Henry VIII: September 1534, 16-20

Pages 453-457

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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September 1534, 16–20

16 Sept. 1156. Sir Richard Lygon and Others to Cromwell.
R. O. On the 16th Sept. we met at Gloucester to accomplish the King's letters in the matters at variance between Ric. Goodriche and Gibbons against Sir John de Briggis. Goodriche and Gibbons appeared, offering to prove their complaints, when we received your letters ordering us to forbear. The complainants desired the King's peace against Sir John for the safety of their lives, which we have forborne till we hear more from you. Gloucester, 16 Sept. Signed: Richard Lygon—Edmunde Tame—Jamys Clifford—Robert Wye—John Arnold—Thomas Lane.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.: Sir Richard Ligan, &c.
16 Sept. 1157. John Pakyngton to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letter, showing your labor with the King's highness for my bill for attainted lands in Worcestershire. I am understeward to the prior of Worcester, and have had the surveying of copylands, and desire to continue in the same. It is in my native country. I cannot come to see you myself, because I must be in North Wales until after the feast of All Saints. I will give you a reward for your pains in my behalf. Beawdeley, 16 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
17 Sept. 1158. Leonard Smyth to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Has received her letters dated 7th and 10th inst. Mr. Gonston says the flagon was not in his custody, but in that of one Castelyne, and he would speak with him. Is driven from day to day from one to the other, so that he cannot have it to do her commandment. Has been seeking a sure messenger for her letter into Cornwall, and now a priest beneficed in those parts will deliver it in six days. Mr. Skutt's bills and the parcels in his books vary 7s. 6d., which he is content to leave to her pleasure. He abated 13s. 1d. at the time of making his first obligation. He requests lord Lisle to write to his receiver and auditor for payment. Will bring the pins as soon as he can, and not so soon as he would if he should profit anything in the suit which lord Lisle has commanded him unto. London, 17 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
17 Sept. 1159. Pole to Sadolet.
Poli Epp. I. 408. I have read your letters to Lazarus dated the nones of June, and was delighted to hear of your good health and the ease you were enjoying; but your mention of my name reminded me of my negligence in writing, though instead of accusing me you load me with praises. You must not, however, attribute this to forgetfulness of you, for whom I had conceived so deep an affection even before I knew you, but rather that I had forgotten the faculty of expressing what was due both to you and to myself. Hoped when he got to Italy his studies would have allowed him to renew old friendships. Made Lazarus his tutor, but found his studies engrossed all his leisure. Finds he has no need of Lazarus, except as a most agreeable companion. Criticises Sadolet's advice to Lazarus to be content with his station, and not attempt philosophy. Urges the cultivation of philosophy. Is impelled to leave Venice, though he regrets to part from Lazarus, to seek the society of the bishop of Chieti (Theatinus) and Gaspar Contarenus, a Venetian noble, whose acquaintance if Sadolet has not yet made, he lacks a great enjoyment. Padua, xv. cal. Oct. 1534.
18 Sept. 1160. The Earl of Cumberland.
See Grants in September, Nos. 7–9.
18 Sept. 1161. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam and Others to Cromwell.
R. O. Yesterday there arrived here at the Court John Wynter of Bristol, the bearer hereof, with letters addressed to you by the customer of Bristol, which we send. He had a long conference with the King, both of the occurrents on the coasts of Biscay and Ireland, and of the good readiness of 10 ships now at Bristol and his own willingness to serve his Grace in Ireland. These things the King communicated to us after supper, and determined to send him to declare to same to you. He think for his experience on the coasts of Spain and England the said Wynter and one Thomas Dowding of Bridgewater, whom Wynter recommends, should be captains of two of the said ships rather than Willoughby, Beeston or Waters, especially as he promises that he and Dowding will be ready for sea in six days after he arrives at Bristol. Ships set forth in other places would have many contrary winds to contend with ; and if you have not already closed with Willoughby, Beeston and Waters beyond recall, he advises you to furnish Winter and Dowding with money and a commission. For the ship appointed to keep the Land's End, the King rests upon Bedon, as he did at your departure. When you have heard the bearer's news about the earl of Desmond. you are to give the King your opinion. Langley, 18 Sept. Signed by Fytzwilliam—William Poulet—Edw. Foxe—and Wm. Kyngston.
