Petitions in the State Papers: 1660s

Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.

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In this section

Sir George Booth, prisoner in the Tower. SP 18/219 f. 53 (1660)

To the right honourable the Committie of Safetie

The humble petition of Sir George Boothe, prisoner in the Tower.


That your petitioner being become very weake by reason of a late dangerous feavour, and in apparent danger of nott recovering his health, by reason of his restraint in an unwholesome ayre, as appeares by the certificates of his phisitions and that both him selfe and family are for want of subsistance reduced to a very sad condition

Humbly prays

That hee may bee admitted to the freedome of his person and repossession of his estate, uppon such terms, as may best manifest your honours clemency and consist with his ability of performance, and that in the meane time your honoures would bee pleased to order, that your petitioneres personall estate under sequestration may nott bee sold or disposed of: to his great prejudice and the states very small benefitt if any att all And your petitioner shall pray [etc?]

G Boothe


Petition Sir George Booth

Captain John Cramp, James Sadler and others, the late owners of the ship Consent of London. SP 18/219 f. 103 (1660)

To the right honourable the counsell of state

The humble peticion of Captain John Cramp James Sadler and others the late owners of the ship Consent of London

Sheweth that your petitioners having formerly represented to the late Protector and his councell the great losses they had susteyned by the subjects of the King of Spaine by the surprizall of the said ship and her ladeing in the yeare 1642 in her lawfull [way?] of tradeing amounting to the value of about 15200 pounds as had been made out by severall depositions taken in the High Court of Admiraltye to the petitioneres further great charge, a warrant to the judges of the Admiraltye was issued, for graunting a commission of reprizall for reparacion of the petitioneres said great losses in the yeare 1655. But by reason of the petitioner Cramp his being at sea in the states service in whose name the said commission should have been sued forth the same was never put in execucion, the trueth of the premisses appering by the annexed a coppy of the said warrant attested by the register of the said Court of Admiraltye

In consideracion wherof the petitioners humbly pray the lyke favour from this honourable councell for your warrant to the said judges to graunt them a commission for repayring their said great losses, or in case an accomodacion for peace bee prosecuted to effect betwixt this commonwealth and the crowne of Spaine, that the petitioneres interest may bee secured in such a way as to your great wisdomes (to which they shall humbly submit themselves) shalbe thought expedient.

And they shall pray etc

Sir George Ayscough, knight. SP 18/220 f. 5 (1660)

To the right honourable the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy

The humble peticion of Sir George Ayscough knight

Humbly sheweth that in anno 1652 he had the comand of a squadron of shipps, for the reducement of the island of Barbadas to the obedience of this comonwealth

That the said shipps, having bin long abroad, in the said service, were at their returne into Plymouth Road, much impaired, and wanting in all manner of provision, which being certified to the then Councell of State, order was given for issueing out of such monyes as would defray the same, which was issued out accordingly

That not one penny thereof ever came to his hand, but was received and disburssed by Master Anthony Skinner of Plymouth and others, who made the provisions for those shipps.

That the accompt of receiptes and disburssmentes have bin long since transmitted hither and have bin presented to the Commissioners of the Navie, for there examination, in order to their dispatch in the Exchequer, but in regard they are mixt, part proper for the Navie Office, and part for the Office of the Ordinance, the Commissioners of the Navy, will not, as he is informed, meddle therewith without some speciall order in the case

Now forasmuch as the accomptes are large, and consistes of many perticuleres, which would require much trouble and paines, to pick out and place each perticuler to the proper office unto which it relates, and the same have bin [only?] paid as by oath and the receiptes doth appeare, and not one penny thereof came to his handes.

The peticioner humbly prayeth your honours to referre the examinacion and perfecting of the said accompts, to the Commissioneres of the Navy, and officers of the Ordinance, that soe it may passe the Exchequer, in order to his finall discharge, having bin prosecuted in that court for the same to his greate charge, and that stopp be put to the processe now issuing out against him

And your peticioner shall pray etc


5o March 1659 [Ordered?] by the Commissioners for the Admiraltie and Navy. That this peticion be referred to the Commissioners for the Navy, who (upon conference with the officers of the Ordnance) are to consider of the accomptes therein mencioned, and to take care that the severall articles thereof as they relate either to the Navy Office of Office of the Ordnance be charged to their proper accompt: and that bills and debentures be made out for the same respectively. That thereupon the petitioner may be discharged in the Exchequer of somuch as shall appeare to them to have been expended in the service of the Navy

  • [illegible] Dormer Valentine Walton
  • Thomas Chaloner John Weaver
  • Edward Bushell


Order to examine and state the accompt of Master Anthony Skinner of Plymouth.

5th March 1659. Commissioners Admiralty and Navy For considering of the accomptes of Sir George Ayscough knight (upon conference with the Officers of the Ordnance as [they relate either?] to that office or the Navy and that bills be made out that hee may be discharged by the Exchequer

Guthbert Atkinson and 11 other masters of ships at Newcastle upon Tyne. SP 18/220 f. 36 (1660)

To his excellency the Lord Generall Monck, one of the admiralles of the Navie, of the common wealth of England:

The humble petition of those whose names are subscribed masters of shippes now rideing within the port of Newcastle upon Tine.

Humbly sheweth that a discouragment being put upon the Hollander in relation to the easterne sea trade, your petitioners being willing to take hold of such an opportunitie) have beene and are incouraged to undertake a voiage thither, and have beene ready to saile by the space of fourteene dayes, but meet with great discouragement they (daily) hearing that manie Oastend ships of warr, (perticulerly designed to hinder that trade are abroad which occasioneth much feare and disheartning to your petitioneres.

Their humble request therefore is, that of your great care and tender respect (already soe much demonstrated) of the good wellfaire, and honour of the English nation, (which much consistes in forraigne trade) a sufficient and perticuler convoy may be presently appointed for them to the Sound, and care taken for convoys against their returne, whereby the English trade thither, may be incouraged and your petitioneres their lives, and estates, preserved, and they shall ever pray etc:

  • Cuthbert Atkinson
  • Thomas [Aubone?]
  • Samuell Nelles
  • George Swaddelles
  • Thomas Dickson
  • [Abell Dixon?]
  • Robert Reed
  • Adam Newton
  • Mathew [Battes?]
  • George Martin
  • Richard Brunton
  • William Hearon

Walter Brydall, gentleman. SP 29/28 f. 90 (1661)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Walter Brydall gentleman

May it please your sacred majestie

That yow were pleased out of your especiall grace and favour by your letterrs patentes bearing date the 23d of June last to grant unto your petitioner the office of clarke of your majesties jewell house. And now all powers being satisfyed that the sole power in disposeing of the said office remaines in your majesty and your petitioner after his long attendance and expence expecting according to your majesties warrant to be admitted one Robert Wright pretendes a former patent granted to him of the said office being a person that never made any claime thereof or tendred his service therein since your majesties happy restauracion and being one that in the usurped power voluntarily executed that power as a justice of the peace taking the engagement and was also dureing that power a judge of the dellagates and did adjudge marriages unlawfull that were solempnized by divines and not by justices of the peace, contrary to his owne knowledge he being a professour of the law.

May it therefore please your most excellent majesty the premisses considered notwithstanding the said pretended patent to grant unto your petitioner your majesties order for his admittance into the said office.

And (as in all humble duty he is bound) hee shall dayly pray etc


At the court at Whitehall this 12th of January 1660. His majesty is gratiously pleased to referre this petition to Sir Richard Fanshaw one of his majestys masters of requests and Sir Richard Everard knight, who are to examine the truth of what is herein alleaged and to certify the same to his majesty who will then declare his further pleasure.

