Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1600s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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Ellioner Reeve. Ref.110 BA1/1/16/29 (1601)

To the right reverend father in God the Lord Bushopp and others her majesties justices of the peace

Your lordships humble peticioner Ellioner Reeve beinge a lame crepple and one whoe was borne and hath byn alwayes dwellinge in Odingley and haveinge noe maintenance or frindes to relieve her, was about a moneth sithence forceiblie turned out of an out howse of Thomas Sales in Odingley wherein she had byn almost three yeres, ever sithence which saide time your suppliant hath byn and yett is destitute of anye place of abode and hath byn diverse nightes enforced to lye there in the streetes [illegible] notwithstanding itt pleased Master Wylde to send for the churchwardens unto whom they promissed to take some convenient course to releeve your suppliant in her extreemytie

Your suppliant thus distressed humblye prayeth your lordships to take some order in her behalfe and she will be alwayes willing to the uttermost of her health and strength to labor truelye towardes her [findeinge?].


ordered that they provide etc or yf they complayne a precept to be made to bynde them etc

John Robertes. Ref.110 BA1/1/3/58 (1601)

To her majesties justices of peace of the countie of Worcester.

William Morrall sonne of Roberte Morrall late of Whitlady Aston borne at Whitlady Aston and kept at Ashe Whitlady Asheton by Mary White his mother untill aboutes three yares past at which tyme the said Morrall his supposed father brought the said William Morrall to Kempsey to one John Robertes to be keapt by hym for viii pence a weeke. And was so paid by the space of on yere and more and then departed the cuntry. So the said John Robertes hath by the space of two yeres keapt the said boye of his owne chardge beinge a pore man and not able any longer to keape hym but dothe desire to be dischardged of hym accordinge to the statute. And thus for Godes love


To be sent to Whitelady Aston to bynde hym secundum formam statuti

Thomas Moore of Claynes. Ref.110 BA1/1/3/59 (1601)

To the righte worshipfull her majesties justices of peace in the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Thomas Moore of the parishe of Claynes in the said countie Shewethe

whereas your said peticioner having bene many yeres visited with sicknes and infirmities, and his poore wief and theire two children, being now in most miserable and wretched estates, and altogether unable to gett theire owne lyvinges, and by reason thereof, all his goodes and substance are spente and gone who hath made his abode in Claynes aforesaid, for and during the terme of sixteene yeres laste paste, and now cannot use any other meanes for the releiving of him=self and his family, but must of necessitie perishe, unlesse they may be aided by your good worships, in this theire said wante, wherefore his humble suite is, requestinge your good worships to order, that the said poore man may have some weekely allowance within the said parishe, towardes the releivinge of him and his said poore family, and therein they all will howerly pray to God to recompence you.


that the overseers for the poore there appeare before Master [S.t?] Chauncellor and Master Jones and to shew cause etc.

John Fleminge and others on behalf of Henry Jackson. Ref.110 BA1/1/3/60 (1601)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshippfull the Queenes majesties justices of the peace at the generall sessions of the peace holden for the county of Worcester.

May yt please your good worshipps to be advertized that Walter Wall, is a vagraunte runagate, evell disposed and a comon disturber of the queenes subjectes, havinge noe waie or meane for his livinge but by false suggestions informacions promotions and accusacions of honest and well disposed people, which he useth to gett by threatninge them with proces and compelling them to compounde with him without cause, which we have thought good to [advertise?] your worshipps of partly at the request of our honest neighboure the berer hereof Henry Jackson a poore man of charge of wief children and famylye, whom he hath dealte withall lately by his threatninges extending the same to his lief and substance, and hath caused him to be bounde to the peace who is a man that to our knowledge never brake or infringed the same, but a good honest quiet and painefull man in his livinge, and partely for [that?] (yf yt maie please your worshipps so much to ease the whole countrey we wold willingly remove him and such factious vipers from us, who lyve upon the spoile of such as intend well, and doe therefore praie your worshipps (the premisses considered) that at this tyme yt maie seeme good to your worshipps of some course of his absence or good behaviour in the countrey that so his malicious threates and power may be taken awaye for which favourable good unto us, we shall as we are most bounden dayly praie God for your worshipps prosperitie and longe lyfe humbly takinge leave the xviith of Aprill 1601

Your worshipps most humble


per [secund?] Henr Jackson quod informacio etc est vera fiat [bre?] de bene [gerend?]

