Anjou: Part 1

Pages 372-394

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Part 1

[Original Documents in the Archives of Maine et Loire; MS. Lat. 5480 in Bibliothèque Nationale. (fn. 1) ]
(MS. lat., fo. 267.
from original with
seal of Henry I.,
perfect. [Drawing.])
1052. Charter of Henry I. (as king of the English and duke of the Normans) addressed generally, and notifying his gift to St. Mary of Fontevrault and its nuns, for the weal of his father and mother, and his wife, and his son William, and himself, for their livelihood (victum) in Lent, of 100l. in money of Rouen, every year at Michaelmas, and 50 mares of silver in England, at the same term, namely 30 marcs from his revenue from the ferm (de redditibus meis de firma) of London and 20 marcs from the ferm of Winchester. This he gives in perpetuity.
[Signa (fn. 2) ] H[enrici] R[egis]; T[urstani] archiepiscopi Eboracensis; Bernardi episcopi (fn. 3); Audini episcopi Ebr[oicensis]; Johannis Sagiensis episcopi; Johannis Luxoviensis episcopi; Roberti comitis Gloecestrie; Willelmi de Tancarvilla; R. (fn. 4) filii Comitis; G[aufridi] filii Pagani; R[oberti?] de Haia; W[illelmi] de Albineio; Roberti de Sig[illo]; Willelmi Glastonie. (fn. 5)
[Below the Signa on the left is this addition:]
Ego Matildis imperatrix concedo donum quod rex Anglorum pater meus dedit et conced[it] ecclesie de Fonte Ebraldi, videntibus duobus filiis Roberti de Haia, scilicet Richardo et Radulfo, et inde facio crucem (fn. 6) istam propria manu mea, vidente Hugone de Boccio, et aliis quam pluribus.
(Original in archives.
Fragment of seal on
parchment strip.)
1053. Charter of Henry I. addressed to the abbess of Fontevrault and the whole convent of nuns. For the remission of his sins etc. he gives and grants them, yearly 100l. of Rouen money (de Rothom’) from the rent (censu) of his mint at Rouen, and 30 marcs of silver from his revenue from London (Lund’), from the ferm of the city, and 20 marcs of silver from the ferm of the city of Winchester.
Testibus: Turstino Eboracensi archiepiscopo; Oino fratre ejus Ebroicensi episcopo; Gaufrido cancellario; Roberto de Sigillo. Apud Roth[omagum].
[Circ. 1130.]
(MS. lat., fo. 278,
from original with
seal. [Drawing].)
1054. Charter of Eustace, giving for the weal of his predecessors and of himself and his wife and his daughters who there serve God devoutly as nuns, to the abbey (ecclesie) of Fontevrault 10 pounds sterling from the tithe of his rents in England. His sons William and Roger join in and confirm this gift.
Testes sunt: Hugo de Deserto; Rainaldus de Maena; Gosbertus presbyter; Gosfridus de Linerius; Paganus de Gloz; Robertus Garini Venatoris; Hildiardis de Lazinant; Haiois Meschina Regina; Willelmus de Roisei; Popinot Crispinus clericus, et multi alii. Hoc donum dono Eustachius et imperpetuum concedo et duo predicti filii mei. Hoc donum fuit datum in manu 1e abbatisse Petronille. Hoc donum concessit Henricus rex Anglorum ecclesie de Fontebraudi et ipsum donum in defensione sua posuit.
Testes: Tu[r]stinus archiepiscopus Eboracensis, et comes de Perchio Rotrodus; et Paganus de Claravoldo (sic) et plures alii.
[Signa] Eustachii; Willelmi filii suii; Rogerii filii sui.
(Original in archives;
seal gone. Also MS.
lat., fo. 276, from original, with portion
of seal in white wax,
on leather tag.)
1055. Charter of Stephen addressed generally for England. As king of the English and duke of the Normans, for the weal of the souls of his father and relatives and specially of king Henry his lord and uncle, also for the remission of his own sins and those of his wife, his sons and his brothers, and for the [good] estate of his whole realm, he restores and grants in perpetuity that endowment which king Henry his uncle had given to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Mary, Fontevrault, and the nuns there serving God, namely 100 marcs of silver annually for their livelihood (victum) in Lent, to be delivered to them yearly from his treasury (de thesauro meo), 60 marcs to be from the ferm of his city of London, and 40 from the ferm of the city of Winchester, and half they shall have at Easter and half at Michaelmas every year. This gift of king Henry, his lord, uncle, and predecessor, he, by his royal authority confirms etc.…
Attestatione.… Matildis regine uxoris mee et Eustachii filii mei, qui hanc elemosinam concesserunt; Hugonis archiepiscopi Rothomagensis; Johannis episcopi Lexoviensis; Henrici Wintoniensis episcopi fratris mei, et comitis Teobaudi fratris mei; Galeranni comitis Mellenti; Roberti comitis Legrecestrie (fn. 7); Radulfi capellani comitis Teob[audi]; Roberti de Novoburgo; Anselli de Trianello; Hilduini de Vendopere; Amalrici de Misten’; Gauterii de Bern’; Engelranni de Sai; Rogerii de Fiscanno; Oimelini de Argent[omo]; Roberti de Sauquevilla; Hugonis de Deserto. Actum est hoc apud Rothomagum anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoXXXoVIIo.
[1141, July.]
(MS. lat., fo. 277,
from original, with
seal. [Drawing.]
Also sealed Vidimus
of 1479 in archives.)
1056. Writ of M[athildis] the empress, daughter of king Henry, and lady of England addressed to the barons and sheriffs (Vic(fn. 8) ) of London. She gives the nuns of Fontevrault, for the weal of the soul of king Henry her father and of her own, and for the peace and safety of her realm (regni mei) 50 marcs of silver yearly for ever. They are therefore to cause the nuns to have them from the ferm of London, namely, 25 marcs of silver at Michaelmas and 25 at Easter; and the nuns are to enjoy them undisturbed.
Testibus R[oberto] episcopo Lond[oniensi], et D[avide] rege Scottorum, et R[oberto] comite Gloec[estrie], et Brient[io] filio com[itis], et Pagano de Clar[is] Vall[ibus], et Guidone de Sablolio, et Alexandro de Buh[un]. Apud Oxenef[ord].
(Original in archives
partially destroyed.
Also MS. lat., fo. 259,
from original, with
two seals in white
wax [Drawings],
the “counterseal”
of Reginald
bearing a lion
passant. (fn. 9) )
1057. Charter of Reginald de Sancto Walerico and Bernard his son, notifying their grant to the abbey of Fontevrault of 20l. Roumois (de Romesiis (fn. 10) ) at Dieppe at the feast of St. Remigius, for their souls and those of their predecessors, annually, to buy herrings. When they shall have recovered their land in England, and the count of Anjou shall again possess Dieppe (Deupa), they will pay 10l. sterling (de esterlingis (fn. 11) ) at the said term, for the purchase of herrings likewise, from (in) their own inheritance in England.
(MS. lat., fo. 258,
from original, with
large portion of
seal in white wax.
Also Vidimus of 1479
in archives.)
1058. Charter of Henry duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins addressed generally. He grants and confirms by his seal a certain gift which Reginald de Sancto Walerico made to the abbey of Fontevrault in the chapter [house] of the convent, his [Henry's] father and his brother William being present, which [gift] Bernard his son afterwards gladly confirmed (concessit). It was then (proinde) decided that so long as the said Reginald or his son Bernard shall possess the revenues of the port of Dieppe (Depe) they shall supply (prebebunt) yearly at Michaelmas to the monastery 20l. in money of Rouen for buying fish which are commonly called herrings (qui wulgariter harenchi dicuntur), but when, God helping, they shall have recovered their rightful inheritance in England, and the revenues of that port shall have returned to him [Henry], Reginald and Bernard his son, for buying those fish, shall pay annually at Michaelmas 10l. sterling, in place of those 20l.
T[estibus]: Gosleno de Turoni; Gaufrido de Cleers et Hugone fratre ejus; Gosberto sine terra; Brientio de Martiniaco; Gofario de Brueria; Bartholomeo Frestel; Hugone de Bello Ramo; Matheo doctore meo; Mauricio cancellarii mei clerico; Archenulfo Gastinello; Radulfo Garderoba; Mathilde amita mea Fontis Ebraudi abbatissa. Apud Turonim.
(MS. lat., fo. 72,
from original, with
portion of seal
[Drawing] in white
wax on
leather tags.)
1059. Charter of Henry duke of the Normans [and] count of the Angevins, giving in alms for ever, for the soul of his father Geoffrey, count of Anjou (Andegarensis), and for the weal of him and his, to his aunt Matildis the abbess and the whole convent of Fontevrault the house at Saumur (de Salmuro) which was (erat) of his demesne, “et quam pater meus sassierat quietam,” and, further, 16 houses in that town which his men had given them, saving the rights and dues his predecessors had received thence. But if any of those houses be proved (recognita) to be of his demesne, to his demesne it shall return. He also permits them to place in the house of their oven at Saumur ten men, who shall not be of those liable to his dues (consuetudinarii mei), to be free from army [service] and expedition[s] and all tallage.
