Sept. 1.
1835. A true Relation of passages and actions in the Province
of Maine in respect of the subverting of his Majesty's established
Government by the General Court of the Massachusetts. A company
of restless people of no credit or reputation petitioning the
last Court at Boston in May 1668 to take them into their Government,
said Court issued warrants in his Majesty's name, but by
authority of the Massachusetts, commissioning gentlemen to hold
a court at York. On hearing which, the gentlemen of Maine
addressed Col. Nicolls, from whom they received a noble and most
wholesome answer, with the best advice, also letter to the Court
at Boston, and his Majesty's signification of 16th April 1666.
Notwithstanding the Massachusetts Commissioners appeared on the
second Tuesday of July last, to say Major-Generel Leverett, Edwd.
Ting, Capt. Richard Walden, and Capt. Pike, with 12 armed men
on horseback, and as many more of their friends with swords, and
with the rebellious petitioners and with drum-beating marched up
to the church, and read their commission. The Justices opposing
them, pressed his Majesty's signification hard to them, insomuch
that the Major-General said he verily believed it was the King's
hand, but yet they must and would act on their commission from
Boston. Upon which the Justices in the afternoon sent their Province
Marshal, with Major Phillipps, his son, with the King's warrant,
to warn the people to the church, there intending to show
their power, to see which was of most weight ; but the Marshal
and Nathaniel Phillipps were surprised and imprisoned, and the
Major-General and his company repairing to the church told the
Justices his resolution, "desiring all things in love, but resolved
in his way ;" whereupon, to avoid a tumult, they withdrew, and
giving in a protest, departed to their own homes ; then the Bostonians
had swing enough, keeping Court with some few of the
rebellious persons, and commissionating new military officers and
new Justices. Thursday after the Boston Commissioners were gone
one of their new made officers said that his Majesty's Commissioners
were but beggarly fellows, and that his Majesty durst not
own any commissions he had given for his ears ; and though complained
of to the Justices no notice was taken of it. Many towns
would not obey the usurping power, particularly Saco, where Major
Phillipps lives, except the new made Major Pembleton, who sent a
great complaint to Boston against Phillipps, "that nothing would
be done without he was sent for away, the hearts of the people
was so lead by him" ; upon which the Major-General sent the
Chief Marshal to apprehend him, but he refused to obey his authority,
and things were deferred till the next court. In the interim
Major Phillipps coming to Boston, the Governor and Major-General
told him he must own their power in Maine, and give in 500l. bond
not to act in opposition, or go to prison. He replied, he would
not own their power in Maine till his Majesty's pleasure were
known, on which the Court sent him to gaol, where he now lies
above 100 miles from family and business. What the issue will
be is not known, but the Province is certainly in a very confusion,
every one obeying whom they list for the accomplishing of their
own ends. Many a good man heartily prays that his Majesty
would end these grievances in settling a firm, sound, wholesome
Government and Governors over the said Province, that there may
be an end to these frothy turnings and windings, and all in his
Majesty's name. His Majesty's name is now only a cloak for
usurpation and rebellion. Further, Major-General Leverett sat in
Court with his sword by his side, a thing not usual in Courts of
peace and justice ; also he commanded the records from the recorder,
Edwd. Rishworth, and on his denial, the two chief marshals with
two assisting them went into his house by force and took them.
"This relation is asserted to be a truth by one of his Maj. faithful
subjects, Nathll Phillipps." 2¼ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
No. 50.]
1836. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to (the Privy Council). Refers
to their Lordships' letter of 18th March last in answer to his of
the 16th Dec. [see ante, No. 1648]. Was forced by the necessities
of war to divert the present use of the revenue and expose
public credit to danger, whereby his Majesty's dominions here
might suffer none, and those who had formerly advanced for his
Majesty's service, when they saw themselves delayed only for the
general safety, cheerfully expected a better opportunity. And now
when drawing on the hopes of answering their expectation, their
Lordships' letter of 20th May came commanding him to disband
and pay off Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment, and that from the profits
of this revenue, which is a task altogether impossible for him to
perform ; for although he should break faith with those creditors,
and destroy for ever his Majesty's credit here, yet is that debt so
far exceeding the revenue, that it would ask many years to cancel
it, and greater patience than the soldiers' wants will suffer. Has
no advantage or concernment in the disposal of the revenue, but
is obliged to inform their Lordships what it can and ought to do.
