Pages 190-209
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: H, 1375-1399. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.
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In this section
Folio clii - clx.
Exoneracio custodie Joh'is Dark.
Memorandum reciting proceedings touching the guardianship of John, son of John Dark, shearman (tonsoris), recorded in Letter-Book G, fos. xcvii and cclxxx [b], and further recording that Gregory Willys had delivered out of Court to Hervey Begge the sum of £40 for the use of the orphan; and that the said Hervey had handed the money to Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, on the eve of the Nativity of St. John Bapt. [24 June], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], and that thereupon it had been claimed by the orphan, who was of full age, and it had been delivered to him.
Folio clii-clii b.
Whereas among other matters in divers charters touching the City of London granted by the King and his ancestors, as well as in divers ancient ordinances made by divers Mayors and Commons, there is found written the substance of the articles which follow, (fn. 1) it is agreed by the Mayor, Aldermen, and the whole Common Council, on the eve of SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], viz.:—
Qe nui pessoner nautre voise pur forstaller vitailles.
That no fishmonger go to forestall fish by land or water, to sell again, under penalty of forfeiture and imprisonment.
Qe nul pessoner nautre regratour herberge nul qi amesne pessoun a la Cite.
That no fishmonger harbour any alien or foreigner bringing fish to the City for sale, and that no one of the City harbour any victualler bringing victuals to the City in which he deals, under similar penalty.
That every stranger, as well foreigner as alien, who brings victuals to the City, to wit corn, salt, red herring (harang sor), herring "de scone," (fn. 2) herring "poudre," (fn. 3) stockfish, salt fish, salted salmon, sturgeon, "lampries" salted, eels fresh and salt, garlick, onions, or other victuals whatsoever, which can abide the time (q' se puissent le temps attendre), shall sell the same to the King's buyers (achatours (fn. 4) ) and those of other lords and to the whole commonalty for their own proper use, and not to sell again, and no fishmonger or other person whatsoever shall buy by retail or wholesale any of the aforesaid victuals to sell again; or enter their vessels or houses where they are staying to bargain for such victuals to sell again, until they have been exposed for sale in the market three whole days, under penalty aforesaid.
That every stranger, as well foreigner as alien, who brings fresh herring or other fresh fish of the sea (ou autre pessoun de miei fressh) shall sell it on their vessels or in the streets of Cornhulle and Westchepe without hindrance to the King's buvers, &c., without cutting it up; and that no fishmonger or other person who buys fish to sell again shall sell it at any other time than between 11 A.M. and 1 P.M., and any fish brought after 11 A.M. shall not be offered for sale before 1 P.M. or else be kept until the morrow, under penalty aforesaid.
That no fishmonger or other person buy sweet-water fish (pessoun de eawe douce) to sell again, to wit, roach, barbel, dace, flounder, "menuse," (fn. 5) smelt, 'lamprons," (fn. 6) "shrympes," or other sweet-water fish, under penalty aforesaid; but those who catch them may sell them, by themselves, their wives, and servants, in the streets before named.
That no fishmonger or other person who is free of the City associate for the purpose of trade with any strange victualler bringing fish or other victual by land or water to the City, to wit, by putting money into hand or investing it in nets or in vessels or anything else touching victual; but it shall be lawful for any freeman of the City to have vessels, nets, and other necessaries for such victuals at his own venture and not otherwise, on pain of losing his franchise, &c.
Folio cliii.
Judicium coilistr' pro carbon'.
Saturday the eve of SS. Peter and Paul [29 June], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], William Toky de Hatfeld "broodhoc" (fn. 7) convicted before John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, of selling coal in false sacks and condemned to the pillory.
The same day Peter Flynchard de Chesthunte similarly convicted and condemned to the pillory.
Wednesday before the Feast of St. Margaret [20 July], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], ordinances made by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, and ordered to be placed on record on a petition being presented to them by the Commons of the City (fn. 8) to the following effect, viz.:—
Whereas the Commons had heard that, contrary to certain ordinances lately renewed touching the sale of salt and fresh fish brought by strangers and foreigners to the City, by land and water, to be sold there, fishmongers had entered into covin with foreigners and forestalled fish at the sea-coast, whereby much victual had been turned away from the City and been sold in the country, and strangers and foreigners did not dare bring their fish to the City, but delivered it to fishmongers, who enhanced the price thereof—may it please their lordships to ordain forthwith that all fish brought by strangers to the City for sale be first offered to any persons willing to buy the same for their own use, in such places and at such hours as are appointed, and that punishment be inflicted on all embracers (enbraceours).
