
Pages 262-271

A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 5 Part 1, Arundel Rape: South-Western Part, Including Arundel. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1997.

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NOTE. A page number in italic denotes an illustration on that page or a plate facing that page. The pages containing the substantive history of a parish are set in bold type. A page number followed by n is a reference only to the footnotes on that page.

Abercorn, marquesses of, see Hamilton

Abergavenny, Lds., see Nevill, fam.

Abraham, Rob.,

Acard (fl. 1086),

Adams, Holden and Pearson, architects,

Adelize, queen of Henry I, m.2 Wm. d'Aubigny, earl of Arundel,

Adlington, Alf., n

Adur, river,


agricultural improvement, 19th-cent.,
-, model fms.,

agricultural unrest of 1830,

agriculture, see agistment; assarts; cider making; fields, open; flower growing; fruit growing; hop growing; inclosure; mkt. gardening under names of places; services, customary; smallholdings; vineyards; woad; and under names of places

-, Alice, m. Rob. Haket,
-, Cecily, m. Peter of Gatesden,
-, Godehude, m. Ralph St. Owen,
-, Mary, m. Wm. Covert,
-, Reynold,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,

aircraft works,

airfields, see Ford airfield

Albemarle, earls of, see Keppel

-, John, mayor of Arundel (fl. c. 1652), n
-, John (fl. 1674), n

Albourne, Albourne Pla.,

Albury (Surr.),

Aldingbourne, n,
-, ch.,
-, dom. archit., n
-, Fontwell racecourse, see Fontwell
-, mill,
-, park,
-, settlement,
-, Westergate,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, schs.,
-, trades and ind.,
-, Woodgate, rly. sta.,

Aldingbourne rife,

Aldwick, hund.,

Alexander, John, mayor of Arundel,

Alfred, King,

Allen, Chesney,

-, Eliza, m. Hen. Hounsom, f
-, Wm.,

Alménêches abbey (Orne),

almshouses, see Arundel

Alnoth (fl. 1066),

Alwine (fl. 1066),

Amadeus, count of Savoy,

-, Chalkpits Mus., n

Amersham (Bucks.),

Amiens (Somme),

Amoore, Geo.,

anchorites, and see hermits

ancient demesne,

Ancient Order of Foresters,

Ancton (in Felpham, later Middleton-on-Sea), n
-, Ancton Fmho.,
-, Ancton Manor,
-, trades and ind.,

-, Cath., see Thompson
-, Sir Ric. (fl. 1704),
-, Rob. (fl. 1697),

Anglo-Catholicism, and see High Churchmanship

-, Barpham,
-, Ecclesden,
-, man.,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,

animals and birds, exotic,

Ansgot (fl. 1066),

-, Sir John, Bt.,
-, Lady,

Anstis, John,

-, Sir Allen,
-, John (fl. 16th cent.),
-, John (fl. 1567-87),

Arbuthnot, Geo., vicar of Arundel,

architects, and see Abraham; Adams, Holden and Pearson; Buckler; Burn; Creed; Gibbs; Hadfield; Hadfield and Goldie; Hansom, J. A.; Hansom, J. S.; Heveningham; Hills; Hiorne; Holliday; Jackson, Sir T. G.; Jones; Morley, John; Paine; Phillimore; Phillips; Scott, Sir Gilbert; Smirke; Stokes; Teasdale; Wheeler and Lodge

architecture, domestic, see under names of places

-, Ralph de,
-, Thos. de,

army, training camps,

Arran, earls of, see Gore

artists and sculptors, and see Backler; Bacon; Blake; Constable, John; Damer; Earp; Eginton; Gennari; Gill; Guthrie; Hardy, Heywood; Mackennal; Noble; Shaw

Arun, river (otherwise Tarrant),
-, Arun navigation,
-, at Arundel, and see Arundel, waterfront
-, at Climping,
-, at Ford,
-, at Littlehampton,
-, at South Stoke,
-, at Tortington,

Arun district council,

-, Eleanor d', w. of John, earl of Arundel,
-, Humph. d', earl of Arundel,
-, John of, chancellor of Chichester cathedral (fl. 1220-48),
-, Sir John d', Ld. Arundel (d. 1379),
-, Sir John d' (d. 1390),
-, John d', earl of Arundel (d. 1421),
-, as Ld. Maltravers,
-, John d', earl of Arundel (d. 1435),

Arundel, earls of,
-, and Arundel,
-, estates,
-, Arundel,
-, Climping,
-, Middleton-on-Sea,
-, South Stoke,
-, Tortington,
-, Yapton,
-, patronage,
-, and see Arundel; Aubigny; FitzAlan; Fitzalan-Howard; Howard; Montgomery

