Appendix I

Pages 518-528

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Appendix I

[MS. Lat. 18,369 in Bibliothèque Nationale.]
( 25.)
1404. Charter of king Stephen addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. He grants to his abbey (ecclesie mee) of Mortemer in Leons, for the soul of king Henry its founder, etc., and for the weal of his realm of England and duchy of Normandy, all that king Henry gave them, and, moreover, all essarts in the vale of Mortemer, so that, they may essart them in peace and without any rent, and other lands and privileges(specified).
Testante (sic)A[delolfo] episcopo Carl[eolensi], et Maltilli regina uxore mea, et Galerano comite de Metllent, et R[oberto] comite Legr[ecestrie], et Willelmo de Roumara (sic), et Hugone de Gornaco, et Ricardo filio Ursi, et Willelmo Pevrello de Dovera, et Walchelino Maminot, et Ingelranno de Guascolio. Apud Leones actum.
1147, 11 Oct.
(MS. lat. fo. 26.)
1405. Charter of Geoffrey duke of Normandy (sic) and count of Anjou, addressed to Hugh archbishop of Rouen and generally, making same grants as above for the souls of his father Fulk king of Jerusalem and his mother the countess Erenburgis, and himself and his wife Maltildis and his sons, and king Henry (I.), and all his friends.
Testes hujus rei sunt: Ricardus cancellarius; Willelmus de Romara comes Linc[olnie]; Willelmus de Vernon; Robertus de Novoburgo; Alexander de Boh[un]; Osbertus de Caileio; Eng[elrannus] de Walcoil; Joisleno de Turr[ibus]; Goffredo de Brueria. Hec vero concessio facta est et hec carta data apud Rotomagum anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoXLoVIIo a pascha precedenti mense Octobri v id’ ejusdem mensis epacta xxviij.
(MS. lat. fo. 53.)
1406. Charter of Henry duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins addressed to the archbishops of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. He grants to the abbey (ecclesie) of Mortimer and the brethren there serving God 330 acres of land which his father had given them with consent of his mother the empress Mathildis and of himself and of his brothers Geoffrey and William, and he adds thereto himself 80 acres with consent of his said mother and brothers. And [he confirms to them] all their privileges in his forest of Leons.
Testibus: Arnulfo Lexoviensi episcopo; Willelmo cancellario; Rainaldo de Sancte Walerico dapifero meo; Waltero Giffart comite de Longavilla; Alexandro de Bohun; Osberto de Cailleio; Roberto de Wennesval; Rogero de Pauliaco; Ricardo de Hummez; Willelmo filio Hamonis; Warino filio Geroldi; Hugone de Dovera; Wachelino Maminot; Herveio de Novilla; Engeranno portario. Actum apud Rothomagum anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLo.
(MS. lat. fo. 53d.)
1407. Charter of Henry duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. He gives to the convent of brethren of Mortemer (de Mortuomari), all the hives (rasa) of bees that their brethren have found throughout his forest of Leons for the lighting of their church, etc. And no one is to vex them therein or infringe the liberties he has granted them etc.
Actum apud Rotomagum. Testibus: Arnulfo Lexoviensi episcopo; Mauricio capellano; Reginaldo de Sancto Walerico dapifero meo; Alexandro de Bohun; Willelmo filio Hamonis; Nicholao de Stotevilla; Osberto de Hosa.
(MS. lat. fo. 27.)
1408. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and generally. He recites that his mother the empress, daughter of king Henry, and he have founded the abbey of Mortemer, of the Cistercian order, for the soul of king Henry his grandfather, who was its first founder and for the soul of his father Geoffrey count of Anjou (Andegav’) etc., and for the stability and peace of the realm of England. To this abbey he confirms all the above gifts. And he grants its monks quittance of toll by land and water, etc.…
Testibus: Arnulfo episcopo Lexoviensi; Philippo episcopo Baiocensi; Roth[rodo] episcopo Ebroicensi; Roberto de Novoburgo; Willelmo filio Hamonis. Apud Baiocas.
[MS. Nouv. Acq. Lat. 1428, (fn. 1) in Bibliothèque Nationale.]
(MS. lat. fo.3.)