And whereas many kinds of fish brought by foreigners to the City by land were delayed and hidden in Suthwerk and elsewhere, so that it cannot reach the market in time, for which they hold to blame William Bramptone, a fishmonger, Bailiff of Suthwerk, the Commons further pray that he may be dis charged from the said office and another appointed in his place, who shall not be interested in the trade, to see that fish brought by foreigners be forwarded to the market without delay. Their prayer granted and the said Bailiff dismissed.
And whereas during the Mayoralty of Nicholas Brembre (fn. 9) it had been ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, and the whole Common Council, with the assent of the Fishmongers and others, that all the masters who had charters for the governance of their misteries should surrender them to the Mayor and the Chamberlain of the Guildhall; (fn. 10) and thereupon all the masters of the City who had such charters did deliver them up as directed, except only the Fishmongers, (fn. 11) who by pretence sent certain patents which were not to the purpose, and kept back their other charters which they ought to have surrendered: the Commons pray that the said Fishmongers may be made to surrender all their charters, as the other misteries had done.
Thereupon their prayer was granted, and notice sent to the Fishmongers to deliver their charters to the Mayor and Chamberlain by Wednesday before the Feast of St. James [25 July] next.
Also pray the said Commons that horses laden with fish, fresh and salt, for sale in the City be not unloaded in Suthwerk or elsewhere before they arrive at the places appointed by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, to wit Cornhulle, the Stokkes, [and] Westchepe.
Also they pray that strangers who bring sea fish to the City, fresh or salt, for sale may stand at "les Stokkes" (fn. 12) as of old accustomed.
Folio cliii b.
Qe pestours ne vendent plus qe xiij pur xii as huksters.
Also that no baker within the City or suburbs henceforth sell any kind of bread to hucksters or others, for the purpose of selling again, at more than thirteen loaves for the dozen, (fn. 13) under penalty prescribed.
In order that the first petition and article aforesaid might be better known to the common people, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council aforesaid caused a proclamation to be made on Friday before the Feast of St. Margaret [20 July], to the following effect, viz.:—
Qe pesson fressh et sale soit vendu par eux qi les amesnent as lieux limiter.
Whereas the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council had heard that the last proclamation touching the sale of fish by strangers and foreigners in the City had been misunderstood, some persons thinking that it applied only to fish brought to the City by water, whilst others thought that it applied to all fish, the Mayor had caused the Aldermen and Common Council to meet on Wednesday last, and after debate it had been agreed to issue a new proclamation, to the effect that all kinds of fish, salt or fresh, thenceforth brought to the City, either by land or water by strangers, shall be sold by them or their servants, and not by any one else, in the streets and places appointed, and not elsewhere, under penalty; and that all fish brought by land by foreigners or strangers, for sale in the City, whether by cart, horse, or man, shall not be unloaded in part or wholly before it has come to the places appointed, viz.: Cornhulle, Westchepe, and Stokkes, and there be sold to the King's buyers, and those of other lords, and to the Commons, on certain days and at certain hours appointed in the former proclamation.
Qe fisshmongers ne enbracent pessoun sur costier de mier.
Also that no fishmonger embrace (enbrace) fish at the seacoast to the hindrance of those who would otherwise bring it to the City for sale, under penalty.
Combustio dosserior' et forisfactura pisciumineisdem.
Friday, the Feast of St. Peter ad Vincula [1 Aug.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], certain dossers of fish from the sea belonging to fishmongers of the City were measured and found deficient in the presence of John Norhamptone, the Mayor, John Hende and John Rote, the Sheriffs, William Wodehous, Thomas Karletone, John More, Simon Wynchcombe, John Walcote, Adam Bamme, and John Sely, Aldermen. The same to be burnt, and the fish confiscated, according to the custom of the City, as appears in Letter-Book E, fos. xxix, xxxii [b].
Names of the owners of the above dossers, viz., John Hanekyn, Richard Giffard, William Turk, Hugh Denny, Walter Bristowe, John Ragenel, Henry White, William Tornegold, John Pecche, and Richard Stile.
