State Papers, 1658: July (2 of 7)

Pages 232-244

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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July (2 of 7)

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

In the possession of the rt. hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

My Lord,
I Have nothing to trouble you withall at this present, butt with the inclosed, which is the copy of a letter, which being abroad this day, some letters were left with the officer of the guard; and amongst the rest this. I have kept the originall, because I would trye, whether I could finde out the partie from whence itt came, by comparing it with other letters. I did nott thinke fitt to trouble his highnesse with itt, being I conceive it is a knavish trick of some Scotchman or other, which you may understand by some phrases in it. Butt in case this nation should breake out againe, such as take Charles Stuart's part, I hope God will soe enable mee, as I make them smart for this roguery, and the former reporte which they have made of mee. The other day captain Hutton, commander of the Norwich frigott, which is one of the shippes appointed for those coasts, had chase of an Ostender, called the Plate-mill, of six guns, the commander captain Bartholomew Boute, had a commission from Don John of Austria. The shippe was splitt uppon a rock in the pursuit neere Aberbrothwicke, butt hee saved the men, being 54, who are prisoners at Leith; and rescued sowr masters of merchants shippes, who they intended to have kept prisoners till they had ransomed themselves and shippes. I have written to the commissioners of the admiraltie about the prisoners, and I shall take care they shall be well secured; and have 3 pence a day for their allowance, till the commissioners of the admiraltie shall dispose of them, which is all at present from

Your Lordshipp's
Most affectionate humble servant,
George Monck.

Dalkeith, 3d July, 1658.

Inclosed in the preceding.

In the possession of the rt. hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.

Here was a general report of late, that you, and your whole army had declared for king Charles your lawful sovereign, which made all good and honest hearts rejoice; and myself as much as any, or rather more, having some relation to you. I hope it is a presage of what God will put in your heart to do: and truly, Sir, you cannot do any thing, that will more advance your salvation, nor bring greater honour to yourself and family, for you may be any thing as great as you desire; and what any wise man should study more than that, I know not. And this I know, that if the king be restored to his undoubted right by your means, as I know he may, if you do that which is in your power to do, you may, I say, make yourself and family what you desire, which is more than you can hope for from that tyrant, who keeps faith with none; for when his own turn is served, he cares not, if his instruments were hanged; nay he very often hangs them himself. And this I believe you are not ignorant of. Look upon Lambert, and several others of his creatures, how he hath served them. Think it may be your own turn next. Therefore to prevent it, let me beseech you to lay this my advice to heart, and be a glorious instrument of re-establishing of our good and lawful prince, who, I am sure, never disobliged you, or if he have, he will make you a large amends. And this I will tell you, if you do not do it, you will not be long safe in that government. If you were of a moross ill disposition, I would spare this pains; but knowing you to be of a good, sweet, and honest nature, I cannot but promise to myself good return of this my friendly advice, which if you follow, you shall live happy and honourable in this world, and enjoy eternal happiness in the world to come. If you knew the gallantry, and the sweet and good disposition of the king, you will need no other motive to stir you up to restore him to his crown; for you cannot demand any thing of him for your own good and your families, but he will grant you. Therefore let me beseech you as a friend, to think of it in time, before it be too late. And what you do, do it suddenly; for your time will not be long in that government else, for that great monster is plotting how to remove you. If you knew who I were, that writes you this advice, you would easily give credit to it. I have ever loved and honoured your family, and it would much rejoice me to see you to be the raiser of it, as you may do to what heighth or dignity you please. Therefore if I may but know what it is you desire to have, and it shall be granted, and sent you signed and sealed under the king's own hand, therefore let me receive your answer as soon as possibly you can, and direct your letter thus; For Mr. John Johnson, to be left at Mr. Thomas Marten's at the arms of Scotland upon the Schedambead at Rotterdam. You must be sudden, for there are forces raising to send down against you; but if you declare for the king, you will have friends enow to second you. I beseech the Lord to put it into your heart, and then I doubt not, but God will bless and prosper you. I must conclude and rest,

Your most affectionate friend and servant,
John Johnson.

Rotterdam, April 18/28 1658.

Sir, you need not fear or doubt any thing from whence this comes; for be assured, it cometh from one that wishes you much happiness, and has the honour to be well known to you here in Holland. And if this advice of mine may take any good effect, I shall soon discover myself to you.

Vera copia
Ex. Wm. Clarke.

Superscribed, For General Monk at Dalkeith in Scotland.

A letter of intelligence.

The 4th July 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 31.

The lord Ormond and his son are both still in town. There is now gone for England one Robert Swan; he is the son of one Robert Swan, who was post-master of Newcastle; he was serving man to Charles Stuart in his escape from Worcester, and no other servant but he. He staid by the water, while Charles took shipping, and brought his horses back again, and came to London. He is now gone to London, and is to found commonly about Covent garden. He hath long black hair and a little curling; his nose falled slat to his face, of somewhat ruddy complexion; he is sent over about business, he went with the last fleet from Flushing.

There is one major Weekes, a little old man, grey haired, he lies about Sheer-lane, and is gone over with the said Robert Swan. Here is one in the Hague, who went with my lord Ormond and Nich. Armorer, and the rest that went over in the last plot. They took shipping at Sterling, and landed within twenty miles of Colchester, and went from thence to London. He hath promised to dine with me to-morrow, and to tell me the whole progress in that business, and how they went to London. His name is Rowland Selby, a north countryman. The lord Ormond having heard yesterday, that the States took notice of his being in town, removed his lodging out of the French quarter. The princess-royal went to Hounslerdike yesterday, but came back again at night.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 227.

