House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 07 March 1643

Pages 991-993

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, 7 Martii, 1642.


Kirke Burton Vicarage.

T HE humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Kirke Burton in the West Riding of the County of Yorke, desiring this House to confirm the Choice they have made of Mr. Daniell, Clerk, to be their Vicar; and that he may receive the Profits of the Vicarage; was this Day read: And Mr. Salloway ordered to bring in an Ordinance to that Purpose.

Keeper of Ludgate.

The humble Petition of Tho. Clerke, Keeper of Ludgate, read; and referred to the Committee for the Tower, to take some Order in it; and to report it to the House.

Letter to Hotham.

The Draught of a Letter, to be sent to Mr. Hotham, desiring him to deliver the Goods of certain Citizens of London, which they had sold to their Chapmen at Yorke, and were stayed in their Carriage by him at Cawood, according to former Orders of this House, was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and Mr. Speaker ordered to sign it.

Prisoners at Oxford.

The humble Petition of divers poor Prisoners in Bridewell in Oxon, who were taken at Marleborough, and elsewhere, elsewhere, whose Names are underwritten; and a Copy of divers Articles sent to General Ruxen, from the said Prisoners; were all read.

And Three Men that preferred the Petition and Articles, were called in; and did aver, That they knew most of the Men that signed the Petition and Articles; and that they were their own Hands.

Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Jo. Evelyn, Mr. Smyth, Mr. Gourdon, Sir Nevile Poole, Mr. Stephens, Sir Peter Wentworth, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Millington, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Cage, Mr. Selden, Sir Nath. Barnardiston, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Glyn;

This Committee is to consider what is fit to be done upon the Petition and Articles of the Prisoners at Oxon, expressing how they are used: And are to meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards. And the Care of this Business is especially referred to Mr. Smyth. And it is referred to the same Committee, to consider of Mr. Baylie's Charges, that he has been at in Providing of Two Pieces of Ordnance, and other Ammunition, for Defence of the Town of Marleborough.

King's Pro-clamation not to be published.

Ordered, That the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex do not publish, or cause or suffer to be published, within any of their Liberties, or Jurisdictions, a Proclamation, intituled, "A Proclamation for the speedy Payment of all such Sums of Money, as are due to his Majesty, for Customs, or other Duties upon Merchandize, into his Majesty's Receipt, at his City at Oxon:" And that, for their Obedience herein, they shall be protected and saved harmless, by Authority of both Houses.

London, &c. Fortifications.

Sir Walth. Erle reports from the Committee to enable the City of London to fortify, &c.: The which was read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Letter to Dorsettshire.

The Draught of a Letter to be sent into Dorsettshire, to Sir Tho. Trenchard and Mr. Browne, in Answer of a Letter received from them on Friday last, was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, ordered to be re-committed unto the same Committee: And it is referred to the same Committee, to peruse what was done upon the Neutrality in Yoreshire and Cheshire.

Treaty with the King.

Mr. Holles went up to the Lords, and carried up the Votes concerning the Sending the Articles of Cessation to his Excellency: And likewise was to acquaint the Lords, That this House has assented to their Declaration Yesterday sent down, and in the Appointing of a Committee.

Fortifying London, &c.

He likewise carried up the Ordinances for fortifying the Cities of London, Westminster, &c.; and for the Encouraging of the Mariners of this present Fleet.

Treaty with the King.

Resolved, That a Committee shall be sent unto my Lord General, to advise with his Excellency about his Majesty's Answer, touching the Articles of the Cessation of Arms.

Resolved, &c. That the Lords shall be desired, that the same Committee may be employed to my Lord General, as was last.

Letters from Dublyn.

Ordered, That Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Cage, and Mr. Browne, be added to the Committee appointed to consider of the Letters from the Committee at Dublyn.

Weekly Assessments.

Ordered, That Mr. Gawdy shall write down to the County of Norfolk; and send down the Books for the weekly Assessments; and take Care to give this House an Account. What is done upon *

Resolved, &c. That Sir Tho. Dacres shall take Care to send down the Books for the weekly Assessments; and shall go down into the County of Herts, to advance the Service in that County.

