
Pages 506-517

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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[Original Charters in Collection de Bourgoyne, and Cartularies MSS. Lat. 5459, 5458; both in Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. (fn. 1) .]
(Original (P) with fragment of seal, in Collection de Bourgoyne LXXIX.
180. MS. lat. 5459, fo. 118d. See Duckett's Cluny Charters I. 62.)
1383. Charter of Henry I. notifying that from love of divine worship and for the benefit of his soul, and those of his wife queen Maud, his father and mother, and his predecessors, and for the weal and safety of his son William and his daughter Maud, he confirms the church of Holy Trinity, Lenton, to the Cluniac monks there serving God, for ever, at the urgent request of William Peverel, its founder, his wife Adelina, and his son William, with all that William Peverel of Nottingham had given the said church, namely ten carucates of land, with many tithes and the manor of Courtenhall (Curtehala) except the knight's fee held by Walter son of Winemer (fn. 2) and the land of Turstin Mantel. (fn. 3). William is to pay one marc yearly to the church of Cluny.
Sign[a] Henrici Regis, Mathildis Regine, Willelmi Peverelli de Notingaham, Adeline sue uxoris, Willelmi Pevrelli filii illorum, Roberti fratris Willelmi, Rogerii episcopi Salisberie, Ro[berti] episcopi Lincolniensis, Roberti episcopi de Cestre, (fn. 4) Ranulfi cancellarii, Ro[berti] comitis Mellenti, Simonis comitis, Stephani comitis de Alb[amara], Gisleberti de Aquila, Herberti Pevrelli. (fn. 5).
(An ancient copy
in Collection de
Bourgoyne LXXIX. 182.
1384. Copy of preceding charter, with mention of many other donations, but no witnesses.
(Original in
Collection de
MS. lat. 5459, No. 29.
MS. lat. 5458,
No. 227.)
1385.Charter of Eustace, late count of Boulogne, now a monk of Cluny, giving the abbey of Cluny, from his vill of Fobinges in England, ten pounds of English money annually and another ten pounds (fn. 6) of the same money to the church of Rumilly (Rumiliacum) which he and his wife Mary gave the monks of Cluny. This he does publicly in the hand of Bernard prior of Cluny at Rumilly, in the year 1125, with the approval and confirmation of Stephen count of Boulogne, to whom he has given his inheritance, with Mathildis his daughter, and in the presence of the following:
[Signa] Heustachii, qui hoc fecit; Stephani comitis Boloniensis qui laudavit; Bernardi prioris, in cujus manu factum est; Balduini abbatis Sancti Wlmari; Balduini de Chaiol; Willelmi Hesdinol; Clarembaldi de Timberona; Balduini constabularii; Haemfridi dapiferi; Wiffredi pincerne; Eustachii de Finles. (fn. 7)
(Original in
Collection de
Bourgoyne LXXX.
213. MS. Lat. 5459,
fo. 160d. See
Duckett's Cluny
I. 67.)
1386.Charter of Henry I. addressed generally. He confirms. by his royal authority, to the church of Cluny the manor of Tixover (Tichesora), and half the manor of Manton (Manatona), and Offord which Ern[ulf] de Hesding gave it, with their appurtenances. The manors to be held as they were when in the king's hands and demesne.
Testes: H[ugo] archiepiscopus Rothomagensis, et T[urstinus] archiepiscopus Eboracensis, et H[enricus] episcopus W[intoniensis], et R[ogerus] episcopus Sar[esberiensis], et A[lexander] episcopus Linc[olniensis], et B[ernardus] episcopus Sancti David, et G[aufridus] cancellarius, et R[obertus] comes Gloec[estrie], et B[rianus] filius comitis. Apud Udestoc.
[5 or 12 May,
(Original in
Collection de
Bourgoyne LXXX.
217. Lat. 5459,
fo. 159. See
Duckett's Cluny
I. 68.)
1387.Charter of Henry I. addressed generally. He gives to St. Peter of Cluny a rentcharge of 100 marcs, annually, in England, namely, 60 marcs from his London rents, of the ferm of the city, and 40 marcs from the ferm of the city of Lincoln, so that his officers (ministri) who shall hold those ferms, shall bring this money with them to his Exchequer at Michaelmas, and shall there deliver it to the agent (nuncio) of St. Peter. If they do not do so, his justice of the Exchequer (justicia meascaccarii) shall execute the same justice on them as they would execute for his own ferm (quam facerent de firma sua). He formally confirms this gift, to which are witnesses those who have with their own hands, appended their marks (signa). These hundred marcs will be received annually from his treasury, so long as he lives, and, after his death, from his successors. Pope Innocent, at his request, has confirmed this gift, and has anathematized anyone who may impair or violate it.