Honourable Sir,
The bearer hereof captain Baskitt, being come with a letter to me from generall Montague, I could not but by him write unto you, and send what I have ready. In the inclosed is conteyned what newes I have from Franckford, save only what the French ambassador just now shewed me in a letter of his, which yet you may before have heard, that it is inserted in the imperiall capitulation, that the emperor that shall be, shall give no assistance to the king of Spaine again the king of France in Flanders, under the pretext of giveing it against the English. The elector of Brandenburgh you will perceive by the inclosed, what proposition he hath by his minister made to this state, and what is done thereupon; so that the business of Dantzick will come upon the stage this present assembly of the States of Holland, and greate joy there is throughout of the hopes, that now at last that elector will be wholly drawne to the Spanish side; but the king of Sweden being come on this side the water (as he is) together with the success in Flanders, will probably yet have some influence upon him, for he hath not the repute of the most constant prince. In a word, what you will herein receive concerning that business, will be matter for his highness advising upon, as to his owne comportment in that business. The Portugall ambassador arrived at Flushing, and is now come to Rotterdam; and this afternoone sent me by Mr. Jeromino de Costa, a letter from the king of Portugal; a coppy whereof I have heerein inclosed to you. The French ambassador hath another for him. I shall pay the ambassadors all the civillity and respect, and desire your instructions as soon as possible, in relation to the business of Portugall; as also how you will have me demeane myself in relation to the aforementioned business of the elector of Brandenburgh. I have made a very full enquiry, according to your command, into the business of the sur nishing the king of Spaine with moneys for his service in Flanders, by those of Amsterdam; an accompt whereof you will heerein receive in one of the inclosed. I have also gotten a true coppy of the octroy itself, signed by the king of Spain; but have not time to make a coppy thereof e're the going away of this bearer; and I dare not send it, till I have made a coppy, least it should miscarry. I cannot gett another, and I shall not adventure it; but you shall receive it by the next following opportunity. I have herein inclosed to you an accompt of such passages, as are come to my knowledge since my last, concerning Charles Stuart, and his affaires. I did make complaint heere of his being to come to Sevenburg; whereupon as you will perceive in that paper, he was putt to quitt his quarter a little sooner than he intended. His sister and hee had a very great falling out about her entertayning the lady Pelcaris, her lord being as you know, put away from him, and very high words passed betweene them. The princess came hither the other night with the lord Ormond; shee is since gone to Hounster-dike, and Ormond to Amsterdam. I shall speake again to DeWitt about the Spanish foote comeing from Galicia. I am this day informed by one that pretends to know much, that Charles Stuart findeing so cold invitation from Franckfort, is almost of opinion not to go thither, but to pass his time to and againe elsewhere till Michaelmas, and then againe to his business. No more at present, but that I am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 4th July. 1658.

The other twenty-four men of warr, part of the forty-eight, are fitting out apace here.

The Spanish ambassador's secretary scatters here a report, that the French will besiedge Dantzick to animate this state. There is a place called Classendale, which is not very strong, and which is taken, would hinder all correspondence between Bruges and Ostend; and the taking whereof would in a manner destroy Ostend. I pray let me know what letters you have out of Flanders, and that order, which of those I employ, I shall continue, and which not; for I would not continue such upon charge, as do you not good service.

Since the writting hereof, having considered the lateness of the day, I prevayled with the bearer to stay till morning, and have herein inclosed to you a copy of the king of Spaine's octroy, as also another paper of the 4th of July, concerning passages concerning Charles Stuart; to which you may give good credit.

I was the more earnest to keep the captain, that I might have a sure way to send the water; and have by him sent 100 bottles more of Spawe, and 100 to my lord Fleetwood, who wrote to me for them for his lady; please to let him have them: there is 100 in one hamper, and 100 in another. I caused my secretary to putt them up, and go with them to the frigott for more assurance.

I have writt to generall Montague to dispatch them for London by a safe hand.

Charles Stuart's people speak much of hopes they have of some in his highnesse's fleete.

General Montague to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 34.

My Lord,
About 2 a-clocke this eveninge, I received 3 letters from you; 2 dated the 2d of July, and one the 3d; for all which I most kindly thanke you. I have formerly sent you an account, how I have placed the shipps with mee, which was and is the best course I could devise to hinder reliese goinge for Flanders; and the same manner I still continue, unlesse I receive any other directions from you.

You must not measure the service your shipps in the streights doe by the profitablenesse or unprofitablenesse of there gaines for you. It was a wonderfull accident, that you ever had any; and I dare say (if opportunitye serve) he that commands there now, wants not for skill, or mettall, to doe as good service as has beene done there; and you doe not imagine the disappointment the want of victualls and necessaries soe farr from home makes to any thinge, that can be designed. This morning three of our shipps, that were plying in the Narrow, brought into this rode 8 Dutch shipps, come from Cales about a month since, with one Banker, a man of warr for ther convoy. They say, that ther went out of Cales for the Indies, the 19/29 of May last, about 50 shipps, 4 of them greate gallions, and 8 other men of warr, the rest merchant shipps. Concerning these Dutch vessells themselves, the captains that brought them in say, ther past uncivill carriages amonge them, before they would be searched or brought hither; but they have beene all on board mee, and are now in better temper. I have sent some captaines on board to search them, and they find them full stowed; some with salt, with other wares; and whether they have any plate or other prohibited matters, noe body can tell, unlesse they be unladed; and cominge from such a porte as they doe, and being bound to Flushinge, I thought it too greate a venture for mee to lett them goe on their voyage, without giving account to you, and by your hand to his highnesse, from whom I begg further commands concerning them. If it should be thought necessarye to search them, I pray send persons from London to manage it. I will assist with all helpe, but desire by noe meanes to have the care of it; but if you dismisse them with a little direction to mee, I can easily performe that.