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, almshos.,
-, boro.,
-, cts.,
-, officers, and see Arundel, mayors
-, seal,
-, and see Arundel: burgesses; corp.; parl. representation
-, bdry.,
-, bridge, n,
-, brotherhood,
-, burgages,
-, burgess brooks,
-, burgesses,
-, burh,
-, bus servs.,
-, carriers,
-, cast.,
-, cast. guard,
-, chapel, medieval,
-, fabric,
-, grounds,
-, bowling green, cricket ground, gates and lodges, and see Arundel, Little park
-, home fms.,
-, milit. events, Civil War,
-, officers,
-, Castle green,
-, cathedral, see Arundel, Rom. Cath.
-, causeway,
-, cemeteries and chyd.,
-, chantries, n
-, chapels, medieval,
-, Marygate,
-, and see Arundel, cast., chapel
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, minster,
-, St. Nicholas, Fitzalan chapel, n, 'Fitzalan chapel case' ('Arundel chancel case'), mons., 'sacristy',
-, and see Arundel, chapels
-, cinema,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, College green,
-, com. pasture, and see Arundel, burgess brooks
-, corn store,
-, corp.,
-, feasts,
-, patronage,
-, plate,
-, and see Arundel, boro.
-, as county centre,
-, ct. ho.,
-, cts., and see Arundel, boro., cts.
-, custom ho.,
-, defences, and see Arundel, gates
-, dom. archit., and see Arundel, cast., fabric
-, fairs,
-, fms.,
-, ferries,
-, fields, open,
-, fire sta.,
-, fires,
-, fishing,
-, fishponds,
-, forest,
-, gasworks,
-, gates,
-, Marygate,
-, Watergate (Marshgate),
-, and see Arundel, cast., grounds (gates and lodges)
-, Great park, n,
-, great pond, n,
-, hermitage,
-, honor, see Arundel, rape and honor
-, hosps., medieval,
-, Holy Trinity hosp. (Maison Dieu),
-, of St. James (leper hospital),
-, of St. John the Baptist,
-, hosps., 19th- and 20th-cent.,
-, ho. of correction,
-, improvement com.,
-, incl., n
-, ind., see Arundel, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos., frontispiece,
-, Norfolk Arms hotel,
-, institutes, Victoria institute,
-, libraries,
-, Little park,
-, cricket ground,
-, local govt., see Arundel: boro.; corp.; man.; par. govt.
-, man.,
-, mkt. gardening,
-, mkts.,
-, mayors,
-, milit. events,
-, mills,
-, museums,
-, newspapers,
-, Nineveh,
-, Nineveh shipyard,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, Congregationalists,
-, Independents,
-, Presbyterians,
-, Quakers,
-, Panets pond,
-, par. govt.,
-, Park bottom, and see Arundel, great pond
-, Park Fmho.,
-, Park Ho., n,
-, parks, and see Arundel, Great park; Arundel, Little park; Arundel park
-, parl. representation,
-, pest ho.,
-, place name, n
-, police sta.,
-, poor relief,
-, poorho.,
-, pop.,
-, port, and see Arundel, waterfront
-, pound,
-, prehist. remains,
-, prisons, and see Arundel, ho. of correction
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rly. stas., and see Lyminster, rly., rly. stas.
-, rape and honor,
-, cts.,
-, officers,
-, prison,
-, volunteers,
-, reading rms.,
-, recreation grounds,
-, relig. hos.,
-, coll., buildings, n; estates,
-, Dominican friary,
-, priory, estates, n,
-, Servite convent (later St. Wilfrid's priory),
-, and see Arundel, hosps., medieval
-, residential devel., late 19th- and 20th-cent.,
-, the Rewell (or Rewell wood),
-, rds. and streets,
-, Bakers Arms Hill, n,
-, Brewery Hill,
-, Canada Rd.,
-, Fitzalan Rd.,
-, High St.,
-, King St.,
-, Kings Arms Hill, n,
-, London Rd., and see Arundel, rds. and streets, rds. to London
-, Maltravers St., n
-, mkt. place,
-, Marygate St., n
-, Mill Lane (otherwise Jury Lane),
-, Mill Rd.,
-, Mount Pleasant,
-, New Cut,
-, Park Pla.,
-, Parson's Hill,
-, Queen St.,
-, River Rd.,
-, rds. to London, and see Arundel, rds. and streets, London Rd.
-, School Lane,
-, Surrey St.,
-, Tarrant St., n
-, Whitings dyke, n, n
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, cemetery,
-, ch. (later cathedral), frontispiece,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, sessions ho.,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Arundel, clubs and socs.
-, south marshes, n
-, sport,
-, streets, see Arundel, rds. and streets
-, Swanbourne, q.v.
-, theatres,
-, tithes,
-, tourism,
-, town council,
-, town halls,
-, trades and ind., and see Arundel, port
-, vicarage ho., n,
-, vicars,
-, vineyards,
-, water supply,
-, waterfront,
-, woods, and see Arundel, the Rewell
-, workho.,

Arundel Barge or Lighter Co.,

Arundel brewery (in Ford),

Arundel and Brighton, diocese,
-, bps.,

Arundel Co-operative Stores,

Arundel Gas Light and Coke Co. (later Arundel Gas Co.),

Arundel park (Arundel new park) (in Arundel, Houghton, and South Stoke),
-, Arundel Park ho.,
-, Hiorne's tower,

Arundel Timber and Sawmills Co.,

Aseio (fl. late 11th cent.),



Atherington (otherwise Bailiffscourt) (in Climping),
-, agric.,
-, Bailiffscourt (ho.),
-, chapel,
-, cts.,
-, fms.,
-, local govt.,
-, man., n
-, man. ho., see Atherington, Bailiffscourt (ho.)
-, mill,
-, park,
-, trades,
-, woods,

-, Hugh d', earl of Arundel,
-, Isabel d', countess of Arundel,
-, Wm. d', earl of Arundel (d. 1176),
-, his w., see Adelize
-, Wm. d', earl of Arundel (d. 1193),
-, Wm. d', earl of Arundel (d. 1221),
-, Wm. d', earl of Arundel (d. 1224),
-, fam., and see Arundel, earls of

Auld, Mrs.,

Aungier, Francis, Vct. Longford, M.P. for Arundel,

Australia, see Brisbane

Avenell, fam.,

Avisford (in Walberton),
-, Avisford Ho.,
-, estate,
-, park,
-, bridge,
-, hund., see Avisford hund.
-, rds.,

Avisford hund.,
-, cts.,
-, officers,
-, pound,

Aylward, -,

Aywood, Urian,

Azo (fl. 1086),

Backler, Jos.,

Bacon, John,

Bailiffscourt, see Atherington (otherwise Bailiffscourt)

Baird, John,

-, John,
-, Maurice,
-, Ric.,
-, fam.,

-, John (fl. c. 1310), n
-, John (fl. 1546), see Edmunds
-, fam.,

Baltic, timber from,

Bampfield, Col. Jos.,



-, Wm. (d. 1712),
-, Wm. (d. 1758),

Barnard, fam.,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Barnham Ct.,
-, bdry.,
-, bridge,
-, bus servs.,
-, canal,
-, carriers,
-, chantry,
-, ch.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, inns and public hos.,
-, library,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, mkt., see Eastergate, mkts., Barnham mkt.
-, mkt. gardening,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, Parsonage Fmho.,
-, poor relief,
-, poorho.,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. remains,
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rly., sta., see Eastergate
-, reading rm.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Barnham, clubs and socs.
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades,
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars,
-, water supply,
-, West Barnham, see Eastergate
-, woods,

Barnham brook,

Barnham Nurseries Ltd.,

Barnham Transport Co. Ltd.,

Barpham, see Angmering


-, Chas.,
-, fam.,

Barttelot (Bartellot):
-, Hen.,
-, Wm.,

Basing, Old (Hants),

Bateman, Hen.,

Bath, marquesses of, see Thynne

Bath (Som.),

Bath stone,

-, for coastal defence,

Beaconsfield, earls of, see Disraeli

Beardsley, Aubrey,

Beed, J. B., vicar of Felpham,

Bek, Anthony, bp. of Durham,

Beldam, -, see Holmes, Beldam & Co.

