Pages 224-249
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: H, 1375-1399. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.
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Folios clxx-clxxi.
Writ to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex reciting statute 7 Richard II. (fn. 1) passed in the Parliament held at Westminster on Monday before the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.] last past, and bidding them proclaim the same and see it duly observed. Dated at Westminster, 26 Nov., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Folio clxxi.
L'rad'ni Regis patens pro me dietate unius xv e [sic] levanda in civi tate London'.
Letters patent appointing William Ancroft, Henry Bamme, John Vyne, "draper," and John Bradfeld, "grocer," commissioners to levy in the City half a tenth granted to the King by the last Parliament. Witness the King at Westminster, 28 Nov., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Folio clxxi b.
Br'e ad venire faciend' teno rem apelli q'd Leticia q e fuit ux' Joh'is Criel militis fecit versus Ric'm Boydone.
Writ pluries to the Sheriffs of London and the Coroner of the City that they bring up an appeal made by Leticia, late wife of John Cryel, Knt., against Richard Boydone, servant of John Cornewaille, Knt., for robbery and breach of the peace, and that they produce the body of the said Richard, who was confined in Neugate. Witness R[obert] Tresilian at Westminster, 28 Nov., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Returnum br'is supra dicti.
Return made to the above writ by John More and Simon Wynchecombe, the Sheriffs, and John "Charnels," (fn. 2) the Coroner, to the effect that the above Leticia was a free woman of the City, and had appealed the above John (Richard ?) Boydone before Adam Bamme and John Sely [Sheriffs] and the aforesaid Coroner on Saturday after the Feast of SS. Philip and James [1 May], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], and they had named a day for her to prosecute her appeal to the Mayor and the King's Justices appointed for the next gaol-delivery of Neugate, which appeal, according to the custom of the City, ought to be determined at Neugate and not elsewhere, and therefore they could not bring up the said John (Richard ?) nor the appeal without injury to the City's franchise.
Writ alias to the Sheriffs to arrest John Colbrond, of Wylmyngtone, (fn. 3) near "Weygh," and Alice his concubine, living in London, in Southamlane, Temesestret, Thomas Culpyn of London, "corsor," and Elena his wife, living at the hostel with the sign of a lion on "le hoop," near St. "Tauntelyne" (fn. 4), and John Hosiere of London, and have their bodies before the King on a day named. Witness R[obert] Tresilian at Westminster, 12 Oct., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383]. (fn. 5)
Returnum inde.
Return made to the above by John More and Simon Wynchecombe, the Sheriffs, to the effect that they had taken into custody the above Thomas Culpyn, Elena his wife, and the above John Hosiere, but as to producing their bodies, as the writ requires, the custom of the City had always been such that freemen or freewomen of the City appealed of felony in a foreign county ought not to be taken out of the City, but their appealers ought to be brought to the King's gaol of Neugate, and there, before the Mayor and the King's Justices for gaol-delivery, those appealed ought to answer the charges brought against them, and not elsewhere; and that inasmuch as the said Thomas, Elena, and John were free of the City, they (the Sheriffs) could not bring them up as the writ required without prejudice to the City's franchise.
Folio clxxii.
Br'e q'd pis cenarii lib'ta tis civitatis Lond' exer ceant artem suam ut con sueverunt.
Writ to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex to the effect that whereas in the Parliament held at Westminster in the octave of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], certain statutes and ordinances were passed touching the buying and selling of fish by fishmongers, (fn. 6) these same statutes and ordinances, at the urgent request of the Commonalty of the realm in the last Parliament held at Westminster, had been repealed, (fn. 7) and they were bidden to notify all fishmongers of the City that thenceforth they were as free to follow their business as they were before the ordinances aforesaid, but so that all victuallers and fishmongers coming to the City thenceforth be under the rule of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City for the time being as of old accustomed. Witness the King at Westminster, 27 Nov., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Proclamacio de congregationib' conven ticulis et con spiracionib' non faciend'.
Proclamation against congregations, conventicles, and assemblies without leave of the Mayor. (fn. 8)
Alia procla macio de ex traneis vital larus veniend' et vendend' absque impedi mento pisc' suos.
Another proclamation correcting a rumour that foreign victuallers, bringing fish to the City, were not allowed to sell it freely, as being contrary to the intention of the Mayor and Aldermen. (fn. 9)
Folio clxxii b.
Proclamation forbidding men to walk the City after 9 o'clock at night, except the Mayor and his officers and those who had the Mayor's leave. (fn. 10)
Custodie Ric'i et Elene fil' Ric'i Horshulle.
20 Jan., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4], came Agnes, late wife of Richard Horshulle, "haberdassher," and Robert Guppey, executor of the said Richard, and delivered certain sums of money bequeathed by the said Richard to Richard, John, Elena, and Dionisia, his children, of whom John and Dionisia had died.
The guardianship of the said Richard and Elena and their property was afterwards committed by Nicholas Extone, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to Nicholas Brandone, fishmonger, who had married the aforesaid Agnes. (fn. 11) Sureties, viz., John Pigeon, "piebaker," and Thomas Slayman, "piebaker."
Folio clxxiii.
Ordinacio de co'i consilio per wardas.