I heare by a Dutchman, that was spoken with in the Channell, that there were two men of warr fitted out at Sebastians, for the reliefe of Dunkirke; but upon the newes of its surrender, they are gone out upon a private account.

I entreate a speedye answere concerninge these Dutch shipps, because there victualls are wholly spent, and a quicke issue, whatever it be, is a kindnesse. Not further to give you trouble, I remaine,

My Lord,
Your most faithfull and humble servant,
E. Montague.

July 4. 1658.
Nasebye in the Downes.

One of these Dutch vessels hath noe bill of ladinge, and saies his merchant stayd to longe ashoare, and soe he came away with the convoy without him; and sayes his owners are of London, and expects directions from thence how to proceede with his shipp.

Major-general Jephson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxi. p. 41.

I had by the last post at Flensburgh the favour of two letters from you, the one of the second, the other of the fourth of July, newe style; for which I give you many thankes, and joy in the good newes you have therein imparted to me; but I am able to requite you but very little from hence; for the king of Swede is but just now calling his army together, and is so wyse as to keepe his designes very secret. It is too true, that the elector of Brandenburgh hath made a league with the house of Austria, which being knowen to the king of Swede, hee refused audience to his ambassadours, who are gone away in great perplexity, it being generally beleeved, that he wil be the first man the king of Sweden will fall upon, it being not the usuall custome amongst good souldiers to leave a powerfull ennemie behinde them. There are heere four commissioners from the electorall colledge, whose businesse I suppose to be, to deale earnestly with the king of Swede, not to interrupt the peace of the empire. By the next I hope to be able to give you some probable conjecture, what successe they are lyke to have. I have proposed some things to the king of Swede, to which I am promised an answer this weeke at Keil; after which I intend only to take my leave, and goe directly to Hamborough, and take shipping for England. Sir Phillip Meadowe is not yet come hither, but I expect to meet him at Keil; from whence you shall bee sure to heare more from,

Your very affectionat humble servant,
Wm. Jephson.

Sleswigh, this 5/15 of July. 1658.

To vice-admiral Goodson.

Vol. lx. p. 37.

The losse of Dunkirke, and the consequents thereof, caused alwayes into there countrey an unspeakabel astonishment so wel amongst the grandees, common people, as clergiemen, being now a good counsel very deare, being all their attempts and desseins, wich they did intend to performe, very much altered and come to nothing. Since the said losse hath bin here a meeting of all the generalls and grandees considering the present dangerous constitution of affairs: the adviseing and resolution of Don Jean was, to venture a battle, all the others saying such resolution was to dangerous, and that it was (for the present) no time to assault but to desend by the securest ways, and especially to venture no fight, with some small number of weake and fearful men against a victorious and conquering strong army. Every one insisting on his oppinion, growes some devision amongst them; in the mean time their army is retired unto Nieupoort, and thereabouts, the most part stragling and stealing themselves away from their army, robbing upon the highways, be want of money, so that the said army becomes every day from little to less, being hereabout such great perplexity, that I verily do believe, if this city was assaulted, there should be very little defence or resistance now. It is the right time to gauverne wel the advantage, and to get more advantage by their disorder. I will not writte unto you of the affairs about Wynoxberge and Lyuken, because you know such things beeter than I: the same doeings of the French and English army caused here and hereabout great perplexity, and great flight and flying, as well from Nieupoort, Ostend, Wynoxberge, Veurne, and Dixmuyde, as from the country round about towards there city, being come here already about 200 families out of that parts, and comminge constantly every day more and more with their cattle and other goods; whereof some do stay here, others go toward Sluys Gand, and other parts. No more for the present, I rest,

Your servant,
S. V. O.

Bridges the 5th of July 1658.

For vice-admiral Goodson, about Dunkirk.

Resolution of the States General.

Lunæ, the 15th July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 39.

Being once more had in deliberation, what is to be further resolved and done, in regard of the further ordered equipage of ships of war to be equipped by this state, it is thought fit and understood, that forthwith without any delay, serious letters shall be writ to the college of the admiralties, that they and each of them will equip their respective contingencies without intermission, and so soon as is possible get them sail ready to be sent to sea, and employed in the service of this state; and especially to the admiralty at Rotterdam, that they, besides the six ships already equipped, will make ready one ship more, or otherwise advise their high and mighty lordships why not, or whether any of the said six ships may be counted for double ships in the admiralty at Amsterdam, that so they may supply the defect, if there be any in the extraordinary equipage of the 24 ships with the required number. To the admiralty in North Holland, that they do give such order and take such care, that the two ships of the repartition, being already set forth to sea, may at all times, and when required, be in a readiness to repair to such place of rendezvous, as shall be appointed by their high and mighty lordships. To the admiralty in Zealand, that besides the three ships equipped by them and employed in the service of the state, the four remaining ships, being the number of their share, be forthwith made ready, without any further delay. And lastly to the college of the admiralty in Friezland, that the three ships equipped by them, be sent to sea by provision, that so they may be in a readiness to repair to the place of rendezvous, which shall be assigned them, and to be employ'd where the service of the state shall best require it; and to the end the above-mentioned and all that doth belong unto it, and that the good intention of their high and mighty lordships may be observed and effected, there be a conference held by the lords Schoock and others their high and mighty lordships commissioners for the affairs of the sea, with the respective commissioners of the said admiralties, that so they may consult together about the appointing of a place of rendezvous for such ships as are ready; as also what ships more at this conjuncture and constitution of time and affairs are judged necessary to be equipped and set forth, besides the number of ships already equipped, that so when the same is understood, they may be further resolved about it, and where to employ them.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 231.