Belgium, see Bruges; Low Countries

Bellême, Rob. of, earl of Shrewsbury,

bellfounders, see Eldridge; Kipling; Rider; Rufford; Tapsell


-, John,
-, Ralph (d. 1532),
-, Ralph (fl. 1551),
-, Thos.,

Bennet (Bennett):
-, Levinus, and his w. Judith,
-, Thos. (fl. 1610),
-, Sir Thos., Bt. (d. 1667),

Benyon, Geo.,

Berengaria, queen of Richard I,

Berkshire, see Reading; Wallingford; Windsor

Bersted, North and South,
-, bridge, n
-, ch.,
-, mills, n
-, schs.,

Betty, Master,

Bevery, Albin de,

Bible Christians,


-, Ann,
-, Chas. (fl. 1790-1818),
-, Chas. (fl. 1818-40),
-, John,
-, Thos.,


-, John of,
-, Lettice of,
-, Rog. of,
-, Wm. of (fl. 1303),
-, Wm. of (d. 1345), n,
-, fam.,

Bilsham (in Yapton),
-, chapel,
-, man.,
-, man. hos.,

Bine, fam.,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Binsted Ho.,
-, bdry.,
-, bus servs.,
-, chantry,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, Church Fm.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Binsted, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, Marsh Fm.,
-, Meadow Lodge,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, parks,
-, place name,
-, poor relief,
-, poorho.,
-, pop., n
-, prehist. remains,
-, public servs.,
-, rectors,
-, rectory ho.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains, n
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars,
-, water supply,
-, woods, n

Binsted brook,

Binsted ware,


Black Death,

Blackman, fam.,

Blackman, Louis, Ltd.,

Blake, Wm.,

Blakeway, Phil.,

Bland, Geo.,

-, Hen. (fl. 16th cent.),
-, Revd. Hen. (fl. 1601),

Blofield, Edw.,

Blount, Sir Wal., Bt.,

boatbuilding, see shipbuilding

Bognor (later Bognor Regis),
-, carriers,
-, coastguard sta.,
-, golf course,
-, hosps.,
-, local govt.,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, port, n
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, schs.,
-, as seaside resort,
-, shops,
-, sport,
-, trades and ind.,
-, urban dist. council,
-, water supply,

Bognor Gas Co.,

Bognor Gas and Electricity Co.,

Bognor Gas Light and Coke Co.,

Bognor rock sandstone,

Bognor Water Co.,

-, Enjuger de,
-, Frank de,
-, John de (fl. before 1279),
-, John de (d. c. 1492),
-, Mary de, m. Sir Hen. Owen,
-, Ursula de, m. Sir Rob. Southwell,
-, fam.,

Bolton, Wm.,

-, Hen. Chris. (later Lewis), rector of Binsted,
-, John (later Lewis),

bonfire societies,

-, Hen.,
-, John (later Smith),

-, Ann,
-, Geo. (fl. 1843),
-, Geo. (fl. 1884),
-, John (fl. 1770),
-, John (fl. 1790),
-, John (fl. 1803),
-, John (fl. before 1805),
-, John (fl. 1819),
-, John (fl. 1840),
-, John (fl. 1843),
-, Mary,
-, Thos. (d. 1763),
-, Thos. (fl. 1843),
-, -, d. of John,
-, fam.,

-, Joan,
-, John,

-, Wm. E.,
-, fam.,

Borham (unlocated), n, n

Boston (Lincs.), n

Boughton, Ric.,

Bourgchier, Thos., abp. of Canterbury,

Bournemouth (Hants),

-, Allan,
-, fam.,

-, Thos. (fl. 1544), and his w. Joan,
-, Sir Thos. (fl. c. 1640),
-, fam.,

-, Goodwood, q.v.
-, Halnaker:
-, honor,
-, man., n,
-, Oldbury, man.,
-, priory:
-, estates: Arundel, Barnham, Middleton, South Stoke, Tortington, Walberton, Yapton,
-, patronage,
-, Seabeach, man.,

Boxold, John,

-, Eliz., see Thompson
-, John,
-, Ric.,
-, Sam.,

Bracklesham, Wm. of, dean of Chichester,

-, rape,

Brent, Nat.,

Brentford (Mdx.),


Breton, Hen. le,



-, Mary, m. Ric. Shelley,
-, Thos. (fl. c. 1646),
-, Thos. (fl. 1651-4),
-, Thos. (d. 1683),
-, Thos. Covey, n
-, fam.,

Briggs and Crookenden, firm of,

-, carriers,
-, ch., n
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, port,
-, rly.,
-, rds. to,
-, shops,

Brisbane (Australia), bps., see Tufnell

Bristol, marquesses of, see Hervey


brotherhoods, see Arundel; Felpham

Brown, Ralph,

Brown and Creese, firm of,

-, Agnes,
-, Francis, Vct. Montague,
-, John,
-, Wm. (fl. 1593-6),
-, Sir Wm. (fl. 1608-29),
-, fam., Vcts. Montague,

Browning, Julian, rector of Middleton and vicar of Felpham,

Bruges (Belgium),

Bruton (Som.), priory,

Buckenham, New (Norf.),

Buckhurst, Lds., see Sackville, Thos.

Buckinghamshire, see Amersham; Eton

Buckler, C. A.,

Bulbeck, G. H.,

Bull, John,

Buller and Slaughter (later Buller), firm of,

bulls, papal, n

Burch, fam.,

Burch, C. W., firm of,


Burgh, Hubert de,

Burgundy, glass from,


Burn, Wm.,

Burnand, Edw., vicar of Yapton,

Burnham (Som.), n

-, Peppering,

Burrell, Arthur,

Burton, n

-, hund.,

-, Chas.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Bushby, Chas., and Sons,

Bute, marquesses of, see Stuart, John

Butt, John, Rom. Cath. priest (later bp. of Southwark),

Byass, fam.,

Cadiz (Spain),

Caen stone,

Caiger, Thos.,

Calais (Pas-de-Calais),

Cambray, Wm.,

Campbell, -, see Holmes, Campbell & Co.

