
Pages 352-358

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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[Original Documents and Cartulary in Archives of Eure–et–Loir. (fn. 1) ]
[? 1115. (fn. 2) ]
(Cartulary, fo. 48.
See Cartulaire
…de Tiron, (fn. 3) p. 27.)
994. Charter of Henry I. (as king of the English and duke of the Normans) addressed to G[eoffrey] archbishop of Rouen and Henry count of Eu and Adam de Germundivilla and all his lieges of Normandy. He grants to the monks of Tiron, the wood and church and land and tithes which the said Adam has given them.
Testibus; Roberto episcopo Lincolniensi, (fn. 4) et Roberto comite de Mellent, et Willelmo de Warenna de comite, et Willelmo de Tancardivilla camerario, et Stephano de Albemarla. Apud Rotomagum, in die qua barones Normannie effecti [sunt] homines filii regis.
(Cartulary, fo. 48.
See Cartulaire I. p. 42.)
995. Charter of Henry I. addressed generally for England, and specially to all in Wales (in Vallis), granting to God and the monks of Tiron for his soul, and that of his wife and offspring, the endowment which Robert son of Martin, for the weal of his soul, has given those monks, of his property (de jure suo) in Wales (in Vallis).
Testibus: Rannulfo cancellario, et Goiffredo filio Pagani, et Willelmo Pevrello Dovre, (fn. 5) et Hugone de Monte Forti, et Guillelmo de Rollos. Apud Moritonium.
(Cartulary, fo. 48d.
See Cartulaire I. p. 41.)
996. Charter of Henry I. addressed to the abbot and whole convent of Tiron. He grants to God and St. Mary and the abbey of Cameis the lands and all the substance that Robert son of Martin has given it or shall give it. And the abbey is to enjoy the same liberties as he had granted while it was a cell.
Teste Willelmo de Albineio Britone, apud Sanctam Walburgam. Et sciatis quod hoc etiam concedit Willelmus filius meus, teste Otuero filio comitis.
(Original in archives.
See Cartulaire I., p. 49.)
997. Notification that the monastery in Wales (de Galis), in the diocese of St. David, in the parts of Cameis, near the ancient cell of St. Dogmael, not far from the bed of the Teifi (ab alveo Thevi fluminis), founded in honour of St. Mary, was a cell of the monks of St. Sauveur, Tiron, where many brethren dwelt under a prior; but because Robert son of Martin, who was then lord of that land under Henry most excellent (optimo) king of the English, besought of abbot William and the convent of Tiron, for the honour and glory of Holy Church, that an abbot should be established in the said priory, this was granted, by God’s providence. And the king himself and his son William and the above Robert granted such liberty to the said abbey of St. Mary, Cameis, that neither the king himself nor his nobles, nor his or their successors should exercise any secular power therein. Also, the king, and his son William and the above Robert and the abbot then first elected there and his monks granted that every future election of abbots of Cameis and of all places thereto subject, should they themselves found (instituerint) abbeys, should belong to the abbot of Tiron and [his] whole convent, for ever, William de Albigneio and Othoer, (fn. 6) son of the earl, being witnesses, at Sainte Vaubourg (Sanctam Walburgam). Should any abbot of St. Mary’s, Cameis, or of places subject to it, lead an unbecoming or secular life— he or his monks—or depart from the humble garb of Tiron (nostre) or its (nostris) other religious institutions, he is to be removed, and another, who is worthy, appointed in his place. Care is to be taken that none, in any wise, incur the crime of simony, whether from eagerness for honour or blinded by avarice; and should anyone do so, let him be cut off (anathema), as is just, from Christ. This provision also is made, for preserving the bond of charity and brotherly love, which no distance of time or space should sever, namely, that as often as an abbot of St. Mary’s, Cameis, is chosen by the abbot and whole convent of Tiron, then shall the newly elected abbot and those of his monks who may be present, promise before God, in the mother church of St. Sauveur, Tiron, in the presence of the then abbot and the whole convent, obedience and due submission to the church