House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 27 April 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 27 Aprilis, 1604

Calthrop's Jointure.

THE Bill for the Jointure of the Wife of Martin Calthrop, Gentleman: - Sir Wm. Smyth, Sir John Peyton, Sir John Heigham, Mr. Fra. Moore, Mr. Serjeant Hubbard, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Fr. Barnham, Mr. John Pettus, Sir Jerome Bowes, Sir Tho. Walsingham: - Middle Temple Hall, Monday.


The Committee, for Mrs. Lucas, the same Day.

Sir R. Vernon.

Monday, for Council in Sir Rob. Vernon's Bill.

Assert Lands.

The Bill for Asserts, to be read; and Counsel; the same Day.

Jermye's Decree.

Sir Tho. Jermye also the same Day: To bring Counsel to the Bar.

Melcombe Regis Church.

The Bill for the Erecting of a Church in Melcombe Regis, and Making the same to be the only Church of the Parish

of Radipoll; - Sir John Williams, Mr. D. James, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir John Bennett, Sir Tho. Freak, Sir Edmund Ludlowe, Sir Rob. Nappier, Sir Rob. Miller, Mr. Hyde, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Martin; - Tuesday, MiddleTemple Hall.


The Committee in the Bill for frivolous Actions, - this Afternoon, in the former Place.


Sir Fr. Hastings added in the Committee for Limitation of Prescription: - The Proviso.


The Four Bills for Alehouses, - this Afternoon, Middle Temple Hall.


Two Bills of Liberty of Trade, - -Saturday, Middle Temple Hall.

New Writ.

Mr. Oldsworth, - for Sir Rich. Berkeley, dead. - A new one in his Place.

Privilege in Executions.

Mr. Hackwell bringeth in the Bill for Remedy of Plaintiffs, where the Defendants, in Execution, are set at Liberty by the Parliament, from the Committee, with Alteration of the Title (calling it. An Act for new Executions to be sued against any, which shall hereafter be delivered out of Execution by Privilege of Parliament, and for Discharge of them, out of whose Custody such Persons shall be delivered) and Amendments : Ordered, to be ingrossed.


The Bill of Marriages, delivered to Sir Rob. Wroth with Committees.

Bridewell Hospital.

The Bill for the Confirmation of the Hospital of Bridewell: - Second Reading, and Committed to Mr. Wyseman, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Fuller, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir H. Mountague, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Roger Aston, Mr. Johnson, Sir Wm. Lowre, Mr. Martin, Sir Edm. Bowyer, Mr. Tobie Mathew, Sir Tho. Smyth, Mr. Wymark, Sir Walter Cope, Sir John Hollice, Sir Hugh Beeston: - Wednesday, Middle Temple,

D. of Somerset's Estate.

Mr. Kirton. - Mr. Seymor's Bill: - The Counsel to be heard on Friday next, in open Court.

Words spoken.

Geo. Whyte of Bristowe, touching Words spoken by Sir Rich. Browne. -

6s. 5s. Impositions in Bristowe, by the Purveyor's Deputy; the Customer himself being Deputy. - Sir Rich. Browne, - " One James of Bristowe shewed the Letter: It were good he were sent for, after the End of the Parliament."

This to be pardoned, as Words of no Weight.


The Bill to take away secret Utlaries: - The second Reading, and committed to Sir Edw. Sandys, Sir Maurice Berkley, Mr. Antropos, Sir Rob. Nappier, Mr. Eure, Sir Nick. Saunders, Mr. Lawrence Hyde, Sir John Boys, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Martin, Mr. Hedley, Sir Herbert..., Mr. Wyld: - Monday, Middle Temple Hall.

Mr. Speaker.

Order in the Bill of secret Outlawries : -

If any Doubt arise upon a Bill, the Speaker to explain; sometimes to argue. - Always fit, and he ought. - Not to sway the House with any Reasons, or Disputations.

Building a Chamber.