Canada, emigration to,

canals, see Portsmouth-Arundel canal; Wey and Arun canal

Canterbury (Kent):
-, abps.:
-, estates, n,
-, patronage,
-, and see Bourgchier
-, rds. to,

Capital and Counties Bank Ltd.,

Caraccioli, Chas.,

Cardiff, cast.,

CARE communities,

Carleton, Edw.,

Carr, John, vicar of Arundel,

carriers, see under names of places

Carter, Thos., rector of South Stoke,

-, Sir Edw. (fl. 1608),
-, Sir John (fl. 1592),
-, John (fl. 1649),

causeways, see Arundel

-, Godfrey de,
-, Hugh de,
-, Rob. de (fl. 1139-40),
-, Rob. de (fl. early 13th cent.),
-, Rob. de (fl. 1205),

Cawley, Wm.,

Cecil, Rob., earl of Salisbury,

cemeteries, see under names of places


chalk quarrying,

Challoner, Ric., Rom. Cath. bp.,

-, John de,
-, Peter de, and his w. Agnes,

Chancellor, -, n

Chanceus, Emery de,

chantries, see under names of places

chapels of ease, medieval:
-, Bilsham,
-, Flansham, n,

-, Abraham,
-, Sir John (fl. 1616-47),

charcoal burning,

Charles I, n

Chatham (Kent),

Chaworth, Sir Geo.,

Cheshunt (Herts),

Chessel, fam.,

chests, medieval,

-, Ellis de, and his w. Joan,
-, Wm. de (fl. 1327),
-, Wm. de (d. by 1363),

-, archdeacons of,
-, bps.,
-, chaplains,
-, estates,
-, patronage,
-, registrars,
-, and see Climping, John; Hare
-, carriers,
-, cathedral:
-, chancellors, see Arundel, John of
-, dean and chapter: estates, patronage,
-, deans,
-, prebends and prebendaries,
-, precentors,
-, residentiary canons,
-, vicars choral,
-, chs.,
-, corp.,
-, hosps., 19th-cent.,
-, ho. of correction,
-, ind., see Chichester, trades and ind.
-, mkt.,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, parl. representation,
-, port,
-, prisons, and see Chichester, ho. of correction
-, rly.,
-, rape,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, rural dist. council,
-, St. Mary's hosp.,
-, schs.,
-, shire ct.,
-, trades and ind.,

Chiddingfold (Surr.),

Chiddingly, Golden Cross,


Chillingworth, Wm.,

Chinnery, W. M.,

Christ's Hospital (London, later in Horsham), estates,

church ales,

church commissioners:
-, estates,
-, and see ecclesiastical commissioners

church dedications:
-, changed, n, n
-, St. Mary, high proportion of,
-, St. Nicholas, maritime connexion, n

cider making,


Civil War, n,

-, man.,
-, Michelgrove,
-, Shelley fam., n,

Clark, -, see Jones and Clark

clay digging,

Clayton, Mrs. J. W.,

Climping, John, bp. of Chichester,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Atherington (otherwise Bailiffscourt), q.v.
-, bdry.,
-, bridges,
-, Brookpits Manor,
-, bus servs.,
-, ch.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, Cudlow, q.v.
-, detached parts of Littlehampton, see
-, Atherington (otherwise Bailiffscourt); Littlehampton, detached parts
-, dom. archit., n,
-, fms.,
-, ferry,
-, fields, open, n
-, fishing,
-, Ford airfield, q.v.
-, Ford open prison,
-, glebe, n,
-, Ilsham, q.v.
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Climping, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, mkt.,
-, mkt. gardening,
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, parks,
-, poor relief,
-, poorho.,
-, pop.,
-, prisons, see Climping, Ford open prison
-, public servs.,
-, reading rm.,
-, recreation grounds,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, as seaside resort,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Climping, clubs and socs.
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars,
-, water supply,
-, woods,

cloth industry, see textile industry

'Clubmen' movement,


Coade stone,

coal merchants,
-, Arundel,

coal trade,

-, beacons,
-, coastal defences,
-, erosion and flooding:
-, Climping,
-, Felpham,
-, Middleton,
-, foreshore rights,
-, signal stations,
-, and see seaside resorts; wreck, right of

coastguard stations,


coastwise trade,

Cobham, Sir Alan,

Cobham (Kent),



Coldicott, Capt. R.,

Colebrooke, Sir Geo.,

-, Chas., n,
-, Chris.,

-, Wm. (fl. 1870s-90s),
-, Wm. (fl. early 20th cent.),
-, fam.,

Combe, Thos., vicar of Arundel,

commuting to work,
-, from Arundel,
-, from Barnham and Eastergate,
-, from Felpham,
-, from Middleton-on-Sea,
-, from Walberton,

-, Eliz., see Spencer
-, Spencer, earl of Northampton,
-, Wm., earl of Northampton,

Conder, Alf., rector of Middleton,

Congregationalists, and see Independents

-, Geo. (fl. 1830s-50s),
-, Geo. (fl. c. 1880),
-, John,

Constable and Sons, firm of,

Constable-Maxwell, Gwendoline Mary, Lady Herries, m. Hen. Fitzalan-Howard, duke of Norfolk,

convalescent homes, see nursing and convalescent homes

Cooke, Ric.,

-, Mary, m. - Johnson,
-, Thos. (fl. 1699),
-, Thos. (fl. 1712),
-, Thos. (fl. 1732),
-, fam.,
-, and see Cowper