Honourable Sir,
Yesterday arrived heere captain Baskitt in the Wakefield friggat, who brought me a letter from general Montague, by whome the last night I wrote back to the generall, and therein inclosed a pacquett to yourselfe, in which was a resolution of the States of Holland, for sending a letter to their principalls for instructions, what to doe in relation to the memoriall given into them by the resident of the elector of Brandenburgh, intimating, that Dantzick was blocked up by 11 men of warr of Sweden. A letter from ambassador Beuningen at Copenhagen, newes from Franckfort and Brussels, also a particular account of furnishing the king of Spaine with money, by the Amsterdamers, for the service in Flanders; newes from severall parts with severall resolutions; letter from Franckfort the 30. June; newes from Charles Stuart; letter to me from the king of Portugall; also an octroy from the king of Spaine to some merchants of Amsterdam touching the finances of Flanders. The pacquet was so big, that it was impossible for me to make copyes to send to-day; but I hope, that what is sent will come to you e'er the post. I have this morning sent my secretary to Rotterdam to complement the Portugall ambassador, who is there putting himselfe in order for his coming hither. I have herein inclosed a copy of one of the papers sent in the aforementioned pacquet; and am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faythfull hnmble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 5th July, 1658.

I have also sent by captain Baskitt two hampers, in each of which is one hundred bottles of Spaw water; one whereof is 100 for yourself, and the other 100 for my lord Fleetwood, who wrote to me for itt for his lady.

The inclosed paper, signed G. le Cœ, was delivered to me by the Danish resident, who faith, the young man in prison in the Tower is innocent, and that the information against him is out of malice, and earnestly intreating, that I would write to you on his behalfe. Truly a little civillity to the Dane will go a great way now they are here.

They speake of putting officers in the heads of all their companyes, during this assembly of the states of Holland, and to press with all earnestness the hastening out of the 24 ships now a sitting.

Extract of the secret register of the states of Holland.

Le vendredy, le 12. Juillet, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 19.

Ayant esté dereches remonstré à l'assemblée la constitution presente des affaires de l'Europe, & notamment de celles du Nord, ila esté dit et resolu, qu'avant que de s'y resoudre finalement, on attendra l'advis du sieur de Maesdam, ambassadeur extraordinaire de cet estat, se trouvant à present aupres du roy de Suede, touchant ce qu'il y aura effectuéen suite desordres reiterez de leurs hautes puissances, et en particulier de leur resolution du 29. Mars dernier sur le subject de la conclusion finale du traitté, qui a esté signé à Elbing en Prusse le 1/11. Septembre, 1656. entre les commissaires du dit sieur roy de Suede d'une, et les ambassadeurs extraordinaires de cet estat d' autre part; et sera dereches escrit au dit sieur de Maesdam, qu'il aura d'y travailler incessamment pour scavoir en bref l'intention finale du roy de Suede, et en donner advis à leurs hautes puissances; et on sera aussi sans aucune perte du temps tant aupres du roy de France, que Monseigneur le protecteur de la republique d' Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande, les offices contenus dans leur resolution du 1. du mois passé et à cette sin on requiert le sieur Nieuport ambassadeur de cet estat aupres de son altesse d'entreprendre ce voyage sans aucune delay: à cette sin on escrira sans remise au siege de l'admirauté de Rotterdam, qu'ils auront de tenir prest un vaisseau de guerre pour son transport, et d' en faire responce à leurs hautes puissances. Le dit seigneur Nieuport aura aussi soin de bien faire comprendre à Monseigneur le protecteur l'intention de leurs hautes puissances contenue en la dite resolution du 9. Juin dernier, d' en sçavoir en bref la responce ou intention finale, et de la venir rapporter en personne, veu que l' estat y est grandement interessée en la constitution presente; et à sin que son altesse en puisse declarer avec plus de confiance à Messieurs les estats. Et cependant on travaillera avec toute diligence à ce que les forces du pays soient par mer et par terre dans une posture tres considerable.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 43.

May it please your Lordshipp,
Upon saturday last Mr. Turenne, with 2500 horse and a 1000 commanded foott, went as far as Bruges; and the soldiers (seeing a great many horses and baggage within the counterscarpe of some of the farthest advanced works) fell upon the counterscarpe, and broght of to the number of 500 horses, and pillaged a great deale of baggage. Don John was in the place, and had no cavalrie with him, save his owne guards; so that Mr. Turenne's party returned to the camp yesterday, well loaden with plunder. The body of the French army lies betwixt Dixmude and neare Nieuport, behind the channell, that goeth betwixt the two soresaid places. They are forseiting Dixmude, and by stone redoutts intend to make a comunicatione betwixt it and Furn. I have, with much adoe, got a battalione from the army for the garrison of Mardick. Mr. Turenn's last letter takes notice of his sending them, as if it were a favor, and pretends his highness is oblig'd by treatty to keepe constantly in the French army 4000 effective men, with some other storys, that I shall not trouble your lordshipp with. He sent lykwise two partys of horse lately, the one to Calais, the other to Bologne, with positive orders directed to the commander in chiese in Dunkirk, to suffer them to passe thorough the towne, and lodge in the counterscarpe, if they (I mean the officers commanding the parties) should see cause for it. I have taken the libertye to disabuse him as to all those particulars, but have endeavoured to doe it in so oblidgeing terms, as I hope it will not occasione the sending over any complaints against me: if it doe, I am confident, his highnesse will see, that I have some reasone to give some little cheques to their boldnesse; otherwise I believe they should have the impudence to lay claime to all that's heare.

