
Pages 271-278

A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 5 Part 1, Arundel Rape: South-Western Part, Including Arundel. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1997.

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Kandler, C. F.,

-, Ant. (d. 1597),
-, Ant. (fl. 1664-85) (?two of this name),
-, Ant. (d. 1715),
-, Ant. (d. 1753),
-, Barbara, m. Jas. Radclyffe, earl of Newburgh,
-, Sir Garrett (fl. 1597),
-, Sir Garrett (fl. 1608),
-, Sir Garrett (fl. 1615),
-, Garrett (fl. 1649),
-, Garrett (fl. 1664),

Kennett, Hen.,

-, Edw.,
-, John,

Kent, earls of, see Edmund of Woodstock

Kent, and see Canterbury; Chatham; Cobham; Dover; Gillingham; Sandwich

Kenton (Suff.),

Keppel, Wm., earl of Albemarle,

Kew Palace (Surr.),

kilns, pottery, see pottery making

King's Lynn (Norf.),

-, Alice, see Poynings
-, John,
-, Mary, m. Sir Thos. Lisle,
-, Nic.,
-, Thos.,

Kingston, see Ferring

Kipling, Joshua,


Kitchener, Horatio Herb., Earl Kitchener,

Kittow, Mrs.,

-, Harry,
-, John (fl. 1546),
-, John (fl. 1584-7),
-, Nic.,
-, Rob., vicar of Binsted,
-, Thos.,

Knights Hospitaller, and see Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem

Knights Templar,

Kunz, Charlie,

Kynnaird, Vcts., see Radclyffe, Jas.

La Lucerne, abbey of (Manche), n,

Laker, Wm.,

Lambert and Co. (later Lambert and Norris),

Lamport, Rob.,

Lancashire, see Liverpool


land reclamation, see inning

landscape gardeners,

Lane, Geo.,

Langley, Geof. of,

-, And.,
-, Donald,
-, Jack,
-, John (d. 1950),
-, Wal. (fl. c. 1916),
-, Wal. (d. 1971),
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Langmead, Robinson and Co.,

Lashmar, Geo., and Co.,

Lasseter, firm of,

Lear, Thos.,

Leconfield, Lds., see Wyndham, Hen.

-, Marg., w. of Sir Ric.,
-, Sir Ric.,

-, Ric.,
-, Rob. (d. 1743),
-, Rob. (d. 1744),
-, Sam.,
-, Wm. (d. 1710),
-, Wm. (d. 1717 × 1724),
-, Wm. (d. 1764),
-, Wm. (d. 1837), see Fowler
-, Wm. (fl. 1839),
-, Wm. Mill, and his w. Eliz.,
-, fam.,

Leeward Islands, governors of,

Leicester, earls of, see Dudley

leisure centres,

Lende, Thos.,

-, Chas., duke of Richmond and Lennox,
-, fam., see Richmond, dukes of

-, Marg.,
-, Roland,

Leofwine (fl. 1066),

leper hospitals,

-, C. S.,
-, Col. Chas.,

Lessay abbey (Manche), n,

Lester, Nic.,

Leveson-Gower, Charlotte Sophia, m. Hen. Chas. Howard, duke of Norfolk,

Lewes, see Lewis

-, battle of (1264),

Lewis (Lewes):
-, Hen. Chris., see Bones
-, John, rector of Middleton (fl. 1616),
-, John (fl. 1863), see Bones
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

-, Thos. (fl. 16th cent.),
-, Thos. (fl. 1699),

libraries, see under names of places

Lichfield (Staffs.),

Liddle, Jos.,

Lidsey rife,

Lilford, Lds., see Powys

Limerick (Ireland),

Linch, Urse of,

Linchmere, see Shulbrede priory

Lincoln, bps., see Coutances

Lincolnshire, see Boston; Grimsby

Linfields, firm of,

Lintott, fam.,


-, Eliz. de, see St. John
-, Gerard de, n
-, Mary, see Kingston
-, Sir Thos.,

-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, carriers,
-, ch.,
-, detached parts in Climping, and see Atherington (otherwise Bailiffscourt)
-, fms.,
-, ferry,
-, fort, n
-, ind., see Littlehampton, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, local govt.,
-, local health dist.,
-, man.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, port,
-, rly.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, schs.,
-, shops,
-, trades and ind., and see Littlehampton, port
-, urban dist. council,
-, West Beach,

Liverpool, n

Lloyds Bank,

Lockhart, Alf., Ltd.,

-, archdeacons, see William
-, architects,
-, Arundel Ho.,
-, banks,
-, bellfounding,
-, carriers,
-, Christ's Hosp., q.v.
-, chs.:
-, Austin friars, n
-, Immaculate Conception, Farm St.,
-, St. James's, Spanish Pla.,
-, commuting to,
-, Eltham Pal.,
-, Goldsmiths' Co., n
-, Islington, q.v.
-, ld. mayors, see Garway, Sir Hen.; Spencer, Sir John
-, migration from,
-, newspapers,
-, Norfolk estate,
-, persons from, buy or lease Suss. estates,
-, postal servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rds. to,
-, Southwark, q.v.
-, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane,
-, tourists and day trippers from,
-, trade with Suss.,
-, Westminster Hall,
-, Whitehall Pal.,