Signum Henrici Regis; Signum Mathildis imperatricis filie sue.
1131, 20 May.
(Original in
Collection de
MS lat. 5458, No. 98.
See Labbé's
Concilia X. 962.)
1388. Confirmation by pope Innocent (II.) of the gift by his dearest son Henry, the illustrious and glorious king of the English, of a hundred marcs of silver to be paid annually to the monastery of Cluny, sixty from the toll (in telonio) of London, and forty from the toll of Lincoln.
Hæc autem donatio apud Rotomagum ab eodem filio nostro Henrico rege, incarnationis Dominice anno MCXXXI., indic tione ix. mense Maio, die Dominica, in nostra et fratrum nostrorum præsentia facta est, etc. .... Oldegarii Terra conensis, Hugonis Rotomagensis, archiepiscoporum; Gaufridi Carnotensis, Joannis Lexoviensis, Johannis Sagiensis episcoporum; Bernardi Clarevallis, Sugerii Sancti Dionisii, Bosonis de Bacho, abbatum; Guillelmi comitis de Warenna; Rotberti filii ipsius regis comitis de Glocerio (fn. 8); Roberti de Sigillo; Roberti de Laha (fn. 9); Rabelis camerarii de Tancarvilla; Nahelis (fn. 10) thesaurarii; Halonis prioris Sancti Osqualdi. (fn. 11) ....
[Date of the above:—]
Datum Belvaci etc. …. xiij. kal. Junii indict[ione] ix. incarnationis Dominice anno MXXXI., pontificatus vero domni Innocentii pape. II. anno II.
(Original in Collection de
Bourgoyne LXXX.
212 [imperfect];
Lat. 5459, fo. 119.)
1389. Charter of Henry I. addressed generally. He gives to St. Peter of Cluny for the love of God, and for the weal of the souls of himself and his offspring (prolis) and for the [good] estate and safety of his realm, one hundred marcs of rent annually, namely fifty marcs from (in) the ferm and rents of his city of London and fifty from (in) the rents of his city of Lincoln, so that the church of Cluny is to receive these hundred marcs annually from his own treasury (thesauro) so long as he lives. After his decease, he appoints that his [officers] shall annually bring these hundred marcs with the rest of the rents, from the said cities, to his exchequer, and they shall there be delivered to the agent of the abbey. If his officers should not do this the same justice is to be done to the abbey for this sum as for his own ferm. He makes this gift to the abbey perpetual by his royal authority. Pope Innocent also, at his entreaty has confirmed it by his letters and seal, and forbidden its infringement under penalty of anathema.
Testes: W[illelmus] archiepiscopus Cantuariensis, et T[ur stanus] archiepiscopus Eboracensis, et R[ogerus] episcopus Sares beriensis, et H[enricus] episcopus Wintoniensis, et A[lexander] episcopus Lincolniensis, et G[ilbertus] episcopus Lundoniensis, et G[aufridus] cancellarius, et Robertus de Sig[illo], et [Robertus] comes Glocestrie, et B[rianus] [filius Comitis (fn. 12) ], et Hugo Bigot dapifer, et Milo Glocestr[ie], et P[aganus] fil[ius] Johannis. Apud Norhantonam.
(MS. lat. 5459,
fo. 119.
See Duckett's
Cluny Charters
II. 189.)
1390. Charter of Stephen addressed generally. As king Henry of worshipful memory, his uncle and predecessor, had, for the souls of his father, Stephen's grandfather, and for the souls of their predecessors, given in alms from his own treasury a hundred marcs of silver a year to St. Peter of Cluny, now he [Stephen] duly following and imitating his good deeds, in performance thereof, assigns to the said church a perpetual rentcharge in place of the money (denariis) which his uncle had given it from the treasury He therefore gives the manor of Letcombe (Ledecumba), which is of his demesne, to that church for ever in place of these hundred marcs. The manor to be held with all the rights appertaining to it when it belonged to him and his predecessors.