Friday before the Feast of the Purification B Mary [2 Feb.], (fn. 12) 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4], in the presence of the Mayor, Aldermen, and an immense Commonalty of honest and discreet men of the City in the Guildhall assembled for divers affairs affecting the City, certain ordinances (fn. 13) — previously approved by those specially appointed to consider how matters in the Common Council had been carried by clamour rather than by reason, and sometimes by members who were not qualified to sit, whereby tumults had arisen—were suggested for consideration, and for a trial to be made of the same, to the following effect, viz.:—
First, in order that the Common Council might be composed of men qualified by means and understanding, the Aldermen shall within fifteen days of their election on the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March] in each year assemble their Wards and charge them to elect four qualified persons, regardless of any office they may have held before (lessant par nulle estat qils ont portee paravant), to be of the Common Council for the year ensuing, (fn. 14) and the same shall be presented to the Mayor and accepted by him and sworn.
Provided always that the Mayor for the time being shall not accept throughout the City more than eight persons of the same mistery, and if more be presented he shall, with the advice of six Aldermen at least (au meyns (fn. 15) ), select eight of the best, and return the rest to their Ward for others to be elected in their place who are not of that mistery.
Que quidem ordinacio est approbata et confirmata pro perpetuo dura tura ut patet postea in isto libro fol cxcvii.
It is further suggested that the number to be elected from each Ward should be proportionate to the number of its inhabitants, and that there should be elected six, four, or two, according as each Ward can efficiently bear the same, to wit, that the Wards of Faryndone, Crepulgate, Cordewanerstret, Chepe, and Bridge should elect six sufficient persons; the Wards of "Vinitrie," Douegate, Walbroke, Candelwykstrete, Billynggesgate, Tower, Cornhulle, Quenehithe, Langebourne, Bisshopesgate, Alderichesgate, Baynardescastel, Bradestrete, and Bredestrete, four; and the Wards of Bassyngeshawe, Colemanstrete, Lymstrete, Portsokne, and Algate, two—amounting in all to ninety-six persons, the number for each Ward, taking one with another, being four persons. (fn. 16)
Consimile [sic] bille missefuer' cuilibet Aldr'o nij to die Febr' a° r r' Ric' i vij°.
Form of precept to the Aldermen to the effect (1) that they levy half a fifteenth lately granted by Parliament, and bring in the money to the Guildhall by the octave of the Purification (2 Feb.); (2) that they summon the inhabitants of their Wards to take an oath for preserving the peace; (3) that they cause an Alderman to be elected for their several Wards, either one who is already or has been an Alderman, (fn. 17) or some one else, as the men of their Wards may think fit, sparing none; (4) that they cause two (or more) qualified men of their Wards to be of the Common Council, sparing none for any office he may hold, and return the names of those elected to the Guildhall by the octave of the Feast aforesaid at the latest.
Folio clxxiii b.
Consimile [sic] bille fuerunt misse cuil't Alderm'.
Precept to the Aldermen to ascertain the number of good and sufficient men in their several Wards that are furnished with arms, and to charge them to get a red slop (fn. 18) (un slop de rouge), so that if any cry (ascun escri) be raised in their Ward they may give information to the Mayor for the purpose of preserving the peace The names of those so armed to be brought to the Guildhall by Friday the Feast of St. Matthias [24 Feb.].
Com'issio pro Gaola de Neugate delib' and'.
Letters patent appointing Robert Tresilian, Robert Bealknape, Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, William Rikhille, and William Cheyne, or any four, three, or two of them (the Mayor being one), to be Justices for gaol-delivery of Neugate. Witness the King at Westminster, 8 Feb., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Arestacio et imprisonamentum Joh'is North' pro riota sua contra pacem.
Writ to Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, bidding him arrest John de Northampton, who is suspected of planning an insurrection in the City, (fn. 19) and commit him to the custody of the King's Constable of the Castle of Corfe. Witness the King at Haveryng, 9 Feb., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Writ to the Sheriffs to the effect that the foregoing writ, or anything done pursuant to it, shall not prejudice the Sheriffs or their liberties, and should not be made a precedent. Witness the King at Westminster, 11 Feb., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Br'e ad arestand' ij ho mines.
Writ to the Mayor that he deliver Robert Cumbertone, brother of John Northampton, (fn. 20) and John Blytone to Edmund de Tettesworth and Thomas Hore, the King's Serjeants-at-arms, for conveyance to Corfe Castle. Witness the King at Westminster, 15 June, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384]. (fn. 21)
Election of Aldermen.
Folio clxxiv.
Bredstret: Sir Nicholas Brembre, Knt., elected Alderman of the said Ward by good men of the same Ward!.
Bridge: William Walworth, Knt., elected, &c.
Cornhulle: John Philippot, Knt., elected, &c. (And because the said John Philippot had died, John Rote was elected and sworn in his place, 12 Sept., 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384]).
Lymstret: John Hadle elected, &c.
Tower: Hugh Fastolf elected, &c.
Colemanstret: John Organ elected, &c.
Douegate: Richard Prestone elected, &c.
Algate: William Staundone elected, &c.
Langebourne: Geoffrey Crymelford elected, &c.
Walbrok: John Sely elected, &c.
Bisshopesgate: John Chircheman elected, &c.
Cordewanerestret: Henry Vannere elected, &c.
Farndone: John Fraunceys elected, &c.
Chepe: John Estone elected, &c.
Castelbaynard: William More elected, &c.
Crepulgate: Adam Bamme elected, &c.
Bradestret: Adam de St. Ive elected, &c.
Vintry: Thomas Cornwaleys elected, &c.
Candelwykstret: John Hende elected, &c.
Queenhithe: Thomas Welford elected, &c.
Billynggesgate: William Ancroft elected, &c.
Bassyeshawe: Robert Warbultone elected, &c.
Aldrichesgate: Roger Elys elected, &c.