London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway,

London and County Banking Co.,

-, Jos.,
-, Mrs.,

Longford, Vcts., see Aungier

Lord Chancellor, patronage,

Loudon, John Claudius,

Louis VIII, King of France,

Louvain, Jocelin of,

Lovel, Francis,

-, John,
-, John C.,
-, Wal.,
-, fam.,

Low Countries, trade with,

Lowden Bros.,

Loxwood, see Wisborough Green

Luckin, fam.,

Ludgater, Thos.,

-, Hon. Jas., n
-, Jane, see FitzAlan
-, John, Ld. Lumley,
-, Ric., earl of Scarbrough, n
-, fam.,


Lutter (Luttard):
-, John,
-, fam.,

-, Batworth park,
-, Crossbush,
-, Poor Clares,
-, man.,
-, Calceto,
-, priory,
-, public servs.,
-, Pynham priory (otherwise de Calceto),
-, estates,
-, rly.,
-, rly. stas.,
-, rds. to,
-, Wick,

Lynn, King's (Norf.),

Mabel, w. of Rog. de Montgomery, earl of Arundel,

MacDonald, Geo.,

Mackennal, Sir Bertram,

-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, ch.,
-, Dale Park estate,
-, Fairmile bottom,
-, fms.,
-, pop.,
-, rds. to,
-, schs.,

-, Edw. (fl. 1694),
-, Edw. (fl. 1701),
-, Edw. (fl. 1762),
-, Wm. (fl. 1633-74) (?two of this name),
-, Wm. (fl. 1701),
-, Wm. (fl. 1705),
-, Wm. (fl. 1758),
-, Wm. (fl. 1771),
-, Mrs. (fl. before 1724),
-, - (fl. 1724),

Maiden Bradley priory (Wilts.),

Maltravers, Lds., see Arundel; FitzAlan

Manestie, Wm.,

Manhood, hund.,

Manners, Donald, vicar of Felpham,

Mansergh, John, vicar of Climping,

Marchwood, Vcts., see Penny

Marden, Owen, vicar of Climping,

Marehill, see Pulborough

maritime trades,
-, Arundel,
-, and see coastwise trade; fishing; river traffic; shipbuilding

market gardening, see under names of places

markets, see under names of places

-, Fred. Jas., Vct. Woolton, later earl of Woolton,
-, Rog., earl of Woolton,

-, John,
-, Sam.,

-, Chas. Thos.,
-, E. J.,
-, Harry (H. R.),
-, Sidney (S. S.),
-, fam.,

Marshall, S. S., Ltd.,

Marshall Bros.,

Marshall and Fry, firm of,

Mary I,

Mary, Queen of Scots,

Maud, empress,

-, K. H.,
-, W. H.,


Medstead, And. of,

Meggot, Ric.,

-, Arundel,
-, Littlehampton,
-, London,
-, and see coal merchants; corn merchants; timber merchants


Metters, John,

-, Eliz., m. - Shelley,
-, John,
-, fam.,

Michelgrove, see Clapham

Mid Sussex railway,

Middelburg (Netherlands),

Middlesex, see Brentford; Islington; Syon abbey

Middleton, John of, n

Middleton Builders,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Ancton, q.v.
-, bdry.,
-, bus servs.,
-, carriers,
-, ch.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, Elmer, q.v.
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, fishing,
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Middleton-on-Sea, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, library,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, mkt. gardening,
-, mills,
-, New City holiday resort,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, parks,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, port (landing place),
-, public servs.,
-, recreation grounds,
-, rectors,
-, rectory ho.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, as seaside resort,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Middleton-on-Sea, clubs and socs.
-, Southdean estate,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, water supply,
-, woods,

Middleton-on-Sea Association,


Miles Aviation and Transport (R. & D.) Ltd.,

-, Challen,
-, John,
-, Sir John, Bt.,

-, cider,
-, fulling, q.v.
-, sawmills, q.v.
-, steam-driven,
-, and see under names of places

minster churches,

-, T. H.,
-, W. W., mayor of Arundel,

Mitchell's, firm of,

moated sites,

-, Rob., Ld. Mohaut (d. 1275),
-, Rob., Ld. Mohaut (d. 1329),
-, Rog. de (fl. 1243),
-, Rog., Ld. Mohaut (d. 1295 or 1296),

Montagu, Adm. Sir Geo.,

Montague, Vcts., see Browne

Montalembert, Chas. de,

Montefiore, Jos. M.,

Montfort, Wm. de,

-, Hugh de,
-, Rog. de, earl of Arundel:
-, and Arundel cast.,
-, and Arundel Great park,
-, as lord of Arundel rape, income from port and ship dues, lands held of (in 1086),
-, and Sées and Alménêches abbeys,
-, his w., see Mabel

