Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1619

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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The poor prisoners of the castle of Worcester. Ref.110 BA1/1/26/43 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the bench at the sessions of the peace holden for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of the poore prisoners of the castle of Worcester

Humbly sheweth unto your good worships that there are many poore men to the number of thirty persons and upwardes who lye there, some upon their behaviour and the most part of the rest upon matters of small or noe value, haveing nothing but the bare allowance of a penny day to releive their fainting bodyes, soe that yf they shold be inforced to lye longer in this miserable place, wold unchristianlike be starved to death with hunger cold and nakednes, some of them alsoe haveing many poore children like to be left to the wide world

May yt therefore please your good worships to consider them to have their present triall before your good worships who rather desire to be out of the world then to indure the misery wherein they now are and your peticioners will evere pray for your worships healthes etc.

William Spender and Phillip Treamer, late constables of St Michaels in Bedwardine. Ref.110 BA1/1/26/44 (1619)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of the countie of Worcester.

The humble peticion of William Spender and Phillip Treamer, late constables of the parish of Saint Michaelles in Bedwardine.

Sheweth that where they were in the said office of constableship from Michaellmas 1617 for one whole yere ending at Michaellmas last past, and by reason of their said office did disburse and expend in the be=half of the said parishe, certen sommes of money allowed and approved by the major parte of the parishners there, who have rated and ceased every inhabitant accordinge to his worth and abilitie for payment thereof but some froward and obstinat inhabitantes whose names are subscribed doe refuse to pay their rated partes according to the said taxacion

May it therefore please your worshipps to vouchsafe the assistance of this worshipful courte to compell them to give your peticioners satisfaction in that behalfe.

Margaret Elvins vidua and John Brayne.


To bringe them before the next justice to be bound ad [...nd?] etc.

John Hunley. Ref.110 BA1/1/26/45 (1619)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace, for the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of John Hunley

Shewinge that whereas one Walter Jenninges of the parishe of Martley dothe kepe a victu=alinge house, and that (as youre peticioner is informed) without youre worshipps ly=cence, and forasmuche as the said Jenninges dothe oftentimes harboure many vagarante and suspected persons beinge straungeres by meanes whereof youre poore peticioner standethe in greatt feare of losynge other mens goodes (he beinge a weaver by his trade) and whose house hath ben in the night broken, whereby he and his familye have ben putt in perill of their lyves

Therefore his humble suite is besech=inge your good worshipps to cause some suche spedye course herein to be taken for the more necessarye comforte of youre saide peticioner, and the saffetie of suche goodes as shall stande charged withall as to youre wisedomes shall be thought fitt, wherein he shall in all dutie continue his prayers to God for youre moste happy preservacions.

The inhabitants of Whistones near Worcester. Ref.110 BA1/1/26/46 (1619)

In all humblenes shewethe unto youre worshipps the poore inhabitantes of Whistons neere unto the cittie of Worcester, whereas it was ordered by youre worships at the laste sessions of the peace, beinge on the seconde day of June laste paste that Tredington home and Blockly shulde pay xvi pence weekely towarde the maynte nance of oure poore distressed people and Stoke Prior and Allchurche xii pence and lykewise Howldfaste and Estington iiii shillings and alsoe all former arerages uppon demaunde m may yt please youre worships wee have demanded of the inhabitantes of Tredington and Blockly the mony that it pleased youre worships to assesse them at, the which they have refused for to pay, and allsoe wee have certefied the highe cunstable thereof acordinge to the order that youre worships have sett downe, and owre moste humble sute to you is that the highe cunstable may be caulede to knowe the what th cause they doe shewe for the non payment thereof, and wee shalbe all bounde to pray for youre worships longe lives and happines to the [prasure?] of God longe to continewe.

John Nynne of Fladbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/26/47 (1619)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of the county aforesaid

The humble peticion of John Nynne of the parish of Fladbury.

Sheweth that whereas for many yeres last past he hath dwelled in Moore within the said parish and was hayward there by reason whereof he is now becom lame of his lymmes, and whereas it was lately concluded and agreed betwixt (the inhabitantes of Moore and Hill, in the said parishe and your peticioner) upon a promise made by him not to chardg them thenceforth neither to finde him houseroome nor any other relief during the life of Anne now wife of Edmond Fisher of Hill aforesaid yoman so that they wold pay unto your peticioner the somme of xl shillings which agreement your peticioner for his parte hath hitherunto performed: and by reason that some of the neighbours denyeth to contribute thereunto, your peticioner cannot have the said xl shillings paid according to promise, and whereas your worshipps the last quarter sessions referred the hearing thereof to Frances Dingley esquire who could not end the same, may it therefore please your worshipps to take such further order as in your discreete wisedome shall thinke fitt: and your peticioner his wife and children shall ever pray for your worshipps happines long to continue.


Thoverseers to provide etc yf not uppon complaint to any of his majesties justices etc to be bounde to answere etc

Joane Jones. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/102 (1619)

To the right worshippful his majesties justices of peace for the county of Wigorn

The humble petition of Joane Jones

Right worshipful youre poore peticioner not only nowe but alsoe hearetofore hath indured long and greavous imprisonment by the uncharitable practises of Thomas Jones of Ombersly her unnatural husband and others put in ure against her nowe forasmuch as it was heretofore decreed 1618 and commanded by the reverend judges of the assyses that youre oratrix shoulde be set at liberty and her sayde husband to discharg the jaylor of all duties and debts

She humbly craveth this worshipful courte not only to set her hus at libertie but alsoe to enjoyne her sayde husband to discharge the duties and expences in the goale.

And she as duty byndeth her shal ever pray for youre worships happie prosperitie.

Elinor Raynold. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/103 (1619)

To the honorable and worshippfull his majesties justices of peace in the county of Wigorn

The humble petition of Elinor Raynold.

Right honourable and worshippful whereas John Brayne of Whittington in this countye butcher havyng gotten the use of youre oratrix bodie upon promises of further matter booth of them being in the house of John Stanton lately decessed and havying now a childe of the age 2 yeares and 5 monethes gotten of her by the said John Brayne during all which tyme youre poore oratrix cannot get any mayntenaunce from the saide John for the releavyng of his and her infant

wherefore shee humbly craveth that this courte would (from theire honourable authoritie) call in the saide John Brayne and order him to breade up the infant or otherwise to pay her such summes of moneyes as to youre wisdomes shall seame convenient

And shee according unto her bounden dutie will ever pray for all youre happy and long prosperitie

Margery Darby widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/112 (1619)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace for the countye of Worcester.