-, Jos. (fl. 1780s),
-, Jos. (fl. 1814),
-, Jos. (fl. 1814-28),
-, Jos. (fl. 1821),
-, Jos. (fl. 1843),
-, Jos. (d. 1844),
-, Mary,
-, Middleton Ric.,
-, Ric. (fl. 1776),
-, Ric. (d. 1803),
-, Ric. (fl. 1814),
-, Ric. (fl. 1821),
-, Ric. (fl. 1832),
-, Ric. (fl. 1843),
-, Ric. (d. 1873),
-, Ruth (fl. 1821),
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

copperas stone,


corn merchants,

-, A. P., vicar of Barnham,
-, Sir John, later Ld. Fanhope,


Cortis, Alf.,

Cortis, Alf., Ltd.,

-, Edm.,
-, Ric. (fl. before c. 1848),
-, Ric. (d. 1871),
-, Thos.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Cosmati style,

Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion,

Coutances, Wal. de, bp. of Lincoln, later abp. of Rouen,

-, John le (?two of this name),
-, Mary, see Aguillon
-, Rob. le,
-, Rog. (fl. 1279),
-, Rog. (fl. 1286-c. 1300),
-, Wm.,

Cowdray park, see Easebourne

Cowes, West (I.W.),

-, Edw.,
-, Joan, see Standbridge
-, John (fl. c. 1520),
-, John (d. c. 1540),
-, Ralph,
-, Rob.,
-, and see Cooper

Creed, Ric.,

Creese, -, see Brown and Creese

Crick, Wal.,

-, Hugh de (fl. 1303-7),
-, Hugh de (fl. 1337-8),
-, Phil. de,

Croftway Nurseries,

Cromwell, Oliver, Ld. Protector,

Crookenden, -, see Briggs and Crookenden

-, Chas.,
-, Frances, see Thomas
-, Lt.-Gen. John Gustavus,

Crossbush, see Lyminster

crosses, Climping,

Crowe, Jas., n,

-, estates:
-, Arundel cast.,
-, Arundel rape,
-, Barnham,
-, Binsted,
-, Climping,
-, Eastergate,
-, Felpham,
-, Ford,
-, Middleton,
-, South Stoke,
-, Tortington,
-, Walberton,
-, Yapton,
-, patronage, n,

Cudlow (in Climping),
-, ch.,
-, man.,
-, port,
-, rds. to,

Cumberland, Norfolk estate,


Curtis, John, vicar of Yapton,

customs and excise,
-, riding officers,

-, Charlotte,
-, J.,
-, John,
-, Jos.,
-, Wm.,
-, fam.,

Cutte, Ric.,

cycling, see tourism and holidays

Dale Park, see Madehurst

Dallaway, Jas., rector of South Stoke,

Damer, Anne Seymour,

Dammer, fam.,

Dare and Co.'s dairy,

Dart, W. H.,

Dartmouth (Devon),

-, John,
-, Mary, see Shelley

-, Anne,
-, Susanna,

Day, A. J.,

Dean, fam.,

Dean, East,

Dean, West,

Dearling, John,

deer, and see parks under names of places

-, Ambrose (fl. 17th cent.),
-, Ambrose (fl. 1686),
-, Marg.,


Dennis, Thos. Edw.,

Dennis Estates Ltd.,


Derbyshire marble,

Derwent Hall (Derbys.),

-, farming fams. from,
-, and see Dartmouth; Plymouth; Topsham

Dieppe (Seine Maritime),

-, Dan.,
-, fam.,

Disraeli, Benj., earl of Beaconsfield,

Dix, Wm.,

Dixon-Hartland, Sir Fred., Bt.,

Dobell, John,

Dodding, Ric., mayor of Arundel,

Dolben, fam.,

Dominican order,


Dorking (Surr.),

Dorset, Mic.,

-, stone from,
-, and see Poole; Portland; Purbeck; Shaftesbury abbey; Thorncombe; Wareham; Weymouth

Douglas, Jas., rector of Middleton,

Dover (Kent),
-, cast.,

Downes, Col. John,

-, Francis (d. c. 1711),
-, Francis (fl. 1723-4),
-, Matthias,
-, Thos.,

-, Rob.,
-, -, see Hopkins, Drewitt, and Wyatt

Drury, Geo., and his w. Mary,

Dudley, Rob., earl of Leicester,

-, Chas.,
-, Thos.,

Durford abbey (in Rogate),

Durham, bps., see Bek

Durham, co., and see Sunderland

Durnford, Thos., rector of Middleton,

Dyer, Wm.,

Eadgifu (fl. 953),

Eadred, King,

Earp, Thos.,


earthworks, chief:
-, Arundel,
-, Climping,
-, Ford,
-, Yapton,

Easebourne, Cowdray park,

East India Co.,


-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, bdry.,
-, bridge,
-, bus servs.,
-, carriers,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts.,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fair,
-, fms.,
-, fields, open,
-, Fontwell, q.v.
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Eastergate, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, library,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, Manor Fmho.,
-, mkt. gardening,
-, mkts.,
-, Barnham mkt.,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, poor relief,
-, poorho.,
-, pop.,
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rly. sta. (Barnham rly. sta.),
-, recreation ground,
-, rectors,
-, rectory ho.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Eastergate, clubs and socs.
-, sport,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, water supply,
-, West Barnham,
-, woods,

Easwrith, hund.,

Easwrith, West, half-hund. (later hund.),

Ecclesden, see Angmering

ecclesiastical commissioners,
-, estates,
-, and see church commissioners

Edgar, King,

Edmund of Woodstock, earl of Kent,
-, his w. Marg.,

-, Charity, m. Laurence Eliot,
-, Chris.,
-, Hen.,
-, John (fl. 1544) (two of this name),
-, John (or Baldwin) (fl. 1546) (two of this name),
-, John (d. 1571),
-, John (d. 1688),
-, Mary, w. of Chris., m. Geo. Oglander,
-, Rob. (d. by 1693),
-, Rob. (fl. 1710),
-, Wal. (fl. c. 1590),
-, Wal. (fl. 1606),
-, Wal. (d. 1612),
-, Wm. (d. 1630),
-, Wm. (d. 1658),
-, fam.,

Edward I,

Edward II,

Edward III,

Edward, the Black Prince,

Edwards, Rob.,


Eginton, Francis,

Egremont, earls of, see Wyndham, Geo. O'Brien

Eldridge, Bryan,

Eliot (Elliott):
-, Charity, see Edmunds
-, Chris.,
-, Laurence,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

