Oct. 1.
1850. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle. Sends
copy of his last, since which the privateers have had the confidence
to take two towns of the Spaniards ; for which being reproved,
having commission only against their ships, they presented the
enclosed Declaration, which he desires his Majesty may see. "It is
most certain that the Spaniards had full intention to attempt this
island, but could not get men ; and they still hold the same minds,
and therefore I cannot but presume to say, that it is very unequal
that we should in any measure be restrained, while they are at
liberty to act as they please upon us, from which we shall never
be secure until the King of Spain acknowledges this island to be
his Majesty's, and so includes it by name in the capitulations." Is
very confident also of the revolt of the Indians on the main, and
will send all the privateers to gain certain advice thereof, that if
need be he may divert the enemy by improving that revolt. Presents
also the deposition of a Spaniard touching "my son John,
who (having not been heard of these four years) was questionless
either murdered or sent into the South Seas in slavery by these
our cruel neighbours." Beseeches his Grace so to present his
behaviour in this great affair, that no sinister construction may be
put on his actions. Incloses,
1850. I. Information of Admiral Henry Morgan and officers under
his command in the late expedition on the Spanish coast,
1668, Sept. 7, see Cal., ante, No. 1838.
1850. II. Declaration of Francisco Martin, born in Lower Andalusia,
aged about 40, taken before Sir Thos. Modyford, Sept. 12,
1668. About 50 leagues northward of San Augustin are
some Christian Indians, who, trading with others, infidels,
understood that there were five men captives. They
informed their priest, who wrote to the Governor of Florida,
who sent out 10 soldiers to ransom them, and they
returned to San Augustin, 9th Nov. 1664. They told an
English surgeon called Charles, that there came from Jamaica
two ships in August, and theirs ran on shore, and
only these five escaped ; amongst them a young man, who
said he was son to the Governor of Jamaica, of a pretty gross
body, very good face, and light hair somewhat curling ; his
name was John. In January the Governor commanded
deponent to make ready his frigate for the Havannah ; and
these five went with him, with a letter to the Governor to
embark them on the first ship for Spain, that they might
return to their country. Don Juan De Salamanca was
then Governor of the Havannah, and whilst deponent was
in port there was no convenience of transportation. Together
6½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., Nos. 59, 59 I., II.]
Oct. 5.
1851. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle. Has
made bold to present another paper, whereby the cruelty and false
dealing of our neighbours is manifested. It is certainly true that
this island of Providence had never any white men on it until the
English came, who first felled the trees and planted the land ; so
that though these privateers had no order to take it, yet having
once restored his Majesty to his ancient right, the retaking of it is
a violating of the peace which they so much pretend to in these
parts, which, with the breach of articles and ill-usage of our countrymen,
is humbly referred to further consideration. Incloses,
Deposition of Robt. Rawlinsone, Isaac Webber, and Richard
Cree, before Sir Thos. Modyford, concerning the Spaniards'
dealings with the English upon Providence Island. The 1st
August 1666, having espied six sail of Spanish men-of-war, the
Governor, Major Samuel Smith, commanded the inhabitants,
"we were but one and fifty men," to keep in five or six forts
on the Lesser Island ; they fought the Spaniards four days,
until four forts being taken they surrendered on condition of
having a small barque to transport them to Jamaica. But
when they had laid down their arms the Spaniards refused
them the barque, and carried them slaves to Porto Bello, where
they were chained to the ground in a dungeon 12 foot by 10,
in which were 33 prisoners. They were forced to work in the
water from five in the morning till seven at night, and at such
a rate that the Spaniards confessed they made one of them do
more work than any three negroes, yet when weak with want
of victuals and sleep they were knocked down and beaten with
cudgells, and four or five died. Having no clothes, their backs
were blistered with the sun, their heads scorched, their necks,
shoulders, and hands raw with carrying stones and mortar,
their feet chopped, and their legs bruised and battered with the
irons, and their corpses were noisome one to another. The
daily abuses of their religion and their King, and the continual
trouble they had with friars, would be tedious to mention.
Certified to be a true copy by Sir Thos. Modyford, 5th Oct.
1668. Together 2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., Nos. 60,
60 I.]
[Oct. 7.]