1409. Charter of Walerand (fn. 2) giving to the abbey of St. Stephen, Caen, his church of St. Mary at (in) Buri, (fn. 3) with all its appurtenances, that is, the land of two ploughs, a mill and all the water there, as he had held it in his demesne. He promises also that all his neighbouring pastures there shall be common to all the stock there, and that two hundred swine shall feed with his own every year. He gives the church on condition that the abbot of Caen shall deem the place fit for the service of God and for the honourable life of monks, and to his discretion the donor leaves all the appointment of that church. He also gives the whole tithe of his lands and his substance (rerum) in stock and all else, and [that] of his men from (in) crops only; all [the] priests also with their churches and endowments and the lands they hold of him; and a house in London (nundonie), as he had held it. His lord the king has confirmed this, at his prayer, and, at his request, has permitted him to allow the monks there living to cut down all the wood they need in his grove.
[Signa] Villelmi regis Anglorum; Mathildis regine; Johannis archiepiscopi; Rogerii Belmontensis; Roberti Bellimontensis.
(MS. from original Chirograph.)
1410. Agreement (fn. 4) between the abbot of Fécamp and Richard and Turstin de Croilli, narrating that for the weal of their souls and of their lord count Robert and of all their predecessors, and [for] love and by the advice of Vital the monk their brother the latter have given to the abbey (ecclesie) of the Holy Trinity, Fécamp, St. Gabriel on the Seulles (Sellam) with its market and all its appurtenances, that monks should be placed there, and if the place should prosper (cresceret) sufficiently for an abbot to be placed there, the abbot of Fécamp should appoint an abbot from his monks with the counsel of the prince of the province and the lord (senioris) of Croilei, if he should wish to intervene. The property of the house is not to be removed elsewhere.
Acta est autem confirmatio ista anno Incarnationis Dominice, MLXXX. coram Willelmo rege Anglorum et principe Normannorum, coram filiis suis Rotberto et Willelmo, coram episcopis suis, Willelmo videlicet archipresuli Rothomagensi, Michaele Abrincensi, Gisleberto Ebroicensi, Goffrido Constantiensi, Gisleberto Lexoviensi, Rotberto Sagiensi, coram abbatibus et principibus suis.
[Signa] regis; regine; Rotberti comitis; archiepiscopi; episcopi Abrincensis; episcopi Ebroicensis; episcopi Constantiensis; episcopi Lexoviensis; episcopi Sagiensis; Vitalis abbatis de Westmonasterio. Testes: abbas Sancti Ebrulfi; abbas Sancti Petri Dive; abbas Sagii; de laicis, Malconductus Anglice ville; Willelmus Putot. [Signa] Rogerii comitis; Rotberti Belm [ontensis]; Crispini; Crocei.
1128. Afterwards this agreement was made between Roger abbot of Fécamp and Robert earl of Gloucester. If the prior of St. Gabriel be promoted, or deposed, for any reason, by consent of the abbot and of the said earl, lord of Croilei, and of both chapters, or shall die, another prior shall be chosen from the monastery of the Holy Trinity, Fécamp, etc.… The abbot of Fécamp shall receive the homages of the free tenants (francis hominibus), but their fealty (fidelitates) shall be received by the abbot of Fécamp and the prior of St. Gabriel in common. The abbot shall have the reliefs (relevationes terrarum) and the prior of St. Gabriel the rents, etc.
Anno MCXXVIII. ab incarnatione Domini. Testibus: archiepiscopo Eboracensi Turstino; Ricardo episcopo Baiocensi; Hugone de Deserto; Turstino archidiacono; Willelmo de Sancta Barbara; Willelmo de Ros; Samsone; Dionisio, Ricardo canonicis. Ex parte domini Rogerii abbatis sunt testes: Rogerius archidiaconus archiep[iscopi]; Manust’; Willelmus filius Theoderici; Johannes Cell’; Adelelmus; Haimericus, et totus conventus. Laici: Willelmus Fiscann[ensis]; Engelrannus dapifer; Robertus Gerner; Gauff[ridus] de Maisnil; Gauffridus Pilevill’. Ex parte comitis: Warinus capellanus comitis; Willelmus filius comitis; Willelmus de Montfichet; Robertus filius Bernardi; Ricardus de Greinvilla; Gauff[ridus] de Walterii villa; Oddo Sor; Symon de Curcy; Ricardus de Bosvilers; Willelmus de Dobra; Robertus de Greinvilla.
