Pages 130-135
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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27 February 1510–11.
Pro villa et Collegio.
xxvii die mensis Februarii, hora quasi xii diei, anno Domini jm vc decimo, indictione xiiii, pontificatus Julij Pape secundi anno viii°. Magister Gawinus Dowglas prepositus ecclesie collegiate diui Egidii de Edinburgh officialis et omnes prebendarii eiusdem respectu huius diei defectus in celebratione cum honore solito misse sanctissimi cruoris Domini nostri Jesu Christi de cetero firmiter promiserunt eandem omni die quarta feria honorabile facere et decantare sub penis omni die feriali pro personali pena ii d. et die festiuo iiiid.; et si contingat in toto deficere soluent prebendarii vnam marcam ad commune bonum confraternitatis Sancti Cruoris et quod in illa die non habeatur synodum priuilegiando quemquam a dicto seruicio; et protestatus est dominus officialis nomine ceterorum prebendariorum quod si contingat computo facto super accumulandis denariorum huiusmodi confraternitatis ad magnam quantitatem in summe quod ipsi aliquantulum habeant in suo refrigerio primo huiusmodi seruicio fiende: Acta erant hec in capitulo capitulariter congregati hora quasi supra Dominus Alexander Lauder prepositus ville de Blith miles petiit instrumentum. Testibus Wilemo Hoppar, Adam Carkettil, Patricio Broun [blank] Elleis.
[On the twenty-seventh day of the month of February, about the twelfth hour of the day, in the year of our Lord 1510, the thirteenth indiction, the eighth year of the pontifcate of Pope Paul the Second. Master Gavin Dowglas, provost of the Collegiate Church of St Giles of Edinburgh, the official, and all the prebendaries thereof, in respect of the failure today in the celebration with accustomed honour of the mass of the most holy blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, firmly promised in future to celebrate and sing the same on every Wednesday, under the penalities for every week day for each person twopence, and for a festival fourpence; and if all should fail, the prebendaries should pay one merk to the common good of the confraternity of the Holy Blood, and they should not have the privilege of synod in any day to excuse from the said service. And the official, in name of the other prebendaries, protested that if it shall happen, upon taking account of the money which may be accumulated of the said confraternity, it amounts to a large sum, that they shall have a little of it for their own refreshment, the service being first done in this manner. (fn. 1) These things were done in the chapter chapterly convened about the foresaid hour. Sir Alexander Lauder, of Blith, Knight, Provost of the town, asked an instrument. Witnesses, William Hoppar, Adam Carketill, Patrick Brown, (blank) Elleis.]
24 April 1511.
Vicini tenentis in communi mora.
xxiiiito die mensis Aprilis, etc. prescripti, hora vi post merediem. In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presencia personaliter accessit honorabilis vir, Willelmus Hoppar vnus balliuorum burgi de Edinburgh ad communem moram eiusdem et ibidem virtute officii sui de speciali facultate et licencia supremi domini nostri regis ad infrascripta precipue exhibitis et concessis preposito et balliuis huiusmodi burgi statum possessionem corporalem et sasinam hereditariam vnius pecie terre vaste continentis viz secus lacum burgalem eiusdem burgi dimedietatem vnius acre terre pro edificiis desuper' edificandis inter terram [blank] ex parte orientali et terram [blank] ex occidentali ab vna partibus et alia; etiam vnius particule terre arabilis eidem pecie terre annexe jacentis versus austrum continentis duas acras et dimediam vnius acre terre arabilis jacentis cum maiori large mensure quod illa particula in parte sterilis est et non adeo fertilis et fructuosa sicut cetere sunt terre circa adiacentes. Quia vnaquaque tenandria in huiusmodi mora debet continere in toto tres acras tantum terre edificantis et arabilis nisi dicta foret racionabilis causa sterilitantis et infructuosis secundum tenorem carte sub sigillo communi huiusmodi burgi desuper conficiende.
Similiter actum est nobili viro domino Alexandro Lauder de Blithe militi preposito Edinburgi.
Etiam Ade Carkettel.
Item magistro Waltero Layng.
Item Waltero Yong, etiam balliuus dicti burgi.
Item Johanni Adamson.
Item Johanni Watson.
