
Pages 479-480

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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[Original Documents in Archives of the Pas de Calais. (fn. 1) ]
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. 141,
[Arras] 1–4.)
Inspeximus by the official of Arras, 7 December 1270, of the following charters:—
1141, 9 Feb. 1319. Charter of Mathildis queen of the English and countess of the Boulonnais (Bolonensium) and Eustace her son, addressed to the archbishop of Rheims, the bishop of Thérouanne, and all others. She, queen of England (sic) and countess of Boulogne (sic) and Eustace her son give to [the abbey of] the Holy Trinity and St Nicholas of Arrouaise (de Aridu Gamantia), its abbot Gervase and his successors, and its canonsregular, for ever, certain land which Eustace de Legrefth held of them at a yearly rent of ten pounds, to be held free of all secular demands, with all its easements (aisiamentis) in land, water, etc., for the weal of their lord king Stephen and their own, and for the souls of their predecessors. This land, in the vicomté of Merch and in the district (potestate) and parish of St. Omer Capelle (Sanctomereglise), is to be enjoyed without disturbance. They execute this deed in the presence of illustrious men and of their own tenants (hominum) and desire that it may be confirmed by papal authority.
Actum Londonie vo idus Februarii anno.… MCXLo (sic) astantibus Radulfo cancellario; Gaufrido de Hospitali; Waltero de Bolebech; Ingelramno de Sai; Widone de Mousteriolo; Radulfo filio marscalli; Willelmo de Muers.
Signum Mathildis regine; Signum Eustachii.
1141. 1320. Charter of Thierry (Theodericus) count of Flanders, notifying that at the request of Gervase abbot of Arrouaise, he grants to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Nicholas, so far as he is concerned— it being of his fee— certain land in the parish of St. Omer Capelle (Sancti Andomari ecclesia), to be held, under his protection, free from all exactions, according to the charter of Mathildis queen of England and Eustace her son.
Actum est hoc Attrebati in domo domini Aluili episcopi eodem episcopo presente et subscriptis testibus (10 named). Actum anno MCXLIo.
1141. 1321. Charter of Milo, bishop of Thérouanne (Morinorum) confirming the above two charters, and threatening with the wrath of God and his church any who should lay hands on the land granted, which Eustace de Grath and Margaret his wife had hitherto held from Stephen king of England and M[athildis] his wife.
Actum anno … MCXLIo (7 witnesses named).
(Original in archives Trans. Vol. 141. [Arras], Nos.5–8.) Inspeximus by Henry III. 7 Dec. 1265, of the following charters:—
[1194], 26 April. 1322. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He grants to his dear friends the prudhommes (probis hominibus) of Caleys, that they with all their things and chattels shall enjoy his safe-conduct (conductus) and protection throughout his dominions. He also wills that the said men of Caleys shall be quit of toll and of all other exactions and dues of his throughout his dominions. They are therefore to be protected, wherever they come, as if belonging to himself, both in peace and war.
Teste me ipso apud Portesmuth xxvj. die Aprilis, per Willelmum Eliensem [episcopum] cancellarium nostrum.
[1194], 28 April. 1323. Charter of Richard I. duplicate of foregoing, with the insertion of the clause “both in peace and war” in the first portion instead of the second.
1201, 4 April. 1324. Charter of John, duplicate of foregoing.
Testibus H[uberto] Cantuariensi archiepiscopo; W[illelmo] Londoniensi, J[ohanne] Norwycensi, M[algero] Wygorniensi episcopis; G[alfrido] filio Petri comite Essex; Willelmo Marescallo comite de Pembroc’. Datum per manum Simonis archidiaconi Wellensis apud Wyndlesoriam, quarto die Aprilis anno regni nostri secundo.


  • 1. At Arras.