Edward Nicholas

Thomas Ceely of the king's Lifeguard. SP 29/29 f. 2 (1661)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Thomas Ceely one of your majesties lifeguard

Sheweth that whereas William Ceely late of Rushmer in the county of Suffolke gentleman your petitioneres great unckle did for some time keepe and educate your petitioner in his house with such respect as both your petitioner and others of their kindred verely beleived that the said William would upon his decease declare your petitioner to be heire to all or the most part of his estate; insoemuch as your petitioner did rest his future hopes upon that settlement and forbore otherwise to dispose of himselfe, but remayned under the tuition and commands of his said great unckle till it pleased almighty God to returne your sacred majesty with a miraculous safety into these your languishing dominions;

At which time your petitioner in order to his duty and most entire affeccion, prepared to attend your royall person, and according to that duty and loyalty which for more then 7 yeares before he had upon all occasions of service to your royall interest expressed he repaired with his horse, armes and other accomodacions to London, where soone after your majesties returne thither he was listed to be of your lifeguard, where since he hath continued.

Now soe it is may it please your most excellent majesty that the said William Ceely your petitioneres great unckle haveing upon your petitioneres resort unto him, just before his goeing to attend your majesty contracted a discontent against your petitioner did, for that very act of his loyalty withdraw his former affeccion from your petitioner as displeased with that his under takeing, and from that time forward did cast your petitioner out of his further regard, since which occasion it haveing pleased almighty God to visit the said William Ceely with death, he did in pursuance of the said distast, not onely exclude your petitioner totally from his last will and testament but did by vertue of his said will give and bequeath all or the greatest part of his messuages lands and tenementes scituat in the said county of Suffolk upon, and amongst Henry Ceely, Hammond Ceely and William Ceely, all of them infants and aliens, being born in or about Holland in the parts beyond the seas, and under a forreigne obedience, who being borne out of your majesties allegeance are not capeable to hold and enjoy any estate of freehold or inheritance, within this your realme according to the lawes thereof, but the said lands will upon office found come and be invested in your majesty for such estates of freehold or inheritance as they are by the said will devised to the said aliens.

The premisses considered and forasmuch as your petitioner is ruyned in the expectacion of enjoying his said unckles estate; as alsoe for that since your joyfull and blessed returne together with his former services he hath spent a considerable estate in his said attendances he most humbly beseecheth your sacred majesty wilbe gratiously pleased to graunt unto him the said estate lands and tenementes or soe much thereof as upon office found shall belong unto your majesty and that for the same purpose your majesty will vouchsafe direccions to your Attorney Generall to give warrant for yssueing out one or more comissions under your great seale into the said county of Suffolk for findeing your majesties title thereunto which shalbe prosecuted defended and mainteyned wholly at your petitioneres charge he rendring to your majesty such yeerely rentes and services as your majesty (with your gratious favour towards his present charges and former expences) shall thinke fit

And he as his duty alwayes binds him shall daily pray for your majesty.


At the court at Whitehall the 23th January 1660. His majesty is graciously pleased to referre this petition unto Master Attorney Generall, who is to take the premises into his consideration and to proceede therein as he shall thinke best for his majestys service and to make reporte thereof unto his majesty.

  • Edward Nicholas
  • Thomas Ceelys petition

Richard Williams, one of the yeomen ushers of the king's great chamber. SP 29/29 f. 63 (1661)

To the King's most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of Richard Williams, one of the yeomen ushers of your majesties greate chamber in ordinary.

Sheweth: that your peticioner was one of the greate chamber in ordinary to your late grand=father King James of blessed memory and alsoe to your late father King Charles of glorious memory and now continueth in the same under your sacred majestie.

That during your peticioners attendance on your said royall father in the late trobles, all his estate was for that cause seized on and sequestred by the then Parliament authority to your poore peticioners utter ruyne, and now hee being growne very aged and infirme in body is incapable of susteyneing himself.

Your peticioner therefore humbly prayes that your majestie will bee pleased (considering his said losses and sufferings) to graunt him the goodes and chattells late of Giles Pritchard whoe was executed on the 19th of January 1660, in Cheapside London, for treason, and your peticioner shall ever pray etc.


January 25 1660 Richard Williams one of his majesties yeoman ushers for the personall estate of Giles Pritchard lately executed for treason in Pauls church yard

Referred to the sheriffe of London to certify whether any inquisition [soe taken and what?] [natere the fees amount?] to.

James Maule, esquire. SP 29/29 f. 121 (1661)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of James Maule esquire

Humbly sheweth: that your majestye was graciously pleased upon a former peticion to give a referrence to the Earles of Sandwich, Middleton, and Sir George Hamilton to examine your petitioneres art of diveing and the use of it in your majestyes dominions and they all approveing and humbly recomending the same to your majestyes care and wisdome as by the annexed testimony appeareth whereupon your majestye was further graciously pleased to appoint some persons of honour to agree to settle a sallery, or some other reasonable way on your petitioner for setting on and upholding his intended worke notwithstanding whereof nothing is yett done, soe that your petitioner hath suffered great losse by attending here seaven moneths besides the hazard of loozing the imployment of other princes whereunto he hath often and earnestly bine invited.

May it therefore graciously please your majestye to command such a speedy way for setling your petitioner as to his subsistance and transport of workemen and instruments as your majestie shall think fitt.

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc.


At the court at Whitehall the 28th January 1660 His majesty is graciously pleased to referre this petition unto the right honourable the Lord Treasurer who is desired to take the same into his consideration with the annexed certificate, and to make reporte unto his majesty what he conceaves fitt to be done in the petitioners desires, whereupon his majesty will declare his further pleasure

Edward Nicholas

The petition of James Maule esquire

Nathaniel Smith. SP 29/49 f. 8 (1662)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Nathaniel Smith

Sheweth. That your peticioner followed his late majestie of ever blessed memory during all the late troubles from the convention of the great counsell at Yorke to the surrender of Oxford and to his ability performed severall services but principally at Oxford where hee attended as clerk on the lords comissioners for that garrison and for that service, their lordships were pleased to recomend him to his late majestie who of his princely goodnes (not long before his going from Oxford) was pleased to graunt him the privy seales annext for and allowance of 250 pounds. But the violence of the tymes increasing your peticioner could not receave the benefit of his majesties favour and is therefore an humble suitor to your majesty that (having suffered much in the tyme of usurpacion and your majesties exile) you would bee graciously pleased to graunt him your warrant to receave the allowance assigned him for those services, out of such moneis as shalbe discovered to bee due to your majestie and unpardoned by the Act of Oblivion, or any other part of your majesties revenue.

And your peticioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray for your majesties long and happy raigne.


At the court at Whitehall the second day of January 1661 His majestie being well satisfied of the peticioners services at Oxford and particular ly of his then attendance on the lords assembled there in Parliament, thinks him well meritting those allowances which were then made him for his paines and being graciously inclined to favour his humble suit for payment thereof, as is desired, is pleased to recommend him to the Lord High Treasurer of England either to take order therein accordingly, or to certefie his majestie what his lordshipp thinks fit to bee done whereupon his majestie will declare his further pleasure.

Edward Nicholas

Ralph Ironside, clerk. SP 29/49 f. 21 (1662)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Ralph Ironside clarke

Sheweth that the viccaridge of Netherburie with the chappell of Beaminster therunto annexed in the countie of Dorset is be=come voyd by the death of Doctor Paule Godwyn the last incumbent

That your peticioner hath ever been a loyall and faithfull subject to your majestie and late father of ever blessed memorie and a true son of the Church of England

That your peticioner havinge obtained a presentacion to the said viccaridge from Mistress Joane Strode widdow patroness therof but doubtinge the same in strictnes of law is lapsed to your majestie

Humbly desires your majesties presentacion thereto howsoever voyd and in your majesties guift for the corroboracion of his title

And your peticioner shall pray etc.


