Serjeants' Inn, Holborn - Seyntbotulfes Lane

A Dictionary of London. Originally published by H Jenkins LTD, London, 1918.

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Serjeants' Inn, Holborn

See Scroop's Inn.


A body of barristers of the highest degree, sworn to serve the King's people in their causes.

The Judges of the High Court, prior to the Judicature Act, 1873, were required to have taken this degree, if they had not already done so.

Of high antiquity, mentioned as existing in the statute of Westminster. See Serjeants' Inn.

Sermon Lane

South out of Carter Lane, at No. 13, to Knightrider Street (P.O. Directory). In Castle Baynard Ward.

First mention: " Sarmoneres lane," H. III. (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. pp.13 and 19). "Sarmouneris Lane," 1315 (ib. 26). " Sermeneres lane," 1366 (Ct. H.W. II. 93). " Sharmoneres lane," 1380 (ib. 215). " Sermon Lane," 32 H. VIII. (Lond. I. p.m. 33 H. VIII. I. 67). " Sermon Lane" for " Sheremoniers Lane " (S. 371).

Stow says the lane may be supposed to take the name of Sheremongers, who cut and rounded the plates to be coined into Estarling pence (ib. 370).

It seems more likely, however, that the name of the lane was derived from the family of Sarmoner, who held property there, for in a Deed 12 Hen. III. certain land in parish of St. Mary Magdalene is described as "apud pisconariam inter venellam regiam occidentalem," land of the hospital of St. Bartholomew east, and extending to " vico regio" south, and to land of Ade Sermocinarii north (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A Box I 7, No.354), while in a later Deed of 1278 boundaries of property are given as " venellam vocatam 'Sarmonereslane'" west and a tenement "ejusdem domini Pni qoud quondam fuit Ade le Sarmoner " north and " vicum regium " south (ib. 355), which suggests that the lane had been named "Sarmoneres lane" after "Adam le Sarmoner" in the interval between 12 H. III. and 1278.

Sernes Tower

On the north side of Bucklersbury, in Cheap Ward (S. 262).

Originally the house of William Servat in Bucklershury. He obtained licence to build and crenellate a tower beyond the gate of his dwelling place in 1305 (Cal. P.R. Ed. I. 1301-7, p.379).

In 1317-18 the houses late of Wm. Servat, which the king held of the gift of Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa, were granted for life to Queen Isabella (ib. Ed. II. 1317-21, p.53).

Wm. Servat was an alderman of Walbrook Ward 1309 and 1318. He sat in Parliament in 1309 and 1313 and was a Collector of Customs (Beavan, I. 216, 163, 380) for the King.

In 1344 the house was made the King's Exchange (S. 52 and 262), and in 1358 Edward III. granted it to the college of St. Stephen, Westminster (Dugdale, VI. 1350).

In 1365 it was in the occupation of W. Holbeck, as lessee, and after his death of his widow Matilda (Ct. H.W. II. 104, and Ch. I. p.m. 50 Ed. III.).

Forms of name: " Sewtes Tower," 32 Ed. III. (Dugdale, Mon. Ang. VI. 1350). Queen's tower of Sernat," 1338 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1338-40, p. 'is). "la Tour Servat," 5 Ed. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 10948). " Surnetistour," 1365 (Ct. H.W. II. 104). " Sylvestre tour" (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. 56). " Seruesse Tower" or "Service Tower" (S. 1st ed. 209).

Herbert in his account of the Grocers' Company says they took up their temporary residence in Bucklersbury at a place called the Cornet's Tower (I. 341) in 1383.

Stow says the Tower had been lately pulled down and a new house set up (S. 262).

Serpent Alley

East out of Red Cross Street, in Cripplegate Ward Without (O. and M. 1677-Strype, 1755).

The site is now occupied by the Midland Railway goods station.

Sersyns Head, Snow Hill

See Saracen's Head Inn.

Sessions House, Old Bailey

See Central Criminal Court.

Sethod Lane

See Seuehodeslane.

Seuechene Lane

See Seething Lane.


See Seething Lane.

Seuehodes Lane

In the parishes of St. Lawrence Jewry and St. Martin Pomary.

A tenement in Ironmonger Lane is described as in the parish of St. Martin Pomers between the lane called Seuehodelane north and the tenement in which Thomas Machchyng lived south (MSS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A. Box 15, 65).

The lane would therefore appear to be on the west side of Ironmonger Lane.

First mention : "Seuehodes lane," 1354 (Ct. H.W. I. 679).

Other forms and names: "Sefhod lane," 1376 (ib. II. 201). "Sevenhod lane," 139+ (ib. 308). " Sevehodes lane," 1406 (Cal. P.R. H. IV. 1405-8, p.289). " Sevehodene lane," 1412 (Ct. H.W. II. 395). Sevenfote lane," 35 H. VI. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2186).

There was a Robert Schevehod living in the neighbourhood in 1277 (Cal. L. Bk. B. 266) and a Henry "Sevehod" in Ironmonger Lane in 1283 (Cal. L. Bk. A. p.79) and a Robert Seuehod in the same lane in 26 Ed. III. (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A. Box 15, 65), so that the lane doubtless took its name from this family. Sharpe suggests that being in the Jewry the name may have some connexion with Sephardim, the distinctive title of one of the two great branches of the Hebrew race (Cal. L. Bk. A. p.12).

In "Sevenfote" the change of form may be due merely to errors in deciphering the letters of the name in the original documents.

Seven Star Alley, Houndsditch

See Hanover Court.

Seven Star Alley, Royal Mint Street

See Seven Star Court.

Seven Star Court

In Fore Street, in Cripplegate Ward Without (P.C. 1732).

Not named in the maps.

Name derived from the sign

Seven Star Court

South out of Royal Mint Street (Rosemary Lane) (P.C. 1732-O.S. 1848-51).

Former names: "Seven Star Alley" (Rocque, 174~L. Guide, 1758). "Seavin Starr Alley " (Strype, 1720-55).

Site covered by the Royal Mint Refinery.

Seven Star Court

West out of Moor Lane, in Cripplegate Ward Without (O. and M. 1677-Boyle, 1799).

See New Court, Moor Lane.

Seven Step Alley

At 39 New Street, Gravel Lane, Houndsditch. In Portsoken Ward (P.O. Directory).

Earliest mention : O. and M. 1677. In its original state the street was more extensive than at present and had a passage east to Middlesex Street (Petticoat Lane), occupying part of the sites of the present Ellison Street, Hutchison Street, Hutchison Avenue and Providence Place. The passage into Middlesex Street was called "Bates' Yard" (Strype, 1720 and 1755).

The whole neighbourhood has been altered and rebuilt for the extension of the Metropolitan Railway lines, etc.

Seven Steps Yard

At the north-east end of Gravel Lane, Houndsditch. In Portsoken Ward (Rocque, 1746-Boyle, 1799).

Site covered by New Street and New Court.

Sevenfoot Lane

See Seuehodes Lane.

Seyntbotulfes Lane

See Botolph Lane.