A Dictionary of London. Originally published by H Jenkins LTD, London, 1918.
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In this section
- Searle's Wharf
- Second Postern
- Secondary's Office
- Sedgwick's Rents, Yard
- Sedyng Lane
- Seething Lane
- Segeryneslane
- Seintebrides Lane
- Selds
- Seleria
- Selvernestrate
- Semannescyrce, Semmanesire
- Sempringham Court
- Sepulchre (St.)
- Sepulchre's (St.) Alley
- Sepulchre's (St.) Burying Ground
- Sepulchre's (St.) Charity School
- Seremer Lane
- Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane
- Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street
Searle's Wharf
Between Bird's Wharf east and Scott's Wharf west, in Farringdon Ward Without, east of the Temple (Rocque, 1746, and Dodsley, 1761).
"Hawkes Wharf" (q.v.) in Horwood.
Site now occupied by Victoria Embankment and the Temple Avenue.
Second Postern
Between London Wall and Fore Street, east of Aldermanbury Postern (Rocque, 1746-London Guide, 1758, and Boyle, 1799).
The site is now occupied by offices and business houses.
Called " Basinghall Postern" in Maitland, 1775, II. 906, and described as an open passage with a Gate.
Secondary's Office
In the Inner Temple (Horwood 1799).
Sedgwick's Rents, Yard
South out of London Wall. In Broad Street Ward (P.C. 1732-Boyle, 1799).
See Leathersellers' Buildings.
Site now occupied by Copthall Avenue (q.v.).
Named after the owner or builder.
Sedyng Lane
By the White Friars, 25 H. VIII. (L. and P. H. VIII. VI. 463).
No other record.
Seething Lane
North out of Great Tower Street, at No.53, to 33 Crutched Friars P.O. Directory). In Tower Ward.
Earliest mention in present form: "Sethyng lane" alias "Sydone Lane," 12 Eliz. A Lend. I. p.m. II. 132). " Seeting or Sything Lane " (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 53).
Earlier forms of name : " Shyvethenestrat," 1257 (Anc. Deeds, C. 1202). " Syvid lane," 1258-9 (Ct. Hust. W. I. 2). " Siuethenestrate," 1280-1 (Cal. L. Bk. A. p. 150). "Seuechenelane," 13 Ed. I. (Ch. I. p.m. 65). " Sivendestret," 1291 (Ct. H.W. I. 101). "Synchenestrate," 1293-4 (ib. iii). (" n" may be an error in transcription for "u") "Syuethenelane," 1309 (Cal. L. Bk. C. p.17'). "Syuethelane," 6 Ed. II. (Anc. Deeds, A. 1847). "Senethene lane," 7 Ed. III. (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A. Box 1, 117). "Seneden lane," 13 Ed. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 1844). " Syueden lane," 21 Ed. III. (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A, Box I, 530). "Ceveden lane," 30 Ed. III. (Cal. L. Bk. G. p. 80). "Syvenden-lane," 1367 (Ct. H.W. II. 105). "Cyvyndonelane," 1386 (ib. 255). "Synedene lane," '397 (Cal. P.R. Ric. II. I396~, p.148). " Sevethenlane," 1418 (ib. 415). "Syvedon lane," 1524-5 (ib. 630). "Sydon lane," 1558 (Lond. I. p.m. L. and M. Arch. Soc. VII. 181).
Derivation of name: Skeat suggests that the earliest form of the name was "Siucchene," representing " Sifecan," the genitive case of the A.S. name " Sifeca," or "Seofoca," and that " Seofeca's lane" became " Siveken lane," " Sive'n lane," later " Seevin lane," altered to " Seething" or "Seeding." He puts it forward as a suggestion only (N. and Q. 10th S. XI. p. 485).
Of course the "th" in the earliest forms set out above may easily be an error in transcription for "ch".
See Smethe Lane.
The remains of Roman walls and pavements have been found throughout the street.
Messuage called the Christopher and two tenements adjoining in Thames Street, to wit at the corner of a lane called " Segeryneslane " in parish of St. Dunstan in the East, purchased of the Mercers Company 1566 (Lond. I. p.m. II. p.44).
Earlier form : " Sygrymes lane," I1 Ed. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 11539).
