Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1680s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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The minister, churchwardens and other inhabitants of Tenbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/136/24 (1680)

To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace at a sessions holden at Worcester the fifth day of October, one thousand six hundred and eighty

Whereas your worships have been pleased at some former sessions to grant an order that the overseers of the poor of the town of Tenbury should pay weekly a pension of eightpence, unto one Nathaniell Maund of the same town, mason, and likewise at the last sessions, you were pleased to grant unto him the said Maund, an augmentation of eightpence by the week more, to the great prejudice of the said town and parish therefore we the minister and church wardens, with severall others the inhabitants of the said town, do make bold to certifie unto your good worships, that the said Maund hath for these many years wholely declined his trade, giving himself alltogether to begging, both in the town and country, comitting what he gains thereby, to sale; and the money he very often converts to drunkenesse and he is a common drunkard; a railer, and will abuse any of the town or parish with most base and opprobrious language. In brief, he is of the most vicious life and conversation of any person in the countrey. The premises considered, we humbly pray that both the said pensions may by your good worships be taken of, and your petitioners shall pray etc.

  • Thomas Cornewall
  • Edmund Edwards
  • Thomas Noblett
  • Richard Dawker
  • William Lane
  • Thomas Hill
  • John Gent
  • John Angoll
  • William Richards
  • Thomas Coundley
  • Thomas Marsh
  • John Smyth minister
  • William Holland
  • John Noblett
  • Edmond Lane church wardens
  • Edward Walker
  • John Ward
  • Richard Tomlins constables
  • Richard Smyth
  • Richard Waldron
  • John Langford
  • Edward [illegible]
  • Thomas [illegible]
  • Richard [illegible]

John Plebey, Jobe Pengory and others on behalf of William Taylar. Ref.110 BA1/1/136/25 (1680)


To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace at this present seacions here asembled for the cownty aforesaid

Humbly sheweth whereas William Taylar of Acton Beachamp in the cownty aforesaid beeing acused for takeing the goodes of Elizabeth Hadley of the parrish aforesaid and that the said Elizabeth Hadley haveing taken her corporall oath that shee upon search by warrant did find certaine goodes [which?] shee lost in the dwelling howse of the said William Taylar and that the question beeing asked by severall persons how shee cowld knowe her goodes from others shee replied and said that shee knew them by the feele

Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed doe hereby [illegible] your good worships that the said Elizabeth [illegible] for many yeares proclaimed her selfe to bee blind [illegible] whose names are hereunto subscribed who were [lat...?] [illegible] the aforesaid parrishe this last yeare in [1679?] [illegible] unto the said Elizabeth Hadley weekely tax [at...?] [illegible] of beeing blinde beeing led by a boy to [g...?] [illegible] and wee most humbly desire your worships to take the premises [into?] your serious consideracions that the said William [Taylar?] may not suffer wrong by the deboysnes of such [illegible] for the which wee [as?] in duty bownd shall ever [re...?] Your most humble servantes in all humillity

  • John Plebey
  • Jobe Pengory
  • [illegible]

Ralph Russell and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/136/26 (1680)

Most worthy Sir

Upon the occasion of bringing by virtue of a warrant one John Hudson in your presence for acts of misdemeanor wee whose names are hereunto subscribed (being all of the town of Upton upon Seaverne) have thought it most convenient at this time to make our humble addresses unto your worshipp as not knowing how elsewhere to be relieved, but before your worshipp or such like that is to say the aforesaid John Hudson is a most monstrous blasphe ming person commonly most dreadfull in his oaths and imprecacions, most turbulent to his neighbours insoemuch that at one time he plagued eight or nine honest men with us in the crown office, [not?] knowing a cause thereof, till it had cost them eighteen or nineteen pounds, some of them be= ing not able to bear the burden and sometimes [he threat...?] this way att other times he has been [heard?] [illegible] to threaten to fire his own houseing and [consequ...?] [illegible] effect ours, still reviling and [slandering?] [illegible] and soe troublesome at night seasons (by [illegible] those of his own family cry out murder [illegible] are alwayes possessed with fear by means of the aforesaid person in hopes your worshipps [will?] credit what is here re= lated and afford us some [illegible] [...if?] possible wee humbly take our leaves [being?] your worships most humble [illegible]

  • Ralph Russell
  • [Zecharie?] [illegible]
  • John Price
  • John Shipman
  • Thomas Selfe
  • Samuel [Lynton?]
  • Phillip [Ban...?]
  • Christopher [Wr...?]
  • William [Bound?]
  • William [Cha...?]
  • Thomas Allen

John Lampett of Great Hampton by Evesham. Ref.110 BA1/1/136/27-28 (1680)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of John Lampett of Great Hampton by Evesham

Humbly sheweth That your petitioner being informed that he was presented the last quarter sessions for having a newerected tenement in Great Hampton by Evesham, doth humbly represent to your worships. That the said tenement so pretended to be new=erected, was a tenement long before the memory of man, and before the statute of tricesimo primo of Queen Elizabeth and was demised togeather with severall parcells of land thereto belonging, to one John Barnes in the 21th yeare of King James, and hath no way been encreased since, but rather lessened, your poore petitioner by reason of his poverty having been forced to [sell?] the land once belonging to it and of the truth of this he is ready to produce a [certificate?] under the handes of severall of the said parish.

