

Leckhampstead, Lechamestede [co. Bucks], 76, 77.

Lecton, Lectona. See Leighton Buzzard.

Ledeberia, Osbert de, 139.

Ledecumba. See Letcombe.

Ledet, Leidett, Letet, Wiscard, Wichard, Guichardus, 94, 243.

Ledleford. See Church Lawford.

Leeds, Leddes [co. York], church of, 442, 443.

Lees, Robert de, 49.

Leffy, William son-in-law of, 16.

Lefsi, 510.

Lega, Philip de, 318.

Legatus, Robert, monk, 276.

-, Roger, monk, 274.

Legbourne, Lecceburne [co. Lincoln], 216.

Lege [? Leigh in Wimborne, co. Dorset], 127.

Legrecestria. See Leicester.

Legrefth. See Grath.

Lehon [Côtes du Nord], monastery of, 441.

-, monks of, 441.

Leicester, Legrecestria, 229–31, 376.

-, church of St. Sepulchre without, 229.

-, forest of, 229–34.

-, Holegate, 229.

-, St. Mary de Prato, canons of, 376.

-, abbot of, Paul, 137.

-, -, Richard, 377.

-, archdeacon of, See Barre, Hugh.

-, Robert earl of, 226, 274n, 458.

-, -, charters of, 136, 194, 357.

-, -, gift by, 385.

-, Robert (I.) (son of Robert count of Meulan) earl of, 6, 78, 98, 99–101, 113, 115, 116, 124, 125, 127, 137, 140, 170, 198, 213, 214, 223n, 224, 342, 355, 360, 373, 374, 377, 464, 515, 518, 532.

-, -, charter of, 376.

-, -, gift by, 384.

-, -, Robert son of, 171, 245, 376, 377, 464.

-, -, Isabel, countess of Northampton, daughter of, 376, 377.

-, -, Hawise, countess of Gloucester, daughter of, 377.

-, -, Margaret daughter of, 377.

-, Robert (II. son of Robert I.) earl of, 65, 118, 128, 227, 243, 464.

-, -, charters of, 102, 139, 161, 199.

-, -, Parnel, Petronilla (de Grantmensnil) wife of, 102, 103, 139, 161, 199, 211, 229, 231, 377.

-, -, -, charter of, 228.

-, -, Robert son of, 103, 227, 300.

-, -, William son of, 300.

-, -, Roger son of. See St. Andrew's, Roger bishop of.

-, Robert (III. [“Fitzparnel”] son of Robert II.) earl of, 95, 103, 196, 227, 231, 303, 387 n, 470, 471, 473, 474, 476, 495, 528.

-, -, charters of, 136, 211, 229.

-, -, gift by, 227.

-, -, Amicia (countess of Evreux) sister of, 476.

-, -, Loretta wife of, 136.

See also Breteuil.

-, A. prior of, 504 n.

Leidett. See Ledet.

Leies, Lees, Robert de, 49.

Leigh in Wimborne, [co. Dorset]. See Lege.

Leigh Challons in Plympton St. Mary, Leuga, [co. Devon], 5.

Leighton Buzzard, Lectona [co. Bedford], manor of, 378, 384.

Leindeneia. See Lydney.

Leintwardine. See Linde.

Leisaus. See Lesceaux.

Leiseus, Thomas de, 263.

Leivreth, 157.

Lelesforde, Sara wife of Roger de, 203.

Lemovice. See Limoges.

Lencay, Hengelbertus de, 236.

Le Neveu, Robert, 146.

Lengigneor, Humfrey, 116.

Lengres, Master Walter of, 461.

Lengrona. See Langrune.

Lens, Wenemarus de, 481.

Lens [Pas de Calais], Baldwin, castellan of, 494.

-, Eustace son of, 194.

Lenton [co. Notts], priory of, 506.

Leo (IX.), pope, 429.

Leofric, abbot, 501.

Leofstan, 503.

Leofwine, 512.

-, Leofsige brother of, 512.

