Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1610

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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Henry Mason. Ref.110 BA1/1/18/48 (1610)

To the right worshipfull, his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Wigorn.

Whereas it was youre youre good worshipps pleasure here=tofore to order, that money shulde be taxed upon certaine inhabitantes in sondry parishes, within this countie, towardes the necessary relief of the late infected persons, in the tythinge of Whitstone, betwene the parishe of Claynes and liberties of this cittie, who coulde not then have used any meanes for their relief but muste of necessitie have perished, yf they had not ben some way supported in their extremitie.

And forasmuche as the infected people there, for many weekes last paste, have not ben made partakeres of suche contribucion, for that the said inhabitantes have neclegted to deliver the same, to youre suppliant Henry Mason (an officer, by youre apointment for receipt thereof and the disbursinge it acordingly which might have tended to the ruinatinge of multitudes of his majesties subjectes in townes and contreyes, had not your said suppliant used meanes to have stayed them from wandringe abroade, untill they were safely to be sett at libertie, by ympartinge unto them out of his owne purse, to the some of fower poundes and upwardes, sithence the laste quarter sessions, besides some weekely allowance, towardes the main=tainance of [illegible] orphanes there leafte, by the infection in that [soyle?] whereof your suppliant cravethe youre grave consideracions, for some suche spedye course herein to be taken for his good, as to justice shall appertaine, and acordinge to the juste respectes of his due de=sertes wherein he shall have juste cause ever to pray for youre longe and happie healthes, with encrease of dignitie.

The names of suche parishes from whence allowance hath bene deferred Salwarp leafte unpaied before the last quarter sessions vi shillings viii pence and sithence they have neclegted to yeald any allowance towardes the relief of the said poore infected people. Marten Hussentree leafte unpaid before that sessions ix shillings iiii pence and sithence they have not yealded any allowance. Seavern Stoke leafte then unpaid vi shillings viii pence and sithence they have paied for one moneth weekely iii shillings iiii pence and noe more Ombersley paied sithence for one moneth vi shillings viii pence weekely Kempsey paied sithence for one monethe weekely iii shillings iiii pence Spechley for two weekes weekely vii pence Hinlip for one moneth weekely xii pence Tiberton for six weekes weekely xxi pence Himbleton for one moneth weekely ii shillings ii pence Wardenton for six weekes weekely xv pence

The humble peticion of

Henry Mason


The parishes formerly charged shall pay the arrerages and herafter untill Christmas last or the constables to be bounde to their behaviour and to pay the penaltie and to bringe it in within xx dayes after [illegible] and to be charged for v pounds more and no further towardes the relief of the children left there. Mr Fleete desired to taxe them and to make preceptes and punish secundum legem quoties necesse fuit

Joyce Marson of Holt. Ref.110 BA1/1/7/72 (1610)

To the right worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester.

The humble peticion of Joyce Marson of Holt

Sheweing that shee was unlawfully begatt with child by Rowland Lloyd one of Sir Henry Bromleyes men; whoe is since fledd furth of the country and that the said peticioners hath sould and dispended all that ever shee was by anie meanes able to make and hath had noe place of abod but some times in one place and some tymes in another place and cannot gett anie part of a howse where shee may labour for maintenance for her self and her poore infant

Humbly craveth your good worships that yt would please your good worships that some order may be taken for the peticioners abode and this for Godes love


the parish must kepe the childe and a precept to the overseers

Thomas Hopkins minister and others on behalf of Edward Weldes of Yardley. Ref.110 BA1/1/7/74 (1610)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace in the countie of Wigorn

Maie it please your worshippes wheras our neighbour Edward Weldes of Yardely doth by and with your licence and our comon consent brewe ale and sell victualles for which our neighbour Master Edwarde Easte upon a privat mallice caused him to come before the right worshipfull Sir Richarde Grevis who examined the cause of complaint and founde it soe small, as that in his discrecion he thought the said Weldes not worthye to be further trowbled, nevertheles, ( as we are crediblie enformed) the said Master Easte contynuenge his mallice givethe out that he hath or will endite or presente the said Weldes at the quarter sessions or procure him to be forbidden to brewe or sell ale or victualles and because the said Weldes in respecte of his dwellinge neere unto the churche is very fytt for the purpose (our parishe beinge much dispersed and a greate parte therof farr distante from the churche and therfore many are enforced to ride and to tary dinner) and for that wee knowe him to be sufficient for the purpose and to be of honeste behaviour we have [presumemed?] at his requeste to comende the consideracion hereof unto your worshipps intreatinge your lawefull favours towardes him in that behalf; and so take leave this seconde of Januarye 1609