The humble peticion of Margery Darby widdowe.

Most humblye sheweth that whereas your peticioners daughter Anne Darby beinge allured and entyced with fayre speeches and faithfull promises of marriage for iii or iiii yeares past by one William Colles of Salwarpe tayler, who helde the saide Anne in hande so longe tyme and promised marriage unto her, and aboutes a yeare past here in the cittye of Worcester he deflowred and begott a man childe of the saide Anne, and then forsooke this cittye and lurketh with his father at Salwarpe aforesaide, where by noe meanes your poore peticioner can procure the cunstable to arrest him by vertue of divers justices warrantes, whereby your poore peticioner is constrayned to keepe her and her childe havinge iiii children more to be releived by her small handye labour beinge a poore lame woman.

(The premisses considered) shee most humblye beseecheth your worshipps (even for Godes cause) to have some commisseracion of her poore estate and that the father of the saide William Cowles maye be ordered to yeilde some releife weeklye towardes the keepinge of the saide childe, and the rather for that your peticioner hath kept it a quarter of a yeare ever since it was borne without anye allowance, and nowe shee is redye to be turned out of dores by the parishe, who before had some allowance from them, and nowe it is taken from her.

And as duety bindeth shee and her v poore children shall daylie praye to allmightye God for your worshipps prosperityes.


because yt appeareth that the sonne cometh to the father the father to pay vi pence wiekly aliter ad bene [gerend?] untill he bringe forth his sonne

Richard Chapman and Ann Chapman his wife. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/115 (1619)

A brief recitall of the injuries which the hereafter [named?] Richard Chapman and Anne his wief have sustayned exhy bited to the right honorable worshipfull, the Kinges majesties [illegible] justices of the [illegible] peace for the countie of Wigorn, which youre poore pety cioneres moste humblye pray may be consydered for some course therein to be taken as shall be juste wherein they shall ever pray for youre moste happye preservacions

Upon the fowerth day of September 1618 aboutes the hower of ten or twelve of the clocke in the said day the said Richard Chapman of the parishe of Powicke in the countie of Worcester [had his?] house broken, and from and out of the said house, there [illegible] then felloniouslye taken stolne and caryed away, [illegible] gowne, sage collours, one red peticote one [mate?] [illegible] a remnante of the same red cloathe, one [p...?] [lyn...?] bodies two hattes and one hatt bande.

Upon which said day one Richard Hewes of the [parish aforesaid?] was seen suspiciously nere [unto?] the said house, [illegible] deringe up and downe in the fieldes thereaboutes

Upon the next day one Mary [Hewes?] [illegible] said Richard Hewes) reported that a [strange?] [illegible] strange woman had broughte unto her father [illegible] a gowne and a peticote, which were [laid up...?] [illegible] his chymney and that they shuld [illegible] inge that nighte.

One Richard Rea (then a tythinge man [illegible] precepts delivered unto him by the said [Richard?] [illegible] the said Richard Hewes and his wief [before?] [illegible] the said Rea refused, albeyt he tooke vi pence of [illegible]

One George Mongey (beinge the said [Richard?] [illegible] a greatt bagge from and out of [illegible] therein (as yet to the said [illegible] bagge and stuffe to the [house?] [illegible] neighboure to the said [her...?] [illegible] his wief, who refused to [illegible] unto the said Richard [Cha...?] [illegible] althouge by them she hath [illegible] requyred.

One John Rea then [illegible] to him to have [m...?] [illegible] the said [illegible] yet soe to doe he [re...?] [illegible]

The said [Richard?] [illegible] Richard [He...?] [illegible] the said [illegible] claime [illegible] an [illegible] yf [th...?] [illegible] saide [Hewes?] [illegible]


Michaelmas 1619 Leonard [J...?] [illegible] the contentes [illegible] witnesses as [cha...?] [illegible] to deale [therin?] [illegible] to the [aggreeved?] [illegible]

William Yeate. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/77 (1619)

To the Kynges majesties right worshipfull justyces of the peace for the countye of Worcester

This pore petycioner about seven yeares past dwelled at Rashwod nere Droytwich in the county of Worcester where he was never spotted of mysse [lyvinge?] in any sorte or evell behaviour amonge his neyghbours by any juste reporte whoe married sythence and dwelled at Cardyffe in the countye of Clamorgan longinge much to see his natyve countrey and other frendes was arested for the behaviour by somme [privie adversair?] wythout cause whereupon he was comytted to the common gayle of Worcester to the only intente and purpose that in the meane tyme proces should be sueed out by somme of his former credyters to the shreffe of the sayed countye that have layed severall debtes uppon him may it therefore uppon due consyderacion heareof had and taken please your good worshipes may be realessed of the behaviour purposinge to live honesly whereby he may the better take order wyth his credytors and this pore petycener ever bound to pray for your good worshipes longe lyfe and prosperytie

John Hawle. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/79 (1619)

To the Kynges majesties right worshipfull justyces of bench for the countie of Worcester

Humbly sheowinge unto your [good?] worshipes this petycioner havinge at yearly rente a pore cottage under Master Newporte late deseased about ten wekes last paste by some subtell practyse of [privie?] adversaries toe men as strayngers seminge to this petycioners wyefe came and asked the waye to a brydge caled [Tysors?] brydg she cominge to the dore nothinge suspectynge they pretended [course?] the one of them presently did take her by the hande and poled her forth of the dore and so he passed into the same wyth the other and directed her from the possession there of this petycioner cominge home about halfe an hower after found these 2 men in the sayed house callynge for his wyefe and hearinge nothinge of her suspectynge they had byne theves charged them they had murthred her or greatly hurte her. Thereupon the one ranne his waye the other this petycioner layed hand uppon. Then he sayed he came to take possession for one Jane Hardman alias Benet not showinge any auctorytie and thereupon he departed and your petycioner was in his former pocession as his right for the tyme

This Jane Hardman alias Benet at the next assysses hould en at Worcester by incredulus wyttnesses and inderecte courses caused this petycioner to be indycted of forceable entryes where upon she procured a warrante from the judge for the re covery of the possession of the sayed cottage which they unjustly had yet not so contented but at this quarter sessions pretendeth to indycte this petycioner of unjuste artycles and other inderect courses wythout cause or any occasion

