Pages 209-224
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: H, 1375-1399. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.
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In this section
Folios clxi - clxix.
At a Common Council held in the Chamber of the Guildhall, Thursday next after the Epiphany [6 Jan.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], articles were agreed to and ordered to be kept to the following effect, viz.:—
Qe nul des esluz de la co'e conseille soit mys en enquestes etc.
Those elected to the Common Council shall not be put on inquests except touching a plea of land when others equally sufficient cannot be found, nor shall be tallagers nor collectors of tallage, (fn. 1) nor serve on watches except with the Mayor, Sheriffs, or Alderman of their Ward.
Qeles Viscontes et Ald's soient serementeez de sustenir lordinance faite sur la vente et achate de pessoun.
That an addition be made to the oath of the Sheriffs [and] Aldermen to the effect that they will maintain to their utmost the profitable ordinances made and established in the last Parliament touching the sale and purchase of fish, (fn. 2) and the ordinances about false contracts (fauces chevances) and brokers; that the Aldermen in their Wardmotes make special inquiry for those guilty of such contracts and of usury, and return their names to the six persons underwritten, appointed to determine such matters, and that no one meddle with brokerage unless sworn.
That clerks, serjeants, and valets of the Mayor and Sheriffs be sworn to maintain the ordinances of the City, under penalty of losing their places.
That no huckster, cook, or "piebaker" buy ale to sell again, (fn. 3) under penalty prescribed.
That the Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, clerks of the Sheriffs or of the Chamber, serjeants, "porters" of the Compters, or officers of Neugate, &c., shall not brew by themselves nor by others for sale, nor keep a bakehouse, nor let out carts to hire, nor be regrators of any victuals, (fn. 4) nor be hucksters of ale nor partners with such. And any one refusing to swear to this or doing to the contrary is to be put out of office.
Jugges esluz pur oier et terminer touz causes tochant fauxes abrocages et chevances et a ceo fair ils feurent jurez.
The names of the six persons to be sworn to determine matters touching false contracts and brokerage, viz., John More, Thomas Carletone, William Essex, Richard Norbury, William Waddesworth, and Geoffrey Cremylford.
The above sworn, in form prescribed, 9 Jan.
Proclamacioun faite sur la dite ordinance.
Proclamation regulating the sale of ale by hostelers and others, and forbidding clerks of Sheriffs and other officers above mentioned to brew ale, keep a bakehouse, &c., under certain penalties. (fn. 5)
Folio clxi b.
De vinis.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs reciting provisions made in the Parliament held at Westminster the morrow of All Souls [3 Nov.], 5 Richard II. [A.D. 1381], (fn. 6) for the sale of wine of Gascony, "Oseye," (fn. 7) and Spain, and bidding them see to their due observance. Witness the King at Westminster, 1 Jan., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3].
Custodia Idonie filie Edwardi Camber una cum c marcis.
9 Feb., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], the guardianship of Idonia, daughter of Edward Camber, skinner, and of her property, committed by John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to Juliana, widow of the said Edward. Sureties, viz., Michael Truthennek, Richard Arderne, Thomas Wiltshire, and William Wiltshire, skinners.
Exon'acio custod' predicte.
10 June, 13 Richard II. [A.D. 1390], the above Michael having died, it was agreed by William Venour, the Mayor, and the Aldermen that his executors should be discharged in respect of his surety, and Edward Camber, skinner, became surety in his place.
Finis £iiij.
Afterwards, viz., on the 2nd June, 16 Richard II. [A.D. 1393], came John Hake, mercer, who had married the above Idonia, before William Staundone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and acknowledged satisfaction for the orphan's property; and because the said Idonia married without the assent of the Mayor and Aldermen she is fined £4.
Folio clxii.
Br'e pro parliamento.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster on Monday in the third week of Lent (fn. 8) to consider matters touching the aggressive action of Charles of France in Flanders (fn. 9) and elsewhere. No Sheriff to be returned. Witness the King at Westminster, 7 Jan., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3].
Nomina elector' pro parliamento.
Pursuant to the above writ the following were elected in a Common Council held at the Guildhall on Wednesday, the 18th Feb., viz., Sir Nicholas Brembre, Knt., and John More, Aldermen; Richard Norbury and William Essex, Commoners.
Judicium W. Berham de Pylor' pro falsis mendacus factis super Maiorem etc.
