La Manche: Part 4

Pages 327-351

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Part 4

[Original Documents in Archives of La Manche.]
1080, 14 July.
(“Pancarte” (fn. 1) in archives, H.2.)
919. Charter of foundation of the abbey of Lessay as printed in Gallia Christiana (vol. xi. inst., col. 226), but with the witnesses in different order:—
[Signa] Willelmi regis; regine Mathildis; Roberti comitis filii regis; Willelmi filii regis (fn. 2); W[illelmi] Rothomagensis archiepiscopi; Lanfranci Cantuariensis archiepiscopi (fn. 3); Nicholai abbatis Sancti Audoeni Rothomagensis; Gaufridi episcopi Constanciencis (fn. 4); Gisleberti episcopi Ebrocearum (sic); Gilleberti episcopi Luxoviensis; Ego frater Anselmus abbas Occensis (fn. 5) (sic) hoc signo subscribo. Signa Durandi abbatis Troarnensis; Deodati Fontaneti abbatis; Gontardi Gemeticensis abbatis; Radulfi Sancti Taurini abbatis; Maineri abbatis Sancti Ebrulfi; Roberti de Haia; uxoris ejus; Radulfi de Haia filius (sic) Roberti; Mauricii cancellarii; Henrici de Bellomonte; Thome archiepiscopi Ebulacii (sic); Odonis Baiocensis episcopi; Osmundi Sereberiensis episcopi; Walchelini Wintoniensis episcopi; Gisonis episcopi Wellensis; Baldwini vicecomitis Essecestre; Rogerii de Bellomonte; Hugonis de Gornai; Richardi archidiaconi Constanciensis; Benedicti Rothomagensis archidiaconi; Hunfridi de Bohon; Ranulfi vicecomitis; Henrici filii Willelmi regis; episcopi (?). Rotberti de Bellomonte; Alanni; comitis; Huberti de Portu; Roberti de Molbraio; Eudonis de Ria filii Huberti; Rogerii comitis de Montegomeri; Willelmi comitis de Epreetarum (sic); Engelramni filii Huberti; Radulfi dapiferi de Monte Pincionis; Ricardi de Curceio. Quarto (fn. 6) idus Julii etc… (as in GalliaChristiania). … notamina isdem at[testarunt H]ugone de Lafertet; Nigello de Lando; Hugone de Bellocampo. Apud Cadomum etc… (as in Gullia)… Robertus[Maur(itanie comes (fn. 7) )] (fn. 8) et Mathildis etc.… Gaufridus filius Riallonnis (fn. 9) [Willelmus de Lestra, Radulfus de Gorgis (fn. 8) ] etc. [text here much damaged].
(Original in archives, H. 4603.)
920. [Notification that] in the year 1084, of the Indiction 7 (fn. 10), Roger de Albineio gave the church of the monastery(cænobii) of the Holy Trinity, in the vill called Sainte-Opportune, the share in the church of St. Sampson of Geffosses(Givollifossa) that Osmund the clerk of Fougères held of him etc… Osmund’s sons, one of whom Robert by name was a monk there, consenting. Also, Roger and Rualoc his son gave the tithe of the toll of St. Christopher’s fair, and of all its profits, and the tithe of the market toll at Aubigny (Albineii)etc.…
Harum rerum testes sunt Eudo vicecomes, et Rogerus de Boeio, et Ricardus de Cerencis, et Ricardus de Landa, et Robertus capellanus Eudonis, etc.
[Signa]: Willelmi regis; Rogeri de Albineio; Odonis Baiocensis episcopi; Roberti comitis; Gervasii; Rannulfi abbatis; Herberti de Aigneals; Ricardi Bloet; Nielli vicecomitis; Sansonis; Mauricii; Eudonis; Adam fratris ejus; Henrici filii regis; Willelmi de Grimovilla; Gaufridi Carbonel; Odonis Bardol; Alberici camerarii; Rogerii de Corcella; Ricardi de Meri; Gaufridi de Saio; Roberti de Oillei.
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. II. fo. 53.)
921. Charter of Robert de Haia, son of Ranulf the seneschal of Robert count of Mortain, nephew (nepos) of Eudo the steward (dapifer) of king William [I.], notifying that in the year 1105,— being 13 of the Indiction, Henry being king in England, with his wife Matildis similarly sprung of royal stock, Ralf being bishop of Chichester, Philip king in France,—he has given, with his wife’s approval to the abbey (ecclesia) of the Holy Trinity, 1’Essay (Exaquium), for his soul and those of king Henry and the queen his wife, of the fee of Hannac, which that king gave him, these churches with their lands and tithes; the church of St. Mary of Boxgrave in the diocese of Chichester, and two and a half hides of land round about it, and the whole tithe of that parish and of his Christmas rents (gabla) there and the tithe of his wood, from pannage (paissone) and sale, with firing and timber for their buildings and pannage (paisson) for their swine and pasture for all their stock; also the churches of St. Peter of Hantona with its land and tithe, and those of St. Leger (Leodgarius) of Honestona and of Bridsham and Warborgultona and St. Mary of Bernham, and of St. Katherine on the river Thames and of St. George of Belton and the tithe of Tadeham and [all] the lands and tithes of those churches; also from all his manors, that measure of corn which is called chorchet. (fn. 11).
Hujus donationis testes fuerunt ex parte supradicti Roberti, Humfridus de Sartilleio; Radulfus de Carreii; Ranulfus de Sancto Georgio; ex parte ecclesie, Robertus nepos et Guillelmus filius ejus; Rainfredus de Sancta Oportuna; Anfridus; Rainaldus Magnus; Robertus Coquus; magister .… filius Roberti pistoris.
(Original, formerly sealed, in archives, H. 4605.)
922. Charter of R[obert] de Haia, notifying that by the counsel and wish of his wife Muriel and his sons Richard and Ralf, he grants to the abbey of Lessay (Exaquii) all that Richard, called Turstin Haldup and Eudo his son the founders of that abbey, gave it, etc. … Moreover he, Robert, grants to the abbey all that his men or others have given it, adding that, by the gift of himself and his wife Muriel and his sons Richard and Ralf, it possesses lands (specified) in Normandy, and that, in England, he has given it the church of Bosgrave with all its appurtenances, and those of Brotebeia and Feligeham and his rights in the church of Rison, and the churches of Berlinges and Subroc and the church of Suavetona, save what [rights] the monks of Acre have in it, also the tithes of the revenue (denariorum) from all his manors, namely Brotebeia, Feligeham, Rison, Suavetona, Sutona, Lutona, and Seortona, and one bovate of land at Brotebeia, etc.
Anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoXXIIIo. Testibus: Roberto capellano; Roberto Baiuner (?); Roberto de Tot; Roberto filio Willelmi; Ricardo de Gorgis; Willelmo de Marcheio; et plures alii.
(Original in archives, H. 4607. Trans. Vol. II. fo. 52.)
923. Charter of Henry I. (as king of England and duke of the Normans) addressed generally. He grants to the abbey of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary the Virgin erected in St. Oportuna (L’Essay) the gifts of Richard called Turstin Haldub and Eudo his son, its founders, and of their tenants, whether clerks or knights of officers (ministri) or women, given through them, and all those given subsequently, whether by barons by clerks, by knights, or by women (the gifts in Normandy are then specified). Moreover, he confirms to the said abbey of L’Essay (Exaquium) in alms for ever, what Robert de Haia, grandson of Richard and nephew of Eudo (Ricardi et Eudonis nepos) gave of his manors in England, namely of Brotebeia, of Felingeham, of Rison, of Suavetona, of Sutona, of Luton, and of Scortona, which he had received with Muriel his wife, and the tithe of all his income (denariorum). He also gave the abbey by the wish and at the advice of his wife Muriel and his sons Richard and Ralf and of his men, the churches of Brotebeia and Cambrigeham and Felingeham, and his rights in the church of Rison and the churches of Berlinges and Subroc, and that of Suavetona, saving the rights of the monks there, with all their appurtenances and a bovate (bovariam) of land at Brotebeia. The king also confirms to the abbey the endowments (elemosinas) given in alms for ever by Roger de Albineio and Amicia his wife with consent of their sons William and Nigel, namely in the church of St. Samson of Giuellifossa that part which Osmund de Filgeriis, clerk, held of them, and the tithe of the toll of the fair of St. Christopher and the market of Aubigny (foro Albinci) and all their rights (habebant (fn. 12) ) in Mons-famelosus and in Maisnil-Ogeris, and all that the sons of Ranulf Espec held in Alnum and in Ostella and in Herpaiz-Mesnil of their grant (beneficium).