I sent last weeke a proportion of shoes and stockings to the forces, that are in the field; and I am forced to norrish all their wounded and sick heare, which amount to above 400. I am building at a watter-mill for draining the moatt of the Fort-royall, to the end that ditch (which is not at present above 4 feet deep) may be broght to its trew depth, and that the bastions and curtaines may be raised to their height, by the earth that's taken out of the ditch. I have sent your lordshipp a course plann of the forts. I shall keepe all things at Mardicke in the same conditione they are in, till I receive your lordshipp's further comands about it. Wee have so greatt need of horse heare, that one captaine Parkson was upon satturday either killed or taken betwixt Dunkirk and Mardicke; and neare the same tyme the officers at Mardicke had most of their horses taken, when they were at grasse, by a partie of horse from Graveling; one of their servants killed, and another will dye of his wounds. If the pallisados be not shipp'd, I desyer they may be stopp'd for I have spoake with a man, that undertakes to furnish me to the number of 20000, if I need them, for 25 gilders, which is 2 l. 1 s. 8 d. the 100. The pallisado is to be 16 inches about, and 11 foot long; and I shall at this rate have them at about 5 d. a-piece. I have inclosed heerwith abstracts of the soure regiments heare; they were mustered by one Mr. Broune, who is a very honest man. I was at the muster myself, and I think I may undertake, that there was no false mustering. I give them out provisions according to their respective rolles; but I shall not give them any money, (when it comes) till I know your lordshipp's pleasure, whether they shall be payed the first month, according to the abovesaid rolls, or appoint a new muster for it. I received a letter from his eminence yesternight, which sayeth, he intendeth to see me at Dunkirke before the king parteth from Calais. If he come heare, I shall endeavour to settle all matters concerning the contributione. I have transacted with some work-masters for repairing of the counterscarp. I find that I save mony by letting it out by the rood. The undertakers cut the sodds in the fields, and bring them in carts to the counterscarp. When I imployed soldiers, and gave them 10 d. per day, the work went much slowlier on, and what was done was nothing neare so good worke. I have had no answere from your lordshipp to what I have formerly troubled your lordshipp with, touching the coppy of our oath of alledgance, and a commission to administer that oath to the magistratts and inhabitants; as also concerning the deputing one from this place to his highnesse touching the frigatt in the harbour, which is in disputte, the settlement of the deputie-governor, the receiver of the customs, the towne-major. In all these particulars I humbly begg your lordshipp's pleasure may be signified to,

May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkirke, July 5/15. 1658.

The state of the garrison of Dunckerke.

The under-major of Dunckerke.

Vol. lx. p. 12.

s. d.
1 commissary of the musters, at 3 0 per day.
1 commissary of the hay, at 2 6 per day.
1 the commissary of the provisions at 0 8 per day, what is establish'd.
1 the clerke to the commissary of provisions at per day, what is establish'd.
2 labourers to the said commissary, each at per day, what is establish'd.
1 commissary of the stores and ammunition, at 5 0 per day, what is establish'd.
1 assistant to the said commissary, at 2 0 per day.
commissary of coales at 2 6 per day, what is in the estabt.
1 quarter-master of the draught horses, at 4 0 per day, what is in the estabt.
2 waggoners, under the said quarter-master, each at 1 6 per day, the same in England.
1 fire-master, at 6 0 per day, as p. the establisht
2 mates to the said fire-master, each at per day,
6 assistants to the said fire-master, each at per day,
1 master-carpenter, at 2 8 per day, as the estabt here.
1 mate to the said carpenter, at 1 6 per day,
3 gentlemen of the ordinance, each at 2 8 per day,
22 gunners, each at 1 8 per day, as per the establish.
29 matrosses, each at 1 0 per day,
1 chirurgeon, at 2 0 per day, as in the establishment at Mardicke.
1 turner to the traine or carpenter, at per day,
In my lord's regiment of foot, and collonell Alsop's.
2 collonells, each at 12 0 per day all according to the establishment in Engl. 3d. above soldiers pay none in the English establishment, 7d. per diem; 1 coat, briches and stockings, and shirt; 2 pair of shoes per the year.
2 liestenant collonells, each at 7 0 per day,
2 majors, each at 5 0 per day,
20 captains, each at 8 0 per day,
20 liestenants, each at 4 0 per day,
20 ensignes, each at 3 0 per day,
40 serjeants, each at 1 6 per day,
60 corporalls, each at 1 0 per day,
20 gentlemen at armes, each at 1 0 per day,
40 drums, each at 1 0 per day,
1749 private soldiers, each at 0 7 per day,
Staffe officers of the said regiments.
2 chaplains, each at 5 0 per day, as in England, none in England quarter - master and marshall executed by one, at 4 sh. before each had 3 sh. 4d.
2 chirurgions of the two regiments, each at 4 0 per day,
4 mates to the said chirurgeons, each at 2 6 per day,
2 quarter-masters, each of them being also marshalls, at 4 0 per day,
2 gunsmiths, each at 1 0 per day,
2 marshalls, each at 2 0 per day,
The regiment of horse.
1 collonell, at 12 0 per day, as in England. 5d. above soldiers pay. as in England.
5 captains, each for himself, and two horses, at 14 0 per day,
6 leistenants, each 6 s. 4s. for two horses, at 10 0 per day,
6 cornets, each for himself, and two horses, at 9 0 per day,
6 quarter-masters, each for him, and 1 horse, at 6 0 per day,
18 corporals, each at 2 8 per day,
13 trumpets, each at 2 8 per day,
581 private troopers, each at 2 3 per day,
Stasse officers of the regiment of horse.
1 chaplaine, at per day, as in England. none in England. 2s 6 d. in Ireland. none allowed. 3 s. 4 d. usuall.
1 chirurgeon, at 4 0 per day,
1 chest horse, at 2 0 per day,
1 chirurgeon's mate at per day,
1 marshall, at per day,
Five companies at Mardyke.
1 lieutenant collonel, at 7 0 per day, one coat, a pair of hose, stockings, shirt, 2 pair of shoes, p. the year.
5 captaines, each at 8 0 per day,
5 leistenants, each at 4 0 per day,
5 ensignes, each at 3 0 per day,
10 serjeants, each at 1 6 per day,
15 corporalls, each at 1 0 per day,
5 gentlemen at armes at 1 0 per day,
10 drummeers, each at 1 0 per day,
361 private soldiers, at 0 7 per day,