The above judgment was carried out with the assent of the aforesaid Mayor, John Hadle, William Wodehous, John Rote, one of the Sheriffs, John Organ, John Estone, Adam de St. Ive, Hervey Begge, Thomas Karletone, John More, Simon Wynchecombe, William More, John Walcote, Adam Bamme, and John Sely, Aldermen, and John Hende, the other Sheriff, Adam Stable, Sir Nicholas Twyford, John Warde, William Knyghtcote, William Tonge, Thomas Irlond, Adam Karlille, William Baret, Thomas Cornwaleys, John Heylesdone, John Boseham, William Kyng, John Fiesshe, Robert Lucas, Roger Elys, Robert Boxford, John Redynge, John Hoo, Robert Warbultone, William Badby, Richard Aylesbury, Geoffrey Neutone, Walter Doget, Thomas Reynham, John Vyne, John Shelford, Richard Prestone, John Clyvele, John Mortone, Thomas Noket, and Elias de Thorp, who were summoned to the Guildhall on the previous Wednesday on the aforesaid matter, because it was seen that such dossers inflicted serious harm upon the King and Commons.
On the following Saturday other dossers were measured in the presence of the said Mayor, the Recorder, John Rote, John Estone, Hervey Begge, Thomas Carletone, William Wodehous, William Neuport, Adam de St. Ive, Adam Bamme, John More, and John Sely, Aldermen, and being found deficient were ordered to be burnt.
Folio cliv.
Names of the owners, viz., Hugh Denny, Walter Bristowe, John Ragenel, Richard Stile, John Pecche, Henry White, and John Poynant.
Ordinacio de harang'.
Tuesday after the eve of St. Laurence [10 Aug.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], Thomas Welford, fishmonger, and all other fishmongers, ordered to sell herrings at the rate of nine a penny and not less. (fn. 14)
Combustio dosser' et forisfactura pisciumin eisdem.
13 Aug., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], two dossers of fish in the possession of Henry White, fishmonger, seized. He declared them to be the property of the Prior of the church of St. Mary Overee in Southwerk. The dossers, being found deficient, were ordered to be burnt and the fish confiscated.
Amocio Nich'i Extone ab officio Aldermanni.
Be it remembered that in a congregation of John Norhamptone, the Mayor, the Aldermen, and other good commoners of certain misteries summoned for divers matters touching the City, and assembled in the Upper Chamber of the Guildhall on Wednesday before the Feast of St. Laurence [10 Aug.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], a petition was made to the said Mayor and Aldermen by the Common Pleader at the instance of the said Commoners, to the effect that Nicholas Extone, Alderman of Queenhithe, (fn. 15) should be discharged from his office of Alderman for opprobrious words used to the aforesaid Mayor; and the said Nicholas himself, being present, likewise asked to be discharged. And because the Mayor and Aldermen desired more fully to consult the Common Council of the City thereon, judgment was respited until the next Common Council.
On Saturday the eve of St. Laurence [10 Aug.], the Common Council having met, another petition was presented praying the discharge of Nicholas Exton, who himself also desired it, saying that at the time of his election he had offered a large sum of money to be discharged; there was no necessity for the petitioners to state their reasons, inasmuch as they and the said Nicholas desired the same thing. In the absence of the said Nicholas judgment was again respited until the next Common Council.
Eleccio Gilb'ti Manfeld in Aldr'm'.
On Saturday the morrow of the Assumption B. M. [15 Aug.], the Common Council having met, a petition to similar effect was again presented, and the said Nicholas having failed to attend on summons by John Dustone, Clerk of the Chamber, it was agreed that the said Nicholas should be discharged. Thereupon Gilbert Maunfeld was elected Alderman of the aforesaid Ward. (fn. 16)
Folio cliv b.
Judicium Ade Karlille.
Saturday the morrow of the Assumption B M [15 Aug.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], petition to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council assembled in the Upper Chamber of the Guildhall by the commoners of the said Common Council, complaining of Adam Carlelle (who had oftentimes acted contrary to the public good, as appears during the Mayoralty of John Hadle (fn. 17) ) having abused the strange fishmongers whilst selling their fish at the Stokkes according to the ordinance thereon made, (fn. 18) and of having declared such an ordinance to be unreasonable, and praying that he might be debarred from filling any public office in the City and from wearing a livery owing to his conduct. Their prayer granted. (fn. 19)
Judicium Reginaldi atte Chaumbre pro allec' et makarell' putrid'.