Apud Wintoniam, anno incarnationis Dominice MCXXXVI. regni vero nostri primo. [Signa] Stephani regis; Matildis regine; Eustachii filii regis; Henrici de Soilli; Henrici episcopi Wintoniensis; Rogerii episcopi Saresberiensis; Alexandri episcopi Lincolniensis; Nigelli Eliensis episcopi; Alani comitis Richemundie; Rogerii comitis Warwici; Alberici (fn. 13) de Ver; Willelmi Peverelli; Roberti de Ver; Ilberti (fn. 14) de Laci.
(Ancient copy in Collection de Bourgoyne LXXX. 225. See Duckett's Cluny Charters I. 69.)
1391. Charter of Stephen, (fn. 15) by the grace of God king of the English, addressed generally. He confirms, for his weal and that of his predecessor whatever his barons and other subjects, French and English, have given the monastery of St. Pancras, namely, in Devon the church of Berry Narbor (Biria) … with the lands and tithes belonging to it, and the land of “Brunescota” … at High Bray (Brai) a virgate of land and the church, which Mauger de Brai gave; and the land which William gave at Ashbury (Asebiria); in Dorset, at Melbury (Melebiriam) a hide and a half of land which Girard son of Balduin gave; in Wilshire, the church of Winterburne (Basset), and whatever belongs to it, which Reginald de Dunstanville gave; at Wanborough (Wanberga), a hide of land, which count Rotrou [of Perche] gave; in Surrey (Suthreia), the tithe of Sutton (Suthtona) which the count of Mortain gave, the tithe of Shalford in all things which Gilbert the son of Richard gave, the church of Gatton which Herfred of Gatton gave, and the land there which Odo de Domno Martino gave, and the wood (gravam); in London, the land which Huard gave and the land which Goder’ the priest gave at Bissopesgate, and the land which Miles gave near Smithfield (Smedefelda), and the land which Godric the priest gave for the admission of his son Absalom as a monk, and the lands and houses which Benedict son of Wibert gave, (fn. 16) and the land which Vitalis Grossus gave, and the land which Gisla his daughter gave; (in Essex) the church of Stanegate which Ralf son of Brien gave with lands and tithes, the church of Prittlewell (Prituwella) which Robert de Essessia gave with the other churches on his lands and their tithes and the manor of Shoebury (Soberia), (fn. 17) and the tithes of all his demesnes; in Sussex (Sutsexia) the church of Compton (Contona) which Roger de St. John gave; the church of Stoughton (Stoctona) with the chapel of Marden (Mereduna) and the church of Racton (Rakintona) which Savari son of Kana gave with the lands and the tithes belonging to them; the church of Lavant (Loventona) with lands and tithes of the gift of Richard de Loventona; the church and tithe of Tangmere which William de Pagaham gave; the tithe of Shopwyke (Sepewica) of the gift of Ralf Hereng (fn. 18); the tithe of Richard de Huwingiis; a moiety of the tithe of Richard de Pagabam; the tithe of Fulc de Meslirs; the tithe of Robert son of Morin de Meslirs; the tithe of Roger de Kaisneto of Graffham (Grafaam); and the church of “Meslirs” and with it three shillings a year from Hugh de Kaisneto; the tithe of “Glottinges” of the gift of Ralf de Kaisneto; the tithe of Ralf son of Rou; the tithe of Exceat (Essete); the church of Sutton (Suthtuna) with its lands and tithes; half a hide in the same vill given by Helias for the admission of his son as a monk; the tithe of Egdean (Bletteham) which William de Altaripa gave; the church and land of Hardham (Eringeham) which Robert de Arundello gave; the church of Petworth (Peteswurda) with its appurtenances, namely the church of Tollington (Tulintona) with its lands and tithes, the chapel of Treyford (Treva) with its tithes, and the chapel of Duncton (Dunecketuna) with its tithes; the church of Lurgashall (Lutesgareshale) with its appur tenances; the church of Stedham (Stedeham) with its tithes and land, namely a hide of land, besides the priest's hide, four solidates of land which Thurstan de Kotes gave, the land which Alan son of Robert gave; the church of Burpham (Bercam) which Alan de Dunstanvilla gave and the land of Nyetimber (Neuetunbra) of his gift, (fn. 18) with land and tithes, and the chapel of Greatham (Gruteham) with land and tithes; at Broadhurst (Bradeherst) the land and wood given by Hugh de Diva and William his son; in the same vill