From this deed it appears that the messuage in question was situated between "the high street called 'Tamystrate' and the lane called ' Sygrymes lane' towards the east, and other tenements west, stretching from the lane by which one goes to the church of St. Dunstan in Tower Ward towards the north as far as Tamysestrate south."
It would appear, then, that " Sygrymeslane" must have been either the present St. Dunstan's hill," or must have lain between that street and Harp Lane. The latter alternative seems the more probable, as St. Dunstan's hill was so named in Stow's time, and if it had been known as " Segerynes" lane so recently as 1566, he would probably have noted the fact.
Seintebrides Lane
See Bride Lane.
Stow describes them as sheds or shops, but Riley thinks he is in error in thus describing them.
He says there seems to be every reason to conclude from various passages in the City records that these selds were extensive warehouses, similar probably to the Eastern bazaars, with numerous rooms in them and fitted with aumbries, or cupboards, chests and locks and let to various tenants; while in some instances a mere vacant plot of ground (placea) within the seld is mentioned as being let (Mem. xviii.).
Thus, for instance: In 1318 John Sturmy let to Hamon Godchep "a place of ground in the great seld which formerly belonged to the Lady Roisia de Coventre situate in the Westchepe of London (Cal. L. Bk. E. p. 85). In 1320 Richard and Margery Godchep let a room in their seld in the parish of St. Mary le Bow in Westchepe, together with the chests and aumbries therein (Cal. L. Bk. E. p.134). Two chests in the seld of St. Martin le Grand mentioned in Will of 1315-16 (Ct. H.W. I. 259). Aumbry with three chests belonging to Thomas de Worstede in the seld of Richard Costantyn, 1346 (ib. 489).
See also: Tanner's Seld, Girdler's Seld, Brodeselde, Winchester Seld, Painted Seld, Brantefeldesselde, Goodchepfelde (" f " should be " s "), Crowned Seld, Aernselde or Berneselde, Arraces selde, Andoverselde, White tawyers seld.
See Saddlery (The).
See Silver Street.
Semannescyrce, Semmanesire
Qy. = All Hallows the Great.
Sempringham Court
In parish of St. Sepulchre, 1648 (Ct. H.W. II. 765).
So named after the capital messuage called" Mayster of Sempringham's Head house" situate in Cow Lane, which belonged to the Monastery of Sempriagham. It seems to have been near Holborn Cross, 2 and 3 P. and M (Lond. I. p.m. I. 142).
No later record.
Sepulchre (St.)
On the north side of Holborn Viaduct, at its junction with Giltspur Street and Snow Hill (P.O. Directory). In Farringdon Ward Without.
First mention : " St. Sepulchre in the bailey without Neuwegate," 27 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2581).
An earlier record, 16 H. III., mentions " Fratres hospitalis Sancti Sepulchri Londoniensis " (Cal. P.R. H. III. 1225-32, p.499), but it does not appear whether the entry relates to this parish.
Strype says the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre was instituted 1103 (ed. 1720, I. iii. 241).
Other forms: " St. Sepulchre without Newegate," 49 II. III, (Anc. Deeds, A. 2610 and 2630). "S. Edmund without Newgate," 1278-9 (Ct. H.W. I. 38). "Sci Sepulcri extra Chamb'leingate," 1285 (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Lib. L. f. 93). "St. Sepulchre outside the bar of West Smethefeud," 31 Ed. I. (Ch. I. p.m. No.129). " St. Sepulchre in Smethefeld," 1300-1 (Ct. H.W. I. 151). " St. Sepulchre within Neugate," 1308 (ib. 199). " St. Sepulchre de Smithefeld," 1349 (ib. 597). " St. Sepulchre within the liberty of the City," 1338 (ib. 427). "St. Sepulchre within Newgate in ward of Faryndon Within," 1 H. IV. (Cal. P.R. H. IV. 1399-1401, p.240). " St. Edmond Sepulcher without Newgate, 1578 (Ct. H.W. II. 696). " St. Poulchers," 1594 (ib. 721).
It is evident from these records that at one period St. Sepulchre's parish extended within Newgate, and in 1547 the tithes of the inhabitants of the buildings in the gate called Newgate and of that part of St. Sepulchre's parish lying within and in the said gate were granted to the mayor and citizens of London (L. and P. H. VIII. XXI. (2), p.416).
