America and West Indies

History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

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A garden in her cups: botanical medicines of the Anglo-American home, c.1580-1800. Gushurst-Moore, Bruna
     Ph.D., Plymouth. (Hum.). Supervised by Jefferys, Kevin; Daybell, James
     Chronological coverage: 1580–1800

A history of A.I.R. Gallery: feminism and the American art institution. Brown, Meredith A.
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Nixon, Mignon
     Chronological coverage: 1972–2010

Atlantic connections: Eamon De Valera, the United States and Irish America, 1917-21. Cosi, Gessica
     Ph.D., University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Daly, Mary E.; Bric, Maurice J.
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1921

Egerton Ryerson and educational policy borrowing: aspects of the development of Ontario's system of public instruction, 1844-76. Cohen, Jessica E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Educ.)
     Chronological coverage: 1844–1876

Eve in the renegade city: elite Jewish women's philanthropy in Chicago, 1890-1900 . Farmer, Hannah M.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Schloer, Joachim
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1900

Hierarchies and honour among enslaved men in the antebellum South. Doddington, David S.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1789–1849

Irish return migration from America at the turn of the 19th century, 1890-1920. Dunnigan, Diane
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Fitzgerald, Patrick; Gillespie, Raymond
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1920

Nurturing utopia: Jeffersonian expansionism in contexts, 1760-1810. Contini, Renaud
     Ph.D., N.U.I. Maynooth. (Hist.). Supervised by Mancini, JoAnne
     Chronological coverage: 1760–1810

The lesser of two evils? U.S. indirect intervention in counter-insurgency, 1946-91. Ladwig III, Walter C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Foong Khong, Yuen; Strachan, Hew F.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1991

The New Hampshire press in the 1790s. Lafferty, Ben
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Inst. Amer.). Supervised by Morgan, Iwan
     Chronological coverage: 1790–1800


Anglican reactions to the challenge of a multi-confessional society, with special reference to British North America, 1763-1851. Pinnington, J.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Walsh, J.D.

British Baptist involvement in Jamaica, 1783-1865. Catherall, G.A.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.

British direct investment in Canada, 1890-1914: estimates and determinants. Paterson, D.G.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Supple, B.E.

British influences in the development of New England private schools during the late 19th century. Hampson, K.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Large, D.

Christian missions in the Leeward Islands, 1810-50: a social and ecclesiastical analysis. Farquhar, D.U.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

Dixiecrats in the making: the American Democratic party and the South, 1941-8. Garson, R.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Letwin, W.

Education in Jamaica and Trinidad in the generation after Emancipation. Johnston, F.A.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

Edward Jordon and the free coloureds: Jamaica, 1800-65. Campbell, Mavis C.
     Ph.D., London.

English translations of Spanish and Portuguese books on Latin America, 1603-1726, and their historical. Steele, C.R.
     M.A., Liverpool. Supervised by Quinn, D.B.

Hudson Bay whaling, 1860-1915. Ross, W.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Rich, E.E.

National authority in the United States: a study of concepts and controversy in Congress, 1870-5. Spackman, S.G.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brock, W.R.

Official policy to labour and labour organizations in Jamaica, 1918-38. Cariss, A.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cumpston, I. Mary

Patterns of change in an export economy: British Guiana, 1830-1914. Moohr, M.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Deane, Phyllis M.

Radicalism and the urban working classes in Argentina, 1916-22. Rock, D.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Joslin, D.M.

Shelburne and America, 1763-83. Atkins, P.G. Walsh
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.; Owen, J.B.

Shipping in the Jamaica slave trade, 1686-1807. Dancey, R.M.
     M.A., Exeter.

The British freedmen's aid movement, 1863-9. Vaughan, T.J.
     M.Litt., Bristol. Supervised by Large, D.

The English press and the American Civil War. Keiser, T.
     Ph.D., Reading. Supervised by Smith, E.A.

The history of slavery in Bermuda. Smith, J.E.
     M.A., Wales (Bangor).

The influence of logistical problems on British operations in North America, 1775-82. Bowler, R.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Christie, I.R.

The 'isolationism' of Senator Borah. Dunne, M.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Nicholas, H.G.

The London Missionary Society mission to Jamaica, 1834-67: its background and development. Jones, P.
     M.A., Manchester.

The new internationalism: a study of F.D. Roosevelt's European policy (1941 to Yalta). King, F.P.
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Adams, D.K.

The public career of the 4th Earl Minto in Canada. Miller, C.I.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Metcalf, G.

The slave trade to the British West Indies, 1784-1808. Hobbs, P.
     M.A., Exeter.

The state monopoly of mercury in New Spain, 1550-1710. Lang, M.F.
     Ph.D., Salford.

The United Fruit Company in the Santa Maria banana zone, Colombia: conflicts of the 1920s. White, J.
     M.Phil., Oxford.

The West India interest and English colonial administration, 1660-91. Reagor, Allot S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Grassby, R.B.

Uruguay and British economic expansion, 1880-93. Winn, P.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Platt, D.C.St.M.

W.F. Coaker and the Fishermen's Protective Union in Newfoundland politics, 1908-25. McDonald, D.H.I.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Williams, G.


Aboriginal and Spanish colonial Trinidad: a study in cultural evolution. Newson, Linda A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Harris, D.R.

A history of Newfoundland, 1874-1901. Hiller, J.K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Rich, E.E.

American economic sanctions against Great Britain, 1806-12. Watson, G.E.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Parish, P.J.

Bishop Field: a study in politics and religion in 19th-century Newfoundland. Jones, F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Rich, E.E.

Britain and the future of British North America, 1837-67. Martin, G.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

Examination and reanalysis of the early sources relating to the Powhatan Confederacy of Tidewater, Virginia, in the 17th century. Williamson, M.H.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Riviere, P.G.

Labour supply and industrialization: two case studies, Britain and the U.S.A. to c.1860. Gribble, I.A.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Pollard, S.

La Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama, 1894-1908. Skinner, J.M.
     Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Larkin, M.J.M.

Political integration in Peronist Argentina, 1943-55. Little, W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Street, J.

Politics of Mississippi, 1900-66. Holder, B.G.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Hughes, C.J.

Quebec and Paris: the French search for the western sea in Canada, 1660-1760. Simpson, G.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Rich, E.E.

Society and politics in 17th-century Mexico: a study of social tensions and stresses in the central region of the vice-royalty of New Spain, 1620-50. Israel, J.I.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trevor-Roper, H.R.

Some effects of the spread of coffee cultivation upon the landscape of Costa Rica in the 19th and 20th centuries. Hall, C.O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Browning, D.G.

The British press view and treatment of Argentine affairs, 1943-55, with particular reference to the popular press. Howells, G.
     M.A., Warwick. Supervised by Hennessy, C.A.M.

The Buchanan businesses, 1834-72: a study in the organization and development of Canadian trade. McCalla, P.D.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hartwell, R.M.

The Elbridge, Woolnough and Smyth families of Bristol in the 18th century, with special reference to the Spring plantation, Jamaica. Jones, D.K.
     M.Litt., Bristol. Supervised by Cannon, J.A.

The Irish question in American politics from the end of the First World War to the Irish Civil War. Hopkinson, M.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brogan, D.H.V.

The landed aristocracy in Peru, 1600-80. Evans, M. Glynne D.
     Ph.D., London.

The Mountain Men: image and reality. Isherwood, P.H.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Campbell, A.E.

The politics of emancipation: the movement for the abolition of slavery in the British sugar colonies, 1807-33. Dixon, P.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Macintyre, A.D.

The Scottish role in midlands America, with particular reference to Wyoming, 1865-95. Edwards, P.M.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Kerr, W.G.

The trade of the Virginia Colony, 1606-60. Hillier, Susan E.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Quinn, D.B.

William Horton's experimental emigrations to Upper Canada: his management of the emigration and his evaluation of the prospects and progress of his settlers. Cameron, Helen M.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.


Agrarian change and integration in an interior province of Argentina: a sociological and historical study of Jujuy, c.1550-1960. Rutledge, I.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Platt, D.C.St.M.

Analysis of regional trends in fertility, mortality and migration in Brazil, 1940-70. de Carvalho, J.A.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hobcraft, J.N.; Glass, D.V.

British policy towards the Amerindians in British Guyana, 1803-73. Menezes, Sister Mary Noel
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Humphreys, R.A.

English trade and exploration in Trinidad and Guiana, 1569-1648. Lorimer, Joyce
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Quinn, D.B.

Freedom and federation: Congress and courts, 1861-5. Allan, Patricia M.L.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Brock, W.R.

Our masters the rebels: the North and the idea of a martial South, 1861-5. Adams, M.C.C.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Cunliffe, M.F.

Silver mining in the viceroyalty of Peru, 1776-1824. Fisher, J.R.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

Slavery and sectionalism: some aspects of church and society among Presbyterians in the American South, 1789-1861. Akers, J.N.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Ross, A.C.; Shepperson, G.A.; Cheyne, A.C.

The Afro-American and the Second World War. Wynn, N.A.
     Ph.D., Open University. Supervised by Marwick, A.J.B.

The British consular establishment in the United States, 1786-1865. Kenin, R.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, A.E.

The British West Indies, 1897-1902, with special reference to the implementation of the 1897 Royal Commission Report. Emeruwa, Linda E.
     M.Phil., London.

The changing retail structure of Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, 1901-71. Ewing, R.G.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.

The Democratic Review: a study of a radical Jacksonian journal, 1837-51. Ashworth, J.
     M.Litt., Lancaster. Supervised by Heale, M.J.

The English and English-colonial trade in slaves to Virginia, 1698-1769. Waite, P.
     M.A., Exeter.

The government of Jamaica, 1900-13, with special reference to the role of Sir Sydney Olivier. Carroll, J.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Williams, G.

The missionary outreach of the West Indian churches to West Africa in the 19th century, with particular reference to the Baptists. Russell, H.O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Watson, W.L.R.

The practical Christianity of Adin Ballou. Babuscio, J.N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Allen, H.C.

The voluntary welfare movement in Leeds and Philadelphia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mirick, H.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Kitson-Clark, G.S.R.

U.S. attitudes and policy toward South Africa, 1895-1910: a study of American reaction to war, peace and union in South Africa. Tengey, J.G.K.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Ranson, E.


A history of Brazilian book publishing, with particular reference to the publishing of literature. Hallewell, L.
     Ph.D., Essex.

Alaska: image of a resource frontier region, 1867-c.1900. Coyne, J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Campbell, Eila M.J.

British financial institutions in Argentina, 1860-1914.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.

British views of the American racial minorities, 1917-45, with special reference to travel literature. Murphy, M.J.
     M.Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Reinders, R.C.

Confederate war finance, 1861-5: economic policy-making in the South during the American Civil War. Ball, D.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Potter, J.

Conservative party in Colombia, 1930-53. Abel, C.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Development problems in an export economy: a study of domestic capitalists, foreign firms and government in Peru, 1919-30. Bertram, I.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Thorp, Teresa R.

East Indian immigration into Canada, 1905-73. Bhatti, F.M.
     Ph.D., Surrey.

Economic and political developments in the British West Indies during the period of the American Revolution. Carrington, S.H.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Williams, G.

Economic development in Antioquia, 1850-1920. Brew, R.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Elaboration du systeme scolaire bi-confessionnel au Canada-Est, 1840-67. Garcia, Danielle
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Charlton, K.

Hollywood during the Great Depression, 1929-41. Schindler, C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Thernstrom, S.

International aspects of of the Mexican Revolution, 1913-15. Knight, A.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Whitehead, L.A.

Labour and politics in Mexico, 1910-29. Carr, B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Republican ideology and the origins of American party government, 1789-1801. Zvesper, J.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

The Anglo-American background of James Bryce's The American Commonwealth. Tulloch, H.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brogan, D.H.V.

The Canada Company, 1826-43. Hall, R.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Craig, G.M.

The conservative revolution of independence: economy, society and politics in Bahia, 1790-1840. Morton, F.W.O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The development of technical and vocational education in Britain and America, 1870-1940: a comparative study. Singh, B.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holmes, B.

The diplomatic history of the Cuban Ten Years' War, 1868-78. Jacobs, C.C.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Johnson, D.W.J.; Ferns, H.S.

The economic basis and political expression of agrarian radicalism in the western and southern United States, 1870-96. Tomlins, C.L.
     M.A., Sussex.

The leadership role of the 'Talented Tenth' among Afro-Americans, 1895-1919. Spiers, Fiona E.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.

The location and development of the agricultural and industrial enterprises of Liebig's Extract of Meat Company in the river Plate countries, 1865-1932. Crossley, J.C.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Pye, N.

The mining society of Potosi, 1776-1810. Buechler, Rose Marie J.
     Ph.D., London.

The New Deal and North Carolina: the tobacco programme, 1933-40. Badger, A.J.
     Ph.D., Hull. Supervised by Taylor, P.A.M.

The origin and establishment of the Methodist Episcopal Church of America, with special reference to the journal of Joseph Pilmore. Leyland, A.S.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Goldhawk, N.P.

War and peace in American thought, 1919-41. Cashman, S.D.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, M.A.


An ethnographic survey of the modern Lacandon, with special reference to their neighbours in the Usumacinta and Pasion drainage during the 16th and 17th centuries. Bormanse, D.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Riviere, P.G.

Anglo-Canadian relations, 1926-37: a study of Canada's role in the shaping of Commonwealth policies. Hillmer, G.N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Mansergh, P.N.S.

Anglo-French confrontation and co-operation in Spanish America, 1836-48. Morgan, I.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bourne, K.

British exploration in the Canadian Arctic, 1829-60: a study of routes, techniques and personalities. Wallace, H.N.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Marshall, P.J.

British opinion on the Afro-American with special reference to prominent travellers, 1877-1932. Trevail, J.J.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.

Custodians of a tradition: Republican leaders and the development of American foreign policy, 1944-9. Tyrrell, A.J.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Adams, D.K.

Imperial policy, provincial administration and defence in Upper Canada, 1796-1812. Roberts, S.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

Land and agriculture in New England: the first 100 years. Merritt, S.D.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Simmons, R.C.

Lord Cochrane and the Chilean navy, 1818-23, with an inventory of the Dundonald Papers relating to his service with the Chilean navy. Cubitt, D.J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.; Kiernan, V.G.

Migration from the Maritime Provinces of Canada to Boston, Massachusetts, 1860-1900. Brookes, A.A.
     M.A., Hull.

Scottish investment in Canada, 1870-1914: some aspects of real estate financing with imported funds. Holcombe, P.D.
     M.Litt., Strathclyde. Supervised by Butt, J.

Teachers and pressure group activities in Jamaica, 1894-1967: a study of the Jamaica Union of Teachers and the Jamaica Teachers' Association in the colonial and independent political systems. Goulbourne, H. de Costa
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The abolition of slavery and its aftermath in Pernambuco, 1880-1920. Reis, J.B.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Carr, A.R.M.

The assimilation of immigrants in the Canadian Prairie Provinces, 1896-1918: Canadian perception and Canadian policies. Barber, Marilyn J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Reese, T.R.

The black tar: negro seamen in the Union navy, 1861-5. Goodman, M.H.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. Supervised by Reinders, R.C.

The British-owned Argentine railways, 1857-1947. Lewis, C.M.
     Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Minchinton, W.E.

The changing temper of American life in the 19th century. Pollard, D.A.M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Rowe, W.J.

The Chicago foreign-language press and social issues, 1880-1920. Lennon, J.F.
     M.A., Manchester.

The Cuban tobacco industry and its workers, 1860-1958. Stubbs, Jean
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hobsbawm, E.J.E.

The defeated South, 1865-1900: some intellectual and literary responses. Minto, P.A.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Cunliffe, M.F.

The development of British attitudes towards America, 1763-82. Lawson, P.G.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by O'Gorman, F.

The Harlem riot of 1935. Evans, D.
     M.A., Sussex.

The idea of the American South and the Nashville Agrarians. O'Brien, M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Thompson, J.A.

The Peruvian working-class movement, 1883-1919. Blanchard, P.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.

The politics of particularism: economic issues in the major northern states of the U.S.A., 1857-8. Collins, B.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

The regulation of the caol-mining industry in Illinois, with special reference to the influence of British miners and British precedents, 1870-1911. Gottlieb, Amy Z.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Erickson, Charlotte J.

The role of the prophet in millennial cults: politico-religious movements in Jamaica, 1800-1970. Williams, A.J.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Colson, A.J.

The role of women in the fur trade society of the Canadian West, 1700-1850. Van Kirk, Sylvia
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Williams, G.
     Categories: Economic history; Business history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century

The Roosevelt administration and British appeasement, 1936-9. Macdonald, C.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, A.E.

Trade and politics in Virginia, 1625-60. Pagan, J.R.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Cooper, J.P.


A historical study of pleadings, discovery and delay in civil actions in England and Canada. Prior, R.B.L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jacob, I.H.

Anglo-Chilean economic relations during the First World War and its aftermath, 1914-20. Couyoumdjian, J.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Blakemore, H.

An institutional history of the Virginia assembly, 1680-1736. Reed, J.C.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Simmons, R.C.

Brazilian presidential elections of the first Republic, 1889-1930. Cable, O.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.

Britain and Paraguay, 1811-70. Tate, E.N.
     M.A., Liverpool. Supervised by Fisher, J.R.

Britain, Argentina and the United States, 1938-46: conflict and collaberation within the Atlantic triangle. Bowen, N.St.J.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Platt, D.C.St.M.

British trade with Spanish America under the asiento, 1713-40. Sorsby, Victoria A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.

Colonial Office policy to major constitutional and administrative problems in the West Indies, 1919-39. Malmsten, N.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cumpston, I. Mary

General Urquiza and the politics of Argentina, 1861-70. McLynn, F.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.

Monopoly capital and Empire: the sugar trust and American imperialism, 1883-1909. Fast, J.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hobsbawm, E.J.E.

Peasant problems in Bolivian politics, 1936-46, with particular reference to the Department of Cochabamba. Untiveros, Doris A. Butron
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Whitehead, L.A.

Progressive conservatism in Brazil: Oliveira Viana, Roberto Simonsen and the social legislation of the Vargas regime, 1930-45. Howes, R.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Street, J.

Slave revolts in the Caribbean. Synnott, A.J.
     Ph.D., London.

The art theatre movement in New York City, 1909-32: a study of the history and ideology of ten theatres. Green, G.F.
     ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Savage, R.T.; Edwards, O.D.

The development of religious pluralism in Brazil. Griffiths, Mary
     M.Litt., Glasgow. Supervised by Mitchell, S.

The formation of a colonial society: Belize, from conquest to Crown Colony. Bolland, O.N.
     Ph.D., Hull.

The population geography of slavery in the British Caribbean, 1807-34. Higman, B.W.C.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

The relationship between the Welsh colonies in Chubut and the Argentine government, with special reference to the work of E.J. Williamson, 1875-1905. Skinner, K.E.M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Davies, A.

The settlement rationale: a comparative study of Samuel Barnett and Jane Addams, 1870-1914. Nettleship, Lois S.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Cunliffe, M.F.

The standard of life of manual workers in the first decade.
     Ph.D., London.

Trade unions and the 'new' immigration: a study of the United Mine Workers of America, 1890-1920. Wynn, D.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Erickson, Charlotte J.


A critical and evaluative study of educational provision in Jamaica, 1930-73. Palmer, B.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Evans, P.C.C.

American attitudes and policies towards France, 1940-4. Hurstfield, J.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nicholas, H.G.

American working-class teetotalism of the 1840s: the Washingtonian total abstinence. Anthony, J.
     M.A., Sussex.

Argentinian politics and the province of Mendoza, 1890-1916. Peck, D.M.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gallo, E.L.

Aspects of the history of the Mexican Revolution in the state of Guerrero, up to 1940. Jacobs, I.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

Brazil and the world economy, 1930-45: aspects of foreign economic policies and international economic relations under Vargas. Abreu, M. de P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by van Arkadie, B.

British attitudes toward the American Indian, 1580-1640. Kupperman, Karen O.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Skinner, Q.R.D.

British interests in Chile, and their influence, 1851-86. Mayo, J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

'Constitutional resistance' and Republican rebellion: a study of the Shays', Whiskey and Dorr rebellions. Stephen, S.J.
     M.A., Sussex.

Cumana and Antioquia: a comparative study of urban development in colonial hispanic America. de Chaves, E.O.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Robinson, D.J.

Early British immigrants to Virginia, 1615-35. Bush, J.A.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Thirsk, I. Joan

Economic and political change in the viceroyalty of New Grenada, with special reference to overseas trade, 1739-1810. McFarlane, A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.; Fisher, F.J.

Education and social values in British Guiana, 1870-1914. Fraser, P.D.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Wood, D.P.J.

Ellen G. White: an examination of her position and role in the Seventh-Day-Adventist Church. Graham, R.E.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hollenweger, W.

Indian slavery in Venezuela and Brazil in the 16th century. de Slibe, Morrella Jiminez
     M.A., Liverpool. Supervised by Fisher, J.R.

Jacksonian diplomacy in Louisiana, 1828-44. Hackett, D.L.A.
     B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Nicholas, H.G.

Money and politics in Chile, 1878-1925. Conoboy, P.J.
     1977, Southampton. Supervised by Calvert, P.A.R.

Peru and Ecuador in the 16th century: a study of demographic response to conquest. Falla, Sarah D.H.
     M.Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Taylor, H.W.J.

Political developments in Jamaica in the post-emancipation period, 1838-54. Wilmot, S.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

Strikes in the United States, 1881-1972: a critical examination of the theory of the institutionalization of industrial conflict. Edwards, P.K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Martin, R.

The early career of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Cole, D.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The growth of the East Indian community in British Guiana, 1880-1920. Ramnarine, T.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Wood, D.P.J.

The historical geography of agriculture and agricultural settlement in the Canadian North-West, 1774-c.1830. Kaye, B.
     Ph.D., London.

The impact of Positivism in Mexico, 1867-1910. Aziria, A.M.R.
     M.Litt., Glasgow.

The influence of mechanization in the Puerto Rican system of sugar production, 1873-98. Mattei, A. Ramos
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bethell, L.M.

The making of American foreign policy in the Middle East, 1945-8. Latter, R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Goodwin, G.L.

The organization of the U.S. Presidency, 1933-72: the politics of advice. Parker, R.A.S.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.

The origins of the progressive mind in the United States: the social thought of twelve progressive publicists in the period up to 1910. Stokes, M.B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Campbell, A.E.

The radical teachers: the ideology and political behaviour of a salaried 'middle class' sector in Chile, 1920-35. Roddick, J.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The transformation of the economy of the Dominican Republic, 1870-1916. Bryan, P.E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bethell, L.M.

The working class, unemployment and the state: an examination of working-class attitudes towards, and action in promoting, measures to deal with the problem of unemployment in Britain and America, 1870-1914. Joll, C.
     M.A., Sussex.


Agrarian development in Nueva Granada during the 18th century. Pinzon, H. Tovar
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

American Indian education: the reservation schools, 1870-1900. Fear, Jacqueline M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, M.A.

British colonists and imperial interests in Lower Canada, 1820-41. Goldring, P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Williams, G.

British relations with North American Indians from the end of the War of Idependence to the end of the war of 1812. Galloway, C.G.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Woods, J.A.

Brtish naval administration in the West Indies, 1739-48. Crewe, D.G.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Ryan, A.N.

Canadian policy towards South Africa, 1899-1961. Tennyson, B.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lyon, P.H.; Reese, T.R.

Coffee in Colombia: its economic, social and political history, 1870-1970. Palacios, M.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Colonial Office policy towards >the economic development of the Leeward and Windward Islands, Barbados and British Guiana, 1897-1921. Breckin, M.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Sanderson, G.N.

Economy and society in Puebla de los Angeles, 1800-50. Thomson, G.P.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Foreign and domestic investment in Canada: insititutions and policy, 1867-1914. Naylor, R.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by George, P.J.

International and national commodity control, 1930-45: sugar and the Brazilian case. Gordon-Ashworth, Fiona
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Calvert, P.A.R.

Librarian as adviser: an investigation of public library advisory services in England and the United States of America, 1850-1977. Heeks, Peggy
     M.A., Sheffield. Supervised by Roberts, N.

Pluralism and the invertebrate state: a study of American Liberalism, 1900-25. Crockatt, R.D.G.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Cunliffe, M.F.

Ship-building in British America, 1878-90: an introductory study. Rice, R.E.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Rowe, W.J.

Sir William Johnston and the Iroquois Indians in the French and Indian War, 1754063. Edney, J.R.
     M.A., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Thomas, P.D.G.

Skilled workers, technology and social democracy in the United States, 1890-1917. Dawson, A.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Pollard, S.

The administration of Francois Bigot as intendant of New France. Porteous, H.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

The Chilean Communist party, 1922-47. Barnard, A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Blakemore, H.

The contribution of imperial guarantees for colonial railway loans to the consolidating of British North America, 1847-65. Roman, D.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, R.E.

The Democratic party and compulsory health insurance, 1945-65. Frazer, D.
     M.Phil., Liverpool.

The development of slave culture in 18th-century plantation America. Morgan, P.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, M.A.

The development of the Chilean economy and its British connections, 1895-1914. Fernandez, M.A.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Munro, J.F.; Checkland, S.G.

The dynamics of change in an Andean region: the province of Tarma, Peru, in the 19th century. Wilson, F.M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

The economy and politics in Quebec, 1774-91. Swan, G.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

The era of civilization: British policy for the Indians of Canada, 1830-60. Milloy, J.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

The functions and activities of the United Kingdom High Commissions in the Dominions, 1928-39, with particular emphasis on the British High Commission at Ottawa. Wilmot, L.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cumpston, I. Mary

The mercenaries from Hessen-Kassel in the American Revolution. Atwood, R.A.S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

The origins and development of Andrew Jackson's foreign policy. Neiditch, H.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

The political relations between the English Dissenters and the New England colonies, 1700-50. Morrison, M.F.
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Haffenden, P.S.

The Scottish colonization of Georgia in America, 1732-42. Bailes, Edna S.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Donaldson, G.

The Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura in Chilean politics, 1932-70. Carriere, J.
     Ph.D., London.

The transmission of cotton and woollen manufacturing technologies between Britain and the U.S.A., from 1790 to the 1830s. Jeremy, D.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Erickson, Charlotte J.

Transatlantic communications and literature in the religious revivals, 1735-45. Durden, D.S.
     Ph.D., Hull.

Urban growth and decline in the central sierra of Ecuador, 1698-1940. Bromley, Rosemary D.F.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Cousens, S.H.

Women in the American prohibition movement, 1870-1920. Robins, T.H.R.
     M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; 19th Century; 20th Century


Agrarian organization, conflict and politics: the case of Veracruz, 1920-4. Skerritt, D.A.
     B.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Whitehead, L.A.

'Agrarians' and 'aristocrats': party ideology in the United States, 1837-46. Ashworth, J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Heale, M.J.

Alternative strategies for national industrial planning in the United States, 1929-33. Kidd, S.S.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Adams, D.K.

An historical geography of the origins of English settlement in Newfoundland: a study of the migration process. Handcock, W.G.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Williams, A.F.

Aspects of politics in Boyaca, Colombia, 1946-70. Murray, Carolyn
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

'Blessings flowing free': the Father Divine Peace Mission movement in Harlem, New York City, 1932-41. Barnes, Roma P.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Wilson, H.S.

British business in Peru, 1883-1930. Miller, R.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Platt, D.C.St.M.

Change and crisis in Chile's economy and society, 1865-79. Ortega, L.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Blakemore, H.; Lynch, J.

Charles Evans Hughes as Chief Justice, 1930-41. Friedman, R.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nicholas, H.G.

Colonel Elisha Jones of Weston and the crisis of colonial government in Massachusetts, 1773-6. Jones-Baker, Doris W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wright, E.

Colonial economic development and social welfare: the case of the British West Indian colonies, 1929-47. Rampersad, D.G.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.

Continuity and change: a comparative study of the Afro-Americans and the women's suffrage movement as minority groups in American society, 1900-29. Burns, J.R.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Thurlow, R.C.
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Political history; Social history; 20th Century

Development, planning and participation in New Brunswick, 1945-75. Young, R.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sharpe, L.J.

Dynamic equilibrium: settlement, population and ecology in the Strait of Belle Isle, Newfoundland, 1840-1940. Thornton, Patricia
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by MacPherson, A.

Educational policy in Argentina, 1880-1916. de Finkel, S.R.M.
     Ph.D., Essex.

Getting everybody back on the same team: an interpretation of industrial relations policies of American business in the 1940s. Harris, H.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Martin, R.

Growth and structure of Chilean manufacturing industry, 1830-1935. Palma, J.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Sutcliffe, R.B.

Industrialization and the politics of disorder: Paterson silkworkers, 1880-1913. Osborne, J.D.
     Ph.D., Warwick. Supervised by Mason, A.

John Galt and the Canada Company; the early years of settlement, 1824-9. Strothard, J.A.
     M.Phil., Edinburgh.

La poblacion del Norte Chico en al siglo XVIII: crecimiento y cambios en una region minero-agricola de Chile. Rodriguez, J.M. Pinto
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Colson, R.F.

Military doctrine and reformist ideology: a historical analysis of the Peruvian case. Beruff, J.L. Rodriguez
     D.Phil., York.

Military intervention and non-intervention in Brazil, 1889-1932. Pearce, M.L.
     M.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Miller, R.M.

Mormonism in Illinois, 1839-47: a study of the development of socio-religious conflict. Hampshire, A.P.
     Ph.D., Durham.

Organized labour in Argentina: the railway unions to 1922. Thompson, Ruth M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Angell, A.E.

Patterns of urban growth in Brazil's S.E. and N.E. regions and economic development: the 1940-70 period. de Souza, V. Salgueiro
     M.A., Manchester.

Political economy aspects of science policy: a case study of Chile, 1940-76. Sandoval, J.M.
     M.Phil., Sussex.

Presbyterianism and the gathered churches in old and New England, 1640-62: the struggle for church government in theory and practice. Anderson, P.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by White, B.R.

Race, class and the unofficial majority in British Honduras, 1890-1949. Ashdown, P.D.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Wood, D.P.J.