Inquisition taken before John Norhamptone, the Mayor, the Recorder, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, on the 9th Feb., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], as to whether or not William Berham, of the county of Middlesex, had told Sir Robert "Tresulian," the King's Chief Justiciar, at Aldermannebury, that he had been arrested by the Mayor, on the information of John Boseham, for having attended at Westminster to speak the truth in an assize between the said John Boseham and others as defendants, and John Page and his wife as demandants. The jurors, viz., Thomas Yonge, William Bon Jon, Roger Dalby, Robert Durham, Richard Cotiller, John Rugge, Thomas Nectone, Peter Joynour, Thomas Marlebek, John Sampson, Stephen Woderove, and William Sanghurst, find that the said William Berham did utter the words alleged.
Whereupon the said William declared himself not guilty, and put himself on the country. The jurors, viz., John Nicholl, William Larke, Robert Suttone, Stephen Pettelee, Peter Clerk, William Goodhewe, Nicholas Waltham, John Laurens, Stephen Walpolle, John Tournour, senior, John Ferye, and Richard Wayte, find him guilty, and he is condemned to the pillory with two whetstones (one large and the other small) hanging from his neck. (fn. 10)
Afterwards, viz., on the 20th Feb., he was mainprised by John Scorfeyn, "furbour," and Andrew Vyne, "draper." (fn. 11)
Folio clxii b.
Custodia porte site super pontem London' facta Joh'i Dustone dum steterit in officio.
26 Jan., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], grants by the Mayor, Aldermen, and good men of the misteries elected as a Common Council to John Dustone, Serjeant to the Mayor, of the gate on London Bridge and the custody thereof, so long as he remain in office.
Custodia Felicie filie Rog'i Reygate.
7 March, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], the guardianship of Felicia, daughter of Roger Reygate, together with divers tenements, committed by John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, to John Bliklinge, "brouderer." Sureties, viz., John Chipstede and Nicholas Benyngtone, mercer.
Afterwards, viz., on the 9th March, 13 Richard II. [A.D. 1389-1390], came the above John Bliklinge before Thomas Welford, Alderman, Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, William Potenham, and Roger Excestre, appointed auditors, and rendered his account up to the time when the property of the above Felicia passed into the hands of Peter Fairchild, who had married her.
Wednesday, 18 Feb., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], it was agreed in Common Council that the latrine on London Bridge should for the future be kept in repair by the Wardens of the Bridge.
Also that Henry Yenelee (Yevelee ?) should have an acquittance under the Common Seal for the time that he was Warden of the Bridge, and should be permitted to resign his place at Michaelmas next.
Also that no native (indigena) be admitted to the freedom of the City for less than 60s. (fn. 12)
Also that no Sheriff shall thenceforth hold any Sheriff's plea (placitum vicecomitale) except assizes on a Saturday when assizes ought to be taken, but shall hold a court of other plaints (which ought then to be taken) on the following Monday.
Q'd lib'i pro debitistransgr' etc mittentur prisone de Ludgate.
Also that all freemen of the City committed to prison for all kinds of debt, trespass, account, contempt, and such like, be sent to Ludgate prison, (fn. 13) but in cases of felony and maiming, to Newgate.
Folio clxiii.
Election of Aldermen.
Lymstret: Sir Nicholas Twyford.
Chepe: John Boseham.
Cornhull: William Baret.
Cordewaner stret: John Heylesdone.
Vintry: Thomas Cornwaleys.
Bridge: John Chircheman.
Crepulgate: Robert Warbultone.
Candelwykstret: Thomas Noket.
Douegate: Richard Aylesbury.
Colemanstret: William Kyng.
Bradestrete: Thomas Rolf.
Castelbaynard: William Venour.
Queenhithe: Henry Vannere.
Tower: John Shadeworth.
Bisshoppesgate: William Shiryngham.
Farndone: John Fraunceis.
Langebourne: Geoffrey Crymelford.
Billyngesgate: William Anecroft.
Walbrook: William Olyver.
Aldrichesgate: Henry Bamme.
Algate: William Staundone.
Bassieshawe: Richard Norbury.
Bredestret: John Furneux.
Solucio denar' Cam'ar' per Will'm Neubort.
Memorandum of various payments to Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, by William Neuport, fishmonger, for delivery to Robert Poyntz, of the county of Gloucester, on demand Afterwards, viz., on the 30th April, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1384], came the said Robert and declared that he and the said William had come to an agreement, and desired that the money paid by the latter should be returned to him.
[Folio clxiii b blank.]
Folio clxiv.
