General Index: C, D, E, F, G

Pages 564-595

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Caablo, Gilbert de, 123.

Caballus, Peter, clerk, 95.

Cachelu, Bernard, 380.

Cada. See Cade.

Cadbury, Cadeberia [co. Devon], 235.

Cade, Cada, William, 483, 504n, 505.

-, -, Baldwin brother of, 505.

Cadecoma, 66, 69.

Cadel, Simon, 147.

Cadioc. See Dixton.

Cadomum. See Caen.

Cadomo, Fulchred de, William Pepin son of, 168.

-, Robert de, prior of St. Himer, 123.

-, Roger de, 344.

-, William de, 522.

Cadoret, Eudo son of, 523.

Cadurcis. See Chahorcis.

Caen, Cadomum, 61, 142, 147, 149, 158–60, 172, 182, 207, 212, 217, 268, 269, 398, 399, 533.

-, abbey of Holy Trinity, 141–53.

-, -, abbess of, 142, 144.

-, -, -, Dametta, 149.

-, -, -, Joan, 144, 147, 149, 150.

-, abbey of St. Stephen, 154–63, 223n, 400, 520–2.

-, -, abbot of, 157, 158, 166, 520.

-, -, -, Eudo, 159, 214.

-, -, -, Gilbert, 158, 159, 398, 399.

-, -, -, Lanfranc, 159.

-, -, -, Peter, 145, 159, 200, 534.

-, -, -, Samson, 30.

-, -, -, William, 159, 161, 163.

-, -, prior of, 158.

-, -, -, Odo, 30.

-, -, monks of, 149.

-, castle of, 159, 160, 183.

-, church of St. George the Martyr, 179.

-, -, St. Giles, 148.

-, -, St. Peter de Darnestal, 217.


-, exchequer at, 103, 104, 224.

-, king's court at, 102, 398.

-, mill at, 148.

-, charters dated at, 55, 118, 119, 136, 145, 149, 160–3, 170, 182, 183, 185–7, 195, 201, 207, 220, 221, 224, 244, 286, 304, 310, 318, 328, 350, 354, 398, 440 464, 531.

-, men of, 182.

-, monks and nuns of, 268.

-, vicomte of, 188n.

Cæsarisburgum. See Cherbourg.

Cæsarisburgo, William de, 344.

Cahaines, Chanhannes, Kahannes, Hugh de, 510.

-, Philip de 444.

-, William de, 435.

-, -, gifts of, 511.

-, -, Hugh son of, 511.

Caileio, Cailleio, Cailli, Osbern, Osbert de, 29. 518, 519.

-, -, Osbern son of, 29.

-, -, Roger son of, 29.

See also Calliaco, Cally.

Cailly, Cailli, Kaylium [Seine Inférieure], William son of Osbern of, 29.

-, charter dated at, 304.

Cain. See Albert dean.

Cainel, William, 180.

Caineto, William de, 458.

Caisneio, Ralf de, 317.

-, Richard de, 314.

See also Kaisneio.

Caisnesque, R. de, 209.

Caisneto, Godfrey de, 192.

See also Caineto, Kaisneto.

Caithness, Catenia, John bishop of, 491.

Caius, 180.

Calais, Caleys, men of, 479, 480.

Calcantone, 235.

Calcebos, Rualenth, Rivallo, Rivallus, 259, 264, 266.

Calceby, Caslesbi [co. Lincoln], 216.

Calcensis, Calceius, Chalcheis, Robert, letter of, 93.

-, -, William nephew of, 93.

-, Roger, 93.

-, -, Robert brother of, 93.

-, William, 75, 76, 82.

Calceto, Roger de, 79.

Calcia. See Cholsey.

Calcia, William de, grant by, 60.

-, -, William son of, 60.

-, -, Mathilda wife of, 60.

Calciabovem. See Calcebos.

Calcun, G., 4.

Caldebec. See Caudebec.

Caldecot in Northill, Colecota [co. Berks], 220.

Caldecote [co. Norfolk], 219.

Calestona, William de, 415.

-, -, Simon brother of, 415.

Caleys. See Calais.

Calintona [? Colyton, co. Devon], William chaplain of, 320.

Calisei. See Kelsey, South.

Calixtus II., pope, bull of, 402.

-, letter of, 288.

Caliz, Augustin, 153.

-, William de. See Caluz.

Calliaco, Osbert de, 466.

-, Osbert son of Roger de, 466.

See also Caileio.

Callouey, William de, 163.

Cally, Cailly, Luke de, 95, 96.

Calmunt, Geoffrey de, 142.

See also Calvomonte.

Calna, Calno, Evrard de, 288.

-, Nigel de, 313n.

-, master William de, 322, 498.

Calne, Master John de, 279.

-, Master Randulf, de, archdeacon of Berks, 118.

Caltee, 151.

Caluz, Caliz, Calviz, Richard, 177.

-, Sanson, 177.

-, William (de), 163.

-, William de, 146–8, 172, 183.

Calverus, Eroald, 393.

Calvervilla. See Cuvervilla.

Calvigniaco, Calviniaco, Andrew de, 473.

-, Bernard de, chamberlain of Richard son of Henry II., 467.

-, -, Geoffrey nephew of, 467.

-, Geoffrey de, 451.

Calviz, William de. See Caluz.

Calvo Monte, Walter de, 219.

-, Geoffrey de, 423.

See also Calmunt.

Caly, Hugh, 235.

Calyne, William de, 193.

-, -, William son of, 193.

Calz. See Caux.

Calz, G. de, 203.

Camaracensis. See Cambrai.

Cambai. See Cambrai.

Cambaisneta [? la Canse? le Canson], 287.

Cambat, Robert de, 123.

Cambe, La [Calvados], church of, 193.

Camberleng, Gilbert, 79.

-, Walter, 79.

Cambernof, Campo Ernulfi, Champernon (Cambernon, Manche), Richard de, charter of, 195.

-, Jordan de, 192.

-, -, charter of, 195.

Cambes, Cambio (Calvados), 149.

-, church of, 195.

Cambleforth, Camforth [co. York], 326.

Cambon, Geoffrey de, 192.

Cambrai, Camaracensis (Flanders), archdeacon of, Godfrey son of the count of Flanders, 131.

Cambrai, Cambai (? Combray, Calvados), Henry de, 243.

-, -, Adraanus brother of, 243.

-, -, Hugh brother of, 243.

Cambremer [Calvados], 532, 533.

Cambridge, Canteburga, charter dated at, 17.

Cambrigeham. See Cammerringham.

Cameis. See Kemeys.

Camera, John de, 134.

-, Jordan de, 147.

-, Osbert de, 46, 206.

-, Richard de, 31.

-, Robert de, 344.

-, Symon de, 498.

-, William de, 30.

-, -, Droettus son of, 30.

Camerwella, Elias de, 505.

Camforth. See Cambleforth.

Camiliacum. See Chemillé.

Camilleio. See Chimilleio.

Cammeringham, Cambrigeham, Cambringeham [co. Lincoln], church of, 330, 333.

-, manor of, 310, 311.

Camp, Robert de, chaplin, 82.

Campain’, William de, 199.

Campana, Roger de, 162.

Campania, Baldwin de, 285.

-, Ruellus de, 538.

Campania. See Champagne.

Campellis, Canpellis, Campeals, Champeaux, (Manche), Gilbert de, 267, 271, 282, 306, 379.

-, John de, 324.

-, Ralf de, 283, 332.

Campellus, 331.

Campespine, Ralf de, 190.

Campineio, Campigneio, Roger de, 116.

-, William de, 115, 116.

Campigni (? Champigny-la-Futelaye, Eure), 110.

Campivilla. See Camvilla.

Campo Bernulfi, William de, 433.

-, -, gifts of, 433.

Campo Ernulfi. See Cambernof.

Campo Rotundo (Camproud, Manche), Engerram de, 439, 440.

-, -, William and Geoffrey, the clerk, sons of, 439.

-, -, Henry and William brothers of, 440.

-, William de, 78.

Campus motosus. See Champ Motteux.

Campus Repulsus. See Champrépus.

Camvilla, Campivilla, Canvill', Caunvill' Clavilla, Gerard, Girard, Guerrard de, 35, 101, 185, 284, 301, 337, 453, 522.

Camvilla, Campivilla, Canvill', Caunvill' Clavilla—cont.

-, Richard de, 5, 35, 61, 101, 128, 135, 138, 149, 171, 200, 247, 270, 301, 310, 317, 318, 324, 338, 386, 516.

Cana (wife of Ralf de Beaumont), Kana, Savaric son of, 142, 239.

-, -, gift of, 510.

-, -, charter of, 238.

-, -, Muriel wife of, 238.

-, -, Ralf and Savaric sons of, 238.

-, -, See also Bohun, Savaric.

Canaan, Chanaan, Heddo de, 20, 24.

Cananeus, Hugh, 167.

Cancei, Rodulf de, 23.

Canceliso, Robert, 400.

Cancereis, Robert de, 398, 401.

Cancia, John de, chancellor of London diocese, 31.

Candos. See Chandos.

Caneio, Gilbert and Robert de, chaplains, 75.

Canef [? elda], William de, 62.

Canfield, Kanefelda [co. Essex], church of, 512.

Cani, mill of, 378.

Canon Teign in Christow, Tignea [co. Devon], 536.

Canpellis. See Campellis.

Cansonis. See Samson.

Cantamerula, William de, 390.

Canteburga. See Cambridge.

Canteler, Baldwin de, 90.

Cantelupe. See Chanteloup.

Cantelupo, Cantelou, Canteleu, Cantalupi, Cantolupo, Cantilupo, Alexander de, 172–4.

-, -, Ranulf, son of, 173.

-, Fule de, 312.

-, Gilbert de, 77, 92.

-, -, seneschal of Robert son of Gerold, 127.

-, Robert de, 255.

-, -, gift of, 66.

-, Walter de, 77.

-, William de, 36, 77, 340.

Canterbury, Cantuaria [co. Kent], 428, 488.

-, abbey of St. Augustine, abbot of, Clarembald, 273.

-, -, -, Roger, 488.

-, -, -, Scotlandus, 503.

-, -, -, Silvester, 483, 484.

-, -, prior of, Geoffrey, 490.

-, -, -, William, 483, 484.

-, -, Roger, seneschal of, 488.

-, Christchurch, 484, 498.

-, -, J., prior of, charter of, 499.

-, -, Geoffrey, prior of, 47, 49.

-, -, -, Andrew, chaplain of, 49.

-, church of St. Mary, 489.

-, charters dated at, 484, 489.

-, archbishop of, Hemy, See Archbishop of, Hubert Walter.

Canterbury, Cantuaria [co. Kent]—cont.

-, archbishops of. See Anselm; Baldwin; Becket, Thomas; Corbeuil. William de; Lanfranc; Richard; Theobald; Walter, Hubert.

-, archdeacon of Geoffrey (Ridel), 6, 64, 101, 273, 317, 439.

See also Ridel.

-, -, Henry de Chastellion, 215, 490.

-, -, Herbert, 117, 387, 417, 488 489, 498n.

-, -, “Hubert,” 498.

-, -, Master Philip, 18.

-, -, Rogbert (sic), 485.

-, Robert, precentor of, 47.

Cantorberia, Walter de, chaplain, 296.

-, William de, 420.

Cantuaria, John de, 49.

Canun, Odo de, 198.

-, -, Thomas and William sons of, 198.

Canutus, Alexander, 335.

Canvilla. See Camvilla.

Canziacum. See Chandai.

Cape', Ralf, 433.

Capella. See Chapelle Enjuger, La.

Capella, Richard de, bishop of Hereford, 356.

-, Robert de, 145.

Caperun, Richard, 209.

Capiscerius, Capicerius, Peter, 388, 451, 473.

-, -, knight of queen Eleanor, 390.

Caples, Hervey de, 411.

Capo, Caponis, William, 428.

-, seneschal of Poitou, 450.

Cappuis, Capua, Peter de, cardinal, 472.

Capra, Roger, Petronilla his wife and William his son, 536.

Capreolum. See Cheverel.

Caprevilla. See Quévreville.

Carbay, Carbuhe, 428.

Car', A. prior, 505.

Carbonel, Geoffrey, 328.

Carbonellus, Payn and Hugh, 440.

Carbonnel, William, 185.

-, Robert, 222.

Carbrooke, Kenebroc [co. Norfolk], 512.

Carcer. See Chartre.

Carcere, Henry de, 432.

Cardif, Richard de, 146.

-, -, charter of, 302.

-, -, Robert son of, 302.

-, -, Simon de, brother of, 302.

Cardinal of St. Mark. See Anagui, John of.

Cardonis, Richard, 259.

Cardonvilla, Cardunvilla, Walter de, 187, 193.

-, Payn de, 185.

Carentan [Manche], 342.

-, vicomte of, inspeximus by, 310.

Carenti, Eubert de, 495.

-, Humbert de, 196.

Carevilla, Henry de, 174.

-, Ralf de, 192.

Caritate, Geoffrey de, 147.

-, William, 529.

Carlentona. See Carlton Curlieu.

Carlentuna. See Carlton (Suffolk).

Carlintona. See Carlton (Yorks).

Carlisle, Cardoliam, Carlolensis, bishop of.

See Adelulf.

-, king's bailiffs of, 394.

Carlton, Carlentuna [co. Suffolk], 216.

Carlton, ur. Aldbrough, Carlintona [co. Yorks], 238.

Carlton Curlieu, Carlentona [co. Leic.], church of, 230.

Carlton, Karletuna [co. Linc.], 448.

-, church of, 448, 449.

-, meadow called West feu', 448.

Carlton, nr. Drax [co. York]. See Cartuon.

Carlton [co. Cambridge], 572.

Carmailehc, Carmailoc in Maneage [? Caervallac in St. Martin and in Meneage, co. Cornwall], 256n, 265.

Carneles, See Charnelles.

Carnotensis. See Chartres.

Carobi. See Kirby Muxloe.

Carollis, Robert de, 325.

Carpentarius, Geoffrey, 195.

Carpiquet, Karpikeit [Calvados], 148.

-, church of, 147.

-, Adam de, 163.

-, Serlo de, 163.

Carreii, Ralf de, 329.

Carteret, Cartraium, Catrait, Kartraium [Manche], 263.

-, church of St. Germanus, 262, 263.

Cartereit, Catrait, Cartrait, Cartrahio, Cartraio, Kartraio, Philip de, gifts of, 268, 270, 272.

-, -, Rainald de, 263.

-, Ranulf, priest of, 263.

-, Reginald de, charter of, 339.

-, -, charter of, 262.

-, -, Philip son of, 263.

-, -, -, Humfrey and Geoffrey his brothers and Lucy their mother, 263.

-, Thomas de, 317.

-, -, Nicholas wife of, and Reginald son of, and William nephew of, 272.

Cartuon [? Carlton near Drax, co. York], 326.

Carun, Oinan de, 143.

-, Ralf de, 145.

Carusburgus. See Cherbourg.

Carus locus. See Cherlieu.

Casa Dei. See Chaisc-Dieu.

Caslesbi. See Calceby.

Casnic (?) Helias de, 72.

Cassel, William de, 488.

Cassington, Cressenton [co. Oxon], 40.]

Castellion. See Conches.

Castellario, Boccardus de, 288.

Castellione, Castellon, Henry de. See Chastellione.

See also Canterbury, archdeacon of.

-, Simon de, 371, 379, 416, 419.

-, -, chamberlain, 419.

-, Walter de, 8, 9, 70.

-, -, Emma wife of, 8, 9.

Castello Gunteri, Raginald de, 360.

Casten'io, Walter de, 72.

Castile, king of, 475.

Castle Acre, Acre, monks of, 329.

Castle church (? Skipsea castle), 238.

Castretone, Robert de, 444.

Castro Anschitilli, Gilo de, 436.

Castro Brientii, Geoffrey de, 418.

Castroduni. See Chaâteaudun.

Castro Goscelini, Stephen de, 441.

Castrum Haraldi. See Châtelherault.

Catenia. See Caithness.

Cateria, Robert de, 288.

Catfort. See Quatford.

Cathmeis. See Kemeys.

Catolonensi, Robert, knight, 463.

Catrait. See Carteret.

Catteville near Barfleur, Gatevilla [Manche], church of, 338, 339.

Catti, Robert, 259.

Cauda, 471.

Caudebec, Caldebec [in Caux, Scine Inférieure], forest of, 58.

-, market at, 59.

Caumont, Calvus mons [Eure], 68.

Caunvill'. See Camvilla.

Caure, 139.

Caux, Calcensis, Calz, district of (Seine Inférieure), 59, 108.

Cavallonius, 445.

Caversham, Ravershame [co. Oxford], 76, 77.

Cavesan, William de, 351.

Cavilniaco, Geoffrey de, 390, 394.

Cawentry. See Coventry.

Caxton [co. Cambridge], church of, 512.

, Ponts de, Saieum, bridge of, 468.

Céaux, Cels [Manche], 400.

-, prior of, 402.

Cecelin, Gislebert and William son of, 344.

Cecily daughter of William I., 142.

-, charter of, 142.

Ceeus. See Cheux.

Celcho, Chelk, Walter de, charter of, 336.

-, -, Beatrix wife of, 336.

-, -, -, Ralf son of William, brother of, 336.

-, William clerk of, 336.

Cele, charter dated at, 35.

-, Geoffrey de la, 104.

Celestine III., pope, mandates of, 49, 50, 180.

Cell', John, 521.

Cella, St. Mary of, 169.

Cella, Geoffrey de, 71, 188, 386, 389 n, 473, 474, 496, 528.

-, -, seneschal of Poiton, 391, 475.

Celles, La. See Loucelles.

Cels. See Céaux.

Cenilly, Senillerum, churches of, 184.

Cennerula, Henry de, 134.

Cenomannum. See Mans, Le.