Item Walterus Yong balliuus similiter dedit sasinam Willelmo Hoppar de sua parte.
Item Willelmus Hoppar balliuus dedit sasinam Willelmo Rynd.
Item Georgeo Towris.
Item Patricio Rechartson.
Item Ricardo Scot.
Item Johanni Rowat.
Item Waltero Thomson.
Item Willelmo Forsyth.
Item Thome Hathway.
Item Johanni Levington.
Testibus, domino Georgeo Lauder de Halton militi, domino Adam Spens, domino Johanne Jakson, notariis, magistro Clemente Fernle, Vincentio Strathauchin, Willelmo Paterson, Andrea Gram, Andrea Rowat, et Thoma Arnot, seriando.
[On the twenty-fourth day of April, etc., at six o'clock afternoon, In presence of me notary-public and the witnesses subscribing, an honourable man William Hoppar, one of the bailies of the Burgh of Edinburgh passed to the common muir of the same, and there, by virtue of his office and of the special faculty and licence of our supreme Lord the King to the underwritten precept, exhibited and granted to the Provost and Bailies of the Burgh, gave corporal state and possession and heritable sasine of a piece of waste land containing as follows: —Towards the Burgh Loch of the said burgh the half of an acre of land for houses and buildings to be erected thereon, between the lands of [blank]on the east, and the lands of [blank] on the west. Also of one piece of arable land annexed thereto, lying towards the south, containing two acres and the half of an acre arable land, lying with the larger measure, because that piece is in part barren, and not so fertile and fruitful as the other lands lying thereabout. For every tenandry in the said muir should contain in whole three acres of land only to be built and cultivated, unless there be a reasonable cause of barrenness and unfruitfulness, according to the tenor of the charter to be made thereupon, under the common seal of the Burgh.
The like was done to a noble man Sir Alexander Lauder of Blyth, provost of Edinburgh; also to Adam Carkettel; also to Mr Walter Layng; also to Walter Young, bailie of the said Burgh; also to John Adamson; also to John Watson. Also Walter Young bailie in like manner gave sasine to William Hoppar of his part. Also William Hoppar gave seisin to William Rynd; also to George Towris; also to Patrick Rechartson; also to Richard Scott; also to John Rowat; also to Walter Thomson; also to William Forsyth; also to Thomas Hathway; also to John Levington. Witnesses Sir George Lauder of Halton knight, Sir Adam Spens, Sir John Jakson, notaries, Maister Clement Fernle, Vincent Strathauchin, William Paterson, Andrew Gram, Andrew Rowat and Thomas Arnot, seriands.] (fn. 2)
3 May 1511.
Constable court.
(The constable court halden before the provost and baillies of Edinburgh.)—Tr.
6 May 1511.
The mesour of wechtis.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis and deliueris, anent the complaynt maid be Richert Patersoun and the laif of the fermorairis of the petie customes of the toun schewand thai ar greitlie hurt be the nychtbouris at the ovir trone of woll butter cheis and siclyk stuf, that quhair be the ordinance of the said bailies and counsale laitlie before this thair commoun wechtis wer mynnist, becaus thay war to lairge agane the law, and thairthroch the said customes ar mynnist be the said nychtbouris that haldis the lairge wechts, yit still and sua the strangeris passis to thame and abusis the commoun wechtis, that in remeid thairof according to the commoun law that all stane wechtis sould be equale, they haue ordanit that all the saidis nychtbouris and vtheris within this toune haue thair stane wecht weyand xvj lib, and enerye pund to wey xvj vnce, half stane, quartar stane, and pund efferand thairto, and that thay vse nane vther vnder the pane of escheting of the wechtis and banessing of the toun quhair the contrair heirof may be vnderstand and apprehendit, and that the said nychtbouris vse their awin wechtis bot to serue thame selffis within thair awin houssis.
Watter baillies.
(Item, it is to be remembrit that in thir yeris aboue written the watter baillie wes yeirlie chosen at Mychaelmas with the vther baillies.—Tr.)
19 June 1511.
Sworn pynouris.