[illegible] [petitioner?] humbly adresseth himselfe to your worships as his [illegible] [...tice?], good [...and?] [illegible] assured, humbly [illegible] [illegible] [...wers?], or [illegible] of [illegible] [...nce?] [illegible] poore [illegible] as may be

[illegible] ever pray for your worships

Wee, whose names are under written, parishoners of Great Hampton by Evesham, do certifie to all whome it may concerne; that the house of John Lampett in Great Hampton aforsaid, in which he now dwelles (said to be presented as a new erected tenement) hath been longer built then any of us remember, and had once severall parcelles of land belonging to it, and was togeather with the said land demised, in the 21th yeare of King James, to one John Barnes, as by the said demise (to us showne) appeareth.

  • William Johns curate
  • John Clarke
  • Edward Callowe
  • Thomas Harborne
  • William Style
  • Henry Shreeve
  • Thomas Emes

John Pearkes. Ref.110 BA1/1/136/29 (1680)

The humble peteecion of John Pearks

Whereas a court leet and court baron was houlden at Stoake Prior upon the 30th day of September 1680 there was mencioned to serve for constable John Pearkes whom wee of the jury whose names are hereunto subscribed doe certifie, that wee did not consent and aprove of by reason that the house wherein hee now dwelleth served that office so lately, therefore the complaynant doth humbly beseech you that hee may bee excused of that office, and that some other that is more fit may bee nominated to serve it, by reason that there bee suffeecient men that have bin housholders this 20 or 30 yeares that have never served it as yet.

  • William Porter
  • John Chellingworth
  • [illegible] Bell
  • the mark of Thomas Carpenter
  • Richard Peyton
  • William Cookes
  • William Knight
  • John Lilly
  • Stephan Smith

Mary Knowles of Worcester, St Andrew. Ref.110 BA1/1/137/107 (1680)

To the Kings majesties justices of the peace at the quarter sessions holden for the county of the cittie of Worcester the humble peticion of Margarett Knowles of the parish of Saint Andrew within the cittie of Worcester

Humbly sheweth unto your good worships that whereas your petitioners sonne was borne in Bewdley towne and your petitioner since that time by consent hath inhabited in the parish of Ombersley and the officers of the said towne or burrough of Bewdley did seale a bond of fifty pounds to save the said parish of Ombersly harmeless from the said child and have paid 10 pence per weeke towards the reliefe of your petitioners sonne since that time now your petitioners sonne being attained unto ten yeares of age the said officers of the said towne of Bewdly doe refuse to pay the said weekly allowance as they have donne heretofore your petitioner and her husband being exeeding poore and having five small children are utterly unable to mainteyn the said child humbly craves your good worships to take into your judicious consideracion the deplorable condicion of your poore petitioners sonne and graunt that the said officers of Bewdly may continue the said allowance for the relief of your poore petitioners sonne or take some care to put your petitioners sonne an apprentice which may be donne for forty shillings that your petitioners sonne goe not a begging about the country and your petitioner shall as in duty bound pray etc

Joan Lovegrove of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/137/109 (1680)

To the worshipfull the justices of peace of the county of the citty of Worcester the humble petion of Jone Lovegrove of the parrish of Claynes

Humbly sheweth That your petioner beeing very poore and in sad condition having lost her frindes and husband and is now turnd ought of dores her and her childe and hath not a place to putt her head in beesheeching your worships to tacke it in to consideration that shee may have sum releefe her and her childe

  • Thomas Vernon

Roger Bundy of St Johns in Bedwardine, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/32 (1681)

To the worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of Roger Bundy of the parish of Saint Johns in Bedwardine in the county of Worcester labourer

Humbly sheweth that your petitioner hath in much faithfullnes served his late majestie of blessed memory and our present sovereigne in the unhappy warrs and hath hetherto in honest labour kept himself without any charge to the parish wherein hee now inhabites but now may it pleas your worships your poore petitioner by reason of the impairing of his sight and by great age is brought very low and poore, and haveing not abillitie to worke for his mainetenance is in all likelyhood and dainger of perishing if not prevented by your worships appointment

Your poore petitioner in all humillity prostrates himself to your worships consideracion humbly hopeing your worships will resent your petitioners condition and hee as in duty bound will constantly pray


x shillings

  • [T:Lanis?]