Moore, Geo.,

Moorey, John,

Morant, firm of,

Morin (fl. 1086),

-, Edw.,
-, Sir John (fl. 1608),
-, John (d. 1659),
-, John (fl. 1905-6),
-, Capt. Wm. (fl. 1645-52),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1658 or 1659),
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1701),

Mortimer, Edm.,

Mount Stuart (Bute),

Mowbray, John, duke of Norfolk,

Moyne, Wm. le,

Moyne, Lds., see Guinness

Mundham, North,
-, Runcton,

Munsey, Wm., vicar of Arundel,

-, Eliz.,
-, Jos.,
-, Wm. (fl. c. 1762),
-, Wm. (fl. 1784),


Musgrave, Thos.,

Mustchin, Frank,

-, Eliz.,
-, Gawen Ric.,
-, John,
-, Capt. Ric. (fl. 1670),
-, Ric. (fl. 1677-80),
-, Ric. (fl. 1732-90),
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

National and Local Government Officers Association,

National rivers authority,

National Trust,

National Westminster Bank,

-, Ford naval air station,
-, naval dockyards,
-, and see Fleet Air Arm

Neale, F. J.,

Nenge, Edm.,

Nesfield, W. A., n

-, trade with Arundel,
-, and see Low Countries

Nevill (Neville):
-, Beatrice de, see Fay
-, Hugh de (d. c. 1234),
-, Hugh de (d. 1269),
-, Hugh de (fl. 1282-1324),
-, Hugh de (fl. 1323-4),
-, John de (d. 1246),
-, John de (d. c. 1282),
-, Sir John de (fl. 1357-8),
-, Thos. de,
-, Wm.,
-, fam., Lds. Abergavenny,

New England College, Henniker (New Hampshire),

New York, emigration to,

Newburgh, earls of, see Radclyffe

Newbury, Hen. of,

Newcastle, dukes of, see Holles



Newland, fam.,

Newman, Hen.,

Newport (I.W.),


Noble, Mat.,

Nomansland, sheriff's tourn,

nonconformity, protestant, see Baptists; Bible Christians; Brethren; Congregationalists; Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion; Dependants; Independents; Jehovah's Witnesses; Methodists; Presbyterians; Quakers; Salvation Army; United Reformed church; and under names of places

Norfolk, dukes of,
-, and Arundel,
-, estates,
-, Arundel, Fitzalan chapel, and see Arundel, cast.
-, Binsted,
-, Climping,
-, London,
-, South Stoke,
-, Tortington,
-, franchises,
-, patronage,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, and see Fitzalan-Howard; Howard; Mowbray

Norfolk, and see Buckenham, New; Holkham; Lynn, King's; Yarmouth

Norman, P. A.,

Normanby, marquesses of, see Phipps

Normandy, trade and passenger traffic with Arundel,

-, Hen.,
-, Sir Wm., Bt.,
-, -,

Northampton, earls of, see Compton

Northamptonshire, see Harrington

Northumberland, earls of, see Percy

Northumberland, see Newcastle

Norway, trade with Arundel,

Norwich, Sim. of,

Nottingham, earls of, see Howard, Chas., Ld. Howard of Effingham

Nottinghamshire, see Worksop

Nurdin and Peacock, firm of,

nurseries, see mkt. gardening under names of places

nursing and convalescent homes,


Nye, Wm.,

O'Brien Wyndham, Geo., earl of Egremont, see Wyndham

Ockley (Surr.),

Offham (in South Stoke),
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,

-, Geo.,
-, Mary, see Edmunds

Older, fam.,

-, Jas., n
-, Wm.,

Onslow, Arthur,


orchards, see fruit growing

Order of Malta Homes Trust,

Osborne, firm of,

Osferth (fl. 899),

Osmelin (fl. 1086),

Ostend (Netherlands),

Osweard (fl. 975),

Ottley, Wm.,


-, Sir Hen.,
-, Mary, see Bohun

-, bps.,
-, Cardinal Wolsey's coll.,
-, Christ Church,
-, university,

-, Arthur D. H. H. Reynell,
-, Lt.-Col. Arthur John (later Reynell Pack),
-, Frederica Reynell, w. of Arthur,
-, Miss,

Padua (Italy),

-, Adam, rector of Middleton,
-, Frances, m. Geo. White Thomas,
-, John, M.P. for Chichester,
-, Katharina, n
-, Wm.,

Pagett-Fynn, Tony,


Paine (Pain, Payne):
-, Alf.,
-, Augustine, rector of Eastergate,
-, Jas.,

painted decorations, see wall paintings and other painted decorations

Pallingham, see Wisborough Green

-, John,
-, Sir Thos. (fl. 1563),
-, Sir Thos. (fl. 1570),
-, Sir Thos. (fl. 1593), and his w. Alice,
-, Thos. (fl. c. 1768-c. 1790),
-, Thos. (fl. 1776),
-, Thos. (fl. 1841),

Pannell, John,

Pannett, Thos., n

parks, see under names of places

-, Jos., n
-, Thos., n

Parliament, House of Lords, patronage,

parliamentary representation, see Arundel; Chichester


Paul, Geo. Robard, n

-, Sir John (d. 1437), and his w. Constance,
-, John (d. 1492),
-, Sir John (d. 1525),
-, Wm., Ld. St. John,

