
History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

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Enduring challenges of statebuilding: British-led police reforms in Sierra Leone, 1945-61 and 1998-2007. Krogstad, Erlend Grøner
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol. ; Int. Rel.). Supervised by Hood, Christopher; Anderson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2007

Foragers on the frontiers: the |Xam Bushmen of the Northern Cape, South Africa, in the 19th century. McGranaghan, Mark
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900

From turban to tarboush: Dār al-ʹUlūm and social, linguistic, and religious change in inter-war Egypt. Kalmbach, Hilary
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Armbrust, Walter
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1939

Legal status of women in Malawi: pre-colonial period to 1964. Maliwa, Emily N.
     Ph.D., London.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Legal history; Social history; Medieval; 20th Century

Peripheral identities in an African state: a history of ethnicity in the kingdom of Buganda since 1884. Stonehouse, Aidan
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gould, William; Doyle, Shane
     Chronological coverage: 1884–2000

The development of Malindi from the Portuguese period to the present. Martin, E.B.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Prothero, R.M.

The development of the Merina kingdom, with special reference to European influences upon it, 1810-63. Thompson, A.O.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

The traditional courts and their successors in Ghana's legal history, 1800-1914. Brown, A.K.M.
     Ph.D., London.


Anglo-French relations in Madagascar, 1885-90. Mann, Jay I.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Bridges, R.C.; Hargreaves, J.D.

A political and social history of the Tiv people of northern Nigeria, 1900-39. Dorward, D.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

A survey of Islamic learning in the Funj State. Badri, Y.B.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Hourani, A.H.

British anti-imperialism towards South Africa, 1895-1910. Duncan, Georgena D.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Rowe, W.J.

British imperialism and its public: Chamberlain, Milner and South Africa, 1895-9. Porter, A.N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hinsley, F.H.

Changing settlement patterns in Ashanti, 1873-1966. Darko, S.A.
     Ph.D., London.

Chruch Missionary Society missions, Muslim societies and European trade in northern Nigeria, 1857-1900. Owoh, A.C.
     M.Th., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.; Graham, J.M.

Educational development in Northern Rhodesia, 1883-1945. Snelson, P.D.
     M.Phil., London.

Henry Carr: an African contribution to education. Taiwo, C.O.
     Ph.D., London.

Primitive colonial accumulation in Kenya, 1919-39: a study of the processes and determinants in the development of a wage labour force. van Zwanenberg, R.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Lowe, D.A.

Rhodesia and her neighbours, 1900-23. Warhurst, P.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gallagher, J.A.

Southern Ethiopia and the Christian kingdom, 1508-1708, with special reference to the Galla migrations and their consequences. Aregay, M.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

Spanish policy towards N. Morocco, 1900-23. Chandler, J.A.
     M.A., Keele.

The career of Abd El-Kader in exile (1848-83), with reference to the political and social history of Syria and Algeria. King, J.K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Zeldin, T.

The cotton export industry of northern Nigeria, 1900-68. Hadfield, J.
     M.A., Sheffield. Supervised by Pollard, S.

The development and organization of adult education in Kenya, with special reference to African rural development, 1945-70. Prosser, R.C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Lowe, J.

The development of the Zambian copper economy, 1928-70. Potts, D.L.
     M.A., Sheffield. Supervised by Anthony, D.W.

The evolution of the administrative boundaries of northern Ghana, 1898-1965. Bening, R.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Church, R.J. Harrison

The Fatimid caliphate and the Isma'ili da'wa from the appointment of Musta'li to the suppression of the dynasty. Ladak, H.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lewis, B.

The institution of slavery in Yorubaland, with particular reference to the 19th century. Oroge, E.A.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

The international role of Jan Christiaan Smuts, with special reference to the Mandates system and S.W. Africa. Smith, I.C.
     B.Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Seed, G.

The Manyika and the Portuguese, 1575-1863. Bhila, H.H.K.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The missionary factor in Rhodesian native policy, 1910-39. Kwidini, D.J.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

The Oyo empire: the history of a Yoruba state, principally in the period c.1600-c.1836. Law, R.C.C.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

The progress of re-unification of the Ehtiopian empire, 1868-89. Gabre-Sellassie, Z.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gallagher, J.A.

The reign of al-Hakim Bi Amr Allah (386/996-411/1021): a political study. Assaad, S.I.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lewis, B.

The rise of a commercial empire: an aspect of the economic history of Zanzibar, 1770-1873. Sheriff, A.M.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The rising in south-western Mashonaland, 1896-7. Beach, D.N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.; Warhurst, P.R.

The Wafd and its rivals: the rise and development of political parties in Egypt, 1919-39. Deeb, M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hourani, A.H.


A history of West Nile district, Uganda: the effects of political penetration upon the eastern ALur and Lugbara between 1860 and 1959. King, Anne G.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Low, D.A.

A political history of the Ewe unification problem. Amenuemy, D.E.K.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

A political history of the Songea Ngoni, from the mid 19th century to the rise of the Tanganyika African National Union. Redmond, P.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

Aspects of politics in Ghana, 1929-39: a study of the relationships between discontent and the development of nationalism. Twumasi, E.Y.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

British colonial policy in Africa, 1910-14. Hatton, P.H.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.
     Categories: 20th Century

British policy towards territorial change in Tropical Africa, 1905-14. Wyse, Akintola J.G.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Bridges, R.C.; Hargreaves, J.D.
     Categories: 20th Century

Christian missions in Matabeleland, 1859-1923. Bhebe, N.M.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Metcalf, G.

Class and race relations in the South African goldmining industry, 1910-26. Johnstone, F.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirkwood, K.

Class, race and national liberation: some implications of the policy dilemmas of the International Socialist League and Communist Party of South Africa, 1915-31. Mason, D.J.
     M.Sc., Bristol. Supervised by Banton, M.P.

Military aspects of internal security in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1898-1925, with special reference to the northern Sudan. Bukhari, S.A.R.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Sanderson, G.N.

Representative and responsible government in southern Nigeria, 1923-60, with particular reference to Onitsha. Okafor, S.O.
     Ph.D., Dundee. Supervised by Whitaker, P.

Sidi al-Mukhtar al-Kunti and the recrudescence of Islam in the western Sahara and the middle Niger, c.1750-1811. Batran, A.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

The administration of justice in a racially stratified society: South Africa, 1652-1970. Sachs, A.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The annexation of Transkeian Territories, 1872-95, with special reference to British and Cape policy. Saunders, C.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

The collaberation policy in Cameroon education, 1910-31: a study of the policy of collaberation between government and voluntary agencies. Shu, S.N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Tregear, P.S.

The development of Indian political movements in South Africa, 1924-46. Pahad, E.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brown, R.

The economic and social history of Sierra Leone, 1929-39. Kaniki, M.H.Y.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

The growth and development of the Keira sultanate of Dar Fur. O'Fahey, R.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holt, P.M.

The growth of an African civil service in Uganda, 1912-40. Motani, N.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

The life and teachings of Al-Maghili, wth particular reference to the Saharan Jewish community. Gwarzo, H.I.
     Ph.D., London.

The problem of domestic slavery in British West Africa, with particular reference to the Sierra Leone Protectorate, 1896-1927. Grace, J.J.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hargreaves, J.D.

The Rozvi empire and the feira of Zumbo. Mudenge, S.I.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The Somalis in the East Africa Protectorate and Kenya Colony, 1895-1963. El-Safi, M.A.G.H.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Watt, W.M.

The traditional history of the Jie of Uganda. Lamphear, J.E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

The West African response to the Italo-Ethiopian crisis, 1934-42. Asante, S.K.B.
     Ph.D., London.

The work of missionary societies in Kenya, 1918-39. Stibbs, T.P.C.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Trade and economic change on the Gold Coast, 1807-74. Jones, D.H.
     Ph.D., London.


A political biography of Ras Alula, 1875-97. Erlich, H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

Capital formation in Egyptian industry and agriculture, 1882-1967. Radwan, S.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by O'Brien, P.K.

Christian missions in Mashonaland, Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1930. Mashingaidze, E.K.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

Church of Scotland and the development of British influence in southern Nigeria, 1846-85. Okon, A.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marshall, P.J.

Civil-military relations in developing nations: Ghana, Sierra Leone, Dahomey and Upper Volta. Zaccai, Norine M.
     M.Sc., Edinburgh. Supervised by Raab, C.D.

Constitutional development in the Sudan, 1942-56. Sinada, M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Knapp, W.F.

East Luangwa, 1895-1947: a study of the colonial land policy in the eastern province of Zambia. Jokonya, T.J.B.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brown, R.

English Protestant mission education and government policy in souther Nigeria, 1880-1940. George, J.C.
     M.A., Kent. Supervised by Anstey, R.T.

German rule in N.E. Tanzania, 1885-1914. Ekemode, G.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

H.M. Treasury and the Nyasaland administration, 1919-40. Nthenda, L.J.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Chester, D.N.

Islamization in Dagbon: a study of the Alfanema of Yendi. Ferguson, Phyllis
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wilks, I.G.

Khama III, the Bamangwato and the British, with special reference to 1895-1923. Parsons, Q.N.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Fyfe, C.H.

Labour and politics in Northern Rhodesia, 1900-53: a study in the limits of colonial power. Henderson, I.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

Language, education and European contact in Ghana since 1471. Sackey, J.A.
     M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Spencer, J.W.

Official and medical policy in British West Africa, 1870-1930. Gale, T.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

Political authority among the Langi of northern Uganda, c.1800-1939. Tosh, J.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

Pre-colonial transport in Nigeria. Ogunremi, G.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

Press and opinion in British West Africa, 1855-1900. Rowand, M. Evelyn
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

Railway imperialism and French advances towards Lake Chad, 1890-1900. Roberts, T.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

Self-government and self-defence in South Africa: the inter-relations between British and Cape politics, 1846-54. Kirk, T.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

The Cape eastern frontier, 1795-1819: a study in Xhosa rivalry, collaberation and conflict. Oloyo, M.O.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

The European impact upon northern Tswana cheifdoms, 1850-1910. Chirenje, J.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Atmore, A.E.

The export performance of the Sudanese economy in the context of its development, 1900-67. Beshai, A.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jackson, E.F.

The impact of the Derby Day Meeting on African education in Basutoland, Northern Rhodesia and Nigeria, 1923-39. D'Souza, S.H.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Categories: 20th Century

The introduction and growth of Christianity in Busoga, 1890-1940, with particular reference to the roles of the Basoge clergy, catechists and chiefs. Tuma, A.D.T.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The political and economic reorientation of kano emirate, northern Nigeria, 1882-1940. Fika, A.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

The Watch Tower movement in S. Central Africa, 1908-45. Cross, J.S.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hodgkin, T.L.


A history of the city of Addis Ababa from its foundation in 1886 to 1910. Garretson, P.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.

Al-Maghili's replies to the questions of Askia al-Hajj Muhammed, edited and translated with an introduction on the history of Islam in the Niger Bend down to 1500. Hunwick, J.O.
     Ph.D., London.

An economic history of the Ghanaian diamond industry, 1919-73. Greenhalgh, P.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

British concessions policy and legislation in southern Ghana, 1874-1915. Ilegbune, C.U.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, S.

British reactions and attitudes to early manifestations of Pan-Africanism in colonial Malawi and north-eastern Zambia, 1891-1926. Mapuranga, M.M.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Fyfe, C.H.

Cape policies towards African law in Cape tribal territories, 1872-83. Burman, Sandra B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

Christianity and the Chews: the Anglican case, 1885-1950. Stuart, R.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

Christian missions in Mashonaland, 1890-1927. Peaden, W.R.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Welbourn, F.B.

Colonial administration and rural politics in south-central Ghana, 1919-51. Stone, R.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dunn, J.M.

Critics of colonial policy in Kenya, with special reference to Norman Leys and W. McGregor Ross. Wylie, Diana S.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

Dyula intellectualism in the Ivory Coast and Ghana: a study of the life and career of al-Hajj Salih b. Muhammad b. 'Uthman. Muhammad, A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fyfe, C.H.; Watt, W.M.

Economic development in Gombe emirate, North Eastern State, Nigeria, 1900-66. Tiffen, Mary G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bauer, P.T.; Fisher, F.J.

Ethiopia's frontiers: the boundary agreements and their demarcation, 1896-1956. Hamilton, D.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirkwood, K.; Pollock, N.

French internal administration in Tunisia, 1881-90. Balsley, Daphne J.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Holt, P.M.

International resources flow for development, illustrated with the experience of Nigeria, 1867-1970. Soule, R.A.
     Ph.D., Leicester.

James Stewart and Lovedale; a reappraisal of missionary attitudes and African response in the eastern Cape, South Africa, 1870-1905. Brock, Sheila M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Ross, A.C.

Market centres in Zaria Division, Nigeria: an analysis of their evolution and locational structure. Gana, J.A.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Clark, B.D.

Monde government and politics under colonial rule, 1890-1937. Abraham, A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

Native agency in British West Africa: the development of an idea, 1835-65, with special reference to Sierra Leone. Farrow, Jill C.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Halladay, E.

Politics and pressure groups in Southern Rhodesia, 1898-1923. Lee, Marguerite E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, R.S.

Production in the Nigerian oil palm industry, 1900-54. Ukegbu, B.N.
     Ph.D., London.

Progress, problems and issues of school curricula in Nigeria, 1912-72. Osiyale, A.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wilson, J.M.

Social and political change in a 20th-century African urban community in Kenya. Tamarkin, M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.

The career and correspondence of Ahmad al-Bakkay of Timbuctu, 1847-65. Zebadia, A.K.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, H.J.

The development of the White Fathers' mission among the Bemba-speaking peoples, 1891-1964. Garvey, B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The establishment of British rule in the Sierra Leone Protectorate, 1896-1924. Langworthy, Emily A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Fyfe, C.H.

The Griquas of Philippolis and Kokstad, 1826-79. Ross, R.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Saunders, O.C.

The Hausa factor in West African history. Adamu, M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

The history of Jakhanke people of Senegambia: a study of a clerical tradition in West African Islam. Sanneh, L.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, H.J.

The labour market and the impact of African unions on the economic development of Southern Rhodesia, 1930-68. Mswaka, T.E.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, D.

The Liberal party and South Africa, 1868-80. Austin, J.R.
     Ph.D., Bradford. Supervised by Scott, G.

The missions as an economic factor on the Zambezi, 1580-1759. Rea, W.F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.; Warhurst, P.R.

The Ngonde kingdom of northern Malawi, c.1600-1895. Kalinga, O.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

The non-Muslim communities in Cairo, 969-1517 A.D. Holt, A.E.
     M.A., Hull.

The Northern Rhodesia mineral rights issue, 1922-64. Slinn, P.E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The paramountcy of the Asantehene Kwaku Dua (1834-67): a study in Asante political culture. McCaskie, T.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wilks, I.G.

The Wesleyan Methodist missions in Southern Rhodesia, 1891-1945. Zvobgo, C.J.M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Ross, A.C.

Trade, state formation and warfare in the Gold Coast, 1600-1826. Kea, R.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.


African mine labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-33. Van Onselen, G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

A history of educational policy in Southern Rhodesia. Atkinson, N.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lewis, L.J.; Bone, R.C.

A political biography of Sir Charles Coghlan. Hummel, H.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.; Warhurst, P.R.

Approaches to development in Northern Rhodesia, 1900-65: formulation and implementation of development policies. Phiri, M.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

Aspects of the history of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1858-1900. Neave, D.R.J.
     M.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

British forestry policy in Nigeria: a study in colonial exploitation of forest produce, 1897-1940. Egboh, E.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Dorward, D.C.

British policy towards Egypt, 1914-22. Lissauer, F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Kedourie, E.

British policy towards Liberia, 1912-39. Chaudhuri, J.P.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

British policy towards the Union of South Africa, 1919-29. Young, A.D.T.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Ingham, K.

British Protestant missionary societies during the early stages of British administration in Uganda, 1895-1907. Kline, C.G.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

Cadbury on the Gold Coast, 1907-38: the dilemma of the 'model firm' in a colonial economy. Southall, R.J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hughes, A.

Civil administration under military rule in Algeria, 1830-4. Ghiles, F.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Knapp, W.F.

Class, consciousness and control: Indian South Africans, 1860-1946. Ginwala, F.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Demographic characteristics of Nigeria: an analysis of population data, 1931-65. Ayeni, O.
     Ph.D., London.

Imperialism and colonial expansion in Senegal in the 19th century. Bathily, A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

Implications of British extra-territorial jurisdiction over Indians in 19th-century Zanzibar. Gundara, J.S.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.S.

Internal affairs in Egypt during the third reign of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammed ibn Qalawun, 709-41/1309-41. Al-Hajji, Hayat N.Y.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Butler, L.H.

Kailondo's Luawa and British rule, with special reference to the period 1850-1930. McCall, M.J.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

Labour policy in Cameroon, 1884-1939. Mosima, F.M.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Katzenellenbogen, S.E.

Local politics and indirect rule in Cape Coast, Ghana, 1928-57. Cawson, A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Mossamedes and its hinterland, 1875-1915. Clarence-Smith, W.G.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

Political and military developments within Morocco during the early 'Alawi period, 1659-1727. Mercer, Patricia A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, H.J.

Scottish missionary influences on African educational development in Nyasaland and Kenya, c.1873-1939. Aldridge, M.E.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

Social changes in the Ismaili society of East Africa, with reference to the Imamat of the four successive Aga Khans. Bhatia, Z.G.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Freedman, M.

Some aspects of educational development in Nyasaland/Malawi from its beginnings to 1974. Whittaker, Phyllis H.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Armytage, W.H.G.

The 1878 rebellion in Griqualand West and adjacent territories. Sutton, Inez B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

The condominium and Sudanese nationalism, 1942-55. Woodward, P.R.
     Ph.D., Reading.

The destruction of the Zulu kingdom: the civil war in Zululand, 1879-84. Guy, J.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

The emergence and development of the native department in Southern Rhodesia, 1894-1914. Taylor, J.J.
     Ph.D., London.

The making of an independent foreign policy: Sa'adi Morocco up to the death of Ahmad al-Mansur, 1509-1603. Yahya, D.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

The marketing of Kenya coffee, 1919-39. Reid, J.W.
     M.Soc.Sc., Birmingham. Supervised by Wightman, D.R.

The roots of hegemony: ideologies, interests, and the legitimation of South African capitalism, 1890-1940. Bozzoli, B.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The Sidqi regime in Egypt (1930-5): new perspectives. Abul-Fadl, Mona M.A.-M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.

The White Fathers' mission in Rwanda, 1900-32. Linden, I.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.


Abakamoya, 'people of the Spirit', a study of the Zionist movement in Swaziland, with specialr eference to the Swazi Christian Church in Zion of South Africa and the Nazareth Branch. Armitage, Fiona
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Turner, H.W.

A comparative study of American and British technical assistance to rural primary education in Liberia and Uganda respectively, 1940-65. Kiat, Koh Eng
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holmes, B.
     Categories: 20th Century

African peasants and economic change in South Africa, 1870-1913, with particular reference to the Cape. Bundy, C.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

A history of the Mfengu of the eastern Cape, 1815-65. Moyer, R.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Akyem, c.1700-1874: a study in inter-state relations in pre-colonial Gold Coast. Affrifah, S.F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

Black labour in the copper mines of Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo, 1911-41: industrial strategies and the evolution of an African proletariat. Perrings, C.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.
     Categories: 20th Century

British defence policy in western Africa, 1878-1914. Ekoko, A.E.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hargreaves, J.D.

British policy and nationalist movement in Eypt, 1935-9. Morsey, Laila A.
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Steeds, D.

Colonialism and the constitution of Cape society under the Dutch East India Company. Leftwich, A.
     D.Phil., York.

Colonial rule in the British Somaliland Protectorate, 1905-39. Kakwenzire, P.K.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

Conflicts and ambiguities of a colonial situation: the Tati district of Botswana, 1866-1969. Tapela, H.M.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brown, R.

Labour protest and trade unionism in Kenya, 1939-63. Kiloh, Margaret GH.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Wrigley, C.C.

'Nationalism' and the colonial situation in Algeria under French rule, 1830-1962. Humphrey, J.C.
     D.Phil., York.

