Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 678-740

Pages 227-244

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1987.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 678-740

YORK. Assignment of dower in the presence of John Nevill, knight, husband of Isabel, daughter and heir of Edmund. Menethorpe.
Assigned in dower from all the lands of Edmund:
Menethorpe: One third of a third part of the lands which he held jointly with Richard Waterton and Constance his wife, annual value 13s.4d.; all the houses at the … end of the hall of the chief messuage of ‘Swynton’ with free ingress and egress; a ‘baye’ with the ‘auteshote’ at the east end of the great barn called ‘Cornebarne’; a ‘baye’ at the north end called ‘la Heybarne’; a house called ‘le smythyhous’; and a house called ‘le stables’ to the north with free ingress and egress.
Part of the demesne lands: 5 a. in ‘Wynnykfild’ to the north; 7 a. at the ‘crossebuttys’ in 2 pieces of 4 a. and 3 a.; 6 a. on ‘Sparoweclyff’ to the north; 3 a. and ‘yenge’ at ‘Brokebank’ to the north; 4 a. and ‘yenge’ at ‘Brokewell’; 2 a. at ‘Longe Gelowe’; 2 a. at ‘Shorte Gelowe’; 1 a. at ‘Glyntre’; 5 a. together above ‘Mowsewre’ to the south; 3 a. together above ‘Longebarnestoke’; 2 a. in ‘le Halthe’; 2 a. in ‘le Clyff’; 2 a. meadow at ‘Overwynshley’ to the south; and 1/2 a. meadow at ‘Kylnerthbrigges’ to the east; which lands William Culburn holds by a rent of 17s.4d.
Rents: 2 1/2d. from a messuage and land which John Hunte holds; 2s.10d. from a messuage of Alice Lawton; 2 1/2d. from a messuage of Robert Mersser; 18d. from the heir of William Busshell; 20s. from … bovates held by Roger Colburn; 7s. from 1 messuage and 1/2 bovate held by John Godley; and … a. of wood lying together at the east end of ‘Shawe’.
C 137/33, no. 63
LEICESTER. Inquisition ex officio. Waltham on the Wolds. 6 April 1402.
He held in his demesne as of fee 6 messuages and 6 virgates in Wyfordby of Thomas, son and heir of Thomas late duke of Norfolk, under age in the king’s ward, service unknown, annual value 36s.8d.; and 1 messuage and 2 a. in Melton Mowbray and Sysonby of the same, service unknown, annual value 3s.4d.
He died on 17 Aug. 1401. Robert his son and heir will be 18 years of age on 21 May next.
C 137/33, no. 64
E 149/79, no. 16
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition ex officio. Newnham. 26 May 1402.
He held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Awre, which King John granted to Walter de Aura, senior, his ancestor, for his homage and service, by the name of 2 virgates, 6 a. and 1 meadow called ‘Hundomor’, by the service of 1 mark yearly, annual value 20s.
He died on 3 Nov. 1376. His widow Joan claimed a third part in dower and held it until she died on 26 June 1396. Maud and Joan, his daughters and next heirs, were aged 18 years and more and 17 years and more when he died. They held two parts. Maud married John Felde. John, Maud and Joan took the profits of the two parts without royal licence until 9 Feb. 1397 when Joan died without heirs. John Felde and Maud then held two parts and since the death of Robert’s widow they have also held the other part, comprising 16 a. arable and 2 a. meadow. They are holding it all without royal licence, title unknown.
C 137/33, no. 65
E 152/373, no. 2
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition ex officio. Newnham. 26 May 1402.
He held 10 tenements in St. Briavels and an office in the forest of Dean called ‘Forstereswyke’ of the king in chief of the castle of St. Briavels by the duty of serving for 40 days in that castle in time of war, annual value 7s.
He died on 13 Oct. 1401. Richard his son and heir is aged 21 years and more.
C 137/33, no. 66
E 152/373, no. 1
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition ex officio. Gloucester. 16 March 1402.
William Aston of Aston Ingham has been an idiot since 9 Jan. 1400. He holds a tenement called ‘Astonescourt’ in Ley by Westbury, annual value 26s.8d.
He and Alice his wife have taken the profits during this time.
C 137/33, no. 67
Writ, plenius certiorari, reciting that Edward III on 3 March 1337 granted [CPR 1334–8, p.418] the reversion of the manor of Walton upon Trent, after the death of Isabel the queen mother, who then held it, to Henry de Ferrariis and his heirs, and an inquisition by Philip Lutteley, escheator, on 6 Sept. 1358 [CIPM X, pp.358–9] found that Queen Isabel held it for life and that the reversion belonged to William son and heir of Henry de Ferrariis; order to enquire when he died, etc. 1 Dec. 1401.