Arthur Bagshawe of Feckenham, tailor. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/33 (1681)

To the right worshipfull the justices of [the?] peace assembled in sessions

The humble peticion of Arthur Bagshawe of Feckenham in the county of Worcester taylor

Humbly sheweth That your peticioner is very aged and decayed in his labour and not able to gett his liveing by reason of severall shottes and woundes received in the late warrs in his majesties service your petnoure haveing ever been a loyall and a faithfull subject to his late majesty and to his present majesty that nowe is. Particulerly [the?] your peticioner received one shott in the hand and another in the throate, your peticioner never yett [peticioned?] for any pencion whilst hee was able otherwise to subsist because hee was not willing to bee troublesome to your worshipps or burthensome to the country butt his necessities now pressing

Hee humbly prayes your worshipps consideracion of the premisses and to take his lamentable condicion into your consideracion and to make him some allowance out of the county stock if nott a yearly pencion and hee shall ever pray etc


xx shillings

  • Henry Townshend

Thomas Woosall, a prisoner in the castle of Worcester. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/34 (1681)

To the worshippfulls his majesties justices of the peace att the generall quarter sessions to be holden for the county of Worcester the 12th day of Aprill anno domini 1681

The humble petition of Thomas Woosall a prisoner in the castle of Worcester

Sheweth That your petitioner about halfe a yeare last past was comitted to this goale for the feloniousley takeing away of one pigg, and your petitioner had his triall thereupon the last quarter sessions held for this county, and your petitioner was then discharged of his fact by due course of law, and since your petitioner hath not had any friend to supply him with money to pay his fees whereby your petitioner may have his liberty, and since your petitioner hath not had any allowance or any imployment whereby to relieve your petitioner in his greate distresse and want, where your petitioner is like to perish unlesse your worshipps will out of your charity releive your poore petitioner according to justice and equity

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • Thomas Woosall

Henry Dyson of Areley Kings, a soldier. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/35 (1681)

To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace for the county of Worcester the humble petition of Henry Dyson of the parish of Arely Kings in the same county sheweth

That whereas your poore petitioner hath beene in service under King Charles the first and King Charles the 2d and receved many wounds and hurts whereby hee hath beene much disabled for the worke of his calling litle thinking to better his condition by way of addresse to your worships, yet seing that him selfe and wife have beene visited with sicknesse for above a yeares space last past and had perished had they not beene releeved by the charitie of good neighbours (as is well knowne to the subscribers) and is still in a very low estate theerfore hee humbly beseec= heth your worships to commiserate him by allowing him some competent pension, and hee and his will bee engaged to pray ever for you.

  • Gilding Wotton
  • Thomas Crane
  • Walter [Walshe?]
  • Thomas Gegg
  • J Baily rector
  • John Stretch
  • Thomas Portman
  • John Mitchell
  • Thomas Pooller
  • Walter Pooller
  • Walter Wildsmith
  • Henrie Cowell
  • Joseph Hare
  • John Martine
  • William Terrill

Lewis William of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/36 (1681)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace at the quarter sessions houlden for the county of the cittie of Worcester the humble petition of Lewis Williams of the parish of Claines in the said county of Worcester

Humbly sheweth unto your good worships that in consideracion of my exeeding poverty and great age and weakness and my wifes age and impotency and for my service unto his majestie your worshipfull bench were graciously pleased to grant unto me your poore petitioner a sessions order that your poore petitioner should receive eight pence by the weeke to be paid by the churchwardens of the said parish of Claines whereas your poore petitioner never received but one eight pence and that the churchwardens refuse to obey your worships order your petitioner and his wife being not able to subsist your petitioner having lived in the said parish of Claines forty and two yeares humbly craves that your good worships would be pleased to comisserate the necessity of your poore petitioner and further order reliefe for your poore petitioner and your petitioner shall as in duty bound pray etc.

  • [T:Lanis?]

The overseers of Malvern. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/56 (1681)

To the honourable justises the humble petition of John Burd and John Neede overseers of the poore of Greate Malvorn d that an order may be granted that Edman Cother of Newland hee haveing a suffishent estate in our parish shall take Margorit Dunn an aprentis shee being fit and of age to be placed

  • Richard Dowdeswell

The parishioners of Hartlebury. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/57 (1681)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace at the generall sessions of the peace for the sayd county of Worcester the humble petition of the parishioners of Hartlebury in the sayd county humbly sheweth to your worships

That one Thomas Foley esquire deceased formerly owner of Wildon forge in our said parish did alwayes in his life time take care to secure our said parish from any charge that might have hapned to our said parish by reason of his bringing workmen into our said parish to work at his said forge at Wildon, but hee beinge dead his sonn as wee heare hath set the said forge to tenantes videlicet Master Richard Avenant and Master John Wheeler who doe not only refuse to take care of the children of one Thomas Lavender deceased but alsoe will against our consentes bringe in John Leanord senior and John Leanord junior and severall other workemen under them with greate charges of children into our parish without [giving?] us any securety to indempnefie our said parish, wee in prevention [thereof?] have had the said persons before the worshipfull Henry Townsend esquire a justice of the peace of this county who ordered them to apeare and abide your worships order of this sessions, wee therefore [humbly?] pray that thay may either give us good securety to indemnefie our said parrish or that your worships will graunt an order in default thereof to send them to Knivar in Staffordsheire from whence they came and we shall bee bound to pray for your worships etc.

  • [T:Lanis?]

