Extracts from the records: 1641

Pages 426-436

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 1, 1573-1642. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1914.

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2 January 1641.


Geves warrand to the dean of gild, with eight merchands with him, and to the deacon conveiner and eight deacones with him, with sic workmen as they sall choose, to red the burne of Molendinar of all hoillis for steiping of lymed hydes.

23 January 1641.

Warrand, preaching.

Ordains the thesaurer to have a warrand to pay to maister Walter Bowie ane hundrethe poundes in satisfactioune of his bygane serveice in preaching in this toune.

30 January 1641.


The deane of gild reportit that he had agried with maister Gavin Forsythe and maister Allan Ferguisone to preache on the weik dayes, maister Gawin on Tuysday and maister Allane on Thursday, so lang as the kirks sall not be provydit, and that they for thair paines referit thamselffes to the counsalles discretioune, and the said maister Gavin also for his bygane traveles; ther terme to begin vpon Tuysday was aucht days.

3 February 1641.


Geves commissioun to the proveist, with Gabriell Conynghame, Patrik Bell, the bailleis, dean of gild, and deacon conveiner, to meite and treate quhat way to proceid for the asserting of the tounes right of electione of thair magistrates, and for planting of twa ministers in the Hie Kirk, and to repoirt to the counsall.

20 February 1641.


Ordaines a letter to be writtine to maister Edward Wright, minister at Clakmannan, to meit sum Glasgow men at the kirk of Monyabroche, within alse schort space as he can. The men that ar appointit ar Gabriell Conynghame and Patrik Bell.

27 February 1641.


Efter report maid be Gabriell Conynghame and Patrik Bell of thair conference with maister Edward Wright, the counsall ordanis Walter Stirling for the toun to goe to Stirling againe Thursday nixt to deale with the presbyterie for maister Edward Wright his transportatioune.

Hutchesones hospitall.

Item geves commissioun to Gabriell Conynghame and Allexander Maxwell to attend the workmen at Huchesones hospitall this nixt week.

13 March 1641.

Johnestoun bridge.

Gevis in contributioune the soume of fyftie merkes for helping of the brig of Johnstoune to be payit quhan the wark is outred and the brig ledged on both sydes and sufficientlie calseyit at both ends.

16 March 1641.

Wright, minister.

Geves commissioune to Gabriell Conynghame, [and four others,] to aggrie with maister Edward Wright to be ane of the ministers of the toun and to condiscend with him vpon ane stipend and quantitie thairof.

10 April 1641.

Anent Wright.

The counsall appointes maister Edward Wright to be admittit in maister Johne Maxwell his place, and in the meantyme to preache in the New Kirk in the forenoon and in the Hie Kirk in the efternoone, proviso that thair be no admissioun gevin to ane minister for the New Kirk quhill it be fund that the said maister Edward is sufficientlie secuired of the stipend possest of befoir be maister John Maxwell.

Liddell, treis.

Item, ordanis Johne Liddell to plant tuelff asche tries of sevin inches of greatnes at the Lymehous betuix and Candilmes nixt.

8 May 1641.


Ordains the counsallours to meit heir on Weddinsday at nyne hours in the morning, and ordains Thomas Scot to produce the lettere of deaconheid of the baxters that day that some ordour may be taine anent the abuse of quheit bread.

15 May 1641.


It is statute be the counsall that in all tyme cuming the baxters baik no bunes to be sold, bot onlie sufficient loaves to serve the toun and countrey, vnder the paine of fyve pund toties quoties.

29 May 1641.

Money for ammunitioun and armes.