  • John Fleminge
  • Henry Holland
  • John Wilkes
  • Henry Millward
  • John Yattes
  • Thomas Danckes
  • Thomas Lucas
  • Henry [illegible]

Johane White of Welland, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/3/61 (1601)

To the righte worshipfull the Queenes majesties justices of peace in the countie of Wigorn.

May it please your right worships to be advertized, that whereas your oratrixe Johane White of Welland, in the countie aforesaid widowe, had lately one cotage newly erected, for her therein to have shrowded herself and her poore infante, and who shulde have bene there re=leived, acordinge to the statute in that case provided, yet neverthelesse, one Thomas Hunte, William Morgane, Roberte Wrighte and John Gwilham of Wellande aforesaide, nothinge regardinge her majesties said lawes, and also vilipending certaine preceptes, from some of her majesties saide justices, to the parishioneres of Welland aforesaid direc=ted, have now lately subverted the said cotage, and ta=ken away all the timbers and converted it to theire owne uses, utterly refusinge to provide any convenient house=roome and weekely allowance for her there, which will be to the ut=ter undoinge of your poore oratrice and her poore infante without your speedye aides in this their distressed estates, in tender regard therefore, of their said miserable estates, and continuall greiffes may it please your good worships to take some spedy course, that she and her poore infante may be planted in some convenient house, and have suche weekely allowance there as according to her majesties said lawes is requisite and therein, she shall howerly pray to God to recompence yow.


fiat [bre ver?] coram W. [Higon?] [ar?] etc.

Inhabitants of Grafton Flevard. Ref.110 BA1/1/12/2 (1604)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties [justices?] of the peace in the countye aforesaid

Pleaseth yt your worshipps to be advertised that [wh...?] [illegible] the persons whose names are under written have severall landes and tenementes of the severall contentes under written scituate and lienge within the parishe and constablewick of Grafton Flivard within the Countie aforesaid and dwelling them selves out of the said parishe and constablewick have [oft] denied and do nowe denie to be contributors with the inhabitantes of the said parish and constablewick towardes anie the Kinges majesties [sorvies?] and other impositions uppon us and them laid and to be laid: we the said inhabitantes beinge greatlie hindered with this their deniall and wronged in bearinge so great a charge: Wee humblie crave your worshipps to take some course for our relief and remedie therein [as?] by lawe and coustieme you shall think fitt and convenient and we the poore inhabitantes of the said parishe and constablewick shall ever pray for your worshipps contynuance in health and worshipp from Grafon Flyvard opressed the ixth of Januarie 1603: regni Jacobi Angliae etc. primo.

Your worshipps most humble

  • John Stonnall
  • Roger Jones
  • John Palmer
  • Richard Maris
  • Roberte Randle
  • Phillipp [illegible]

with divers others

The persons refusing Richard Russell one yard land Thomas Baker one [quarter?] land John Small [illegible] [quarter?] yard land William [Callowe?] one [quarter?] yard land John Baker a [quarter?] yard land Jasper Baker a [quarter?] [illegible] [quarter?] Francis [Cornewell?] esquier [illegible] [quarter?] All which severall parcells are [molosed?] (except the land of Mr Cornewell) and are all the best growndes meadowe and pasture there:


ordred that the land shalbe chardged or the persons to be brought before a justice of the peace to be bound to answere [illegible]

Elizabeth Preece. Ref.110 BA1/1/12/9 (1604)

To the right worshipfulls the justices of the peace of the diocese of Wigorn.