James Wilmott of Hartlebury. Ref.110 BA1/1/139/58 (1681)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace att the generall sessions for the peace houlden the 12th daye of July 1681 for the county of Worcester the humble petition of Caines Wilmott of Hartlebury of Hartlebury in the said county humbly sheweth

That your petitionours predicessors tennantes to the predicessors of the reverend father in God James nowe Lord Bishopp of Worcester did heartofore severall hundred of yeares agoe erect on the land belongine to the said former Lord Bishopp and nowe to the present Lord Bishop five fulling milles and a corne mill and did then cutt a trench through the same downe to the roade way leadinge betwixt Worcester and Bewdly and did by the said cutt make the said cutt footeway enpassable for foote persones so that they did (for the use of foote persones only) erect and sett a bridge of single plankes with small charge to serve att reasonable waters for the passage [illegible] of the foote passengers which continued for seaverall hundred yeares and soe that att high waters all horsemen were forced to goe to the mills next above which were the free hould and inheritance of your petitioners ansestours and there besides goeinge a mile out of theire waye, were forced to pay by reason of theire goeinge over the said frehold one penny for every horseman untill about sixty yeares agoe in the time of the Lord Bishop Thornburys whoe liveinge att Hartlebury Castle and takeinge notice of the greate conveniency that a horse bridge would bee to the country did purchase as your petitioner hath heard to have built one there at his owne charge but at that very time whilst the buildinge of the said bridge was in consultation, one Phillip Jolly of the said parrish of Hartlebury yeoman was summoned unto the spirituall courte for begettinge a bastard childe and did confesse the same and for a commutation and to prevent his corporall pennance, did (haveinge some timber allowed by the said Lord Bishop) at his charge erect and set upp a very good horse bridge, which hath served to the greate advantage of the country, in generall ever since, but nowe soe it is, maye it please your worships that the same is fallen to decaye, which as timber and workemens wages now is will cost above 25 pounds to make it as the said Tolly did make it but not above 40 shillings to make it as it was before that time only for foote persones, which your petitioner humbly conceives is as much as hee by his tenure or in the judgment of any juditious man one the sight of the place wilbee concluded fitt for him to doe your petitioner therfore prayes that this honourable bench will assigne some one of the neigh neybour justices or sume other discreet person to veiw the place and heare what evidence shalbee given in the premisses, that this honourable court maye att the next generall sessions order what they thinke fitt to bee done in the premisses which order your petitioner will readily obeye performe one his parte and in the meane time will laye a planke for foote persones to pass a heartofore beffore the makeinge of the said horse bridge by the said Tolly.

The named inhabitants of Rushock. Ref.110 BA1/1/140/28 (1682)

Whereas John Ingram, alias England of the parish of Elmley Lovett in the county of Worcester taylor, and Judith his wife, have taken to farme and doe rent of Alice Tanner of the parish of Hampton Lovett widow a certaine small tenement and land thereunto belonginge, lyinge and beinge in the parish of Rushocke in the county aforesayd; and whereas the overseers of the poore of the sayd parish of Rushocke and the parisho= ners there have given disturbance to the sayd John and his wife, and doe oppose theyr settlement with them, fearinge and pretendinge that they may become burden =some and chargeable to them: wee therefore whose names are hereunto subscribed, beinge inhabitants and parishoners of Elmley, doe request and desire our lovinge neighbours, the inhabitants and parishoners of Rushocke to permit and suffer the sayd John and his wife quietly and peaceably to dwell and inhabit in the house they have taken: and we doe promise, and hereby oblige our selves, that if they should fall into poverty or want, we will either receive them into our parish againe, or relieve and support them, as need shall require, soe that they shall not in any manner be charge =able to the parishoners of Rushocke

Elmley Lovett April 22th 1682

  • Henry Townshend
  • Edward Best rector
  • Robert Townshend
  • William Hill
  • John Bird
  • William Robbyns churchwardens and overseers of the poore.
  • William Best his marke

The overseers of the poor and other inhabitants of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/152/120 (1683)

To the right worshipfull the justices of peace of the county of Worcester assembled in sessions

The humble petition of the overseers of the poore and other the inhabitantes of the townshipp of Whistans

Most humbly sheweth That by reason of the late contagious diseases and sicknesses within the said townshipp many of the sayd inhabitantes that had great charges of children are lately dead to wit eight children of one Hughes a taylor 3 children of one Nicholas 5 of one Jackson's and one of a certeyne woman called Black Besse, all lately deceassed and these 17 children are all fallen uppon the said townshipp which with the poore they allready had is become soe exceedingly increased that they are not able with their former allowance to subsist

Therefore they humbly pray releiff in the premisses and that they will pleas to [illegible] enlarge their present allowance of the hundred that theis persones may have some charitable releiffe and your peticioners shall dayly pray

  • Thomas Vernon

The inhabitants of Eckington. Ref.110 BA1/1/152/122 (1683)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace of the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of the parishoners and inhabitantes of Eckington in the said countie of Worcester

Sheweth that whereas there hath been an ancient tymber bridge consistinge of seaven arches over the river of Avon in the parish of Eckington fitt and convenient for all his majesties leidge people to passe and repasse from the northerne partes of this kingdome southwardes with carts waggons and other carriages, the which said bridge hath tyme out of [mind?] yearely and as often as neede required hath been repaired at the sole chardge of your peticioners the inhabitantes of Eckington aforesaid, but by reason of the great frosts and the great waters and ice, the mayne tymber of the said bridge is become soe farr decaied and ruynous that it is dangerous for his majesties subjects to pass over the said [bridge?] [illegible] uppon the view of able and sufficient workemen it is thought the tymber worke cannot be repayred without the [build...?] [illegible] stone pier the which your peticioners are unable to doe without the assistance of the county or well disposed [persons?]

Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that your worshipps will take the premisses into your consideracion and to give and allow them such summe or summes of money out of the surplusage of the county stocke as in your wisedome you shall thinke convenient for and towardes the buildinge of the said peir and repaire of the said bridge and your peticioners as in duety bound shall ever pray for worshipps happines and prosperity

The lord of the manor and inhabitants of Shrawley. Ref.110 BA1/1/152/59 (1683)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester at the sessions holden there October the [illegible]th 1686

The humble petition and request of the lord of the mannor and other the inhabitants of the parish of Shrawley whose names are hereunto subscribed humbly sheweth

That your petitioners the inhabitants of Shrawley aforesaid lye under a very great trouble and discontent by reason of Thomas Boyce James Powell the younger and Margarett [illegible] and other that have latly brewed of our parish of Shrawley aforesaid who keep petty alehouses selling ale without lycence in despight of your petitioners, to the very great dishonour of God and prophanation of the sabbath, they being all of them lusty people and fitt for any other imployment, and non of them sufficient to accommodate a travellor one his journey, not with standing our officers have taken all the care and paines possible for the suppressing of them, but they are now growne soe high and insolent that they contemne and despise our officers giveing them ill words and threatening language, whereupon your petitioners have thought good to make our humble addresses to your worships in this case humbly praying your worships to assist us, and that some order may be issued out for the speedy suppressing of them not doubting but it will much tend to the glory of God and the satisfaction of your petitioners and your petitioners shall ever pray for your worships fillicsity

  • Bryan Seaverne senior
  • Thomas Weaver constable
  • Edward Holder
  • John Hopkine
  • Walter Cooke
  • Thomas Smyth
  • Simon Hopkins overseres
  • Thomas Hamton
  • Thomas Weaver wardens
  • Allane [Chifte?]
  • Bryan Seaverne junior
  • Edward Burlton rector
  • Thomas Hopkins
  • Thomas Seaverne senior
  • John Seaverne
  • Thomas Stone
  • Richard Smyth
  • Thomas Seaverne junior
  • William Tone senior

John Morley and Thomas Browne. Ref.110 BA1/1/145/14 (1684)

[illegible] [worshipfull?] the justices of peace of [illegible] [Worcester?] assembled att the [illegible] [sessions?] of the peace holden for [illegible] county

[illegible] [John?] Morley and Thomas [Brown?] [illegible] chirurgeons [That one?] [illegible] of Upton upon Seaverne a very [poore?] man by a late misfortune of a fall broke his arme putt out his hipp bone and exceedingly bruised his whole body and being in that sadd condicion procured your peticioner Morely to come t goe to him and did sett his arme and applyed cure to all his hurtes and bruises and goeing afterwardes to vissitt him and to prosecute his cure had a fall from his horse and broke his owne arme and then was forced to procure your peticioner Browne to administer to the sayd Huntley in his absence and by their assistanc and the blessing of God allmighty the said Huntly is in a fair way of recovery butt hee being poore and nott able to make any recompenc to your peticioners they applyed them selves to the churchardenes and overseers of the poore for recompenc whoe utterly refuse to give them any thing att all whereupon your peticioners gave them notic to attend your worshipps this sessions

Your peticioners pray your consideracion and examinacion of the premisses and to make such order for your petitioners releiff in the premisses as you shall [illegible] agreeable to justice and equity

And your petitioner shall pray etc.

John Morrice of Severn Stoke, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/145/15 (1684)

To the honourable and worshipfull the justices of the peace for the county of Worcester in their courtt of sessions assembled:

The humble peticion of John Morrice of the parishe of Severn Stoke in the foresaid county laborer

Humbly sheweth that your peticioner abowt five yeares last past was charged by one Isbell Osborne of the parishe [illegible] Pershore foer getting of a bastard childe and [illegible] upon your peticioner was ordered by the said courtt to [illegible] one shilling a weeke towardes the mainetainance [illegible] said childe; and since that your peticioner moveing this [illegible] was ordered to paye 8 pence per weeke till further order

Now may itt please your worshipes your peticioner is reduct to a very lowe condicion: and last winter did receive greate losse: and his wife a very infirme and sickley woman and his wife and children now sicke and your peticioner hath little or noe worke haveing nothing to mainetaine them butt by his hard labor: and is nott able to paye any longer

Your peteicioner therefore humblely prayes that this courtt will be pleased to discharge him from payeing the foresaid 8 pence a weeke, otherwise your poore peticioner will be forct to leave his countrey and his wife and children will inevitably be rueind: unless pyttyed by your worshipes

And your peticioner shall ever pray:


[reduced?] to vi pence per weeke till the next sessions

John Morrice of Severne Stoke his peticion

Inhabitants of South Littleton. Ref.110 BA1/1/145/65 (1685)

Worcester sessions

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace at the generall sessions after Epiphany anno domini 1684.

The humble peticion of us whose names are subscribed inhabitantes in South Littleton.