Leon, Leuns, Hervey de, 523.

Leonem. See Lyons-la-Forét.

Léon, St. Paul de, Leonensis, Hamo, bishop of, 274.

Leones, 305.

Leonibus, Ralf de, 76, 77.

-, William de, 76, 77.

Lerru. See Lierru in Ste. Marguerite.

Lerver, Patrick de, priest, 179.

Lesceaux, Leseaus, Leisaus, Leiseus, Leseaux, Lesels, Philip and William de, 282, 306.

-, Richard de, 282.

-, William de, 379.

-, Thomas de, 266.

Lessay, Exaquium, charter dated at, 326.

-, abbey of Holy Trinity, 327–33.

-, abbot of, 333.

-, -, Peter, 439.

-, -, Thomas, 332.

-, -, G. monk of, 332.

-, prior of, 263.

-, -, Robert, 332.

-, -, Ralf de Glatineio, 309.

-, sub-prior, Roger, 332.

Lestra. See Lastra.

Lestrie, Jordanus de, 314.

Letardus, thelonarius, 23.

Letcombe Regis, Ledecumba, [co. Berks], manor of, 509, 513, 514–6.

Letet. See Ledet.

Leth', William, gifts of, 511.

Letoldus, 443.

Leuelesham. See Luvesham.

Leuga. See Leigh Challons.

Leun, Ralf de, 268.

Leuuinus, armiger, 406.

Levaré, Livaré [Mayenne], 301.

Levelande. See Leaveland.

Levelande, Nathanael son of Geoffrey de charter of, 488.

-, -, Desirea wife of, 488.

Levelatus, Richard, 259.

Levenoth, 16.

-, Robert son of, 488.

Lewes [co. Sussex], priory of St. Pancras, 509, 517.

-, prior of, 516, 517.

-, monks of, 512, 516.

Lewesham, Lieuesham, Liefesham [co. Kent], 500, 501, 503–5.

-, (h)alimot of, 505.

-, manor of, 502, 503.

Lexoviensis. See Lisieux.

Lexiovio, Ralf de, 148, 163.

Leysdown (in Shepey), Scapaium [co. Kent], tithe from, 40.

Lezignan, Lezigniaco, Geoffrey de, 103, 473.

-, Guy de, 467.

Lichelad, Geoffrey de, canon of Lincoln, 307.

Lideneia. See Lydney.

Liebur, John son of, 235.

Liecelina mother of Hugh, bishop of Lisieux, 201.

Liefesham, Lieuesham. See Lewisham.

Lierru in Ste. Marguerite de I’ Autel, Lerru [Eure], charter dated at, 135.

Lierru, Hervey, 124.

Lifiden. See Fifehead Magdalen.

Ligierius, prévôt 257.

Lignon, Luca de, 402.

Liher, Ode, 332.

Likerton, Thomas de, canon of Lincoln, 227.

Lilingestan. See Lillingstone.

Lille, documents at, 494–6.

Lillebonne, Illebona, Insula bona, Juliabona [Seine Inférieure], 67.

-, forest of, 71, 88, 89.

-, charters dated at, 58, 69, 70, 137, 196.

-, bailiffs of, 67.

-, men of, 59.

Lillingstone, Lingenestone, Lilingestane [co. Buckingham], tithes of, 74, 76, 77.

Lim, Alveret de, priest, 319.

Limai, Limaya [in Igoville, Eure], 29.

Limber, Great, Limberga [co. Lincoln], 187.

-, church of, 185, 187.

Limesi, Limesium, Geoffrey de, 67.

-, Ralf de, 464.

- Walter de, 93.

Limoges, Lemovice, Saibrand bishop of, 469.

-, Aimard count of, 171.

-, charters dated at, 533.

Lincis, Master Walter de, 321.

Lincolia, Alvred de, 27.

Lincoln, cathedral, chapter of, 443.

-, church of St. Peter, 237.

-, diocese of, 50.

-, ferm of, 507.

-, toll of, 508.