Elizabeth I,

Elizabeth II,

Elliott, see Eliot

-, Mary, n
-, fam.,

Ellis and Farnden, firm of,

-, Martin of, n
-, Wm. (d. c. 1325),
-, Wm. (fl. c. 1325),

Elmer (in Middleton-on-Sea),
-, coastguard sta., n,
-, Elmer Beach estate,
-, Elmer pool,
-, Elmer Sands estate,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,

Elmer Sands Association,

Elstob, Chas.,


Emsworth (Hants),

epidemic diseases, and see Black Death

Ernald (fl. 1086),

Ernucion (fl. 1086),

Essex, and see Hedingham, Castle

estate cottages,
-, Arundel,
-, Climping,
-, Ford,
-, Middleton-on-Sea,
-, South Stoke,
-, Tortington,

estates and land units:
-, ?prehistoric or Rom.,
-, Anglo-Saxon:
-, Felpham,
-, South Stoke,

Estdean, Rob. of,

-, Hugh (?two of this name),
-, and see Sturmi (Sturmy)

Etchingham, Wm. of,

Eton college (Bucks.),

Evans, David, rector of Ford,

Evershed, Wm.,

Evershed, Sam., and Co.,

excise, see customs and excise

Exeter, dukes of, see Holand

Faber, Fred. Wm.,

fairs, see Arundel; Eastergate; Walberton

Fairweather, Edgar C.,

Fanhope, Ld., see Cornwall

Farnden, -, see Ellis and Farnden

Farnham (Surr.),

-, And.,
-, Ric.,
-, -,

Fay, Beatrice de, m. Hugh de Nevill,

Fellowship of independent evangelical churches,

-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, Ancton, q.v.
-, bdry.,
-, bridge,
-, brotherhood,
-, bus servs.,
-, carriers,
-, char.,
-, ch.,
-, Church Ho.,
-, clubs and socs.,
-, coastguard sta.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts., n
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, Felpham Beach estate,
-, fields, open,
-, fishing,
-, Flansham, q.v.
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Felpham, trades and ind.
-, Innerwick, see Felpham, Wick
-, inns and public hos.,
-, library,
-, local govt.,
-, man.,
-, man. ho.,
-, Manor Fmho. (otherwise Old Manor Ho.) (Felpham Way),
-, Manor Ho. (Limmer Lane),
-, mkt. gardening, n
-, mills,
-, nonconf., protestant,
-, Old Rectory,
-, Outerwick, see Felpham, Wick
-, place name, n
-, poor relief,
-, poorho.,
-, pop.,
-, port,
-, prehist. remains,
-, public servs.,
-, recreation grounds,
-, rectory ho., and see Felpham, Old Rectory
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, Rom. remains,
-, schs.,
-, as seaside resort,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, socs., see Felpham, clubs and socs.
-, sport,
-, Summerley estate,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, the Turret (later Turret Ho.),
-, vicarage ho.,
-, vicars,
-, water supply,
-, Wick (including Innerwick, Outerwick),
-, woods,

Felpham Motor Works,

Felpham rife (otherwise Flanshamrife),

ferries, see under names of places

Ferring, Kingston,

Fever, Hen., n

Field, C. F.,

fields, open, and see under names of places


First World War,

Fish, Rob., rector of Nuthurst,

-, fishponds,
-, trout fms.,
-, and see under names of places

Fiste, Hen. le,


-, Ann, w. of Hen., Ld. Maltravers,
-, Beatrice, w. of Thos., earl of Arundel,
-, Edm., earl of Arundel,
-, Eleanor, w. of Ric., earl of Arundel,
-, Hen., earl of Arundel,
-, Hen., Ld. Maltravers,
-, Isabel, w. of John, earl of Arundel,
-, Jane, m. John Lumley, Ld. Lumley,
-, Joan, w. of Wm., earl of Arundel,
-, John, earl of Arundel (d. 1267),
-, John, earl of Arundel (d. 1272),
-, Mary, m. Thos. Howard, duke of Norfolk,
-, Ric., earl of Arundel (d. 1302),
-, Ric., earl of Arundel (d. 1376),
-, Ric., earl of Arundel (d. 1397), n
-, Thos., earl of Arundel (d. 1415),
-, Thos., earl of Arundel (d. 1524),
-, Wm., earl of Arundel (d. 1487),
-, Wm., earl of Arundel (d. 1544),
-, Sir Wm. (fl. c. 1400), n
-, fam., and see Arundel, earls of

-, Bernard Marmaduke, duke of Norfolk,
-, his daughters,
-, Edw., earl of Arundel,
-, Flora, w. of Hen., duke of Norfolk, see Hastings
-, Gwendoline Mary, w. of Hen., duke of Norfolk, see Constable-Max-well
-, Hen., duke of Norfolk (d. 1917),
-, and 'Fitzalan chapel case',
-, Hen. Granville (formerly Howard), duke of Norfolk (d. 1860), see Howard
-, Lavinia, w. of Bernard Marmaduke, duke of Norfolk, see Strutt
-, Miles Francis, duke of Norfolk,
-, fam., and see Norfolk, dukes of

Fitzherbert, Mrs. Maria,

FitzTetbald, Rob., n

-, Wm., Earl Fitzwilliam,
-, Sir Wm., earl of Southampton,

Flansham (in Felpham, later Yapton),
-, agric.,
-, chapel, n,
-, settlement,

Flansham rife, see Felpham rife

Fleet Air Arm,

Fletcher, W. H. B.,

flower growing,

-, Sir Thos. (fl. 1595),
-, Sir Thos. (fl. 1612),

Flushing (Netherlands),

Fontwell (in Eastergate and Walberton),
-, Fontwell Ho.,
-, racecourse,

Ford, Sir Edw.,

Ford, n,
-, adv.,
-, agric.,
-, airfield, see Ford airfield
-, bdry.,
-, bridge, see Tortington, bridge (Ford rly. bridge)
-, bus servs.,
-, canal,
-, chantry,
-, ch.,
-, com. pasture,
-, cts., n,
-, dom. archit.,
-, fms.,
-, ferry,
-, fields, open,
-, fishing,
-, Ford Pla.,
-, glebe,
-, incl.,
-, ind., see Ford, trades and ind.
-, inns and public hos.,
-, local govt.,
-, man., n,
-, man. ho.,
-, mills,
-, parks,
-, place name,
-, poor relief,
-, pop.,
-, prehist. remains,
-, prison, see Climping, Ford open prison
-, public servs.,
-, rly.,
-, rly. sta., see Tortington
-, rectors,
-, rectory ho.,
-, residential devel.,
-, rds.,
-, rds. to,
-, Rom. Cath.,
-, schs.,
-, settlement,
-, shops,
-, tithes,
-, trades and ind.,
-, water supply,
-, woods,