[Signa] Henrici regis; Roberti comitis Gloecestrie; Johannis Sagiensis episcopi; Audini episcopi Ebroicensis; Jordanis de Sai; Hamonis de Falesia; Hugonis de Aureavilla; Willelmi filii Odonis. Anno ab incarnatione Domini MCXXVI. peracta feliciter. (fn. 13)
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. II. fo. 55.)
924. [Charter of Rainald d’Orival]. In the year 1115, Henry being king in England and prince in Normandy, Geoffrey being archbishop of Rouen, and Roger bishop of Countances, Rainald de Aureavalle granted by advice (consilio) of his barons the church of St. Clement with its land and the whole tithe to the monks of the Holy Trinity of l’Essay serving God in the church of St. Helen, etc. etc.
Hiis testibus: Roberto de Haia; Rogero de sancto Johanne; Hugone de Aureavalle; Roberto Balmer; Gaufrido presbitero; Waltero Hingani, (fn. 14) Willelmo de Bichovilla; Ranulfo Picot.
[? 1126.] Confirmation of above by Henry I.
[Signa] Henrici regis; Roberti comitis Glocestrie; Johannis Lexovii (sic) episcopi; Johannis Sagiensis episcopi; Audini Ebroicensis episcopi; Willelmi comitis Warenne; Roberti de Haia; Jordani de Sai; Willelmi Truseb[ut]; Hamonis de Falesia; Hugonis de Aureavalle.
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. II. fo. 61.)
925. Charter of Algar bishop of Coutances confirming to the abbey of Coutances .… the gift by Godfrey de Buissun of the church of St. Martin of Gerovilla in the island of Gersei etc.…
Testibus (fn. 15) : Radulfo archidiacono; Philippo archidiacono Gilberto archidiacono; Osberto cantore, et pluribus aliis.
[N. D.]
(Liber Niger of Coutances. Trans. Vol. II. fo. 62.)
926. Charter of Jordan de Barneville granting for the love of God, to the abbey of Lessay the gifts of his father and mother… and giving it a tenant Basum by name, in the island of Jersey (Gerseium) paying to the abbey a rent of three quarters of wheat.
[No witnesses.]
[?1188, Jan.]
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. II. fo. 63.)
927. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms to the abbey of 1’Essay, and the monks there serving God, Richard de Haia’s gift of the church of St.John of Haye (Haia) with all its appurtenances and the tithe of the toll of Haye and the tithe of the park, and ten shillings of accustomed (usualis) money for the light of that church from his toll, of the gift of his mother and himself, and a carucate of land in Onsgovilla, and some 30 acres round about Haia in the parish of St. Symphorian, and the tithe of five watermills [named]; of the gift of Reginald de Maisnillo a measure of wheat in the mill of Montaign (Mons acutus); the tithe of four pounds, given by Richard de Haia, according to his charter.
Teste (sic) Henrico Baiocensi, et Johanne Ebroicensi episcopis; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Seero de Quengi; Hugone de Cressy. Apud Cesarisburgum.
(Charter roll in archives. (fn. 16) Trans. Vol. II. fo. 64.)
928. Notification that, in the year, 1187, William de Sancto Johanne and Robert his brother and Godeheldis wife of William granted to the monks of Boxgrave whatever had been given them by his grandfather Robert de Haia and his father Robert de Sancto Johanne, namely the churches of St. Mary of Boxgrave and St. Peter of Hantonet, and of St. Leger of Honestan and of Brideham and of Ichenore and of Warborgeton, of Berneham and of Beltona, with their lands and tithes and free choice and presentation (advocationem) of the clerks, and the tithes of Thadeham and Chienore, and all Boxgrave and, with its oxen, pasture for twelve oxen and three cows in Halnac and Estramunt, and in the wood of Halnac pasture and pannage of all their swine, of which wood they gave them a portion in demesne. [The abbey] was also assigned the third part of Mondreham, free from all service except the king’s hidage, and the land of Worda free from all but the king’s service. They also gave the church of Mondreham with all its appurtenances, and the tithe of all the woods in their honour of Halnac, of their pannage, sale [of wood], and all other profits. All this they gave that thirteen monks might be established there. Afterwards, to make up the number of fifteen, William de St. John gave the whole tithe of his rents (gablorum) of Estramunt and all his demesne of Kipest’. Robert, his brother, gave all his land of Ildefant and the dwelling (mansura) of Campellus and the garden of William the carpenter. They granted, moreover, to the abbot and convent of Essay the free choice of the prior of Boxgrave, who was never to be removed by them or their successors, but to be presented, on his election, to William or his successors, and his election to hold good even if they did not approve of it. Such was their grant to the monks of Boxgrave, saving their right and revenue. [And] William granted to the abbey of the Holy Trinity [of 1’Essay], which already possessed twothirds, a third part of the market for support of the priory. And abbot Thomas and the convent of 1’Essay, on their part granted them that they would keep up a convent there honorably and not remove the prior so long as he should do it honour, and that he should be free to make monks who, when received there, should make their profession (fn. 17) to the abbot and convent of 1’Essay and receive the benediction from the abbot. And if the prior should delay to fill up the above number, after being warned by the abbot, the abbot shall fill up the vacancy from his own monks, or shall make a fresh one there. So also, when the abbot shall recall one of them to his house (the abbey), unless he be the prior, sub-prior, or cellarer.
Testibus his: Roberto priore; Rogero suppriore; Hugone de Lauda; Ricardo Malet; Roberto; Britone; Sylvestro de Portbail; Roberto de sancto Salvatore; Gaufrido de Bella aqua; Odone Liher; Sylvestro de Brittevilla; Ansquetillo abbate de Lucerna; Johanne capellano; Roberto de Corceio, Radulfo de Campeals, Thoma de sancte Johanne, militibus; Johanne de Moyon, et multis aliis.
[N. D.]
(Charter roll, ut supra. Trans. Vol. II.
fo. 66.)
929. Charter of Seffred bishop of Chichester addressed to his dearest friends in Christ the abbot of Lessay and the convent. Their monk, brother G., (fn. 18) brought him their letter begging the bishop, on their presentation, to admit (recipere) him as prior of Boxgrave. Satisfied of their right and of his suitability for the post, by their letter and by the testimony of prudent men, he has canonically instituted him to the office of prior, which was resigned into his hands and theirs by the previous holder, and has given him the administration of all the priory’s possessions. He hopes God may bless his rule, and he begs to share in the prayers and good works of their house.
(Charter roll, ut supra. Trans. Vol. II.
fo. 66.)
930. Letter of Symon bishop of Chichester to his dear sons in Christ the abbot and the convent of Lessay (Exaquium), notifying that, at the instance of their prior and some of the monks of Boxgrave he has been there to see what needed improvement according to the rule of St. Benedict, and to correct it in his care for the churches of God. He found there some who were contentious and frequently stirred up strife among the brethren; others who, although they had long worn the monastic garb in that priory, and to whom its offices(obedientie) even have for long past been entrusted, have not yet (nondum (fn. 19) ) made their profession; while some are under his sentence of excommunication for their contumacy. Therefore, he has decided to amend everything with the assent and [good]will of their prior, whom he believes to be an honest and faithful man, having taken counsel with prudent men, as follows: Those who are contentious and quarrelsome are to give due satisfaction according to the statutes of the rule [of St. Benedict], and [be forbidden] to renew their conspiracies…… (fn. 20) are solemnly inhibited from taking … until they are fully professed according to the said rule, under penalty of excommunication pronounced by him in their chapter. And the monks have been enjoined, in virtue of their position, to render their due reverence and obedience towards the abbey and its prior. Those monks who have long assumed the monastic garb, and have not yet (fn. 21) made their profession, and though often warned by the labbey and the prior to go to the abbey [for the purpose], have refused, have been ordered to do so and to undergo due penance for their neglect, in this matter, of their rule. As to those who are excommunicated, lest the brethren of the abbey should contract from them the stain of excommunication, he has ordered them to make due satisfaction according to the rule of St. Benedict, and obtain absolution from himself without delay. He sends their house, for which he has a special affection, this report of what he has settled, and he grants them power, by his episcopal authority, to correct fully what is wrong in their said house and to make disposition therein according to the rule of St. Benedict.