I am assured that this petitioner is very capable of your majesties favour

January 3 1661

Gilbert London

Reginald Forster. SP 29/49 f. 48 (1662)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The peticion of Reginald Forster.

Humbly sheweth. That your petitioner hath of late obteined a lease for yeares from the reverend father in God Bryan Lord Bishop of Winton of Hambleton Chase in the county of South=hampton a ground heretofore very plentifully wooded the timber at all tymes his lordshipps owne to dispose and make profett of: but soe it is may it please your majestie that in these late and worst of tymes the woods have all beene utterly distroyed soe that the bare soyle now yeildeth the bishop no profett at all.

That the premisses soe leased as aforesaid doe adjoyne upon the Forrest of East=Beare in the said county which itselfe alsoe by the like distroyer of late is made uselesse dissolate and a poore thing.

Your petitioner humbly desireth not in the least to the prejudice to your sacred majestie but to the great satisfaccion of his lordshipp aforesaid and advantage to the kingdomes for soe much, an augmentacion to the present incumbent, and for the future forever an emolument to the church, that your majestie wilbe graciously pleased to grant your petitioner leave to enclose at his owne charge the premisses soe leased as aforsaid or what parte thereof he shalbe able and adjudged most necessary his takeing in and encloseing.

And your petitioner shall pray etc


At the court at Whitehall 9th January 1665 His majestie haveing beene moved in this peticion his pleasure is it be referred to Master Attorney and Soliciter Generall or one of them and that they or eyther of them doe certifie his majestie their opinion what they conceive his majestie may doe on the petitioners behalfe and then his majestie will signifie further his royall pleasure.

G Holles

Thomas Killegrew, groom of the king's bedchamber and Sir William Davenant, gentlemen of the king's privy chamber. SP 29/49 f. 95 (1662)

Sir Thomas Killegrew and Sir William Davenants peticion

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Thomas Killegrew one of your majesties groomes of your majesties bedchamber and Sir William Davenant one of the gentlemen of your majesties privie chamber:

Sheweth that your royall father of blessed memory 22o August in the fifth yeare of his reigne by his letters patents under his great seale did graunt the office of his revells and maskes together with the fee of ten poundes per annum to Sir Henry Herbert knight and Symon Thellwell whereby (withall submission to your majesties judgment) your petitioners conceave they the said Sir Henry Herbert and Symon Thellwell are for their lives seized of the said fee and of the office of master of the revells within your majesties howshold onely

That your sayd royall father by letters patents under the great seale of England did give power to your petitioner Sir William Davenant to erect a playhowse, and to entertaine one company of players

That your majestie the 20th of August in the 12th yeare of your majesties raigne under your majesties privie seale and signe manuall for the reasons therein alledged were gratiously pleased to command Sir William Wilds recorder of London and diverse other justices of the peace therein named to prohibite all publique actinges of comedies and tragedies in any of the playhowses in or neare the cittie of London. And by another warrant under your majesties signe manuall were gratiously pleased to give warrant to Sir Jeffery Palmer your majesties Attorney Generall to prepare a bill for your majesties signature to passe the great seale of England conteyning a grant to your petitioners to give them full power and authority to erect two companyes of players consisting of such persons as they shall choose and appoint and to purchase build and erect such two howses or theatres for the representation of comedies and tragedies as shallbee thought fitt by the surveyor of your majesties workes [pront?] etc upon which graunt your petitioners have to their great charge erected two play howses and made some progresse without any infringement to the grant of the said Sir Henry Herbert and Simon Thelwell (as your petitioners humbly conceave:) yet notwithstanding have the sayd Sir Henry Herbert and Symon Thelwell presumeing that they have the power over tragedy and comedy (thinges not so much as mencioned in their patent in Easter terme last past brought their accion at common law against your petitioners thereby pretending that they are disturbed in the execucion of their office

May it please your majestie to heare and determine the said differences or to referre the examination thereof to the comittee which your majestie hath lately been gratiously pleased to constitute for inspection into the encroachments of your majesties servants into the respective offices of each other or any three of the said committee to heare both parties and report the true state thereof to your majestie that thereupon your majestie may bee pleased to determine the same

And your petitioners shall as in duety bound ever pray for your majesties long and happy raigne etc


Att the court at Whitehall January 16 1661/2. His majesty is graciously pleased to referre this peticion and the matter in controversy to the committee intimated in the prayer, or any three or more of them: who are to examine the [illegible] whole businesse, and upon a full hearing of the partyes concerned to endeavour an amicable composure of the differences between them; or otherwise to certify his majesty the state of the businesse, and what hinders why such a composure cannot be effected. Whereupon his majesty will declare his further pleasure.

Edward Nicholas

Sir Gilbert Talbot, master of the king's jewel house. SP 29/67 f. 17 (1663)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of Sir Gilbert Talbot master of your majestyes jewell house

Sheweth that your petitioner served the King your father 12 yeares at Venice in quality of his resident. That the warrs coming on; and noe money issuing out of the Exchequer, he spent most of his owne fortune in that service; and contracted a debt of 3000 pounds under which he yet suffereth. That there is 6500 pounds due to him for that his service. That he attended your majesty in your exile, with the remainder of his fortune, upon his owne char= =ges. That in consideration of these his services, your majesty gave him the place of master of your jewell=house (heretofore worth 1200 pounds per annum) That your majesty hath visibly cutt off from the profitts of his place 1000 pounds per annum soe that there remaineth to your petitioner but 200 pounds per annum which is in noe degree able to fournish necessaryes to your petitioner, much less to support the dignity of his place.

Your petitioner therefore most humbly prayeth your majesty either to cause suddaine payment to be made of that his arreares or otherwise to graunt him a pension of 500 pounds per annum out of your New=yeare's=guift money, [illegible] to continue till your majestyes occasions will permitt you to pay him his sayd arreare; that he may in some measure, be able to performe his attendance upon your majesty which otherwise he is noe longer able to doe.

And your petitioner shall for ever pray etc

William Christian, gentleman. SP 29/67 f. 75 (1663)

To the King's most excellent majestie and the lords of his majesties most honourable privy councell

The humble petition of William Christian gentleman.


That your peticioner haveing some part of his estate in Lancashire and other part in the Isle of Mann, about Michaelmas last went into the said island and was soone after there imprisoned by order of the Earle of Darby where he soe still continues, and hath been lately called to a tryall there for his life for treason upon pretence that in 1651 he assembled the inhabitants of the said island in opposition to the now Countesse Dowager of Darby (which if true) as the same is not, yet the same being in relation to the warrs, your peticioner is advised by councell that the same is pardoned by your majestys gratious Act of Indempnity wherein your peticioner is not a person excepted from pardon, nor hath at any time since the 24th of June 1660 or before acted any thing against your majestie or government.

That your peticioner hath appealed to be tryed by your majesties lawes of England where he many yeares lived and hath an estate, but it was refused. And for as much as the said proceedings are without president, and contrary to the lawes within the said island.

He most humbly prayeth the benefitt of the lawes of England, and in order thereunto that your majestie wilbe gratiously pleased to command his being brought before your majestie and honourable councell and that if any thing can be objected against him which is not pardoned, that he may have a tryall according to the knowne lawes of this kingdome.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc


Att the court at Whitehall January the 12th 1662/3. His majesty is graciously pleased to referre the consideracion of this peticion to Master Atturney and Master Solicitour, or either of them, who are to examine what is therein alleadged, and then to report to his majesty what they conceive just and fitt for his majesty to doe in it for the peticioners satisfaction, upon which his majesty will declare his further pleasure.