Right worshipfulls may it please you to be advertised that whereas I Elizabeth Preece (singlewoman) bead and bornne in the parish of Martley in the dioces of Worcester being leaft but meanly by my parentes yet ever making shyft for my living all my lieff tyme till now of lat falling into some greeffes of body (by Godes visitacion) wheare uppon I was enforced [presently?] to troble and chardg both my kyndred and the parish also for my better recovery of my health of body and for my good therein the parishioners of Martly aforesaid weare well pleased to yeld me 8 pence every weake to foreward the payment of the chirurgion in this citty for his cure perfectly donn and finished for whose paynes therin the said chirurgion was to have in the whole in money xxvi shillings viii pence in this manner xiii shillings iiii pence in present pay and the other xiii shillings iiii pence when he had finished his said cure uppon me, which in verie deed (I thinke) (is so done) Synce which said tyme the said chirurgion [fynd?] my unreddynes in payment of the foresaid latter summe aresteed me in this citty [whe...?] I have leyne for thes 10 [illegible] dayes together now [illegible] paste in prison to my great gryff and [hindr...?] praying therefore yower worshipps lawfull favour call before yower worshipps the church [ward...?] of Martley aforesaid that they may make payment [of?] that they promised payment of 9 pence a weeke and so continue the payment therof untill the [illegible] wear finished. Which cure hath bene in effecting one yere and quarter of [illegible] I have only received 1 quarters pay and no more and thus most humbly craving yower worshipps lawfull favours for speedy redresse hear of and my speedy delivery of my ymprisonment wherin I yet lie. And thus for God love

Yower worshipps poore and humble peticioner.

Elizabeth Preece


To contynue the allowance accordinge to their agreement or to appeare before Mr Colles to shew cause.

Inhabitants of Birchmorton on behalf of Elizabeth Hogges. Ref.110 BA1/1/2/43 (1604)

Wee whose names are subscribed inhabytantes of Birchmorton doe uppon our knowledge certefie unto your worships that the berar hereof Elizabeth Hogges the nowe wife of John Hogges of the same parishe hath for the most parte of five yeares last past, susteyned, and kepte, v smale children of one John Huntleyes (who marryed with this your peticioners daughter (which she had by one Hope, her first husband) and about some five yeares agone buryed her,): sence which tyme the said Huntley hath leeved verry lewdly, and some three years agone departed vagrant and most unfatherlike from his said childrene: and by peticion ii of them are provided for at Dymmocke in Glocestershere where they were borne but thother three beinge (John, William, and Prudence) hath bene ever sence at her only chardge, to her great decay, and almost utter undoeing not only in her ympoverishment, but also by the discord and dislike of the said John Hogges her nowe husband: soe that by reason of both causes, shee is (although loath for affinity) driven to complayne unto your worships for that the parish of Hanley (where they were all borne) refuseth to geeve them any releeffe: soe desiringe you to have regard and comiseracion of the poore estate of those suckerlesse children (who are like to suffer penury but by your good discrecions) and the declyninge estate of this berar: wee committe you to Godes holly proteccion: from Birchmorton afforsaid this first of November 1604.

Your worshipps at commandment

  • Giles Hanfan
  • Wylliam Hanfan
  • [Jhon Pawnsfote?]
  • William Clarke clerk
  • Thomas Cowper, constable
  • John Woode
  • Roberte Hullins churchwardens
  • Edward Cowper
  • George [Milloerd?]
  • John Hope
  • John Chackwell
  • Richard Gatfield
  • William Baker

Hanley to take the children or to pay weekly to John Hodges iii shillings towardes the relief of them

Further yf the churchwardens etc of Hanley performe not [ther...?] then Sir W. Ligon ys desired to send for them and bynd them yf he cannot order them

Anne Nashe, wife of William Nashe, of Bewdley. Ref.110 BA1/1/2/54 (1604)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace etc.

Right worshipfull, whereas Anne Nashe (wief of William Nashe pressed for a souldiour into Irland in her majesties [service?] late Queene of England, your most humble and poore suppliant, distressed of all helpe and succour for her poore Children and aged father thadge of iiii score yeres or thereaboutes, praieth and entirely beseecheth your accustomed clemencies extended to the poore helples and destitute, to assiste and ayde her to the two shillings your worships appointed weekely to be paid for her poore Chil=drens maintenaunce according to your generall consentes to be paid amongst the neighbours of Bewdeley as may appeare by your warrauntes which hathe bene deteyned from her and her poore children for the most parte of one whole yeare, and bideth her make complainte and seeke her remedye for none shall shee have. And thus for Godes love etc.