Payne, see Paine

Peachey, fam.,

Pear Tree press,

Peasants' Revolt (1381),

Pecche, John,

-, Harry (fl. 1764),
-, Hen. (fl. 1734),
-, Hen. (d. 1764),
-, Thos.,

Pecknell, fam.,

Peirce, Abel, and Sons,

Pelham-Holles, see Holles

Pellatt (Pellett):
-, John (d. c. 1660),
-, John, mayor of Arundel (fl. 1671),
-, Ric.,
-, Wm., and his w. Charlotte,

Pelter, Hen. (or Pitter), vicar of Climping,

-, Chas.,
-, Jas. (fl. 1807),
-, Jas. L. (fl. 1905),
-, Wm.,

Penfold Metallising Co.,

Penfolds (Tortington ironworks),

Penfolds Builders Merchants Ltd.,

Penfolds Ready Mixed Concrete Ltd.,

Pennsylvania, governors of,

-, F. G., Vct. Marchwood,
-, Peter, Vct. Marchwood,

-, Algernon, earl of Northumberland,
-, fam.,

pest houses,

Petersfield (Hants),

Pethers, Hen.,

-, Byworth, n,
-, honor,
-, hosp.,
-, ho. of correction,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, park,
-, Petworth estate,
-, rds. to,

Petworth emigration scheme,


Phillimore, Hon. Claud,

Phillips, Amyas,

-, Grania, see Guinness
-, Oswald, marquess of Normanby,

Phipps and Ireland, firm of,

Piper, Edw. (?two of this name), n

Pitter, Hen., see Pelter

planned settlement, medieval,

Plymouth (Devon),
-, stone from,

Pococke, Bp. Ric.,

-, hund., n
-, man., n,

Polingford, John of,

Pollards Nurseries Ltd.,

Poole (Dors.),

Poor Clares,

poor relief, see under names of places

poorhouses, see under names of places; and see workhouses under Arundel; Yapton

Pope, John,

Portland stone,

ports, see under names of places

Portsmouth (Hants),
-, carriers,
-, port,
-, rly.,
-, rds. to,

Portsmouth-Arundel canal,

Portsmouth and Sunderland Newspapers,

Portugal, trade with Arundel,

Post Office staff superannuation fund,

-, Hen.,
-, Jos. (fl. c. 1762),
-, Jos. (fl. early 19th cent.),
-, Jos. (d. 1824 × 1827),
-, Jos. Legg,
-, Mary Ann, m. Thos. Tourle,
-, Susannah, m. John Rickman,

pottery making,

-, Arundel,
-, Climping,
-, Walberton,

Poupart, John,

Powell's, glass by,

Powys, Thos., Ld. Lilford,

-, Alice, m. - Kingston,
-, Eleanor, w. of Hugh, m. Godfrey Hilton,
-, Hugh,
-, Maud, w. of Thos.,
-, Thos., Ld. St. John,
-, fam.,

Praeres, Thos., n

prehistoric estates and land units, see estates and land units

prehistoric remains, see under names of places

Prentys, Thos.,

-, Arundel,

-, Thos. H. Boswall,
-, Wm. H. Boswall,

Preston (near Brighton),

Preston, East:
-, man.,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, united pars. (later union),

-, Capt. Arthur,
-, Ric., M.P.,

Prince Regent, see George IV

Prinsted, see Westbourne

-, Ford open prison, see Climping, Ford open prison

-, Arundel,

prosecuting societies,

provident societies,

-, Marehill,
-, stone from,

Purbeck (Dors.), stone from,
-, Purbeck marble,


-, Edw. Bowden,
-, Geo.,

Pynham priory, see Lyminster


Quarr abbey (I.W.), stone from,

quarrying, see chalk quarrying; clay digging; gravel digging; sand quarrying

quarter sessions, see Sussex

Queen Anne's Bounty,

rabbit warrens,


Racton, fam.,

-, Anne, countess of Newburgh,
-, Ant., earl of Newburgh,
-, Barbara, see Kempe
-, Jas., Vct. Kynnaird, later earl of Newburgh,

railway carriages, houses incorporating,

railways, see under names of places

Ralph, archdeacon of Hereford,

Ralph, s. of Savaric,

-, C. E.,
-, Edw. Staker,
-, Wm. Hen.,

Reading (Berks.),

reading rooms, see under names of places

recreation grounds, see under names of places

-, Ric.,
-, fam.,


-, Ralph de,
-, Wm. de,

-, Lady Eliz.,
-, Lt.-Gen. Sir Thos., Bt.,

Reynell Pack, fam., see Pack

Reynolds, fam.,

Richard I,

Richard II,

Richard, Master (king's cook),

Richard, John,

Richmond, dukes of:
-, estates,
-, patronage,
-, and see Lennox, Chas.