The foirsaidis provest, baillies, and counsall of this brughe, being convenit, and considering forsameikill as the lordis of the committie of the estaites of parliament, with consent of the burrowis of this kingdome, be thair act of the dait the day of last bypast, hes ordanit the saidis burrowis to advance and have in reddines the soume of ane hundrethe and fiftie thousand gilderis awand be the estaitis of this kingdom to the factouris of Campheir, for ammunitioun and armes furneischit be tham to the saidis estaitis thir yeiris bygaine, for the weill of the publict and guid of the commoun caus now in hand, the proportiounall pairt of the quhilk soume dew to be payit be the said brughe of Glasgow will extend to the sowme of aucht thowsand nyne hundrethe ten pundis Scottis money or thairby, and the saidis lordis of committie having directit thair letteres to the provest and baillies of the said brughe for advancing and having in reddienes with all convenient diligence against the day of of thair proportiounall pairt of the saidis soumes, for contenting and satisfieing of the saidis factouris of Campheir, lykas, for facilitating of the said bussines and for the reddier obteining of the saidis sowmes, to the effect foirsaid, the saidis provest, baillies, and counsall of this brughe, having desyrit ane number of thair comburgessis to borrow and give band and securitie, ilk ane of them or mae for the sowme of fyve hundreth pundis money for making vp of the samyne soume of aucht thousand nyne hundreth and ten pundis, according to the quhilk desyre the persounes particularlie vnderwryttin, viz., Henrie Glen [and one hundred and eighty-six others] burgessis of the said brughe, having ilk ten or mae of them bundin and obleist thameselfis thair airis and successouris, conjunctlie and severallie, for payment of the said soume of fyve hundreth pundis to several persounes fra quhom they have borrowit the samyne, ilk ane of them pro rata; lyk as, alsoe be ane act maid in the merchand hospitall befoir the deane of gild, and be ane act maid in the craftis hospitall in presens of the deacon conveiner, the haill merchandis and craftismen of this brughe, being all for the most part convenit in thair severall houssis, respective, befoir the said deane of gild and deacone conveiner, they all actit band and obleist thameselfis, of thair awin consentis, that they sould be willing and weill content (gif the said sowme of aucht thowsand nyn hundrith ten pundis suld not be thankfullie payit be the estaitis of this kingdome wha ar obleist to releive this brughe thairof) to be taxit and stentit be the stenteouris of this brugh, ilk ane for thair awin partis, according to thair rankis, meanes, and estaitis, for the said soume of aucht thowsand nyne hundrithe ten pundis appoyntit to be advancit be the said brughe as said is, as in the saidis severall actis at mair lenthe is conteanit; and seing the said soume of aucht thowsand nyne hundrith ten pundis borrowit be the saidis persounes particularlie abovenamit fra the persounes creditouris lenderis thairof, ilk ane of them for thair awin partis, is nawayes borrowit be thame to thair awin particular vse and behove bot to the vse of the commoune (thocht in thair severall bandis grantit for payment thairof they, thair airis and successouris, ar particularlie and persounallie obleist for payment of the saidis sowmes), and that thay have given band and securitie thairfoir at the desyre of the saidis provest, baillies and counsall, reassoune and equitie requires that the saidis persounes particularlie abovenamet, thair airis and successouris, sould nawayes be troublit thairfor bot sufficientlie relivit thairof; thairfoir [the provost, bailies, and council bound themselves to releive the said persons of payment of the sums contained in the bonds, by stenting of the inhabitants.]

12 June 1641.

Warrand, portrait of the toun.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have a warrand to pay to James Colquhoune fyve dollouris for drawing of the portrait of the toune to be sent to Holland.

15 June 1641.

Common good set.

[Mills, 6200 merks; ladle, 2000 merks; meal market, 550 merks; tron, 550 merks; bridge, 555 merks; grass of the Green £54; grass of St. Mungo's kirkyard, 54s.]

19 June 1641.

Warrand, preaching.

Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to ilk ane of the four yong men, viz., maister Gavin Hammiltoune, maister James Smyth, maister James Bell and maister Robert Yong, ten dollouris the peice for preaching in the Blaickfrear kirk four monethes beturnes and at wther occasiounes as they war imployit, and ordaines the said maister James Bell be remembered heirefter for examinatioune of ane quarter of the toune.

10 July 1641.

Mortificatioune, Grahame.