Your poore distressed supliant, Anne Nashe


proces to brynge the constables churchwardens and overseers before one of the Kinges justices etc. to answere yf they pay not the allowance made by Sir H. Br et al.

The parishioners of Abbothsley alias Abberley. Ref.110 BA1/1/41/27 (1605)

The humble peticion of the parishioners of Abbothsley alias Abberley in the county of Worcester.

They shewen that one Katherine Dallowe was delivered of a childe in Parshore in December last past which child was there baptized and afterwards was brought to Abberley and there lefte in a barne of one Matthew Fareleys.

The childe hath bene ever since kept and maynteyned by the peticioners, who praie [illegible] your worships order in this open sessiones; for that they can proove that the same child was borne and christned in Parshor that they maye be dischardged of the same child and that by your worships order the same child maye be retourned backe to Parshor where it was borne.


To be sent to Parshore

Margery Glover widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/41/28 (1605)

To the righte worshipfull the kinges majesties lyevetenauntes and justices of peace within the county of Worcester

In her moste humble manor complayninge sheweth unto your worshipps that wheras your poore peticoner Margery Glover of Ripple in the county of Worcester widowe, aboutes eighte yeares laste paste one Rychard Saunders of the same maried and tooke to wief Margarett the daughter of your poore peticoner whoe lyved togeather in the house with your said peticoner untill aboutes Mychaelmas laste was three yeares at which tyme the then constable of Riple sommoned the said Saunders to appeare before certeyne of your worshippes beinge then in comission for the musteringe of men for her late majesties service in Irelonde, whoe pressed the said Saunders and sent him into Ireland uppon the said service, whoe as yett never retorned backe, to the utter undoinge of his poore lame distressed wief and children, and of your poore peticioner alsoe whoe (accordinge to her poore power) have kepte and mayteyned the said Saunders wief lame and bedredden and his children ever sythence untill this present tyme to her utter undoinge, and by noe meanes can gett noe asistance of the parrish at all, and have soulde and pawnede all that ever she hath in the world to succor and releeve the most myserable distres of the said Sawnders wief and his poore children; wherfore your poore peticioner aswell for her self as alsoe for her daughter and fatherles children is enforced to apeale unto you both for mercy and justice in this behalf and for the relief of her self beinge a very poore aged woman aboutes the age of fower score yeares and upwardes and her poore lame daughter and fatherles children whoe with moste myserable poverty ar ready to pyne, and ther is noe collection made in the said parishe for the poore accordinge to his majesties lawes in that case etc. In tender consideracion wherof may yt please your worshippes in mercy and pitie to take some order with the said parrish for the succor and reliefe of these poore distressed needy creatures, as in yor godly wisdomes shall seeme expedient for their releefe and for the advauncment of justice wherfore accordinge to their most bounden dutyes they shalbe bound to pray for your most happy preservacion in all worshipp longe to continue.

The humble peticion of Margery Glover widow etc.


Preferr this to the court to be examined

To allow her iiii pence weekly so she behave her self orderly and other necessery relief at their houses

The inhabitants of Warnton. Ref.110 BA1/1/4/34 (1606)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace for the countie of Wigorn.