Henry [..nne?]

Peticion of William Christian. Received 9th January 1662

Charles, Earl of Norwich. SP 29/67 f. 153 (1663)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of Charles Earle of Norwich.

Humbly sheweth.

That the stewardshipp of the honour of Peverell in the county of Nottingham with its fees and appurtenances was formerly granted to the petitioners deceased father George Earle of Norwich then Sir George Goring and Sir Edward Goring his brother for their lives as alsoe a lease of the cole pitts and other perquisitts belonging to the said honour for 50ty yeares, whereof aboute 5 yeares are yett in being which said stewardshipp [illegible] is now fallen to your majestie by the deaths of the petitioneres said uncle and father and the farme of the said cole pitts forfeited to your majestie for non payment of rent.

That your majestie by letteres patents was graciously pleased to graunt unto his said father a pencion of 2000 pounds per annum for 7 yeares in consideracion of his surrender of the place of captain of your majesties guard and for enabling him to sattisfie the supernumeraries thereof and for the better support of the dignity of the earledome and in respect of his fathers long and faithfull services to your majestie and glorious father and grandfather, and your petitioner finding himselfe oblidged by his said fathers promisses to your sacred majestie and in justice to the said persons (who demand the said sattisfaccion) to provide for the same.

Hee most humbly prayes that for enabling him thereunto (there being judgments and other assignments of his said fathers, which may otherwise prevent the sume) and for the better support of the earledome aswell as for sattesfying the summe of 780 pounds assigned by his said father to bee paid out of the said pencion: your majestie wilbee graciously pleased in liew of the said former pencion to graunt unto him a pencion duering life proporcionable to the value of the 5 yeares and halfe yett remaineing thereof and that the same by your majesties further grace may bee contynued upon your majesties customes where the same hath been heitherto assigned and paid. Or out of such other certaine revenew as your majestie in your wisedome shall thinke fitt to direct and that in reference to the said stewardshipp and lease your majestie wilbee pleased to renew the said graunt and lease for such lives and termes of yeares and under such reserved rents and covenants as was formerly graunted and demised.

And hee shall ever pray etc.



Whitehall January 18th 1662

His majesty reteyning a just sence of the services done to the crowne by the late Earle of Norwich and the peticioner, is graciously inclined to gratifye him in his requests, in order wherunto hee refers the same to the right honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England or Chancellour of the Exchequer, who are to report their opinions therin to his majesty and then his majesty will declare his farther plea= =sure for the peticioners satisfaction

Henry Bennet

Earle of Norwich his peticion.

To have some money of [illegible] to write to [illegible] [informed?] of Peverell

Lord Treasurers lettere entred 180 F.

[Intr?] 203.

[illegible] Sir Charles Herbert [Intr?]

The churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of St Martin in the Fields on behalf of their poor. SP 29/67 f. 207 (1663)

To the right honourable Sir Henry Bennet knight principall secretarie of state to his royall majestie

The humble peticion of the churchwardens and overseers of the poore of the parish of Saint Martin in the feilds in the behalfe of thyre poore

Humble showing that his majesty hath byn pleased yearely at this blessed tyme of Christmas to give 100 pounds towards the better releife of our poore by your honours assisting our predicessours with their peticion to his majesty

Wee doo theirfore most humbly pray your honour to continue your former favours in this our humble address to his sacred majestie

And your peticioners shall pray etc

George, Duke of Buckingham. SP 29/90 f. 86 (1664)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of George Duke of Buckingham.


That your late royall predecessours King Philipp and Queene Mary by letters pattents under the greate seale of England dated the sixth day of November in the fowerth and fifth yeares of their raigne, for the consideracions therein expressed did give and graunt unto Betrice Aprice widow, and the heires males of her body, and for default of issue male to the heires of her body severall messuages or tenements called Boles, the Deyhouse, and Buckeshorne with the lands woods and other appurtenances to them respectively belonging in Boreham in the county of Essex parcell of the honour of Bewliew in the said county which said honour and the messuages or tenements and premisses above mencioned are since descended and come unto your peticioner.

That your peticioner hath lately sold or contracted to sell the said honour tenements and premisses unto his grace the Duke of Albemarle butt in regard (for any thing appearing by the said pattent,) the revercion of the premisses thereby graunted doth remaine in the crowne, (although it is conceaved the same hath bin since graunted out) and in respect your petitioners evidences and writings have bin in the late unhappy warrs imbezilled and lost, hee cannot at present make the same appeare.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prayes that to the end the said Duke of Albemarle may have a good and perfect title to the premisses, and for avoiding all questions hereafter, your majestie willbee gratiously pleased to graunt the said lands and tenements in the said letters pattents mencioned, and the revercion thereof unto the said George Duke of Albemarle and Mathew Lock esquier and the heires and assignes of the said duke for ever.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.


Att the court at Whitehall January 11th 1663/4. His majesty being desirous to gratify his grace the Lord Duke of Albemarle in any thing that may be for his conveniency in the purchase his grace makes of these particulers from the Duke of Buckingham, is pleased hereby to recomend this petition to the consideracion of the right honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England, who is to certify his majesty what his lordshipp conceives fitt to be done for the good of his majestys service and the gratifying those honourable persons

Henry Bennet

Duke Buckingham Beaulieu Dorham [Intr?] 94. G. [Intr?]

I desire Master Atturny Generall and Master Surveyour to consider of this petition, and state unto me how they find the perticular therein mentioned vested in the crowne and what the valew may be and to advise what they think fittest in order to his majestys service and those honourable petitioners suit that soe I may be enabled to frame some judgment to ground a report upon to his majesty. January 15: 1663. T: Southampton

William, Viscount of Stafford. SP 29/90 f. 149 (1664)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of William Viscount of Stafford

Most humbly sheweth that Edward Stafford Duke of Buckinghame, Earle of Stafford, Hereford, Essex, Ruttland and Northampton, Baron Stafford, Tunbridge Newnam, Kimbolton and [Caos?], and high constable of England by inheritance, was attainted by his peeres, for tresonable words in the reyne of King Henry 8 by which attainture hee lost al those honoures and an inheritance in landes at the present worth 200000 powndes yearely, after his death his eldest sonne Henry [illegible] (who marryed Ursula daughter unto the Countesse of Salisbury) was restored in blood and Lord Stafford and some of the landes restored unto him, which barony continued in his male line untyll Henry his greate great grandchild dyed in the yeare 1637 leaving noe issue and one onely sister who was undoughted heyre unto Edward Duke of Buckingame, and unto all his honours (excepte the tytle of Buckingame) if it had not beene for his attainter, the which Mary was after her brothers death, was by the approbation of your majestys father of blessed memory, marryed unto your petitioner his majesty being gratiously pleased to restore her unto the barony of Stafford and create your petitioner baron, and afterwards Viscount of Stafford

Your petitioner with all humillety and submission doeth most humbly besich your sacred majesty oute of your grace and goodnesse to restore your petitioneres wyfe Mary Viscontesse of Stafford unto the Earledome of Stafford and barony of Newnanam and Tunbridge that shee may injoy them in as ample manner, as of right shee should have done if her ancestor Edward had not beene attainted, those honoures being in the crowne undisposed of and your petitioner etc

William, Viscount of Stafford. SP 29/90 f. 151 (1664)