Pp. 2. Add. as Chief Secretary.
19 Sept. 1162. Gardiner to Lord Lisle.
R. O. On behalf of Loys du Chasteauneuf, who has served me since my last return out of France, and now returns to his friends. He is heir of a worshipful house in Provence. Wolvesaye, 19 Sept.
I thank you for your kind letters, and beg to be commended to my lady.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
19 Sept. 1163. Robert Action to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Has received a message from my lord by Christopher, yeoman of his horses, to get certain stuff made for her ladyship. Desires to know if she will have her saddle and harness fringed with silk and gold, and whether they shall be of Lewkes velvet or Jene velvet. Other lords' wives have theirs of Lewkes velvet fringed with silk and gold with buttons “of the pere fasshyon, and tassells quarter depe of sylke and golde.” Also whether she will have the stirrup parcel-gilt, “with a lether coveryd with velvet, or elles to have a fote stoulle acordyng unto your sadell,” and what device she will have in the saddle's head of copper and gilt. Southwark, 19 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
1164. Ric. Kyrton to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Can get no cloth of gold like the pattern of her sleeve, except three quarters [of a yard]. Will send that if it is any good. Has received 13 yds. tawny velvet from my lord Marquis, but has not bought the tawny satin till he knows her pleasure. Sends by the bearer a pair of russet velvet sleeves, a gown, and a kirtle of black satin and a pair of sleeves of the best work he can get. She must send more money for the kirtle for which she wrote. Sends also “4 squares, with 4 lawndys, and your her (hair) with your frontlet.” Does not know her pleasure about the frontlets which Crystover had bespoken. London, this Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
19 Sept. 1165. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Arrived at Langley on Sunday last, where I delivered Mr. Secretary your letter. He said that in consequence of despatching the King's affairs in Ireland he had no leisure. As Mr. Bryan was not there I repaired to Mr. Nores, who told me of my lord Chamberlain's complaint against you. I told him you were not guilty. Next day I went to Mr. Secretary, saying I had your patent. He told me he had got it signed. He spoke again to Mr. Nores of my lord Chamberlain's matter, and would speak to the King of it on his return to London. Mr. Whettill's father has exhibited articles to Mr. Secretary. I have delivered your letter to Mr. Bryan, who went with me to Mr. Secretary. Wynybanck shall still enjoy his room. Geo. Bourchier is Bryan's servant. I think Mr. Secretary will meet the King at Grafton. London, 19 Sept. 1534.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
20 Sept. 1166. The Bishop of Ely.
See Grants in September, No. 13.
20 Sept. 1167. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Wrote by Rob. Prows. Has not yet had much communication with Mr. Secretary, as he is busy about the King's matters for Ireland, whither 2,000 men have been despatched under Sir John Sentlow, Salisbury, young Poyntz, Gwisshe and Musgrave. when Mr. Secretary goes to the King at Grafton I will attend upon him. Notwithstanding young Whethill has great friends in my lord William, my lord of Norfolk and Baynton, I think you will get your way. His father has exhibited a great book of articles which Popley showed me, of which the first refers to the “cony clap” at Marke. Richard Windebank shall enjoy his room, but Mr. Norres and Mr. Bryan say you should always “obtempre” the King's letters. I said no one was so desirous of so doing as you. Mr. Secretary marvelled that you, should write to Nores that rather than whethill should have had the room, you would give up yours and serve the King in England. He said the King would not have been pleased if he had seen the letter. Kingston says he never spoke for Whethill, but all is not gold that shineth, and the takes the wood sale earnestly. Mr. Treasurer desires you to remember his wine. Mr. Bryan says that you must keep all things secreter than you have used, for nothing is said or done there that is not known at Court; and you must assume more of the King's deputy and not use the company of mean persons, which is not for your honor. I beg you will excuse my sincerity. When Mr. Bryan comes he will tell you more. I told Mr. Secretary you would send him a mewed hawk. He would fain have a little spaniel; and I perceive by Palmer the spear he hath told him of my lady's spaniel, which I know well she would not part with. If you can get a proper one, send it to him whilst I am here. London, 20 Sept. 1534.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