The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale of Edinburgh, thir persouns pyoneris vnderwritten, viz. Johne Allane, Johne Wilsoun, Jame Gilmor, Wil Eldare, Jame Robesoun, Jhone Masoun, Jhone Huntare, and Jhone of Dalmahoy wer admittit to labour and serue the merchants at thair port and heavin of Leyth, first to serue the Kings Hienes in his lawbouris that happins, and nixt his Grace, be ordour, the provest baillies counsale and communitie of the said burgh, and thairafter the strayngeris as accordis vpoun resoun, ilk ane in thair awin grie, and heirfore the saidis pyoneris ar sworn the holy evangellis twicheit hes gevin thair bodely aythis and to be leill and trew to the towne and merchants thairof anentt thair customes and dewteis to be had, and nocht to be dissauet thairintill in als far as thai may be diligence, and to keip the schore clene of all middings fuilzie and al sic stufe. (In the convict buik begynand Julij 1505.—Tr.)
Pest. Pettie custome of cord and canves.
The quhilk day, it is ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale anent the voydour callit cord and canves to be tayne be the petit custumeris within this burgh of pakkis of lint resortand thairto in tyme to cum and brocht to the samyn be vnfreemen and strayngeris that in favour of thame till eschew trubill that thai sall pay for ilk last of lint contendand ane hundreth and four staynis for the cord and canves thairof iii s. iiij d., and of the paks efferand to the raitt thairof and quantitie, to the petite customeris of this towne, or ellis to deliuer the cords and canves thairof as voidouris and all quhat sumeuir thai happin to be evill and guid beand in ony a merchands handis at the strayngeris will other the said money or the voider of the said paks, and the said money to be ferit and modefeit after the quantitie of the last efferand thairto.
10 August 1511.
The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsall sittand in jugement, James Hvme, kirkmaister of the scherer and walker craft producit certane statutis concernand thair craft vnder the commoun seill of cause of the toun, the quhilk maid mentioun that gif onye persoun of the said craft beis fundin wirkand with cairdis notit or previt vpoun him he sall pay for ilk tyme he beis ouretane or tayntit thairwith xv s. to be distributit v s. to Sanct Gelys wark, v s. to the reparatioun of the alter, and the vther v s. to be gevin to the finder.
28 August 1511.
Villa, Buth Raw, Mauchane.
The quhilk day in presens of the provest baillies and counsale Alexander Mauchane consentit forsamekle as the toun wes auisit to tak doun his land in the Buthraw that he is now bigand ane vther tua landis nixt on the west syde vpoun compitent prices, for the honour and commoun weill of the kirk and bigging thairof, thai payand to him thairfor siclike as for the said vther tua landis mark and mark like, nochtwithstanding the expenssis that he makis vpoun his said biging in the mene tyme.
30 September 1511.
Forsamekle as Johnne Muncur [and] Johnne Mortoun wes delatit for the crewell slauchter of Jhonne Liddell, thairfor thai wer chairgit in oure Souerane Lordis name the prouest and baillies of this burgh at the mercat croce of the samyn that thai compeir vpoun Wednisday next tocum to vnderly the law for the airt and pairt of the said slauchter, with intimatioun that and thay compeir nocht thay will denunce thame and put thame to the horne as the Kingis rebellis and fugitiue fra the lawis.
The foresaid personis denuncit.
Forsamekle as Jhonne Mortoun, Jhonne Mortoun his sone, and William Mortoun, wer chargit be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of this burgh to haue comperit on Wednisday last bypast to haue vnderlyin the law for airt and pairt of the slauchter of Jhonne Liddell, with intimatioun that and thay comperit nocht the said day thay wald denunce thame the Kingis rebellis efter the tenour of the first proclamatioun and comperit nocht, thairfor thay wer denuncit the Kingis rebellis and putt thame to his horne as fugitiue fra his lawis, and all thair movable guddis to be the Kingis escheit.
8 October 1511.
Statuta seriandis.
The prouest ballies and counsale hes statute and ordanit that alwayis ane seriand or tua sall await and depend vpoun ane of the baillies for the executioun of the statutis of the toun in the fische merket and vther places neidfull, quhen and as the cause occurris, sua that the baillies be nocht destitute in tyme of neid, vnder the pane to the seriand be quhome the falt standis of dipriuatioun at the will of the prouest baillies and counsale and consideratioun as thay think convenient.