Humbly besekynge your good worshipes to take somme course therein for the non obteyninge of the same gevinge noe occasion that I be not put to any idle expences in the law nor for any unjust cause or matter

And your petycioner ever bound to pray to God for your good worshipes longe lyfe and prosperouse heath to contynue

John Wall, a poor prisoner. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/80 (1619)

To the Kynges majesties right worshipfull justyces of the peace for the county of Worcester

This pore petycioner havinge granted a lease to on John Neownam of parcell of a tenement with a garden grounde for eleven yeares in Chadsley Corbet in the countie of Worcester after the full expiracion wheareof your petycioner into the same entred as into his lawfull right. Yet the sayed Neownam upon a pretended tytle to him graunted from the baylive and burgesses of the bouroughe of Warwicke greatly to the prejudicinge of your petycioners former right and lawfull estate in the same did put up severall bylles of indictmentes for forceable entryes before his majesties justyces of the peace for the sayed countie at a quarter sessions then houlden about 7 or 8 yeares paste and there by inderecte wyttnesses diverse and manie your peticioner with his pore wiefe and children was fyned nere or aboute as he thinketh to the value of xlviii shillings and contynued in the common gayle of Worcester many yeares at severall tymes [travyshinge?] still the said indictmentes and now of late hath overthrowed the estates of the [illegible] in the meane tyme the fynes were returned and your petycioner charged still with them and now houlden in durance by the shrefe of the said countie whoe would neyther acepte bale nor suertie for his aparance the rather that this petycioner havinge matters at hearinge in his majesties courte of requestes betwene the bayliffe and burgesses of Warwick the fyrste day of this next tearme upon the manyfestinge of this petycion and the lease so graunted to the sayed John Neownam beinge overthrowen by this petycioner redy to be sheowed and dyspossessed out of the same yt may please your good worshipes to consider thereof and to signyfie the estate of the cause and thereby those incombrances hath spente all the goods and meanes I have not in any sorte able to make any further satysfaxion wyth all the goodes I have or meanes able to procure and for that heretofore for wante of power to sue out mye quietus est forth of the chequer office this by somme pryvie adverser is effected humbly besekynge your good worshipes that I may be realeased in forma pauperis and in the meane tyme to helpe me to somme allowance other waies I shall famish and perysh for want of soucke and realeffe and lyinge double fettred wyth irons and for noe other cause whatsoever whereby I shalbe ever bounde to pray for your good worshipes longe lyfe in happines many yeares to contynue


This writt [is?] graunted in the name of Thomas Jeffries gentleman that hath denyed yt to the shreffes face

[...] on behalf of John Davis of Abbots Wood. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/89 (1619)

Good Master Dingly these few [lines?] shall let you understand that wheras one John Davis dwelling in the parrish of Parsheire at a place called Abite Woode he coming to dwell ther he found three children of one Richard Owein whereof one is buryed and the other two the parrish gave this John Davis xvi pence a weeke to keepe the elder of these two boyes theld the elder being by bound for twelth yeeres the den indenters being mad but not sealed to one Thomas Daingefeild of Alsburye farme in the parrish of Parsheire this boy Thomas Daingefeild turned away and cam to this John Davis againe and he caused his wife to bringe this boy to the said Thomas Daingefeild againe and he would not receive him then did this John Davis may make his complaint to the parrish and the parrish commanded him to goe to the justice of peace namely Master Dingly commanded this Thomas John Davis to take this boy to Thomas Daingefeild and ther leave him and when he brought the boy to this Thomas Daingefeild he would not receive him, then this John Davis toke the boy to him and keept him at his owne charge being commanded of the justice untill the quarter sessions for eight pence the weeke and now he hath brought the boy according to the justice apointement this John Davis would intreat your worship to take compassion of him because he hath a great charge a wife and sixt children he this John Davis hath keept this boy twenty weekes for eight pence the weeke

The overseers of Parsheire parrish cam to the place apointed to have the indentures of Geiles Owein sealed and this Thomas Daingefeild cam not to the place apointed according to promise yet not withstanding he this Thomas Daingefeild hath the indentures.


Thoverseers of the poore to take order accordinge to the law for the relief etc and pay viii pence a week for the time past and henceforth to provide yf they performe not to pay xx shillings secundum [statut?] et teneri etc

Ann Bibb of Knightwick. Ref.110 BA1/1/30/93 (1619)

The peticion of Ann Bibb in the parishe of Knightwicke in the countie of Wigorn.

Right worshipfull whereas by a generall consent of his majesties justices of the peace at the laste quarter sessions it was ordered that your poore peticioner shoulde enjoye quiet habitacion in the parishe aforesaide in the house where she for the space of twentie yeres alreadie hath contynued theis are therefore to certefie your worships that notwithstanding your ordynaunce one William Macklow of the parishe aforesaide, ceaseth not from daie to daie contynuallie to molest your saide poore peticioner, threatninge to thruste hir out of the doores or at the least wise, to breake downe the walls of his house insomuch that your poore peticioner is affraide of loosinge of all hir small substaunce which duringe hir aboade there, she hath with hir honest labor paynefully and industrouslie gotten togeather, which defaultes if it woulde please your worships to remeadie your poore peticioner shall be bounde to pray for the contynuaunce of your worships c [lives?] for ever.

Octobris 5 1619.


bene [ger?] per curiam and the petitioner to contynue there

William Greene. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/1 (1619)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace [for the?] countye of Worcester.

The humble petition of William Greene.

Most humbly sheweth, that whereas your peticioners sister Elizabeth Greene, was (by faire perswasions and faithfull promises made and vowed unto her by one Thomas Williams that he would make her his wief) was aboutes a twelve moneth since by Master Washborns warrant sent to the gaoyle for deflowringe and gettinge her with childe which he hath openlye confessed, and hath oftentymes entyced and allured her to purloyne and secretlye gett money to mainetayne him in hope of mariage, and afterwardes by the worshipfull bench he was to be removed to the howse of correccion, where he remayned but a short tyme, for that one Henrye Jackson of the parishe of Saint Clement carpenter hath secretly confederated with the saide Thomas Williams to procure him worke, and soe did geve securitye to the keeper to bringe him in which he hath not done.

Your peticioner most humblye beseecheth your worshipps in regard he is constrayned by nature to succour his sister and her childe, that the saide Jackson may be ordered to bringe in the saide Williams, or otherwise that Jackson maye geve allowance towardes their maintenaunce for that he hath bene often seene in his companye, and he the only man that got him forth of prison, to the greate charge and wronge of your poore peticioner and to his poore sisters utter undoinge.