If he would consult his own advantage and quiet, need but countenance
the many pretenders to an interest in the revenue ; then
their Lordships would not hear so many loud clamours against
himself by the creditors of the Earl of Carlisle, the friends of Sir
Thomas Modyford, and many others, who look on Willoughby as
their only obstructor, and leave no means unattempted to remove
him from this troublesome Government. The consideration that
he is among a people grown poor by fire and sword, and not able
to give further aid towards the discharge of the many public engagements,
and that his Majesty's revenue is so short and mean,
and notwithstanding sundry persons in England have orders for
large sums from it, although it be impossible to produce them,
together with the many complaints through their discontents
fomented in his absence without cause against him, render him
without their Lordships' visible favour, as unable as unwilling to
struggle against the prejudice of divers designs and interests. In
the many hardships he has encountered in the defence of this
Government and in supplying his Majesty's frigates and Sir Tobias
Bridge's regiment, he has not been supported immediately by his
Majesty's revenue, but by the large credit given thereon, and
therefore the diverting of it now to other uses will render it in
time of danger of little-use in future. Has sent his own son William
with the accounts, so their Lordships may be sensible that the
whole revenue, both his Majesty's and his brother's interest, has
been swallowed up for the public safety, and that he has made
use of none, but, relying on his Majesty's favour, has supported
himself on his own estate and credit. Indorsed, Without date.
Received 23rd October 1668. Read in Council November 4th, 1668.
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 51.]
Sept. 7.
1837. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington. Hopes
his son William will have given an account of affairs here long before
this arrives. Confesses the last order to disband Sir Tobias Bridge's
regiment, and pay them off out of the 4½ per cent., or find some other
way to do it, both of which are impossible, makes him oft wish himself
before the Council, because his many letters receive no answer ;
besides the many clamours he lies under both of French and Dutch,
which he must take for granted are believed, because he is no way
vindicated, though he has sent over as many reasons as he is furnished
with, and has done nothing but in order to the justifying his
master's honour and interest, which by those two nations is too
much infringed, without any consideration of the articles of peace.
2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 52.]
Sept. 7.
Port Royal.
1838. Information of Admiral Henry Morgan, and his officers,
Capts. Edward Collier, John Morrice, sen., Thomas Salter, John
Ansell, Thomas Clarke, and John Morrice, junr., of their late expedition
on the Spanish coast, with the reasons of their late attempt
on Porto Principe and Porto Bello, given in to the Lt.-Gen. of Port
Royal by command of his Excellency (Sir Thos. Modyford). Capt.
Henry Morgan being about eight months since commissioned by
his Excellency to draw together the English privateers, and take
prisoners of the Spanish nation, whereby he might inform of the
intentions of that enemy to invade Jamaica, of which Sir Thos.