[1186], 16 Dec.
(Original in archives, H. 4685, and Charter roll.
Trans. Vol. II. fo. 69.)
931. Letter of pope Urban III. addressed to the abbot of Lessay. Being informed that certain of his monks are rashly rebellious and disobedient in despite of their profession, he is ready to give him all the authority he needs, and therefore empowers him to correct those monks according to the rule of St. Benedict etc…
Datum Veron[e] xvij. kal. Januarii.
1192, 14 Sept.
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. II. fo. 71.)
932. Charter of William bishop of Countances, notifying that the dispute between the abbot and canons of Blanchelande (Blanca-landa) and the abbot and monks of Lessay concerning the church of Cambringeham has, after long debate, at length been thus settled before him The abbot and the monks of Lessay spontaneously demise that church to the canons for ever, and are bound to warrant it to them in good faith. And the abbot and canons of Blancalanda similarly demise the church of Boseville de Bauteis (sic) to the said monks.
Actum est hoc apud Constantias die festo exaltanionis Sancte crucis anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoXCo secundo. Testibus his: Ricardo de Poil[leio]; magistro Radulfo, Ricardo de Howell’, archidiaconis; magistro Ricardo de Harton, Gaufrido de Burgo Achard, canonicis; Odone de Piris; Alano Flori, et multi alii.
[Original Documents in Archives of La Manche.]
(Original in archives, H. 1953.
Trans. Vol. I. fo. 101.)
933. Letter of Richard bishop of Countances to his worshipful lady the empress Mathildis daughter of king Henry. She may make the abbey “de Voto,” at Cherbourg, free, with its prebends and other endowments, for whatever order it may please her Highness [to select], saving the rights of the church of Countances. May God grant her perseverance in well-doing, and to the house she has founded, increase.
[N. D.]
(Original in archives, H. 1960.
Seal broken. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 100.)
934. Charter of Roger de Magnevilla notifying that he has sold to the empress Mathildis all his rights at Octevilla, church, chapel, and lay fee, with all appurtenances “in wood and plain.” For this the empress has given him 26 pounds of Anjou. He has pledged his faith to keep [this agreement] and to warrant [the land], he and his heirs, to those to whom the empress may give it.
His testibus: ex parte Imperatricis, Episcopo Constanciensi R[icardo]; Ricardo de Humez (fn. 22) constabulario; Engeug[ero] (fn. 23) de Bohun; Ricardo de Haie; (Hunfrido de Buhun; Eust[achio] de Scoc[ia]; Rad[ulfo] filio Ursel[ini]; Ber’ Cumin) (fn. 24) Hugone de Meheudin; ex parte Rogerii; priore Sancti Laudi Osberto; Jordano de Barnewilla; Ricardo de Sauceio; Johanne de Annawilla; Willelmo de Monasteriis; Rogero de Halla; Nicholao Folin; Ricardo de Langetot. Apud Pratum.
(Original in archives, H. 1956.) French vidimus in 1396 of a vidimus by king Philip in 1290 of the following:—
[1156–1161.] 935. Charter of Henry II. notifying that he has granted to his mother the empress Matildis the chapelry (capellariam) of Valognes, etc..… to be given to the abbey of Cherbourg (Sancte Marie de Voto que est juxta Cesaris burgum), founded by his mother, and has likewise granted it the island of Houlme (ulmi) on which it stands, for the souls of his grandfather king Henry, and his father Geoffrey duke of Normandy and count of Anjou.
Testibus: Herberto Abricensi episcopo; Thoma cancellario regis; Mann[assero] Beleht (fn. 25) dapifero regis; Rogero de Calleio. Apud Rothomagum.
[? 1156–1161.]
(Original in archives. (fn. 26). Seal broken.
Trans. Vol. I. fo. 102.)
936. Charter of Henry II. granting, for the love of God and at the request of his lady (Domine) the empress Mathildis, to the abbey of St. Mary de Voto near Cherbourg, and the canons there serving God all that has been given or sold them of his demesne, in bourg or vill, etc. etc,
Teste Man[assero] Biseth dapifero regis. Apud Rothomagum.
(Original in archives, H. 1962. Seal broken,
Trans. Vol. I. fo. 102.)
937. Charter of Henry II. confirming to the abbey of St. Mary “de Voto,” founded by the mother the empress Matildis from her own revenues (censu), and its canons, all their rights in bourg, vill, wood, or on the seashore. No one is to wrong them or their heirs (heredibus) or their property.
Teste Radulfo (sic) et Manassero (fn. 27) Biseth dapifero regis. Apud Rothomagum.
[? Circ. 1160.]
(Original in archives, H. 1952. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 101.)
938. Writ of the empress Matilda, daughter of king Henry, addressed to Osbert de Hosa constable of Cherbourg. The abbot of Cherbourg and the canons there serving God are to be at once given seisin, by him, of their land at Beaumont … (fn. 28) bishop of Salisbury, Thomas chaplain of the count (comitis ?) of Anjou, Hugh ..… chaplain.
Teste Claro clerico, apud Pratum.
(Original in archives. H. 1954.) Inspeximus by Henry VI. Nov. 13, 1441, of an Inspeximus by Henry V. Nov. 20, 1419, of the following:—
[N. D.] 939. Write of Henry II. addressed to Hosbert de Hosa his constable of Cherbourg. He is to give seisin (mittas in saisinam) his canons of Equeurdreville (canonicos meos de Esquedrevilla) of the wood called Le Fay d’Octoville (lefay doctevilla) which he has given them.
Teste meipso, apud Bur[um].
[? Temp. Hen. II.]
(Original, formerly sealed, in archives, H. 3431.)
940. Charter of Amauri, son of Ralf, giving to the canons of Cherbourg (beate Marie de Voto) all his land at Guenestorp with his house there, etc.…
Testibus his: Petro sacerdote de Reiborne; Alexandro Canuto; Hugone filio Richardi; Willelmo Drubec; Roberto de Bosevilla; Ricardo Francesio; Godefrido filio sacerdotis.
(Original in archives, II. 2960.
Seal broken. (fn. 29) Trans. Vol. I. fo. 108.)
941. Charter of Richard de Vernone, granting to the Abbey “de Voto” at Cherbourg, saving the service due to the king and to himself, the mill of Guerevilla etc.
Testibus his: Guillelmo de Vernone patre meo; Ricardo abbate de Monteburgo, et Roberto priore; Philippo de Valon[iis] (fn. 30); Roberto venatore, dapifero; Roberto de Belchesne; Odone de Perers; (Ricardo des Pomers; Ricardo Blondo; Rogero Goisbert; Guillelmo de Waureio; Radulfo del Oriol; Gisleberto de Remswast (fn. 31) ) et multis aliis.
[Temp. Hen. II.]
(Original in archives. H. 2438.
Seals broken. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 110.)
942. Letter of Richard abbot of St. Augustine’s of Bristol (Bristode) and of the whole convent, addressed to all the prudhommes of Cherbourg (Caraburgo), notifying that they have granted to Richard the canon, their brother, their land at Cherbourg, held of his gift, to sell to whom he will, and they will ratify and warrant everywhere whatever he may do therein.
[Circ. 1175.]
(Original, formerly sealed, in archives, II. 2920.)
943. Charter of Walter de Celcho giving and granting to Richard Foliot, his man, and his heirs two acres of land etc.… to be held by the annual render of four horseshoes with nails (fers et claves) on Christmas eve. For this, Richard has given him two shillings, in money of Anjou, as acknowledgment.
His testibus: Ricardo de Pech; Matilde uxore sua; Willelmo Waufre; Gaufrido camerario; Roberto Angevino; Willelmo clerico de Celcho; Willelmo Foliot; Ricardo de Auvilla; Willelmo de Vallibus.
(Original, formerly sealed, in archives, H. 2921.)
944. Notification by Walter de Chelk that he has given the canons of Cherbourg (Sancte Marie de Voto) his land in Normandy, namely that of Montfarville (Morfarvilla) which he received (cepi) in free marriage with his wife, [and] which is of the fee of William Foliot. This gift is allowed by his wife Beatrix and her brother Ralf son of William who have confirmed it to the canons by affixing their seals.
Istam siquidem donationem feci coram rege Henrico et filio suo Henrico rege aput Merlebergam. His t[estibus]: Willelmo filio Adelin; Mauricio de Croun; Radulfo filio Stephani; Godfrido de Sudmor (sic); Ricardo Musard; Willelmo filio Walteri; Waltero Malduit; Willelmo Briwero; Waltero de Custancia (sic); magistro Stephano; Matheo de Scudmor; Mauricio capellano, et Gileberto de Sumerford, et Godfrido Malduit.