Compeirit personallie ane of the regentis of the Colledge of Glasgw and producit the dowbill of the mortificatioune of Margaret Grahame hir xxv c. merkis and the tounes patronage thairof, wnder the subscriptioune of maister Johne Harberbtsone, scrybe to the vniversitie, and of the haill maisteris thairof, quhilk ordaines to be put in the tounes charter kist.

Porterfeild, commissioner.

George Porterfeild is electit commissionar to agent the bussines befoir the parliament for rectifeing of the abuses of the customes during his remayning in Edinburgh; at his away goeing Coline Campbell, baillie, is electit to supplie his place to that bussines.

24 July 1641.

Warrand, commission, preaching, etc.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the soume of four scoir four pundis x s. viij d. debursit to Robert Campbell and wtheris for wyne to the communioune, and for the soume of tuentie sewin pundis money debursit be him to maister Allane Fergusoune for preaching of Godis word within this brughe fra Beltoune to Lambes, and it was advancit to him becaus he was to goe to the Generall Assemblie.

7 August 1641.

Proclamatioune anent stoupis.

Ordaines ane proclamatioune to be sent throw the toune anent the stowpis, commanding and charging that [no] venter or drawer within this brughe of wyne, aill, bear, or ony vther soirt of liquour, tak vpon hand to fill any stoup, ather of thair awin or of ony wther persounes, except such as ar sealed with this present yeir of God, vnder the pane of fyve pundis money vnforgevin; and gif ony doe come to by with ane vnseallit stoup the seller is ordanit not to fill the samyne bot to schawe the same to the magistratis, that the owneris thairof may be punisched accordinglie; and for eschewing abuse in tyme cuming, it is appoyntit that all these who withdrew thair stoupis or he buyes new stoupes heirefter that they bring them to the Tolbuith ilk first Thursday of the moneth heirefter quhair they sall be seallit.

14 August 1641.

Blair, minister.

It is ordanit that the deane of gild and dekine conveinar convein thair folkis anent maister Hew Blair, conforme to the act the 17 of October last, and to report to his place.

Bell, commissioner.

It is ordanit that ane new commissioune be direct to Patrik Bell anent the divisioune cravit of the parochine of Glasgow, and to supplicat his Majestie anent the dissolutioune of the personag from the bischoprick, and for the ministeris mantinance out of the bischoprick as they formerlie had, and for ane minister to be mantenit out thairof in place of the bischop, and for ane competent allowance out the said bischoprick for vpholding the Great Kirk and for helping the poor of the Bischopis Hospitall and Grammer Scoolle; and becaus the clerk is now in Edinburgh ordainis ane letter to be sent to him to draw wp commissiounes, ane or mae, to the said Patrick as he sall requyre him for managing of the saidis particularis, and also ane commissioun to defend this brugh fra that crav be Gabriell Conynghame for his attending the valuatioune of the tythis and doe his best to hold it of the toune.

25 September 1641.

Tounes effaires.

Ordanes the persounes vnderwrittin, viz., the present baillie, Harie Glen, [and nine others,] to goe to Edinburgh for countenancing and agenting of the tounes affaires.

4 October 1641.

Electioun of magistrattis.

Compeirit, in presens of the counsall, William Scott, servitour to the Laird of Mynto, and producit his Majesties lettere direct to the counsall, daitit the secund of this instant, craving to accept of Sir Robert Gordoune as commissionar for his Majestie for electioune of the magistratis for this yeir, quhilk being red the counsall declairit to the said William Scott that they acceptit with all humilitie his Majesties lettere and sould give obedience thairto according to thair dewtie in the awin tyme.

5 October 1641.

Provest.; Baillies.; Protestatioun.

