Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1670s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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Inhabitants of Bretforton. Ref.110 BA1/1/115/27 (1671)

Wigorn [com?]

To the right worshippfull his majesties justices of the peace for the said county in quarter sessions assembled, and to all others whom it shall or may concerne

Wee whose handes are hereunto subscribed inhabitantes of Bratforton in the said county, doe certifie by these presentes, that whereas at Michaelmas sessions last, a certaine matter was heard in court, betweene the said inhabitantes and one Richard Grimell, concerninge the keepinge of a bastard childe whereof the said Richard is the putative father; and whereas the said Richard hath since the said sessions, made very good provision for the nursinge and maitaininge of the said childe wee are fully satisfide and contented with the same; desiringe, that if anythinge remaine against him in the court, anyway relating to the premises, hee may bee discharged thereof with as much expedicion, and as little expences as may bee possible.

  • Master Thomas Crompe
  • Anthony Crompe
  • John White vicar
  • Thomas [Huis?]
  • Samuel Hunt overseers of the pore
  • John Aishnin
  • Thomas Byrd church wardens
  • Giles Keighley
  • Robert Loggin

Henry Pritchett of Old Swinford. Ref.110 BA1/1/119/24 (1673)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Henry Pritchett of the parishe of Oldswinford in this county

Humbly sheweth That your peticioner by reason of his great age and hard [labour?] (being 78 years of age) is become utterly uncapable of helping himselfe and nott able to gett a farthing towards his maintenance neyther is hee able to rise from his bedd or chaire if hee lye or sitt downe without helpe and when hee is upp hee cannott stand without helpe and hath noe estate neyther reall nor personall only twelve pence a week from the parishe.

Your peticioner humbly prayes your worshipps to consider his poore condition and encrease his pay according to your worshipps discretion and your oratour shall dayly pray


Upon the oath of Thomas Bradeley the contents of this peticion was proved

xviii pence

Inhabitants of Kings Norton. Ref.110 BA1/1/119/38 (1673)

[illegible] [whose?] names are subscribed doe humbly certify [illegible] [worshipfull?] bench that whereas at the court att Kingsnorton [illegible] [] of October that William Freith was then and there [illegible] the custume of the manour elected constable [illegible] said parish for the yeare ensuinge and after the [illegible] part of the free tenauntes of the said manor were [illegible] from the said court the steward and [illegible] others with [illegible] [...ld?] contrary to our votes election put downe Richard [illegible] cunstable quite contrary to the custume [illegible] manour notwithstanding it was made apeare that [illegible] [Gilbert?] is at this time overseer of the [illegible] this yeare untell Easter: therefore [illegible] humbly desire you to releve the said Richard [illegible] [order?] the said William Freith to serve

  • [illegible] [...dlemore?]
  • [illegible] [...lemore?]
  • [illegible] Palmer
  • William [Curthie?]
  • Henerey Grene
  • Thomas Raynoldes
  • Humphrey Sergent
  • paratext[illegible] [...blesome?] office [illegible] [] I concur? [illegible] [...nable?] to impose [illegible] [...ou?] him for this
  • Edward [illegible]

John Langford of Kyrewood, husbandman. Ref.110 BA1/1/119/55 (1674)

To the right [illegible] [his majesties?] justices of the peace for the county aforesaid

The humble peticion of John Langford of Kirewood Kyrewood in the parish of [Tembury?] in the county aforesaid husbandman

[Humbly?] sheweth unto your good worshipps that whereas your petitioner [illegible] he lived in Tembury parish hath paid a racke rent to Captayne Cornewall and is but tenant at will not [knoweinge?] howe soone [he?] may goe to live els where That there are some of the said parish that beare causles displeasure against your petitioner would willingly charge the petitioner with an apprentice the daughter of one Thomas Bishopp of the old wood in the said parish of Tembury which said Bishop and his wife are reputed of evill name and fame and that there are many freeholders and lease tenantes that are very sufficient that are not charged with the keepeinge of any apprentice within the said parish, and therefore your petitioner desires your good worshipps for that your petitioner is but tenant at will and not of abillity as others are that are free holders and lease holders that hee may be freed and discharged from the said apprentice [illegible] (the petitioner not intendinge not to contynue but a shorte tyme within the said parish haveinge susteyned much damadge there since he come beinge much disabled by meanes whereof all which your petitioner referres to your good worshipps consideracion as to your worshipps shall seeme meete and expedient and your petitioner will ever praye etc.