Saturday the eve of St. Bartholomew [24 Aug.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], inquisition held before John Norhamptone, Mayor, and the Aldermen as to particulars of a large amount of unwholesome fish brought to the City for sale. The jurors, viz., John Lawe, Geoffrey Coleman, John Westerham, Reginald Coleman, and Robert Multone, cooks, John Filiol, fishmonger, and Thomas Fisshe, John Patriche, John Essex, William Reymond, Thomas Willyngham, and Walter Caustone, good and experienced men of the City, find the fish to be bad and to belong to Reginald atte Chaumbre. Thereupon the said Reginald was condemned to stand on the pillory for one hour on six market days, the fish being burnt under him; but inasmuch as he held office under the King, the punishment of the pillory was respited until the King's wishes should be known. (fn. 20)
Folio clv.
Eleccio vicecomitum.
Sunday the Feast of St. Matthew [21 Sept.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], in the presence of John Norhamptone, the Mayor, William Cheyne, the Recorder, Sirs William Waleworth, Nicholas Brembre, and John Philipot, John Hadle, John Rote, John Estone, Adam St. Yve, William Wodehous, John More, William More, John Kirtone, William Bys, Thomas Carletone, John Walcote, Simon Wynchecombe, John Sely, Gilbert Maunfeld, Aldermen, John Sely was elected Sheriff by the Mayor for the year ensuing, and Adam Bamme by the Commonalty.
Afterwards, viz., on Saturday the eve of St. Michael [29 Sept.], the said Sheriffs were sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow of St. Michael were accepted before the Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster.
Auditores pro compot' Cam'arii et Pont' aud'.
On the aforesaid Sunday John Estone and John Walcote, Aldermen, John Vyne, John Loveye, Geoffrey Crymelford, and John Franceys, Commoners, were elected auditors of the accounts of the Chamberlain and Wardens of London Bridge.
Br'e pro parliamento.
Writ to the Sheriffs for the election of four citizens to attend a Parliament to be held at Westminster, on Monday in the octave of St. Michael. (fn. 21) No Sheriff to be returned. Witness the King at Wodestok, 9 Aug., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Nomina elector' pro parliamento.
Pursuant to the above writ, John More and Thomas Karletone, Aldermen, and William Essex and Richard Norbury, Commoners, were elected.
Judicium collist' pro magua arte.
4 Oct., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], Robert Berewold condemned to the pillory for having used magic with a loaf and knives, and falsely accused Johanna Wolsy of having stolen a mazer cup from the house of Matilda de Eye, in the parish of St. Mildred in the Poultry, at the instigation of Alan "waterberere," who was ordered to make public confession of having defamed the said Johanna. (fn. 22)
Ordinacio abrocariorum.
Folio clv b.
Saturday before the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], a proclamation made touching brokers, to the effect, viz., that only those shall act as brokers who have been elected by those misteries that require them; that such misteries shall not elect more than two, three, or four brokers, according to requirements, who shall be presented before the Mayor; that they meddle not in any bargain which is not between those of the mistery which elected them, or at least the vendor and purchaser must be of the same mistery; that a bargain be made in the presence of both parties, and that the broker keep a record of particulars as evidence; that any broker convicted of false bargain (faux bargayn de chevance) or of usury be brought to the Guildhall, and thence carried with minstrelsy to the pillory on Cornhulle, his head uncovered, his feet bare, without a girdle, and sitting on a horse without a saddle, his head to the horse's tail, to remain there for an hour, and thence to be carried back to prison, where he is to remain four weeks, unless he pay to the Chamberlain the sum of £20 for the use of the Commonalty; on his being convicted of the same offence a second time the penalty is to be doubled, and he is to be discharged from office; that no foreigner be elected broker, unless he be of good repute, and find surety of men of the mistery who elect him for his good behaviour, and for the payment of 40s. yearly to the Chamberlain; that no broker traffic with his own goods, or the goods of another, on pain of paying to the Chamberlain double their value; and that those misteries requiring brokers shall elect them within eight days of this proclamation.
Also that those who have any grievance against Sheriffs, Clerks, Serjeants, Bailiffs, officials of Neugate gaol, &c., do make complaint before the Mayor and Aldermen. (fn. 23)
Also that those who have suffered extortion at the hands of any hosteler do complain to the Mayor.
