Appendix II

Pages 529-538

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Appendix II (fn. 1)

[Cartularies in the Cathedral Library, Bayeux.]
1074, 30 Nov.
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 2.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 47.)
1432. Charter of Odo bishop of Bayeux, brother of William duke of the Normans [and] king of the English, notifying that he has bought, for possession by St. Mary of Bayeux, the land of Cheruet-Villa from Herbert de Agnellis, with the assent of his lord Ralf de Conchis, and the consent of the king of the English, in the presence of Richard son of Turstin Goz, and William Caritate, and Fulker son of Gerard Budel, and Ralf de Ollei.
Apud Rothomagum in aula Turris, prima dominica die adventus Domini in festivitate Sancti Andree, luna vij., MoLXXoIIIIo anno ab incarnatione Domini, Indict[ionis] XII. epactis existentibus I., concurrentibus II., (fn. 2) regnante Guillelmo rege Anglorum et Philippo rege Francorum, etc.
Signa eorum qui interfuerunt conspicientes subscripta:— Guillelmus rex; Mathildis regina; Johannes archiepiscopus; Hugo Lexoviensis episcopus; Rogerus de Bellomonte; Rogerus de Montegommerico; Robertus comes filius Willelmi regis; Guillelmus frater ejus; Robertus comes Moriton[ii]; Robertus comes de Auco; Ricardus Guz; Guillelmus Caritat[e]; Fulcherus Budel; Radulfus de Oilleio; Eudo Haldub; Radulfus Suhard; Alvered[us] Malbecling (fn. 3); Ranulf[us] de Lingart; Herbert[us] de Agnellis; Corbinus filius ejus.
1089, 24 April.
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 4.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 47.)
1433. Charter of Robert duke of Normandy, count of Maine, confirming the grant of fiefs by Ebremarus, on the day he became a monk, to the church of Bayeux.
Anno igitur ab incarnatione MoLXXXoIXo, indictionis XIIo, principatus Roberti comitis anno secundo, dedicationis ejusdem ecclesie anno XIIo, ordinationis Odonis ejusdem ecclesie episcopi anno XLo, viijo kalendis Maii, dum esset idem Robertus comes apud Vernonem quoddam castrum Normannie iturus in expeditionem in Franciam.
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 6.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 48.)
1434. Charter of Robert duke of Normandy and count of Maine confirming the gift of the priory of St. Vigor of Bayeux.
Anno ab incarnatione Domini MoLXXXIXo indictione XIIo secundo anno principatus Roberti, Guillelmi regis Anglorum filii ac Normannie comitis, dum idem Robertus esset ad obsidionem Auci ea die qua idem castrum sibi redditum est.
(Bayeux Cartulary.)
1435.Agreement between[Odo] the bishop of Bayeux and Rannulf the vicomte [of the Bessin], after long dispute between them, made at Bayeux, in the bishop’s house, these men of the bishop being present on his side: William son of Oger, (fn. 4) Helto, (fn. 5) Adam son of Hubert, (fn. 5) Adelold the chamberlain, (fn. 6) Robert de Sulleio; and on Rannulf’s side, Herbert son of Gonduin, William de Semilleio, Nigel son of Serlo. The terms were these:—Rannulf did fealty (fecit fidelitatis securitatem) to the bishop as his lord, by [pledging his] faith and by oath for [the safety of] his life and limbs and, as to the seizure of his body, that he would in no way attempt it. He also did him liege homage (fidelitatem ligiam) by oath (jurejurando) for all the land the bishop held that day, and all the land he should acquire by Rannulf’s counsel, so that Rannulf was to help the bishop to obtain it all. And he would assist him against all his assailants, saving his fealty to count Robert [of Normandy]. And the three sons of Rannulf were to recognise and observe his sworn promise to the bishop, and to do service for these lands, as holding them from [the bishop as] a lord, which lands Rannulf had not previously held of the bishop. [For] when the king [William I.] lay ill at Coutances, he took them away from the bishop, and made Rannulf hold them, but not from the bishop, etc. … So the bishop pledged himself for the safety of Robert’s life and limbs, as his man, and as to the seizure of his body, that he would in no way attempt it, and as to the land he held that day, and that he should acquire by the bishop’s counsel, the bishop was to assist him against all his assailants, saving his fealty (fide) to count Robert. The bishop also restored to Rannulf all the land he had already held of him except that of Nigel de Costentino. But Rannulf consented to accept an exchange for the land of Flavinnei and Gaveruz if the bishop wished him to do so. And the bishop gave him, as an addition all the land of Tortcapel and the land of Bernard son of Ilger, etc.… and every Easter marten skins and an ermine cape (erminium renonem) or thirty pounds in money of Rouen. [And] Rannulf gave the bishop, as sureties for this agreement, these his men: William de Semilleio, Herbert son of Gonduin, Hugh de Rosel, Ranulf son of Alan, Nigel son of Serlo, who, by Rannulf’s direction, pledged their faith to the bishop that they would keep him to this agreement, by their entreaties and advice, to the utmost of their power. And if they failed, they would witness to the truth, on the bishop’s behalf, against Rannulf. Similarly the bishop gave Rannulf, as sureties, these his men, Sanson, William son of Oger, Helto, Adelold the chamberlain, Robert de Sullei etc. …
[? Circ. 1130.]