All the above were sworn on the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Br'e pro par liamento.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament to be held at New Sarum on Friday after the Feast of St. Mark [25 April]. (fn. 22) No Sheriff of London or other Sheriff to be returned. Witness the King at Westminster, 3 March, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Pursuant to the above writ, John Haddele and John Organ, Aldermen, and John Rote and Henry Herbury, Commoners, were elected to attend the Parliament.
Br'e q'd vital larii extranei libere veniant ad civitatem London' et recedant ab eadem sine im pedimento.
Writ to the Mayor and Aldermen to proclaim that foreigners and aliens may freely bring fish and other victuals to the City by land and water, and that no one is to prevent them from so doing. Witness the King at Westminster, 5 March, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Folio clxxiv b.
Confirmacio de eleccione Aldr'or'.
Letters patent to the Mayor and Commonalty to the effect that whereas, at the last election of Aldermen for the ensuing year, some Aldermen of the past year had been re-elected, whilst others had been elected from the better men of the City in order to avoid the inconvenience arising from an entire change of Aldermen that had yearly taken place, the King, commending their desire to improve the government of the City, consents to that particular election standing good, and is willing that the same mode of election shall continue, provided it appear to the Members of the next Parliament for the better government of the City. The King further consents that the election that had just taken place should not tend to the prejudice of any of the City's liberties. Witness the King at Westminster, 8 March, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4]. (fn. 23)
Ratificacio execucionis Judicii pro morte Joh'is Costantyn.
Letters patent sanctioning the execution of John Constantyn, "cordewaner," for attempting to raise an insurrection in the City on Thursday the 11th February last, and forbidding any one to molest the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs on that account. Witness the King at Westminster, 4 April, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384]. (fn. 24)
Letters patent to the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen and Commonalty of the City, certifying that a recent order by the King for bringing William Norton, "sadeler," who had been arrested in the City, to the castle of Berkhampstede, should not be prejudicial to the liberties of the City nor be drawn into precedent. Witness the King at Westminster, 16 April, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Folio clxxv.
Proclamacio de vinis.
Proclamation regulating the price of wine by retail.
Furrur' foris facte ad opus co'itatis.
4 March, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4], John Multone, William Wiltshire, and Roger Martyn, Surveyors of the mistery of "Pelters," brought before the Mayor and Aldermen three mantles of "pure menyver," containing 44 "tymber" (fn. 25) and 4 bellies, which they took from John Fauconer, "pelter," for being of mixed fur, viz., new with old, contrary to the ordinance. They also brought a set of furs (furura) of "bisses," (fn. 26) also mixed, exposed for sale by John Isaak of Chichester. The mantles and furs being examined were found to be false, and were ordered to be confiscated, the mantles being appraised by Stephen Daubeneye, John Halyday, and John Barry, skinners, at £6 3s. 10d. and the fur at 10s.
Writ of Privy Seal to Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, and the Sheriffs, bidding them deliver Robert Cumbertone (fn. 27) and John Blytone, who had been arrested in London, to Edmund Tettesworth and Thomas Hore, the King's Serjeants-at-arms, to conduct to Corfe Castle, as their continued presence in London was likely to cause a disturbance, as it had done on a former occasion. Dated at Westminster, 14 June, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384]. (fn. 28)
The above delivered to the Sheriffs to carry into execution.
Consimile [sic] bille misse fuerunt cuil't Aldi'o xix die Junii anno vij°.
Precept to the several Aldermen that they keep an armed watch in their Ward according to ancient custom on the eves of St. John [24 June] and SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], and that the Aldermen and their retinue come, arrayed as agreed upon, at 9 o'clock at the latest, to St. Paul's churchyard to accompany the Mayor through the City, and further, that they have with them two lighted cressets. (fn. 29)
Soliicio £xv pertnent' piie ris Will'i Pursere.
23 June, 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], came Richard atte Putte, executor of William Pursere, and paid to Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, a sum of £15 bequeathed to John, Agnes, and John, children of the said William.
Afterwards, viz., on the 15th Sept., 14 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], came the above Richard atte Putte, and said that all the above children were dead, and asked for the return of the money in order that it may be spent in accordance with the wish of the testator.
Folio clxxv b.
Solucio £xx pro pueris Thome Wilgar malemakere.
24 June, 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], came William Choune and Robert Brifty, executors of Thomas Wilgar, "malemaker," and paid to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, the sum of £20 bequeathed by the said Thomas to Thomas, Isabella, and Alice, his children.
Afterwards, viz., on the 3rd Dec., 12 Richard II. [A.D. 1388], came Robert Bosse, "pulleter,' who married the above Isabella, and claimed £10 of the above money, inasmuch as Thomas the son had died, and it was given to him with the assent of Nicholas Twyford, Knt., the Mayor, and the Recorder.
Afterwards, viz., on the 28th June, 15 Richard II. [A.D. 1391], came John Chaumpneys, who married the above Alice, and asked for the sum of £10.
Afterwards, viz., on the 23rd March, 18 Richard II. [A.D. 1394-5], Stephen Speleman, the Chamberlain, paid to Ralph Kever, who married the above Isabella, the sum of £15 and 23½d. in part payment of a legacy due to her, the remainder being subsequently paid at the request of the said Ralph to Thomas Clerk, "lyndraper."
Folio clxxvi.
Compotus executor' Joh'is Bernes pro pueris ejusdem Joh'is.
27 July, 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], account rendered by Thomas Rolf and John Manyngtone, skinners, executors of John Bernes, "pelter," of property due to Margery and Isabella, daughters of the said John Bernes, before Geoffrey Crymelford and John Fraunceys, Aldermen, auditors appointed by Sir Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, and William Cheyne, the Recorder.