the land which Hugh de Kahannes gave, and the land of “Wlfola” which Robert Pincerna gave, and the heirs who held the land before him made the grant; one hide of land of the manor of Ripe, in the hundred of Greenstead, which the count of Mortain gave, and a virgate of land at Laughton (Lastane); the wood of “Hamewuda” with the land which Lefsi holds, of the gift of Robert the butler; the church of East Grinstead (Grenesteda), with lands and other appurtenances and tithes, which Alvred the butler gave; near Grinstead, the land of Felbridge (Feltbruge) which William de Domno Martino gave; [in Surrey] the church of Burstow (Burestou) with its lands and tithes; near Bletchingly (Blachingeleia), the land called “Gruteners” which Richard son of Gilbert (de Clare) gave, and the tithe of Gilbert de Curtuna which he gave, near “Haslo” the tithe of Geoffrey de Balliol at Bibleham (Bifleam); and near “Grimbroc,” the land which Bartholomew gave (fn. 19) near which land is the meadow which Adam Bartholomew Germunvilla gave (fn. 19); in Bulvarhithe (Bulwareheda), five houses (mansiones) which the count of Eu (de Augo) gave; in the castelry of Pevensey, the tithe of Preston which Alvred the butler gave, the land of Seaford (Saford') which Rainbert de Suthtona gave, a hide of land which William de Kahannes gave in Langney, in the same vill two hides of land, with pasture on the sea-shore “de galeto maris,” and half a hide of land there which Hugh de Diva gave, half a hide of land there which Ralf de Clavreham gave, and half a hide of land which Symon son of Drogo gave; at Eckington (Achintona) two hides from Roger bishop of Salisbury, in exchange for the land which Hervey of Wilton gave when he became a monk, which is at Netheravon (Nideravenam); at Ramechinges, 60 acres of land and the marsh belonging to them, of the gift of Hugh de Kahannes; in the same vill 120 acres of land and the marshes belonging to them of the gift of William Malfet; and one hide of land which Grento gave at Thorn and two hides at Cnolle. (fn. 19) At “Dudintuna” two hides which William de Kahannes gave and Hugh his son confirmed; at Nattewood (Natawuda) the land which Ralf de Clavreham gave; near Nattewood three solidates of land which Seburc gave of her marriage portion, of the fee of William son of Alvred; in the hundred of Hartfield (Hertefeld) two villains (rusticos) which the said Sebure gave at her death. At Eastbourne (Burneham) of the fee of William de Diva 17 solidates of land and 4 denariates, which the said William gave for the soul of his mother Cecily; the church of Eckington (Eckentuna), with two virgates of land and the tithes belonging to it, of the gift of William Malfet; in Burghurst (Burg ingehurst), the land and wood which Herbert son of Randulf gave, and the land which Grento gave, and the land there which William Leth’ gave, and the wood there which Hugh de Diva gave; and the land which Serlo gave; at Brightford (Bretford), the land of one villein (rusticus) which William de Diva gave when he became a monk; at Bowley (Bukenelia) three solidates of land and the wood belonging to it, which Grento gave; at Stock (Stokingeam) 10 solidates of land which Richer de Aquila gave; at “Langport,” half a hide of land of the manor of Eastbourne (Burna), which Adelard Flandrensis gave, and the tithe of the land which Mainger held; the tithe of Folkington (Folkintona), which Randulf gave; the chapel of Chalvington (Chalvintona) which Robert the butler gave, with the tithe of the vill; in the manor of Exceat (Exeta) five solidates of land which Richard son of Hemi[n]g gave; the tithe of Dru (Drogonis) with one hide of land at Beddingham; the tithe of Herding of Asham (Assaham); the tithe of Ælfric (Alfrici) of Combe (Lacumbe); the tithe of Wulfric the reeve (Wilfrici prepositi); the tithe of Leofwine (Leuhini) of Crowborough (Crotteberga); the tithe of Leofsige (Lefsi) brother of the same Leofwine (Leuwini) at Alfriston (Alfrichestunam); half a hide of land which William son of Boselin gave, and the tithe of Ralf nephew (nepotis) of Grento; (in Essex) the church of Ashdon (Essenduna) with its lands and tithes which Geoffrey Baignardus gave, and afterwards increased; 42 acres of land and 10 of wood and 3 of meadow at “Chochesfordam”; (in Cambridgeshire) at Willingham (Welingeham) 40 acres of land and the wood appurtenant, of the gift of Fredebert; near Carlton, the land which Roger Suriz held, and the land which Walernus held, given by Richard son of Hardwin de Scalariis; the church of Caxton (Kachestona) with its appurtenances, of the gift of Stephen de Scalariis; the church of Whaddon (Wadona) with its appurtenances, and (in Hertfordshire) the church of Reed (Ruith) with lands and tithes, and the chapel of Widiall (Widealla) with its appurtenances; and the church of Berkhampstead (Berhammesteda) with its appurtenances, of the gift of Hugh de Scalariis; (in Essex) at Canfield (Kanefelda) the tithe of Richard de Guerres and two acres of land; and the tithe there of another Richard with two acres of land; (in Norfolk) the church of Merton with its appurtenances, which Geoffrey Baignard gave, and Ralf his brother increased [the gift]; 60 acres of land and 4 of meadow and 20 of land which Wulfkytel (Ulfkitel) held; at Carbrooke (Kenebroc) a parcel of wood which Ralf Baignard gave; the tithe of Haddiscoe (Hadestuna) which Geoffrey Baignard gave; and at Riston a church and a half, and the tithe of the hall in all things, and the tithe of Berta and the land of Alfer; and at Happisburgh (Apesburga) one sokeman and the land of Brunman Katus, and the land of the widow (vidue) and the land which Hugh the priest held; and the tithe of Skeyton (Sceketuna); and the tithe of Griston (Gerdestuna) of the gift of Geoffrey Baignard; at Harpley (Harpelai) the tithe of Walter Delbec's land and twelve acres of land given by him; in Walpole one tenmanlot of the gift of Richard son of Hermer and there also Thurton (Thermtona) of the gift of Geoffrey Baignard; the church of Melton with its lands and tithes; and the tithe of Axholme (Haxiholma), and (in Warwickshire) the tithe of Hampton in-Arden of the gift of Geoffrey de Stutevilla; (in Durham) the church of Foxton (Fakestuna) with its lands and tithes of the gift of Guy de Balliolio.
He directs and confirms, for the benefit of his soul, that throughout England, the monks of Lewes should not be compelled to pay tolls or dues in market-place, or in crossing, or at sea-port, on goods of their own. Anyone violating this privilege is to forfeit £10 to the king. That all these gifts and the king's confirmation of them may endure for ever, he appends a cross with his own hand, and his lieges (fideles) are to do the same.
(fn. 20) In Kent, in the archdeaconry of Canterbury, Monks’ Horton (Hortuna) with its appurtenances, Tynoton (Tydentuna) with its appurtenances; the church of Brabourne (Bradeburna); and the tithes of Honeychild (Hunechild) and of Eastbridge (Heastbruge); the tithe of Atterton (Ædertune), and the church of Ashford (Assetefforde) with its tithes; 51 acres of land and one sokeman; in the diocese of London the church of Purleigh, with its tithes and lands and dues; in the diocese of Norwich the church of Stanstead (Standeda) with its tithes and lands. All these are of the gift of Adelina (fn. 21) dau. of Hugh de Munford.
( 5459,
fo. 169.)
1392.Charter of Bernard de Baiollio, (fn. 22) notifying that he and his wife Mathildis and his sons Enguerrand (Ingerannus) and Guy, Eustace and Bernard, and his daughter Atuidis have granted to the abbey (ecclesice) of Cluny, by the hand of Warin bishop of Amiens, for the redemption of their souls and of their predecessors, the altars they held by inheritance, namely those of Dompierre (Domnopetro), Bailleul (Baiollio), T[o]urs, Ercourt (Aerdicuria), Ramburelles (Ramburellis), Al[l]enai, free [and] without dispute, in the presence of Bernard's brothers and of Ralf and Baldwin archdeacons of Amiens, and of many other persons, clerk and lay, on the terms that the monks dwelling at Dompierre shall pay a mark of silver a year, as rent (pro censu) to the abbey of Cluny. Moreover he [Bernard] gives three carucates of his land and forty measures (falces) of his meadow and the garden and orchard of his brother Ralf to the monks who shall dwell there. At his request, the aforesaid bishop of Amiens will excommunicate anyone impairing this endowment.
Testes sunt: capellani et clerici sui Acardus et Walterus, Rogerus et Walterus de Noelli; Godardus de Durocato; Gaufridus de Asceu; Godardus de Mailnouiler; Adelhelmus de Brasli.