Quære, whether one penny per diem be not to be deducted from the non-commissioned officers of foote.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 48.

Honourable Sir,
I Have herein inclosed to you a copy of a letter, which I received by yesterdaye's post from Flanders, which I have done for more sureness, though I doubt not, but that the same person hath given you the same account. I have also herein sent you a copy of a resolution of the states of Holland; and my lord Nieuport tells me, that he is resolved to be gone the next weeke without takeing his lady with him. Not more at present, but that I am,

Honourable Sir,
Your most faythfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 16. July, 1658. [N. S.]

To-morrow the Portugall ambassadore makes his entry.

The information of Benjamin Borrow of Leeds, cloth-worker,

taken upon oath, at Leeds, the sixth day of July, in the year of our Lord 1658, before Francis Allanson esquire, alderman of the said borough, Thomas Harrison esquire, high sheriff of the county of York, major Owen Cambridge, William Adams, George Byard, John Stanhope, Joshua Horton, esquires, John Thoresby and Martyn Eyles gentlemen, by virtue of an order from his highness to them directed.

Vol. lx. p. 58.

Who saith, that upon the sixth day of May last, he this informant, being then working at his master's Robert Hickson's shop, one Mountaine (Francis Brigg's man) brought the paper of dangerous consequence against the commissioners of excise to the said shop, and threw it down upon the shop-board; whereupon, he this informant took it up, and heard it read by Roger Wise his fellow-servant; after which this informant, with the rest of his fellow-servants, sent it by Robert Ramsden, a boy in the shop, to one Barret's: and he further faith, that the same day, before the said paper came, Thomas Edge (a datal servant with the said Robert Hickson) told him, that there was a note in agitation about pulling down the excise, and said Richard Willson's fellows told him so; but faith, who were the authors or contrivers of the said paper, or ringleaders in that design, he knows not; and being asked, what discourse past amongst him and his fellow-servants, after the receipt of the said paper touching the same, faith they had discourse about it; but he doth not at present remember what it was, or which way it tended.

Benjamin Burrow.

The information of Thomas Edge, servant to the abovesaid Robert Hickson, taken upon oath as abovesaid.

Vol. lx. p. 58.

Who being asked, how the said scandalous paper above-mentioned came to his said master's shop, saith, that one Francis Brigg's man (whose name is Montayne, as he hears) brought it thither; whereupon he read it over, and he and his fellow-servants sent it away to another shop; and saith, that before the said note came to the said shop, one Robert Browne (Richard Wilson's man) told this informant thereof; and said, such a note or paper would immediately come to their shop; but did not tell him the contents thereof, only he said it concerned the excise; but who were the authors or contrivers of the said papers, or ring-leaders in that design against the excisemen, he knows not; only he saith, Andrew Lister, apprentice, the same day, two hours before, read it to this informant, and the said Robert Burrow.

Thomas Edge.

The information of Robert Browne, servant to Richard Wilson, taken upon oath as aforesaid.

Who saith, that upon the 19th day of May last, Stephen Edmondson's apprentice boy brought the scandalous paper before-mentioned to his master's shop; whereupon he read it over, and afterwards he and his fellow-servants sent it away by their apprentice boy to Andrew Lister's shop; but who were authors or contrivers of the said paper, or ring-leaders in that design, he knows not.

Robert Browne.

The information of Samuel Jackson, apprentice to Stephen Edmondson, taken the day and year abovesaid.

Who saith, that upon the 19th day of May last, Edward Blackbrough's apprentice (whose name he knows not) brought the scandalous paper before-mentioned to his master's shop; and being read by his fellow-servants, who dislik'd of it, they appointed this informant to carry it back again to the said Edward Blackbrough's shop, which accordingly he did; but the servants would not receive it, but caused him this informant, to bring it again to their own shop, which he did; and afterwards his fellow-servants appointed him to carry it to Richard Wilson's shop, which he did.

Samuel Jackson his mark. [+]

The information of Thomas Booth, servant to Mr. William Busfield, aged eleven years or thereabouts, taken as aforesaid.

Who saith, that upon wednesday the 19th day of May last, the scandalous paper above-mentioned (as he heard) was brought to his master's shop, by whom he knows not; which was read by Marmaduke Hebden, one of the journeymen there; whereupon he heard all the journeymen in the shop, namely, Thomas Bawne, Marmaduke Hebden, Richard Hynde, John Falkinor, Ambrose Hargrave, Thomas Deyne, and William Watson of Kirgate, after the note was so read, they all rejoiced, and said, they would rise all the next morning against the excisemen; and that they would cuff them, burn their books, and put them out of the town: and saith, they all prayed him to carry the note to William Coldcall, which accordingly he did: and saith, he heard Marmaduke Hebden say, that the note came out of the Kirgate, from some house below Mr. alderman Allanson's.

Robert Booth his mark. [+]

The information of Richard Hynde, servant to Mr. Busfield, taken upon oath, as abovesaid.