Adnullacio quorumd' judicior' super Nich'um Ex toner eddit'tempore Joh'is Norhamptone Maior'.
Petition to the Mayor and Aldermen by Nicholas Extone to the effect that whereas on the morrow of the Assumption B M [15 Aug.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], during the Mayoralty of John Norhamptone, he had been removed from the Aldermanry of Queenhithe, (fn. 30) as appears supra, Folios cliv; and whereas on Wednesday next before the Feast of St. Edmund the King [20 Nov.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], the same Mayor had deprived him of the franchise, and had made him enter into a bond in the sum of 1,000 marks, as appears supra, Folios clvii— they may be pleased to examine into the matter and cause the said judgment and bond to be annulled.
The matter having been fully examined before the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, on Monday the 20th June, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], it was found that the said Nicholas had been deprived of his Aldermanry and franchise in error and that his bond was unreasonable, and the Court adjudged that he should be restored to the liberties and franchises of the City and the bond annulled.
Folio clxxvi b.
Ordinacio pro lib'tatib' civi tatis manu tenend' it exercend'.
Be it remembered that at a Common Council held in the Chamber of the Guildhall on Monday before the Feast of the Nativity of St. John [24 June], viz., the 20th June, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], it was agreed and ordained that the best and wisest men of the City should be chosen to consider how the franchise of the City, according to the effect of charters granted and confirmed to the citizens by the King (fn. 31) and his ancestors, could in the best and easiest manner be exercised; also to ordain touching the place called "les Stokkes," which yearly paid £60 and more to London Bridge, and is now occupied by foreigners called "Ripieres," (fn. 32) bringing sea-fish to the City for sale, without paying anything to the said Bridge or to anything else, whether the place should continue to be for the use of the said foreigners or not, so that the Wardens of the said Bridge may receive their aid as of old accustomed; and further, to examine the articles and ordinances contained in the book called "Jubile," (fn. 33) with the view of preserving the good ordinances and rejecting the bad.
Thereupon the following were chosen for the purpose, viz., William Walworth, John Hadle, Robert Warbultone, John Organ, William Staundone, Henry Vannere, William More, John Fraunceys, Adam Bamme, William Ancroft, Thomas Welford, John Hende, Geoffrey Crimelford, John Bosham, John Shadworthe, William Baret, John Rote, John Wiltshire, William Cressewyk, Richard Hatfeld, Thomas Extone, John Forster, Thomas Girdelere, Walter Sibile, John Wade, Henry Herbury, John Colshulle, William Kyng, Thomas Rolf, Walter Pykenham, William Pountfret, Geoffrey Walderne, William Rule, Henry Brounfeld, Roger Excetre, Elyas de Westone, Nicholas Snypstone, William Tonge, Adam Carlille, William Olyver, John Pountfret, William Hawe, and John Asshurst, who were to commence sitting at the Guildhall on the following Monday between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning and to continue to sit daily, Festivals excepted, until they had finished the business aforesaid. Twelve of their number were to form a quorum, and no one was to absent himself for a day without good cause on pain of paying 40 pence to the Chamberlain.
Also as touching the reception of folk into the freedom of the City, it is ordained that every one received into the freedom by redemption shall bring with him six men of the mistery of which he is free to testify to his fitness, (fn. 34) and he shall be received in the presence of an Alderman and the Chamberlain, paying more or less according to his estate and as the six men aforesaid may testify as to his ability to pay. (fn. 35)
Also whereas the fish in the Thames are destroyed by the use of too fine nets and traps, contrary to the ordinance, the following are chosen to survey such nets, &c., receiving for their trouble one-half of the forfeitures, viz., John Charneye, (fn. 36) Edmund Fraunceys, Richard Lytlyngtone, and John Asshele.
Also whereas the barge of London lies in the Thames near the Chapel of St. Katherine (fn. 37) in a bad state of repair and gets worse every day, so that shortly it will become worthless, it is agreed by the assent of the Common Council that the Chamberlain shall sell the same together with its fittings as soon as he can for the best price it will fetch, and thereupon Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, being present, was given this in charge.
Also be it remembered that the Mayor, Aldermen, and good Commoners above elected for the aforesaid matters were afterwards re-elected at a Common Council held on Wednesday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], as appears infra, fo. clxxxi, to treat with the King for a grant of murage, &c.
Folio clxxvii.
Custum' con cess' pro trib' annis in aux ilium diversor' vicorum.
Letters patent appointing William Knotte, John Davy, Walter Bartone, "cordewaner," John Elys, John Wendore, and John Trap', commissioners to collect certain specified tolls on goods passing through Holbourne from the cross called "Holbournecrosse" to the place called "Horspole," (fn. 38) and through Fletestrete from the Bar of the New Temple as far as the Savoye, for a term of three years, the proceeds to be devoted to the repair of the said streets. Witness the King at Westminster, 16 June, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Thereupon, on the 29th July following, the above Commissioners (excepting Walter Bartone ?) were sworn before the Mayor and Aldermen, and were instructed to repair the roads aforesaid that were within the liberty of the City before undertaking any repairs outside.
Exon'acio dictar' £xx patet postea fol cxcvi [b].
2 Aug., 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], came William Hannele and Cristina atte Noke, executors of John atte Noke, "pulter," and paid to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, the sum of £20 to the use of Richard, son of the said John, aged eight and a half years.
Adnullacio quor' dam judicior' reddit' super Adam Karlille tempore Joh'is Norhamptone Maioris.