Teste (sic): Thoma de Chano (fn. 12) de Lechis; Josleno de Turoni; Ugoni de Claiers; Willelmo filio Hamonis; Johanne de Buchedelu; Raginaudo Gislart. Apud Balgeium.
(MS. lat., fo. 109,
from original.)
1060. Charter of Henry duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, count of Anjou, notifying that for the souls of his father, and of his aunt Matildis abbess of Fontevrault, he confirms to that abbey an oven at Vieriæ given to it by John surnamed “Consul.”
Testibus: Bernerio abbate Noer[eie]; Guillelmo abbate Sancti Mauri; Girario de Bellopratello; Matheo doctore ducis; Petro Guarn’; Mauricio de Chorrun. Apud Fontem Ebraudi.
1152. (MS. lat., fo. 486, from original, with seal [Drawing] nearly perfect [duchess uncrowned]. Legend: “Alienor Ducissa Aquitan.…”) 1061. Charter of Alienordis countess of Poitiers (Pictavorum) notifying that after she was separated from her husband (domino) Louis, most serene king of the French, on the ground of consanguinity (parentele), and joined (copulata) to her husband (domino) Henry, most noble count of the Angevins, by the bond of matrimony, she was seized with a desire to visit the congregation of the holy virgins of Fontevrault, and, by the grace of God, achieved her desire. She came to Fontevrault, God leading her, and entering the chapter of the said virgins, her heart was touched, and she confirmed all the gifts of her father and predecessors to the abbey, and especially that endowment of 50 shillings of Poitou which her lord Louis, king of the French, then her husband, and she had given, as their writings show, to be held in perpetuity, without any dispute or question.
Hujus rei testes sunt: Sail de Broil dapifer meus; Josbertus absque terra; Paganus de Rochaforti, et frater ejus Niuardus; Ugo de Longo campo; Petrus Roognardus; Robertus de Monteforti; Radulfus de Faia; magister Matheus. Actum est hoc in presentia domine Mathildis abbatisse in communi capitulo sanctimonialum anno ab incarnatione Domini MCLII. regnante, Lodovico rege Francorum; Gisleberto Pictavorum episcopo, et Henrico Pictavorum et Andegavorum imperium gubernante.
[1155–1159. (fn. 13) ]
(Original in archives;
string tag for seal.
Also MS. lat.,
fo. 292, from
1062. Charter of Robert earl of Leicester notifying his gift, to the abbey (abbatie) and convent of the order of Fontevrault that he has founded at Nun Eaton (Eatona), of Eaton itself, with its appurtenances, as he held it on the day king Henry was quick and dead, except the land which the canons of St. Mary de Prato of Leicester hold in Stoccingford, and the nuns of Casa Dei in Atteleberga and Eaton. Moreover he gives the said abbey, in Kevetebiria, land which paid him 25l. rent, and in Welles all his holding and rents there, in lands, fisheries, and everything except the tithe of eels, which his father Robert count of Meulan gave the church of St. Mary de Prato of Leicester. Moreover, he confirms the gift by his daughter Isabel and her son earl Simon to the said abbey, with his assent, namely, two carucates of land in Waltham with pasture for 300 sheep, and in Suneford, of the gift of Richard Mallore, 2½ virgates which he held of his fee, and in Leicester 2 shillings from (in) a house which Wido Breadleas holds of the said Richard, and all the land which Richard himself held in Eaton, in wood and plain, and that land which Robert, son of Jocelin, gave the abbey, namely, all that land which he held in Eaton between the water and the wood, and 2 virgates of land there on the other side (ex alia parte) of the water, and six shillingsworth of land which William de Novo Mercato held of Jocelin his father, with all his wood, saving his easements and those of his men of the hide (de hida) without waste or sale. And as Robert son of Jocelin has made this gift to the church of Eaton by his grant and consent, he quitclaims to that church and its nuns and Robert himself the service appertaining to that holding, namely the ninth part of a knight. This gift he makes for the love of God, and the weal of his soul and [those] of his wife and heirs and for the soul of king Henry and those of his predecessors, by consent and grant of king Henry the Second and of his [own] son Robert. The abbey and nuns are to hold in frankalmoine for ever etc., and to be quit of toll and passage [money] and every due throughout his land, both by land and water; on all that their men can declare to be their own substance, and none of his men is to trouble them or their men therein under penalty of his forfeiture.
Testibus: Turstino abbate Geroud[one]; Ricardo abbate Legrecestrie; Roberto (fn. 14) priore Kinellewurd[e]; Anketillo (fn. 14) priore de sancte Oswaldo; Hugone Barre quondam archidiacono Legrecestrie; Willelmo canonico; Roberto capellano meo; Willelmo comite Gloc[estrie] (fn. 15); Roberto filio meo (fn. 15); comite Simone; Willelmo Basset; Willelmo Burdet; Roberto de Creset; Galfrido de Turrevilla; Roberto Pincerna; Radulfo de Turrevilla; Ricardo Mallore; Willelmo de Widvilla; Rogero de Grandford; Radulfo Fridai; Eustachio filio Reginaldi; Willelmo Multonæ (sic) Willelmo de Ar'dvilla; Herveio Mareschallo; Petronilla uxore Roberti filii mei; Isabel comitissa de Norhantona; Hathawisa comitissa Gloecestrie; Margarita filio mea; Simone (sic) clerico Roberti capellani mei. (fn. 16)
(MS. lat., fo. 367,
from original.)
1063. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the bishop of Angers and all his oflicers of Anjou. He gives to God and the abbey of Fontevrault, and the nuns there serving God, all his rights in the island of Choze etc.
Testibus: Josl[eno] de Tur[onis], et Oggi Sauari, et Ernaldo de Paviliaco, et Benedicto de Eres. Apud Chin[onem].
[1164. (fn. 17) ]
(MS. lat., fo. 270,
from original.)
1064. Charter of Henry II. giving 60 librates of land: in Hudefortsire (sic), (fn. 18) his manor of Lectona; in Buckinghamsire 4l. from the manor of Radenai.
Testibus: Nigello episcopo Eliensi; Roberto comite Legrecestrie; comite Gaufrido; Richardo de Luci; Hugone de Gundevilla; Hugone de Luc[i] capellano; Simone filio Petri; Alano de Nevilla (fn. 19); Johanne Mald[uith]; Petro de la Mara. Apud Westmonasterium.
(MS. lat., fo. 260,
from original, sealed in white wax.)
1065. Charter of Henry II. in favour of the abbey of Fontevrault. (fn. 20) Printed in Monasticon Anglicanum VI. 1085.
[? 1171–1177.]
(MS. lat., fo. 269,
from original, with
seal in white wax
[Drawing], on tag of
red silk, perfect.
1066. Charter of Henry king of the English (Angl’), duke of the Normans, and count of the Angevins, son of king Henry, giving the nuns of Fontevrault 60l. in Bedeford [shire] from (in) his manor of Lecton, given them by the king, his lord and father, and in Bocingehamsire (fn. 21) 4l. from his manor of Radenai, namely 15 librates of the endowment of William brother of the king his father; also 45l. of 80l. (fn. 22) of the endowment of king Henry, his father's grandfather. He also confirms the gift by William de Sancto Johanne of 3 marcs of silver.
Testibus: Thoma de Colunces; Gerardo Talebot; Roberto de Tregoz; Johanne de Praeus; Adam de Ikebo (fn. 23); Willelmo de Tintiniaco; Juel[lo] de Maena. Apud Chinonum.
[?Circ. 1170.]
(MS. lat., fo. 274,
from original, with
equestrian seal of
donor [Drawing],
with legend: S[IGILLUM] MANES… REG[IS] ANGLE’ (sic): carbuncle (?) on his shield.)
1067. Charter of Manasse (fn. 24) (sic) steward (dapifer) of the king of the English and his wife Aaliz, by which, for God and for the weal of their souls, they give in perpetuity, for themselves and their heirs to God and the abbey (ecclesie) of Fontevrault 20 shillings yearly from (in) their mill of Cani, to buy herrings (arengos) in Lent for the nuns of that abbey; and these 20 shillings are to be paid yearly at Michaelmas. This gift was made in the chapter of Fontevrault, on the Sunday when Exsurge quare is sung, in the presence of Alienor queen of the English, who appended her seal, and of Richard her son and of John count of Vendôme and of Osbert Martel and of Andrew, a knight of the donor, and Godfrey the donor's servant, and master “W. Johanne,” and many others.
(MS. lat., fo. 84,
from original, with
tag of blue and
white silk.)