The said day, being the ordinar day of the electioune of the magistrates, the old provest, with Patrik Bell and maister William Stewart, being putt in lytes quha sould be presentit to the Kings commissioner to be nominat provest for this yeir to cum, be pluralitie of votes maister William Stewart was appoyntit to be presented to Sir Robert Gordoun commissioner. Therefter, compeirit personallie maister William Cochrane of Cowdoune and producit a commissioune direct from his Majestie to Sir Robert Gordoune for nominatioune of the magistrates for this nixt yeir ensewing, gevin vnder his Hienes signet at Halyrudhous the second day of October instant, subscryved be his Majesties sacred hand. Efter the productioun quhairof, the said maister William being removed, the counsall appoyntit sum of ther number to goe to the Castell quhair the said Sir Robert was for the tyme, and to give ther advyse to him anent the nominatioune of maister William Stewart to be provest; and efter ther cuming ther, the said Sir Robert fillit vp ane nominatioune, quhilk was blank, with the name of the said maister William Stewart to be provest and delyverit the samyne to these wha went to him to be producit befor the counsall, quhilk accordinglie they did; and efter productioun of the said nominatioune the counsall acceptit thairof and ressavit the said maister William Stewart provest for this nixt yeir ensewing quha being sworne gave his oathe de fideli administratione. And immediatelie thairefter they sent vp lytes to the said commissioner of sex merchandis and thrie craftismen to choose twa bailleis of the merchandis and ane of the craftismens rank. Quhilk lytes being considered be the commissioner did nominat Johne Andersone and James Bell for the merchandis, and Manasses Lyill for the craftismen, to be bailleis for this nixt yeir, quha wer ressaveit be the counsall and gave ther oathes de fideli administratione. The counsell alwayes protesting, in presens of the said commissioner, that quhat is done in the premisis shall be nowayes prejudiciall to ther former rights old vse and possessioune and quhat is competent to royall borrowes.

8 October 1641.


[Thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen elected councillors.]

9 October 1641.


Ordains the clerke to draw wp ane letter to Patrik Bell, thair commissioner, to deale with the King for the customes to the weill of the toune as other tounes dois.

Anent electioun of baillies.

It is statut and ordanit that in all tyme heirefter ther sall no baillie be ressaveit in office efter the yeir he hes bein in office quhill twa yeir thairefter so that he be frie for twa yeirs.

13 October 1641.

Dean of guild, etc.

[John Barnes elected dean of guild; Williame Neilsone, deacon convener; John Clerk, treasurer; John Gilhagie, visitor; Archibald Fauldis, water bailie; William Hinschaw, master of work.]

Tounes liberties.

Be pluralitie of votes, Walter Stirling is chosen to goe east with ane commissioune to Patrik Bell, and the commisser to deale for the tounes liberties for electioune of thair magistrates and obteining ministers stipends, and ordains ane lettere to be writtine to thame to that effect.

Statut anent the fleshours.

It is statute and ordanit that the provest and bailleis tak na compositioune from the fleshours in tyme cuming, bot that they keip the statutes of the toun and pay the penaltie for any wrong to be done be them.

16 October 1641.


Harie Gibsone is continued clerk for the yeir to cum conforme to the injunctiones sett doune thairanent.


Item, Gilbert Merschell is continued procurator fiscal for ane yeir to cum.

Warrand, sojours bagage.

Item, ordains ane warrand to be gevin to James Tran, lait thesaurer, to pay the cadgers the soume of ane hundrethe threttie punds and ten schillings for cariage of the sojours bagage from Tueid to Mussilburghe and from thence to this toune, conforme to the particular compt gevin in thairanent calculat and subscrivit be the dean of gild.

Statutes anent beir, aill, etc.

[Ordained that the following prices be charged: ale, 1s. 8d. the pint; beir, 2s. the pint; the loaf of thirteen ounces, 1s.; tallow, 46s. 8d. the tron stone; candle, 53s. 4d. the troy stone.]

26 October 1641.

Electioun of magistratis.

Ordains a lettere to be direct to Patrik Bell to deale the best he can anent the accommodating the bussines anent the libertie of the electioune of thair awin magistrates, and they sall approve the same quhilk he sall doe, be advyse of Walter Stirling, thair for the present at Edinburgh, and any other of the tounes commissioners quha sall be ther east for the tyme; and that he aid and assist Renfrewe and give thame his advyse anent the mater concerning Paisley.

1 December 1641.

Acts of parliament.