-, charter dated at, 504.

-, archdeacon of, 444.

-, -, Robert, 443.

-, bishop of, 204, 443. See also Alexander; Bloet, Robert; Blois, William of; Chesney, Robert de; Constanciis, Walter de; Hugh; Henry II., Geoffrey son of; Remigius.

-, canons of, 227, 307.

-, Chancellor of, Hamo, 306.

-, -, Alexander Brito brother of, 306.

-, dean of, Hamo, charter of, 307.

-, -, Roger de Rollestan, 366.

-, earl of. See Roumare.

Lincolnshire, Lincolascira, clergy of, 443.

-, barons and lieges of, 447, 449.

Lincroft, 138.

Linde [? Leintwardine, co. Hereford], demesne of, 139.

Lindebona, charter dated at, 40.

Lindisiacis, Ralf de, 426.

Lindissi, Baldric de, 223.

-, -, Richard son of, 223.

-, Brisard ad, 223.

Lindrit, 16.

Lindsey, Lindesium, 40.

Lindwode, Gilbert de, 351.

Lineriz, Moraitus de, 223.

Linerius, Geoffrey de, 373.

Linford (Little), [co. Bucks], chapel of, 444, 445.

Linieris, Henry de, 288.

Lingart, Ranulf de, 529.

Lingeilande. See Kessingland.

Lingenestone. See Lillingstone.

Lingevra, Roger de, 301.

Lingevres, Hugh de, 348.

Lingevrio, Serlo de, gifts of, 159.

Lingreville [Manche], church of, 433.

Lingrona. See Langrune.

Lingronia. See Langrune.

Linton, Lintun, Lintonia [co. Hereford], tithes of, 411, 413.

Linwode, Henry de, 351.

Lion-sur-mer, Lyon [Calvados], 174, 175.

-, church of St. Peter, 174–7.

Lions. See Lyone-la Forêt.

Lire. See Lyre.

Lisewige, Richard de, 173.

Lisiacens’, Herbert de, 526.

Lisieux, Lexoviensis, Lisiacensis, Luxoviensis [Calvados], 476.

-, royal pleas at, 477.

-, charters dated at, 45, 476.

-, abbey of St. Mary and St. Desir, 201.

-, archdeacon of, Master Hubert, 11.

-, -, John, 17, 103, 161.

-, -, John de Alençon, 14.

-, bishop of, 101, 423.

-, -, Arnulf, Ernulf, 4, 7, 34, 35, 43–5, 101, 117, 118, 120, 122, 156, 160, 161, 171, 186, 191, 192, 201, 207, 215, 224, 225, 245, 267, 269, 281, 294, 295, 299, 323, 355, 455, 477, 519, 522, 532, 533.

-, -, -, charter of, 121.

-, -, Gilbert Maminot, 22, 123, 166, 218, 327, 399, 426, 433, 438, 521.

-, -, Herbert, 250–2.

-, -, Hugh, 120, 137, 165, 197, 201, 252, 253, 367, 425, 529.

-, -, John, 2, 41, 42, 59, 66–68, 97, 98, 125, 137, 197, 198, 214, 220, 221, 259, 262, 289, 330, 342, 354, 372, 373, 457, 466, 508, 531, 539.

-, -, Ralf de Warnevilla, 65, 79, 90, 163, 468, 470.

-, -, -, charter of, 122.

See also Warnevilla.

-, -, William, 59, 106, 495.

-, Hubert canon of, 9.

-, treasurer of, John, 441.

-, -, Silverster, 486.

-, Galeran vicomte of, 208.

Lismanaoch in Maneage [co. Cornwall], 256 n.

Lismanehee, 255.

Liteltone, Walter de, 488.

Lithe, Robert de, 48.

-, William de, 49.

Liticote. See Littlecote.

Litons, William, 435 n.

-, -, Ralf brother of, 435 n.

Littlecote, Liticote [near Stewkley, co. Buckingham], tithes of, 74, 77.