Policies towards religious education in Nigeria, 1914-73: the Yorubaland experience. Orebanjo, M.A.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

Politics and agrarian change among the plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia, 1924-63. Dixon-Fyle, McS.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

Pre-colonial politics in southern Zambezia and their political communications. Livneh, A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

Prelude to decolonization in West Africa: the development of British colonial policy, 1938-47. Nordman, C.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Relations between Ethiopia and the Sudan on the western Ethiopian frontier, 1898-1935. Zewde, B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holt, P.M.

Teacher education and supply in relation to the changing aims and values in Nigerian primary education, 1919-73. Nwaogu, J.I.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

The Aborigines' Protection Society and the safeguarding of African interests in Rhodesia, 1889-1930. Whitehead, Rachel M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

The Aku Muslim comunities of E. Freetown in the 19th and 20th centuries. Lewally-Taylor, M.J.A.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fyfe, C.H.

The British annexation of northern Zambezia, 1884-1924: anatomy of a conquest. Macpherson, F.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Ross, A.C.

The British government and colonial economic development, with particular reference to British West Africa, 1919-39. Meredith, D.G.
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Havinden, M.A.

The Catholic Church in the Buddu Province of Buganda, 1879-1925. Waliggo, J.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

The corporate structure of the Catholic Church in Lesotho, 1930-56. Blanchet-Cohen, Theresa
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Burnham, P.C.

Thed evelopment of Protestant Christianity in Kenya, 1910-40. Ward, K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

The historical tradition of the peoples of the Gwembe valley, middle Zambezi. Matthews
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The influence of the Aborigines' Protection Society on British policy towards Black African and Cape Coloured affairs in South Africa, 1886-1910. Edgecombe, Dorothy R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Gallagher, J.A.

The involvement of the United Kingdom in the domestic politics of Egypt, 1922-36. Sandall, A.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Hourani, A.H.

The kingdom of Porto Novo, with special reference to its external relations, 1862-1908. Senkomago, N.S.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Bridges, R.C.; Hargreaves, J.D.

The Ndebele under the Khumalos, 1820-96. Cobbing, J.R.D.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. Supervised by MacKenzie, J.M.

The origins of English attitudes towards the black African, 1554-1807, with particular reference to the anti-slave trade movement. Reid, Julia M.
     M.A., Hull. Supervised by Oxaal, I.
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; long modern

The policy of indirect rule in Zambia (Northern Rhodesia), 1924-53. Datta, Kusum
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

The political economy of discrimination and underdevelopment in Rhodesia, with special reference to African workers, 1940-73. Clarke, D.G.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Robson, P.

The position of women in the family and in society in Ancient Egypt, with special reference to the Middle Kingdom. Millard, Anne
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Smith, H.S.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Social history

The reactions and attitudes of Africans in southern Ghana to the British colonial policy of indirect rule, 1925-51. Salim, M.S.M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Fyfe, C.H.

The role of the British colonial government in the provision of education for Nigerians, 1887-1910: an analysis of performance and impact. Diaku, Patricia A.
     M.A., Wales (Bangor).

The South African governor-general, 1910-19. Keiser, R.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Le May, G.H.L.

The Waungwana of eastern Zaire, 1880-1900. Bimanyu, D.K.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

Totalitarian Calvinism: the Reformed ('Dopper') community in South Africa, 1902-19. Hexham, I.R.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Welbourn, F.B.; Ingham, K.


Anglo-American commercial rivalry in West Africa, 1884-1918: the British response. Olorunfemi, A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Johnson, Marion

An introduction to the history of Niger in the colonial period, c.1897-1957. Fuglestad, F.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

A sociological analysis of the interrelation of the economic and political activities of Indian traders in East and South Africa from the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. Jassat, E.M.
     Ph.D., Keele.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century; 20th Century

British administration in southern Sudan, 1900-56: a study on colonial neglect. Badal, R.K.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by O'Brien, D.B.C.

Capital, the state and white wage earners: an historical materialist analysis of class formation and class relations in South Africa, 1900-60. Davies, R.H.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brett, E.A.

Christianity in Unyamwezi, 1878-1928. Nolan, F.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Church and missions in Ethiopia in relation to the Italian war and occupation and the Second World War. Mikre-Selassie, G.A.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

Church, State and education in eastern Nigeria, 1847-1975. Igwe, S.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Honeybone, R.C.

External traders in the hinterland of Sofala, 1810-89. Dhliwayo, K.D.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

Foreign settlers and agricultural development in Tanganyika under British rule, 1920-61. Bowring, W.J.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hodder, B.W.

French colonial rule and Baule peoples: resistance and collaberation, 1889-1911. Weiskel, T.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Huda Sha'rawi and the liberation of the Egyptian woman. Badran, Margot A.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hourani, A.H.

Ifa and Christianity among the Yoruba: a study in symbiosis and in the development of Yoruba christology, 1890-1940. Adegbola, E.A.A.
     Ph.D., Bristol.

I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson and the West African Youth League: a case study in West African political radicalism. Denzer, LaRay
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

Makram Ebeid, a Coptic leader in the Egyptian National Movement: a case study in the role of the Copts in Egyptian politics, 1919-52. El-Feki, M.M.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.

Mende and missionary: relief, perception and enterprise in Sierra Leone, 1864-1970. Gittins, A.J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Littlejohn, J.

Nationalism in the Gold Coast, 1850-1925. Sarfo, K.
     Ph.D., Reading.

Policy and practice of the Church Missionary Society in Igboland, 1857-1929. Okeke, D.C.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

Politics in the Kpandu area of Ghana, 1925-69: a study of the influence of central government and national politics upon local factional competition. Brown, D.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hughes, A.

>Scholars, sufis, saints and capitalists in Kano, 1904-74: the pattern of bourgeois revolution in an Islamic society. Tahir, I.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Goody, J.R.

The Anglican Church in the western Cape, 1840-70. Onyeidu, S.O.
     M.Th., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The Basel and Bremen missions and their successors in the Gold Coast and Togoland, 1914-26: a study in Protestant missions and the First World War. Prempeh, S.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The development of colonial policy, with special reference to Africa between 1918 and 1939. Wright, D.I.
     Ph.D., Keele.
     Categories: 20th Century

The effects of South Africa's racial policy on Anglo-South African relations, 1945-61. Geldenhuys, D.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Spence, J.

The governor-generalship of Sir Lee Stack in the Sudan, 1917-24. Daly, M.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holt, P.M.

The history of the mission work of the British Methodist church in Rhodesia from the 1890s to the 1940s, with particular reference to the role of African ministers and evangelists and development in education and women's work. Buckley, Eileen M.
     Ph.D., London.
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; 19th Century; 20th Century

The Kikuyu and the British, 1890-1905: a re-assessment. Rogers, P.H.
     M.A., Warwick. Supervised by Smith, I.R.

The politics of a predicament: the white community in Kenya, 1918-32. Redley, M.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

The rise, consolidation and disintegration of Dhlamini power in Swaziland, 1820-89: a study in the relationship of foreign external affairs to internal political development. Bonner, P.L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

The road to colonialism: concessions and the collapse of Swazi independence, 1875-1926. Mashasha, F.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

The Roman Catholic mission in Calabar, 1903-60. Cooke, C.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The society and government of the Canary Islands after ther conquest, c.1497-c.1525. Armesto, F.F.R. Fernandez
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.

The supply services of the British army in the South African War, 1899-1902. Page, A.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gibbs, N.H.

Transitions in the political economy of S.E. Africa before 1840. Slater, H.G.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brown, R.


A comparative study of assimilationist and adaptationist policies in British colonial Africa, 1925-53 (with special reference tot he Gold Coast and Tanganyika). McLean, M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holmes, B.
     Categories: 20th Century

African societies and the South African War, 1899-1902. Warwick, P.
     D.Phil., York.

A history of the southern Temne in the later 19th and early 20th centuries. Lenga-Kroma, J.S.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fyfe, C.H.

A political study of Egypt and Syria under the early Fatimids, 358/968-386/996. Lev, Y.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

Black America in white South Africa: church and state reaction to the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Cape Colony and the Transvaal, 1896-1910. Page, Carol A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

British attitudes to the administration of Egypt under Lord Cromer, 1892-1907. Welch, W.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.

Bulozi during the period of primary European contact, 1876-96. Prins, G.I.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Central trade union organization in Nigeria and the external factor since 1945: a critical assessment. Otobo, D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Marsh, A.I.

Charles Livingstone: a biographical study, with emphasis on his accomplishments on the Zambezi expedition, 1858-63. Clendennen, G.W.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

Christian linguistics in the Senegambia area, 1800-32. Wilson, Patricia
     M.Th., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.; Mallet, Ann

Church and state in the development of Uwanda, Tanzania, 1894-1975. Mullen, J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Allen, C.H.

Class conflict, capital accumulation and the state: an historical analysis of the state in 20th-century South Africa. Kaplan, D.E.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Cocoa marketing in the Gold Coast and the African producer, 1919-39, with special reference to the hold-up movements. Miles, J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

Colonial policy and development in N.W. Sierra Leone, 1896-1939. Sibanda, M.J.M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

Conflicting accounts of Venda history, with particular reference to to the role of mutupo in social organization. Ralushai, V.N.M.N.
     Ph.D., Belfast.

Continuity and change in West African foreign relations: problems of some stranger communities in Ghana in the 19th and 20th centuries. Short, A.W.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Bridges, R.C.; Hargreaves, J.D.

Decision-making in educational administration: a comparative study of the Gambia and Malawi during the period 1925-45. Greig, J.C.E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cameron, J.
     Categories: 20th Century

Hierarchy and authority among the Hausa, with special reference to the period of the Sokoto caliphate in the 19th century. Brady, R.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lienhardt, P.A.

Joseph Chamberlain and British policy towards the Gold Coast and Ashanti hinterland, 1895-7. Bryars, W.H.
     M.Litt., Birmingham. Supervised by Grenville, J.A.S.

Khoi, Boer and missionary: an anthropological study of the role of missionaries on the Cape frontier, 1799-1850. Crehan, C.A.F.
     M.A. (Econ.), Manchester.

Local elites and national politics in Ghana: a case study of political centralization and local politics in Offinso (Ashanti), 1945-66. Crook, R.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dawson, P.F.

Non-white reaction to the Italo-Ethiopian crisis of 1934-6. Rubens, Monique L.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Johnson, R.W.

Southern Rhodesia: the response to adversity, 1935-9. Edwards, J.A.
     Ph.D., London.

The African lay agents of the Church Missionary Society in West Africa, 1810-50. Onyeidu, S.O.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The churches and the Church: a study of the nature of the Church in pre-Nicean councils, with special reference to the church in North Africa. Harcus, A.R.
     M.Phil., London.

The Colonial Office and the making of British policy towards Sierra Leone, 1865-98: a case study in the bureaucracy of imperialism. Bush, D.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Gallagher, J.A.

The Denkyira and the British, 1823-74: successful efforts by an African group to gain inclusion in the British Protectorate of the Gold Coast. Renehan, Margaret A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

The economy and trade of medieval Nubia. Osman, A.M.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Plumley, J.M.

The educational work in West Africa of A.G. Fraser, first principal of Achimota College. Walsh, M.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Evans, P.C.C.

The evolution of British colonial policy towards Tropical Africa, 1938-48. Pearce, R.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.
     Categories: 20th Century

The historical development of early Benghazi. Lloyd, J.A.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Jones, G.D.B.

The Kongo kingdom to the mid 17th century. Wilson, Anne
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The Paris copy of the Mediterranean sea-atlas of Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Sharfi of Sfax, 958/1551. Ahmed, S.
     M.A., Manchester.

The people of Qayrawan: the demographic and social composition of the population of a Maghribi city during the first 250 years of its existence, on the basis of medieval Arabic chronicles and inscriptions. Al-Zaidan, A.A.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Young, M.J.L.

The provision of Chinese indentured labour for the Transvaal gold mines, 1903-8. Richardson, P.G.L.
     Ph.D., London.

The rise of political parties in the Sudan, 1936-46. Cudsi, A.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.

The role of the Navy in British slave trade suppression policy off the east coast of Africa, 1860-90. Howell, R.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Porter, A.N.

The soldier settlement scheme of 1919 in Kenya. Duder, C.J.D.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Bridges, R.C.

Trade and politics in southern Mozambique and Zululand in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Hedges, D.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula


A critical investigation of the opposition of the Rifi confederation led by Muhammed bin 'Abd al-Karim to Spanish colonial expansion in northern Morocco, 1920-5, and its political and social background. Pennell, C.E.R.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Isserlin, B.S.J.

A history of the British Cotton Growing Association, 1902-39, with special reference to its operation in northern Nigeria. Wardle, W.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

A history of the Galhinas county, Sierra Leone, c.1650-1890. Jones, A.T.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

An analysis of the emergence of the central organs of the Sudanese civil service: a study in institutional and bureaucratic development, 1930-69. Fagiri, A.M.El-H.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

An economic history of the Gambian groundnut industry, 1830-1924: the evolution of an export economy. Jeng, A.A.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

Aspects of the Colonial Office administration of the trusteeship concept, with sepcial reference to Kenya and Nigeria, 1919-43. Stibbs, T.P.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.
     Categories: 20th Century

British influence in the development of the teacher education system in Egypt, 1872-1977. Selim, H.A.H.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

Capital and household production: the case of wattle in Kenya's Central Province, 1903-64. Cowen, M.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Newbery, D.M.G.

Christians and politics: the origins of the Kikuyu Central Association in northern Murang'a, 1890-1930. Feldman, D.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Class, capital and ideology in the development of Afrikaner nationalism, 1934-48. O'Meara, D.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Closer union in British East Africa: the controversy, 1923-31. Gilbert, A.J.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Ingham, K.

Colonial governors and the Colonial Office: a study of British policy in Tropical Africa, 1918-25. Baldock, R.W.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Ingham, K.
     Categories: 20th Century

Colonial stepchildren: Catholic and Methodist missionaries in the Ivory Coast, 1895-1939. Welch, A.W.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.

Developments and reforms in Cameroon land law since 1884. Ngwasiri, C.N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Allott, A.N.

European mineworkers and the development of Zambia, 1930-50. Stegmann, G.M.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Gallagher, J.A.

John Beecroft and West Africa, 1829-54. Lynn, M.R.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Porter, A.N.

Production, labour migrancy and the chieftancy: aspects of the political economy of Pondoland, c.1860-1930. Beinart, W.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Protestant evaluations of African religion, 1875-1925. Ndyabahika, F.J.
     M.Th., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.
     Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century

Resistance and opposition in Mozambique, 1945-58. Henderson, R.D'A.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

Sixth-century fortifications uin Byzantine Africa. Pringle, R.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Frere, S.S.

The Africa Inland Mission in Kenya: aspects of its history, 1895-1945. Cope, T.H.
     M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards.

The African immigrant factor in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1930: the origin and influence of external elements in a colonial setting. Makambe, E.P.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

The antecedents of the Anglo-Abyssinian campaign of 1867-8, or a pride of lions. Rodgers, Nini
     Ph.D., Belfast. Supervised by Harkness, D.W.

The development of European relations with Futa Jallon and the foundation of French colonial rule, 1794-1897. McGowan, W.F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

The development of government education policy in Uganda, 1925-70. Passi, F.O.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

The Egyptians in Uganda, 1870-89. El-Sheikh, M.A.R.
     M.A., Exeter.

The electrification of southern Africa, 1905-75. Christie, R.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

The evolution of the Algerian national ideology from reformation to revolutionary populism, 1930-54. Al-Tayeb, S. al-D. al-Z.
     Ph.D., Reading.

The fall and rise of Oyo, c.1760-1905: a study in the traditional culture of an African polity. Babayemi, S.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.

The foundation of the cheap labour system in the South African gold-mining industry, 1887-1906. Levy, N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, F.J.

The growth of Christianity in the kingdom of Nkore (Ankole), in western Uganda, before 1912. Weekes, D.J.
     M.Th., Aberdeen. Supervised by Bridges, R.C.; Walls, A.F.

The growth of Douala under the French mandate, 1916-36. Derrick, J.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.

The growth of teacher education in northern Nigeria: a study in underdevelopment, 1900-79. Nichols, J.B.
     M.Sc., Edinburgh.

The history of the Igbo-Edo borderland before 1897. Ijoma, J.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

'The lords of East Africa': the Maasai in the mid 19th century (c.1840-c.1885). Waller, R.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

The missionary work of John William Colenso, bishop of Natal: an analysis of the years 1853-62. Cooper, Amanda J.
     M.A., Exeter. Supervised by Newitt, M.D.D.

The monetary policy of France and Britain in the Kanem-Bornu region towards the Maria Theresa thaler, 1880-1920. Gervais, R.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Johnson, Marion

The origins and emergence of the tribe of Kunta: a contribution to the history of the western Sahara between the Almoravid period and the 17th century. Whitcomb, T.E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, H.J.

The politics, capital and labour of railway-building in the Cape Colony, 1870-85. Purkis, A.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

White settler ideology, African nationalism and the 'coloured' question in Southern Africa: Southern Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Northern Rhodesia/Zambia and Nyasaland/Malawi, 1900-76. Mandaza, I.M.D.J.
     D.Phil., York.


A Christian mission in the era of colonialism: a study of the Catholic missionary enterprise in south-eastern Nigeria, 1885-1939. Ozigboh, R.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.

Development and control in British and colonial policy, with reference to Nigeria and the Gold Coast, 1935-48. Bowden, Jane H.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

Education policy and practice in the development of Cameroon, 1884-1976. Eben, S.N
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

Evolution of pay structure in the Sudan, 1948-78. Mohammed-Taha, S.A.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Fraser and the Ngoni; a study in the growth of Christianity among the Ngoni of northern Malawi, 1878-1933, with special reference to the work of Donald Fraser. Thompson, T.J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Ross, A.C.

Gandhi: the South African experience. Tayal, Maureen J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Raychaudhuri, T.

Government, labour and employers in the Tanzanian sisal industry, 1930-76. Bolton, Dianne
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

Industrialization and class formation in Nigeria, 1945-75: an examination of the relationship between industrial development and class formation. Aina, O.A.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Lloyd, P.C.

Italian educational policy towards Muslims in Libya, 1911-28. Appleton, L.A.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Charlton, K.

Labour resistance and labour control in the Ghanaian gold mining industry, 1870-1980. Crisp, J.F.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hughes, A.

Political and social developments in Northern Nubia during the post-Meroitic period, A.D. 276-580. Dafa'alla, Samia B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Plumley, J.M.

Samuel Ajayi Crowther, the Church Missionary Society and the Niger Mission, 1857-91. Loiello, J.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

Teaching history in Nigeria, 1914-67: 'usefulness' from colonization to decolonization. Cowan, Elizabeth T.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

The administration of the Tunisian protectorate, 1881-1900, with special reference to the contrôleurs civils. Balsley, Daphne J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holt, P.M.

The Anglican clergy and the politics of southern Africa, 1888-1909. Blunden, Margaret A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

The Chamba: a comparative history of tribal politics. Fardon, R.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Burnham, P.C.

The development of settler capitalist agriculture in Southern Rhodesia, with particular reference to the role of the state, 1908-39. Machingaidze, V.E.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

The dilemmas of South African liberalism: white liberals, racial ideology and the politics of social control in the period of South African industrialization, 1887-1943. Rich, P.
     Ph.D., Warwick.

The emergence of 'Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria': an historical analysis, 1923-77. Mapuranga, T.M.B.
     Ph.D., London.

The formulation of Britain's policy towards Egypt, 1922-5. Rothman, E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holt, P.M.

The historical tradition of the peoples of the eastern Lake Turkana basin, c.1840-1925. Sobania, N.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

The Ijil salt industry: its role in the pre-colonial economy of the western Sudan. McDougall, E. Ann
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

The Isma'iliyya tariga in the Sudan, 1792-1914. Ibrahim, M.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holt, P.M.

The life of Sir Charles MacCarthy, 1764-1824. Cole, Mabel R.E.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Jones, D.H.

The origins and development of literacy in English and old Calabar, to c.1860. Shepherd, A.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hargreaves, J.D.