Resolved, &c.-That Sir Philip Parkes shall be forthwith sent into the County of Suffolk, to advance the Service of the weekly Assessments in that County; and, from time to time, give an Account to the House of his Doings therein;

The House was divided.
Mr. Strode, Tellers for the Yea: 28.
Sir Wm. Allanson, With the Yea,
Sir Robert Parkhurst, Tellers for the Noe: 24.
Sir Jo. Holland, With the Noe,

Resolved, That Sir Ambrose Browne be injoined to advance the Service of the weekly Assessments in the County of Surry; and to give an Account, from time...., of his Doings herein, to the House.

And Sir Rich. Onslow is appointed to send the Books to Sir Ambrose Browne.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Edward Hales shall be sent down into the County of Kent, for Advancing of the Service of the Weekly Assessments, upon the Ordinance of both Houses: And is to give an Account to the House, from time to time, of his Doings herein.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Holles brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to send a Committee to my Lord General; but not the same: And have named Two of their House; and desire this House to name a Committee of a proportionable Number: They do agree to the Ordinance for Fortifying of London, Westminster, &c.: And as to the Ordinance for allowing the Third Part of Prizes to Mariners employed in this Summer's Fleet, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Treaty with the King.

Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Sir Walth, Erle, Sir Jo. Corbett, Sir Robert Harley;

This Committee is appointed to repair, with a Committee of a proportionable Number of the Lords, to my Lord General; to advise with his Excellency upon his Majesty's Answer, and Articles of the Cessation of Arms.

Sir Walth. Erle is appointed to acquaint the Committee of the Lords, That this House has appointed a Committee to go unto my Lord General.

Seizing Houses.

Ordered, That the Collectors of Cripplegate Within be appointed to execute the Order for Seizing of the Houses of Alderman Acton and Mr. Massam, according to the foresaid Order.

Weekly Assessments.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Wm. Massam be forthwith sent down into the County of Essex, for Advancement of the Service of the weekly Assessments, upon the Ordinance of both Houses: And is to give an Account to the House, from time to time, of his Doings herein.

The Question being propounded, Whether Sir Tho. Pelham shall be sent in... Sussex, to advance the Service of the weekly Assessments;

The House was divided.
Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Tellers for the Yea: 24.
Mr. Strode, With the Yea,
Sir Tho. Dacres, Tellers for the Noe: 27.
Mr. Waller, With the Noe,

Ordered, That Sir Tho. Pelham do send the Books for the weekly Assessment, to Mr. Stapeley and Mr. Morley: Who are required to advance that Service in the County of Sussex: And are to give an Account, from time to time, to the House of their Doings herein.


Ordered, That Mr. Millington do make his Report To-morrow Morning, of the Business concerning Yorkeshire.

Papists, &c. Estates.

Mr. Serjeant Wilde reports the Ordinance for Seizing of the Estates of Papists, &c. formerly re-committed.

Resolved, &c. That Deans, Deans and Chapters, and Prebends, shall be contained in this Ordinance.

Habeas Corpora for Prisoners.

Ordered, That the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench do grant a Habeas Corpora for the Removal of the Bodies of Henry Ogle, John Salkeld, Jo. Ridley, Tho. Huntley, Edward Man, Nath. Barnard, and Geo. Moore, and Natha. Burnand, from the Prison at Newcastle, where they are now detained; and of the Causes of their Commitment: And Mr. Blakeston is to present to the House the Names of such other Prisoners there, or in the Bishoprick of Durham, that like Habeas Corpora may be granted for them.

Delinquents Estates.

The Ordinance for seizing the Estates of Delinquents, as it was brought, and reported from the Committee, was read: And

The Question being put for the Re-committing of it;

The House was divided.
Mr. Maynard, Tellers for the Yea: 42.
Mr. Waller, With the Yea,
Sir Peter Wentworth, Tellers for the Noe, 51.
Sir Wm. Lewes, With the Noe,

Resolved, &c. That this Ordinance shall pass.

Mr. Serjeant Wilde is appointed to bring in the Names To-morrow Morning.

Transporting white Cloths.