Cenomanensis, William. lord of Bonneville, 526.

-, Andre, 233.

Ceoches, Cioches, (Choques) Ernulf de, chaplain to Robert duke of Normandy,

-, Sigar de, 494.

-, -, Hildiardis, daughter of, 494.

-, -, -, Reginald, son of, 494.

Cerasiensis. See Cerisy.

Cerda, William de, 278, 279.

Cerencis, Richard de, 328.

Ceresbroch. See Cherbourg.

Cerisy [-la-Foret, Manche], Ceresiacum, Cerasiensis, Cerisiensis, abbot of, Martin, 7, 200, 338, 534.

-, -, Durand, 37.

-, monks of St. Vigor of, 345.

Cerlenton. See Charlton Marshall [co. Dorset].

Certesia. See Chertsey.

Cesny-aux-Vignes, Ciernum [Calvados], 148.

Cestra. See Chester.

Cestrensis. See Chester.

Cestria, Peter de, clerk, 278.

-, Master Robert de, 278.

Cestrie, Roger, the earl of Chester's brother, 284.

Ce'un, Richard de, 203.

Ceus. See Cheux.

Ch…, Gilbert de, 409.

Chabbeh', Master Thomas de, 344.

Chabbenour. [? Shobden, co. Hereford], 138.

“Chachebren,” 408.

Chahorcis, Chaorcis, Cadurcis (see Preface), Burcard de, 424.

-, Patrick de, 218, 219.

-, Patrick de, and his wife Mathildis, grants, of, 364.

-, Payn de, 364.

-, -, Patrick and Hugh sons of, 365.

See also Chaurches.

Chailli, Simon de, 69.

Chainonum. See Chinon.

Chaiol, Baldwin de, 507.

Chaise-Dieu-du-theil (Eure), Casa Dei (Priory of Fontevrault), nuns of 376.

Chalcheis. See Calceius.

Chalvington [co. Sussex], tithe of, 511.

Chalwardtun. See Cholderton.

Chamberleng, Nicholas, 189.

Chamewid. See Thamewerd.

Champagne, Campania, Theobald, count of, 474.

Champagne, Campania—cont.

-, Haicius, chancellor of countess of, 384.

-, Mary, countess of, 11.

-, Odo (sic), count of, 503.

See also Odo.

Champ Daveine, Anselm, 528.

Champernon. See Cambernof.

Champeaux. See Campellis.

Champigny-la-Futelaye. See Campigni.

Champ Motteux, Campus motosus, 136.

Champrépus, Campus Repulsus [Manche], 258, 265.

-, church of, 324.

Chanaan. See Canaan.

Chandai, Canziacum [Orne], church of, 457.

Chandos, Candos, Robert de, 55, 73, 430.

-, -, Roger brother of, 430.

-, Roger de, 123, 142.

Chanhannis, Chambannis. See Cahaines.

Chano, Thomas de. See Loches.

Chanteloup, Cantelupe [Manche], 256.

-, men of, 256.

Chapelle Enjuger, La, Capella [Manche], 439.

-, -, church of St. Peter, 439, 440.

Charité, La, Karitas [Nièvrc], prior of, 517.

Charley, Charleia, Cherleia [co. Leic.], 227, 228.

Charles son of John, king of France, vidimus of, 125.

-, IV., king of France, inspeximus by 285.

-, V., king of France, inspeximus by; 466.

-, VI., of France, inspeximus by, 467.

-, clerk, 227.

Charlton in Blunham, Cherlentona [co. Beds], 230.

Charlton Marshall, Cherlentona, Cherlentune, Cerlenton, [co. Dorset], 85, 117, 118.

-, tithe from, 111.

Charnelles, Charneles, Carneles, Baldwin de, 136.

-, -, William son of, 136.

-, Gilbert de, 103, 139.

Chartrai, Richard de, 461.

Chartre, La, Carcer [Sarthe], churches of, 455.

Chartres, Carnotensis, abbey of St. Père, 456–8.

-, -, Landri, abbot of, charter of, 456.

-, -, monks of, 457.

-, charter granted at, 540.

-, church of St. Mary, 458.

-, Geoffrey, bishop of, 508.

Charunviler, Robert de, 357.

Chastel, Reginald, 190.

Chastellione, Castellione, Henry de, 498.

-, Master Henry de, archdeacon of Canterbury, 215, 490.

Château Fouet. See Roche d'Orival.

Château Gaillard, Roche d'Andely, Rupes Andely, Bellum Castellum de Rupe, Rupes Andeliaci, charters dated at, 29, 57, 88, 195, 339, 385, 496, 498.

Châteaudun, Castroduni, Castriduni, Hugh vicomte of, 381, 455.

Châteauneuf-en-Timerais, Timer, Tedmarum [Eure et Loir], 456.

Châtelherault, Castrum Haraldi, Hugh vicomte of, 390.

Châtillon, Chastilion, siege of, 467.

Chaucombe, Hugh de, justice, 150.

Chaumont, [Orne], 210.

Chaumont-en-Vexin, Calvus Mons [Oise], 1.

Chaumont in Dives, Calvus Mons [Calvados], 159, 166.

See also Caumont.

Chaurches, Robert de, 204.

-, -, Ralf, brother of, 204.

See also Chahorcis.

Chaurewerd. See Thamewerd.

Chauvel, John, clerk, 129.

Chauvertonia. See Cholderton.

Chauvigne, Chavingneio, Andrew de, 103, 362, 454, 528.

Chearsley, Jerdislaia [co. Bucks], 77.

Checlentona, 230.

Chelesfeld, Hugh de, 505.

-, Simon de, 505.

Chelk. See Celcho.

Chemillé sur Indre, Camiliacum, Chemilleium [Indre et Loire], Aimeric, prior of, 419.

Chenesee, Hugh de, 127.

Chent. See Kent.

Chenton. See Compton.

Cherbourg, Caesarisburgum, Carusburgus, Ceresbroch, 33, 35, 336, 341, 423, 438.

-, abbey of St. Mary de Voto, 88 n, 334– 340, 342.

-, -, abbot of, 335.

-, -, canons of, 335–9, 342.

-, charters dated at, 89, 217, 319, 331, 349.

-, baillis of, 337, 402.

-, constable of, 337. See also Hosa, Osbert de.

-, foresters of, 402.

-, prévôts of, 402.

-, prudhommes of, 336.

-, Hugolin of, 425.

Chercabia. See Kirkby.

Cherchill. See Churchill.

Cherlecote, Reinbald de, 138.

Cherleia. See Charley.

Cherlentona. See Charlton Marshall.

-, co. Bedford. See Charlton-in-Blunham.

Cherlieu, Carus locus, Guy, abbot of, 293.

Chernilla, Chernella, Adam de, 401.

-, William de la, 400.

Chertsey, Certesia, Martin, abbot of, 517.

-, Wlvoldus, abbot of, 503.

Cheruetvilla [? Cheffreville, Calvados], 529.

Chesney, Robert de, bishop of Lincoln, 78, 191, 204, 484, 515.

Chester, Cestrensis, abbey of St. Werburg, 225.

-, church of St. Peter, 221, 223.

-, bishop of, 203, 205.

-, -, Hugh, 79, 188, 384, 455.

-, -, Peter, 503.

-, -, Robert, 168, 506.

-, -, Roger, 113.

-, Roger, constable of, 284, 496.

-, Bertrada, countess of, 308.

-, earl of, Hugh, 142, 154, 223, 234, 397, 426, 458, 503.

-, -, -, charters of, 161, 225.

-, -, -, sister of, 218.

-, -, Ranulf, 19, 182 n, 195, 258, 259, 264, 304, 350, 495, 531.

-, -, -, charters of, 189, 222, 284, 308.

-, -, -, Clemencia wife of, 308.

-, -, Richard, 169, 170, 219, 222, 223, 287, 288, 290, 299, 303.

See also Bayeux; Meschin; Ranulf.

Chesterton, Chestreton [co. Warwick], tithe of, 413.

Chetelhulmus. See Quetthou.

Chetenora, William de, 174.

Cheus, Halan de, 162.

Cheux, Ceus, Ceeus (Calvados), 159.

-, market at, 155.

-, fair of, 157.

Cheverel, Great, Capreolum [co. Wilts], church of, 368.

Chevreci, Chevreio, Cheverci, Gislebert de, 177.

-, -, Ralf, nephew of, 177.

-, -, Roger, nephew of, 177.

-, -, Roger, Ralph, and Robert, nephews of, 177.

-, William de, charter of, 177.

Chicheley, Cichelei, Cicheelei, Chicheleia [co. Buckingham], 445 n.

-, church of, 444.

Chichester, Cicestrensis, 167, 170.

-, tithes in diocese of, 50–2.

-, church of St. Cyriac, 170.

-, archdeacon of, Master Joscelin, 64.

-, bishop of. See Hilary; Luffa, Ralph de; Savaric; Seffrid; Seffrid II.; Stigand; Wells, Symon de.

-, canons of, 246.

-, dean of, Jordan, 276.

-, Seffrid, treasurer of, 469.

-, William, earl of. See Aubigny.

-, Robert (of), bishop of Exeter, 5, 264, 314, 460, 462.

-, -, charter of, 296, 319, 321.

-, Gervase of, clerk to Thomas the chancellor, 270.

-, -, parson of Basing church, 27.

Chideron, William, 273.

Chienore. See Itchenor.

Chilbehert. See Chippenhurst.

Chileham (or Dover), Hugh de, son of Foubert de Dovera, 482, 489, 493, 519.

-, -, sheriff of Kent, 485, 504n, 505.

-, -, Adelit mother of, 483.

-, -, Matildis wife of, 483.

-, -, Foubert of Dover, nephew of, 490.

Chilham, Chilleham, Cilham, Chileham [co. Kent], 490.

-, church, 483, 484, 486, 487, 489, 490.

-, constable of. See Cornhelle, Reginald de.

-, Aedmund priest of, 485.

Chilleham, Helyas de, 483, 484.

-, Peter de, 490.

Chiltone, Ralf de, 145.

-, William clerk of, 485.

Chilton [co. Bucks], 77.

Chimelle, Chemilleio, William de, archdeacon of Richmond, charter of, 278.

Chimilleio, Camilleio, Cymilleio, Simon de, 142, 257.

Chinnock, Cinnoch [co. Somerset], Robert dean of, 279.

Chinon, Chignon, Chainonum [Touraine], 392.

-, charters dated at, 14, 91, 172, 185, 188, 200, 246, 377, 378, 380, 382, 386, 416, 439, 441, 450, 515.

-, pretor of. See Sancto Cassiano Thomas de.

Chinone, Philip de, 428.

-, Richard and Geoffrey de, chaplains of queen Eleanor, 390.

Chinton. See Kington.

Chippenhurst, Chilbehert [co. Oxford], 220.

Chipping Norton, Norton [co. Oxford], 481.

-, church of, 482.

Chirai, William de, 136.

Chircheby, Reginald de, 311.

Chivilli, Chivillei. See Quevilly.

Chochesforda. See Duxford.

Choges. See Coggs.

Cholderton, East, in Thruxton, Chalwardtun, Chauvertonia [co. Hants], tithe from, 411, 412.

Cholet, William de, 394.

Cholsey, Calcia [co. Berks], church of, 259.

Chorrun, Maurice de, 375.

Choschet, 252.

Chou, Richard de, 194.

Choze, [? Chouzé-sur-Lorie, Iudre et Loire], island of, 377.

Christchurch. See Twynham.

Christianivilla, William de, 358.

Chunchis. See Conchis.

Church Lawford, Ledleford [co. Warwick], church of S. Peter, 202.

Churchill in East Downe, Cherchill [co. Devon], 460.

Cicestra. See Chichester.

Cicestria, master Robert de, 531.

-, William de, 276.

Cichelei. See Chicheley.

Cierneium. See Cesny-aux-Vignes.

Cilham. See Chilham.

Cinnoch. See Chinnock.

Cioches. See Ceoches.

Cirencester [co. Glouc.], 407.

Ciretune, William de, 47.

Cirri, Adam de, 104.

Cisai [Orne], 218.

Ciscestrensis. See Chichester.

Cistan. See Eistanes.

Citeaux, chapter of, 297.

-, abbot of, Bernard, charter of, 296.

-, -, Lambert, 297.

-, prior of, Peter, 297.

-, sub-prior, Girard, 297.

Civitate, Master Henry de, clerk of queen Eleanor, 388.

-, (Canon of St. Paul's), 31.

Claers. See Claris.

Claidon, Claindone. See Claydon.

Clairmarais, Claromesc’ [Pas de Calais], abbey of, 492, 493.

-, Gunfrid, abbot of, 492, 493.

Clairmont, 393.

Clairvaux, Claravallis, abbot of, 10, 11.

-, -, Bernard, 492, 508.

-, -, -, letter of, 293.

Clamorgan, Walter de, 314.

Clandon. See Claydon.

Clanvilla. See Glanville.

Clapham, Clopeham [in Goring, co. Sussex], tithe of, 405.

Clara, Clare. See Clere.

Clare, Gilbert (son of Gilbert) de (1st) earl of Pembroke, 63, 64, 65.

-, -, Richard, son of, 64, 65.

-, -, -, charter of, 63.

-, -, Henry de, 311.

-, Richard son of Gilbert de, 510, 511.

-, earl Richard de (3rd earl of Hertford), 16, 17, 458, 474, 528.

-, earl Roger de (2nd earl of Hertford), charter of, 291.

-, -, Richard brother of, 291.

See also Gilbert; Brionne.

-, Roger de, 219.

Claramara, William de, 92.

-, -, Roger, grandfather of, 92.

Claravoldo. See Clarevalle.

Clara-Valle. See Clarevalle.

Clarembald, clerk of empress Maud, 89.

Claremboud, Clarembald, Roscelin son of, 68, 241, 242.

Clarenboudus Rufus, 9.

Clarendon, charters dated at, 69, 102.

-, B'enart de, 105.

-, Rig’ de, 105.

Clarent. See Ashen.

Clarevalle, Clara. Valle, Claravoldo, Claris Vallibus, Payn de, 34, 354, 373, 374, 513, 532.

Clarevallis. See Clairvaux.

Clarimontis. See Clermont.

Claris, Cleris, Cleer, Cleers, Claiers, [Clefs, Maine et Loire] Geoffrey de, 34, 355, 371, 375, 416, 427.

-, -, dapifer of Henry II., 370.

-, Hugh de, 93, 355, 360, 370, 371, 375, 416, 420, 427, 455.

-, -, dapifer of La Flèche, 467.

-, Matthew de, 270.

Claris Vallibus. See Clarevalle.

Claromesc'. See Clairmarais.

Claromonte, Geoffrey de, 388.

Clarorivo, chapel of St. Mary de, 90.

Clarus, clerk, 335.

Clatforda, Robert de, 415.

Claverdon, Claverton, Clotona [co. Warwick], church of St. Michael, 412, 414.

-, fishpond of, 412.

Clavilla. See Camvilla.

Clavreham, Ralf de, gifts of, 511.

Claydon, Claidon, Claindone, Clandon, hundred of, Suffolk, 97, 103.

-, -, sochemannes of, 100, 101.

Clayton farm in Washington, Glaitone [co. Sussex], tithe of, 405.

Cleers. See Claris.

Cleeve, Clive [co. Somerset], church of St. Andrew, 127, 129–131.

-, Eadmer, chaplain of, 127.

-, -, Ailward his brother, 127.

- abbey, abbot of, Ralph, 131.

Cleis, Oelard de, gifts of, 63.

Clement III. pope, 461.

-, grants of, 13, 149, 499.

Clement, priest, 415.

Clenefeld, Gilbert de, 227.

Clenpinges. See Climping.

Cleopehan, Gilbert de, 401.

Clere, Kings [co. Hants], manor of, 5, 14.

Clere [co. Hants], tithe from, 411, 413.

Cleris. See Claris.

Clermont [? Calvados], 535.

Clermont, count of, 384.

Clesingham [co. Essex], tithe of, 162.

Cleveland, Cliveland, archdeacon of, Geoffrey de Muscamp, 13. See also Jeremias.

Clainus, Peter, canon, sub-deacon of the pope, 344.

Clifford, Cliffordia, Clifordia, Geoffrey de, 411.

-, Hugh de, 410.

-, Robert, de, 31, 152.

Clifton Maubank, Clistune [co. Dorset], 216.

Climping, Clenpinges, Clinpinghes [co. Sussex], 234.

-, church of, 246.

Clincampo, Gilbert de, 315.


-, Nicholas de, 189.

-, Richard de, 189.

-, Sylvanus de, 189.

Clinchamp, Ralf de, 145.

Clinford, William, 387.

-, -, Simon brother of, 387.

Clinton, Glintona, E. (? Geoffrey) de, 531.

-, Geoffrey de, 98, 127, 163, 259, 288, 289, 532, 540.

-, -, the chamberlain, 299.

-, Geoffrey son of Geoffrey de, his seal, 299.

-, -, charter of, 298.

Clistune. See Clifton.

Clitona, 77.

Clive. See Cleeve.

Clivelande. See Cleveland.

Clodona. See Claverdon.

Clopeham. See Clapham.

Clopel, Robert de, 243.

-, -, Fule and Gilbert his sons, 243.

Clos, Roger del, 210.

Clun castle, Dune, church of St. George of, 403, 404, 411.

Cluna, Walter de, 411.

Cluni [Scotland], charter dated at, 357.

Cluny, Cluni, 514.

-, abbey of, 459, 506–517.

-, abbot of, 517.

-, -, Hugh, 516.

-, -, Peter, 316, 513, 514.

-, Bernard, prior of, 507.

Cnolle. See Knell.

Cocceio, Cuceio (Coucy), Alberic de, 1, 257.

Cochepul, Geoffrey, 168.

Cocherel. See Cokerel.

Cocto-bocco, Simon de, 263.