Littlehampton, Hanton [co. Sussex], 233, 234.

Liuns, Guiomar de, 304.

Livaré. See Levaré.

Livelanda. See Leaveland.

Livelto, Liveth, Livet, Henry de, seneschal, 362.

-, Hugh de, 145.

-, Richard de, 225.

-, Robert de, 145, 147, 163, 203.

-, Roger de, 161, 225.

Liziardus, Geoffrey son of, 526.

Llangarran, Langara, church of (co. Hereford), 411, 413.

Llangattoc Vibonavel, Lantcadoc, Lancadoc, Lancaddoc [co. Monmouth], church of St. Cadoc, 403, 404, 406, 413.

Llangennith, Languene, [co. Glamorgan], 106.

See also Gower.

Llanllwyd, Lanligwit, Lantliwit, Lantlwit, [co. Monmouth], church of St. Liwit, 403, 404.

-, land of, 413.

Llanrothal, St. Roald [co. Hereford], chapel of St. Michael, 404, 411, 412.

-, church of, 403, 404, 409, 412.

Locelle. See Loucelles.

Loches, (Indre et Loire), 476.

-, Benedict de, 145.

-, Hervey, prévôt of, 455.

-, Thomas dean (“de Chano”) of, 375.

Lochesberge. See Luxborough.

Loc Marie, Locmaria, [Britanny], priory of, 427.

Locton. See Loughton.

Locumba, William de, 178.

Loders, Lodres [co. Dorset], church of, 322.

-, manor of, 313, 314.

-, Hosbert clerk of, 316.

-, William priest of, 318.

Loes, Lose, hundred, of [co. Suffolk], sokemen in, 100.

Loffredus, vicomte, 251.

Logie, convent of, 393.

Logis, Robert de, 211.

Loheach, Hervey de, 538.

-, Peter de, 298.

-, Philip de, 203, 204, 298.

Loherengerius. See Illoherengerius.

Loire, river, 92.

-, -, bridge (at Saumur) over, 467.

Lois, Robert son of, clerk, 409.

Lombard, Lumbard, master, 486.

Lomcestr’, 150.

Loncelles. See Loucelles.

Londa, mill of, 324.

Londinières, Londenie, Londenerie [Seine Inférieure], 6, 14.

Londinum [? London], charter dated at, 313.

London, agreement made at, 160.

-, council at, 228.

-, house in, 520.

-, land in, 152, 157.

-, diocese of, 428.

-, trade dues at, 34, 36.

-, exchequer at, 19, 355, 386.

-, ferm of, 372–4, 507, 539.

-, quarters for foreign merchants in, 491.

-, toll of, 508.

-, charters dated at, 4, 12, 98, 228, 291, 453, 479, 484, 489, 493.

-, places in or near; church of St. Paul's, 152.

-, -, -, canons of, 31, 152, 319.

-, -, -, chaplain of, 152, 153.

-, -, -, dean of, Alart, 31.

-, -, -, -, -, charter of, 30.

See also Diceto, Ralf de.

-, -, -, dean and chapter of, 30, 31.

-, -, -, precentor of, Benedict, 31.

-, -, -, -, Walter, 498.

-, -, -, Peter, treasurer of, 31.

-, -, Bissopesgate, 509.

-, -, Castle Munfichet, 152.

-, -, Dowgate port, Duuegate, 34, 35.

-, -, Lambeth, Lameheda, charter dated at, 517.

-, -, St. Gregory's, Laurence, priest of, 152, 153.

-, -, -, Smithfield, 509.

-, -, St. Peter's church, 157.

-, -, St. Martin's, Robert, priest of, 152, 153.

-, -, the new temple, 366.

-, places in or near; Wermanacre, Waremanni Acra in, 502, 503.

-, -, Woodstreet, Wodestre, Wodestrata, 156, 162.

-, -, archdeacon of, Alard, 428. See also Blois, Master Peter de.

-, barons and officers of, 503.

-, barons and sheriffs of, 374.