To the Kinges most excellent majesty

The humble petition of William Viscount of Stafford

Humbly sheweth unto your sacred majesty that Edward Stafford the last Duke of Buckinghame of that famely was allso Earle of Stafford, Hereford, Essex, Northampton, and Ruttland, Baron Tunbridg and Newnam, besides other baronys, and high constable of England by inheritance all which honoures, but the dutchie of Buckinghame, should have descended unto his heyeres generall if the sayed Edward had not beene attainted for tresanable words in the raine of King Henry the Eight, by which attainter, all those honoures came unto the crowne, with an inheritance in land, att this time worth abouve two hundred thowsandes yearely. The sonne of the sayed duke was restored unto the barony of Stafford, and to devers of the landes, which continued, in his male lyne, untyll the yeare 1637 in which yeare Henry Lord Stafford, his greate grandchild died, leaving one onely sister, his heyre, Mary, who should have injoyed all the honours (except the dutchey of Buckingham) and all the landes of her sayd ancestor Duke of Buckinghame had it not bene for his attainter. The which Mary was by the approbation of his majesty of blessed memory marry unto your petitioner, whome his majesty was gratiously pleased to make Baron, and Viscount of Stafford

Your petitioner doeth with all submission most humbly besich your majesty of your grace and goodnesse to to restore the sayd Mary Viscountesse of Stafford, unto the dignety of Countesse of Stafford [illegible] and Baroness of Tunbridg ad Newnam, that shee and her heyres may enjoy them in as ample manner, as shee should have done, if her sayd ancestor had not beene attainted

And your petitioner shall ever pray for your majestys [tender?] and happy reyne

Francis Roper, esquire. SP 29/91 f. 13 (1664)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Francis Roper esquier

Sheweth that your peticioner is credibly informed, that there is due and oweing to your majestie for pole money the somme of 200 and odd poundes, by John Jenkins esquier late sheriffe of the countyes of Cambridge and Hunttington.

Your peticioner therefore humbly prayes your majestie wilbee gratiously pleased to graunt to your peticioner a warrant for a privy seale for receiveing of the said monyes due by the said late sheriffe.

And your peticioner shall ever pray.

The Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa. SP 29/110 f. 13 (1665)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble petition of the company of royall adventurers of England trading into Africa

Sheweth that your majestie was pleased about two yeares since by your royall charter to incorporate the trade of Africa to as many of your subjects as would be concerned in the mannagement of it in a joynt=stock, without which your majesties [found that?] neither the honour of the nation nor their rights and interest of the trade could be mainteaned against the former intollerable incroachments and rapine of the Netherlands Westindia Company, and your petitioners were thereby encouraged more out of publique zeale, then the desire of private advantage to forme a stock of above one hundred and twenty thousand pounds and in the first yeare sent out fowrty two shipps, and on them in English and other manufactures to the value of one hundred fifty and eight thousand pounds, and finding by the returne thereof that while the freedome of the trade was asserted by your majesties royall assistance, it would require and employe to advantage a much larger stock, and your majestie being gratiously pleased to lend it the protection of your royall shipps, your petitioners were induced for the more vigorous prosecution of a commerce of so publique a concerne, to the increase of the stock of gould at home, and the necessary support of all your majesties American plantations with negro servants to supply the want of the stock by taking up at creditt neare one hundred thousand pounds more which they invested in commodities and sent away in this last yeare to fleet to the coast of Africa your majesties petitioners presently found a totall obstruction to their creditt, and their creditours clamorous for their moneys, with which difficulty they have hitherto strugled, but are no longer able to support the burthen of it unlesse your majestie shall be pleased to putt to your royall hand and enable your petitioners to subsist under so great a disappointment, for the true state of their affaires is thus.

They have in the severall shippes, and factories abroad in the coast of Africa 125912 = 06 = 02 The debts owinge by the planters in Barbada, Jamaica, Nevis, Saint Christophers and Syrranam, for negros 49895 = 00 = 00 In goods, ammunition, and provisions in their shipps at Portsmouth, and imprests to shipps, and shippings 48000 = 00 = 00 They have lost on the shipps taken by De Ruyter, and in the forts at Goree 50000 = 00 = 00

So that the totall of the companies effects do ammount unto 273807 = 06 = 02

Though there be not above one hundred and three thousand pounds of the stock paid in, and the debts owinge exceed not one hundred thousand pounds, from whence it appeares that by the first yeares trade there hath beene advanced seaventy thousand pounds, not withstandinge all the extraordinary expences of erectinge forts and factories, and also the fifty thousand pounds which the Hollanders have already taken is indeed a losse of one hundred thousand pounds, and if they should possess them selves of the other one hundred twenty five thousand, nine hundred and twelve pounds that is now on the coast your petitioners stock would be deprived of at least three hundred thousand pounds, which might probably have beene returned home within one yeare

But as it appeares plainly by the accoumpt above, they have neither money nor debts at home to make any part of timely satisfaction so as to prevent the totall subversion of their subsistinge much longer as a company

And therefore your petitioners do most humbly pray.

That it may please your majestie in your princely wisdome gratiously to consider the exigence of the case of your petitioners and the publique concerne of it, and in reguard that what De Ruyter hath taken from us, he declares he hath done in compensation of what the Netherlands Westindia Company hath lost by the capture made by Major Holmes, that your majestie would be pleased to order that all such goods, gould, and shipps, as the said Major Holmes hath brought from Africa, as an acquest from the Hollanders may be delivered over to your petitioners use in part of recompence of their losse

And your petitioners do in all humility further pray, that it would please your majestie in your great wisdome to finde out some way or meanes to support this royall company in the mannagement of their trade, which is of more publique honour, interest, and advantage to your majestie and your subjects in generall, then any other that hath beene experimented in any part of the world, by constant employinge of above one hundred sayle of good shipps yearly and returninge at the least two, or three hundred thousand pounds in gould per annum to your majesties mint in lieu of native English and natura= lized Eastindia commodities for the most part, but is also most absolutely necessary to the verry being of your majesties American plantations which will be rendred utterly uselesse, if they have not a constant supply of negro=sarvants, and if they have them from the Hollanders, which the planter will be tempted to do, if they cannot be otherwise supplyed, it will divert the most part of the English navigation from those plantations, and give the Hollanders the most part of the harvest of them, who will carry from the common stock of your majesties subjects above twenty pounds for every negro, which doth not cost the nation above the capitall of fower pounds.

Wee humbly begge your majesties grace and favour, and shall (as wee are in duty bound) ever pray.


Read January 2: 64.

Colonel Robert Broughton. SP 29/110 f. 59 (1665)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Colonell Robert Broughton


That your majestie hath beene graciously pleased to take notice of his endeavours and suffering in the service of his late soveraign lord Charls the first of ever blessed memorie: and that your sacred majestie hath beene further pleased to promise unto your petitioner a reward for such his said service; if hee your petitioner should find out anything that might bee in your majesties guift to bestow upon him

That your petitioner is crediblie informed of certeine treasure hidd and concealed in theise three places following (videlicet) Middlesex Hamsheire and Sommersetsheire, a part whereof being in your majesties power to bestow upon any, whome your majestie shall think fitt and meete and the residue to them that make the discoverie.