1852. Petition of Edward Bradbourne, merchant, to the King
and Council. About five years past petitioner commenced a suit in
Barbadoes against one James Beake for account of the produce of
his plantation called Hilcotts, of which Beake had been for two
years bailiff ; but petitioner being sick and unable to attend the
court, the auditors took Beake's account ex parte, and reported the
plantation to be debtor to Beake in 297,752 lbs. of sugar, on which
Beake has obtained judgment. Prays for a mandamus to Lord
Willoughby to set aside the judgment, and appoint indifferent
auditors, before whom a fair account may be made and judgment
given. Indorsed, Recd. 7, read in Council, Oct. 9, 1668. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 61.]
Oct. 13.
1853. Sir Tobias Bridge to the Privy Council. Received theirs
of 31st July, when his regiment was ready to be disbanded according
to their order of 20th May [see ante, No. 1754], which had been
done could Lord Willoughby have found out any means to have
paid arrears, which his Lordship was very solicitous about, but
which is left to their Lordships' consideration to make provision for.
Will with all diligence and faithfulness discharge the trust reposed
in him concerning his Majesty's moiety of the 4½ per cent., but as
no sugar is like to be made till after January next, they will be in
great straits to subsist till that time. Lord Willoughby has put
him in possession of the receipt of that duty, which will fall very
short of their Lordships' expectations, and will return punctual
accounts, together with the muster rolls. Indorsed, Rec. 7th, read
Dec. 11th, 1668. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 62.]
Oct. 14.
1854. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to the Privy Council. Their
Lordships' commands of 20th May, touching the disbanding and
paying off Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment, proved a task so difficult
that their countermand of 31st July arrived in time to prevent it.
Immediately he understood that his Majesty had commanded that
Sir Tobias Bridge should be put in possession of his moiety of the
revenue, and therewith pay his regiment and the debts contracted
for this island's service, and support the charges of government
here, Lord Willoughby immediately put him in possession, and has
promised himself this satisfaction, that besides ease from so great a
trouble and complaints, the accounts would more justify the truth
of his own than any other arguments he could have given. But
how far this may tend to his Majesty's disservice their Lordships
may judge, in regard the regiment's pay will amount to more than his
Majesty moiety can satisfy, nor will ought be remaining to answer the
creditors here or support the Government ; whereby the Act that
gave the revenue a being, becoming wholly subverted, and the many
persons who loyally are in advance on the credit thereof utterly
defeated, the inhabitants and representatives have taken all occasions
to express their resentment ; and though they have hitherto
given considerable sums for the regiment's quarters, he has too much
cause to suspect their continuance in that way. Though he has not
been wanting in laying before them the necessity of his Majesty's
present affairs. Has put the matter of Kingsland's petition on examination,
and referred himself to Kingsland's greatest friends, being
confident that if the least glance of truth appear he will be sufficiently
justified, and the malice and falsehood of every particular
in that petition detected. Is also informed how the Dutch have
made loud clamours against pretended actions of his sons at Surinam,
but as his Majesty has given leave for his return to England
will in a few days embark, and refers his vindication to that
occasion. Has a great aversion from "that reproachful way of complaining,
so suitable to the dishonourable temper of that nation, at
such a distance as this ;" but when in England will prove to their
faces that their agents at Surinam have by many lewd actions
tyranised over his Majesty's subjects and confined their persons to
prevent their departure from thence to some other place in these
parts within his Majesty's dominions suitable to the Articles of
Peace. Indorsed, Read Dec. 9, 1668. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXIII., No. 63.]
Oct. 14.
New York.
1855. Samuel Mavericke to Sec. Lord Arlington. "This is a
copy, the original sent by Col. Nicolls," is dated 25 August 1668,
see ante, No. 1829. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 64.]
Oct. 17-28.
1856. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. An order of the
Assembly for 30 butts of sugar to be sent home for carrying on this
island's addresses to his Majesty, according to the Council's desire, if
his Excellency will say he will promote the interest of this country,
and therein observe their memorials. Passed and consented to by
Governor Willoughby, Nov. 16, 1668.
Oct. 27, 28.—The Assembly very ready to perform the proposal
made to Sir Tobias Bridge in England of 300l. per annum, and
desire the Governor to employ him to the best advantage for the
safety of this island. Letters communicated by the Governor from
his son Henry with ill news from the Leeward Isles, and that he
intended to send the rest of Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment thither
and Sir Tobias himself. The Assembly do not consent to Sir Tobias'
departure. The Governor requests them to reconsider same, and also
about fortifying St. Michael's with a regular fortification. They
waived the question of fortification till the Grand Committee for
fortification should make their report, and at length consented to Sir
Tobias going for six weeks or two months, but do not think fit he
should receive the salary promised, and will present him with 100l.
gratuity. 4½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., pp. 173-177.]