The Pedi polity under Sekwati and Sekhukhune, 1828-80. Delius, P.N.St.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

The planning and provision of teacher education in Rhodesia, 1923-53. Njini, K.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cameron, J.

The role of Solomon T. Plaatje (1876-1932) in South African society. Willan, B.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

>The role of the state in the development of the mining industry in Morocco under the Fench Protectorate, 1912-56. David, L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Owen, E.R.J.

The settler economies: studies in the economic history of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia, 1900-63. Mosley, P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Feinstein, C.H.
     Categories: 20th Century


A political history of the Congress Alliance in South Africa, 1947-56. Haines, C.G
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

A religious history of the Isoko people of the Bendel State of Nigeria. Akama, E.S
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.

British and European economic investment in the Transvaal, with special reference to the Witwatersrand goldfields and district, 1886-1910. Van Helten, J.-J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

British policy in Egypt, 1919-36: the treaty of 1936. Eran, O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Kedourie, E.

British policy towards education in Egypt, 1882-1936. Abdel-Galil, A.-G.A.
     M.A., Wales (Cardiff).

Business, investment and imperialism: the relationship between economic interests and the growth of British intervention in Egypt, 1838-82. Johns, B.R
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Newitt, M.D.D.

Christ Apostolic Church of Nigeria: a suggested pentecostal consideration of its historical, organizational and theological developments, 1918-75. Oshun, C.O.
     Ph.D., Exeter.

Christian attitudes to Islam: a comparative study of the work of Samuel Ajayi Crowther, Edward Wilmot Blyden and Walter Richard Samuel Miller in Nigeria. Hulmes, E.D.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirkwood, K.; Hourani, A.H.

Collaboration and resistance in Madagascar, 1895-9, with special reference to the kingdom of Imerina. Ellis, S.D.K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Colonial labour policy and labour conditions in Nigeria, 1939-45. Souter, D.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Egypt and the Palestine question, 1936-45. Mayer, T.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Kedourie, E.

Female mission initiatives: black and white women in three Witwatersrand churches, 1903-39. Gaitskell, Deborah L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; Imperial and colonial; 20th Century

From settler to neo-colonial state: an analysis of the historical transformation of the Liberian state, 1822-1964. David, M.S.
     M.Phil., Sussex.

Land loss, labour and dependence: the impact of colonialism on the southern Tswana, c.1870-1900. Shillington, K.T.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Manchester and West Africa: commercial interests and cotton piece-goods, 1850- 1914. Mann, C.J.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Katzenellenbogen, S.E.; Marrison, A.J.

Multiracialism and European politics in Tanganyika, 1945-61. Ross, A.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Twaddle, M.J.

Political and military traditions of the Ethiopian peasantry, 1800-1941. Selassie, Tsehai Berhane
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pankhurst, R.; James, W.R.

Political and social developments in Morocco under the reign of Mulay Sulayman, 1792-1822. Mansour, M. El
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Brett, M.

Religion, ideology and social change in the Nquthu district of Zululand, 1879- 1910. Unterhalter, Elaine S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Social and economic change in southern Malawi: a study of rural communities in the Shire Highlands and Upper Shire Valley from the mid 19th century to 1915. Vaughan, Megan A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

The career of Lord Basil Blackwood in South Africa, 1899-1907. Hanna, R.A.
     M.A., Belfast.

The comprador on the Gold Coast: a study of merchant entrepreneurs during the 17th and 18th centuries. Garrett, Lynn M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.

The development of mass education in the anglophone sector of the United Republic of Cameroon since 1884, with special reference to non-formal education. Kwo, E.M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

The development of the civil service in Malawi, 1891-1972. Baker, C.A.
     Ph.D., London.

The diplomacy of independence: the Anglo-Egyptian experiment, 1922-36. Abdel Wahab, M.A
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hourani, A.H.

The English Evangelicals and Africa. Braidwood, S.J.
     M.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Hair, P.E.H.

The Ethiopian-Sudanese boundary: a study in historical and political geography. Hussein, A.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hodder, B.W.

`The frontier emirate': a history of Islam in Ilorin. Danmole, H.O.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

The historical development of the Anglican Church among the Abaluyia, 1905-55. Omulokoli, W.O.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hastings, A.

The history and influence of Bo School for the sons and nominees of chiefs, 1906-80. Walton, M.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

The missionary order of the Verona Fathers in Uganda: a sociological analysis of organizational change, 1940-80. Dellaqiacoma, R.
     M.A., Birmingham.

The politics of the voice. An examination and comparison of British pressure groups (Capricorn Africa Society, the Africa Bureau and the Movement for Colonial Freedom), which sought to influence colonial policies and events: the case of Central Africa, 19. Sondashi, H.B.K.
     M.Phil., York.

The role of oral artists in the history of Mali. Conrad, D.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, H.J.

The Taita of southern Kenya and the Church Missionary Society, 1882-1914. Bryson, D.B.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Lienhardt, R.G.

The transformation of agrarian society and economy in industrializing South Africa: the Orange Free State grain belt in the early 20th century. Keegan, T.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

West African precursor of the reign of Christ: the thought of William Wade Harris. Shank, D.A.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hastings, A.; Walls, A.F.


British images of the Zulu, c.1820-1879. Martin, S.J.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Capital, class and monopoly: the Kimberley diamond fields, 1871-89. Turrell, R.V
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Class struggle and class consciousness: an historical analysis of the mineworkers in Ghana. Silver, J.B.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Conflict amongst European landowners and land policy in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1945. Sibanda, C.J.
     M.Sc., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

Differential trends in the development of Western education in Nigeria: the case of the Middle Belt. Ogunlade, F.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

Elementary education policy in Egypt, 1922-52. Abdel-Hady, M.A.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

Gideon M. Urhobo and the God's Kingdom Society in Nigeria. Ilega, D.I.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

Herder, settler and colonial rule: a history of the peoples of the Baringo Plains, Kenya, c.1890-1940. Anderson, D.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

Legal development and constitutional change in Sierra Leone, 1787-1971. Jones, W.S.M.
     Ph.D., London.

Northern labour and capitalist agriculture in Ghana, 1900-80. Van Hear, N.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Rimmer, D.

Politics in Ibadan: its nature and dynamics, 1930-70. Labinjoh, J.O.
     Ph.D., Exeter.

Relations between the Lozi, their subject tribes and the colonial administration, 1890-1941. Milimo, Mabel C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

Rural slavery in the western districts of Cape Colony during the 18th century. Worden, N.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Sultan Muhammad Bello and his intellectual contribution to the Sokoto caliphate. Minna, M.T.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, H.J.

The Bachama, the Mbula and the Europeans, 1880-1920. Kastfelt, N
     M.A., Birmingham.

The British administration in the Nuba mountain region of the Sudan, 1900-56. Salih, K. el-D.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by O'Brien, D.B. Cruise

The colonial army in the Gold Coast: official policy and local response, 1890- 1947. Killingray, D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.

The economy and administration of Egyptian monasteries from the 4th to the 9th centuries and their relations with the non-monastic community. Jones, D
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Walters, C.C.

The Egyptian question, 1942-7: the deterioration of Britain's position in Egypt, Al-Alamain to the United Nations debate of 1947. Lerman, E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Kedourie, E.

The evolution of land tenure and the agrarian economy in 19th- and early 20th- century Egypt. Yaccob, A.R.B.
     M.Litt., St. Andrews.

>The impact of the Second World War on Tanganyika, 1939-49. Westcott, N.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

The loss of Swazi independence, 1875-99. Archer, T.B. Carr
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Ingham, K.

The makeshift settlement: colonial policy in British West Africa. Phillips, A.M.
     Ph.D., City University.

The mission-state relationship in Kenya, 1888-1938. Githige, R.M.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hastings, A.

The riddle of the sands: an account of schooling the Libyans, 641(22)- 1951(1371). Al-Mahjubi, G.
     Ph.D., Sheffield.

The role and attitudes of the South African appellate judiciary, 1910-50. Corder, H.M
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Honore, A.M.

The role of the medical missionary in British East Africa, 1874-1904. Thomas, J.V
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

The subsumption of the Liberian peasantry under capital. Kajue, S.K
     M.A., Manchester.

The suppression of slavery in the Sudan, 1898-1939. Hargey, T.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hourani, A.H.; Hill, R.

Urban growth, morphology and spatial structure in West Africa, with particular reference to Nigeria. Mamman, A.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Swindell, K.

Water law development and irrigation in Swaziland, 1910-80. Heilbronn, S.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Kolbert, C.F.


A comparative study of the factors which impeded the development of post- primary education in Cameroon, 1844-1922, and in the Southern Cameroon during the inter-war years. Aka, E.A.
     M.Litt., Glasgow. Supervised by MacBeth, A.M.

A history of the Nyakyusa of Tanzania in the colonial period. Bisschop, J.P. Roosegaarde
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

A study of the place of history in the evolution of the secondary grammar-school curriculum in Oyo, Ogun and Ondo States of Nigeria, 1908-80. Adeyinka, A.A.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

Black society in the Cape Colony and the South African wars of 1899-1907: a social history. Nasson, W.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

Botswana and the international beef trade, c.1900-81. Hubbard, M.E.V.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

British colonial policy towards higher education in West Africa and the foundation of university institutions, 1939-51. Borsali, Fawsi
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hargreaves, J.D.

British policy and Egyptian unrest, 1914-20. Caddy, P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Yapp, M.E.

Colonialism and the extended family in the Benin kingdom of Nigeria, 1897- 1950. Obinyan, T.U.
     M.Phil., Essex.

Communalism in Egyptian politics: the experience of the Copts, 1918-52. Carter, Barbara L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.

Fatimid mosques: their history and architecture. Rahebi, A.A.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Allan, J.W.

Government coal mining in Nigeria, 1914-49. Abbiye-Suku, B.
     D.Phil., York.

Imperial and League intervention in Sierra Leone and Liberia: boundaries, finance and labour, 1890-1936. Uhomoibhi, M.I.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Industrialization and trade union organization in South Africa, 1924-55. Lewis, J.P
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Mill Hill missionaries and the state in southern Cameroons, 1922-62. Ndi, A.M.
     Ph.D., London.

Politics of university education in Ghana, with special reference to the period 195l-66. Amuah, J.O.
     Ph.D., Exeter.

Spatial and structural aspects of manufacturing industry in Liberia, 1944-79. Nzeako, S.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hilling, D.

Technological change in agriculture and socio-economic transformation in northern Sudan, 1900-80. Abdel-Ati, H.A.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea).

Tentative British imperialism in Lesotho, 1884-1910: a study in Bosotho-Colonial Office interaction and South Africa's influence on it. Mohapeloa, J.M.
     M.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brown, R.

The climax of railway competition in South Africa, 1886-99. Wilburn, K.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

The commandement indigene in Senegal, 1919-47. Auchnie, Ailsa J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.

The contribution of Nana Asma'u Fodio to the Jihadist movement of Shehu dan Fodio, 1820-65. Boyd, Jean
     M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Polytechnic of North London)). Supervised by Tosh, J.A.; Last, M.

The development and consolidation of the Catholic church in the diocese of Jos, 1907-78. Walsh, J.P.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

The development of government propaganda in Northern Rhodesia, up to 1953. Smyth, Rosaleen A.
     Ph.D., London.

The development of reform concepts in 19th-century Egypt, with special emphasis on Shaykh Muhammad Abduh and his group. Mukbil, F.T.M
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Bosworth, C.E.

The dynamics of Methodism in Sierra Leone, 1860-1911: western European influence and culture in church development. Shyllon, L.E.T.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The economic history of Ilorin in the 19th and 20th centuries: the rise and decline of a middleman society. O'Hear, Ann
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Fage, J.D.

The formation of engineering labour markets in Kenya, 1918-80. Bennell, P.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The governorship of Sir Philip Mitchell in Kenya, 1944-52. Throup, D.W
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

The origins of Communism in the Sudan. Amin, M.N. El
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hopwood, D.

The origins of migrant labour from Mozambique to South Africa, with special reference to the Delagoa Bay hinterland, c.1860-1897. Harries, P.A.L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

The Oromo of Ethiopia, 1500-1850, with special emphasis on the Gibe region. Hassen, M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

The pass system and the formation of an urban African proletariat in South Africa: a critique of the cheap labour power thesis. Hindson, D.C.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Bienefeld, M.A.

The political activities of Herbert Heelas Macaulay between the wars. Lipede, Abiola A.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Cumpston, I. Mary

The settlement of ex-soldiers in the British empire, 1915-23, with particular reference to E. and central Africa. Edwards, G.D.H.
     M.A., Leeds. Supervised by Dilks, D.N.

The structure and organization of the Ashanti empire in the 19th century, c.1800- c.1896. Odoom, A.A.S.
     M.Phil., London.

The United Africa Company in the Gold Coast/Ghana, 1920-65. Jones, Pauline A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hodder, B.W.


A crisis of colonial control: war and authority in Northern Rhodesia, 1914-19. Yorke, E.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

African political mobilization in the Eastern Cape, 1880-19l0. Odendaal, A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

Africans in the urban areas of South Africa: a study of apartheid policies, 1948- 58. Henderson, Margaret C.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by MacLeod, D.J.

>A history of disease and medicine in Botswana, 1820-1945. Mushingeh, A.C.S.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Ali Mahir Pasha and the Palace in Egyptian politics, 1936-42: seeking mass enthusiasm for autocracy. Tripp, C.R.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.

A triangular religious interaction in Buganda, 1844-1900. Luyombya, B.N.
     M.Litt., Birmingham.

Church growth and self-reliance in Zambia: the indigenous United Church of Zambia. Owoh, A.C.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.

French railways in Algeria, 1850-1900: a contribution to the study of colonial history. Belkacemi, B.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Price, R.D.

Merchants and pedlars of Essaouira: a social history of a Moroccan trading town, 1844-86. Schroeter, D.J.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Bosworth, C.E.

Migrant labour and colonial rule in southern Africa: the case of colonial Basutoland, 1890-1930. Kimble, Judith M.
     Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Wolpe, H.

Nationalist politics, war and statehood: Guinea-Bissau, 1953-73. Valimamad, E.D
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Johnson, R.W.

Nigerian political economy: an analysis of government housing policy, 1900-82. Amdi, I.E.S.
     Ph.D., Exeter.

Port Harcourt, 1912-82: a study of urban growth and structure. Briggs, T.P. Dokubo-
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wise, M.J.

Rural capitalism and the growth of cocoa farming in S. Ashanti to 1914. Austin, G.M
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

Spatial differentiation in the colonial economy of Kenya: Africans, settlers and the state, 1900-20. Overton, J.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

Students and Egyptian national politics, 1923-73. Ahmed, A.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dunn, J.M.

The appellate division of the supreme court of South Africa from 1950: an historical study of judicial choice. Forsyth, C.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Turpin, C.C.

The colonial factor and social transformation on the Gold Coast to 1930. Bush, R.C
     Ph.D., Leeds.

The development of Pentecostal Christianity in western Kenya, with particular reference to Maragoli, Nyang'ori and Tiriki, 1909-42. Kasiera, E.M.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hastings, A.

The development of the Arabic periodical press and its role in the literary life of Egypt, 1798-1882. Sadgrove, P.C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by McDonald, M.V.

The effect of war on British rule and politics in the Sudan, 1939-45. Rozier, J.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

The evolution and operational development of the port of Lagos, 1880-1980. Ainah, E.O.
     M.Sc., Wales (UWIST).

The evolution of an African ministry in the work of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa in Tanzania, 1864-1909. Moriyama, J.T.
     Ph.D., London.

The Greeks in Egypt, 1919-37: a communal response to change. Kitroeff, A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Owen, E.R.J.

The growth of the Anglican church in Ankole, c.1899-1951, with particular reference to the church workers and the Anglican African rulers. Maari, E.K.
     M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Trinity College, Bristol))

The history of post-war western education in colonial Malawi, 1945-61: a study of the formulation and application of policy. Lamba, I.C
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

The history of the Congo Evangelistic Mission / Communaute Pentecotiste au Zaire. Garrard, D.J.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The history of the oil palm industry in south-eastern Nigeria: the case of the Ngwa region, 1891-1929. Martin, Susan M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

The legal and historical relationship between Morocco and Western Sahara. Gazoulit, M.T.
     M.Phil., Salford.

The mixed courts of Egypt, 1875-1949: a study of their development and operation, and their influence on post-war Egyptian law. Hoyle, M.S.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Coulsen, N.

The origins of nationalism in Algeria, Gold Coast and South Africa, with special reference to the period 1919-37. Lahouel, Badra
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hargreaves, J.D.
     Categories: 20th Century

The political role of the Sudanese National Unionist Party (N.U.P.), November 1952-November 1958. Abdullah, El-B.A.
     M.A., Exeter.

The political thought of Muhammed Bello (1780-1837) as revealed in his Arabic writings, more especially al-Ghayth al-Wabl fi Sirat al-Imam al-Adl. Bello, O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Norris, H.T.; Fisher, H.J.

Transformation of a local economy and the origins of labour migrancy: aspects of Bakwena economy and society, c.1840-1913. Nangati, F.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Victorian attitudes towards `small wars': the Anglo-Zulu War, 1879 - a case study. Orme, E.B.
     M.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

W.C. Willoughby of Bechuanaland: missionary, practitioner and scholar. Rutherford, J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.


A comparison of the land problem in Algeria and Kenya in its historical, social, political and economic contexts to the mid 1970s, with special reference to the effects of settler dominance. Serour, Fatiha
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Kemp, A.G.; Bridges, R.C.
     Categories: 20th Century

An examination of the evolution of the overstocking problem in Swaziland, 1870- 1968. Mguni, E.K.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

A social and historical study of Christian missions among the Bangwa of S.W. Cameroon. Bowie, Fiona
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Ardener, E.W.

Aspects of the economic development of Southern Rhodesia, 1923-53. Choate, S.L
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Alford, B.W.E.

A study of the rural economic history of the major cotton-producing districts of Katsina emirate during the colonial period, c.1900-39. Ingawa, T.B
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.

Class relations and the policies of the Communist party of South Africa, 1921-50. Grossman, J.
     Ph.D., Warwick.

Colonial rebellions in south-central Cameroon, 1887-1907. Ayi, M. Mveng
     Ph.D., London.

Coloured preference policies and the making of Coloured political identity in the western Cape region of South Africa, with particular reference to the period 1948-84. Goldin, I.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Conflict in the Horn of Africa: a study of the Kenya-Somalia border problem, 1941-78. Thompson, V.B.
     Ph.D., London.

Continuity and change: a study of new religious movements in Malawi, 1900-8l. Chakanza, J.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lienhardt, R.G.

European women with the Colonial Service in Nigeria, 1900-60. Callaway, Helen L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirk-Greene, A.H.M.; Ardener, E.N.

Housing for black workers in South Africa: a study of state intervention after 1945. Piggott, Marilyn J.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula; Hodder, B.W.

Mustafa al-Nahhas: a case study of Egyptian political leadership. El-Hadidy, M.A.el-D.A.S
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.

Policing colonization: the emergence and role of the police in colonial Nigeria, 1860-1960. Ahire, P.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Sumner, C.S.

Political transformation and ethnic unification of a Plateau community: the Tarok (Yergam) from the 19th century to c.1954. Banfa, S.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

Politics and the military in Uganda, 1890-1979. Otunnu, O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirkwood, K.; Beattie, J.H.M.

Rural production and labour in the western Cape, 1838-88, with special reference to the wheat-growing districts. Marincowitz, J.N.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Spirit possession and Tumbuka Christians, 1875-1950. Ncozana, S.S.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.

The Anglican mission to Asaba, 1875-1930. Onyeidu, S.O.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The Church of the Province of South Africa and the formation of a social conscience, 1948-57, with particular emphasis on the thought of Geoffrey Hare Clayton. Worsnip, M.E.
     M.Phil., Manchester.

The economy and society of Saint Louis du Senegal, with special reference to the emergence of Eurafrican influence, 1659-1809. Zilombo, S.O.M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.

The emigration of single women from the United Kingdom to South Africa, 1820- 1939. Swaisland, Cecillie F.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

The Middle-Belt movement in Nigerian political development: a study in political identity, 1949-67. Logams, P.C.
     Ph.D., Keele.

