Corrigenda to volumes 1 and 2

Page vii

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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A 30. For the Canon (Canonik'), prior of Lattimer read canon of the priory of Lattun.

A 93. For [Bedf.] read [Bucks] [Herts]

A 1056. For [7 ?] read 10; add after 'Richard I.' See Charter Roll, 29 Edw. I., No. 20.

Page 580. For 'Chelleseye. See Chelsea.' read 'Chelleseye. See Cholsey.'

Page 580. Dele 'Chelsea, co. Bucks, C 467, 981.'

Page 580. After Chemeneye &c. index Chenies, Iselhamstede, Isenhamstude Cheney, Ysenamstud Cheyne, A 72, 79–83, 93.

Page 580. After 'Chobham, co. Surrey, B 892, 906,' index Cholsey, co. Berks, C 467, 981.

Page 593. After Iselhamsted, &c., add See Chenies and Latimer.

Page 593. After Isenhamstude, &c., add See Chenies.

Page 596. After Lathbury, &c. index Latimer, Iselhamsted in Chesham, A 8.

Page 596. Dele Latimers, A 30.

Page 596. For Latton, &c., read Latton, Lattun, priory, A 30, 751.

Page 597. For 'Lollyndon in Chelsea, co. Bucks,' read 'Lollyndon in Cholsey, co. Berks.'

Page 622. After Ysenamstud, &c. add See Chenies.

Page 703. After St. John, de, for A 313 read A 213; for B 497 read B 498.


A 1924. Dele (Lacy); for Cy read Ty.

A 1990, 2019, 2043. For vintner read ointer.

A 3060. For Chann read Chanu.

B 1843. For Baunoyle read Baunvyle.

B 1958. For [ ] read [Heref?]

B 3195, 3199. Add [N'hamp.]

C 2610. For [York.] read [Wilts.]

Page 598. For Lache &c. read Lach Dennis, Lache, Lache Mauban, in Witton, co. Chest., B 1843, 1845.

Page 633. For Baunoyle read Baunvyle.

Page 652. For Chann read Chanu.

Page 686. Dele Lacy, A 1924.

Page 727. Add A 1924 after Ty de.

Page 619. For Schipden. See Shipdham read Schipden. See Shipden.