Abrocarii Grossarior' presentati et jur'.
Afterwards, viz., on the 11th October, the same year, good men of the mistery of "Grossers" presented to the Mayor and Aldermen John Lokes and John Hanney to be brokers of their mistery, and they were sworn.
Abroc' Pelli par' present' et jurati.
The same day Thomas Wiltshire and Roger Tyes were presented by Skinners to the same office, and they were sworn.
Abrocarius Grossar'.
Also on the 17th Dec., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], Peter Bandy, "Lumbard," servant of Gerard Beck, was admitted and sworn broker for the "Grossers."
De usura.
11 Dec., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], the time limit of forty days within which a plaintiff had to bring his plaint touching false contracts and usury, as ordained temp. John Not, Mayor, and as it is recorded in Letter-Book G, fo. cxviii, (fn. 24) abolished, the plaintiff to be subject to a penalty at the discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen if his plaint prove to be tortious.
Abrocarius Grossar'.
17 Jan., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], John Philip, a Lombard of Pistoia, admitted and sworn broker of "Grossers."
7 October, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], letter of Privy Seal from the King to the Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Commons of the City, charging them to elect a discreet and wise Mayor at the coming election, and notifying that should they re-elect John de Norhamptone, it would be agreeable to the King, who had heard well of him, but that it was not the King's intention to interfere in the free election of a Mayor by the citizens. Dated at the King's Manor of Shene, 6 Oct., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
The above letter having been read, the said John de Norhamptone was asked to accept the office of Mayor for the year ensuing, but he declined.
L'ra missa Joh'i Norhamptone Maiori per d'um Reg' essendi Maior pro a° futuro.
Thereupon on Monday the Feast of Translation of St. Edward [13 Oct.], there being assembled in the Hall of the Guildhall the above Mayor, John Philipot, Knt., John Hadle, William Wodehous, John Rote, John Organ, John Kirtone, Adam de St Ive, Hervey Begge, Thomas Carletone, John More, William More, Simon Wynchecombe, William Bys, John Walcote, Gilbert Maunfeld, Adam Bamme, and John Sely, Aldermen, and an immense Commonalty, for the purpose of electing a Mayor for the year ensuing, another letter from the King, addressed to John de Norhamptone, the Mayor, was read, praying him to accept office in the event of his being re-elected, the letter being dated at Westminster, 12 Oct.; and although the said Mayor, by the custom of the City, was not bound again to accept office, (fn. 25) he nevertheless agreed to serve as Mayor for the year ensuing on account of his reverence for the King and the instant request of the said Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Commonalty; and on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude [28 Oct.] he was sworn at the Guildhall, and on the morrow was admitted and sworn before the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster.
Folio clvi.
De hostillers et braceours vendent cervoise par plein mesure galoun potel quarte et pynte et nemye par hanaps.
Saturday the Feast of St. Luke [18 Oct.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], proclamation to the effect that hostelers and brewers (fn. 26) sell ale by full measure such as their hosts may require, whether gallon, potel, quart, or gill, and not by any other measure, under penalty prescribed.
Des couperes.
Also that coopers and others who make such pots for sale thenceforth only sell and buy gallons, potels, quarts, and gills of good and lawful assize.
Br'e officii Coron'.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to admit Richard Wellesbourne as deputy to John Sleghe, the King's Butler, to whom appertains the office of Coroner in the City. Witness the King at Westminster, 15 Nov., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Pursuant to the above writ the aforesaid Richard was sworn to execute the office of Coroner in the Husting for Common Pleas held on Monday before the Feast of St. Edmund the King [20 Nov.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Br'e officii Coron'.
Similar writ to admit John Charney as deputy to the above John Sleghe in place of the above Richard Wellesbourne. Witness the King at Westminster, 30 Dec., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Br'e de eodem.
Similar writ to admit Henry de Shelford as deputy to John Sleghe, Coroner of the City, for one month, in place of the above John Charneye, who was engaged on other business. Witness the King at Westminster, 21 Jan., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3].
Folio clvi b.
Masters of Misteries sworn.
Barbers: Richard Capoll and John Haydone sworn to rule the mistery and present defaults for the year ensuing, 19 Sept., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Tapicers: Thomas Bysouth and Richard atte Welle similarly sworn, 11 Oct.