`The once and future kingdom': Kongo models of renewal in the church at Ngombe Lutete and in the Kimbanguist movement. MacKay, D.J.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.; Hastings, A.

The planting of Methodism in Ghana and Nigeria, 1835-85, with special reference to the role of Thomas Birch Freeman. Morrison, J.A.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by McLeod, D.H.

The Qua Iboe Mission, 1887-1945. Graham, R.J.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The role of the London Missionary Society in the rise of the Merina empire, 1810-61: a contribution to the economic history of Madagascar. Campbell, G.R
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Newman, R.K.; Latham, A.J.H.

The role of the United Nations visiting missions in the decolonization of East Africa, 1948-60. Adebiyi, Adebisi O.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Kirk-Greene, A.H.M.

`To build the city of God in their midst': motives and methods of the London Missionary Society mission in Northern Rhodesia, 1887-41. Morrow, S.F.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brown, R.


A history of prostitution in Nairobi, Kenya, c.1900-1952. White, Luise S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

Britain and Black Africa in the inter-war years: Metropolitan responses to the growth of race and political consciousness, with specific reference to West and South Africa. Bush, Barbara J.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Thurlow, R.C.
     Categories: Great Britain and Ireland; 20th Century

Building a home and a community: Jews in Johannesburg, 1886-1914. Krut, Riva M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Clerics, traders and chiefs: a historical study of Islam in Wallo (Ethiopia), with special emphasis on the 19th century. Ahmed, H.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

Colonial government propaganda and public relations and the administration in Nigeria, 1939-51. Thomas, C. Clare M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.

Economy and society of the Lower Zambezi basin in Mozambique, c.1850- c.1914. Ishemo, W.S.L.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Ranger, T.O.

Gold Coast railways: the making of a colonial economy, 1879-1929. Tsey, C.E.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Charlesworth, N.R.F.; Munro, J.F.

Government and change in colonial Lesotho: a study of institutions of government, with particular reference to the National Council. Machobane, L.B.B.J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.

In Egyptian service: the role of British officials in Egypt, 1911-36. Innes, Mary J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Owen, E.R.J.

Islam in Zimbabwe: a study of religious developments from the 16th to the 20th century. Mandivenga, E.C.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Shaw, R.; Walls, A.F.

Methodist Mission on the Gold Coast, c.1850. Robinson, Rose J.
     M.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Hair, P.E.H.

Nationalism and peasant politics in the Nuba mountains region of Sudan, 1924- 66. El-Battahani, A.H.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Peasants, merchant capital and the state: colonial northern Nigeria, 1900-39. Baba-Ahmed, H
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Politics, economics and the problems of Protestant church leadership in Africa: the case of the Unevangelized Fields Mission and the Communaute Episcopale Evangelique au Zaire. McAllister, W.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Hastings, A.; Walls, A.F.

Recruitment and service in the King's African Rifles in the Second World War. Warner, Jennifer A.
     M.Litt., Bristol. Supervised by Ingham, K.

Taxation in some Hausa emirates, 1860-1939. Garba, T.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hopkins, A.G.

The effects of early firearms on some African societies from the 15th century to 1900. Richards, W.A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.
     Categories: 15th Century; 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century; 19th Century;

The evolution of local government in Uganda: a legal and historical study, 1900- 62. Katalikawe, J.W.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Morris, H.F.; Read, J.S.

The history of the indigenous leather industry in Sokoto and Kano, Northern Nigeria, 1903-60. Anagbogu, I.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.; Hopkins, A.G.

The multinational corporation and industrialization in Nigeria: a case study of Kano, c.1903-1985. Olukoshi, A.O.
     Ph.D., Leeds.

The Nigerian coal industry and economic development in Nigeria, 1915-80. Ahazuem, J.O
     M.Litt., Birmingham. Supervised by Rimmer, D.

The Pharaohs and Neo-Pharaohs: the socio-political structure of the Sudan from early times to the Condominium. Khadiga, M.S.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea).

The rise of nationalism in Namibia and its international dimensions. Katjavivi, P.H
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirkwood, K.

The role of the State in the Egyptian economy, 1945-81. Wahba, M.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Owen, E.R.J.

The structure and performance of Algerian industry, 1920-80. Achouri, M
     M.A., Keele.

Warrior aristocrats in crisis: the political effects of the transition from the slave trade to palm oil commerce in the 19th-century kingdom of Dahomey. Reid, J.
     Ph.D., Stirling. Supervised by Law, R.C.C.


African and O.A.U. diplomacy on the decolonization issue, 1945-80: a study of African foreign policy co-ordination. Ghabdinga, L.T.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen.
     Categories: 20th Century

An independent woman in West Africa: the case of Mary Kingsley. Birkett, Deborah J
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

An intellectual in nationalist politics: the contribution of Kobina Sekyi to the evolution of Ghanaian national consciousness. Baku, D.K.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Capital and labour on the Rhodesian railway system, 1890-1939. Lunn, J.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Ethnicity and residential location in Kampala-Mengo, 1890-1968. Sendi, R.S.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.

European commercial farming and its impact on the Meru and Arusha peoples of Tanzania, 1920-55. Luanda, N.N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

Fazzan under the rule of the Awlad Muhammad: a study in political, economic, social and intellectual history. El Hesnawi, H.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Fisher, H.J.

Influx control and the construction of apartheid, 1948-61. Posel, Deborah B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Land tenure, class structure and political discourse in Algeria, 1830-1982. Amirech, M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Bangor).

Law and urbanization in Zambia: a study of the constitutional and legal framework of urban local government, 1890 to the present. Mbao, M.M.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Kolbert, C.F.

Morocco: the Zemmour and Zayan confederations in the 19th and 20th centuries. Bourqia, R.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

Nationhood and peace: challenges to official Islam in Egypt, 1952-81. Pohl, D.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hopwood, D.; Crone, Patricia

`On the shoulders of giants': the black petty bourgeoisie in politics and society in South Africa, 1924-50. Cobley, A.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

Organized labour and politics in the Gambia, 1920-84. Perfect, D.M.R.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hughes, A.

Planning for development: a study of the Ghanaian experience, 1920-80. Atabu, F.K.
     M.Phil., Strathclyde.

Population change in southern Nigeria, 1930-80. Chiegwe, O.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

Segregation and native administration in South Africa, 1920-36. Dubow, S.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Social, political and economic relations on the Niger Bend in the 17th century. Elizabeth Hodgkin, P
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

Survey and mapping of the Cameroon, 1884-1984. Ngo, V. Viban
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Board, C.; Wise, M.J.

The Chinese labour controversy in British politics and policy-making. Gordon, S.I
     M.Phil., Ulster. Supervised by Roebuck, P.; Jeffery, K.J.

The development of motor transport in south-western and northern Nigeria, 1907- 37. Thompson, P.H. Drummond
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Martin, Susan M.

The growth of campus Christianity and charismatic movements in western Nigeria. Ojo, M.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

>The historical tradition of Ogoni, Nigeria. Tonwe, S. Kpone
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.A.

The history of the Jikany Nuer before 1920. Jal, G.G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The Mau Mau revolt in perspective: the betrayal of a dream. Furedi, F.
     Ph.D., Kent.

The Mozambique Chartered Company, 1892-1910. Neil-Tomlinson, J.B.S
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The political economy of 19th-century Bonny: a study of power, authority, legitimacy and ideology in a Delta trading community, 1790-1914. Hargreaves, Susan M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.

The press and the Egyptian nationalist movement in the 19th century, with particular emphasis on the role of al-Nadim. Rashid, A.H.
     Ph.D., Exeter.


A case study of rural transformation and class formation in an African mission in Natal: Edendale, 1850-1906. Meintjes, Sheila M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

A political history of the Western Sahara dispute. Boumahdi, B.
     Ph.D., Southampton.

Britain and the Benue region: a case study in colonial expansion. Alkali-Fari, A.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Hair, P.E.H.

British policy and education in Zanzibar, 1890-1945. Turki, B.S.
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Newitt, M.D.D.

Conformity and conflict: nationalist politics in South Africa, 1948-61. Lazar, J.W
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

Degeneration or development? The rural land crisis and models of peasant response in Southern Rhodesia, with special reference to the 1930s and 1940s. Robertshaw, P.C
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Ranger, T.O.

Education and London Missionary Society policy in their Cape and Bechuana Missions, 1800-1925. George, J.G.
     Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Birmingham, D.B.

Food insecurity and the social division of labour in Tanzania, 1919-85. F Bryceson, Deborah
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Williams, G.P.

German colonialism in microcosm: a study of the role of concessionaire companies in the development of the German colonial state in Namibia, 1890-1915. Mokopakgosi, B.T.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Oliver, R.

Nationalist movement in Kenya. Soudani, S.H.A. Al
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Newitt, M.D.D.

Overseas non-mining companies and property development in Ghana: aspects of government policy and investment reaction, 1900-76. Tackey, N.D.
     M.Sc., Cambridge. Supervised by Turner, D.M.

Public library services in Uganda, 1944-86. Harris, G.A.
     M.Phil., Sheffield.

The clouded face of truth: a review of the South African newspaper press approaching union. Barlow, Monica A.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Ingham, K.

The contribution of Sayed Ali al-Mirghani, leader of the Khatmiyya, to the political evolution of the Sudan, 1884-1968. Mohammed, D.J.
     Ph.D., Exeter.

The contribution of the laity to the growth of the Catholic church in the Onitsha province of eastern Nigeria, 1905-83. Nwosu, V.
     Ph.D., London.

The evolution of colonial agricultural policy in Sierra Leone, with special reference to swamp rice cultivation, 1908-39. Moore-Sieray, D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Martin, Susan M.

The origins of the new churches movement in southern Ethiopia, 1927-44. Fargher, B.L
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

The political economy of mining laws and regulations in Namibia, 1884-1986. Kawana, A.J.
     Ph.D., Warwick.

The political economy of the Rhodesia tobacco industry, 1945-65. Hooper, M.D.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Bridges, R.C.

The process of economic co-operation and integration in the West African sub- region: a long-run perspective. Shasi, M.O. Bajulaiye
     Ph.D., Salford. Supervised by Simmons, C.P.

Tribesmen and the colonial encounter: southern Tunisia during the French Protectorate, 1882-1940. Fozzard, A.
     Ph.D., Durham.


Archaeology and settlement in Upper Nubia from the 2nd to the 9th century A.D. Edwards, D.N.
     M.Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Johns, J.

A study of law and marriage among the LoDagaa of northern Ghana, 1907-84. Hawkins, S.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

A study of the reign of the fifth Fatimid imam/caliph, al-Aziz billah. Jiwa, Shainool K.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hillenbrand, Carole

British medical and health policies for West Africa, c.1920-60. Nkwam, Florence E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

Capital, the state and the working class in Kenya: emasculation and control of the labour movement, 1937-69. Ajulu, R.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Commerce, class and ethnicity in Cape Town, 1875-1902. Bickford-Smith, J.V.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Iliffe, J.

`Good boys', footballers and strikers: African social change in Bulawayo, 1933- 53. Stuart, O.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

Islam, sectarianism and the Muslim Brotherhood in modern Sudan, 1956-86. Hamid, E.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Vatikiotis, P.J.

Labour and politics in South Africa, 1939-64. Fine, R.D.
     Ph.D., Warwick.

South Africa's external relations with Britain and the Commonwealth, 1945-56. Henshaw, P.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hyam, R.

State and religion in 18th-century Morocco: the religious policy of Sidi Muhammad b. Abd Allah, 1757-90. Harrak, Fatima
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Brett, M.

The Algerian guerrilla campaign strategy and tactics. Derradji, A.
     Ph.D., Reading.

The context of the Baptist Industrial Mission of Scotland to Nyasaland. Coulter, K.T.
     M.Th., Aberdeen. Supervised by Sefton, H.R.

The development of Swazi cotton cultivation, 1904-85. Sikhondze, B.A.B
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The experience of decentralization in Ghana, 1901-88. Asibuo, S.K.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

The growth and structure of public expenditure in Sierra Leone since colonial times. Funna, S.M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Rimmer, D.

The growth of Islam among the Mijikenda of the Kenyan coast, 1861-1930. Sperling, D.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

The historical and international dimensions of the Western Sahara conflict. Bahaijoub, M.A
     Ph.D., London.

The impact of party politics and military rule on traditional chieftancy in western Nigeria, 1946-88. Vaughan, Olufemi O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirk-Greene, A.H.M.

The impact of the Second World War on Southern Rhodesia, with special reference to African labour, 1939-48. Johnson, D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

The long road to Geneva: a study of the origins of Ethiopia's admission to the League of Nations. Long, J.E.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Rizvi, G.

The Mijikenda and Mombasa to c.1930. Willis, J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Roberts, A.D.

The political and ideological development of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, 1945-86. Osman, A.A.M.
     Ph.D., Reading.

The process of internationalism and the Africanization of the British colonial administrative service in the Gold Coast and British Togoland, 1919-57: a study in international inducement of administrative reforms. Adebiyi, Adebisi O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Sims, N.A.

The refugee emirate: Misau's Bornoan origins and its relations with its neighbours, c.1805-1903. Ahmad, M.B.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

The slave coast and the Europeans, 1700-1820. Guezo, A.R.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Farias, P.F. de M.

The transfer of power in Sierra Leone: British colonial policy, nationalism and independence, 1945-61. Lavalie, A.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.

`Treasury control' and the South African War, 1899-c.1905. Yakutiel, M.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.


A comparative study of vocational/technical education in Zambia and Zimbabwe, 1900-87. Follis, B.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

Agrarian transformation and the agricultural sector in Algeria: a long-run perspective on the process of change under the colonial and post-colonial regimes. Lama, A
     Ph.D., Salford. Supervised by Simmons, C.P.

Aspects of the economic and social history of the Greek community in Alexandria during the 19th century. Glavanis, P.M.
     Ph.D., Hull. Supervised by Saville, J.

Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society as travellers in East Africa, 1844- 1914. Cope, T.H.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.

Pass control and resistance: Cape Town, 1939-65. Muthien, Yvonne G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Williams, G.P.

Peasant differentiation and politics in rural Kano, 1900-87. Mustapha, A.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Williams, G.P.

Revolution from above, rebellion from below: alienation and class struggle at the political transition to capitalism in the rural Transvaal. Krikler, J.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Ranger, T.O.; Bundy, C.J.

Sierra Leone's educational policy and practice in relation to national development, 1808-1986. Surrur, M.H.V.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

The colonization of Queenstown (Eastern Cape) and its hinterland, 1852-86. Bouch, R.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marks, Shula

The development of the Anglican church in West Ankole, 1900-90. Bamunoba, R.Y.K.
     M.Phil., Leeds.

The economic development in Tanganyika territory under British rule, 1919-24. Bakail, E.M.
     M.A., Exeter. Supervised by Newitt, M.D.D.

The history of the higher courts in Botswana: an account of their origin and development. Otlhogile, B.K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Forsyth, C.F.

The myth and reality of empire-building: Italian land policy and practice in Ethiopia, 1935-41. Larebo, H.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

The politics of non-racialism: white opposition to apartheid, 1945-60. Everatt, D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trapido, S.

The power of apartheid: territoriality and state power in South African cities: Port Elizabeth, 1923-72. Robinson, Jennifer D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Smith, G.E.

Uganda and the Second World War: the limits of power in a colonial state. Thompson, B. Gardner
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Twaddle, M.J.


A critical analysis of political trials in South Africa, 1948-88. Albertyn, Catherine H.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Summer, C.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1988

A history of the western areas of Johannesburg, c.1930-55. Goodhew, David J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Trapido, S.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1962
     Index terms: Johannesburg, South Africa; South Africa

An aristocracy in political crisis: Zamanin Siyasa in the Nigerian emirates, 1939-67. Yakubu, Alhaji M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kirk-Greene, A.H.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1967
     Index terms: Aristocracy, in Nigeria; Nigeria; Zamanin Siyasa

Britain and the revision of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty, 1949-54. Owen, Timothy T.H.A.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Int. Pol.). Supervised by Ovendale, R.
     Chronological coverage: 1949–1954
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Egypt; Egypt, and Britain

Economic development and the `official mind': the Colonial Office and manufacturing in West Africa, 1939-51. Butler, Lawrence J.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, A.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1951

Educating the middle-man: a political and economic history of statutory cocoa marketing in Nigeria, 1936-47. Deutsch, Jan G.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1936–1947

Francophone culture in Egypt, 1925-57. Thomas, S.P.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1957
     Index terms: Egypt

Kalibari since 1880: a study of change and continuity. Wariboko, Waibinte E.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1990

Pan Africanism in southern Africa, 1900-60. Lipede, Abiola A.
     D.Phil., York.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1960

Politics, development and education in Tanzania, 1919-85: an historical interpretation of social change. Buchert, Lene
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Dean, D.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1985

The development of government policy concerning Africans on private estates in Nyasaland, with particular reference to the period 1946-64. Baker, Colin A.
     Ph.D. (Ext.), London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1964
     Index terms: Nyasaland; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Nyasaland; Estates, in Nyasaland

The development of Lubwa mission, Chinsali, Zambia, 1904-67. Ipenburg, Arie N.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Roberts, A.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1904–1967

The historical development of theatre in the Cross River State. Ebong, Inih A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by Tonkin, J.E.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1500–1990

The law and politics of constitution-making in Nigeria, 1900-89: issues, interests and compromises. Mamman, T.
     Ph.D., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1989
     Index terms: Constitution-making, in Nigeria; Nigeria

The political economy of the South African press, 1920-50. Hadland, Adrian J.C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Williams, G.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1950
     Index terms: Press, newspaper, in South Africa; South Africa

The politics of philanthropy and race relations: the joint councils of southern Africa, 1921-55. Haines, Richard J.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1921–1955


A critical examination of the socio-historical and theological structure of power and authority as reflected in the history of the Methodist church in Sierra Leone. Yambasu, Sahr
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1990
     Index terms: Sierra Leone; Methodists, Methodism, in Sierra Leone; Missions, Christian

African Christian women and Anglican missionaries in South Africa, 1850-1910. Labode, Modupe G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ranger, T.O.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1910
     Index terms: Church of England; South Africa; Missions, Christian, in South Africa; Women, in South Africa
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; 19th Century; 20th Century

A genealogical study of Cape Coast stool families. Casely-Hayford, Augustus L.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
     Index terms: Cape Coast, Ghana; Ghana

A history of the Ovambo of Namibia, c.1880-1935. Hayes, Patricia M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1935
     Index terms: South Africa; Namibia; Ovambo people

A survey of representative land charters of the Ethiopian empire (1314-1868) and related marginal notes in manuscripts in the British Library, the Royal Library and the University libraries of Cambridge and Manchester. Gebre-Meskel, Haddis
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.)
     Chronological coverage: 1314–1868
     Index terms: Charters, in Ethiopia; Land charters, in Ethiopia; Ethiopia

Capital accumulation, the apartheid state and the rise of the black taxi industry in Johannesburg and Soweto, 1930-90. Khosa, Meshack M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.). Supervised by Lemon, A.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1990
     Index terms: Johannesburg, South Africa; South Africa; Taxi industry, black, in South Africa; Soweto, South Africa; Apartheid, in South Africa

Class, race and nation: African politics in Durban, 1929-49. Nuttall, Timothy A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, R.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1949
     Index terms: Class, in South Africa; Race, in South Africa; Durban, South Africa; South Africa

Conflict, identity and co-operation: the relations of the Christian Church with the traditional, colonial and national states in Ghana, with special reference to the period 1916-66. kell, Kofi E.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1916–1966
     Index terms: Church, in Ghana; Ghana

Conservative party politics and British colonial policy in Africa, 1951-64. Murphy, Philip V.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kirk-Greene, A.H.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1951–1964
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Conservative party
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; 20th Century

Domestic slavery in the 19th- and early 20th-century northern Sudan. Sharkey, Heather J.
     M.Phil., Durham.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1920
     Index terms: Slavery, in the Sudan; Domestic slavery, in the Sudan; Sudan

Educational administration in Namibia: the colonial and immediate post-independence periods. Cohen, Cynthia
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc. Anthr.). Supervised by Kirkwood, K.; Coombe, T.
     Chronological coverage: 1884–1975
     Index terms: Namibia; Education, in Namibia; South Africa

