House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 28 April 1604

Pages 189-190

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturni, 28o Aprilis, 1604


L. 1. B. FOR Relief of such as use the Handicraft of Skinners.


L. 2. B. Touching Tanners and Leather: - Committed to Sir Robert Wroth, Mr. Chub, Mr. Askwith, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Fuller, Sir Tho. Smyth, Mr. Gee, Sir Francis Barrington, Mr. Hall, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ryvers, Mr. Hurdman, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Mr. Gore, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Hext, Sir John Savill, Mr. Wyseman: - To meet on Wednesday, in the Middle Temple Hall,

It is ordered, That such Trademen as use the Cutting of Leather, be called, and consulted withal.


B. For Relief of Prisoners, reported from the Committee by Sir John Boys, with Amendments ; which being Twice read, the Bill, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Sheep Stealers.

B. To take away Clergy from Cattle and Sheep Stealers, reported from the Committee by Mr. Nick. Hyde, with Amendments; the Amendments Twice read; and the Bill, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.


L. 2. B. For the Continuance of the Trade of Cappers, secondly read, and, upon the Question for Commitment, rejected.


In the Committee touching Homage, &c. added, upon Motion, Sir Robert Wroth.


In the Committee touching Hats and Caps, added, upon Motion, Sir Edm. Bowyer.

Courts Leet, &c.

L. 1. B. To prevent the Over-charges of the People by Stewards of Courts Leet, and Courts Baron.

Ministers Marriages.

L. 1. B. Declaring the Marriages of the Ministers of the Gospel of Christ to be lawful.

Obedience of the Subjects.

L. 1. B. For the Retaining of his Majesty's Subjects, in their due Obedience.


Sir Roger Aston: - That a Purveyor, having taken Trees growing about a Man's House, was committed to Custody by his Majesty's Commandment, and left to the Law for his uttermost Punishment; which his Majesty wished might be made known to this House.

Mr. Speaker: - That a Purveyor in his Country took up, in One Market, Four hundred Dozen of Suytes, with Pretence for the King's Provision.

Two several Messages moved, and sent by Mr. Secretary Herbert and Sir Edw. Hobby to the Lords :

Union with Scotland.

1. By Mr. Secretary; That, whereas the Motion, touching the Matter of Union, came first from them; that of Religion, from us; for the Matter of Union we are ready to yield a Conference; and for the other we desire, they will appoint a Time at their best Leisures.

Place of Conference.

Touching the Place of Conference, that the House doth find it full of Disease and Inconvenience; and desire, the Place may be better fitted ; not out of any Humour, to win any Dignity to their House, but merely for Conveniency.

Privilege-Shirley's Bill.

2. By Sir Edw. Hobby ; That their Lordships would give Furtherance and Speed to the Bill touching Sir Tho. Shirley, and be pleased to advise of some Course for his Majesty's Royal Assent.


L. 1. Before the Return of the Messengers, was read, B. For the better Execution of former Laws, for the Maintenance of the Navy ; and to set Mariners more plentifully on work, than of late Time they have been, in Voyages of Fishing.


L. 1. B. For Avoiding of Deceit in Selling, Buying, or Spending, of corrupt and unwholsome Hops.

Coppices, &c.

L. 2. B. Against the Turning of Coppices, or Underwoods, into Pasture or Tillage ; - Committed to Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Tho. Beamount, Mr. Wynch, Mr. Wyld, Sir Geo. Moore, the Knights for Shropshire, the Knights for Sussex, Mr. Hugh Beeston, the Knights for Kent, Sir Robert Wingfield, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir James Scudamore, Mr. Pelham, Sir Thomas Waller, Sir Thomas Strickland, Sir Geo. Villiers, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir Thomas Grantham, Sir Henry Compton, Sir Nich. Saunders, Sir John Thynne, Sir Edmund Bowyer, Mr. Staughton, Mr. Barnard Whitston, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir Rich. Lovelace, Sir John Luke, Sir Francis Fane, Sir John Savill, Sir John Harpur, Sir Francis Popham, Sir John Leveson, Sir John Willyams, Mr. Holt, Sir John Heigham, Sir Edw. Lewknor, Sir Francis Hastings, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Gawyn, Mr. Ryvers: - To meet on Thursday, in the Exchequer Chamber.


L. 2. B. For the Preservation of Wood and Timber : - Referred to the same Committee. -

Union with Scotland.

Mr. Secretary Herbert returneth from the Lords, That their Lordships desired the Conference for the Union, to be at Three a Clock this Afternoon, in the usual Place.


For Matters of Religion, when we were ready, they would be ready also to give a Meeting.

Privilege-Shirleye's Bill.

Sir Edw. Hobby : - That the Bill concerning Sir Thomas Shirleye, was Twice read, and committed : - That, upon the Return from the Committee; they would give it a Third Reading, so soon as should become the Gravity of that House. For his Highness' Royal Assent to the Bill ; whether the King should come in Person, or be done by Commission, they doubted : Both too much in the Case of a private Person : but this a Matter of Privilege, concerning the whole House. It were fit a Petition were exhibited to his Majesty from the House, that he would be pleased to give his Royal Assent ; leaving the Manner to himself.

Bills from Lords.

Mr. D. Stanhope and D. Swale bring from the Lords Three Bills :

E. of Marre's Nat, &c.

1. An Act for the Naturalizing of John Earl of Marre, his Wife and Children ; and for Confirmation of Letters Patents made to him.

Sir T. Erskine's Nat,&c.

2. An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir Tho. Erskin, Knight, his Wife and Children [a]

Sir J. Erskine's Nat.

3. An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir James Erskin,Knight, and for the Confirmation of Letters Patents made unto him.


All Committees, appointed to meet this Day, adjourned till Monday, in respect of the Conference this Afternoon.

Labourers Wages.

L. 2. B. For the Rating of Labourers Wages, &c.- - Committed to Sir John Heigham, Sir Edw. Lewknor, all Citizens of Cities, Mr. Staughton, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Ryvers, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir John Savill, Sir Antho. Rowse, the Knights of Lancashire, and Cheshire, Sir Tho. Hobby: - To meet on Tuesday, in the Middle Temple Hall.


L. 2. B. Concerning the Taking of Apprentices : - Referred to the same Committees.


L. 1. B. for the true Measuring of Oats, which shall be

bought and sold within the Realm of England and the Marches of Wales.


L. 1. B. For Reformation of Abuses in the Court of Exchequer, committed against Sheriffs, Collectors of Subsidies, and other Accomptants.