of Tiron and its rulers. And whensoever the lord abbot of Tiron come to St. Mary’s, Cameis, or any of the places subject to it, let him be honourably received, as is fitting, and an honourable place prepared for him, by the abbot of the house himself, in their chapter, and refectory, and let reverence be shown towards him everywhere. All their substance is to be so in common that if any of their monasteries be in want, it is to be assisted by others. And spiritual benefits, both for the living and the dead, are to be sought as earnestly for the brethren of all the monasteries as their own. It was also appointed and laid down by abbot William and all the congregation of Tiron that abbots beyond the sea subject to the church of Tiron should assemble at Tiron, every third year, at Whitsuntide, to confirm the stability of the order (religio) and to visit the brethren. And if any of the brethren be disobedient, and leave the mother house (istis partibus) let him not be received elsewhere without letters commendatory. And let this be known to the sons of the church, [namely] that the church of Tiron is so privileged by the holy and apostolic church of Rome that whosoever would wrong it in anything, on any plea, is excommunicated by the Pope himself, who has specially received, in the place of the Apostles, the power of binding and loosing; but the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ will rest on those who preserve and enlarge its patrimony.
Hec autem facta sunt anno ab incarnatione Domini millesimo centesimo vigesimo, regnante Ludovico Francorum rege et Henrico Angliam gubernante.
[1114–1120. (fn. 7) ]
(Cartulary, fo. 50.
See Cartulaire I., p. 43.)
998. Charter of Henry I. (as king of the English and duke of the Normans) addressed generally. He gives to God and the monks of Tiron, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his wife and offspring, also of his father and mother, predecessors and successors, 15 marcs of silver, for their shoes (calciamenta) to be received, every year at Winchester from his treasury, at Michaelmas (de thesauro meo, in festo Sancti Michaelis, Wintonie) for ever.
Testibus: Rannulfo cancellario, et G[aufrido] Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; J[ohanne] Luxoviensi episcopo; Roberto de Haia; Nigello de Albigniaco. Apud Cadomum.
[1141, July. (fn. 8)
(Cartulary, fo. 49.
See Cartulaire I., p. 109.)
999. Charter of the empress Matildis, daughter of king Henry and lady of the English, addressed generally. She grants and restores to the monks of Tiron, in alms for ever, 15 marcs of silver, which her father king Henry had given them to have (sic), every year, from the Winchester treasury (de thesauro Wintoniensi). And she gives them in addition 5 marcs of silver, every year, for the souls of her father and mother, and her predecessors, and her own. And these 20 marcs she grants them from the ferm of Winchester (de firma Wintoniensi), 10 marcs at Michaelmas, and 10 at Easter. Whoever shall hold her ferm of Winchester is to pay them [the money] every year, at the said terms.
Testibus: Roberto episcopo Lundoniensi, et cancellario, et D[avide] rege Scotorum, (fn. 9) et Willelmo de Sablaillo, et Pagaono de Clara-Valle (sic). Apud Oxenefordiam. (fn. 10)
[1152–4. (fn. 11) ]
(Cartulary, fo. 49d.
See Cartulaire II., p. 37.)
1000. Charter of Henry, duke of the Normans and Aquitanians and count of Anjou, addressed generally, and to his “friends” of France and England. He grants to the monks of Tiron 20 marcs of silver annually to be paid them from the treasury at Winchester (de thesauro Wintonie) namely 15 marcs which king Henry gave, and his (the duke’s) mother confirmed, and 5 marcs more which the empress Matildis, his mother, gave them in addition, as her charter testifies. Wherefore they are to have those [marcs] every year, from the ferm of Winchester, 10 marcs at Michaelmas, and 10 at Easter, and he who may hold the ferm of Winchester is to pay them to the monks at the said terms without trouble (disturbatione).
Testibus: Philippo Baiocensi episcopo; Arnulfo Luxoviensi episcopo; Guillelmo Cenomannensi episcopo; Ricardo de Humeriis (fn. 12) constabulario; Gaufrido de Claers. Apud Cenomannum.