Forest history of Ethiopia from early times to 1974. Bekele, Melaku
     M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor)
     Chronological coverage: 1–1974
     Index terms: Forests, in Ethiopia; Ethiopia

National integration and the vicissitudes of state power in Ghana: the political incorporation of Likpe, a border community, 1945-86. Nugent, Paul C.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1986
     Index terms: Lipke, Ghana; Ghana

South African gold mining, 1887-1945: a study by comparison. Gerrish, Martin
     M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Newitt, M.D.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1887–1945
     Index terms: Gold miners, Gold mining, in South Africa; South Africa

The black sash: a case study of Liberalism in South Africa, 1955-90. Scott, Jennifer A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Williams, G.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1990
     Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism, in South Africa; South Africa

The British trade union movement and South Africa, 1952-85. Jennings, Mark C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Man. Stud.). Supervised by Purcell, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1985
     Index terms: South Africa; Trade unions

The development of a textile spinning and weaving industry in South Africa, 1925-85. Kilvington, K.W.
     D.Phil., York.
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1985
     Index terms: Textile industry, in South Africa; South Africa

The enemy within: the struggle for ascendancy on the Cape eastern frontier, c.1760-1800. Newton-King, Susan
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1760–1800
     Index terms: Cape Colony; South Africa

The political impact of the Egyptian press: a comparative study of the role of the Egyptian press before and after the 1952 revolution, 1923-70. Dabbous, I.A.
     Ph.D., Kent.
     Chronological coverage: 1923–1970
     Index terms: Press, in Egypt; Egypt

`To colonize the mind': Evangelicals in Britain and South Africa, 1790-1837. Elbourne, J. Elizabeth
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, J.G.
     Chronological coverage: 1790–1837
     Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism, in South Africa; South Africa

Trade, merchants and the state in Borno, c.1893-1939. Mukhtar, Yakubu
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Fisher, H.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1893–1939
     Index terms: ]rade, in Borno; Sudan; Borno, Sudan


All the Pasa's men: the performance of the Egyptian army during the reign of Mehmed Ali Pasa. Fahmy, Khaled M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Owen, Edward R.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1805–1847
     Index terms: Mehmet Ali Pasa (1769-1849), khedive of Egypt; Egypt; Army, Egyptian

British business, politics and decolonization in the Gold Coast, c.1945-60. Stockwell, Sarah E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Newbury, C.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
     Index terms: Gold Coast; Ghana; Decolonization, in the Gold Coast; Business, British, in the Gold Coast

Chieftaincy and society in Lesotho: a study in the political economy of Basotho chieftaincy from pre-colonial times to the present. Rugege, Sam M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc.). Supervised by Trapido, S.
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1990
     Index terms: Chieftaincy, Basotho; Lesotho

Decolonization and the politics of education in French West Africa, 1944-58. Chafer, Anthony D.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1958
     Index terms: Education, in French West Africa; French West Africa; Decolonization, French

Educational development in western Libya: a critical assessment of the aims, policies and methods of the British military administration, 1942-52. Appleton, Leonard A.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1942–1952
     Index terms: Education, in Libya; Libya

Egyptianization: the 1947 company law and the foreign communities in Egypt. Karanasou, Florentia
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Owen, Edward R.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1947–1947
     Index terms: Egypt; Foreign communities, in Egypt; Business, in Egypt

Images of Egypt during the French Expedition, 1798-1801: sketches of a historical colony. Piussi, Anna R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Haskell, F.J.H.; Garnett, E. Jane
     Chronological coverage: 1798–1801
     Index terms: French expedition to Egypt (1798-1801); Egypt

Medical care and the Victorian army: health, hospitals and social conditions encountered by British troops during the South African War, 1899-1902. Stone, Mitchell S.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1902
     Index terms: Boer War (1899-1902); South African War (1899-1902); Army; South Africa; Health, in South Africa

Patterns in mission preaching: the representation of the Christian message and Efik response in the Scottish Calabar Mission, Nigeria, 1846-1900. Daniel, William H.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1846–1900
     Index terms: Scottish Calabar Mission; Nigeria; Missions, Christian, in Nigeria; Scotland; Efik people

Processed food marketing in Ivory Coast, 1956-90: distribution techniques and foreign domination in a developing economy. Bosteen, Lars B.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Austin, G.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1956–1990
     Index terms: Marketing, in Ivory Coast; Ivory Coast; Processed food, in Ivory Coast

The Colonial Office and labour legislation in British Africa from the early 19th century to the 1950s, with special reference to the use of penal sanctions in `master and servant' ordinances. Banton, Mandy K.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Roberts, A.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1960
     Index terms: Colonial Office; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Africa; Labour legislation, in South Africa
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; 19th Century20th Century

The colonial politics of African welfare in Kenya, 1939-52: a crisis of paternalism. Lewis, Joanna E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1952
     Index terms: Kenya; Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Welfare, of Africans, in Kenya

The development and politics of black co-operatives in South Africa, 1906-90: a critical examination of the relationship between social movement support and the formation and failure of co-operatives. Ruiters, Alistair P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc.). Supervised by Williams, G.P
     Chronological coverage: 1906–1990
     Index terms: Co-operatives, black; South Afric; Co-operatives, in South Africa; Black people, in South Africa

The development of Krio Christianity in Sierra Leone, 1792-1861. Grant, Mary J.E. Currie
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1792–1861
     Index terms: Sierra Leone; Missions, Christian, in Sierra Leone; Krio people

The growth of the African Anglican church in central Kenya, 1900-45. Karanja, John K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1945
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Kenya; Anglican church, in Kenya

The history of cotton growing in East and Central Africa: British demand, African supply. Dawe, Jennifer A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Fyfe, C.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1990
     Index terms: Cotton growing, in Africa


A history of the medical institutions of Robben Island, Cape Colony, 1846-1910. Deacon, Harriet J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1846–1910
     Index terms: Cape Colony, South Africa; South Africa; Medical institutions, in South Africa; Robben Island, South Africa

Apartheid in South African industrial relations, 1955-80. Coupe, Stuart A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ranger, T.O.
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1980
     Index terms: South Africa; Industrial relations, in South Africa; Apartheid, in South Africa

A social and conceptual history of N.E. Zimbabwe, 1890-1990. Maxwell, David J.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ranger, T.O.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1990
     Index terms: Zimbabwe

Bitter sugar: slavery and emancipation in 19th-century Mauritius. Teelock, Vijayalakshmi
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, D.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1842
     Index terms: Emancipation, in Mauritius; Slavery, in Mauritius; Mauritius

Black pastoralists, white farmers: the dynamics of land dispossession and labour recruitment in southern Namibia, 1915-55. Silvester, Jeremy G.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, D.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1915–1955
     Index terms: Labour, in Namibia; Land, in Namibia; South Africa; Namibia; Farmers, in Namibia

Counter-insurgency and intelligence in Kenya, 1952-6. Heather, Randall W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1956
     Index terms: Kenya; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Kenya; Counter-insurgency, in Kenya

Evangelical parachurch movements in Ghanaian Christianity, c.1950-early 1990s. Adubofuor, Samuel B.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1992
     Index terms: Parachurch movements, in Ghana; Ghana; Christianity, in Ghana; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism, in Ghana

Fascism and the Bedouin of Cyrenaica. Pasero, Annalisa
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1942
     Index terms: Bedouin, in Libya; Fascists, Fascism, Italian, in Libya; Cyrenaica; Libya; Italians, in Libya

Isma'il Sidqi (1875-1950): pragmatism and vision in 20th-century Egypt. Badrawi, Malak
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Islamic Stud.). Supervised by Choueiri, Y.
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1950
     Index terms: Sidqi, Isma'il (1875-1950), Egyptian prime minister; Egypt

`Of savages and heroes': discourses of race, nation and gender in the Evangelical missions to southern Africa, in the early 19th century. Stuart, Douglas I.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1830
     Index terms: Africa, southern; Missions, Christian, in Africa; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism, in Africa; Race, in Africa

Sierra Leone and World War I. Cole, Festus
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
     Index terms: World War I; Sierra Leone

The African Catholic church under Vandal rule, 429-533. Parsons, Jonathan K.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Cameron, Averil M.
     Chronological coverage: 429–533
     Index terms: Vandals, in Africa; Church, in Africa

The colour of disease: syphilis and racism in South Africa, 1910-50. Jochelson, Karen J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc.). Supervised by Vaughan, M.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1950
     Index terms: Racism, in South Africa; South Africa; Syphilis, in South Africa; Disease, in South Africa

The evolution of British imperial policy on the Volta, 1857-97: from informal opportunism to formal occupation. Bryars, William H.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Grenville, J.A.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1857–1897
     Index terms: Volta river, Ghana; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Ghana; Ghana

The human clay: an essay in the spatial history of the Cape eastern frontier, 1811-35. Anderson, Peter R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ranger, T.O.
     Chronological coverage: 1811–1835
     Index terms: Frontier, Cape eastern; South Africa; Cape province, South Africa

The London Missionary Society and the development of the Ngwato Christianity, with special reference to Khama III (1857-1923). Nkomazana, Fidelis
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Christianity in non-W. world)
     Chronological coverage: 1877–1923
     Index terms: Ngwato people, S. Africa; London Missionary Society; Khama III (1857-1923), king of Ngwato people; Missions, Christian, in Africa

The political economy of a public enterprise: the South African Iron and Steel Corporation, 1928-89. Cross, Timothy R.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Trapido, S.
     Chronological coverage: 1928–1989
     Index terms: South Africa; Iron and Steel Corporation, in South Africa; Public enterprise, in South Africa

The religious itinerary of a people: the impact of the Christian gospel on the Kasena of Ghana, 1906-92. Howell, Allison M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1906–1992
     Index terms: Kasena people, Ghana; Ghana; Christianity, in Ghana; Missions, Christian, in Ghana

The state, agrarian policy and rural politics in Zimbabwe: case studies of Insiza and Chimanimani districts, 1940-90. Alexander, Jocelyn H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Ranger, T.O.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1990
     Index terms: Insiza, Zimbabwe; Zimbabwe; Chimanimani, Zimbabwe; Agrarian policy, in Zimbabwe

The struggle for control over dispute proceedings in the lower courts of Southern Rhodesia, c.1930-c.1970. Smith, Randal C.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Roberts, A.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1970
     Index terms: Courts, legal, in Zimbabwe; Zimbabwe; Southern Rhodesia; Courts, legal in Southern Rhodesia

West African students and West African nationalism in Britain, 1900-60. Adi, Hakim
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1960
     Index terms: Nationalism, West African; Students, West African, in Britain; West Africa

Youth culture and politics in Soweto, 1958-76. Glaser, Clive L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1958–1976
     Index terms: South Africa; Youth culture, in South Africa; Soweto, South Africa


A historical analysis of new religious movements in Ghana, 1911-88. Gyanfosu, Samuel
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Hastings, Adrian
     Chronological coverage: 1911–1988
     Index terms: Religious movements, in Ghana; Gold Coast; Ghana

Badagry, 1784-1863: the political and commercial history of a pre-colonial lagoonside community in S.W. Nigeria. Sorensen-Gilmour, Caroline A.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Law, R.C.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1784–1863
     Index terms: Trade, in Nigeria; Nigeria; Badagry, Nigeria

Changing regimes and the development of education in Cameroon, with special reference to the Basel Mission,1886-1961. Gwanfogbe, Matthew B.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by McLean, M.; Aldrich, R.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1886–1961
     Index terms: Cameroon; Education, in Cameroon; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Cameroon; Basel Mission

Class relations and inter-class perceptions in 20th-century Egypt, 1920-50. Baraka, Magda
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Owen, Edward R.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1950
     Index terms: Class relations, in Egypt; Egypt

Colonial administration during the Secretaryship of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach (1878-80), with special reference to Cape Colony and Natal: a study in colonial policy-making. Ward, J.P.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Lampeter)
     Chronological coverage: 1878–1880
     Index terms: St. Aldwyn, Earl, see Hicks-Beach; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in South Africa; Hicks-Beach, Sir Michael (1837-1916), 9th Bt. and 1st Earl St. Aldwyn; South Africa; Cape Colony; Natal

Colonialism and cultural change: some aspects of the impact of modernity upon Asante. Donkoh, Wilhelmina J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1896–1957
     Index terms: Ghana; Asante, Ashanti, Ghana; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Ghana; Culture, in Ghana

European influence and tribal society in Tunisia: the origins and impact of the trade in esparto grass, 1870-1940. McQuarrie, Gavin
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1940
     Index terms: Esparto grass, in Tunisia; Trade, external, of Tunisia; Tunisia

Farm labour relations and the regional economy of the Western Cape, 1917-39. van den Bergh, Edda-Nathalie
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1939
     Index terms: Labour relations, in South Africa; Western Cape, South Africa; South Africa; Farm labourers, in South Africa

Ga state and society in early colonial Accra, 1860s-1920s. Parker, John S.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, Richard J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1930
     Index terms: Gold Coast, see Ghana; Ghana; Accra, Ghana; Ga, Ghana

Liberals and their enemies: racial ideology at the Cape of Good Hope, 1820-50. Bank, Andrew
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1850
     Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism, in South Africa; South Africa; Cape of Good Hope, South Africa; Racial ideology, in South Africa

`Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?' The problems of policing in Anglophone Africa during the transfer of power. Morrison, Hamish
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Bridges, R.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1963
     Index terms: Africa, Anglophone; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Africa; Police, in Anglophone Africa
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; 20th Century

Reckoning without the African: British development policy in Tanganyika, 1925-50. McLoughlin, Stephen A.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Twaddle, M.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1950
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Tanganyika; Tanganyika

The entrepreneurial ethnocracy of the Lebanese in Nigeria: ethnicity and clientelism in an immigrant community, 1920-80. Hage, Ahmad A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Near & Mid. E.)
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1990
     Index terms: Entrepreneurs, Lebanese, in Nigeria; Migration, to Nigeria; Migration, Lebanese; Lebanese, in Nigeria; Nigeria

The history of Ottoman Egypt in the 17th century: some unpublished sources. Yusoff, Kamaruzzaman bin
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Howard, I.K.A.; Hillenbrand, Carole
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
     Index terms: Egypt, Ottoman; Ottoman empire

The imperial garrison in Natal, with special reference to Fort Napier, 1843-1914: its social, cultural and economic impact. Dominy, Graham A.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1843–1914
     Index terms: Fort Napier, South Africa; South Africa; Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Army; Natal

The projection of Britain's 'new empire' in Africa, 1939-48. Morris, C.J.
     Ph.D., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1948
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Africa; Empire, British
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; 20th Century

The Sierra Leone native pastorate church, 1850-90: an experiment in ecclesiastical independence. Hanciles, Jehu J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1890
     Index terms: Church, in Sierra Leone; Missions, Christian, in Sierra Leone; Sierra Leone

The southern Sudan under British rule, 1898-1924: the constraint reassessed. Mawut, Lazarus L.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, P.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1924
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Sudan; Sudan

Workers, war and the origins of apartheid: race, industrial conflict and the South African state, 1939-48. Alexander, Peter
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1948
     Index terms: Race issues, in South Africa; South Africa; Industrial conflict, in South Africa; Apartheid, in South Africa; World War II (1939-45)


A history of disease and medicine in Swaziland, c.1870-1993. Matse, P.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, John
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1993
     Index terms: Medicine, in Swaziland; Disease, in Swaziland; Swaziland

Ambivalent identities: coloured and class in the Cape Town Municipal Workers' Association. Rudin, Jeff
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1921–1990
     Index terms: Class, in South Africa; Coloured people, in South Africa; Cape Town Municipal Workers' Association; Cape Town, South Africa; Municipal workers, in South Africa; South Africa; Workers, in South Africa

British imperialism and Social Darwinism: C.L. Temple and colonial administration in northern Nigeria, 1901-16. Alderman, Christopher J.F.
     Ph.D., Kingston. (Hum.). Supervised by Drummond-Thompson, Philip H.; Hawkins, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1901–1916
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Nigeria; Nigeria; Temple, Charles Lindsay (1871-1929); Social Darwinism

Economic and military change in 19th-century Buganda. Reid, Richard J.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Roberts, Andrew D.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Army, in Buganda; Buganda

Holy war and rebellion: the Moroccan state in the early 19th century and the Algerian jihad of 'Abd al-Qadir, 1830-47. Bennison, Katherine N.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Brett, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1847
     Index terms: Morocco; `Abd al-Qadir (1807-83); Algeria

Land, labour and cattle: the political economy of Zululand, c.1930-1950. MacKinnon, Aran S.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1950
     Index terms: Cattle, in Zululand; Labour, in Zululand; South Africa; Land, in Zululand; Zululand

Medical research and medical practice in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1899-1940. Bell, Heather L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Vaughan, Megan A.
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1940
     Index terms: Medical practice, in the Sudan; Medical research, in the Sudan; Sudan

Migrant labour and agriculture in southern Mozambique, with special reference to the Lower Limpopo valley, 1920-92. Covane, Luis A.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1992
     Index terms: Mozambique; Migration, to Mozambique; Labour, in Mozambique; Agriculture, in Mozambique; Limpopo valley, Mozambique

Miscegenation and colonial society in French West Africa, c.1900-1960. White, Owen C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Gildea, Robert N.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1960
     Index terms: Miscegenation, in French West Africa; Colonial society, in French West Africa; French West Africa

Pan-Arabism in domestic Egyptian politics, 1952-70. Funtek, Katarina A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Hopwood, Derek
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1970
     Index terms: Pan-Arabism, in Egypt; Egypt

Politics and society in Inanda, Natal: the Qadi under Chief Mqhawe, c.1840-1906. Hughes, Heather A.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1840–1906
     Index terms: Qadi people, Natal; South Africa; Natal; Inanda, Natal; Mqhawe, chief of Quadi (19th cent.)