The truth of this peticion is certifide by us whose names are subscribed

  • Richard Tomlins constable
  • John Greene constable
  • Thomas Hill
  • Thomas Coultly
  • John Pirkes
  • Gilbert Freeman
  • Richard Yapp

Referred to the justices of the [lymittes?]

Inhabitants of Shrawley. Ref.110 BA1/1/171/102 (1675)

[illegible] we the inhabitants [and parishners?] of Shrawley whose names are hereunto subscribed [illegible] Jams Jones of our parish may come out of prison upon his pettition and promis of reforma=tion and working to mainetaine his wife and children and therefore have humbly desired your note to [the?] keeper of the goale to lett him come out [paying?] [his?] charges

  • [ Heavern?]
  • Edward Burlton rector
  • Thomas Seaverne
  • Thomas Smyth constable
  • Anthony Thrapp churchwarden

Inhabitants of Shrawley. Ref.110 BA1/1/123/28 (1675)

To the right worshipfull justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble supplication and petition of the inhabitants of the parish of Shrawley in the county aforesaid humbly sheweth

That your petitioners for many yeares past have beene very great sufferers by reason of many young people now inhabiting within our parish aforesaid, who live at their owne hands and refuse to goe to service, whose names are here sett downe in this warrant hereunto anexed and your petitioners had a warrant from Mr Pytts and Mr Jeffreyes two of his majesties justices of the peace for to give them warning to provide themselves services within a moneth, and the constable gave them warning accordingly, but those persons have both contemned their warrant and derided your petitioners, whereupon your petitioners are constrained to maek our humble redresses unto this honourable court humbly craveing your help and assistance that some speedy course may be taken herein, and those persons may be either compelled to go to service or else be proceeded against as contemners of the law and your petitioners shall ever pray

  • Edward Burlton rector
  • Henry Cliffe
  • Richard Smyth
  • Bryan Seaverne
  • William Hill constable
  • Thomas Weaver
  • William Jones
  • Thomas Seaverne

James Arnold of Upton upon Severn. Ref.110 BA1/1/123/29 (1675)


To the honorable and worshipfull his majestys justices of the peace at the general sessions holden for this county at the citty of Worcester July the 12th 1675

The humble petition of James Arnold native of Upton Upon Seavern in this County.

Humbly sheweth that whereas your poor petitioner being press'd for his majesties service at Upton Upon Severn in the year 1666, which is made evident by a certificate signed by a worthy justice of the peace in this county. In order whereunto he was sent with many other to his majesties garrison of Tanger, where he continued for the space of seaven years and eleaven moneths; which is also manifested by two other certificates, one subscribed by his excellency John Earle of Middleton governor of the said castle and citty; the other by his com=mission officers, together with testimonials of his loyalty and behaviour, whose discharge was granted principally because of his great indisposition of body, contracted by long lying out at sea in a very sickly ship about one year before his departure, which so farr prevailed upon him that he was given for dead by the physitians there; and by their mediation to his officers had leave to return home, hoping that his countrey air might be more prevalent for his recovery, than any means possibly they might prescribe. As having also recieved som deperat wounds, which are visibly apparent upon his macerated body. And above all his continued weakness, or the heat of the clymat, hath caused a very great dimness in his sight, which is extremely prejudicial to him, he being by trade a tayler.

Your humble petitioner having labourer under those pressing infirmityes so long, (it being more than a year since his arrival in England) that he in order to his recover hath bestowed upon physitians all his arrears he brought over with him (which were considerable) together with what his poor relations could scant themselves off in those hard times. And now being (by gods blessing) in some measure towards recovery, yet utterly destitute of any [illegible] subsisting, having spent his strength and flower of his dayes in the service of his countrey, having been never as yet chargeable to the publick, humbly prostrating (although a skeliton) the best body god hath left him, before the honourable bench with all submission imporing your charitable consideration [illegible] it may be allowable by law or equity, in this his craving [illegible] what proportion and after [illegible] manner your worships [illegible] poor petitioner shall as [illegible] duty pray for you.

[illegible] [illegible]

Walter Morice, clothier of Saint Martins. Ref.110 BA1/1/171/5 (1676)

To the worshipfull the justices of the peace for the county quarter sessions.