(Bayeux Cartulary
of 1289, Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 61.)
1436. Writ of Henry I. addressed to John bishop of Lisieux, [Robert] earl of Gloucester, Ranulf, (fn. 7) earl of Chester, Richard de Haia, and all officers in whose bailiwicks the canons of Bayeux hold lands. The canons are to enjoy all their possessions etc. as freely as ever they did in the time of his father and brother and of bishop Odo, and like other land held in almoin in England and Normandy.
Teste (sic) Roberto de Sigillo et E. (fn. 8) de Clinton, apud Argentonum.
[? Circ. 1130.]
(Bayeux Cartulary
of 1289.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 62)
1437. Writ of Henry I. addressed to his justices of Normandy, and William of Glastonbury, Eudo of Bayeux, and G[?uy] de Sablé. The canons of Bayeux are to enjoy their prebends etc. as freely as in the time of his father and brother, and in his own since, and to have from the forests of St. Mary [of Bayeux] what they need for repairs of their buildings and for firing, as before.
Teste Ricardo de Haia, apud Cadomum.
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 61.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 50.)
1438. Letter from Hugh archbishop of Rouen to the worshipful fathers and lords T[heobald] (fn. 9) archbishop of Canterbury and Henry archbishop of York and their suffragans and all the prelates of England. He informs them that Philip bishop of Bayeux and Jocelin bishop of Salisbury, in his presence and that of several bishops, have thus agreed concerning the dispute between them as to what had been carried off from the Treasury of Salisbury Cathedral:—The bishop of Bayeux has in his presence, by the hands of Nigel the monk and by Albert the porter of Harecuria, restored to the bishop of Salisbury an arm (brachium) covered with plates of gold and adorned with precious stones; and has also given 10 marcs of silver. And the dispute between them has been thus finally settled.
Huic autem compositioni interfuerunt de personis Salesberiensis ecclesie, Henricus cantor, Rogerus et Henricus archidiaconi, et magister Robertus de Cicestr[ia] qui vice totius capituli sui concessionem istam concesserunt et approbaverunt; ex parte autem Philippi Baiocensis episcopi affuerunt magister Hunfridus, Herbertus cantor Baiocensis, Willelmus thesaurarius, Willelmus prior de Sancta Barbara, Guillebertus prior de Ardena, Nicholas prior de Plausiciao. Actum est hoc Remis, presentibus pluribus episcopis, archidiaconis, et multis aliis canonicis et clericis.
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 24. (fn. 10) )
1439. Writ of Geoffrey duke of Normandy and count of Anjou addressed to Enjuger de Buhun. The bishop of Bayeux is to enjoy in peace the knight’s fee which Robert Marmion held of him at Witevill, and his fee which William de Moiun ought to hold of him at Munmartin. Unless Enjuger sees to this, his justice R[ichard] de Haia is to ascertain in accordance with his assize (secundum assisiam meam recognosci faciat) how the said fee of the bishop was held by his predecessors in the time of King Henry, and to see that the bishop enjoys it accordingly (sicut recognitum fuerit). And Enjuger is entreated not to trouble the bishop wrongfully in future, as the duke will not suffer him to lose wrongfully any of his rights. And Richard de Haia is to ascertain, in accordance with his assize, the fief of the bishop of Bayeux throughout his bailiwick, and to see that he enjoys it in peace as it is ascertained in accordance with the duke’s assize.