And as duety bindeth him, he and his poore [illegible] sister and father shall daylye pray to God [illegible] your worshipps prosperityes.



John Wilkes of Bromsgrove. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/123 (1619)

To the right honourable and worshippful his majesties justices of peace for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of John Wilkes of the parish of Bromsgrove in the said county

Whereas your peticioner aboutes six yeares since unlawefully begatt a child on the bodie of one Alice Hillman and for the same his offence hath ben questioned before this worshipfull bench and manie orders have benn conceaved against him by this honourable courte for the same and alsoe an order att his majesties honourable court in the marches of Wallis all which orders notwithstandinge the peticioner hath ben ever willinge to fullfill and accomplish

Neverthelesse maie it please your good worshipps the said Alace intendinge your peticioners utter ruyne wilbe noe wayes satisfyed but still molesteth and [troubleth?] the peticioner with newe false matter aswell in this court as at his majesties said councell

It would therefore please your good worships the premisses considered that the peticioner may be dismissed out of this worshipfull court

John Poet of Worcester, tailor. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/124 (1619)

The humble petition of John Poet of the cittie of Worcester taylor unto the worshipfull the justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester att this present sessions assembled as followeth

Most humbly shewinge unto [your?] good worshipes, that your poore petitioner John Poet was in the time when Master William Bartly esquier, was highe sherife for this countie on of his bailies was appoynted and nominated as speciall bayle for Thomas Canninge of the city of London carpenter, to arrest on Thomas Stife of Westwood in the countie of Worcester carpenter, and so your poore peticioner goinge to execute the said office he was sett upon by the said Thomas Stife and on James Bickermile with others and so sore hurte and maimed that your poore petitioner hath for ever lost the use of his left arme, wherupon your poore peticioner is quit utterly undon, now att the quarter sessions ho att Michalmas anno domini 1618 houlden for this countie your poore peticioner preferred a bill of inditment against the said Thomas Sife and James Bickermille and a third persone who was then in the company of the said Thomas and James, but the [rescusse?] was found by the jury to be made by none but by the abovesaid Thomas and James and so that yt hath ever since that time lay and still and v not medeled with, and all by reason of the poore estate of your poore peticioner, no now my petition unto your good worshipes is that by reason of my povertie that I am not able to follow the cause against them, your worshipes would be pleased to sett to your hand to this my peticion that I may sue the abovesaid Thomas and James in forma pauperis and your poore petitioner shall for ever be bownd to pray for the good and happie successe of all of you my estate beinge so poore that I can not maintaine my selfe and my wife and thre small children wherupon by this accident I and thay are all utterly undone

Your worshipes to command to his poore power John Poet


a certificat

John Dyckes, Thomas Nash and others of Claines. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/125 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace for the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of John Dyckes Thomas Nash gentleman Roger Thomason Richard Buttler John Norton and on the behalffe of them selves and the rest of the paryshioners of Claynes in the said county

Whereas the parish of Claynes aforesaid was enjoyed enjoyned by this worshipfull court to give weekely allowance towardes the relieffe of the poore in some part of the Forgate Streete in the said county unto this presente sessions and then to attend the further order of this courte

The peticioners shewe that the number of poore people within the said parish which receyve weekely allowance towardes theire mainetenance are fower score persons and theire yearely chardge amounteth to xix pounds as by their accompt made before John Washborn and Robert Barkeley esquiers appeareth which great chardge in respect of the dayly increase of their poore will nowe growe farr greater Yt would therefore please your good worshipps that the [illegible] parish maie be easde of further payement unto [illegible] Forgatt Streete and that some order maie be [co...?] [illegible] by this worshippfull court that the said parish may [h...?] [illegible] weekely payement out of some nere adjoyneinge [illegible] towardes the mainetenance of their soe great [illegible] of poore and this etc

William Goughe, a maimed soldier. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/126 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of William Gough

Sheweinge that the peticioner beinge a poore maymed souldier was allowed by this court ix pence weekely towardes his mainetenance and receaved the same for the space of a quarter of a yere and ever since the quarter sessions last Blockeley home which was enjoyed to satisfie the peticioner the same have denyed the payement thereof.

Yt maye therefore please your good worshipps in comiseracion of the peticioners poore estate, you would be pleased to conceave an order that the peticioner home maye paye your peticioner the arrerages and contynue his said weekely paye which yf the peticioner shall lose, thorough want of meanes his lymes will rott off

Jane Hobdaie alias Lacye of Feckenham. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/127 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace for the countye of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Jane Hobdaie alias Lacye the wieffe of Walter Hobdaye alias Lacy of Feckenham in the county aforesaid

Sheweinge unto your good worshipps that the said Walter had in marriadge porcion with the peticioner in money to the full some of one hundred and twenty poundes and howshold stuffe to the worth of twentie poundes more and that he hath had by your peticioner six children and nowe the said Walter haveinge dispended and run out of his owne and the said estate he had with the said peticioner hath forsaken your peticioner and left her to maineteine herself and fyve of theire children and he himselfe lyveth with his mother whoe is very well able to relyeve the peticioner and her poore children

Humblie craveth that it would please your good worshipps to take some order that the peticioners husbandes friends maie either keepe and maineteine or give allowance for the keepeinge and maineteineinge of [illegible] peticioners said children otherwise the peticioner shall [illegible] forced to leave them to be kept uppon the [illegible] chardge


That the grandmother of the children shall [illegible] the children or els the churchwardens and [overseers?] to levy forth of the land x shillings weekly towardes [th...?] [illegible]

vi shillings viii pence weekly

So much weekly to be levyed forth of the land [illegible] consent of the 2 next justices as the land can aford towardes the relief of the children the assesment to be made by thoverseers [etc?] and the grandmother Sibill Hobday to pay the rest

order to the churchwardens of Hanbury

William Patchett and John Etheridge. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/130 (1619)

of Kidderminster

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace now beinge present

May it please your worships to understand that the 23th day of Septem ber last past Sir William Walche knighte directed his warrant to the constable of Kitherminster to apprehend and take the body of William Powell of the same parish aleseller beinge a most riotous and lewde person as by his warrante more playnely appeareth whereupon he was apprehended and brought before the sayd Sir William and did put in sureties to appeare at the last quarter sessions which he did not performe but hath forfetted his recogni=zance since which time he hath broken the peace by wee therefore desire your worships to graunte a newe warrant to bringe him before some one of your worships whereby your worships poore orators William Patchet of Kitherminster beinge the Kinges sworne officer and John Etheridge of the same parish may peacable and quietlie walke abroad which nowe through his wicked assaults and threatninge are in feare of their lifes in grauntinge these your poore orators requests [they?] will dayly pray for your worships healthes,

William Powell did stabbe the foresayd John Etheridge with his knife in the knee and broke his glasse windowes with stones and threateth to kill him that he dare not goe forth of his house after night


bene [ger?]