had frequent and strong advice, got together 10 sail of ships and
about 500 men. They were driven to the south keys of Cuba,
where being like to starve, and finding some French in like condition,
they put their men ashore, and finding all the cattle driven
up the country and the inhabitants fled, they marched 20 leagues
to Porto Principe on the north of the island, and with little resistance
possessed themselves of the same. There they found that
70 men had been pressed to go against Jamaica ; that the like
levy had been made in all the island, and considerable forces were
expected from Vera Cruz and Campeachy, with materials of war
to rendezvous at the Havannah, and from Porto Bello and Cartagena
to rendezvous at St. Jago of Cuba, of which he immediately
gave notice to Gov. Modyford. On the Spaniards' entreaty they
forbore to fire the town, or bring away prisoners, but on delivery
of 1,000 beeves released all. Setting sail in May last, they fell with
the coast of Porto Bello, and being formerly informed of levies
made there also against Jamaica, and also by some prisoners who
had made their escape from Providence that Prince Maurice and
divers Englishmen were kept in irons in the dungeon of the castle
of the town, they thought it their duty to attempt that place. The
French wholly refused to join in an action so full of danger, so
leaving their ships on June 26, 40 leagues to leeward of Porto
Bello at Bogata, they took to their canoes, 23 in number, and rowing
along the coast landed at 3 o'clock in the morning, and made their
way into the town, and seeing that they could not refresh themselves
in quiet, they were enforced to assault the castle, which they
took by storm, and found well supplied with ammunition and
provisions, only undermanned, being about 130 men, whereof 74
killed, among which "the Castiliano" was one. In the dungeon
were 11 English in chains who had been there two years ; and they
were informed that a great man had been carried thence six months
before to Lima of Peru, (sic) who was formerly brought from Porto
Rico, and also that the Prince of Monte Circa had been there with
orders from the King of Spain to raise 2,200 men against us out of
the Province of Panama which Porto Bello stands in, the certainty
whereof was confirmed by all the Grandees. The Governor of the
second castle refusing to permit their ships free entrance into
the port, they were forced to attempt the taking of it, which ended
in the delivering up the castle and marching out with colours
flying, and the third castle immediately surrendered to five or six
Englishmen. And now having possession of the town and three
castles, in the former were 900 men that bare arms, the 5th day
arrived the President of Panama with about 3,000 men ; whom
they beat off with considerable damage, insomuch that next day he
proffered 100,000 pieces of eight for delivery of the town, castles,
and 300 negroes, which being paid, they repaired on board leaving
town and castles in as good condition as they found them. In the
first castle there were 30 brass guns besides iron, in the second 13
all brass, and in the third 14 guns. On the 2nd August making
the best of their way homewards, they arrived at Jamaica about
the middle of that month ; only Capt. Edward Collier put on shore
in the Bay of Cordivant, within 4 leagues of Sta. Martha, for provisions,
and had the good luck to take the Governor's kinsman
prisoner, from whom he had again information of the strong intentions
of the Spaniard against Jamaica as also the revolt of the
Indians, their taking of Monposse and putting to the sword men,
women, and children, and intending to surprise Santa Fé, and
further that there was found the richest gold mine in the King of
Spain's dominions, for keeping which they were fortifying strongly
at Sta. Martha.
They futher declared to the world that in all this service of Porto
Bello, they lost but 18 men killed and 32 wounded, and kept possession
of the place 31 days ; and for the better vindicating themselves
against the usual scandals of that enemy, they aver that having
several ladies of great quality and other prisoners they were proffered
their liberty to go to the President's camp, but they refused,
saying they were now prisoners to a person of quality, who was
more tender of their honours than they doubted to find in the
President's camp among his rude Panama soldiers, and so voluntarily
continued with them till the surrender of the town and
castles, when with many thanks and good wishes they repaired
to their former houses. 6½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No.
Sept. 10.
1839. Warrant to pay to Major Edmond Andros, Capt. James
Cotter, Capt. Thomas Mallett, and Capt. John Rodney, 30l. apiece,
to be deducted out of the moneys next assigned for their pay as
officers in Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment in Barbadoes ; also 1,035l.
to Major Andros for clothes for the soldiers of said regiment, to be
deducted out of the pay of that regiment, see ante, No. 1824.
[Dom., Chas. II. Docquet.]
Sept. 11/21
1840. M. Colbert to the King of Great Britain. His Majesty
having desired the Ambassador of the King of France to put in
writing his thoughts touching the means of terminating the differences
between the officers of the two kings in the American
islands, is of opinion that there are two expedients to offer. The
first, that all things agreed upon in the Treaty on both sides be
faithfully put in execution ; that on the part of the French King
actual possession of the English part of St. Christopher's be delivered
to what Governor his Majesty shall send, as already offered by De la
Barre, it being always understood that particular men could not be
restored to their habitations till the acquisitions made by the French
upon them be first satisfied, and also the ameliorations accorded at
the same time, and that the French be reimbursed their charges for
keeping and clothing the English prisoners in the islands belonging
to the French King, said prisoners having been set at liberty on
Lord Willoughby's request, who engaged his word that satisfaction
should be made. The second means of composing all differences,
which seems most proper for taking away all occasions of divisions
or animosities, is that which De la Barre and Lord Willoughby
proposed and was approved by his Majesty and Council, which is to
exchange the English part of St. Christopher's either for some other
island or for ready money, to be agreed upon between the French
Ambassador and his Majesty's Commissioners. See Order in
Council, No. 1844. Indorsed, Rec. 12 Sept. 1668. French. 2¼ pp.