Teste Pagono (sic) de Clarisvallibus, apud Cenomannos(sic).
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 40.)
1440. Writ of Henry, duke of Normandy and count of Anjou, addressed to William de Angervilla, Simon de Bosvilla, and Aichard Polcinus and his baillis of the Hiesmois and of Auge (de Oximensi et Algensi patria). They are to prohibit all within their bailiwicks from going to the fair of Crevecœur (Crevecorum), and they are not to allow a market to be held there, unless he first directs them to do so.
Teste Guarino filio Geroldi apud Rothomagum.
[1154, Oct.]
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 7.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 48)
1441. Charter of Henry, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and count of Anjou, addressed to Arnulf bishop of Lisieux, Richard de Haia, dapifer, and all his other justices. Geoffrey de Clinton has acknowledged before him, at the siege (in exercitu) of Torigny, that he has mortgaged his land at Douvres (Dovera) to Philip bishop of Bayeux for thirty pounds of Anjou until Geoffrey or his rightful heir shall restore those thirty pounds to the bishop. He has also acknowledged that the land at Conion is to remain the property of the treasurer of Bayeux for three years from Michaelmas in the year that the king of the French and the duke of the Normans made peace.
Teste Roberto comite Leicestrie et Rogero archidiacono Baiocensi. Apud Torineium.
[1156, circ.
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 12. (fn. 11) )
1442. Writ of Henry II.
The bishop of Bayeux is to enjoy his lowy (leugata) of Cambremer as [his right] was sworn to in the time of count Geoffrey in accordance with his writ.
Datum apud Mirebellum in obsidione, teste Roberto de Novo Burgo.
[1156, Oct.]
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 27. (fn. 12) )
1443. Writ of Henry II. addressed to William son of John. He is to ascertain (facias recognosci per) from the old men of Caen what rent, and from what houses, the bishops of Bayeux used to receive at Caen in the time of king Henry his grandfather and what services and dues they used then to enjoy there. And, according as it is ascertained, he is to place Philip bishop of Bayeux in possession of them. And unless he does so, Robert de Novo Burgo will do so.
Teste Thoma cancellario, apud Lemovic[um].
[1156, Oct.]
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 28. (fn. 12)
1444. Writ of Henry II. addressed to William son of John. He is to ascertain (facias recognosci per) from the old men of Bayeux how bishop Odo held the multure of Bayeux and how bishop Richard held it in the time of king Henry his grandfather, and, according as it is ascertained, he is to secure its rightful enjoyment to Philip bishop of Bayeux. He is similarly to ascertain what dues the bishops of Bayeux used to receive, in the time of the said king Henry, from (in) the forests of the Bessin, and to secure to bishop Philip the rightful enjoyment of as many asses (asinos) and dues, as the bishops of Bayeux are ascertained to have enjoyed in those forests. And unless he does so, Robert de Novo Burgo will do so.
Teste Thoma Cancellario, apud Lemovic[um].
[? 1156.]
(Bayeux Cartulary, No. 32. (fn. 13) )
1445. Writ of Henry II. addressed to his bailiffs of Normandy. They are to put Philip bishop of Bayeux in possession of the rights and dues appertaining to his banlieu of Cambremer, as they were established and admitted (recognita) before him and Robert de Courcy on the oath of lawful men, according to the recognition made by the direction of Henry his grandfather and count Geoffrey his father.
Teste Gregorio de Londun, apud Wudestocam. (fn. 14)
1177 (?), Jan.
(Bayeux Cartulary.
Trans. No. 94
Vol. I. fo. 51.)