Who saith, that the dangerous paper above-mentioned against the commissioners of excise was, upon wednesday the 19th day of May last, brought to his master's shop, but by whom he knows not, nor hath heard: and further saith, that Marmaduke Hebden, one of his fellow-servants, openly read the said paper amongst them all, which was the first time he saw it; and being asked, whether any of his fellow-servants rejoiced upon reading of the same paper, saith, for his part he did not, but hath not the tongues of other men in guiding: and saith, he heard some of them (but which of them, he knows not) say, that the next morning they would rise in the market-place, and beat the excisemen; but who were contrivers or authors of the said paper, he knows not.

Richard [R.H.] Hynde his mark.

The information of John Falkinor, servant to Mr. William Busfield, taken upon oath, as abovesaid.

This informant saith, that the dangerous paper above-mentioned against the excisemen was brought to his master's shop, but by whom he knows not, nor hath heard; and saith, he heard Marmaduke Hebden above-named read part of the said paper, which was to incite the journeymen and apprentices to a rising against the officers of excise; but saith, he knows not the authors or contrivers thereof, nor from whence it came.

John Falkinor.

The information of William Mounteyne, apprentice to John Kent of Leeds, taken upon oath, as abovesaid.

Who saith, that upon wednesday the 19th day of May last, about eight of the clock in the morning, the dangerous paper before-mentioned against the officers of excise was brought and delivered to him (this informant standing in his master's door) by a young man, whose name he knows not, nor where he lives, nor whose servant he was; only he thinks he has seen his face before, who desired him this informant to carry and deliver the same at George Kendall's shop to his man Thomas; whereupon this informant immediately carried the same to the said shop, and delivered the same, as he was appointed, to the said Thomas (whose surname is Illinworth); but who were authors or contrivers of the said papers, he knows not, nor at any time hath heard.

William Mounteyne his mark. [+]

By order from the gentlemen before-named, signed by John Lunde, town-clerk for the borough aforesaid.

Thomas Harrison, &c. to the protector.

Vol. lx. p. 60.

May it please your Highness,
In obedience to your highness's order and command, we have called before us sundry of the inhabitants of this town (whose informations and examinations we have herein inclosed). It is very evident to us, that a very considerable number of journeymen and apprentices here did conspire and intended by strong hand to drive the sub-commissioners of excise, and their agents, forth of this town; but it doth not appear to us, that they had any further design, or that they corresponded with the Popish or malignant party, or any of those people commonly called Quakers, though we have used our utmost diligence to search into the bottom of this business, in regard the intended combustion here should have been on the same day the insurrection was to have been at London (to wit, the 26th of May last). And we do further humbly certify your highness, that we are credibly informed, that certain Quakers hold their weekly meetings in and about this town by several hundreds at a time, to the great offence of the well-affected inhabitants there, which may occasion the disturbance of the peace; and that one John Hall (one of their speakers, a scholar and traveller in foreign parts, whom we look upon as a very dangerous person) is lately fled southwards.

My Lord,
We are your Highness's obedient servants,
Thomas Harrison.
Geo. Byard.
Will. Adams.
Joshua Horton.
Martin Iles.
Owen Cambridge.
Jo. Stanhope.
Fran. Allanson, ald.
John Thoresby.

Leeds, the 7th of July, 1658.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

7. July, 1658.

In the possession of William Cromwell esq;

You seem to wonder, how any one should boggle at the address Dr. Worth brought over; therefore I shall acquaint you, that a letter was sent hither from a late member of parliament in England, which I conceive (by the persons to whom 'twas directed) to be Mr. Weaver, complaining of the dissolving of the late parliament; alleging there was no cause for it, but that it was done upon a mere arbitrary power, or groundless fears, &c. This letter was notably improved here; and happening at that juncture, when the addresses were in hand, made those honest men, who dissented, desirous not to be pre-engaged, if a difference betwixt his highness and parliament should be stated, like that of the late king and parliament, and fear, lest it should encourage his highness to break parliaments; and therefore some of them say, that if an angel from heaven had offered it then, they would not have signed it. But by this time the well-meaning part see, they were over-reached; yet now some here endeavour to make the rest believe, they have no retreat; that they are represented into England as malignants; and this something prevails upon Dr. Winter, and such credulous weak men amongst them, who are easily deceived. They all agree to represent something into England by way of excuse, but differ in the manner, the factious part desiring only thereby to asperse and lessen those, who already made the addresses, and keep up a difference; the rest to heale and compose. I must make one further observation, that these things do not come from these men, but as they are acted; for some, whom I think of the most heady temper, and particular favourites of ———— did at the first motion of the address passionately embrace it, and said, he was no Englishman, that would resuse it; but not many hours after were in the other extreme. I wonder (because I think you mistake as seldom as another) that you should think the principal interest and natural disposition of out great man would have led him to other counsels than he now follows. It may be his highness knew him better, and therefore sent him for Ireland. For my part, I never took him to be a serious man; and certainly he is compos'd of so much craft and affectation, that he wants artisice to cover it. He is now endeavouring to engage me in private conferences (as he pretends) to open his heart to me, and chooseth whole afternoons for it; and indeed I know no other way he hath left to find matter to work upon, and give some colour to his late letter. When you see by mine, of the 23d of June last, how much I was aware of him in the like little contrivances, you may well blame me, if I am satisfied now, though I cannot be wholly free from danger, in regard, as I have hitherto, so I still intend to carry myself towards him with such respect and observance, as is due to his highness's minister, employed in such an eminent place. You see in what danger we are of being overwitted by men of great reach. I am glad you are past the danger of your junto. I remain, &c.

