Corrigenda to volume 3

Pages viii-xi

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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A 3849. Add [Wilts]; for Walter de Bluntesdune read Walr[and] de Bluntesdune.

A 3850. For Bentewelle read Kentewelle.

A 3873. For [Suff.] read [Essex], dele 'of' after Junii in endorsement.

A 3885. For 'Cayo' read 'at the Quay.'

A 3920. For [Essex] read [Suff.] [Camb.].

A 3929. For clerks, Sir John, read clerks to Sir John.

A 3958. For [Suff.] read [Camb.]; for Estferia read Estsexia.

A 4002. For Sutwere read Sutwere.

A 4154. For Fitherlewes read Fithezlewes.

A 4166. For [Sussex] read [Surrey.]

A 4175. For Worthyng read Wortlyng.

A 4180. Dele [Camb.] [Sussex.]

A 4224. For Occheham read Ottheham.

A 4264. For Bishamme read Bishamton.

A 4363. For Johyngton read Ichyngton.

A 4464. For Kalendon read Kaleudon; for [Hen. III] read [34 Hen. III].

A 4529. For Bretwelle read Gretwelle.

A 4539. For Pacchelowe read Patthelowe.

A 4584. Add N'hamp.

A 4593. Add [Somers.]; for Baze read Bathe; for Bazewyke read Bathewyke.

A 4627. Add [Essex].

A 4675. For [Warw.] read [Kent.]

A 4678, 4650. For [Worc.] read [Wilts.]

A 4770, 4771. Add [York, W.R.]

A 4786. For Berughley read Berughby; for Hanyngworth read Harryngworth.

A 4792, 4795. Add [Rutl.]

A 4857. Add [Dorset.][Somers.]

A 4873. For Aprene read Apreue.

A 4914. For Leuche read Lenche; for St. Peter read Sir Peter.

A 5007. For [Kent] read [Norf.]

A 5051, 5057. For [N'hamp.] read [Glouc.]; for Thornby read Thornbury.

A 5206, 5212. For [Herts] read [Wilts.]

A 5266. For Espinez read Espinei.

A 5274. For W. read W[illiam] Chiévre (cognomento Capra).

A 5280. For Fishide read Fifhide; for Emewell Trowe read Emewell, Trowe.

A 5286. For Colbeham read Cobbeham, passim; for Colcintre read Toltintre.

A 5341. For [Suff.] read [Norf.]

A 5442. For [Herts] read [Wilts.]

A 5473. For [Norf.] read [Leic.]; for Sirteneby read Sixtenebi.

A 5475. For [Norf.] read [York, W.R.]; for Vermel read Vermel[is].

A 5480. Add Herts.

A 5493. For [Norf.] read [Kent.]

A 5555. For the dean of Norwich (Northf') read the dean of Norfolk.

A 5572. Add [Flint.]

A 5575. For [Norf.] read [York, W.R.]

A 5782. For Morganon read Morganou.

A 5790. For (Ellington) read (Elton).

A 5791. Add [Wilts. now Berks.]

A 5798. For [Surrey] read [Glouc.]

A 5799. For [Notts] read [Berks]; for Ossynton read Offynton.

A 5815. Dele 'r' in Bramme.

A 5820. Add [Bucks]

A 5835, 5838, 5841. For (Ellington) read (Elton).

A 5853. For Saytis read Sartis.

A 5865. For [Rutl ?] read [Somers.]

A 5888. For towards Solem upon Wisc read with a sunny aspect, on the Wisc.

A 5898. For (Ellington) read (Elton).

A 5901. For Hake read Hoke; add [Wilts].

A 5918. For (Saxby) read (Sysonby).

A 5926. For (Ellington) read (Elton).

A 5929. For Mngenelane read Mugeuelane.

A 5937. For [Norf ?] read [Kent]; after 'brother' add William; for Orpent read Orpenton; for Vitdemers read Uitdeniers.

A 5948. For [Essex ?] read [Scotland]; for Bothemle read Botheuile.

A 5983. For Coverton read Conerton.