Sheweth That one Richard Ayres of the said towne tayler haveinge formerly a licence from some of the justices of the peace of the said county to sell ale in the said towne hee the said Richard Ayres hath of late kept very ill orderes in his said house by sufferinge our servantes and otheres to tipple there in the night tyme and especially on the Lordes dayes to the great disturbance of the peace and the damage of the neighbourhood.

Wherefore, and forasmuch as the said Richard Ayres hath a good trade of which he may live very well (hee being accounted a curious workman) your peticioners humbly pray that he may be suppressed for keeping an alehouse for the time to come

And your peticioners shall ever praye

  • John Simons
  • Thomas Waubling
  • William Colman
  • John Walford
  • William Handy
  • William Marshall

John Yenkinson consenteth to the suppresing of this alehouse heare mentioned but for disorders knoweth of none as be mentioned

Gilbert Hutton of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/148/50 (1685)

To the worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of Gilbert Hutton of the parish of Claynes

Humbly sheweth That your petitioner beeing a very weake and infirme man and hee haveing three very weake small children of his owne and one other sonne (by marriing of a widdow) called Ralph Braddock who was borne in the said parrish beeing fitt to goe to bee an apprentice your petitioner makeing his application to the churchwardens and others of the parish they ordered your petitioner to finde out a master for him and they would give the usuall allowance which was 4 pounds. Soe your petitioner did place him with theire approbacion to William Jones of Whistones tytheing a tayler, and now beeing denyed the money promised the lad is like to bee turned home againe upon your petitioner whoe is noe way able to provide for him

Doth therefore humbly pray the order of this worshipfull court for the money promised or that the lad may bee placed some other way and this master sattisfied for his dyett and your petitioner shall ever pray etc

Francis Warner of Worcester, silkweaver. Ref.110 BA1/1/148/56 (1685)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of Francis Warner of the citty of Worcester silkweaver

Humbly sheweth That your petitioner haveing a desire to see his parentes inhabitantes in Bewdly in this county did undertake a journey for that purpose and falling into some company in Bewdly being heated with travelling [illegible] occasioned your petitioner to drink more then usuall and being asked for news your petitioner to his great sorrow is charged for relateing some unhappy wordes which he said he had heard for which he is now confined in the county goale your petitioner never before had the least suspision of being any way disloyall his father a known person that hath served his majestie King Charles the 1st and King Charles the 2d of happy memory for many years actually and with all fidellitie

Your petitioner in much humillitie implores your your worships to consider that being a poor person his wife and small children that dependes upon his labour should he be restrained in the goale must perish which your petitioner humbly hopes you will prevent and he for your worships will pray

James Marshall and four others of Scotland, chapmen. Ref.110 BA1/1/148/57 (1685)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of James Marshall Jeremiah Jack William Doller John Yooll and Alexander Maknor of his majesties kingdome of Scotland chapmen

Humbly sheweth that your petitioners being comitted to the castle [illegible] prison for the county of Worcester have laine there this considerable time in a very poore and miserable condition being restrained from their imployment and now have not any way to releive or support themselves in this their calamities and are in great likelyhood of being utterly ruined if not prevented by your worships charitable assisting them out of this confinement your petitioners haveing some occasion to draw them into the said citty did suppose they might so do behaveing themselves civilly and not abuseing his majesties laws. Your petitioneres did not come into the said citty to use any sorte of dealing injurious to the law or prejudiciall to the custome and constitutions of this worthy citty but to [as...?] themselves with some necessaries for their monies as their respective occasions required

So that your petitioneres in most humble manner implore your worships favor to be released being respectively reddy in to obey your worships command and for your worships will constantly pray


to have a passe

Sarah wife of Meredyth Jones of Saint Clement. Ref.110 BA1/1/151/18 (1686)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Sarah wife of Meredyth Jones of the parrishe of Saint Clement in the county of Worcester

Sheweth to your good worshippes that your peticionors saide husband Meredyth Jones was formerly a tenant to Edward Cookesey gentleman and was somewhat beehind of rent, and the saied Master Cookesey his sued your peticionors saied husband and layed him in the castle of Worcester prisonor, and your poore peticionor haveinge sixe small children to mainetaine and her husband a prisoner, her saied children are like to perishe for want and your peticionor hath complayned to the highe churchwarden of our saied parrishe, whoe receaves and payes, for this yeare, and hee hath denyed to yeelde unto your peticionor any releife.