Whereas the constable for the parishe of Warnton in the countie aforesaid, lately receved a precept or warrant, whereby he was [enjoyened?] to collect and gather of the inhabitantes within his offyce or precint, all suche mo=ney as ys dewe there for the maymed soldieres, soe it is, that the said constable is dwellinge within the parishe of Claynes where six other inhabitantes doe all inhabitt, who heretofore have usually paied all maner dewes together with the parishioners of Warnton aforesaid, aswell towardes the trayninge and settinge forwardes the soldyeres, as also all other paymentes whatsoever beinge due to be paied within the constablewicke of Warnton aforesaid, whereof one of them, ys one of the chieffest of the subsidye men within the said libertye or precint, and the otheres, men of good worthe, who now refuse to joyne in payment with the inhabitantes of Warn=ton aforesaid, contrary, to the auncient custome there used, tyme out of the remembrance of man. In due regard therefore of the premisses, the humble sute of the said inhabitantes of Warnton, ys, besechinge your good worshipps to take suche order as the said parishioneres of Claynes seaven parsons beinge within the constablewicke of Warnton may joine in paymentes for the said may=med soldyeres, together with the parishioneres of Warnton aforesaid, or els that they may be by your good meanes otherwayes eased, wherein they shall pray for youre prosperities.


[illegible] to enquire whether the statute appoint the constable or churchwardens to collect and whether they are to pay in their parish

Elizabeth Restell widow of Busley. Ref.110 BA1/1/4/35 (1606)

The peticion of Elizabeth Restell wydowe of the parishe of Busley in the countie of Worcester.

Humbly sheweth unto your good worshipps that whereas this poore distressed peticioner her late husband one Thomas Restell late of Poole within the said parishe of Busley was in his lyffe tyme seased of and in one messuage or tenement and certen landes therunto beelonginge situate and beeinge in the lordship or manner of Poole afforsaid for terme of his lyffe by coppie of court rolle accordinge to the custome of the said manner. And after the decease of the said Thomas Restell this poore peticioners late husband the said messuage or tenement and other the said premisses of right ought to discend and come unto this poore peticioner as in right of her free bench as the costome of the said mannor (whereof the memorie of man is not to the contrary) hath and yett doth requier but nowe yf yt may please your good worships soe yt was and is that presentlie after the decease of the said Thomas Restell one William Childe of Poole Courte afforsaid esquier into the said landes and premisses entred and ever sethence unjustlie doth detayne and keepe the same frome this poore peticioner to the utter undoinge of her and fower poore infantes her children and are there nowe readie to starve for want of foode: her humble desyer is that by your worships good meanes the inhabitantes of the said parishe may releeve theis poore distressed people accordinge to the lawe and statute in that case made and provided as this poore peticioner and her children shall allwaies pray for your worships. And further to acquynt your good worships with the wronges that one William Childe late of Poole Court esquier deceased did unto this poore petitioner and unto her said husband and children videlicet plucked downe the said messuage and threwe out the said Restell and this poore woman and v poore children and alsoe pounded the cattell of theis poore people ofe the there owene grounde: to their utter undoinge and in such sort and manner this William Childe soe useth them humbly becheech your good worships afforsaid.



Fortune Fleminge. Ref.110 BA1/1/14/49 (1607)

To the right holy and reverend father the lord bishop of the [illegible] of Wigorn and the right worshippfull the justices of the peace of [illegible] said countye

The peticion of Fortune [Fleminge?] [illegible] Shewing unto your worshipps your said peticioner that shee hath bin by the [inticement?] [illegible] promisses of one Fraunces Brewer of Shrawley betrayed and begatt in child [illegible] your peticioner marriadge and that since hee denieth performance thereof wherefore att [illegible] and humble request of your peticioner there have bin two preceptes graunted for [illegible] one from Sir Samuell Saundes to the constable of Astley where the [illegible] was then abideing and might have bin taken in case the said constable [illegible] dutie and thother from the lord bishop to the then constable of [Shra...?] [illegible] brother to the said Fraunces whither the said Fraunces dailie resorteth [illegible] most parte comorant and where (att the tyme of the delivery of the said [illegible] his brother then constable) the said Fraunces was in his brothers hous [illegible] therefore please your good worships in your discrecion to call the said constable by [precept?] [illegible] and that they may bee ordered for theire negligence to doe that duty herein [illegible] office apperteigneth.

The said Fraunces Brewer is abideinge some tymes with [illegible] brother the constable of Shrawley and some times att one John Keyes his howse of the parish of Doderhill and is asked three tymes in church with one of the daughters of the said Keyes.