1446. Notification by Richard bishop of Winchester, Simon de Tournebu, Robert Marmion and William de Glanville, that while they were in assise (in assisia) at Caen, Robert priest of Surrehein acknowledged, before them, in that assise, that William dean of Bayeux had given him two-thirds of the church of Surrehein etc……
Hec autem assisa fuit anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLoXXVIIo mense Januarii. Et in ea fuerunt Henricus Baiocensis, Arnulfus Lexoviensis, et Ricardus Constanciensis, episcopi; Stephanus abbas Sancti Severi; Ricardus de Humeto; Jordanus Taisson; Fulcho Paganellus; Willelmus de Ferrariis; Willelmus de Solera; Rogerus de Arry; Hamo Pincerna; Ranulfus de Grandivalle; Jordanus de Landa; Symon de Tenechebraia; Robertus de Agnellis, et multi alii.
[Original Documents in Archives of Calvados; Cartulary in Cathedral Library, Bayeux, No. 163.]
[Circ. 1180.]
(Original in archives
of Calvados. (fn. 15)
Seal broken.
See D’Anisy’s
Extrait des Chartes
II. 40 for abstract.)
1447. Charter of Henry II. granting to the abbey of Longues, the gift, by Ranulf Druel, of the land of Pouppeville (Pupevilla).
Testibus: Henrico episcopo Baiocensi; Rogero de Arri; Roberto de Stut[evilla] (fn. 16); Willelmo de Curtmurlonc (fn. 17); Hamone Pincerna. Apud Burum.
[Circ. 1180.]
(Original in archives of Calvados. See Ibid.)
1448. Charter of Henry II. giving the abbey of Longues a moiety of the church of St. Hilary of Petitville with all its appurtenances.
Testibus: Ricardo episcopo Wintoniensi; Henrico episcopo Baiocensi; magistro Waltero Constan[ciensi]; Gaufrido de Lucy; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Alveredo de Sancto Martino: Osberno de Hosa; Hamone Pincerna. Apud Valonias.
[Circ. 1180.]
(Original in
D’Anisy’s collection.
Trans. Vol. II.
fo. 89.)
1449. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishops etc. of Normandy. He grants to the abbey of Longues and the monks there serving God the land of Pupevilla which Ralf Druel gave [them] in alms for ever.
T[estibus]: Richardo episcopo Wintoniensi; Henrico episcopo Baiocensi; magistro Waltero Constan[ciensi]; Gaufrido de Lucy; Hamo[ne] Pincerna; Willelmo filio Radulfi. Apud Burum.
[1185–9. (fn. 18) ]
(Original in archives
of Caen.)
See D’Anisy’s
Extrait des
II. 40 for
1450. Charter of Henry II. giving to the abbey of Longues a moiety of the church of Petitville, and confirming the gifts of Ralf Druel, Hugh Wac the founder, Baldwin his son, and others.
Testibus: W[altero] Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; Henrico Baiocensi, Willelmo Constanciensi, Johanne Ebroicensi, episcopis; Martino Cerisiensi et Petro Cadomensi abbatibus; Willelmo de Humeto constabulario; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normanniæ; Hugone de Cressy; Thoma Bardulf; Willelmo et Johanne de Mara; Hamone Pincerna. Apud Burum.
(Original in archives
of Calvados.
See Ibid., p. 39.)
1451. Charter of Hugh Wac, giving in alms for ever to the church of St. Mary of Longues, where he has founded an abbey, two-thirds of the tithe there, etc.
Testibus: Henrico episcopo Baiocensi; Humfrido de Bove; Thoma archidiacono; Waltero fratre episcopi; Rogero de Arry; Henrico sub-cantore; Rogero Wac; Ranulfo de Longis; Rogero Britone; Hamone pincerna; Simone capellano, et multis aliis.
[N. D.]
(Cartulary of
Trans. Vol. II.
fo. 89.)
1452. Charter of Baldwin Wac renewing the charter of his father Hugh to the abbey of Longues.
Testes fuerunt: W. abbas de Bronna (fn. 19); Hugo Servan; Helias de Baioceno; Gaufridus filius Gaufridi; Robertus de Ver; Thomas de Aniseio; Hugo Wac junior; Radulfus de Walhubert; Willelmus de Wastinc, et alii multi. Apud Bronnam.
(Original in archives
of Calvados. (fn. 20)
Trans. Vol. II.
fo. 90.)