Richmond (Surr.),

-, John,
-, Nic.,
-, Susannah, w. of John, see Postlethwaite
-, W. C.,

Rider, Rob.,

riding officers, see customs and excise

Riggs, Ogle, and his w. Eliz.,

Risberge, hund.,

Rivaux, Peter de,

river defences,

river traffic,

-, Rom.,
-, and see under names of places

Roberts, Hugh, vicar of Yapton,

-, J. H.,
-, and see Langmead, Robinson and Co.; Shaft, Robinson, Shaft and Co.

-, Geo. Hartwell, and his w. Eliza,
-, Steph.,

Rogate, see Durford abbey

Rogationtide processions,

Roger, earl, see Montgomery

Rolland (fl. 1086),

Rolls, Eliza,

Roman Catholicism, and see Norfolk, dukes of, Rom. Cath.; and under names of places

Roman period, see estates and land units; roads, Rom.; and under names of places

-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Rotherbridge, hund.,

Rouen (Seine Maritime),
-, abps., see Coutances

Royal Air Force,


Rufford, John,

Runcton, see Mundham, North

Rustington, n


Ryebank rife,

Ryman, Wm.,

-, Sir Ric.,
-, Thos., Ld. Buckhurst,

Sadler, Rob.,

St. John:
-, Edm. (d. by 1332), n
-, Edm. de (d. 1347),
-, Edw. de (fl. 1341-6),
-, Edw. de (fl. 1364-79), and his w. Joan,
-, Eliz., w. of Edm., m. Gerard de Lisle, n
-, Hugh de,
-, John de (d. 1301), n
-, John de (d. 1329),
-, Olive de,
-, Rob. de,
-, Wm. de (fl. 12th cent.),
-, Wm. de (fl. 1230),
-, fam.,

St. John, Lds., see Paulet, Wm.; Poynings, Thos.

St. Mary Church, Wm. of,

St. Omer (Pas de Calais),

St. Owen:
-, Godehude, see Aguillon
-, Ralph,
-, fam.,

St. Valéry (Seine Maritime),

Sait, E. F.,

Sait's dairies,

Salisbury, earls of, see Cecil

Salisbury (Wilts.),

Salman, Thos., chantry of, n

salt trade,

-, Geo.,
-, -,

Salvation Army,

-, Thos.,
-, Ven. Thos.,

sand quarrying,

Sandwich, Ralph of,

Sandwich (Kent), n,

Sanzaver, Hugh,

Savaric, s. of Cane,

Savaric, s. of Savaric,

Savoy, counts of, see Amadeus



Scarbrough, earls of, see Lumley

schools, see under names of places

-, trade with Arundel,
-, and see Glasgow; Mount Stuart

-, Sir Gilbert,
-, fam., see Hope Scott

Scrase, Ric.,

sculptors, see artists and sculptors

Scutt, Eliz.,

sea, see coast; coastwise trade; maritime trades

seaside resorts, and see under names of places


Second World War,

Secular, Alex. the,

Sées abbey (Orne),
-, estates,

Seller, fam.,

-, Selsey Bill,

Sergant, fam.,

services, customary,

Servite order,

Seward and Co.,

sewers, commissioners of,

-, John,
-, fam.,

Shaft and Co. (wine merchants),

Shaft, Robinson, Shaft and Co. (bankers),

Shaftesbury abbey (Dors.), n

Shaw, Byam,

Sheffield (Yorks. W.R.),

Sheldon, fam.,

-, Eliz., see Michelgrove
-, Jane (fl. 1605),
-, Jane, w. of Sir John (fl. 1615),
-, Sir John (fl. 1604-15),
-, Sir John, M.P. for Arundel (d. 1771),
-, Sir John (fl. c. 1773),
-, Mary, m. John Davies,
-, Mary, w. of Ric., see Bridger
-, Ric.,
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1549),
-, Wm. (fl. 1586-7),
-, -,
-, fam., n,

Shephard, Edm., mayor of Arundel,

sheriff's tourns,

Shermanbury, Wyndham hosp.,



Shipwright, -,

Shoreham (New Shoreham, Old Shoreham),
-, bridge,
-, port,

Shotter, Jabez,

Shrewsbury, earls of, see Bellême

Shulbrede priory (in Linchmere),


Siena (Italy),

signal stations,

Sinclair, H. D.,


Singleton Joinery,

Slater, Jas., see Soulter

Slaughter, Jas., see Soulter

Slaughter, Edw., firm of (later Buller and Slaughter),

-, adv.,
-, ch.,
-, com. pasture,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, sch.,
-, Slindon Ho. estate,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicars,

Slindon Gravel Co.,

Sluis (Netherlands),

-, Barnham,
-, Middleton-on-Sea,
-, Walberton,

-, Alf.,
-, Wm.,

-, John, rector of Binsted,
-, Maurice, rector of Binsted,
-, Maurice, vicar of Donnington,

Smirke, Sir Rob.,

-, John (fl. 1713) (two of this name),
-, John (d. by 1842),
-, John Abel,
-, John Bonham (formerly Bonham), see Bonham
-, Wm.,


Society for Spreading the Light of the Gospel in the Dark Towns and Villages of Sussex,