1068. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the bishop of Angers and all his officers of Anjou. He grants and gives for ever to the abbey of Fontevrault and the nuns there serving God and the glorious virgin Mary, for the souls of his father Geoffrey count of Anjou and Matildis the empress etc., the “minagium” belonging to him at Angers and at Saumur, and a site at Angers and one at Saumur for making a granary in which to place the “minagium” etc.
Testibus: Alienora regina Angl[orum]; Reginaldo archidiacono Saresbiriensi; Johanne decano Saresbiriensi; Ricardo de Hum[eto] constabulario; Unfrido de Bohun constabulario; Willelmo de Sancto Johanne; Reginaldo de Curtenai; Willelmo de Lanval[leio]; Stephano de Turon[is] tunc senescallo Andegavie; Roberto de Stutevilla; Willelmo de Stutevilla; Hugone de Laci, et Lancelino filio comitis Vendoc[ini], et Aluredo de Sancto Martino, et Willelmo de Ostilli. Apud Chinon (sic.)
[? 1176,
15 Sept.]
(Original in archives.
Also MS. lat.,
fo. 285, from original,
with leaden seal
1069. Bull of Alexander III. addressed to his dear daughters in Christ the abbess and sisters of Fontevrault. Understanding from his dearest son in Christ, Henry the illustrious king of the English that he desires to institute their order in the monastery of the sisters of Amesbury, asserting that he will so increase the endowment in substance and possession that a greater convent of nuns may there find honourable and competent sustenance, he (the Pope) finds the king's wish and desire worthy of commendation. He has therefore enjoined on his worshipful (venerabilibus) brothers, the archbishop of Canterbury, legate of the Apostolic see, and the bishops of London, Exeter and Worcester, to go to that monastery and give careful warning that their order is to be admitted; and if any of the sisters cannot be induced [to consent] they are to cause them, by the Pope's authority, to be received into other monasteries, by the favour and intervention of the said king, and to be kindly treated; and then they are to introduce into that monastery the order of Fontevrault. They are therefore warned and enjoined, when called upon by the aforesaid prelates, or two or three of them, and by the king to visit the said monastery, and there institute, according to their order, a sisterhood pleasing to God.
Datum Anagnie, xvij. kalendas Octobris.
(Original in
archives, with two
parchment tags.
Also MS. lat., fo. 266,
from original.)
1070. Letter of William de Sancto Johanne and Robert his brother addressed to T[homas?] archbishop of Canterbury and Hilary bishop of Chichester and all the prelates of the church etc. They grant to their mother C. (sic) their manor of Compton (Contona) for her life quit of all service due to themselves.
His testibus, scilicet: Ricardus Constanciensis episcopus (fn. 25); magistro Ricardo archidiacono, et Ricardo de Ha[ia], (fn. 26) et Gisleberto de Canpellis, et Tomas de Sancto Pancratio.
(MS. lat., fo. 266,
from original,
with seal in white
wax, [Drawing] on
tag of red silk,
1071. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the bishop of Chichester, etc. He confirms (concedo) the gift by William de Sancto Johanne and Robert his brother to the abbey of Fontevrault, namely 10l. sterling annually from (in) the manor of Contona so long as their mother shall live, and after her death, three marcs of silver annually in perpetuity.
Testibus: Symone de Castellione; Gastinel camerario; Symone de Tornebu; Raginaldo de Cortenaio; Apud Turonim.
[? 1167–1177.] (Original in archives.
Also MS. lat., fo. 269, from original, with equestrian seal of William de St. Jean, perfect. [Drawing.] Legend: Sigillum Willelmi de sancto Johannis(sic). (fn. 27) )
1072. Charter of William de Sancto Johanne granting from (in) the manor of Compton (Contonia) three marcs of silver to the nuns of Fontevrault at Michaelmas for a pittance (pitancia) on the anniversary of his mother, namely on St Benedict's day in March.
Testibus: Ricardo de Orival, et Gisleberto de Ca[m]pell[is]; Thoma de Sancto Pancratio, et Willelmo de Leseaux, (fn. 28) et Ren’ d' capellano et multis aliis.
(MS. lat., fo. 269,
from original
with portion of seal.)
1073. Charter of Henry II. confirming the above gift from the rent of Cuntone.
Testibus: R[otrodo] archiepiscopo Rothomagensi; W[illelmo] episcopo Cenomannensi; G[aufrido] episcopo Andegavensi; comite Willelmo de Mandevilla; Hugone de Laci; Seihero de Quinci; Reginaldo de Paveilli; Roberto de Stut[evilla]. Apud Gisorcium.
[? 1166–1178.]
(MS. lat., fo. 74,
from original
with portion of seal.)
1074. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants and confirms to the abbey (ecclesie) of Fontevrault, the third part of all the rents of Payn de Mange and Dionisia his wife, etc.…
Testibus: Stephano de Turon[is] seneschallo Andegavie; Mauricio de Croun; Roero de Roech; Nivardo de Rochefort[i], et Nicolao de Sancto Pacrno preposito Salmuri. Apud Chinon.
[? 1166–1178]
(MS. lat., fo. 75,
from original, with
seal in red wax on
green silk tag.)
1075. Charter of Henry II. confirming the above and other [local] gifts to the abbey.
Testibus: R[aimundo] comite Sancti Egidii, et Hamelino comite Warenn[e], et vicecomite de Toren’; Stephano de Turon[is] seneschallo Andegavie; Hugone de Creissi; Willelmo filio Radulfi; Hugone Galler’; Johanne Rainard. Apud Fontem Ebraudi.
[? 1175–1185.]
(MS. lat., fo. 373,
from original, with
portion of seal
[Drawing] on
leather tag.)
1076. Charter of Henry II. granting some small pieces of land [locally] to the nuns of St. Lazar of the order of Fontevrault.
Testibus: Hugone Murdrach; Ricardo vicecomite de Sancta Susanna; Stephano de Turon[is]; Eustachio filio Stephani camerario: Reinerio Taillatore. Apud Loudunum.
(Original in archives.
Also MS. lat., fo.257, from original, with seal (fn. 29) in green wax,
perfect. Legend: “Sigillum Bernardi de Sancto Walerico,” and on Eccretum “Secretum do[mi]ni Bernardi. “Armorial
bearings on both,
two lions passant.)
1077. Charter of Bernard de Sancto Walerico, addressed to all his men, French and English. He gives the lady Philippa, nun of Fontevrault a marc of silver yearly to be received in England at his exchequer (in meo schecario) at Michaelmas, so long as she lives. After her death, he gives that marc of silver in perpetual alms to St. John the Evangelist of Fontevrault and the priests and clerks there serving God, for the love of God and St. Mary and St. John the Evangelist, and for the soul of Henry king of England, and that of his father and his predecessors and his own, and for those of Aanoris his wife and his sons and daughters. This endowment (elemosina) is allowed by his sons Renald and Bernard and his other boys.
T[estibus] Milone capellano meo, et Ansero clerico meo, et Bernardo Mulete; Radulfo de Bavencurt; Bernardo Cacheleu, et Johanne priore Fontisebraldi, et Gaufrido priore de Alte Bruerie, anno MoCo octagesimo primo.
[1182, Sept.]
(MS. lat., fo 421, rom original, with seal of green wax on tag of red and yellow silks.)
1078. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms (concessisse) the following agreement (conventionem et concordiam) made in his court before him, by his counsel and assent, between the abbess and nuns of Fontevrault (etc. as below). He wills and directs, therefore, that this agreement hold good and lasting, and be kept unbroken by them both.
Testibus: Radulfo Andegavensi episcopo; Ricardo comite Pictav[ie], et Gaufrido comite Britannie, et Gaufrido cancellario, filiis meis; magistro Gualtero de Constanciis archidiacono Ox[oniensi]; Godefrido de Luci archidiacono de Derbi; Ricardo vicecomite de Sancta Susanna; Johanne comite Vindoc[ini]; Stephano de Turon[is] senescallo Andeg[avie]; Guillelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Reginaldo de Curtenai; Gaufrido Huterti preposito Lauduni; Aimerico de Bernezaio; Hugone Galler’; Joisberto de Prescin[neio]; Petro filio Guidonis; Guillelmo de Ostilleio; Guillelmo Rolland; Bartholomeo Rolland fratre suo, preposito Andegavensi.; Nicholao de sancto Paer. Apud Chinonum (sic).
1182, Sept.