May it therefore please your majestie to authorize and ympowre your petitioner to search and digg for the treasure aforesaid, and to give unto your petitioner the right and interest of your majestie in the same treasure.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc


Att the court at Whitehall January 6th 1664/5. His majesty out of the gracious sence he is pleased to retane of the petitioneres constant loyalty and services is willing to gratify him in what may properly be done for his advantage, and doth therefore hereby referre it it to Master Solecetor Generall to conseder of the suit he now makes, and how farre it is suitable to law to gratify him in it, and to certify his opinion to his majesty [illegible] whereapon his majesty will declare his further pleasure with a gracious regard to the petitioners satesfaccion in his request so farre as it shall appeare legall and fitt

Henry Bennet

Collonel Broughton

May it please your most excellent majesty All treasure hidd whereof the true owner cannot bee found belongs to your majesty by your praerogative unless it bee found within the landes of such of your subjectes who claym it by some grant of your royal predicessores, or by prescripcion. Your majesty may lawfully grant to the petitioner all such hidden treasure as shall be found within any of the 3 countyes mencioned in the peticion and be rightfully belonging to your majesty but I think it convenient that your majesty should confine your grant to a certain time, videlicet all treasur found within a year. And I do not think it convenient that your majesty should grant the petitioner any power to digg or search for it in other mens landes or houses, but rather leave him to reap the fruit of your majestys bounty by such composicions upon voluntary discoverys as he can procure, and will have power to reward when he hath your majestys grant All which is humbly submitted etc

Heneage Finch

January 9 1664.

Richard Erwin, gentleman sewer to the king. SP 29/110 f. 96 (1665)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of Richard Erwin gentleman sewer to your majestie.

Sheweth that there was an annuity of 300 pounds per annum granted by pattent payable out of the Exchequer to your petitioners father (Sir William) by your royall father of blessed memory which was vested in your petitioner for certain yeares [yett?] to come and unexpired, which your petitioner duly recieved formerly. But being only for the terme of 21 yeares, it is determined some few yeares since, there is in arreare to your petitioner six yeares of the same: yet hitherto your petitioner hath forborne to solicit your majesty though his suffereings and present meane condition is not inferior to any.

May it therefore pleas your sacred majesty to cast your favourable eye on your petitioner your ancient servant, and to be graciously pleased to order him such a considerable proportion of his arreares aforesaid being six yeares for your petitioners better subsistance, as your majesty in your princely goodnes and wisdom shall seem meet.

And as in duty bound he shall pray etc.


Att the court at Whitehall January 10 1664/5. His majesty haveing a gracious sence of the petitioners long and loyall service is pleased in compassion to his present wantes, to referre it to the right honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England, to consider of his suit and what his majesty may fitly doe for his releife in some measure And then his majesty will declare his further pleasure.

Henry Bennet

Master Erwin peticion

[illegible] Master Erwin

Thomas Rogers, labourer of Distington, Cumberland. SP 29/110 f. 129 (1665)

To the Kings most excellent majesty.

The humble peticion of Thomas Rogers of the parrish of Distington within the county of Cumberland laborer.

Sheweth That your poore petitioner hath just and lawefull right and title to a land or tenement, within your majesties forrest of Emerdale in your county of Cumberland by the death of William Rogers his brother he being next heire att lawe, his father and brother William are found standing as tennants to your late father of ever blessed memory, in his records yet notwithstanding one Henry Jenkinson hath gott possession of the said premisses under pretence of purchaseing itt of your petitioners said brother William, butt can shewe noe deeds nor writeings nor prove any valuable consideration paid for it according to custome your petitioner is a poore laboring man hath travelled almost three hundred miles to London to obtaine your majesties favour for getting his right which otherwise can never be had in regard of the petitioners great poverty whoe hath beene a soldier and officer both of horse and foote, both for your father and your majesty, and hath beene a great sufferer

The premisses considered your poore distressed petitioner being an object of charity, and is wronged most humbly beseecheth your sacred majesty wilbe graciously pleased to grant an order unto the right worshippfull Patricius Carwen barronett, Sir William Huddleston knight and Richard [Tolsen?] esquire, your majesties justices of the peace for the said county of Cumberland authorizeing them to call the said Master Jenkinson before them, to shew cause why he detaines the said premisses and to doe according to lawe right and justice therein, that your petitioner may be restored to his said land according to custome and equity.

And he (as in duty bound) shall daily pray etc. for your majesties long and happy reigne.

George Paule, esquire. SP 29/144 f. 127 (1666)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble petition of George Paule esquier

Sheweth that in consideration of severall services your majestie did at your first comeing in grant unto your petitioner certaine mudd and wast lands hee should discover be= longing to your majestie reserving to your selfe and successors the fourth part of the profitts thereof. But over your petitioners head the Countesses of Peterborough and Anglesey did obtaine a warrant for some parcells of the forementioned land in five whole counties (videlicet) Kent, Southampton, Norfolke, Sussex, and Middlesex your petitioner finding himselfe not able to dispute with such great persons quitted for quietnes sake the whole for an eight part to his no small losse. Now your petitioner farther sheweth the countesses haveing made their returnes within the lymitted tyme of two yeares theire patent engrossed is now ready to passe. And whereas hee is informed that there are yet in the forementioned five counties some small parcells of wast landes not inserted in the said countesses grant

Your petitioner humbly prayes your majestie would graciously please to grant to your petitioner those gleanings yet remaineing reserving to your selfe and successors a fourth part of what hee shall discover.

And your petitioner (as in duty bound) will ever pray etc.


Master Paules petition for the residue of the wast lands in the five counties.

John Burges, ship's carpenter. SP 29/145 f. 45 (1666)

To the right honourable principall officers and commissioners of his majesties Navy

The humble peticion of John Burges ship carpenter


That your petitioner herewith presentes unto your honoures a warrant whereby hee hath supplyed the place of master carpenter in his majesties shipp the Forrester with his utmost skill and abillity (from the date thereof) and being desierous still to continew his said place and haveing been with Sir William Coventry hee is by him referred to gett your honoures recomendations.

Wherefore your petitioner most humbly prayes your honoures to grant him your recomends to his grace George Duke of Albemarle whereby hee may have his warrant to remayne in the said place.

And (your petitioner) as bound shall pray etc.


Petition of John Burgis carpenter

John Hunt, boatswain. SP 29/146 f. 58 (1666)

To the right honourable principall officers and commissioners of his majesties Navy

The humble petition of John Hunt boatswaine


That for your peticioners abillity fidelity and fittness to serve in that capacity hee humbly referrs to certificates hereto annexed, and haveing been boatswaine of severall of his majesties ships and devoted his life and fortunes for his majesties service.

Wherefore your peticioner most humbly prayes your honoures to grant him your recomendes to his grace the Duke of Albemarle for the boatswaines place of the Mary Rose or any other of his majesties fourth or fifth rate shippes or friggotts now vacant as to your honoures wisdomes shall seeme meete.

And (as bound) hee shall pray etc.


We being very well certified of the ability of the peticioner recommend him to your grace for an imployment of boatswaine in a fourth rate frigott, if there be any void. Dated 27 January 65

William Batten

For his grace the Duke of Albemarle

Captain John Roach. SP 29/146 f. 107 (1666)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble petition of Captaine John Roach.


That upon the death of Captain King your majestie was graciously pleased at Hampton Court to order your petitioner the two shillings per diem which he enjoyed. That it is now six monthes since, and yett your petitioner has noe benefit thereof.

Therefore he humbly prayes that your majestie would give particular order to Sir Stephen Fox to admitt him he haveing noe other way of subsistance.

And he shall pray etc:


The petition of Captain Roach

John Malet, esquire. SP 29/188 f. 34 (1667)

To the Kings most excellent majesty.

The humble petition of John Malet esquire.