Whittawiers: William Herlawe and John Haverylle similarly sworn, 14 Oct.
Fullers: Peter Persold and Henry Austyn. [No date.]
Skinners: Peter Mildenale, Roger Martin, and John Multone. [No date.]
Cordwainers: Thomas Brehille, Ralph Castel, Richard Pirie, Simon Cok, John Fery, and John Cantebrigge similarly sworn, 10 Nov.
Flemish Weavers: William Milnere of Flanders and Piers Van Braghan of Brabant similarly sworn, 20 Nov.
English Weavers: William Gorynge and John Wille similarly sworn, 21 Nov.
Girdlers: Henry Norffolk, Roger atte Hacche, and William Bon Jon similarly sworn, 22 Nov.
Hurers: Thomas Depham, "cappere," John Goodchep, John Camerwelle, and William Stierger similarly sworn, 28 Nov.
Shethers: John Andre, Simon Shethere, and John Ryelee similarly sworn, 8 Jan., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3].
Cutlers: Walter Kyntone, Robert Austyn, Thomas Ermyn, and John Huwet similarly sworn, 28 May, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1383].
Br'e officii Coron'.
Writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs to reinstate John Charneye as deputy Coroner. Witness the King at Westminster, 18 Feb., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3].
Folio clvii.
Judicium collistr'.
Whereas John Coulynge, servant of John Yonge, citizen and "stokfisshmongere," was found standing, on the 30th October, 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], among foreigners bringing fish to London for sale at "le Stokkes," and there exposed fresh herring for sale like a foreigner, to the deceit of the Commonalty, and offered to sell six herrings for a penny, and did so sell them, although he had himself purchased the same fish the previous day at Billyngesgate at twenty-two for a penny; he was arrested and brought before the Mayor and Aldermen in the Chamber of the Guildhall. In defence he declared that on the previous day his master had sent him to Billyngesgate to buy the said fish between the hours of nine and ten o'clock, and he bought the same at twenty-two for a penny, pretending that he would salt them for himself and servants to eat; that his said master the same day told him to go to "le Stokkes" and stand among the foreigners and offer to sell the herrings at six a penny and no more, and this he did by his master's orders. The master acknowledged this to be true, and put himself on the favour of the Court. Thereupon the said John Yonge was condemned to prison for forty days for having sold fish by his servant at unlawful hours, no fish being allowed to be sold except between 11 A.M. and 1 P.M.; and further, he was ordered to stand on the pillory at Cornhulle for an hour with some of the herrings hanging from his neck for endeavouring to enhance the market.
Afterwards, viz., on the 10th Nov., he was pardoned the rest of his term of imprisonment.
Judicium imprisonamenti.
7 Nov., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], Nicholas Maynard, John Seman, Thomas Dadyngtone, and Richard Fiffyde, severally questioned before the Mayor and Aldermen in the Inner Chamber of the Guildhall, for that a certain John Filiol, fishmonger, had declared on a certain day in the house of the said Thomas Dadyngtone that John Norhamptone, the Mayor, had falsely and maliciously deprived them of their livelihood. Whereupon the said Richard Fiffyde had said that he and all other fishmongers of London were bound to put their hands under the feet of Nicholas Extone (fn. 27) for his good deeds and words on behalf of the aforesaid mistery. Whereupon the above Nicholas Maynard had said that he would not have been in the place of Nicholas Extone at the last Common Council (fn. 28) for Dadyngtone's house full of gold; to which John Fylyol had replied that for half the money he would have called the Mayor a false scoundrel or "harelot," and would be pleased to fight him at Horsedoune, &c.
Deliberacio joh'is Filiol.
The said John Filiol, having acknowledged that he had thus spoken, was on the 10th Nov. committed for a year to a place called "Bocardo" in Neugate, but on the 6th Dec. he was released on the surety of William Naufretone and others [not named]. (fn. 29)
Comissio pro delib'acione de Neugate.
Letters patent appointing Robert Tresilian, Robert Bealknape, John Norhamptone, the Mayor, William Cheyne, and William Rykhille, or any four, three, or two of them (the Mayor being one), to be commissioners for gaol-delivery of Neugate. Witness the King at Westminster, 10 Nov., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Judicium inprisonamenti pro Nich'o Extone.