(MS. lat., fo. 423,
from original,
1079. Charter of Ralf bishop of Angers, notifying that an agreement (conventio et concordia) has been made, in the presence of king Henry and of himself, between the abbess and nuns of Fontevrault and William de Montesorello, by grant and consent of the said William's heirs, concerning all disputes between them, as follows (fn. 30) :—
Factum est hoc apud Chinonem, presentibus istis: Richardo comite Pict[avie], et Gaufrido comite Britannie, et Gaufrido cancellario, filiis domini regis; magistro Gauterio de Constanciis archidiacono Ox[oniensi]; Godefrido de Luci archidiacono de Derbi; Richardo vicecomite de Sancta Susanna; Johanne comite de Vindoc[ino]; Stephano de Turon[is] senescallo Andegavensi; Guillelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Reginaldo de Curtenai; Gaufrido Huberti preposito Lauduni; Aimerico de Bernezai; Hugone Gauler’; Josberto de Prescinn[eio]; Petro filio Guidonis; Guillelmo de Ostilleio; Guillelmo Rollant; Bertholdo Rollant fratre suo, preposito Andegavensi; Nicholao de sancto Paer. Quod actum est anno ab Incarnatione Domini MCLXXXII. Indictione XVtaEpacta 14(sic) Concurrente 4taCyclo decemnovali (fn. 31) v. Data per manum Guillelmi magistri scol[arum] viiij. (sic) kalendas Octobris.
(Charter Roll in
archives, No. 4.
See Bibliothèque
de l’ Ecole des
XIX. 330.
Also MS. lat.,
fo. 454, from
1080. Charter of Alienor, queen of England, duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, countess of Anjou, addressed to the archbishop of Bordeaux and all her officers of Aquitaine. With the assent and at the wish of her lord Henry king of England, and of Richard, Geoffrey, and John, her sons, she gives to the abbey of Fontevrault (Fons Ebraudi) and the nuns there serving God a rent of a hundred pounds [secured] on the prévote of Poitiers and the wine-tax (vineia) of Banaon, especially that which is received at Marcilly (Marcileium). She gives this for the weal of the soul of her lord the king and of her own and [those] of her son Richard and her other sons and her daughters and her predecessors. She provides for the payment of this sum.
Hiis testibus: Gaufrido de Taunay; Radulfo de Taunay; Chalone de Rocaforti; Herveo de Marulio; Roberto de Monte Mirallo, senescallo Pictavensi; Johanne de Resse; Renmone de Resse; Petro filio Guidonis; Emerico filio Ivonis; Stephano senescallo Andegavensi; Hugone vicecomite de Castroduni; Hugone de Cressi (fn. 32); Thoma Bardulfi; Rogerio clemosinario domini regis; Josberto de Precigne; Herveo preposite de Montbason. Apud Alencon.
(MS. lat., fo. 487,
from original.
Seal in white wax
on tag of red and
white silk.)
1081. Charter of Richard, count of Poitou, addressed to the archbishop of Bordeaux and all his officers of Aquitaine, granting to the abbey (ecclesie) of Fontevrault and its nuns that endowment of 100l., which his mother Alienor, the illustrious queen of England, has given them. The nuns are to receive half that endowment, namely a thousand shillings at Martinmas (in festo B. Martini hiemalis) from the wine-tax of Banaon (in vineia de Benan’) etc.
His testibus: Galfrido de Taunaio; Radulfo de Taunaio; Calone de Rocaforti; Roberto de Mummirallo, senescallo Pictavie; Johanne de Resse, et Raimone de Resse.
(MS. lat., fo. 487,
from original, with
seal in white wax
on tag of red and
white silk.)
1082. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally for Aquitaine. He confirms the above gift of the queen, as made with his assent, and with that of their sons Richard, Geoffrey, and John.
Testibus: Hugone Dunelmensi episcopo; Gaufrido filio et cancellario meo; Willelmo de Hum[eto] const[abulario]; Willelmo filio Radulfi const[abulario] (fn. 33) Normannie; Stephano de Turon[is] senescallo Andegavie; Mauricio de Creon[a]; Petro filio Guidonis; Hugone de Creissi; Alvredo de Sancto Martino; Jouberto de Pressig[neio]; Willelmo de Ostilli. Apud Alenzon.
25 Jan.]
(MS. lat., fo. 455,
from original, with
seal [Drawing]
perfect, in white wax
on tag of red silk.
Legend: Sigillum
Ricardi ducis
Aquitanie comitis
Pictavien [sis].)
1083. Charter of Richard, count of Poitou, son of the king of England (Angl’) addressed to all his seneschals, prévôts andbaillis. He gives the abbey of Fontevrault for the redemption of his soul and [those] of his father, mother, and predecessors a thousand shillings of Poitou, to be paid for ever from the prévôté of Poitiers, half at Christmas and half at Midsummer. Theprévôt of Poitiers, therefore, whoever he may be, is to pay this sum as aforesaid without any delays. This he does with the assent and [good]will of his father Henry king of England (Angl’) and his mother Alienor queen of England.
Karta data apud Chinonem (fn. 34) die conversionis (fn. 35) sancti Pauli anno ab incarnatione Domini 1185 (sic). Testibus (fn. 36) : Hugone Bruni; Geoffredo de Taunaio; Goffredo Loster.
1186, 11 March.
(Original in
archives, with silk
tag for seal.
Also MS. lat., fo. 254,
from original.)
1084. Charter of M[argaret] by the grace of God queen of the English, (fn. 37) sister of Philip king of the French (Franc’) addressed generally. A compromise (compositio) has been made between her and the lord Henry king of England, in the presence of her brother Philip king of the French, with his assent and goodwill, both as to Gisors (Gisortium) and [the] other lands she claimed as her marriage portion in the Norman Vexin (Vilcassino) and as to what she claimed as a gift for her marriage (propter nuptias) in Normandy or in England, to this effect: she in the presence of the said king of France her brother, and of many who had come together for the conference (colloquium) between Gisors and Tria, has given up (refutavi), in the hand of the said king of England, all that she claimed as above, and all the right she asserted herself to have therein, and has corporally given her word (fidem), in his hand, that she will not renew her claim. The king of England has promised her, for this, that he will pay her 2,750l. of Anjou a year, and has pledged his faith (affidavit) in the hand of the archbishop of Rheims that he will pay half [that sum] to the Templars at Ste. Vaubourg (St. Waubor) on the fourth Sunday after Easter and within eight days following, to be assigned by the hands of the Templars and Hospitallers to her, or by her command at Paris, and that he will pay the rest at Paris on the day of the Circumcision following. The king of England is to cause this money to be delivered to the Templars and Hospitallers, and to be escorted through his land, and the king of the French likewise through his land to Paris. If the king of England should wish to pay the money in silver, the silver shall be reckoned at a marc of good sterling (bonorum sterling’), namely 13 shillings and 4 pence, for 54 shillings of Anjou and if the Angevin money (moneta) should be debased (pejoraretur) the king shall [still] be bound to pay, for 54 shillings of Anjou a marc of silver of good sterling. And if dispute should arise about payment, the truth shall be established by the word of the masters of the Temple and the Hospital of France and Normandy, and by their simple testimony, or that of those who occupy their places. Concerning this, the king of England has given the king of the French as pledge, that, if the said money be not paid at the said terms, he shall be summoned by the Templars and Hospitallers to pay the money within three months, and if this be not done the king of France, may constrain him and seize as much belonging to him, with the assent of the king of England himself, as shall suffice for payment of the money, without guilt (forifacto) This agreement shall be kept with the king of England for ever (perpetuo) and likewise with his sons who shall be willing to observe it; and the king of France is bound to act as pledge (fidejubere) for that son or those sons of the king of England whom the said king shall send to the king of France for this purpose with his letters and due notice. And if Richard, son of the king of England, come to the king of France as aforesaid, and makes oath to him that he is bound to fulfil to him the terms of this agreement, the king of France is bound to act as pledge for him without [causing] difficulty or delay. And if the sons of the king of England should not be willing to observe this agreement, she is to be in the same position, regarding them, as she was before the day of this compromise, saving the agreement between the king of England and herself all the days of his life. She has sworn to faithfully observe it to the king and his sons as provided above and has made the king her brother her pledge (fidejussorem) that she will keep it.
Hiis testibus: ex parte mea Willelmo Remensi archiepiscopo; Neuelone Suessionensi et Philippo Belvacensi episcopis; Henrico Aurelian[ensi] electo; Philippo comite Flandrie; comite Theobaldo; comite Stephano (fn. 38); comite Clarimontis (fn. 39); comite (fn. 40); Roberto; Galtero camerario; Girardo preposito Peissiaci; Haicio cancellario comitisse Campanie; Roberto de Milliaco, et Artaudo (fn. 41); camerario; ex parte regis Angl[orum], H[ugone] Dunelmensi et J[ohanne] Ebroicensi episcopis; H[ugone] electo Cestrensi; comite Willelmo de Mand[evilla]; Bernardo de Sancto Walerico; Willelmo de Hum[eto] constabulario; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Hugone de Cressi; Alvr[edo] de Sancto Martino, et Willelmo de Mara. Actum apud Gisortium anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLXXXoVo (fn. 42) Vo idus Martii. (fn. 43)
1189, 15 Oct.
(Original in
archives. (fn. 44) Also
MS. lat., fo. 281,
from original,
sealed with [second]
seal [Drawing],
quite perfect, on red
and yellow tag.)