Portuguese counter-insurgency campaigning in Africa, 1961-74: a military analysis. Cann, John P.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1974
     Index terms: Counter-insurgency campaigning, Portuguese, in Africa; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, Portuguese, in Africa; Portugal; Army, Portuguese

Protestant churches and the formation of political consciousness in southern Mozambique, 1930-74: the case of the Swiss Mission. da Cruz e Silva, Teresa M.
     Ph.D., Bradford. (Soc. & Econ. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1974
     Index terms: Mozambigue; Missions, Christian, in Mozambique; Protestants, Protestantism, in Mozambique; Swiss Mission, in Mozambique

Religion, politics and conflict in northern Nigeria: an historical analysis, with two case studies. Best, Shedrack G.
     Ph.D., Bradford. (Peace Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1995
     Index terms: Christianity, in Nigeria; Conflict, in Nigeria; Religion, in Nigeria; Nigeria; Islam, in Nigeria

Skirting the edges of civilization: British women travellers and travel writers in South Africa, 1797-1899. Adler, Michelle
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula; Gunner, Elizabeth E.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1797–1899
     Index terms: Women; Travellers; South Africa; Travel writers
     Categories: Intellectual history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century

The aspirations of European settlers in Kenya and their influence on Highland farming practices, 1890-1964. Rieden, Elizabeth F.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Collins, Edward J.T.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1964
     Index terms: Settlement, European, in Kenya; Highlands, of Kenya; Kenya; Farming, in Kenya

The British colonial policy and its impact on social and economic development in the Gold Coast (Ghana), 1940-51. Asamoah, Henry K.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Grenville, John A.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1951
     Index terms: Gold Coast; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in the Gold Coast; Ghana

The development of pentecostalism in Ghana. Larbi, Emmanuel K.K.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Christianity in non-W. world)
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1990
     Index terms: Pentecostals, Pentecostalism in Ghana; Ghana

The history of the Baptist Church in Angola and its influence on the life and culture of the Kongo and Zombo peoples, 1879-1940. Grenfell, Frederick J.
     M.Phil., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Hastings, Adrian
     Chronological coverage: 1879–1940
     Index terms: Baptists, in Angola; Angola; Missions, Christian, in Angola; Kongo people; Zombo people

The Scottish mission factor in the development of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, 1917-57. Gyang-Duah, Charles
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Christianity in non-W. world)
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1957
     Index terms: Presbyterians, Presbyterianism, Presbyterian Church, in Ghana; Scotland; Missions, Christian; Ghana; Gold Coast, see Ghana

The social and economic impact of political violence in Zimbabwe, 1890-1990: a case study of the Honde valley. Schmidt, Heike I.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ranger, Terence O.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1990
     Index terms: Honde valley, Zimbabwe; Rhodesia; Southern Rhodesia; Zimbabwe; Political violence, in Zimbabwe

The state and integrated rural development in southwestern Nigeria, c.1945-1992, with a case study of the Ekiti-Akoko agricultural development project, Ondo-State. Akinola, Olufemi A.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Austin, Gareth M.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1992
     Index terms: Ondo, Nigeria; Nigeria; Ekiti-Akoko agricultural project, Nigeria; Agriculture, in Nigeria; Rural development, in Nigeria

'To make the crooked straight': settler colonialism, imperial decline and the South African beef industry, 1902-42. Milton, Shaun N.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1902–1942
     Index terms: Settlement, in South Africa; Beef industry, in South Africa; South Africa; Colonialism, in South Africa


Agrarian transformations in the western districts of Cape Colony, 1838-c.1900. Dooling, Wayne L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, John
     Chronological coverage: 1838–1900
     Index terms: Agrarian economy, in South Africa; Cape Colony; South Africa

A struggle for representation: the international media treatment of South Africa, 1972-9. Sanders, James G.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1972–1979
     Index terms: Media, international, and South Africa; South Africa

British policy and >the nationalist movement in Egypt, 1914-24. Hussain, Majid S.
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Arabic & Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Choueiri, Y.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1924
     Index terms: Nationalists, Nationalism, in Egypt; Foreign policy; Egypt

Gender and honour in middle-class Cape Town: the making of colonial identities, 1828-50. McKenzie, Kirsten E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Trapido, Stanley
     Chronological coverage: 1828–1850
     Index terms: Middle classes, in South Africa; Cape Town, South Africa; South Africa; Gender, in South Africa

Health and society in Windhoek, Namibia, 1915-45. Wallace, Marion E.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1915–1945
     Index terms: South Africa; Namibia; Windhoek, Namibia; Health, in Namibia

Land development and sustainability: agricultural policy in colonial Kigezi, Uganda, 1940-62. Carswell, Grace M.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1962
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Uganda; Uganda; Land development, in Uganda; Kigezi, Uganda; Agricultural policy, in Uganda

Mothers of invention: gender, class and the ideology of the Volksmoeder in the making of Afrikaner nationalism, 1918-38. Vincent, Louise D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Trapido, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1938
     Index terms: Volksmoeder, in South Africa; Class, in South Africa; Gender, in South Africa; Women, in South Africa; Afrikaners, in South Africa; South Africa; Nationalists, Nationalism, in South Africa

Racial attitudes among British settlers in South Africa, c.1850-c.1895. Dagut, Simon G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Garson, M.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1895
     Index terms: Settlement, in South Africa; Racial attitudes, in South Africa; Migration; South Africa; Migration, to South Africa

The 1919 Egyptian revolution. Majid, Hussein
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Arabic & Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Choueiri, Y.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1919
     Index terms: Revolution, in Egypt; Egypt

The church as the bulwark against extremism: development of church and state relations in Kenya, with particular reference to the years after political independence, 1963-92. Githiga, Gideon G.
     Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1963–1992
     Index terms: Church and state, in Kenya; Kenya

The founding principles of the Africa Inland Mission and their interaction with the African context in Kenya, 1895-1939: the study of a faith mission. Morad, Stephen D.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1939
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Kenya; Kenya; Africa Inland Mission; Faith missions

The power of exclusion: moving memories from Windermere to the Cape Flats, 1920s-1990s. Fields, S.
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1995
     Index terms: Racial policy, in South Africa; Cape Flats, South Africa; Windermere, South Africa; Apartheid, in South Africa; South Africa

The state and the development of small-scale industry in Ghana since c.1945. Ball, Rajiv
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Austin, Gareth M.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
     Index terms: Industry, in Ghana; Ghana

Use of propaganda in civil war: the Biafra experience. Davies, Patrick E.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1967–1970
     Index terms: Biafra; Civil war, in Biafra; Propaganda

Watershed in a colonial backwater? The Bechuanaland Protectorate during the Second World War. Jackson, Ashley J.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ranger, Terence O.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Bechuanaland; World War II (1939-45); Botswana; Bechuanaland; Bechuanaland, see also Botswana

Wolaitta evangelists: a study of religious innovation in southern Ethiopia, 1937-75. Balisky, Emon P.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Christianity in non-W. world). Supervised by Walls, Andrew F.
     Chronological coverage: 1937–1975
     Index terms: Evangelists, Evangelism, in Ethiopia; Wolaitta people, Ethiopia; Ethiopia


African-American missionaries to E. Africa, 1900-26. Orr, Rodney H.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1926
     Index terms: Africa, East; Missions, Christian, in E. Africa; African-Americans

A historical and cultural analysis of the position of Abaluyia women in Kenyan Quaker Christianity, 1902-79. Mombo, Esther M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1902–1979
     Index terms: Quakers, in Kenya; Kenya; Women, in Kenya; Missions, Christian, in Kenya; Abaluyia people, Kenya; Christianity, in Kenya
     Categories: Cultural history; Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; 20th Century

An environmental history of the kingdom of Bunyoro in western Uganda, c.1860-c.1940. Doyle, Shane D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, John
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1940
     Index terms: Bunyoro, Uganda; Uganda

A rival protest: the life and work of Richard Rive, a South African writer (1931-89). Lee, Daryl R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Young, Robert J.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1951–1989
     Index terms: Rive, Richard (1931-89); South Africa

Between God and Caesar: the Catholic Church in South Africa, 1948-90. Ryall, David F.P.M.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Theol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1990
     Index terms: South Africa; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church, in South Africa

Bishop A.R. Tucker of Uganda and the implementation of an evangelical tradition of mission. Griffiths, Tudor F.L.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Hastings, Adrian
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1911
     Index terms: Tucker, Alfred Robert (1849-1914), bishop; Uganda; Missions

British anti-Communist policies and the transfer of power in Nigeria, from the late 1930s to 1960. Tijani, Hakeem I.
     M.Phil., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, Richard J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1937–1960
     Index terms: Anti-Communism, in Nigeria; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Nigeria; Nigeria; Communists, Communism, in Nigeria

Charity, relief and development: Christian Aid in Ethiopia, 1960s-90s. Barrow, Ondine S.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1999
     Index terms: Charity, in Ethiopia; Christian Aid, in Ethiopia; Ethiopia

Chieftaincy politics and civic consciousness in Ibadan history, 1829-1939. Watson, Ruth I.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Gavin P.
     Chronological coverage: 1829–1939
     Index terms: Chieftaincy politics, in Nigeria; Nigeria; Ibadan, Nigeria; Civic consciousness, in Nigeria

Contested freedoms: British images of Sierra Leone, 1780-1850. Downing, Andrea
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Tadman, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1850
     Index terms: Sierra Leone, and Britain

Labour migration from central Mozambique to Rhodesia, c.1930-1950. Das Neves, Joel M.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1950
     Index terms: Migration, to Rhodesia; Migration, from Mozambique; Labour migration, in Africa; Mozambique; Rhodesia; Zimbabwe

Mission, church and state relations in S.W. Africa under German rule, 1884-1915. Oermann, Nils O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pogge von Strandmann, Hartmut J.O.
     Chronological coverage: 1884–1915
     Index terms: Church, in Africa; Africa, south-west; Missions, Christian, in Africa; Germany, and Africa

Native policy and the Smuts administration, 1919-24. Anstee, Markham D.M.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Mawby, Arthur A.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1924
     Index terms: Native policy, in South Africa; Smuts, Jan Christiaan (1870-1950); South Africa

Palm oil and power: women in an era of economic and social transition in 19th-century Yorubaland, south-western Nigeria. Shields, Francine
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by McCracken, K. John; Law, Robin C.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Yorubaland, Nigeria; Nigeria; Women, in Nigeria; Palm oil, in Nigeria
     Categories: Economic history; Gender and Women; 19th Century

Patterns of production: women industrial workers in Cape Town, 1918-39. Angier, Katharine L.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
     Index terms: Workers, in South Africa; Cape Town, South Africa; South Africa; Women, in South Africa; Industry, in South Africa
     Categories: Business history; Gender and Women; 20th Century

Progressive elites in Bunga politics: African farmers in the Transkeian territories, 1904-46. Charman, Andrew J.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by Lehmann, Albert D.
     Chronological coverage: 1904–1946
     Index terms: Bunga people, South Africa; Transkeian Territories, South Africa; South Africa

The activism of ideas: J.A. Hobson's opposition to aggressive imperialism, 1896-1902. Rush, William G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reid, Alastair J.
     Chronological coverage: 1896–1902
     Index terms: Imperialists, Imperialism, in South Africa; Hobson, John Atkinson (1858-1940); South Africa

The agrarian history of Botswana, 1930-65. Morapedi, W. Gilbert
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Krikler, Jeremy M.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1965
     Index terms: Botswana; Agrarian change, Agrarian development, in Botswana

The Egyptian revolution: politics and the Egyptian nation, 1919-26. Whidden, James N.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Brett, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1926
     Index terms: Revolution, in Egypt; Egypt

The interplay of Christianity, ethnicity and politics in Ankole (Uganda), 1953-93.. Karamura, Grace P.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Ward, Kevin
     Chronological coverage: 1962–1996
     Index terms: Ankole, Uganda; Ethnicity; Christianity, in Uganda; Uganda

The interplay of Christianity, ethnicity and politics in Ankole (Uganda), 1953-93. Karamura, Grace P.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Ward, Kevin
     Chronological coverage: 1962–1996
     Index terms: Ankole, Uganda; Ethnicity; Christianity, in Uganda; Uganda

The medieval gateways to the E. African coast, 750-1100 A.D. Haug, Anders G.
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Birmingham, David B.
     Chronological coverage: 750–1100
     Index terms: Africa, east; Travel

The poetics of liminal places: landscape and the construction of white identity in early 20th-century South Africa. Foster, Jeremy
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1930
     Index terms: Racial identity, white, in South Africa; South Africa; Landscape

The politics of higher education in the Gold Coast and French West Africa from 1945 to Independence. Leney, Ekaterini
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
     Index terms: French West Africa; Gold Coast; Gold Coast, see also Ghana; Higher education, in French West Africa; Higher education, in the Gold Coast; Ghana, see also Gold Coast; Education, in French West Africa and the Gold Coast


A history of famine in Zambia, c.1825-1949. Siamwiza, Bennett
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, John
     Chronological coverage: 1825–1949
     Index terms: Famine, in Zambia; Zambia

Algeria's post-independence relations with her Maghrebian neighbours. Bougheira, Redha
     Ph.D., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Alexander, Martin S.
     Chronological coverage: 1962–1998
     Index terms: Maghreb, North Africa; Foreign relations, of Algeria; Algeria

Charity, relief and development: Christian Aid in Ethiopia, 1960s-1990s. Smerdon, Ondine
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1995
     Index terms: Ethiopia; Christian Aid; Charity

Class, consciousness and organisation: Indian political resistance in Durban, South Africa, 1979-96. Naidoo, K.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1979–1996
     Index terms: South Africa; Political resistance, Indian; Durban, South Africa; Class, in South Africa

Gender and Christianity among Africans attached to Scottish mission stations in Xhosaland in the 19th century. Erlank, Natasha
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1860
     Index terms: Missions, Christian; Xhosaland; Christianity; Gender; Scotland

Governments against their own people: a study of Ethio-Somali and Ethio-Sudanese conflicts, 1960-98. Christow, Edward A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Throup, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1998
     Index terms: Sudan; Somalia; Ethiopia

Ottoman rule in Egypt, 1680-1711. al-Abdin, Bashir Z.
     M.Phil., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.)
     Chronological coverage: 1680–1711
     Index terms: Ottoman empire; Egypt

Seeing the wood for the trees: deforestation in the central highlands of Eritrea since 1890. Boerma, Pauline A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 1890–2000
     Index terms: Deforestation, in Eritrea; Eritrea

Segregation, customary law and the governance of Africans in South Africa, c.1910-29. Costa, Anthony A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1929
     Index terms: Customary law, in South Africa; South Africa; Segregation, in South Africa

Soldiers at peace: the post-war politics of demobilized soldiers in Mozambique, 1964-96. Schafer, Jessica S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.; Mustapha, Abdul R.
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1996
     Index terms: Mozambique; Demobilization, in Mozambique

State policies in rural South Africa, 1948-60. McIntosh, Robert
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1960
     Index terms: South Africa

State policies in rural South Africa, c.1948-c.1960: Bantu authorities, policy formation and local responses. McIntosh, Robert
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1960
     Index terms: South Africa

The British presence in Libya in the 19th century, with particular reference to the vice-consulates of the Sahara. Wright, John L.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Brett, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Sahara; Libya

The development of the Mamluk land tenure in Egypt 697/1297-882/1477. Al-Wahaibi, Khalid K.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by McDonald, Michael V.; Hillenbrand, Carole
     Chronological coverage: 1297–1477
     Index terms: Mamluks; Egypt; Land tenure, in Egypt

The government of the Gold Coast during World War I. Wrangham, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, Richard J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
     Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Gold Coast

The growth of Christianity in Ugogo and Ukaguru (Central Tanzania): a socio-historical analysis of the role of indigenous agents, 1876-1933. Akiri, Raphael M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
     Chronological coverage: 1876–1933
     Index terms: Ugogo, Tanzania; Ukaguru, Tanzania; Christianity, in Tanzania; Tanzania

The king and his town: the importance of traditional rulers for local history in Ijebu-Remo (Nigeria). Nolte, Insa
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by Farias, Paulo F. de Moraes
     Chronological coverage: 1500–1990
     Index terms: Nigeria; Towns; Ijebu-Remo, Nigeria

Urban growth, apartheid and social organization in Cape Town, 1939-55. Greenbank, Kevin M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1955
     Index terms: South Africa; Cape Town, South Africa; Urban development, Urban growth; Apartheid


A history of malaria control policy in colonial Kenya, 1897-1963. Ombongi, Kenneth S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1897–1963
     Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare, in Kenya; Malaria control policy, in Kenya; Kenya

British origins of South African segregation. Hudson, Robert F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1960
     Index terms: Segregation, in South Africa; South Africa, and Britain

Colonial space, colonial identity: perception and the South African landscape. Dubow, Jessica
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 1806–1907
     Index terms: Colonial identity; Landscape, South African; South Africa

Medical missions and African demand in Kwazulu-Natal, 1836-1918. Zondi, W.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, John
     Chronological coverage: 1836–1918
     Index terms: Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa; Medical missions; Missions, medical; South Africa

Purposes of economic sanctions: British objectives in the Rhodesian crisis, 1964-79. Fountain, Evan D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1979
     Index terms: Rhodesian crisis; Economic sanctions; Foreign policy

Roan Antelope: big business in Central Africa, 1890-1953. Phillips, John G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hopkins, Antony G.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1953
     Index terms: Roan Antelope Mining Corporation; Business, in Central Africa

Socio-economic impact of tropical disease in West Africa, 1900-48. Chambers, Marisa
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Power, Helen J.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1948
     Index terms: Disease, tropical, in West Africa; West Africa

That most perfidious institution: the slow death of slavery in the 19th-century. Getz, Trevor R.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, Richard J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Slavery

The Church and political authoritarianism: a Kenyan case study from 1844 to the present. Arap-Chelogoy, Michael K.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1844–2000
     Index terms: Authoritanism, in Kenya; Political authoritarianism, in Kenya; Church, in Kenya

The cuisine of Morocco: historical origins and ritual. Sanane, Zohor
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Brett, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1997
     Index terms: Cuisine, or Morocco; Morocco

The cultural politics of bridewealth: marriage, custom and land in colonial Murang'a. Kannan, Joyce A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1995
     Index terms: Bridewealth, in Kenya; Marriage, in Kenya; Murang'a Kikuyu, Kenya; Cultural politics, in Kenya

The history of the kingdom of Kazembe (Zambia). Macola, Giacomo
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Roberts, Andrew D.
     Chronological coverage: 1740–1890
     Index terms: Kazembe, Zambia; Zambia

The impact of the 'Alliance Israelite Universelle' on change and modernisation of the Jewish communities of Morocco, 1912-56. Abraham, Meir B.
     Ph.D., Anglia Polytechnic University.
     Chronological coverage: 1912–1956

The Shifta conflict in Kenya, 1963-8. Mburu, Nene
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1963–1968
     Index terms: Shifta conflict, in Kenya; Kenya

Unfinished business: land tenure reform in coastal Kenya, 1895-1939. Abd Hamid, Hamidin
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1939
     Index terms: Land titles ordinance, Kenya; Kenya

Wahuni! (The undesirables): African urbanization, crime and colonial order in Dar Es Salaam, 1919-61. Burton, Andrew R.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1961
     Index terms: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania; Colonial order, in Africa; Crime, in Africa; Urbanization, in Africa; Tanzania, Africa


An Ottoman North African Eyalet and its relations with the Porte: the army and government of Hammuda Basha, Bey of Tunis, 1777-1813. Moalla, Asma
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S.)
     Chronological coverage: 1777–1813
     Index terms: Ottoman empire; Hammuda Basha (1759-1814), Bey of Tunis; Tunis, Bey of; Porte

Christian missions in the age of new imperialism: the C.M.S. in Uganda, c.1880-1914. Whitehouse, Scott
     M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
     Index terms: Imperialism; C.M.S., see Church Missionary Society; Church Missionary Society; Uganda; Missions, Christian, in Uganda

Circumstances short of global war: British defence, colonial internal security, and decolonisation in Kenya, 1945-65. Percox, David A.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrigley, Christopher J.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1965

Eugenics, race and empire: the Kenya casebook. Campbell, Chloe D.M.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1997
     Index terms: Empire, British; Race; Eugenics; Kenya

Nutrition and chronic deprivation in the West African Savanna, North-Eastern Ghana, 1930-2000. Destombes, Jerome J.L.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
     Chronological coverage: 1930–2000
     Index terms: Ghana; Deprivation, in Ghana; Nutrition, in Ghana; West African Savanna, Ghana

Plantation struggles: trade unionism on the land, Kenya, 1945-65. Hyde, David N.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1965
     Index terms: Trade unionism, in Kenya; Kenya; Plantations, in Kenya

Procrastination or pragmatism? British defence policy, War Office administration and the South African war, 1898-1903. Meriwether, Jeffrey L.
     M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1903
     Index terms: War Office; South African war; Defence policy, British, in South Africa; South Africa, and Britain

Religion and politics in Igboland from the 18th century to 1930: earth, god and power. Achebe, Ikechukwu
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1930
     Index terms: Politics, in Nigeria; Religion, in Nigeria; Igboland, Nigeria

Sir Bartle Frere and the Zulu War. O'Connor, Damian
     M.A., Essex. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1878–1879
     Index terms: Zulu War; Frere, Sir Bartle (1815-84); South Africa

The Ethiopian state and its Somalia periphery, c.1888-1948. Barnes, Cedric R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1888–1948
     Index terms: Somalia, and Ethiopia; Ethiopia, and Somalia

The making of British policy on tropical Africa, 1920-40: approaches to and influences on policy-making. Murray, Finlay T.D.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1940
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Africa; Africa, tropical, and Britain

The policy of indirect rule in Bechuanaland protectorate (Botswana), 1926-57. Makgala, C.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, John
     Chronological coverage: 1926–1957


African treatment of cattle diseases. Wright, Stephen
     M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by MacKenzie, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000

A social history of southeastern Tanzania, c.1900-1950. Becker, F.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Iliffe, John
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1950

Authority and identity: Malawian soldiers in Britain's colonial army, 1891-1964. Lovering, Timothy J.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by McCracken, K. John
     Chronological coverage: 1891–1964

Banda and the British: Anglo-Malawian relations in the 1960s. Badenoch, H.A.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1970

Church and state in decolonisation: the case of Buganda, 1939-62. Howell, Caroline Bone
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Phimister, Ian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1962

Class, race and institutional reform in Cape Town and its environs during the era of emancipation, 1823-53. Namphy, André C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Trapido, Stanley
     Chronological coverage: 1823–1853