Ordains the particular actis vnderwrittin done in parliament, to be extractit, viz., the act of parliament anent the electioune of the magistrates; item, the ratificatioune of the tounes lait infeftment; item, the protestatiounes taine against Renfrew, Dumbartane and Rutherglen; item, the ratificatioune of the touns signatour of the mortificatioune of the spiritualitie of the archbishoprik of Glasgow.

Duikis servand.

Item, it was ordanit that sume Holland cloathe and Scottis linning cloathe, with sume plydes, be sent as a propyne to Maister Web, the Duikis servand, as a testimonie of the tounes thankfulnes to him for his paines taine for the tounes bussines.

4 December 1641.

Gillespie, minister.

Maister Patrik Gillespie producit a presentatioune grantit to him be his Majestie of the place of the Highe Kirk in stead of the bischope. Efter he was removed it was appointed that the provest, Patrik Bell, dean of gild, and deacon conveiner should speik him thairanent, and to report at the nixt meiting.

Act anent Blair.

Item, ordains the present provest and bailleis, with James Stewart, lait provest, dean of gild and deacon conveiner, to speik Maister Hew Blair anent the ministrie in the New Kirk.

8 December 1641.

Anent transporting men to Irland.

My Lord Marqueis of Argyll exhibit in presens of the counsall ane commissione from the secreit counsall anent the transporting of fyve thousand men to Irland and to provyd boatis and barkis for thair transport. Efter reasoning, it is thocht fitting that the fraucht of ilk sojour be threttie schillings, and that ilk persone, baith of sojours and boatmen, have sex schillings in the day for victualls during the tyme they ar at sea, to be payit be the publict, and sume proportioune to be advanced befor they goe aboord, to aggrie with sic boates for transport that it may be laufull to thame to return back quhen they have discharged thair companies at Irland, and that ilk boate to be hyred be tuentie foote of ground at least, and ilk slayer boate have tua straikes above, and ilk couper ane or mair as they sall think fitting; and that ilk boat be in readines at ane port within xlviij houris as they sall be requyred, and that ilk boat get half fraucht befor ther away going and the rest quhen they cum to Irland, and that ilk boat quhen it cumis to the place quhair they ar taking in thair sojours the boatmen sall have thair paye forsaid daylie.


Item, it is thocht expedient that John Andersone, the baillie, and the clerk goe to Paislay the morne to the presbitrie concerning maister Hew Blair his transportatione to this toun.

14 December 1641.

Duik of Lennox and servand, legacie.

Ordaines ane letter to be direct to the Duik of Lennox geving him thanks for bygaines and entreating his favour in tyme cuming. Item, ane other letter to Maister Web his servand with a propyne of lx elnes linning cloathe, twa gallounes of aquavytie, and four half barrels of hering, and twa pair of plydes; as also a letter to Sir David Conynghame anent Maister Johnstones legacie.


Ordaines the provest, bailleis, dean of gild, deacon conveiner, Walter Stirling, and Johne Andersone to goe to the presbiterie the morne to requeist thame to write to the presbiterie of Paisley for maister Hew Blair his transportatioune, and earnestlie intreat the presbiterie to delay maister Patrik Gillespies tryallis till the counsal be bettir advysed whither they will embrace the Kingis signatour or not.

27 December 1641.

Tounes bussiness.

Ordains Walter Stirling and William Neilsone to goe east to agent the tounes bussiness befor the counsall and exchecker.

Deputatioune, Yair.

Item, licence is grantit to the clerk to goe east to Edinburgh to the sessioune during the monethes of Januar and Februar nixt, and deputatioune grantit to William Yair, his servand, to supplie his place during the forsaid tyme.


Item, ordains the clerk to bring in maister Eduarde Wright his presentatioune, and to produce the same before the presbiterie, and to sute collatioun and institutioun thairvpoun.

Advocats and agents.

Item, ordains the maister of wark to send east to the tounes advocats and thair agents ther fies and thair herring; and to master Robert Bruce, the Duik of Lennox his agent, twa halff barrels of herring.