Cogges, Richard de, 49.

Coggs, Choges, Coges [co. Oxford], 40.

-, priory, 41n.

-, prior of, 47.

-, -, Michael, 50.

-, monks of, 47, 49.

Coham, Albredus de, 49.

-, -, John son of, 49.

Coimes [Commeaux], Droco de, 232.

-, William de, 232, 361.

-, -, Adeloia wife of, 232.

See also Sai.

Coisel, mill of, 218.

Coismas, 194.

Coismiis, Brientius de, 303.

Coisneriis, William de, 193.

Cokerel, Cocherel, William, 75–77.

Col', Richard de, 222.

Colchester, Colcestria, Richard archdeacon of, 31.

Colecester, Hugh de, 153.

Colecota. See Caldecot.

Colesvile, Waleran and William de, 299.

Colevilla, Collevilla, Ranulf de, 263.

-, William de, 78, 439.

Colewast, Robert de, 179.

Colewell, Walter de, 139.

Colman's vill, (Dr. Monmouth), 404.

Colombe, La, Colomba [Manche], 227.

Colombiers, Columbers, Columberiis, Colonbiers, Henry de, charter of, 168.

-, Philip de, 15, 27, 28, 188, 191, 193, 286, 325, 386, 465, 528.

-, -, Beatrice niece of, 191.

-, -, Henry son of, 325.

-, -, William son of, 164.

-, William de, 168.

-, -, gifts of, 164, 165, 170.

Colonces, Hugh de, 476.

See also Colunces.

Colsain, 114.

Colsterworth, Colstewurde, Colsteuorda [co. Lincoln], 198.

-, wood of, 199.

Colsuen, Michael son of, the cook, 204.

Columbellus. house of, 241.

Columberiis. See Colombiers.

Colunces, Colunciis, Thomas de, 247, 378.

Combe, Lacumbe [in East Sussex], 512.

Combe in Brabourne, Cumbe [co. Kent], 40.

Combe, Cumba [co. Southampton], 482.

Combe, East, Cumbe, in Greenwich [co. Kent], 500, 502.

See also Coombes.

Combraio, Ralf de, 163.

-, Roger de, 223.

See also Cumbraio.

Combray, Combraium [Calvados], 163.

Combunio, William de, 118.

Comin, Cumin, Cummin, Bernard, 8, 68, 334.

-, -, Hawys wife of, 8.

-, -, William son of, 8.

-, Master John, 271, 272.

-, William, 207, 491. See also Coumini.

Comminis, Cumines, Balduin de, 495, 496.

Compostella, St. James of. See Santiago.

Compton, Chenton, Cuntune [co. Wilts], 54, 56.

Compton, Contona, [co. Sussex], church of, 510.

-, manor of, 379, 385.

Comte, William, 113.

Conan, 225.

-, William, 307.

Conches, Conchiæ, Castellion [Eure], abbey of, 138.

-, forest [Eure] of, 135, 226.

Conchis, Chunchis, Ralf de, 137, 529.

-, -, charter of, 219.

-, Roger de, 104.

See also Toeni.

Condam. See Condom.

Condato, Nicholas de, 495.

Condé-sur-Ifs, Condeum [Calvados], 215.

Condé-sur-Iton, Condatum [Eure], grant to bishop's town of, 101, 103.

Condé-sur-Risle [Eure], 209.

Condedo, Robert de, 40.

Condom, Condam, 393.

Condowere, Gilbert de, 234.

Conflans, Confluentium, prior of, Robert, 128.

-, -, Roger, 122.

-, monks at, 127.

Conjon in Crouay, Conion [Calvados], land at, 532.

Constance, wife of Geoffrey son of Henry II., 10, 361, 363, 418, 473.

-, -, duchess of Britanny, charter of, 10, 303.

Constantiensis. See Coutances.

Constantiis, Constanciis, Custanciensis, (Coutances), John de, archdeacon of Oxford, 522.

-, John de, bishop of Worcester, 495.

-, Master Odo de, 9.

-, Master Ralph de, 13.

-, Walter de, 9, 28, 69, 302, 336.

-, -, archdeacon of Oxford, 56, 61, 99, 102, 194, 318, 380, 381, 441.

-, -, baron of the exchequer, 402.

-, -, Master, 6, 7, 8, 365, 417, 458, 834.

-, -, treasurer of Rouen cathedral, 9, 56, 64, 69.

-, -, bishop of Lincoln, 11.

-, -, archbishop of Rouen. See Rouen.

-, -, his act of restoration, 19.

-, William de, archdeacon, 95.

Constantine, sons of, 342.

-, Nigel son of, 342.

Constantino, Geoffrey de, 161, 170.

-, Robert de, 235, 236.

Conteville [Eure], 57, 124.

-, bailiffs of, 67.

Contona, Contonia. See Compton.

Cooling, Coelingia [co. Suffolk], manor of, 537.

Coombes, Cumba [co. Sussex], grange of, 405.

Copenvilla, Girardus de, 128.

Cophin, Hugh, 488.

Coppull, Cropile [co. Lancaster], church of, 237.

Corbellin, Richard son of, 234.

-, Robert son of, 234.

Corbet, Henry, 175.

-, Robert, 210, 211.

-, Roger, 210.

Corbeuil, William de, archbishop of Canterbury, 508.

-, - -, charter of, 239.

Corbigny, Corbiniacum, charter dated at, 469.

Corbin, 416.

Corbucio, William son of, 456.

Corbuzzo, Maurice son of, 21.

Corcei, Corci. See Curci.

Corcella. See Curcella.

Corcellis, William de, 158. See Curcella.

Corchum, O. de, 240.

Corendone, Ralf de, 243.

Corispitensis. See Quimper.

Corlibovio. See Curlibuef.

Cormeilles, Cormeliensis, St. Pierre de Cormeilles [Eure], abbey of, 140.

-, Theoderic monk of, 409.

-, William, abbot of, 166.

Cormelles, Cormeliis, Richard de, 410.

-, -, gift of, 409, 413.

-, -, Robert brother of, 409.

Cornai (sic), Hugh de, 57. See Gornai.

Cornardus, William, charter of, 178.

-, -, Matilda wife of, 178.

Cornbury, Cornebia [co. Oxford], charter dated at, 364.

Cornet, Gervase, 214, 219.

Cornevilla, Robert de, 278.

Cornhelle, Cornhilla, Gervase de, 504.

-, Henry de, sheriff of Kent, 489.

-, Reginald de, constable of Chilham, 489.

-, -, charter of, 505.

Cornouaille, Cornubiensis, Geoffrey, bishop, of, 274.

Cornouale, Richard de, 72.

Cornu, Ralf, 222.

Cornubia, Hamelin de, 437.

-, Turstan de, 437.

Cornuis, Hugh de, Osbern son of, 106.

Cornwall, Cornubia, Reginald (natural son of Henry I.), earl of, 4–7, 55, 101, 170, 185, 207, 274n, 299, 347, 457, 465, 515.

-, Richard, sheriff of, 265.

-, archdeacon of, Alvred, 296.

-, -, Peter, 319, 320.

-, -, Walter, 279, 319.

See also Cornubia.

Corolme. See Couronne.

Cortbortilleio, Robert de, 538.

Cortelles. See Courteilles.

Cortenai. See Courtenay.

Corterva, Coterna, Hugh de, charter of, 194, 195.

Cortilz, Hamelin de, 259.

Cortrayo, Roger de, 495.

Cosham, Cosseham [co. Wilts], 159.

-, church of, 156, 157.

Cosket, William, knight, charter of, 312.

Costardus, Richard, 75.

Coste, Albereda wife of R., 470.

Costentino, Nigel de, 530.

Costessy, Costeseia [co. Norfolk], church of, 523.

Cotegrave [co. Lancaster], church of, 237.

Côtentin [Manche], the, 141, 142.

-, barons of, 269.

-, Peter, bailli of the, vidimus by, 314.

-, officers of the, 343.

- vicomte of. See St. Sauveur.

Coterel, William, 82.

Coterna. See Corterva.

Cotinel, Odo, 211.

Coue, Richard, 243.

Coumini, Hugh, 466.

Courdemanche, Curtis Dominicus [Eure], 456.

Couronne, Corolme [Seine Inférieure], 24.

Courteilles, Cortelles [Orne], church of, 396.

Courtenay, Cortenai, Curtenai, Curtunai, Henry de, 385.

-, Reginald de, 7, 35, 79, 101, 102, 140, 161, 317, 318, 378–381, 439, 458, 515.

Courtenhall, Curtehala [co. Northants], manor of, 506.

Coutances, Constantiensis, Constancie, William I. ill at, 530.

-, abbey of St. Lo, 323, 324, 330.

-, -, abbot of, Theoderic, 325, 326.

-, -, -, William, 283, 323, 344, 439.

-, -, canons of, 323, 324.

-, -, prior of, Osbert, 334.

-, cathedral church of St. Mary, 316, 341–344, 440.

-, -, canons of, 341, 343, 344.

-, -, chapter house of, 339, 349.

-, -, choir of, 343.

-, charters dated at, 179–181, 323, 343, 440.

-, archdeacon of, Philip, 347.

-, -, Richard, 129, 130, 279, 282, 327, 347, 349.

-, -, Robert, 349.

-, -, William, 316, 349.

-, bishop of, 155, 209, 313, 323.

-, -, Algar, 98, 214, 263, 265, 323, 324–326, 342, 343, 350, 457.

-, -, -, charter of, 330.

-, -, Geoffrey, 21, 22, 141, 155, 165, 254, 327, 342, 345, 367, 421, 438, 503, 521.

-, -, Hugh, 178 n, 210, 250.

-, -, -, charter of, 186.

-, -, Richard (I.), 262, 521.

-, -, Richard de Bohun, 7, 171, 185 n, 269, 281, 309, 311, 323, 324, 339, 343, 346, 379, 439, 440, 524, 533.

-, -, -, charters of, 268, 315, 343, 345, 349, 439.

-, -, -, letter of, 334.

-, -, Robert, 252.

-, -, Roger, 66, 330.

-, -, William, 15, 65, 163, 178–181, 195, 200, 534.

-, -, -, charters of, 178, 179, 283, 333, 346, 535.

-, -, Roger son of, 20.

-, Humfrey, dean of, 316.

-, Nigel, vicomte of. See St. Sauveur.

Couture, abbey of La. See Mans.

Couvrigny [in St. Pierre-du-Bû, Calvados], church of, 215.

Coventry, Quinentrensis, archdeacon of, Eadmund, 202.

Coventry, Quinentrensis—cont.

-, -, Nicholas, 206.

-, bishop of. See Nonant, Hugh de; Peche, Richard.

-, -, Hugh, charter of, 239.

-, Moyses, formerly prior of, 49.

-, prior of, 517.

Coventry, Cawentry, Walter de steward of Ranulf earl of Chester, 308.

Cowbol, Alwine, 434.

Coysmon, 195.

Craba, Roger, 173.

Crabard, 193.

Craie, Symon de, 505.

Craissanvilla. See Croissanville.

Crambe, Cramban [co. York], church of, 442.

Cranelle, Alexander de, dean, 188.

Cranus, Roger, 122.

Craon. See Creon.

Crapalt [Manche], forest of, 259.

Crasmaisnil, Crasmenil, Augustin de, 70.

-, Walter de, 67.

Crassus, Robert, 337.

-, William, 161, 522.

Craucumba, Wimund de, 180.

Cravechon, honour of, 528.

Crawley, Craule, Great [co. Buckingham], church of, 444, 445.

-, Little [co. Buckingham], church of, 444, 445.

Crediton, Cridiatona [co. Devon], charter dated at, 296.

-, Cridifnensis, bishop of. See Elfric.

Creech, Cruche [co. Somerset], 156, 157.

Creeting, Gratingis [co. Suffolk], 137.

Creissi, Cressy, Cressio, Hugh de, 7, 11, 35, 57, 63, 65, 70, 73, 78, 79, 89, 90, 128, 129, 149, 186, 187, 192, 200, 284, 301, 306, 310, 317, 318, 331, 337, 380–382, 384, 417, 440, 468, 516, 522, 525, 534.

Crendon, Long, Crundona [co. Buckingham], 77.

-, church of, 77.

Crenella, William de, 400, 401.

Crenis, William de, 81.

Creon, Croun, Maurice de, 186, 275, 302, 311, 336, 337, 380, 382, 417, 453, 468.

-, -, -, Maurice and Peter sons of, 302.

Crépigny (in St. Jean-le-Blane, Calvados), 193.

Crepist [? Croft], co. Leic., 230.

Crepstona. See Cropstan.

Creset, Robert de, 377.

Crespigny. See Crépigny.

Crespin. See Cri-pinus.

Cressenton. See Cassington.

Cresserons, Crisselon [Calvados], 177, 178.

-, chapel of St. James, 177, 178.

Cressi. See Creissi.

Creully, Croilei [Calvados], lord of, 521.

See also Croilli.

Crevecæur (Calvados), 532.

Crevecort, Crevecor, Robert de, 208.

Crevecort, William de, 465.

Cricklade, Criechelada [co. Wilts], church of, 226.

Cridiatona. See Crediton.

Cridiatona, Richard de, canon of Exeter, 296.

Crienciis, Peter de, 344.

Criketot, William de, 74.

Crioil. See Cruel.

Criolio. See Cruel.

Crisetot, William de, 177.

Crispinus, Crespin, 116, 259, 521.

-, Geoffry, 386.

-, Gilbert, 34, 123, 252, 423.

-, -, William brother of, 252.

-, Goschelin, 34.

-, Hamalric, 34.

-, Popinot, 373.

-, William, 59.

Crisselon. See Cresserons.

Criuil. See Cruel.

Croceus, 521.

Croch, Louis, 415.

-, Matthew, 415.

-, Philip, 415.

Crochella, Roger de, 538.

Crocy, Croceium [Calvados], 210.

Croft. See Crepist.

Croilli, Croilleio, Croileio, Crolei, Crolly (Creully, Calvados), Philip de, 145, 172, 324.

-, -, son of Richard son of Robert earl of Gloucester, charter of, 338.

-, Ralph de, 392.

-, Richard (I.) de, 177.

-, Richard (II.) de, 251.

-, Richard and Turstin de, 520.

-, Roger de son of Richard de, charter of, 535.

-, -, Philip, Richard, Henry and Robert brothers of, 535.

-, Turstin de, 164.

Croisilles, Crusilles [Orne], church of St. Martial, 222, 223.

Croissanville, Craissanvilla [Calvados], 148.

Croix-Avranchin, La, La Croix, Vicus Crucis [Manche], 252.

Croix-St. Leufroy, La, Crux Sancti Leufroy, [Eure], charter dated at, 313.

Crolei, Crolli. See Creully.

Crollon, Crolou [Manche], church of, 325.

Crolou. See Crollon.

Cropile. See Coppull.

Cropstan, Cropstona, [in Thureaston,] co. Leic.], tithe of, 229.

Crostonne, church of, 239.

Croun. See Creon.

Crowborough, Crotteberga [co. Sussex], 512.

Croyland, Croiland, abbot of, Robert, 228.

See Longchamp, Henry de.

Cruce, Geoffrey de, 52.

-, John de, chaplain of archbishop Hubert Walter, 131.

Crucemaris, Roger de, 109.

See also Cruizmara.

Cruche. See Creech.

Crucis, Vicus. See Croix-Avranchin.

Cruel, Criolleio, Criolio, Crioil, Criuil, Crolei, Crolly, Croileo, (Criel, Seine Inférieure), Gohelinus, Goscelin de, 81, 134.

-, Nicholas de, grant of, 44.

-, Walter de, gifts of, 77.

Cruizmara, Rodulf de, 20.

-, -, Gulbert, son of, 20.

See also Crucemaris.

Crundona. See Crendon, Long.

Cruisilles. See Croisilles.

Cuceio. See Cocceio.

Cudebiria. See Woodbury.

Cuella, Hemeric de, 48.

-, Philip de, 49.

Culcarmoc, 105.

Culdovony, canons of, 105.

Culintona, Richard de, 320.

Cullei [now Rabodanges, Orne], 220.

Culleio, Robert de, 147.

Cultura. See Couture.

Culuutune, [? Cullompton, co. Devon,] 216.

Culvervilla. See Cuvervilla.

Cumba. See Combe.

Cumbe. See Combe in Brabourne.

Cumbe. See Combe, East.

Cumbis, Hugh de, 401.

Cumbray, Alvered de, 225.

-, Richard, de, 225.

See also Combraio.

Cumeaus, Hamo de, 215.

Cumin. See Comin.

Cumines. See Comminis.

Cunigbure, Herbert de, 298.

Cuntune, Cuntone. See Compton.

Curcella, Corcella, Corcellis, Curcellis [Coursculles, Calvados], Robert (I.) de, 172.

-, Robert (II.) de, 536.

-, Roger de, 142, 170, 328.

-, -, Gaudric son of, 369.

-, Wandrille de, 174, 387, 388.

-, William de, 158.

Curci, Curcy, Courcy, Corci, Coccei, Curseio, Curciaco (Courcy, Calvados) Aalis (daughter of William) de, wife of Warin FitzGerold, charter of, 433.

-, Richard (I.) de, 39, 142, 155, 165, 328, 425, 426.

-, -, gifts of, 430, 431.

-, -, Hebrca mother of, 430.

-, -, Wandelmode, Gandlemodis wife of, 430, 431.

-, -, Robert and William sons of, 430, 431.

-, Richard (II.) de, 291.

-, Robert de, 60, 89, 99, 125, 126, 191, 199, 207, 213–215, 288, 332, 342, 431, 466, 476, 533.

Curci, Curey, Courey, Corci, Coccei, Curseio, Curciaco (Courey, Calvados)—cont.

-, -, charter of, 432.

-, -, William brother of, 432.

-, -, Robert son of, charter of, 432.