Slave women in British West Indian slave society, 1650-1832. Bush, Barbara J.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Holmes, C.
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; 17th Century; 18th-19th Century

The British occupation of Saint-Domingue, 1793-8. Geggus, D.P.
     D.Phil., York. Supervised by Doyle, W.; Walvin, J.

The careers of Mugica and Jara, with an account of the origins of radicalism in the Mexican constitution of 1917. Vasconcelos, H.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Street, J.

The Caribbean and Bermuda: a British frontier of settlement, 1600-1700. Allen, T.N.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Campbell, Eila M.J.

The development of Institututional economics. Rutherford, M.H.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by O'Brien, D.P.

The emergence of finance capitalism in Brazil, 1930s-1970s. Bacha, C.S.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

The national policies of Canada: myth and reality, 1867-90. Hale, A.W.C.
     Ph.D., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Latham, A.J.H.

The politics of the Bolivian army: institutional development to 1935. Dunkerley, J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The right to release from custody under the constitution and statutes of the United States: a history of the writ of habeas corpus, including an examination of the right to bail. Duker, W.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Handlin, O.

The role of the Scots and Scotch-Irishmen in the southern campaigns of the War of American Independence, 1780-3. Moss, B.G.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Seed, G.

The roots of anti-clericalism in colonial Virginia down to 1750, with special reference to the career of James Blair. Robinson, D.J.
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Haffenden, P.S.

The Union in the political thought of the American Federalists, 1780-1815. Thomas, C.S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Letwin, W.

The urban political assimilation of European immigrants in the United States, 1870-1920. Munslow, A.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).


A contribution made to the education of women by Catherine Esther Beecher in the 19th century. Walsh, Mary J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Holmes, B.
     Categories: Education; Gender and Women; 19th Century

Agro-exporters as entrepreneurs: Peruvian sugar and cotton producers, 1890-1945. Low, Alaine M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Thorp, Teresa R.

A history of publishing in Toronto, 1798-1841, with a descriptive bibliography of imprints. Fleming, Erin P.L.
     Ph.D., London.

Canandian monetary policy, 1914-34: the enduring glitter of the gold standard. Chisholm, D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Drummond, I.M.

Chilean and Argentinian labour movements: a comparative study, 1880-1930. Gavilan, Alicia Gariazza
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Hobsbawm, E.J.E.

Chilean politics, 1931-2: the effects of the world depression. Ortiz, E.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

Colonial policies and outside influences: a study of Bahamian history, 1919-47. Cash, P.O.
     M.A., Wales (Swansea). Supervised by Chamberlain, Muriel E.

England and Newfoundland: policy and trade, 1660-1783. Davies, G.J.
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Haffenden, P.S.

Ideology and politics in Mexico, 1878-1904: aspects of Cientifico theory and practice. Pueyo, Carmen Saez
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Indentured and free labour in Barbados, 1660-1750. Beckles, H.McD.
     Ph.D., Hull. Supervised by Saville, J.

James Gordon Bennett and the New York Herald: a study of editorial opinion, 1854-67. Fermer, D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, M.A.

Juan Vicente Gomez and the oil companies. McBeth, B.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Knowledge and society: the evolution of the American high school curriculum, 1890-1920. Davison, A.J.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Wilkinson, R.H.

Main trends in agrarian capitalist development: Cajamarca, Peru, 1880-1976. Taylor, L.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

Making the South solid: politics and structure of society in South Carolina, 1790-1815. Kaplanoff, M.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

Mexico's relations with the powers during the Great War. de Seade, Esperanza Duran
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Moses, martyr and messiah: Abraham Lincoln and black emancipation: a study in the popular development and political use of myth, 1860-80. Beardsmore, Valerie
     Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Bolt, Christine A.

National styles of scientific research: the early history of ecology in Britain and the U.S.A. Duff, A.G.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

On parallel courses: an analysis of British and American amphibious (combined) operations, 1920-45. Clifford, K.J.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Martin, L.W.

Rejected in 1850, the secessionist movement emerged in 1860-1 as a dominant force in the Southern states. Seymour, P.M.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Campbell, A.E.

The agrarian propaganda of 19th-century French Canada. Rock, L.M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.

The American Indian as barbarian: a re-assessment of some 16th-century views on the nature of Amerindian man and his society. Pagden, A.R.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trevor-Roper, H.R.

The Keynesian politico-economic synthesis; Canadian economic policy, 1945-68. Campbell, R.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Letwin, W.

The structure of the Canandian cabinet, 1948-63. Johnson, A.T.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Chester, D.N.

TheTimes and America, 1850-65: a study in the Anglo-American relationship. Crawford, M.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nicholas, H.G.

The United States and the Berlin Blockade, 1948-9: a study in crisis decision-making. Shlaim, A.
     Ph.D., Reading.

United States arms transfer policy during the Cold War. Dell, C.W.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bull, H.

U.S. arms transfers to Iran, 1948-72, and the politics of reverse influence. Carr, C.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Windsor, P.


A history of Barbuda under the Codringtons, 1738-1833. T. Tweedy, Margaret
     M.Litt., Birmingham. Supervised by Simmons, R.C.

An analysis and interpretation of the life, writings and philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Wilson, E.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kirkwood, K.

An honourable peace: the peace movement in Civil War North Carolina. Scarboro, D.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

An outline of the historical development of the education systems of Chile, Peru and Venezuela and some implications of their harmonization according to the guidelines of the Andres Bello agreement. Costa Araya, P.B.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Entwistle, N.J.

Artisans and merchants: the making of an open economy in Lima, Peru, 1830-60. Gootenberg, P.E.
     M.Phil., Oxford.

British interest in Argentine land development, 1870-1914: a study of British investment in Argentina. Miguez, E.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Platt, D.C.M.

British Unitarians and the crisis of American slavery, 1833-65. Stange, D.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by McManners, J.

E.L. Godkin and the Anglo-American genteel reformers, 1865-1902. Hearne, Beatrice C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Morgan, K.O.

Haciendas and pueblos in 19th-century Oaxaca. Cassidy, T.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

Housing development in Great Britain and the U.S.A in the 20th century: a comparative study. Fraser, C.F.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Diamond, D.R.; Estall, R.C.

Land distribution and settlement in eastern Ohio, with special reference to the first two ranges of Congress land of the Ohio River Survey, 1785-1820. Ford, A.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Campbell, Eila M.J.

Manifest destiny and the anti-imperialists of 1898: an American dissent. Shannon, T.A.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hayes, P.M.

'Mutual assistance': the finance of British requirements in Canada during the Second World War. Mackenzie, H.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Madden, A.F.

'Neutral but not indifferent': the foreign policy of Colombia, 1900-80. Espejo, L.G.
     Ph.D., Southampton.

Optimism and anxiety: middle class and ambivalence towards industrial progressin American monthly magazines, 1885-1903. Abramson, M.G.
     M.Litt., Lancaster. Supervised by Heale, M.J.

Politics and the labour movement in Lima, 1919-31. Dawson, A.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

Regional development in Chile, 1940-70, and future prospects. Sanchez, A.
     M.Phil., Nottingham.

Tariff policies in Peru, 1880-1980. Bolona, C.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Thorp, Teresa R.

The 1808 Digest of Orleans and 1866 Civil Code of Lower Canada: an historical study of legal change. Cairns, J.W.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Smith, R.A.A. McCall

The American 'eastern establishment' and World War I: the emergence of a foreign policy tradition. Roberts, Priscilla M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Thompson, J.A.

The Anti-Chain Store movement in the United States in the New Deal era. Harper, F.
     Ph.D., Warwick. Supervised by Harrison, R.J.

The background and development of Evangelical Catholicism and its expression in the ministry of William Augustus Muhlenberg. Cooper, F.M.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Cameron, J.K.

The electoral reform and the first democratically elected government in Argentina, 1916-22. M. Mustapic, Ana
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Finer, S.E.

The emigration of silk workers from England to the United States of America in the 19th century, with special reference to Coventry, Macclesfield, Paterson, N.J., and South Manchester, Conn. Margrave, R.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Erickson, Charlotte J.

The first Monagas administration in Venezuela, 1847-51. Castillo, R.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The Furness colony: the history of an emigration society in Great Britain andMinnesota, 1872-c.l882. Trescatheric, B.
     M.Litt., Lancaster. Supervised by Marshall, J.D.; Heale, M.J.

The Liberal revolution in Ecuador, 1895-1912. Ayala, M.E.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The military in Venezuela, 1810-36. Blanco-Uribe, E.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The oligarchic state in Chile: stability and decline in a period of social change. Ramirez, L.J. Castillo
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lehmann, A.D.

The Roca-Runciman treaty and its significance for Argentina, 1933-41. Early, E.F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.

United States strategic bombing, 1945-60: policy and doctrine. Miller, C.D.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Dunbabin, J.P.D.

War in the Leeward Islands, 1775-83. Jamieson, A.G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mackesy, P.G.

Wool production and agrarian structure in the province of Buenos Aires, north of the Salado, 1840s to 1880s. Sabato, Hilda I.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.


A passion for order: Woodrow Wilson and the Mexican revolution. Lindsay, A.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nicholas, H.G.

Aspects of labour history in Mexico, 1900-18: the evidence of two British enterprises. Dodsworth, M.E.
     M.Phil., Oxford.

Aspects of Yorkshire emigration to North America, 1760-1880. Dixon, J.T.
     Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Woods, J.A.

Baron de Hirsch, the Jewish Colonization Association and Canada, 1891-1914. Switzer, Kennee B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Joll, J.B.

Calhoun and the concept of 'reactionary enlightenment': an examination of the Disquisition on Government. Clarke, D.J.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Garson, R.A.

Class formation and class struggle in La Convencion, Peru: the case of Pintobamba Grande, 1940-75. Brass, T.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

'For such a time as this': the story of Bishop William J. Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival. Nelson, D.J.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.

'In the new land a new Glengarry': migration from the Scottish Highlands to Upper Canada, 1750-1820. McLean, Marianne L.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Cregeen, E.; Wigley, P.G.

James Stephen and British policy in its relation to American commerce, 1805-12. Wicks, G.R.E.
     M.Phil., Southampton. Supervised by Haffenden, P.S.

Military-civilian crime and the British army in North America, 1775-81. Conway, S.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Christie, I.R.

Newfoundland's saltfish markets, 1814-1914. Ryan, S.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Williams, G.

Politics, economy and society in the province of Caracas, 1777-1821. McKinley, P.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Primitive accumulation and the state of formal capitalism in Jamaica, 1834-1900. Harris, C.C.C.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.

Rebellions and revolts in 18th-century colonial Peru. O'Phelan Godoy, Scarlett R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hobsbawm, E.J.E.

Religious intolerance and decline in 17th-century Massachusetts. Gallagher, Marie R.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Simmons, R.C.

Saturnino Cedillo and the Mexican revolution in San Luis Potosi, 1890-1940. Ankerson, D.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

Social and economic aspects of local society in England and the Chesapeake: a comparative study of the Vale of Berkeley, Glos., and the lower western shore of Maryland, c.1650-1700. Horn, J.P.P.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brooks, C.

Southern congressmen and agricultural reform, 1913-17. Mitchell, A.R.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Brock, W.R.

Technology transfer and technological dependence: a case study of the Argentine cement industry, 1875-1975. Pearson, R.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The Dickinson plantations in Jamaica: management and profitability, 1749-60. McClellan, R.
     M.A., Exeter.

The experience of local government in colonial New York: relations between local and provincial government, 1664-1760. Lodge, G.P.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

The hacienda system and the development of Chilean agriculture, 1850-1930. Leon, R.E.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.

The history of the Canadian war memorial scheme as a study of patronage and visual record of the Great War. W. Tippett, Maria
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Clarke, P.F.

The political and ideological constraints to economic management in Brazil, 1945-64. Sola, Lourdes
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Whitehead, L.A.

The role of the oligarchy in the spatial concentration of the Venezuelan economy, 1777-1870. Camacho, O.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gilbert, A.

United States policy towards the militarization of space: the origins and development of anti-satellite weapons, 1945-82. Stares, P.B.
     Ph.D., Lancaster.


Agrarian capitalism in central Mexico: from hacienda to rancho in the state of Queretaro, 1845-1980. Miller, S.R.P.
     Ph.D., Durham.

America's assumption of British strategic responsibilities, 1947-50: a study in succession. Leebaert, D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Roberts, E.A.

A provincial response to the Mexican revolution: state sovereignty and highland caudillismo in Oaxaca, 1910-20. Garner, P.H.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Fisher, J.R.

Aspects of Brazilian economic policy under the first republic, 1889-1930. Fritsch, W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Moggridge, D.E.

A study of the diary of Robert Mercer, merchant in New York, 1770-4. Cox, E.E.
     M.Litt., Stirling.

Brazilian foreign relations, 1939-50: the changing nature of Brazil-U.S. relations during and after the Second World War. Moura, G.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bethell, L.M.

British interests in Chilean nitrates, 1919-30. Soto, A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Blakemore, H.

Climatic change in central Canada: a preliminary analysis of weather information from the Hudson's Bay Company forts at York Factory and Churchill Factory, 1714-1850. Ball, T.F.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Atkinson, B.W.

Friends and enemies: the impact of the 'labor problem' on political attitudes in America, 1919-24. Bremner, M.W.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Collins, B.W.

Industrialization and urbanization in the state of Sao Paulo, 1950-70. Macedo, Z.L.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Harris, N.

Men and resources on the northern N.W. coast of North America, 1785-1840: a geographical approach to the maritime fur trade. P. Robinson, Sheila
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Harris, D.R.

Strategies of development and ideological contradictions in Puerto Rico, 1940-78. Pantojas-Garcia, E.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.

The Argentine Socialist party, 1890-1930: early development and internal schisms. Mullaney, M.F.
     Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Collier, S.D.W.

The Bristol-American export trade, 1773-5. Pickering, J.
     M.A., Exeter.

The Canadian medical profession and state medical care insurance: key developments, 1911-66. Naylor, C.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Millard, D.W.

The emergence of the black athlete in America: American dream or American dilemma?. Mousinho, G.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Ellison, Mary L.A.

The life and work of Alexander Crummell, 1819-98. Oldfield, J.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

The Lurin valley, Peru, 1000-1532. J. Feltham, Patricia
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bray, W.M.

The North Carolina council, 1663-1753: the theory and practice of royal government in the colonial South. Clayton, T.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wood, Betty C.

The political strategy of the Chilean Communist party, 1950-80. Furci, C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Philip, G.D.E.

The rise and fall of military caciquismo in revolutionary Mexico: the case of San Luis Potosi, 1910-38. Falcon Vega, Romana
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The search for scapegoats: political responses to organized crime in the United States, 1920-53. Woodiwiss, M.J.
     M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Renshaw, P.R.G.

The underlying strategic elements in the management of British colonial banking, with emphasis upon the West Indian chartered banks and particularly the Colonial Bank between 1836 and 1856. Katirai, F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mathias, P.

The U.S.A. and the Permanent Court of International Justice, 1919-39: a historical study in politics and law. Dunne, M.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Best, G.F.A.

'Towards principled influence': an overview of Canadian foreign policy, 1943-8. Boehm, P.M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G.A.


A comparative analysis of two Venezuelan dictatorships: the regimes of Juan Vicente Gomez and Marcos Perez Jimenez. Sanchez, Carmen B.
     M.Phil., Essex. Supervised by Collier, S.D.W.

A history of Christianity in Belize, 1776-1838. Johnson, W.R.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Ingham, K.

British Protestant missions to Spanish South America, c.1840-1890. Tate, E.N.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Fisher, J.R.

Cornelia Connelly's work in education, 1848-79. Marmion, J.P.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

Crown, clergy and revolution in Bourbon Peru: the diocese of Cuzco, 1780-1814. Cahill, D.P.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Fisher, J.R.

Entrepreneurs and peons in the transition to industrial capitalism: Chile, 1820-78. Salazar, G.
     Ph.D., Hull. Supervised by Zammit, J. Ann

Episcopacy, emancipation and evangelization: aspects of the history of the Church of England in the British West Indies. Gilmore, J.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Thompson, D.M.

Finance and the economic management of the Argentine government in the 1930s. Alhadeff, P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Platt, D.C.M.

Foreigners and religious liberty in 19th-century Chile. Pytches, G.E.D.
     M.Phil., Nottingham.

From sideshow to central stage: United States policy towards Egypt, 1946-56. Aronson, G.M.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Owen, E.R.J.

Geopolitics in United States strategic policy, 1890-1980, with special reference to the post-1945 period. Sloan, G.R.
     Ph.D., Keele.

Ideologies of social change in Recife, Brazil, 1955-64. de Aguiar, R.O.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Swingewood, A.W.; Roxborough, I.

Industry and society in the Mexico City area, 1875-1920. Morgan, A.L.
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Cambridgeshire College))

Investment in the manufacturing industry in Brazil, 1869-1939. Suzigan, W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Heady, C.J.

Latin America and the Great War: a study of the effects of the First World War on the economic and social conditions in Peru and Chile. Henderson, S.P.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Albert, W.I.

Management and managed: a study of the development of shop floor industrial relations at Chrysler Corporation's Dodge Main, Detroit, factory, 1930-80. Jeffreys, S.D.
     Ph.D., Warwick.

'Negro subversion': the investigation of black unrest and radicalism by agencies of the United States government, 1917-20. Ellis, C.M.D.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Ranson, E.

Prelude to Republicanism: issues in the realignment of political parties in New Hampshire, 1835-47. McGiffen, S.P.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

Protection and survival: Anglo-Indian relations, 1748-63 - Britain and the northern colonies. Stagg, J.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wood, Betty C.

Protectionism in the international system: the case of Brazil, 1945-74. Elliott, J.F.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Roberts, E.A.

Science and medicine in early colonial New England. Essex-Cater, G.P.
     M.A., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Schlenther, B.S.

Structuring inequality: the development of health services in Brazil, 1808-1980. del Nero, C.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Abel-Smith, B.

The American origins of NATO: a study in domestic inhibitions and West European constraints. Foot, P.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Jeffreys-Jones, R.

The conquest of the Caribs of the Orinoco basin, 1498-1771. Whitehead, N.L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Riviere, P.G.

The federal revolution in Venezuela, 1858-63. Thompson, S.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

'The gentle and easy tax': the Bourbons and the royal tobacco monopoly of New Spain, 1765-1821. Deans, Susan
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

The Moravian Mission in Barbados, 1816-86: a study of the historical context and theological significance of a minority church among an oppressed people. Lewis, A.K.O.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.

The transformation of production in, and economic development of, a district in the central Peruvian Andes, 1700-1979. A. Boyden, Jocelyn
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Loizos, P.

The transition from slavery to free labour in Brazil, 1871-88: slave legislation and the organization of the labour market. Gebara, A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lewis, C.M.

Trade, plunder and economic development in early English Jamaica, 1655-89. Zahedieh, Nuala B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Earle, P.

Urban popular society in colonial Quito, c.1700-1800. Minchom, A.M.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Fisher, J.R.


A history of the American pottery industry: industrial growth, technical and technological change and diffusion in the generalware branch, 1872-1914. Lamb, A. McG.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Potter, J.

America and the Boer War. Schlosser, E.M.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Newbury, C.W.

Benjamin Franklin in England, 1765-75. Lesser, S.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Langford, P.

Congregational societies in Connecticut before 1818: corporation and institution. Loeb, L.M.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Bonomi, P.; Pole, J.R.

Establishing federal securities regulation: the Securities and Exchange Commission, a New Deal agency, 1934-7. Emery, M.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Potter, J.

Federalism and Canadian foreign policy, 1945-80. Riley, S.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Bull, H.

Latin America and U.S. capital markets, 1900-80. Stallings, Barbara B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Eatwell, J.L.

Lord Halifax as ambassador to Washington, 1941-6. K. Neal, Lesley
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Parker, R.A.C.

Medicine and slavery: the health of slaves in the Louisiana sugar and South Carolina rice regions. Mercer, A.P.
     Ph.D., Manchester.

Mexico and the Great Depression. Slarke, D.J.
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Calvert, P.A.R.

Origins of the 'Second American party system': the Ohio evidence. Ratcliffe, D.J.
     Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Ward, W.R.

Protestant missionary activity in five S. Caribbean islands during slavery, 1765- 1826. C. Ince, Anne
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wood, D.

Relations between Seminoles and Blacks after Removal. Mulroy, K.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Ellison, Mary L.A.

Skyscraper property development in Chicago, 1882-92. Bonshek, J.
     Ph.D., Reading.

Talcott Parson's political and social theory: criticisms and alternatives. Williams, G.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hirst, P.Q.

The American rubber products industry, 1890-1937: technical change, productivity and concentration in tyre manufacture. French, M.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Floud, R.C.

The automobile and progressive America, 1893-1923. Ling, P.J.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Garson, R.A.

The Bolivian Mineworkers' Federation (F.S.T.M.B.), 1952-65: labour, politicsand economic development. Martin, Gail M.
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Portsmouth Polytechnic))

The coffee order in Costa Rica, 1870-99: formation and consolidation of a structure of domination. Rodriguez, G.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The Democratic party in New York State, 1890-1910: a traditional party in a time of change. Neve, Susan L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Thompson, J.A.

The evolution of electronic warfare equipment and techniques in the U.S.A., 1901-45. Price, A.W.
     Ph.D., Loughborough. Supervised by Duncan, A.M.

The international dimension of the Cardenas government, 1934-40. Salinas, Maria E. Paz
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Philip, G.E.D.

The origins of 20th-century Brazilian education. de Araujo, S.L.
     M.Phil., Leeds.

The role of the financial system in the economic development of newly industrializing countries, with particular reference to the case of Brazil, 1945-84. Lima, F.C.G. de Cerqueira
     Ph.D., Wales (UWIST).

'Transatlantic brethren': a study of English, Welsh and American Baptists, with particular reference to Morgan John Rhys (1760-1804) and his friends. Davies, H.M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff). Supervised by Williams, G.A.

Venezuela, 1908-28, an era of transition: foreign capital investment in the political and economic context. Haddad, F.
     Ph.D., Kent.


Agricultural development in Brazil, 1950-82, with special reference to farm credit policies. Nakle de Roure, W.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, G.T.

A history of internal security legislation in the U.S.A.: its execution and consequences, 1948-54. Thompson, A.R.
     M.Phil., York. Supervised by Koch, H.W.

American policy towards Algeria, 1940-62. Ferhat, F.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Adams, D.K.

Andre Reboucas: a study of his life and ideas. Juca, Maria Joselice de Melo
     Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Knight, A.S.

An examination of the external affairs competence and international law status of Newfoundland, 1855-1934. Gilmore, W.C.
     Ph.D., London.

Britain and the independence of Mexico, 1808-21. Codinach, E. Guadalupe Jimenez
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.

British emigration during the early 1850s, with special reference to emigration to the U.S.A. van Vugt, W.E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Baines, D.E.

Developmentalism and political change in Argentina, 1955-62. Szusterman, Julia C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Angell, A.E.

Economic diversification in the American Pacific territory of Hawai'i, 1893-1941. Hawkins, R.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Potter, J.

Economic indicators for the Paraguayan economy, 1869-1932: isolation and the world economy. Herken-Krauer, J.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Myint, H.

Harold L. Ickes and United States domestic oil policy, 1933-41. Jarman, I.P.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Rowett, J.S.

Housing politics and pressure groups: the impacts of central-local governmentrelations and reformers on American public housing policy, 1933-53. Daly, G.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Bullock, N.O.A.

Nuclear powers: an assessment of nuclear decision-making, 1932-79, withspecial reference to the Anglo-American atomic relationship. Lowry, D.M.
     Ph.D., Open University.

Status and feminine leadership in a mid 19th-century Evangelical community: Phoebe Palmer and the Holiness Connexion, 1835-74. Haight, Ann M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by MacLeod, D.J.

The comparative development of urban electric railways in Britain and the U.S.A., 1880-1914. Reilly, M.D.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Lee, W.R.

The consolidation and crisis of the liberal oligarchic state in Peru, 1895-1933. D'Angelo, G.A.
     Ph.D., Essex.

The Soviet Union and Stalinism in the ideological debates of American Trotskyism, 1937-51. Bubis, M.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Schopflin, G.

Transportation policy formation in Detroit, 1945-85. Neill, W.J.V.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.

United States foreign policy towards China, January 1949 - November 1950: the question of recognition of the People's Republic. Riddick, P.T.
     M.A., Lancaster. Supervised by Travers, D.T.; Heale, M.J.


A history of Methodism in Haiti, 1817-1916. Griffiths, L.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gray, J.R.

A history of sealing in the Falkland Islands and Dependencies, 1764-1972. Dickinson, A.B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Stonehouse, B.

American foreign policy and the Panama Canal. Winston, J.H.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by MacLeod, D.J.

A question of treason: the expulsion of Victor L. Berger from Congress, 1919-20. Mee, C.M.
     M.Phil., Ulster. Supervised by Fraser, T.G.; Riches, W.T.M.

A study of the history of geography in the U.S.A., c.1892-1925. Martin, G.J.
     Ph.D., London.

A vision of empire: the development of British opinion regarding the American colonial empire, 1730-70. Cornish, R.T.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Christie, I.R.

British coalminers on Vancouver Island, 1848-1900: a social history. Belshaw, J.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hunt, E.H.

Chilean trade and British traders, 1820-79. Cavieres, E.
     Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Collier, S.D.W.

Contrast and continuity: 'Black' reconstruction in South Carolina and Mississippi, 1861-77. Verney, K.J.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Ellison, Mary L.A.

Geographical images of Utah: non-Mormon perceptions of the environment, c.1545-1857. Price, B.E.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Davis, J.F.

Independence and alliance: Canadian relations with Britain and the United States, 1944-50. C. Doran, Janis
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Roberts, E.A.

Indian society in Arica, Tarapaca and Atacama, 1750-93, and its response to the rebellion of Tupac Amaru. Hidalgo Lehuede, J.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lynch, J.

Introduction to a modern history of the Caribbean coast of Colombia, 1904-26. Posada, E.L.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Isaiah Bowman and his period in American geography. Wightman, Noeline S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Davis, J.F.

Men and measures: election rhetoric in Britain and the United States, 1790-1900. Robertson, A.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pole, J.R.; Brock, M.G.

Puritans, pragmatists and progress: the Republican coalition in Iowa, 1854-78. Cook, R.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

Return migration from New England to England, 1640-60. Hardman Moore, Susan M.
     Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Collinson, P.

States of ambivalence: certain American perceptions of Germany, 1888-1917. Affleck, C.I.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Edwards, O. Dudley; Cole, T.F.

The development of private and public elementary education in Buenos Aires, 1820-52. Newland, C.L.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Platt, D.C.M.

The doctrine of parliamentary supremacy in Canadian constitutional law, 1867-1981. McCullough, H.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Letwin, W.

The historical development of Jamaican culture and its impact on the educational systems. Feltis, M.L.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).

The Mexican silver-mining industry in the 19th century, with special reference to Guanajuato. E. Rankine, Margaret
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

The political ideas of James Wilson, 1742-98. Pascal, J.-M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Burns, J.H.

The politics of public land in Recife, Brazil: the case of Brasilia Teimosa, 1934- 84. Fortin, C.J.
     D.Phil., Sussex.

The scientific community and the state in Brazil: the role of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science, 1948-80. M. Fernandes, Ana
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Martins, H.G.

The settlement of Scottish immigrants in Nova Scotia, 1770-1830: a study in adaptation. Preston, B.W.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Hart, T.; Slaven, A.; Checkland, S.G.

The state, the housing question and policy formation in Brazil, 1937-75. de Melo, M.A.B. Campelo
     D.Phil., Sussex.

Walking the tightrope: Canadian China policy, 1948-57. Beecroft, S.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.


A comparative study of pre- and post-famine migrants from N.W. Ireland to North America. Mageean, D.M.
     Ph.D., Open University.

An analysis of health and social policy for the elderly in Ontario, 1930-84. Alexander, T.H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Abel-Smith, B.

An historian's appraisal of the political writings of Noam Chomsky. Harbord, S.
     M.A., Kent. Supervised by Hurstfield, J.G.

British commercial houses in Mexico, 1821-67. Bohigas, Hilarie J. Heath
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lewis, C.M.

Conversion and identity in early colonial perspectives: friars and Indians in Mesoamerica, 1545-1670. Megged, A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

Evidence of subversion? The pro-Soviet propaganda films of wartime America,1942-5. Connolly, M.J.
     D.Phil., Ulster. Supervised by Riches, W.T.M.

Labour, law and the state in Brazil, 1930-50. Paoli, Maria C.P.-M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hobsbawm, E.J.E.

Manuel Estrada Cabrera, Guatemalan president, 1898-1920. Rendon, Catherine
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Pens and pen-keepers in a plantation society: aspects of Jamaican social and economic history, 1740-1845. Shepherd, Verene A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Wood, Betty C.

Regulation and the development of modern American sports: the case of professional boxing, 1945-65. Sheahan, S.C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by MacLeod, D.J.

Scottish emigration to Colonial America, 1607-1785. Dobson, L.D.S.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Smout, T.C.

Structures of control: the changing role of shop-floor supervision in the U.S automobile industry, 1900-50. Coopey, R.
     Ph.D., Warwick. Supervised by Obelkevich, J.; Mason, A.

The Baptist churches of S. Trinidad and their missionaries, 1815-92. Brewer, P.D.
     M.Th., Glasgow.

The decline of the Anglo-Argentine economic connection in the years immediately after the Second World War: a British perspective. Fursman, N.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Platt, D.C.M.

The development of Anglo-American naval strategy in the period of the Second World War, 1938-41. Millar, R.W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Ranft, B.McL.

The development of the idea of detente in American political discourse, 1952-85. Froman, M.B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Howard, M.E.

The politics of the British Leeward Islands, 1763-83. O'Shaughnessy, A.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Langford, P.

The Trans-Alaska pipeline controversy in historical perspective: attitudes towards the transformation of 'the last American frontier'. Coates, P.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Thompson, J.A.

Towards a general interpretation of the evolution of strike actions and types of unionism in Chile, 1890-1970. Pizarro, C.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.