Ford airfield (in Climping and Ford),

forest jurisdiction,

forestry, see charcoal burning; coppicing; timber trades

Forestry Commission,

forests, see Arundel

-, John,
-, Wm. (d. 1952),
-, Wm. (fl. 1993),

-, Mary,
-, Thos. (fl. 1743),
-, Thos. (d. 1772),
-, Thos. (d. 1780),
-, Thos. (fl. 1780) (?two of this name),
-, Thos. (fl. 1791),
-, Thos. (fl. 19th cent.),
-, Thos. (fl. c. 1830),
-, Wm. (later Leeves),

Frampton's Nurseries,

-, defence against,
-, kings, see Henri IV; Louis VIII
-, trade with Arundel,
-, wars with, 18th- and 19th-cent.,
-, and see Alménêches abbey; Amiens; Burgundy; Caen stone; Calais; Dieppe; La Lucerne; Lessay abbey; Normandy; Rouen; St. Omer; St. Valéry; Sées abbey; Troarn abbey

franchises, and see coast, foreshore rights; free chase; free warren; gallows; treasure trove; wreck, right of

Francis Parker PLC,

free chase,

free warren,

Freeman-Thomas, Freeman (formerly Thomas), Ld. Willingdon,

-, Geof. de (fl. 1257),
-, Geof. de (fl. 1279-80),
-, Humph. de,

Friary, Holroyd and Healy, firm of,

friendly socs.,

fruit growing,
-, Arundel cast.,

-, Edw.,
-, Thos. (fl. 1830s-40s),
-, Thos. (fl. 1840s-70s),
-, Wm.,

Fry and Son, firm of,

Fugar, Jos.,

Fuller, Thos.,

-, mills,


garden centres,

gardeners, landscape, see landscape gardeners

-, Arundel:
-, cast.,
-, Park Ho.,
-, Barnham,
-, Climping, Atherington,
-, Eastergate,
-, Felpham,
-, Ford,
-, Tortington,
-, Walberton,
-, Yapton:
-, Berri Ct.,
-, Yapton Ho. (later Yapton Pla.),

Gardiner, Chas.,

-, Sir Hen.,
-, Wm. (d. 1625),
-, Wm., M.P. for Chichester and Arundel (d. 1701),

Gate (Gates), see Eastergate

-, Cecily of, see Aguillon
-, Peter of,

Gennari, Benedetto,

George IV, as Prince Regent,

German, John, vicar of Arundel,

-, Jas.,
-, John,
-, Ric. (d. 1720),
-, Ric. (fl. 1760),

Gibson, Jas.,

Gilbert unions, see Preston, East, united pars. (later union); Yapton, poor-law union

Gill, Eric,

Gillham, Ric.,

Gillingham (Kent),

Gilpin, Wm.,

-, Dan. (fl. 1655),
-, Dan. (d. by 1743),
-, Dan., rector of South Stoke (fl. 1733- 61),




Gloucestershire, see Tewkesbury

-, Alan,
-, Albany,

Godwine, earl of Wessex (d. 1053),

Godwine (fl. 1066),

Golden Cross, see Chiddingly

Goldwire, John,

golf courses,

-, John,
-, fam.,

Goodwood (near Chichester):
-, Goodwood estate, see Richmond, dukes of, estates
-, racecourse,

Gordon-Lennox, fam., see Richmond, dukes of

Gore, Arthur, earl of Arran,

Gorfen, Wm.,

Gorham, fam.,

-, Geo. (fl. 1549),
-, Sir Geo. (fl. 1753),
-, Sir Hen. (d. 1594),
-, Sir Hen. (fl. 1603-14), and his w. Eliz.,
-, Sir Hen. (d. 1626),
-, Sir Wm.,


Gospel Temperance Society,

Gosport (Hants),

Graffham, Osbert of, n


graffiti, medieval,

-, Francis,
-, Rog.,
-, Sir Wm. (d. 1613),
-, Wm. (d. c. 1651),
-, Wm. (d. 1666),

gravel digging,

-, Hen.,
-, Nic.,

Grimsby (Lincs.), n

-, Mary,
-, Wm., vicar of Arundel,

Guildford (Surr.),
-, gaol,
-, rds. to,

-, Evelyn, w. of Wal., Ld. Moyne,
-, Grania, m. Oswald Phipps, marquess of Normanby,
-, Wal., Ld. Moyne,

Guthrie, Jas.,


Hadfield, M. E.,

Hadfield and Goldie, architects,

Hago Products Ltd.,

-, Norman,
-, Peter,
-, Reg.,

-, Alice, see Aguillon
-, John,
-, Rob.,

-, Hen., and his w. Grace,
-, Thos.,

Halnaker, see Boxgrove

-, Geo.,
-, John,
-, Wm. (fl. 1780),
-, Wm. (fl. 1847),
-, fam.,

Hambledon (Hants),

Hamilton, Jas., marquess of Abercorn,

Hammond, Lieut.,

Hamper, Edw.,

Hampshire, and see Basing, Old; Bournemouth; Emsworth; Gosport; Hambledon; Petersfield; Portsmouth; Southampton; Southsea

