Pages 125-130
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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2 January 1509–10.
[King's letter in favour of Stephane, apothecary.]
JAMES be the grace of God King of Scottis to the prouest baillies counsall and communite of our burgh of Edinburgh greting, Forsamekil as we ar informit that ye haue at our request and desyr sett ane of your commoun buthis in your belhous to William Dun goldsmyth vnder your commoun seil, we beand that tyme informit that the said William suld for the honour of us and the commoun profit of our realme and liegis haue and halde ane commoun hous of change for gold and siluer and furnis the samin thairto, nocht withstandand our will and desyr beand fulfillit be yow he has nocht occupeit the said buth nor change, in greit scaith and hindering to ws and realme and liegis, and in contrar the informacioun maid to ws thairapoun, and now becaus the said buith is vacand throw the assedatioun maid to the said Williame baith for his absence and for the caus forsaid we exhorte and prais you herfore richt effectusly that ye will for our speciale request at this tyme sett the said hous and buith til our familiar and daily seruitour Maister Stephane, ypothegar, sa that he may be enterit thairintil and vse the samin with his materiall and spisery sa that he may be fundin thair redy to do ws seruice, sen it was knowin in our grancschyris tyme for ane ypothegaris buith, and as now our said burgh for our honour and pollesy of our realm suld haue sic like, sen it is neidfull and profitabil, the said Master Stephane paiand to you yerly als mekil mail as it gevis; and this ye wil the erar do for our request and prayer, and as ye wil reporte speciale thank of ws thairfor, and that ye will certify ws of your ententis and answer heryntill with the berer. Gevin vnder our signet at Edinburgh the secund day of Januar, and of our regne the xxj yer.
26 January 1509–10.
Bartilmo Wawane Cristina Lamb.
xxvi Januarii hora iii post merediem etc. vt supra. Accesserunt Alexander Lauder prepositus, Willelmus Foular decanus gilde, Andreas Elphinston de Selmys, Robertus Rynd,Patricus Richartson, Georgius Diksoun, Willelmus Hopper, Robertus Brus, Patricius Heriot, Willelmus Clerk, Johannes Merche, Walterus Chepman, et Jacobus Aikman, lineatores admissi, per Bartholomeum Wawane ab vna, et Cristinam Lamb de consensu Johannis Adamson junioris sui sponsi partibus ab altera, ad tenementum ipsius Cristine jacens in le Cowgait ex australi parte eiusdem, et ibidem linearunt superiorem vastam partem eiusdem tenementi immediate ascendentem a foneo orti eiusdem prout sequitur in vulgari. [On the 26th january, at three o'clock of the afternoon, &c., as above, appeared Alexander Lauder, Provost; William Fowler, Dean of Guild; Andrew Elphinston of Selmys, Robert Rhind, Patrick Richardson, George Dickson, William Hopper, Robert Bruce, Patrick Heriot, William Clark, John March, Walter Chapman and James Aikman, liners, admitted by Bartholemew Wawane, on the one part, and Christina Lamb, with consent of John Adamson younger her spouse on the other part, at the tenement of the said Christina, lying in the Cowgate, on the south side thereof, and there lined the upper waster part of the said tenement immediately rising from the garden well [?] of the same, as follows in the common tongue.] The lynaris forsaidis findis and deluiris be the leile lyne strekit immdiatle fra the west side of Walter Chepmanis yard dike on the est part to the croft of the said Bartilmo on the west par that efter the tenour of the ald boundit charter producit be the said Crestine befoir thame it contenis betuix the said Walteris dike and croft fra hir heid yard dike southwart twa rudes and ane half rude, and v feet of mesure in breide, and sa till asceng vpthruch to the vinel passand fra the Kirk of Felde westwart. And decernit the said Cristyne to kep that mesure of breide in hir bigging as the pales of tre now ar fixt in the erd, contenand the said breid be al the said lenth betuix hir land and the said Bartilmos croft. Et hec super petierunt dicte partes instrumentum. Testibus domino officali, viz., magistro Willelmo Wawane, Thoma Bard dt Willelmo Dik notario publico et multis aliis. Acta erant hec infra limites dicte terre vaste hora quasi supra. [And on this the said parties asked as instrument. Witnesses, the Official Mr William Wawane, Thomas Bard and William Dick, notary-public, and many others. These things were done within the bounds of the said waste land, at the hour above stated.]
4 February 1509–10.
Seal of cause to Cordiners.