Urban slavery in 19th-century Rio de Janeiro. Soares, L.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bethell, L.M.

Voluntarism and compulsion: the Canadian federal government's intervention in collective bargaining, 1900-46. Fudge, Judith A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davies, P.L.

Wales in America: Scranton and the Welsh, c.1860-1920. Jones, W.D.
     Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff). Supervised by Smith, D.B.


American Protestant missions and the Vietnam War. James, B.V.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Walls, A.F.
     Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century

Americans of patriot sympathies in London and the colonial strategy for opposition, 1774-5. Flavell, Julie M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Christie, I.R.

British and local capital and the role of the state in the political economy of Jamaica, 1920-40. Waylen, Georgina N.A.
     Ph.D, Council for National Academic Awards. ((Huddersfield Polytechnic)). Supervised by Payne, A.J.; Austin, D.; Taylor, A.J.

Catholic immigration in Liverpool and Boston, U.S.A. in the 19th century. Ayub, A.T. Farrell
     M.A., Leeds.

Confraternity, cult and crown in colonial Mexico city, 1700-1810. Garcia- Ayluardo, Clara
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

Conversion and conflict in Guatemala: evangelical growth in geographical and historical perspective. Wiebe, V.O.
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Browning, D.G.

Coping with decline: Chilean foreign policy during the 20th century, 1902-72. Meneses, E.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

Eisenhower and the evolution of strategic thinking, 1953-8. Grant, Rebecca
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Coker, C.

England and the settlement of North America: an essay in the expansion of Europe. Reed, J.C.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Wright, E.

English furniture in 18th-century Philadelphia. Smith, Julia
     M.A., Royal College of Art.

Frontier development: land, labour and capital on the wheatlands of Argentinaand Canada, 1890-1914. Adelman, J.I.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Platt, D.C.M.

George Geddes and the New Brunswick timber trade, 1809-12. Geddes, D.C.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Craig, R.S.

Ideology, education and social change in Latin America: a case study of Bolivia, 1930-53. Tattersall, N.
     M.Phil., Open University.

Imperial Anglicanism in North America, 1745-95. Doll, P.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hinchliff, P.B.

Import substitution in capital goods: the case of Brazil, 1929-79. Gupta, Bishnupriya
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Thorp, Teresa R.

Liverpool and the American trade, 1865-90. Cooper, A.J.
     Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Bolt, Christine A.

Magistrates of God, ministers of law: the role of the civil magistrate in early Massachusetts. Davies, Katherine M.
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Schlenther, B.S.

Masters and servants: the growth of the labour movement in St. Christopher-Nevis, 1896-1956. Richards, G.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Fieldhouse, D.K.

Monetary problems of an export economy: seventy years of monetary debate in Chile, 1844-1914. Bustos Zemelman, Clara
     M.Phil., Hull. Supervised by Richardson, P.D.

Politicians and diplomats: British perspectives on Woodrow Wilson, 1912-21. Conyne, G.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.

Power, prejudice and profit: the world view of the Jamaican slave-owning elite,1788-1834. Steel, M.J.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Tadman, M.

Quieting the storm: the establishment of order in post-revolutionary South Carolina. Hall, J.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

Regional revolt and local politics in the province of Pasto (Colombia), 1780-1850. Earle, Rebecca A.
     M.A., Warwick. Supervised by McFarlane, A.

'The average truth': the slave family in South Carolina, 1820-60. Hudson, L.E.
     Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Ellison, Mary L.A.

The Colleton family and the early history of South Carolina and Barbados, 1646-1775. Buchanan, J.E.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Day, A.F.

The development of art institutions in Quebec and Ontario (1876-1914) and the South Kensington influence. Stirling, J.C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.

The development of political organization and political consciousness in Guyana: the conscientizacao of the middle class and the masses, 1870-1964. Drakes, F.M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Abel, C.G.

The effect of labour patterns and the labour process on the development ofindustrial workforces and labour organizations among cotton and mining workers inGreat Britain and the U.S.A., in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Maloney, T.M.
     M.Phil., Leeds.

The first space race: a critique of American space history. Bulkeley, R.I.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Freedman, L.

The friends of government: loyalism, ideology and politics in revolutionary Massachusetts, 1765-76. Nicolson, C.C.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Jeffreys-Jones, R.; Edwards, O. Dudley

The health of nations: public health and the social reproduction of the working class in Canada and Britain, 1900-20. Sears, A.
     Ph.D., Warwick.

The history of the future: Alfred Marshall's American tour of 1875. Butler, R.W.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Heesom, A.J.

The history of the relationship between the concept and treatment of people with Down's syndrome in Britain and America, 1866-1967. Zihni, Lilian S.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bynum, W.F.

The impact of Hollywood and its star system on Britain in the 1930s. Jones, P.
     M.A., Lancaster. Supervised by Heale, M.J.

The London Times and the American Civil War. Hamilton, Maxine T.
     Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Shattock, E. Joanne; Evans, R.H.

The middling men, the British press and America, Nov. 1781-Aug. 1783, as association of reader and newspaper. Grant, A.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Day, A.F.; Dickinson, H.T.

The patterns of labour radicalism: labour movements in Chile, Peru, Argentina and Brazil, 1880-1930. Chu, Juo-Juo
     M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gallie, D.

The Portuguese in the Amazon valley, 1872-1920. da Silva, Maria Ines Abreu
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Colson, R.F.

The problems of peace: American strategy and organization, 1943-50. Gallagher, J.J.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Rowett, J.S.

Ticknor and Fields: a study of literary publishing in Boston in the mid 19thcentury. Winship, M.B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by McKenzie, D.F.

U.S.-Argentine relations, [1800-1985]. Reynal, M.A.J.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.


A school for politics: interest-groups' strategies and the formation of South Carolina's political culture, 1763-94. K. Starr, Rebecca
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

Domestic and international dimensions of Canadian foreign policy, 1943-8: the resettlement in Canada of ex-servicemen of the 2nd Polish Army Corps. Thornton, M.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Sims, N.R.A.

Female participation in the Canadian clothing industry, 1890-1940. Steedman, Mercedes W.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hobsbawm, E.J.E.

Grenada: a political history, 1950-79. Collins, Merle A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dawson, P.F.

Politics in Rio de Janeiro province under the Empire (1822-89). Gouvea, Mariade Fatima Silva
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bethell, L.M.

Promotion, finance and mergers in Canadian manufacturing industry, 1885-1918. Marchildon, G.P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hannah, L.

Relations between Oman and the states of eastern Arabia, 1804-56, as shown in the Kitab Badr al-Tamam fi Sirat Said b. Sultan of Ibn Ruzayq. Al-Hashimy, S.M.b.S.
     M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Young, M.J.L.

The constitutional development of Quebec from the time of the French regime to the Canada Act of 1791: a British perspective. Milobar, K.D.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dinwiddy, J.R.

The devil in colonial Mexico: cultural interaction and intellectual change, 1521- 1767. Cervantes, F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brading, D.A.

The distribution of legislative powers in the Canadian constitution from confederation to the present. Bur, D.F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Williams, D.G.T.

The evolution of an urban political machine: Republican Philadelphia, 1867-1933. McCaffery, P.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Morgan, Mary S.

The McKinley Tariff, 1891-9. Walters, Melanie J.
     M.Phil., Wales (Aberystwyth).

The Missouri Compromise revisited. Robinson, D.P.
     M.A., Durham. Supervised by Ratcliffe, D.J.

Theories of power and the formation of the Anglo-American alliance, 1939-45. Parmar, S.
     M.Phil., London.

The political culture of New Granada, 1770-1815. de Payan, Margarita R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, M.D.

The politics of encomienda distribution in early Spanish Guatemala, 1524-44. Kramer, Wendy J.
     Ph.D., Warwick. Supervised by McFarlane, A.

The Sinarquista movement, with special reference to the period 1934-44. Hernandes-Garcia de Leon, H.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Philip, G.D.E.

United States policy towards Vietnam, 1954-5. Ismi, A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dockrill, M.L.


Britain, the United States and the mutual defence assistance and mutual security programmes, 1949-58. Phippard, H. Leigh
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1949–1958
     Index terms: Mutual defence assistance; United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Defence

Catalyst for coalition: the Anglo-American supply relationship, 1939-41. Thornhill, Paula G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Neill, R.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1941

Catholicism in Chile: the political dimension. Farr, M.
     M.Phil., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1990
     Index terms: Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church, in Chile; Chile

Commercial capital, domestic market and manufacturing in imperial Brazil: the failure of Brazilian economic development in the 19th century. Prado, Luiz C.T.D.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W.)
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Commercial capital, in Brazil; Manufacturing, in Brazil; Brazil

Continuity and change: West Virginia in national politics, 1952-88. Portnoy, Elliott I.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Shafer, B.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1988
     Index terms: United States of America; Virginia, U.S.A.

His Majesty's Indian allies: British Indian policy in the defence of Canada, 1775-1815. Allen, Robert S.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Schlenther, B.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1775–1814
     Index terms: Canada; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Canada; Indians, North American

Immigrants in America: a comparison of British and Polish experiences during the early 20th century, 1900-26. Morrison, J.
     M.A., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1926
     Index terms: Migration, British and Polish, to America; Poland; America

Improved earth: land settlement, community and class in rural North America, 1900-60. Bantjes, Roderick L.
     Ph.D., Lancaster.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1960
     Index terms: Land settlement, in N. America; Class, in N. America

Liberals, reform and the social question: Argentina, 1890-1916. Zimmermann, Eduardo A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Angell, A.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1916

Politics and education in Costa Rica, 1880-1930. Fischel, Astrid
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Colson, R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1930

Power, culture and conflict in the coalfields of West Virginia and South Wales, 1900-22. Fagge, Roger J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reid, A.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1922

Reason over precedents: the origins of American legal thought. Klafter, Craig E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pole, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1777–1810

`That liberty shall not perish from the earth': Woodrow Wilson as commander-in-chief of the American armed forces, 1913-21. Ray, Christopher G.
     M.A., Warwick. Supervised by MacDonald, C.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1913–1921
     Index terms: United States of America; Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924), president of the U.S.A.; Armed forces, American

The appropriation of the Quechua language by the Church and the Christianization of Peru in the 16th and 17th centuries. Mitchell, W.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1532–1660
     Index terms: Peru; Quechua language; Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church, in Peru; Missions, Christian

The Argentine navy as an autonomous actor in Argentine politics, [1810-1990]. Sahni, Varun
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Whitehead, L.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1810–1990
     Index terms: Argentina; Navy, Argentine

The Colombian Caribbean: a regional history, 1870-1950. Posada, Eduardo L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, M.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1950

The cotton textile industry of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1868-1915. Ribeiro de Oliveira Versiani, Maria Teresa
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Bethell, L.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1868–1915

The evolution of post-World War II United States chemical warfare policy. Fredericks, William C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Howard, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1985

The origins and development of the juvenile courts in the United States during the Progressive era, c.1890-1910. Clapp, Elizabeth J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Stokes, M.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1910

The politics of labour and development in Trinidad and Tobago, [1937-90]. Kiely, R.
     Ph.D., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 1937–1990
     Index terms: Labour, in Trinidad and Tobago; Tobago; Trinidad

The Speculum coniungorum of Fray Alonso de la Veracruz: the legitimacy of pre-Hispanic Indian marriages in 16th-century New Spain. Castro Corona, Sarai
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill
     Chronological coverage: 1500–1600

The transmission of long cycles between `core' and `periphery' economies: a case study of Brazil and Mexico, c.1870-1940. Catao, Luis A.V.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Solomou, S.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1940

Truants and institutions: a history of the New York intellectual community, 1940-60. Wilford, F. Hugh
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1960
     Index terms: Intellectuals, in the U.S.A.; New York, U.S.A.


`All the world was America': John Locke and the American Indian. Arneil, M. Barbara
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Rosen, F.
     Chronological coverage: 1680–1776
     Index terms: America, colonial; Political thought; Locke, John (1632-1704)

British colonial policy and the transfer of power in British Guiana, 1945-64. Rose, James G.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, A.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1964
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration; British Guiana; Guyana

British exports to continental N. America, 1690-1776. Smith, Simon D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKendrick, N.
     Chronological coverage: 1690–1776
     Index terms: America, colonial; Exports, to N. America; Trade, external

Conquest and colonization in the Colombian Choco, 1510-1740. Hansen, Caroline A.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by McFarlane, A.
     Chronological coverage: 1510–1740
     Index terms: Choco region, Colombia; Spanish, in South America; Colombia

Images of dissent: European directors, Hollywood cinema and the New Deal, 1933-48. Smedley, Nicholas J.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Blackbourn, D.G.
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1948
     Index terms: Film industry, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Film directors, European, in the U.S.A.; New Deal, in the U.S.A.; Hollywood, U.S.A.

Liberal-republicanism and politics in Chile: from Bourbon reformism to the national state. Jocelyn-Holt, Alfredo
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Deas, M.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1830
     Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism, in Chile; Chile

Policy and process: a comparative approach to slave emancipation in the British West Indies, 1823-34, and the United States, 1861-5. Rushford, Claire
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Turley, D.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1823–1865
     Index terms: West Indies; British West Indies; United States of America; Emancipation, slave; Slaves, Slavery

Popular values for urban parks: a case study of the changing meanings of Parque do Flamengo in Rio de Janeiro. Costa, Lucia M.S.A.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Burgess, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
     Index terms: Brazil; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Parque do Flamengo; Parks, urban, in Brazil

Proprietary policy and the development of North Carolina, 1663-1729. Suttlemyre, Charles G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by MacLeod, D.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1663–1729
     Index terms: North Carolina, U.S.A.; United States of America

Reciprocity revised: the Jacksonians, navigation and the shaping of United States commercial policy, 1829-50. Corps, Terence J.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Ratcliffe, D.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1829–1850
     Index terms: Trade, external, of the U.S.A.; Commerce, see Trade; United States of America

Scottish shipbuilding and the American Civil War. Graham, Barbara
     M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Butt, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: American Civil War (1861-5); Scotland; Shipbuilding industry

Slaves, freedmen and free men of colour in the transition from slavery in Brazil. A case study: the life, times and ideas of Dom Oba II d'Africa, Prince of the People, c.1845-1890. da Silva, Eduardo
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Bethell, L.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1890
     Index terms: Brazil; Oba II d'Africa (c.1845-1890); Slaves, Slavery, in Brazil; Freedmen, in Brazil

Stalinism and the Brazilian Communist party. Guedes de Oliveira, Marcos Aurelio
     Ph.D., Essex.
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1953
     Index terms: Stalinism, in Brazil; Brazil; Communist party, in Brazil

Student politics in Mexico, 1910-74. Daniels, J.A.
     M.Phil., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1974
     Index terms: Students, in Mexico; Mexico

The British campaign against American neutrality: publicity and propaganda, 1939-41. Cull, Nicholas J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Taylor, P.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1941
     Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Propaganda; United States of America

The British North America act, 1867. Krikorian, Jacqueline D.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Madden, A.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1867–1930
     Index terms: Privy council; Canada; Judicial committee, of the privy council; British North America Act (1867)

The Canadian Agency and British investment in western Canadian land, 1905-15. Gilpin, John F.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Sutcliffe, A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1905–1915
     Index terms: Investment, British, in Canada; Canada; Canadian Agency; Land, in Canada

The development of British policy towards the Falkland Islands, 1820-43. Muffty, John A.
     M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Teesside Poly.). Supervised by Grun, G.A.; Richardson, R.C.; Beck, P.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1843
     Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in the Falkland Islands; Falkland Islands

The development of commercial agriculture in the Bajio Querétano of Mexico since 1900. Lambert, A.M.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
     Index terms: Mexico; Bajio Querétano, Mexico; Commercial agriculture, in Mexico; Agriculture, in Mexico

The end of imperial diplomatic unity, 1919-28: Anglo-Canadian relations from the British perspective. McManus, M. Kathleen
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Boyce, R.W.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1928
     Index terms: Canada, and Britain; Diplomacy; Foreign relations, with Canada; Empire, British

The family in colonial Venezuela, 1745-98: an iconoclastic view. Almecija, Juan
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by laslett, T.P.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1745–1798
     Index terms: Family, in Venezuela; Venezuela

The historical development of Pentecostalism in north-eastern Brazil, with specific reference to working-class women in Recife. Pepper, Joanne L.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Hennessy, C.A.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
     Index terms: Working class, in Brazil; Brazil; Pentecostals, Pentecostalism, in Brazil; Women, in Brazil; Recife, Brazil
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; 20th Century

The religious encounter in mid colonial Peru. Mills, Kenneth R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Elliott, J.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1800
     Index terms: Peru

The rise of the popular magazine in Britain and the United States, 1880-1960. Reed, David
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Green, C.K.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1960
     Index terms: United States of America; Magazines, popular

United States Army aviation and the air mobility innovation, 1942-65. Cheng, Christopher
     Ph.D., London. (K.C.)
     Chronological coverage: 1942–1965
     Index terms: Aviation, in the U.S.A.; Army, U.S.; United States of America; Air mobility innovation, U.S.


Anti-trust in America: the scholarly debate, 1910-43. Cullis, Philip J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1943
     Index terms: United States of America; Anti-trust, in the U.S.A.

Aviators and air combat: a study of the U.S. 8th Air Force and R.A.F. Bomber Command. Wells, Mark K.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Michael L.
     Chronological coverage: 1942–1945
     Index terms: Royal Air Force; World War II (1939-45); Bombs, Bombing; Combined bomber offensive; United States 8th Air Force

Between slavery and free labour: experiments with free labour, and patterns of slave emancipation in Brazil and Cuba, c.1830-1888. Lamounier, Maria L.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1888
     Index terms: Labour, free, in Brazil and Cuba; Brazil; Cuba; Slavery, in Brazil and Cuba

British interests in Texas, 1825-46. Roeckell, Lelia M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Goldman, L.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1825–1846
     Index terms: United States of America; Texas, U.S.A.

Catholics and politics in Argentina: an interpretation, with special reference to the period 1930-60. Ivereigh, Austen A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Deas, M.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1960
     Index terms: Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church, in Argentina; Argentina

Enterprise and culture: Jewish immigrants in London and New York, 1880-1914. Godley, Andrew C.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, P.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
     Index terms: New York, U.S.A.; London; Jews, in Britain and the U.S.A.; United States of America; Entrepreneurship

Europe's Indian nectar: the transatlantic cacao and chocolate trade in the 17th century. Butler, Amy L.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Elliott, John
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
     Index terms: Trade, transatlantic; Chocolate trade, transatlantic; Cacao trade, transatlantic

Euthanasia of a mission: the work of the Church Missionary Society in western Canada, leading to the society's withdrawal in 1920 and the consequences for the Canadian church. Chilton, Roger H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Hinchcliff, P.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1901–1925
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Canada; Church Missionary Society, in Canada; Canada

Hegemony and free trade policy: Britain, 1846-1914, and the U.S.A., 1944-90. Pigman, Geoffrey A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Walter, A.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1990
     Index terms: Free trade policy, in Britain and the U.S.A.; United States of America

Latin American Protestantism for the neglected continent to the continent of opportunity: an assessment of the justification for Protestant expansion, 1894-1960. Piedra Solano, Arturo
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1894–1960
     Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism, in Latin America

Mapping the underground: geographies of British and American counter-cultures, 1950-75. Rycroft, Simon P.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Daniels, S.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1975
     Index terms: Counter-cultures, in Britain and the U.S.A.; United States of America

Negotiations for a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty, 1958-80: analysis and evaluation of American policy. Dokos, Athanasios
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Fischer, D.V.
     Chronological coverage: 1958–1980
     Index terms: United States of America; Nuclear test ban treaty

New England agents and the English Atlantic, 1641-66. Milne, Graeme J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Moore, Susan Hardman; Day, A.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1641–1666
     Index terms: America, colonial; New England

Political economy and political ideology: the public debt in 18th-century Britain and America. Vernier, Richard B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pole, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
     Index terms: America, colonial; Public debt, in Britain and America; United States of America

Religious repression and adaptation in the archbishopric of Lima, c.1640-c.1788. Griffiths, Nicholas E.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1640–1788
     Index terms: Missions, Christian, in Peru; Peru; Lima, Peru, archbishopric

The Brandywine paper mill and the Anglo-American book trade, 1787-1837. Bidwell, John
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by McKenzie, D.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1787–1837
     Index terms: Trade, with the U.S.A.; United States of America; Book trade, with the U.S.A.; Brandywine paper mill

The entry of established electronic companies into the early computer industry in the U.K. and U.S.A. Gandy, Anthony
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Hannah, L.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
     Index terms: Electronics industry

The Field Foundation and race: an intellectual and administrative study, 1940-70. Bourne, Charles W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1970
     Index terms: Race, in the U.S.A.; Field Foundation

The immense commerce: the trade between Puerto Rico and Great Britain, 1844-98. Cox, Emma A.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Colson, R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1844–1898
     Index terms: Trade, of Puerto Rico; Trade, with Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico

The incorporation of Pennsylvania and late Stuart politics. Geiter, Mary K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1681–1700
     Index terms: America, colonial; Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

The origins of the Argentine Radical party, 1889-98. Alonso-Gortari, Paula M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Deas, M.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1889–1898
     Index terms: Radical party, in Argentina; Argentina

The Trujillo insurrection, the APRA party and the making of modern Peruvian politics. Giesecke, Margarita
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Hobsbawm, E.J.E.; Evans, R.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1990
     Index terms: APRA party, in Peru; Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana, in Peru; Peru; Trujillo, Peru

Traders' tales: British fur traders' narratives of the encounter with Plateau peoples, 1807-46. Vibert, Elizabeth
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ranger, T.O.
     Chronological coverage: 1807–1846
     Index terms: Plateau peoples, Canada; Canada; Fur traders, in Canada

Venezuela, 1863-79: the creation of political stability and the strengthening of the state. Beadman, Clive
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1863–1879
     Index terms: Venezuela


American Indian identity in the life of Arthur Caswell Parker, 1881-1955. Porter, J.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1901–1955
     Index terms: Indians, American; Parker, Arthur Caswell (1881-1955); United States of America

British export performance in the southern cone of Latin America, 1930-70. Barton, Jonathan R.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Miller, R.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1960
     Index terms: Latin America; Trade, external

British government attitudes and policy towards education in upper Canada, 1791-1841. Woods, Margaret A.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Tyzack, Rosemary M.
     Chronological coverage: 1791–1841
     Index terms: Canada; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Canada; Education, in Canada

Colour and enterprise: South Carolina indigo and the Atlantic economy, 1745-95. Edelson, Scott D.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
     Chronological coverage: 1745–1795
     Index terms: United States of America; America, colonial; South Carolina, U.S.A.; Indigo, in South Carolina

Community case studies of midwives from England and New England, c.1650-1720. Hess, Ann C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, H. Margaret
     Chronological coverage: 1650–1720
     Index terms: New England; Midwives, in England and New England; America, colonial

Electoral practices in Argentina, 1898-1904. Cullen Crisol, Dolores M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, M.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1904
     Index terms: Elections, in Argentina; Argentina

Industrialization in Colombia, 1920-50. Echavarria, Juan J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Econ.). Supervised by Thorp, Teresa R.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1950
     Index terms: Industrialization, in Colombia; Colombia

In search of a nation: Benjamin Franklin and the creation of identity in the United States of America, 1751-90. Lena, A.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1751–1790
     Index terms: United States of America; America, colonial; Franklin, Benjamin (1706-90)

Jose Maria Tornel y Mendivil, Mexican general/politician, 1794-1853. Fowler, W.M.
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1814–1853
     Index terms: Tornel y Mendivil, Jose Maria (1794-1853); Mexico

Mexican-Cuban relations, 1959-88. Covarrubias Velasco, Ana
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Whitehead, L.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1959–1988
     Index terms: Cuba, and Mexico; Mexico, and Cuba

The American past and popular culture, 1939-64. Coyne, Michael
     M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Heale, M.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1964
     Index terms: United States of America; Popular culture, in the U.S.A.

The analogue alternative: a socio-economic history of the electronic analogue computer in Britain and the U.S.A., 1930-75. Small, James
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Edgerton, D.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1975
     Index terms: United States of America; Computers, electronic analogue

The British army and the N. American Indian, 1755-63. Brumwell, Stephen
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, J.C.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1755–1763
     Index terms: America, colonial; Indians, North American; Army

The British West Indian press in the age of abolition. Lewis, Andrew P.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Williams, G.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1833
     Index terms: West Indies; Slavery, abolition of, in the West Indies; Press, in the West Indies

The evolving role of the Commonwealth in Canadian foreign policy, 1956-65. Macleod, Roderick J.M.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Kent, C.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1956–1965
     Index terms: Canada; Foreign policy, of Canada; Commonwealth

The Federal Bill of Rights and the States before the 14th Amendment. Mayo, Walker P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pole, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1774–1873
     Index terms: Bill of Rights, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The headless Thompson gunner: marines, diplomats, Secretaries of State and the U.S. intervention in Nicaragua, 1924-33. Zimov, David M.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, D.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1924–1933
     Index terms: Nicaragua; Diplomats, Diplomacy; United States of America, and Nicaragua; Marines, U.S., in Nicaragua

The new theism of John Locke, Thomas Jefferson and the American Declaration of Independence. Jayne, Allen
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1776
     Index terms: Theism, in colonial America; Locke, John (1632-1704); America, colonial; Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826), president of the U.S.A.; Declaration of Independence (1776)

The Pizarro family enterprise in 16th-century Peru. Varon, Rafael
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Lynch, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1532–1550
     Index terms: Spain; Pizarro family; Peru

The politics of the Chilean Right from the Popular Front to 1964. Corrêa, Sofia
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Angell, A.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1964
     Index terms: Chile; Right-wing parties, in Chile; Popular Front, in Chile

The role of Quaker women in colonial Pennsylvania. Duffy, Christine W.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Schlenther, B.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1681–1776
     Index terms: Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; America, colonial; Quakers; Women, in colonial America
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; 17th Century; 18th Century

The Spanish reconquest of New Grenada, 1815-19. Earle, Rebecca A.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Macfarlane, A.
     Chronological coverage: 1815–1819
     Index terms: Colombia, see New Grenada; Spain; New Grenada

Together in separation: whites, blacks and Mexicans in Austin, 1917-26. McDonald, Jason J.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Oldfield, J.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1926
     Index terms: Blacks, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Mexicans, in the U.S.A.; Austin, U.S.A.; Race relations, in the U.S.A.

West Indians and World War I: a social history of the British West Indies regiment. Howe, Glenford D.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Comm. Stud.). Supervised by Rathbone, R.J.A.R.; Marks, Shula
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
     Index terms: British West Indies; West Indies; Army; World War I (1914-18)

`Women's sphere' and religious activity in antebellum America: dynamic negotiation of reality and meaning in a time of cultural discontinuity. Newby, Alison M.
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Kealey, Diana
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1861
     Index terms: Religion, in the U.S.A.; Women, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
     Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; Social history; 19th Century


A function of command: the Defense Intelligence Agency, 1961-9. Mescall, Patrick N.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Rothwell, V.H.; Jeffreys-Jones, R.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1969
     Index terms: Defence policy, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Defense Intelligence Agency

Agricultural modernization in Colombia, 1936-90: markets, institutions and technology in sugar, banana and potato production. Belt, Tamara C.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Colin M.
     Chronological coverage: 1936–1990
     Index terms: Banana production, in Colombia; Sugar production, in Colombia; Agriculture, in Colombia; Colombia; Potato production, in Colombia

Agricultural performance and macroeconomic policies in Peru, 1950-90. Hopkins Larrea, Raul A.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W.)
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1990
     Index terms: Agriculture, in Peru; Peru

Anglo-American citizen peace initiatives, 1908-25, with focus upon the Anglo-American Foundation Peace Centenary Committee and the American School Peace League. Usher, Barbara A.
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by MacDonald, Callum A.
     Chronological coverage: 1908–1925
     Index terms: United States of America; World War I (1914-18); Peace initiatives; Anglo-American Foundation Peace Centenary Committee; Anglo-American Foundation; American School Peace League

Anglo-American relations and the nuclear test ban debate, 1961-3. Oliver, Kendrick J.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Michael L.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Nuclear weapons; United States of America, and Britain

An industrial spirit? American culture and industrial performance, 1850-1929. Falconer, Angela
     M.Phil., Kingston. (Hum.). Supervised by Crafts, N.F.R.; Rogers, D.; French, C.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1929
     Index terms: United States of America; Industry, in the U.S.A.

Barbados, 1890-1914: a socio-cultural history. Downes, Aviston D.
     D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Walvin, J.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1914
     Index terms: West Indies; Barbados

Caciquismo in post-revolutionary Mexico: the case of Gabriel Barrios Cabrera in the Sierra Norte de Puebla. Brewster, Keith
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Thomson, Guy P.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1930
     Index terms: Barrios Cabrera, Gabriel (b. 1888); Revolution, in Mexico (1910); Mexico; Caciquismo, in Mexico; Puebla, Mexico

Cooke's tour and after: the theatrical travels of some early British stars in America. More-Gordon, M.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1810–1849
     Index terms: Theatre, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Actors

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Montgomery bus boycott and the New York Times. Campbell, Jane
     Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Ellison, Mary L.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1968
     Index terms: Montgomery, U.S.A.; United States of America; King, Martin Luther (1929-68); New York Times; Civil rights, in the U.S.A.

