Pages 242-246
The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.
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[A.D. 1501–2.
(fn. 1) Ihesus, maria: Amen.
[Chantry Accounts, Church Rents and Payments and Reparations of same.]
Paymentes ffor the Church'.
* * * * * | ||
(fn. 2) Item, payd to Ioh'n bull' & Thomas Watson, ffor mendyng of pewys in þe church', ych' of them ij days Summa | xvj d | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, ffor grete pynnes to the awters Summa | j d | |
Item, ffor a halywater sprynkkell' of laton Summa | x d | |
Item, ffor paper Ryall' to pryck songes in ffor the qwere Summa | vij d | |
Item, ffor brede, wyne & ale to þe syngeres on twelfdaye Summa | vj d | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, ffor mendyng of the pax to þe hye Awlter. Summa | ij d | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, ffor makyng of pewdors & settyng on of garnettes Summa | vj d | |
Item, ffor payntyng of the Crosstaffe ffor lent Summa | iiij d | |
Item, ffor makyng of a lectorne in the Roodlofte & mendyng of deskys in the qwere Summa | xij d | |
Item, ffor mendyng of the best Antyphoners Cuveryng the whych' the Rattes had hurte Summa | xij d | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, to Ioh'n bull' ffor skowryng of the Egull' of laton & the branchys & candelstykkes in the church' Summa | ij s | |
Item, ffor a shode shovyll' to ocupye in the Church' Summa | iiij d | |
Item, ffor bromys to make clene the Church. Summa | ij d | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, mendyng of the branch beffore ower lady in the qwere & nosyng of þe Candelstykes ffor morowmasse Summa | xij d | |
* * * * * | ||
(fn. 3) Item, payd for a bedstede in Syr Ioh'n howelles Chamber Summa | ij s | iiij d |
* * * * * | ||
Item, ffor mendyng of the lokke of the wekytt goyng in to the pardon Churchyerd Summa | ij d | |
Item, ffor mendyng of the lokke & makyng of a stapull' to the bolt of the gret churchyerd dorre. Summa | vj d | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, spent at Wylliam Olyueres vppon Mysteres Nonyley with Maister Alderman & dyueres of the parych to have hyr grant of mony toward þe byldyng of the Sowth' yle | ||
Item, ffor x elles brussell' Clothe to make iiij Awbys with ther Amys ffor chyldorn Summa | iiij s | ij d |
* * * * * | ||
(fn. 4) Item, ffor pavyng of vj teys beffore the hye Awter. Summa | iij s | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, ffor a rope to the Sans bell' Summa | iij d | |
Item, ffor mendyng of the pyxte, & makyng and gyldyng of sen Ioh'n be the crusyfyx of the same pyxt Summa | iij s | vj d |
* * * * * | ||
Item, payd to Thomas Colyns ffor hys horshyer whan he went to maydston ffor to bynde Mawnde the mason to perfforme hys Covenantes Summa | xx d | |
Item, ffor makyng of the oblygacion whych' mawnde is bownde in to perfforme his Covenantes. Summa | iiij d | |
Item, to Wylliam Wylde ffor Copying of the yndenters of Covenantes, the whych' copy was delyuerd to Maister Vartu Summa | iiij d | |
* * * * * | ||
Item, ffor mendyng of the skonsys in the qwere. Summa | iij d | |
* * * * * |
(fn. 5) Casweltyes in this yere.
(fn. 6) Ihesus.
Clarkys wagys, bemelyght & paskall'yght.
Paymentes to the Clarke & Sextyn.
[Obits. Wax Reckoning. Allowances. Rehearsal.]
(fn. 7) Memorandum: that it is agreed byffor Mr William Wylde, parson, Mr William Remyngton, Aldreman, with all' other of the paroschens affore, That Sir Ioh'n plommers bell' schall' serve ffor all' poor people of this parysche, And for none other, paying j d for the Ryngyng. And it schall' be Iugid by the said Sir Ioh'n plommer, he that desireth the bell' whether that he be a poor man or not: And after his descese by the advyse of the Senyoures of the parysche.
Item, it is aggreed byffor maister william wylde and Mr William Remyngton, Aldreman, and afore all' the paroschens, That whereas Ioh'n Ducklyng hath leyed owte of his purs ffor the chyrch'e werkes Summa x l'i, it is grauntid by the saide parson and paroschens to paye to the saide Ioh'n Ducklyng x l'i at the next Accoumpte, which shal be in the yer of owr lorde god mli ccccc iije.
Thies bene the dettes that ben oweng of this yer.