Colonial words, nationalism, Islam and languages of history in Algeria. McDougall, James R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Rogan, Eugene L.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1954
     Index terms: Nationalism, Algerian; Algeria; Islam

Famine response and moral economy in Kenya, 1960-84. Affolder, R.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1984

Forest exploitation versus conservation in colonial Zimbabwe, with particular reference to the Zambezi teak woodland of northwestern Matebeleland, 1890-1960. Kwashirai, Vimbai C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1960

From colonial administration to colonial state: the transition of government, education and labour in Nyasaland, c1930-1950. Fairweather-Tall, Andrew J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1950

Islamic law in 15th-century Morocco: Muhammad al-Miknasi and his work. Twebti, Mehemed
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.). Supervised by Hawting, Gerald R.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500

Lines upon a map: an analysis of the imposition of the western concept of dividing political space in Tanganyika, 1884-1961. Ford, Neil A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Nugent, Paul C.
     Chronological coverage: 1884–1961

Locating 'home': processes of settlement and social change among African women in Cape Town, 1948-2000. Lee, Rebekah
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1948–2000
     Categories: Gender and Women; Social history; 20th Century; 21st Century; Modern

Mission church reactions to 'Bantu education' in South Africa. Overy, Neil G.R.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1990

Moving the Maasai: a colonial misadventure. Hughes, Charlotte J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by David A. Turton; Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1886–1920

Muffled voices: women of the Ghanaian press, 1857-1957. Gadzekpo, Audrey
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by Barber, Karin; Brydon, Lynne
     Chronological coverage: 1857–1957
     Categories: Gender and Women; Intellectual history; Social history; 19th Century; 20th Century

Politics, culture and medicine in Malawi: historical continuities and ruptures, with special reference to H.I.V./A.I.D.S. Lwanda, John L.C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1966–2000

Progressivism, agriculture and conservation in the Cape colony, c.1902-1908. Brown, Karen B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1902–1908

Race, mental health and social control in colonial Kenya, 1900-52. Beuschel, Gail C.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1952

Remaking Ndebele and the Kalanga: language and ethnicity in Matebeleland, 1860-1960s. Msindo, E.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1970

Rhodesian U.D.I. and the search for a settlement, 1964-8: failure of decolonization. Coggins, Richard T.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Owen, Nicholas J.
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1968

Swahili poetry as a historical source: Utenzi, war poems and the German conquest of East Africa. Saavedra Casco, Jose A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1888–1910

The British community in occupied Cairo. Mak, Lanver
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.). Supervised by Freitag, Ulrike
     Chronological coverage: 1882–1952

The Gaullists and North Africa, 1951-8. Tyre, Stephen
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by McMillan, James F.
     Chronological coverage: 1951–1958

The logistics and politics of the Egyptian campaigns, 1915-19. Ulrichsen, K. Coates
     M.Phil., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bayly, Christopher A.
     Chronological coverage: 1915–1919

The poetics of belonging: exhibitions and the performance of white South African identities, 1886-1936. Bhagat, Dipti
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Driver, Felix F.
     Chronological coverage: 1886–1936

The Rwanda Mission and the Balokole Revival. Dunford, J.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1935–1942

Veterinary science and public policy in the Cape colony, 1877-1910. Gilfoyle, Daniel
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1877–1910

Why do we need the White Man's God? African contributions and responses to the formation of a Christian movement in Cameroon, 1914-68. Thomas, Guy A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Rathbone, Richard J.A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1968


Ablode: networks, ideas and performance in Togoland politics, 1950-2001. Collier, Katharine A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by McCaskie, Thomas C.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2001
     Index terms: Politics, in Togoland; Togoland

Afro-European trade on the western slave coast, 16th to 19th centuries. Strickrodt, Silke
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Law, Robin C.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1500–1900
     Index terms: Europe, and Africa; Slave trade

'Being an Indian communist the South African way': the influence of Indians in the South African communist party, 1934-52. Raman, Parvathi
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1934–1952
     Index terms: South Africa; Communist party, in South Africa; Indians, in South Africa

Britain and the Algerian War. Barei, Geoffrey
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Brett, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1954–1962
     Index terms: Algerian War

Culture, citizenship and white South Africanism, c.1924-1948. Cardo, M.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lonsdale, John M.
     Chronological coverage: 1924–1948
     Index terms: White people, in South Africa; South Africa; Citizenship, in South Africa

Literacy, identity and protest: the Khoi of South Africa and the Ojibwa of upper Ghana, c.1820-1850. Close, R.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1850
     Index terms: Ghana; South Africa; Protest, in Africa; Khoi, South Africa; Identity, in Africa; Literacy, in Africa; Ojibwa, Ghana

Race, politics and evangelisation: the British missionary dilemma in central and southern Africa, 1946-63. Stuart, John
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1963
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Africa; Evangelisation, in Africa; Race

The Anglo-Zulu war of 1879: the myth and the reality. Hicks, Jonathan P.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea)
     Chronological coverage: 1879–1879
     Index terms: Myth, in South Africa; Anglo-Zulu war (1879); South Africa, and England; Zulus

The impact of the Arab conquest on late Roman settlement in Egypt. Gascoigne, A.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Kemp, B.J.
     Chronological coverage: 642–800
     Index terms: Egypt, Roman; Arabs


Khoisan healing: understandings, ideas and practices. Low, Christopher Hewson
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, Mark; Beinart, William
     Chronological coverage: 1000–2000
     Index terms: Medicine, in Africa; Khoisan healing

'Snug little coteries': a history of scientific societies in early 19th-century Cape Town, 1824-35. Bregman, Leigh D.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1824–1835
     Index terms: Scientific societies, in South Africa; Cape Town; South Africa

The civil war revival and its Pentecostal progeny: a religious movement among the Igbo people of eastern Nigeria. Burgess, Richard H.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1967–1970
     Index terms: Religion, in Nigeria; Igbo people, of Nigeria; Civil war, in Nigeria

The development of wildlife utilisation in South Africa and Kenya, c.1950-1990. Nell, Dawn d'Arcy
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1990
     Index terms: Wildlife, in Africa; Kenya; South Africa

Zambia's mineworkers and political change, 1964-91. Larmer, Miles
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phimster, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1991
     Index terms: Political change, in Zambia; Mines, Mining, Mineworkers, in Zambia; Zambia


Asmara during the Italian period: order, disorder and urban identities, 1890-1941. Locatelli, Francesca
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1941
     Index terms: Italy, and Eritrea; Eritrea, and Italy; Empire, Italian; Asmara, Eritrea, and Italy; Identity, urban, in Eritrea

A study of the conflict between secular political ideas and Islam in political and religious organisations in Somalia, 1960-90. Hassan, Mohamed R.S.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1990
     Index terms: Religious organisations, in Somalia; Secularism, in Somalia; Islam; Somalia; Political organisations, in Somalia

Brethren in Christ Mission in Zambia, 1906-78: a historical study of Western missionary leadership patterns and the emergence of Tonga church leaders. Phiri, Lazarus
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1906–1978
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Zambia; Brethren in Christ Mission, Zambia; Zambia; Tonga church, Zambia

British and French administration of peoples on the southern borderlands of Cameroon: the case of the Anglo-French inter-Cameroons boundary, 1916-61. Nzume, Anastasia N.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1916–1961
     Index terms: France, and Cameroon; Cameroon, and Britain; Cameroon, and France

Church and settler: a study in the history of the Anglican diocese of Mashonaland/Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1925. Welch, Pamela J.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1925
     Index terms: Mashonaland, diocese; Anglican Church, in Rhodesia; Rhodesia; Settlement, in Rhodesia; Southern Rhodesia, diocese

Courts, councils and citizenship: political culture in the Gezira Scheme in Condominium Sudan. Clarkson, Anna I.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Willis, Justin
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1956
     Index terms: Culture, political, in Sudan; Political culture, see Culture, political; Citizenship, in Sudan; Courts, in Sudan; Sudan, Condominium; Gezira Scheme, Sudan

Elite ideologies and the politics of media: a critical history of invasion elites ideologies and their press from the Brazzaville conference to the military coup of December 24th 1999. Ahipeaud, Martial J.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1999
     Index terms: Brazzaville conference, Congo; Ideology, elite; Media; Congo

Gujarati Indian merchant networks in Mozambique, 1777-c.1830. Machado, Pedro A. Da Silva Rupino
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1777–1830
     Index terms: Gujarati Indians, in Mozambique; Indians, in Mozambique; Mozambique

Healing, conflict and conversion: medical missions in northern Rhodesia, 1880s-1954. Kumwenda, Linda J. Beer
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1954
     Index terms: Health, Healthcare; Missions, medical; Rhodesia

Historical constructions of postcolonial citizenship and subjectivity: the case of the Lozi peoples of southern central Africa. Flint, Lawrence
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (W. Afr. Stud.). Supervised by McCaskie, Thomas C.
     Chronological coverage: 1964–2000
     Index terms: Lozi peoples, Africa; Empire, British

Knowing authority: colonial governance and local community in Equatoria Province, Sudan, 1900-56. Leonardi, Donna C.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Willis, Justin
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1956
     Index terms: Empire, British; Equatoria Province, Sudan; Sudan; Colonial governance, of Sudan

Northern identity and the politics of culture in Nigeria, 1945-66. Smith, Mark P.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1966
     Index terms: Politics, cultural, in Nigeria; Nigeria

The 1858-63 Zambezi expedition: African exploration and science in the field. Dritsas, Lawrence
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Geog./Afr.Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1858–1863
     Index terms: Exploration, in Africa; Science, in Africa; Zambezi expedition

The colonial medical officer and colonial identity: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania before World War II. Crozier, Anna
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
     Index terms: Uganda; Kenya; Tanzania; Colonial medical officers; Empire, British; Public health

The groundnut scheme revisited: colonial disaster and African accumulation in Machingwea District, south-eastern Tanzania, 1946-67. Rizzo, Matteo
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Anderson, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1967
     Index terms: Tanzania; Machingwea District, Tanzania; Groundnut scheme, Tanzania; Empire, British

The kingdom of Kongo and its borderlands, 1880-1915. Vos, Jelmer A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1915
     Index terms: Congo

The politics of presence: Archbishop Arthur Hinsley and the growth and development of Catholic missions in British Colonial Africa, 1928-34. Hagerty, James M.
     M.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Shiels, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1935
     Index terms: Roman Catholic church, in Africa; Hinsley, Arthur (1865-1943), Roman Catholic archbishop of Westminster; Missions, Roman Catholic, in Africa; Empire, British

The Roman Catholic Mission and leprosy control in colonial Ogoja Province, Nigeria, 1936-60. Manton, John
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Vaughan, Megan
     Chronological coverage: 1936–1967
     Index terms: Roman Catholic church; Leprosy, in Nigeria; Missions, Roman Catholic, in Nigeria; Nigeria; Ogoja Province

Women’s testimonies of the concentration camps of the South African war, 1899-1902 and after. Dampier, Helen
     Ph.D., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1902
     Index terms: Boer war, see South African war; Concentration camps, in South Africa; South African war (1899-1902); Women, in South Africa
     Categories: Gender and Women; Imperial and colonial; Military/naval history; 19th Century; 20th Century


A historical review of the rise and decline of trade in the Red Sea region and the east coast of Africa during the 19th century. Isap, Firdaus
     M.A., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Red Sea region; Trade, in Africa; Trade, in the Red Sea region; Africa, east coast

A phoenix rising: a history of Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, South Africa, 1942-90. Horwitz, Simonne J.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1942–1990

Forced removals, land N.G.O.s and community politics in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 1953-2002. Sato, Chizuko
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1953–2002

French policy towards Tunisia and Morocco: the international dimensions of decolonisation, 1950-6. Ikeda, Ryo
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1956

Memory, meaning and Africa: historical analogy in Somalia, Rwanda and Darfur. Brunk, Darren C.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
     Chronological coverage: 1800–2000

Re-imagining empire: Ethiopian political culture under Yohannis IV, 1872-89. Orlowska, Izabella A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1872–1879
     Index terms: Yohannis IV (c.1831-1889), Ethiopian emperor; Empire, Ethiopian; Ethiopia

Reshaping the mythologies of Frenchness: culture, history and identity in European Algeria, 1870-1930. Strachan, John A.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1930

State, economy and society in Mauritius 1929-1945. Reddi, Sadasivam J.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1945

Students and schools in the southern highlands: education in Tanzania, 1890s to the present. Cadogan, Thomas E.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1890–2000
     Index terms: Education, in Tanzania; Tanzania

The construction of Jewish identities in sub-Saharan Africa. Lachkar Bruder, Edith
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–2000

The economic decline of the Circassian Mamluks in Egypt (872-922/1468-1517). Mujani, Wan K.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1468–1517

The elusive quest for industrialisation in Africa: a comparative study of Ghana and Kenya, c.1950-2000. Fahnbulleh, Miatta N.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000

The Rhodesian Crisis in British and international politics, 1964-5. Watts, Carl P.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1965
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Rhodesia; Rhodesia, and Britain

The rise of the Almohads: Islam, identity and belief in north Africa. Fromherz, Allen J.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Chronological coverage: 700–2000

Tracing history in the inland Niger delta of Mali: archaeology, oral traditions and written sources. Arazi, Neomie
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1800
     Index terms: Oral traditions, in Mali; Archaeology, in Mali; Niger delta; Mali; Narrative sources, in Mali

Urbanisation at Kilwa, Tanzania, A.D. 800-1400. Wynne-Jones, S.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 800–1400
     Index terms: Tanzania; Urbanisation, in Tanzania; Kilwa, Tanzania


'A Bem da Nacao': Medical science in a diamond company in Portuguese Angola. Varanda, Jorge
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.)
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1975

An economic history of the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation, 1895-2004: land, labour, capital and enterprise. Afrifa Taylor, Ayowa O.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1895–2004
     Index terms: Ashanti Goldfields Corporation; Gold mining, see Mines, Mining, Gold, in Ghana; Ghana

British Army conterinsurgency and the use of force in Kenya, 1952-56. Bennett, Huw
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Int. Pol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1956

Change in the public space of traditional Hausa cities: a study of Zaria, 1804-2004 A.D. Garba, Shaibu B.
     Ph.D., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: 1804–2000
     Index terms: Zaria, Nigeria; Nigeria; Hausa; Cities, in Nigeria

Constructing imperial mindsets: race and development in Britain's inter-war African colonial administration. Prior, Christopher M.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael; Willis, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
     Index terms: Administration, colonial, in Africa; Race; Empire

Equatorial Guinea, 1927-79: a new African tradition. Okenve-Martinez, Enrique Sang
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1927–1979

Kwame Nkrumah: an intellectual biography. Biney, Ama B.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1972
     Index terms: Nkrumah, Kwame (1909-72), Ghanaian prime minister; Ghana

Masters of difference: creolisation and the Jewish presence in Cabo Verde, 1497-1672. Green, Tobias O.R.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1497–1672
     Index terms: Jews, in Cabo Verde; Creolisation, in Cabo Verde; Cabo Verde

Social and economic change in colonial north-central Nigeria: the history of Akwanga division, 1911-60. Ayuba, Jonathan M.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1911–1960
     Index terms: Akwanga division, Nigeria; Nigeria

The Anti-Apartheid Movement (A.A.M.) in Britain and support for the African National Congress (A.N.C.), 1976-90. Klein, Genevieve L.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1976–1990
     Index terms: A.N.C., see African National Congress; A.A.M., see Anti-Apartheid Movement; Anti-Apartheid Movement; African National Congress; South Africa

The Creole elite and the rise of Angolan proto-nationalism, 1870-1920. Corrado, Jacopo
     Ph.D., Essex.
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1920
     Index terms: Nationalism, in Angola; Creole elite, in Angola; Angola

The people's war of Umkhonto We Sizwe. Simpson, Thulasizwe
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1990


A history of the elephant in Ghana in the 20th century. Kwarteng, Kwame O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Elephants, in Ghana; Ghana

Black trade unions and consumer boycotts in the Cape Province, South Africa, 1978-82. Carson, Tracy M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1978–1982
     Index terms: South Africa; Boycotts, consumer, in South Africa; Trade unions, black, in South Africa; Cape Province, South Africa

Britain and Libya: a study of military bases and state creation, 1945-56. Worrall, Richard J.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1956
     Index terms: Military bases, in Libya; Foreign relations, with Libya; Libya, and Britain

Headlight' theology: the rise and fall of legitimate commerce in Yorubaland, 1839-93. Abimbola, Johnson O.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Chronological coverage: 1839–1893
     Index terms: Commerce, in Yorubaland; Headlight' theology, in Yorubaland; Yorubaland

Irish foreign policy and sub-Saharan Africa, 1955-75. O'Sullivan, Kevin
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Dickson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1975
     Index terms: Ireland, and Africa; Foreign policy, of Ireland; Africa, and Ireland; Ireland

Logan's golden age': cricket, politics and empire, South Africa, 1888-1910. Allen, Dean
     Ph.D., Brighton.
     Chronological coverage: 1888–1910
     Index terms: South Africa; Cricket, in South Africa; Logan, James Douglas (1857-1920), businessman and entrepreneur; Sport, in South Africa

Medical technologies in the campaign against tuberculosis, Glasgow and Cape Town, 1910-1974. Kilpatrick, Fiona
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Worboys, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1974
     Index terms: Medical technology, in Scotland and South Africa; Tuberculosis; South Africa; Cape Town; Glasgow; Scotland; Health, Healthcare, in Scotland and South Africa

Missionary encounters and the development of Yoruba women's spirituality, 1842-1930. Abimbola, Adedoyin O.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Chronological coverage: 1842–1930
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Africa; Women, Yoruba; Yoruba women; Spirituality, of Yoruba women
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; 19th Century; 20th Century

The history of Tiger Kloof, 1904-56: a London Missionary Society education institution in southern Africa. Ditchburn, Pamela J.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1904–1956
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Africa; Education, missionary, in Africa; London Missionary Society; Tiger Kloof

The influence of operational and tactical doctrine, leadership and training on the North African campaign, 1941-2. Arensdorf, Ashley Ives
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1942
     Index terms: Leadership, military; Tactical doctrine, military; North African campaign; Training, military; World War II (1939-45); Army

The South African liberation movements in exile, c.1950-70. Lissoni, Arianna A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by Dooling, Wayne L.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1970
     Index terms: Exiles, South African; South Africa

To be a moudjahida in independent Algeria: itineraries and memories of women veterans of the War of Independence, 1954-62. Vince, Natalya
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, Julian T.
     Chronological coverage: 1954–1962
     Index terms: Algerian War (1954-62); Women, in Algeria; Algeria
     Categories: Gender and Women; Military/naval history; Social history; 20th Century

Tying and untying the knot: Kadhi's courts and the negotiation of social status in Zanzibar, 1900-63. Stockreiter, Elke E.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by Miran, Marie
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1963
     Index terms: Court, in Zanzibar; Kadhi's courts, in Zanzibar; Zanzibar


Anglo-Moroccan relations in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, with particular reference to the role of Gibraltar. Brown, James A.O.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1820
     Index terms: Gibraltar; Foreign relations, with Morocco; Morocco, and England

Contested land: land and tenancy dispute in Gedeo, southern Ethiopia (1941-74). Tesfaye Aragaw, Berhanu
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1974
     Index terms: Land disputes, in Ethiopia; Gedoe, Ethiopia; Ethiopia; Tenancy disputes, in Ethiopia

Economic imperialism and the political economy of Sudan: the case of the Sudan plantations syndicate, 1899-1956. Mollan, Simon M.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.; Michie, Ranald C.
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1956
     Index terms: Political economy, in Sudan; Imperialism, economic, in Sudan; Sudan plantations syndicate

Engineering modernity: the provision of water for Tangier, 1840-1956. Viehoff, Valerie
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Gandy, Matthew
     Chronological coverage: 1840–1956
     Index terms: Water, provision of, in Tangier; Tangier; Morocco

Fertility, morality and marriage in north-west Tanzania, 1920-70: a demographic study using parish registers. Walters, Sarah
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1970
     Index terms: Parish registers, in Tanzania; Marriage, in Tanzania; Morality, in Tanzania; Fertility, in Tanzania; Tanzania