1142, 19 May.
(Original in Collection
de Bourgoyne LXXX. 227. See Duckett's Cluny Charters I. 75.)
1393. Confirmation by Innocent II. of Stephen's gift of the manor of Letcombe (Letdecumba) to St. Peter of Cluny.
No. 225;
5458, No. 238,
1394. Charter of G[eoffrey] duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins addressed to abbot Peter and the convent of Cluny, granting to the abbey of Cluny and them the hundred marcs a year which his predecessor Henry king of the English gave them in alms, and for which, on his decease land was given them. He confirms the gift of that land made by the empress.
Testes sunt: Hugo archiepiscopus Turonensis; Paganus de Claravalle; Guido de Sablolio.
(Original chirograph
in Collection de
Bourgoyne LXXX.
244. See Duckett's Cluny Charters
1395. Notification by IIenry bishop of Winchester, on his return from Rome to Cluny, that understanding the church of Cluny to be involved in debt and hampered by interest (usuris), to the amount and weight of two thousand marcs of silver, he has, for its release, lent to Peter the abbot and the convent a thousand ounces of gold, in gold and silver, on these terms: the abbot and the brethren are to repay him a hundred ounces of pure gold annually, until he has received the whole thousand ounces; but if he should die in the meanwhile, he remits to them the balance. He permits them also, for the same purpose, to take the gold with which the great crucifix has been decorated at his own cost, namely five hundred ounces of gold, on condition that the abbot and brethren shall repay sixty ounces of the best gold annually, until the crucifix has been restored to its original condition. The abbot, prior, and all the brethren have promised him faithfully to fulfil this agreement. The aforesaid monies, namely his thousand ounces of gold, and the sixty ounces for the cruifix are to be paid annually in Lent, that is, completely discharged within the octave of Easter. If the money be not paid in the mannor and within the time here stipulated, the burgesses who have sworn to the observance of this agreement shall give themselves up to be confined within the wall round the church and cloister, and shall not come out till the money is paid. The abbot and brethren have also promised him that, in case of his dying before the crucifix has been restored, its restoration shall not be impaired or deferred, or shall the crucifix itself, nor the jewelled gold cup in which the host is preserved, nor the paten (scutella) of Greek work, nor the flagon (urceus) nor the “constantine” (constantinus) of silver, nor the altar cloth embroidered with gold be taken out of the church at all.
Ex parte episcopi testes fuerunt: magister Willelmus Lugdunensis; Guazo archidiaconus; Rodulfus clericus; Willelmus et Robertus capellani; Walterius clericus; Richardus cocus; Henricus Guarellus; Adam filius Azonis, et alii plures.…..Anno ab incarnatione Domini MCXL. nono facta fuit haec conventio inter domnum Henricum Wintoniensem epis copum et domnum Petrum Cluniacensem abbatem et conventum in capitulo Cluniacensi.
(Original in Collection de Bourgoyne
LXXX. 247.
Fragment of Seal.
See Duckett's Cluny
1. 82.)
1396. Charter of Henry by the grace of God, duke of the Normans and of Aquitaine, and count of the Angevins, addressed generally. He confirms to St. Peter of Cluny the manor of Letcombe-Regis (Leddecumbe) for the weal of his grandfather king Henry, and all his predecessors, and for his own; which manor king Stephen gave and assigned them in the place of the hundred marcs which king Henry used to give the church of Ely annually. The manor to be held as it was by king Henry.
Testes: Teobaldus archiepiscopus Cantuariensis; Henricus episcopus Wintoniensis; Ricardus episcopus Lundoniensis; Robertus episcopus Lincolnensis; Joscelinus episcopus Saresberiensis; Willelmus comes Glooc[estrie]; Rainaldus comes Cornubie; Robertus comes Legrec[estrie]; Richardus de Humet; Ricardus de Luci; Willelmus Mart[el]; Manesses Bis[et]. Apud Westmonasterium.
(Original in Collection
de Bourgoyne
LXXXI. 61.
MS. lat. 5459, fo. 158.
See Duckett's Cluny
I. 85.)
1397. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms to St. Peter of Cluny the manor of Letcombe Regis (Leddecumba) for the weal of his grandfather king Henry and all his predecessors, and for his own; which manor king Stephen gave and assigned them in the place of the hundred marcs which king Henry used to give the church of Cluny annually. The manor to be held as it was by king Henry.