-, Simon de, 42, 521.

-, William de, 193, 209, 274, 386, 458.

-, -, charter of, 432.

-, -, Richard and Robert brothers of, 432.

-, -, Robert son of, 193.

-, -, -, charter of, 431.

-, -, William son of, the younger, gifts of, 432.

-, -, dapifer, 6, 60, 102, 135, 171, 186, 193, 201, 215, 243, 275, 286, 298, 311, 343, 440.

-, -, justice, 161.

Curia, Osmund de, 264.

Curleio, Curle, Curli, Robert de, 145, 179, 299.

-, William de, 299.

Curlibuef, Corlibovio, Ranulf de, 168, 432.

Curmodestona. See Thurmaston.

Curseio. See Curci.

Curtebala. See Courtenhall.

Curtenai. See Courtenay.

Curtino, Daniel de, prévót of Bruges, 496.

Curtintona. See Kirtlington.

Curtis dominicus. See Courdemanche.

Curtmorlemer, Curtmurlonc, William de, 306, 534.

Curto Landon, Ralf de, 400.

Curtuna, Gilbert de, tithe of, 511.

Curtunai. See Courtenay.

Curvisius, Warin, 429.

Custa, Richard son of, 230.

Custancia. See Constantiis.

Culvervilla. See Cuvervilla.

Cuvert, Richard de, 461.

Cuvervilla, Calvervilla, Culvervilla, Caioulvervilla, Geoffrey de, 41, 42, 80, 81.

-, Henry de, 81, 82.

Cuverville, Cuvervilla [Seine Inférieure], tithe of, 80.

-, lord of. See Oylard.

Cymillcio. See Chimilleio.

Cytona. See Eaton Bray.


Dacus, Robert, 463.

-, Robert, chaplain, 185.

Daevilla, Robert de, 134.

-, Rogo de, 134.

Dage, Olivier (sic), 60.

Dalby, Dalbeia, tithe at, 170.

Dallage, Bartholomew, 60.

Dallenges. See Field Dalling.

Dalost, Ralf, 344.

Damblainville, Dambleinvilla, Danblainvilla [Calvados], 221, 222.

Damdivilla, Robert de, 524.

Damfront. See Domfront.

Dampierre. See Dompierre.

Damsella, Richard son of, 315.

Dana, Robert de, 210.

Danblainvilla. See Damblainville.

Dancé, Danciacum [Orne], church of, 430.

Daneboud, William son of, 27.

Danesia, Ralf, 174.

Daneu, Richard de, 321.

Daneys, William, 147.

Danfront. See Domfront.

Dangu, Robert de, 430.

Daniel, monk of Rivaulx, 297.

-, seneschal, 523.

Dantesburna. See Duntisbourne.

Darent. See Tarrant Launston.

Darsellus, Rainald, 456.

Datus, Gilbert, 153.

Daufin, Gilbert, 264.

-, Oliver, 308.

Davesnes, Hugh, 60.

David, the chamberlain, 280.

-, chaplain, 145, 146, 152.

-, clerk, 246.

-, earl. See Huntingdon.

-, king of the Scots, 354, 374.

-, -, charter of, 357.

-, brother of (William) king of Scots, 441.

See also Huntingdon, earl of.

-, monk of St. Florent, Saumur, 400.

Davidis villa, Walter, ad barbam, de, 80.

Dedintona. See Toddington.

Deerefort. See Desford.

Delamare, William, 118.

Delaplace, Gilbert, 76.

Delaval, Delval, de Valle (Laval, Mayenne), Guy, 422, 424.

-, John son of Guy, 422, 424, 425.

-, -, Hamo brother of, 422, 424.

-, -, Berta, mother of, 422.

-, John, 147.

-, Richard, 110, 111.

-, Robert, 123.

Delbec, Walter, 512.

Deldham. See Yeldham, Little.

Deltot, Robert, 309.

Dena, Gilbert de, 387.

Denis, 432.

Denustona, Henry de, 204.

Denvermou. See Envermou.

Deodatus. See Fontenay-le-Pesnel.

Deodvilla, chapel of, 178.

Deormannus, 503.

Deppa, Depa. See Dieppe.

Derby, West, Derbeium [co. Lanc.], 237.

Derby, Derbi, Derebensis, archdeacon of, Vivian, 385. See also Luci, Godfrey de.

Derleia. See Erleia.

Derlie, William, chamberlain, charter of, 186.

-, Ascira wife of, 186.

Dervakes. See Barnack.

Désert, Le, Desertum (in Les Baux de Breteuil, Eure), Priory of, 137.

Deserto, Hugh de, 373, 374, 521.

Desford, Deerefort [co. Leic.], church of St. Martin, 230.

Desideria, Peter son of, gifts of, 264.

-, -, Osanna wife of, and Orenge daughter of, 264.

Deupa. See Dieppe.

Deva. See Diva.

Devon, earl of. See Reviers, Baldwin de; Vernon, William de.

-, officers of, 460.

-, sheriff of, 460.

Dichenescova. See Discova.

Diceto, Ralf de, dean of London [i.e., St. Paul's], 152, 153.

Didona, Giffald de, 451.

Dieppe, Diepa, Depa, Deppa, Deupa, Dyopa, 60, 63, 128.

-, charter dated at, 36, 59.

-, customs of, 34.

-, toll of fish at, 64, 90.

-, revenues of port of, 374.

-, vicomte of, 128.

Dignano, Roland de, 538.

Dignon, Nicholas de, 105.

Dinan [Côtes du Nord], castle of, 266.

-, -, lord of, Geoffrey, charter of, 427.

-, -, Orieldis wife, and Oliver son of, 427.

-, Alan de, 300.

-, Oliver de son of Oliver, gifts of, 428.

Dinnanensis, Alan, 292. See also Dignano.

Dinham, Hugh de, 461.

Dinnington chapel, Dunnington [co. Yorks], 16.

Dionisius, canon, 521.

-, Osmund, brother of, 77.

Discove, Dichenescova, near Bruton [co. Somerset], tithe of, 174.

Diva, Deva, Geoffray de, chaplain, 288.

-, Hugh de, 159, 435, 437.

-, -, gifts of, 510, 511.

-, -, Boselin brother of, 159.

-, -, William son of, 510.

-, William de, 8, 136, 324, 413, 511.

-, -, Cecily mother of, 511.

See also Boselin.

Diveis, Morehius le, 103, 104.

-, -, Cato son of, 104.

Divelin. See Dublin.

Dives [Calvados], 159, 160. See also St. Pierre-sur-Dives.

-, church of St. Mary, 166.

-, Ste. Marie, Ainard abbot of, 197.

-, Fulc, abbot of, 166.

- river, 431.

Divistane Ville. See Dunstanvilla.

Dixton, St. Tadioc, Cadioc, Tedioc, Teodoc, Tedecho [Monmouth], church of, 403, 404, 407, 410, 412.

Doblellus, 261.

Dobra, William de, 521.

Doda, Ralf son of, 426.

Doddington, Dudinton [co. Northampton], 186, 187.

Dodelabria, church of, 233.

Dodeman, William, 344.

Dodingetona, Dodingethone. See Toddington.

Dodomand, priest, 409.

Doisnel, Robert, 155.

Doit, Reginald de, 145.

Dol, 400, 426.

-, church of St. Samson, 358.

-, archbishop (bishop) of, Baldric, 287.

-, -, Geoffrey, charter of, 440.

-, -, Gingoneus, Gingolor, 37.

-, -, Roland (elect), 538.

-, Alan, seneschal of, son of Jordan, 357.

See also Alan; Jordan.

-, John de, 400.

-, Rivallonus de, 424.

Dolieta, Ralf de, 258.

Dolvilla, Hugh de, canon of Rouen cathedral, 3.

Domfront, Danfront, Damfront, 248, 268, 300.

-, burgesses of, 494.

-, court of count William [William I.] at, 424.

-, charters dated at, 183, 185, 247, 299, 300.

See Domnofronte.

Domjean, Donnus Johannes [Manche], 250.

Domna Petra. See Dompierre.

Domnofronte, Henry de, 299.

Domno Martino, Dono Martini, Odo de, gifts of, 509.

-, Stephen de, dapifer, 291.

-, William de, 291.

-, -, gifts of, 510.

Domno Petro. See Dompierre.

Dompierre, Domnuspetrus, [Somme] altar of, 513.

Dompierre, Domna Petra, church of St. Peter, 288, 293.

Donatus, monk, 408, 409.

Donelay, Roger de, 278.

Donemawe. See Dunmow.

Donestanvilla, Donstanvilla. See Dunstan villa.

Donestat. See Tunstall [co. York].

Donested. See Tunstall [co. Kent].

Donetrop. See Dunthorp.

Dono-Martini. See Domno Martino.

Donvilla, Ralf de, man of Rainald, 266.

Donyland, Duninlande [co. Essex], 29.

Dorchester, Dorcensis, bishop of. See Escui.

Dorgoil, Roger, 7.

Doriel, 148.

Dorset, co. 146, 313.

-, sheriff of. See Aiulf the chamberlain.

Dorton [co. Bucks], 76, 77.

Dorton, Payn de, 76.

Douay, Duai, Duacum, Walter castellan of, 496.

- John prévôt of, 469.

Doufret (?), Robert de, 27.

Douna, Duna. See Down-Umphraville.

Douna, Aldred de, charter of, 319, 321.

-, -, Ralf and Walter sons of, 319.

-, Ralf de, 321.

-, -, charter of, 320.

-, Walter de, 320.

Doura. See Douvres.

Doure, Master John, 488.

Douvrent [Seine Inférieure], honour of, 2.

Douvres [Calvados], 532.

-, Geoffrey, priest of, 176.

Dover, Dovra, Doveria [Kent], 127, 277n, 518.

-, barons of, 499.

Dovera, Dofora, Foubert, Fulbertus (I.) de 482, 489.

-, -, Adelit’ wife of, 482.

-, -, Hugh de Chilham son of, 483.

-, Foubert’ (II) de, son of John, 490.

-, Hugh de. See Chilham.

-, Manekin of, 490n.

-, prior of, 517.

Dovero, Hugh de, 152.

Dovra, Geoffrey de, 162.

See also Doura, Doure.

Down-Umphraville [Charlton] in Axmouth, Douna, Duna [co. Devon], 320.

-, chapel of St. Leonard, 318.

-, chapel of St. Pancras, 319, 321.

Drait, Richard de, 296.

Drax, Drac, Drach [co. York], fishery at, 442.

-, manor of, 326.

Drayton, West, Draiton [co. Notts], chapel of, 16.

Dreu. See Drogo.

Dreux, Drocensis, Castrum Drocis [Eure et Loir], 456.

-, Robert count of, 384, 474.

See also Drocensis.

Drincourt, Drincurt, Driencurt [now Neufchâtel, Seine Inférieure], 524.

-, bailiffs of, 6, 14.

Drincourt, Drincurt, Driencurt [now Neufchâtel, Seine Inférieure—cont.

-, charter dated at, 516.

-, hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr, grant to, 95.

-, Huelinus de, 23.

-, Richard de, 23, 24.

-, -, Turold brother of, 23, 24.

Droard, Fule, 258.

Drocensis, Guy, 231.

See also Dreux.

Droeis, Morelinius le, 103 n.

Drogo, Dreu, 24, 254, 406.

-, founder of St. Mary of Gouffern, 241, 242.

-, Simon son of, gifts of, 511.

Dru, his tithe, 511.

Drubec, William, 335.

Druel, Ranulf, gift of, 534.

Duaco. See Douay.

Duai. See Douay.

Dublin, Divelin, John archbishop of, 71, 79, 195, 474.

Duclair, Durcher [Seine Inférieure], market at, 57.

Ducy-Sainte-Marguerite, Duxeium [Calvados], manor of, 537.

Dudela in forest of Roumare [Seine Inférieure], 55.

Dudinton. See Doddington.

Dudintune, William de, 490.

Duin. See Bourg Dun.

Dulverton [co. Devon], charter dated at, 460.

Duna. See Douna.

Dunbar, Patrick earl of, 69, 491.

Duncan, earl. See Fife.

Duncan [? Duntun] William de, 344.

Dumestaple. See Dunstable.

Duncins, William, 137.

Duncton [co. Sussex], chapel of, 510.

Dundinton, Dudintune [in Otham manor and Hailsham, co. Sussex], 511.

Dune, toll of, 261.

Dunecanus. See Duncan.

Dunes, abbey of St. Mary des [near Furnes, in Flanders], 497–9.

-, Elyas, abbot of, 498, 499.

-, monks of, 497–9.

Dunestanvilla. See Donestanvilla.

Dunington. See Dinnington.

Duninland. See Donyland.

Dunmave [? co. Bucks], 76.

Dunmow, Donemawe [co. Essex], 146n.

-, chapter of, 146.

Duno, Robert de, 204.

Dunstan, archbishop, 500, 501.

Dunstable, Dumestaple [co. Beds], 388.

Dunstanvilla, Donstanvilla, Dunestanvilla Divistane Ville, Alan de, 510.

-, Reginald de, gifts of, 509.

Dunstanvilla, Donstanvilla, Dunestanvilla Divistane Ville—cont.

-, Robert de, 39, 41, 55, 135, 171, 208, 242, 360, 446, 447, 465, 466, 524n.

-, Walter de, 17, 116, 439, 446, 458.

Dunstew, Teuta [co. Oxon], tithe from, 40.

Dunthorp, Donetrop [co. Oxon], 220.

Duntisbourne, Dantesburna, Duntelburna [co. Gloucester], tithe of, 411, 413.

Dunum. See Bourg Dun.

Durand, 75, 77.

-, abbot of Cerisy. See Cerisy.

-, butler, 361, 419 n, 468.

-, clerk, 311.

-, clerk of queen Joan, 392.

-, forester, 21.

-, brother [monk], 440.

-, Master, 48.

-, the prévôt, 222.

-, Ralf son of, 112.

-, William son of, 174.

Durbec, William, 78.

Durcher. See Duclair.

Duredent, Geoffrey, 145, 147.

Durescu, William, 40 n.

Dureshurst, wood of [co. Sussex], 47, 48.

Durham, Dunhelmensis, bishop of.

See also Flambard, Ranulph; Poitiers Philip of; Pudsey, Hugh.

-, Roger, prior of St. Cuthbert's, letter of, 265.

-, Hermericus, archdeacon of, 366.

Durocato, Godard de, 513.

Durvilla, William de, 421.

Duse, Robert de, 222.

Duuegate. See London, Dowgate.

Duurin, Ansellus de, 494.

Duxeio, Robert de, 259.

-, -, charter of, 258.

-, -, Cecily wife of, and William son of, 259.

Duxeium. See Ducy.

Duxford, Chochesforda [co. Cambridge], 512.

Dyopa. See Dieppe.


Eadgar, king of the English, 501.

-, charter of, 500.

Eadmar, chaplain of Cleeve, 127.

-, -, Ailward brother of, 127.

Eadric, thegn, 501.

Eadsi, thegn, 501.

Eadward the young, 358.

Eadwine, thegn, 501.

Eadwi, king, 500.

Easebourne, Isemburna [co. Sussex], church of, 238.

Easington, Essintona [co. York], 238.

Eastbourne, Burneham [co. Sussex], 511.

-, manor of, 511.

Eastbridge, Brige, Esbrige, Esbrugge, Heastbruge [co. Kent], church of, 120, 122.

-, tithe of, 121, 513.

Eastchurch, Estchirche in Sheppey, 497–9.

Eastergate, St. Mary of Wath, Gath [co. Sussex], 233, 234.

Easton. See Aston in Sudbury.

Eaton, Nun [co. Warwick], 376.

Eaton Bray, near Dunstable, Atton, Cytona [co. Beds], 388.

Ebor', Eboracensis. See York.

Eboracum. See York.

Ebrard, prévôt, 426.

Ebredona [? Eversden, co. Cambridge], 137.

Ebremarus, monk, gifts of, 529.

Ebroicensis. See Evreux.

Ebroicensis, Robert, 61.

-, Roger, 123.

Eccled, William de, 49.

Ecajeul-sur-Dives, Escajeul, Escajolet [Calvados], church of St. Martin, 197–9.

-, priory of Ste. Barbe-en-Auge, 197–200.

Ecclesfield, Eglesfeld [co. York], church of, 61.

Echikeshande, 76.

See also Ehikisham.

Eckington, Hegentona [co. Derby], 204.

Eckington [alias Ripe], Achintona, Eckentuna [co. Sussex], 511.

-, church of, 511.

Ecouché, Scocetum [Orne], church of, 396.

Ectune. See Nuncaton.

Edevetona. See Etton in Shefford.

Edewaltona [Edwalton, co. Notts?], 230.

Edgcott, Achecote [co. Bucks], 76.

Edingarve. See Addengrave.

Edith, Richard son of, 160.

Edithelphed, in Felsted, 150.

Edith Weston, Weston, Vestona [co. Rutland], 66, 67, 69–71.

Edithestoc'. See Stoke Edith.

Edmondthorpe, Torp [co. Leicester], church of, 204, 206.

Edwalton. See Edewalton.

Edward the Confessor king of England, 34, 38, 44, 54, 141, 251, 502, 503.

-, -, as Ætheling [in Normandy], 526.

-, -, Alfred brother of, 526.

-, -, charters of, 1, 252, 501.

-, [the Elder], 500, 501.

Edward I. of England, inspeximus by, 2, 6, 54.

-, II., inspeximus by, 143, 310.

Edward, 357.

Edwin's land, 364.

Effchaga, land of, in forest of Andredsweald, 502.

Efflanc, Richard, 116.

-, Rodulf, 114.

Effancus, Turstin, 110.

Egdean. See Bleatham.

Eggarus, Osbert, 505.

Egidius. See Giles.

Eglendon, W. de, 52.

Eglesfeld. See Ecclesfield.