Whereas at the Parliament held at Westminster after the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sept.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], (fn. 30) came oftentimes Nicholas Extone, citizen and fishmonger, with many fishmongers, his adherents, and opposed the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, as if setting up rivalry with them (quasi cum eis pareyam faciendo (fn. 31) ), contrary to his franchise, and annulling as far as possible ordinances made by the Mayor and Aldermen for the common good, and had declared before all the lords of the realm there assembled that the said Mayor and Aldermen had ordained that no one of the mistery of fishmongers of London should buy any fresh fish on the sea-coast, when no such ordinance had been made, and so had lied about the Mayor and Aldermen in full Parliament. And whereas, moreover, he had alleged in the said Parliament that inasmuch as it had been ordained by the said Mayor and Aldermen that foreigners bringing fish to London for sale may cut them up and sell them piecemeal, it seemed to him useful and profitable to the whole Commonalty of the realm that any foreigner within the City should be allowed to sell other merchandise piecemeal by retail, an expression which sounded contrary to the liberty of the City and a manifest injury to all citizens. And further, the said Nicholas had declared in the same Parliament, before the Knights of the Shires in the refectory of the Abbey of Westminster, that had he been found at home the previous night he would have been arrested and led by the Mayor's orders through the midst of Chepe like a robber and cutpurse.
Whereupon the Mayor, wishing to consult the Aldermen on the matter, caused them to be summoned for Wednesday before the Feast of St. Edmund the King [20 Nov.], 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], and on their meeting in the Chamber of the Guildhall and discussing the matter an altercation arose, some of them perceiving that they could not determine upon words and deeds said or done in Parliament nor give judgment thereon, whilst others thought the contrary. Thereupon the Mayor and divers Aldermen proposed to go to the King and Council for advice. When the said Nicholas, who was then present in the Chamber, perceived this, he asked to be permitted to put himself on the favour of the Mayor and to be judged by him and the Aldermen at their discretion, and prayed them not to go to the King and Council for judgment. His prayer granted, and judgment passed upon him of imprisonment for a year unless he found favour before the end of the term, and he is to abjure the liberty of the City and not regain it without the assent of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council.
The same day the punishment of imprisonment was remitted at the request of the Aldermen.
Afterwards, viz., on Monday before the Feast of St. Katherine [25 Nov.] following, the said Nicholas was mainprised by John Wrothe, John Kirketone, William Stachesdene, and Thomas Lincoln that he would be of good behaviour, under penalty of paying 1,000 marks to the Chamber of the City. (fn. 32)
Folio clvii b.
Juduium inprisonamenti pro Joh'e Foxtone.
12 Nov., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], John Foxtone convicted of having deceitfully caused William Warde, a "cuteler" of the city of York, to be admitted a freeman in the mistery of Bladers (i.e., Cornmongers) instead of that of the Cutlers, and of having defamed an Alderman. Judgment that he be imprisoned and fined. The imprisonment afterwards remitted. (fn. 33)
Folio clviii.
Compot' Nich'i Twyford.
Account rendered by Sir Nicholas Twyford touching his guardianship of John, son and heir of ...... Twyford, viz., from the Feast of All Saints [1 Nov.], 42 Edward III [A.D. 1368], to the same Feast, anno 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], before Adam Bamme, John Estone, and John Reche, Common Pleader, as auditors. The following names occur, viz., Fulk Horwode, Thomas Alstre, John Treweman, John Drynkewater, and James Andrew.
Custodia Thome et Alicie fil' Joh'is Helpestone.
1 Dec., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], the guardianship of Thomas and Alice, children of John Helpestone, late "pulter," committed to John Hedyer, "fruter," by John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and Richard Odyham, the Chamberlain. Sureties, viz., William Hert, baker, and John Chyvele, tailor.
Afterwards, viz., on the 22nd Jan., 21 Richard II. [A.D. 1397-8], came the above Thomas and also John Trumpyngtone, "shether," who had married the above Alice, and acknowledged satisfaction for their property.
Folio clviii b-clix.
Writ to the Sheriffs reciting a statute made in the last Parliament at Westminster, (fn. 34) and bidding them proclaim the same and see it observed. Witness the King at Westminster, 24 Oct., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Folio clix b.
Carta d'm Regis tangens ordinac' usurariorum.