Testibus: F[rogero] episcopo Sagiensi; R[icardo] episcopo Namnetensi; Reginaldo archidiacono Sar[esberiensi]; Nicolao capellano; Ricardo de Hum[eto] constabulario; Unfredo de Bohun; Reginaldo de Curtenai; Gilleberto Malet; Stephano de Turon[is]; Willelmo de Stut[evilla]; Reginaldo de Paveilli; Willelmo de Ostilli. Apud Chinon.
(Original in Collection
de Bourgoyne
LXXX. 251.
See Duckett's Cluny
I. 84.)
1398. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms to St. Peter of Cluny for the weal of his soul and that of his grandfather king Henry and of all his predecessors, all Letcombe (Ledecumba) with all its appurtenances in the place of the hundred marcs of silver which the aforesaid king his grandfather Henry used to give annually to the aforesaid church in alms. The manor to be held as it was by king Henry in his demesne, and no one to implead the monks or their tenants except before himself, because it is a crown manor (de corona) and held in frank–almoin (elemosina).
(MS. lat. 5459,
fo. 117.)
1399. Charter of Henry II. addressed to William abbot of Cluny and the convent. He has been informed on good authority, that the monastery of Cluny, in times past, many causes contributing to its affliction, is overwhelmed by its many debts, owing to the loss of property and to the inroads of oppressors. Pitying, therefore, its misfortune, in charity, he sends them a thousand marcs by the abbot de Sancto Basilo and master Herbert de Ramesia, which they are to receive for their general relief on condition that if he should ask for their return, they shall be returned to him when he does so, while if he does not ask for them in his life, he wills that the abbey should hold them in alms for ever for the weal of his soul as part of his testament (in portione testamenti mei).
Teste me ipso, et Willermo (sic) fil[io] (fn. 23) Radulfi; Alveredo (fn. 24) de Sancto Martino; Ricardo Giffard. Apud Argentonum.
Circ. 26 Jan.]
(Original Inspeximus
in Collection de
Bourgoyne LXXXI.
319 [and duplicate
Ib. 318]. See
Duckett's Cluny
I. 105.)
1400. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms to St. Peter of Cluny the manor of Letcombe-Regis (Ledecumba), for the weal of his grandfather king Henry, and all his predecessors, and for his own; which manor king Stephen gave and assigned them in the place of the hundred marcs which king Henry used to give the church of Cluny annually. The manor to be held as it was by king Henry.
Testibus: R[icardo] Wintoniensi, G[aufrido] Elyensi, et Johanne Norwicensi episcopis, et H[ugone] episcopo Dunholmensi; comite Willelmo Arundell’; comite Willelmo de Maundevill’; Ricardo de Lucy; Ricardo de Caunvill’; Randulfo de Glanvill’; Hugone de Cressy; Th[oma] Bardulf; Bertramo de Verdon; Willelmo filio Radulfi, et Radulfo Britone. Apud Northamptonam.
[In original confirmation by Inspeximus of Henry III. at Westminster, 22 Jan. 1238 (22 Hen. III).]
(MS. lat. 5459,
fo. 117.)
1401. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He has taken into his hand, and keeping, and protection the abbey of Cluny and all houses and priories dependent on that abbey. They are therefore to be guarded and protected as his own and no one is to do them violence or wrong. Should anyone offend against this, prompt amends are to be made.
Teste Gaufredo filio meo et cancellario, apud Vintoniam.
(MS. Moreau,
Vol. 67, fo. 144.)
1402.Charter (fn. 25) of Henry II. addressed generally. He notifies that abbot [Hugh] (fn. 26) and the convent of Cluny have granted to William de Sancte Marie ecclesia, his clerk of his chamber, at his request, their church of Saint Côme (Sancti Cosme) in his land of the Côtentin, to be held of them in almoin all his life, for the yearly pension of thirty pounds of Anjou, so that it return, after his decease, to the abbot and monks of Cluny. They shall then enjoy it with all William's improvements; that no loss may accrue to them from this grant.
[Teste] S[effrido] (fn. 27) episcopo Cicestr[ensi], apud Driencurt.
1201, 10 June.
(Original chirograph
[tripartite] in
Collection de
Bourgoyne LXXXI.
285. See Duckett's
Cluny Charters I.