Economic co-operation and integration between Argentina and Brazil, 1939-92. Porcile Meirelles, Jose G.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1992
     Index terms: Argentina; Economic co-operation, between Argentina and Brazil; Brazil; International relations

Economic stagnation and labour market segmentation in the N. Atlantic coast of Colombia, 1900-30. Rodriguez-Aguilar, Oscar J.
     M.Phil., London. (L.S.E. Econ.). Supervised by Lewis, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1930
     Index terms: Labour market, in Colombia; Economic stagnation, in Colombia; Colombia

Entrepreneurs and governments in Venezuela, 1945-58. Moncada, Samuel R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thorp, Teresa R.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1958
     Index terms: Entrepreneurs, in Venezuela; Venezuela

Entrepreneurship and the formation of a business environment in 19th-century Brazil: the case of Minas Gerais. de Oliveira Birchal, Sergio
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, C.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Business, in Brazil; Brazil; Entrepreneurship, in Brazil; Minas Gerais, Brazil

Freedom without licence: family attitudes toward women in 19th-century America. Williams, Mark
     M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Brogan, D.H.V.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Women, in the U.S.A.; Families, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
     Categories: Gender and Women; Social history; 19th Century

Government and geography in 19th-century Colombia: Agustin Codazzi and the Comision Corografica. Sanchez, Efraim G.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, M.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1859
     Index terms: Colombia; Comision Corografica, in Colombia; Codazzi, Agustin (1793-1859); Geography, in Colombia

In search of a Northern nation: changing attitudes towards the South and the evolution of Northern nationalism, 1830-56. Grant, Susan-Mary C.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. U.S. Stud.). Supervised by Parish, P.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1856
     Index terms: Nationalists, Nationalism, in the Northern states of the U.S.A.; United States of America

Is Leis an Tighearna an Talamh agus a Làn (The earth and all that it contains belongs to God): the Scottish Gaelic settlement history of Prince Edward Island. Scott, K.M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
     Index terms: Gaelic people; Scotland; Prince Edward Island, Canada; Migration, to Canada; Canada; Migration, Scottish

'Is Leis an Tighearna an Talamh agus a Làn' (The earth and all that it contains belongs to God): the Scottish Gaelic settlement history of Prince Edward Island. Kennedy, Michael S.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1769–1850
     Index terms: Migration, Scottish; Canada; Prince Edward Island, Canada; Migration, to Canada; Gaelic language

Neo-conservatives and U.S. foreign policy: an intellectual history, 1930-95. Glidden, Julie A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Soc. Stud.). Supervised by Ceadel, Martin E.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1995
     Index terms: Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America

Observing God: Thomas Dick (1774-1857), Evangelicalism and popular science in Victorian Britain and antebellum America. Astore, William J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Robert
     Chronological coverage: 1837–1861
     Index terms: Evangelicalism; Dick, Thomas (1774-1857); Science, popular; United States of America; Science, popular, in the U.S.A.

Race relations, civil rights and the transformation from Rhythm and Blues to Soul, 1954-65. Ward, Brian E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, J.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1954–1965
     Index terms: Civil rights, in the U.S.A.; Race relations, in the U.S.A.; Music, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Popular music, in the U.S.A.

Relationship/comparison between American socialists and Scottish socialists, c.1900-1930. Frame, John R.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Brotherstone, W.T.C.; Ranson, E.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1930

Silent witnesses: representations of working-class women in America, 1933-45. Ellis, Jacqueline
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1945
     Index terms: Working classes, in the U.S.A.; Women, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
     Categories: Gender and Women; Social history; 20th Century

Southern textile workers and the Textile Workers' Union of America, C.I.O., 1945-55. Minchin, Timothy J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, A.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
     Index terms: Textile workers, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Congress of Industrial Organizations (C.I.O.); Trade unions, in the U.S.A.

The abolition of chattel slavery in Barbados, 1833-76. Johnson, Alana I.N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1833–1876
     Index terms: Slavery, abolition of, in Barbados; West Indies; Barbados; Slaves, Slavery, in Barbados

The conquest of the West, 1865-90: a study of the attitudes to and the styles of warfare prevalent among the native American tribes and the United States military. Fraser, Christopher
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Ranson, E.
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1890
     Index terms: Army, United States; United States of America; Americans, native

The continuity of aboriginal customs and government under the British imperial constitutional law, as applied in colonial Canada, 1760-1860. Walters, Mark D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Law). Supervised by Finnis, John
     Chronological coverage: 1760–1860
     Index terms: Law, British imperial constitutional; Empire, British; Canada; Aboriginal people, in Canada

The evolution of society in Tobago, 1838-1900. Craig-James, Susan E.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc.). Supervised by Cohen, P.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1838–1900
     Index terms: West Indies; Tobago

The history of Rio de Janeiro's police. Bretas, Marcos L.
     Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Emsley, C.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1990
     Index terms: Police, in Brazil; Brazil; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The medical profession, the state and health policy in Mexico, 1917-88. Nigenda-Lopez, Gustavo H.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc. Pol.). Supervised by Carrier, J.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1988
     Index terms: Medical profession, in Mexico; Mexico; Public health, in Mexico

The primacy of politics: John F. Kennedy and the struggle for black equality, 1946-63. Bryant, Nicholas A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Shafer, Byron E.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1963
     Index terms: Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; Black people, Blacks, in the U.S.A.

`To ride a native of our own': cultural and political tensions among the Virginia elite between anglicization and creolization, 1676-1727. Knight, Thomas D.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, P.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1676–1727
     Index terms: America, colonial; Elites, in colonial America; Virginia, U.S.A.


A comparative study of independent working-class politics: the American Federation of Labor and third-party movements in New York, Chicago and Seattle, 1918-24. Strouthous, Andrew G.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Halpern, E.B. (Rick)
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1924
     Index terms: New York, U.S.A.; Working class, in the U.S.A.; Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.; United States of America; Chicago, Ill., U.S.A.

An historical geography of changing attitudes to wetlands in the United States Mid-West. Prince, Hugh C.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Clout, Hugh D.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
     Index terms: Wetlands, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Charles Finney (1792-1875) and Potto Brown (1797-1871): the preacher and the miller. Taylor, Roger
     M.Phil., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Brogan, D. Hugh V.
     Chronological coverage: 1812–1875
     Index terms: Brown, Potto (1797-1871); Finney, Charles (1792-1875); United States of America; Revival, religious

Corrected chronology: Ad Reinhardt and the American Communist party, 1936-50. Corris, Michael
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Art)
     Chronological coverage: 1936–1950
     Index terms: United States of America; Communists, Communism, in the U.S.A.; Reinhardt, Adolf Frederick (1913-67); Artists, in the U.S.A.

Encounters between non-slaveholding whites and Afro-Americans in lowcountry Georgia, c.1750-c.1830. Lockley, Timothy J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Betty C.
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1830
     Index terms: United States of America; Georgia, U.S.A.; America, colonial; Afro-Americans; Slavery

European urbanism in Caracas, 1870s-1930s. Almandoz Marte, Arturo
     Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1940
     Index terms: Urban development, in Venezuela; Caracas, Venezuela; Venezuela

Law and society in Restoration Virginia. Pagan, John R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, Clive A.
     Chronological coverage: 1660–1685
     Index terms: Law, in colonial America; Virginia, U.S.A.; America, colonial

Liverpool and the Confederate states: Fraser Trenholm and company operations during the American Civil War. Hughes, Francis
     Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Crawford, Martin S.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Fraser Trenholm & Co., Liverpool; Confederate states, in the U.S.A.; American Civil War (1861-5); Liverpool; Trade, external

Native American power in the United States, 1783-95. Barnes, Celia J.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Brooks, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 1783–1795
     Index terms: United States of America; Americans, native

Peasant organization in Veracruz, Mexico, 1920 to the present. Skerritt, David A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1990
     Index terms: Peasants, in Mexico; Mexico; Veracruz, Mexico

Por la escuela Cubana en Cuba libre: themes in the history of primary and secondary education in Cuba, 1899-1958. Johnston, Laurie A.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Abel, Christopher G.
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1958
     Index terms: Primary education, in Cuba; Education, in Cuba; Cuba; Secondary education, in Cuba

Risk, reflexivity and popular mobilization: the movement for nuclear disarmament in the United States and Great Britain. Hubert, D.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by Giddens, Anthony
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1995
     Index terms: United States of America; Nuclear disarmament, in the U.S.A.; Nuclear disarmament; Popular movements; Popular movements, in the U.S.A.

Scottish highlanders in colonial Georgia: the recruitment, emigration and settlement at Darien, 1735-48. Parker, Anthony W.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Smout, T. Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1735–1748
     Index terms: Highlanders, Scottish; America, colonial; Darien, Panama; Georgia, U.S.A.; Scotland; Emigration, see Migration; Migration, Scottish

The birth of strategic arms control during the Johnson administration, 1964-9. Clearwater, John M.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1969
     Index terms: Arms control; Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908-73), president of the U.S.A.; Strategic arms control; United States of America

The economics of agriculture: markets, production and finances in the bishopric of Puebla, 1532-1809. Weiland, D.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1532–1809
     Index terms: Agriculture, in Mexico; Puebla, Mexico; Mexico

The impact of European fur trade goods on some aspects of North American Indian clothing, 1560-1860. Craw-Eismont, Beverley
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Lenman, Bruce P.
     Chronological coverage: 1560–1860
     Index terms: Clothing; Canada; Fur trade, in N. America; Indian, North American

The politics of mobilization in Revolutionary Virginia: military culture and political and social relations, 1774-83. McDonnell, Michael A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howe, Danel W.; Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1774–1783
     Index terms: American Revolution (1776); Virginia, U.S.A.; America, colonial; Mobilization, in colonial America

The race of ambition: Abraham Lincoln and the Republican vocation, 1849-61. Pinsker, Matthew F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Goldman, Lawrence N.; Howe, Daniel W.
     Chronological coverage: 1849–1861
     Index terms: Republican party, in the U.S.A.; Lincoln, Abraham (1809-65), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America

The role of the Royal Navy in the English Atlantic empire, 1660-1720. Mather, I. Roderick
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Aylmer, Gerald E.
     Chronological coverage: 1660–1720
     Index terms: America, colonial; Empire, English Atlantic; Navy; West Indies


A history of Black-Jewish relations in the American South, 1790-1970. Webb, Clive J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Caster, D.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1790–1970
     Index terms: Jews, and Blacks, in the U.S.A.; Blacks, and Jews, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Aspects of religion, culture and sociability in Antioquia (Colombia), 1850-1930. Londono, M. Patricia
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, Malcolm D.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1930
     Index terms: Religion, in Colombia; Antioquia, Colombia; Colombia

Black activism in Arkansas, 1940-70. Kirk, John A.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Brian E.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1970
     Index terms: Civil rights movement, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Arkansas, U.S.A.; Black people, Blacks, in the U.S.A.

Black-oriented radio and the campaign for civil rights in the United States, 1945-75. Walsh, Stephen
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Brian E.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1975
     Index terms: Black people, Blacks, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Radio, in the U.S.A.; Civil rights movement

British and American radio regulation, 1917-27: a parallel view. Anderson, George I.
     M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Ranson, Edward
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1929
     Index terms: Radio regulation, in Britain and the U.S.A.; United States of America

Coming to terms with Castro: Britain and the Cuban revolution, 1958-65. Bush-Howard, Harold
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Sked, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1958–1965
     Index terms: Cuba; Revolution, in Cuba; Foreign policy; Castro, Fidel (b. 1927), Cuban president

El Dorado on paper: traverse surveys and the geographical construction of British Guiana, 1803-44. Burnett, D.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Secord, Jim A.
     Chronological coverage: 1803–1844
     Index terms: Surveys, geographical; Guyana; British Guiana

English public opinion and the American Civil War: a reconsideration. Campbell, Duncan A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Sewell, Michael J.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; American Civil War (1861-5); Public opinion

Financing economic growth and development in Jamaica, 1960-92. La Corbinière, Bernard F.C.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1992
     Index terms: Finance, in Jamaica; Economic growth, in Jamaica; Jamaica; West Indies

Imaging the community: from subject to citizen state to nation? Maya identity, state terror and the rearticulation of the Guatemalan nation, 1821-1995. Brett, Roderick L.
     M.Phil., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1821–1995
     Index terms: Nationalists, Nationalism; Maya people; Guatemala

Parades in Manhattan, 1788-1860: actions, ideas and the process of political culture. Truglio, Donna F.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howe, Daniel W.
     Chronological coverage: 1788–1860
     Index terms: Manhattan, New York, U.S.A.; New York, U.S.A.; Parades, in the U.S.A.

Peace, politics and philanthropy: Henry Brougham, William Roscoe and America, 1808-68. Lloyd, Katherine M.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howe, Daniel W.
     Chronological coverage: 1808–1868
     Index terms: Roscoe, William (1753-1831); Brougham, Henry (1778-1868), 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux; United States of America; Philanthropy

Plutarco Elias Calles and the revolutionary government in Sonora, Mexico, 1915-19. Farmer, Edward M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1915–1919
     Index terms: Sonora, Mexico; Calles, Plutarco Elias (1877-1945), president of Mexico; Mexico; Revolution, in Mexico

Prelude to failure: the first twelve months of Lyndon Baines Johnson's presidency. Birrell, Graham D.
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Conyne, George R.
     Chronological coverage: 1963–1964
     Index terms: John, Lyndon Baines (1908-73), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America

Religious life and urban society in colonial Mexico: the nuns and beatas of Querétaro, 1674-1810. Gunnarsdottir, Negin
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1674–1810
     Index terms: Nuns, in Mexico; Querétaro, Mexico; Mexico

Somoza and the United States: good neighbour diplomacy in Nicaragua, 1933-45. Crawley, Andrew R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, Malcolm D.
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1945
     Index terms: Somoza Garcia, Anastasio (1896-1956), president of Nicaragua; United States of America, and Nicaragua; Nicaragua, and the U.S.A.

Southern pine workers and the rise of capital in the New South, 1865-1900. Thompson, Peter L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Goldman, Lawrence N.
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1900
     Index terms: Pine workers, in the U.S.A.; Capital, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Spies and saboteurs: Anglo-American collaboration and rivalry in human intelligence collection and special operations, 1940-5. Jakub, Joseph F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Special operations; United States of America, and Britain; World War II (1939-45); Intelligence gathering

The 1924 workers' incident at Ruimveldt, British Guiana, and the development of working people's organization. Wilson, Silvius E.
     Ph.D., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 1924–1924
     Index terms: Workers, in British Guiana; Labour relations, in British Guiana; British Guiana; Ruimveldt, British Guiana - NOT IDENTIFIED- COULD BE A BUSINESS; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in British Guiana

The Anglo-American defence relationship during the Kennedy presidency. Murray, C.D.
     D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
     Index terms: Defence policy; United States of America, and Britain; Defence policy, of the U.S.A.; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.

The Chayanta rebellion of 1927 (northern Potosì, Bolivia). Grunberg, Angela
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, Malcolm D.
     Chronological coverage: 1927–1927
     Index terms: Bolivia; Chayanta rebellion (1927); Potosí, Bolivia

The historic working small craft of South Carolina: a general typology, with a study of adaptations of flatboat design. Newell, Mark M.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.). Supervised by Prescott, Robert G.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1670–1900
     Index terms: America, colonial; Boats, in colonial America and the U.S.A.; South Carolina; United States of America; Transport, in colonial America and the U.S.A.

The representation of the natural world in the early chronicles of America: the 'Historia general y natural de las Indias' by Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo. Carrillo, J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Pagden, Anthony R.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1535–1549
     Index terms: Chronicles; Natural world; America; Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernandez de (1478-1557)

Voluntarism in crisis: an exploration of the effects of the Great Depression in Delaware, 1929-38. Plimmer, Barry
     Ph.D., Hull. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Baskerville, Stephen W.
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1938
     Index terms: Great Depression (1929-41), in the U.S.A.; Delaware, U.S.A.; United States of America


A cultural history of women in Chilean Patagonia. Green, Mary
     M.Phil., London. (K.C.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Chile; Patagonia, Chilean; Women
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Australasia and Pacific; 20th Century; 21st Century; Modern

African-American alternative patriotism and aspects of cultural resistance to institutional racism in Chicago, 1963-76. Hitchmough, Samuel N.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Ellison, Mary L.
     Chronological coverage: 1963–1976
     Index terms: United States of America; Black people, Blacks, in the U.S.A.; African Americans; Civil rights, in the U.S.A.; Racists, Racism, in the U.S.A.; Chicago, U.S.A.

America and the Scottish Left: the impact of American ideas on the Scottish labour movement from the American Civil War to World War I. Frame, John R.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Brotherstone, W. Terry C.; Ranson, Edward
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1914
     Index terms: Labour movement; Scotland; United States of America; Left-wing parties

American rearmament, 1950-1. Ojserkis, Raymond
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1951
     Index terms: Rearmament, in the U.S.A.; Arms, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Cold War

'A model for the nation': the development of unemployment relief in New York State, 1929-37. Allsop, Neil C.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Cook, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1937
     Index terms: New York State, U.S.A.; Unemployment relief, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

'A woman's place is in the Cold War': American women's organizations and international relations, 1945-65. Laville, Helen
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Amer. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1965
     Index terms: Women's organizations, in the U.S.A.; International relations; Cold War; Women, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
     Categories: Gender and Women; Military/naval history; 20th Century

Colour, class and gender in post-emancipation St. Vincent, 1834-84. Boa, Sheena
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Heuman, Gad J.
     Chronological coverage: 1834–1884
     Index terms: Gender; Ethnicity; St. Vincent, Caribbean; Class, social

Combat cohesion and morale in the army of the Tennessee, 1864-5. Haughton, Andrew R.B.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Reid, Brian Holden
     Chronological coverage: 1864–1865
     Index terms: Civil war, American (1861-5); United States of America; Tennessee, army of the; Army, in the U.S.A.; American Civil War (1861-5)

Engendering an American awakening: a study of the transatlantic network of women abolitionists and the development of anti-slavery ideology in the United States, 1835-60. Rodriguez, Cristina M.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howe, Daniel W.; Howarth, Janet H.
     Chronological coverage: 1835–1860
     Index terms: Women, in the U.S.A.; Slavery, abolition of, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Political history; 19th Century

Extraordinary arrivals: Native American visitors to London, 1710-1844. Jewitt, John R.F.
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Bolt, Christine A.
     Chronological coverage: 1710–1844
     Index terms: Americans, native

From revolution to rebellion: changing approaches to resistance by persons of African descent in Bermuda, 1700-1834. Maxwell, Clarence V.H.
     Ph.D., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1834
     Index terms: Rebellion, in Bermuda; Bermuda; Revolution, in Bermuda; Africans, in Bermuda

'Good films and good citizenship': Warner Brothers and the Roosevelt administration, 1930-9. Miller, Jacqueline A.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Adams, David K.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1939
     Index terms: Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1884-1945), president of the U.S.A.; Warner Brothers; United States of America; Films, in the U.S.A.

Growth and structural change in Argentina, 1953-84: an input-output analysis. Rodriguez Pardina, M.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Econ. & Pol.). Supervised by Palma, José G.
     Chronological coverage: 1953–1984
     Index terms: Argentina

Healthy children for a new world: Abraham Jacobi and the making of American paediatrics. Viner, Russell M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Cunningham, Andrew R.
     Chronological coverage: 1853–1919
     Index terms: Children; United States of America; Medicine, in the U.S.A.; Paedriatrics, in the U.S.A.; Jacobi, Abraham (1830-1919)

John F. Kennedy and a culture of conspiracy. Bendall, Mark J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by Evans, Gillian D.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1963
     Index terms: Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America

John F. Kennedy: a view from Britain. Ajouz, Mohammed
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.

Labour relations and industrial performance in Brazil: Greater São Paulo, 1945-60. Colistete, Renato P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Bethell, Leslie M.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
     Index terms: São Paulo, Brazil; Industry, in Brazil; Labour relations, in Brazil; Brazil

Machines in the art of war: the Anglo-American industrial relationship, 1914-17. Southwick, Robert C.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Garson, Robert A.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1917
     Index terms: Industry, in the U.S.A.; World War I (1914-18); United States of America

Male and female slaves in antebellum South Carolina. West, Emily
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Tadman, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1865
     Index terms: South Carolina, U.S.A.; United States of America; Slaves, Slavery

'… May you always care for those of your patria'. Manuel Bautista Pérez and the Portuguese new Christian community of viceregal Peru: slave trade, commerce and the Inquisition, 1617-39. Minchin, Susie
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Blanning, Timothy C.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1617–1639
     Index terms: Pérez, Manuel Bautista (d. 1639); Christianity, in Peru; Portuguese rule, in Peru; Peru; Slave trade, in Peru; Trade, in Peru; Inquisition, in Peru

'May you always care for those of your patria'. Manuel Bautista Pérez and the Portuguese new Christian community of viceregal Peru: slave trade, commerce and the Inquisition, 1617-39. Minchin-Leme, Susie
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Blanning, Timothy C.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1617–1639
     Index terms: Pérez, Manuel Bautista (d. 1639); Christianity, in Peru; Portuguese rule, in Peru; Peru; Slave trade, in Peru; Trade, in Peru; Inquisition, in Peru

Merchants, bankers and the state in 17th-century Peru. Suarez Espinosa, Margarita M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Lynch, John
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
     Index terms: Banks, Banking, Bankers, in Peru; Merchants, in Peru; Peru

National identity in 19th-century Mexican literature. Garia, Leonor
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Thomson, Guy P.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: National identity, in Mexico; Mexico

Nearly the New World: refugees and the British West Indies, 1933-45. Newman, Joanna F.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Kushner, A.R.J. (Tony)
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1945
     Index terms: British West Indies; Refugees; Migration, to the West Indies; West Indies

Nearly the New World: refugees and the British West Indies, 1933-48. Newman-Westphal, Joanna F.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Kushner, A.R.J. (Tony)
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1948
     Index terms: British West Indies; Refugees; Migration, to the West Indies; West Indies

Overcoming mistrust: the quest for order in Nicaragua's conservative republic, 1858-93. Cruz, Arturo J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, Malcolm D.
     Chronological coverage: 1858–1893
     Index terms: Nicaragua

Peru and the British naval station, 1808-39. Ortiz-Sotelo, Jorge
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Smout, T. Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1808–1839
     Index terms: Navy; Peru; Naval station, British, in Peru

Political firepower: nuclear weapons and the U.S. army, 1945-73. Bird, M.D.
     Ph.D., Wales.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1973
     Index terms: Army, in the U.S.A.; United States of America, army; Nuclear weapons, U.S.

Teaching the children of the revolution: Church and state education in Mexico City, 1917-26. Schell, Patience A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1926
     Index terms: Education, in Mexico; Mexico City; Church, in Mexico

The British soldier in North America, 1755-63. Brumwell, Stephen
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, John C.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1755–1763
     Index terms: Soldiers; Army; Seven Years War (1756-63)

The Canadian war artists' programme, 1942-6. Valverde, Fiona A.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Tippett, Maria W.
     Chronological coverage: 1942–1946
     Index terms: Artists, in Canada; Art, in Canada; World War II (1939-45); Canada; War Artists, in Canada

The civil rights movement in Georgia, 1940-80. Tuck, Stephen G.N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1980
     Index terms: Civil rights movement, in the U.S.A.; Georgia, U.S.A.; United States of America

The diplomacy of expropriation: American and British reactions to Mexico's expropriation of foreign oil properties, 1937-43. Jayne, Catherine E.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Boyce, Robert W.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1937–1943
     Index terms: Diplomacy, with Mexico; Mexico; Diplomacy, British and American; United States of America; Oil industry, in Mexico

The emergence of Conservative Republicanism, 1908-12. Potash, David M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, John A.
     Chronological coverage: 1908–1912
     Index terms: Conservative Republicanism, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The emergence of the United States accounting profession, 1880-1900: a new institutionalism perspective. McMillan, Keith P.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Acc. & Fin.). Supervised by Miller, P.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1900
     Index terms: Professions, in the U.S.A.; Accounting profession, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The end of exceptionalism in the foreign affairs debate? The resistance to internationalism in the U.S. Senate, 1944-52. Muston, Justin D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Shafer, Byron E.
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1952
     Index terms: Foreign affairs, in the U.S.A.; Senate, U.S.; United States of America

The landowners of the Argentine Pampas: associational life, politics and identity, 1860-1930. Hora, Roy
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1930
     Index terms: Landowners, in Argentina; Argentina

The Macmillan-Kennedy relationship and the making of British and American foreign policies, 1961-3: five case studies. Shields, David B.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Turner, John A.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
     Index terms: Kennedy, John F. (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.; Macmillan, Harold (1894-1986), 1st earl of Stockton, prime minister; Foreign policy; United States of America; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.

The Muisca Indians under Spanish rule, 1537-1636. Francis, John M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1537–1636
     Index terms: Indians, S. American; Muisca Indians; Spanish America

The new American majority: the challenge to Democratic dominance, 1969-77. Mason, Robert J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Shafer, Byron E.
     Chronological coverage: 1969–1977
     Index terms: Elections, in the U.S.A.; Democratic party, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The radical Republicans and southern reconstruction, August 1865 to March 1867. Carroll, Michael
     M.A., York. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1867
     Index terms: Republican party, in the U.S.A.; Reconstruction, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The regional characteristics of Scottish emigration to British North America, 1784-1854. Campey, Lucille H.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Harper, Marjory-Ann D.
     Chronological coverage: 1784–1854
     Index terms: Migration, to British North America; Migration, Scottish; Scotland; Canada; British North America

The Republican party and the South, c.1952-c.1968. Perkins, David J.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1968
     Index terms: Republican party, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

'Thus saith the Lord': the Bible and the Southern Evangelical world view in the era of the American Civil War. Berends, Kurt O.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howe, Daniel W.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: American Civil War (1861-5); Southern Evangelicals, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Bible

Travels in the land of the future: Richard Burton in Brazil. Cordiviola, Alfredo
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1868
     Index terms: Explorers, Exploration; Brazil; Burton, Sir Richard (1821-90); Travellers, Travel

Victory denied: the myth of inevitable American defeat in Vietnam. Walton, Clevelan D.
     Ph.D., Hull.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1970
     Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century

Violence and politics in Jamaica: an analysis of urban violence in Kingston, 1944-96. Sives, Amanda
     Ph.D., Bradford.
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1996
     Index terms: Urban violence, in Jamaica; Politics, in Jamaica; Violence, urban, in Jamaica; Kingston, Jamaica; Jamaica

Violent crime, sexual deviancy and executive clemency in Florida, 1889-1918. Miller, Vivien M.L.
     Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Emsley, Clive
     Chronological coverage: 1889–1918
     Index terms: Murder, in the U.S.A.; Florida, U.S.A.; United States of America; Punishment, in the U.S.A.


A cultural history of sensibility in the era of the American Revolution. Knott, Sarah C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1783
     Index terms: American Revolution (1776); Uinted States of America; Sensibility; Revolution, American

Book availability in Canada, 1752-1820, and the Scottish contribution. Black, Fiona A.
     Ph.D., Loughborough.
     Chronological coverage: 1752–1820
     Index terms: Canada; Canada, and Scotland; Scotland, and Canada; Book availability, in Canada

Britain and the American colonies, 1760-83. Selzer, Eric I.
     M.Sc., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1760–1783
     Index terms: America, colonial

Changing patterns in United States presidential elections, 1960-92. Maloney, Gary W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Shafer, Byron E.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1992
     Index terms: United States of America; Elections, in the U.S.A.

Colonial Bermuda: hierarchies of difference, articulations of power. Saltus-Blackwood, Roiyah S.
     Ph.D., Essex.
     Chronological coverage: 1612–1963
     Index terms: Bermuda, colonial

Colour, class and gender in post-emancipation St. Vincent. Boa, Sheena
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Heuman, Gad J.
     Chronological coverage: 1834–1998
     Index terms: Gender; Ethnicity; St. Vincent, Caribbean; Class, social

Consequences for Native Americans of English settlement of the southern colonial frontier. Chambers, Ian D.
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim J.
     Chronological coverage: 1754–1800
     Index terms: Native Americans; America, colonial; Settlement

Constitutional radicalism in Scotland and Ireland in the era of the American Revolution, c.1760-1789. Vance, James
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macinnes, Allan I.; Ranson, Edward
     Chronological coverage: 1760–1789
     Index terms: Ireland; America, colonial; American Revolution (1776); Scotland

Custom, contrast or compromise: the transfer of culture from old to New England in the 17th century - Ormesby, Norfolk to Hampton, New Hampshire. MacAllan, Barbara
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700

International trade and finance in the expansion of the Brazilian coffee industry in the Second Empire, 1840-89. Villela, Andre A.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Colin M.
     Chronological coverage: 1840–1889
     Index terms: Coffee industry, in Brazil; Brazil; Finance, international; Trade, international; Second empire, in Brazil

Iron and steel production in Argentina, 1920-52: attempts at establishing a strategic industry. Duggan, Bernardo A.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Colin M.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1952
     Index terms: Iron and steel production, in Argentina; Argentina; Industry, in Argentina

Iron and steel production in Argentina, c.1920-1952: attempts at establishing a strategic industry. Duggan, Bernardo A.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Colin M.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1952
     Index terms: Industry, in Argentina; Iron and steel production, in Argentina; Argentina

Managing human resources on a British West Indian sugar plantation, 1770-1834. Campbell, John F.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Betty C.
     Chronological coverage: 1770–1834
     Index terms: Sugar plantation; West Indies

Migration from Flegg to New England, 1630-90. MacAllan, Barbara
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Alfred Hassall; Thompson, R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1630–1690
     Index terms: New England; America, colonial; Migration, to North America; Flegg, Norf.

Patronage and profit: Scottish networks in the British West Indies, c.1763-1807. Hamilton, Douglas J.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macinnes, Allan I; Harper, Marjory-Ann D.
     Chronological coverage: 1763–1807
     Index terms: Caribbean, and Scotland; Scotland

Phantoms of Anglo-Confederate commerce: an historical and archaeological investigation of American Civil War blockade-running between Bermuda and Wilmington, N. Carolina. Watts, Gordon
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.). Supervised by Martin, Colin J.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Blockade-running, in the U.S.A.; American Civil War (1861-5); United States of America, and Britain; Bermuda; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Wilmington, U.S.A.; North Carolina, U.S.A.

Scotland and the American Civil War: a local perspective. Peters, Lorraine
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Cullis, Philip J.; Cameron, Ewen A.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; American Civil War (1861-5); Scotland, and the U.S.A.

Scotland and the American Civil War. Peters, Lorraine
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Cullis, Philip J.; Cameron, Ewen A.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; American Civil War (1861-5); Scotland, and the U.S.A.