[Circ. 1176.]
(Original in archives, H. 3429. Seal broken.
(fn. 32) Trans. Vol. I. fo. 105.)
945. Charter of Richard de Pech and Mathildis his wife, giving St. Mary “de Voto,” near Cherbourg, for their souls and those of their predecessors, all their land at Arravilla, to be held of them and their heirs at the annual rent of five mares of silver, saving the forinsec service (servitio forensi); these marcs to be paid at Hoctona.
Testibus his: Willelmo le Waufre; Petro de Newtonia; Symone de Hoctonia; Ricardo de Tindene (fn. 33); Willelmo Grimbaldo; Willelmo de Aincurt; Radulfo filio Philippi; Henrico Putrello; Adam de Muschamp; Halena Papillun; Osberto Basedemo; Ricardo de Scyris.
[? 1177, Jan.]
(Original in archives, H. 1959. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 106.)
946. Charter of Henry II. notifying that, at the request of Richard de Peccho and Mathildis his wife, he confirms the agreement between them and the canons of St. Mary “de Voto,” concerning the land of Arravilla, which they gave the said canons, to be held of them at the annual rent of 5 marcs.
T[estibus] (fn. 34) : Gaufrido filio meo; Hugone de Lacey; Hugone de Cressy; Willelmo de Lanval; Thoma Basset; Roberto filioBern[ardi]; Ger[ardo] (fn. 35) de Canvilla. Apud Northantonam.
[?] 1122. (fn. 36)
(Inspeximus in archives.
Trans. Vol. I. fo. 99.)
947. Charter of William Artifex, lord of Alderney (Alrenoii), giving in alms for ever to St. Mary de Voto and the canons there serving God, for the soul of his lord king Henry, and those of the father and mother of his wife Agnes, of his sons John and Osbern, and of himself and his wife, all that Richard de Walensis held of him, in inheritance in the isle of Alderney (details given) etc.… He makes this gift with the assent of Ranulf his son, and places it on St. Mary’s altar in the year 1122.
Testibus his: Ricardo et Radulfo capellanis; Roberto de Octovilla, et Radulfo fratre suo sacerdotibus; Ricardo [de] Filgeriis; Henrico Longeferre; Ansquetillo Retello; Hugone de Quetevilla; Ricardo de Pontivo; Henrico de Rothomago; Willelmo de Alneto; Roberto Crasso; Adam de Stanford; Vincentio de Alnereio; Gisleberto monacho; Roberto de Aureavalle.
[? Circ. 1175.]
(Original in archives, H. 1961. Seal broken. (fn. 37) Trans. Vol. I. fo. 101.)
948. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He gives the abbey of St. Mary “de Voto” at Cherbourg and his canons there serving God his churches of Beaumont (Bellusmons) and Helgovilla etc., and all that he held in those vills, in men, lands, waters, and all else. And no one is to trouble them therein.
T[estibus] (fn. 34) : Mauricio de Creu[na] (fn. 38); Hugone de Lac[y]; Osberto de Hosa, et multis aliis.
(Original in archives, H. 1963. Seal broken. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 104.)
949. Writ of Henry II. addressed to his constable and bailifts of Cherbourg. They are, without delay, to do full right to the prior and canons of St. Mary de Voto, near Cherbourg concerning land, etc.… unless it be held by knight service (feodum lorice) or a burgage worth more than 100 shillings a year. Unless they do so, his justice of Normandy is to do it.
Teste Hugone Bardulf dapifero, apud Bonam Villam.
(Original in archives, II. 1964. Trans. Vol. I. p. 108.)
950. Charter of Henry II. notifying that he has given to St. Mary “de Voto,” and its canons, at the dedication of the church, as a dowry, in alms for ever, the churches of Barfleur (Barbefluctus) and Gatevilla, to their own use for the love of God, his own weal, the [good] estate of his realm and the soul of the empress Maud who has erected that church from its foundation.
Testibus his: Waltero Rothomagensi archiepisco; Henrico Baiocensi (episcopo; Willelmo decano (fn. 39); Willelmo filio (fn. 40) ) Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Roberto de Harec[ort] (fn. 41); Roberto Bertrand; (Ricardo de Canvilla. Apud Valonias. (fn. 40).)
(Original in archives, H. 3432. Seal broken. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 106.)
951. Charter of Philip de Croileio son of Richard son of the earl (of Gloucester) giving the abbey of St. Mary “de Voto” and the canons there serving God, all his fee and demesne at Areevilla etc.…
Hoc etiam factum est anno incarnationis Dominice MoCoLXXXoVIIo. Testibus his: Willelmo abbate Montisburgi; Gaufrido capellano; Willelmo de Vallibus; Willelmo Pantol; Willelmo Artifice; Ricardo de Sancto Marculfo; Ricardo de Osovilla; Willelmo Malet; Petro de Balena; Ranulfo filio Artificis; Radulfo filio Roberti; Willelmo filio Roberti; Philippo de Sancto Marculfo; Roberto clerico de Falesia.
(Original in archives, H. 1972. Fine tag of particoloured silks for seal.)
952. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. By counsel of Rotrou, of pious memory, archbishop of Rouen, and of many other worshipful and religious persons, he has for some time granted that two houses of canons regular, which belong specially to his appointment, namely those of St. Helier of the Isles (Sancti Elerii de insulis) and St. Mary of Cherbourg, be united, on the ground that neither of them was deemed able to provide sufficiently for its canons. But because his said grant had not taken full effect before the time of Walter archbishop of Rouen, he now confirms the settlement, namely that the abbot’s chief seat shall be in the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Mary of Cherbourg, that the order of St. Augustine be there observed according to the statutes of St. Victor of Paris, and that in St. Helier’s of the Isles five canons at least shall serve God, according as the abbot shall arrange, and shall be subject to the abbot in every way.
T[estibus]: Waltero Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; H[ugone] Dunelmensi, et Johanne Ebroicensi, episcopis; Martino abbate de Ceresiaco; Roberto archidiacono de Noting[eham]; Willelmo clerico de camera; Willelmo filio Radulfi, sensecallo Normannie; Rogero filio Reinfr[idi]; Gilleberto filio Reinfridi; Roberto Poherio. Apud Sanctum Petrum super Divam.
[Circ. 1190.]
(“Original” in archives. (fn. 42) Trans. Vol. I. fo. 103.)
953. Charter of Jordan de Barnevilla. By counsel of his friends, and with unanimous consent of his sons, he sells to Benjamin (fn. 43) abbot of St. Helier’s Isle (Benjamino abbati de insula Sancti Elerii) and the canons all that carucate of land he held in the island of Gerse near Cropadeit, of the king’s fee, with all its appurtenances, retaining nothing, for 100 pounds of Anjou etc. etc. For this sale, the abbot has given Richard his brother 40 shillings of Anjou. He has pledged his faith (affidavi) in the hand of master Marcherius in the chapter [house] of St. Helier that this sale shall stand good, and unimpaired by him or his heirs for ever, etc, etc., and that he will warrant it, and will never, he or his heirs, make any claim on it. He had previously done this in the hand of William son of Hamon. And, for further confirmation of the sale, he has sworn to this on the gospels (textum) in the chapter [house] of Coutances, with his sons, before bishop Richard. He has also pledged his faith in the hand of bishop Richard, the majority of the convent being present.
Hujus venditionis autem prolocutores et fidejussores et testes fuerunt: Philippus de Catrait; magister Marcherius; Willelmus de Asneriis; Hamelinus Pinel; Gislebertus de Hoga; Robertus de Haverlant (fn. 44); Henricus de Barnevilla; Ricardus de Farnet; Alanus filius Suian. (fn. 45).
[N. D.]
(Original in archives, H. 1969. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 103.)
954. Charter of Reginald de Kartraio giving to the church of St. Helier (Helerii), and the canons there serving God, an acre and a half of land and half a rood (virgate) in the vale of La Mare, for the love of God and the weal of his soul and those of his predecessors, being the gift of his father and of himself.
Testibus hiis: Willelmo presbitero de Sancto Audoeno; Ricardo Baudoer presbitero; Willelmo de Salinellis; Willelmo de Winceles; Willelmo de Sancto Helerio; Ricardo Burnulfo; Rogero Horman; Willelmo Fendanc, et pluribus aliis.