Tyll all and sundry quhais knawlege thir present lettres sal cum, the provest ballies and counsaill of Edinburgh greting in God euirlesting. Wit your vniuersiteis that the day and the dait of the making of thir present lettres comperit befor ws counsaly gatherit John Dauidsoun kirkmaister, Thomas Quhitehill, Nocholl Bynnyn, Andro Quhite, Alexander Willesoun, Peter of Murray, Williame Hamlytoun, Richert Nicholsoun and the laif of the maisteris of the Cordinar craft within this burgh, and presentit to ws thair supplicatioun contenand certane statutis articulis and reulis diuisit be thame and affermit be ws for the loving of God Almychty, the honour of the realme, the wirschip and proffet of this guid toun, and the proffet of all our Souerane Lordis Lieges and vtheirs reparand thairto; of the quhilk supplicatioun the thenour folowis:— My lordis provest ballies and worthi counsaill of this guid toun, vnto your honorabill discretionis richt humlie menis and schewis the kirkmaister and the laif of the maisteris of the Cordinar craft within this burgh, that quhair first for the loving of God Almychty, the honour of the realme, the wirschip and proffet of this guid tovne, and the proffett of all our Souerane Lordis liegis and vtheris reparand thairto, and in exampill of theris, and for augmentationum of divine seruice at the altar of Crispine and Crispineniane situat within the College Kirk of Sanct Geill of the said burgh, we desire that we micht haif thir statutis artikillis and reulis folowing grantit and gevin to ws of the said craft, baith maisteris and seruandis, and our successouris thairof in tyme to cum; considering it is said be commoun autorite taht multitude but reull makis confusioun, and for to eschew the vide thairof and to be eschewit in tymis tocum thir folowand ar our resonabill desiris: In the first sen that all increment of vertew practik and knawlege standis in guid begynnyng and fundament and frathinfurth to continew in vse and perseueris to finale end, that frathinfurth all maner of prentissis to be tane at the said craft sall stand in prentischip for the space of sevin yeris and nales, without dispensatioun of the principale maisteris of the said craft, and specialie in fauouris of the sonis of the said craft; and ilk prentis to pay at his entre to the reparatioun and vphalding of divine seruice at our said altar sex schillingis aucht pennis; and that nouthir thir prentissis nor nane vthir persoun of the said craft be sufferit to sett up buith within this said burgh without he be fundin sufficient habill and worthi thairto in practik and vthir wayis, and admittit thairto first be the sworne maisteris of the said craft, and maid freman nd burges of the said burgh, and than for his vpsett to pay four merkis, except burges sonis of this tovne to pay twa merkis, to the reparatioun and vpahldin of divine seruice at our said altar; and that ilk seriand sall pay his vlkly halfpenny to vphaldin of divine seruis as said is; and gif ony man of the said craft cummis nocht to the quarter comptis four tymis in the yeir als aft as thai be, thai being lauchfully warnit be thair seriand thairto, thai sall pay twa pundis of walx vnforgevin, without thai haif ane lauchfull impediment, and the saidis twa pundis walx to be deliuerit to our said altar within twa dayis efter the be notourly knawin befor the said sworne maisteris of the said craft; and that na maner of maister of the said craft lift hous herbery nor ressaue ony vther maisteris prentice or seruand vnder the pane of paying of twa pund of walx to our said altar vnfoirgevin; and that ilk maister haldand buith within this burgh of the said craft sall pay his vlkly penny to the reparatioun of the ornamentis of our said altar, and sustene the preistis meit thairof as it cummis about; and that the said kirkmaister and ane certane of the principalis maisteris of the said craft that sal happin to be for the tyme sall haif full faculte leif and prulege with ane officiar of the toune to pas with thame poynd distrenye gif neid be for the takin rasing and inbringing of thir dewiteis forsadis to the sustentatioun and vphalding of God's seruice as said is but danger stop or impediment in the paying of his said dewiteis, quhair throw ane officiar of this guid towne may be haldin to poynd him, he sall pay the officiaris fee for his laubouris als weill as the principle dewiteis that he is owin to the said algar; and gif ony maister of the said craft disobeys the krikmaister that salbe for the tyme to pay twa pundis of walx for ik tyme he disobeyis vnforgevin to our said altar. Quhairlor my lordis sen thir our resonabill and simpill desiris and resonis conformis to equite, and are consonant to honour and policy accordinge to the vse and consuetudes of greit tounis of honour in vther realmis and provincis, that ye wald grant to ws thame ratifeit and apprevit and confermit be you vnder your seill of caus in perpetuall memoriall of guid reull to be had in tyme tocum with your ansueir heirupoun we humbilie beseik; The quhilkis artikillis statutis and reulis being red hard and vndirstand and diligently considerit be ws that thai ar first for the loving of Almychty God, and sustentatioun of divine seruice, and for guid reulis to be had in tyme to cum amangis thame of the said craft, in augmentatioun and supple of the commoun proffitt, for to eschew misgidit wayis that has beyn vsit in tymes bygane, we haif ratifeit apprevit and confermit and be thair presentis for ws and our successouris ratifeis apprevis and confermis and the samyn in all poyntis and artikillis to the saidis maisteris and thair successouris of the said craft in perpetuale memoriall in tyme tocum foreuirmair, and this to all quhame it effeiris we mak it knawin, be the tenour of thir our lettres. In witnes of the quhilk thing toe thir our present letteres our commoun seill of caus of our said burgh we haif gart append at Edinburgh, the ferd day of Februar the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth and nyne yeris.
30 April 1510.
[An act made in the common books of the Council, of this date, obliged the persons to whom certain acres of the Boroughmuir were let to build upon the said acres dwelling-houses, malt-barus, and cowbills, and to have servants for the making of malt betwixt and Michaelmas 1512; and failing their doing so, to pay £40 to the common works of the town, and also pay £5 for every acre of three acres of the common muir set to them—See Act, dated 8th June1519.] (fn. 1)
12 July 1510.
Grynding at the mylnis.
The quhilk day in presens of the provest baillies and counsale it is appoyntit and agreit betuix the fermoureris of thair commoun mylnis now present, viz:—Alexander Gray, Richart Patersoun, Thomas Ramsay and William Moreis, and the laif of the maisteris of the baxteris craft within this burgh, for ceissing of variance and discord amangs thame in tyme cumming anent the conseruation and keping of thair rowmis in the grinding of thair gristis of quheit at thair commoun mylnis in tyme heirafter in this wyis, viz.: That euery nychtbour of the said baxter craft in tyme of scant of watter sall grynd at anes bot viij ladis of quheitt, and to brek for mayne xvj laid, and quhat persoun of the said craft that attempis till do in the contair heirof sall pay xl s. to the kirkwark als oft as it happinis vnforgevin and quhen the watter is lairge. (This in the convict buikd begyand in Julij 1505.—Tr.)
Pro villa et llegio.