1453. Charter of William bishop of Coutances, confirming to the abbey of Longues a moiety of the church of St. Hilary of Petitville (Parvavilla), all his rights in which [church] Henry the illustrious king of the English (Angl’) has given them, and the other moiety which they obtained by grant of Baldwin Wach; and the church of St. Martin of Maupertuis, which they obtained by the gift of Hamo Pincerna.
[N. D.]
(Original in archives
of Calvados.
Trans. Vol. II.
fo. 90.)
1454. Charter of Roger de Croilleio, son of Richard, son of [Robert] earl of Gloucester. He gives to the abbey of Longues and the monks there serving God, in alms for ever, for the weal of his soul and those of his father and mother and his brother Philip and his other brothers and sisters, half an acre of land etc.… and one virgate elsewhere in Clermont near the monks’ land.
Testibus: domino Roberto fratre meo; Ricardo et Henrico fratribus meis; magistro Martino; Girardo preposito meo; Gisleberto Anglico; Reginaldo filio comitisse, (fn. 21) et alii.
[Original Documents “in the possession of M. de Clinchamp.”]
(Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 421.)
1455. Charter of Goslin de Pomeria, giving, with consent of Emma his wife, and Henry, Roger, Philip, Goslin, and Ralph his sons,—by the hand of Richard bishop of Bayeux —the church of St. Mary du Val (que dicitur (fn. 22) Valle) to the canons there serving God, according to the rule of St. Augustine, in cloistered community, with all that follows: 60 acres in the parish of St. Omer, etc. … and half his swine and those of his heirs, when killed (occisionem porcorum) in Normandy, and the tithe of his mares in Normandy and England and 40 shillings sterling (de Esterlins) from the rents (gablo) of Berry-Pomeroy (Bercium) every year on August 1, and the church and tithe of Berry, etc. and in England (sic) the tithe of his swine and of his mills of Berry etc. … and in England a manor called [Canon] Teign (Tigneam), and his chaplainry in England, namely, the tithe of wool, and cheese, and porkers, and lambs at Ottery (Otrevum), and all belonging to his chaplainry (capellarie (fn. 23) ) in England etc. … (Other gifts in Normandy by William son of Payn and Richard his son, a canon of the abbey, by Roger Capra, with consent of his wife Petronilla and son William, etc.)
Testibus istis: Goslino de Pomeria cum filiis suis, Henrico, Rogerio, Philippo, Goslino; et Willelmo filio Pagani, cum filiis suis; et Hugone de Rosello, et Christino de Olleyo; Willelmo filio Ricardi; Waltero de Petra ficta; Willelmo de Rosello; Willelmo de Braio; Goslino de Braio; Roberto Buzone; Roberto de Curcell[is].
Gift by Goslin de Pomeria to St. Mary of the fee of Robert son of Maheld of Tot [14 acres of land]. Gift of William, son of Payn, by consent of his son Richard and permission of his wife, etc. …
Anno Dominice incarnationis MoCoXXVo … confirmata est hec carta a Goslino de Pomeria, Emmaque uxore sua etc. … annuente Ricardo de Tornebuto in cujus feodo ecclesia fundata est.
(Trans. Vol. III.
p. 423.)
1456. Charter of Henry bishop of Bayeux, notifying that Henry de Pomeria the younger has confirmed in his presence all the gifts of Goslin de Pomeria and Henry his son to St. Mary du Val, in advowsons and other possessions both in Normandy and England. And moreover, so far as lies in his power, he has granted, before him, to St. Mary du Val and the canons there all his right of advowson and presentation, both in Normandy and England, which grant the bishop confirms so far as he is concerned.
His testibus: magistro Ranville (sic) cancellario; domino Nicholao priore de Plessecio; Henrico de Somagvillo (sic); Hugone de Herouvilla; Willelmo Bubarel, et pluribus aliis. Hec autem donatio facta est anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLXVIIo, sicut charta eis testatur.
1190, 8 March.
(Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 425.)
1457. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He gives the church of St. Jacques of Bois-Halbert (fn. 24) (Boscohalbot) and the lepers there living a religious life (regulariter), for the weal of his soul and [that] of his father [king] Henry all Gambovilla, etc. (lands in Normandy) They are not to be impleaded concerning these lands except before himself or his chief justice, or by his special direction.