Solent, gravel dredging,

Somer (Summer), fam.,

Somerset, and see Bath; Bruton; Burnham

Somerset limestone,

Somery, Rog. de, and his w.,

Sotcher, Rob.,

Soulter (Slater, Slaughter), Jas., n

Southampton, earls of, see Fitzwilliam


Southdown Flowers,

Southsea (Hants),

Southwark, Rom. Cath. bps., and see Butt

-, Sir Rob.,
-, Ursula, see Bohun

-, John (fl. c. 1520),
-, John (fl. 1636),
-, Thos. (fl. 1636),
-, Thos. (fl. 1656),
-, fam.,

-, Spanish Armada,
-, trade with Arundel,
-, and see Cadiz

-, Chas.,
-, Francis,
-, Hen.,
-, Rob. (d. 1698),
-, Rob. (d. 1742 or 1743),
-, Rob. (fl. 1819),
-, Rog., vicar of Felpham,
-, Thos. (fl. 1703-20),
-, Thos. (d. in or after 1734),
-, Thos. (fl. 1742-3),
-, Thos. (fl. 1775),
-, fam.,

-, Chas.,
-, Eliza,
-, G.,
-, Geo.,
-, John, n,
-, S.,
-, Miss S. E.,
-, Sarah, w. of John,
-, fam.,

Sparks's engineering works,

Spede, Geof., rector of Middleton,

-, John (fl. 1640),
-, John (d. 1713),
-, Rob. (fl. 1640),
-, Rob. (d. 1750),

-, Eliz., m. Wm. Compton, earl of Northampton,
-, Sir John, ld. mayor of London,
-, fam.,

Spicer, John,

sport, see under names of places

Spyller, Rob.,

Staffordshire, see Lichfield; Wolverhampton

-, Benj. (fl. 1781),
-, Benj. (fl. 1797-1824),
-, Edw. (fl. 1546),
-, Edw. (fl. 1601),
-, Edw. (fl. 1663),
-, Edw. (d. 1673),
-, Edw. (fl. 1682),
-, Edw. (d. 1694),
-, Edw. (fl. after 1726),
-, Edw. (fl. 1742 × 1800) (one or more of this name),
-, Edw., J.P. (fl. 1781),
-, Edw. (fl. 1784-5),
-, Edw. (d. 1825),
-, Hen. (d. c. 1712),
-, Hen. (d. 1726),
-, Jane,
-, John (fl. 16th cent.),
-, John (fl. 1546),
-, John (d. 1612),
-, John (d. 1636),
-, John (d. 1637),
-, John Browning (d. 1836),
-, Thos.,
-, Zacchaeus (d. c. 1795),
-, Zacchaeus (fl. c. 1800),
-, fam.,

Stakis PLC,

-, Joan, m. John Cowper,
-, John,

-, John (fl. 1566),
-, John (d. 1612),
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Stansted, see Stoughton

Staples, Hen.,

Stay, Geo.,

Stedman, F. C.,

-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Stephen, King,

Stern, C. E.,


Stockman, fam., n

Stoke, North,

Stoke, South,
-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, ch., n
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, ferries,
-, fields, open,
-, fishing,
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Stoke, South, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos., n
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, Offham, q.v.
-, parks, see Arundel park
-, pest ho.,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. remains,
-, public servs.,
-, Pughdean (or Pughdean bottom),
-, rly.,
-, rectors,
-, rectory ho.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, South Stoke Fmho.,
-, sport,
-, Swanbourne, q.v.
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, water supply,
-, woods, n

Stokes, Leonard,

-, Nic.,
-, Sim.,


storm of 1987,


Stoughton, Stansted,
-, Stansted Ho.,

Stratford-upon-Avon (Warws.),

Stride and Son, firm of,

Strong, Ric., vicar of Climping,

Strutt, Lavinia, m. Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard, duke of Norfolk,

-, Ld. Dudley Coutts, M.P. for Arundel,
-, John Patrick Crichton, marquess of Bute,

Sturmi (Sturmy):
-, Hugh,
-, Wm.,
-, and see Esturmi

Suffolk, see Kenton

Summer, fam., see Somer

Sunderland (Co. Dur.),

Surrey, earls of, see Howard, Chas., duke of Norfolk (d. 1815)

Surrey, and see Albury; Chiddingfold; Dorking; Farnham; Guildford; Haslemere; Kew Palace; Ockley; Richmond; Waverley abbey

-, county committee,
-, county ct.,
-, county rate,
-, quarter sessions,
-, Vice-Admiralty ct.,