In the time of H. VIII., 1547, this portion of the parish within the gate was taken to constitute, with the parishes of St. Audoen and St. Nicholas, the new parish of Christ Church, Newgate Street.
Rebuilt temp. H. VI. or Ed. IV. (S. 387). Repaired 1624-7 and 1632-3 (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 241).
Nave destroyed in Fire, rebuilt 1670.
Repaired 1728, 1837, 1863, 1875-8, 1880.
The churchyard until the 18th century extended into the street, but has been curtailed in size and the outlying portions laid into the street, 1760 and 1871.
A Vicarage. Patrons: the Canons of St. Bartholomew Smithfield, 31 Ed. I. (Lib. Cost. I. 237). Now St. John's College, Oxford.
Sepulchre's (St.) Alley
North out of Hartrow Street, east of St. Sepulchre's Church, in Farringdon Ward Without (Rocque, 1746-Boyle, 1799).
Thrown into the churchyard on the occasion of the widening of Giltspur Street in 1760. In the Act of Parliament the houses taken down are described as Middle Row, and Sepulchre's alley is spoken of as the "paved alley" (Gent. Mag. Lib. XV. 228). Named after the church.
See Middle Row, Giltspur Street.
Sepulchre's (St.) Burying Ground
On the northern boundary of Farringdon Ward Without, north of Smithfield Market, east of Durham Yard (Horwood, 1799).
Other names: " Churchyard for St. Sepulchers " (O. and M. 1677). " St. Sepulchre's Churchyard" (Rocque, 1746, and Strype, eds. 1720 and 1755).
Strype tells us that there was a large churchyard both before and behind the church, a good part now taken away and converted into buildings. Not enough left for the burial of the dead and the Inhabitants are forced to make use of another large piece of ground in Chick I,ane (ed. 1720, I. iii. 283).
Site is now occupied by Charterhouse Street and the railway lines.
Sepulchre's (St.) Charity School
In Bell Court, Giltspur Street, nearly opposite the Church (Lockie, 1810-Elmes, 1831).
Not named in the maps.
Seremer Lane
Messuages there mentioned 2 H. IV. (Cal. P.R. H. IV. 1399-1401, p.411).
Not identified.
Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane
On the east side of Chancery Lane, west of Clifford's Inn, in Farringdon Ward Without (O.S. 1875-80).
For Honourable Society of Judges and Serjeants-at-Law.
First mention: The messuage called " Grey's Place " in parish of St. Dunstan in the West between messuage called Clifford's Inne east, a lane called Chanceler lane west, a messuage called the " Rolles" north leased by the Bishop of Ely to the serjeants-at-law, 12 H. VII. (Add. MS. 5627, f. 38).
In the Rentals of the Bishopric of Ely, 2 Ed. VI., mention is made of a "Farm in Chancery Lane called 'le Serjant In' " (Add. Roll, 34274).
It is said to have been called Farringdon Inn and to have been acquired by the Serjeants 1414-15.
In Strype's time it was old and very much decayed and the Front part lately rebuilt was let out as Shops. The Hall had also been rebuilt and was large and good (ed. 1720, 1. iii. 277).
The Society was dissolved in 1876 and the Inn sold by auction 1877 and eventually pulled down.
Site now covered by shops and business houses.
Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street
On the south side of Fleet Street, adjoining the east side of the Temple precincts, in Farringdon Ward Without (O.S. 1880).
Another house of the Serjeants-at-Law.
First mention: "le Sergeantes Inne," 36 H. VIII. (L. and P. H. VIII. XIX. (1), p.177).
It was the property of the Dean and Chapter of York, and prior to its occupation by the Serjeants, temp. H. VIII., it had been used as a private dwelling house (N. and Q.11th S. IV. p.73).
Granted to Edward Montague, 3 Ed. VI. (Pat. R. Ed. VI.). Claim contested by the Serjeants, 1606 (H. MSS. Com. Beaulieu, p.50).
Burnt in the Fire and rebuilt in a more fair, substantial and uniform manner (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 277).
In the 18th century the Serjeants here removed to the Chancery Lane Inn and this hall was taken by the Amicable Assurance Society, 1737. Now occupied by the Church of England Sunday School Institute (N. and Q. 11th S. VI. p.67).