(Cartulary, fo. 50.
See Cartulaire II., p. 81.)
1001. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants to the monks of Tiron, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his predecessors and successors, 15 marcs of silver, for their shoes, payable from his treasury (thesauro) at his exchequer, every year, at Michaelmas, as given by king Henry his grandfather. They are to have them, therefore, yearly at the said term without any trouble (disturbatione).
Testibus: Philippo episcopo Baiocensi; Ernulfo episcopo Luxoviensi; Toma cancellario; Roberto de Novoburgo; Jollano dapifero; Hugone de Claers. Apud Cenomannum.
(Cartulary, fo. 49.
See Cartulaire II., p. 83.)
1002. Charter of Henry II. addressed to Robert earl of Leicester and the barons of the exchequer. He grants to the monks of Tiron 5 marcs in addition to the 15 marcs which king Henry his grandfather gave them, to be received (habendas) at the same term at which they were wont to receive the 15 marcs, namely Michaelmas.
Testibus: Matildi imperatrice, et Roberto (sic) episcopo Ebroicensi, et Ricardo de Luci. Apud Rothomagum.
1189, 10 Sept.
(Cartulary, fo. 47d.
See Cartulaire II., p. 108.)
1003. Charter of Richard I. addressed to justices, sheriffs, and the barons of the exchequer. He grants to the abbot and monks of Tiron 20 marcs of silver, payable (percipiendas) at Michaelmas from his exchequer at London, which [marcs] they had been wont to receive in his father’s time, in accordance with his charter. They are to receive them without difficulty or trouble, for that which is given for the weal of souls should find no impediment.
Testibus: Hugone Quinentrensi (fn. 13) (sic) episcopo; comite Guillelmo de Magnevilla; Guillelmo Marescallo, apud Norhantonam. Datum per manum Guillelmi de Longo Campo, cancellarii nostri, anno primo regni nostri, Xma die Septembris.
[? 1120, Xmas.]
(Cartulary, fo. 48.
See Cartulaire I., p. 75.)
1004. Writ of Henry I. addressed generally. All the demesne substance of the monks of Tiron, which their men can declare to be of their demesne, is to be wholly quit of toll and due throughout his land. No man is to trouble them therein under penalty of forfeiture.
Testibus: Rogerio episcopo Salesberiensi (fn. 14); Walterio de Gloecestria. Apud Brantonam.
[1120–1122. (fn. 15) ]
(Cartulary, fo.48.
See Cartulaire I., P. 29.)
1005. Charter of Henry I. addressed to Richard bishop of Hereford, and the Sheriff, and all his barons and lieges of Herefortscira. He grants to the monks of Tiron the land which Adam de Portu has given them, namely Chinton and Beverton.
Testibus: G[aufrido] Rotomagensi archiepiscopo, et Rogerio episcopo Saresberiensi, et Ricardo episcopo Herefordensi, et Rannulfo canc[ellario], (fn. 16) ct Raginaldo (sic) filio Johannis. Apud Herefort.
[Circ. 1132.]
(Cartulary, fo. 81d.
See Cartulaire I., p. 189.)
1006. Charter of Geoffrey, count of Anjou, granting to the abbot and monks of Tiron the gift of his father Fulc, now king in Jerusalem. He further grants for the good of his soul and [those] of his wife and sons, the mill which brother Guy (the prior of Russé) has erected there, and wood for all their necessities, and whatever Guy himself has acquired there.
1132, 16 March.
(Cartulary fo. 1d.
See Cartulaire I., p. 201.)
1007. Bull of pope Innocent II. addressed to his dear son William abbot of Tiron, and confirming to him, in the realm of England: in the diocese of St. David’s, the church of St. Mary of Cathmeis with its appurtenances; in the diocese of St. Andrew’s of Scotland, the abbey of St. Mary, Roxburgh (Rochaburgensis), with its appurtenances etc.… the church of St. Andrew (fn. 17) in England, with its appurtenances etc.