The humble peticion of Walter Morice Walker clothier of the parish of Saint Martins in the [illegible]

Who truely sheweth unto your worships That he hath been a faithfull souldier unto King Charles the First of blessed memory first against the Scots, next in Ireland, after in his own nation and cuntry here in England and after to his majestie, that now is, untill the last fight in this citie being then a lieutenant [he was?] taken prisoner, and sold for 14 shillings, but was bought off by a friend at [Bristoll?] for two pounds, having received severall wounds in the said service and hath lived in good fashion [illegible] since, till of late, that he is grown into decay by reason of bad trading and his [small?] [illegible] and is at present in the town hall prison for debt, which is 8 pounds, he having [illegible] about 11 weeks, and now his creditor would willingly accept of 6 pound, but [illegible] all the friends he hath can or will pay it, during his time of his imprisonment, his [W...?] [illegible] and pawned [almost?] all his poor houshold stuff to relieve him, her selfe [illegible] children, having peticioned the mayor, but as yet he hath no weekly [illegible] him, he being now in a very poor distressed condition, being aged [sixty?] [illegible] very loth to make his case known, but that his sad extremity [dr...?] [illegible] become an object of pitty, he therefore humbly intreats your [worships?] [illegible] some yearly pension on him for the remainder of his dayes, which [illegible] the course of nature, and if your worships cannot graunt him any [illegible] that you will be pleased out of your [illegible] and charity to bestowe some thing on him to helpe him for the [present?] [illegible] petitioner his wife and children, will be ever obliged to pray for [illegible] your wellfares here, and eternall happiness hereafter

  • Thomas Vernon

x shillings givenn in court

John Cooke, a poor distressed soldier. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/7 (1677)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the generall quarter sessions holden for the county of Worcester.

The humble peticion of John Cooke of the a poor distressed souldier

Humbly sheweth unto your worshipps that your peticioner hath inhabited in Alfricketh within this county for the space of three years or thereabouts and since hath bin in his majesties service for the space of five years last past wherein he was wounded in his right legge to his great prejudice soe that thereby he is not able to gett his liveing to maintein his wife and children

His humble peticion therefore is that your worshipps would be pleased to [illegible] allow him a weekly pension towards his necessary releife and maintenance as a distressed and maimed souldier which will engage your peticioner to pray for your worshipps etc


The peticioner is allowed of the treasary xx shillings

per curiam

Thomas Harvey of Leigh, mason. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/75 (1677)

To the right honourable and right worshipfull his majestyes justices of the peace for the county of Worcester at their quarter sessions holden at Worcester for the said county the 3d day of October in the yeare 1677

The humble petition of Thomas Harvey of the parish of Leigh in the county of Worcester mason.

Humbly sheweth that wheras the said Thomas Harvy a poore inhabitant of the parish of Leigh liveing in a cottage upon the wast land, hath for many yeares lived in honest repute amongst his neiboures and by his industry and care mainetained his wife and children suiteable to his capacity without the use of any unlawfull or indirect meanes. He the said Thomas Harvey by the false accusation of one Elizabeth Cotton of the hamlett of Alfrick in the parish of Suckley (and impudent and debauched woeman) charging him as the father of a bastard child begotten of her body; is by this honourable bench ordered to pay towards the mainetenance of the said child 4 pence by the week which 4 pence being deducted out of his weekly wages, and the affection of people in other places whre he had good work much declineing upon this scandall: your poore petitioner with his family (his wife being old and almost disabled through age and this trouble to doe any thing towardes her mainetenance) are hereby likely to be reduced to extreame penury and want. We therefore the inhabitantes of Leigh aforesaid upon his request have consented to become joynt petitioners with the said Harvy to the honourable bench for the takeing off the said charg to which we have the more readily yeilded, being convinced by all probable reason that your poore petitioner has been much abused. This Cotton being since married to one Baker a man of ill report, and long suspected as guilty in this nature with the said Cotton, who has had severall other bastard children; and allwayes entertained at his house in her extremity. And that we doe farther conceive the reason why the officers of the aforesaid hamlett of Alfrick doe keep this child is onely to continue [the charg?] upon Harvy; which unreasonable severity we [humbly?] [illegible] your serious consideration and due correction and [illegible] your humble petitioners and servants

  • William Johnson
  • Thomas Morton
  • Richard Chrispe
  • Samuel Birchett rector
  • Edward Kinge
  • [Flurris?] Furman church [wardens?]
  • Matthew Martin
  • Lawncellot Browninge
  • John Pennell overseers
  • Thomas Winsemore


Samuel Wood and John Wood of Wick juxta Pershore. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/76 (1677)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshippfull and worshippfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county aforesaid at the generall sessions of the peace held for the said county

The humble peticion of Samuel Wood of and John Wood of Wick juxta Parshore in this county husbandmen.