DERBY. Inquisition. Repton. 13 Feb. 1402.
William de Ferrariis died on 8 Jan. 1371. The William de Ferrariis who is still living is the next heir male to the manor and advowson of Walton upon Trent, being the son of Henry, son of the first William, and aged 28 years and more.
Godfrey Foljambe, knight, occupied the manor and took the profits from the death of William until Christmas 1376, title unknown. Then Richard Hampton, esquire, held it until 12 April 1385 by grant for life by letters patent [CPR 1377–81, p.77], and Thomas Sy and William Gold since 12 April 1385 by letters patent [CPR 1381–5, p.547], with John Delwe and Henry Coton, clerk, but the title of the last two is unknown.
C 137/33, no. 69
SOMERSET. Inquisition ex officio. Ilchester. 23 Jan. 1402.
He held by the courtesy of England in right of the inheritance of Eleanor, sometime his wife:
Woolmersdon, a third part of half the manor, of the manor of Nether Stowey by knight service. Stowey was in the king’s hands by reason of the death of Lady Daudele. John Tochet, knight, has now secured it in right of his inheritance. Annual value of the third part, 33s.4d.
Uphill and Christon, a quarter of the manor, of the manor of Blagdon, annual value 60s.; and a fifth part of a rent of 40d. from 1 messuage and 40 a. arable, meadow and pasture in West Lydford, of the manor of West Lydford. All the fees of the manors of Blagdon and West Lydford were in the king’s hands owing to the forfeiture of the earl of Huntingdon, or by his death and the minority of the heir; and now by the king’s grant [CPR 1399–1401, pp.274, 397, 457] these fees and manors are held by the abbot of St. Mary Graces; and of these manors John and Eleanor held all their lands, rent and revenues in Uphill, Christon and West Lydford, by priority of all other lords of whom they held elsewhere in the county, in right of Eleanor.
Bedminster, a third part of the manor, of Thomas Beauchamp, knight, of the manor of White Lackington by knight service, annual value 50s.
Compton Durville, a third part of the manor, of Baldwin Malet, knight, of the manor of Sutton Mallet by knight service, annual value 4 marks.
Cossington, a third part of a toft and a third part of a carucate, of John Brente, lord of that manor, by knight service, annual value 15s.
West Chilton, 1 carucate called ‘Chaldecote’, of the manor by knight service, of the heir of Thomas Tryvet, knight, not in the king’s hands at the time of John Pokeswell’s death, annual value 40s.
Huntspill, 1 messuage and a third part of a carucate in the manor, in the hands of the earl of Somerset with knight’s fees until the full age of Fulk Fitzwaryn, by the king’s grant, annual value 20s.
Burnham, 1 carucate, of the bishop of Winchester of that manor by knight service, annual value 40s.
Churchill, 1 toft and 1 virgate called ‘Lyncombe’, of Ellis Fitzpayn of that manor in socage, annual value 5s.
He died on 13 Dec. 1400. John the son and next heir of both Eleanor and John is aged 17 years and more.
C 137/33, no. 70
Exchequer writ of certiorari as to the value of the lands he held which are in the king’s hands. 10 Dec. 1401 [Enrolled, E 368/174, brevia retornata, m.17].
HEREFORD. Inquisition. Hereford. 14 Jan. 1402.
The jurors are totally ignorant of what lands he held; so far as they know he had none in Herefordshire or the adjacent March of Wales.
HEREFORD. Another inquisition of same place and date but with different jurors.
The jurors are totally ignorant, as in last.
E 149/76, no. 10
YORK. Inquisition ex officio. Wombwell. 7 May 1402.
She held for life, with remainder to Robert de Stodehowe, son and heir of Robert de Stodehowe, who is under age in the king’s ward because of lands elsewhere in Burnby by Pocklington held in chief by knight service:
Wombwell, 3 messuages, 2 1/2 bovates and 11s. rent, of John de Annesley, knight, in socage, annual value 40s.
Studdah in Richmond, the manor, of Stephen Lescrope, knight, in socage, annual value 40s.
Hudswell, 1 cottage and 60 a., of the abbot of St. Agatha’s in socage, annual value 17s.
Huby, 1 messuage and 1 furlong (cultura), of other than the king, annual value 7s.
Birdsall, 1/2 carucate, of whom and by what service is unknown, annual value 7s.
She died about 1 May 1401. Robert her son and heir is aged 19 years and more.