Memorandum in the copy-books of the letters of lord deputy Cromwell.

Memorandum, that his excellency intending at this time chiesly to make observations of the state of things under his immediate charge, went a progress to Cork, and from thence visited all the harbours upon the western coast as far as Bantre; and, going from thence by Limerick, came to Portumna, where he met with the news of the death of his sister the lady Elizabeth; and having nothing of great emergency before him, gave the more way to melancholy thoughts and recess. This is the reason of the intermission of entry of letters, till the news, that his highness was dangerously sick, gave fresh occasion.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. lx. p. 70.

In me letter of the 14th I have omitted, wich was passed the day before, (viz. saturday the 13th) because I was forcet to finish the same letter be want of libertie to have longer a chamber, or a roome privie or allone for to dispatch me businesse. The same 13th in the mourning, about 9 horses came before Bridges, (at a place called Stautschip) about one half mile off from the citty (where was pitched some tentes of vivaudiers, or sellers of meate and provisions, and especially a great quantity of provisions of all kinde of cattle, being noe soldiers there, but only some Spanish and Condee's horsemen passing be, and refreshing themselves there); a matter of about 60 French horses, of the marshall de Turenne (saying to be of the prince of Condee's men.) About half an houre thereafter came at the same place about a 100 horsemen more, and one quarter oan houre 300 horsemen more, saying all to be the prince of Condee's. Having bin there about one houre, they killed the Spanish and Condee's men, which they sound there; and tooke all the cattel away, driving the same cattel away untill 2 English mile of from the said citty, where they have made ane embuscade of some horse and foot. Just when these newse came into Bridges, Don Jean was riding out of the city out of another gate towards Gand (being of intention to goe towards Brussels, for to visite there the holy sacrament of mirakel, soe they doe speake heare); and as soone he understood the said noise, did run back againe into the city soe fast he could drive, having with him about 50 troupers of his gard. The common speech thereof is, that the said French did intend to surprise Don Jean. But I am confident they knew nothing of his voyage towards Brussels; for if they hath known the said voyage, without any doubt Don Jean should have bin prisoner, because they, perceiving some troupers of the enemie, (being of the gard of Don Jean) did advance upon them; but they escaped into the city, getting onely 5 or 6 mulets, charged with some of his bagage (some will say, the said mulets were charged with his plate, or some silver service of his table); whereupon Don Jean his voyage is referred until better opportunity. Within Bridges are noe soldiers (except the gard of Don Jean, being about 100 troupers) the city being watched of the citizens, because they will suffer noe soldiers there; and I am most consident, if the French army (cum suis) came before the said city, the presence of Don Jean should not be able to hinder the surrendering: and I doe marvaile, for what reason they doe not venture upon, here and every-where, into these parts. They doe not doubt of the death of the king of France, wherewith the hopes of their deliverence is strenthened very much, of which death we have confirmation out of severall parts (but not from Paris or Calais) with aboundance of circumstances and particulars, whereof I doe hope you have better information. Wherefore I doe think it to be to no purpose to mention more of those false and invented noises. Some others will say, there should be some hindrance into the French and English desseines, because there should be a great devision between the French and the English, and infinite such or de like fancies; but however, there must needs be something, because since the begining of the sickness of the king, they undertook no attempt of consideration, whereof you will be well informed from other parts. Since the surrendering of Dixmuyde, the army of the French and English undertook nothing of any importance, but plundering at severall places, and taking the cattel away: after they took the cattel away from before the city of Bridges, they assaulted a castel called Winandale, being some 3 Dutch miles of from Bridges, belonging unto the duke of Nieuburg, (which castel is very strong; wherefore all the gentlemen and country people hath brought and secured all their goods therein) the which (after some defence) they have taken, and found about 200,000 gilders of money and plate therein, besides all the moveables or houshold stuffe, cattel and other goods, at Bridges, and every-where into these parts is a generall discout as against Don Jean; and truely his entrance, or first coming into Bridges, was no better for his side. When he should enter into Bridges on monday the eighth of this month, he passed be some horse and foot of his men, saying in his passage, Courage, courage, gentlemen; we shall advance ourselves very shortly of the enemy. Whereupon they cryed altogether, No fight, no fight; we will fight no more without money. Whereof Don Jean was not well contented, but afreight and amazed; and received at Bridges no better welcome, because being come at the gate, the citizens did refuse him the entrance into the city; whereupon some of his gard did draw their pistols, the citizens crying unto her, Go, go, you cowards; draw your pistols against the ennimy, from whom you runne away; and did shote upon his gard and followers, killing his trumpetter, one of his gard, and one of his archers or hellebardmen, wounding also some horses; wherefore Don Jean was saint to retire him with his men from the city, untill the magistrates came at the gate, and invited him to come into the city. The governor of Ostend send out of the towne all the women, whose husbands are at sea, into the service of the king of Spaine, but kept all their goods within. All the seamen lately rosen at Antwerp, for to be employed at some sea services, did runne away be want of money. This day marched through this city towards Damme 300 new rosen men or thereabouts, and 1500 should come out of Breban, all drawne out of the garrisons thereabout; but they are not able to raise new forces be want of money. All things are untill now into the same estate like I have mentioned heretofore; as also, into me last of the 14th; and seeing no other motion for this side at hand, I shall undertake a poast some necessary voyage towards Holland, hopeing very shortely to returne here againe or hereabouts, according as the oppertunity of busines shall require; remaining for ever,

Your most humbel and faithfull servant,
Jeronimus Von Absbach.

Gand, the 17th of July 1658. [N. S.]

The plague and famine begins together with the warre into these parts, so well amongst cattel as men. Vale.