1085. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. The nuns of Amesbury (Ambresbiria), some 30 in number, for the turpitude of their life, the dissolution of their order, and public scandal (infamia), were, by the mandate of Pope Alexander, with assent of his father king Henry and by the care of Richard archbishop of Canterbury, legate of the Apostolic see, Josceline bishop of Salisbury, Bartholomew of Exeter, Reginald of Worcester, Gilbert of London, and many other of his bishops, magnates, and barons, removed from their monastery and placed in other monasteries; and nuns of Fontevrault were introduced to serve God there. He grants, therefore, to the abbey of Fontevrault the gift of his father king Henry, for the weal of his father, mother, and predecessors, namely the church of St. Mary and St. Melorus at Ambresberia, with all its appurtenances, ecclesiastical and secular, that the order of Fontevrault may be established there for ever, and a much larger convent of nuns than had been the case, should there serve God, under a prioress, according to the order of the abbey. He further confirms to the abbey the church of Eton, where nuns of its order dwell, which Robert earl of Leicester gave the abbey; also the church of Westwod which “domina” Eustachia de Saie gave the nuns in accordance with their respective charters; also the gift, by his father king Henry, of 60l. worth of land, namely his manor of Lecton in Bedefordsyra for 56l., with the land of Walter Pullanus, which is worth 32 shillings, which king Henry his father gave them in exchange for the mill which he gave the monks of Woburn’ in the same manor, and in Bokingehasyra 4l. [a year] in his manor of Radenai, namely 15l. of the endowment of his uncle William and 45l. of the 80l. which they had annually at Michaelmas, at the Exchequer, of the endowment of king Henry his father's grandfather; also the gift by William de Sancto Johanne of three marcs yearly from his rents of Cuntone, at Michaelmas, that on St. Benedict's day, when his mother died, the nuns may refresh themselves thence (inde reficiant); also ten marcs of rent at Nu[t]ford of the manor of Pimpre and at Beneford, which Robert earl of Leicester gave them with his daughter, as his charter testifies; also the gift which Waukelin Maminot rightfully made to them of the mill of Berlinges; and that of Reginald and Bernard de Sancto Walerico, namely Ermundestr[e] in Glehocestresyra. He further gives them two mills of his at Portesmues, etc. The nuns, brethren, lay brethren, tenants (homines) officers and servants are to hold freely (very full formula with the usual old English terms) reserving to himself the execution of justice on life and limb, all profit of which, however, he grants them. He also frees all their substance etc., from all passage-money, etc., and all their lands and possessions from taille (tailliata), host and chevauchée (equitatu) and all other dues to which he is entitled, etc. etc., nor are they to be impleaded for any of their possessions except in his presence or that of his heirs.
Testibus: Hugone episcopo Dunelmensi; Ricardo Londoniensi, Godefrido Wintoniensi, Huberto Saresbiriensi electis; Willelmo comite de Arundel; Willelmo de Sancto Johanne; Gaufrido filio Petri; Hugone Bard[ulfo]; Willelmo Ruffo; Michaele Belet. Datum apud Arundel per manum Willelmi de Longo Campo cancellarii nostri Elyensis electi (fn. 45) xv. die Octobris regni nostri anno Io.
1198, 9 Oct. Is erat tenor carte nostre in primo sigillo nostro, quod quia aliquando perditum fuit, et dum capti essemus in Alem[annia] in aliena potestate constitutum, mutatum est. Hujus autem innovationis testes sunt hii: Hubertus Cantuarensis archiepiscopus; magistri Maugerius Ebroicensis et Vivianus Dereb[ensis] archidiaconi; Juhellus capellanus; Henricus de Cortenai, et plures alii. Datum per manum Thome de Heiden tunc agentis vicecancellarii apud Rupem Andeliaci ix. die Octobris anno x. regni nostri.
(Cartulaire de
Trans. Vol. 140 A,
No. 176.)
1086. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. He directs that the nuns and lay brethren (fratres conversi) of the abbey of Fontevrault, and their men, horses, and substance, shall be free of toll, etc. and all dues in fairs and markets throughout his dominion; and no one shall trouble them or theirs, but they shall be protected as being of his own demesne; nor shall they be impleaded except before himself or his chief justice.
[No witnesses.]
(MS. lat., fo. 74,
from original, with
three seals; one on
tag of green silk, and
two on leather tags.)
1087. Charter of Payn de Rupeforti, seneschal of Anjou, notifying the settlement of a dispute between Fontevrault (sic) and the mayor (pretor) of Saumur concerning local rights. The abbess of Fontevrault and the brethren having made complaint before himself and queen Alienor, and both sides having been heard, they called together the wise men of Saumur and the old who had known the custom (consuetudinem), and adjured them, on their oath to the king and on their allegiance (fidem) to speak the truth (verum dicerent) therein. Nicholas de Sancto Paterno, Bartholomew Rollant, W[? illiam] de Curceio, who had long been mayors (pretores) of Saumur testified that all the rights belonged to the abbey of Fontevrault as they had to king Henry on the day he gave them to Fontevrault etc. Judgment having been given (facto) before himself and the queen, it was agreed by all present that the rights belonged to Fontevrault.
Judicio siquidem faciendo adfuerunt Mauricius Nannetensis episcopus; Aimericus vicecomes Thoarcensis; Gaufridus Crispini; W. de Mallebrario; Balduino de Sauoneriis; Stephanus Amenon senescallus Mirabelli; Gaufridus Imberti senescallus Montiscantor; Thomas de Sancto Cassiano pretor Chinonii et alii plures.… Actum apud Salmurium. Teste domina Alienor regina, anno incarnati verbi MoCoXCo.
1190, 24 June.
(Original in archives.
Also MS. lat.,
fo. 272, from original
with seal
(fn. 46) [Drawing] in brown
wax, quite perfect,
on parri-coloured
1088. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. For the weal of his soul and [those] of his father, mother, and predecessors, he gives and grants to the church (ecclesie) of Fontevrault and the nuns there serving God, 35l sterling to be received yearly at his Exchequer at London (scacarium London’) at Michaelmas, for their clothing, in alms for ever, until one or two churches in his gift fall vacant, worth 35l. or more. He also gives and grants them, at the disposition of the bishop (domini) of Ely his chancellor, a man and his heirs with all their holding quit of all secular due and service and competent to perform the nuns’ service and to receive the aforesaid revenue and to bring it, with the brethren and servants of the abbey, bringing their other revenues, to Saumur, and to deliver it to the brethren of the abbey and the nuns' agent (homini) who receives the 60l. which he has similarly given them for their clothing.
Testibus: Pagano de Rochefort, senescallo Andegavie; Philippo de Colonbiers; Gaufrido de Cella; Willelmo de Montsorel; Ricardo de Canvilla, et pluribus aliis. Datum per manum Johannis de Alenc[ono] Lexoviensis archidiaconi vicecancellarii nostri, anno Io regni nostri xxiiij. die Junii. Apud Chin[onum].
(Original in archives,
much injured; tag
for seal. Also
MS. lat., fo. 253,
from original, sealed
Legend: “Sigillim
Hathewis comitisse Glocestrie.”)
1089. Charter of Hawys, countess of Gloucester, addressed generally. She gives to the abbey of Fontevrault, and to the nuns there serving God, for the weal of her soul and those of her father and mother and of William earl of Gloucester her husband (domini) and of all her predecessors four (sic) virgates of land in her manor of Pimp[erne] which is of her free marriage portion, in perpetual alms, that she may be remembered in their prayers, and for her anniversary every year, namely one virgate which Simon de Blandford held, and one which Osbert de Nutford and Geoffrey de Pimp[erne] held; and she grants them pasture for a hundred sheep in her demesne. And she wills that the nuns of Ectune hold this land and pasture of the nuns of Fontevrault, rendering 20 shillings yearly at Michaelmas for all service.
Hiis testibus: Henrico abbate de Binad[ona]; Roberto (fn. 47) priore de Waram; Willelmo de Sancto Legirio; magistro Hernisio; magistro Andrea; Gregorio capellano; Gilberto de Dena; Ricardo kamerario; Ricardo de Petriponte; Rollando; Willelmo Clinford; Simone fratre ejus.
(Original in archives.
Also MS. lat.,
fo. 288, from
original, sealed in
green wax, (fn. 48) with
round tag of white
1090. Charter of Alienor, queen of the English, and duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, countess of Anjou, addressed generally. She notifies that, for the love of God, she sanctions the gift which Amicia Pautos, her damsel, has made to the abbey (ecclesie) of Fontevrault, namely half the land of Wintreslawe, which the queen gave (dedimus) her for her service.