Scottish links with the Caribbean, c.1740-1820. Hamilton, Douglas J.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Harper, Marjory-Ann D.; Macinnes, Allan I
     Chronological coverage: 1740–1820
     Index terms: Caribbean, and Scotland; Scotland

Slave women and work in the American South. Perrin, Liese
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; Slavery, in the U.S.A.; Women, in the U.S.A.
     Categories: 19th Century; Social history; Gender and Women

Sumner Welles's internationalism and post-war planning for a new world order, 1940-3. O'Sullivan, Christopher D.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Kent, C. John
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1943
     Index terms: United States of America; Welles, Sumner (1892-1961)

The Brahmins and Britain: the significance of British models in the forming of the upper class of Boston, Massachusetts, 1780-1840. Mann, Anthony
     Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1860
     Index terms: Class, social, in the U.S.A.; Boston, Massachusetts; Upper classes, in the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain

The Chilean belle époque: oligarchic society and female institutions at the turn of the century. Vicuna, Manuel
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1905
     Index terms: Women, in Chile; Oligarchic society, in Chile; Chile; Belle époque, in Chile

The civil rights movement in Mobile, Alabama, 1940-85. Ahmed, Nahfiza
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Fearon, Peter S.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1985
     Index terms: Black people, Blacks, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The comparative impact of the American Revolution on Scotland and Ireland. Vance, James
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Ranson, Edward; Macinnes, Allan I.
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1776
     Index terms: America, colonial; Ireland; Scotland; American Revolution (1776)

The idea of 'a progressive generation': the case of American women social reformers. Day, Raymond A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1911–1924
     Index terms: United States of America; Women, in the U.S.A.; Social reform, in the U.S.A.
     Categories: 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women

The political cartoonist as historian: the League of Nations debate in the U.S.A., 1918-20: a case study using cartoons. Walker, Joyce A.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Brotherstone, W. Terry C.; Ranson, Edward
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1920
     Index terms: United States of America; League of Nations; Cartoons, Cartoonists

The politics of justice: Anglo-American war crimes policy during the Second World War. Buckthorp, Kirsty-Ann
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; World War II (1939-45); War crimes policy, Anglo-American

The presidential election of 1864: party politics and political mobilization during the American Civil War. Smith, Adam I.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Kaplanoff, Mark D.
     Chronological coverage: 1864–1864
     Index terms: Political mobilization, in the U.S.A.; Party politics, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; American Civil War (1861-5); Elections, presidential

The question of planning in the campaign against segregated education by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1909-54. Jarvis, Nigel
     M.Phil./Ph.D., Hull. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by White, John
     Chronological coverage: 1909–1954
     Index terms: N.A.A.C.P., see National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Segregation, in the U.S.A.; Education, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The Somers Mutiny of 1842: a close examination. Goldberg, Angus
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Spackman, Stephen G.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1842–1842
     Index terms: Somers Mutiny; Navy; Mutiny

The triangular relationship: the United States, the United Kingdom and the 'problem' of Argentina, 1939-49. Morris, David J.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Lowe, Peter C.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1949
     Index terms: Argentina; United States of America, and Argentina; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; United States of American, and Britain

'Thistles in the cornpatch': cultural identity in Southern Appalachia, 1889-1972. McKee, Matthew
     D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Riches, William T.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1889–1972
     Index terms: United States of America; Cultural identity, in the U.S.A.; Appalachia, U.S.A.

Towards a Black God: Robert Kennedy and civil rights, 1960-8. White, Clare
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Spackman, Stephen G.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1968
     Index terms: Civil rights, in the U.S.A.; Kennedy, Robert Francis (1925-68), U.S. attorney-general; United States of America

Towards a reading of Mexican women's autobiography. Molene, Soledad
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by King, John P.
     Chronological coverage: 1521–1998
     Index terms: Autobiography; Women Writers; Historiography; Mexico
     Categories: Historiography; 16th Century; 16th-17th Century; 17th Century; 18th-19th Century; 19th Century; 20th Century; Gender and Women

'Unnatural and unexpected vicissitudes': British maritime enterprise and the American Civil War, 1856-70. Ashcroft, Neil R.
     Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1856–1870
     Index terms: United States of America; Maritime enterprise; American Civil War (1861-5)

'Unnatural and unexpected vicissitudes': British maritime enterprise and the American Civil War. Ashcroft, Neil
     Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; American Civil War (1861-5); Maritime enterprise

White women, slavery and racism: images of the British Caribbean in women's published writing, 1770-1845. Liddy, Joanne
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Tadman, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1770–1845
     Index terms: Slavery; Racism; Women; Caribbean; Literature
     Categories: 18th-19th Century; Britain and Ireland; Intellectual history; Gender and Women; Cultural history

Whither emotions? The evolution of the nationalist debates in Quebec and Scotland, 1950-95: the impact of a changing world economic order. Mau, Timothy A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Sharpe, Laurence J.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1995
     Index terms: Scotland; Canada; Nationalists, Nationalism, in Canada; Quebec, Canada; Nationalists, Nationalism, in Scotland


A comparative study of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Birmingham, Alabama and Detroit, Michigan, 1945-65. Mann, Parminder
     Ph.D., Roehampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Arnot, Margaret L.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1965
     Index terms: Birmingham, Ala., U.S.A.; Alabama, U.S.A.; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.; Michigan, U.S.A.; United States of America

African-American domestic servants in Pittsburgh during the Great Depression. Keeble, Charlotte E.
     Ph.D., Brunel. (Amer. Stud. & Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1939
     Index terms: African-Americans, in the U.S.A.; Servants, domestic, in the U.S.A.; Domestic servants, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A.; Great Depression, in the U.S.A.

Agriculture and society in central Mexico: the valley of Tulancingo in the late colonial period, 1700-1825. Navarrete-Gomez, David
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Thomson, Guy P.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1825
     Index terms: Society, in Mexico; Mexico; Agriculture, in Mexico; Tulancingo, valley of, Mexico

A history of leprosy in Puerto Rico, 1898-1930s: beyond quarantine. Levison, Julie
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Judith M.; Dobson, Mary J.
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1940
     Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare, in Puerto Rico; Quarantine; Leprosy, in Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico

Back down to earth: the development of space policy for N.A.S.A. during the Jimmy Carter administration. Damuhn, M.D.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea)
     Chronological coverage: 1977–1981

Black and Native American women's activism in the Black Panther party and the American Indian movement. Castle, Elizabeth A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1966–1975
     Index terms: U.S.A.; Black Panther party; Native American women, in the U.S.A.; Women, in the U.S.A.; Black women, in the U.S.A.; American Indian movement
     Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; 20th Century

Black violence and non-violence in the civil rights and Black Power eras. Walker, Jenny L.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Brian E.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1975
     Index terms: Violence, black, in the U.S.A.; Black Power, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Civil rights, in the U.S.A.; Blacks, Black people; Non-violence, black, in the U.S.A.

British millitary interaction with a colonial urban elite: social and military aspects of the Rifle Brigade's deployment during the reinforcement of Canada, 1861-70. Fox, R. Adam V.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davis, John H.; Burroughs, P.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1870
     Index terms: Empire, British; Canada; Rifle Brigade

Business, labour and the State in Mexican industrial development, 1938-46: the political economy of the Unidad Nacional. Lütke-Entrup, Monika
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1938–1946
     Index terms: Industrial development, in Mexico; Labour, in Mexico; Business, in Mexico; Political economy, in Mexico; State, in Mexico; Unidad Nacional; Mexico

Diablo Canyon, California: an environmental history. Wills, John
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Coates, Peter A.
     Chronological coverage: 1968–1997
     Index terms: Environment; California; Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, U.S.A.; United States of America

Disciplining society through the city: the birth of urbanismo (city planning) in Brazil, 1916-41. Outtes, Joel G.W.F.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 1916–1941
     Index terms: City planning, in Brazil; Urbanismo, see city planning; Brazil

ELDO: British policy and the politics of European co-operation 1960-1969. Baker, Robert
     M.Phil., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Crozier, Andrew J.
     Chronological coverage: 1957–1969
     Index terms: Special relationship; United States of America, and Britain; Space race

Fighting over forgotten lands: the evolution of recreation provision on the United States public domain. Poyner, Anne-Marie
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Coates, Peter A.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1997
     Index terms: Recreation provision, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Finance, politics and economics in Buenos Aires, 1820s-60s: the political economy of currency stabilization. Irigoin, Maria A.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Colin M.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1860
     Index terms: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Politics, in Argentina; Finance, in Argentina; Currency stabilization, in Argentina

Immigration, assimilation and nation-building in Venezuela: the Perez Jiménez government and its aftermath. Derham, Michael J.
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1952–1958
     Index terms: Migration, to Venezuela; Venezuela; Perez Jiménez, Marcos (b. 1914), president of Venezuela

Meeting women in court: a study of the gender history of Cajamarca, Peru, 1862-1900. Christiansen, formerly Salinas, Tanja K.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1862–1900
     Index terms: Gender; Cajamarca, Peru; Court, Peruvian; Women
     Categories: Gender and Women; Legal history; 19th Century; 20th Century

Parents, children and the state: the development of children's welfare in New York City and London, 1900-14. Nicholas, Karin M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Jane E.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1914
     Index terms: London, U.S.A.; New York, U.S.A.; State; United States of America; Children; Parents; Child welfare

Political culture and popular consciousness in the 1790s: the Republican party in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Collinson, Simon P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Kaplanoff, Mark D.
     Chronological coverage: 1790–1800
     Index terms: United States of America; Politics, in the U.S.A.; Republican party, in the U.S.A.; Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; Virginia, U.S.A.

Reconstruction in the United States, 1865-1977. Hood, James N.
     M.Sc., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1977
     Index terms: United States of America; Reconstruction, in the U.S.A.

Role of the state in the promotion of printing and publishing exports in Colombia, 1967-90. Vallejo, Zayda
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Pol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1967–1990
     Index terms: Export trade, Colombian; Publishing, in Colombia; Printing, in Colombia; Colombia

Scottish women and the American anti-slavery movement. Rinker, Patricia A.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Knox, William W.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1865
     Index terms: Anti-slavery movement, in the U.S.A.; Slavery, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Scotland; Women
     Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; 19th Century

The American constitution and the federalist concept of the state, 1787-8. Edling, Max
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Kaplanoff, Mark D.
     Chronological coverage: 1787–1788
     Index terms: Federalism, in the U.S.A.; State; United States of America

The Cold War and American politics. Bell, J.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1952
     Index terms: United States of America; Cold War

The evolution of the C.I.A.'s covert action mission, 1947-63. Callanan, James D.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Howell J.
     Chronological coverage: 1947–1963
     Index terms: Central Intelligence Agency; C.I.A.; United States of America; Covert action, in the U.S.A.

The Jesus movement in America, 1966-76. Eskridge, Larry K.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1966–1976
     Index terms: United States of America; Jesus movement

The logical outcome of the non-slaveholders' philosophy? Hinton Rowan Helper on race and class in the antebellum South. Brown, David
     Ph.D., Hull. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Billington, Louis
     Chronological coverage: 1849–1909
     Index terms: United States of America; Race, in the U.S.A.; Helper, Hinton Rowan (1829-1909); Slaves, Slavery, Slave trade, in the U.S.A.

'The merchant princes of Nassau': the maintenance of political hegemony in the Bahamas, 1834-1948. Themistocleous, Rosalyn M.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Turley, David M.
     Chronological coverage: 1834–1948
     Index terms: Political hegemony, in the Bahamas; Bahamas; Nassau, Bahamas; Merchants princes, in the Bahamas

The oil industry in Mexico during the 1920s. De la Fuente, Alberto
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.; Thorp, T. Rosemary
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1930
     Index terms: Oil industry, in Mexico; Mexico

The politics of government in the Audiencia of New Granada, 1681-1719. Ones, Synnøve
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1681–1719
     Index terms: Politics, in New Granada; New Granada; Audiencia, New Granada

The regulation of time and discipline in Mexican rural schools, 1920-40. Acevedo-Rodrigo, Ariadna
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Thomson, Guy P.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1940
     Index terms: Education, in Mexico; Schools, in Mexico; Mexico

The River Plate meat industry since c.1900: technology, ownership, international trade regimes and domestic policy. Gebhardt, Roberto C.W.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Colin M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1995
     Index terms: Meat packing industry, in South America; River Plate, South America

The River Plate meat packing industry since 1900. Gebhardt, Roberto C.W.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Colin M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1995
     Index terms: Meat packing industry, in South America; River Plate, South America

The role of the intellectual in 20th-century Mexico, with particular reference to 1968-95. Brewster, Claire
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by King, John P.
     Chronological coverage: 1968–1995
     Index terms: Intellectuals, in Mexico; Mexico

The Somers Mutiny of 1842. Goldberg, Angus E.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Spackman, Stephen G.F.
     Chronological coverage: 1842–1842
     Index terms: Navy; Somers Mutiny; Mutiny

The uses and abuses of anti-Communism by southern segregationists as a weapon of massive resistance, 1948-65. Lewis, George D.G.
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Brian E.
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1965
     Index terms: United States of America; Segregationists, in the U.S.A.; Anti-Communism; Resistance, in the U.S.A.

Wolf mountains: the history of canis lupus in Yellowstone, Glacier, Banff and Jasper National Parks. Jones, formerly Wills, Karen R.
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Coates, Peter A.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
     Index terms: United States of America; Canada; Glacier National Park, U.S.A.; Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A.; Wolves; Banff National Park, Canada; Jasper National Park, Canada

Workers, the State and radical politics in Peru in the early 1930s. Drinot de Echave, Paulo
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1933
     Index terms: Radical politics, in Peru; Peru; State; Working classes


An analysis of the anti-gun and pro-gun stances of national congressional delegations for New York, South Carolina, Connecticut and Texas in the firearms restrictions controversy of the 1960s. Murrell, James W.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Oldfield, John R.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1069

Anglo-American air co-operation, 1917-98. Walbrecht, Donald
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1998
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Air co-operation; U.S.A., and Britain

A war of words: the use of language in the debate over American foreign policy, 1939-41. Mellinship, John-Paul
     M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Clavin, Patricia M.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1941

Book export and the transmission of knowledge from Britain to early independent Spanish America. Roldàn-Vera, Eugenia
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1821–1850
     Index terms: Export trade; Spanish America, and Britain; Book trade

Culture, ethnicity and the man of letters in Britain and America, 1865-1910. Williams, Daniel G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (English)
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1910
     Index terms: U.S.A., and Britain; Ethnicity; Culture; Men of letters, in Britain and the U.S.A.

Disney's women: changes in depictions of femininity in Walt Disney's animated feature films, 1939-99. Davis, Amy M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1999
     Index terms: Feminity; Animated feature films; Walt Disney (1901-66), film animator, producer; Films, animated
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Social history; 20th Century

From plantation health to public health: medical provision in British Guiana, 1838-1910. Aickin, David R.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.)
     Chronological coverage: 1838–1910
     Index terms: British Guiana; Public health, Public healthcare, in British Guiana; Medical provision, in British Guiana

General Grant and the Union commanders. White, David
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Union army, in the U.S.A.; Grant, Ulysses S. (1822-85); U.S.A.

Hamish Hamilton and the culture of Anglo-Americanism, 1931-72. Miller, Brian
     Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1931–1972
     Index terms: Publishing; Anglo-Americanism; Hamish Hamilton; U.S.A., and Britain

Identities and independence in the provinces of Santa Marta and Riohacha (Colombia), c.1750-c.1850. Saether, Steinar A.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by McFarlane, Anthony
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1850

Mexico's British debt, 1824-84, and the question of diplomatic rupture and restoration. Villegas, Silvestre
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1824–1884
     Index terms: Debt, Mexican; Mexico, and Britain; Diplomacy

Progress and tradtion at women's colleges in the American South, 1880-1910. North, Gillian N.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Crawford, Martin S.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1910
     Categories: Gender and Women; Intellectual history; 19th Century; 20th Century

Purchasing power: the New York market for modern American painting, 1913-40. Hall, Denis M.
     Ph.D., Northumbria at Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Hemingway, A.; Gee, Malcolm D.
     Chronological coverage: 1913–1940
     Index terms: New York; United States of America; Art market

Renewing the Anglo-American empire: the emergence of Loyalist mentalité, 1753-83. Margeson, Ian D.
     Ph.D., Gloucestershire. (Hist.). Supervised by Starr, Rebecca K.; Pole, J. R.
     Chronological coverage: 1753–1783
     Index terms: Colonial America, and Britain; Loyalists, in colonial America

Roscoe Conkling Simmons and the mechanics of black leadership, 1899-1951. Kaye, Andrew M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1899–1951
     Index terms: Black leadership, in the U.S.A.; Simmons, Roscoe Conkling (1881-1951); U.S.A.

Southern military surgeons: the treatment of pain, 1861-5. Calcutt, Steve
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Pain, treatment of, in the U.S.A.; Military surgeons, in the U.S.A.; Surgeons, military, in the U.S.A.; Medicine

The American Civil War and its influence on the British army, 1865-1902. Craddock, Patrick
     M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1902
     Index terms: Army; American Civil War (1861-5); U.S.A., and Britain

The apotheosis of the last stand genre: George Armstrong and the Battle of Little Big Horn. Barker, Richard A.
     M.Phil., Essex. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1876–1876
     Index terms: Little Big Horn, battle of (1876); Custer, George Armstrong (1839-76); U.S.A.

The battle of the pound: the political economy of Anglo-American relations, 1964-8. Roy, Rajarshi
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1968
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Devaluation

The extent of the application of the conscience clause in National Schools, 1811-70. Ryden, David
     Ph.D., Brunel. (Amer. Stud. & Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1811–1870
     Index terms: National Schools, in the U.S.A.; Schools, in the U.S.A.; Education (19th-20th cent.), in the U.S.A.; Conscience clause; U.S.A.

The politics of exclusive nationalism in Canada, 1760-1980. Chennells, D.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol. Sc.)
     Chronological coverage: 1760–1980
     Index terms: Nationalism, in Canada; Canada

The pressures for immigration restriction in the Pacific Northwest, 1890-1924. Allerfeldt, Kristofer M.
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Joseph; Noakes, Jeremy D.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1924

The shaping of U.S. presidents' initial domestic policy agendas, 1960-81. Herbert, Jonathan N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1981
     Index terms: Domestic policy, of the U.S.A.; Presidents, of the U.S.A.; U.S.A.

Wearing the grey suit: Black enlistment and the Confederate military. Deserino, Frank E.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Confederate army, in the U.S.A.; Black enlistment, in the U.S.A.; U.S.A.

West Indian nurses and the National Health Service in Britain, 1950-68. Ali, Linda
     M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Howard, John
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1968

'With zeal and with bayonets only': the British army on campaign in North America, 1775-83. Spring, Matthew H.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1775–1783
     Index terms: Army, British, in America; America, and Britain

Women slaveholders in the Georgia and South Carolina low country, 1750-75. Dornan, Ingeborg R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1775
     Index terms: Women, in colonial Americam; Slaveholders, female; Women; Colonial America; South Carolina; Georgia
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; 18th Century


A cultural history of British accounts of travel to Mexico, 1589-1900. Quintana, A. Gurria
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Burke, U. Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1589–1900

Anglo-American strategic co-operation: the role of carrier aviation in western strategy, 1945-55. Scammell, Clare
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Lambert, Andrew D.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1955

Black slave drivers in the antebellum South. Berry, Joanne
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Sarson, Steven J.
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1865

Captive city, captive audience: the Kefauver hearings and representations of the Hollywood gangster. Young, Nerys
     Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by McCracken, Kathleen
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1960
     Index terms: United States of America; Hollywood; Kefauver hearings (1950-1); Gangsters, Hollywood portrayal of

Change and continuity in United States-Colombian relations during the war against drugs, 1970-98. Guáqueta, Alexandria
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Hurrell, Andrew J.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1998

Coming of age during the 1930s Great Depression: a study of young adults in Canada. Minas, C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol. Sc.). Supervised by Blackburn, Robert
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
     Index terms: Great Depression, in Canada; Young adults, in Canada; Canada

Contested territories: the struggle over landscape in the conquest and colonisation of Peru. Scott, H.V.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 1532–1824
     Index terms: Conquest, of Peru; Peru; Landscape, in Peru; Colonisation, of Peru

Cotton Mather's cosmology as it relates to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692-3. Price, David
     Ph.D., London Metropolitan. (Hum., Arts & Lang.). Supervised by Broad, John P.F.; Hitchcock, Timothy V.
     Chronological coverage: 1692–1693

Eighteenth-century religious revivals in New England, c.1730-1750. Atkinson, M.C.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Wood, Betty C.
     Chronological coverage: 1730–1750

Florida's dissenters, rebels and runaways: territorial days to emancipation. Rivers, Larry E.
     Ph.D., London. (Goldsmiths)
     Chronological coverage: 1821–1865

From world war to Cold War: aspects of the management and co-ordination of American intelligence, 1941-53. Valero, L.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Andrew, Christopher M.
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1953

History and 1950s Hollywood. Eldridge, D.N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1960

'La noble mujer organizada': the 1930s women's movement in Mexico. Mitchell, Stephanie E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
     Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; Social history; 20th Century

Maracaibo black gold: Venezuelan oil and environment during the Juan Vicente Gomez era, 1908-35. Kozloff, Nikolas
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1908–1935

'Our brothers across the ocean'? Unionist diplomacy, the Lansdowne Foreign Office and the Anglo-American 'special relationship', 1900-5. Adams, Iestyn M.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, Keith M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1905

Poetry and church order in 17th-century Massachusetts. Morris, A.M.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
     Index terms: Church order, in colonial America; Poetry, in colonial America; America, Colonial; Massachusetts

Seventeenth-century migration to the American colonies. Shaw, Jenny
     M.Sc., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700

Slave resistance during the age of revolution: the Maroon community at Prospect Bluff, Spanish Florida. Millett, N.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1763–1842
     Index terms: Florida, Spanish; Maroon community, Florida; America, North; Slavery, in North America; Prospect Bluff, Spanish Florida

Slavery in the marginal colonies of the British West Indies. Murray, Roy
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by French, Michael J.; Lambert, Francis J.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1850

Slave societies in Jamaica and Surinam. Altink, Henrice
     Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1660–1833

The Black prison experience and the U.S. civil rights movement. Greer, Zoe
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Ward, Brian E.
     Chronological coverage: 1957–1968

The development of law governing television broadcasting in Chile, 1958-2000. Sierra, L.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol. Sc.)
     Chronological coverage: 1958–2000
     Index terms: Law, Broadcasting, in Chile; Television, in Chile; Chile

The early planters and the adventurers of the Plymouth colony: examinations and comparisons of their motives for departure to New England. Iijima, Mariko
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Hist.). Supervised by Archer, Ian W.
     Chronological coverage: 1620–1691

The F.B.I., Franklin Roosevelt and the anti-interventionist movement, 1939-45. Charles, Douglas M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri; Stafford, D.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1945

The impact of technology on the tactics and strategy of the American Civil War. Alford, Richard
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Simpson, Michael A.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865

The master subject: white identities and the slavery controversy in Barbados, 1780-1834. Lambert, D.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Duncan, J.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1834
     Index terms: White people, in Barbados; Barbados; Slavery, in Barbados

The Ossian Sweet case: inter-minority conflict and racial identity in Detroit, 1925-6. Flack, P.J.R.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1926

The political career of Eugene McCarthy. Sandbrook, D.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1936–2000

The political economy of 'dual transitions': economic liberalisation and political democratisation in Chile and Mexico, 1970-2000. Gonzalez, F.E.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–2000
     Index terms: Political liberalisation, in Chile and Mexico; Chile, and Mexico; Economic liberalisation, in Chile and Mexico; Mexico, and Chile

The Republican party and Civil Rights, 1928-48. Topping, Simon
     Ph.D., Hull. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by White, John
     Chronological coverage: 1928–1948

The role of Julian Pauncefote in the Anglo-American rapprochement, 1889-1902. Gibb, Paul
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Northampton: Hist.). Supervised by Seligmann, Matthew S.
     Chronological coverage: 1889–1902

The welfare and employment of women during the colonisation of Georgia in the late 18th century. Marsh, B.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Richard M.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
     Categories: Economic history; Gender and Women; 18th Century

Trade and trading communities in the late 18th-century Atlantic: Liverpool and Philadelphia. Haggerty, Sheryllyne
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Kermode, Jennifer I.; Power, Michael J.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1800

Transatlantic puritanism and the classical tradition in New England, c.1630-1700, with special reference to Harvard. Sletcher, M.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, David L.
     Chronological coverage: 1630–1700

Twisting the tale: reading and writing the 1939 British royal visit to the United States. Barrett, Timothy
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Clavin, Patricia M.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1939

U.S. and U.K. intelligence assessment during the early Cold War: a comparative study. Perl, M.R.
     M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Andrew, Christopher M.
     Chronological coverage: 1947–1952

West Indian slave revolts and the British discourse on slave emancipation, c.1790-1833. Matthews, Gelien
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Eltis, David; Richardson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1790–1833

Women and the emergence of the free Indian community in Trinidad, 1869-1945. Jangbahadoor, Chandra
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Vertovec, Steven A.; Brown, Judith M.
     Chronological coverage: 1869–1945
     Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; Social history; 19th Century; 20th Century


Anglo-American air co-operation, 1917-92. Walbrecht, D.A.
     M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1992
     Index terms: Air co-operation, American and British; United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.

Anglo-American elites, 1902-41: an educational alliance. Chamberlain, Douglas A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, Brian H.
     Chronological coverage: 1902–1941
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Education, in the U.S.A.

An intellectual history of the American underclass. Caldwell, Nicola
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Heale, Michael J.
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1990
     Index terms: Underclass, in the U.S.A.; Class, social, in the U.S.A.

'A phenomenon most prevalent in the western region': lone women in the mid-to-late 19th-century Trans-Mississippi West. Richards, Wayne D.
     M.Phil., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Sarson, Steven J.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
     Index terms: Trans-Mississippi West, U.S.A.; Women, lone, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
     Categories: Ethnic and migration history; Gender and Women; 20th Century

Courtship and love amongst the enslaved in antebellum North Carolina. Griffin, Rebecca
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Cecily
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1865
     Index terms: North Carolina, U.S.A.; America; Love; Courtship; Slavery, in America

Debtor diplomacy: finance and American foreign relations in the Civil War era, 1837-73. Sexton, Jay Jarrett
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1837–1873
     Index terms: Diplomacy, American; Foreign relations, American; American Civil War (1861-5); America, North

Education and multi-cultural cohesion in Belize, 1931-81. Hitchen, Peter
     Ph.D., Central Lancashire. (Hum.). Supervised by Foster, K.; Manley, John
     Chronological coverage: 1931–1981
     Index terms: Education, in Belize; Belize

England and the settlement of North America: an essay in the expansion of Europe. Reed, Jeffrey Conover
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1750
     Index terms: America, colonial

Hype, headlines and high profile cases: J. Edgar Hoover, print media and the career trajectories of top North Carolina G-Men, 1937-72. Bailey, James A.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea)
     Chronological coverage: 1937–1972
     Index terms: G-Men, in the U.S.A.; North Carolina, U.S.A.; Press, newspaper, in the U.S.A.; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Hoover, J(ohn) Edgar (1895-1972), director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; United States of America; F.B.I., see Federal Bureau of Investigation

John J. Hughes, first archbishop of New York, and the Atlantic Irish, c.1841-c.1864. Meenagh, Martin L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howe, Daniel W.
     Chronological coverage: 1841–1864
     Index terms: Irish, in America; United States of America; Hughes, John Joseph (1797-1864), 1st archbishop of New York; Roman Catholics, in the U.S.A.; New York

Liberation culture: African American culture as a political weapon in the 1960s civil rights movement. Street, Joseph
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilford, F. Hugh; Cook, Robert J.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1970
     Index terms: Civil rights movement, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; African Americans

Making haste slowly: a study of women's suffrage in Bermuda. Bean, Jolene D.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Heuman, Gad J.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
     Index terms: Suffrage, women's, in Bermuda; Women, in Bermuda; Bermuda
     Categories: Gender and Women; Political history; 20th Century

Peace and freedom: the relationship between the African American freedom struggle and the movement to end the war in Vietnam, 1965-72. Hall, S.D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1965–1972
     Index terms: United States of America; Civil rights movements, in the U.S.A.; African Americans; Vietnam War (1954-75)

Psychology, space and play: the spatial consequences of child development theories in the American playground movement, 1897-1918. Gagen, E.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 1897–1918
     Index terms: Playground movement, in the U.S.A.; Child psychology, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The role of the MacDowell Colony in the development of American music. Falconer-Salkeld, Bridget
     M.Phil., London. (Inst. U.S. Stud.). Supervised by Dickinson, P.
     Chronological coverage: 1907–2001
     Index terms: Music, in the U.S.A.; MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, U.S.A.; United States of America


'A clever little army': the British garrison in Boston, 1768-76. Morgan, Gareth W.
     Ph.D., Sussex.
     Chronological coverage: 1768–1776
     Index terms: Colonial America; Boston, U.S.A.; Army; American Revolution (1775-83)

A community study of the socio-historical construction of the teacher in mid Victorian England and upper Canada. Larsen, Marianne A.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1855–1875
     Index terms: Education; Canada; Education, in Canada; Teachers, in Canada; Teachers

Alone at last: honeymooning in America, 1820-90. Penner, Barbara J.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1890
     Index terms: Honeymooning, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Marriage, in the U.S.A.

An exploration of the rise and development of Seventh-Day Adventist spirituality: with special reference to the charismatic guidance of Ellen G. White, 1844-1915. Szalos-Farkas, Zoltan
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1844–1915
     Index terms: Spirituality, in the U.S.A.; White, Ellen Gould (1827-1915), U.S. Seventh-Day Adventist leader; Seventh-Day Adventists, Seventh-Day Adventism, Seventh-Day Adventist church, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Religion, in the U.S.A.

Assisted emigration from Birmingham to Canada, 1900-30. Morrison, James
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1930
     Index terms: Birmingham; Migration, to Canada; Canada

Beyond revolution: print culture and the public sphere in late 18th-century America. Pethers, Matthew J.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
     Index terms: United States of America; Public sphere, in the U.S.A.; Print culture, in the U.S.A.

British propaganda and America's entry to World War I. Herringshaw, Paul G.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1918
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Propaganda; World War I; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.

