Henry VIII: September 1534, 21-25

Pages 457-462

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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September 1534, 21–25

21 Sept. 1175. Queen Anne Boleyn.
R. O. “The confession of John Browne before John Goff, warden of the town of Henley-upon-Thames in the county of Oxford, John Aysheby and Richard Massam, late wardens of the same, John Loveles, gent, Thomas Leuez, understeward of the same, and other the officers, bothe bayllys and constabulls of the same,” on St. Matthew's day 26 Henry VIII., to the effect that on the Thursday after Ashwednesday last, Browne's wife “toke her wey to Redyng to fett the money of a kyrtyll that sche sold to oon Thomas Fen, a laborer,” when she was apprehended and set in the cage, “wherefor the said John Browne knowit not.” Browne stood behind the cage and heard his wife say “that she would knele be fore quene Anne to schowe of her wronggs;” to which Thomas Evered, the mayor of Redyng, replied, “It forced not and quene Anne were by her and the cage were afyre, so he dyd make anue;” which words were spoken in the presence of Watur Barton, gent., Ric. Turner, late mayor of the same, and the constables of the same, as the said John Browne doth say. And on the morrow the said John Browne was newly examynyd, “and the said John saiyeth nothing but that his wyff scholde go forth of Henley to Reding on the Wenysday, wherefore said it was the Thurysday or ells the premiss to be true.”
One leaf. double folio, p. 1. Endd.
R. O. 2. The confession of Alice Browne, being her account of the same occurrence.
P. 1. Endd.
21 Sept. 1176. Sir Andro Powes, Priest, to Cromwell.
R. O. Whereas you remember a case of knives I sent you some time ago, saying you would like to have another such, I have been at the fair called Gybbrey, where I had the last, but none were to be had. I bought there a strange beast called “a hare of brasill,” and two pair of knives. Guernsey, 21 Sept. 1534.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Right honorable.
21 Sept. 1177. John Phelyps to Cromwell.
R. O. It has pleased the King by his patent to give me the ordering of certain tenants of the late Rice Griffith and the mandred of the same. My lord Ferrers musters the said tenants. May it please the King to send me a “plaggett” to muster them and my own in the same manner. At Pict', 21 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
21 Sept. 1178. Roger Wigston to Cromwell.
R. O. By the death of Sir Edw. Ferrers (fn. 1) there is a vacancy in parliament for a knight of the shire of Warwick. Secret labor is made among the freeholders against the coming down of the King's writ. As it is your mind to have the house furnished with good and discreet men, I shall be glad to learn your pleasure. By the death of Sir Edw. Ferrers the stewardship of the lordship of Knoll in this shire, with the annual fee of four nobles from the abbot of Westminster, is void. All his other preferments were obtained before he died. I shall be glad if you will obtain this preferment for me. Wolston, near Coventry, 21 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
21 Sept. 1179. Cromwell to Lord Lisle and Lord Edmund Howard.
R. O. As the King is informed that many things are daily conveyed out of the realm contrary to the statutes, and that the searchers of Calais are remiss, he has appointed Nic. Caldwall and John Goughe to be attendant about the searching of the same. Cauonbery, 21 Sept.
Copy, p. 1. Add.: My lord Lisle, deputy of Calais, and my lord Edmund Howard, Controller. Endd.: 21 Sept. 1534.
23 Sept. 1180. Sir Ric. Page to Cromwell.
R. O. Whereas you promised me at Langley to be good to my nephew Fitzwilliam concerning the misordering of his wife and other gentlewomen by the butcher of Hoddesdon if it be proved that he struck her, it will be duly proved by Mr. Cook, my nephew Fitzwilliam and Mr. Ogle. The butcher did not only strike my niece, but beat her with his fist, so that she fell in a swoon, and he rudely handled Mrs. Cook and other gentlewomen. If you are too busy to attend to this, be good master to their husbands when it is brought into the Star Chamber or elsewhere. As they are his tenants, my lord of Essex will do what he can to stop the punishment. Woodstock, 23 September.
You have honored ladies and gentlewomen too much to see them take shame by a villain.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
23 Sept. 1181. Bishop of Verona to Peter Vannes.
R. O. On the arrival of the signor Cavaliere (Sir G. Casale) here I heard that which I did not doubt, of my pension, that I had nothing to hope from the disposition of the King or the intercession of friends. So having written at length two months ago, and sent a copy of my patent, I wait to hear what conclusion will be taken. I am not inclined to write again, except that the signor Cavaliere has advised me to obtain letters in my favor from France, which I am certain will be readily granted, and if it be not done already I hope that “Mon. L'Incola” (bp. of Lincoln ?) with Mon. Gramuel (Cromwell) and you, will use such efforts that I may obtain my object. Rome, 23 Sept. 1534.