Shee humbly beeseecheth your good worshipps to take her sadd condicion into consideracion and to graunt your order to the churchwardens and overseers of the poore of our saied parrishe that they allowe unto your peticionor such weekely releife as to your good [illegible] meete untill her saied husbandes


Wee present that Zacharie Stokes constable of [Upton?] upon Seavern we had a warrant delivered to him from the justices of the peace of this county for apprehending of severall persons in the warrant [named?] and did refuse and neglect the execucion of the same

  • Samuell Newbrough foreman

Elizabeth Cowell, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/151/39 (1686)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester the humble petishon of Elizabeth Cowell humbly sheweth

That wheras your poore petishoner is left a widow having foure children two of which are small not able for any imployment hath beene tost about from place to place for convenience of her late husbandes imployment who was a carpenter, and was some yeares agoe an inhabitant in the burrough of Droit=wich whoe at his first removall thence because parishes might not scruple his entartainment, severall of the inhabitantes then in office and yet living, gave a certifficate to John Cowell late husband to your petishoner, that they would owne them as parishoneres, and receive them when neede should soe require, the said John Cowell by reason of some worke he had in Worcester brought his wife and children into the tyething of Whistones for his and theire bettar accomodation where they have had residence for about the space of whole yeares where the said John Cowell departed this life the sad effectes of whose death hath, hath brought your poore petishoner into a comfortless, and destressed condition, being unable to provide foode for her selfe and children, and pay houserent

Your poore petishoner humbly implores your worships serious consideration of the sadness of her condition, and ernestly beggs that she may by your worships order have a peaceable reception againe into Wich, where she hath some friendes and relationes that will be a comfort and reliefe to her and her children, or that some assistance may be graunted her in the tyething of Whistones and your petishoner as in duty bound will ever pray for your worships posperity, and felicyty


Witnes to [prove?] the habitation at both Buckstow and that there was a certificate to Whystons by those of Droytwich

John Grubb of Acton Beauchamp. Ref.110 BA1/1/153/1 (1686)

To the worshipfull the justices of the bench for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of John Grubb of the parish of Acton Beachamp in the county aforsaid

Humbly sheweth Whereas your poore petitioner being an aged man of above forscore yeares of age and not able to work and have spent the best of my dayes in the Kings service Charles the first of blessed memory and haveing no habitation humbly crave that your worships will be pleased to alott me a house in the waste for my support in my old age and your poor pettitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray.

Thomas Vernon


Easter sessions 1686

Upon the petitioners oath that hee was last setled att Acton Beachamp as an apprentice ordered by the court that the officers there doe provide for him according to lawe

[illegible] [illegible]

Elizabeth Symmons, widow, of Holdfast. Ref.110 BA1/1/153/69 (1686)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace of this county

The humble petition of Elizabeth Symmons [widow?] of the parish of Houldfast in the county of Worcester

Most humbly sheweth that your poore petitioner is above sixty yeares of age and a lamness in her limbs not capable but of very little laboure and hath noe house but what is upon sufference by Master Letchmore and yt is soe ould and rotten redy to fall on her head and raines in that your petitioner cant lye dry in her bed and the parisheners are very sencible of her great indigency but will not provide her a house unless shee brings an order soe that shee doth most humbly begs your good worships to grant an order that shee may have some poore habitation to lye dry in that shee might not perish and your poore petitioner shall as in all duty be ever bound to pray


Referred to Master [Hornwald?]

Joane Langley, widow of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/153/70 (1686)

To the right worshipful his majesties justices of the peace at the general quarter sessions holden for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of Joane Langley widow of the parish of Claines in the said county

In most lamentable wise sheweth unto your worships that your petitioners son William Langley lived above the space of one year a servant to Master Hyam Cooks of Suckley in the county aforesaid and there he had his last legal settlement where it pleased God to visit him with grievous sickness and the paine in his head was so violent that he lost his eye sight in which affliction he continued and your petitioner was constrained to seek relief from the parish of Suckley aforesaid and because of the natural affection which your petitioner doth bear unto her son she did accept of fifteen pence by the week from the overseers of the poor of Suckley to keep her said son at her house in Claines where after many remedies used he remaineth yet blind and he is besides very weake and troubled with such fits that your petitioner dare not leave him without one to attend on him. The said overseers have lately refused to pay the said fifteen pence which is too little and incompetent to maintaine a man in the condition her son is in and your petitioner is a very poor woman

May it therefore please your worships of your accustomed goodness alwaies to povertie extended to afford your petitioner your charitable favour and succour in this behalf and to grant an order that the overseers of the poor of Suckley aforesaid may pay such a competent weekly allowance as to your worships shall seem meet for the maintenance of your said petitioners said son

And your said petitioner and her said son shall ever rest bound to pray etc.

Thomas Vernon


The petitioner allowed xviii shillings per weeke for the future and the arreares of xv pence per weeke and the charge of this order

Katherine Jones of Holt. Ref.110 BA1/1/155/86 (1688)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the pease for this county the humble peticion of Katharin Jones of the parish of Holt in the county of Worcester humly sheweth

That your poore peticioners husband is imprisoned for rent and hath bene detained there for a long time by William White of the parish of Holt aforesaid by reason whereof your poore peticioner is brought to great poverty having three small children and great of the fourth which caused your poore peticioner to make hur humble adrese to your worships who were pleased to [grant?] me som relif out of Holt parrish which [illegible] the parishners would alow but twelve pence the weeke wherby your peticioner is brought very lowe and now of late hath taken that of and will give no more by reason wherof your poore peticioner and children are like to perish having nither foode nor fire nor clothes to keep us [alieve?] the premises concidered your poore piticioner humbly prayeth your worships to take hur deplorable condition into your merscifull consideration and grant your poore piticioner some order wherby she and hur children may be releived who shall ever pray for your worships felicity