William Holland of Castle Murton. Ref.110 BA1/1/14/50 (1607)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the saide countye.

Your poore suppliant William Holland of Castlemurton most humblie sheweth unto your [worships?] [illegible] whereas he hathe served our late soveraigne ladie Queene Elizabeth for a souldiour in her [illegible] realme of Ireland where he hathe gotte many incurable diseases that he is not able to labor [illegible] his lyvinge as before tyme he hathe done. And hathe alsoe for the space of this fyve [illegible] visited with much sycknes to the utter undoinge of himself his wife and two small children [illegible] his diligent labour mainetayned and relieved. May it therefore please your good [worships?] [illegible] poore estate of your distressed suppliant and grant him your warrant to the church [illegible] of the poore of Castlemurton aforesaide to allowe to your said poore suppliant a weekely [illegible] towardes maintenance that he with his wife and children be not enforced to wander [illegible] seeke for relief contrarie to the statute. And this he prayeth for Godes [love?] [illegible]

Your poore and distressed [illegible]

  • William [Holland?]

To thoverseers

Joane Stringer widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/25 (1608)

The humble peticion of Joane Stringer widdow

Right worshipfull wheras your poor peticioner heer present Joane Stringer widdow, havinge a dawghter throwghe her foley was betrayd by the indiusmente of on Thomas Ballard whoe begate her with childe of a son they boeth dwellinge to gether in on Richard Atkes howse, in the parishe of the Rocke, and countye of Wigorne, and the sayd child was borne in the parishe of Arelle Kinges, in the afore sayd countye, and so the sayd childe is and hathe byn norced and mayntayned by the a fore sayd Joane Stringer granmother to the sayd childe, for the space of three yeares and upwardes, duringe this time of yeares from time to time the a fore sayde Joane Stringer beinge a very poore woman and owld not abell to releve her self hathe demaunded and craved som mayntaynence for the child from the sayd pareshe of Arle Kinges whoe doethe utterlye refuges to geve any unles theye ar therunto compelled by the justices of the shere this cravinge your worshipes assistance ther in for Godes love accordinge to the statute [etc?] the sayd Thomas Ballard beinge fled and can not be hard of

To the right worshipfull his majesties justisses of the peace heer present the humble peticion of Joane Stringer of the parishe of Arele Kinge in the countye of Wigorne heare presente craving relef for Godes love.

Henry Dingley of Hanley Castell gentleman. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/26 (1608)

The humble peticion of Henry Dingley of Hanley Castell gentleman

Humbly besechinge your good lordshipp that yt will please you to caule on the church wardens and constables of Hanley Castell to laye open and present the great abuses done on the sabaoth daies in Hanley aforesaide and especially the greate rott and unlawfull assembly done the last sabaoth being Whit Sondaye by fortie severall persons at least many of them recusantes who dailie increase in the same parishe to the ende the rotters maye be punishedd and this for Gods love

Your L. suppliant

  • H Dingley

Jane Bennett. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/27 (1608)

To the right worshipfull, his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of Jane Bennett Humbly shewinge, that whereas it pleased your worshipps of your accustomed clemencye, to order, that your poore supplyant shuld be shrowded in a con=venient house within the parishe of Handley William, in these her later dayes, acor=dinge to the statute made, for the ayde of persons beinge borne within any parishe of this lande or to the like effecte. And now for that, the said parishioneres will not be obedient unto your charitable order in permittinge your poore supply=ant to be harboured in the same parishe, where she was borne, and that her poore and painefull daughter, beinge the staffe and stay of her age (she beinge under infirmities) may not there likwise remayne with her, therefore your distressed poore aged and impotent suppliant, moste humbly besechethe your good worshipps for god cause, to take suche further course herein, for the ease, of her in this her extremitie, as to your wisedomes, shall be thought fitt, wherein she and her poore daughter shall ever pray, for the longe continuance of your happye healthes.


xiii shillings iiii pence per annum

Thomas Hawes, prisoner. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/29 (1608)

To the reverend father in God Gervase Lord Bushopp of Worcester and others his majesties justices of peace for the county of Wigorn now present.