William Childe. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/131 (1619)

To the right reverend father in God the lord byshop of Worcester and the rest of his majesties justis of the peace of the county of Worcester.

The humble peticion of William Childe

Sheweth that at the quarter [sessions?] yesterday uppon openinge of the matter touchinge the charginge of his woodes for his majesties provision yt was alleadged that diverse of this countie were particularry charged for their woodes as for theire landes which your peticioner well hopeth that he shalbe [well?] able to prove that theis woods soe alleadged are not soe severallie charged but with and as part of the landes of the owners thereof.

Your peticioner therefore humbly praieth that for asmuch there is noe certen precident herein to charge him that he be not made the first which beinge admitted maie breed a newe innovacion and much troble [in?] the county by changinge the course of former lewens. And that your lordship wilbe pleased to forbeare to make certificatt to the green cloth untill the next quarter sessions before or at which time either your peticioner will make it apparaunte that those woodes which were offered as precedentes against your petitioner are not particularly charged but with other the owners and occupiers [illegible] landes there, and that soundry other woodes of great [quataty?] in this county whereof divers gentlemen not priviledged to be exempted are not charged wherein yf your peticioner shall make defence in proof he will humbly refer him self to the consideracion of your lordships and the [illegible]


For may part I cannot consent to alter in private a publique order made by the bench and am perswaded that the certificate that is to be made unto the green cloth cannott prejudice the peticioner yf the next quarter sessions he make good all theise his allegacions.

  • John Wigorn
  • Francis Egeock
  • Francis Dingley
  • Leonard Jefferies

Copia vera [examined?] per

  • Edward []
  • George [Fienes?]

[...] Bucher of Welland. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/14 (1619)

To the right honourable the lord bishopp of Worcester [illegible] right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace [illegible] sayd countie.

Verie humbly complayning doth shewe unto your honour and your worshippes your poore [illegible] bucher of Welland in the sayd countie tayler, that one William Staunton of Upton [illegible] in the sayd countie laborer William Turner of Welland aforesayd weaver James [Smy...?] aforesayd husbandman and Andrewe Duftie of Upton upon Seaverne aforesayd [weaver?] [illegible] common allehowse haunters, ydle and desperate persons upon the ninthe day of [December?] [illegible] past did assemble themselves togither at Welland aforesayd, and there continuing [togy...?] [illegible] from howse to howse, the greatest parte of the sayd day drinking, in the evening of the same [illegible] sayd Staunton (being somewhat overcome with drinke) sodonly taking displeasure against [illegible] Nicholas Boulter, who by chaunce happened in theyre companie, and the sayd Boulter [dep...?] home from theyre companie to his fathers howse one Richard Boulter of Welland aforesayd [illegible] the sayd Staunton, Turner, Smyth, and Duftie followed the sayd Boulter and violently [illegible] entering his sayd fathers howse did there begine, and assaulte and affray upon the [illegible] Boulter, and the sayd Staunton gave him severall blowes and hurtes in soe much [tha...?] [illegible] and others there being in the howse making a great outcrie that the sayd [Nicholas?] [illegible] was lyke to be maymed in his fathers howse aforesayd, your orators wyfe being [illegible] sayd Nicholas Boulter, dwelling nere thereunto and hearing such an outcrie [illegible] howse went theither in haste to knowe the cause of the same outcrie, and [ass...?] [illegible] thyther and demaunded the cause, suddenly the sayd Staunton having a great [illegible] woddknife hanging at his girdle drewe forth the same, and therewith strake [illegible] sayd wyfe upon the shoulders that she felle to the ground, and as she [offe...?] [illegible] from the ground he the sayd Staunton with the sayd hanger strake her [illegible] [and?] allmost cutt of her hand nere to the hand wrest upon which hurt [illegible] [hath?] lost the use of her hand, as may appeare she being heare readie to [sh...?] [illegible] [illegible] is to the utter undoeing of your poore orator and his sayd wyfe. To the [illegible] [illegible] poore orators wyfe the sayd Turner, Smyth and Duftie were consenting [illegible] [illegible] the sayd Turner being a sworne Tythingman within the sayd towne of Welland [illegible] [illegible] [...erefore?] please your lordshipp and worshippes in tender compassion of the sayd petitioners [illegible] [illegible] [] to seeke the benefitt of his majesties lawes for the sayd mayhme to cause the [illegible] [illegible] courte to preferre a bill for his majestie against the sayd persons for the said misbehavior [illegible] unto your petitioners will give in evidence upon theyre oathes, and to binde them the sayd [illegible] Turner, Smith and Duftie for theyre good behavior.


Billa vera

William Baylies. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/15 (1619)

To the right reverend and right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace of the county of Worcester.

The [humble peticion?] of William Baylies

Shewing that whereas your peticioner [had?] a barne feloniously fired on the vth day of November last your peticioner having vehement suspition and pregnant presumpcions against one William Ashwell and Thomas Ashwell for the burning of the same barne and thereupon your peticioner endeavouring by due course of law and legall proceedinges to discover the malefactours so it is that the said Thomas Ashwell knowing his owne guiltines (as it seemeth) feareth lest your peticioner shall for the said fact drawe the said Thomas Ashwells life into jeopardie by course of law and thereupon and upon noe other ground (as the said William and Thomas Ashwells owne speeches import) the said Thomas Ashwell (as your peticioner is informed) hath sworne the peace against your peticioner either aboveforth in his majesties highe court of Chancery or Kinges Bench or before some of your worships that dwell farr from your peticioner and the said parties and are by that meanes unacquaynted with the just ground or cause of the said Thomas Ashwells feare of any hurt to be done him by your peticioner being nothing else (as your peticioner beleiveth the said Thomas Ashwell will upon his examinacion discover) but your peticioners said lawfull proceeding against him for the supposed fyring of the said barne which your peticioner well hopeth to proove against him) wherefore for that the said Thomas Ashwell hath cautelously and equivocatinglie upon the ground before mencioned and upon noe other obtayned a warrant of the peace against your peticioner with which your peticioner is yet unserved your peticioner therefore humbly prayeth your worships to be pleased to examine the ground of the said Thomas Ashwells praying the peace against your peticioner (the said Ashwell being present) and that thereupon such order may be taken therein as to your worships grave wisedome and discrecion shall seeme convenient and your peticioner shall pray for your worships prosperity.



