House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 18 November 1652

Pages 216-218

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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In this section

Thursday, the 18th of November, 1652.


Forfeited Estates.

THE Names of the Delinquents inserted into the Additional Bill for Sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, were this Day read, in the Bill ingrossed.

Resolved, That the Time for putting in Claims be the First of February next.

Resolved, That the Time for determining the Claims be the First of April following.

Resolved, That the Sum to be doubled upon this Bill be Six hundred thousand Pounds.

A Proviso was tendered to the said Act, in these Words, viz. "Provided always, That, in case the Persons, whose Names are inserted in this Act, who have paid the first Moiety of their Fines, for their Compositions for Delinquency, shall, at or before the First Day of February 1652, pay unto the Treasurers at Goldsmiths-hall, the latter Moiety of their Fines, with Damages for the Forbearance thereof, from the Time the same should have been paid, at the Rate of Eight Pounds in the Hundred, before the Statute, and Six Pounds since the same, shall be accepted: And that, upon Certificate of the said Treasurers to the Commissioners for Compounding, of such Payment, made by the Time aforesaid, the said Commissioners for Compounding, are hereby authorized and required to discharge the Sequestration of such Person so making Payment as aforesaid; and that all and every such Person and Persons be, and are hereby declared to be, freed and discharged from thenceforth, of his and their Delinquency: And that all and every such Person and Persons, his and their Heirs and Assigns, shall from thenceforth have, hold, and enjoy all his and their Estates, as fully and amply, as if his and their Names had never been inserted into this Act; any thing in this present Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding:" Which was read the First and Second time.

Resolved, That the Time in this Proviso be "the First Day of February 1652," instead of these Words, viz. "shall, within Thirty Days after the Passing of this Act."

And the Proviso, so amended, was, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was tendered to be added to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "And be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That Randall Mainwaring Gentleman be, and is hereby, constituted and appointed Comptroller of all Entries, Receipts, and Payments, which shall be made, to or by the Treasurers aforesaid; and shall have Power and Authority, by himself, or his sufficient Deputies, to keep Accompt of all Entries, Receipts, Payments, and Discompts whatsoever, which shall be made unto or by the Treasurers: And that the Comptroller, or his Deputies, shall execute the said Place of Comptroller in relation to the Premises; as also in relation to the Sale of all and every the Lands and Estates exposed to Sale, by a former Act of this present Parliament, intituled, An Act for Sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason: As also by another Act of this present Parliament, intituled, An Act for . . . . . several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason; appointed to be sold for the Use of the Navy, according to such Instructions and Directions as the Comptroller in the said former Acts, or either of them ought to do, or to have done; and shall receive the Fee, or yearly Salary, of Two hundred Pounds, by like Quarterly Payments, as is appointed by the said former Act, in full Satisfaction of him, and his Clerks, for his and their Service, in the Place of Comptroller, both in This and the Two former Acts;" Which was twice read.

Resolved, That the Salary be Two hundred Pounds.

Resolved, That these Words be added to this Clause; viz. "In full Satisfaction of him and his Clerks, for his and their Service, in the Place of Comptroller, both in This and the Two former Acts."

And the Clause, so amended, was, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be Part of the Bill.

A Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not any ways extend to prejudice any Person or Persons in his or their Estate or Estates, who hath been, and are, comprised within any Articles of War; and have been, or shall be allowed the Benefit of such Articles, by the Commissioners appointed by a late Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for reviving a former Act, for Relief of Persons upon Articles; but that such Person and Persons shall, notwithstanding this Act, or any thing herein contained, hold and enjoy their Estate or Estates, upon Compositions, according to the said Articles, free from Sale:" Which was once read.

The Question being put, That this Proviso be read the Second time;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Henry Mildmay, Tellers for the Noes: 51.
Colonel Morley, With the Noes,
Sir John Trevor, Tellers for the Yeas: 21.
Sir James Harrington, With the Yeas,

So it passed in the Negative.

Forfeited Estates.

A Proviso was tendered to the Bill, in these Words; that is to say, "Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That, in full Compensation and Recompence for the Purchase of a Piece or Parcel of Ground, commonly called or known by the Name of the Hare-Warren, lying and being in the Parish of Hampton in the County of Middlesex, and of the Woods and Timber thereupon, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging; which said HareWarren and Premises were contracted for, with the Contractors for Sale of the late King's Lands, by Thomas Hamond Esquire, late Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance, in the Behalf of himself, and the Train of Artillery, the Five-and-twentieth Day of December 1650; the Trustees, or any Five of them, in this Act named, shall, upon Certificate, under the Hands of the Treasurers, or any Two of them, appointed by the Act of this present Parliament, intituled, An Act of the Commons, in Parliament assembled, for Sale of the Honours, Manors, and Lands heretofore belonging to the late King, Queen, and Prince, that the full Sum of Three thousand Five Pounds and Nineteen Shillings, for which the said Hare-Warren and Premises were contracted for, is paid and satisfied, either in Money, or original Bills, or Debentures, according to the Directions of the said recited Act, convey and assure unto the said Thomas Hammond Esquire, LieutenantGeneral George Moncke, Comptroller John Phipps, and Commissary Thomas Fowler, their Heirs and Assigns, for ever, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, appointed by this Act to be sold, of the clear yearly Value of One hundred and Thirty Pounds, over and above all Charges and Reprizes; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding:" Which was read the First time.

And the Question being put, That this Proviso be read the Second time;

It passed in the Negative.

Another Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided nevertheless, That such Estates as any Person or Persons had, or would have had, Right unto, if this Act, or the said former Acts, had not been; and which have been allowed by the Committee or Commissioners for Removing of Obstructions in the Sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason; and are, by the Death of any Traitor or Traitors, without Revocation, or would have been actually vested in such Person or Persons, before the Tenth Day of October 1652; shall stand good, and be enjoyed by such Person or Persons; any thing herein, or in the said former Acts, contained to the contrary notwithstanding:" Which was read the First time.