Petition by Adam Karlille to the Mayor and Aldermen to the effect that whereas on Saturday the morrow of the Assumption [15 Aug.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], John Norhamptone, the Mayor, had erroneously and without just cause removed him from all offices in the City and forbidden him to wear any robe of the livery of the Mayor, Aldermen, or Sheriffs, new or old, to wit any cloak party-furred with fur or lined with silk, on pain of losing the franchise and all that could be forfeited, as appears more fully supra, fo. cliv [b]—may it please the Mayor and Aldermen to investigate the matter and annul the judgment so passed in error. Thereupon, the matter having been examined both by Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, and the Aldermen and also the Common Council assembled in the Chamber of the Guildhall on Monday the 20th June, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], the judgment was found to be in error and was annulled, and the said Adam was to be allowed any livery he liked.
Folio clxxvii b.
Diver si articuli ordinat' pro commodo civitatis.
Be it remembered that at a congregation of the Mayor, Aldermen, and good and sufficient men summoned from the Wards as a Common Council the last day of July, 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], there being present Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, William Walworth, William Cheyne, the Recorder, John Organ, William Staundone, Geoffrey Crymelford, John Sely, Henry Vannere, John Fraunceys, John Estone, William More, Adam Bamme, Adam de St. Ive, John Hende, Thomas Welford, Robert Warbultone, William Ancroft, and Roger Elys, Aldermen, and the following from the several Wards, viz.:—
Tower (11): William Tonge, Hugh Sprot, Hugh Boys, Thomas Evesham, John Northwyche, Thomas Garnet, Richard Brangwayn, William Perman, Richard Haydok, Nicholas Wetele, and Thomas Alley.
Billynggesgate (11): Gilbert Manfeld, John Wade, John Beaufront, Thomas Girdelere, Thomas Lyncoll, Simon Rous, John Claydone, John Claveryng, William Reynwelle, John Vigerous, and Thomas Mordone.
Algate (3): Richard Morel, William Badby, and John Halstede.
Lymstret (4): John Clapschethe, Richard Gregory, John Bradele, and John Plot.
Langebourne (8): Thomas Bonaunter, John Dyke, William Fitz-hugh, John Studele, Richard Bengeo, John Hatfeld, Robert Honyford, and Richard Estbroke.
Bisshopesgate (9): Henry Herbury, John Sibile, Peter Torold, Adam Ratteseye, Roger Astone, Bartholomew Mildenale, John Cheverel, Thomas atte Swan, and Godfrey Cost.
Cornhille (13): Walter Pikenham, Richard Manhale, William Wangford, Thomas Irland, Robert Langetone, John Pinchoun, Thomas Birche, Michael Treuthennek, Thomas Hardegray, Gilbert Hoo, John Barry, Richard Smyth, and Thomas Leuesham.
Bridge (18): Walter Doget, Walter Sibile, John Kirtone, Robert Lyttle, John Pountfret, John Sandhurst, William atte Sele, Thomas Mallyng, Richard Radewelle, John Bonet, Walter Herville, Thomas Haukere, John Burwelle, Henry Yevele, Henry Petipas, William Bys, William atte Lee, and Richard Blomville.
Douegate (12): William Wottone, William Wyght, Ralph Lubenham, John Wiltshire, Gilbert Beauchampe, William Smythe, Geoffrey Maynard, Nicholas Snypstone, Thomas Wyght, Edmund Olyver, John Bisshop, and William Frythe.
Vintry (16): John Colshulle, Thomas Medelane, John Tilneye, William Sharpynge, Thomas Goodsire, Robert Roket, John Edrop, John Norfolk, John Andreu, John Mockyng, Henry Brounfeld, John Wydemere, Matthew Passelewe, William Venour, Richard Lytlyngtone, and Gilbert Mersshe.
Walbroke (13): William Olyver, Reginald Aleyn, John Basse, William Sudbury, William Knyght, Thomas Strode, Richard Spark, William Horscroft, Roger Abbot, Robert Resoun, John Creek, Elys de Thorpe, and Richard Burtone.
Bradestret (9): William Wodehous, Adam Carlille, Edmund Hodesdone, Richard Willesdone, John Clee, Thomas Bartone, "Benet" Cornewaille, John Clenaunt, and John Wiltone.
Cordewaner stret (17): Robert Lyndeseye, William Pountfret, Geoffrey Walderne, Robert Harengeie, Richard Hatfeld, John Hoo, Henry Stacy, William Culham, Andrew Coggeshale, Thomas Sibsay, Thomas Heyward, John Bradfeld, Robert Dane, John Chyngford, John Suttone, John Wyncelowe, and Simon Aylesham.
Colemanstret (6): William Kyng, Robert Havelok, John Shelford, Richard Whityngton, (fn. 39) Thomas Chapman, and Richard Glemesford.
Chepe (23): John Bosham, John Shadworth, John Fresshe, John Fraunkeleyn, Geoffrey Grigge, Thomas Makwilliam, Richard Russel, Richard Plot, Thomas Pope, William Potenham, Henry Godyn, John Sevesterre, John Pigeoun, William Hyde, William Chicheley, John Viaunde, Richard Goodchild, Thomas Vyvent, Thomas Ottele, Robert Somersete, John Wyght, John Salle, and Thomas Neel.
Farndone (24): John Carbonel, Elys Westone, Roger Excestre, Simon atte Nax, John Longe, Robert Boxford, Walter Yonge, Philip atte Downe, William Lyncoll, John Wakele, Thomas Pauntone, Roger Crane, Bartholomew Castre, Simon Macchyng, Robert Brian, William Persshore, William Thornhille, John Waleworth, Adam atte Watre, Robert Lynn, Nicholas Rote, Nicholas Jurdan, Thomas Brumptone, and Thomas Duke.