Letters patent to the effect that on the petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty to the King and his Council in the last Parliament for the confirmation of ordinances against usury, &c., the King had declared that the Common Law and good usages and customs of the City sufficed to punish offenders without the interference of Holy Church, whose jurisdiction he wished in no way to prejudice. (fn. 35) Witness the King at Westminster, 25 Oct., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
L'ra d'm Regis patens pro una xv' levanda in civitate London'.
Letters patent appointing John Hende, John Shadeworth, Henry Vanner, and William Staundone to levy and collect in the City and suburbs the amount customary in such cases to satisfy a grant made to the King in the Parliament which commenced to sit at Westminster on Monday the octave of St. Michael last past. (fn. 36) Witness the King at Westminster, 2 Nov., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382].
Bille misse cuil't Aldr'o pro xva levanda.
Precept to the Aldermen to assess and levy a sum equal to a fifteenth in their several Wards, pursuant to the above. Dated 9 Dec.
Folio clx.
Judicium collistr' pro uno velamine fur ato.
5 Dec., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], William Norhamptone, "cobelere," convicted of conspiring with Alice, wife of John Byntham, who had been suspected of purloining a veil called "Parys keverchief" from Alice, wife of Andrew Trig, and of pretending to practise magic. Punishment of the pillory. (fn. 37)
Qe pestours qi vignent a lour Halymot ne serront amerciez.
Be it remembered that at a Common Council held the 11th Dec., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382], a suggestion was made by the Bakers of London that whereas they had always been accustomed to come before the Mayor and Sheriffs twice a year to their courts, called "Halymotz," held in the church of St. Thomas de Acres, and those who failed to appear personally were fined 42 pence to the use of the Sheriffs, and those who came late were fined 21 pence, the said system was unreasonable, and they prayed a remedy. Thereupon it was ordained that those who attended the courts once a year should not be fined, but those attending neither of them should be fined 42 pence.
Qe nul Alderm' soit eslieu devaunt le feste del Pur'.
Also that no Alderman be elected in any Ward thenceforth before the Feast of the Purification [2 Feb.], but it shall be lawful for any Ward to elect their Alderman between the said Feast and the Feast of St. Gregory [12 March] next ensuing when they please, so that at all times the names of those elected be returned to the Mayor for the time being before the said Feast of St. Gregory, in order that they may be at the Guildhall at the same Feast to undertake their charge.
Sursum redducio porte de Aldresgate concesse Joh'i Beauchamp que Rad'us Strode tenuit.
Whereas of late, temp. Nicholas Brembre, Mayor, a grant was made under the Common Seal of a mansion over Aldrichesgate, together with a garden adjacent, to Ralph Strode, Common Pleader, for life, as appears supra on fo. lxxviii [b]; and during the same Mayoralty certain tenements over Ludgate were granted to William Wircestre and Philip Waleworth, Serjeants of the Chamber, together with the custody of the said gate, so long as they remained in office, as appears supra on fo. xci; and whereas the said Ralph had of his own accord relinquished his office, and thereby forfeited his title to the mansion aforesaid, (fn. 38) and the said William and Philip had the same day surrendered their tenements over Ludgate—the Mayor and Aldermen, at the repeated request of the King, have granted to John Beauchamp, the King's esquire, all the buildings over Ludgate, to hold the same during the pleasure of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty for the time being, the custody of the said gate being reserved; and have further granted to the said William Wircestre and Philip Waleworth the aforesaid mansion over Aldrichesgate, with garden and custody of the gate, to be held by them so long as they remain in office.
Afterwards, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty having ordained that a free prison for freemen of the City for debts and other small trespasses and plaints should be established in the said houses over Ludgate, (fn. 39) the aforesaid John Beauchamp prayed that he might have the said houses and garden over Aldrichesgate, and the same were granted to him, saving the custody of the said gate; and thereupon Ludgate and its houses were again granted as before to the said William and Philip, and they continued to hold them until the surrender aforesaid for the purpose of a free prison.
Folio clx b.
Custodia Simonis fil' Joh'is Bristowe.
10 Jan., 6 Richard II. [A.D. 1382-3], the guardianship of Simon, son of John Bristowe, fuller, committed by John Norhamptone, the Mayor, and Richard Odiham, the Chamberlain, to John Swift, fuller, and Isabella his wife, widow of the said John Bristowe. Sureties, viz., John Claveryng, "dighere," and Nicholas Rameseye, fishmonger.