A 5985. For Sothrover read Sothron; for (Black Burton) read (Burton in Lonsdale).

A 5988. For Damers read Daniers.

A 5993. For [Bucks] read [Norf.]

A 6018. For Polen read Poldu.

A 6023. For (Shipdam) read (Shipden alias Cromer).

A 6043. For Tregoin read Tregoni.

A 6062. For [Norf.] read [Camb.]

A 6074, 6075. For [Notts] read [N'hamp.]

A 6080. For Spurrier read Shoemaker.

A 6113. For Sansthorp read Sausthorp.

B 3877. For [Linc ?] read [Linc.]; for Hayen read Haxey.

B 3890. For [Oxford] read [Worc.]; for Albod read Abbod; for With read Wich.

B 3895. For [Hunt ?] read [Essex]; for Imel read Iniel; for Sebbana read Selvana.

B 3899. For [Warw.] read [Worc.]; for Peter Corbeton read Peter Corbecun.

B 3926. For Schockeborne read Schockeborue.

B 3950. For [Berks ?] read [Oxford]; dele "J."; for Medelintre read Medelinton; dele (Thatcham ?); for "Bavintre" read "Bavinton"; for "Badintre" read "Badinton"; for Twelfth century read [Henry III.]

B 3267, 3968. For [Warw.] read [Worc.]

B 3971. Add [Warw.]

B 3997. For Eswineryding read [L]efwineryding.

B 4003, 4007. For Aynsty read the Aynsty (of York).

B 4014. For Cammille read Kaunville.

B 4021. For Westre read West[on].

B 4022. For (Erdbury) read (Arbury).

B 4031. For Albo read White (Albus).

B 4081. For Dilacreholme read Dilacre, Holme.

B 4089. For Claynek read Claynes.

B 4098. Dele (Herring Gate).

B 4152. For Claynek read Claynes.

B 4161. For Hadeburry read Fladeburry.

B 4183. Add [son of] Philip after Bacon; for le Sohutere read le Schutere.

B 4187, 4189. Dele [Salop].

B 4190. Dele [Salop]; for Wolston read Woston.

B 4191. Dele [Salop]; dele [co. Salop].

B 4196. Dele [Salop]; for Morwins read Moraunt.

B 4198. Dele [Staff.]; dele [co. Stafford]; dele [co. Worcester].

B 4200. For [Suff.] read [Essex.]

B 4211. Add [Flint].

B 4224. For Anglesbeye read Anglesheye.

C 2947. For [Norf.] read [Suff.]

C 2978. For [Linc.] read [Lanc.]

C 2989. After Release read 'of court'; for 'of his court consisting' read concerning.

C 3000. For [Hants] read [Wilts]; for Colregeburn read Colingeburn.

C 3011. For Go . . . . by read Go[ute]by; for Aysslemere read Aysshemere.

C 3017. For Northienell read Northievell; insert comma after Thorncote.

C 3020. For [Warw.] read [Worc.]

C 3037. For Ottles read Eccles.

C 3044. For Westham read Weseham; for bailiffship read bailiwick; add Copy.

C 3047. For bond read statute staple; for Trurnbourgh read Trurubourgh.

C 3068. For Tendele read Teudele.

C 3075. For [Wilts] read [Cornw.]; for Cranefor read Craueforda.

C 3101. For [Suff ?] read [Hants.]

C 3104. For Acon read Aston.

C 3106. For [Essex] read [Oxford.]

C 3109. Dele [Wilts.]

C 3116. For [Wilts] read [Cornw.]

C 3174. For [Devon] read [Wilts.]

C 3185. For [N'hamp.] read [Worc.]

C 3194. For Longi read Long (Longus).

C 3202. For wheat read rye; dele London; dele [Middx.].

C 3203. For [Norf.] read [Suff.]

C 3213. Add after Robert de . . . [Dombilton from seal].

C 3235. For Stranley read Strauley (Strelley).

C 3270. For lordship's read lordships.

C 3284. For Danyls read Davyls.

C 3314. For [Norf.] read [Linc.]; for Hirlauston read Herlaustun.