Bassinggeshawe (3): William Hawe, Simon Worstede, and John Bokelsmythe.
Crepulgate (15): John Loveye, John Forster, Robert Ascombe, Gilbert Prince, John Hugyn, Henry Bamme, John Maymond, Thomas Willyngham, William Larke, John Mersshe, John Ottele, Richard Rose, John Steyntone, John Hore, and Richard Serle.
Aldrichesgate (6): Thomas Extone, John Dancastre, John Bathe, John Bockyng, John Knotte, and Thomas Reynham.
Bredstret (14): Thomas Rolf, William Shiryngham, John Ragenelle, John Scorfeyn, Thomas Erl, Michael Cornewaille, William Pountfret, Robert Ivyngho, William Stabulte, John Goldrynge, John Sexteyn, John Silvertone, Henry Mordone, and Roger Parys.
Queenhithe (10): William Newport, William Baret, John Trigge, Robert Parys, Thomas Horsman, Henry Grenecobbe, John Chipstede, Hugh de Ware, Thomas Chaundeler, and John Waryner.
Castle Baynard (8): John Redyng, John Wansy, John Asshurst, William Shrympelmersshe, John Asshele, Nicholas Symcok, John Reynold (?), and Walter Pacwode.
Candilwykstret (10): John Walcote, John Bownesbury, James Snow, William Ivory, William Spaldyng, John Grantham, William Horstone, William Gilot, John Olney, and John Jurdon.
Portsokne (4): William Burford, William Wodeward, William Dawe, and Nicholas Longe:—
there were read divers articles by many wise and discreet men elected by the Common Council held on Monday before the Feast of St. John [24 June] last past (as appears on the next preceding folio (fn. 40) ) to the following effect:—
Folio clxxviii.
First, it is agreed that the Common Council shall thenceforth be elected by the Wards within fifteen days after the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March], as declared supra, fo. clxxiii, so that if they so please they may re-elect those who were of the Common Council the previous year, and those newly elected shall be as able and sufficient men of the Wards as those whose place they take.
(2) Also that those elected to the Common Council shall take an oath as follows (fn. 41) :—
And he who is elected to the Common Council and comes not when summoned, and cannot excuse himself on grounds set forth in the oath aforesaid, shall pay each time 40 pence to the use of the commune.
(3) Also that those elected to the Common Council shall not during tenure of office be placed on inquests, except in pleas of land where other sufficient persons cannot be found, nor shall be tallagers nor collectors of tallage, nor be summoned or forced to keep common watches except with the Mayor or Sheriffs or Alderman of their Ward when willing to do so in their own persons. And if any Sheriff return the names of those in office otherwise than as aforesaid let him be amerced at the same amount as those returned. (fn. 42)
(4) Also that the Aldermen and Commons so elected meet at least once a quarter to consider of the City's necessities, and on the day of their meeting no plea shall be held between party and party in the Court of the Mayor or of the Sheriffs.
(5) Also that the election of the Sheriff (du Viscounte) take place on St. Matthew's Day [21 Sept.] in manner as follows, viz., that the Mayor, with the advice and assent of sixteen Aldermen at least, or more if they can be found within the City, shall cause the Common Council to be summoned against that day, with others of the more sufficient men of the City, to make the said election, so many and such as seem to them necessary for the time, and those so summoned shall make their election of an able person, and when they shall be agreed shall present him to the Mayor and Aldermen by their common serjeant.
(6) Also that the election of the Mayor take place on the Feast of the Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.] in manner as follows, viz., that the Mayor, with the advice and assent of sixteen Aldermen at least, or more if they can be found within the City, shall cause the Common Council to be summoned against that day, with others of the more sufficient men of the City, to make the said election, so many and such as seem to them necessary for the time, and those so summoned shall make their election of two of the more sufficient and wiser persons of the City, and when they shall be agreed they or their common serjeant shall present their names to the Mayor and Aldermen, as was anciently accustomed to be done.
(7) Also that the ordinance of Assizes of Freshforce of rent in Letter-Book F, fo. cv, (fn. 43) be observed; and that process of Freshforce, now abused in the court of the Sheriffs, shall be set right according to ancient custom; but those who are not seized or disseized within forty weeks next before the bill of Assize of Freshforce, whether of tenement or rent, shall plead by writ in the Husting. (fn. 44)
(8) Also that the franchises (les franchises) comprised in the common charter last confirmed by the lord the King (fn. 45) be used in all particulars, especially that no merchant stranger sell any merchandise within the liberty of the City to any other merchant stranger to sell again; that no merchant stranger buy such merchandise, on pain of forfeiture of the same, saving the privileges of the King's lieges of Aquitaine; (fn. 46) and that no merchant stranger sell by retail within the liberty. Which franchises, together with all other franchises, shall be exercised in as favourable a manner as possible, so that if any person whatsoever suffers hurt in respect of any of them let him complain to the Mayor, and the Mayor shall apply due remedy with the advice of the Aldermen. Provided always that the lords and all other strangers may freely buy all manner of merchandise for their own use.
Folio clxxviii b.