(MS. lat. fo. 5d.)
1411. Charter of Henry I. notifying that Symon son of Geoffrey de Bosvilla has granted certain tithes in his presence and that of his barons, to St. Stephen’s, Caen.
Hujus rei sunt testes cum signis suis subscripti barones: Henricus rex Anglorum; Ricardus Baiocensis episcopus; Ricardus Constantiensis episcopus; Robertus comes filius regis; Willelmus de Albineio; Gaufridus Baiocensis archidiaconus; Radulfus Taiso; Symon de Bosvilla; Willelmus Crassus; Rodbertus filius Bernardi; Hugo Bigotus; Robertus de Agnis; Gaufridus filius Pagani; Willelmus de Bruis; Humfredus de Bohun; Robertus de Sigillo.
(MS. lat. fo. 12d.)
1412. Charter of Henry I. notifying that William Paganellus has given the tithe of Fontenay (Fontaneto) to St. Stephen’s, Caen, in his presence and that of his barons, etc.…
Hujus rei sunt testes cum signis suis subscripti barones: Henricus rex Anglorum; Ricardus Baiocensis episcopus; Ricardus Constantiensis episcopus; Robertus comes filius regis; Willelmus de Albineio; Radulfus Tayson; Willelmus de Tancarvilla; Gaufridus filius Pagani; Robertus de Sigillo; Hunfridus de Bohun; Willemus de Brius.
(MS. lat. fo. 16.)
1413. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. At the request of Hugh Villanus he grants to the monastery of St. Stephen’s, Caen, and its monks 20 acres of land at La Celles which Hugh gave them with consent of Arnulf bishop of Lisieux and Waleran the vicomte, lords of that fee.
Testibus: Hugone de Creissi; Roberto de Stutevilla; Unfrido de Bohun Constabulario; Gerardo de Camvilla; Hamone pincerna; Osberto de Hosa. Apud Valonias.
(Original in archives of Calvados.
Trans.140 B, Vol. 1.
fo. 180. (fn. 5) )
1413a. Charter of Henry II. granting to St. Stephen’s, Caen, at the request of William de Garsala, son of Gilbert, and of William de Cadomo, their gift of the advowson of the church of St. Martin, Garcelles (Garsala), and all their rights in the church, its lands, and its tithes, in accordance with the charters of Henry bishop of Bayeux and the said knights.
Testibus: Henrico Baiocensi episcopo; Johanne de Constanciis archidiacono Oxenef [ordie]; Willelmo de Humeto constabulario; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Thoma Bardulf; Gisleberto filio Reinfridi; Hamone Pincerna. Apud Burum.
[Circ. 1184.]
(Original, sealed, among charters of Bon Repos.
See Lobineau’s
Histoire de Bretagne
II. 157.)
1414. Charter of Alan, vicomte of Rohan. With his wife Constance, for the weal of their souls and of their children’s, he has founded the abbey of Bon Repos (Bona Requies) as a burial place for himself and his son Alan, with whose consent he has given it the church of All Saints of Fuleburne in the bishopric of Ely; and he has presented Walter the abbot and certain of the brethren to the bishop to receive at his hands the living (personatus) for the convent. At his entreaty Geoffrey bishop of Ely has conferred the living (personatus) on the abbey; and has inducted the convent through the abbot and the brethren with him into corporal possession.
Testibus his: Herveo de Leon; Herveo filio comitis; Johanne le Vieloor; Roberto et Hugone monachis et multis aliis.
[Circ. 1184.]
(Original, sealed, ut supra. See Lobineau II. 158.)
1415. Charter of Alan vicomte of Rohan. He has given St. Mary of Bon Repos, for the weal of his soul and Constance his wife’s, with the consent of Alan his son and heir, and of Margaret and Ælizia his daughters, the churches of Costeseia, Bamburg, and Huningeham, and half the church of Bereford, and the church of Fuleburna, with all rights.