Your worshipps reddy to be commanded

  • Thomas Hopkins minister
  • Barnabe Este?
  • William Acocke senior
  • John [Hanne?] et
  • Edward [Brashaw?] [illegible]
  • Thomas Colmore
  • Thomas Foye
  • George Pensell
  • John [Conywoorthe?]
  • William [Marston?]
  • George Lindon
  • John Hopkins
  • William Billingsley
  • Richard Palmer
  • Richard Swyfte
  • George Bothe
  • Thomas [Depowd?]
  • John Bucknoll

[Examined septimo?] [illegible] It ys thought fyt that he contynue

The inhabitants of the parish of Leigh. Ref.110 BA1/1/7/75 (1610)

To the honourable Sir David Williams knight, one of his majesties justices of assisses of the county of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of the inhabitantes of the parishe of Lieghe in the said countye.

Sheweth that wheareas at the quarter sessions next after Easter last past holden for the said countye, the inhabitantes aforesaid were ordered to paye the weekely contribucion of xviii pence towardes the relief of the poore of Sainte Johns in Bedwarden in the said countye, and that your lordshipe (as your peticioners are certifyed) thought fytt at your beinge in cercuite, the same order shoulde be performed, soe your said peticioners were taxed to paye accordinglye, but afterwardes your peticioners fyndinge themselves chardged with poore in the same parishe to the nomber of 140 or there aboutes, which were to be relived accordinge to the statute, over and besides other of Suckley a neighbouring parishe adjoyninge beinge visited with the sicknes gave informacion to his majesties said justices at the next quarter sessions then followinge that they were by reason thereof surchardged, who at that tyme dischardged your said peticioners of the said contribucion for the causes aforesaid. Yet nevertheles so yt is that sithence the said quarter sessionns somme of the said justices notwithstandinge their former dischardge in the behaulf have renewed their said chardge upon the said parishe, not onlye to paye the arrerages of the said contribucion ever sithence the said sessions next after Easter, but also have enjoyned your peticioners hence furthe weekely to contribute towardes their relief, Saint Johns not beinge of the same hundred with them, and further your said peticioners are likewise chardged with the weekely payment of v shillings for the relief of the poore inhabitantes of the cittie of Worcester nowe infected.

Maye yt therefore please your good lordshipe (aswell in respect of theis chardges aforesaid and other paymentes as also in regard that the parishe of Sainte Johns is of an other hundred, and that there are divers other parishes of that hundred of greater hability to be taxed to that purpose) to countermaund the said imposicion wherunto your lordship hath geven approbacion. And your peticioners of Lieghe shalbe ever bond to pray for your lordships long lief and happines.


8o November [1609?] [illegible] this cause be considered of by the justices of the peace at the next quarter sessions to be holden for the county of Wigorn

  • David Williams

The parishioners of the parish of Rock. Ref.110 BA1/1/7/80 (1610)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justyces of the quorum and peace within this county of Wigorn.

May it please your good worshippes to be advertized that at the instance and requeste of John Lerego thelder beinge an aged man; within our parishe of Rock: and a man of good conversacion and honeste behaviour; amongest us his neighboures and parishenores of the said parishe of Rock, at all tymes for the space of this fyfty yeares and more paste, we therfore whose names are under written; doe testyfy the truthe of our knowledges unto your worshippes; (not only) of the honest behaviour of the said John Leregoe; but alsoe of the fytnesse and convenyency of the place where he dwelleth for the keeping of vituallinge and ale sellinge; and hath used the said vitualling and ale sellinge in that place for this eighte and forty yeares paste or more the said place of his habitacyon adjoyninge unto an highe way greatly frequented and used dayly; and especially at such tymes as his majestyes counsell doth lye at Beaudley: and for travelleres at all tymes passinge to and fro over the the countrey. Thus much we hold fytt in duty to signify unto your worshippes; in regard of his honeste behaviour and the convenyency of the place; he beinge a man soe fyttinge for soe good and necessary a purpose; to whose due consideracyons in your wisdomes we leave him; and you to God: humbly takinge our leaves restinge at your further commaundemente. Rock: this eighte of January 1609:

Your worshippes humbly at commaund.

  • Humphrey [Juet?]
  • Richard Hubball churchwardens
  • William Tayler
  • Edward Brasier
  • Thomas Brasier
  • Henerie [Keenam?]
  • George Benson [illegible]
  • doctor rector ecclesie
  • William [W...?]
  • Thomas Harte
  • William Boroston
  • Roger Bynt
  • Thomas Touchstone
  • Thomas [Binte?]
  • Frauncis Michaell
  • George Southall
  • Lewes Dally

The inhabitants of Kidderminster. Ref.110 BA1/1/7/82 (1610)

To the right worshipful his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester.