Friday the eve of St. Mark [25 April], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], proclamation made to the following effect:—
Qe null vende cervoise a retaille.
That no huckster, cook, or "piebakere" thenceforth buy ale to sell again, under penalty prescribed.
Qe hostilers vendent cervoise as lour hostes deins lour hostels et nemy dehors.
That no ale be sold by retail outside a hostel unless brewed within it. That no hosteler who does not brew within his hostel shall sell ale by retail, out of his hostel or in it, except to his stranger hosts within his hostel, at prices prescribed; but it shall be lawful for any hosteler who brews within his hostel to sell ale to any one willing to buy within or without his hostel, except hucksters.
That any one informing the Mayor or Chamberlain of a brewer, hosteler, huckster, cook, or "piebaker" acting contrary to these ordinances shall, on their conviction, receive half the amercement for his trouble.
Qe vyn soit vendii selonc la pris en lestatut.
That no one sell wine of Gascony, "Oseye of Spain," (fn. 14) or any sweet wine, at more than 6 pence a gallon, pursuant to divers statutes.
That no cook or "piebaker" buy any manner of poultry or fish to sell again before the hour of Prime, on pain of forfeiture.
Judicium del thewe pro una hukstere cervisie.
27 April, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], Juliana atte Vane, "hukstere," charged before the Mayor and Aldermen, in the hall of the Guildhall, with having sold ale by retail (in hukkestrie) contrary to the above proclamation She did not deny the charge, and acknowledged she had bought the ale from Benedicta the breweress (braciatrix), living at Crepulgate Condemned to the "thewe" and the ale forfeited.
Judicium collistr' pro carbon'.
The same day, John Rede of Harwe (fn. 15) charged before John Norhamptone, the Mayor, John Heylesdone, Richard Norbury, Adam Bamme, William Shiryngham, Thomas Rolf, Geoffrey Crymelford, John Shadworth, John Furneux, and William Staundone, Aldermen, and John Sely, the Sheriff, with having brought coal to the City for sale in unlawful sacks. Condemned to stand in the pillory, and the coal confiscated.
Folio clxiv b.
Ordenance des braceours et huckesters.
Ordinances made at a Common Council held in the Chamber of the Guildhall on Wednesday, the 6th May, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], to the following effect:—
That whereas it was ordained by the Common Council held on Thursday after the Feast of Epiphany [6 Jan.] last past that no brewer, breweress, or other person should sell ale to a "hukstere" to sell again, under certain penalties, as appears supra, folios clxi, those found guilty of acting contrary to such ordinance shall pay the penalties prescribed; and whereas many hucksters have withdrawn themselves beyond the liberties of the City, and live in Southwark, Westminster, and elsewhere, where they cannot be brought to justice by the City's officers, the sale of ale to them is forbidden, and two officers are to be appointed and sworn to see that no ale pass over London Bridge towards Southwark for any huckster to resell, and the Bailiffs of Billyngesgate and Queenhithe and others, at the discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen, are to be likewise sworn to see that no ale pass to Westminster.
Qe la porte de Crepilgate soit amende.
Also that, whereas the rooms and walls over the gate of Crepulgate are in bad repair, any money that shall come into the Chamber, over and above reasonable outlay on the Conduit, shall be devoted to repair of the same. (fn. 16)
Ordenance del barge de Loundres.
Also, whereas the "barge" of London is lying in the Thames, and can only be repaired at great cost, any one willing to under take the fitting of it out for purposes either of war or commerce is invited to see the Mayor on the matter between now and Saturday the eve of Holy Trinity [17 May]. (fn. 17)
Ordenance del cours del eawe de Walbrok.
Also that the Aldermen of the several Wards of Colemanstret, Bradstret, Chepe, Walbrok, Vintry, and Douegate, through which the watercourse of Walbrok runs, take steps to prevent it becoming stopped up by refuse, &c.
Recognicio ' marc' pro Rob'to filio Nich'i Kymbel.
30 June, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], came William Burton, John Furneux, draper, and Thomas Gurdlere before John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, and bound themselves severally to the Mayor and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain, in the sum of 100 marks for the payment of a similar sum to Robert, son of Nicholas Kymbel, on his coming of age.
Cementarii et carpentarii electi et jurati ad civitatem.
9 Oct., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], Thomas Mallyng and Richard atte Chirche, masons, and Stephen Warde, carpenter, lately appointed to survey assizes of nuisance, &c., elect and present William Dudecote, carpenter, to John Norhamptone, the Mayor, to take the place of Thomas Fant, carpenter, deceased, and he was admitted and sworn.