Hiis testibus: Eudone filio comitis; Henrico fratre ejus; Herveo de Leuns; Daniele Senescallo; Galterio filio Ruellani; Gilleberto de Burnevall; Roberto de Mota; Eudone filio Cadoret; Alano Senescallo; Morvan; Guillelmo Trumel; Hasoilt filio Petri; Gualterio de Vielur; Willelmo filio Andreæ; Radulfo Anglico; Johanne clerico de Fuleburne et multis aliis.
[After 1184.]
(Original, sealed, ut supra. See Lobineau II. 159.)
1416. Charter of Alan vicomte of Rohan, addressed to his seneschal and to all his men, French and English. With the consent of his son Alan, who is his heir, he has given the abbey of Bon Repos all his rights in the advowson of the churches of Costeseia and Bamburg and Huningeham and of half the church of Bereford.
Hiis testibus: Alano filio meo; sponsa mea Francesia; Eudone filio comitis; Henrico fratre ipsius; Herveo de Leon; Daniele Scuescallo: Ganfrido filio Ruellen; Gilleberto de Burneval; Roberto de Mota; Eudone filio Cadoret et multis aliis.
[Cartulary in Bibliothèque Nationale, MS. Lat. 13,904. (fn. 6)
(MS. lat. fo. 76.)
1417. Charter of Henry I. (as king of England and duke of Normandy) confirming, at the request of Henry count of Eu, all his gifts to St. Mary’s, Bec, and St. Martin (specified).
Signa Henrici regis; Matildis regine; Ingeranni de Hastingues; Ricardi Boldeveini (fn. 7) filii; Henrici comitis Augi; Gilleberti Ricardi filii; Raulfi (fn. 8) cancellarii; Willelmi episcopi Essonie; Willelmi Peverel; Walterii Ricardi filii; Hunfridi de Buhun; Willelmi consulis de Warenna. Hec carta facta est apud manerium que vocatum est Fiseleia.
(MS. lat. fo. 1d. (fn. 9) )
1418. Charter of Henry king of England, duke of Normandy and count of Anjou, son of king Henry, addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. He notifies that count Henry of Eu has granted a commune (communionem) to his burgesses of Eu as his father count John did. For the confirmation of this commune, the said count Henry and the burgesses of Eu have come into his presence at Drincourt, begging him to be their hostage on both sides, in accordance with which petition, he had become hostage for the maintenance of that commune, and has granted and confirmed that commune, so that if the count would break in any way the agreements of that commune, and refused redress, he would side with the burgesses (me cum burgensibus tenerem) therein, and so also if the burgesses did so towards the count, he would help the count against them.
Hujus pactionis testes fuerunt; Guillelmo camerario de Tancarvilla; Guillelmo de Sancta Maura; Roberto de Sancto Petro; Gaufrido de Sancto Martino; Roberto de Damdivilla (sic); Johannes Euremeio (sic).
[? 1182–4.]
(MS. lat. fo. 39d.)
1419. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms to the church of St. Mary of Eu and the canons there serving God all the gifts and grants made to them. (These are enumerated at great length.) Among them are the gifts of Geoffrey de Baillol and Gilbert his heir in Normandy and in England, the tithe, namely of all money rents in Normandy and England with all the tithe of essarts, sheeps’ wool, cheese, and bacon, and of the cheese coming from England.
Testibus: Johanne Eboracensi archiepiscopo (fn. 10); Gaufrido cancellario filio meo; Godefrido de Luci; Hugone de Cressi; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Roberto de Stoutevilla; Nicholas de Stutevilla; Willelmo de Solar[iis]. Apud Novum Mercatum.
(MS. lat. fo. 46d.)
1420. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms to the church of St. Mary, Eu, and its canons a gift of Henry count of Eu, son of count John.
Testibus: B[aldwino] Cant[uariensi], (fn. 11) et Walterio Rothomagensi archiepiscopis; comite Willelmo de Mandevilla; Willelmo de Humeto constabulario; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Seherio de Quinei (fn. 12); Hugone de Creissi; Roberto de Hairewecort; Alveredo de Sancto Martino; Willelmo de Mara. Apud Archas.
(MS. lat. fo. 42d.)
1421. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. The church of St. Mary of Eu and its canons are under his protection, and all his officers are to defend them in every way.
Testibus: Willelmo de Sancte Marie ecclesia, et Alveredo [de] Sancto Martino. Apud Archas.
[? 1031.]
(Cartulary of St. Wandrillo R. III.)