1403. Notification that, strife having arisen between H[ugh] abbot of Cluny and H[amelin] earl Warenne concerning the appointment and institution of the prior of Lewes, now by the mediation of H[ubert] archbishop of Canterbury and Eustace bishop of Ely and G[eoffrey] son of Peter, justiciar of England, by the consent of both parties, in the presence of Y[sabel] countess Warenne in whose inheritance the priory has been founded, and with her consent and that of W[illiam] her son and heir, the strife has been settled, after long continuance, as follows:— In case of vacancy, two monks of Lewes shall, with the earl's envoys, be sent to Cluny within a fortnight of the vacancy; and the abbot of Cluny, with the advice of his convent, in good faith and according to his conscience, shall name two [monks] of the order of Cluny most fitted, in his opinion, to govern the priory of Lewes, both in spiritual and temporal matters, two excepted, namely the grand prior of Cluny and the prior of La Charité (Karitatis); but the earl's envoys shall choose which of the two they will; and he shall be at once delivered to them as prior of Lewes, to be brought to the earl and the church of Lewes, to be received honourably and without objection. The prior thus instituted by the abbot and chosen by the earl's envoys shall have temporal and spiritual administration, within and without, in appointing and removing the sub-prior of that house, and the priors of its cells and its other obedientiaries and officers, and shall not be liable to removal except for manifest and reasonable cause, according to the rule of St. Benedict. And the abbot of Cluny shall exact nothing from the house save a hundred shillings as annual rent (census), and shall demand nothing from it, saving always to the said abbot all his spiritual rights.
Acta sunt hec apud Lamehe[dam] anno Incarnationis Dominice MCCI. quarto idus Junii, coram predictis mediatoribus et per illos; presentibus et testibus: dominis W[illelmo] Londoniensi, et G[ilberto] Roffensi, et H[erberto] Saresberiensi, et M[algero] Wigorniensi, et J[ohanne] Norwicensi episcopis; et M[artino] de Certesia, et de Boxlee et de Fulger[iis] abbatibus, et de Coventr’ et de Dovor’ prioribus; comite Rogero Bigot; Hugone Bardulf; Willelmo Briwere; Roberto filio Rogeri; Galfrido de Say; Willelmo de Warenne; Huberto de Burgo camerario domini regis; Radulfo de Plaiz’; Roberto de Pereponte; Ricardo Aguillon; Roberto filio ejus; Waltero de Wancy; Philippo de Burneham; Waltero de Grantcurt, et multis aliis.


  • 1. These have been combined and published (since this calendar was compiled) in Vol. V. of the Cartulaire de Cluni (Documents Inédits), but it has no index or table of contents.
  • 2. See Feudal England, p. 220; Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis (Bannatyne Club), p. 5.
  • 3. See Domesday 1., 226(2).
  • 4. “D'Ecestre,” wrongly, in printed text.
  • 5. Some variations in witnesses’ names in Cartulary. Their authenticity, in the charter, is doubtful.
  • 6. Cf. Liber Rubeus de Scaccario, p.501.
  • 7. Rectius: “Fienles.”
  • 8. Rectius: “Gloeccstria.”
  • 9. ? Haia.
  • 10. Rectius: “Nihelis” (i.e., Nigel).
  • 11. St. Oswald's, Gloucester.
  • 12. MS.: “similiter Comes” (Cartulary). The French edition prints “similite comite.”
  • 13. MS.: “Arberti.”
  • 14. MS.: “Lamberti.”
  • 15. The editor has discussed this charter, especially its place-names, in Sussex Archæological Transactions XL. 58–78, 280.
  • 16. This clause is interlined in the charter,
  • 17. This clause is interlined in the charter.
  • 18. See Testa de Neville, p. 227.
  • 19. Interlined in the charter.
  • 20. All from here is added in another hand.
  • 21. The French edition reads “Adelvie.”
  • 22. See Symeon of Durham (Rolls) II., 294; Richard of Hexham (Ib.), p.161; Fantosme (Ib.), p.346, etc.; Liber Rubeus de Scaccario (Ib.), pp.29, 46, etc.
  • 23. MS.: “sil.”
  • 24. MS.: “Aluedo.”
  • 25. The plural style is used in this charter.
  • 26. “P”(?) in MS., whence this charter has been assigned to “1154–6,”
  • 27. “P.S. episcopo” in MS.