Hugh Wombwell has occupied the premises in Wombwell since the day of her death, Cuthbert Barbour of Richmond those in Hudswell, Robert Stonlap the manor of Studdah, and Robert Stodehowe the land in Birdsall. They have taken the profits and are answerable to the king.
E 149/78, no. 8
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio. Amesbury. 4 Nov. 1401.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service 1 messuage and 1 1/2 virgates in Milton Lilborne.
He died on 28 May last. Thomas his son and heir is aged 17 years.
E 149/79, no. 13
WARWICK. Inquisition ex officio. Little Packington. 1 Feb. 1402.
He held in his demesne as of fee a third part of the manor of Little Packington called ‘Boyvilespart’ of Lord Beaumont, who is under age in the king’s ward, of the honour of Winchester by knight service, annual value 26s.8d.
He died on 11 Dec. 1401. John his son and next heir is aged 10 on 24 June. The custody of the lands and the marriage belong to the king owing to the minority of Lord Beaumont.
E 149/79, no. 17
Writ 10 Sept. 1403.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Leicester. 21 Sept.
He held half a messuage and half of 4 carucates in Harston of the king of the duchy of Lancaster as a twenty-fourth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 30s.
He died on 26 Aug. Isabel wife of John Walshe, aged 23 years and more, and Alice wife of John Leyke, aged 19 years and more, are his daughters and heirs.
Writ 10 Sept. 1403.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Nottingham. 24 Sept.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Hickling, held of the earl of Kent by suit of court twice yearly at Plumtree, annual value 8 marks.
Jointly with Emma his wife, who survives, he held in his demesne for life the manor of Langford of Lord Moubray, service unknown, annual value £20.
He died on 6 Sept. last. Isabel wife of John Walshe of Leicestershire, aged 26 years and more, and Alice wife of John Leek, esquire, aged 21 years and more, are his daughters and next heirs.
DERBY. Inquisition. Sandiacre. 13 Oct. 1403.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Sutton Scarsdale, the manor, of the king of the duchy of Lancaster as a quarter of a fee, annual value 10 marks.
Sandiacre, the manor, of the king in chief by a rent of 33s.4d., annual value £10; and a place called ‘le Conyngar’, of Richard Grey, lord of Codnor, service unknown, annual value 30s.
Kirk Hallam, the manor, for life jointly with Emma his wife, who survives, of the abbot of Dale Abbey and others, service unknown, annual value 8 marks.
Date of death and heirs as above [no. 691].
C 137/34, no. 1
E 152/389
Writ 3 Feb. 1403.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 10 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage, 30 a. arable, 1 1/2, meadow and 1 a. pasture in Shudy Camps, Nosterfield and Horseheath, in chief by the service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 13s.4d.
He died on 12 Feb. 1402. Robert Warner and Elizabeth wife of John Hatholf are his heirs; Robert being the son of Agnes, his daughter, aged 21 years and more; and Elizabeth his other daughter, aged 30 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 2
Writ 5 June 1403.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Leicester. 26 Sept.
He held a rent of 9s.3d. in Medbourne with the advowson, of the king in chief by a rent of 2d. payable by the sheriff at Easter. The church is worth 20 marks annually.
He died on 30 May. Roger Lescrope, knight, his son and heir, is aged 30 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 3
Writ 11 Dec. 1402.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Tetsworth. 21 Dec. 1402.
He held the manor of Chalgrove of the prince [of Wales] by knight service, annual value 40 marks.
He died on 22 June 1400. Reynold his son and next heir is aged 20 3/4 years. Thomas Harcourt and Joan his wife have held the manor meanwhile and taken the profits, title unknown.
C 137/34, no. 4
E 152/385, no. 1
Writ 28 Feb. 1403.
YORK. Inquisition. Beverley. 23 April
He held in his demesne as of fee a third part of the manor of Hunmanby of the king in chief by the service of a ninth part of a barony, annual value £8 13s.4d.
He died at Gedney in Lincolnshire on 12 Feb. last. Robert his son and heir was aged 13 years on 1 Nov. last.
Writ 28 Feb. 1403.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Boston. 18 April.
He held nothing in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
LINCOLN. Inquisition with 5 of the same jurors. Gedney. 3 Oct. 1403.
He held nothing in the county.
C 137/34, no. 5
E 149/83, no. 5
E 152/380, no. 4
Writ 29 July 1403.
SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Shrewsbury. 10 Sept.