Folio clxv.
Inquisicio capta de bonis et catall' Joh'is de Myltone.
15 Nov., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], an inquisition held by a jury of the venue of the parish of St. Laurence, Jewry, as to the amount of property (if any) left by John Miltone, cordwainer, and how much came into the hands of Nicholas Abyndone, cordwainer, and Isabella his wife, widow of the said John. The jurors, viz., John "Tornour," Thomas "of the Ile," Roger Dalby, "taillour," Henry Bromle, Peter Joynour, Roger Loundres, Walter Hamptone, John Clerk, John "Turnour," John Dalby, John Botinate, and William Fungry, find that the said Isabella received of her late husband's property to the value of 20 marks, half of which belonged to Johanna her daughter; but inasmuch as the said orphan had been maintained by the said Nicholas and Isabella for a year and a quarter, there remained only 100s. due to her, and this sum had been expended on her in the course of 6½ years, during which time she had remained an invalid.
Inquisicio capta de terris et ten' Henrici Clerk tapicer.
26 June, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], inquisition taken before John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, as to the value of the property held by Henry Clerk, tapicer, at the time of his death, who was his next heir, &c. The jurors, viz., Walter atte Forth, Adam atte Grove, Peter Goldcok, John Pirial, William atte Lathe, John Baskerville, Thomas Wyndelsore, Reginald Frost, Henry Waldene, Thomas Bysouthe, Robert Rugge, and John Ede, find that the said Henry owned property in the parish of St. Dionisius de Fanchirchestret, and that his father, William Clerk, by will enrolled in the Husting on Monday the Feast of St. Margaret [20 July], 23 Edward III. [A.D. 1349], (fn. 18) also left him the reversion of property in the same parish after the death of Isabella (fn. 19) his wife and Richard their son.
They further find that the said Henry had two sons and one daughter; that the eldest son, named William, had taken the habit of religion in the Order of Carmelites in their house at Maldon, (fn. 20) and that the other, named John, was aged 10½ years, and was heir to the property. Being an orphan, both he and his property were placed in charge of William Wircestre, Serjeant of the Chamber. Thereupon came Isabella, widow of the said Henry, and claimed her dower, and one-third of the property was allotted to her by view of the City's sworn masons and carpenters.
Folio clxv b.
Writ to the Sheriffs reciting certain ordinances of pardon touching those engaged in the late insurrection, &c., passed in the Parliament which commenced to sit at Westminster on Monday in the third week of Lent, (fn. 21) and bidding them to make public proclamation of the same. Witness the King at Westminster, 18 May, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Judicium collistr' profals' mendaciis.
24 July, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], Hugh de la Pole of Wales charged before John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and Aldermen with begging in the street of St. Laurence in Old Jewry, and pretending that he had been wounded at Ipres, which had been captured by the Bishop of Norwich, (fn. 22) and that a disagreement had arisen between the Bishop and other English knights who were there with him (fn. 23) Condemned to stand on the pillory with a whetstone hung from his neck, in token of his being a liar. (fn. 24)
Folio clxvi.
Eleccio Vicecom'.
Monday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], in a congregation of John Norhamptone, the Mayor, William Cheyne, the Recorder, John Heylesdone, Thomas Cornwaleis, Henry Bamme, William Staundone, Thomas Noket, Geoffrey Crimelford, John Fraunceis, William Anecroft, Thomas Rolf, Richard Norbury, Aldermen, Adam Bamme and John Sely, the Sheriffs, and a large number of Commoners summoned for the election of Sheriffs to the Guildhall—John More was elected Sheriff by the Mayor and Simon Wynchecombe by the Commonalty for the year ensuing.
L'rad'ni Regis patens pro se curitate qua tuor m i mar car' d'no Regi per civitatem mutuatar'.
Letters patent touching the security given to the City by the King for the repayment of a loan of 4,000 marks before Easter next, the said security comprising (inter alia) one of the royal crowns. Dated at Westminster, 22 Sept., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Folio clxvi b.
Wednesday before the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], the Aldermen and those who advanced the above loan to the King, specially summoned by John Norhamptone, the Mayor, to consider the security offered for repayment, approved of the terms, and appointed John Hadle, William Venour, and William Cressewyk to obtain letters patent to the same effect. They further appointed Nicholas Twyford, Adam Bamme, and John Palyng, who were experts in jewels, (fn. 25) to examine those forming part of the security, and to see if their value was adequate.
