House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 19 November 1652

Pages 218-219

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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In this section

Friday, the 19th of November, 1652.


Sheriff of Bedford.

ORDERED, That John Huxley Esquire, Sheriff of the County of Bedford, have Liberty to come out of his County upon his necessary Occasions, not neglecting the Duty of his Place.

Forfeited Estates.

Ordered, That Mr. Say and Colonel Fielder do bring in the Act for doubling the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds, upon the first Act for Sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason.

Council of State.

The House this Day, according to former Order, took into Consideration the Instructions given to the Council of State for the last Year.

Which Instructions were this Day read the First time at large; and after by Parts.

The first Instruction being read;

Resolved, That these Words, viz. "or Scotland," be inserted in this Instruction; and that the Words, viz. "Dominion of Wales," be omitted in that Instruction, and the Word "any" be inserted instead of "either."

And the said Instruction, so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Second Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Third Instruction being read;

Resolved, That these Words in this Instruction, viz. "the Isles of Jersey and Gernsey," be omitted.

And the said Instruction, so amended, being put to the Question, was agreed unto.

The Fourth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Fifth Instruction being read;

Resolved, That these Words, viz. "or Scotland," be added to this Instruction; and that these Words, viz. "to them, or any of them," be inserted instead of these Words, viz. "this Commonwealth."

And the said Instruction, being so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Sixth Instruction being read;

Resolved, That instead of "Kingdoms and States," the Words be transposed, and made "States and Kingdoms."

And the said Instruction being so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Seventh Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Eighth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Ninth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Tenth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Eleventh Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Twelfth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Thirteenth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Fourteenth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Fifteenth Instruction being read;

Resolved, That the Blank in this Instruction be filled up with these Words, viz. "the First of December 1652."

And the said Instruction being so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Sixteenth Instruction being read;

And the Question being put, To agree to that Instruction;

It passed with the Negative.

Another Instruction was tendered, instead of the Sixteenth Instruction, in these Words; viz. "You are authorized and required to give Order for the Fall of Timber, at due Seasons, and in convenient Proportions, for the Building and Repairing the Ships belonging to this Commonwealth: And you have Power to sell such of the Timber as you shall think fit; and, with the Money to be raised by such Sale, to provide other Timber, which may more conveniently, and at less Charge, be had for the Uses aforesaid, for the best Advantage of the Commonwealth:" Which was now read, and, upon the Question, assented unto.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee touching Parks, Forests, and Chaces; and that they be impowered and authorized to take care for preserving the Wood and Timber, growing upon any of the Parks, Forests, Chaces, and other Lands belonging to this Commonwealth, from Waste, Spoil, or Embezzlement; and to appoint Surveyors, Woodwards, and other Officers and Workmen, for the respective Purposes aforesaid.

Ordered, That Mr. Solicitor-General and Sir John Hippisley be added to that Committee.

The Seventeenth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Eighteenth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Nineteenth Instruction being read; after some Amendments at the Table, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Twentieth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The One-and-twentieth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Two-and-twentieth Instruction being read; after some Amendments at the Table, was agreed unto.

The Three-and-twentieth Instruction being read;

Resolved, That the Blank in this Instruction be filled up with "the First Day of December 1653."

And the said Instruction being so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Four-and-twentieth Instruction being read, was, upon the Question agreed unto.


Ordered, That the Council of State, for the Year ensuing, do take care, and give Order, That a perfect Account be prepared, and presented to the Parliament, by the First Day of May 1653, of all the Monies disbursed upon Warrants which have been issued by the Council of State for the Three Years preceding the last Year.


Ordered, That the Report from the Council of State, touching the Office of Postmaster, be made on this Day Sevennight.

The House, according to former Order, adjourned itself to Tuesday Morning next, Eight of Clock.