Eglesfeld, Jeremias de, 61.

Egmanton, Eggemonton [co. Notts], chapel of, 16.

Ehikisham, 77.

See also Echikeshande.

Eia, Benedict of, 237.

Eief', R. dean of, 240.

Eilneia, P. de, 240.

Eilward, William son of, 505.

Eignesham, Bartholomew de, 139.

Einesford. See Ermesford.

Einesham. See Eynsham.

Eistanes, Cistan, Simon de, 146.

Eldebrand. See Heldebrand.

Eleanor, Alienor, of Aquitainc, queen of England, 12, 13, 16, 91, 92, 210, 378, 382, 385, 387, 391, 428, 454, 469.

-, -, charters of, 381, 387, 388–390, 391, 393, 394, 450, 472, 473.

Eleutherius, chaplain, 119.

Elfere, dux, 501.

Elfric, bishop of Crediton, 501.

Elfstan, bishop of London, 501.

Elgin, Vergin [Scotland], charter dated at, 491.

Eli. See Ely.

Ellingham, Alingeham, Haslingueham, Elingueham [co. Hants], church of All Saints, 349.

-, chapel or church of St. Mary, 348, 349.

-, church of St. Mary and All Saints, 351.

-, chaplain of, 351.

Elmham, Elmhannesis, Theodret bishop of, 501.

Elmstree, Ermundestr’ [co Gloucester], 385.

Elsi, Alexi, William, son of, 485.

Elstrudis, countess of Flanders, charter of, 500, 502.

-, Arnulf and Adelolf, Ernulf and Edclulf sons of, 500–2.

Eltcham, Richard de, 505.

Elur', chaplain, 139.

Elvaston, Elwaldestone, Erwadeston [co. Derby], mill of, 146, 149.

Ely, church of, 514.

-, Richard archdeacon of, 17.

-, bishop of, 97, 100, 130.

See also Eustance; Longocampo, William de; Nigel; Ridel, Geoffrey.

Ely, Eli, Elio, Richard de, 498.

Ely, Richard of, (son of Nigel, bishop of), bishop of London, 385, 387.

-, -, -, charters of, 151, 428.

See also Richard, treasurer.

-, Walter (sic) de, 29.

-, William de, 98.

-, -, treasurer, 428.

Elyas, chaplain, 280.

Emalleville, Esmanvilla [Eure], church of, 97.

Endric the miller, 347.

Engaine, Engaigne, Richard, 77.

-, Walter, 75.

Engelramus, Engelrannus. See Say.

-, gift of, 158.

-, Agnes, wife of, 158.

-, dapifer, 521.

-, dapifer of the abbot, 42.

See also Engeranus; Ingelram.

Engenolfus, 412.

-, William son of, 138.

Engeranus, clerk, 357.

-, porter, 519.

England, acquisitions in, 64.

-, bacon and cheese from, 81.

-, freedom to trade in, 34.

-, stewardship of, 465.

Englebye. See Ingleby.

Englesby, Joslen de, charter of, 311.

English, Walter son of Herbert, charter of, 351.

Engres, Peter, 394.

Enle, William, 196.

Enoldus, 445.

Envermeu, Envremou [Seine Inférieure], priory of St. Laurence, 132, 133.

Envermou, Henvermou, Envremodium, Envremou, Evremo, Euermou, Geoffrey de, 81.

-, Hugh de, 81, 133.

-, -, charter of, 132.

-, Turold brother of. See Bayeux, bishops of.

-, Rainold de, 133.

-, Reinier de, 77.

Épaignes (Espagne), Ispania (Eure), 112.

Epiniac [Ille et Vilaine], 407.

Epreetarum. See Evreux.

Epte, river, 422.

Equeurdreville, Esquedrevilla [Manche], 342.

-, canons of, 335.

Erardus, canon, 128.

Erchembold, Erchembald, Erchenbaud, 20, 358.

-, vicomte, Erchembald son of, 23.

Erchenefelde. See Archenfield.

Erclinroke [Guernsey], 273.

Ercour, Aerdicuria [Somme], altar of, 513.

Erenburgis, countess, mother of count Geoffrey of Anjou, 518.

Erengot, the miller, 142.

Eres, Benedict de, 377.

Erfastus. See Arfastus.

Eringeham. See Hardham.

Erleia, Derleia, John de, 65, 79.

Erluin. See Herluin.

Ermengarde. See Giffard.

Ermentrud villa. See Saint Sever, Rouen.

Ermesford (i.e. Einesford), William de, 505

Ermundest'. See Elmstree.

Ernald, Ernuald, Roger son of, 237.

-, Walter son of, 63, 89, 242.

Ernaud, Master, leech, 129.

See also Hernaldus.

Erneham. See Irnham.

Ernelius, 216.

Ernesius, 201.

-, Eudo, Ludo, son of, 63, 274, 285.

-, Philip son of, 269.

-, Robert son of, 217, 299.

-, -, Robert son of, 142.

See also Hernesius.

Erningatone. See Arrington.

Ernesore, Thomas de, 206.

Ernuald, Walter, son of. See Ernald.

Ernult, 3.

-, master, 486.

-, prévôt 23.

-, vicomte, 288.

-, Godard, nephew of, prévôt of Buly, 23.

See also Arnulf.

Erringham, Eringaham [in Old Shoreham, co. Sussex] tithe of, 405.

Ertald, gifts of, 426.

-, Origia wife of, and Ralf, Robert and William sons of, 426.

Ertincombe, Erticumbe, See Yarcombe.

Erwadeston. See Elvaston.

Esbridge. See Eastbridge.

Escafol, William de, 172.

Escajeul, Escajolet. See Ecajeul.

Escalleclif, 310.

Eschailli, Stephanus de, 259.

Eschaiol, Robert de, 432.

Eschaufo, Ernald de, 219.

Eschelinus, 163.

Eschore, land of, in forest of Andredsweald, 502.

Escoiis, William de, 156.

Escorcheville, William, 145.

Escremanvilla, Ranulf de, 344.

Escui, bishop of Dorchester, 501.

Escures-sur-Favières, Escures, Scures [Calvados], 292, 293.

Esflanc, Roger, 117.

Esgaretus, chaplain of the bishop of Payeux, 194.

Esifcocengiis, Inguerranus de, 134.

Esingesham, 156.

Esiustoc, Theobald de, 70.

Eslettes, Lecdis [Seine Inférieure], 67.

Eslingis, William de, 483.

Esmanville. See Emalleville.

Esnitevele. See Snitterfield.

Espagne. See Épaignes.

Esparlaio, Esparlay. See Sporle.

Espec, Ranulf, 330.

Espiart, 273.

Espicevine. See Spitchwick.

Espihart, Godfrey, 121.

Espoudri, Reginald, 427.

Espreton, Herbert de, 139.

Esprever, Roger del, gift of, 117.

Esquedrevilla. See Equerdreville.

Essardend, wood of, 205.

Essebi, 230.

Essecestre. See Gilbert.

Essemby [? Ashby Mares, co. Northants.], church of, 185.

Essendone, Adam de, clerk, 75, 76.

Essenduna. See Ashdon.

Essessia, Robert de, 510.

Essete. See Exceat.

Essex, archdeacon of, Richard, 31.

-, officers of, 143.

Essex, earl of. See Peter, son of; Mandevilla.

-, Henry de, 78.

-, -, constable, 6, 170.

See also Essesia.

Essia, William de, chaplain, 428.

Essingetona. See Ashington.

Essintona. See Essington.

Estanesberia, 237.

Estaningis. See Steyning.

Estantona. See Stonton Wyville.

Estapleford. See Stapleford.

Estchirche. See Eastchurch.

Estelleia, 269.

Estfeld, Robert de, 16.

Estlega, Estleia, Thomas de, seneschal, 136, 228.

Estmarcha. See Markham, East.

Esto'm, 150.

Eston [co. Wilts], church of, 482.

Eston. See Aston.

Estona [co. Leic.], 230.

Estormit, Richard, 237.

See also Esturmi.

Estotebie, 230.

Estotevilla, Estutevilla, Henry de, 476.

-, Nicholas de, 466.

-, Robert de, charter of, 70.

-, -, Leonia wife of, 70.

Estra, Hestra, William de, 434.

-, -, Richard dapifer, son of, 434.

See also Estre; Lastra.

Estramunt. See Strettington.

Estre, Savarinus de, 146.

Estrépagny, Strepencium [Eure], charter dated at, 115.

Estremeton. See Strettington.

Estretintona. See Strettington.

Estrigil, Gilbert d', 79.

Estrop, Edglaf de, 173.

Estrutart. See Étretat.

Estur, William son of, 314, 316, 321.

Esturmi, Godfrey, 196.

-, Hugh, 388.

See also Estormit.

Esturminstre, Esturmilistria. See Sturminster Marshall.

Estutevilla. See Stutevilla, Estotevilla.

Estwode. See Astwood.

Etaveaux, Stavellum [Calvados], 159.

Ethelwine, dux, 501.

Etheuold, bishop of Winchester, 501.

Etho, seneschal, 234.

See also Eudo seneschal.

Eton. See Nuneaton.

Etretat, Estrutart [Seine Inférieure], church of, 46, 67, 68.

-, prévôts of, 69.

Étréville, Sturvilla [Eure], church of St. Sampson, grant to, 117.

Etton in Shefford, Edevetona [co. Berks], manor of, 124.

Eu, Aucum, Augum, Aucensis, Augensis, 82, 530.

-, baillis of, 532.

-, church of St. Mary and its canons, 524, 525.

-, charter dated at, 82.

-, college of, 134n.

-, comté of, 524, 525.

-, wood of, 154.

-, Roger abbot of, 82.

-, Henry bishop (rectius count) of, 214.

-, burgesses of, 524.

-, count of, 145, 154, 511.

-, -, Henry, 41, 42, 59, 214, 352, 524.

-, -, -, gifts of, 64, 65, 80, 81, 134, 524.

-, -, -, John son of, 64.

-, -, -, Robert brother of, 81.

-, -, John, 40, 65, 466, 524.

-, -, -, charter of, 81, 82, 134, 208.

-, -, -, Margaret daughter, Matilda sister of, 82.

-, -, -, Henry son of, 134.

-, -, Ralf, 104, 195, 473, 495.

-, -, Robert, 22, 23, 145, 529.

-, -, -, gifts of, 80.

-, -, -, Beatrice wife, Ralph, Robert, and William, sons of, 80.

-, -, William, 80.

-, Robert of, 64.

-, William of, 37.

See also on.

Eudo, Heudo, 328, 341, 423.

-, bastard, 308.

Eudo, Heudo—cont.

-, (of Porhoet), count. See Britanny.

-, son of the count, 523.

-, -, -, Henry brother of, 523.

-, dapifer, 26, 59, 193, 328, 400, 442, 446.

-, -, gifts of, 27, 158.

-, -, of William II., 503.

See also Ria; Eudo seneschal; Etho seneschal.

-, priest, 449.

-, seneschal, 426.

See also Eudo dapifer.

-, smith, 112.

-, vicomte, 142, 328, 350, 438.

-, Adam brother of. See Ria.

-, Eimeric son of, 455.

-, Philip son of, 204.

-, Rainald son of, gifts of, 415.

-, -, Hugh and Silvester, brothers of, Albereda mother of, 415.

-, Ralf son of, 147.

Euermou. See Envermou.

Eugenius III., pope, 27.

-, -, letter of, 56.

-, confirmations by, 403, 527.

Euremeio(sic) John, 524.

Eustace, Eustachius, 493.

-, charter of, 373.

-, William and Roger sons of, 373.

-, archdeacon, 173, 370.

-, bishop of Ely, 71, 215, 339, 474, 495, 516.

-, -, chancellor, 29, 57, 88, 104, 119, 304, 363, 428, 498.

-, chancellor (of the count of Boulogne), 285.

-, canon of Rouen cathedral, 13.

-, chaplain, 65.

-, clerk of the bishop of Le Mans, 359, 360.

-, count. See Boulogne.

-, Master, 17, 95, 410.

-, -, canon, 343.

-, shepherd, 173.

-, son of king Stephen, 143, 373, 479, 480, 492, 493, 509.

-, vice-chancellor of Richard I., 278.

Eutropius, 408.

Evanus, priest, 441.

Eventhoth [? Yvetot, Manche], 269.

Evenus, master of the Hospital, 274.

Ever, Peter de, 503.

Everard, master, vice-archdeacon, 490.

Evercy, Thomas de, 196.

Eversden, co. Cambridge. See Ebredona.

Evesham, Adam abbot of, 226.

Evington, Evintona, [co. Leic], 230.

Evreceio, Osbern de, knight, 264.

-, Roger de, 175, 324.

-, William Graverenc de, 264.

Evrécy, Evreceium [Calvados], church of, 264.

Evremo. See Envermou.

Evreux, Ebroicensis, Epreete, 110, 138.

-, abbey of St. Taurin, 105–7.

-, -, Ralf abbot of, 327.

-, cathedral church of St. Mary, 97–104.

-, commune of, 138.

-, comté, of, 104, 458.

-, vicomté of, 104.

-, charters dated at, 99, 100.

-, archdeacon of, Guy, 72.

-, -, Mauger, 88, 339, 363, 385.

-, -, Ralf, 457.

-, bishop of, 11, 68, 97, 98, 104, 138, 161, 464.

-, -, Audinus, Oin, 41, 42, 59, 97–101, 103, 125–7, 137, 190, 218, 290, 330, 342, 372, 373, 430, 457, 539.

-, -, Giles, 32, 35, 56, 90, 102, 118, 128, 140, 193, 201.

-, -, Gilbert, Gislebert, 22, 123, 137, 166, 218, 327, 398, 521.

-, -, Hugh, 249, 250–2.

-, -, John, 12, 14, 46, 65, 70, 73, 79, 90, 91, 102, 103, 149, 163, 200, 227, 331, 338, 384, 454, 466, 525, 534, 537.

-, -, Michael, 25.

-, -, Robert, 355.

-, -, Rotrou, 4, 45, 114, 115, 120, 121, 124, 156, 160, 175, 186, 207, 215, 225, 241, 242, 270, 271, 281, 323, 427, 455, 519.

-, -, Warin, Garinus, 18, 106, 195.

-, count of, 138, 528.

-, -, Almaric, 104.

-, -, Richard, 54, 422.

-, -, Simon, 104, 224, 458.

-, -, -, charter of, 220.

-, -, William, 58, 327, 400, 422.

-, -, -, charter of, 169, 220.

-, Helvida, countess of, 169, 220.

-, dean of, Fulk, 121.

-, -, Odo, 100.

-, -, Robert [? de Novoburgo], 101, 128.

-, -, Robert de Novoburgo, 309.

-, nuns of, 392.

Ewias, Harold of, 408.

Ewrehic. See York.

Exaquium. See Lessay.

Exceat, Essete, Exeta [co. Sussex], tithe of 510.

-, manor of, 511.

Exchequer, Scaquarium, the Michaelmas (Norman), charter dated at, 211.

See also the Index rerum.

Exemensis. See Hiesmois.

Exeter, synod at, 320.

-, Aldret dean of, 319, 320.

-, archdeacon of, Bartholomew, 319, 320.

Exeter, archdeacon of—cont.

-, -, Henry, 279.

-, -, John, 321.

-, -, Peter. See Cornwall.

-, -, Robert, 207.

See also Alençon, John de; Axcmude.

-, bishop of, 378, 486.

See also Bartholomew; Button, Thomas de; Chichester, Robert; John; Marshal, Henry; Warlewast, William.

-, Baldwin, sheriff of. See Gilbert.

-, bridge, Gregory, chaplain of the, 321.

-, canons of, 17, 279, 296, 322.

-, charter of chapter of, 280.

Exeter, earl of, Baldwin. See Reviers, Baldwin de.

-, monastery of St. James, near, 462.

-, -, Reginald prior of, 320.

-, -, Robert prior of, 462.

-, Thomas precentor of, 319.

-, treasurer of, Anselm, 279.

-, -, John de Salesberia, 228.

Exonia, John de, 307.

-, Master Nicholas de, 489.

Exsexa. See Essex.

Extona. See Aston.

Extraneus, Rivallonus, 414.

Eye [co. Suffolk], priory of, 137.

Eymmericus, chaplain, 433.

Eynsham, Einesham, Robert, abbot of, 51, 52.


Faber, Geoffrey, 152, 153.

-, Robert, 152, 153.

-, Walter, Richard son of, 167.

Fabri, Regimund, chaplain of the abbot of St. Alban's, 296.

Facurteis, Adam, 49.

Fadmoor, Fademore [in Kirkby Moorside, co. York], 442.

Faia, Faya, Ralf, de, 376, 387n, 390, 394, 451, 473.

-, William de, 394.

Fakestuna. See Faxton.

Falaise, Falesia, [Calvados], 192, 208, 213, 215, 432.

-, abbey of St. Jean de, 213–5.

-, castle of, 215.

-, church of, 148.

-, mills at, 214.

-, charters dated at, 214, 215, 219.

Falasia, Falesia, Alan de, 63, 128, 485.

Falcanvilla, Richard de, 214.

Falchemandus, Ralf, 456.

Falcomba, Eustace, de, 278.

-, Philip de, 278.

Falda, land of, 16.

Falesia. See Falaise.

-, Geoffrey de, Ameline son of, 397.

-, Hamo de, 214, 330.

-, Robert clerk of, 338.

-, Walter de, 401.

-, William de, 397.

Familly, Familleium [Calvados], 163.

Fanencort, Robert de, 64.

Faniculus, Peter, 433.

Faramus (de Bolonia), 285.

Farforth, Forefort [co. Linc.], tithes of, 223.

Farlestorp [? Felthorp, co. Norfolk], 216.

Farmanby in Addingham, Harfineby [co. Cumberland], 394.

Farnet, Richard de, 339.

