[A.D. 1500–1.]
Wylliam Smart |
Wardens |
Gylbert Gentyll' |
[Chantry Accounts.]
* * * * *
(fn. 1) ffirst, paid to donyng, gong fermere, the xxx day of
Ianier for fermyng of a sege in george gysborow
the clarkes chamber wherin was v tone at ij s the
tone Summa
x s |
Item, to Rychard, seruaunte with Ioh'n Wolff, for
watchyng with theyme to se the tomys wele
fylyd Summa
iiij d |
* * * * * |
[Church Rents.
Payments, Quitrents and Reparations of the same.]
Paymentes for the church'.
* * * * * |
(fn. 2) Item, for a lampe in the quere. Summa
j d |
Item, for iiij fathwme of lyne for the vyse of þe lampe.
j d |
* * * * * |
(fn. 3) Item, to Ioh'n how, organmaker, for mendyng &
makyng of new bellows for the organs. Summa |
xv s |
* * * * * |
(fn. 4) Item, to bull' the Sexten for a Surples with slevys.
ij s |
* * * * * |
Item, spent on Master Ioh'n, Thomas Wattes, Thomas
hunt, Ioh'n derhame, when we aperyd afor the
comyssary at Seynt Manguls Summa
iiij d |
[From MS. B. [leaf 62]
Memorandum: in thys yere above wretyn was the ende of the
sowthyle of owre Church' takyn in wher sum tyme was the abbott of
Walthams kechyn: to begynne at Ester & ffro that tyme fforward
the parych' bene bownde to paye to Waltham, yerly ffor euermore,
x s, ffor a quytrent ffor Ever.
A less explicit reference is also found in MS. A.]
* * * * *
(fn. 5) Item, to Maister Ioh'n for hallowyng of iiij Awbys.
Summa |
iiij d |
Item, for settyng vp of the old pewys in the medyll'
yle, to a carbenter iij days iij men, & ij days & a
halfe ij men Summa |
viij s |
* * * * * |
Item, to bull' the Sexten & Watson for mendyng of
the bawdrykes & clappers of the iij belles. |
* * * * * |
(fn. 6) Caswelltes in this yere.
ffirst, Receyvyd of Maister Smart for morter that ley
in church'eyerd Summa |
xx d |
Item, of the goodman Derhame for the beqwest of his
seruaunt Ioh'n gybson, the xvij day of Ianeuer
Summa |
vj s |
viij d |
Item, of sir Ioh'n plomer for the grett bell' half a day
Ryngyng for his moder Summa |
iij s |
iiij d |
Item, for a peyr of Awngell' wynges & iij dyodyms
sold Summa |
xiiij d |
Item, of the goodwyff of the Swane at byllyngesgate
for the berying of her husband in the pardon
church'yerd Summa |
ij s |
iiij d |
Item, of the goodman howtyng for the berying of his
chyld in the pardon church'yerd Summa |
ij s |
iiij d |
Item, of the goodman collyns for the berying of his
dowghter in the church'e Summa |
xiij s |
iiij d |
Item, of a part of bull' the Sextens dewte of the said
alice collyns Ryng & here pyte Summa |
ij s |
viij d |
Item, for brekyng of the grownd in the gret church'yerd for a chyld of vj yere old þat dyed at
harmams Summa |
vj d |
Item, of Robert howtyng for the berying of crompe
that dyed within Master Duklyng['s] xiij s iiij d,
and for the gret bell' Ryngyng half a day iij s
iiij d. Summa |
xvj s |
viij d |
Item, of Ioh'n Collyns for the berying of his wyff in
the churche |
xiij s |
iiij d |
Summa totallis, iij l'i iiij s. |
* * * * * |
(fn. 7) Clarkes wages, beame lyt, & pascal lyt.
ffirst, Receyvyd for a hole yere, quartely gaderyd, of
the clarkes wages. Summa |
v l'i |
iij s] |
v d |
Item, Resseyvyd of the bemelyt this yerde. Summa
xvj s |
viij d |
Item, Resseyvyd at Estur for pascall' money. Summa
xij s |
iiij d |
Summa totallis, vj l'i xij s v d. |
Paymentes to the clarkes & Sexten.
ffirst, paid to George gysborowe, paryshe clarke, for
iij quarteres of a yere wages Summa
iij l'i |
vj s |
viij d |
Item, to lenard, conducte, for xij days in crystmas
syngyng & playing at the organs Summa
iiij s |
Item, to Ioh'n bull', Sexten, for a quarter wages
x s |
Item, Wylliam Wyld for his Reward frome Whytsontyd to Myghelmas for Syngyng in the qwere
vj s |
viij d |
Item, to harry fysher, clarke, on Seynt Andrews evyn,
for vij wekkes seruice Summa
xij s |
viij d |
Summa totallis, v l'i. |
Rest cler herof xxxij s v d. |
* * * * * |
Wax Reckoning.