C 3376, 3442. For [Wilts] read [Herts].

C 3469. For Werthing read Wertling.

C 3526. For Maystok read Maxstok.

C 3569. For [Derby] read [Berks].

C 3641. For [Wilts] read [Salop.]; for Eldecocote (Hilcott) read Eldecocote next William Walton (Elcot next Walltown).

C 3677. For [Oxford] read [Bucks].

C 3726. For Beauchier read Beauchien.

D 93. For [Hants] read [Oxford].

D 103. For Walter de Frankelan read Walter Frankelan.

D 137. For Faleburne read Fuleburne; for Neddingbe read Neddinghe; after Stockenebradefeud read 'the'; after Keteleberstone, and read 'the.

D 139. Add [Bucks.] [Herts.]

D 146. For Pechorn read Pathorn.

D 159. Add [York].

D 186. For [N'hamp.] read [Leic.]

D 209. For [Worc.] read [Glouc.]

D 220. For [Hunt.] read [Somers.] [Wilts]; dele Luddington.

D 233. For Boniartone read Boviartone.

D 234. For [Oxford] read [Wilts]; for . . . of Edward read [daughters of Here]ward.

D 236. For Ponterbell read Stamford Bridge (Pons Belli); for Scorreb read Scorreby.

D 326. For Simalam read Swale (Suualam).

D 387. For Pebidyank read Pebidyauk.

D 439. For Kenyngton read Benyngton.

D 515. For [Surrey] read [Berks].

D 550. For Deuyck read Devyek.

D 557. Add [Staff.]

D 561. For [Heref.] read [Pemb.]

D 570. For from read of.

D 573. For [Oxford] read [Glouc.]; for their read his.

D 628. For Austleye read Anstleye.

D 633. For Stoune read Stoure.

D 673. For Denyhok read Devyhok.

D 712. Add [Suff.]; for Hangle read Haugle.

D 721. For [Cornw.] read [Pemb.]; for [Porth Loe] read [Portclew in Lamphey].

D 723. For [Heref.] read [Pemb.]

D 775. For [Bucks] read [Pemb ?]

D 789. For Ponteyed read Pantezed; for Kayrnel read Kayrnek.

D 797. For Cayho read Kew (Cayho).

D 837. For Llanpadd[ock ?] read Llangaddok.

D 841. For Pebidiauk read Pebidiauk.

D 857. For [N'hamp ?] read [Bucks]; for Barthover read Barthon.

D 860. For [York] read [N'hamp.]; for Sodlein read Jodlein.

D 873. For [Herts] read [York].

D 876. For Pebidianke read Pebidiauke.

D 934. For [Heref.] read [Pemb.]

D 970. For Gykford read Tykford.

D 998. For Penkynek read Penkyuek.

D 1012. For Langharne read Laugharne.

D 1020. For Clayton read Claxton.

D 1021. For [Somers.] read [Wilts]; for Cudewrthe read Tudewrthe.

D 1039. For Luy read Lucy; for Ede read Eudo.

D 1040. For [York] read [Durh.]

D 1049. For [Derby ?] read [Berks]; for Beuesheffes read Benesheffes.

D 1056. For 'le Oldewokkey' read 'le Oldewolkey.'

D 1076. For Foleston read Fobeston.

D 1080. For [York ?] read [Linc.]; for Cauithorpe read Camthorp; for Margaret read Marjorita.

D 1090. For 'appointed' read 'ordained'; dele 'to the office of'; for 'at' read 'he being possessed of a title of'; after 'Saturday' read 'being one of the Ember days after the first Sunday'; dele ', the fourth day after Ash Wednesday.'

D 1104. For [Bucks] read [Oxford].

D 1107. For Grule read Ernle.

D 1109. For Tonker read Touker.

D 1129. For Trebernet read Trebervet.

D 1137. For Dodi read Dodus; for Son of Stanf' read the son, of Stanf[ord].

D 1216. For [Hants] read [Dorset].

D 1239. For Byefoway read Byestway.

Page 573. For Bentley, D 923 read D 933.

Page 624. For Norton near Mapas read near Malpas.