Cultural imperialism or cultural encounters: foreign influence through Protestant missions in Cuba, 1898-1959 - a Quaker case study. Leimdorfer, Karen
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1959
     Index terms: Quakers, Quakerism, in Cuba; Missions, Protestant, in Cuba; Cuba

Emerson and the problem of American culture, 1820-63. Spittal, Cara J.
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Brockliss, Laurence W.B.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1863
     Index terms: Culture, in the U.S.A.; Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-82), U.S. poet and essayist; United States of America

Ethnographic curiosity and the aesthetics of othering: 19th-century British representations of Argentine Patagonia. Peñaloza, Maria F.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Ethnography; Patagiona; Argentinia

'Far from moderate': an account and appraisal of some aspects of the human involvement with the natural environment of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. Palmer, Stephen
     Ph.D., Portsmouth.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
     Index terms: Natural environment, in the Falkland Islands; Falkland Islands; Landscape, in the Falkland Islands; South Georgia

Legacies of slavery: presenting the history of American slavery in the plantations and historic homes of the southern United States. Handley, Fiona J.L.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1865–2000
     Index terms: Plantations, in the southern U.S.A.; Slaves, Slavery, in the U.S.A.

Lower-class leisure in low country South Carolina and Georgia, 1700-75. Boulware, William Hunt
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1775
     Index terms: Leisure, in colonial America; South Carolina, U.S.A.; Class, social, in colonial America; Georgia, U.S.A.

'Mercurial malabars': the south Indian presence in the Caribbean, with specific reference to the colony of British Guiana. Kaladeen, Maria
     M.A., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 1838–2000
     Index terms: Caribbean, and India; India, and the Caribbean; British Guiana; Migration, Indian, to the Caribbean

Race, gender and nation in Ecuador: a comparative study of black and indigenous populations, c.1895-1944. Foote, Nicola C.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Abel, Christopher G.
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1944
     Index terms: Black people, in Ecuador; Gender, in Ecuador; Race, in Ecuador; Ecuador; Indigenous peoples, in Ecuador

Special faith and confidence: Franklin D. Roosevelt's personal envoys and the war in Europe, 1939-41. Fullilove, Michael
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1941
     Index terms: Foreign policy, U.S.; Diplomacy; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945), U.S. president; United States of America, and Europe

The development of slave laws in Louisiana, 1724-1834. Clarke, Maxine A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1724–1834
     Index terms: Louisiana, U.S.A.; Slaves, Slavery, in colonial America; Colonial America

The frontiers of civilisation: history and politics in 19th-century Argentina. Lichtmajer, Juan P.
     Ph.D., Essex.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Argentina

The Red River campaign of 1864 in the American Civil War. Joiner, Gary
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (St. Martin's Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by Poole, Robert J.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1864–1864
     Index terms: Red River Campaign, American Civil War; Civil War, American (1861-5); United States of America

The social construction of gentility in Virginia, 1607-1776. Knight, Thomas D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, Clive A.
     Chronological coverage: 1607–1776
     Index terms: Gentility, in colonial America; Virginia, U.S.A.; Colonial America


‘A deadly hiatus’: a bureaucratic assessment of Truman’s transition to power. Morris, Deborah C.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1945
     Index terms: Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972), U.S. president; United States of America

American society and coded racism: from Nixon to Clinton. Morgan, Rachel
     M.Phil., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Sarson, Steven J.
     Chronological coverage: 1968–2001
     Index terms: Clinton, Bill (William Jefferson) (1946-), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-94), president of the U.S.A.; Society, in the U.S.A.; Racism, in the U.S.A.

An analysis of the Unity Movement, with special reference to healing. Thoresby-Parker, Ann
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
     Chronological coverage: 1891–2000
     Index terms: Healing, religious, in the U.S.A.; Religion, in the U.S.A.; Unity Movement, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

An investigation into the effects of the 1905 American revival, with general reference to the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1905-20. Hooper, Emmanuel
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh MacLeod
     Chronological coverage: 1905–1920
     Index terms: Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions; Religious revival, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Missions, from the U.S.A.

A place at the table: George Eldon Ladd and the rehabilitation of Evangelical scholarship in America. D'Elia, John A.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicolson, Colin C.; Bebbington, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: United States of America; Scholarship, Evangelical, in the U.S.A.; Ladd, George Eldon (1911-); Evangelicals, Evangelicalism, in the U.S.A.

Building American entrepreneurs: male commercial selves and the road to success in the U.S., 1873-1914. Kjellander, Björn K.I.
     D.Phil., Sussex.
     Chronological coverage: 1873–1914
     Index terms: United States of America; Entrepreneurs, in the U.S.A.; Business, in the U.S.A.

Canada: a role to play in Anglo-American relations, 1937-41. Dearing, Marie
     M.Phil., Keele.
     Chronological coverage: 1937–1941
     Index terms: Canada, and Britain; United States of America, and Britain; Canada, and the U.S.A.; Foreign relations, with the U.S.; United States of America, and Canada

Cardenismo, Caciques and Catholicism: the political process of state formation in Oaxaca, Mexico, 1928-47. Smith, Benjamin T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1928–1947
     Index terms: Cárdenas, Lázaro (1895-1970), president of Mexico; Roman Catholicism, in Mexico; Cardenismo, in Mexico; Oaxaca, Mexico; Mexico; State formation, in Mexico

Constructing white Texas maleness: from the Texas centennial of 1936 to the aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Lauchlan, Angus M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Stokes, Melvyn B.
     Chronological coverage: 1936–1963
     Index terms: Maleness, white, in Texas; Texas, U.S.A.; United States of America; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-63), president of the U.S.A.

Cotton, class and commerce: elite durability in 19th-century Connecticut. Beardsley, Thomas R.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Fearon, Peter S.; Rodger, Richard G.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Commerce, in the U.S.A.; Class, social, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Cotton manufacture, in the U.S.A.; Elite, in the U.S.A.; Connecticut, U.S.A.

Domination and slave resistance on Cuban plantations, 1808-48. Barcia-Paz, Manuel
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Röhrig Assunção, Matthias
     Chronological coverage: 1808–1848
     Index terms: Slaves, Slavery, in Cuba; Plantations, Cuban; Cuba

Forging the Anglo-American signals intelligence alliance, 1939-43. Hunt, Lisa J.
     M.Phil., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1943
     Index terms: United States of America, and England; Intelligence, military; Signals intelligence

God's forever family: the Jesus People movement in America, 1966-77. Eskridge, Larry K.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1966–1976
     Index terms: Jesus People movement, in the U.S.A.; Religion, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Governing national cultures in the Carribean: culture and the state in Castro's Cuba and Burnham's Guyana, c.1959-c.1989. Quinn, Katherine E.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Miller, Nicola A.
     Chronological coverage: 1959–1989
     Index terms: Castro, Fidel (1927-), Cuban leader; State, in Guyana; State, in Cuba; Burnham, Forbes (1923-85), Guyanese politician; Culture, national, in the Caribbean; Cuba; Caribbean; Guyana

Lord Lyons and Anglo-American diplomacy during the American Civil War. Cairns, Scott T.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, Arne
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Civil War, American (1861-5); United States of America; Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell (1817-87), 2nd Baron and 1st Earl Lyons; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Diplomats, Diplomacy

Lyndon Johnson, the Atlantic alliance and the pursuit of détente, 1966-8. Jones, Stephen H.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
     Chronological coverage: 1966–1968
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Atlantic alliance; Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908-73), U.S. president; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Détente, Anglo-American

Portuguese colonisation of the Amazon region, 1640-1706. Chambouleyron, Rafael I.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brading, David A.
     Chronological coverage: 1640–1706
     Index terms: Amazon region, and Portugal; Portugal, and the Amazon region; Colonisation, Portuguese

Remembering the old South: myth, memory and the construction of an American region, 1865-1940. Anderson, David
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Parker, A.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1940
     Index terms: Myth, in colonial America; see also United States of America; America, colonial; Memory, in colonial America

Resistance in exile: Sitting Bull and the Hunkpapa Sioux in Canada, 1877-81. Felton, Mark
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Curtin, Mary Ellen
     Chronological coverage: 1877–1881
     Index terms: Native Americans; Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) (c.1834-90), Native American warrior and chief; Canada; Hunkpapa Sioux

Revolution versus revival: the nature and dynamics of Sandinista-evangelical relations in revolutionary Nicaragua. Smith, Calvin
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
     Chronological coverage: 1978–1979
     Index terms: Sandinistas; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism, in Nicaragua; Nicaragua

Santiago de Chile, 1887-1937: urban transformations and cultural debate. Ibarra, Macarena
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archit.). Supervised by Bullock, N.O.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1887–1937
     Index terms: Cultural debate, in Santiago de Chile; Urban transformation, in Santiago de Chile; Santiago de Chile

Scottish trade with colonial Charleston, 1683-1783. Dobson, L. David S.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Devine, Thomas
     Chronological coverage: 1683–1783
     Index terms: Trade, Scottish, with colonial America; Charleston, U.S.A.; Colonial America; Scotland, and colonial America

Self-help books and the quest for self-control in the United States, 1950-2000. Whelan, Christine Barrett
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000
     Index terms: Self-help books, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Sold! Slaves in advertising during the age of segregation. Gibrill, Marion
     M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Curtin, Mary Ellen
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1964
     Index terms: Segregation, racial, in the U.S.A.; Advertising, in the U.S.A.; Slaves, Slavery, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Spaces of history and identity at Ellis Island Immigration Museum. Maddern, Joanne F.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
     Chronological coverage: 2001–2006
     Index terms: Ellis Island Immigration Museums; United States of America; Heritage, in the U.S.A.; Migration, to the U.S.A.

The American War of Independence: metaphor and visual imagery in Britain. Latham, Thomas E.M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Art). Supervised by Bindman, David; Conway, Stephen R.
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1783
     Index terms: Revolution, see American Revolution; American Revolution (1775-83); War of Independence, America, see American Revolution; United States of America, and Britain

The civil war of 1891 in Chile: the political role of the military. San Francisco, Alejandro
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Angell, A.E.
     Chronological coverage: 1891–1891
     Index terms: Chile; Civil War, Chilean (1891); Military, in Chile

The foreign policy of Colombia in the Carribean Basin, 1832-1904. Clemente, Isabel
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Dunkerley, James
     Chronological coverage: 1832–1904
     Index terms: Caribbean Basin, and Colombia; Colombia, and the Caribbean Basin; Foreign policy, of Colombia

The geographical spread of poliomyelitis in the U.S.A. Trevelyan, Barry
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Smallman-Rayner, Matthew; Mather, Paul
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1979
     Index terms: Poliomyelitis, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Public health, in the U.S.A.

The last Edwardsean: Edwards Amasa Park and the rhetoric of improved Calvinism. Phillips, Charles W.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicolson, Colin C.; Bebbington, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1828–1900
     Index terms: Calvinism, in the U.S.A.; Religion, in the U.S.A.; Park, Edwards Amasa (1808-1900); United States of America

The Los Angeles N.A.A.C.P., 1914-49. Watson, Jonathan L.
     D.Phil., Sussex.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1949
     Index terms: N.A.A.C.P., see National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; United States of America; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Black people, in the U.S.A.; Los Angeles

Theories of knowledge and the American human sciences, 1920-60. Isaac, Joel T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1960
     Index terms: Human Sciences, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The politics of civil rights, May 1963 to August 1964. McKinstry, David
     Ph.D., Strathclyde.
     Chronological coverage: 1963–1964
     Index terms: Black people, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Civil rights, in the U.S.A.

The pro-Vietnam War movement during the Nixon administration. Scanlon, Sandra P.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1968–1974
     Index terms: Vietnam, and the U.S.A.; Vietnam War; Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-94), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Vietnam

The Welsh and the American Civil War, c.1850-1865. Griffiths, Robert H.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Jones, William D.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1865
     Index terms: Civil war, American (1861-5); United States of America, and Wales; Wales, and the U.S.A.

Visual representations of identity in Canada, 1900-30 and 1970-2000. Candlin, David P.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Canada


A century of values reflected in the evolving concept of heritage: United States federal archaeology law and Native American heritage from 1906 to the present. Soderland, H.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1906–2006
     Index terms: Archaeology law, in the U.S.A.; Native Americans; Heritage, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

A global policy in a regional setting: the Eisenhower administration, Latin America & Brazil, 1953-61. Sewell, B.
     Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.)
     Chronological coverage: 1953–1961
     Index terms: United States of America, and Latin America; United States of America, and Brazil; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Latin America, and the U.S.A.; Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1890-1969), president of the U.S.A.; Brazil, and the U.S.A.

American looks: sportswear, fashion and the image of women in New York, 1929-47. Arnold, Rebecca
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1929–1947
     Index terms: Fashion, in the U.S.A.; Sportswear, in the U.S.A.; New York; United States of America; Women, in the U.S.A.
     Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century

An analysis of grass-roots co-operative economic development in Nova Scotia and Caribbean missions, 1930-60: case studies in the light of Catholic social teaching and social capital theory. Bouzigard, Michael A.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1960

An analysis of the doctrine, procurement and operational employment of field artillery in the American Civil War. Jones, Spencer
     M.Phil., Wolverhampton. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; Mlitary, in the U.S.A.; American Civil War (1861-5); Artillery, in the American Civil War

An examination of the radical cross-currents of British loyalism, both at home and abroad, during the American Revolution. Jones, Bradley
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1783
     Index terms: American Revolution (1776); Loyalism, in colonial America; Revolution, see American Revolution; America, colonial

Aspects of the emergence of American anticommunism, 1917-44. Goodall, A.V.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1944
     Index terms: Communism, see also Anticommunism; Anticommunism, in the U.S.A., see also Communism; United States of America

A view from the ground: understanding the ‘place’ of the Fraser Valley in the changing contexts of a colonial world, 1792-1918. Oliver, Jeffry M.
     Ph.D., Sheffield.
     Chronological coverage: 1792–1918

‘Brothers in arms’? The American and British coalition on the Western Front, 1918. Yockelson, M.
     Ph.D., Cranfield.
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1918
     Index terms: Army, U.S.; Western Front; Army; World War I (1914-18); United States of America, and Britain

Caudillismo in the age of guano: a study in political culture of mid 19th-century Peru, 1840-60. Sobrevilla Perea, Natalia
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.)
     Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
     Index terms: Culture, political, in Peru; Peru; Caudillismo, in Peru; Guano trade, in Peru

Challenging the altitudes: Western medicine, acclimatisation and race in the Andes. Lossio, Jorge
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Mountaineering, in the Andes; Medicine, western, in the Andes; Andes

Direct action and industrial unionism: the Sindicato General Obrero de la Indistria Fabril: a study of an anarcho-syndicalist union in urban Cuba, 1917-25. Condron, Rebecca
     Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1925
     Index terms: Sindicato General Obrero de la Indistria Fabril; Cuba; Trades unions, in Cuba; Industry, in Cuba

Eastern front: the U.S.A.F., R.A.F. and East Anglia, 1946-64. Sparnon, Neil
     D.Phil., Anglia Ruskin. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1964
     Index terms: U.S.A.F., see United States Air Force; United States Air Force; Royal Air Force; Military; East Anglia; R.A.F., see Royal Air Force

Elizabethan industries in Jacobean Virginia? An examination of the industrial origins and metallurgic functions of scrap copper at Jamestown, c.1607-10. Hudgins, Carter C.
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1607–1610
     Index terms: Industry, copper, in colonial America; Jamestown, Virginia; Virginia; Metallurgy, in colonial America; America, colonial; Copper industry, in colonial America

Evolving morality in a transatlantic society: Ida B. Wells, anti-lynching activism and British interest in American race relations, 1877-1914. Silkey, Sarah L.
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1877–1914
     Index terms: Black people, in the U.S.A.; Morality, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Race relations, in the U.S.A.; Wells-Barnett, Ida B. (1862-1931), U.S. political activist; Lynching, in the U.S.A.; Civil rights, in the U.S.A.

Extralegal violence in the antebellum South. Plath, Lydia
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1865
     Index terms: Violence, extralegal, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Gender and piety in the German-speaking communities of Ebenezer, Georgia and Ephrata, Pennsylvania, c.1730-c.1785. Henley, M.L.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1730–1785
     Index terms: Migration, German, to colonial America; Pennsylvania; Piety, in colonial America; America, colonial; Ebenezer, Pennsylvania; Gender, in colonial America; Georgia, Pennsylvania; Ephrata, Pennsylvania

Military justice: the U.S. Army war crimes trials. Yavnai, Elisabeth M.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
     Index terms: War crimes trials, U.S.; Justice, military, in the U.S.A.; Military, of the U.S.A.

Miscegenation in mainstream American cinema: representing interracial relationships, c.1913-1956. Hui, Arlene
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1913–1956
     Index terms: United States of America; Cinema, in the U.S.A.; Miscegenation, in U.S. cinema; Black people, in the U.S.A.

National self-determination versus hegemony: conflict in American foreign policy during the Truman administration, 1945-53. Barraclough, Timothy R.
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1953
     Index terms: Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972), U.S. president; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America

Popular identities in the Jose Maria Caro settlement, Santiago di Chile, 1959-2000. Nicholls Lopeandia, Nancy B.
     Ph.D., Essex. (Sociology)
     Chronological coverage: 1959–2000
     Index terms: Chile; Santiago di Chile; Identity, popular, in Chile; Jose Maria Caro settlement, Santiago di Chile

Post-president Jimmy Carter and the Bush and Clinton administrations, 1988-96. Whitman, T.E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1988–1996
     Index terms: Clinton, Bill (William Jefferson) (1946-), U.S. president; Bush, George Herbert Walker (1924-), U.S. president; Carter, Jimmy (James Earl) (1924-), U.S. president; United States of America

Repatriation, remembrance and return: the politics of commemoration in post-war America, 1919-33. Budreau, Lisa M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1933

Rethinking national identities: representations of the Mapuche and dominant discourses of nationhood in 20th-century Chile. Crow, Joanna E.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Mapuche people, in Chile; Identity, national, in Chile; Chile

Sex signs: transsexuality and the languages of male and female in the U.K. and U.S.A., 1950-2000. O'Connor, Daniel
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000
     Index terms: Transsexuality, in the U.S.A.; Gender, in the United States of America; Transsexuality; Gender; United States of America

The 1773 Tea Act and governance. Jenkins, K. Raymond
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1773–1773
     Index terms: United States of America, see also Colonial America; America, colonial; Tea Act (1773); America, colonial, see also United States of America

The development of black political organisation in Quitman County, Mississippi, 1945-75. Cuthbert-Kerr, Simon T.
     Ph.D., Strathclyde.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1975

The domestic leadership of Bill Clinton: three case studies. Redmond, Matthew
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1993–2001
     Index terms: Clinton, Bill (William Jefferson) (1946-), U.S. president; United States of America

The invention of I.F. Stone: the early life and career of I.F. Stone, 1907-53. Guttenplan, Don D.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1907–1953
     Index terms: Press, newspaper, in the U.S.A.; Stone, Isidor Feinstein (1907-89), U.S. journalist; United States of America

The Olympic Games and the issue of recognition: British and American perspectives, 1944-72. Owen, Rachel
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Int. Pol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1972
     Index terms: United States of America; Olympic Games; Sport

The socio-cultural dimension of the 'Indian New Deal': government theory and grassroots implementation. Treglia, G.A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1945
     Index terms: Native Americans; 'Indian New Deal', in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The transmission of scientific knowledge from Europe to Latin America: microbiology in Mexico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Priego, Natalia
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
     Index terms: Europe, and Latin America; Latin America, and Europe; Mexico; Scientific knowledge, in Latin American; Microbiology, in Mexico

The U.S. and covert action in Chile, 1964-74. Gustafson, K.C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1974
     Index terms: Covert action, U.S., in Chile; United States of America, and Chile; Chile, and the U.S.A.

Wealth and philanthropy: the economic elite in Peru, 1916-60. Portocarrero, Felipe
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1916–1960


American populist conservatism, 1977-88. Freedman,, Robert S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1977–1988
     Index terms: Conservatism, populist, in the the U.S.; United States of America

Antisuyu: an investigation of Inca attitudes to their western Amazonian territories. Martins, Cristiana B.
     Ph.D., Essex.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1533
     Index terms: Amazon; Incas; Antisuyu

Beyond the East River: the Roebling family in the 19th century. Giles, Hannah E.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1883
     Index terms: United States of America; Roebling family

Economic growth in a slave plantation society: the case of Jamaica, 1750-1805. Reid, Ahmed
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, David; Turner, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1805
     Index terms: Caribbean; Jamaica; Slaves, Slavery, in Jamaica; Plantation society, in Jamaica

Equivocal engagement: Kissinger, Silveira and the politics of U.S.-Brazil relations, 1969-83. Spektor, Matias
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1969–1983
     Index terms: Kissinger, Henry Alfred (b. 1923), secretary of state of the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Brazil; Brazil, and the U.S.A.; Silveira, Antonio Francisco Azeredo da (1917-90), foreign minister of Brazil

From Popular Front to Communist Front, 1941-51. Szymczak, Robert
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1951
     Index terms: United States of America; Communist Front, in the U.S.A.; Popular Front, in the U.S.A.

Gender and the management of Jamaican sugar estates, 1750-1842. Turner, Sasha D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1842
     Index terms: Sugar estates, in Jamaica; Jamaica; Gender, in Jamaica; Caribbean

Myth and reality of the American frontier: visions of landscape and future in the Northwest Territory. McGlinchey, Frazer D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1783–1820
     Index terms: Northwest Territory, America; Frontier, American; America, colonial

Picturing Pennsylvania Station: visualising a New York City landmark, 1903-2006. Ellis, Robert
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1903–2006
     Index terms: Pennsylvania Station, New York; New York; United States of America; Railways, in the U.S.A.

Piercing the 'veil': smallpox vaccination and the 'Philadelphia Negro' struggle for agency. De Lancey, Dayle
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.)
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1800

Political warfare against the Kremlin: U.S. and British propaganda policy at the beginning of the Cold War. Schwartz, Lowell
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1945

Religious thought after the period of revivalism in 18th-century New England, c.1739-1800. Atkinson, Michael C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1739–1800
     Index terms: Religious thought, in America; America, colonial; Religious revivalism, in America; New England

The dual legacy of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Hoult, Cathy A.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
     Index terms: United States of America; Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902), U.S. political activist; Women's rights, in the U.S.A.

The evolution of sport and recreation in early South Carolina and Georgia. Boulware, William Hunt
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1750
     Index terms: Sport, in the U.S.A.; America; South Carolina, U.S.A.; Recreation, in the U.S.A.; Georgia, U.S.A.

Theodore Roosevelt's use of the naval services as instruments of diplomacy. Hendrix, Henry
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1909

The paradox of unity: Winston Churchill, Mackenzie King and Anglo-Canadian relations, 1940-5. Sloane, W. Neville
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Canada; Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer (1874-1965), prime minister; Canada, and Britain; King, William Lyon Mackenzie (1874-1950), Canadian prime minister

The policy of the Heath government towards the United States. Diamond, Neil
     Ph.D., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1974
     Index terms: Heath, Sir Edward Richard George (Ted) (1916-2005), prime minister; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.

The struggle for the meaning of democracy in Chile, 1988-94. Valenzuela, Hernán C.
     Ph.D., Essex.
     Chronological coverage: 1988–1994
     Index terms: Democracy, in Chile; Chile

'Victory has many fathers, defeat is an orphan': an analysis of the background to, and failure of, the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961. O'Daly, Kevin
     M.Phil., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.)
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1961

Youth culture and the politics of youth in 1960s Cuba. Luke, A.
     Ph.D., Wolverhampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1970
     Index terms: Youth culture; Cuba


Ambitious men of modest means': colonial administration under the earl of Halifax, 1748-61. Beaumont, Andrew D.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1748–1761
     Index terms: Dunk, George Montagu (1716–71), 2nd earl of Halifax; America, colonial; Colonial administration, of America; Halifax, 2nd earl of, see Dunk; Board of Trade

An analysis of the rise, use, evolution and value of Anglo-American commando and special forces formations, 1939-45. Hargreaves, Andrew
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Philpott, William; Reid, Brian Holden
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
     Index terms: Soldiers; Soldiers, in the U.S.A.; Special forces, in the U.S.A.; Special forces; Commandos; Commandos, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; World War II (1939-45)

'As you see it so it was'? Reconstructing historic built environments in the U.S.A.: the case of sites associated with George Washington. White, Esther
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by James, Simon; Palmer, Marilyn
     Chronological coverage: 1752–1799
     Index terms: Washington, George (1732-99), president of the U.S.A.; Built environment, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Belize's road to independence: decolonisation by internationalisation. Shoman, Assad
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Dunkerley, James
     Chronological coverage: 1981–1990
     Index terms: Decolonisation, of Belize; Belize, independence

Brazilian railway culture. Cooper, Martin
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Divall, Colin
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Railways, in Brazil

British and American counter-intelligence and the atom spies, 1941-50. Gibbs, Timothy S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1950
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Atomic weapons; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Intelligence, military

British exports of woollens to Argentina and Chile: its impact on the native economies, 1810s-70s. Llorca, Manuel
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Cottrell, Philip
     Chronological coverage: 1810–1880
     Index terms: Chile, and Britain; Argentina, and Britain; Trade, woollen

Caroline F. Ware and the politics of women and consumerism in the United States, 1932-68. Capper, Eleanor
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Scroop, Daniel
     Chronological coverage: 1932–1968
     Index terms: Consumerism, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Women, in the U.S.A.; Ware, Caroline Farrar (1899-1990), U.S. historian and political activist
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Political history; Social history; 20th Century

Colonial identities in the cloister: exploring individual and group identity in a Spanish colonial convent. Nimmo, Evelyn R.
     Ph.D., Reading.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1750
     Index terms: South America, colonial; Monasteries, Monasticism, Monastic houses, in colonial South America; Spain, and South America; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church

Colonising science: nature and nations in the Spanish world, c.1750-1850. Cowie, Helen
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by McFarlane, Anthony
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
     Index terms: Empire, Spanish; Spain; Science

Congregational separatism and the development of Separate-Baptist ecclesiology in New England, 1745-1833: with a view toward demonstrating the factors why the Separate Baptists in New England did not develop a theologically functional universal-church con. Snavely, Bruce
     Ph.D., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: 1745–1833
     Index terms: Ecclesiology, Baptist; Separate-Baptist ecclesiology; New England; America, colonial; Baptists, in America

Creole in the archive: imagery, presence and location of the plantation worker of two plantations, nearby villages and towns in Trinidad, 1838-1938. Kempadoo, Roshini
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1838–1938
     Index terms: Plantation workers, in Trinidad; Creoles; Trinidad

English and American religious and social movements, 1770-1870. Billington, Louis
     Ph.D., Hull. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Virden, Jenel
     Chronological coverage: 1770–1870
     Index terms: America, and England; Religious movements, in the U.S.A.; see also United States of America; Religious movements; Social movements, in the U.S.A.; Social movements

Everyday Klansfolk: white Protestant life and the K.K.K. in 1920s Michigan. Fox, Craig
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Forrest, Alan I.; Howell, David
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1930
     Index terms: Michigan; Ku Klux Klan; K.K.K., see Ku Klux Klan; United States of America; Protestants, Protestantism, white, in the U.S.A.

Figuring the New Deal: politics and ideology in Treasury Section painting and sculpture in Washington D.C., 1935-43. Carter, Warren M.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1935–1943
     Index terms: Art, in the U.S.A.; Treasury Section, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Sculpture, in the U.S.A.; New Deal; Washington, D.C.

Forging iron horses and iron men: rail transport in the Korean War and the influence of the U.S. Army Transportation Corps on the development of the Korean National Railroad. Sibul, Eric A.
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Divall, Colin
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1953
     Index terms: Army Transportation Corps, U.S.; United States of America, and Korea; Railways, in Korea
     Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century

Gifts, trade and diplomacy: the Creek Indians and the Georgia colonists in the American south-east, 1733-63. Levenson, Claire Schuette
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1733–1763
     Index terms: Trade, in colonial America; Diplomacy, in colonial America; Gifts, in colonial America; Georgia, U.S.A.; America, colonial; Native Americans; Creek Indians

Heath, Nixon and the Anglo-American relationship, 1970-4. Scott, Andrew J.T.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1974
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Heath, Sir Edward Richard George [Ted] (1916–2005), prime minister; Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913–94), president of the U.S.A.