In Wellington he held 1 nook comprising 1/4 carucate of the king in chief by the serjeanty of keeping the hedges in the forest of Wrekin, annual value 4s.; 1 messuage, 2 burgages and 1 cottage of the king in free burgage by a rent of 2s. payable by the sheriff at Michaelmas, annual value 6s.; and 1 messuage, formerly of John Dagon, of Lord Burnell, service unknown, annual value 10s.
He died on 21 July. Roger his son and next heir is aged 26 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 6
E 149/82, no. 2
Writ, stating that he was outlawed for failing to appear before the justices of the Bench of Richard II to answer Thomas Halghewell on a plea of transgression. 6 July 1403.
DEVON. Inquisition. Kingsbridge, 3 Sept.
Owing to the outlawry of Peter Boys 1 messuage and 1 ferling in North Yarnscombe in Stokenham were taken into the king’s hands and so remain. They are held of Richard Ayschford and Alice his wife by fealty and a rent of 11s. He held them jointly with Emmota his wife long before his outlawry to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Richard and Alice, annual value 2s. Emmota died long before and Peter granted the holding to his son John long before the outlawry. Peter died on 23 Nov. 1391. John his son and heir is aged 40 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 7
Writ 25 June 1403.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Godshill. 10 Sept. 1403.
He held 2 messuages with curtilages in Newport in the Isle of Wight of the king in chief, annual value 6s.8d.
He was a bastard and died without heirs on 15 July 1390.
William Fursy and Joan his wife have occupied and taken the profits since his death, title unknown.
C 137/34, no. 8
E 152/387
Writ 24 April 1403.
HEREFORD. Inquisition. Hereford. 16 June.
He held the manor of Weobley in his demesne as of fee with Agnes his wife who survives him. It was held in her right in fee tail to herself and the heirs of her body as part of a barony, but how large a part is unknown, annual value £40.
He died on 25 July 1402. Walter his son and next heir was aged 15 years about Christmas last.
C 137/34, no. 9
Writ 1 July 1403.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Bramber. 2 Aug.
He held nothing in the county, but long before he died he was outlawed, and on the day of his outlawry he held 1 messuage and 1 shop in New Shoreham and 8 a. in Old Shoreham, the messuage of Lord Ponynges by a rent of 4s., the shop of the prior of Sele by a rent of 12d., and the 8 a. of the abbot of Battle and the prioress of Rusper, services unknown; total annual value 5s.10d. They were taken into the king’s hands owing to the outlawry, and so remain.
He died on 24 Dec. 1398. Robert his son and heir is aged 30 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 10
Writ 1 Sept. 1403.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Thornbury. 4 Sept.
She held two parts of the manor of Bitton of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown; and also 1 messuage and 1/2 virgate there of John Deverose, knight, and Joan his wife, by a rent of 5s.; annual values, £20 and 2s.
She died on 22 Aug. last. John Blount, her father’s brother and her next heir, is aged 26 years and more.
Writ 10 Sept. 1403. Worcester.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition with jurors as in last. Thornbury. 12 Sept.
In the king’s hands owing to the death of William Blount, who held them in his demesne as of fee, and because of the minority of Isabel his daughter, who died in the king’s ward, are two parts of half [sic] the manor of Bitton, and 1 messuage and 1/2 virgate there. The part of the manor is held of the king in chief as a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value £20, and the other lands of John Deverose, knight, and Joan his wife by a rent of 5s., annual value beyond that 2s.
William died on 28 April 1399 and Isabel on 22 Aug. last; heir as above.
C 137/34, no. 11
Writ 28 July 1403.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Barnham. 24 Aug.
He held nothing in Suffolk.
He died on 21 July 1403. Ralph his son and heir was aged 13 on 23 April last.
Writ 28 July 1403.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Nottingham. 17 Sept.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief a rent of 13s.4d. in Bunny, service unknown.
Date of death and heir, aged 12 years and more, as above.
DERBY. Inquisition ex officio. Derby. 21 Aug. 1403.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service:
Shirley, the manor, annual value £20 [sic].
Hoon, the manor, annual value 10 marks.
Date of death and heir, aged 12 years and more, as above.
Robert del Heygh of Cheshire, who adhered to Henry Percy, the traitor, held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage in Chaddesden, now forfeited to the king, annual value 12s.4d.
John de Assheburn of Cheshire, who similarly rebelled, held in his demesne as of fee two parts of a messuage in Spondon, also forfeited, annual value 15s.
Writ 7 Sept. 1403.
DERBY. Inquisition. Callow. 22 Sept.
He held of the king in chief of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service:
Shirley, the manor, annual value £10 [sic].
Hoon, the manor, annual value 10 marks.
Hollington, 6 marks rent, service unknown.