A Warrant for Building of a Chamber. A Committee, for seetting down the Orders of this Parliament, at the End of the Parliament.


Sir Herbert Crofts moveth,touching the Stealing of Outlawries : - A Bill to be drawn for that Purpose, by the Committee.

Petitions to be on Paper.

No Petition, or other Thing, to be brought in, ready ingrossed, but in Paper. - In the Matter of the Purveyors. - Mr. Speaker.

Petition in Parchment.

Petition, in Parchment, for the Purveyors, delivered into the House by Mr. Hare, shall be no Precedent in Time to come.

Petition to the King - Purveyors.

This Petition ordered to be ingrossed. Committees named, for presenting the Petition, of the Abuses of Purveyors, to the King To-morrow: Sir Roger Aston, Sir John Hollice, Sir Henry Bromley, Sir Henry Goodyeare, Sir Edw. Grevill, Sir Tho. Knevett, Sir Walter Cope, Sir Rob. Mansfield, Sir Jo. Trevor, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Hare, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Martyn, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Fr. Hastings, the Privy Council, named, for presenting the Petitions, touching the Abuses of Purveyors, to the King. Sir Fra. Bacon to present it.

Members sent for.

Upon the Report to be made from the Committee of the Union, all the Serjeants at Law sent for by the Serjeant, into Westminster Hall.

Union with Scotland.

First inform ourselves, then a Conference, touching the Union: - His Majesty's Direction. - Sir Edw. Stafford.

By way of Explanation, any one of the Conference to say any thing.

Inmates, &c.

The Bill concerning new Buildings converting great Houses into several Tenements, and Restraint of Inmates, and Inclosures, in and near unto the Cities of London and Westminster: - Second Reading, and committed. -

It hath not been seen in this House, that any Law look backward. -

Sir Rob Wroth, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Henry Billingsley, Sir John Hollice, Mr. Recorder of London, Sir Edm. Bowyer, Sir Oliver St. John, Sir Walter Cope, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir Jerome Bowes, Sir Tho. Knevett, Mr. Toby Matthew, Sir Fr. Barrington, Mr. Fuller, the Burgesses for Southwark, the Knights for Surrey, Sir Rob. Knolles, Sir Arthure Aty, Sir John Savill: - Tuesday, Temple Hall.

Union with Scotland.

Union. -

Sir Fr. Bacon : - Light of Order casteth Beams upon the Matter.

Sir Francis Bacon standeth by the Clerk, and readeth all the Objections, made against the Union; which was brought from the Committee.

The first of Generality, or Common Reason: - For some, that may make an Entry. - Sir Fr. Bacon, the first Part.

Sir Edwyn Sandes for matter of Precedent.

Matter of Estate inward, and of Law, three Parts: Serjeant Hubbard, Serjeant Dodridge, Serjeant Tanfield, Mr. Attorney of the Wards.

Matter of Estate foreign. Three Parts. - Some honourable Gentlemen of the House rather be aiding to the whole, than to take any Part.

Matter of Estate foreign: Sir H. Nevyll, Sir R. Spencer, Sir Jo. Hollis, Sir Arth. Atye, Sir Chro. Perkins, Sir Lewys Lewknor, Sir Geo. Carewe, Master of the Chancery.

Matter of Honour, Four Parts: Sir Maurice Berkley, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Martin, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Jo. Savill, Sir Robert Wingfield, Sir Oliver St. John, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Crewe, Sir Edw. Hobby, Mr. Hyde.

Sir Edw. Sandys, - Cautions and Interpretations, 13. -

Rumors unfit in London.

Nimia amicitia causam aliquando dat odii.

Rodneye's Estate.

Sir John Rodneye's Bill, and Committees, delivered to Sir John himself. - Mr. Trenchard, Rice Davyes.


Petition, touching Purveyors, and the Bill, delivered to Sir Fr. Bacon.

Leave of Absence.

Captain Rich. Cunye, Burgess for the Town of Penbrook, is licensed by the Court to depart, and follow his Business, for a certain Time.