[Correspond., France,]
Sept. 15.
1841. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington.
Complains of some "whose self ends promote them unjustly to
scandalise me." This serves only to give account that a son of Sir
John Colleton's last week killed a son of Sir John Yeamans'
in a duel : is informed both had their swords drawn, but Colleton
by flying has incurred more guilt than otherwise he might. Presumes
it will amount to a forfeiture of his estate, and unless his
crafty father has provided for such accidents, is informed this
brother has a third part of it, it being equally divided among the
three brothers. The country generally say that estates so gotten
ought to return to the King ; thought it his duty to acquaint his
Lordship that Colleton's brother, Sir Peter, might by no indirect
way surprise his Majesty or his Lordship. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXIII., No. 54.]
Sept. 17.
1842. Nine Acts passed at a Grand Assembly held at James City,
Virginia, by prorogation from 23 Sept. 1667, to 17 Sept. 1668, but
only the titles of those are given against which in the margin is
written Expired, Repealed, Obsolete. Printed in Col. Entry Bks.,
Nos. 89, 90, 91, see ante, No. 262. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 88, pp. 71-73.]
Sept. 19.
1843. Affidavit of Francis Steward, master, and the officers of
the ship Merchant's Adventure of London. That on June 2nd
last, they sailed from Jamaica for London, and on the 10th were
taken by three Spanish men-of-war, after 22 hours' chase, who
detained them prisoners, and took away all the master's and seamen's
chests, trunks, and goods, to their very great damage. Indorsed,
Read in Council, 18 Dec. 1668. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXIII., No. 55.]
Sept. 21.
1844. Order of the King in Council on a memorial of the French
Ambassador relating to the restitution of the English part of St,
Christopher's [see ante, No. 1840.] That an answer be given in his
Majesty's name by his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State to
this effect : that he wholly rejects the second proposition made by
the Ambassador concerning an exchange to be made for the English
part of that island, which his Majesty expects according to the
seventh article of the Treaty of Breda shall be restored to him.
That he cannot but wonder at the great delays which have been
made in it hitherto, by reason of which his Majesty and his subjects
have suffered very much loss and damage ; and that his Majesty
cannot think fit to proceed in any new treaty till the former one be
fully executed. That as to such estates and goods as were duly
bought of the English in that island, it is not meant that they
should be restored to the particular owners till the purchasers have
received their reimbursement ; but as to the other conditions insisted
on by the Ambassador, his Majesty does not find that they are contained
in the Treaty, and therefore ought not to cause any delay in
the execution of that Treaty, which his Majesty hereby directs the
French King be again pressed in by the Earl of St. Albans, and
that his second orders for the rendition of that island be restored to
their full force, and his Majesty receive duplicates of the same.
Indorsed by Williamson, Answer to the French Ambassador's memorial.
1 p. [Correspond., France.]
[Sept. 21.]
1845. Petition of Charles Modyford, on behalf of his father, Sir
Thomas Modyford, Governor of Jamaica, to the King and Council.
That his Majesty by Letters of Privy Seal, dated 31 March 1665,
ordered the Lord Treasurer to pay to said Governor 2,500l. per ann.
for defraying the expenses of the island according to an establishment
thereof made. That petitioner, addressing himself to the
Commissioners of the Treasury, for payment of said sum for the
current year, their Lordships found they were not qualified for payment
thereof, by reason that said establishment was not comprised
in the settlement lately made by his Majesty in Council. Prays
that said establishment may be brought into said settlement, so
that the Lords Commissioners may pay the same. Read Sept. 21,
1668. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 56.]