Wyaston, 1 messuage, service unknown, annual value 3s.
Yeaveley, the manor, service unknown, annual value 46s.8d.
Cromford, 1 messuage, service unknown, annual value 20s.
Date of death and heir, aged 12 years and more, as above.
Writ 28 July 1403.
STAFFORD. Inquisition. Stafford. 25 Oct.
He held nothing in the county.
Date of death and heir, aged 15 years and more, as above.
Writ 28 July 1403.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Leicester. 3 Sept.
He held nothing in the county.
Date of death and heir, aged 12 years and more, as above.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Nuneaton. 15 Sept. 1403.
He held the manor of Ettington in his demesne as of fee of the king of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.
Date of death and heir, aged 12 years on 23 April, as above.
C 137/34, no. 12
E 149/82, no. 1
E 152/390, no. 4
Writ 6 Nov. 1402.
WORCESTER. Inquisition. Droitwich. 13 Nov.
Roger, parson of Merton, held a watermill called ‘Mertonmulle’ in Salwarpe by Droitwich in his demesne as of fee, and granted it to Nicholas de Pyrie and Agnes his wife for their lives, with remainder to Walter, son of Nicholas, and his heirs. So they held it and died, and Walter held it and had issue Walter atte Pyrie, who was outlawed for felony. It descended to him and he had issue another William, and it descended to him. During the life of William the father it was taken into the hands of Edward III on account of the outlawry. No other lands were in the king’s hands for that reason.
A new mill has been built on the site, and the mill and site are held of the earl of Warwick by a rent of 6s.8d., annual value 2s.
William son of Walter died on 16 Feb. 1399.
William, son of William the son and next heir of William son of Walter, is aged 30 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 13
Writ 24 May 1403.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Nottingham. 18 June.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Ratcliffe on Soar and Kingston on Soar, 1 messuage, 2 cottages and 9 bovates of arable and meadow, of the king, in socage in petty serjeanty, annual value 26s.8d.
Thrumpton, 1 messuage and 3 bovates of arable and meadow, of Nicholas de Stapulford by a rent of 1 lb. cumin, annual value 21s.
He died about 14 Sept. 1391. Robert his son and heir is aged 22 years and more.
Richard Denton of Leicestershire and Thomas West of Northamptonshire have taken the profits of all the premises, title unknown.
C 137/34, no. 14
Writ 27 May 1403.
YORK. Inquisition. Northallerton. 24 Aug.
He held jointly with his wife Joan 20 marks rent from Langbargh wapentake at Easter and Michaelmas in accordance with a grant of Thomas Longley, clerk, to them, their heirs male, their heirs general and the right heirs of Robert, to be received from Thomas de Fauconberge, knight, who holds the wapentake of the king in chief at fee farm, as appears by their charter shown to the jurors. The grant was made by licence of Richard II [CPR 1396–9, p.402], and they attorned to Thomas. The rent is held of the king in chief by knight service and is worth nothing beyond the rent itself.
He died on 27 Sept. 1402. Robert de Urswyk, knight, his son and heir, is aged 30 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 15
E 152/380, no. 7
Writ 7 Sept. 1403.
YORK. Inquisition. Howden. 19 Sept.
He held nothing in the county because by letters patent dated 20 Nov. 1401 [CPR 1401–5, p.14] the king gave him licence to enfeoff Alexander de Metham, knight, his son, in 8 messuages and 17 bovates in Southburn and Tibthorpe, held of the king in chief, to hold to himself and his heirs without interference by the king, his heirs or their officers. He accordingly made the grant by his charter dated 8 March 1402, and his son was seised of them.
Thomas died on 28 Aug. 1403. Alexander his son and heir is aged 21 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 16
E 152/380, no. 6
Writ 20 Feb. 1403.
STAFFORD. Inquisition. Walsall. 13 March.
He held the manor of Wednesbury of the king by the grant of Henry de Tymmore, parson of Elford, and John de Tymmore to himself, Alice his wife and the heirs of their bodies, by licence of Edward III [CPR 1364–7, p.165]. It is held by a rent of 20s. payable by the sheriff at Michaelmas; annual value £10.
Alice died, and John died on 16 Feb. Henry their son and heir is aged 30 years and more.
C 137/34, no. 17
E 152/390, no. 2
Writ 17 May 1403.
SURREY. Inquisition. Leatherhead. 21 May.
She held the manor of West Horsley for life by the grant of Henry IV [CPR 1399–1401, pp.82–3] with remainder to Richard son of James Berners and his heirs. It is held of the king in chief of Windsor castle by the service of half a knight’s fee and 6s.8d. every 24 weeks; annual value 40 marks.