Oct. (20).
1857. Speech of Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to the Grand Jury
of Barbadoes. Refers to the discomposed minds, cloudy countenances,
and universal distraction of affairs on his arrival among them ; his
success in preserving them to a harbour secure and peaceful ; and
the better understandings between the people. Next to his own
reputation he prefers their good and quiet far above any revenue.
'Tis possible he has not pleased every man's humour, but he will in
all things endeavour to please all, and with their compliance he
mistakes much if any person miss his proper station. Kicking at
every power has been a sore evil in Barbadoes, which he hopes is now
shut out of doors ; as also private animosity, the bane of the general
good. Is now going to give account to the King, his master, how
he has spent his time among them : some have endeavoured to do
him prejudice and wound his honour, but he will not seek revenge,
but only his own justification ; for his desire is that his good name
may live among them. Speaks to the whole country while he seeks
their testimonies of him : how some few have already witnessed for
him the petition before the Council Board and other clamours may
easily inform them ; but what makes him leave them with the most
contentedness is the knowledge of his own integrity and just dealings.
Confesses they have done things for his Majesty's sake and
service, to the extent of all modest expectation, who will acknowledge
their obliging kindness to Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment. The
laws of England are too abstruse, and those of this country too
uncertain, for his understanding, and this sad consideration forces
him earnestly to conjure them, for their own honour and safety and
the good of posterity, to lose no time to establish themselves and
their interests by such secure, certain, and intelligible laws as may
remove their distractions for ever. If they will present all the violations
of the laws, he will punish them, and herein he doubts not
their concurrence according to their duties. 2½ pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXIII., No. 65.]
Oct. 21/31.
St. Germain.
1858. Louis XIV. to M. De la Barre, Lieut.-General in the islands
of America. The King commanded him in his Maj. despatch of 17/27th
July last to govern himself concerning the restitution to the English
of that part of St. Christopher's of which they were in possession on
1st January 1665 as he should hear from the Sieur de Colbert,
Ambassador in England, to whom his Majesty gave orders to treat,
by exchange or otherwise, for that part of said island with the Commissioners
of the English King. But the Sieur Colbert having sent
word that said King cannot hearken in anywise to said exchange,
but demands without delay restitution, according to the Treaty of
Breda, his Majesty's intention is that effective restitution be made
without difficulty or delay on any pretext whatsoever, on pain of
rebellion, which his Majesty will severely chastise ; provided that
the English who have sold plantations or goods to the French shall
not have the same repaid until they have restored the value received.
1858. I. The King to M. De Bas, Lieut.-General in America.
Writes this day to Sieur De la Barre concerning St. Christopher's,
and if he shall be in possession of the employment
of said De la Barre when this letter arrives, his Majesty
desires he will execute all contained therein as punctually
as if addressed to himself. 1668, Oct. 21/31.
1858. II. The King to the Chevalier de St. Laurent, Governor of
St. Christopher's. To the same effect as the above letter
to De la Barre. 1668, Oct. 21/31. Together 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 66.]
Oct. 21/31.
1859. Another copy of preceding letter and copies of inclosures.
Together 3 papers. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., Nos. 67-69.]
Oct. 23.