Hiis testibus: Waltero archiepiscopo Rothomagensi; Ricardo episcopo Londoniensi; Godefrido episcopo Wintoniensi; Gildeb[erto] episcopo Roffensi; Savarico episcopo Cicestrensi; Galfrido filio Petri, Hugone Bard[ulfo], Willelmo Brieg[uerre], justiciis domini regis; Herberto (sic) Cantuariensi arch[idiacono] (fn. 49); Willelmo de Sancte Marie ecclesia archidiacono Wiltesire; Henrico de Bernevalle; Wandrill[o] de Curcell[is], et multis aliis clericis et laicis. (fn. 50)
[Circ. 1192.]
(From original in
archives, Tag in
yellow silk.)
1091. Charter of Amicia sister of Hugh Pantulf, who was a damsel (domicella) of Alienor queen of England. For the soul of her lord king Henry deceased, and those of his sons, and for the weal of her lady Alienor queen of England, who gave her the manor of Wintreslewe for her service, she gives and grants to the nuns of Amb[resbury] half that manor, etc., and the church of Wintreslewe etc., and all her court (curiam) there with half her vill of that manor (sic), and the said church, with her body, having notified that she will die in the house of Ambresbury and there assume the habit of religion at the end of her days.
Hiis testibus: magistro Berengario senescallo comitis Sar[esberie]; Roberto Gereberd; Willelmo filio Roberti Gereberd; Roberto filio Radulfi; Waltero capellano Amb[resberie]; Willelmo Theobald; Radulfo Theobald; Edwardo de Penchut; Jordano de Lav[er]kestoca; Adam filio Hugonis; Helya venatore; Stephano de Britmarestono; Simone infante; Galfrido Givun (?), et multis aliis.
1196, 24 April.
(MS. lat., fo. 25,
from original,
with two seals.)
1092. Charter of Alienor, queen etc., notifying that the dispute between the abbot and monks of Bourgueil (Burgolienses) and her men of Jaunaium, concerning the tithe of wine, which had been of long duration, has been thus settled etc.
His testibus: Gaufrido de Claromonte, Petro Capicerio, militibus nostris. Actum anno gratie 1196, (fn. 51) coram nobis, apud fontem Ebraudi, feria 4ta post Pascha et in sequenti feria apud Burgolium.
[N. D.]
(MS. lat., fo. 269,
from original.)
1093. Charter of Alienor queen of the English (Angl’) duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, countess of Anjou, giving to Engelram, her butler all her vill of Eaton Bray (Cytona) near Dumestaple.
Hiis testibus: W[altero] abbate de Waltham; Henrico de Berneval; Hugone Esturmi; Gilberto de Berneval; Wandrill[o] de Curcell[is]; Galfrido de Claromonte; Roberto de Wanti, (fn. 52) magistro Henrico de Civitate, clericis nostris. Apud Wintoniam.
(MS. lat., fo. 269,
from original, with
portion of seal.)
1094. Charter of Alienor, queen etc. confirming for the weal of her soul and [that] of her lord king Henry, and her sons and heirs the gift of Ingeran the butler, namely half the vill of Atton’.
His testibus: Gaufrido de Wance; Henrico de Berneval; Gaufrido de Karitate; Roberto de Wance; Wandrillo de Corcell[is]; Willelmo elemosinario nostro et aliis. Apud Salmur[am] anno ab Incarnatione Domini 1196. (fn. 53)
[1196–97], 1 Aug.
(MS. lat., fo. 454,
from original.)
1095. Charter of Otho, duke of Aquitaine, count of Poitou, addressed generally. He confirms the above [No. 1083] gift of his uncle Richard king of England (Angl’).
Testibus (fn. 54) : Gir[ardo] de Fornivalle; Willelmo de Precigne; Herberto Turpin. Apud Sanctum Remigium ia die Augusti.
(Trans. Vol. 140 A,
No. 200,
from original, with
seal in green wax,
in collection of
M. Deville (fn. 55);
partial Facsimile.
See Bibliothèque de
l'Ecole des chartes
XIX. 134–5.
See also MS. lat.,
fo. 21.)
1096. Charter of Alienor, humble queen of England, duchess of Normandy [and] Aquitaine, countess of Anjou addressed generally. She gives in alms to the abbey of Fontevrault, for the religious maids of Christ there serving God, for the weal of the souls of the kings of England, the lord Henry her husband and the lord Richard her son, and of her own, her beloved and faithful man, Peter Fulcherius of Rochela, his heirs, and his children, for ever, freed from all accustomed services (specified) to the lord of Poitou in his land. Peter and his heirs are to enjoy this exemption for ever, as she has granted it of her own free will, and no one is to impair it on any point. Anyone doing so will incur the same danger to his body and his substance, at the hand of the lord of Poitou, as if he had violated the church (sancte ecclesie oratorium) itself.
Datum apud Rochelam anno incarnati verbi MoCoXCoIXo; testibus, Petro Bertin[i] tunc senescallo Pictavie; Chalone de Roch[a]forti; Launo Ogerio; Willelmo de Montemirallo tunc majore in communia de Rochela; Bernardo de Rofec; Sancio de Bello Loco tunc preposito de Rochela; David de Podio Liborelli; Hysemberto tunc magistro scholarum (Xancton[ensium]); Gardrado priore Sancti Viviani; Nicholao priore Sancte Katerine, et multis aliis.
[11 April.]
(Inspeximus by
John, bishop of
Portiers, 1247, in
archives of Angers.
See Bibliothèque
l' Ecole des chartes XIX. 334.)
1097. Charter of Alienor, queen of England, duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine and countess of Anjou, addressed to all her officers of Aquitaine. At her wish and entreaty and for the weal of the soul of his most dear lord king Richard, her son—that he may sooner obtain the mercy of God—William de Mause has given the abbey of Fontevrault and the nuns there serving God [a rent of] a hundred pounds of Anjou for the nuns’ raiment (tunicas dominarum) and for no other purpose, [charged] on all his land of Marant, to be paid the abbey annually by him and his heirs. He has promised God and her, and sworn with his own had on the gospels (sancta) that if default should be made in the payment, she and her heirs may seize and hold the land till the claims of the abbey have been satisfied. He has pledged himself in her hand, to this gift in the abbey [church] on the day of her most dear son king Richard's burial, and sworn etc. etc. before these witnesses.
Mauritio episcopo Pictavensi; Willelmo episcopo Andegavensi; Hugone episcopo Lincolnensi; Milone abbate de Pinu; Luca abbate Torpeniaci; Aymerico vicecomite Toarcii; Guidone fratre suo; Willelmo de Rupibus; Petro Saveri. (fn. 56) Actum anno verbi incarnati MCXCIX.
1199, [?11 Apr.]
(MS. lat., fo. 25,
from original.)
1098. Charter of Alienor, humble queen etc. notifying that she has given to the abbey (ecclesie) of Fontevrault and the nuns her town of Jaunaium with all its appurtenances for their kitchen.
Testes: Mauricius episcopus Pictavensis; W[illelmus] episcopus Andegavensis; Hugo episcopus Lincolnensis; Milo abbas de Pinu; Lucas abbas Torpeneti; Aimericus vicecomes Toarci; Guido frater ipsius, et plures alii. Actum anno Incarnationis Dominice 1199. (fn. 57)
1199, 29 April.
(MS. lat., fo. 469,
from original, with
seals of queen
Alienor and Ralf
de Mauleon.)
1099. Charter of Alienor, queen etc. addressed generally for Aquitaine. Ralf de Malleone, having come to her after the death of her dearest son king Richard, at Loudun, and begged her to restore him Talmundum and La Rochelle (Rupella) asserting that all that land belonged to him by inheritance and that he was prepared to prove it in her presence by the oath of himself and of a hundred knights, she, wishing to have his service, which she required for herself and her son John, has restored to him the castle of Talmundum, and has given him and his heirs for ever whatever right she had there. For La Rochelle—since he asserted that it belonged to him of right— she has given him in exchange the castle of Banaum, with all her rights there, save what she had given to Hugh de Toarcio, saving the endowments she and her predecessors had bestowed there and in the Talmundeis on religious houses; and in the mayoralty (pretoratu) of La Rochelle she has likewise given him 50l. in money of that town annually; and for this exchange the said Ralf de Malleone has quit-claimed to her and her heirs for ever all his rights in La Rochelle. And on these terms (sic) Ralf has done her liege homage, swearing on the Holy Gospels to defend, according to his power, her, and her land, and all the honour pertaining to her, against all, living or dead.
Testibus hiis: Americo vicecomite Toarcensi; Hugone vicecomite de Castro Haraldi; Guillelmo de Cantamerula; Hugone de Toarcio; Ramundo de Toarcio; Petro de Vonulia; Jodelino de Jodelineria; Eblone de Rupeforti; Rorgone de Saceio; Guillelmo de Stagno; Raginaldo de Henoo; Prtro de Rameia; Raymundo de Podiomean, et pluribus aliis. Actum publice apud Loudunum crastino Vitalis martyris anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoXCoIXo.
(MS. lat., fo. 465,
from original,
sealed in green wax
on tag of green silk.)