Hiis testibus: Waltero Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; J[ohanne] Ebroicensi episcopo; Roberto (fn. 25) filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Roberto conestabulario; Rogero de Pratellis (fn. 26); Johanne marescallo; vice marescallo (sic). Datum apud Rothomagum per manum N … (sic) episcopi (fn. 27) cancellarii nostri, viij. die Martii regni nostri anno primo.
1198, 1 Nov. [Hec] erat tenor carte nostre in primo sigillo nostro. Idem (fn. 28) q[uia] aliquando perditum fuit [et] dum capti essemus, in aliena potestate constitutum, mutatum (fn. 29) est. Hujus autem innovationis testes (fn. 30) sunt: Hubertus Cantuariensis archiepiscopus; Willelmus de Strange (fn. 31); Ricardus de Vernon; Thomas de Hard’on, et plures alii. Datum apud Runstanvillam (sic) per manum magistri Rosell[ini] tunc (fn. 32) agentis vices (fn. 33) cancellarii una die Novembris anno decimo regni nostri.
[1177, Nov.]
(Cartulary of
the abbey of
St. Martin de
Mondaye [in
Cathedral Library, Bayeux, No. 164].
Trans. Vol. II.
fo. 105.)
1458. Charter of Andrew de Vitreio. He gives to William son of Fule Paynel, with his sister Alienor (fn. 34) in free marriage (conjugio), that moiety of his land in Normandy, that was jointly divided by Fulc Paynel and himself, which he has chosen in Andrew’s manors of Ryes, Trungy, Ducy (Ria, Trungeium et Duxeium), with 20 pounds sterling to be received annually from his manor of Cooling (Coelingia). He and his heirs are to hold this freely from Andrew and his heirs.
Testibus his: Richardo episcopo Abrincensi; Rolando Dolensi electo; Willelmo Paganello archidiacono; Rolando de Dignano; Alano de Rohan; Herveo de Loheac; Roberto de Landasren; Alano de Vitreio; Hamello de Pinel; Herveo de Besiel; Roberto de Cortbortilleio; Gaufrido filio Hervei; Fulcone Paganello; Johanne de Soligneio; Gaufrido de Soligneio; Willelmo de Huçon; Fulchone Paganello juniore; Alano de Sancto Petro; Ruello de Campania; Rogero de Crochella; Ranulfo de Sancto Petro; Willelmo de Olivero (sic) capellano; Amalrico capellano, et aliis pluribus


  • 1. The documents on pp. 529–538 are calendared as an Appendix, the editor having been unable to visit the Cathedral Library of Bayeux for their collation.
  • 2. These dates all agree except that of the Lunar cycle.
  • 3. Rectius: “Malbeding.”
  • 4. Domesday I. 5b.
  • 5. Domesday I. 5.
  • 6. Domesday I. 7b.
  • 7. Trans.: “Renaud.”
  • 8. ? “Gaufrido”
  • 9. Trans.: “Thome.
  • 10. See abstract (very corrupt) in D’Anisy’s Extrait des Chartes II. 439.
  • 11. Ibid., p. 438.
  • 12. See abstract (very corrupt) in D’Anisy’s Extrait des Chartes II. p. 440.
  • 13. Ibid., p. 441.
  • 14. Cf. Chron. Mon. de Abingdon (Rolls) II. 186.
  • 15. Collated by editor.
  • 16. Trans.: “Saceio.”
  • 17. Trans.: “Curtguidone.”
  • 18. See Preface.
  • 19. Not in Monasticon.
  • 20. Collated by editor.
  • 21. ? comitis.
  • 22. Rectius: de Valle.”
  • 23. Trans.: “capellane.”
  • 24. Which was given to the abbey of St. Mary.
  • 25. Rectius: “Willelmo.”
  • 26. Trans.: “Pratello.”
  • 27. ? William bishop of Ely.
  • 28. Rectius: “Quod.”
  • 29. Trans.: “Mutatus.”
  • 30. Trans.: “Innovaveris Testes:”
  • 31. ? Stagno.
  • 32. Trans.: “nunc.”
  • 33. Trans.: “union.”
  • 34. Afterwards countess of Salisbury.