Farningham, Fervingeham [co. Kent], 49.

Farself, Geoffrey, vicomte, 251.

Fauc, Payn le, 190.

Faucillon, Helto, 490.

Faure. See Fore.

Favoria. See Fore.

Faverolles, Faveroles [Orne], church of, 58.

Faversham, Favresham, abbot of, 486.

-, -, -, Algar, 47, 49.

-, -, -, Clarembald, 485.

-, prior of, Richard, 47.

Faxtou, Fakestuna [co. Northants], church of, 512.

Fay, Phayum [Sarthe] church of, 370.

-, Robert de, 244.

Fécamp, Fiscannum, 39, 40, 42, 250n.

-, abbey of Holy Trinity, 37–53, 400, 405, 520, 521.

-, -, abbot of, 39, 41, 172, 500.

-, -, -, Ralf de Argenciis, 48, 49, 52.

-, -, -, Henry, 11, 42–8, 145, 171.

-, -, -, John, 37, 251.

-, -, -, Roger, 41, 42, 521.

-, -, -, William, 38–40, 166, 405.

-, -, bailiff of the, 53.

-, -, prior of, 172.

-, -, -, John, 43.

-, forest of, 41, 43, 67, 68, 71.

-, port of, 45.

-, charter dated at, 395.

-, burgesses of, 45.

-, merchant gild of, 46.

-, monks of, 405.

See also Fiscannensis; Fiscanno.

Feckenham, Fekcham [co. Worcester], charter dated at, 11.

Fecota, See Fencot.

Fegerollis, William de, 195.

Feigna, Hamelin de, 365.

Fekeham. See Feckenham.

Felbridge, Feltbruge [co. Sussex], 510.

Felested. See Felsted.

Felgeriis. See Fougeriis.

Felinghefort. See Fringford.

Felingheham. See Fillingham; Willingham.

Felsted, Felested, Feldestede [co. Essex], 141, 143, 149–51.

-, free warren at, 143.

-, church of, 145, 146, 149, 151.

-, men of, 143.

Felsted, Baldwin de, 146.

-, Robert de, 146.

-, William de, 144, 145, 149.

-, -, charter of, 146, 147.

-, William, son of Simon of, 150, 151.

Fendanc, William, 339.

Fergant, Bartholomew, mayor of Rouen, 7, 8.

Ferieries. See Ferrariis.

Feringes, Anfridus de, 48.

Feritas. See Ferté.

Feritate, William de, 212.

Ferrant, Richard, 440.

Ferraria, Hugh de, 220.

Ferrariis, Ferreriis, Ferieries, Ferrars, Ferrieres, Ferreres, Adam de, 362.

-, Gachelin de, 137.

-, Engenulf (son of Henry) de, 203.

-, Hawis, mother of earl Robert de.

-, Henry (I.) de, 141, 203, 503.

-, Henry (II.) de, 34, 124, 205.

-, Henry (III.) de, 476.

-, Robert de, earl Robert (I.) de, 205.

-, -, charters of, 292, 298.

-, earl Robert (II.) de, charter of, 203.

-, Roger de, 192, 298.

-, Thomas de, 204, 206.

-, Walkelin (I.) de, 137, 224.

-, Walkelin (II.) de, 106, 145, 195, 454, 469.

-, William (I.) de, 155, 533.

-, William (II.) de. 533.

-, -, charter of, 204.

-, earl William (I.) de, charters of, 204– 205.

-, -, Robert brother of, 205.

-, -, Robert and Henry, uncles of, 205.

-, earl William (II.) de, 196.

-, -, Agnes wife of, 206.

-, -, charter of, 206.

Ferron, William, master of the Temple, 274.

Ferté Frênel. See Fraisnellum.

Ferté, La, Feritas, fee of, 477.

Ferun, Mauger, 145.

Fervingeham. See Farningham.

Feugeriis. See Fougeriis.

Fengerias. See Plcine Fougères.

Feversham. See Faversham.

Feypo, Richard de, 106.

Fiches, Fiquet, Geoffrey, 118, 143.

-, Henry, 117.

Fichet, Fiquet—cont.

-, Hugh of Wanescrot, grant of, 110, 113.

-, -, Gervase son of, 110.

-, -, Hugh son of, 110, 111.

-, land of, 112.

Field Dalling, Dallenges [co. Norfolk], 291.

Fiennes. See Finles.

Fife, Duncan earl of, 357, 491.

Fifehead Magdalen, Lifinden [co. Dorset], church of, 216.

Fifhide, Richard de, dapifer, 205.

Fifland, Walter, 137.

Filgerio. See Fougères.

Filgeriis, Filgeriensis. See Fougeriis.

Fillefort. See Wilsford.

Fillingham, Felingeham [co. Lincoln], 40.

-, church of, 329, 330.

-, manor of, 329.

Findon, Fintona [co. Sussex], tithe of, 405.

Fingringhoe, [co. Essex], 29, 30.

Finles, Eustace de, 507.

Fiquet. See Fichet.

Firbeck, Fribert, [co. Yorks], 16.

Fiscannensis. See Fécamp.

Fiscannesis, Ralf, 277.

-, William, 521.

Fiscanno, Roger de, 98, 100, 191, 374.

See also Roger, chaplain.

-, Richard de, 415.

Fishbourne, Fissaburna [co. Sussex], 233, 234.

Fisherton, Fissentona [co. Wilts], 216.

Fishley, Fiseleia [co. Norfolk], charter dated at manor of, 524.

Fissa, Fisse. See Flèche, La.

Fissaburna. See Fishbourne.

Fissentona. See Fisherton.

FitzHaymon. See Hamo.

Fixa. See Fleèche, La.

Flaald, Flauud, Floald, Alan son of, 441, 442.

-, gifts of, 414.

See also Float.

Flamanville, Flamenvilla [Seine Inférieure], church of, 20.

-, Hugh de, 20.

Flambard, Ranulph, bishop of Durham, 2, 40, 155.

Flamenc, Robert, 105, 177.

Flanders, count of, 499.

-, -, Baldwin (“le chauve”), 500–2.

-, -, -, Elstrudis wife of. See Elstrudis.

-, -, -, sons of. See Elstrudis.

-, (and Hainault), Baldwin, 474, 495, 496, 498.

-, -, -, Henry brother of, 495.

-, -, -, count Philip brother of.

See Namur.

-, -, Godfrey son of, archdeacon of Cambrai, 131.

Flanders, count of—cont.

-, -, Philip, 384, 497.

-, -, -, Thierry, son of, 495.

-, -, Robert, charter of, 481.

-, -, -, Philip son of, 503.

-, -, -, Walter nephew (nepos) of, 481.

-, -, Thierry, 494.

-, -, -, charter of, 480.

-, William of, the queen's chamberlain, 149.

Flandrensis, Adelard, gifts of, 511.

-, Osto, 503.

-, Richard, 463.

See also Fleming.

Flauudus. See Flaald.

Flavigny, Flavinnei, [Calvados] land of, 530.

Flèche, La, Fissa, Fixa [Sarthe], 360.

-, charter dated at, 360, 370.

-, lepers of, 370.

-, dapifer of. See Claris, Hugh de.

Fleming, Alard, 49.

See also Flandrensis.

Flenlindon, Simon de, 240.

Flenvilla, Roger de, 93.

Fleury, Flureium [Manche], church of, 324.

Floald, See Flaald.

Flory, Flori, Alan, 333.

-, Hosmund de, 190.

Flottemanville, Flotomannum [Manche], 395, 402.

-, prior of, 402.

Flureium. See Fleury.

Fobbing, Fobinges [co. Essex], 507.

Focarmont, William de, 139.

Folcardimonte. See Foucarmont.

Foleborne. See Fulbourne.

Folet, Robert, 145.

Foleval, Lambert de, 26.

Folin, Nicholas, 191, 317, 334, 351.

Foliot, Folioth, Gilbert, bishop of Hereford, 78, 170, 411.

-, -, -, charter of, 411.

-, -, bishop of London, 116, 146, 151, 161, 378, 384.

-, -, -, charter of, 145.

-, Hugh, bishop of Hereford, inspeximus of, 138.

-, Rainald, 422.

-, Richard (?), charter of, 146.

-, - man of Walter de Celcho, 336.

-, Robert, bishop of Hereford, charter of, 138.

-, Sanson, 195, 321.

-, William, 139, 336.

Folium, Gerald, prior of La Réole, 452.

Folkington [co. Sussex], tithe of, 511.

Folksworth, Fulkcossorde, Fulkelwirthe [co. Buckingham], tithes of, 74, 76, 77.

Follaia [Guernsey], 264.

Follavilla, William de, 189.

Follebec, 148.

Fons Ebraudi. See Fontevrault.

Fontaine Guéard, Fontainesgerart, Fons Giraldi [in Radepont, Eure], abbey of, grant to, 139.

Fontaine St. Martin, Fons Sancti Martini, nuns of, 370.

Fontaines, prior of, 428.

Fontaneto, Fonteneto, Fontenai, Fontincto, John de, 163.

-, Peter de, 160.

-, -, Roger, son of, 160.

-, -, Godfrey father of, 160.

-, Richard de, 196, 304, 305, 478.

Fontanensis. See Fountains.

Fontanetum. See Fontenay.

Fontanis, Torstin de, 167.

Fonte, Peter de, 16.

Fontecaro, Raimbald de, 431.

Fonteinesgerart. See Fontaine Guérard.

Fontenai. See Fontaneto.

Fontenay-le-Pesnel, Fontenay, Fontanetum, Fontenay Paynel [Calvados], 160.

-, tithe of, 157, 522.

-, oven and mill at, 170.

-, Deodatus abbot of, 166, 327.

-, Robert abbot of, 163.

-, monks of, 216.

Fontenay [Manche], church of St. Peter, 350.

Fonteneio, Eudo de, 146.

-, Herluin de, 142.

-, Malger de, 351.

-, Philip de, 351.

-, Robert de, 434.

Fontenellis, Hugh de, 473, 474.

Fonteneto. See Fontaneto.

Fontenillo, William de, 184, 226.

Fontevrault, Fonsebraldi, abbey of St. Mary, 372–94, 468, 539.

-, abbess of, 373, 380, 385.

-, -, Matilda, 375, 376, 394.

-, -, Petronilla, 373, 539.

-, infirmary of, 393.

-, chaplains of, 392.

-, nuns of, 90, 374, 377–82, 384, 386–9, 391, 393, 394.

-, prioress of, Aliza, 394.

-, -, Augardis, 539.

-, chapel of St. Lawrence, 390.

-, St. John the Evangelist of, 380, 393.

-, -, brethren of, 390, 392.

-, priests and clerks of, 380.

-, prior of, 393.

-, -, John, 380.

-, -, William, 393.

-, charters dated at, 375, 380, 388, 391, 394, 472.

Fontineto. See Fontaneto.

Forchia, Forehia, Eustace de, 242.

See also Scociis.

Ford, Fordes [co. Sussex], church of, 246.

-, Hugh parson of, 351.

Ford, Wrda, Robert abbot of, 297.

Fordes, Master Ralf de, canon, 246.

Fordingbridge, Fordebruge [co. Hants], charter dated at, 349.

Fordria [ur. Ellingham, Hants], chaplain of, 351.

Fore, Faure, Favorum, Faure [Westmeath], churches of, 105.

-, mill of St. Fisquin, 105.

- priory of St. Fecehin, 105–7.

Forefort. See Farforth.

Forest, 236.

Foresta, church of, 148.

Formigny [Calvados], 189.

Formovilla, William de, dapifer, 123.

Fornellis. See Furnellis.

Fornet, Nicholas de, 78.

Fornival, Fortnival, Furnivalle, Gerard, Girard de, 36, 104, 131, 362, 388, 473, 474.

Foro, Gilbert de, 145.

-, William de, 188.

Fort. Humbert de, 451.

Fortin, Walter, 351.

Fortnival. See Fornivall.

Forto de Brunin, William, 450.

Fescher. See Fulcher.

Fossa, Michael de, 95.

Fostona, William de, 308.

Fotti, Geoffrey, 489.

Foubert, Hugh son of. See Chileham.

Foucarmonde, Gilbert de, 326.

-, -, Robert son of, 326.

Foucarmont, Folcardimons, Furcelmons, abbey of St. John, 63–5.

-, abbot of, Hugh, 79.

-, -, Adam, 82.

-, -, monks of, 63–5.

Foucarville, Fulcherivilla [Manche], 274.

Fougères, Filgerie, Fulgerie, Fulgereium, 258.

-, abbot of, 517.

-, -, William, 300, 305.

-, Ansger, prior of, 282, 305.

-, Juhel and William, canons of, 300.

-, William de Monthaul, Juhel, Nicholas de Poilleio, canons of, 305.

See also Pleine-Fougères.

Fougeriis, Feugeriis, Fugires, Filgeriensis, Filgeriis, Fulgeris, Fulgeriensis, Henry de, lord of Fougères, 289, 292.

-, -, Olive widow of (wife of William de St. Jean), 281, 305, 306.

-, -, Ralf son of. See Fougeriis, Ralf de.

-, Ralf de, lord of Fougères (1086, 1113), 288, 416.

-, -, gift of, 287.

-, -, Avitia, wife of, 287.

-, -, Maino-Frausgualo, Henry and Robert sons of, 287, 288.

Fougeriis, Feugeriis, Fugires, Filgeriensis, Filgeriis, Fulgeriis, Fulgeriensis—cont.

-, Ralf (son of Henry) de, lord of Fougères, 90, 185, 286, 305, 306.

-, -, seneschal of Britanny, 303.

-, -, charters of, 300, 305.

-, -, Juhel and William sons of, 305.

See also Fougeriis, William de.

-, -, Fransgualo, William and Robert, brothers of, 305.

-, -, William Andegavensis, Andegavinus, brother of, 283, 305.

-, William (son of Ralf) de, lord of Fougères, 283, 304.

-, charter of, 307.

-, Leonesius de, son of Juhellus, 308.

-, Osmund de, clerk, 328, 330.

-, -, Robert son of, 328.

-, Richard de, 337.

-, Stephen de, scribe, 64.

-, master Stephen de, 271n, 285.

-, -, chaplain to Henry II., 45, 186, 427, 467.

-, William de, 282.

Foumouchon. See Fumichon.

Fountains, Fontanensis, Richard abbot of, 297.

-, monks of, 297.

Fovea, Girardus de, 3.

Foxcote [co. Hants], chapel of, 403, 404.

Foxton, co. Durham (in error). See Faxton.

Fraevilla, Fraelvilla, Frehelvilla, Anselm, Ancel de, 41, 42, 80, 81.

-, -, gift of, 81.

-, -, abbot Osbern brother of, 80, 81.

-, -, Robert brother of, 81, 134.

-, -, Roger brother of, 80.

-, -, Rorgo brother of, 80.

-, -, Roger son of, 81.

-, -, Robert brother of, 81.

-, -, Richard son of Robert de, father of, grant of, 80.

-, -, Gila, mother of, 80.

-, -, Roger son of, 81.

-, Roger de, 134.

Fraclvilla. See Freulleville.

Fraiscia (sic), John de, 104.

Fraisnellum, [? Fertè Frenel, Orne], 63.

Frameldena. See Framsden.

Frampton, Franthon,. Framton [co. Dorset], 162.

-, manor of, 156.

Framsden, Frameldena [co. Suff.], 216.

Francavilla. See Franqueville.

France, Robert of Normandy invades, 529.

-, king of, 95, 288, 477, 528.

See French, king of.

Francesus, 299.

Francesius, Richard, 335.

Franceys, Francise, Walter le, 194.

-, William, 219.

Franchevilla, Osmund de, 24.

Francigena, Geoffrey, 152.

-, William, 214.

Francus, John, 451.

-, Richard, 351.

Franqueville, Francavilla [Calvados], 163.

Franthon. See Frampton.

Fransneio, Ralf de, 432.

Fratello, Robert de, 317.

Frauxinis. See Fraxinis.

Frawine, Stephen, 319.

Fraxineto, Odo de, 401.

-, Odo Rufus de, 397.

Fraxiniaco, William de, 431.

Fraxinis, Frauxinis, Theobald de, 77, 82.

Fredebert, gifts of, 512.

-, monk, 423.

Frederniaco. See Fresnay, Notre Dame de.

Fredesend, aunt of Ranulf the vicomte, gift of, 148.

Fredne, Walter de, 411.

Frehelvilla, Freelvilla. See Fraevilla.

Fremington [co. Devon], tithe of, 460.

French, king of the, 18, 46, 501, 532.

-, See John II. Louis, Philip I. Philip Augustus.

Fresenvilla, Richard de, 82.

Freschenes, Freschenis, Turold son of Osbern de, 20.

-, William de, 67.

Fresekin, William son of, 491.

-, -, Hugh and William sons of, 491.

Fresnais, la [Ille et Vilaine], church of, 440.

Fresnay-la-mere, Fresneia [Orne], church of, 211, 293.

Fresnay, Notre Dame de, Frederniaco [Calvados], Haimeric dean of, 431.

Fresnel, Richard, 137, 224.

-, William, 231.

Fresi, William de, 81.

Frestel, Bartholomew, 375.

Freulleville, Fraelvilla [Seine Inférieure], mill at, 81.

Freville, Roger de, 202.

Fribert. See Firbeck.

Fribert, Robert de, 16.

-, Walter de, 16.

Fridai, Ralf, 228, 377.

Frientona, Maurice de, 292.

Fringford, Felinghefort, [co. Oxon], 40.

Frodingham, Frohingham [co. York], 238.

Froger, archdeacon of Derby, 370, 416

See also Sées, bishops of.

-, loricator, 434.

Frumentarius, Gunterius, 288.

Fruntebois, Geoffrey de, 40 n.

Fucher. See Fulcer.

Fuchowrda. See Folksworth.

Fugires. See Fougeriis.