(9) Also whereas Henry Waleys, formerly Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty of London had made their petition to King Edward I. that a vacant place now called "le Stokkes" might be built upon and let for the maintenance of London Bridge, and the said King had thereupon, by letters patent dated the 4th May, in the 10th year of his reign [A.D. 1282], granted the said place to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty for building on for the purpose aforesaid; and whereas the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty had let the said place to Walter Blund, Richard Knotte, Robert le Treiere, Stephen Pikeman, John Baudri, Thomas Orpedman, and Geoffrey Horn, fishmongers, by deed enrolled in the Husting on the morrow of H. Trinity [24 May], 11 Edward I. [A.D. 1283], for their lives, at a rent payable to the Wardens of the said Bridge; and whereas Hamo Chigwelle, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commonalty, by a deed called a "composicioun," dated Saturday after the Feast of St. Valentine [14 Feb.], 17 Edward II. [A.D. 1323-4], and enrolled in Letter-Book E, fo. cliii, (fn. 47) granted "le Stokkes" for the maintenance of the said Bridge, and this was afterwards confirmed by the King's letters patent, dated 16 June, 17 Edward II. [A.D. 1324]; (fn. 48) these evidences, as well as an ordinance made during the Mayoralty of Nicholas Farndone, for the benefit of the said Bridge, as appears enrolled in the Husting, anno 15 Edward II., and another ordinance made during the Mayoralty of Reginald atte Conduit, enrolled in Letter-Book E, fo. ccxlviii, (fn. 49) having been produced and read, and their contents found to be good and reasonable—it was agreed that the aforesaid "Stokkes" should continue to assist towards the maintenance of the said Bridge as of old accustomed. (fn. 50)
The above ordinances so read, heard, and understood by the whole Common Council and other good folk there present were with one accord granted and confirmed for the common good, and ordered to be observed for ever afterwards.
Also on the same day [31 July, 1384] was read an ordinance formerly made by the Mayor and Aldermen for the common weal and approved by the men elected as aforesaid, to the effect that no denizen should buy any kind of fresh fish of the sea or sweet water within the liberty of the City of any foreigner to sell again raw (crue) before 10 o'clock, on pain of forfeiture, one-half of the fish forfeited going to the informer.
Also that no "birlestere" (fn. 51) buy fresh fish before the hour aforesaid, nor stand in any one place with fish, fresh or salt, but pass along the streets and lanes of the City to sell it to the commons, but they may carry herring, salmon, and all other salt fish through the streets to serve the commons at any hour they please.
No denizen fishmonger shall be partner with a stranger or foreigner bringing fresh fish or any kind of victual to the City for sale.
No denizen shall disturb any stranger or foreigner bringing fish to the City or any other victual to sell, nor shall hire their servants or horses, but he shall use his own servants and horses, under penalty of being deprived of following his trade for one year for his first offence, &c.
Folio clxxix.
No "hukstere" shall buy oysters or mussels before 9 o'clock unless there be a plentiful supply (si enci ne soit qe graunt plente y viegne), on pain of forfeiture. Nor shall any "hukstere" sell oysters or mussels at the place where he bought them, but he shall carry them through the streets to serve the Commonalty.
The above ordinances were also heard, understood, and agreed to, and were proclaimed the third day afterwards, together with the eighth article aforesaid touching the franchise (la franchise) of the City.
Also it was agreed to pray the King to be allowed to have process of law to punish those misdoers who were the chief cause of disturbance within the liberty of the City and of rebellion against the Mayor, Aldermen, and government of the City, lest, shortly, unity and concord fail to be preserved in the presence of the King and his Council, so that the ministers and good folk of the City may the better be able to govern the City in future and to punish such misdoers.
The above motion was so generally agreed to by all the good folk above written that no one said a word to the contrary, although invited to do so fearlessly if any had good cause to show to the contrary, but all showed themselves content, and desired it to be placed on record.
Concessio annui redditus iiij or marcar' Rad'o Strode ad terminum vite.
Also it was agreed that Ralph Strode should have 4 marks annual rent to be thenceforth paid by the Chamberlain for loss of a mansion over the gate of Aldrichesgate, which had been granted to him for life during a former Mayoralty of Nicholas Brembre (fn. 52) under the Common Seal, and from which he had been speciously ousted during the Mayoralty of John Norhamptone, (fn. 53) the said rent to cease if he be restored to the said mansion. (fn. 54)
Be it remembered that afterwards, at a Common Council held on Friday before the Feast of the Assumption B. M. [15 Aug.], when there were present all the aforesaid Mayor and Aldermen before named, together with John Hadle, Thomas Cornwaleys, and John Chircheman, Aldermen, who were not present at the previous Council, and all the Commoners before named, together with John Fourneux, a commoner, who was not previously named, each and all were asked on their faith to God and their oath to the King whether, in case the King should pardon John Norhamptone, his presence in the City would engender peace and quiet or otherwise, and they one and all solemnly declared that it were better for unity and peace in the City if the said John were not to come to live within the liberty of the City.
Folio clxxix b.
Br'e de h'end' nomina quor'dam probor' homunium coram consilio d'm Regis paud Redyng'.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs enclosing a schedule of names of Aldermen and others who were to appear before the King and his Council at Redyng, (fn. 55) together with the Mayor himself, on Wednesday after the Feast of the Assumption [15 Aug.]. Witness the King at Westminster, 5 Aug., 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Nomina pro bor' hominum predictorum.
