House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 01 April 1628

Pages 877-878

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 1o Aprilis


THURSDAY next, for the Presenting of Popish Recusants, according to the former Orders.


L. 1a. An Act for a better Allowance to preaching Curates; and to redress the Neglect of preaching, and catechising.


Thursday in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber, for the Committee for Arms.


L. 2a. An Act for the further Reformation of sundry Abuses committed on the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday: - Committed to Mr. Secretary Coke, Sir H. Whytehead, Mr. Jordan, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Ew. Thelluall, Sir Nath. Barnadiston, Mr. Rolles, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Pymme, Sir B. Rudyard, Mr. Strode, Sir James Perrott, Sir Francis Barrington, Mr. Coriton, Mr. Francis Drake, Sir Wm. Fleetewood: And all, that will come, to have Voice: - Thursday, Two Clock, Court of Wards.

New Draperies.

L. 2a. A. Act concerning the Searching and Sealing of divers Stuffs, commonly called new Draperies : - Committed to Sir Edw. Coke, Mr. Spencer, the Knights and Burgesses of London, Mr. Delbridge, Sir Tho. Morgan, Mr. Cage, Sir Tho. Gleane, the Citizens of Bristow, Mr. Cl. Cooke, Mr. Alford, Sir Nath. Barnadiston: And all, that will come, to have Voice: - Monday Afternoon, Two Clock, in Exchequer Chamber.

Answer from the King - Recusants.

Mr. Secretary Coke reporteth his Majesty's Answer to the Petition of both Houses. - That the Lord Keeper presented the same : - And relateth his Majesty's Answer. - That his Majesty encourageth us to proceed with a provisional Law against Popery, according to our Petition.

This Day the Business, already argued, being ended : Ordered, That his Majesty's Proposition shall be taken into Consideration by the grand Committee, To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock.

Mr. Secretary Coke to deliver, in Writing, the King's Answer to the Petition delivered Yesterday, of both Houses, to be recorded here; and the Privy Council to give his Majesty Thanks, from this House, for his gracious Answer.

Suspicion of Members.

L. 2a. An Act to avoid Suspicion of Injustice in any Member of the Commons House of Parliament.

L. 2a. An Act to avoid Suspicion of Misdemeanor in any Member of the Commons House of Parliament.

Both these Bills, by Order, committed together to Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Secretary Coke, Mr. Chancellor Duchy, Sir Edw. Coke, Mr. Rolles, Sir P. Hayman, Sir Francis Nethersall, Sir W. Earle, Mr. Cage, Mr. Sherfeild: All, that will come, to have Voice: - Tuesday next. Two Clock, Court of Wards.