Indentura inter co'itatem London' et Hug' de Se grave thes'.
Indenture witnessing the delivery by Hugh de Segrave, the King's Treasurer, to the Mayor and Commonalty of a royal crown in a coffer sealed with the seals of Michael de la Pole, the Chancellor, and Walter Skirlawe, Keeper of the Privy Seal, as part security for the repayment of a loan of 4,000 marks. Dated at Westminster, 22 Sept. [A.D. 1383].
Folio clxvii.
No'ia auditor' cam'arii et pontis Land' et no'ia cus todum clav' co'is sigilli.
John Boseham and William Olyver, Aldermen, John Estone and John Sely elected auditors of the accounts of the Chamberlain and the Wardens of London Bridge.
The Mayor, John More, John Estone, and John Sely [elected] Keepers of the keys of the Common Seal. (fn. 26)
Letters patent under the Privy Seal acknowledging the return by Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, at the King's earnest request, of the royal crown that had been pledged as part security for the repayment of the loan of 4,000 marks made by the City. Dated at Westminster, 20 Dec., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Indentura int' Hug' Segrave ch'r ex parte una et Nich'm Brembre militem Maiorem et co'itatem London' ex altera.
Indenture between Hugh de Segrave, Knt., the Treasurer of England, on the one part, and Nicholas Brembre, Knt., the Mayor, and Commonalty of London on the other part, witnessing the return of the royal crown by the hands of Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain of the Guildhall. Dated 22 Dec., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
[Folio clxvii blank.]
Folio clxviii.
Eleccio Nich'i Brembre in Maiorem London'.
Tuesday the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], in the presence of John Norhamptone, the Mayor, William Cheyne, the Recorder, Nicholas Twyford, Knt., John Boseham, William Baret, Thomas Cornwaleys, Robert Warbultone, Henry Vannere, John Shadworth, William Shiryngham, Thomas Noket, William Kyng, Thomas Rolf, John Fraunceis, Geoffrey Crymelford, William Anecroft, Richard Norbury, William Olyver, Henry Bamme, John Furneux, and William Staundone, Aldermen, John More and Simon Wynchecombe, the Sheriffs, and an immense Commonalty in the hall of the Guildhall—Nicholas Brembre was elected Mayor for the year ensuing. (fn. 27)
Afterwards, viz., on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.], he was sworn in the hall of the Guildhall, and on the morrow was admitted and sworn before the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer.
Br'e pro par liamento.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster on Monday before the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.] (fn. 28) to consider a proposed treaty with Robert of Scotland (fn. 29) and other matters touching the defence of the realm and the English Church (fn. 30) No Sheriff to be returned. Witness the King at Westminster, 20 Aug., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
No'ia elector' pro parliamento.
Pursuant to the above writ, William Walworth and John Philipot, Knights [and] Commoners, and William Baret and Henry Vannere, Aldermen, were elected to attend the Parliament.
Compotus Joh'is Asshele pro pueris Nich'i Peau tier.
14 Dec., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], account rendered by John Asshele, one of the executors of Walter Potenhale, and William Dibelyn, one of the sureties of the said Walter, who had been appointed guardian of William and Thomas, sons of Nicholas Peautrer, as appears in Letter-Book G, fo. cclxv [b], before William Kyng, Alderman, John Organ, and John Reche, Common Pleader, auditors appointed for the purpose by Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor.
The said John Asshele and William Dibelyn, with the assent of the said orphans, who were now of full age, mainprised by William Shrympilmersshe, Richard Botiller, chandler, and John Prentis, "wodemonger," for the payment of a sum of £60 6s. 10½d.
Afterwards, viz., on the 21st Dec., the said orphans acknowledged satisfaction.
Folio clxviii b.
Masters of Misteries sworn.
Tapicers: John Kelseye, John Suthereye, Masters of tapicers, sworn the 9th Oct., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], to govern the mistery, present defects, &c.
Taillours: John Scorfeyn, William Dentone, Robert Lyndeseye, John Wilghby, Thomas Bridlyngtone, Richard Rose, presented here the 3rd Aug., the same year, in manner aforesaid.
Barbers: Reginald Godard, Walter Gisebourne, sworn Tuesday after the Exaltation of H. Cross [14 Sept.], the same year.