She died on 14 April. Richard son of James, her heir, is aged 21 years and 12 weeks.
Writ, plura, 29 June 1403.
SURREY. Inquisition. West Horsley. 21 Aug.
She did hold more, namely the advowson of West Horsley, the park and warren with the manor. They are held of the king in chief of the castle of Windsor, as is the manor, by fealty and rendering 6s.8d. every 24 weeks; annual value 100s.
Heir, aged 21 years and more, as above.
C 137/34, no. 18
E 149/82, no. 4
Writ 14 July 1403.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Spalding. 16 Oct.
He was outlawed at the suit of John Ravenser, parson of Algarkirk. In consequence 1 messuage and 1/2 a. in Whaplode were taken into the king’s hands and so remain. They are held of John Porter of Whaplode of his manor of Hagbeach Hall, service unknown; annual value 2s. and no more because burdened with a rent of 3s. to the manor.
He died on 4 Oct. 1400. William Medawe of Whaplode, his heir, is aged 30 years and more.
Writ 8 April 1404.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Spalding. 20 April.
As last, except that the outlawry is said to be in a plea of debt and the heir is described as William de Medowe of Whaplode, nephew and heir, being the son of Margaret, sister of John.
C 137/34, no. 19
C 137/41, no. 41
Writ 11 Jan. 1403.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 10 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief two parts of the manor of Haslingfield, and the reversion of the third part which Joan his mother holds in dower of Roger Scales, knight, his father, service unknown; annual value of the two parts £20, the one part £10.
He died on 7 Dec. Robert his son and heir is aged 6 years and more.
Writ 28 Jan 1403.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Barkway. 7 Feb.
He held nothing in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 11 Jan 1403.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Braintree. 10 Feb.
In Rivenhall he held 19s.3d. assize rent from the lands of Robert Leynham, 3s.4d. from those of John Whelere and 3s.4d. from those of Alice Davy; and the reversion of 3s.4d. from those of John Whelere and Alice Davy which Joan his mother, widow of Roger Scales, holds for life in dower. All are payable at Easter and Michaelmas, and held of the honour of Boulogne, services unknown.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 11 Jan. 1403.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Stoke Ferry. 19 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee the reversion of the manors of Scales Hall in Middleton, Islington, Howe and Raynham of the king in chief of the honour of Haughley and by ward of the castle of Dover, services unknown; and also the reversion of the manor of Castle Hall in Middleton of the earl of March of the honour of Clare by the service of a pair of gilt spurs. All are held for life by Joan his mother, being jointly enfeoffed with Roger her late husband; annual values, Scales Hall £10, Islington £10 10s.2d., Howe £13 6s.8d., Raynham £10 11d., Castle Hall 10 marks 14d.
Date of death and heir as above.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Baylham. 21 Feb. 1403.
He held nothing in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 137/34, no. 20
E 149/81, no. 4
E 152/381
Writ 4 Feb. 1403.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Turvey. 2 March.
John de Wodhull, son of John de Wodhull, knight, baron of Wodhull, held the manors of Odell and Langford, and enfeoffed Thomas de Reynes and Lawrence de Pabenham, knights, John Curteys and William de Wodhull. They by a fine of 1376 shown to the jurors [CP 25(1) 288/50 no. 786, licence CPR 1374–7, p.275] granted them to Gerard Braybrook, knight, and Isabel his wife for their lives with remainder to Nicholas de Wodhull and his heirs. Isabel died and Gerard held them. They should remain to Nicholas de Wodhull. Both are held of the king in chief by knight service; annual values, Odell £20, Langford £30.
He died on 1 Feb. last. Gerard Braybrook, knight, his son and heir, is aged 30 years and more. Nicholas Wodhull is aged 50 years and more.
Writ 4 Feb. 1403.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Earls Barton. 19 Feb.
He died on 1 Feb. holding nothing of the king, but Robert Braybrok, bishop of London, William Thirnyng, John Hervy and John Bonham held the castle and manor of Castle Ashby with their appurtenances, except the advowson, in their demesne as of fee, with 3 messuages and 60 a. in Chadstone. They granted them to Gerard Braybrok, knight, and Isabel his wife for their lives, with successive remainders to Reynold Braybrok, knight, and Joan for their lives, Gerard Braybrok, knight, junior, and his heirs male, Reynold Braybrok and his heirs male, and the right heirs of Gerard Braybrok, senior.
Isabel died in the lifetime of Gerard Braybrok. Gerard then held the premises for life, with remainder to Reynold and Joan for their lives. They are held of Reynold Grey of Ruthin, services unknown; annual values, Castle Ashby 37 marks, Chadstone 40s.