Richard Daget and other inhabitants of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/16 (1619)

In all humblenes doth the poore inhabitance of Whistans crave your worshipes assistance, that you would continew your former love towardes us, and if it please your worshipes to discharge any of the parishes that are now assesed to pay: you as carefull protectors of the pore will take some course to assese some other parishes as unto you shall seme convenient for our relife, and wee shall as ever heretofore be bound to pray for your worships prosperitie to the plesure of God longe to continew

Your worshipes poore peticioners

  • Richard Daget Walter Reade
  • Richard Anderson Edward Prise

The churchwardens of Himbleton. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/2 (1619)


To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace within the said county

The humble peticion of the churchwardens of Himbleton wherby they shewe that one Fraunces Greene late servant unto Jon Twitty whoe houldeth severall farmes thone in Himbleton and thother in Clanes l did latly fall lame and not able to gett her living wherupon she procured a warrant from Robert Barkley esquire one of yor worshipps to your peticioners to make provision for her maintenance according to the statute of [illegible] 43o of Elizabeth

The peticioners humble desire is in respect the said Fraunces Greene was borne in the parish of Clanes and did serve the said Jon Twitty sometymes at his farme at Clanes and somtymes at Himbleton and never made her abode certen for three yea of any tyme long tyme at Himbleton that it would please yor worshipps to take order that the parish of Clanes may make provision for the relief of the said Fraunces and to discharge Himblton therof and yor peticioners shall be bound to pray for yor worshipps.


she cannot be removed

It is not left to my consideracion to censur [illegible] offenc ther is a present [wt?] of extorcion found [b...?] [illegible] grand jury which must be answered [here af...?] [illegible] the meane time, I hold fitt that Richard [Turner?] [illegible] have meanes for his relief out of the [g...?] [illegible] he have not otherwise to relieve himself [illegible]

19 January to G clark peece 22 shillings

The parishioners of Blockley. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/4 (1619)

To the right worshipfull justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester

The parishioners of Blockley humbly shew unto your worships that whereas they are charged by your late order towardes the reliffe of William Goughe a maymed soldier to the value of ix pence weekley now they they are well able to disburse in regard of their other ordinarie payementes as namely to one John Holden an old man and maymed in the warrs dwellinge within our parishe, as also to all other maymed soldiers within the countie, and for that the sayd William Goughe was an hyred soldier not onely for our home of Blockley but alsoe the towneships of Priors Cleeve Wickamforde Harvington Catsdon and Icombe, their humble peticion is that they may be eased of that payement

Thomas Marden. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/6 (1619)

Wigorn sessions

To his majesties justices of peace in the said cowntie

The humble peticion of Thomas Marden

May it please your worships to have consideracion of the poore estate of Thomas Marden of Hilhampton within the parishe of Martley, who beyng of the age of threscore yeres, and is wief fowerscore, lyeng sick of his hands this three yeres last past, and not able to [illegible] gett one peny he also dwelling this nientene yeres in a tenement of one Edmond Alderne within the said parishe, and payeng his rente beyng xii shillings a yere soe longe as he was able untill his wief fell sicke is now behind of his said rent two yeres and upward, and not able to paie the same; is threatned daily to be cast out of his howse where fore his humble petition is that an order may be set downe that the said parishe may paie the said rent of his howse that he may there continue or els that they would erect or apoynt him some other howse where he may inhabit, according to the good lawes in that case provided, and also that some thing may be weekly given him towardes the mayntenance of his said wief who is like to perishe for want if the there be not some speedy order therein taken and this he prayeth for Godes cause.


ordered eyther that they suffer hym to dwell in the howse where his ys or the overseers to provide an other.


Cicely Overlye. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/7 (1619)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace for this countye of Worcester.

The humble peticion of Cicely Overlye

Most humbly sheweth that whereas youre poore peticioner dwellinge in the parishe of Bayton within this countye where shee and her husband lyved very well and contentedlye of their owne, one Hugh Thornton of Bewdley very wrongfullye and unconscionably hath throwen your peticioner her husband and children forth of dores, and hath not left them in landes and goodes not worth xii pence then shee and her children beinge left desolate the parishe fearinge shee would have gone from them procured a warrant to bringe her before Master Jeffryes of Hom Castell, who very worshipfullye writt to the overseers for the poore that your peticioner and her children should be provided for, and thereupon shee was placed in a smokye hole where shee can doe noe worke at all, nor never since the last quarter sessions receaved any money or other comfort but xii pence against this Christmas to releive herself and iiii small children.

Shee therefore most humbly beseecheth your worshipps for that her husband dares not come [illegible] her nor his children he is soe threatned by the constable, and others, that some good order may be taken by your worshipps for the releif of your poore peticioner, and her iiii small children.

And as duetye bindeth them, they shall daylie pray to God for your worships prosperities.

Bridget Tolly alias Reignoles, a poor distressed woman. Ref.110 BA1/1/31/9 (1619)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of the county afforesayd

The humble peticion of Bridget Tolly alias [Reig..les?] a poore distressed woman.

Whoe sheweth unto your worships that aboutes one yere last past shee dwelled as a howsehold and hired servent with one Edward Broade of Dunkeley Parke in the county aforesayd gentleman at which tyme the sayd Master Broade by his lewde enticementes and forcible mociones procured the peticioner to yeld to his carnall desier and soe in truth deflowred the peticioner and begatt her with child vowing and protesting in his unlawfull [love?] pretended to the peticioner to geve unto her greate meanes and mayntenance but meaning nothinge lesse sythence such tyme as yt appered that the peticioner was with child by him as allso sythence the tyme of her deliverance of the sayd child (which was aboutes nine wekes past) not only refuseth to accept and receave the sayd child, but allso refuseth to geve to the sayd child or to the peticioner any penny at all but by his greatenes and by his greate frendes escapeth all punishmentes provided for such offence in his majesties cortes ecclesiasticall. And the peticioner sheweth to your worshepes that the sayd Master Broad hath proffered by men of good credyt to geeve to the peticioner mayntenaunce which hee now denieth. And allso endevoured to marry this peticioner to his mylner and made meanes to the peticioner to laye the imputacion hereof uppon one Heath his mylner which the peticioner refused in regard shee cannot justly charge any man therwith but the sayd Master Broad

The peticioner most humbly desireth that according to justice some speedy corse may be taken herein and that the sayd Master Broad may be compelled to geve mayntenance to the peticioner for the keping of the child for the tyme past and to come and the peticioner shalbe ever bound to pray for your worships


the peticioner desiereth that the peticion and lettere anexed may be red

Michaelmas xviio [Rs?]