1422. Charter of Robert count (consul) and duke of the Normans, notifying his (fn. 13) grant to the abbot and brethren of St. Wandrille, at their entreaty, of the church of Arques (Archas), etc., with the consent and [good] will of his lieges (fidelium).
[Signa] Rodberti comitis; Malgerii comitis; Waleranni; Toroldi militis; Ratbelli; Rogerii Exemensis vicecomitis; Rogerii Todelensis; Osberni dapiferi; Baldrici; Anschetilli vicecomitis; Hugonis episcopi Baiocensis; Roberti const[abularii]; Herberti de Lisiacens’; Gisleberti vicecomitis; Anfredi dapiferi; Odelini abbatis; Henrici regis, qui tunc temporis profugus habebatur in hac terra; Hetuuardi; Alureth fratris eius; Rodulfi filii Walteri.
[? 1067.]
(MS. lat. 5424, fo. 179.)
1423. Charter of William I. as lord of Normandy and king of England by hereditary right (jure hereditario Anglorum patrie effectus sum Basileus). Having undertaken (suscepto) the government of the kingdom, he has conquered (evici) all his adversaries. Now, for the profit of his soul, and at the urgent advice of his councillors (consiliariis meis), he bestows on St. Peter of Jumièges an island called Hayling (Hetlingeæ). May he who infringes this gift be removed from the communion (collegio) of saints &c.
Ego Vivinus episcopus adfui; Ego Waldief dux consensi; Ego Willelmus minister adnuo; Ego Ingelricus ad hoc impetrandum obnixe studui.
1073, 30 March.
(Vidimus of 1408.
See Cartulaire de St. Pierre de Solesmes, pp. 11–12.)
1424. Confirmation by William I., at the entreaty of abbot Raynaud of the foundation charter of the abbey of St. Peter, Solesmes.
Roborata est hec carta a Guillermo rege Anglorum apud Bonam Villam, qui Guillermus Cenomanensis civitatis tunc principatum tenebat.
Signum Guillermi regis Anglorum. Hec sunt nomina baronum qui cum eo erant: Gaufridus Liziardi filius: Gauterius miles; Orricus prepositus; Rannulfus filius Hugonis vicarii (sic); Herbertus miles filius Guimberti; Solomon filius Normanni; Patric[i]us.
1073, 30 March.
(Vidimus of 1408.
See Cartulaire de St. Pierre de Solesmes, p. 13.)
1425. Confirmation by William I. of confirmation by count Hugh of above charter of foundation.
Signum Guillelmi regis Anglorum; Signum Arnaldi episcopi; Signum Hugonis episcopi; Signum Rainaldi abbatis; Signum Willermi monachi.
1147, 30 May.
(Original in archives of Eure-et-Loir.
See Cartulaire.. de Tiron II. 63.)
1426. Bull of pope Eugene III. (fn. 14) confirming to William abbot of Tiron and his brethren, in the kingdom of England, the church of St. Mary of Chatmeis in the diocese of St. David’s, the abbey of St. Mary of Roxburgh (Rochaburgensis) in the diocese of St. Andrew’s of Scotland,.. the church of St. Andrew in England, the church of St. Mary de Mapedroella, the church of St. Mary de Titileia, the church of the Holy Cross of the Isle (de Insula).
Data Parisius … tercio kalendas Junii, indictione xa, Incarnationis vero Dominice anno MoCoXLoVIIo, pontificatus vero domini Eugenii pape tercii anno tercio.
1147, 30 May.
(Cartulary, fo. 90.
See ut supra II. 63.)
1427. Bull of pope Eugene III. (fn. 14) confirming to William abbot of Tiron and his brethren … in England, in the diocese of Winchester the church of the Holy Cross of the Isle, the church of St. Andrew of Amle, the church of St. Laurence at Winchester, the church of Mapedroella; in the diocese of Hereford, the church of Titileia, the church of Wintona; in the diocese of St. David’s the church of St. Mary of Cameiis; in the diocese of St. Andrew’s of Scotland, the church of Roxburgh (de Rocaburgo); in the diocese of Salisbury, the endowment of Robert son of Heledbrand at Marlborough (Melleburga).
Datum etc. (ut supra.)
[N. D.]