Cordwainers: Thomas Pountfreit, Roger Horold, Alan Walsyngham, Simon Godriche, Robert Chesterford, Walter London, sworn 18 Nov.
Girdlers: John Wancy, John Wayte, Richard Bernard, sworn 21 Nov.
Weavers of England: William Goodhewe, Richard atte Sole, sworn Friday the Feast of St. Edmund the King [20 Nov.].
Weavers of Flanders and Brabant: Arnald van Harpe, Flemyng, William Vyolet, of Brabant, sworn 2 Dec.
Shethers: John Rasyn, Robert Pountfreit, John Leche, sworn 13 Jan., 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Hurers: William Camerwelle, Thomas Depham, John Godchep, William Starger, sworn the same day.
Shearmen: John Cloptone, Henry Bret, William Perfyt, Richard Walesby, sworn 16 March, 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383-4].
Cutlers: Edmund Wodhulle, Richard Pulle, John Byle, Richard Knettere, sworn 22 June, 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Pynners: John Biltone, William Bokeler, sworn the same day.
Glaziers: (fn. 31) John Byford, Henry Bourne, sworn 8 July, 8 Richard II. [A.D. 1384].
Folio clxix.
A proclamation made temp. Nicholas Brembre, Knt., Mayor, Friday after the Feast of the Conception of B M [8 Dec.], 7 Richard II. [A.D. 1383], touching liberties lately granted to the citizens by the King in his Parliament, as well as certain ancient liberties renewed by the King and recently (noviter) confirmed by his charter, (fn. 32) to the following effect:—
First, that all kidels and engines for the destruction of fish in the Thames and Medeweye be removed.
That all citizens of London throughout the realm be quit of toll, lastage, pontage, &c.
That no merchant forestall merchandise and victual coming to the City.
That merchants who are not free of the City shall not sell wine or other merchandise within the City by retail, and that all brokers be elected by merchants of the mistery in which they exercise brokerage.
That alien merchants coming to England shall sell their merchandise within forty days and shall live with free hostelers.
That the Constable of the Tower shall not take prises of goods belonging to freemen.
That the citizens shall have their own Wardens at all Fairs to determine all pleas except pleas of land and of the Crown.
That no summons, attachment, or execution be done by any of the King's ministers within the liberty of the City, but only by the City's ministers.
That no officer or purveyor of the King traffic in any wares appertaining to his office.
That no merchant stranger outside the liberty of the City (mercator extraneus a libertate civitatis) sell merchandise within the liberty of the same to another merchant stranger, nor shall such merchant stranger buy merchandise from another merchant stranger, under penalty of losing the same, (fn. 33) saving the privileges of the King's lieges of Aquitaine, provided that such dealings only take place between merchant and merchant.
That the King's protections to those about to travel or who are engaged in his service shall not avail in a plea of debt for victuals bought, nor in pleas of trespass, contract, &c., after the date of such protections, in cases where the plaintiff is a freeman of the City.
That henceforth no writ of Exchequer shall issue for the body of any prisoner in Neugate or elsewhere within the liberty of the City to be brought up to answer for any debt or damage to the King, unless it be proved that the debt was a true and not a false one before the prisoner was condemned.
The above grants and ordinances as well as others were, at the instance and request of the Commonalty of the realm in the last Parliament, confirmed to the citizens by charter, with the assent of those present in the same Parliament.
Folio clxix b.
Also the King wills that the citizens shall have all their liberties and free customs as before, and shall not forfeit them by non-use or abuse.
Also the King has granted and by charter confirmed that all wines for sale in the City, and all victuallers, as well fishmongers as others, residing within the City or coming thenceforth to the City with victuals, shall be under the rule and governance of the Mayor and Aldermen for the time being, as of old accustomed.
Also he wills that no future Mayor shall be made to take any other oath than that customarily taken in the time of the King's grandfather at the Exchequer, any statute or ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.
Many other articles of liberties are contained in the said charter of the lord the King not needing to be proclaimed, inasmuch as they do not affect foreigners of the City (forinsecos civitatis). Nevertheless, on the part of the lord the King, the said Mayor orders that, on pain of imprisonment and forfeiture of the franchise, no one of any mistery or estate whatsoever dare to enforce his franchise without special permission of his superiors in the City, but any freeman who feels himself aggrieved in any liberty shall lay his complaint before the Mayor and Aldermen, who will render him speedy justice.
Precept to each Alderman to set an armed watch every night in his Ward at Christmas for the purpose of preserving the peace and preventing riots.