1860. Presentment and requests of the Grand Jury (impannelled
for this sessions of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery, held
the 20th Oct. 1668) to Gov. Lord Willoughby. They present the
churchwardens and other public officers for their great neglect
touching the strict observance of the Lord's day. They request his
Excellency to give encouragement to the speedy erection of an
inland town for security of the magazine, and free schools there, to
prevent youth seeking education in foreign parts ; to take care that
none officiate as ministers but those in holy orders of the Church of
England ; that the Indian bridge be rebuilt ; that the late Acts for
the regular building of St. Michael's be duly observed ; that care be
taken to erect the manufactory of cotton and other manufactories ;
to pass an Act regulating the exorbitant fees of public offices ; to
erect a magazine in or about St. Michael's ; to repair the fortifications
and erect others where needful ; and that none of the Jewish nation
be suffered to retail any goods, "it being a privilege they are nowhere
allowed," and "extremely prejudicial to the poor of our own nation,
who might be comfortably supported thereby." They present the
hearty thanks of the island to his Excellency for his love, care, and
good government, by which they have been preserved, "not only to
the satisfaction but admiration of all his Majesty's loving subjects of
this island." Assure him that it is not without great sorrow that
they have understood his intention to return to England ; and request
him to silence in himself "those resentments which the prejudice of
particular persons may have created," and by his Majesty's consent
return to re-assume that authority which they hope his Majesty will
enlarge to him. Further, they request him to mediate with his
Majesty for a right understanding of their loyalty, and for such
advantages of trade and privileges as may tend to their encouragement
and comfort ; and to return hearty thanks to his Majesty for
supplying them in their late sufferings with ships, arms, and ammunition,
and for the bounteous provisions they understand he has
further made for them. Signed by Henry Walrond, Oct. 23, 1668.
Indorsed by Lord Willoughby, but struck through, "The presentment
of the Grand Jury to send to my wife, Oct. 24, 1668." 2½ pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 70.]
Oct. 27.
St. Jago de la
1861. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered that Wm.
Warran ride the wooden horse in the Parade Place of St. Jago de la
Vega for one hour, with three muskets at each heel and a paper on
his back with his crime written upon it, for slighting an order of his
Majesty's Council and giving his superior officer base language at
the head of the troop. Petition of Edmund Duck, James Kendall,
George Elkin, Augustine Evans, and Geo. Hambury on behalf of
themselves and many inhabitants of this island to the Governor and
Council that an expedient be found to prevent the mischiefs to their
plantations by the drowning of their lands through the negligence of
persons felling wood and trees and wilfully casting them into the
river Cobre ; with Answer recommending it to the petitioners as the
only way to prevent further damages to join their strength together
and open the mouth of the channel, and to this purpose to rate every
man that lives on said river proportionable to bear the charge ; and
in case obstinate persons refuse to give reasonable assistance the
Governor and Council, on application, will give fitting power therein.
N.B.—These minutes are dated 27 Oct. 1669, but "the last Tuesday
in October next" to which the Council was adjourned on 28 Junely
(sic) 1668 was the 27 Oct. 1668, and not 1669. See ante, No. 1810.
3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., pp. 183-186.]
Oct. 29.
1862. Serjeant-Major James Banister to Lieut.-Gen. Henry Willoughby.
Understanding of his safe arrival in Ireland, this is to
acquaint him with what was written to Lord Willoughby, his father,
in a short narrative of what happened in Surinam during his Government
[see ante, No 1814]. According to instructions he demanded
liberty for himself and all his Majesty's subjects that were desirous
to remove with their moveable estates ; "which did so disrelish" the
Dutch Governor and Council that they sent Banister prisoner to
Zealand, away from his wife, children, and a considerable estate.
Arrived the 5th inst., and has been twice before the Lords of this
Province, who took little notice of what he was charged with, but
often questioned him as to his Honour and his Excellency's actions,
to which he replied he was not to answer for any but his own. Is
ready to vindicate his Honour both here and at home, and desires to
hear from him by the first opportunity. Indorsed by Williamson.
1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 71.]
Oct. 31.
1863. Extract of a letter from Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford. We
have lately taken Porto Bello and its three castles, which we ransomed
at 100,000 pieces. Have about 10 sail on the coast of
Caracas with 800 men. The Oxford frigate is to face Cartagena,
and will sail about five days hence. Capt. Dempster with a few
ships and 300 men are before the Havannah and in the Bay of Campeachy
Have advice that the Indians on the main are risen against
the Spaniard, have worsted them in three encounters, and taken
Momposse, whither he has sent to them to offer assistance. At home
cattle are much increased, and planting goes on apace. Addressed,
"For Mr. Williamson, these." ½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII.,
No. 72.]
Oct. 31.
1864. Gov. Sir. Thos. Modyford to Joseph Williamson. Has the
honour of his of the 20th July "it hath been very pleasing to me
to find the poor services were done you by my order have given you
contentment." Hopes the balance of that account is safely arrived,
though they have a flying report that Steward, in whom it was
laden, was taken by the Spaniard. See ante, No. 1843. ½ p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 73.]