-, bishop of, 143, 378. See also Beaumeis, Richard de; Elfstan; Ely, Richard of; Foliot, Gilbert; Gilbert the universal; Maurice; Orival, Hugh de; Robert de Sigillo; Sancte Marie Ecclesia, William de; William.

-, chancellor of the diocese of. See Cancia, John de.

-, Londun, Londonia, Gregory de, 533.

-, Master Hugh de, 152, 153.

-, Robert de, chaplain, 246.

-, William de, 152.

Londonensis, William, 146.

Londun. See London.

Longahand, 151.

Longavilla, William de, 146.

-, count of. See Giffard, Walter.

Longboel, Longum Bothel, 21.

Longchamp, 68.

-, Henry de, abbot of Croyland, 16.

Longefer, Henry, 337.

Longhope, Hopa, Haillilda Hope, Eilildis Hope [co. Gloucester], church of All Saints, 403, 404, 410, 411, 413.

Longiledum, Longoledum. See Lonlay.

Longis, Lunges, Rauulf de, 273, 535.

Longocampo, Lungocampo, Henry de, 363.

-, Hugh de, 64, 161, 376.

-, Stephen de, 139, 476.

-, -, seneschal of Richard I., 14, 15, 489.

-, William de, master, 452.

-, -, chancellor (of Richard I.), 88, 149, 355.

-, -, chancellor and bishop-elect of Ely, 12, 14, 90, 91, 103, 217, 385, 453, 489, 537 (?).

-, -, chancellor and bishop of Ely, 18, 57, 107, 149, 163, 183, 195, 386, 480, 498.

-, -, chancellor, bishop of Ely, and papal legate, 16, 17, 469.

Longolio, Helias, Elyas de, 76, 82.

-, Reinald de, 77.

-, William de, 123.

Longuepee, William (natural son of Henry II.), earl of Salisbury, 62, 88, 340, 495.

-, -, -, charters of, 61, 62.

-, -, -, seal of, 62.

Longues [Calvados], abbey of, 534, 535.

Longueville [Seine Inférieure], 23, 29, 75, 156, 469.

-, castle of, 475.

-, fair at, 77.

-, hospital for poor folk, 76, 77.

-, marsh of, 428.

-, wood of Hairons at, 75.

-, priory of St. Faith, 74–9.

-, Roger, prior of, 29.

Longueville [Manche], wood of, 256.

Longus, Walter, canon, 463 n.

Longuus, Augerius, 450.

Lonlay-l'abbaye, Longoledum, Lonlay [Orne], abbey of St. Mary, 247, 248.

-, abbot of, 400.

-, -, John, 312.

-, -, Hugh, 397–9, 424.

-, -, Ranulf, 399, 434.

-, monks of, 247, 398, 399.

Lonreio, Bartholomew de, 81.

-, Haimeric de, 234.

-, Richard de, 80.

Loos, Hugh, 453.

Loricarius, Robert, 207.

Lorloc, Tostanus, 243.

Lose, hundred of. See Loes.

Loster, Lostor, Geoffrey, 382, 453.

Loucelles, Locelle, La Celles [Calvados], church of, 157, 522.

Loudun, Loudunum [Vienne], 389.

-, charter dated at, 380, 390.

Loughton, Locotone, Locton [co. Buckingham], tithes of, 74, 76, 77.

Louis VI., Ludovicus, king of France, 113, 354, 430, 539.

Louis VII., king of France, 375, 376, 433.

- IX., king of France, 170n.

Louviers (Eure), 477.

Lovel, Luvellus, Robert, 173.

-, William, 473.

Loventona. See Lavant.

Loventona, Richard de, gifts of, 510.

Lovet, Henry, 117, 147.

Lovetot, Robert de, 243.

Lovigneio, Juhel de, 308.

Lowdham, Luddeham [co. Notts], church of, 16.

Lowel, John, 348.

Lozaio, William le, prévôt of Poictiers, 473.

Lu, Robert de, 145.

Lucas, John, 4.