[1198, 15 June.]
(Original in archives, H. 1965. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 110.)
955. Charter of Richard I. granting and giving to St. Mary “de Voto,” and the canons there serving God, the churches of Barbefle and Gatevilla as his father king Henry granted and gave them at its dedication.
Hiis testibus: S[avarico] Bathonensi episcopo; magistro Maugerio archidiacono Ebroicensi; magistro Rogero de Sancto Edmundo; Balduino capellano nostro; Johanne comite Moritonii fratre nostro; Willelmo Marescallo; Galfrido filio Petri; Hugone Bardulf; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Willelmo de Humet[o] (fn. 46) constabulario; Roberto de Tresgoz; Johanne de Pratellis et Petro de Pratellis. Datum per manum Eustachii Eliensis episcopi apud Bellum castrum de Rupe xv. (fn. 47) die Junii anno regni nostri nono.
1200, 10 Feb.
(Coutances “Liber Albus,” fo. 35. (fn. 48)
[In Trésor des Chartes of the See. (fn. 49) ]
Trans. Vol. I. fo. 124.)
956. Charter of John, repeating the above confirmation by Richard I.
Testibus: G[aufrido] Eboracensi archiepiscopo; Willelmo Marescallo comite Pembroc; W[illelmo] comite Sar[esberie] (fn. 50); Radulfo Taxoni; Roberto de Torningham; Willelmo de Cantilupo; Roberto de Tresgoz; Thoma de Bellomonte; Ricardo de Bellomonte; Ricardo de Reveriis. Datum per manum Symonis archidiaconi Wellensis, apud Barbefluvium, decimo die Februarii, anno regni nostri primo.
[“Liber Albusand Chapter Cartulary (fn. 52) in Archives of the See of Coutances.]
[N. D.]
(Coutances “Liber Albus,” (fn. 53) fo. 397. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 131.)
957. [Recital of] charter of William duke of the Normans, granting to the church of St. Mary [of Coutances] for the use of its clerks, etc… [and narrating that] William de Wauvilla has appointed a clerk to serve in that church, for his soul and those of his wife and sons, etc… Of this were witnesses those who were present when the count (sic) recovered from his sickness, namely the count himself and Matildis his wife, and Robert count of Maine and Richard his brother, and Hugh de Monteforti, and Robert Bertranus, and Robert Guernon, and William de Wauvilla, and William his son, and Eudo. Three canons were appointed, Robert son of Teolf, Turulf, and Walter, whom the count named, while lying ill, at Cherbourg when he vowed that he would establish canons in St. Mary’s church, if God and St. Mary would raise him from his sickness, when his life was wholly despaired of and he was laid on the ground, as at the point of death, and gave the canons of that church the relics of the saints which he carried [about] in his own chapel. When he was recovered and rejoiced at his restoration to health, in order to fulfil his vow to St. Mary, by whose intercession he believed he had been miraculously restored to life, he caused her church to b dedicated, and was present thereat, and gave it, for endowment a carucate (quadrugatam) of land in Jersey (Gersoia), for the canons in common, and ordered another church to be constructed, without the fortress, and to be begun at his own cost, the countess Matildis giving towards its foundation a hundred shillings and the count exchanging land at the churchyard, two feet for one, of his demesne, that his [travelling] chapel might remain the property of his canons undisturbed. Afterwards he appointed five canons more, etc.… To the second of these, a certain chaplain of his, Odo de Saillusera, he granted Carentan (Carentonum), a third of the church of St. Peter of Santineium, and a quarter of the land of the sons of Constantine, namely six vavasours demised to the duke by Nigel son of Constantine, living in Apulia, etc.… And the countess placed on the altar the count’s pledge (vagium), that God and St. Mary might give her back her dearest husband. When he recovered, she helped him in her joy to re-establish the church.… Afterwards, on the count, by God’s help, becoming king of the English, he gave the canons in common, of what he had acquired, a manor called Harpefort on the border (marchia) of Dorescete and Devenesire. And Henry his son, for the soul of his wife Matildis, gave the wool and flax from Esquedrevilla and Torlavilla.
(Chapter Cartulary, fo. 167d.)
958. [Notification that] on the day on which Geoffrey bishop of Coutances blessed the crucifix of St. Mary’s, (fn. 54) he gave that church a manor (mansum) in England, in Dorsetasire, called Winterborna by the natives as he had held it in his demesne, for the canons in common etc.
(Chapter Cartulary, fo. 172.)
959. Charter of Henry I. addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. He notifies that, in his presence, and in the hearing of all named below the canons of Cherbourg and Humfrey (Unfridus) de Ansgervilla have restored to the church of Coutances and bishop Algar and his successors, free of all claim from the abbey (ecclesic) of Cherbourg or from Humfrey, who then unjustly held it, the church of St. Mary of the isle of Alderney (Aureneii), which rightfully belongs to Coutances, as his father’s charter witnesses.
Testibus: Matilde imperatrice; Hugone archiepiscopo Rothomagensi; Alexandro episcopo Lincoln[ensi]; Nigello episcopo Elyensi; H[?] (fn. 55) episcopo Sagiensi; Johanne episcopo Lexoviensi; Adel[olfo] episcopo Karl[eolensi]; Aud[ino] episcopo Ebroicensi, et R[oberto] comite Legrecestrie, et B[riennio] filio comitis; R[oberto] de Ver; R[oberto] de Curci, et Unfrido de Bohon, et Hugone Bigot; R[oberto ?] Bertr[anno]; W[illelmo ?] de Vernu (sic); W[illelmo?] filio comitis; Johanne Viariz (sic). Apud Rothomagum. Anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoXXXIIIIo.
[Circ. 1151.]
(Coutances “Liber Albus,” fo. 350. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 129.)
960. Charter of Henry [duke of Normandy] (fn. 56) notifying that in his time and [that of ?] Algar bishop of Coutances, it was proved on oath, according to his writ, at his assize (assisia) at Valognes, that all the rights in the churches of Cherbourg and Tortavilla, and in all possessions belonging to them were held of Algar bishop of Coutances and of the bishops his predecessors. This was sworn to by Richard de Wauvilla, William monachus, William de Sancto Germano, William de Briquevilla, Richard de Martinwast, Robert de Valoniis. He therefore grants that this hold good for ever, as sworn to by them.
Testes vero hujus concessionis sunt: Ricardus cancellarius;Willelmus de Vernon; Engelgerus (fn. 57) de Bohon; Alexander de Bohon; Jordanus Taisson. Apud Sanctum Laudum.
(Coutances “Liber Albus,” fo. 353. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 130.)
961. Charter of William count of Boulogne, (fn. 58) Mortain, and Warenne, addressed to all the officers, clerk and lay, of the Côtentin. At the request of Richard, bishop of Countances, he has given freedom to certain houses (mansuras) in that city, etc.
Testibus: Raginaldo de Warenna (fn. 59); Jordano de Sauchervilla; Ricardo de Sancto Georgio; magistro Eustachio canonico. Apud Constantias.
(Countances “Liber Albus,” fo. 349. (fn. 60) Trans. Vol. I. fo. 129.)
962. Charter of Henry II. restoring and granting to Richard bishop of Coutances and his successors and his church the church of Alderney (Aureneyo) in the [Channel] isles, who has given it to his canons of Coutances, in common for ever, etc.…
Testibus: H[enrico] episcopo Baiocensi; Willelmo comite Arundell; (Hamelino comite.… (fn. 61) ) Willelmo de Curci dapifero; Fulcone Paganello; Engelgero (fn. 62) de Bohon, et alii.
(Coutances “Liber Albus,” fo. 351. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 129.)
963. Writ of Henry II. for the protection of the canons of Coutances and their possessions. They are to enjoy their dues and rights, as they used to do, and especially their market (nundinas) which his father gave them with all its appurtenances and rights etc.
Teste Johanne decano Saresberiensi, (fn. 63) apud Valonias.
1173 (?), 1 Feb.
(Chapter Cartulary, fo. 44.)
964. Charter of Richard bishop of Coutances, notifying that in the year 1173, on the eve of the Purification, he has appointed, in order that the number of canons serving may be increased, a new prebend, namely the church of Hubervilla, with two-thirds of the tithes, free and quit from synodals (sinode), “circata,” and every due to bishop or archdeacon, with seven pounds of usual money, and has bestowed that prebend on [Ralf de] Garsal[ia] weekly attending in (conversante) the choir of Countances from his youth up, and that he has been received as a brother and fellow canon by the others.