Datum Valentie, per manum Himerici, sancte Romane ecclesie diaconi cardinalis et cancellarii, xvij. kalendas Aprilis, indictione x., incarnationis Dominice anno MCXXXII., pontificatus autem domni Innocentii II. pape anno IIIo.
(Cartulary, fo. 86.
See Cartulaire I., p. 205.)
1008. Charter of Hugh, archbishop of Rouen addressed to William abbot of Tiron and his successors. He grants them the church of St. Mary, Bacqueville (Baschevilla), etc.… and all that William Martel, his brothers, his mother, his wife, and his sons have given for the use of the monks and other brethren serving in the church of St. Mary, Bacqueville, namely… the tithe of all those moneys which William Martel may have in rents (redditibus) in Normandy and of farm (de censu) in England, and the tithe of his food (victus) not bought with tithed money etc.…
Actum est hoc anno ab incarnatione Domini MCoXXXo tertic etc. …
1134, 15 May.
(Cartulary, fo. 87.
See Cartulaire I., p. 216.)
1009. Charter of William Martel, (fn. 18) dated on the ides of May in that year, giving to St. Sauveur, Tiron, with the assent of his mother Albereye, and of his wife, also Albereye, (fn. 19) the church of St. Mary, Bacqueville (Baschevilla), etc (ut supra).
Horum omnium que superius leguntur testes existunt: Goffredus, (fn. 19) Rogerius, filii mei; Eudo, Gauterius, Baldricus fratres mei, qui et ista omnia, sicut et ego ipse, concesserunt, etc.…
(Cartulary, fo. 49.
See Cartulaire I., p. 80.)
1010. Charter of David, king of Scots, addressed to the bishops, abbots, and all officers (?) (fn. 20) of his realm and of the seaports. He gives to God and the church of the Holy Trinity of Tiron, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his predecessors, quittance from “can” (fn. 21) (quietam de can) for one ship, every year, wherever it puts to land, in his dominions. And, all the men of that ship, with their merchandise, are to be quit of “can,” whether they would fish or no. The said ship, therefore, and the men in it are to enjoy his peace, in buying and selling, and transacting business (mercata sua faciendi) everywhere within his dominions; and this he does at the request of John bishop of Glasgow.
Testibus: eodem [episcopo], et Roberto de Sigillo; Randulfo de Sules; Elfwino filio Archillis; Roberto Burgunno; Roberto Avenellensi; Edwardo; Roberto de Pert; Dunecano comite; Rogerio nepote episcopi Sancti Andree. Apud Cluni.
(Original in archives.
Cartulary, fo. 48d.
See Cartulaire II., p. 14.)
1011. Charter of Henry, son of the king of Scotland and earl of Northumberland (Northimbrie), addressed generally for his father’s realm and the seaports, and to all the good men (probi homines), of the whole county of Northumberland. He grants to God and the Holy Trinity of Tiron, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his predecessors. and successors, his father’s gift (ut supra). This he gives them for all his land of Northumberland, and at the request of John bishop of Glasgow.
Testibus: eodem [episcopo]; Ada comitissa; Hugone de Morevilla; Roberto de Umfranvilla et Gilleberto de Umfranvilla; Gervasio Ridel; Guillelmo de Sumervilla; Normanno vicecomite; Hugone de Broi; Guillelmo Masculo; Engerano clerico; Ricardo capellano. Apud Jeddewrde.
[N. D.]
(Cartulary, fo. 48d.
See Cartulaire, p. 162.)
1012. Charter of Robert, earl of Leicester, addressed to all his officers in Normandy. He quitclaims to the abbot of Tiron and all his monks all payment of dues on their own (dominicis) property, and assures them of his peace, throughout all his land.
Testibus: Ernulfo de Bosco; Adam de Ros; Alano de Novavilla; Ricardo nepote Anscherii; Radulfo de Novo-Burgo; Roberto de Charunviler. Apud Nugent-Rotrodi.