Schedule of names enclosed in the above writ:—
William Walworth, John Hadle, Hugh Fastolf, John Organ, Richard Prestone, William Staundone, Geoffrey Crymelford, John Sely, John Chircheman, Henry Vannere, John Fraunceis, John Estone, William More, Adam Bamme, Adam de St. Ive, Thomas Cornwaleys, John Hende, Thomas Welford, William Ancroft, Robert Warbultone, Roger Elys, Nicholas Twyford, John Bosham, William Baret, Thomas Rolf, William Venour, John Shadworth, William Olyver, John Furneux, William Wodehous, John Rote, Nicholas Extone, Edmund Olyver, Elyas de Thorpe, John Hoo, Walter Doget, John Redyng, Thomas Reynham, Geoffrey Neutone, John Clyvele, John Kirketone, William Bys, John Fresshe, Richard Odyham, John Pynchoun, John Ragenel, William Neuport, John Burwell, William Hawe, Thomas Girdelere, Richard Morell, Henry Herburi, William Kyng, Henry Stacy, Thomas Extone, John Colshulle, John Pountfreyt, John Fremelyngham, and William Spaldynge.
Br'e q'd Maior sit apud Redyng in pro pria persona sua.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs excusing the presence of John Boseham at Redynge, as the King had been informed that the said John had been appointed to act as Mayor whilst Brembre attended on the King pursuant to the above writ. Witness the King at Westminster, 10 Aug., 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Bille misse cuil't Aldr'o pro probis ho minib' eor' loco officia Aldr'ie occupand' eli gendis.
Precept to the Aldermen to elect a deputy in their several Wards to preserve peace during their absence at Redyng, and to return the names of those elected to the Guildhall by Friday next. Dated 9 Aug., 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Nomina elector.
The names of those elected in the several Wards (fn. 56) pursuant to the above, viz.:—
Bredstret: The Mayor appoints John Scorfeyn.
Bridge: Sir William Walworth appoints Walter Sibille.
Lymstret: John Hadle appoints Richard Gregori.
Chepe: John Estone appoints Thomas Austyn.
Candelwykstret: John Hende appoints John Grantham.
Walbroke: John Sely appoints Reynold Aleyn.
Aldrichesgate: Roger Elys appoints John Knotte.
Quenhithe: Thomas Welford appoints Robert Parys.
Langebourne: Geoffrey Crymelford appoints Thomas Noket.
Douegate: Richard Prestone appoints William Wottone.
Vintry: Thomas Cornwaleys appoints Matthew Passelewe.
Folio clxxx.
Bradestret: Adam St. Ive appoints Adam Karlille.
Colemanstret: John Organ appoints Simon Wynchecombe.
Bassyngeshawe: Robert Warbultone appoints William Shiryngham.
Farndone: John Fraunceys appoints William Lyncoll.
Chastelbaynard: William More appoints John Asshurst.
Crepulgate: Adam Bamme appoints Henry Bamme.
Cordewanerstret: Henry Vannere appoints Richard Hatfeld.
Billynggesgate: William Ancroft appoints John Wade.
Algate: William Staundone appoints William Cressewyk.
Bisshopesgate: John Chircheman appoints Gilbert Meldebourne.
Tower: Hugh Fastolf appoints William Tonge.
The above deputies were charged on the eve of the Assumption B. M. [15 Aug.] to keep the inhabitants of their Wards well and peaceably during the absence of the Aldermen.
Proclamacioun qe null face congregacioun ne assemble Ne qe null gite robouse eri Thamisie Walbrok ne Flete.
The Feast of the Assumption [15 Aug.] a proclamation made against covines and conspiracies, against walking the City after 9 o'clock [at night], except officers of the City and those engaged in preserving the peace, and against throwing rubbish into the Thames, the Walbroke, and the Flete.
Br'e ad delib' and' Simoni Wynchecombe vic' Ric'm Norbury et Joh'em More.
Writ to Nicholas Brembre, Mayor, to deliver Richard Norbury, mercer, and John More, mercer, whom he had recently committed to prison by the King's orders, (fn. 57) to Simon de Wynchecombe, one of the Sheriffs, until further notice. Witness the King at Westminster, 4 Sept., 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
The writ for the arrest of the said Richard and John remains in the hands of the Mayor because it contained many other names.
Bre pro pri sona turris London' de prisonib' in ea existentib' deliberanda.
Writ to the same for the Mayor and the Aldermen to attend at the Tower, if they thought fit (si id vobis videatur fore expediens in premissis), on Monday next [12 Sept.], when John de Montagu, Steward of the King's Household, and other Justices [not named], would proceed to the delivery of Richard Norbury and other prisoners in the Tower. (fn. 58) Witness the King at Westminster, 11 Sept., 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Folio clxxx b.
L'rad'ni Regis patens pro di midia quinte decima [sic] levanda.
Letters patent appointing John Sely, skinner, Adam Bamme, goldsmith, William Baret, and John Prentys, draper, to collect half a tenth (medietatem unius decime) granted by citizens and burgesses in the Parliament held at New Sarum. (fn. 59) Witness the King at Westminster, 27 May, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Be it remembered that on the 19th Sept. the above letters patent were delivered to John Sely.
Consimile [sic] bille misse fuer' cuil't Aldr'o xvij die Septembr' anno r' r' Ric'i se cundi octavo.
Precept to the Aldermen to assess, tax, and levy on the men of their Wards a sum equal to half a fifteenth lately granted to the King by Parliament, and to bring the money to the Guildhall on Monday after the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.] next.
Proclamacioun qe nulluy ne face congregacioun.
The eve of the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], proclamation made forbidding the holding of any assembly or conventicle without the assent of the Mayor and Aldermen.
Lrad'ni Regis patens pro Will o Wodham q d non ponatur in assisis etc.
Letters patent notifying that the King had discharged William Wodham from serving on assizes, juries, &c., or from acting as constable, collector of assessments, bailiff, &c. Witness the King at Westminster, 27 Aug., 4 Richard II. [A.D. 1380].