Fulbert, archdeacon, 25.

Fulbourne, Foleborne, Fuleburne [co. Cambridge], tithe of, 156, 162.

-, church of All Saints, 523.

-, John clerk of, 523.

Fulc, 177.

-, chamberlain of Anjou, 419.

-, chaplain, 104, 220.

-, servant of queen Joan, 392.

-, Geoffrey son of, 459.

-, Gilbert son of, 443.

-, Herbert son of, 236.

-, Maurice son of, 431.

-, money changer, 299.

-, Richard son of, 178.

-, Robert son of, 285.

-, master William son of, 227.

Fulcer, Fulcher, Fucher, Foscher, archdeacon, 289.

-, dapifer of Ralf Efflanc, 114.

-, Gunterius son of, 236.

-, Henry son of, 205.

-, master, 129.

-, Peter, 391.

-, -, of La Rochelle, 388.

-, Renaldus son of, 288.

-, Urfoen son of, 414.

Fulcherivilla. See Foucarville.

Fulcoi the (under) sheriff (? of Shropshire), 359.

Fulcold, the queen's chamberlain, 149.

Fulcold, Hugh son of, 222.

Fuleburne. See Fulbourne.

Fulgeriensi. See Fougeriis.

Fulgeris. See Fougeriis.

Fulgeriæ. See Pleine Fougères.

Fulkcossorde. See Folksworth.

Fulkelwirthe. See Folksworth.

Fulquervilla, Ralf de, monk, 263.

Fumichon, Foumouchon [Calvados], chapel of, 90.

Funteines, Robert de, 449.

Furcelmonte. See Foucarmont.

Furnellis, Fornellis, Alan de, 147, 274 n.

-, Geoffrey de, 460, 463.

-, Philip de, 147.

-, -, canon, 463.

-, Ralf de, 282.

Furnerius, Geoffrey, 129.

Furness, Furnese, abbey of, 294, 295, 297.

-, abbot of, John, 297.

-, -, Peter, 294, 295.

-, monks of, 297.

Furnis, Eustace de, 492.


G. clerk, 10.

Gaceio, Amaury de, 224.

Gaherst, Hugh de, 277.

Gaif', William, 180.

Gailla, Ivo, 10.

See also Jallia, Laiailla.

Gaillefontaine, Goellenfont', fee of, 477.

Gaillon, Gaillion [Eure], charter dated near, 470.

Gaiton. See Gayton.

Galebat, Godfrey, 431.

Galeran. See Waleran.

Galienus, the monk, 276.

Galler', Gauler', Hugh, 380, 381.

Galo, monk of Rivaulx, 297.

Galomance, Geoffrey de, 163.

Galopin, Ralf, 104.

Galquelin, man of Robert de Toeniaco, 424.

See also Walchelin.

Galvilla, William de, 395.

Gambovilla, 537.

Gamelin, Odo son of, 397.

Gamston, Gameleston [co. Notts] chapel of, 16.

Ganda, Walter de, abbot of Waltham, 498.

Gandavo, Robert de, chancellor, 492.

See also Gant.

Gandavum, Gant. See Ghent.

Gannerew, Guenerui [co. Hereford], chapel of St. Thomas, 404.

Gant, Gilbert de, 120.

-, Robert de, charter of, 443.

-, Walter de, 503.

See also Gandavo.

Gâprée [Orne]. See Garinipratum.

Garb', William, 193.

Garcelles, Garsala, [Calvados], church of St. Martin, 522.

Garderoba, Garderobb, Guarderobe, Ralf, 375.

-, Gilbert, 419n, 468.

Garendon, Geroldon, Geroldone, abbot of, 296.

-, -, Godfrey, 297.

-, -, Turstin, 377.

Garenne. See Warenne.

Garewike, Thomas de, 49.

Gargofh, 326.

Garinipratum [? Gâprée], 63.

Garin. See Warin.

Garin the huntsman, Robert (son of), 373.

Garlanda, William de, 474.

Garneville [? Guernanville, Eure], church of, 226.

Garonbert, 261.

Garsala. See Garcelles.

Garsale, Richard de, 189.

-, Robert de, 163.

-, William de, son of Gilbert, 522.

Garsalia, Ralf de, clerk, 324, 343.

-, Ralf de, canon of Coutances, 344.

Garsop, church of, 358.

Garth, The, Gart, near Dixton [co. Monmouth], chapel of, 404.

Garthorpe, Torp [co. Leicester], church of, 204, 206.

Gartintona. See Geddington.

Gascony, seneschal of, 391.

Gasingetuna, Gassingona. See Washington.

Gastinel, Archenulfus, 375.

-, chamberlain, 379.

-, Gerold, 219.

See also Guastinellus.

Gasto, Geoffrey de, 303.

Gateville. See Catteville.

Gatewike, Peter de, 48, 49.

-, -, Thomas son of, 49.

Gath. See Eastergate.

Gatton [co. Surrey], church of, 509.

Gatton, Herfred of, gifts of, 509.

Gaudefridus. See Geoffrey.

Gaudric, chancellor. See Waldric.

Gaudric, Godfrey, son of, 368.

Gaudrelogiis, Gauderlogis, Godfrey de, 431.

-, Robert de, 432.

Gaurcio, John de, 325.

See also Waureio.

Gaurenda, Robert de, 211.

Gausbert the priest, 431.

Gausbertivilla. See Gouberville.

Gauscelinus, forester, 423.

-, priest, 424.

Gauslin the monk, 423.

Gauterides. See Walter.

Gauterius. See Walter.

Gaveruz. See Gavrus.

Gavray (Wavry in error), Guavreium [Manche], keep of, 271.

Gavrus, Gaveruz [Calvados], 530.

Gaytingtona. See Geddington.

Gayton, Gaiton [co. Norfolk], 156.

-, church of St. Nicholas, 162.

Gazal, Turstinus, 252.

Gazo, prior, 421.

Gebreseio, William de, 302.

Gedding, Ranulf de, 65.

Geddington, Gartintona, Gaytingtona [co. Northampton], charters dated at, 61, 88.

Geffosses, Gefosse, Giuellifossa [Manche], church of St. Sampson, 328, 330.

Geldeferd. See Guildford.

Gelneia, Walter de, 242.

Gemellus, Alan, 303, 363, 418.

Gemegiensis, Gemeticum. See Jumièges.

Genecio, Peter, clerk of, 263.

-, Rualen de, 271–3.

Genest, Genecium, Genetium [Manche], 260, 261.

-, Walter de, 241.

Genest, Genecium, Genetium [Manche]—cont.

-, prévôté of, 271, 272.

-, Hugh, prévôt of, 255, 259.

-, church of, 273.

Genesinges, William de, 53.

Genitiensis. See Genest.

Gentil, Hugh le, 317.

Geoffrey, Gaufredus, Gaufridus, Galfridus, Gaudefridus, Gosfridus, 150, 250, 283.

-, “Abbot,” 465.

-, archdeacon, 323.

-, -, [? of Bedford], 366.

-, bastard, 288.

-, brother of Henry II., 242, 299, 519.

-, of Anjou, count. See Anjou.

-, chamberlain, 30, 205, 336.

-, (Rufus) chancellor (to Henry I.) 42, 98, 127, 213, 214, 259, 289, 373, 430, 507, 508, 539.

-, chancellor (to Henry II.). See Geoffrey, (natural) son of Henry II.

-, chaplain, 134, 139, 160, 280, 286, 338.

-, of Henry II., 64.

-, -, of Richard son of Henry II., 467.

-, clerk, 206.

-, -, of queen Joan (of Sicily), 392.

-, -, of the lord of Magneville, 191.

Geoffrey, count. See Normandy.

Geoffrey, earl. See Mandevilla.

-, dapifer, 438.

-, deacon, 407.

-, dean, 390.

-, dean of Rouen. See Rouen.

-, duke. See Britanny, duke of; Normandy, duke of.

-, son of the vicomtesse, 7, 9.

-, called the fool, 164.

-, of Caen, goldsmith of Henry II., 217.

-, knight, 128.

-, -, Warner brother of, 128.

-, monk, 183, 272.

-, -, of St. Père, Chartres, 456.

-, parvus, 145.

-, priest, 330.

-, priest and dean, 312.

-, prince. See Normandy, duke of.

-, a smith, 110, 113.

-, son of Henry II., 188 (?), 194(?), 337(?), 382, 420, 468.

-, -, count or duke of Britanny. See Britanny.

-, (natural) son of Henry II., 188 (?), 194(?), 337(?).

-, -, chancellor to Henry II., 79, 200, 243, 361, 380–2, 516, 525.

-, -, bishop-elect of Lincoln, 102, 306.

-, -, archibishop of York, 13, 340, 391, 392, 393.

-, -, -, charters of, 12, 17.


-, usher of Robert, count of Meulan, 85.

-, vicomte, 252.

-, Geoffrey, son of, 535.

-, de Brenariis, Godfrey son of, 431.

-, Herbert son of, charter of, 166.

-, -, Adelina mother, Henry and Robert sons of, 166.

-, Humfrey, clerk of, 394.

-, Mauger son of, 308.

George, carpenter, 298.

-, son of the chamberlain, 274 n.

-, -, Nigel brother of, 274 n.

Ger, Mota de Ger [Manche], charter dated at 247.

Gerald, Girald, chaplain, 75.

-, seneschal, 20, 423, 424.

Gerard, 250.

-, archbishop of York, 442.

-, bishop of Hereford, 135.

-, Fulc son of, 251.

See also Girard.

Gerburvilla, Reginald de, dapifer, 75.

Gerdestuna. See Griston.

Gereberd, Robert, 387.

-, William, son of Robert, 387.

Gerelm, Anseredus, son of, 23.

-, Hugh son of, 456.

Germanus, monk, 302.

-, king's scribe, 161, 427.

Germundivilla, Germunvilla, Adam de, 352.

-, -, gifts of, 511.

Gernet, Ralf, 237.

-, Robert, 42, 521.

Gernon, Gernun, Guernon, Greno, Grennun, Alvred, gifts of, 292.

-, -, Juliana wife of, 292.

-, -, Ranulf father of Alvred, 292.

-, Lob', 292.

-, Matthew, 292.

-, Robert, 206, 341, 395, 423.

-, William, 142.

Gerogius, Girogius, Robert son of, 423, 424.

Geroianus (son of Geroie), Robert, 218.

Geroius, Geroicus, Roger son of, 221, 222.

Geroldon. See Garendon.

Gerold, Girold, Giroud, knight of Christ, charter of, 25.

-, Albereda wife of, 25.

-, -, Ralph brother of, 25.

-, canon, 72.

-, dapifer, 81.

-, Henry son of, and Ralf his brother, (brothers of Warin), 504n, 505.

-, Robert son of, 22, 25, 113, 257, 288, 434. See also Giroltides.

-, -, charter of, 127, 129.

-, Roger son of, 127.

See also Roumare.

-, Walter son of, 7, 9.

Gerold, Girold, Giroud—cont.

-, Warin, Garinus, Guarinus (I.) son of, 4, 298, 347, 465, 519, 532.

-, -, chamberlain, 4, 6, 44, 45, 171, 299, 485, 491.

-, -, Henry brother of, (see above), 465.

-, Warin, Guarinus (II.) son of, 104, 196, 215, 303.

-, -, charter of, 432.

-, -, Aaliz de Curcy wife of, charter of, 433.

Geron, William, 440.

Gerpunvilla, Reginald de, 7, 69.

Gersoi. See Jersey.

Gersoi, Turlant de, 263.

Gervase, 302, 328.

-, bajulus, 441.

-, canon, 312.

-, chaplain, 211.

-, clerk of Thomas (Becket), the chancellor, 270.

-, Master, the chaplain, 152.

-, -, charter of, 152, 153.

-, -, Felicia wife of, 152.

-, -, John son of, 152.

-, -, -, charter of, 153.

-, knight, 358.

-, prior (of Perrières), 433.

-, servant, 222.

-, Philip son of, 48.

Gestlinges, John de, charter of, 53.

Getho, 261.

Gf., William de, 203.

Ghent, Gandavum, Gant, abbey of St. Peter (on Mont Blandin), 500–5.

-, abbot of, 503.

-, Ansbold, abbot of, 504.

-, Everelm, abbot of, 502.

-, Rodbold abbot of, 501.

-, monks of, 502.

-, Seher castellan of, 495, 496.

-, Mons Blandinius in territory of, charter dated at, 500, 501.

Ghernet. See Gernet.

Ghisnes. See Guisnes.

Gibertus, 67.

Giberville, Gislervilla, Goisbertivilla, [Calvados], 148, 164, 166, 170.

Gidnes. See Guisnes.

Giffard, Gifart, Giphard, Giphart, Giffart, Gilfardus, Gisfardi, Iufard, Gyffard, Andrew, 206.

-, earl, fief of, 186, 187.

-, Geoffrey, 303.

-, -, Geoffrey, Bufelin and William, sons of, and Emma daughter of, 303.

-, Helias, 76.

-, Osbert, 400.

-, R., 359.

-, Richard, 73, 89, 145, 183, 187, 215, 325, 515.

Giffard, Gifart, Giphard, Giphart, Giffart, Giffardus, Gisfardi, Iufard, Gyffard—cont.

-, Richard, baron of the exchequer, 402.

-, Walter, Gauterus, 22, 125, 137, 168, 431, 456, 503.

-, -, gift of, 74.

-, -, earl (of Buckingham), 44, 75–9, 115, 127, 466.

-, -, count of Longueville, 519.

-, -, -, charters of, 29, 82.

-, -, -, Agnes wife of 1st earl, 75.

-, -, -, Ermengarde wife of, 2nd earl, 75–7, 82.

-, William, 99, 114, 204.

-, -, bishop of Winchester, 1, 54, 124, 239.

-, -, -, gifts of, 459.

-, See also Gisfardi.

Gigant, Ascelina daughter of Alvred, grant of, 148.

Gilbert, Gilebertus, Gillebert, Gislebert, Guilbertus, 120, 326, 406, 407, 423.

-, abbot. See Caen.

-, almoner, 76.

-, brother of Roger abbot of St. Augustine's, 488.

-, archdeacon of the diocese of Coutances, 263, 325, 330.

-, bishop, 166, 431.

-, son of the bishop, 234.

-, canon of Coutances, 192, 440.

-, chamberlain of the sheriff of Kent, 485.

-, chamberlain of Audoin, bishop of Evreux, 100.

-, chaplain, capellanus, 75, 139, 199, 226.

-, clerk, 243.

-, earl [? of Strathern], 491.

-, count. See Brionne.

-, crispinus. See Crispinus.

-, the young, 266.

-, a knight, 109.

-, monk, 337, 401, 406, 408, 409.

-, -, of St. Florent, Saumur, 415.

-, ‘nepos’ of Arnulf abbot of Troarn, 167, 168.

-, precentor of Hereford, 410.

-, priest, 81, 209, 344.

-, prior (of Burwell), 449.

-, servant, 394.

-, Rikardus. See Gilbert, Richard son of.

-, the Universal, bishop of London, 508.

-, vicomte (I.), 526.

-, vicomte (II.), 82.

-, William, prévôt of Sark, 317.

-, Baldwin (of Exeter [Essecestre], alias de Meules), sheriff of Devon, son of count, 38, 126, 141, 327, 503.

-, -, gifts of, 26, 133, 148.

Gilbert, Gilebertus, Gillebert, Gislebert, Guilbertus, Baldwin—cont.

-, -, Emma wife of, 148.

-, -, Richard son of, 524.

See also Brionne.

-, Geoffrey son of, gift of, 110.

-, Goscelin son of, 236.

-, de Hantona, Michael son of, 168.

-, Ralf son of, 27.

-, Richard (de Clare, alias de Bienfaite), son of count, 20, 54, 289, 503.

-, -, Gilbert (eldest) son of. See Richard.

See also Brionne.

-, Richer (de Laigle), son of, 225.

-, Robert son of, 77, 448.

-, -, William son of, 449.

-, Roger son of, gift of, 110.

Gildo, archdeacon of Rouen cathedral, 5.

Giles, archdeacon of the diocese of Rouen, 323.

Gilfard. See Giffard.

Gilforde, Master Robert de, 319.

Gillarville, Richard de, 62.

Gille, Master Robert son of, 320.

Gillemercurt, Robert de, 208.

Gillingham [co. Dorset], charter dated at, 290.

Gimas, Le, 280.

Ginboltvilla Malesapiens, Mascelinus de, 113.

Gi'nes, Roger de, 146.

Gingeni. See Hope Mansel.

Ginvilla, Master Martin de, 148.

Gioreius, Rainald, 436.

Giosnis, Walter de, 63.

Giphart. See Giffard.

Girald, cook, the monks’ man, 425.

-, seneschal. See Gerold.

-, Robert son of. See Gerold.

-, baker, 236.

Girard, chaplain, 370.

-, Master, 311, 487.

-, monk, 449.

-, prévôt, of Roger de Croileio, 535.

-, vidame of Picqigny, 64.

See also Gerard.

Girardivilla (Graville), Matthew de, 75, 115.

Girbert, abbot. See St. Wandrille.

Girogus, son of. See Gerogius.

Giroldi. See Gerold.

Giroltides, Robert, 435n. See also Gerold.

Giroud. See Gerold.

Gisfardi. See Giffard.

Gislart, Raginand, 375.

Gisler, Herbert, major, 167.

Gislervilla. See Giberville.

Giso, bishop of Wells, 327.

Gisors, Gisorcium [Eure], 4, 382, 383.

-, charters dated at, 379, 384.

Gisorz, John de, 362.

Gistres. See Guitres.

Giuellifossa. See Geffosses.

Give, 448.

Giverville, Givardi villa (Eure), 20.

Givollifossa. See Geffosses.

Givun, Geoffrey, 387.

Giznai, Richard de, 222.