Sussex Archaeological Society,

Sussex Associated Farmers Ltd.,

Sussex marble,

-, Ric.,
-, fam.,

Swanbourne (in Arundel and South Stoke),
-, lake,
-, mill,
-, pumping ho.,

swimming pools,

'Swing' riots, see agricultural unrest of 1830

-, Marg., m. Wm. Thomas,
-, Wal.,

Syon abbey (Mdx.),



-, Hen.,
-, Rog.,

Tarmac Concrete,

Tarmac Topblock,

Tarrant, river, see Arun

Tarring, West,

Tate, Wm., n

Tattershall, Rob.,

-, Alice,
-, Gillian, d. of Alice,
-, John (fl. 1412) (?two of this name),

-, Geo.,
-, Thos., mayor of Arundel,

Teasdale, Jas.,

Templars, see Knights Templar

Tewkesbury (Glos.), n

textile industry, and see fulling; wool merchants



-, Edw.,
-, Frances, m. John Gustavus Crosbie,
-, Frances, w. of Geo. White, see Page
-, Francis,
-, Freeman (d. in or after 1853),
-, Freeman (later Freeman-Thomas) (d. 1941), see Freeman-Thomas
-, Freeman Fred.,
-, Sir Geo., Bt.,
-, Geo. White (formerly White), M.P. for Chichester,
-, Inigo,
-, Marg., see Sydserfe
-, Wm. (d. 1640),
-, Wm. (fl. 1651),
-, Wm. (fl. c. 1654),
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1706),
-, Sir Wm., Bt. (d. 1777),
-, fam.,

Thompson (Tompson):
-, Cath., m. Rob. Anderson,
-, Eliz., m. John Boys,
-, John,
-, Mary, w. of Nic.,
-, Nic., n,
-, Norman,
-, Thos., n

Thompson, Norman, Flight Co.,

Thorncombe (Dors.), Holditch Ct.,

Thorney, Ric. of,

Thornton, Hen.,

Thynne, Harriet, mchnss. of Bath,

Tierney, M. A.,


Tillier, Chris., vicar of Climping,

Tillington, River (man.),

-, Geo.,
-, John (d. c. 1596),
-, John (fl. 1643),
-, John (fl. 1648-63),
-, Mary,
-, Sam.,

timber merchants,

timber trades,
-, Arundel,
-, and see sawmills; shipbuilding; timber merchants

Tippetts, John, and his w. Mary,

-, Eliz.,
-, Frances,
-, Maria,
-, Wm.,

tithe barns,

Todhurst nurseries,

-, John, mayor of Arundel (fl. 1803),
-, John (fl. 1805),

Tompson, see Thompson

Topsham (Devon),

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, bridge (Ford rly. bridge),
-, cemetery,
-, chantry,
-, ch.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Tortington, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, parks,
-, poor relief,
-, pop., n
-, priory, see Tortington priory
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rly. sta. (Ford, formerly Arundel, rly. sta.),
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, Tortington Ho.,
-, Tortington priory, q.v.
-, Tortington Priory Ho.,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicars,
-, water supply,
-, woods,

Tortington priory,
-, estates, pre- and post-Dissolution,
-, Arundel,
-, Binsted, n
-, Climping,
-, Felpham,
-, Middleton,
-, South Stoke,
-, Tortington,
-, Walberton,
-, Yapton,
-, patronage,

tourism and holidays,
-, boating,
-, camping and caravan sites,
-, cycling,
-, hotels and guest hos.,
-, riverside inns,
-, tearooms and tea gardens,
-, and see Arundel, tourism; seaside resorts

-, John Jos.,
-, Mary Ann, w. of Thos., see Postlethwaite
-, Thos.,

Townson, Thos.,

-, Frank,
-, Gerald,

Toynbee, F. & G., firm of,

Toynbee's Nurseries,

-, John de,
-, Margery de, w. of John,
-, Pharamus de,
-, Rog. de,

trade, see coal trade; coastwise trade; maritime trades; merchants; river traffic; salt trade; timber trades; wine trade; and under names of places

transport, see coastwise trade; river traffic; roads

Treagoose, Ric.,

treasure trove,

Tree, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Beerbohm,


Troarn abbey (Calvados),

Trotter, Thos.,

Trunell, John,

Trussel, Wm., n

Trynebarn rectory, see Yapton

Tufnell, Edw., bp. of Brisbane,

Turnant, Edm.,

Turner, Wm., rector of Binsted,

Tyler, -,

United Reformed church,

United States of America:
-, navy,
-, and see Henniker; New York; Pennsylvania

Upperton, Edw.,

-, Hen. (d. 1853),
-, Hen. (fl. 1880s),
-, Sidney H. F.,
-, Sidney J.,

Venables, fam.,

Victoria, Queen,
-, Golden Jubilee (1887),
-, Diamond Jubilee (1897),

-, John de,
-, Lettice de, w. of Luke, m. 2 Wm. Cambray,
-, Luke de (fl. 1275),
-, Luke de (fl. 1300),
-, Luke de (fl. 1325-44),
-, Peter de,

-, Rob. (fl. 1351), n
-, Rob. de (fl. 1244),


Visdeleu, Humph.,

Vogan, Thos. S. L., vicar of Walberton and Yapton,

volunteer soldiers, Arundel,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Avisford, q.v.
-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, bus servs.,
-, carriers,
-, char.,
-, ch., n,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fair,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, Fontwell, q.v.
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Walberton, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, libraries,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho., and see Walberton, Walberton Ho.
-, mkt. gardening,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, parks,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, public servs.,
-, reading rm.,
-, recreation grounds,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Walberton, clubs and socs.
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars,
-, Walberton green,
-, Walberton Ho. (man. ho.) (later Walberton Park),
-, Walberton Ho. estate,
-, water supply,
-, woods,