Shewing that your worshipps poore peticioners being bound by two severall recognizances to appeare at the last Christmas sessions held for this county for an offence comitted by your peticioners against Thomas Streete esquire and some other gentlemen when your peticioners were overtaken in drinke and knew not what they did, for which offence your peticioners are heartily sorry, and were and are ready and willing to make such submission and satisfaccion both to the court and the gentlemen for theire offence; as this court or the gentlemen shall think meete but in regard your peticioners did onely appere at the said sessions and not stay to abide the judgment of the court theire recognizances were forfeited which if extracted into the exchequer wilbe the ruine of your poore petitioners theire father (who is likewise bound in the said recognizances and all theire familyes

Wherefore your poore petitioners humbly pray that your worshipps wilbe pleased to suspend extraction of the said recognizances out of this court into the exchequer untill you [illegible] shall thinke meete to order it othewise

And your poore petitioners shall [ever?] [illegible] for your worshipps etc

Elizabeth Evans, of Tenbury parish. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/77 (1677)

To the worshipfull the justices of the peace at the quarter sessions for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of Elizabeth Evans, of Tenbury parish

Humbly sheweth that she hath ben seduced by her fellow servant man, who upon promise of marriage, hath gotten her with childe, and now he is run the country, whereupon she is left in a very sad condition, haveing neither father or mother or any other friend to goe to, and the officers of the parish of Tenbury aforesaid do threaten to turne out thence, she having lived in service there almost three [years?] she therefore humbly beceecheth your worships, to consider her [distressed?] condition and to be pleased to graunt her some competent reliefe out of the said parish, and a place there to live till a fortnight after candlemas, (and after that time she hopes to maintain her selfe,) and your poor petitioner shall humbly pray [etc?]

Thomas Fletcher, prisoner at Worcester. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/78 (1677)

To all his majesties justices of peace for the county of Worcester October 2d 77

Being the humble petition of Thomas Fletcher prisoner in the castle and goale of Worcester

Humbly sheweth that your poore petitioner hath beene a prisoner for this five yeares and a halfe in great misery but now in very great want haveing my estate seized on by his brother, Richard Fletcher and forced to sell all my goodes sence for to releive me my wiefe and children whereof I haveing nothing leaft to releive me and my family which hoping your worshipps will be pleased to take in consideration my poore distressed and deploreable condicion to grant a weekely allowance of bread either from the parish of Blockley from whence I came or county to your poore petitioner as he in duty bound shall ever pray

  • Thomas Fletcher

ii shillings per week

The inhabitants of Norton juxta Kempsey. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/79 (1677)

To the right worshippfull the justices of the peace at the generall sessions of the peace holden for the countie of Worcester

The humble petition of the inhabitants of Norton juxta Kempsey whose names are hereunto subscribed humblie sheweth

That there is one Richard Lemmington and Anne his now wife hath and now doth keepe a constant and publike alehouse in our parrish and doth keepe verie ill orders in their house and one the saboth day there was one Richard Dyer was allmost killed and sithens that tyme they entertained certaine theives in their house whereof one Joseph Cowell a theife was taken there and the rest fleed which put the parrish to great charges and sithens that tyme they have entained certaine susspected persons and beinge by the officers admonished to the contrarie the said Anne Lemmington told the said officers the they did and would entertaine them to the great dammage of the said inhabitants and wee supposse it is an unlicenced alehouse and we can prove that they still doe entertaine the afforesaid susspected persons and we the said inhabitants doe humbly intreate your the worship=full bench to take it into your consideration that punishment according to law may be inflicted upon them and that we the said inhabitantes will for ever pray for your worshipfull benches preservation

  • Edward Fox and
  • paratext[jur?] Thomas Murrall church wardens
  • George Sermon one of the overseers of the poore
  • John Mascall
  • paratext[jur?] Robert Deanes
  • paratext[jur?] Thomas Thacher
  • John Hurdman


Daniel Hemmin of Shreeves Lench. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/8 (1677)

The humble petition of Daniel Hemmin of Shreeves Lench To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace for the county of Worcester at their generall quarter sessions held the 24th day of Aprill anno domini 1677