(Royal Inspeximus of 1225 in MS. 8408 [2], 2 B., fo. 249d., in Bib. Nat.
See Delisle’s Cartulaire Normand, No. 1136.)
1428. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He gives to Ralf “Vitulus” (fn. 15) his servant, and his heirs freedom from all dues throughout his dominions, by sea and land, and [in] every seaport, specially from tallage and mintage (monetagio) and all crown dues and aids. He also quitclaims to them the land which Ralf holds of Hugh de Baiono and of Andrew his brother and of Ralf son of Ralf. Prohibition, under penalty, of exacting dues from them or on their own goods.
[1185, 7 March.]
(MS. 988 [fo. 101] in Lucca Public Library. See Le Roulx’ Cartulaire Général des Hospitaliers I. 479.)
1429. Letter from pope Lucius (III.) to the archbishops and bishops of England. The brethren of the Hospital have informed him that archdeacons and [rural] deans in England, both personally and by their officials are dragging tenants of the brethren before ecclesiastical tribunals, rather to take their money than to enjoin penance for their sins. As it is unworthy that the brethren, who are asking alms from others for the defence of the Eastern church (Orientalis ecclesie) should suffer loss on their own possessions, the prelates are enjoined to see that penance is substituted for pecuniary penalties, and the property of the brethren undisturbed.
Datum Verone non. Martii.
[1190, 5 July.]
(Original in “Cabinet des Titres,” Bibliothèque Nationale.
Seal in green wax on tag of silk with silver threads.
Trans. Vol. 138 No.1.)
1430. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He grants to Hugh count of St. Paul, all the land with its appurtenances etc., which Anselm Champ Daveine (fn. 16) his father held in England of his [Richard’s] father. The count is not to plead or be impleaded for that land except before himself or his chief justice.
Testibus: Waltero Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; R[eginaldo] Battoniensi episcopo; Philippo de Columbariis; Andrea de Chavingneio; Gaufrido de Cella; Baldewino de Beton[ia]; Eustachio de Nevilla; Radulfo filio Godefridi camerario nostro. Dat[um], per manum Johannis de Alencon’ archidiaconi Lexoviensis vicecancellarii nostri, apud Molins in Burgundia quinta die Julii anno primo regni nostri.
(Bib. Nat. MS. 8408, [2], 2 B., fo. 179d.
See Delisle’s Cartulaire Normand, No. 113.)
1431. Notification [by the French king] that the honour of Cravechon which belonged to the count of Evreux, is of his demesne, and likewise the land of the earl Warenne and that of the earl of Arundel, and that of the earl of Leicester, and that of Geoffrey de Sai, the land of the earl of Clare, that of the count of Meulan, the honour of Montfort, which belonged to Hugh de Montfort, the land of Robert Bertran, the honour of Moustiers Hubert, the land of William de St. John, and all the lands of the knights who are in England; and his rolls will name them all.


  • 1. A modern transcript. These charters supplement those on pp. 154–163.
  • 2. \?\ Waleran, son of Ranulf.
  • 3. Cf. Domesday II., 435b.
  • 4. This is a charter relating to the abbey of Fécamp, not to St. Stephen’s, Caen.
  • 5. Accidentally omitted on p. 162.
  • 6. Of 13th century.
  • 7. Rectius: “Baldewini.”
  • 8. Rectius: “Ranulfi.”
  • 9. This folio, of which half is torn off, contained also the original grant of commune by John count of Eu in 1151, and the confirmation of it by Henry II, (as a “communia”), he making himself “plegius” between the count and the burgesses. The witnesses to the latter (at Rouen) are Thomas the Chancellor, Manesser Biset dapifer, and Robert de Dunstanville, whose names point to 1156–1162.
  • 10. Rectius: “Ebroicensi episcopo.”
  • 11. Cart.: “cantore.”
  • 12. Rectius: “Quinci.”
  • 13. The plural style is occasionally used in this charter.
  • 14. These two documents were accidentally omitted on page 354.
  • 15. Rot. Pip. 4 Hen. II., p. 175, 20 Hen. II., pp. 132, 134, 135,
  • 16. See Liber Rubeus de Scaccario, p. 345; Rot. Pip. 21 Hen. II. pp. 207, 208, 209, 213, 214.