Sept. 23.
1846. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Committee appointed
to meet on Saturday next at St. Michael's Town to audit
the accounts of Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment, and report to his
Excellency, that it may be paid and disbanded according to his
Majesty's command. ½ p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., pp. 172, 173.]
Sept. 28.
1847. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington.
Knowing that his letters to the King and Council pass through his
Lordship's hands, doubts not his Lordship has taken cognizance of
his accounts of these islands, and of the receipt of the order for
disbanding and paying Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment, and his answer.
Has received sad complaints from Col. Russell, Governor of Nevis,
who is persecuted at home for admitting trade with a Dutch vessel
when Sir Tobias Bridge was there ; it was not approved by him,
but the necessity of the occasion pleads much for him ; begs his
Lordship's favour on his behalf. Understands that the Dutch exclaim,
and the Earl of Carlisle's creditors and others clamour against
him, but knows he shall not be condemned before heard. 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 57.]
Sept. 29.
Black Point.
1848. Henry Jocelyn, Francis Hooke, Fran. Champernowne,
Edw. Rishworth, John Wincoll, and Edw. Johnson, to Col. Nicolls.
In answer to his of June 12th, have made several brief returns
touching the passages between the Commissioners of Massachusetts
and themselves. On 6th July said Commissioners., viz., Maj.-Gen.
Leverett, Capts. Ric. Walden and Robt. Pike, and Edw. Tyng, came
to York, accompanied by Capts. James Oliver, Cooke, and Gerish,
Messrs. Brattle, Croad, Ric. Cutt, and Elyas Styleman, and others,
and a party of horse armed men, Peter Coffin, Lieutenant. Demanded
their errand, and gave them to understand that they had
their commission from his Majesty's Commissioners in 1665, which
prohibited them from making any alteration in the government of
Maine, since confirmed by his Majesty's, mandamus of 10th April
1666, which they showed : "when Major Leverett saw that, saith
he, I did not think you had had that, indeed I never saw it before.
I have divers times seen his Majesty's hand, and do believe this is
the same, which had the General Court seen, I am persuaded at present
it might have stopped our voyage ;" but he said it "had a great maine
in it, wanting the seal," and that they had had their commission
some weeks before the Justices of Maine had that letter, and were
resolved to carry on their business. The same day they called their
Court by beat of drum, and the Justices having sent their Marshall
to call the people to hear his Majesty's pleasure concerning these
actings, the Marshall of Boston, with some factious persons of
York, seized their Marshall and Nathl. Phillips, and sent to demand
whether the Justices intended peace or war. After some discourse
the people were called in, and the Justices published their commission
with his Majesty's signification, which being read, Major
Leverett said "he did not apprehend it was his Majesty's letter,
because there were some things mistaken in it." The Massachusetts
Commissioners then called their Court, settled their authority, gave
oaths to their officers, all (except one Mr. Playstead) being of the
factious party that brought them in, viz., Capts. Bryan Pendleton
(now made their major) and Fran. Raynes, and Messrs. Ezekiel
Knight and Fran. Neale, whom they style associates of their county,
Nathaniel Masterson, of York, their Marshall, and Peter Weare,
recorder, who for seditious practices was imprisoned by the Justices
at York ; but at night the doors were staved in pieces by his confederates,
and he was set free ; he has been a principal actor in all
these disturbances. Arthur Auger, of Black Point, appointed a
lieutenant by the King's Commissioners, was a chief instrument in
this factious design. Indorsed, Letter of the Justices of Maine,
being a full account of the Bostoners' proceedings. 3 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 58.]
Sept. 30.
1849. The King to the Governor of Virginia. Recommends
Thos. Beale, of whose abilities and prudence the King has had long
experience, to be Commander of his Majesty's fort or castle called
Castle Comfort, in York river, which hath been for some time void,
or if that be disposed of, to any other fort or castle that may become
void. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXI., p. 11.]