Glainvilla. See Glanvilla.

Glaitone. See Clayton.

Glanvilla, Glanvilla, Clainvilla, Gilbert de bishop of Rochester, 12, 387, 498, 517.

-, -, -, charter of, 49.

-, Nigel de, 422.

-, Ranulf de, 8, 61, 65, 78, 79, 136, 161, 187, 275, 284, 458, 516.

-, William de, 102, 161, 533.

Glapiun, Glapion, Gwarin, Guarinus de, 139, 215, 474.

Glasgow, John bishop of, 357.

Glastonbury, Glastingeberium, Herluin abbot of, 369.

-, bishop of. See Bath, bishop of.

Glastonia, Glastonbury, William de, 214, 372, 531.

Glatineio, Ralf de, 309.

Glatting, Glottinges [in Burton], co. Sussex, tithe of, 510.

Glen [co. Leic.], 230.

Glenfield, Deneflet [co. Leic.], 229.

Glintona. See Clinton.

Gloecestria, Hugh de, 366.

-, Milo de, 98, 213, 214, 508.

See also Hereford, earls of.

-, Walter de, 168, 355, 460.

See also Gloucestershire, Walter sheriff of.

Glottinges. See Glatting.

Gloucester, Serlo abbot of, 233, 408, 409.

-, archdeacon of, Matthew, 144.

-, -, William, 307.

-, Ralph prior of, 7.

-, countess of, Hawysa (wife of earl William), 11, 377.

-, -, -, charter of, 386.

-, -, Isabella (wife of John), 196 n.

-, earl of, 163. See also Mortain, John count of.

-, earl of, Amauri, charter of, 474.

-, earl of, John. See Mortain, John count of.

-, -, Robert, 41, 42, 98, 99, 125, 137, 158, 198, 199, 213, 214, 268, 289, 290, 299, 313, 330, 372, 374, 457, 504, 507, 508, 521, 522, 531, 535, 540.

-, -, -, Mathildis wife of, 290.

-, -, -, Philip son of, 27.

-, -, -, Richard son of, 161, 186, 193, 207.

See also Croileio.

-, -, -, William son of, 158, 521.

See also Gloucester, William, earl of.

Gloucester, earl of—cont.

-, -, -, Mabira daughter of Robert, and Jordan her son, charter of, 192.

See also Cambernof.

-, William earl of, 170, 196 n, 243, 377, 386, 465, 504 n, 505, 515.

-, Hugh de, 410.

Gloucestershire, barons and officers of, 146, 168.

-, -, Walter sheriff of, 167, 168, 408.

See also Gloecestria, Walter de.

Gloz, Nicholas de, 139, 194, 199, 231.

-, Payn de, 373.

-, William de, priest, 184.

Gnousale, Richard de, 202.

Gobion, Guegonus, 428.

-, Ruello, 428.

Gocelinus Rufus,, 110.

God, master, 192.

-, Hugh son of, 180.

-, John son of, 206.

Godard, Godart, 139.

-, Geofrei son of, 3.

-, chaplain, 176.

-, pistrina, 59.

Godelinus, William son of, 397, 398.

Goderus the priest, gifts of, 509.

Goderic, Godric, 505.

-, the priest, gifts of.

-, a villein, 406, 407.

-, Absalom son of, 509.

-, Ailwin son of, 150.

-, Sigar son of, 150.

Godestow, Roger de, 278.

Godetone (?), 25.

Godfrey, Godefridus, 250, 273.

-, clerk, 278.

-, the priest's son, 278.

-, pretor, 432.

-, nurse of William son of Robert de Roelent, 222.

-, servant of Manasses Biset, 378.

-, vicomte, 237.

-, Gilbert, son of count. See Brionne.

-, John son of, 205.

-, Ralf son of, chamberlain of Richard I., 35, 90, 528.

-, William son of, 59.

Godfrey's land, 413.

-, orchard, 236.

Godric. See Goderic.

Godriton. See Gotherington.

Godwin, clerk, 127.

-, Master 291.

Goe, churches of St. Martin de, 347, 351.

-, churches of St. Martin and St. Medard of, 348.

Goellenfont'. See Gaillefontaine.

Goevilla, church of, 301.

Goher, 39.

-, Turstinus, 268.

Goib', Roger, 318.

Goidus, William, son of Gerburgis, 184.

-, -, Gerburgis, mother of, charter of, 184.

-, -, Richard the deacon, Gilbert, Payn, and Walter, sons of, 184.

Goifridus. See Geoffrey.

Goinfrid, 213–5.

-, Robert son of, 213, 214,

Goisbert, Roger, 336.

Goisbertivilla. See Giberville.

Goiscelin, Gotscelin, Ralf son of, 235.

See also Goscelin, Joscelin.

Goiz. See Goz. Goislan (Joscelin) 36.

Golena, Matthew de, 10.

Goleton. See Gouleton.

Gonalston, Gunnolveston [co. Notts], church of, 16.

Gonduin. See Gunduin.

Gondulf, Gundulf, bishop of Rochester, 168, 436, 503.

Gonfred, William son of, macecrarius, 23.

-, -, Osmund son of, 23.

Gonnevilla. See Gundevilla.

Gonneville, Gunnevilla [Seine Inférieure], 25.

-, charter dated at, 305.

Gonnor (widow of Richard I.), mother of Richard II., duke of the Normans, 249.

-, charter of, 250.

Gonnovilla. See Gundevilla.

Goodrich castle [co. Hereford], church of St. Giles, 403, 404, 410, 411, 413.

-, mill of, 408.

Goram, Gilo de, charter of, 301.

-, -, Osane, wife of, William, Henry, and Mary children of, 301.

Gorgis, Ralf de, 328, 434.

-, Richard de, 329.

Gorham. See Gorron.

Gornacum. See Gournay.

Gornai, Cornai, Gornaco, Gournayo, Gurnay, Gurniaco, Hugh de, 2, 57, 60, 90, 91, 119, 124, 137, 139, 145, 208, 327, 387 n, 425, 466, 474, 496, 518.

-, -, charter of, 362.

-, Ralf de, 401, 402.

-, Walter de, 72.

Gorron, Gorram, Gorham [Mayenne], 262.

-, charter dated at, 302.

Gosbertus, 401.

-, priest, 373.

-, sine terra, 375.

-, Norman son of, 410.

See also Josbertus.

Goscolin, monk of St. Vincent, le Mans, 367.

See also Goiscelin.

Goscelm, monk of St. Florent, 399.

Gosfridus. See Geoffrey.

Goslen, senescha of Anjou. See Turonis, Joslen de.

Gosse, Roger de, 447.

-, -, Ralf, son of, 447.

Got Gurhaut, Hamo, 414.

Gotherington in Bishop's Cleeve, Godriton [co. Glouc.], tithes of, 369.

Gotscelini. See Goiscelin.

Gouberville, Gausbertivilla [Mauche], 456.

Gourbesville, (in erorr). See Giberville.

Gouffern, Guffern, abbey of, St. Andrew in, 207–12.

-, Robert abbot of, 172.

-, monks of, 208, 211, 212.

-, forest of, 171, 208–12, 215.

-, land of St. Leonard of, 208.

See also Bourg St. Leonard; Silly-en-Gouffern.

Gouherium. See Gower.

Gouiz, Robert de, charter of, 163.

-, Roger de, 163, 298.

-, -, William son of, 298.

See also Gouviz; Govitio.

Gouleton, Goleton [Eure], charters dated at, 474.

Gournay, Gornacum, Guarniacum [Seine Inférieure], 424, 471.

-, church of, 422.

-, fee of, 477.

-, charter dated at, 475.

Gournayo. See Gornai.

Gouviz, Ralf de, 192.

Govitio, R. de. 465.

See also Gouiz.

Gower, Gouherium [co. Glamorgan], church of St. Kenetus (Llangennith) in, 106.

Goz, Goiz, Guz, Richard son of Turstin (or Torstein), 21, 252, 424, 437, 529.

-, vicomte of the Avranchin, 158.

-, Hugh son of. See Chester, Hugh earl of.

-, Robert brother of, 252.

See also Turstin.

Gozelinus, vicomte. See Arques.

Grac (? Grai), Henry de, 104.

Graeio. See Grai.

Graffham, Grafan, [co. Sussex], 510.

-, tithes of, 167, 170.

Grafton, Grafetona [co. Oxford], 220.

Grafton-in-Marton, Graston, [co. Yorks], 445.

Graham. See Grantham.

Grai, Graium, Graeium, Henry de, 106.

-, John de, 196, 312.

-, Richard (I. and II.) de, 145, 238.

See also Gray.

Graia. See Graye.

Graingaham. See Grayingham.

Grainvilla, land in, 148.

Grainvilla, Granivilla, Greivilla, Eustace de, 82, 115.

-, Ralf de, 39.

Grainville-sur-Odon [Calvados] 155, 158.

Grammont, Grandmont [Limousin], abbey of, 9, 10.

Granaulier, Simon de, 231.

Grandchamp [Calvados], 148.

Grandcloy'ere, 151.

Grandivalle, Grandval, Grantval, Magna Valle, Randulf de, baron of the (Norman) exchequer, 145, 161, 183, 259, 402, 533.

Grandivilla, Reginald de, 253.

-, Roger de, 260.

Grandmesnil, Grentemaisnil, Grante Maisnil, Grento Mansionilli [Calvados], 211, 229, 231.

-, lord of, 220.

-, Hugh de, 38, 120, 218, 229, 230, 423, 425, 503.

-, -, Adeliza niece of, 230.

-, Ivo de, 446.

-, -, Robert de, 155, 218.

-, -, gift of, 157.

-, -, Agnes wife of, 157.

-, William de, 215.

Grandmont, house of Pomiacrum of, 392.

Grandval. See Grandivalle.

Granford, Roger de, 377.

Granivilla. See Grainvilla.

Granori, William, 351.

Grantaut, Elmodus de, 134.

Grantcurt, Walter de, 517.

Grantemaisnil. See Grandmesnil.

Grantham, Graham [co. Lincoln], 198, 216.

Grantia, John de, priest, 145.

Grantona, Roger de, 174.

Grantval. See Grandivalle.

Granugg, 151.

Graston. See Grafton.

Grata pancha, Gratepance, Roger de, 432, 465.

Grath, Legrefth, Eustace de, and Margaret his wife, 479, 480.

Gratingis. See Creeting.

Gray, John de, 392.

-, Raolin de, 392.

See also Grai.

Graye, Graia [Calvados], tithe at, 148.

Grayingham, Grahingahan, Graingaham [co. Lincoln], church of St. Radegund, 403, 404.

Greatham, [co. Sussex], chapel of, 510.

Greendon, Jordan de, 146.

Greenwich, Gronewic, Grenewic, Grenvich [co. Kent], 500–505.

-, (h) alimot of 505.

Gregneius. See Grény.

Gregory VII., pope, 58.

Gregory, canon of Exeter, 17.

-, chaplain, 228, 387.

-, clerk, 129, 192.

Greinville, Richard de, 521.

-, Robert de, 521.

Greivilla. See Grainvilla.

Gremevilla, Girard de, 76.

Grenere. See Guernsey.

Grenhamstude, Philip de, 144.

Grennon, Grenone. See Gernon.

Grentemaisnil. See Grandmesnil.

Grento, gifts of, 511.

-, Ralph nephew of, 512.

Grenullun, Robert, 209.

Grény, Gregneius [Seine Inféricure], tithe of, 80.

Greslet, Albert, 237.

Gressingham, Wirsingucham, [co. Lancaster], chapel of, 239.

Greveroy. See Guernsey.

Grevesae, Robert, 259.

Grey, John, bishop of Norwich, 79, 480.

Griffin, Master Thomas, 277.

Grimald, leech, 287, 430.

Grimaud, William, 284.

Grimbald, William, 337.

Grimboldivilla, Gervase de, 116.

Grimbroc, [co. Surrey], 511.

Grismesnil, Grismesnil [Manche], church of, St. Peter, 324.

Grimoud, William son of, the butler, grant of, 221.

Grimovilla, William de, 328.

Grimward, Goislin son of, 288.

Grinnosevilla, Walter de, 75.

Grinstead, Greenstead, Hundred of [co. Sussex], 510.

Grinstead, East, Grenesteda [co. Sussex], church of, 510.

Gripo, 325.

Grismenil. See Grimesnil.

Griston, Gerdestuna [co. Norfolk], tithe of, 512.

Grobi. See Grooby.

Grobout, Walter, 123.

Groceium. See Grouchy.

Groci, Groceio, Ralf de, 426.

-, Richard de, 78.

Groignet, Nicholaus, 9.

Gronewic. See Greenwich.

Grooby, Grobi [co. Leicester], chapel of, 229.

Grossus, Matthew, mayor of Rouen, 36.

Grosus, Renald, 406, 410.

Grouchy, Groceium [near Caen, Calvados], 158, 182.

Grovilla, Thomas de, 350.

Gruchet, Gruceth [near Fauville, Scine, Inferiecure], 21.

Grueniu, Hosbertus de, 63.

Gruierii, Robert, 150.

Guader, Ralf de, 400.

Gual and Aelicia his wife, charter of, 447.

-, Arnulf, Robert brothers of, Walter kinsman of, Humfrey father of, Rogeria mother of, Adam son of, Guy father of Aelicia, Annes her mother; Rainald, Humphrey, Robert, Philip, Hugh,


Hadeuisa friends; Gundred, Rothais, Beatrix, Marsia, Mabilia, Avicia, Eufemia daughter of; Gundred, Geoffrey, Osbern, Raineln, Mabeldis, Juliana, Adelard, Aelicia, Alpes, 447.

Guala, Richard de, clerk, 412.

Gualdricus, Chancellor. See Waldric.

Gualo aquarius, 82.

Gualterii, Theobald, 17.

Gualterus. See Walter.

Guarellus, Henry, 514.

Guarderobe. See Garderoba

Guarethna. See Warenne.

Guarin. See Warin.

Guarn', Peter, 375.

Guarnerius, 222.

-, Gilbert son of, 434.

Guarniacum. See Gournay.

Guascolio, Walcoil, Ingeram de, 518.

Guascuil, Gilbert de, 90.

Guasteth, William, prefect, 457.

Guastinelus, William, 184.

-, Payn, 184.

See also Gastinel.

Guavreium. See Gavray.

Guazo, archdeacon, 514.

Guenerui. See Gannerew.

Guenestorp, 335.

Guerchia, Gyrche, Jobert de, 473, 475.

Guerevilla [? St. Germain de Varreville Manche], 336.

Gueritho [? Winchester], 21.

Guernanville. See Garnevilla.

Guerneth, William, lay brother, 308.

Guernon. See Gernon.

Guernsey, Guernereium, Greveroy, Grenere, island of, 33, 251, 264, 265, 268, 273, 421, 426.

-, Churches of, 425, 427.

-, church of St. Peter de Portu, 421.

-, churches of St. Sauveur, St. Mary of the Castle, St. Michael de Wallo, St. Peter de Bosco, and St. Mary of Lishou 269.

Guerrehes, 305.

Guerres, Aldulf de, 75, 76.

-, Richard de, 512.

Guffern. See Gouffern.

Guibert, 364.

Guibovio, Ralf de, 432.

Guibray, Wibray [Calvados], church of, 148.

Guichelia. See Bickleigh.

Guido, Wido, Guy, archdeacon of the diocese of Sées, 401.

-, butler, 75.

-, cardinal deacon, and chancellor of pope Eugenius, III., 56.

-, Chaplain, 409.

-, dapifer, 1, 58.

-, dominus, 4.

Guido, Wido, Guy—cont.

-, monk, 407, 416.

-, parvus, 7.

-, Geoffrey son of, 58.

-, de Valle, John son of, 422, 424, 425.

See also Delaval.

-, Peter son of, 243, 361, 365, 381, 382, 453, 468.

-, -, keeper of the tower of Le Mans, 427.

-, Ralf son of, 409.

-, Simon son of, 188.

Guienton, Guintuna, tithe of, 411, 413.

Guigo, monk of St. Florent, Saumur, 414.

Guigrestensis. See Worcester.

Guihenoc. See Wihenoc.

Guilbertus. See Gilbert.

Guildford, Geldeferd [co. Surrey], charter dated at, 492.

Guillether, Hugh de, 436.

Guimar, Garnerius son of, 274n.

-, Robert son of, 21.

Guimbert, Herbert knight, son of, 526.

Guimund vicomte , 250.

Guingamp [Britanny], 10.

Guirellus, Aiulf, 154.

Guisnes, Ghisnes, Gidnes, Ernald count of, 504n, 505.

-, Ernulf nephew of the count of, 505.

Guisnon, Ingelger de, 240.

Guitot, Robert de, 425.

Guitres, Gistres [Gironde], charter dated at, 452.

Guiungle. See Wiungle.

Gulbert, William son of, 75.

Gulet, Turstin de, 168.

Gumbert, monk, 395.

Gundemarus, man of Ertald, 426.

Gundevilla, Gunnevil, Gonnevilla, Gonnovilla, Andrew de, 347.

-, Gilbert de, gifts of, 77.

-, Hugh de, 186, 377, 504n, 505.

-, -, Robert son of, gifts of, 77.

Gunduin, Gundoin, Gonduin, Herbert son of, 397, 398, 401, 530.

Gundulf. See Gondulf.

Gunfrei, 408.

Gunfridus, 20.

Gunnevilla. See Gonneville.

Gunnolveston. See Gonalston.

Gunter, William son of, 311.

Gunterius, 486.

Gunthorpe, Gunnetorp [near Lowdham, co. Notts], chapel of, 16.

Guntsel, burgess, 463.

Gurnay. See Gornai.

Gutta-auri, Godfrey, 168.

Guy. See Guido.

Guz. See Goz.

Gyffard. See Giffard.

Gyrche. See Guerchia.

Gyula, chapel of, 185.