John Russell


To be allowed 12 pence by the weeke

referred to Master Vernon

John Harcott of Stoke Prior. Ref.110 BA1/1/155/87 (1688)

To the right worshipfule his majesties justices of the peace of the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of John Harcott of Stoke Prior in the said county

Humbly sheweth that your peticioner is a very poore man and hath three smale children and his wife very greate of another, and without some speedy course be taken for mayntenance for them they are like to perish,

We whose names are subscribed inhabitantes, of the said parish doe certifie the the trueth of the peticion etc


We those nams are heare unto subscribed doe desier that his pay may be continewed the which is i shiling 6 pence a wicke

  • Richard Knight
  • Thomas Lillye
  • John Lillye
  • James Hartott
  • Bridget Hill
  • Thomas Vernon

The peticioner is allowed eighteene pence by the weeke which the over seeres of the poor are to pay to the peticioners releiff

per curiam

  • Thomas [illegible] [illegible]
  • [illegible]

Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed doe thinke it fitt and convenient that John Harcottes weekely pay should be continued unto him and that his howse rent should be payd as it hath bine formerly

  • Richard Knight
  • Thomas [Lillye?]
  • John Lillye
  • James Harcot
  • Johan [Elley?]
  • Bridget Hill

Susanna Rose of Bromsgrove. Ref.110 BA1/1/155/88 (1688)

To the worshipfull justices of the beanch for the countie of the cittie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Susanna Rose in the parrish of Bromsgrove in the said countie

Most humblie aquainteinge your worships, that your poor peticioners brother George Gilburt, was a hierried searvant to William Hornnyblow blacke smyth in Strurbridge in Old Swinverd parrish, and was his servant for a yeare and a halfe, tell it pleased God that by accident his hammer fell upon his foot and bruised on of his toes, the which did soe much disable him, that he hath not binn able to doe any worke for a livelywhood, and affter a longe tym of suffer ferenc, he was perswaded it was gon to the Kings evell, then went to London and was tuched by his majestie, and affter, was forced to goe to a sirjant at Rushucke under care above halfe a yeare, and affter the sirjants left him off, and would not let him bee entertained in the parrish any longer, soe that hee cam isterday to your peticioners, and shee gave him one nightes lodgeinge and your poor suppliant haveinge a husband and two small children, and noethinge but what their poore labour brings in to maintaine theme with, soe that your poor suppli ant, doth most humblie aquaint your worships that the said George Gilburt was borne in Bell Broughton and searved a prenticship there, now your suppliant doth in all humylytie beege your worships to graunt her an order for the seatlment of this poor creatur, that hee might not bee lost for want of one, where your worships shall be pleased to thinke most fit, and your pooer peticionour shall be ever bound to pray

Inhabitants of Suckley. Ref.110 BA1/1/157/101 (1689)


Whereas there are no lesse then five ale houses in the small township of Suckley, which tend much to the detriment of the inhabitantes of the said township, att one of which above the rest videlicet: Anne Gowers or Happes, there are frequently great disorders, swearing and blaspheming, drunkenesse and revelling, day and night, att the most unseasonable times, and this too as well on the Sunday or Lords day, as one the week dayes by which God is dishonourd the sabbath lamentably prophand abuses daily offer'd etc and which is more servants and poor labourers inveigled, seduced, wheedeld to expend their money to the impoverishment of the people of the said township

We the minister, churchewardens and other inhabitantes of the said township doe most humbly desire that the foresaid Anne Gower alias Happ may be [suppressed?] and utterly debarr'd of keeping a publick house that so those enormities may cease, and sobryety and good order take place.

  • John Thronburgh
  • Thomas Hallward
  • John Eddwardes Benjamin Herbert rector
  • Edward Hinton Heigam Coke
  • Francis Hide John Palmer
  • William Johnsons William Rummey
  • Roger Hay George Crumpe [Church wardens?]

The inhabitants of Lindridge. Ref.110 BA1/1/161/63 (1689)

To the reverend the dean and chapter of the cathedrall church of Worcester lord of the mannour of Lindridge in the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of the inhabitants of the parish of Lindridge

Sheweth That one William Grove a poore inhabitant of the said parish of Lindridge haveing a wife and two small children and being destitute of an habitacion the present overseer of the poore hath beene necessitated to find them lodgeing in his owne house to preserve them from perishing, and in regard there is noe house [voyd?] in the said parish nor any almes house to put them into wee make it our humble request that you will please to give us leave to erect a cottage upon a certen waste ground within the said mannour called the Fryth on the north part of the said waste, and that you will signify your consent herein by writeing under this our peticion to the end wee procure an order of the sessions for the doeing thereof: which being an act of charity wee hope you will please to graunt and your peticioners shall ever pray etc

  • John Soley
  • Thomas Bodenham
  • Richard Symondes
  • William Mounde
  • John Mounde
  • Anne Crundall vidua
  • William Southall
  • Edward Hardman
  • Arther Pitt
  • Roger Turner
  • Edward Bodenham
  • Thomas Munn

We doe consent and give leave that a cottage may be built for the said William Grove upon such parte of the waste in our mannor of Lyndridge as their majesties justices of the peace of this county shall thinke fitt

  • William Talbot dean
  • W Hopkins rector general