Gerard Braybroke, knight, his son and heir, is aged 30 years and more.
Writ, plenius certiorari, questioning the omission of Gerard Braybrok, junior, from the list of feofees, in the above inquisition, the naming of Bonham in place of John Boun, and the omission of certain conditions of the grant. 12 March 1403.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Northampton. 23 March.
He died on 1 Feb. 1403 holding nothing of the king in chief but Robert bishop of London, Gerard Braybroke, knight, junior, William Thirnyng, John Hervy and John Boun held the castle and manor of Castle Ashby and Chadstone in their demesne as of fee. These they granted to Gerard Braybroke, knight, senior, and Isabel for their lives. If they should die within 10 years their executors were to hold them for the remainder of the term. So they held. By another deed the feoffees granted that after the 10 years the lands should remain to Reynold Braybroke, knight, and Joan and their heirs male, on condition that if John, son and heir of John Hemenale, knight, should die without lawful heirs of his body, the remainder to the heirs of Reynold and Joan should cease and they should hold for life. If they died without heirs male or John son of Robert Hemenale died without lawful heirs of his body, after their deaths the remainder should be successively to the heirs male of Gerard de Braybrook, knight, senior, the heirs male of Reynold, and the right heirs of Gerard, senior.
Gerard de Braybroke, senior, and Isabel attorned to Reynold and Joan. Isabel died during the life of Gerard. John son of Robert de Hemenhale died without heirs of his body. The ten years is ended. Therefore Gerard held for life with remainder to Reynold and Joan.
The manors are held of Reynold Grey of Ruthin, Castle Ashby by suit each month at his court at Earls Barton called ‘Baronsmote’, annual value £20, and Chadstone by suit at his hundred of Wymersley every three weeks, annual value 100s.
Heir as above.
C 137/35, no. 21
E 149/80, no. 4
Writ 8 March 1402.
CALAIS. Inquisition. 12 May.
She held of the king a tenement in the street called ‘Mesondeustrete’ on the west, between the tenement of John Kekerard to the north and the cottage of James Wales to the south. It came to her by inheritance from her parents, and is held by the service of providing a watchman for the defence of the city, as appears by a charter of Edward III. Beyond the cost of the watchman it is worth 20s. yearly.
She died at Bordeaux 16 or 17 years ago. There was no other heir than Robert Parker, her uncle, that is brother of her mother, aged 60 years and more. He held it and let it to farm for three years; then John Bonde entered it by virtue of a charter of Richard II and held it for 13 years, profiting to the extent of £13.
Writ, melius sciri, asking what was her status and how Robert Parker was the heir. 12 Oct. 1402.
CALAIS. Inquisition. 8 Jan. 1403.
She held of Richard II, by the service of providing a watchman for the defence of the city, a house with garden in the street called ‘le Mesondieux’ between the tenement once of John Kykerard to the north and the cottage once of James Wale to the south. It was of the inheritance of Alice Sterre, her mother, in fee simple, granted to William Sterre and Alice by a charter of Edward III, to them and their heirs. William died and Alice the mother held it for her life; then Alice the daughter entered as next heir and held it until banished from Calais for 6 years for various offences. She died at Bordeaux. After her banishment Robert Parker, her uncle, brother of her mother, occupied it, let it, provided the watchman, and took the profits in the name of the younger Alice during her life. After her death, as next heir he took the profits for 3 years and more. He is next heir and aged 60 years and more.
C 137/35, no. 22
Writ 24 Aug. 1403.
CORNWALL. Inquisition. Liskeard. 13 Sept.
He formerly held in his demesne as of fee two parts of the manors of Trenay, Fawton, Polruan and Essa, with the reversion of the remaining third part which Eleanor widow of Giles Daubeney, knight, his father, held in dower. By his charter shown to the jurors, dated 27 July 1396, he granted them to John Hulle, John Wadham, Thomas Daubeney, William Daubeney, William Lynne, Robert Kylby and William Goldyngton and their heirs and assigns. Eleanor attorned to them for the third part. They are held of the prince of Wales of the castle of Launceston of the duchy of Cornwall by knight service as a half fee-morton, annual value £24.
He died on 22 Aug. 1403. John his son and heir is aged 9 years and more.
Writ 24 Aug. 1403.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Kempston. 3 Sept.
He held a third part of the manor of Kempston in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief of the honour of Huntingdon by the service of one third of half a knight’s fee, annual value £20.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 24 Aug. 1403.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilminster. 12 Sept.