1100. Charter of Alienor, queen etc., addressed generally. For the weal and remedy of her soul and [those] of her predecessors and successors, she gives the abbey of Fontevrault 10 pounds of Poitou, of annual rent from (in) her prévôté of Oleron, to be received annually at Michaelmas, on condition that “dominus” Roger her chaplain, a brother of Fontevrault, who is to celebrate in her chapel of St. Lawrence, which she has founded at Fontevrault, shall receive the said 10l. annually so long as she shall live. After his decease the abbess shall cause to be instituted to that chapel any chaplain of her order that she will, who shall receive that sum for his sustenance during his life and all his successors likewise for ever. She places this charter under the protection of God and St. Mary and of Holy Church and of the Pope and the archbishop of Bordeaux and the bishops of Poitiers and Saintes.
Hiis testibus: Mauricio Pictavensi episcopo; Henrico Xanctonensi episcopo, quorum consilio hec donatio facta fuit; Gaufrido decano; Hugone subdecano; Guillelmo de Rupe; Willelmo de Sancto Laurentio; Willelmo Vimario archidiacono Pictavensi; Radulfo de Faia cognato nostro; Hamelino de Brolio, et Petro Capicerio militibus nostris; Matildi vicecomitissa Oeniaci; Rogero, Joscelino, et Rannulfo capellanis nostris; magistro Richardo et Gaufrido de Chinone clericis nostris; Gaufrido de Cavilniaco; Gaufrido de Jaurnaio et Willelmo servientibus nostris. Datum apud Pict [avum] per manum Willelmi de Sancto Maxentio clerici nostri anno gratie 1199. (fn. 58)
after May].
(Trans. Vol. 140 A,
No. 199, from
in possession of
M. Deville. (fn. 59)
Also MS. lat.,
fo. 467.
See Bibliothèque
de l'Ecole des
XIX. 337.)
1101. Charter of Alienor, queen of England (Angl’), duchess of Normandy [and] Aquitaine, addressed generally. For the weal of her soul and of [that of] her worshipful husband, of sacred memory, king Henry, of her son king Henry of goodly memory, and of that mighty (potentis) man king Richard and of her other sons and daughters, she gives, with the consent of her dearest son John, the illustrious king of the English, to the blessed Mary and the nuns of Fontevrault, for [keeping] her anniversary and [those] of her said sons, a hundred pounds of Poitou, to be drawn annually from her prévôté of Olerone; [that is] from the first receipts, before king or prince or anyone else draws anything therefrom, 50 at Midsummer and 50 at Christmas, without dispute or delay.
Testibus hiis: Bart[olomeo] Turonensi archiepiscopo; Hel[ya] Burdeg[alensi] archiepiscopo; Mauritio Pictavensi episcopo; Henrico Sa[n]ctonensi episcopo; Willelmo de Rupibus senescallo Andegavie; Gaufrido de Cella senescallo Pictavie; Brandino senescallo Gasconie; Petro Bertini; Petro Foscher, (fn. 60) et multis aliis. Datum per manum Willelmi de Sancto Maxentio clerici nostri apud Fontem Ebraldi, anno incarnati verbi millesimo CoLXXXXo nono, anno regni regis Johannis primo.
[1199, 26 Aug.]
(Trans. Vol. 140 A,
No. 182 [partial
facsimile], from
original, sealed,
in collection of
M. Deville.)
1102. Charter of John addressed generally. He gives to his dearest sister Joan, formerly queen of Sicily, a hundred marcs of rent, by the advice of his dearest lady and mother A[lienor] queen of the English (Angl)’, and of the archbishops Hubert of Canterbury, Walter of Rouen, Geoffrey of York, for her to bestow for ever on whom she will, for her soul.
Testibus: karissima domina et matre nostra A[lienora] regina Angl[orum], et H[uberto] Cantuariensi, et W[altero] Rothomagensi et G[aufrido] Eboracensi archiepiscopis, et Luca abbate de Turpenay. Datum per manum ejusdem Huberti Cantuariensis archiepiscopi cancellarii nostri apud Rothomagum, xxvio die Augusti anno regni nostri primo.
[1199, 26 Aug.
(Trans. Vol. 140 A,
No. 181, from
original, sealed,
in collection of
M. Deville.
See also MS. lat.,
fo. 256.)
1103. Notification (fn. 61) that the lord John, illustrious king of the English, and his worshipful sister Joan queen of Sicily have agreed, concerning all the debts due from the lord Richard king of the English to the said Joan, as follows:— king John has assigned her three thousand marcs, for making her will, according to the disposition she shall make for distribution by the hands of the most reverend Alienor their mother, queen of the English, and H[ubert] archbishop of Canterbury, W[alter], of Rouen, and G[eoffrey], of York, to be paid at the four terms which the said queen and archibishops shall fix. And when the said king shall have paid those three thousand marcs, he shall be quit of all debts due from king Richard to queen Joan.
Testibus: H[uberto] Cantuariensi, W[altero] Rothomagensi, G[aufrido] Eboracensi, archiepiscopis; Luca abbate de Turpenay; Hur’ (sic) de Barnevall’; S[imone] (Well[ensi]) archid[iacono]; Johanne de Gray; Hugone de Wellis. Apud Rothomagum, anno regni regis Johannis primo, xxvj. Augusti (sic).
(MS. lat., fo. 458d,
from original.)
Inspeximus by Vincent archibishop of Tours, in 1261, of the following:—
[1199.] 1104. Charter of Joan formerly queen of Sicily, now duchess of the March (Duc’ March’), countess of Thoulouse, Marquise (March’) of Provence, notifying her gift to Fontevrault of a thousand shillings of rent, in money of Angers, from her saltpans (in salino) at Agen (Agensh’) for their kitchen (quoquinam) and for no other purpose. This she does for the weal of her soul and [that] of her dearest brother king Richard, and her father, mother, brothers, and sisters.
Hiis testibus: carissima matre nostra regina Alienor; Huberto Cantuariensi archiepiscopo; Waltero Rethomagensi archiepiscopo; Gaufredo Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; L[uca] abbate de Torpan[eio]. (fn. 62)
(Trans. Vol. 140 A,
No. 209,
from original in
collection of
M. Deville.)
1105. Testament of the lady [the] queen Joan of Sicily, beginning “in the name of the holy and indivisible (fn. 63) Trinity.” She leaves (legavit) to Joscelin her chaplain 30 marcs, to Geoffrey her clerk 30, to Durand her clerk 40, to Beatrice her maid of honour (domicella) 200, to Alice her maid of honour 140, to Helysabeth her maid of honour 100, to Richeold her maid 10, to Philipa her maid of honour [and] kinswoman 60, to John Pinel her servant 30, to Fulc her servant 30, to Ralf de Crolly 30, to Raolin de Gray 30, to three women of Chijnon 10 each, to Malekakxa 15, to Brito 6, to Rodric 6; to the abbey of Fontevrault, with her body, 900 marcs, to pay the debts of the abbess; towards the building of the houses of the brethren of St. John the evangelist at Fontevrault, 100 marcs; to the abbey of Torpenai 100, to pay its debts; to the abbey of Lauratorium 40; to all the convents of Fontevrault, except the chief house [itself] 300; to the Cistercian chapter 400; to the abbey of Roncevaux 100; to the nuns of Evreux (Ebroacen’) 50; to the nuns of Bondeville 40; to the greater church of Rouen 50, namely 40 to the works and 10 to the convent; to the house of Pomiacrum of Grandmont 30. She gives to the above Beatrice and Alice, her two coffers at Verdun’ and all their contents. Of her three hangings (cortinas), she gives one to St. Stephen's church at Toulouse; one to St. Mary of Orleans (?) (fn. 64); the third to St. Saturnine. She gives a rent of 10 marcs to two chaplains of Fontevrault who shall celebrate divine [service] for ever for her soul and those of her ancestors.
She [leaves] to St. Katherine of Rouen 6 mares; to every religious house in Rouen two mares; to each church in the city 25 shillings of Anjou; and to the church of Fontevrault, for the anniversary of the king of Sicily and herself, a rent of 20 marcs. To the infirmary of Fontevrault she leaves a rent of 10 marcs. for the infirm sisters; to the church of St. John the Evangelist a rent of 8 marcs, and one of 2 marcs; to its infirmary; to the abbey of Torpenai a rent of 20 marcs; the convent of Ralaium a rent of 2 marcs, to the convent of Logie a rent of 2 marcs. To the lady Agatha and the lady Alice, nuns of Fontevrault she leaves a rent of 6 marcs for life, with remainder to the church of Fontevrault; to the convent of Fontevrault for buying fish, yearly, in Lent, a rent of 10 marcs. The residuary 10 marcs [of rent] she leaves to the disposition of her lady mother the queen. To the kitchen of Fontevrault she gives a thousand shillings of rent a year from (in) her saltpit of Agen [and] to the convent of Paravisum she gives half the weir fishery (piscatura passeria) of Myrmande, and she quit-claims themaltôte (malam tostam) of Myrmande in wine. She directs that Peter Poitevin (Pictavus) and the other burgesses of Agen and of Condam shall hold the saltpit of Agen and take its profits until they have been paid from it for all she has had from their stalls (trosselli); except [the] thousand shillings which the church of Fontevrault is to take there, yearly, for ever. Provetal the Jew, also, is to have from the other revenues of the land of Agen the thousand shillings of Anjou she owed him. Her horse, in the hands of Eroald Calverus, is to be given to the hospital of Roncevaux. If anything is owing to the tallager (tallendarius) of Toulouse, it shall be repaid, when proved on oath, from the revenues of the land of Agen. Her relics in the Temple at Toulouse she gives to the house of Spinatia. She directs that the land of Clairmont be restored to the knights who held it and their kin. The residue of those three thousand marcs which the king her brother owes her she places at the disposal of the lord of Canterbury, the lord of York, her brother, and the queen her mother, and the abbot of Torpenai and the prior of Fontevrault, to be divided, according to their information, among religious houses and the poor, for her soul.