-, J. A.,
-, J. S.,

-, priory,

Hardman and Co.,

-, Heywood,
-, Rob., vicar of Walberton,

-, Francis, bp. of Chichester,
-, Ralph,

Hare, G. W., firm of (later Hare and Sons),

Harman, Ric.,

Harold, King,

Harpur, Wal. de, n

Harrington (Northants), n

-, Jas.,
-, Jos.,

Hartley, Harry,

Haslemere (Surr.),

-, John,
-, Ric.,

Hastings, Flora, m. Hen. Fitzalan-Howard, duke of Norfolk,



Haye, Rob. de, n,

Hayley, Wm.,

Healy, -, see Friary, Holroyd and Healy

Heape, Francis, vicar of Binsted,

Hedger, fam.,

Hedingham, Castle (Essex),

Heene, n

Heghes, Ric. de,

-, Chas.,
-, John Peckham,

Henniker (New Hampshire), New England Coll.,

Henri IV, King of France,

Henry I,

Henry II,

Henry III,

Henry VII,

Henry VIII,

Henry II, Holy Rom. Emperor,

-, Lt.-Col. C. P.,
-, Edwin,

Henty & Co. (bankers),

Henty and Constable Ltd.,

Henty's, firm of (brewers),

Hereford, archdeacons of, see Ralph

Herland, Hugh,

hermits, and see anchorites

Herries, Lady, see Constable-Maxwell

Hertfordshire, and see Cheshunt; Hitchin

Hervey, Fred. Wm., marquess of Bristol,

Heveningham, W.,

Hever, Wm. of,

Heyney, Thos., vicar of Arundel,


Heywood, Percy G.,

High Churchmanship, and see Anglo-Catholicism

High Commission, ct. of,

Hill, Wm., vicar of Felpham,

Hills, G. M.,

-, Eleanor, see Poynings
-, Godfrey,
-, Hen.,

Hiorne, Francis,

Hitchin (Herts.),

Holand, John, earl of Huntingdon, later duke of Exeter,

holibreads, n,

holiday industry, see tourism and holidays

Holkham (Norf.), n,

Hollar, Wenceslaus, n, n

Holles, Thos. Pelham, duke of Newcastle,

Holliday, Hen.,

-, Francis,
-, Geo.,
-, John,

-, Jas.,
-, Lilian May,
-, Wm., mayor of Arundel,
-, fam.,

Holmes, Beldam & Co.,

Holmes, Campbell & Co.,

Holroyd, -, see Friary, Holroyd and Healy

hop growing,

Hope, fam.,

Hope, Hen., Ltd.,

Hope Scott, fam.,

Hopkins, Drewitt, and Wyatt, firm of,

Hopton, Ralph, Ld. Hopton,

Horemer(e), (de), fam., n, n

-, John,
-, Rob.,
-, Thos.,
-, fam.,

horse gins,

-, horse dealing,
-, racehorse training,
-, riding establishments,
-, stud fms.,

Horsham, n,
-, rds. to,

Horsham stone,

horticulture, see flower growing; fruit growing; gardens; landscape gardeners; mkt. gardening under names of places

Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem,

Hospitallers, see Knights Hospitaller

hospitals, see leper hospitals; and under names of places

hotels, see seaside resorts; tourism and holidays

Hotham, Sir Ric.,

-, parks, see Arundel park
-, Whiteways,

-, Eliza, see Allin
-, Hen.,
-, Wm. A.,

Houston, Gen. Sir Wm.,


-, Alathea, w. of Thos., earl of Arundel,
-, Anne, w. of Hen., duke of Norfolk,
-, Anne, w. of Phil., earl of Arundel,
-, Bernard Edw., duke of Norfolk,
-, Chas., duke of Norfolk (d. 1786), n
-, Chas., duke of Norfolk (d. 1815),
-, as earl of Surrey,
-, Chas., Ld. Howard of Effingham, later earl of Nottingham, n,
-, Charlotte, w. of Hen. Chas., duke of Norfolk, see Leveson-Gower
-, Edw., duke of Norfolk,
-, Ld. Edw., M.P.,
-, Hen., later duke of Norfolk (d. 1684),
-, Hen., duke of Norfolk (d. 1701),
-, Hen. Chas., duke of Norfolk (d. 1856),
-, Hen. Fred., earl of Arundel (d. 1652),
-, Hen. Granville (later Fitzalan Howard), duke of Norfolk (d. 1860),
-, Mary, see FitzAlan
-, Phil., earl of Arundel (St. Phil. Howard),
-, Thos., duke of Norfolk (d. 1572),
-, Thos., earl of Arundel (d. 1646),
-, Thos., earl of Arundel, later duke of Norfolk (d. 1677), n
-, Thos., duke of Norfolk (d. 1732), n, n,
-, Wm., Ld. Howard of Effingham,
-, fam., and see Arundel, earls of; Norfolk, dukes of

Howard-Molyneux-Howard, Ld. Hen. (d. 1824), n,

Hubbard, W. E.,

Huddleston, Francis,

Hugh (fl. 1066),

-, Hen.,
-, John,
-, fam.,

Hunter, W. G., vicar of Walberton,

-, medieval and 16th-cent.,
-, and see deer

Huntingdon, earls of, see Holand

-, John Heather,
-, Mary Ann,
-, Wm.,
-, Wm. Heather,

Ibbetson (Ibbotson):
-, Abraham,
-, -,

ice houses,

Ilsham, Jordan of,

Ilsham (in Climping),
-, ch.,
-, man., n,

inclosure, and see under names of places

Independents, and see Congregationalists

industrial estates,

industry, see brewing; brickmaking; charcoal burning; fulling; glassmaking; pottery making; tanning; textile industry; tilemaking; trades and ind. under names of places

-, Arundel,
-, Binsted,
-, Climping,
-, Felpham,
-, Ford,
-, Middleton,
-, South Stoke,
-, Tortington,

institutes, see Arundel

International Tea Co.,

-, John,
-, -, see Phipps and Ireland

-, trade with Arundel,
-, and see Limerick; Waterford

iron, imports and exports,

ironwork, medieval,

Isabel, queen of Edward II,

Isemonger, -,

Islington (Mdx.),

-, and see Padua; Siena

-, Cyril,
-, Sir T. G., Bt.,

James II,

-, Albert,
-, Eliz.,
-, Maria,

Jehovah's Witnesses,

Jekyll, Gertrude,

Jenkins, W. H., vicar of Climping,


Joan, queen of Henry IV,

John, King,

-, Hen.,
-, Mary, see Cooper
-, Wm.,

Johnstone, John,

Jones, Inigo,

Jones and Clark (later Hen. Hope Ltd.), firm of,

-, Hen.,
-, Sir Nic.,

Jupp, fam.,