Testibus: Magistro Ricardo canonico; Savarico, Roberto, archidiaconis (fn. 64); Willelmo abbate Sancti Laudi;…… abbate de Blancalanda; Stephano abbate Sancti Severi; Willelmo filio archidiaconi; Roberto de Sancto Laudo; Petro capellano; Gisleberto et Willelmo filiis Cecelin (sic); Roberto de Pirou; Ranulfo de Escremanvilla; magistro Thoma; Nicholao nepote episcopi; Ricardo de Polei; Rogero de Sancto Claro, Radulfo, Willelmo, fratribus, Petro Cliano domini Pape subdiacono, canonicis; Johanne capellano; Gisleberto, Petro, Roberto filio Pagani, Petro de Crienciis, Stephano Luslagez, presbiteris; magistro Radulfo de Sancto Salvatore, Willelmo Dodeman, Ricardo Norjotis, clericis; De laicis: Ricardo de Milleio; Roberto Boissel, et aliis multis.
[? 1173.]
(Coutances “Liber Albus,” fo. 94. Trans. Vol. I. fo. 124. (fn. 65) Chapter Cartulary, fo. 44d.)
965. Charter of William son of the earl of Arundel of Aubigny (filius comitis de Arundel de Albigneio) giving the church of Coutances all his rights in the church of St. Peter of Hubervilla and granting it for ever, as a prebend, to Ralf de Garsalia, canon of Coutances and his successors.
Testibus istis: Godefrido Aguillun; Willelmo de Milleio; Ricardo Tavel; Bigoto de Milleriis; Rogero de Cadomo; Symone de Sancto Martino presbitero; Roberto de Sancto Christoforo, Hugone, clericis meis; Roberto de Warda, Radulfo Dalost, Ricardo de Belpinel, R. servientibus meis, et multis aliis.
(Coutances “Liber Albus,” fo. 339. (fn. 66) Trans. Vol. I. fo. 127.)
966. Charter of Herbert bishop of Salisbury, confirming to the canons of Coutances, in augmentation of their communia, forty shillings a year, to be received from Winterburn Stikellane through [the vicar] to be instituted by him and his successors on their presentation, they being responsible, as parsons of the neighbouring churches, to the bishops for their share as parsons, and the perpetual vicar for his share as vicar, saving in all things the authority of his see and of the bishops.
Datum apud Bissupestrum (fn. 67) per manum Willelmi Ramundi, ij. nonas Octobris pontificatus nostri anno octavo.
Hiis testibus: Rogero de Winesh[am], et Thomas de Chabbeh’ magistris; Abraham capellano; Willelmo de Cesarisburgo; Hugone Malet (fn. 67); Willelmo de Duncan (fn. 67); Roberto deCamera, et multi alii.
[Original Charters in Archives of La Manche.]
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. II. fo. 25.)
967. Extract from charter of William de Houmez, grandson (nepos) and heir of Robert, (fn. 68) reciting that the church of St. Fromund had been brought to naught by the negligence of clerks, and that by the counsel of Geoffrey bishop of Coutances, and of religious persons and of his barons, he had decided to restore it to monks, by permission of William king of the English. He gives the church to the monks of St. Vigor of Cerisy with all the endowments it received from his predecessor Robert, that is four ploughlands etc.… on condition. that the abbot substitutes monks for the clerks.
Signum Willelmi regis Anglorum.
(Original in archives. Fragment of seal.
Trans. Vol. II. fo. 26.)
968. Charter of Richard bishop of Coutances, notifying that when, on May 16, 1154, he dedicated the priory (ecclesia) of SS. Mary and Fromund, in the sight and hearing of all the clergy and people, Richard de Hulmeto and Engelger de Bohon gave freedom to all its men from toll at Le Homment (Hulmetum) and all dues throughout their land, and gave it the fair of St. Fromund etc… (other gifts specified). All this, which Henry, the illustrious duke of the Normans has sanctioned, the bishop confirms.
[Original Documents and Cartulary in Archives of La Manche; also MS. Lat. 17,137 in Bibliothèque Nationale. (fn. 69) ]
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 56.)
969. Charter of William bishop of Coutances, notifying that a dispute between the monks of St. Sauveur and Richard de Sancto Helerio and Richard Wace concerning lands (prediis) at St. Helier’s has been settled in his presence by the said priests undertaking to pay the monks 10 bushels (boissellos) of wheat a year for those lands. And this they have sworn to perform.
Actum anno MoCoXXo apud Sanctum Laudum.
(Cartulary, fo. 121. (fn. 70) Trans. Vol. III. fo. 121.)
970. Charter of William count of Ponthieu (Pontivorum), giving land at St. Germain of Montaigu (Mons acutis), and the tithe there, of his fee, to the abbot and monks of St. Sauveur for the souls of his predecessors, earl Roger and Mabel his wife count Guy and Adda his wife, his father Robert de Belesmo and his mother Agnes. and for his own soul and that of Ela his wife, and of their sons—two of them called Robert and two William and two Enguerrand, and of Mabel his daughter—for the remission of their sins, and that their lord Jesus Christ might pardon them their offences and lead them into the way of salvation (ad salutaria).
Hiis vero audientibus et pro Deo testificantibus: Rogero sacerdote; Hugone vicecomite cum Rotberto fratre, et Willelmo Tan’ dapifero existente, et Eudone de Bruix, et Andrea fratre comitis, et Rotberto de Rye, et Hilario, et Rotberto, et multis aliis.
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 37.)
971. Charter of Adeliza daughter of (Stephen) count of Aumâle (Albemaris) giving to the abbey of St. Sauveur, out of regard for God and from compassion, the church of St. Mary de Hulmo, which she holds in dower, as Helias de Agnis and Thomas and William his sons and Corbin (fn. 71) his nephew (nepos) gave it to that abbey in the time of Richard de Bohun bishop of Coutances. This gift she grants for her weal and that of Engelger her husband and Robert Bertrand (fn. 72) her son, and for the souls of her father and mother and all her predecessors.
His testibus: Engelgero de Bohun; Unfrido priore de Bohun; Andrea de Gonnevilla; Guillelmo presbitero de Hulmo; Osmundo Vitulo; Guillelmo lepore, et multis aliis.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III. fo. 34.)
972. Charter of William Suen, dated 1154. For the weal of his soul and body, and for the souls of all his relatives and friends, he gives the abbey of St. Sauveur and the monks there serving God all his land in the parish of St. John “de Quercubus” in the island of Gersoi, etc. [donations in Normandy].…
Adelelm Aguillon confirms (concedo) all the endowment by his uncle William Suen, with his own lips, free from all dues to himself or his relatives.
Hiis testibus: Ricardo et Philippo archidiaconis Constanciensis ecclesie; Osberno cantore.
[Temp. Hen. II.]
(Cartulary, fo. 163. Trans.
Vol. III. fo. 50.)
973. Charter of Ralf de Haya granting to the abbey of St. Sauveur and the monks there serving God all that they held in the island of Gersoi, whether in churches and their appurtenances or in lands and endowments, as freely as they held them in the time of king Henry or king Stephen, also the church of St. Martin de Goio and the chapel of St. Martin, of his fee, etc.…
His testibus: Ricardo de Haya fratre ejus; Ricardo Polino; Roberto de Sancto Germano; Petro de Monte Sorello; Willelmo de Barnevilla.
(Cartulary, fo. 5. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 47.
MS. lat., fo. 5.)
974. Charter of Henry II. addressed to his officers, French and English, of England and Normandy. For the soul of his grandfather, king Henry, and those of his father and mother and his weal and those of his infants (infantium), he grants, to the honour of God and St. Mary and God’s holy church, the gift of queen Adeliz and William earl of Chichester to the abbey of St. Sauveur in the Côtentin, of the mill and fishpond in the parish of Bonea, which mill is rented at 20 shillings, and of the mill which is held by Godwin de Bona and rented at 15 shillings, and of the land in that manor which Endric the miller and Mabel had held for 5 shillings and 4 pence.
Testibus hiis: Tetbaldo archiepiscopo Cantuariensi; H[enrico] episcopo Wincestrie (sic); Raginaldo comite Cornubie; Willelmo comite Cicestrie; Ricardo de Hommet; Manasses (sic) Biset; Guarino filio Geroldi. Apud Westmonasterium.