'Heroes as ordinary people': a social and cultural history of political imprisonment in South Africa, 1960-92. Lane, Philippa
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Krikler, Jeremy M.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1992
     Index terms: Imprisonment, political, in South Africa; South Africa

Irish foreign policy and sub-Saharan Africa, 1955-75. O'Sullivan, Kevin
     Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Dickson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1975
     Index terms: Africa, and Ireland; Ireland, and Africa; Foreign policy, Irish

'Learn to live with South Africa': the Heath administration and arms sales to South Africa. Feehan, Sarah
     Ph.D., Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Aldous, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1974
     Index terms: South Africa; Heath, Sir Edward Richard George (Ted) (1916–2005), prime minister

Perspectives on Africa in travel writing: representations of Ethiopia, Kenya, Republic of Congo and South Africa, 1930-2000. Moffat, Rachel H.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–2000
     Index terms: South Africa; Congo, Republic of; Ethiopia; Kenya; Travel writing, African

Propaganda in the making of the Congo Free State (1890-1910). Coudert, Melanie
     M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Crook, Malcolm H.; Maxwell, David J.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1910
     Index terms: Propaganda, in the Congo Free State; Congo Free State

Settler power, African nationalism and British interests in the Central African Federation, 1957-63. Cohen, Andrew
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phiminster, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1957–1963
     Index terms: Nationalism, African; Central African Federation; Settlement, in Africa

The good, the bad and the beautiful: representing the conquest of Algeria, 1830-48. Vandenbrouck-Przybylski, Melanie
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by House, John P.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1848
     Index terms: Algeria

The mobilisation and transmission of memories within the Pied-Noir and Harki communities, 1962-2007. Eldridge, Claire
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Tyre, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1962–2007
     Index terms: Harkis, in Algeria; Algeria; Pied-Noirs, in Algeria; Memory, in Algeria

The publishing of African literature: Chinua Achebe, Ngugi wa Thiong'o and the Heinemann African Writers series, 1962-88. Bejjit, Nourdin
     Ph.D., Open University.
     Chronological coverage: 1962–1988
     Index terms: Ng?g? wa Thiong'o (b. 1938), Kenyan writer and academic; Achebe, Albert Chin?al?m?g? (Chinua) (b. 1930), Nigerian writer; Heinemann; African Writers series (Heinemann); Literature, African; Publishing, African literary

'Until South Africa is free, we shall not be free!' Black British solidarity with the anti-apartheid struggle during the 1980s. Williams, Elizabeth M.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1980–1989
     Index terms: Apartheid, see Anti-apartheid movement; Anti-apartheid movement; South Africa; Black people

Wesleyan Methodists and humanitarian crises in late 19th-century South Africa. Osawa, Hiroaki
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Andrew N.
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1900
     Index terms: South Africa; Methodists, Methodism, in South Africa; Humanitarianism, in South Africa


Conservation converts?: Africanising wildlife conservation, Uganda National Parks c.1950-c.1973. Browne, Adrian J.
     MSc, Oxford. (African Studies). Supervised by Beinart, William
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1973
     Categories: Environmental history; Imperial and colonial; 20th Century

Constructing the city: literary representations of Johannesburg, 1921-2006. Jones, Megan
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (English). Supervised by Warnes, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1921–2006
     Index terms: Literature, South African; Johannesburg, South Africa; South Africa

Education policies and the development of the colonial state in the Belgian Congo, 1916-39. Dunkerley, Marie
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, Martin
     Chronological coverage: 1916–1939
     Index terms: Congo, Belgian; Education, in the Belgian Congo

Lebanese migrants in French West Africa, 1898-1939. Arsan, Andrew
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bayly, Christopher; Vaughan, Megan A.
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1939
     Index terms: Africa, West, and Lebanon; Lebanon, and West Africa; Migration, Lebanese, to West Africa

Local government in Ewedome, British trust territory of Togoland (Ghana), 1920s-1970s. Yayoh, Wilson Kwame
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by Parker, John S.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1980
     Index terms: Ewedome, Ghana; Ghana; Togoland

Making history, gendering youth: young women and South Africa's liberation struggles after 1976. Johnson, Rachel E.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phimister, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1976–1997

Making the empire pay for itself? Taxation and government expenditure in Kenya and Northern Rhodesia, 1900-70. Gardner, Leigh A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Anderson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1970

Mapping political community among the Luyia of western Kenya, 1930-63. MacArthur, Julie E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Peterson, Derek
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1963
     Index terms: Luhya people, Kenya; Kenya

Ministerial formation for holistic mission in the Church of Uganda: a critical study of pastoral leadership in the Great Kigezi area, 1961-2000. Mfitumukiza, Samuel
     M.Res., Open University.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–2000

Poor men and loose women: colonial Kenya's other whites. Jackson, William
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Andrew S.; Doyle, Shane D.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Women, in Kenya; White people, in Kenya; Kenya
     Categories: Gender and Women

Public protest and violence in South Africa, 1948-76. Brown, Julian
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Beinart, William
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1976

Symbolic nationalism during the Kwame Nkrumah era in the Gold Coast/Ghana. Fuller, Harcourt
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1966
     Index terms: Nationalism, African; Ghana; Nkrumah, Kwame (1909-72), leader of Gold Coast and Ghana; Gold Coast

The Biafran war 1966-70: a reappraisal with oral perspectives. Gould, Michael
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by McCaskie, Tom
     Chronological coverage: 1966–1970
     Index terms: Biafran war (1966-70); Nigeria

The development of a Rhodesian national identity, 1890-1980. Jackson, Nicholas P.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1980
     Index terms: National identity, Rhodesian; Zimbabwe, see Rhodesia; Rhodesia

The Qua Iboe Mission, 1887-1925. Doyle, Elaine
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. & Anthr.). Supervised by Jeffery, Keith J.
     Chronological coverage: 1887–1925
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Africa; Qua Iboe Mission

The unbearable whiteness of being: white farming voices in Zimbabwe and their narration of the recent past, 'c'.1970-2004. Pilossof, Rory
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phimister, Ian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–2004

Transkei's notables, African nationalism and the transformation of the Bantustans, 'c'.1954-'c'.1994. Gibbs, Timothy
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Beinart, William
     Chronological coverage: 1954–1994

Unearthing rule: mining, power and the political ecology of extraction in colonial Zambia. Frederiksen, T.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1970


A social history of women in the mine compounds of the Zambian copperbelt during the colonial period. Sakala, Foster
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Krikler, Jeremy M.
     Chronological coverage: 1889–1964

European colonialism in sub-Saharan Africa: the Germans, French and the British in Cameroon, 1884-1939. Maderspacher, Alois
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Evans, Richard J.
     Chronological coverage: 1884–1939

History of famine relief and developmental strategies in Africa from the colonial era throughout independence. Nott, John
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Doyle, Shane D.
     Chronological coverage: 1881–1980

Negotiating the state at its margins: colonial authority in Condominium Darfur, 1916-56. Vaughan, Chris
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Leonardi, Cherry; Williamson, Philip A.
     Chronological coverage: 1916–1956

Postcolonial literary publishing: Oxford University Press in Africa and the Three Crowns series. Davis, Caroline R.
     Ph.D., Open University.
     Chronological coverage: 1962–1976

Re-imagining reality: black consciousness, radical Christianity and the new left in South Africa, 1967-76. Macqueen, Ian
     D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Lester, Alun .J.; Dubow, Saul H.
     Chronological coverage: 1967–1976

Settler mythologies: citizenship, land and Kenyan independence. Gibbs, James
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, Stephen; Sutton, Deborah
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1960

The Lahawiyin: identity and history in a Sudanese Arab tribe. Khalid-Abdalla, Tamadur
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Willis, Justin; Leonardi, Cherry
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000

The makings and meanings of homeland spaces: a social history of resettlement in the Ciskei, 'c'.1960-76. Evans, Laura
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phimister, Ian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1976

The merchant community of the Loango Coast in the 18th century. Sommerdyk, Stacey
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
     Index terms: Loango Coast; Merchants, in Africa

The pilot nation: an international history of revolutionary Algeria, 1958-65. Byrne, Jeffrey
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
     Chronological coverage: 1958–1965

Under the shadow of the regime: the contradictions of policing in Sudan, 'c'.1924-1989. Berridge, Will
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Craig, David; Leonardi, Cherry
     Chronological coverage: 1924–1989


A case of mistaken identity? The Kinshasa press, political discourse and contested representations of Congolese Rwandophones, c.1990-2005. Huening, Lars-Christopher
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phimister, Ian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1990–2005
     Index terms: Press, in Democratic Republic of the Congo; Congo, Democratic Republic of; Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Rwandaphones, in Democratic Republic of the Congo

A comparative study on integration of culturally diverse Zimbabwean and Somali communities in Leicester. Zembe, Christopher
     M.Res., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Panayi, Panikos
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2013
     Index terms: Somalis, in Leicester; Zimbabweans, in Leicester; Leicester

African legitimacy and colonial legitimacy in the annexation of Northern Rhodesia. Kaplan, Matthew A.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1923–1924
     Index terms: Rhodesia

Agricultural development in Zambia, 1960-2000. Bowman, Andrew
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Worboys, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1960–2000

Algerian women's experience of the crisis years, 1988-2004. Brown, Julian K.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McDougall, James
     Chronological coverage: 1988–2004
     Index terms: Algeria; Women, in Algeria

A motley 'Kru': medical practice and race in the East African Anti-Slavery Squadron, 1858-70. Wilkinson, Emily V.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Charters, Erica; Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1858–1870
     Index terms: Slaves, Slavery; East African Anti-Slavery Squadron; Navy

Christianity, colonialism and custom from the Congo Free State to the Belgian Congo: a history of Kongolo, Katanga, 1885-1960. Loffman, Reuben
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Maxwell, David J.P.; Dieckmann, Christoph
     Chronological coverage: 1885–1960
     Index terms: Christianity, in Congo Free State; Christianity, in BelgianCongo; Congo, Free State; Congo, Belgian; Kongolo, Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Empire, Belgian

Decolonising justice: a history of the High Court of Tanganyika, c.1920-71. Feingold, Ellen R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1971
     Index terms: Law, in Tanganyika; Tanganyika

Donatists against Caecilianists: identity formation, memory and religious violence in late antique North Africa in the age of Augustine. Leontidou, Eleni
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, Conrad
     Chronological coverage: 300–1000
     Index terms: Donatists, Donatism, in Africa; Caecilianists, Caecilianism, in Africa; Identity formation, in Africa; Memory, in Africa; Violence, religious, in Africa

Exchange rates and economic recovery in the 1930s in Africa. Ross, Daniel R.B.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Fenske, James
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
     Index terms: Economics, in Africa

From a kingdom to a Nigerian state: the territory and boundaries of Borno, 1810-2010. Hiribarren, Vincent
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Doyle, Shane D.; Gould, William R.
     Chronological coverage: 1810–2010
     Index terms: Borno State, Nigeria; Nigeria

Gladstone, Gordon and Sudan, 1883-5: how British policy created a Victorian icon. Nicoll, Fergus
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Stack, David
     Chronological coverage: 1883–1885
     Index terms: Gladstone, William Ewart (1809–98), prime minister; Gordon, Charles George (1833–85), army officer; Sudan

In town and out of town: a social history of Huambo (Angola), 1902-61. Neto, Maria Da Conceicao M.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by Parker, John S.
     Chronological coverage: 1902–1961
     Index terms: Angola; Huambo, Angola

Making history in Ighil Imoula: the lives and afterlives of November 1st. Yantren, Laetitia
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McDougall, James
     Chronological coverage: 1954–1960
     Index terms: Ighil Imoula, Algeria; Algeria

Malawians in colonial Salisbury: a social history of migration in central Africa, c.1920s-1960s. Groves, Zoe
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Maxwell, David; Sharma, Shalini
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1970
     Index terms: Malawi, and Rhodesia; Rhodesia, and Malawi; Salisbury, Rhodesia; Migration, in central Africa

Militarism and manhood on the frontier of empire: administrators in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1898-1930. McFall, Roland
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1930
     Index terms: Militarism, in Sudan; Manhood, in Sudan; Sudan, Anglo-Egyptian; Empire; Administrations, colonial

Nationalism and the birth of modern art in Egypt. Miller, Elizabeth M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wright, Alastair
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Egypt; Nationalism, in Egypt; Art, modern,in Egypt

'Please note that today Gold Coast is not like yesterday' - the Union Trading Company and the business of decolonisation, c-1948-57. Christen, Franziska A.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1957
     Index terms: Gold Coast; Union Trading Company; Decolonisation

Rebuilding African economic history using construction data: Nigeria, c.1960-2000. Marwah, Hanaan L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg; Collier, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1960–2000
     Index terms: Nigeria; Economics, in Nigeria

Talking politics and watching the border in northern Burundi, c.1960-72. Russell, Aidan
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Anderson, David; Clark, Philip
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1972
     Index terms: Burundi, Republic of

The Anglo-Egyptian War of 1882: a new imperial experience, or a Callwellian 'small war'. O'Malley, David J.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1882–1882
     Index terms: Anglo-Egyptian War (1882); Egypt,and Britain; Empire; Callwell, Sir Charles Edward (1859–1928), army officer

The educated elite and associational life in early Lagos newspapers: In search of unity for the progress of society. Sawada, Nozomi
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Barber, Karin; Nolte, Insa
     Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century; Social history

The evolution of the A.N.C.'s foreign policy towards southern Africa, 1960-99. Graham, Matthew
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phimister, Ian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1999
     Index terms: A.N.C., see African National Congress; African National Congress; South Africa; Foreign policy, of the A.N.C.

The influence of the I.M.F. and the World Bank: structural adjustment in Tanzania and Kenya, 1979-90. Lenzin, Nathan
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Esteves, Rui
     Chronological coverage: 1979–1990
     Index terms: I.M.F., see International Monetary Fund; International Monetary Fund; World Bank; Tanzania; Kenya

The origins of the 1981 African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Rubner, Nathaniel
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dunn, John; Lane, Melissa
     Chronological coverage: 1981–1981
     Index terms: African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (1981); Human rights, in Africa

The road to U.D.I. - an argument for an an examination of internal and external factors that shapes a Rhodesian national identity. Francis, Julian
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. C'wealth Stud.). Supervised by Holland, Robert
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1965
     Index terms: Rhodesia; Zimbabwe, see Rhodesia; U.D.I., see Unilateral Declaration of Independence; Unilateral Declaration of Independence

The sports boycott of South Africa in the 1970s: socio-political and diplomatic aspects. Griffin, Danielle
     Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Holt, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1980
     Index terms: Apartheid; Sporting boycott, of South Africa; South Africa

The U.K.'s response to the Rwandan crisis of 1994. White, Dean
     Ph.D., Northumbria. (Hist.). Supervised by Ellis, Sylvia
     Chronological coverage: 1994–1998
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Rwanda; Rwanda

The U.K.'s response to the Rwandan crisis of 1994. White, Dean
     Ph.D., Northumbria. (Hist.). Supervised by Ellis, Sylvia
     Chronological coverage: 1994–1998
     Categories: 20th Century

The usual mix of jolly good chaps and a few bastards: British agricultural experts and the Sukumaland development scheme, 1945-55. Wright, Matthew A.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
     Index terms: Agriculture, in Sukumaland; Sukumaland development scheme

'Things that matter': missionaries, government, and patients in the shaping of Uganda's leprosy settlements, 1927-51. Vongsathorn, Kathleen E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mahone, Sloan C.
     Chronological coverage: 1927–1951
     Index terms: Health, Healthcare, in Uganda; Mission, Christian, in Iganda; Leprosy settlements, in Uganda; Uganda

Tudor and early Stuart perceptions of Africa and Africans, 1500-1640. Kaufmann, Miranda C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Holmes, Catherine J.; Davidson, Nicholas S.
     Chronological coverage: 1500–1640
     Index terms: Africa, perceptions of

Wheat, bread and the role of the state in 20th-century South Africa. Stanwix, Benjamin D.S.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: South Africa; Bread, in South Africa; Wheat, in South Africa

Writing white women: whiteness, gender, politics and power in Rhodesia, c.1950s-80s. Law, Kate
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Phimister, Ian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1990
     Index terms: Women, white, in Rhodesia; Rhodesia; White people, in Rhodesia; Gender, in Rhodesia; Politics, in Rhodesia; Power, in Rhodesia


British mapping of Africa: publishing histories of imperial cartography, c.1880-1915. Prior, Amy
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Geog.). Supervised by Withers, C.W.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1915

Changing perceptions of western medicine in Botswana and the rise of H.I.V./A.I.D.S. French, Benjamin H.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mahone, Sloan C.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–2000

Legal encounters: law, state and society in Zimbabwe, c.1950-90. Karekwaivanane, George
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Alexander, Jocelyn
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1990

'Natives are not always the best judges of their own interests': John Arthur and the politics of representation of African interests in inter-war colonial Kenya. Simkins, Kate
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1939

Political mobilisation, violence and control in the townships of the Vaal Triangle, South Africa, 1976-86. Rueedi, Franziska L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1976–1986

Psychiatry’s 'golden age': making sense of mental health care in Uganda, 1894-1972. Pringle, Yolana
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1894–1972

Race, violence, and nation: African nationalism and popular politics in South Africa's Eastern Cape, 1948-70. Murphy, Oliver M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.; Bundy, C.
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1970

Reverberations of empire: biography and scholarship in Thomas Hodgkin's Nationalism in Colonial Africa. Mannion, Aine
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1956–1956

The international possibilities of insurgency and statehood in Africa: the U.P.C. and Cameroon, 1948-71. Sharp, Thomas
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Taithe, Bertrand; Pierce, Steven
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1971

The state and the making of the white settler agriculture in Natal, c.1820-1990. Lynas, Matthew
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Dilley, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1990

Women and the British world: assisted female migration from Britain to South Africa, c.1900-14. Bricker, Joseph H.P.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1914


A history of the Molemas, African notables in South Africa, 1880s-1920s. Moguerane, Khumisho
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1930

A history of youth politics in Limpopo, 1967-2003. Heffernan, Anne
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1967–2003

Anti-malaria policy in Nigeria. Ojimiwe, Obi
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Pierce, Steven; Redmond, Anthony
     Chronological coverage: 1970–2012

A social history of women's imprisonment in Egypt: translating political confinement from autobiographies and orality. Ashmawi, Hannah
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rogan, Eugene L.; Ryzova, Lucy
     Chronological coverage: 1960–2014

Deviances and the construction of a 'healthy nation' in South Africa: a study of Pollsmoor Prison and Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital, c.1964-94. Filippi, Natacha
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1994

Industrial gold-mining in south-west Ghana and the persistence of pre-industrial labour relations, 1880-1920. Mark-Thiesen, Cassandra O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1920

Ireland and the South African War, 1899-1902. Diver, Luke
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Speller, Ian; Murphy, David
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1902

Meet the Maroons: runaway slaves of the Seychelles, 1768-1939. Nicholls, Peter
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Macola, Giacomo
     Chronological coverage: 1768–1939

Penality, violence and colonial rule in Kenya, c.1930-52. Bourgeat, Emilie
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1952

Political and military aspects of the Irish Army’s service with United Nations forces in the Congo, 1960-4. McCafferty, James
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Speller, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1964

Representations and perceptions of the Kruger National Park and the Manyeleti Game Reserve, 1926-2010. Teversham, Edward
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
     Chronological coverage: 1926–2010

Revolutionary terror campaigns in Addis Ababa, 1976-8. Wiebel, Jacob
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Anderson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1976–1978

South Africa in the Cold War, 1974-6. Miller, Jamie
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Preston, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: 1974–1976

Stories of a failed nation: Sudanese politics, 1945-69. Mihatsch, Moritz A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1969

The land of flies, children and devils - the sleeping sickness epidemic on the island of Príncipe, 1890s-1910s. Silva, Sebastiao Nuno Araujo Barros
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mahone, Sloan C.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1920

Thinking like imperialists? Mentalities of mining and big business in Southern Rhodesia, 1948-64. Horgan, George
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Larmer, Miles
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1964

White workers and South Africa's democratic transition, 1977-2011. van Zyl-Hermann, Danelle
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Vaughan, Megan
     Chronological coverage: 1977–2011