Resolved, &c. That the Two Shillings and Eightpence, upon the Transporting of white Cloths, shall be sequestred into the Hands of the Committees for Advance of Monies at Haberdashers Hall: And that it be referred to the former Committee formerly appointed to consider of the Grievances of the Aulnage Money, to take the same into Consideration.

Seizing Money.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker grant his Warrant for Seizing of the Monies of such a Person as Mr. Trenchard shall nominate unto him.

London, &c. Fortification.

IT is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament, That the Lord Mayor, and Citizens of the City of London, for the better Securing and Safety of the said City, Suburbs, Parliament, City of Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, shall have Power to trench and stop all such High-ways and By-ways leading into the said City, as well within as without the Liberties, as they shall see Cause: And shall also have full Power and Authority, according to their Discretion, to fortify and intrench the Places aforesaid with such Out-works, and in such Places, as they shall think meet; and, for his and their Furtherance and Assistance, to call in all or any Deputy Lieutenants, Justices of Peace, Bailiffs, Constables, and other Officers, Ministers, and other his Majesty's loving Subjects, to be aiding and assisting, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril. And it is further Ordered, That the Deputy Lieutenants, and Justices of Peace, for the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey, City of Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, or any Three or more of them, within their several and respective Limits, shall have Power to impose upon the Inhabitants within the said Trenches and Fortifications, and without the Liberties of the said City, towards the Charges of fortifying the said Places, as aforesaid, upon every House that shall be lett for, or may be valued worth Five Pounds per Annum, Six Pence; and for every House of greater Rent, after the Proportion of Two Pence in the Pound that the Tenant of the said House payeth, if he hold it at a Rack Rent; or otherwise, after the Rate that the said House shall be valued to be worth: Which Assessment shall forthwith be made and collected in all the Parishes, Precincts and Liberties aforesaid; and paid to the Treasurer chosen, or to be chosen, by the Common Council of the City of London; to be disbursed as aforesaid: The said Monies to be paid by the Tenant or Inhabitant, where Houses are inhabited; who is to deduct the same out of his next Rent payable to the Landlord, if it be a Rack Rent; and by the Landlords where Houses shall stand empty. And it is further Ordered, That whereas the Common Council of London have, in this Time of imminent Danger, passed an Act for the Fortifying of the City of London, and other Places above-mentioned; in pursuance whereof a Committee of Common Councilmen and others are appointed, and have already proceeded in the said Fortifications, before this Ordinance could be effected: It is hereby Declared, That their said Pursuance of that Act, and Executing the same, is a good Service to the Commonwealth: And the said Parties, and all such Engineers, or others, that shall be employed by them, shall be, by Power of Parliament, saved harmless, both for what they have done, and shall do herein for time to come.

Encouraging Seamen.

THE Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, foreseeing the great Inconveniences, Distractions, and Troubles, that must of Necessity befal these Kingdoms of England and Ireland, by the Approaching of foreign Forces now in Preparation against the wellaffected Subjects of both the said Kingdom; and that the woful Effects thereof do begin to appear, by the Narrow Seas being already infested, not only by the Sea Rovers, with Commissions from the Rebels in Ireland, but also by Pirates of our own Nation, lately come forth of Falmouth, in English Bottoms; to destroy their own Countrymen, and, in all Probability, to join with our foreign Enemies; and so hinder all the good Endeavours of the Parliament for Relief of distressed Ireland; and interrupt all Trade and Commerce in these Seas: Wherefore the said Lords and Commons, for the Prevention of these great Mischiefs, do once more Declare and Ordain, That the Fleet now in Preparation to go forth, and all Things thereunto conducing, may hasten to Sea with all possible Expedition: And that, for the better Encouragement of the Officers and Seamen who shall be employed in the said Fleet, there shall be allowed unto those in the King's Ships, besides their Pay, One full Third Part of all Prizes that they shall take in this their Employment; the other Two Thirds to be reserved to the State: And to those in the Merchant Ships, One full Third Part for the Officers and Seamen; and another Third Part to the Owners, in respect of their hazarding their Ships; and the other Third Part reserved to the State as aforesaid: Which Divisions are to be according to the Custom of Men of War.