(Cartulary, fo. 5. Trans. Vol. III. No. 48. MS. lat., fo. 5d.)
975. Charter of Henry II. giving the abbey of St. Sauveur the churches of St. Peter de Lutuneria and St. Mary de Hulmo and confirming to the abbey its land in the island of Gersei, in St. John’s parish.
Testibus: Thoma cancellario; Ricardo Constanciensi episcopo, et Willelmo filio Hamonis.
(Cartulary, fo. 14. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 48.)
976. Charter of Henry II. notifying that the abbey of St. Sauveur is under his protection and that no wrong is to be done to it and the monks are not to be impleaded for any of their holdings which they held before he last crossed to England, so long as he is in England, save by his writ.
Teste: Henrico Baiocensi episcopo, apud Barbefluvium. (fn. 73)
[N. D.]
977. Letters patent of Henry II. notifying that the abbey of St. Sauveur enjoys quittance on everything throughout his land of England and Normandy, in cities, fortresses, seaports, and from pontage at Southampton (Hantonia). (fn. 74)
[N. D.]
978. Charter of Henry II. confirming to the abbey of St. Sauveur the churches of St. Martin and St. Medard of Goe, etc. which Roger de Magnavilla and others [named] had given it.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III. fo. 36.)
979. Charter of William de Solariis, notifying that he has given to the abbey of St. Sauveur of the Côtentin, and the monks there serving God the church of St. Mary of Alingeham, with all its appurtenances, and, in that vill 43 acres of land and 20 of meadow and three acres for building on. This gift he makes for the souls of his predecessors, and especially for the soul of earl (consulis) Richard (fn. 75) his uncle.
Hiis testibus: Jordano Taisson; Hugone de Lingevres: Johanne Lowel, et aliis multis. Facta est hec carta anno Domini MoCoLXo.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III. fo. 30. MS. lat., fo. 1.)
980. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He notifies that the abbey of St. Sauveur of the Côtentin, with all its property and possessions, is under his protection, and he grants to it freedom [from toll] on all its property throughout his land of England and Normandy etc.… and from pontage at Hanton and Sorham etc…… also [freedom from] pannage in all his woods and enclosures (haiis) etc…… and a market (forum) at St. Mary Des Pieux (de Podiis) on Friday’s, and a fair (nundinas) on St. George’s day, and on Rogation Wednesday etc.… [gifts in Normandy]… also all the churches which the abbey holds in the island of Gersey, namely the whole church of St. Brelades (Broelarii) with five parts of the tithe, and the land appurtenant; the whole church of St. Peter de Deserto, with half the tithe and the lands and endowments appurtenant, and in the same parish, of the gift of Simon de Haya one ploughland and the land which Ranulf the priest gave; the whole church of St. Helier (Helerii), with half the tithe, and the lands and endowments of the church; the whole church of St. Clement, with five parts of the tithe and the lands and endowments of the church, and a measure (mina) of wheat there of the gift of William de Hasveriis: the whole church of St. John de Quercubus with the chapel of St. Mary’s de Bonanocte, and the lands and endowments of the church and chapel, and, in that parish, a ploughland given by Heudo de Soccenast, which is held by borders (bordelini), and in all the other churches of the island a certain part of the [tithe] sheaves. He also confirms all the gifts of Roger the vicomte, who founded the abbey etc. [gifts in Normandy]… He also confirms the church of St. Mary de Hulmo which Helias de Agnis and Aeliz de Albemara gave the abbey, with its appurtenances given by Ralf de Pirou and William de Solariis; also the church of All Saints of Haslingueham and the chapel of St. Mary, with their appurtenances and 43 acres of land and 20 of meadow. Of the gift of William son of John the chapel of St. Margaret of Babintonia with its tithes, lands and endowments; etc.…
Testibus hiis: Ricardo Constanciensi episcopo; Johanne filio Luce (fn. 76); Jordano Taxone; Willelmo de Vernone; Ricardo de Haia; Hengugir (fn. 77) de Bohun; Ricardo de Humeto; Hosber (fn. 78) de Hosa. Apud Cesarisburgum.
(Cartulary, fo. 15. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 48.
MS. lat., fo. 15.)
981. Charter of Henry II. notifying that the endowment (elemosinam) of William de Solariis at Alingeham and of Baldwin de Porteria at Porteria, given to the abbey of St. Sauveur, are under his guard and protection.
Test[is] magister Radulfus de Tamerworda, apud Fordebr[uge].
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 35.)
982. Charter of Richard bishop of Coutances, notifying that, by permission of Roger abbot of St. Sauveur and his monks he grants to abbot Robert of Mont St. Michel [permission] to construct an oratory for himself and his monks when they come to stay in his vill of Perrevilla in Gersoi, saving all the parochial rights of the church of St. Clement, over all the servants (familia) also of the monks there dwelling. It has also been established (recognitum) in his presence that the church of St. Clement belongs from of old to the abbey of St. Sauveur in its entirety, and was wrongly entered on the charter (in privilegio inscripta) of the monks of St. Michael.
Actum est hoc in capitulo nostro Constanciensi, presentibus Alveredo cantore, Ricardo, Willelmo, et Roberto archidiaconis nostris, Petro capellano, et aliis multis.
(Cartulary, fos. 197–8. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 57.)
983. Notification by Robert abbot of Mont St. Michel that he and his convent have built a chapel in the island of Gersey, at Perreville (Petravilla) in the parish of St. Clement’s, which church belongs to the monks of St. Sauveur, by consent of Richard bishop of Coutances and Roger abbot of St. Sauveur and his convent, saving all parochial rights. The confirmation to themselves of that church in their charter, is not to prejudice them, for it was done in ignorance.
1170 (?).
(Cartulary in possession of M. de Gerville. (fn. 79) Trans. Vol. III. fo. 36. MS. lat., fos. 9d., 345d.)
984. Charter of Henry II. giving the abbey of St. Sauveur of the Côtentin and the monks there serving God, for the soul of his father Geoffrey and his grandfather Henry, freedom (fn. 80) …He also confirms all the gifts of Eudo the vicomte, namely the church of St. Mary of Tornebut and the tithe of the whole parish and one vavassor, etc.… also all the gifts of Algar bishop [of Coutances].…
Testibus: Richardo de Hommet; Willelmo Hamonis filio; Jordano Taisson, et multis aliis. Hec carta facta (sic) apud Argentonium anno Domini MoCo septuagesimo. (fn. 81)
(Orginal in archives.
Trans. Vol. III. fo. 35. MS. lat., fo. 15d.)
985. Charter of Henry II. reciting that an agreement (compositio et pax) has been made, and allowed by him, between the abbey of St. Sauveur and Thomas de Grovilla etc…… and directing that it be faithfully observed, lest the abbey should lose the presentation etc.…
Testibus: Gaufrido episcopo Eliensi; Henrico episcopo Baiocensi [apud Cadomum (fn. 82) ].
(Cartulary, fo. 39. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 49.
MS. lat., fo. 39.)
986. Charter of John count of Mortain granting to the monks of St. Sauveur in the Côtentin quittance of dues on their property at his fair of Montmartin.
Teste Ranulfo comite Cestrie, apud Barbefluu (sic).
[After 1176.]
(Original in D’Anisy’s collection. Portion of seal [Drawing]. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 38.)
987. Charter of William earl of Sussex (Susexia) giving in alms for ever, for the support of a light in the church of St. Sauveur, before the alter of St. Thomas the Martyr, ten shillings of Anjou from his rents at St. Nazare (in nummis meis Sancti Nazarii), for the weal of himself and his wife and for the weal of the souls of his father and mother and of all his predecessors.
His testibus: Hemerio fratro meo; Roberto comite; Roberto de Tresgoz; Ricardo Tavel, et alii.
[Circ. 1185.]
(Cartulary, fos. 197–8. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 51.)
988. Letter to Hugh abbot of St. Sauveur and his convent from Robert abbot of Mont St. Michel and his convent, testifying that the church of St. Clement de Petrivilla in Gersoi belongs to them. If his convent has any right therein, they gladly release it.
[N. D.]
(Cartulary, fo. 88. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 49.)
989. Charter of William de Wauvilla giving the abbey of St. Sauveur the church of St. John “de Caisnibus” in the island of Gersoi with all its tithes and revenue; also his rights in the church of St. Peter, Fontenay (de Fontenaio) near the fords, with all its tithes and revenue, Hodierna his wife and his sons Richard and Leo consenting.