Most humbly sheweth

That Arthur Malet esquire deceased your petitioners kinsman for five hundred pounds paid unto him by your petitioners father Sir Thomas Malet deceased late one of your majesties justices of your court of Kings Bench, and for preservation of certaine mannors and lands whereof hee was seised in the countyes of Somerset and Devon in his name and familie (in which the same have anciently and long time continued) did in the sixteenth yeare of the raigne of your majesties royall father of blessed memory, graunt unto your said father the reversion thereof expectant on the estates for life or intayle of the said Arthur Malet, upon trust and confidence that after the death of the said Arthur Malet and Gawen Malet his brother (who was then very aged) without any issue male of theire bodies, upon payment of one hundred pounds into the receit of the Exchequer by Michael Malet your petitioneres great uncle or the said Sir Thomas Malet your petitioneres father your majesties said royall father his heires or successors would bee graciously pleased to regrant the same unto them: and that accordingly your petitioneres father (all the other persons of the said name and familie in the grant thereof named being dead without any heires male of theire bodies) did pay the said hundred pounds into your majesties Exchequer, whereupon your majestie was graciously pleased by your letters patents bearing date about the tenth day of October in the fourteenth yeare of your majesties raigne to grant the said mannores and lands to your petitioners said father and the heires male of his body: but the reversion in fee simple thereof being not then [illegible] granted, still remayning in your majestie, and since that time your petitioners father being dead, your petitioner being his sonne and heire, and having severall sonnes and daughters now living:

Most humbly beseecheth your majestie [illegible] graciously pleased the better to enable him to provide [port...r?] all his children to grant unto your petitioner the reversion [illegible] the said mannors and lands (being the ancient [inheritance?] of your petitioners name and familie) as fully as the same were granted unto your majesties royall father as aforesaid.

And your petitioner shall ever pray for your sacred majesty according to his bounden duty etc.


Att the court at Whitehall January 4 1666/7 His majesty is graciously pleased to referre the consideracion of this peticion to Master Atturney Generall to certify how fitt it may be for his majesty to gratify the peticioner in this suit, wherein his majesty considers onely the good and interest of the family concerned in the estate. And then his majesty will declare his further pleasure, with a regard to the petitioners loyalty and good deserving


The Royal Fishing Company. SP 29/188 f. 36 (1667)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of the governor and company of the royall fisheing.

Sheweth that accordeing to the power and trust comitted to us by your majesties letteres pattentes we have endeavored the advance of the royall fisheing and among many overtures made to us on that behalf wee conceive as yet none more conduceing to that end, then a pro= =posicion made by Sir Edward Ford for liberty to coyne and utter farthings not to be counterfeyted without present disco= =very, to give satisfactory securety to prevent the exportacion of the silver and gould of the nation by the importacion of counterfeits and the people from haveing any such putt upon them to their prejudice, by retakeing all [illegible] farthings he uttereth at the same rate he vents them, and all other farthings that doe imitate his at the same rate, to give 21 shillings in silver farthings for 20 shillings in sterling silver, and 5 shillings out of every 20 shillings to the royall fishery, upon due consideracion whereof

Your peticioners most humbly pray your majesties royall grant to this company for the sole power of coyneing and uttering of farthinges for such time and terme of yeares as your majestie in your great wisdome shall thinke fitt.

And your peticioneres shall pray etc

Edward Burton of London, merchant. SP 29/188 f. 37 (1667)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Edward Burton of London merchant

Humbly sheweth that whereas your petitioner is now bound out upon a merchant imployment for the port of Santa Cruz in South Barbary in his owne and other your majesties subjects affaires intending for some time there to reside, and though the place be inconsiderable yet in regard many occasions may offer, for your majesties service and for the advantage and encouragement of your majesties subjects in their trade and comerce by your majesties establishing of a consul there.

Your petitioner therefore in all humilitie beseeches your most excellent majesty out of your gracious and royall inclinacion to the advancement of trade to be pleased to graunt your majesties letters pattents to your petitioner to be consul of the said place.

And your petitioner is in duty bound shall ever pray.


Edward Burton

John Godsuffe. SP 29/188 f. 49 (1667)

To the right honourable the principall officers and commissioners of his majesties Navy

The humble peticion of John Godsuffe

Humbly sheweth that the peticioner on the one and twentieth day of Aprill 1665 was imployed by Master William Crispin deputy victualler at Kinsale to take care of his majesties sick and wounded seamen at the said port, from which time untill the twenty sixt day of May 1666 the peticioner acted as chief chirurgeon upon the incouragement given said Master Crispin in that affaire, by your honours signifying that the peticioner for his care and paines should be al= =lowed tenne shillings per diem, of which allowance your peticioner hath not received one peny which proves a great detriment to the peticioner forasmuch as whilst he was so imployed he was taken off all other wayes of gaining alivelyhood

The premisses tenderly considered may it please your honours to take some speedy care for payment of your peticioner for as much as the peticioners urgent necessity causes him to beseech satisfacion for the said time being 400 dayes and in so doing your honours will oblidge the peticioner ever to pray

John Godsuffe


These are to certifie that Master John Goodsuffe did act as chiefe chirurgeon at Kinsale and took charge of the cure of all his majesties sick and wounded seamen at Kinsale aforesaid by my appointment for 400 daies according as is sett forth in the above peticion. As witness my hand this fift day of January 1666

William Crispin

The churchwardens and overseers of the poor of St Martins in the Fields. SP 29/232 f. 58 (1668)

To the Kings most excellent majestie etc

The humble peticion of the churchwardens and overseers of the poore of Saint Martins in the Feilds

Humblie shewing that the number and necessities of our poore and cripples being increased inforceth your peticioners most humbly to present them to your sacred majesty for your wonted charitie towards their releife

Most humbly praying you would gratiously vouchsafe your royall order wherby your peticioners may receave your majesties annuall gift of 100 pounds for our poore

And (as in duty bound) your petitioners shall pray etc


Peticion of the churche warden etc of Saint Martin

William Baber, powdermaker. SP 29/232 f. 243 (1668)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of (the undone) William Baber powdermaker


That your petitioner in the time of your blessed fathers greatest extremity furnished his said majestie with severall great quantities of gun powder at Bristoll Worcester Shrewsbury Taunton Exeter and other places besides 1000 pounds and upwards of his uncle Randolph Tomms powder maker at Bristoll and 500 pounds more of his son William Baber who was powder maker at Taunton and Exeter and in that his said service lost his stock and materialls amounting to at least 1500 pounds more all which may at large appeare by certificates if required; for which your petitioner hoped to have received satisfaccion ere now in regard he and they were imployed by Sir George Strode and John Wansford esquire who had his said late majesties engagement for his said losses and premisses and were secured by Marybone Parke and other landes since disposed of for other persons; so that your petitioner can neither have satisfaccion from Sir George Strode or his heires or from Wansford otherwise

Now for as much as your petitioner by reason of this is unable to satisfie his debts then contracted for so that he is dayly tormented with the prosecucion of his mercylesse creditours and for that your petitioner is still unsatisfyed part of the 800 pounds due to him by account from the office of the ordnance for gun powder delivered at New Colledge in Oxford.

Hee therefore most humbly beseecheth your majestie (for Gods sake) that his distressed condicion may be considered and heard and some speedy course taken for his satisfaccion as your majestie in your princely wisdome and justice shall thinke fitt

And your petitioner shall (as in duty bound) pray etc


The peticion of William Baber [illegible]

Furnished his majesty in the late wars with powder for which hee remains unsatisfied, praying that his majesty will commiserate his poor condition and orde his reliefe

Att the court at Whitehall January 20th 1667/8 His majesty is graciously pleased to referre it to Collonell William Legg lieutenant of his majestys ordnance and to Laurence Squibb esquier to consider of this petitioners pretencions to examine of what nature his debt is, how contracted, what hath been payd of it what remaines further due to him and from whom, and to report the same to his majesty, who will then declare his further pleasure for the peticioners just satisfaccion [Arlington?]