And the Question being put, That this Proviso be read the Second time;

It passed in the Negative.

Another Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided always, and it is hereby Enacted and Declared, That the Sum of Five thousand Three hundred Sixty Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Four-pence, shall, out of the first Monies, which shall be raised by way of Doubling, Advance, or otherwise, by Sale of any the Lands or Estates in this present Act contained, be paid unto the Right honourable Wm. Earl of Salisbury, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, in full Recompence of his several Claims and Demands of and in the House, Gardens, and Parks, of Theobalds, Chesthunt, and Enfield, and also of and in the Manors of Theobalds and Enfield, as Keeper, Steward, or Bailiff of the said House, Manor, and Parks, by virtue of Letters Patents from the late King James, or the late King Charles; which said Sum was allowed unto the said Earl, by Order of Parliament of the 25th of December 1651: And the Treasurers hereby appointed are required and authorized to pay the same to the said Earl, or his Assigns, accordingly:" Which was read the First time.

And the Question being put, That this Proviso be read the Second time;

It passed in the Negative.

Forfeited Estates.

Ordered, . . . the Sum of Five thousand Three hundred and Threescore Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Fourpence, formerly allowed by Order of Parliament, of the 25th Day of December 1651, unto the Right honourable Wm. Earl of Salisbury, in full Recompence of his several Claims and Demands of and in the House, Gardens, and Parks, of Theobalds, Chesthunt, and Enfield, and also of and in the Manors of Theobalds and Enfield, as Keeper, Steward, or Bailiff, of the said House, Manor, and Parks, by virtue of Letters Patents from the late King James, or the late King Charles, be charged in Course upon the growing Revenue coming into Goldsmiths-Hall, for the Two Parts of the Estates of Papists not being Delinquents; and that the Treasurers of that Receipt be authorized and required to make Payment of the said Sum of Five thousand Three hundred and Threescore Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Four-pence unto the said Earl, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, out of the said growing Revenue, in Course; and that the Acquittance and Acquittances of the said Earl of Salisbury, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers for the same.

Another Proviso was tendered unto the said Bill, in these Words; viz. " Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That this present Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to the Mills called Dee Mills, near the City of Chester, and the Causeway or Dam erected cross the River Dee for the Use of the said Mills, late the Inheritance of Francis Gamull Esquire; but that the said Causeway, with the Appurtenances, shall be taken down and demolished, according to an Ordinance of Parliament of the First of October 1646:" Which was read the First time.

And the Question being put, That this Proviso be read the Second time;

It passed in the Negative.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider, whether the pulling down or demolishing the Mills called Dee Mills, near the City of Chester, and the Causeway or Dam erected cross the River of Dee, for the Use of the said Mills, late the Inheritance of Francis Gamull Esquire, be convenient or inconvenient for the Advantage of the Commonwealth, and the Making of an Harbour there; and to report their Opinion therein to the Parliament, for the Parliament to take into Consideration the Sale, or Stay of the Sale, of the said Mills and Premises, as the Parliament shall then see Cause.

Another Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided always, and be it Enacted, That all Persons, whose Estates, being appointed to be surveyed by this Act, shall not appear, by such Survey, to be worth in Real Estate, or in Personal Estate, in any one County, shall have Liberty to compound with the Commissioners for Sequestrations, for the said Estates in the respective Counties, upon the same Rules which are given in this Act to the Commissioners at Haberdashers-Hall: And to this End the Surveyors are required to give in all such Surveys immediately to the said Commissioners in the Counties; who shall give an Account of their Proceedings therein, and make Return of their Monies to the Commissioners and Treasurers at Haberdashers-Hall respective: And, in case they be not compounded within the Time limited by this Act, then to return such Surveys to the Trustees at Drury-House; who shall proceed to the Sale according to the Rules given in this Act:" Which was read the First time.

And the Question being put, That this Proviso be read the Second time;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Wm. Brereton, Tellers for the Yeas: 22.
Mr. Solicitor, With the Yeas,
Sir Arthure Hesilrig, Tellers for the Noes: 25.
Sir John Danvers, With the Noes,

So it passed in the Negative.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider of the whole State of the Business touching the Lands called Melcombe-Common, now Parcel of Rodipoll Farm, as the Lands of Alexander Raynes; and whether the same be fit to be sold; and report their Opinion to the Parliament.

Resolved, That the Name of Sir Wm. Morgan, of Glamorgan, be struck out of this Bill.

Ordered, That the Name of Sir Charles Blunt be inserted into this Bill, instead of Walter Blunt, of Bisciter in the County of Oxford, Esquire.

The Question being put, That the Name of John Greenhalgh, of Brandlesome in the County of Lancaster, Esquire, be put out of this Bill;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Wm. Brereton, Tellers for the Yeas: 22.
Colonel Sidney, With the Yeas,
Sir John Danvers, Tellers for the Noes: 23.
Colonel Lister, With the Noes,

So it passed with the Negative.

The Question being put, That the Name of Nicholas Burlace be put out of the Bill;

It passed with the Negative.

The said Act, so amended, being put to the Question, passed: And

It is Ordered, That the said Act be forthwith printed and published.

Regulating the Law.

Ordered, That the Business touching the Law be taken into Consideration on this Day Sevennight.

Publick Faith.

Ordered, That the Business touching the Publick Faith be taken into Consideration on Tuesday Morning next.

Scotch Affairs.

Ordered, That the Report touching the Proceedings with the Deputies from Scotland be made on Tuesday Morning next.