The peticion of the inhabitantes of the towne of Kitherminster

Shewing that Anthonie Wallis against whom the said inhabitantes intended to preferr articles of his behaviour was att the time of the drawing of the said articles of the towne of Kitherminster and that the said Wallis hereinge what course was intended for punishment of his [liefe?] is since fledd to a place in Stafford sheare wheare hee is att this present comorant called Clent

Humbly Craveth your good worships that you would vouchsafe to writte your worships letteres to the justices of the peace for the said countie of Stafford thereby entreating them to graunt their warrant to the constables and others his majesties officers of the place where the said Wallis ys now comorant for his apprehension to answeare to such thinges as on the behalf of he his said majestie shall bee objected against him

The inhabitants of Bayton. Ref.110 BA1/1/7/84 (1610)


To the worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the countye of Wigorn

Whereas heretofore complainte hath bene made of Thomas Morely of Bayton aleseller, for sufferinge of abuses and disorders committed in his howse, contrary to the statute in that case provided: wee whose names are underwritten have thoughte good to certifie unto you, the greate wante of a victualler wilbe in that place if he be putt downe, aswell in respecte of reliefe for travellers, as provision for manie workemen neare thereaboutes, whoe are there contynuallie provided for, non other beinge there allowed to keepe victualing neyther is there nowe anie within the same towne soe fitt for that purpose; in regard he is a man of honeste and cyville behavior, his chardge of children very greate, and meanes smale to mayneteine them but by his laboure, yf anie abuses have heretofor bene committed, he will amend yt, and hath promised hereafter to be very dilligente and carefull to mayneteine and keepe good orders and government, and doth not nore will not wittingly, or willingly suffer anie abuses to be committed in his howse, and soe wee hope he will contynue, if yt may stand with your good likinges to allowe of him as heretofore he hath bene, without the which he is scarce able to live, and mayneteine his poore wife and familie, of whose honest behaviour and poore estate, not doubtinge but you will have due consideracion wee humbly take leave

Your worshipps humbly at commaundment

  • Thomas Woseley
  • Humfrey Moreley
  • Thomas Hill
  • Richard Waties
  • Thomas Bird
  • William Carter
  • Walter Comber
  • Humfrey Brian
  • Robert Tymberlake
  • Richard Hughes
  • Thomas Hill
  • John Berd
  • John Cookes
  • Humfrey [Geerse?]
  • Thomas Mey
  • George Shawe
  • clerke
  • John Bishoppe
  • John Whopper
  • Edward Hulett
  • Robert Hulett

for that yt seemeth that this man ys prosecuted by people of lewd behaviour and of mallice yt ys referred unto Sir William Walsh knight whether he shalbe suppressed or allowed [Ep...?] septimo Regis

This sartificate was shewied to the justises of the wholl benche at the last quarter secions and was by them thought well of desiringe yow and good master Simondes beinge clarcke of the peace that I may have your lawfull favour: and I have procured two verie onest men to be bounde for mee.

  • Richard Wyer
  • Roger Hay

Thomas Vincent parson and others of Pensax on behalf of Humfrey Brasyer. Ref.110 BA1/1/7/85 (1610)

Right worshipfull

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace within the countie of Worcester

Maye it please the same to be advertized that the berer hereof Humfrey Brasyer whoe hath bene inhabiting within this parishe of Pensax for the space of these twentie yeares together at the least and there being a smyth by his trade hath honestly endevored to mayneteyne himself his wief and many small children and likewiese for the space of this twelve yeares nowe last past or thereaboutes by himself and his wief have sought a further ayde of livinge and maynetenance by aleselling thereunto lycenced wherein both he his wief and famylye have so very honestly behaved and demeaned themselves from tyme to tyme that we whose names ar subscribed doe humbly signifie unto your worships of his honest cariadge and behaviour and of the fyttnes we thinke of the same his fytt and necessary aleselling and vyctuallinge having none other alehowse within the same parishe. Soe we resting at your further comandment doe humbly take our leaves from Pensax this sixte day of January 1609

Your humble at comaund

  • Thomas Vincent parson [illegible] Stocton and Curate [illegible] Pensax
  • Thomas Taylor his mark
  • Leonard [Mon...?]
  • Henry Bradley
  • John Crouder his marke
  • William [Tailer?]
  • John [Whycth...?]
  • John Parker
  • John Bint
  • Frances Parker