Irish immigration to Montana from 1870 to 1900: an analysis of the Irish outside of Butte. Noonan, Alan
     M.Phil., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Ó Drisceoil, Donal
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1900
     Index terms: United States of America, and Ireland; Migration, Irish, to the U.S.A.; Immigration, see Migration; Emigration, see Migration; Ireland, and the U.S.A.; Montana; Butte, Montana

Irish nationalism and the United States. Iwasawa, Maiko
     M.Phil., University College Cork. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Ireland, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Ireland; Nationalism, in Ireland

Joseph E. Levine: showmanship, reputation and industrial practice, 1945-77. McKenna, Anthony T.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1977
     Index terms: Levine, Joseph E. (1905-87), American film producer; Cinema, see also Film

Making America's music: jazz history and the Jazz Preservation Act. Farley, Jeff
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1987
     Index terms: Music, in the U.S.A.; Jazz, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Jazz Preservation Act (1987)

Managing criticism: intellectuals, journalists and the state during Mexico's dirty war. Watt, Peter
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1976
     Index terms: Intellectuals, in Mexico; Dirty war, in Mexico; Mexico; Journalists, in Mexico

Material geographies of the colonial everyday: diasporic food cultures and the production of the early modern Francophone Caribbean. Mandelblatt, Bertie
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Crang, 0
     Chronological coverage: 1650–1750
     Index terms: Caribbean, Francophone; Diaspora, Caribbean; Food culture

'Possessing slaves': ownership, compensation and metropolitan society at the time of emancipation. Draper, Nicholas A.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Catherine M.
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1880
     Index terms: Emancipation, of slaves; Society, metropolitan; Slaves, Slavery

Reading the reception of Ellen Churchill Semple's Influences of geographic environment (1911). Keighren, Innes
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Geog.). Supervised by Withers, C.W.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1911–1950
     Index terms: Influences of the Geographic Environment (1911); Semple, Ellen Churchill (1863-1932), American geographer

Restoring Primitive Christianity: John Wesley and Georgia, 1735-7. Hammond, Geordon
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Relig. & Theol.). Supervised by Nockles, Peter; Gregory, Jeremy
     Chronological coverage: 1735–1737
     Index terms: America, Colonial; Georgia; Wesley, John (1703-91), evangelist; Methodists, Methodism; Christianity, primitive

Scots in the Hudson's Bay Company, c.1779-c.1821. Rigg, Suzanne
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1779–1821
     Index terms: Hudson's Bay Company; Canada; Scots, in Canada

Slaveholding unionists - a contradiction in terms? An examination of border state identity in the American Civil War era. Smith, Gary J.
     Ph.D., Dundee.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Border states, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Unionists, in thw U.S.A.; Slaves, Slavery, in the U.S.A.; Civil War, American (1861-5)

Slaveholding Unionists - a contradiction in terms? An examination of border state identity in the American Civil War. Smith, Gary
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Parker, Anthony W.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Border states, in America; Unionists, in America; America; American Civil War (1861-5); Slaves, Slavery, in America; Civil War, American (1861-5)

Stud or dud? Representation of masculinity in the popular culture of 1950s America. Ruckley, Emma E.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1960
     Index terms: Masculinity, in the U.S.A.; Popular culture, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The historian in search of fame: William Robertson and the History of America. Pugliese, Ida F.
     M.Res., Strathclyde.
     Chronological coverage: 1777–1793
     Index terms: Robertson, William (1721–93), historian; History of America (1777), of William Robertson; United States of America

The masses: Jamaica's poor in the nineteenth century (1830-60). Dunkley, Daive
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Heuman, Gad
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1860
     Index terms: Caribbean, see also Jamaica; Jamaica; Poverty, in Jamaica

Theories of generational change in Venezuelan political history, with particular reference to Rómulo Betancourt and the 'generation of 1928'. Ortiz, Marco
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1928–1935
     Index terms: Betancourt, Rómulo (1908-81), president of Venezuela; Venezuela

Thermopolis: technology, modernity and the design of urban space in New York City. Gissen, David
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Gandy, Matthew
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Design, urban, in the U.S.A.; Modernity, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; New York City

The rules of the game: Allende's Chile, the United States and Cuba, 1970-3. Harmer, Tanya
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1973
     Index terms: Chile, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Chile; Cuba, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Chile; Allende, Salvador (1908-73), president of Chile

The social lives of elite Philadelphian women, c.1760-1800. Sanders, Rachael A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1760–1800
     Index terms: Philadelphia, U.S.A.; United States of America, see also Colonial America; Women, elite, in the U.S.A.
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Social history; 18th-19th Century

The special relationship under Nixon, 1969-74. Spelling, Alex
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Young, John W.
     Chronological coverage: 1969–1974
     Index terms: Special relationship, with the U.S.A.; Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-94), president of the U.S.A.; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; United States of America

Translation as conquest: Fray Bernardino de Sahagún's Historia Universal de las Cosas de Neuva España. Ríos Castaño, Victoria
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1577–1577
     Index terms: Historia Universal de las Cosas de Neuva España, of Bernardino de Sahagún; Mexico; Bernardino de Sahagún (1499-1590), Spanish missionary

'What news?' Newspapers and their readers in 18th-century Britain and America. Heyd, Uriel
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
     Index terms: Press, newspaper, in America; Press, newspaper; America

Women's interaction with Hollywood film culture in the first half of the 20th century: film magazines and the female viewing position. de Sade, Dolores B.
     M.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by de Groot, Joanna
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1950
     Index terms: Press, periodical, film; Hollywood; Film; Women; Magazines, see Press
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; 20th Century


A guiding hand? The C.I.A. and foreign policymaking in the early Cold War. Barlow, John
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Acton, Edward D.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1960
     Index terms: C.I.A., see Central Intelligence Agency; Central Intelligence Agency; United States of America; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Cold War

Alcohol and national identity in 19th-century Mexican literature. Toner, Deborah
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Earle, Rebecca
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Mexico; Identity, national, in Mexico; Alcohol, in Mexico; Literature, Mexican

Anglo-American relations in South America during the Second World War and post-war economic planning. Mills, Thomas C.
     Ph.D., Brunel. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Folly, Martin
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1960
     Index terms: South America, and the U.S.A.; World War II (1939-45); United States of America, and England; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; South America

Aspiring artisans or pushed paupers? A profile of English and Welsh emigrants to British North America, 1815-50. Robinson, Alison Mary
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1815–1850
     Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Wales; Migration, to the North America; United States of America, and Wales

Battles from the front: the combat experience in the American Civil War through a study of Centralia, Griswoldville and Cedar Creek. Guardamagna, Alessandro
     Ph.D., Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Bric, Maurice J.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Army, American; Cedar Creek, Battle; Griswoldville, Battle; Centralia, Battle; Civil War, American (1861-5); Colonial America

Commercial organisation in the late 18th-century Atlantic world: a comparative analysis of the British and French West Indian trades. Forestier, Albane
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
     Index terms: West Indies, British; West Indies, French; Trade, Atlantic

Constructing Cassandra: the social construction of strategic surprise at the Central Intelligence Agency, 1947-2001. Jones, Milo Logan
     Ph.D., Kent.
     Chronological coverage: 1947–2001
     Index terms: Intelligence, American; United States of America; Central Intelligence Agency

Drawing the line': religion, education and the establishment clause, 1947-97. Long, Emma
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Conyne, George R.
     Chronological coverage: 1947–1997
     Index terms: Education, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Establishment clause

Economic foundations of American military strategy, 1940-3. Lacey, James
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1943
     Index terms: Military strategy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America

English merchants and economic promise in Virginia, Bermuda and the West Indies, 1607-50. Connolly, Catherine M.
     Ph.D., Galway. (Hist.). Supervised by Canny, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1607–1650
     Index terms: Colonial America; West Indies; Bermuda; Virginia; Trade

Expanding debate: radical critiques of United States imperialism during the Cold War. Morgan, James
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Oliver, Kendrick J.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
     Index terms: United States of America; Imperialism, U.S.; Cold War

Hunter-gatherer settlement and land use in the central Canadian Rockies, A.D. 800-1800. Heitzmann, Rod
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Barker, Graeme; Pluciennik, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 800–1800
     Index terms: Land use, in Canada; Rockies, Canada; Canada; Hunter-gatherers, in Canada

Ideologues and pragmatists: did the Senate Foreign Relations Committee agree with Truman and Eisenhower's use of the United Nations in America's foreign policy, 1945-56?. Windridge, Henry M.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Katherine M.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1956
     Index terms: United States of America; Senate Foreign Relations Committee, U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Eisenhower, Dwight D. [Ike] (1890-1969), U.S. President; United Nations; Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972), U.S. President

Intercultural brokers between British colonies and the Native American peoples in Georgia from 1732 to 1765. Vernon, Christopher
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1732–1765
     Index terms: America, colonial; Native Americans, see also Amerindians; Georgia, U.S.A.

John Witherspoon and America's 'higher education'. Mailer, Gideon
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1743–1794
     Index terms: Education, higher, in the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain; Witherspoon, John (1723–94), Church of Scotland minister and college head in America

John Witherspoon and America's 'higher education'. Mailer, Gideon A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1768–1794
     Index terms: Education, higher, in the U.S.A.; Witherspoon, John (1723-94), American founding father; United States of America

Literary representations of the American western steamboat, 'c'.1811-61. Barta, Petr
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Smith, Crosbie
     Chronological coverage: 1811–1861

Representations of Amerindians on European maps and the construction of ethnographic knowledge, 1506-1624. Davies, Surekha
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by McGrath, Elizabeth; Kraye, Jill A.
     Chronological coverage: 1506–1624
     Index terms: Amerindians; Ethnography, in America; Maps, of America; American, colonial

Scottish cowboys and the Dundee investors: the development of Dundee business connections in the 19th-century American South. Swan, Claire
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by McKean, Charles
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: United States of America, and Scotland; Scotland, and the U.S.A.; Dundee; Trade, transatlantic

Slave insurrection scares in the American South. Plath, Lydia
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; Slaves, Slavery, in the U.S.A.

Still imperial? The White House, the Vietnam syndrome and the politics of military intervention in the United States. A study of presidential deployment decisions, 1982-95. MacDonald, John P.
     Ph.D., Dundee.
     Chronological coverage: 1982–1995
     Index terms: Vietnam War (1954-75); Military intervention, American; United States of America

The cultural campaigns of the N.A.A.C.P., 1910-55. Woodley, Jenny
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1955
     Index terms: N.A.A.C.P., see National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Black people, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

The Franciscan convents of north-east Brazil, 1586-1822: function and design in a colonial context. Filho, Ivan Cavalcanti
     Ph.D., Oxford Brookes.
     Chronological coverage: 1586–1822
     Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church, in Brazil; Brazil; Franciscans, in Brazil; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses, in Brazil

The impact of domestic financial liberalisation on domestic private investment in Latin America: Chile, Colombia and Mexico, 1970-2000. Blanco-Rodriguez, Pilar
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by FitzGeraldn, E.V.K.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–2000
     Index terms: Mexico; Colombia; Chile; Latin America; Investment, private, in Latin American

The justification controversy at Westminster Theological Seminary: the years 1974-82. Hewitson, Ian A.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1974–1982
     Index terms: Justification controversy; Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, Pa.); United States of America

Theological authority in the hymns and spirituals of American Protestantism, 1830-1930. Ginn, Craig W.C.
     Ph.D., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1930
     Index terms: Hymns, in the U.S.A.; Protestants, Protestantism, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Spirituals, in the U.S.A.

The politics of failure: Community Action and the meaning of great society liberalism. Torstensson, David
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1964
     Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Community Action Program

The reception of the life and work of Mary Wollstonecraft in the early American Republic. Smith, Abigail M.
     Ph.D., Aberdeen.
     Chronological coverage: 1779–1797
     Index terms: United States of America; Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-97), writer

The Royal Navy and economic warfare in North America, 1812-15. Arthur, Brian
     Ph.D., Greenwich. (Greenwich Maritime Inst.). Supervised by Palmer, Sarah R.; Knight, Roger J. B.
     Chronological coverage: 1812–1815
     Index terms: United States of America; Navy

The West India lobby and the defence of the British slave trade, c.1780-1807. Barrett, Ian
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burns, Arthur
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1807
     Index terms: Slaves, Slavery, Salve trade, see also Anti-slavery; West Indies

Walden and Fruitlands: religion, nature and value in two transcendentalist experiments. Blair, Ross M.
     M.A., Kent.
     Chronological coverage: 1843–1847
     Index terms: Thoreau, Henry David (1817-62), author and transcendentalist; United States of America; Transcendentalism, in the U.S.A.; Walden (Concord, Mass.); Fruitlands (Harvard, Mass.)

What God hath joined': theology and marriage in 19th-century America. Oligney, Kjersten
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Carwardine, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Theology, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Marriage, in the U.S.A.

Young people and American politics, c.1950-1984. Nicolson, Ross
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1984
     Index terms: United States of America; Young people, in the U.S.A.


''Addoli'r Dduwies Aur'' ('worshipping the goddess gold'): the patterns and processes of 19th century Welsh migration to the British Columbia gold-fields. Matthews, Gethin
     Ph.D., Cardiff.
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1890

A Free Coloured Elite? Trade, Identity and Social Mobility in Panama City, 1700-1770. Espelt Bombin, Silvia
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Paton, Diana
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
     Index terms: Panama City; Africans, in Panama City; African-Americans, in Panama City

A historical analysis of the Nation of Islam, 1930-2008. Gibson, Dawn-Marie
     Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Emmerson, T.; Kirby, Dianne
     Chronological coverage: 1930–2008

American intellectuals and the idea of an 'Atlantic community', c.1890-1949. Alessandri, Emiliano
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1949
     Index terms: United States of America; Atlantic community; Intellectuals, Intellectualism, American

America seen: British and American 19th century travels in the United States. Hallett, Adam N.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900

Black intellectuals and black urban life in the United States: Kenneth B. Clark, Amiri Baraka and Romare Bearden, 1960-75. Matlin, Daniel
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Brien, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1975
     Index terms: Baraka, Amiri (b. 1934), American writer and politicla activist; Clark, Kenneth Bancroft (1914-2005), American social psychologist; United States of America; Intellectuals, Intellectualism, in the U.S.A.; Black people, in the U.S.A.; Bearden, Romare (1911-88), American artist and writer

Britain on the American popular lecture circuit, 1844-65. Wright, Thomas Fitzpatrick
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1844–1865
     Index terms: United States of America; Lecture tours, in the U.S.A.

British politeness and elite culture in revolutionary and early national Philadelphia, c.1775-1800. Bethune, Kate
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Klein, Lawrence
     Chronological coverage: 1775–1800
     Index terms: Philadelphia, Pa.; Politeness; United States of America

Chilean exiles and their support for the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Figueroa-Clark, Victor
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Westad, O. Arne
     Chronological coverage: 1979–2001
     Index terms: Sandinista National Liberation Front; Chile, and Nicaragua; Nicaragua, and Chile

Christian democracy and political participation in Chile, 1964-2000. McGarry, Joanna S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Pol. & Int. Stud.). Supervised by Jones, Charles
     Chronological coverage: 1964–2000
     Index terms: Chile; Christian democracy, in Chile

Communicating disease: the Caribbean and the medical imagination, 1764-1834. Senior, Emily
     Ph.D., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 1764–1834

Dames, darlings and detectives: women, agency and the soundtrack in R.K.O. Radio Pictures crime films, 1939-50. Haworth, Catherine M.
     Ph.D., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1950

Dark reflections: 19th-century luminism and the uncanny. Chapman, Olivia
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Corbett, David
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1880

Defining a legacy: the role of Theodore Sorensen in shaping the public memory of President Kennedy. Ulyatt, Michelle A.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Welch, David; Street, Joe
     Chronological coverage: 1963–2008

Emerald illusions: the Irish and early American cinema and pre-cinema, 1866-1915. Rhodes, Gary D.
     Ph.D., Lancaster.
     Chronological coverage: 1866–1915

'Ethnic power!' The rise and fall of the politics of white ethnicity, 1964-84. Merton, Joe
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1984

From the Roman republic to the American Revolution: readings of Cicero in the political thought of James Wilson. Wilson, Laurie
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Classics). Supervised by Harries, Jill
     Chronological coverage: 1762–1798
     Index terms: Wilson, James (1742-98), American founding father; Rome, Republic; Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B.C.), Roman orator and statesman; American Revolution (1776); United States of America

Habitations of cruelty: Irish Presbyterians, America and the Seven Years' War, 1754-64. Bankhurst, Benjamin
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by McBride, Ian R.
     Chronological coverage: 1754–1764
     Index terms: Colonial America; Seven Years' War (1756-63); Presbyterians, Persbyterianism, Irish

Hollywood, the family audience and the family film, 1930-2010. Brown, Noel
     Ph.D., Newcastle.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–2010

Imagining Caribbean womanhood: racialised femininities, colour-blind nationalisms and beauty contests. Rowe, Rochelle
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Gurney, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1971
     Index terms: Beauty, in the Caribbean; Race, in the Caribbean; Caribbean; Women, in the Caribbean

Intellectual transformations in American geology, palaeontology and anthropology, 1850-1900. Vandome, Robin
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Brien, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
     Index terms: Science, in the U.S.A.; Anthropology, in the U.S.A.; Palaeontology, in the U.S.A.; Geology, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Internationalism, ideology and American hegemony: United States foreign policy, Cold War historiography and the making of the post-war world. Russell, John
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Read, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
     Index terms: Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Cold War

Intimacy and inequality: manumission and miscegenation in 19th century Bahia, 1830-88. Collins, Jane-Marie
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1888

'Judgement and experience'? British politics, Atlantic connexions and the American Revolution. Struan, Andrew D.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Glassey, Lionel K.J.; Newman, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1783
     Index terms: American Revolution (1776); Foreign relations, with America

Modernity, planning and social control in Buenos Aires. Minuchin, Leandro
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Gandy, Matthew
     Chronological coverage: 1924–1949
     Index terms: Buenos Aires; Argentina

Mutual impact: intellectual transfer in domestic policy between the Thatcher and Reagan administrations. Cooper, Jim T.
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth. (Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Rubinstein, William D.; Coopey, Richard C.
     Chronological coverage: 1981–1989
     Index terms: Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911-2004), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Thatcher, Margaret (b. 1925), prime minister

Picturing knowledge: N.A.S.A.'s pioneer plaque, Voyager record and the history of interstellar communication, 1957-77. Macauley, W.R.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: 1957–1977

Pills, politics and pitfalls: the Food and Drug Administration during the Reagan administration. Richert, Lucas
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Morgan, Iwan
     Chronological coverage: 1981–1989

Plural perspectives: women writer/travellers in 19th-century Central America and the Caribbean. Duguid, Beverley
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Women, writers; Caribbean; Women, travellers; Central America
     Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women

Politicising stardom: Jane Fonda, I.P.C. films and Hollywood, 1977-82. Rafferty, James
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Glancy, H.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1977–1982

Publishing Theodore Roosevelt, 1882-1919. Arnold, Jonathan N.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1882–1919

Representations of Caribbean womanhood: racialised femininities, colour-blind nationalisms and beauty contests. Rowe, Rochelle
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Gurney, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1948–1971

Representations of the civil rights movement and African American childhood in children’s literature, 1960-2008: an exploration and analysis of how the civil rights movement is ‘told’ to children through historical fiction. Hall, Julie
     M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Kirk, John
     Chronological coverage: 1960–2008

Role of the British embassy in Washington in Anglo-American relations. Wevill, Richard
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Thorpe, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Diplomats, Diplomacy; United States of America, and England; Washington, D.C.; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.

Shades of grey: race, sport and the civil rights movement. Henderson, Simon
     Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Brewster, Keith; Grant, Susan-Mary C.
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1968
     Index terms: Sport, in the U.S.A.; Race, in the U.S.A.; Civil rights movement, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Black people, in the U.S.A.

'She supposes herself cured': almshouse women and venereal disease in late 18th and early 19th century Philadelphia. Cahif, Jacqueline
     Ph.D., Glasgow.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1820

Southern leadership during the Vicksburg campaign. Backler, Raymond
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Turley, David; Jones, Karen; Conyne, George R.
     Chronological coverage: 1862–1863

The Chilean naval mutiny of 1931. Tromben Corbalan, Carlos
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1931–1931
     Index terms: Chile; Naval mutiny (1931), Chilean

The development of amphibious warfare doctrine and practice in the U.K. and U.S., 1945-67. Liles, Christian
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Till, Geoffrey; James, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1967
     Index terms: Military, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Military

The fight for America's freedom: the Anti-Imperialist League, 1898-1921. Cullinane, Michael
     Ph.D., Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Ryan, David
     Chronological coverage: 1898–1921
     Index terms: Anti-Imperialist League; United States of America

The fur trade in Dakota from its beginnings to its heyday in the mid 1830s: its development and impact on the region that later became South Dakota. Woodard, Aaron R.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Trinity St. David Hist.). Supervised by Eldridge, Colin
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1835
     Index terms: United States of America; Fur trade, in the U.S.A.; Dakota

The Glasgow Emancipation Society and the American anti-slavery movement. Jezierski, Rachael Ardell
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Kidd, Colin C.; Cowan, Edward J.
     Chronological coverage: 1781–1861

The history of lower-class women in post-revolutionary America. Calif, Jacqueline
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Newman, Simon; Dupree, Marguerite
     Chronological coverage: 1783–1850
     Index terms: Women, in the U.S.A.; United States of America
     Categories: Social history; 18th Century; 18th-19th Century; 19th Century; Gender and Women

The impact of public opinion on Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy. Thompson, John M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1901–1909
     Index terms: Public opinion, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), president of the U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.

The internationalism of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882-1933. Cross, Graham E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
     Chronological coverage: 1882–1933
     Index terms: Internationalism, U.S.; Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America

The loyalist regiments of the American Revolution. Salmon, Stuart
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicolson, Colin; Macleod, Emma Vincent
     Chronological coverage: 1776–1783
     Index terms: Colonial America; Loyalist regiments, in America; Revolution, see American Revolution; American Revolution (1776)

The Newfoundland Irish in industrial Cape Breton, 1880-1920. Ludlow, Peter
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. & Anthr.). Supervised by Connolly, Sean J.; Gray, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1880
     Index terms: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia; Canada; Newfoundland, Irish

The political economy of a commercial archaeology: a Quebec case study. Zorzin, Nicolas
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000

The relationship between America and politics in Ireland during the years 1879-90. Roche, Denis
     Ph.D., Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Geary, Larry
     Chronological coverage: 1879–1890
     Index terms: United States of America, and Ireland; Ireland, and the U.S.A.

The role of American popular music in the United States and the United Kingdom during World War II. Beeny, Martin
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Welch, David; Conyne, George R.
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1945

The Vatican and Catholic activism in Mexico and Chile, 1920-40. Andes, Stephen J.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Knight, Alan S.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1940

'This is a country that advances': the offical propaganda of the military regime in Brazil, 1968-79. Schneider, Nina
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Röhrig Assunção, Matthias
     Chronological coverage: 1968–1979

Tracing warm lines: northern Canadian exploration, knowledge and memory, 1905-65. Adcock, Christina M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Polar Stud.). Supervised by Bravo, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1905–1965
     Index terms: Canada; Exploration, Canadian

World War I and the invention of American intelligence, 1878-1918. Stout, Mark
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
     Chronological coverage: 1878–1918
     Index terms: Intelligence, American; World War I (1914-18)


A anatomy of a slave society in transition: the British Virgin Islands, 1807-38. Smith, Angel
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1807–1838
     Index terms: British Virgin Islands; Slaves, Slavery, in the British Virgin Islands

All the president's conservatives: Richard Nixon and the American conservative movement. Sarias-Rodriquez, David
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Scroop, Daniel
     Chronological coverage: 1969–1974

American blackface minstrelsy and its English audiences, 1843-8. Legnini, Jessica
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Burnard, Trevor
     Chronological coverage: 1843–1848

American civil rights history: the role of the media in shaping interpretations of black power. Walmsley, Mark
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Dossett, Kate M.; Hall, Simon D.
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1980

American social history post-1945, specifically the new left and civil rights movements in America. Madden, Jack
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Dossett, Kate M.; Hall, Simon D.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2010

An analysis of Dwight Moody's urban social vision. Quiggle, Greg
     Ph.D., Open University. (Relig. Stud.). Supervised by Bluenhofer, Edith; Wolffe, John R.
     Chronological coverage: 1857–1899

'A strife in the blood': miscegenation, the half breed and the racial logics of Dawes Act America, 1887-1934. Roberts, Rachel A.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Hickman, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1887–1934

Band of brothers: masculinity, friendship and the male slave network in the Antebellum South. Lussana, Sergio
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim; Earle, Rebecca
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1860

Brazilian images of the United States, 1861-98: a working version of modernity?. Bas, Natalia
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Miller, Nicola A.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1898

Britain and Eduardo Frei’s Chilean ’Revolution in Liberty’, 1964-1970. Dennis, Paul R.
     Ph.D., Canterbury Christ Church. (Hist.). Supervised by Ruane, Kevin J.
     Chronological coverage: 1968–1973

Colonial copyright and the photographic image: Canada in the frame. Hatfield, Philip
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Driver, Felix F.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1867

Conflict on high: the Bolivian Revolution and the United States, 1961-4. Field, Thomas C.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Ashton, Nigel J.
     Chronological coverage: 1961–1964

Creating the capacity for innovation: U.S. Army, 1945-60. Woods, Kevin M.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1960

Culture contact and gender in the Hudson's Bay Company of the lower Columbia River, 1824-60. Stone, Helen Delight
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. & Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Allison, Pim; Tarlow, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 1824–1860

Culture from the midnight hour: a critical reassessment of the black power movement in 20th-century America. Torrubia, Rafael
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by De Groot, Jerry
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000

Dissent and identity in 17th-century New England. Carrington, Charlotte
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Betty
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700

Domestic and international dimensions of Ecuador's foreign policy from 1944 to 1972. Long, Guillaume
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Middlebrook, Kevin
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1972
     Index terms: Foreign policy, of Ecuador; Ecuador

Evolution of U.S. urban military capability. Wahlman, Alec
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1972

'In brightest day, in blackest night': superhero narratives and U.S. historical trauma, 1938-2010. Goodrum, Michael
     Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Haynes, John
     Chronological coverage: 1938–2010

Indian traders, public order and go-betweens: Western Pennsylvania reassessed, 1763-76. Minervino, J.S.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Sked, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1763–1776

Irish planters, Atlantic merchants: the development of St. Croix, Danish West Indies, 1750-66. Power, Orla
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Canny, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1750–1766
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; 18th Century

Life on wings: the forgotten life and theology of Carrie Judd Montgomery (1858-1946). Miskov, Jennifer A.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1878–1946

Maximilian I: a Habsburg on Montezuma's throne. Schwenk, Tina
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Macleod, Emma Vincent; Rapport, Michael G.
     Chronological coverage: 1864–1867

'Motherhood or destruction': Margaret Sanger and the early campaign for birth control in America: the influence of radical groups and the reaction of the Catholic press. Lee, Ailish
     M.A.(Hist.). Supervised by Ní Bhroiméil, Úna
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1945

Political organisation in the United States during the early 1820s. Peart, Daniel P.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Adam I.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1825
     Index terms: Political organisations, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Screening the L.A.P.D.: cinematic representations of policing and discourses of law enforcement in Los Angeles, 1948-2003. Bevan, Robert
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Stokes, Melvyn B.
     Chronological coverage: 1948–2003
     Index terms: Police, in the U.S.A.; Los Angeles Police Department; Film, and the Los Angeles Police Department; United States of American; Law enforcement, in the U.S.A.

Sea power, state and society in liberal Spain (1833-68). Alfaro Zaforteza, Carlos
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Lambert, Andrew D.; James, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1833–1868
     Categories: Europe; Modern

The 1711 expedition to Quebec: politics and the limitations of global strategy in the reign of Queen Anne. Lyons, Adam
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Snape, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1711–1711

The Anglo-Chilean naval association as a case study to illustrate the Royal Navy's contribution to British peacetime foreign policy, 1925-70. Wise, Jonathan W.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1970

The Aztecs through the lens of English imperial aspiration, 1519-1713. Valencia-Suarez, Maria
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Reilly, William
     Chronological coverage: 1519–1713

The black new South: a study of black leadership in Virginia and Alabama, 1874-97. Robinson, Stephen R.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Oldfield, John
     Chronological coverage: 1874–1897

The boundaries of coercion in the American Revolution. Rodgers, Thomas
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1775–1783

The British role in Argentine ranching modernisation and livestock biotechnology, 1830-1950. Butler, Matthew E. Street
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Charles A.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1950

The collecting and study of pre-Hispanic remains in Peru and Chile, 'c'.1830s-1910s. Gänger, Stefanie M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Ramos, Gabriela P.
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1910

The forgotten revolution: the Brannan Plan and the Fair Deal. Wood, Daniel P.
     Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Bell, Jonathan W.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1960

The Freedmen's Bureau in North Carolina, 1865-72. Brown, Daniel
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Hist. & Anthr.). Supervised by Kelly, Brian
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1872

The Protestant-Catholic divide on Prince Edward Island, Canada: its creation, growth and resolution. Beck, Callum V.
     Ph.D., Open University. (Relig. Stud.). Supervised by Wolffe, John R.; Bowman, Manon
     Chronological coverage: 1720–1970

The rise of substantive due process in 19th-century New York. Inglis, Laura K.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900

The 'special relationship' between President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in relation to their interests in Latin America. Treharne, Sallyann
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by O'Driscoll, Mervyn
     Chronological coverage: 1981–1989

The threat of decolonisation: Britain, Argentina and the origins of negotiations over the Falkland Islands, 1964-78. Gonzalez, Martin
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Ashton, Nigel J.
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1978

The world of John Aylward: Irish émigré in the late 17th century. McCrohan, James
     Ph.D.(Hist.). Supervised by Downey, Declan
     Chronological coverage: 1680–1700

Violence and forced internal migrants, with special reference to the metropolitan area of Bogota, Colombia, 1990-2002. Chaowsangrat, Chaowarit
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Abel, Christopher G.
     Chronological coverage: 1990–2002

Walking the line of fire: violence, society and the war for the Kentucky and trans-Appalachian frontier, 1774-95. Reid, Darren
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Matthew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1774–1795


African-American medical education and the medical education reform movement of the late 19th and early 20th century. McCoy, Philip C.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Charters, Erica
     Chronological coverage: 1875–1925
     Index terms: African Americans; Education, medical, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Medicine, in the U.S.A.

A new world, a new American foreign policy: the Carter administration, Nicaragua and the legacy of the Vietnam War, 1977-81. McLaughlin, Ivan
     Ph.D., University College Cork (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Ryan, David
     Chronological coverage: 1977–1981
     Categories: 20th Century

A portrait of visual art practice in New York in the mid 1950s to mid 1960s in relation to Robert Moses's urban redevelopment plan 'The New York Approach'. Bailey, Juliet E.S.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wright, Alastair
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1965
     Index terms: United States of America; Art, in the U.S.A.; New York; Urban planning, in the U.S.A.; Moses, Robert (1888-1981), U.S. urban planner

Bandidos, buccaneers, ballads and the border. Powner, Leslie
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Mills, Stephen F.; Schaefer, Axel R.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
     Index terms: Buccaneers, in the U.S.A.; Ballads, in the U.S.A.; Bandits, in the U.S.A.; Borderlands, in the U.S.A.; United States of America

Black, brown and yellow: relations between African Americans, Latinos and Koreans in Los Angeles from 1965 to 1992. Monaghan, Clare D.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.; Sim, David
     Chronological coverage: 1965–1992
     Index terms: Los Angeles; United States of American; African Americans, in the U.S.A.; Latinos, in the U.S.A.; Koreans, in the U.S.A.