The humble peticion of Thomas Hawes prisoner

Whereas your poore peticioner, beinge an apprentice in London and sonne of John Hawes of the parish of Grimley, was sent uppon busines into the cuntrye, and beinge at Ombersley he was assalted and grevouslye wounded by dyvers outragious and unrulye persons to the number of vii or viii, where he received three or fower sore woundes and afterwardes purposinge to goe over the water towardes his fathers howse, and feelinge bloud yssue forth in an other place of his body, before he came to the water side he entended to goe to a howse to staye the flux of bloud, but theis malicious persons not satisfied, way leyed your peticioner, and then and there secondly assalted and wounded your peticioner, and brought him before Sir Samuell Sandes, who comitted him.

He therefore most humbly beseecheth your good worships that before any bill shalbe preferred against him and the other ii defendantes, that he and Phillipp Howle and Phillipp [Etheridge?] may be brought to the barre to answere for themselves by proofe of wyttnesses. [illegible] and the rather because a messenger is sent from London on purpose for your peticioner.

And he and his frendes shall daylie pray to the allmightie for your worships prosperities.

William Porter. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/30 (1608)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace for the county of Worcester now present.

The humble peticion of William Porter.

Whereas your poore peticioner (beinge a souldier in Vlusshinge as may appeare by his pasport under his governours hand for his comminge for England) was growen so feeble lame and sicke by meanes of his service thatt he was forced after his comminge home to Droitwych to travell to the Bath for his recoverye, afterwardes Master Wieldes worshipp, and others of the said Towne of Droitwich (uppon a lewne for other matters) thought fitt that the lewne might be rated the higher to procure your poore peticioner some xxx shillings towardes his reliefe and comfort which they gathered accordinglye, besides his wife heretofore was allowed xviii pence a weeke which nowe is kept from her.

He therefore most humbly beseecheth your good worships (even for Godes cause) that your worships will be a meanes to helpe him to the money which is gathered for him, and the rather for that Master Wield appointed it should be soe.

And he his poore wief and children shall daylie pray to allmighty God for your worshipps prosperities.

A precept to the constables that yf Thomas Alexander refuse to pay the monye collected then to bring him before a justice of peace

Phillip ap Owen and James ap David. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/31 (1608)

To the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Phillip ap Owen and James ap David

Shewinge unto your good worships that they the peticioners in February last past had feloniously stolen from them twelve weather sheepe and that since haveinge made suite in diverse places after the theves they the peticioners have founde two of their sheepe depastured in the groundes of Humfrey Milles of Shelsley in this countie and that the said Humfrey Milles justiefied that he bought the said sheepe of Charles Bentley of Clifton in the said countie and that the said Bentley justiefied that he bought them of Henry Powell of Clifton aforesaid and thus the peticioners are deferred from one to the other and cannot have their goodes neyther knowe how they came to the same

Theyr humble peticion ys that your worships would examined the cause that the peticioners may have their goodes and the offender punished according to his demerittes.

William Ingram. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/32 (1608)

Master clarke of the peace my occasion is such I can not be at the sessions I knowe there wilbe opposicion by Cotherege men and Lighe men for the reversings of the order made at the last sessions for the relief of our pore it was then ordered by consent of all the benche that they should weekely ii shillings vi pence towardes the relief of our poore they have contemptuosly broke the order and not paied one penye since, those justices which sett downe the order are allmost all absent I desyre that that order may stande till the next sessions that those justices be there, and that the mony may be brought in and yf this order may not stande that we may be assigned some other parishe to aide us you may move it that this order may be referred to Master Fleete and myself to consider of it who knoweth the state of the cawse better then any one els, I must allso entreate you to be very mindeful for the good of old Pollar who [illegible] hath gotten letters for a pention, that there may be a deduction forth of other that his may have a pention may be the greater and for your paines taken herein I shalbe much indebted unto you. Thus leavinge these busines to your good discretion I leave Earles Court this Tuesday morning

Your very lovinge frend

  • William Ingram