[Letter of] Alienor, the illustrious queen of England, duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, countess of Anjou addressed generally. she has gone to Gascony, taking with her the original (carta) of the testament of her dearest daughter queen Joan, that the count of St. Gilles may see it, for the testimony of the six seals attached to it, and provide its alms as far as he is concerned. She begs them. therefore, to carry out its provisions, according to the transcript of it she sends them, in the presence of William prior of Fontevrault and the brethren who have come with him to England on this matter, as they love God and her, to the honour of God and the advantage of the queen's soul.
[? 1199.]
(MS. lat., fo. 105,
from original,
with a greyhound on
the seal.)
1106. Charter of Reginald (Raginaudus) de Maulevrer granting to St. Mary and the nuns of Fontevrault in alms for ever all the substance and possessions which they had acquired and possessed in his fee of Muræ up to the year in which Richard king of the English left this world, to hold freely, saving the dues rightly belonging to their holding. For this grant they have given him 7l., and to his wife Margaret for the consent 40 shillings.
His testibus: Willelmo de Cholet; Petro Engres; Gaufrido Boer; Mauricio Britone; Roberto priore de Muris; Gisleberto tune famulo ejusdem ville.
(Original in
archives. Also
MS. lat., fo. 265,
from original, with
seal in green wax (fn. 65)
on tag of brown silk,
perfect. Legend,
Alienor dei Gracia
Regine Anglorum
Ducisse Normannorum: Rev.
Alienor dei Gracia
Ducisse Aquitanorum et Comitisse
1107. Charter of Alienor queen of the English, duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, countess of Anjou, addressed generally. She notifies that her dearest son king Richard— may his soul be in peace for ever—gave her, at her entreaty the land of Hobriteby and Harfineby, with all their appurtenances etc., which land used to pay (persolvere) at the exchequer 40 shillings yearly. She (nos) now gives that land, etc. to her faithful servant (servienti) Adam the cook (fn. 66) and Joan his wife to be held by them and their heirs of her and her heirs for ever freely etc. and quit of cornage and all other dues which the king of the English ought to receive, paying at Michaelmas, yearly for all service, one pound of cummin to the king's bailiffs of Carlisle (Kardolio).
Testibus: domino Radulfo de Faia, et domino Willelmo fratre suo; Henrico de Bernevalle, constabulario de Berkam[stede]; Nicholao de Wiltesira; Hunfredo clerico Gaufridi, et Willelmo de Jaun[ay?]; Willelmo de Sancto Maxentio clerico nostro. Datum per manum Rogeri capellani nostri apud Fontem Ebraldi anno incarnati verbi millessimo CoCo. (fn. 67)
[? 1200.]
(MS. lat., fo. 467,
from original,
1108. Charter of Alienor, queen etc. giving to her dear maid (alumpne) Aliza prioress of Fontevrault 10l. of Poitou from the rents of her prévôté of Oleron.
Hiis testibus: Helia Burdegalensi archiepiscopo; M[auricio] Pict[aviensi] episcopo; Roberto de Torn[ham] senescallo Pictavie; M[athilde] abbatissa Fontis Ebraldi; A[licia] ducissa (sic) Borbon[ie]; M[athilde] comitissa Tornodori; Radulfo de Faia; Hamelino de Brolio; Willelmo de Faia; Soroneto majore Pictavis (sic); Galfrido de Cavilniaco; Rogero capellano nostro. Data per manus ipsius, apud Pictavim.


  • 1. Gaignères’ Transcripts from the originals when in possession of the abbey in the seventeenth century.
  • 2. The Transcript reproduces the crosses which, apparently, were made by the witnesses.
  • 3. Of St. David's.
  • 4. Sic in Transcript, but probably “B[rientii].”
  • 5. His place doubtful.
  • 6. Cross inserted here.
  • 7. “LeGret” in charter.
  • 8. “Vicec” in vidimus.
  • 9. Only the tags now remaining.
  • 10. “Romesins” in original.
  • 11. “Esterlins” in original.
  • 12. In error for “decano.”
  • 13. The foundation was confirme I by the earl's son, not later than 1159, (perhaps than 1155), and by Henry JJ. in 1163 (Old Monasticon I., 518–519).
  • 14. Not in Monasticon.
  • 15. These two names omitted in Transcript (MS. lat.).
  • 16. This charter is printed with a very imperfect list of witnesses, in the old Monasticon (1682) I., 518; but the new one seems to contain no account of this priory.
  • 17. Between Easter and Michaelmas (Rot. Pip. 10 Hen. II.).
  • 18. Rectius: “Bedefortsire.”
  • 19. Trans.: “Neuull.”
  • 20. This charter explains the endowment referred to in Nos. 1064, 1066.
  • 21. Trans.: “Boringehansir.”
  • 22. Sic in Transcript, cf. Monasticon VI., 1085.
  • 23. Trans.: “Irebo.”
  • 24. Supply Biset.
  • 25. Sic in Transcript.
  • 26. Charter damaged.
  • 27. Now gone.
  • 28. Transcript ends here.
  • 29. Seal and tag now gone.
  • 30. Long details of no interest for English history.
  • 31. Trans: “decemnovem ‘li.”
  • 32. “Treissi” in charter roll; but “Creissi” (rightly) in MS. lat. 5480.
  • 33. Rectius: “senescallo.”
  • 34. MS.: “Chinum.”
  • 35. MS.: “conversione.”
  • 36. MS.: “Teste.”
  • 37. i.e., widow of Henry, son of Henry II.
  • 38. Of Sancerre.
  • 39. Ralf count of Clermont, the constable.
  • 40. Of Dreux.
  • 41. Probably “Arnold,” chamberlain of the count of Flanders (Rot.Pip. 32 H.II.).
  • 42. “1185” in MS. lat.
  • 43. See Gesta Regis Henrici I., 306, 343; and R. de Diceto II., 40.
  • 44. Seal now cut off. There is also a duplicate of the charter, without a seal.
  • 45. The original of this first charter (a corner of it gone) is now in the archives. Portion of seal in green wax on parchment tag.
  • 46. Half of seal now gone.
  • 47. Not in Monasticon.
  • 48. Most of seal remaining.
  • 49. MS. lat.: “archiepiscopo.”
  • 50. In the archives there is another charter of the queen to the same effect, but with these witnesses:— “karissima filia nostra regina Johanna; Radulfo de Isloduno comite Augi; Roberto comite Legrecestrie; Hugone de Gornai; Willelmo Maengot: Hugone de Surgeres; Radulfo de Faia; Hamelino de Brolio; Henrico de Bernavalle. Data apud Rethomagum per manum Rogerii capellani nostri die beati Petri ad vincula anno primo regni regis Johannis karissimi filii nostri. (1 Aug. 1199.)”
  • 51. Sic in Transcript.
  • 52. ? “Wanci.”
  • 53. MS.: “Teste.”
  • 54. This fine charter is now in the Bibliothèque Nationale (Poitiers, No. 8), to which it was presented by M. Deville.
  • 55. William's own charter, same date and place, adds the names of Peter de Monte Rabeio, Peter Bertin, senescal of Poitou, and Geoffrey de Cella.
  • 56. Sic in Transcript.
  • 57. Sic in Transcript.
  • 58. Afterwards presented by him to the Bibliothèque Nationale, where it is now “Poitiers, No. 9,” among the original charters.
  • 59. i.e., “Fulcher” (see No. 1096).
  • 60. A Chirograph.
  • 61. Sic in Deville's Transcript. But “Wall[era]n[no] archid[iacono]” erroneously in MS. lat.
  • 62. Her executors.
  • 63. MS.: “individue.”
  • 64. MS.: “deauralæ.”
  • 65. Tags [of green silk] only remaining.
  • 66. Cf. Testa de Nevill 380 bis, 381; Liber Rubeus de Seuccario 462.
  • 67. Trans.: “1200.”