-, butler, 30, 162.

-, clerk, 136, 194.

-, master, 285.

-, master, 307.

-, monk, 303.

See also Luke.

Lucerna. See Luzerne.

Luce. See Luke.

Luci. See Lucy.

Lucius III., pope, 9–11, 46, 296.

-, bull of, 122.

-, letters of, 11, 527.

Lucy, Luci, Richard de, 6, 7, 45, 116, 138, 171, 175, 186, 208, 215, 242, 247, 273, 275, 291, 299, 324, 355, 377, 492, 493, 504 n, 505, 515, 516.

-, -, charter of, 504.

-, Godfrey de, 365, 525.

-, -, archdeacon of Derby, 380, 381.

-, -, bishop of Winchester, 14, 91, 103, 188, 362, 363, 385, 387.

-, -, -, charter of, 278.

-, Godffrey de, 209, 417, 534.

-, Hugh de, chaplain, 377.

-, John de, 278.

-, Philip de, clerk, 278.

-, Ralf de, 63.

Luddeham. See Lowdham.

Ludgershall, Lutgareshole [co. Wilts], charter dated at, 275.

Ludgvan, Luduhanum [co. Cornwall], 256.

Ludovicus. See Louis.

Luffa, Ralph de, bishop of Chichester, 167, 168, 328.

Lugdunum. See Lyons.

Lugdunensis, Master William, 514.

Lugtona. See Loughton.

Luketon [? Loughton, co. Northampton], 444.

Luke, John, son of, 7, 145, 217, 349.

-, grant to, 101, 102.

See also Lucas.

Lumbard. See Lombard.

Lunce Cumba, Engenolf and Osbert de, 412.

Lunda, William de la, 219.

Lundino, Philip de, 491.

Lundoni, Afwandus grossus de, 503.

Lunerio, Durannus de, 93.

Lunges. See Longis.

Lungocampo. See Longocampo.

Lunviler, Robert de, 145.

Lupellus, Henry, 145.

-, William, 34.

Luq'stoa, chapel of, 229.

Lurgashall [co. Sussex], church of, 510.

Lusarchis, Adelinus de, 1.

Luslogez, Stephen, priest, 344.

Lusor’, Walter (rectius Warner) de, 493.

Lutgareshole. See Ludgershall.

Luton. See Sutton, Great.

Lutona, manor of, 329.

Lutumiere, La Luteniera, Lutuniere, haie of, 186, 187.

Lutuneria, church of St. Peter, 347.

Luvedus, 445.

Luvehest [? Ewhurst in Shermanbury, co. Sussex], 405.

Luvellus, See Lovel.

Luvesham, Leuelesham, Gerard de, 52, 53.

Luxborough, Lochesberge [co. Somerset], church of, 174.

Luxoviensis. See Lisieux.

Luzay, Herbert de, 162.

Luzerne-d'Outremer, La, Lucerne, Lucerna [Manche], 281.

-, abbey of Holy Trinity, 174n, 281–283.

-, -, abbot of, Ansgot, 282, 306.

-, -, -, Ansquetill, 332.

-, -, canons of, 283.

-, wood at, 258.

Lydney, Lindineia, Lideneia, Leindeneia, Lindeneia Baderon [co. Gloucester], church of, 403, 404, 410, 411, 413.

Lym, William de, clerk, 318.

Lyon. See Lion-sur-mer.

Lyon, Robert de, 174.

-, William de, 175.

Lyons, Albert de, chaplain, 179.

Lyons, Lugdunum, John archbishop of, 454.

-, charter dated at, 454.

Lyons-la-Forêt, Lyons, Leones, Leons [Eure], 518.

-, forest of, 519.

-, charters dated at, 91, 92, 183, 247, 363, 457, 518.

Lyre, La Vieille -, Lire [Eure], 127, 199.

-, abbey of, 135, 136.

-, abbot of, 227.

-, -, Gilderius, 124.

-, fortress of, 136.

-, fulling mill of, 136.