Hiis testibus ex parte mea: Ricardo presbitero de Wauvilla; Roberto de Pert; Balduino filio Adde; Philippo de Fonteneio; et ex parte monachorum; Malgero de Fonteneio; Ricardo Franco; Petro presbitero de Sancto Salvatore.
[N. D. (fn. 83) ]
(Original in archives. Seal broken. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 38.)
990. Charter of Roger de Magnavilla giving to the abbey of St. Sauveur all that belonged to him in the church of St. Martin de Goe with all its endowments; and granting all that his men of that parish have given the abbey, saving his rights.
His testibus: Nicholao Folin; Vivien de Tracy; Thoma Malefars; Willelmo de Cavesan; Ricardo Bruman, et multis aliis.
[? Circ. 1170.]
(Cartulary of St. Sauveur, fo. 237. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 55.)
991. Charter of Walter de Sancto Quintino, granting, with consent of his heirs, to the abbey of St. Sauveur and its convent, for the honour of God and the Blessed Virgin, and for his weal and that of his friends, his chapel of Rochford, with all tithe and offerings from his house and all his demesne in his fee of Rochford, that chapel to be subject to the church of St. Mary and All Saints of Elingueham, as daughter to mother, and to receive from it the service of masses three days a week by arrangement (administrationem) of the chaplain of Elingueham or a monk.
Testibus: capellano Fordrie; Nicholao Bizantino; Waltero Fortin; Roberto filio Balduini; Radulfo de Balachford; Nigello de Kihavene; Gilleberto de Lindwode, et alii multi.
[N. D.]
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III. fo. 44.)
992. Charter of Walter son of Herbert English (Anglici) giving to St. Mary of Elingham, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his predecessors and his lords, two acres of land in the west part of the croft which belonged to Osmund the reeve and half an acre in the north of Wlchberge which his father gave at the dedication of St. Mary’s priory (ecclesie) quit of all service. To give this his endowment perpetual validity, he has pledged his faith with his own hand, on St. Mary’s altar before the parishioners.
Hiis testibus: Roberto de Mulneford decano; Rogero persona de Rincwood; Hugone persona de Ford; Roberto Baldwino;Waltero Tessun; Radulfo de Blachford et multis aliis.
[N. D.]
(Cartulary of St. Sauveur, fo. 236. Trans. III. fo. 54.
MS. lat., fo. 236d.)
993. Charter of Ralf de Blachford, giving to God and St. Mary of Elingueham and the abbey of St. Sauveur of the Côtentin and the monks there serving God, for the tithe of his hay, half an acre of his meadow in Suslinemede, on the north side, to be held of him and his heirs in frank almoin for ever.
His testibus: Willemo Tesson; Willelmo Granori; Henrico deLinwode; Waleranno [de] Stoke, et multis aliis.


  • 1. This “Pancarte” is supposed to have been written in the 16th cent., but is in imitation of the old handwriting. It is apparently, from the holes in the parchment, the document from which the text in Gallia Christiana was taken, in spite of the latter’s omissions and discrepancies. Its writer seems to have had the genuine documents before him, though he copied some of the names, as can be seen, inacćurately. The “original” charter of foundation is now in the archives, but several of the witnesses’ names are destroyed. The text of it has been very carefully published by M. Dubose in the Muséec des Archives (Paris: Ministère de I’ Intérieur, 1878), the only error revealed by collection being “de Forgis” for“de Gorgis” in the list of witnesses.
  • 2. Below Robert.
  • 3. Below the archbishop of Rouen, and followed by the abbot of St. Onen.
  • 4. Follow the archbishop of Rouen.
  • 5. Rectius: “Beceensis.”
  • 6. “Quinto” in Gallia Christiana.
  • 7. Now destroyed.
  • 8. Omitted in Gallia Christiana.
  • 9. “Vallonis” in Gallia Christiana.
  • 10. The right year.
  • 11. Trans. “Thorchet.”
  • 12. Trans.: “habebam.”
  • 13. Trans. in error: “MoCCoper eternita feliciter”
  • 14. Trans.: “Hingam.”
  • 15. Trans.: “Teste.”
  • 16. Being an inspeximus of this and the following charters by Hugh bishop of Countances.
  • 17. Trans.: “Possessionem.”
  • 18. Not in Monasticon. No clue to identity of bishop, Seffred I. (1125–1145) or Seffred II. (1180–1204).
  • 19. Trans.: “nudum.”
  • 20. MS. damaged.
  • 21. Trans.. “nudum.”
  • 22. Trans.: “Humetis.”
  • 23. Trans.: “Engueranno.”
  • 24. These names omitted in Transcript.
  • 25. Rectius: “Bisset.”
  • 26. No original of the charter is now there; but the liasse H. 1957 contains a vidimus of the charter by the king of France in 1278.
  • 27. Trans.: “Mannerio.”
  • 28. Document torn.
  • 29. Now lost.
  • 30. Trans: “Valonie”
  • 31. These names omitted in Transcript.
  • 32. Now gone.
  • 33. Rectius: “Tendene”; Trans: “Undeve.”
  • 34. Trans.: “Teste.”
  • 35. Trans.: “Gervasio.”
  • 36. The abbey was only founded about 1145.
  • 37. Seal now gone.
  • 38. Trans.: “Creis.”
  • 39. i.e., of Bayeux.
  • 40. The portions within parentheses have now disappeared, the charter being torn. An inspeximus of it by Vivian bishop of Coutances is entered in the chapter Cartulary, fo. 15d.
  • 41. Trans.: “Roberto Harene.”
  • 42. Only a copy on parchment now.
  • 43. Trans.: “B[onus Amicus].”
  • 44. Trans: “Hau’ lanc.”
  • 45. Trans.: “Sivan.”
  • 46. Trans.: “Humetis.”
  • 47. Trans.: “x.”
  • 48. This charter is entered on fo. 151d. of the Cathedral Register and fo. 16 of the Chapter Register.
  • 49. D’Anisy’s reference.
  • 50. Trans. “Saresbury.”
  • 51. The “Liber Niger” of the See (1251) was removed from among its archives at some time subsequent to 1815; and according to D’Anisy the “Liber Albus” was, when he wrote, in the Bibliothèque du Roi (Paris). But the Editor was assured at the Bibliothèque Nationale that it is not now there. From another “Liber Albus” (14th cent.), in bad condition, discovered by M. D’Anisy in a garret, some extracts are given by him and here calendared.
  • 52. Of this there is a Transcript in the archives of La Manche, where it was examined by the Editor.
  • 53. And Chapter Cartulary, fo. 196d.
  • 54. Cf. Gallia Christiana XI., 870.
  • 55. Rectius: “J[ohanne.]”
  • 56. Henry’s style is not given, and M. D’Anisy ascribed the charter to him as king. But the names of Richard the Chancellor and Alexander de Bohon prove the contrary.
  • 57. Trans.: “Engelranus.”
  • 58. Trans.: “Dolensis.”
  • 59. Trans. “de Ver.”
  • 60. And Chapter Cartulary, fo. 172d.
  • 61. i.e., of Warenne. This name omitted in Transcript.
  • 62. Trans. “Engelarano.”
  • 63. Trans.: “Saresbery.”
  • 64. MS. “archidiacono.”
  • 65. Abstract in French only. No witnesses.
  • 66. And Chapter Cartulary fo. 167d.
  • 67. Variants found in Register: “Bissupestun,” “Malent,” “Duntun.”
  • 68. Cf. Stapleton, Rotuli Scaccarii Normannie II., clxxxij.
  • 69. Collated by the Editor.
  • 70. On the same folio is a charter of his son John confirming the gift in 1155.
  • 71. Cf. Liber Rubeus de Scaceario, p. 646.
  • 72. Trans.: “Roberti, Bertrand” (in error).
  • 73. MS. lat., fo. 14.
  • 74. Ibid: fo. 14d.
  • 75. ? of Devon.
  • 76. Omitted in Transcript.
  • 77. Trans. “Hugone.”
  • 78. Trans.: “Roberto.”
  • 79. D’Anisy’s reference.
  • 80. This portion of the document is hopelessly corrupt and the rest largely so.
  • 81. “Primo” added in MS. lat. on fo. 9d.
  • 82. Omitted in Transcript.
  • 83. Cf. Stapleton, Rotuli Scaccarii Normannie II., clxxxviij.