20 Sept. 1168. Sir Will. Fitzwilliam and Others to Cromwell.
R. O. This day John Wynter arrived at the Court with your letters to the King and also to us. He has used much diligence in despatch of the wine after he had read your letters, and has devised with us for augmenting the rate of mariners and soldiers, which he has increased in both ships to the number of 30 men. His Highness is content that Edw. Waters should go in the Mary Guilford, as you appointed. God send you much honor of the castle of Barkeley. Woodstock. 20 Sept. Signed: Wylla Fitzwylla—William Poulet—Edwarde Foxe—Will'm Kyngston.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
20 Sept. 1169. Edmund Turnour to Cromwell.
R. O. Dr. Hylsey, provincial and visitor of the Four Orders, was lately here, and attached a Grey Friar named Johannes, a Dutchman, finding upon him certain clipped coin. He accused one John Hoell, and honest man, who has been examined, but nothing proved against him. Please exert yourself for his deliverance. Cardyf, 20 Sept. Signed: Edmond Turnour with the erle of Worcestur.
P.S.—If you give me your authority I shall be glad to settle the variance between David Morgan Kemyes and your tenants of Rummeney, of which Mr. Brabson spoke to me.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
20 Sept. 1170. John Tomson, Master of the Maison Dieu, to Cromwell.
R. O. The King's works at Dover go well forward. The south jetty is in length 165 feet, in breadth 24 feet. We have begun the north jetty, to the great surety of all men. The harbour is trenched from the old pier head to the west inward 400 feet, in breadth 100 feet in the mouth, and inward 200 feet, in the belly 400 feet, and in the sound west to the hills, above 500 feet, and it flows within the harbour a fathom and a half, so that a crayer of 50 tons can lie in it. If we can get sufficient men, horses and timber, the harbour will be able to receive ships of 6 or 7 score shortly. We have sunk great stones from 9 to 12 tons for securing the King's harbour. I intend shortly to begin the mole. Grain and victuals are so carried out of these quarters that without short redress we shall want men for the work. Dover, 20 Sept.
Hol., p. 1.Add.: Of the Council. Endd.
20 Sept. 1171. Sir John Shelton to Cromwell.
R. O. I received your letter on Sunday afternoon of the Princess's removal to Langley or Knebworth I know not in what case those houses stand, and whether they be meet for her Grace and her household. Hunsdon, St. Matthew's eve. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
1172. Anne Shelton to Henry VIII.
R. O. I have spoken with my lady Mary, as you desired, and asked her by whom she sent the letter to master Carowe. She said she sent it by her servant Randal Dod, and that lady Bryan delivered her lady Carowe's letter open, the effect of which was to desire her for the Passion of Christ in all things to follow the King's pleasure, otherwise she was utterly undone. After I had spoken with my lady Mary I went to my lady Bryan, and she affirmed what was said to be true. Hunsdon. this Sunday, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Signed.
P. l. Add. Endd.
20 Sept. 1173. Adam Sampson to Cromwell.
R. O. Complaining of the illusage of a ship sailing to Dantzic taken by the Lubeckers. When the ship came to Copmanhaven it was further searched by the Lubeckers, and all the gunpowder and ordnance taken away. Gives further details. Harwich, 20 Sept.
Hol., p. l. Add.: Secretary.
20 Sept. 1174. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Add. MS. 28,587. f. 31.
* * * * * * (f. 34 b.) Hears from Carneseca that Ubaldino writes that he heard in France that Ana Boulans was in disfavor with the King, who had fallen in love with another lady, and the people began to speak publicly against her. If it is true, the Emperor will hear of it from his agents in England and France. Does not give much credit to the report. Rome, 20 Sept. 1534.
Sp., pp. 14. Modern copy.
Ibid., f. 26. 2. Contemporary abstract of the above with marginal notes.
Sp., pp. 9. Modern copy.