The consideracion of this petition is referred to Sir William Walsh knight and John Washborne esquire to heare and determyn

per curiam Thomas Simondes

John Surman of Wyre Piddle. Ref.110 BA1/1/32/2 (1619)

To the honorable the right worshipfull and worshipfull his majesties justices of peace and quorum in the county of Worcester

Whereas your worships poore petitioner John [Surman?] of Wyrepidle in the county of Worcester, was at the last quarter sessions holden at Worcester indited for the entertayninge of one poore woman and twoe children whiche of necessitye the towen must releeve, they havinge noe other refuge, inhabitinge there these twenty yeares into one cottage howse in Wyre Pidle aforesayd by the assent and consent of the oversee rs of the poore the churchwardens and other of the neighbours untill such time as she and theye could other wise provide better for them selves yf the honorable benche and your worships would bee pleased to consider of it for the better reliefe of your worships poore petitioner, wherein he and his should bee ever bound to praye for you and yours

Your worships ever to [bee?] commaunde the neighbors of Wyre Pidle.

  • John Chauntrell
  • Barnarbie Pole
  • Anthoney Younge
  • Anthoney Ordridge
  • William Baxster
  • William Buttell

Joane [...] of Bishampton widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/32/54 (1619)

To the right worshippful his [majesties justices?] of the peace for the county of [Worcester?]

The humble peticion of Joane [illegible] of Bishampton in the county [aforesaid?] wydowe

Right worshipfull whereas in Michelmas sessions there was an order conceaved that the peticioner should have a smalle cottage erected in and uppon some the wast grounde in Bishampton for a restinge place for the peticioner to which order the whole parish did agree (except Master John Smyth and that by the consent aforesaid there was a cottage erected and sett in a place, appointed for that purpose by the worshipfull Fraunces Dingley esquier. Soe it is that the said Master Smyth hath removed the same cottage out of the place where it was first erected, and placed it in another place without the consent of any of the said parish by reason whereof the said cottage resteth unfinished and soe hath don ever sythence Allhollowtide last past

Yt would therefore please your good worshipps that some order maye bee conceaved that your peticioner may have the said cottage finished and made ready for her abodd and this for Goodes love

Albeit your peticioner hath ben a wydowe for vi yeres last past and left with fower smalle children yet shee never receaved of the parish for the relieffe of her children but onelie iiii shillings vii pence obulus nor doth desyre any other meanes but only a small cottage to lyve and worke in with her children

Thomas Hillman of Bromsgrove. Ref.110 BA1/1/32/55 (1619)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace assembled at the quarter sessions houlden for the said countie

The humble peticion of Thomas Hillman of the parish of Bromesgrove in the said countie

Shewinge that whereas in June anno domini 1614 yt was ordered by the right worshipfull Sir Richard Greves knight, and Thomas Warren esquire that forasmuch as yt appeared unto them that on John Wylkes of the said parish of Bromesgrove was the reputed father of a bastarde begotten on the body of on Alice this peticioners daughter, that the said Wylkes should give and allowe from thenchforthe twelve pence every weeke towardes the maintenance of the said childe untill the said Wylkes should cleare himselfe of the said crime. And sythence there was an order conceaved by this worshipfull benche that the said Wilkes should pay unto the sad Alice all arrerages due unto her from the firste order which then dyd amounte unto viii pounds xii shillings, and nowe to the some of viii pounds xix shillings and alsoe should provide for the keepinge of the said childe.

So yt is, may it please your good worshipps that the said Wylkes beinge required to pay the said monie, and to provide for the keepinge of the said childe accordinge to the laste order, dothe denie to pay the saide arrerages and to provide for the keepinge of the said childe, sayinge he will do neyther unlesse the peticioner and his said daughter will seale unto him a generall release which this peticioner conceaveth was not meante by this worshipfull benche in respecte the same release beinge generall would conclude your peticioner of monies the said Wilkes owethe him, and the saide Alice your peticioners daughter of her suite of contracte.

Humblie cravinge that your good worships would be pleased to conceave som order that the said Wylkes may satisfie the said arrerages, and provide for the keepinge of the saide childe

And your peticioner shall as in duty bound dayly pray for your worships happie estates longe to continue.

Ralph Atherseech. Ref.110 BA1/1/32/56 (1619)

The humble peticion of Ralph Atherseech

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester.

Humbly sheweth unto your good worships that I have beene imprisoned a longe tyme livinge in great want and miserie destitute of all succour and releefe, my offence was that I cutt off a mans hand beinge forced to it and in my owne defence, syne my imprisonment I have procured the best men in the towne to conferre with the adversarie and they have offered him iiii pounds for the mayme but he will have no lesse then vi pounds when God knowes that I am not worth a groat and I have wife and children that are readye to perish for want of releefe. Nowe my humble request is that your worshipps would be pleased to commisserate my great distresse and enjoyne the adversarie to accept of iiii pounds for I have nothinge to pay it but what I get by my hard labour I beseech your worships to be gratious unto me As I and myne shall ever be bound to pray for your worships.



Mary Sich, wife of Humfrey Sich of Chaddesley. Ref.110 BA1/1/32/58 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Mary Sich the wieffe of Humfrey Sich of Chadsley in the said county.

Shewenge that your peticioner, for an assault and affray uppon her made by one Fraunces Horneblowe of Stone in the county aforesaid did indict the said Horneblow att the last sessions of the peace whoe as your peticioner is gyven to understand is dischardged of the said indictment and hath indicted the peticioner att this sessions [up...?] mallice. That the said Horneblowe seeketh by [illegible] meanes hee may to undoe the peticioner her husband [illegible] child and gyveth out that hee wilbee revenged of the peticioner soe that the peticioner lyveth in great dreade and feare of some bodely harme the said Horneblow intendeth towardes her.