P.S., in his own hand.—I am desired by the signor Cavaliere to thank my lord of Winchester. The Pope is very ill and seems past human aid. When the issue arrives, I hope to return whence I should not have come but for this pious duty. Signed.
Ital., p. 1. Add.
23 Sept. 1182. John Husee the Younger to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Wrote by Corbet. I received of Mr. Vice-treasurer a letter, which I delivered to Mr. Secretary, who is now Master of the Rolls. He then asked me for the commission you had sent. I said I had not received it. This was at Candbury (Canonbury). Attended him next day, St. Matthew's day, (fn. 2) on his coming from dinner with my lord Chancellor, when he again spoke of the commission, so it must be sent with speed. He said, after he had perused Mr. Whethill's and your affairs, he would learn the King's pleasure, commanding me to be at Grafton in the Court on Thursday next. On complaining how unjustly my lord Chamberlain had spoken of you, he said he should do you no wrong. On referring to your letter sent to Mr. Norris, in which you state that you had liever render to the King your patent than that Whethill should have the room against your will, and serve the King in England, he said if the King had seen it he would have taken you at your word. I showed him how ungodly Sir Richard Whethill had handled you in your own garden, and he said if you had shown yourself like a king's deputy you would have put father and son in prison and punished them as they deserved, and the King and his Council here would have maintained you in so doing. He said also that you are led by false friends, who lead you into a snare and then leave the burden to rest upon your neck. As we were speaking, he saw Turney approaching, and said in my ear. “Yonder comes a man whom my lord has put out of wages; in which he has not done well.” I answered him that you and the Council had sent the man to my lord of Canterbury to be examined. He wished you would never meddle in such like matters, “for what is passed by books or otherwise by the King's privilege must be common, and it is lawful for every man to occupy them ; and that all such books are set out for the furtherance of the King's matters in derogation of the Pope and his laws.” My advice is you should readmit him; but in case he has offended against the ordinance the punishment is left to you and to the Council. Touching the wheat that you wrote for, he said if you impeached the King and the Council here with such slender causes, you would make all your friends weary of you. He also spoke of my lady, and I find it said here by those who come from Calais that if any man had much to do he should show it to my lady, and so he should speed. This clamor has been occasioned by the discharge of Turney and the banishment of Wolfe, for she is reported to be very suspicious, and that with Mr. Marshall and Mr. Porter she is the chief causer of these things. I answered as well as I could. This is the reward my lady gets for her goodness and entreating for offenders. I have found Mr. Secretary your good friend, and he shall have my heart while I live. I have had the sight of Richard Whethill's libel, in which he complains of Thos. Fowler for the coney clap, and of the marshal and of your ingratitude, and your giving the room from his son, and for ungodly words that you have uttered, chiefly on St. Thomas's day in your garden. Remonstrated with Clywtton, my lord Chamberlain's steward, that his master should complain against you without any cause. He told me his master had received letters in justification of his statements ; so I perceive you have got dissembling friends and familiar enemies. He said his master would show the letter, and I replied who ever had so written had belied you. It behoves you to be your own secretary or else you may be deceived, and let it be left for me at the Red Lion in Southwark. I wish some pretty dog could be found for Mr. Secretary. London, 23 Sept.
Hol., pp. 4. Add.Endd.: 1534.
23 Sept. 1183. [Bishop of Verona] to Mons. de la Mo[rette].
Vit. B. XIV. 114.
B. M.
“Monsignor, io scrissi a V. S. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . presso quella ser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . se accadeva che da Messer H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ne fussi stata ricercata, i . che an . . . . . . . . . . . lei m'habbi fatto sperare, che la debbi fare volunteri . . . . . . . . [Non] di meno per che mi vien dato ogni hora maggior speranza, . . . . . . . . . .sortir quel fine, che la honesta et giustitia de la causa mi[a] . . . . . . . . . congiuntta con la devotissima et antica mia servitu con la Maiesta d[el Re] . . . . . e parso fuor di proposito a farli di novo instantia, che app . . . . . . . . . . chio confido che per sua humanita habbi fatto V. S. de . . . . . . . . . la caldezza et vehementia de la sua amorevol opera da . . . . . . . . espetto non mediocre frutto al bisogno et desiderio mio, qu . . . . . . . . quel che e stato di haver gralissima ogni occasione che mi . . . . . . . . di servirla. Et quanto posso mi ricomando a la sua gratia, no . . . . . . . . come la deve sapere, quanto habbi ad essere accetto al C . . . . . . . . .et mio signore tutto quello che partegna al beneficio mio, p . . . . . . . tioni che, Sua Maesta Christianissima benignamente n'ha fatto ne . . . . . . . . . . laquale continoamente degna non mander in oblivione . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Di Roma, a li 23 Settembre . . . . .”
Mutilated. Add.: . . . . . Mons. de la Mo . . . . . . . . del Re Christianissimo presso . . . . Serenissimo Re d'Inghilterra.