He held the manor and hundred of South Petherton, with the hamlets of Barrington, Chillington and Southarp, in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief as one knight’s fee. By his indenture shown to the jurors, dated South Petherton 20 Nov. 1397 and licensed by letters patent, dated 16 Nov. 1397 [CPR 1396–9, p.263], he granted to William Daubeney a rent of 10 marks for life from the premises, payable at the four terms, with the provision that if it should be in arrears by 15 days he might enter and retain the premises until satisfied of it. Giles gave William 3s.4d. as seisin of the rent. Annual value 110 marks.
He also held the rent of a rose from a messuage, 100 a., 10 a. meadow and 60 a. heath in Kilmersdon, which William Nywebury and Alice his wife hold for life by the grant of Giles Daubeney, his father, by a fine of 1363 [CP 25(1) 200/26, no. 75] shown to the jurors, with reversion to Giles Daubeney and his heirs.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 24 Aug. 1403.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Lincoln. 8 Sept.
He held of the inheritance of Giles Daubeney, knight, his father, the manor of South Ingleby with its members in Saxilby and Broxholme and the advowson of Broxholme, of lord de Roos of the castle of Belvoir by knight service, annual value £22.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 24 Aug. 1403.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Broadholme. 13 Sept.
He held of the inheritance of Giles Daubeny, knight, his father, 100 a. fallow, 200 a. pasture and 60 a. wood in Thorney, with 13s.4d. assize rent in Broadholme, as part of a knight’s fee, of the manor of South Ingleby in Lincolnshire, of Lord de Roos of his castle of Belvoir, annual value 40s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, for fees, 24 Sept. 1403.
LINCOLN. Extent. Lincoln. 6 Oct.
He held the advowson of Broxholme, parcel of the manor of South Ingleby, which he held with appurtenances in Saxilby and Broxholme of the Lord de Roos of his castle of Belvoir by knight service, value when vacant 10 marks.
C 137/35, no. 23
E 149/81, no. 2
SOMERSET. Memorandum.
It was found by inquisition at Crewkerne by Richard Micheldevere on 21 Nov. 1387 [CIPM XVI, no. 602] that John Molyns had amongst other holdings in his demesne as of fee of the inheritance of Giles Daubeney, who held of the king in chief and was under age in the king’s ward, 1 messuage, 2 watermills, 1 dovecot, 30 a. arable, 8 a. meadow, 3 a. pasture and 10s. rent in South Petherton, held of the manor of South Petherton by knight service, and a rent of £4; and that Nicholas Molyns was his son and heir, aged 7 years and more.
It was found by another inquisition at Ilchester on 15 March 1403 before John Savage, escheator, that Nicholas was then aged 22 years [below, no. 858].
On 25 May 1403 Nicholas, present in person in chancery, protested that the premises were not held of Giles Daubeney as found in the inquisition, and his protestation was admitted in court and his fealty accepted. All the premises descended and were released to him.
Writ to John Savage, formerly escheator, ordering him to send to the chancery the assignment of dower made by him to Margaret widow of Giles Daubeney. 13 March 1410.
C 137/35, no. 23, mm.13, 14
Writ 29 Dec. 1402.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Calne. 3 Feb. 1403.
She held the manor of Heddington for life with remainder to the heirs of Robert Cauntelo, her late husband. It is held of the earl of Hereford as a fortieth part of a knight’s fee, annual value £8, of which £6 2s.8d. is from service rents payable at the four principal terms.
She died on 17 Dec. Elizabeth wife of Richard Cheddre, daughter of Robert, son of Maud, is next heir and aged 23 years and more.
Writ 29 Dec. 1402.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Chipping Sodbury. 12 Jan. 1403.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Dursley and Newington Bagpath, the manor with the park, of the king in chief as half a knight’s fee, annual value £21 9s.4d., of which £20 8s.6d. is in service rents payable at the four principal terms.
Leonard Stanley, 1 messuage, 1 carucate, 10 a. meadow, 5 a. wood and 100s. in rent; of the king in chief as a quarter of a fee. The rents are payable at Easter and Michaelmas. The rest is worth 53s.4d. annually.
Dodington, the manor, of the earl of Stafford of his manor of Thornbury, service unknown, annual value £11 8s., of which £10 13s.4d. is service rents payable at the four usual terms.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, plenius certiorari, as to the heirs of Robert Cantelowe. 5 Feb. 1403.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Calne. 8 Feb.
Elizabeth wife of Robert Cheddre is the heir of Robert Cauntelo, namely daughter of Robert, son of Robert.
C 137/35, no. 23