Combat stress and post-traumatic stress disorder in the American army (Vietnam War through 2011). Betterbed, Elizabeth
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mahone, Sloan C.
     Chronological coverage: 1959–2011
     Index terms: Warfare, U.S.; Combat stress, in the U.S.A.; Mental health, Mental healthcare, in the U.S.A.; Post-traumatic stress disorder, in the U.S.A.; Army, U.S.; United States of American, and Vietnam; Vietnam, and the U.S.A.; Vietnam War (1954-75)

'Confusion is mightier than the sword!': cultural styles of radical politics in an age of dissent, c.1963-c.1974. Garraghan, Matthew
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.; Stanley, Timothy
     Chronological coverage: 1963–1974
     Index terms: Dissent, political; Radical politics

Contesting suburbia: the struggle for suburban space in western New York. Durbin, Edward J.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.; Stanley, Timothy
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
     Index terms: Suburbs, in New York; New York; United States of America

Culture and society in the Welsh immigration experience in America, 1815-1930. Carter, Matthew
     M.Phil., Cardiff. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Jones, William D.
     Chronological coverage: 1815–1930
     Index terms: Migration, Welsh, to the U.S.A.; Wales, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Wales

Eugenics and Christian mission. Charitable welfare in transition: London and New York, c.1865-1940. Baker, Graham J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Corsi, Pietro
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1940
     Index terms: Eugenics; Mission, Christian; Charity; Eugenics, in the U.S.A.; Mission, Christian, in the U.S.A.; Charity, in the U.S.A.; New York; London; United States of America

Flags of our fathers: the effect of World War I veterans on isolationism in the inter-war era. Gibson, Anna K.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Cole, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1941
     Index terms: World War I (1914-18); United States of America; Isolationism, of the U.S.A.; Foreign policy, of the U.S.A.; Veterans, of World War I, in the U.S.A.

Great Britain and the Bolivian revolution, 1945-65. Saunder, Olivia
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Dunkerley, James
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1965
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Bolivia; Bolivia, and Britain

Health and medicine during Indian indentureship in Trinidad, 1910-20. Nanhu, Karishma
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1920
     Index terms: Medicine, in Trinidad; Trinidad; Indian indentureship, in Trinidad

Health on distant shores: the impact of American imperial politics on Puerto Rican public health and medicine, 1890s-1920s. Magana, Linda C.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1930
     Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare, in Puerto Rico; United States of America, and Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico, and the U.S.A.; Medicine, in Puerto Rico

H.L.A. Hart and his influence on legal philosophy in Britain and the United States. Shaw, Geoffrey
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, Ben
     Chronological coverage: 1927–1992
     Index terms: Philosophy, legal; United States of America; Legal philosophy; Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus (1907–92), legal philosopher

Ideas in action: Walt Rostow and economics on the way to Cold War. Miller, Zach
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Offer, Avner
     Chronological coverage: 1947–1990
     Index terms: Cold War; Rostow, Walt Whitman (1916-2003), U.S. economist; United States of America; Economics, in the U.S.A.

Jesse Helms and North Carolina politics, 1972-84. Packer, Thomas E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, Stephen G.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1972–1984
     Index terms: Helms, Jesse Alexander (1921-2008), U.S. politician; United States of America; North Carolina

Lay people, medical experts and mental disorders: the medicalisation of insanity through the incapacitation of the mentally ill in Chile, 1830-1925. Gómez, María José Correa
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Neve, Michael; Satzinger, Helga
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1925
     Index terms: Mental health, Mental healthcare

Looming large: America and the late Victorian press, 1865-1901. Nicholson, Bob
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Taithe, Bertrand; Strange, Julie-Marie
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1901
     Index terms: United States of America; Press

Memorialogy: redefining military memorials and commemoration and how they have changed since the 19th century, with prominence on Canadian examples. Levesque, Andre
     Ph.D., University College Cork (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Cosgrave, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Categories: 20th Century

Migration, freedom and enslavement in the revolutionary Atlantic: the Bahamas, 1783-c.1800. Shirley, Paul D.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Conway, Stephen R.
     Chronological coverage: 1783–1800
     Index terms: Slaves, Slavery, in the Bahamas; Freedom, in the Bahamas; Atlantic; Migration, in the Bahamas

Musical women and identity-building in early independent Mexico, 1821-54. Bitrán, Yael
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Music). Supervised by Ellis, Katharine
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Mexico; Identity, female, in Mexico; Music, in Mexico; Women, musical, in Mexico

National holidays and minority festivals in Canadian nation-building. Zhu, Lianbi
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Baycroft, Timothy P.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–2008
     Index terms: Nation-building, in Canada; Canada; Holidays, national, in Canada

'One of the most deplorable incidents in American history' : the McMahon Act and the Anglo-American Atomic (un)co-operation, 1949-58. Lucas, Matthew
     M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Venn, Fiona M.
     Chronological coverage: 1949–1958
     Index terms: McMahon Act, see Atomic Energy Act; United States of America, and Britain; Atomic Energy Act (1946); Atomic energy, in the U.S.A.

Organised labour and the Cuban revolution. Cushion, Steve
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Quinn, Kate
     Chronological coverage: 1953–1959
     Index terms: Labour, in Cuba; Cuba

Place and mobilities in the maritime world: the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company in the Caribbean, c.1838-1914. Anim-Addo, Anyaa
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Lambert, David
     Chronological coverage: 1838–1914

Politics or profit in drug related conflict: comparing Colombia and Mexico, 1980-2012. Fazan, Geoffrey L.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Knight, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1990–2012
     Index terms: Drugs; Colombia; Mexico

Racial integration in Southern higher education, 1945-72. Enter, Kristal
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Badger, Anthony J.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1972
     Index terms: United States of America; South, of the U.S.A.; Racial integration, in the U.S.A.; Education, higher, in the U.S.A.

Reading the language of literacy: a case study in Brazilian literacy campaigns, 1970-85. Lacayo, Maria
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Esteves, Rui
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1985
     Index terms: Literacy campaigns, in Brazil; Brazil

Religion and U.S. foreign policy during the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Steading, William
     M.Phil., University College Cork (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Ryan, David
     Chronological coverage: 1977–1989

Saved by the 'smoking gun': the House Judiciary's Impeachment Inquiry of Richard Nixon. Sandman, Patrick P.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1974–1974
     Index terms: Impeachment, of Richard Nixon; United States of America; Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-94), president of the U.S.A.

Single, white and southern: slaveholding women in the 19th-century American South, 1830-70. Molloy, Marie
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Martin S.; Hunt, Karen
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1870
     Index terms: Women, white, in the United States of America; United States of America; Slaves, Slavery, in the U.S.A.

Sir William Berkeley and the Royal Commissioners to Virginia: examining conflicting notions of loyalism following Bacon's rebellion. O'Neill, Nicholas E.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1676–1700
     Index terms: Berkeley, Sir William (1605–77), colonial governor; Virginia; Colonial America; Loyalism, in Colonial America; Bacon's Rebellion (1676); Bacon, Nathaniel (1647–76), Virginia politician

The 1860 visit of the prince of Wales and the rhetoric of Anglo-American kingship. Montgomery, Alison S.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay; Sim, David
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1860
     Index terms: Albert Edward, prince of Wales, see Edward VII; Edward VII (1841-1910), king; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Foreign relations, with Canada; Canada; United States of America; Kingship

The American Civil War and black colonisation. Page, Sebastian N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Civil War, American (1861-5); United States of America; Black people, in the United States of America

The British media and the United States, 1927-30. Engebretson, Anna
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Ball, Stuart R.
     Chronological coverage: 1927–1930
     Index terms: Press, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Britain

The construction and treatment of childhood behavioural disorders in Britain and North America. Reinholdt, Marie
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Pickstone, John V.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Mental health, Mental healthcare, in the U.S.A.; Mental health, Mental healthcare; United States of America; Childhood behavioural disorders, in the U.S.A.; Childhood behavioural disorders

The customs of moderation: Anglicanism and intellectual culture in Virginia, 1676-1750. Zambone, Albert L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1676–1750
     Index terms: Anglicanism, in colonial America; Virginia; Colonial America; Culture, intellectual, in colonial America

The great reform: the great inflation and the origins of regulatory reform. Swiderski, Lukasz
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harley, Knick
     Chronological coverage: 1980–2000
     Index terms: Financial reform; Regulatory reform; Inflation

The history of the Buenos Aires underground railways: a cultural analysis of the modernisation process in a peripheral metropolis, 1890-1940. Zunino Singh, Dhan S.
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Hist. Res.). Supervised by Moore, James; Keene, Derek J.
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1940
     Index terms: Railways, underground, in Buenos Aires; Buenos Aires; Argentina

The history of the Society of Jesus in Colombia, 1844-61. Salcedo Martinez, Jorge Enrique
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Deas, Malcolm D.
     Chronological coverage: 1844–1861
     Index terms: Jesuits, see Society of Jesus; Society of Jesus, in Colombia; Colombia

The Navigation Acts and English transatlantic trade, c.1651-1776. Uttley, Mark
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Humphries, K. Jane
     Chronological coverage: 1651–1776
     Index terms: Trade, transatlantic; Navigation Acts

The origins of the U.S. War Refugee Board. Palmer, W. Raymond
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Moore, Robert
     Chronological coverage: 1944–1945
     Index terms: United States War Refugee Board; United States of America; World War II (1939-45)

The political regulation of immigration in the United States, 1894-1924. Decker, Robert J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Simon D.; Dossett, Kate M.
     Chronological coverage: 1894–1924
     Index terms: Migration, to the U.S.A.; United States of America

The 'Reagan pattern' revisited: an intellectual biography of Ronald Reagan's anti-communism. McMeekin, James D.N.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.; Sim, David
     Chronological coverage: 1981–1989
     Index terms: Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911-2004), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Anti-communism, in the U.S.A.

There's method to their madness: the St. Louis school, operational criteria and the D.S.M.-III. Levitt, Sarah E.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mahone, Sloan C.
     Chronological coverage: 1980–2000
     Index terms: D.S.M.-III, see Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III; Mental health, Mental healthcare, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; Washington University in St. Louis

The role of cartographic surveys in the development of British North America, 1748-82. Johnson, Alexander
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Black, Jeremy
     Chronological coverage: 1748–1782
     Index terms: Colonial America; Cartographic surveys, in colonial America

The 'romance' of the American West: western-romance pulp fiction and the cultural construction of gender, 1945-55. Reeves, Katherine J.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
     Index terms: Gender, in the U.S.A.; Fiction, romantic, in the U.S.A.; Fiction, pulp, in the U.S.A.; United States of America; West, American

The Royal Navy and the suppression of the slave trade in the Atlantic Ocean, c.1807-70. Wills, Mary
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1807–1870
     Index terms: Atlantic; Slaves, Slavery, Slave trade, in the Atlantic; Navy

The 'taming' of the Mexican Left during the Alemán administration (1946-52). Booth, William
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. Stud. Amer.). Supervised by Dunkerley, James
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1952
     Index terms: Mexico; Politics, left-wing, in Mexico; Alemán Valdés, Miguel (1900-83), president of Mexico

The United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, United States and the conflict in Northern Ireland, August 1971-September 1974. Macleod, Alan S.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Ball, Simon J.; Mawdsley, Evan
     Chronological coverage: 1971–1974
     Index terms: Foreign relations, with Ireland; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Ireland, and Britain; Ireland, and the U.S.A.; United States of America, and Ireland; United States of America, and Britain; Northern Ireland

Union and Confederate propaganda: how it affected parliamentary and public opinion of the American Civil War. Sebrell II, Tom
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Catterall, Peter P.
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
     Index terms: Union, America; Confederacy, American; Parliament; Public opinion; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; United States of America; Civil War, American (1861-5)

Wandering labourers: the Irish and mining throughout the United States, 1845-1920. Noonan, Alan
     Ph.D., University College Cork (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Bielenberg, Andy
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1920
     Categories: Britain and Ireland; 19th Century; 20th Century


Acquiring America: the diplomatic battle for America, 1914-17. Olmstead, Justin
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Scroop, Daniel; Baycroft, Timothy P.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1917

American slavery's most important non-event: understanding the 1808 African slave trade ban in the long war for the West. Olivarius, Kathryn M.M.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Peter, Thompson
     Chronological coverage: 1808–1808

Answering the immigrant question: the Ghadar party and anticolonial politics in early 20th-century North America. Gill, Parmbir Singh
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Devji, Faisal
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1950

A perfect pair: Henry McNeal Turner, Booker T. Washington and the birth of the Garvey Movement in the 'New Negro' age. Wiede, Bridget M.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, Stephen G.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1916–1924

A thousand words engraved: reading John White's images as texts for the New World. Krolopp, Kathryn V.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1585–1593

Atlantic contingency: Jonathan Dickinson and the Anglo-Atlantic world, 1655-1725. Daniels, Jason
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1655–1725

Bead exchange among the historic Kumeyaay Indians. Kirkish, Alexander
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Tarlow, Sarah; Whitbread, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1750

Beyond the 'proletarian turn': black workers, the rise of organised labour and the fragile foundations of civil rights protest in the urban north during the New Deal. Ayers, Oliver
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Karen; Pettigrew, Will
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1936

Black motherhood in crisis: an evaluation of African-American incarcerated mothers and the socio-political changes that threatened their family units, 1970-89. Reed, Susan J.G.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, Stephen G.N.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1989

Bridging the middle Atlantic: the Liverpool-New York trading community, 1763-1833. Buchnea, Emily
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Haggerty, Sheryllynne
     Chronological coverage: 1763–1833

British Graphic Art 1660-1735: An Atlantic Perspective. Moore, Peter
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hallett, Mark L.
     Chronological coverage: 1660–1735
     Categories: Art and Architecture; Britain and Ireland; 16th-17th Century; 18th-19th Century

Broken telephone: information flows and price discovery in the great telegraphers' strike of 1883. Bridgman, Michael H.
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Esteves, Rui
     Chronological coverage: 1883–1883

Cathedrals of modernism: the art of Florine Stettheimer. Graham, Whitney R.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Geraldine
     Chronological coverage: 1891–1944

Civic culture and citizenship: the nature of urban governance in inter-war Chicago and Manchester. Hulme, Thomas
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Urban Hist.). Supervised by Gunn, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1939

Cohesion and confusion: the American economics profession in the late 20th-century. Meyer, Jacob R.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Carter, Harold
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000

Conciliarism and American religious liberty, 1632-1835. Breidenbach, Michael D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hont, Istvan; O'Brien, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1632–1835

Controlling controversial science: biotechnology policy in Britain and the United States, 1984-2004. McManigal, Barney
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol. ; Int. Rel.). Supervised by King, Desmond; Hood, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1984–2004

Counter memories of the coup: British solidarity with Chile, 1973-98. Hirsch, Shirin
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Kevin; Brown, Laurence
     Chronological coverage: 1973–1998

Eden's diet: Christianity and vegetarianism, 1809-2009. Calvert, Samantha
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
     Chronological coverage: 1809–2009

'Exploring the pristine myth': the environmental history of Lamanai, Belize, Central America. Rushton, Elizabeth
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Endfield, Georgina; Metcalfe, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: -1600–2012

Ghost dances and ring shouts: Lakota and Gullah 19th-century musical traditions in comparative perspective. de Bhaldraithe, Rónán
     Ph.D., National University of Ireland, Galway. (Hist.). Supervised by Dal Lago, Enrico
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900

Gladstone, religion, politics and America: perceptions in the press, 1868-1900. Peterson, Stephen
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Macleod, Emma Vincent; Bebbington, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1868–1894

Landscapes of Perception: Reclaiming the Athabasca Oil Sands and the Sydney Tar Ponds. Dance, Anne
     Ph.D, Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicolson, Colin; Mills, Catherine J.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–2010
     Categories: 20th Century; 21st Century; Environmental history

Landscapes of perception: reclaiming the Athabasca Oil Sands and the Sydney Tar Ponds. Dance, Anne T.
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicolson, Colin; Mills, Catherine J.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–2010

La Relève and the transformation of Quebec Catholicism, 1934-50. Dunlop, Joseph T.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Conway, Martin H.
     Chronological coverage: 1934–1950

Materiality, map and Ind in 1960s New York. Tassi, Enrico C.M.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wright, Alastair
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1970

Nationalism, cosmopolitanism and empire in Britain's American expatriate community, c.1815-1914. Tuffnell, Stephen D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay
     Chronological coverage: 1815–1914

News, intelligence and 'little lies': rumours between the Cherokees and the British, 1740-85. Vernon, Christopher D.
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lockley, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 1740–1785

No contemptible commander: Sir William Howe and the American War of Independence, 1775-7. Smith, David
     Ph.D., Chester. (Hist. ; Archaeol.). Supervised by McLay, Keith A.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1775–1777

Of mice and masks: tracing the relationship between theatricality and photography in Art Spiegelman's Maus. Futerman, Elizaveta
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Clunas, Craig
     Chronological coverage: 1991–2000

'Our red brother': the changing white perceptions of Native Americans. Cannell, Laura-Jayne
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.; Hämäläinen, Pekka
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1930

Ports of empire: immigration, communication and cholera in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 1830-70. Fowler, Madeline J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1870

Property, identity and place in 17th-century New England. Southard, Elizabeth J.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700

Queerying masculinity: the practice and personas of Kehinde Wiley and Glenn Ligon. Hoare, Benjamin C.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Clunas, Craig
     Chronological coverage: 1980–2012

Redefining Christian ‘femininity’: Society of the Holy Child Jesus, 1965-70. Plummer, Jillian P.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Grimley, Matthew
     Chronological coverage: 1965–1970

Running the rivers: the North West Company and the creation of a global enterprise, 1778-1821. MacQuarrie, Aisling
     Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by MacKillop, Andrew
     Chronological coverage: 1778–1821

S.C.L.C. Operation Breadbasket: from economic civil rights to black economic power. Beltramini, Enrico
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Gibson, Dawn-Marie
     Chronological coverage: 1962–1972

Seeing national party policy through a legislative record: Senate Republicans and party leadership. Hoyle, Philip D.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1974

The agrarian thought of Andrew Lytle. Corkery, Mary H.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.; Goldman, Lawrence
     Chronological coverage: 1922–1995

The American Civil War in 20th-century Britain: political, military, intellectual and popular legacies. Tal, Nimrod
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Goldman, Lawrence
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000

The archaeology of abandonment: ghost towns of the American West. Peyton, Paige M.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Edwards, David
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1920

The best accustomed house in town: taverns as a reflection of elite consumer behaviour in 18th-century Hampton and Elizabeth City County, Virginia. McDaid, Christopher L.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by O'Sullivan, Deidre
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800

The constitution of coercion: public authority, statecraft and violence in the early American republic, 1786-1809. Johannesson, Sveinn M.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter; Cole, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1786–1809

The domestic determinants of American foreign economic policy, 1945-51. Huempfer, Sebastian
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Rourke, Kevin
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1951

The horsemen got the start: horse ownership and advantage in Kentucky, 1770-1830. Paul, Catriona M.
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Matthew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1770–1830

The physician as entrepreneur: examining medical business patterns through the career of S. Andral Kilmer, M.D. (1840-1924). Gosline, Sheldon L.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Cooter, Roger; Jacyna, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1924

The politics of uncertainty: the search for stability in New York, 1970-6. Rowe, Daniel
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Gareth B.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1976

The rise of the modern megachurch, 1960-2000: religious participation in the United States in economic and social context. Knab, Andreas
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Rourke, Kevin
     Chronological coverage: 1960–2000

The role of the federal judiciary in the early Republican government, 1789-1801. Milanova, Sonya
     M.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Cole, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1789–1801

The workshop as the work: white anti-racism organising in 1960s, 70s and 80s U.S. social movements. Burgin, Sarah N.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Dossett, Kate M.; Hall, Simon D.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1990

The world for its mother country: responses to nativism in the antebellum period. Baird, Sebastian
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865

Transatlantic abolitionism and the expansion of slavery in the Republic of Texas, 1835-45: strategy, opportunity and problems in the history of anti-slavery. Flanagan, Christopher J.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Goldman, Lawrence
     Chronological coverage: 1835–1845


Against a dark background: changing trends in the perception and understanding of virtual spaces in the United States of America, 1966-2014. Bowman, Tobias D.K.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnston, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1966–2014

Anglo-American relations and the formulation of British atomic policy, 1943-7. Donkin, Alan
     Ph.D., Northumbria. (Hist.). Supervised by Ellis, Sylvia
     Chronological coverage: 1943–1947

Anglo-Saxon rapprochement: the origin, formation and activities of the early Pilgrims Society, 1890s-1920s. Bowman, Stephen
     Ph.D., Northumbria. (Hist.). Supervised by Ellis, Sylvia
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1930

'A remarkable alteration of colour': cases of albinism and vitiligo amongst African Americans from the 18th to the 20th century. Allen, Hannah
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Goldman, Lawrence
     Chronological coverage: 1700–2000

Argentine and Chilean approaches to modern pan-Americanism, 1888-1930. Petersen, Mark J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay; Knight, Alan
     Chronological coverage: 1888–1930

Black Power in the American political tradition. Davies, Tom
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Dossett, Kate M.; Hall, Simon D.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1972

British and U.S. intervention in the Venezuelan oil industry: a case study of Anglo-U.S. relations, 1941-8. Seddon, Mark
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Moore, Robert
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1948

Building the magic city: federal policies and promotion in the development of Billings, Montana. Corning, Lillian B.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1882–2000

Carolina crucible: class, community and loyalty in the South Carolina upcountry, 1860-5. Doyle, Patrick
     Ph.D., Manchester. (English, Amer. Stud. and Creative Writing). Supervised by Zacek, Natalie; Brown, David
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1865

Close together but a world apart: a comparative history of research practices during the formative years of Brazilian academic science, 1934-55. Ardigo, Fabiano
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Corsi, Pietro
     Chronological coverage: 1934–1955

Conservative politics in the British Caribbean during the period of de-colonisation, 1950-80. Greening, Benedict
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Joanna E.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1980

Defining Indianness: black Indians and racial identity in antebellum Massachusetts. Schlossberg, Tatiana C.K.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.; Hämäläinen, Pekka
     Chronological coverage: 1781–1860

Displacement and emplacement of I.D.P.s (internally displaced persons) in Colombia. Celestina, Mateja
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Peterson, Jen; Gatrell, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2012

Diva Las Vegas: queer space and subjectivity in the entertainment capital of the world. Udy, Daniel
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Clunas, Craig
     Chronological coverage: 1990–2014

Double agent: art and the politics of information in 1970s America. Tang, Jeannine
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Stallabrass, Julian
     Chronological coverage: 1970–1980

'Dr New Deal, Dr Win-the-War, and Old Doc Roosevelt': F.D.R.'s medical activism and its influence on orthopaedics and rehabilitation, 1921-45. Dorfman, Robert G.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mahone, Sloan
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1945

Female friends and the transatlantic Quaker community: 'the whole family and household of faith', c.1650-c.1750. Pullin, Naomi
     Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Knights, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1650–1750

Fieldwork: performing social science in North America, 1959-71. Spencer, Catherine
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Applin, Jo
     Chronological coverage: 1959–1971

Holding the line: the changing policies of the British Army with respect to Native Americans, 1759-74. Watson, David
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Matthew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1759–1774

Man of steel: Philip Murray and the American labour movement. O Discin, Liam
     Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Kirby, Dianne; O'Connor, P. Emmet J.
     Chronological coverage: 1906–1952

Masculinity, honour and white supremacy in reconstruction era South Carolina. Wright, Jonathan
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Dossett, Catherine; Hall, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1877

Mobilization and Voluntarism: The Political Origins of Loyalism in New York, c. 1768–1778. Minty, Christopher
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicolson, Colin; Macleod, Emma V.
     Chronological coverage: 1768–1778
     Categories: Political history; 18th-19th Century

Mohegan Indians v. Connecticut (1705-73): investigating the motivations of the Mohegan Indians' British supporters. Fenje, Elizabeth A.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1705–1773

Native women and fur trade marriages in the 18th century: a comparative study between the southeastern American frontier and the Canadian northwest. Donohoe, Felicity
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Newman, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800

New Caledonia's wake: expanding the story of Company of Scotland expeditions to Darién, 1698-1700. Orr, Julie
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Storrs, Christopher
     Chronological coverage: 1698–1700

Nineteenth-century British travellers in Latin America. Sommariva, Marcele
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Miller, Nicola A.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900

'No child in all this careless world / is ever out of sight': a comparative study of child migration schemes from Britain to Canada and within the United States, 1880-1929. Harvey, Caitlin P.A.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by de Bellaigue, Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1880–1929

'Not sorry': Phyllis Schlafly's bid for the presidency of the National Federation of the Republican Women, 1967. Kerr, Madeline M.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1967–1967

Panamanian Intellectuals and the Invention of a Peaceful Nation (1878-1931). de la Guardia Wald, Rolando
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Miller, Nicola A.
     Chronological coverage: 1878–1931

Popular reactions to the American Civil War in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Bennett, Mark
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, Sarah
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865

Precarious freedom: the contested status of free blacks in antebellum New Orleans and St. Louis. Savarese, Laura F.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay
     Chronological coverage: 1781–1860

Reclaiming the Rock - the occupation of Alcatraz (1969-71): visuality, performance and the construction of 'the Indian' image. Hadrill, Freya
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hämäläinen, Pekka
     Chronological coverage: 1969–1971

Redefining military memorials and commemoration and how they have changed since the 19th century, with a focus on Anglo-American practice. Levesque, Joseph M.A.
     Ph.D., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Cosgrave, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1800–2000

Rethinking Alexander Calder: astronomy, relativity and psychology. Malloy, Vanja
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Parkinson, Gavin
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1976

Rise of the new elite? The evolution of leadership in Kentucky, c.1770-1800. Smith, Blair
     Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, Matthew C.
     Chronological coverage: 1770–1800

'Rule Britannia': King Alfred the Great and the creation of a national hero in England and America, 1640-1800. Cox, Oliver
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tyack, Geoffrey; Smith, Hannah
     Chronological coverage: 1640–1800

Seances in the city: the 'operational aesthetic' and 'modern spiritualism' in the popular culture of New York City, 1865-70. Smith, Mark J.P.
     M.St., Oxford. Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
     Chronological coverage: 1865–1870

Small bodies, big business: child street labourers in the United States, 1908-18. Kubie, Oenone
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter; Tuck, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1908–1918

Subterranean Bourgeois Blues: the Second English Folk Revival, c.1945-70. Mitchell, Julia
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Korner, Axel
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1970

The bomb from the bottom up: how site workers and south-western civil society interacted with the Nevada test site between 1951 and 1963. Rogers, Harry W.G.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay
     Chronological coverage: 1951–1963

The construction of colonial identity in the Canadas, c.1815-67. Turing, John
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
     Chronological coverage: 1815–1967

The continental army and American identities, 1775-83. Chandler, Jonathan
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Conway, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1775–1783

The double movement in the Andes: land reform, land markets and indigenous mobilisation in Highland Ecuador, 1964-94. Goodwin, Geoff
     Ph.D., U.C.L.. (U.C. Inst. Amer.). Supervised by Molyneux, Maxine; Woodgate, Graham
     Chronological coverage: 1964–1994

The eagle comes home to roost: the historical origins of the C.I.A.’s lethal drone programme. Fuller, Christopher
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Howlett, Darryl; Oliver, Kendrick J.
     Chronological coverage: 1990–2010

The Federalist persuasion, 1781-7. Cutterham, Tom
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.; Cole, Nicholas
     Chronological coverage: 1781–1787

The inextinguishable struggle between north and south: American sectionalism in the British mind, 1832-1863. O'Connor, Peter
     Ph.D., Northumbria University. (Hist.). Supervised by Gleeson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1832–1863
     Categories: 20th Century; Britain and Ireland; Political history; 18th-19th Century; Military/naval history; International history

The life and career of General John Archer Lejeune. Simon, Joe
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Poole, Robert J.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1887–1942

The Methodist understanding of the Atonement in Britain and America, 1870-1900. Tooley, William
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Marsh, Ben J.; Bebbington, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1870–1900

The Minis family connection and Southern Jewish identity in the era of the American Civil War. Block, Joseph
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Sexton, Jay
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865

The obesity years, 1975-99. Canepa, Alejandro
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Charters, Erica
     Chronological coverage: 1975–1999

The Origin, Formation and Activities of the Pilgrims Society, c. 1895-c.1930. Bowman, Stephen
     Ph.D., Northumbria University. (Hist.). Supervised by Ellis, Sylvia
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1930
     Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 18th-19th Century; Social history

The political thought of John Brown: religion, reform and international relations. Yigit, Pervin
     D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Whatmore, Richard D.; Vance, Norman
     Chronological coverage: 1820–1859

The politics of demolition: the rise of Richard M. Daley and the fall of Chicago Public Housing. Spitz, Samuel J.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hämäläinen, Pekka
     Chronological coverage: 1989–1995

The reception of C.S. Lewis in Britain and America. Derrick, Stephanie
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Macleod, Emma V.; Bebbington, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1918–2000

The reception of Tridentine Catholicism in the New Kingdom of Granada. Cobo Betancourt, Juan
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Ramos, Gabriela P.
     Chronological coverage: 1549–1717

The reconstruction of legal liberalism: H.L.A. Hart and the Legal Process School, 1940-70. Shaw, Geoffrey C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, Ben; Lacey, Nicola
     Chronological coverage: 1940–1970

The U.S. Civil War and British radical ideologies. O'Connor, Peter
     Ph.D., Northumbria. (Hist.). Supervised by Gleeson, David
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865

'This army will live, and live on': rethinking Civil War memoirs. Byowitz, Suzanne B.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Goldman, Lawrence
     Chronological coverage: 1861–1865

Transnational jazz: shattering and reshaping the American jazz tradition. Sliwoski, Kevin E.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000

Wandering labourers: the Irish and mining throughout the United States, 1845-1920. Noonan, Alan
     Ph.D., University College Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by Bielenberg, A.
     Chronological coverage: 1845–1920

Why capital punishment has persisted in the United States, 1961-2011. Brook, John H.
     M.Sc., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Fenske, James
     Chronological coverage: 1961–2011