Wales, and see Cardiff

Walker, R. W.,

wall paintings and other painted decorations, n,

-, Mrs. Lewis (Florence West),
-, Sir Wm.,

Wallingford (Berks.), n

Walpole, Horace,

Walton, Isaak,

war memorials,

Wareham, Wm.,

Wareham (Dors.), n

Warin (fl. 1086),

Warningcamp, n,

Warr, Lds. de la, see West, Thos.

warrens, see free warren; rabbit warrens

Warwick, cast.,

Warwickshire, and see Birmingham; Stratford-upon-Avon; Warwick


water bailiffs,

watercress beds,

Waterford (Ireland),

Watersfield, Thos.,

Watkins, Rob.,

Waugh, Evelyn,

Wauton, John de,

Waverley abbey (Surr.),

-, timber from,
-, wealden outliers,

Webber, Chas., archdeacon of Chichester,

Wedon, Wm. of,

Weeden, Ant.,

-, Carew, M.P. for Arundel, and his w. Cath.,
-, Oliver,

Wellings, Thos., rector of Eastergate,

Wessex, earls of, see Godwine

-, Florence, see Waller
-, Thos., Ld. de la Warr, and his w. Eliz.,

West Barnham Estate (development co.),

West and Dart, firm of,

West Sussex county council,
-, fire service,
-, libraries,
-, smallholdings,

West Sussex Gazette,

-, Prinsted,

Westcote, fam.,

Westergate, see Aldingbourne

Westeton, fam.,

-, Goodwood, q.v.
-, poor-law union,
-, rural dist. council,

Westmill, fam.,

Wey and Arun canal,

Weymouth (Dors.),

Wheeler and Lodge, architects,

Whitby stone,

White (Whyte):
-, A. R. M.,
-, Alex.,
-, Ant. P.,
-, Arthur,
-, Chas.,
-, Geo. (later Thomas), see Thomas, Geo. White
-, Sir Herb.,
-, Gen. John,
-, Mary,
-, Thos. Penny, and his w. Charlotte,

Whiteways, see Houghton

Whyte, see White

Wick, see Felpham

widow's bench,

Wight, Isle of, see Cowes, West; Newport; Quarr abbey

Wildbridge see Yapton

Wildfowl Trust (later Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust),

William II,

William, archdeacon of London,

William (fl. 1086) (?three of this name),

-, John,
-, Wm.,

Williamson, Thos., vicar of Arundel,

Willingdon, Lds., see Freeman-Thomas

Wilmer, Sam.,

-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Wm., vicar of Billingshurst,

Wilton, Wm., rector of South Stoke,

Wiltshire, see Maiden Bradley priory; Salisbury

Wimble, John,


Windsor (Berks.):
-, cast., n,
-, St. George's coll.,

wine merchants, medieval,

wine trade,

Winter, W. R.,

Wisborough Green,
-, Loxwood,
-, Newbridge,
-, Pallingham,
-, Pallingham quay,

Wisden, Thos.,

Wise's brewery,

-, Mrs. E.,
-, E. E.,
-, Luke,
-, Col. Sir Sidney,
-, fam.,

-, Thos.,
-, -,


Wocket, Wm.,

Wolsey, Thos., Cardinal,

Wolverhampton (Staffs.),

-, Arthur,
-, Geo.,

Woodgate, see Aldingbourne

woodland, ancient,

woodland trades, see charcoal burning; coppicing; timber trades

-, John,
-, Jos.,

wool merchants, medieval,

Woolton, Vcts. and earls of, see Marquis

workhouses, see Arundel; Yapton; and see poorhouses under names of places

Worksop (Notts.),

-, nonconf., protestant,
-, port,
-, rly.,
-, rds. to,
-, schs.,

wreck, right of,

Wulfnoth (fl. 1066),

-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Wm.,
-, -, see Hopkins, Drewitt, and Wyatt
-, fam.,

-, Geo. O'Brien, earl of Egremont,
-, Hen., Ld. Leconfield,

Wynford, Wm.,

Yapton, n,
-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Berri Ct.,
-, Bilsham, q.v.
-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, bus servs.,
-, canal,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, Flansham, q.v.
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Yapton, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, libraries,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, mkt. gardening,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, parks,
-, poor-law union,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. remains,
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rly. sta.,
-, recreation grounds,
-, rectory ho.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Yapton, clubs and socs.
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, Trynebarn rectory,
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars,
-, water supply,
-, Wildbridge,
-, woods,
-, workho.,
-, Yapton Coverts, man.,
-, Yapton Ho. (later Yapton Pla.),
-, Yapton Shulbrede, man.,

Yapton aerodrome, see Ford airfield

Yarmouth (Norf.),

Yeveley, Hen.,

Yorkshire, West Riding, see Sheffield

Young, And.,