Samuell Dunninge, John Carter, Margret Tison, Susan Williams, prisoners in Surrey county gaol. SP 29/232 f. 244 (1668)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble petition of Samuell Dunninge John Carter William Wright Margret Tison Susan Williams prisoners in the county gole for Surry

Humbly sheweth That your poore petitioners hath bin for some small fellonies convicted and ordred to the said gole until such time as some marchant would transport us into some of your majesties collonies which we most willingly submitt to, we now haveing found a marchant now bound for your majesties collony of Virginia and we being most willing to goe

Your petitioners most humbly prayes that your majestie will gratiously be pleased to grant the marchant an order that we may be transported to the place aforesaid with the marchant that we may be out of this dolefull place of want and miserie

And your petitioners shall ever as in duty pray etc

  • Samuel Dunninge
  • John Carter
  • Margret Tyson
  • Susan Williams

Att the court at Whitehall the 20th January 67/8 His majesty is graciously pleased to referre it to Master Justice Browne who went this circuit the last assizes, to take account of these petitioners condicion, what judgment hath passed upon them, and to certify the same to his majesty who will then give further order as it shall appeare to be fitt and according to law


21 soldiers lately in the king's company in his majesty's Regiment of Guards. SP 29/233 f. 47 (1668)

To the right honourable Henry Lord Arlington one of his majesties most honourable privy councell and principall secretary of state.

The humble peticion of the soldiers whose names are underwritten

Sheweing that your petitioners have been soldiers in the Kings company in his majesties regiment of guards, and have been for nonconforming to the oath of supremacy disbanded as may appere by the annexed certificatt, and that your petitioners are now being out of employment since the 28th of September last reduced very lowe and not able to subsist

May it therefore please your honour to grant your petitioners your passe for Flanders or France that they may by their swords earne their bread untill his majesty hath occasion for them when they will cheerefully returne to his service, and as in duty bound will for ever pray etc

  • Maurice Agherin
  • William Matthews
  • John Inch
  • John Ryan
  • Patrick Kellie
  • Arthur Magenis
  • John Heale
  • John Dungan
  • Daniell Denighan
  • John Lacey
  • William White
  • Patrick King
  • Morgan Swiney
  • Edmond Garrett
  • John Longan
  • Dennis Swiney
  • William Morphy
  • Edmond Barry
  • William Ryane
  • Thomas Lacey
  • Dennis Sulevan

George Nichols. SP 29/254 f. 20 (1669)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble petition of George Nichols

Humbly sheweth, that one of the three fellowships founded in the University of Oxford by the late King your royal father for the natives of your majesties islands of Jersey and Guernsey being now void in Pembroke Colledge, by the death of Master [Marinel?] late fellow there; and your petitioner humbly conceiving that he is qualified for such a place, being a native of the island of Jersey, and having been already for some time a student in Jesus Colledge; and being the son of a father who has had the honour to be often employed by the late King and by your majestie when abroad, he humbly prayes that your majestie be pleased to recommend him to the master and fellowes of the said Pembroke Colledge that he may be elected by them in the place of the said [Marinel?]

And your petitioner shall pray etc

George Nicholls


Att the court at Whitehall January the 4th 68/9 His majesty retaining a gracious remembrance of the loyalty and good affeccion of the petitioners father to his majestys service and affaires in the late times of usurpacion and willing to gratify the petitioner in his suit, is pleased to referre it to the right reverend father in God the Lord Bishop of Hereford deane of his majestys chappell, to informe himselfe of the petitioners qualificacions for the fellowshipp he desires and to report the same to his majesty, who will then interpose in his favour, as his lordshipp shall find will be necessary for the petitioners advantage Arlington

Charles, Lord Gerrard. SP 29/254 f. 22 (1669)

The peticion of Charles Lord Gerrard.

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of Charles Lord Gerrard

Sheweth that the difference betweene Sir Stephen Fox and your petitioner concerning a summe of money advanced by the said Sir Stephen to one Carr, was referred by mutuall consent of your petitioner and the said Sir Stephen (and) by their personall engagement before your majestie in councell obliged to stand) to your majesties award

That thereupon after large debate, and due consideracion it was ordered by your majestie in councell that of the summe in difference your petitioner was to pay one third and Sir Stephen the other two thirds to which your petitioner in all humblenesse submitted.

That in obedience to a former order of your majestie in councell dated the your petitioner advanced and paid into the hands of the said Sir Stephen one full moiety of the said money, whereupon your petitioner is willing and hath offered the said Sir Stephen should retaine the said third part, returning to your petitioner the remainder which the said Sir Stephen refuseth

May it therefore please your majestie to order the said Sir Stephen to repay unto your petitioner the said remainder of the said moiety

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc


Att the court at Whitehall January 4th 1668/9 His majesty is pleased to referre the consideration of this petition to the right honourable the Lord Keeper, Master Secretary Trevor, and myselfe to call together the persones concerned and to review the order of councell made concerning that affair, and accordingly to recommend the execucion of it effectually to them.


William Fernely of Ipswich. SP 29/254 f. 56 (1669)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of William Fernely of Ipswich

Sheweth that your petitioner being assalted and highly provoked by the rude language of Master Blosse of Ipswich to draw his sword did in the defence of himselfe after haveing received severall wounds unfortunately kill the said Blosse for which he is by the coroners inquest found guilty of man slaughter and ready to abide his further tryall according to law.

May it therefore graciously please your majestie in tender consideracion hereof and that your petitioner was never before subject to or guilty of any crime of this nature to direct that the penalty of burning him in the hand may be suspended untill your majesties pleasure herein be further knowne.

And the petitioner shall ever pray etc.



John Skelton. SP 29/254 f. 91 (1669)

To the Kings most excellent majesty

The humble peticion of John Skelton

Humbly sheweth

That whereas a dispute happened to arise betwixt your petitioner and one Master Francis Edgecombe about two yeares and a halfe since which your petitioner verily beleeved had been reconciled and ended that very night, yet soe it was, may it please your majesty the said Master Edgecombe the next morning earely tooke your petitioner out of bed and by force pressed him to answer in the feild, threatening otherwise immediately to kill and destroy your petitioner before it was possible for him, (being soe suddenly and unexpectedly surprised) to make any defence for himselfe; that your petitioner used all faire and amicable meanes and intreatyes to divert him from that course, but nothing prevaileing, and wounds passeing on both sides, it soe fell out, that the said Master Edgecombe (after some short time dyed of an unfortunate wound he then received contrary to your petitioners hopes or intencion, by reason whereof your petitioner hath been enforced to live in exile, ever since to his very great greife aswell for the said offence, as otherwise haveing formerly faithfully served their royall highnesses the Duke of York, and the late Princesse Royall, and your sacred majesty since at sea

And therefore most humbly prayes, that considering it was perfectly by a force that he was drawen into this sad misfortune, your majesty will bee now pleased according to your gracious promise of mercy soone after this unhappy accident to grant him your majesties free pardon for his said offence, which he will ever study to deserve by employing the life he now begs from your majesties mercy in the service of your majesty and his countrey

And will further ever pray for your majesties long and happy reigne.


Master Skelton's petition

Master Skelton's petition with Master Atturnys report

Att the court at Whitehall January the 13th 68/9 His majesty valueing very much the long and usefull services of the petitioners father, is pleased to referre it to Master Atturney Generall to informe himselfe truely of the petitioners case, and the circum =stances of the accident, what proceedings have been hitherto had upon it and how it now stands, that so his majesty being acquainted with the whole, and what may arise in it that may render the petitioner a fitt object of his mercy, his majesty may declare his further pleasure upon it. Which his majesty would be glad might be to the satisfaction of the petitioners father, whose good merit in his service, his majesty is pleased to declare a particular sence of