Modern marginal note: “El vescovo di Verona.”
24 [Sept.] 1184. Sir James Hamilton to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends copy of the sentence given against him by the bishops, which his wife has obtained. Will show Cromwell when they meet that half the allegations are false. The King has allowed his wife to “intromet” with his lands, wishing her to buy them from him for his son; but he will wait to see what the king of England will do. Begs Cromwell to procure a letter from the King to James in his favor. Will remain in the Borders till he bears from Cromwell what to do. Berwick, the 24th day. Signed: James Hammylton, seref of Lytqw.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Secreter of Ingland. Endd.
R. O. 2. Sentence of excommunication pronounced by James bishop of Ross, as commissary of the archbishop of St. Andrews, against James Hamilton of Kincavill, sheriff of Linlithgow, as a relapsed heretic and protector of heretics, possessing forbidden books, denying Purgatory, invocation of Saints, &c., and using the Lord's Prayer in the vernacular tongue. He is declared contumacious for non-appearance on citation, and is left to the secular arm; his goods are confiscated, except the dowry of his wife. Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh, St. Andrew's dioc., 27 Aug. 1534, in presence of king James V., Gawin archbishop of Glasgow, George bishop of Dunkeld, and other bishops named.
Lat., p. 1. Notarial copy.
24 Sept. 1185. Sir Gregory Casale to Cromwell.
R. O. St. P. VII. 570. Wrote lately about the business entrusted to him. The Pope is daily getting worse. His extremities have become stiff with cold, and there is no hope of his life. As to the future Pope, has arranged so that if the French cardinals assist, something may be done in accordance with the King's wishes. Rome. 24 Sept. 1534.
On the 25th, at the 18th hour, the Pope died. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, part cipher, deciphered. Add.
24 Sept. 1186. John Alen to Cromwell.
R. O. Last night on shipboard Mr. Brabazon received Cromwell's letters. The wind has been fair eight days and more, and they have been on board two nights. The Deputy's horses and retinue are not ready, but the northern men make sail. The Deputy (fn. 3) in Wales. The ships will go to the Holyhedd for him. Came to Chester last night from Brabazon on receipt of Cromwell's letter for sending the company out of the town to the ships. He desired Alen to write to Cromwell to advertise the Deputy to amend the vacations and defaults in his retinue. Tarries with Cassy and two of his servants to receive the King's money. Must stop and pay the ships for Sir W. Brereton and Mr. Salisbury. Chester, 24 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
25 Sept. 1187. Lord Mounteagle.
Harl. Chart. 47, A. 48.
B. M.
Gift by Charles duke of Suffolk to Thos. Stanley lord Mountegle, and lady Mary his wife, one of the daughters of the said Duke, and to their heirs male, of the following jewels:—an egg of diamonds, with 90 great pearls at 20s., and 14 diamonds at 40s., 118l.; a “lasce” of 23 rubies at 20s., and 11 score 7 pearls at 10s. the score, 28l. 13s. 6d.; a pattlett with 17 diamonds, two rubies at 20s., 216 pearls at 5s. the score, 22l. 5s. 4d. A pattlett of 19 score pearls at 5s. the score, and other jewels, of which one chain is in the hands of the countess of Worcester, amounting in all to 523l. 19s. 9d. 25 Sept. 26 Hen. VIII. Signed and sealed by lord Mountegle.
25 Sept. 1188. David Pole and Richard Strete to Cromwell.
R. O. Justify themselves against the charge of favoring the bishop of Rome “and his wicked laws and practices;” of which they had been accused by Lewys Johns, as appears by Cromwell's letters of 23 Sept. So far from expelling Christopher Baunks from the mastership of the school of St. John's in Litchfield, they had done their best for his preferment. The appointment belongs to Mr. Richard Egerton, “to whom we have showed your terrible letters in such manner and facion that he saith now Christopher Baunks shall enter and enjoy ; and if any stikkyng shall be by the said Mr. Egerton we shall use and practise some authority of your mastership's letters for Baunks' party. We have said many times to the said Mr. Egerton that it were more convenient for a layman to be schoolmaster there than for a priest, though the statutes be contrary.” Signed. Lichfield, 25 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed.
25 Sept. 1189. Thomas Godsalve to Cromwell.
R. O. I send you six swans and a maund with pears of my own grafting. Norwich, 25 Sept.
Hol., p, 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
25 Sept. 1190. Nicolaus Olahus, Secretary to the Queen of Hungary, to Lady Lisle.
Galba, B. X. 47*.
B. M.
Thanks for her husband's entertaining him at breakfast. Has commended her to the Queen, as she desired, who received it graciously. St. Omer, 25 Sept. 1534. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.


  • 1. The Editor has not been able to ascertain whether Sir Edward Ferrers died in 1534 or 1535. One of these two years it must have been, by the address of this letter.
  • 2. 21 September.
  • 3. Skeffington.