Humbly sheweth that your petitioner being a poore man, about December last had stollen from him two horses by James Shufley and William Willis alias Brookes who had commonly sollen horses out of the said county, and your petitioner following them many hundred miles did take them in the county of Salop, where after they were comitted to goale they broak the said goale, and afterwards he took them in the county of Glocester, whom he caused to be committed to the goale at Glocester, whence they were removed to Salop and by the evidence of your petitioner were hanged for the said fact: your petitioner being but a poore man and having nothing but what he gets by his hard labour did expend out of purse above eight pounds to hang the said persons and singly out of his own costs and to his loss when Doctor Sutton who had a horse stollen from him by them and Master Sargeant who had alsoe four horses stollen from him did refuse to assist your poore petitioner in his great expense, all which he reserves to your clemency

An shall ever pray etc

Edward Dineley


Allowed him xl shillings out of the tresury

Edward Phillipps, prisoner. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/80 (1677)

October 2d 77

To his majesties justices of peace for this county of Worcester

The humble petition of Edward Phillipps prisoner [in the?] castle and goale of Worcester

Humbly seweth That your poore petitioner being cast in prison and haveing a wiefe and two smale children and haveing noe allowance whereby he is very like to perish if in case that he should be continued therefore your poore petitioner doth humbly begge your worshipps to except of bayle whereby he may have his liberty to relieve himselfe his wiefe and children other=wise itt will be their utter ruine therefore he hopes your worshipps will be pleased to take in serious consideracion his deploreable condicion and bayle him.

And your poore petitioner as in duty bound shall dayly pray

  • Edward Phillipps

Bayle offered Thomas Dunne of Bengworth Jenkine Phillipps the prisoners father

Richard Hall of Kemsey. Ref.110 BA1/1/128/103 (1678)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble petition of Richard Hall of the parish of Kemsey in the said countie

Humbly sheweth That your petitioner was many yeares a soldier in the late warrs in the Kings armie, and therein was sorely wounded, by which wounds hee is much disabled in his body, and haveing had many crosses and afflictions whereby hee is brought into a very lowe condicion, and beeing now neere threescore yeares of age, and in noe capacitie of getting any parte of a lively hood.

The premises considered your petitioner humbly prayes the favoure of your worships that you will please to contribute some what to his present releife out of the pention money, and your petitioner wilbee the more obliged [illegible] Ever to pray etc

  • Thomas Harris

xx shillings to bee paid by the treasurer

The overseers of the parish of Hanley Castle. Ref.110 BA1/1/130/13 (1678)

The humble petistion of the overseers of the parish of Hanley Cassell in the county of the citty of Worcester

Most humbley prayeth for the same seting out of the same parish severall persones poore bayes and gearles and such as are a burden to the parish aforesaid and their parence to bee setteled one such an a state as the overseers doe see conveniant in the said parish that is Richard Kings Richard Addyes overseers of the poore of the parish

  • Thomas Harwell esquire
  • Edman Letchmore esquire
  • Master Thomas Hanfan
  • Master Anthony Young
  • Mistris Badger widdow
  • Master Thomas Harbar
  • Master William Suffile
  • Mistress Letchmore widdow for Hanley Hall
  • Mistress Hasgill widdow of London
  • Edward Watton
  • John Matty
  • Elizabeth Keent
  • Hannah Webley
  • Frances Hatton
  • Danel Aullard
  • Jonathan Guilames
  • Mary Stanton
  • William Caradine
  • Radger Guilames

Thomas Jones, overseer of Astley. Ref.110 BA1/1/133/42 (1679)

That Master Robert Viccaris and Thomas Jones were overseers of the poore for the parish of Astley anno 1677

That Master Portman being an inhabitant of that parish payed eleaven shillinges and six pence to Master Viccaris for his first halfe yeares lewne. But Thomas Jones disbursed money to the poore of the parish for the last halfe yeare being thother overseer of the poore and that Master Portmans lewne cam to the like somme of 11 shillings which the said Jones neglected to demaund and receive of the said Portman untill he was gone out of his said office

Now the said Portman refuseth to pay the said money the said Jones sued the said Portman for the same in the hundred court whereunto the said Portman waged his lawe.

The said Jones humbly prayeth the direccion and assistance of this honourable court, that the said Portman may be compelled to pay his levie to the him the said Jones. And he shall humbly pray etc.