The said Horneblowe giveth out that hee hath a hundred powndes in monie and that before hee will gyve your peticioner any penney for any wronge by him, to her don hee will spend the whole hundred poundes

Yt would therefore please your good worships to take pittie of the peticioners poore estate and to the intent that the peticioner may live secure from harme to bee offered [unto?] [illegible] by the said Horneblowe, to graunt [illegible] of the good beehaviour against him. [And?] [illegible] for Goodes love

Ann Bibb. Ref.110 BA1/1/32/60 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for this said countie.

The humble peticion of Ann Bibb.

Sheweth unto your worships that your petitioner hath inhabited within the parish of Kings Wicke in the said countie for the space of xxtie yeares nowe last past, and is nowe growen verie poore, and not able to worke nor hath anie house to dwell in.

May it please your worshipps to grant a warrant unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parishe that your petitioner maie be forthwith provided for according the statute


pa 17 [pe?] William Ingram Esquire is desired to send for these who disobeyed his precept and to byndd them and order [stdm?] legem &c per curia Thomas [Simons?] supris

Richard Wryte of Shell, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/72/51 (1619)

To the right worshipfull Sir Frances Edgeoke knighte one of his majesties justices of the pece in the countie of Worcester etc.

Righte worshipfull may it please you to be advertized by me Richard Wryte of Shell in the said countie labowrer. That whereas the inhabitantes of Huddonton in the said countie, by vertue of a warrant directed from your worshipp unto them, have sente my sister Alice Bonner backe againe to Shell aforesaid and thruste her upon me your pore suppliant, who am a verie pore man and olde my wyfe allso verie olde and impotent and we both alltogeither unable to keepe her the said Alice: and furthermore may it please you to understand, that whereas I dwell under the worshipful Master George Lenche, I have hereby gained his high displeasure and am like to be put oute of my house, which yf it happen, I shall be utterly undoone. Wherefore I humbly beseech your worshipp (the premises tenderly considerd, accordinge to your accustomed goodnes) that you will vouchsafe, to be a meanes for me unto the rest of his majesties justices of the benche nowe presente; that I your said suppliant, may be disburdened of her the said Alice, and that I be no more charged with her: and I shall dayly pray to Allmightie God for happienesse with continuall increase of worshipp.

Your humble servante

Richard Wryte


Huddington to pay to the petitioner iii pence wiekly and Fecknam iii pence

Francis Hughes, prisoner in Worcester castle. Ref.110 BA1/1/72/52 (1619)

The humble peticion of Francis Hughes prisoner in Worcester castle

To the right woorshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester

Humbly sheweth unto your good worships that whereas it was my hard happe to hurt and wound one Evan Davis, these are to certifie the woorshipfull bench that the partie is recovered and that I have made my peace with him and that he is desirous to release me out of prison, wherefore I most humbly beseech your worships to be good unto me and restore me to my libertie and not suffer me to perish in gaole to the utter undoinge of myself my sorrowfull wief and children so shall I and myne ever be bound to pray for your worshipps health and happines.


The partie whom he did hurt did desire in corte that he might be dischardged

to Sir John Buck.

Edward Stone of Little Witley, carpenter. Ref.110 BA1/1/72/55 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Edward Stone of Little Wittley within the parish of Holt in the county of Wigorn aforesaid carpenter

Sheweinge that the peticioners that the peticioners sister had a bastard child on her begott by one Thomas Clarke aboutes six yeares sithence and was after marryed unto a Welsh man whoe aboutes one yere and a quarter sithence went into Wallis to dwell and within a quarter of a yeare after his departure, the peticioners sister findeinge her oportunity when your peticioner was att worke twoe mylles distance from his the peticioners howse, pryvyly departed from the peticioners howse and left the said child with the peticioners wieffe tellinge her that shee would shortely after come and fetch it from her, ever since which tyme your peticioner albeit hee hath two children of his one and his estate very weake hath kept the said child which hee is noe longer able to doe

Yt would therefore please your good worshipps that some order maye bee taken for the keepeinge of the said child elswhere and your peticioner as in duty hee is bound shall alwayes pray for your worshipps prosperityes and etc


attach [versus?] Clark.

The parishioners and inhabitants of Lindridge cum membris. Ref.110 BA1/1/72/59 (1619)

[The?] humble petycyon of the parishnours of Lindriche cum membris.

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace within the county of Worcester.

[illegible] a warrent from your worshipps for the weekely payment [illegible] the poore within another parishe within the sayd county of [Worcester?] [illegible] [] subscribed being there parishnours and overseers, doe hereby certyfye, [illegible] [illegible] [...ate?] score of poore people within our sayd parishe and thereby greately [to?] [illegible] rather desyre to have contribucion towardes the poore within our parishe [illegible] allowance in another place as by the particulers hereafter [following?] [illegible] unto your worships for which cause we humbly desyre to be [dischardged?] [illegible] [weeks?] payment by you uppon us imposed as aforesayd.

[illegible] names of the poore within Lindriche [cum membris?] videlicet

John ab Evan an infant chardgeth the parishe at v pounds per annum Thomas Myllard an innocent the like Twoe bastard infantes the like v pounds

Robert Meredyth an ould man releaved by the parishe with meate drynke and money

Issabell Weaver Ann Weaver and Alice Weaver relieved as aforesayd

Richard Clerke a poore ould man Elizabeth Galey a pore ould wydowe Edmond Tayler and Mary Tayler his sister sencelesse creatures Humfrey Ambler and his wief poore ould people The wydowe Walter a poore ould woman The wydowe Reeve the like Symoun Greene and his wief very pore people all these ar releved by weekely allowance as is before expressed

relieved as aforesayd

Overseers Fraunces Mantle Thomas Whitehead

Diverse other persons have certen other allowances out of free guift of well disposed persons within the said parishe the greatest parte whereof all ar likely in shorte tyme to be a weekely burthen to the sayd parish of Lindriche cum membris.

  • William Penell
  • William Greene
  • Thomas Walker
  • Thomas Whitehead
  • Fraunces Mantle
  • Richard Walker
  • John Bisshopp
  • William Bodenham
  • William [Mount?]
  • Thomas Munde
  • Richard Hyll
  • Thomas [illegible]
  • Charles Wilde
  • Roger [illegible]
  • [illegible]
  • [illegible]
  • John
  • [S...?] [illegible]

To pay to Whistance for the [illegible] past after the rate of x pence [weekly?] xiiii pence herafter thother [illegible]