(Original in archives.
See Cartulaire II., p. 90.)
1013. Letter of Alexander (III.) addressed to abbot Stephen and the brethren of Tiron. He has ascertained, from a certain authentic document, that a noble man Alan, seneschal of Dol, son of Jordan deceased (quondam), has given them and their church Tronchetum with all its appurtenances, and all his rights in the church of Tronchetum before the chapter of St. Samson; also his rights in the church of Ploagat, and in four churches in England, namely, Tophor, Boresignas, Garsop, and Serretona, with all tithes of his substance which he detained in his own hands, but has bountifully (pia largitione) granted to the church of Tronchetum. Since then, the said seneschal etc.… (confirmation of the gift).
Datum Beneventi, iij. idus Decembris.
[? 1175–6.]
(Cartulary, fo. 58.
See Cartulaire II, p. 98.)
1014. Bull of pope Alexander III. confirming to Stephen abbot of Tiron and his brethren,… in England, in the diocese of Winchester, the church of the Holy Cross of the Isle, the church of St. Andrew of Hanvmele, (fn. 22) the church of St. Lawrence at Winchester, the church of Mapedroella; in the diocese of Salisbury, the church of Bradefort, the church of Stratona, the endowment of Robert son of Eldebrand (fn. 23) at Melleberga; in the diocese of Hereford, the church of Titeleya, the church of Quintona; in the diocese of St. David’s the church of St. Mary of Cathmeis; in the diocese of St. Andrew’s of Scotland, the church of Roxburgh (de Rochaburgo).
(No “datum” clause. (fn. 24) )
[N. D.]
(Cartulary, fo. 49d.
See Cartulaire II., p. 232.)
1015. Charter of Emma wife of Roger Alis, notifying her gift, to the monks of Tiron dwelling at St. Andrew of Hamla, for the weal of her soul, and [those] of her husband (conjugis) and predecessors, of the land and meadows they hold at Auditona, quit of all secular due. This gift she makes in chapter of the monks of St. Andrew and places on the altar, in the presence of prior Geoffrey, Robert Rufus his nephew (nepote) Haimeri the priest, Erchenbaud, Ruallen, afterwards monk (post facto monacho), at whose friendly entreaty she has done all this.
Inde sunt testes: Gervasius miles; Ricardus filius meus; Ea[d]wardus de Stanhan; Ea[d]wardus juvenis; Guillelmus de Christianivilla; Guillelmus de Vallibus.


  • 1. Combined in Cartulaire de l'abbaye de Tiron (Merlet) 2 vols. (1882–3).
  • 2. “1117 circa” in text.
  • 3. Vide Preface.
  • 4. Text: “Lincolie,”
  • 5. “Cloure” in text.
  • 6. “Othceno filio comitis” in text.
  • 7. “1119–1126” in text.
  • 8. “1127 circa” in text.
  • 9. “A[da] regina Scotie” in text.
  • 10. “Oxenetum,” ibid.
  • 11. Dated “1142–1154” (from the bishops’ names) in text.
  • 12. Rectius: “Hum[eto].”
  • 13. i.e. of Coventry.
  • 14. “Salesberie” in text.
  • 15. “1117–1126” in text.
  • 16. “Canonico,” ibid.
  • 17. Of Hamble.
  • 18. Dapifer to king Stephen.
  • 19. Cf. Cartulary of St. John’s Abbey, Colchester (Roxburghe Club), p. 168 (fo. 88).
  • 20. “Presentibus” (? prepositis) in text.
  • 21. Cf. ‘Skene De significatione verborum, and Pain’s Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland II., 588.
  • 22. Sic in Text.
  • 23. Cf. Gesta Stephani (Rolls Ed.), pp. 96, 98; and Geoffrey de Mandeville, pp. 95, 171.
  • 24. For another bull of Alexander III. (of which an attested copy is preserved at Winchester College), see Archæol. Journal IX., 247.